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BULLETIN                                                                  28.01.11 Issue 04


Want a bigger paycheque? Want a bigger business? Want to get to           • We’ll take you back to basics, showing you how to build good
New York? Well, experience within the Network shows that first you          customer relations, set realistic goals and support the right people.
need to LEARN HOW.                                                        • And you’ll learn the steps it takes to qualify for destinations. You’ll
If you think that the likes of Silver Premier Executive Gavin Scott         learn how consistency and persistency will ensure your journey to
became a success without first learning how, you’d be mistaken. Gold        join others in New York is a smooth one.
Premier Executives, Peter and Jackie White had to attend meetings and     Kleeneze LIVE! is more than just a chance to hook up with your teams
take notes from those who had already achieved success before they        and speak to staff from HQ. It’s the chance to obtain the knowledge
started climbing the sales plan. Everyone who is anyone within the        that will change your business and your lifestyle for good. These are
Network (and elsewhere!) didn’t get to where they are without first       the only events where you will find all the leaders together, where you
learning how.                                                             can get training from those whose businesses you’d love to have and
                                                                          personal one-on-one time from Kleeneze’s top achievers.
Luckily, this is Kleeneze and that learning is readily available to you
whenever you want it! It’s not like any other arena where you’d have      It’s not something you can afford to miss.
to research the best courses, pay a fortune to attend them and end up
dozing through the ‘boring bits’. Kleeneze learning is full of            BOOK NOW. KLEENEZE LIVE! DUBLIN, SATURDAY 5
inspiration, fun and you’re guaranteed to come out with something         FEBRUARY, 12 NOON. CODE 01953, £10/€12.
valuable by the end of it.
                                                                          “The Dublin event is going to be a great day. People would be foolish
This year, we have a learning extravaganza touring around                 not to be there! The LIVE! events are always fantastic – they have a
the country.                                                              great buzz about them. They’re great learning forums and, of course,
• Learn how to speak to your warm list, get given scripts to use and      the more we learn, the more we become.
  taught how to use your story to inspire others.                         I’m going to be sharing some of my beliefs and
• If you struggle to keep a positive mindset when your business isn’t     philosophies on the day, as well as a little bit
  going to plan, then we have the training events to help you.            of my journey. I want to give people the tips
• You’ll learn how to get your new starters up and running from the       and knowledge that will move their
  word go and how to keep them motivated to stay on track.                businesses forward.”
• Read the book, got the t-shirt, but are having trouble putting the      Craig White,
  slight edge into practice? There’ll be tips and tricks to ensure you    Premier Executive Distributor and
  can employ the slight edge in everything you do.                        Distributor of the Year

S’TONKIN SALES                       There are a few valuable              “As you may know, Angie Tonkin [Silver Executive Distributor] is my
                                      lessons in Paul Tonkin’s story.       daughter and when she and Dave [Birtwistle] started with Kleeneze, I
                                      The first is - don’t prejudge.        was working away as a shop-fitter,” explains Paul. “They spoke to
                                      The person who you decide             everybody about joining except me, because they didn’t think I would
                                      wouldn’t be interested in             do it!
                                      joining your team, could go
                                                                            “At the time, I was sharing a flat with someone. One day, I came back
                                      on to be recognised as the
                                                                            from work and she was really excited about this DVD she’d just seen.
                                      company’s top retailer. The
                                                                            It was Kleeneze. I told her that my daughter and her boyfriend had a
                                      second lesson is that it
                                                                            team, so if she was going to join, she should join with them. So she
                                      doesn’t matter where you
                                                                            did and I started helping her out. But then she started nagging me to
                                      are, Kleeneze works if YOU
                                                                            join and Angie was nagging me to join too! I thought, if I’m doing it
                                      work at it. And the third
                                                                            anyway, I might as well make some money out of it too.”
                                      thing we’ve learnt? Well, if
                                      you’re going to go for it –           Paul started to work the business when he could. However, while
                                      you might as well aim for             living in London, he moved three times, so was starting off as a new
                                      the top.                              Distributor in each area. Week in, week out he’d put his books out,
                                                                            but his work as a shop-fitter was drying up and he decided to move
VIP Trophy winner 2010, Paul Tonkin joined Kleeneze in 2003 and
                                                                            back home to Lancaster.
has moved around the country a whopping five times in the past
seven years. However, as he moved, his business did too and each            “I got a job as a bathroom fitter, but continued with my Kleeneze
step of the way he’s continued to build a fantastic customer base,          business as well. I’d put my books out at 6am before I went to work
leading to an award-winning 2010, where he amassed over £75,000             and collect them afterwards at 8pm. It was giving me roughly £200
in personal sales!                                                          per month and I was happy enough with this. Then, one day I went
                                                                            to work and my boss told me he had gone bankrupt.”
Now based in Guernsey, EWB caught up with Paul to find out what
he believes has led to his success, how it feels to have Silver Premier     At this moment, Paul decided he would focus on his Kleeneze
Executive Gavin Scott sing your praises and how to keep motivated in        business full-time. He spoke to Dave, who helped him to come up
the rain!                                                                   with a plan and then supported him with putting his books out.

“If it wasn’t for Break Free, I wouldn’t
have been able to join Kleeneze”
We’re hearing this sentence quite a bit of late! The Break Free option is   calls has definitely lessened, because if they
giving you a fantastic new way to recruit like never before. Remember,      don’t join and it’s free, then it’s just not for
this is only a trial and will last until 5 March, so use it to build your   them. Onto the next one!”
business now!                                                               Emma Lamb, Silver Distributor
“I recently joined Kleeneze through Break Free. I am a young mum of         “I love Break Free! It’s made me want to talk to my warm list and all
a 15-month-old and the time outdoors is doing both me and my son            my old leads again, and I want to tell the world about Kleeneze more
good. I have done about £80 worth of orders in one week. I didn’t           than ever. The team are busy bringing people in and I’ve personally
really think that it would take off that easily but it has done. On some    sponsored 9 people into the team since returning from the New
streets I had to go back to collect the book three or four times but it     Year Launch! It is going to be such a massive year, I’m so excited,
has been well worth the input. Well, best dash as more books need           thank you Kleeneze!!”
putting out…”                                                               Zoë Climpson, Gold Distributor.
Sarah Silvera-Phillips, new Distributor
                                                                            “I have just joined Kleeneze and if it was not for the Break Free kit, I
“A combination of going for no and Break Free has given us                  would not have been able to do so. Tomorrow will see the start of my
confidence to tell everyone about Kleeneze - even ones that said no         new life as a Kleeneze Distributor.”
before are getting back to us with interest. Plus the fear of follow up     Sarah Walker, new Distributor


                                                                                                    28.01.11 Issue 04 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
“To be honest, it was tremendously hard work at the time,” admits           “Customer service is really important,” he stresses. “I order every day
Paul. “I was doing 300 books a day for five days a week for about           whether I’ve got £250 or not, so they are guaranteed to get their
three months. Each month, I was Gavin Scott’s top retailer.”                deliveries in three to four days. I would advise anyone who wants to
                                                                            build their customer base to be consistent and persistent. Be polite,
However, a trip to Guernsey was about to change all of that. Having         keep good notes and be prompt and courteous. When you deliver
always wanted to visit the island, Paul decided to book a holiday over      your orders, make sure you write down their phone number and give
there. Within minutes of arriving (and realising he was very lost           them a call a couple of minutes ahead of your arrival to tell them
already!), Paul bumped into Joanne Heeraman. By the time she’d              you’re on their way. I never cold call at a house. If they don’t
walked him to where he wanted to get too, they were the best                answer the phone, I don’t go. I can get rid of 30 or 40 orders in a
of friends.                                                                 few hours.”

Over the next 12 months, Paul visited Joanne nearly every month and         No mean feat really, as in rural Guernsey there are no house numbers,
Joanne, in turn, came to visit him. A year later, he gave up his            no street lights and no real signs to help you know which direction to
customer base and moved to Guernsey permanently. His Kleeneze               go in! But come rain or shine, Paul’s out there retailing.
plan was still in place, though.
                                                                            “It’s never really been about the money,” he says. “I enjoy it. I don’t
“I came over here on 2 June, 2009,” he remembers. “I brought 250            work for a boss and if I get wet, it just saves me having a wash when
books with me, docked at 6.30 in the evening and by 11 o’clock              I get home! But, I couldn’t do half of what I do without Jo turning
Saturday morning, 250 books were out. That’s all I’ve done every day.       the books around. I thought I was fast, but she is faster than me. Plus
The first week, I did a full seven days and ever since I’ve done five       she cooks my tea and does all the cleaning too!”
days a week. I blanket dropped consistently for 18 months until I built
up a good customer base. Now, every couple of months, I blanket             Now the couple are looking forward to their trip to New York – an
drop again to grow the base. I think I’ve only really scratched the         added bonus to winning the trophy. With Gavin Scott singing their
surface with Kleeneze.                                                      praises at Birmingham and throughout last year’s Kleeneze LIVE tour,
                                                                            it appears that Paul and Jo can do no wrong at the moment.
“I was really going for that VIP Trophy last year. If I’m going to be a
heavy retailer, I might as well aim for the top. I’ll be doing the same     “It is nice when the man at the top of the tree is using my story,” says
thing again this year too. The theory is that all my customers who I        Paul. “But I find it a bit embarrassing too, because I haven’t done
have now are the ones who got me there last year, so hopefully they         anything special. I do 40 hours a week; I’m not killing myself doing it.
will this year too.”                                                        I feel like, when it comes to Kleeneze, I’ve only just scratched
                                                                            the surface.”
With such heavy retailing, you could be forgiven for thinking that
there isn’t any time for service with a smile. On the contrary, Paul puts
all his success down to one thing – customer service.

 Good customer service is the lifeblood of this business and Kleeneze Distributors are
 known to offer a level that many others struggle to match. Good customer service is all
 about bringing customers back and sending them away happy, so they’ll pass on positive
 feedback about your business to others.

 So what do you think makes up good customer service? Do you go the extra mile when it
 comes to customer service? Or do you believe that simply delivering the goods when you
 say you will is enough?

 We want to know what you think makes a good Kleeneze Distributor. What should you
 be doing to foster a great customer base? Send us your tips, stories, ideas and customer
 feedback to and we will publish them over the coming weeks.

COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS                                               presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For
                                                                                  information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126
                                                                                                                                                9 Feb    (every other Wednesday) Swindon BOM, The Link Centre,
                                                                                                                                                         SWINDON. SN5 7DL. Blades bar 7.45 for 8pm start,
5 Feb          Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – RED COW                                   email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228                        £2.50 per distributor guests free, Business dress please.
               MORAN HOTEL, DUBLIN (order on ticket                               675553 e mail:                            Everyone welcome. Contact Steve or Debra Nell on
               code 01953 – limited availability)                                                                                                        01793 238909 or
                                                                          9 Feb   (four weekly) The Pirates of Plenty Manchester Open
16 Feb         Gold Day – Head Office, ACCRINGTON                                 Evening, The Horrocks Room, St Matthew’s Hall, Chapel         14 Feb (14/3; 11/4; 9/5; 6/6; 4/7; 1/8; 29/8; 26/9; 24/10; 21/11)
               (email to                               Lane, Stretford MANCHESTER, M32 9 AJ. 8.00pm-                          Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, Holiday Inn,
                                                                                  10.00pm. Come and join us at our informal & friendly,                  Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8.00pm
               secure a place)
                                                                                  open evening. Doors open at 19.30hrs for light                         start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress
5 Mar          Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – STONELEIGH                                refreshments, (free of charge). Easy to find - Just off                please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010.
               PARK, WARWICK (order on ticket code                                Chester Road M60/J7 heading towards Old
                                                                                                                                                21 Feb (21/3; 18/4; 16/5; 13/6; 11/7; 8/8; 5/9; 3/10; 24/10; 28/11)
               02054 – limited availability)                                      Trafford/Trafford Centre. £1 per Distributor, guests free.
                                                                                                                                                         Business Opportunity Open Evening, Everyone Welcome,
                                                                                  Everyone welcome. Dress code smart/casual. Contact
                                                                                                                                                         Supreme Inns, Bicker bar Roundabout, BOSTON
9 Apr          Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – THE                                       Katrina & Ian Harvey-Winstanley on 07946 561274,
                                                                                                                                                         A17/A52 junction, registration 7.30pm, £3 per person,
               LANCASTRIAN SUITE, NEWCASTLE                             , EzeReach 0161 660 9867.
                                                                                                                                                         Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland email:
7 May          Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – THE BRISTOL                       9 Feb   (9/3; 6/4; 4/5; 1/6; 29/6; 27/7; 24/8; 21/9; 19/10; 16/11;    Eze-Reach number: 01553
                                                                                  14/12) Leeds Open Evening, Holiday Inn Leeds Garforth,                 886597.
               HOTEL, BRISTOL
                                                                                  Wakefield Road, LEEDS, LS25 1LH. 7.30pm for 8.00pm.
                                                                                                                                                23 Feb (23/3; 20/4; 18/5; 15/6; 13/7; 10/8; 7/9; 5/10; 2/11)
4 Jun          Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – PARK ROYAL,                               start. Dress code: Business Suit. Contact Stuart on
                                                                                                                                                         Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough & Harrow Hotel, 135
               WARRINGTON                                                         07792002402.
                                                                                                                                                         Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm registration for an
                                                                          13 Feb Everyone Welcome to Fast Forward Runcorn Millionaires                   8.00pm prompt start. Ample free parking, good reception
25 Jun         Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – MACDONALD
                                                                                  meeting. The Holiday Inn, Wood Lane, Beechwood,                        areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting your guests.
                                                                                  RUNCORN. WA7 3HA. 12 noon till 4.30ish. £9 entry.                      Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access to the room
10 July        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – BLUE MOUNTAIN                             Raffles, Bucket of Money, BIDS and best of all, a great                (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests free (bring
                                                                                  line up of speakers, Toby Acton, Vic Brown, Belinda                    loads & see your business grow). Hosts Gerard & Claire
               GOLF CLUB, BRACKNELL
                                                                                  Clarke, Shelagh Irving and Michael Khatkar, all to help                Tucker- Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff &
23 July        Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour - RED COW                                   you with your business. Learn and Earn in Kleeneze style.              Diane Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870)
               MORAN HOTEL, DUBLIN                                                Contact Irene Wilson, Ezereach 01524 888875 or 01524         
                                                                                                                                                24 Feb (31/3, 28/4, 26/5, 30/8, 28/7, 25/8, 29/9, 27/10, 24/11)
3 Sept         Kleeneze Xmas Showcase & Gala Dinner –
                                                                          21 Feb (21/03; 18/04; 16/05; 13/06; 11/7; 08/08; 05/09; 03/10;                 Open Evening and Opportunity Showcase, Tottenham
               the NIA and HALL 3, the ICC,
                                                                                  31/10; 28/11) Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting,                 Green Leisure Centre, THE GOLD ROOM (1st Floor) 1
               BIRMINGHAM (order tickets on code
                                                                                  Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley Lane,                       Philip Lane, Tottenham, LONDON N15 4JA. A prospect
               00027. See the DSA for full information
                                                                                  BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start.                            focused, benefits led, presentation of the Kleeneze
               on how to book or to download the
                                                                                  Everyone welcome. Business dress please. Contact Neil                  Business Opportunity. 7.30pm registration for prompt
               booking form)
                                                                                  Young on Ezereach: 0113 350 8763, Mobile 07817                         8.00pm start. £3 per distributor (£5 per distributorship).
10-16 Nov Kleeneze Destination – NEW YORK                                         439 451.                                                               Guests FREE. Dress code: Business. Everyone welcome!
                                                                                                                                                         Hosts: Tony & Sue Peacham on 0208 521 4664 or
                                                                          22 Feb (four-weekly). Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting at Premier
                                                                                                                                                         Ezereach 0203 051 8333 or email:
                                                                                  Inn Morrison Link Road, Haymarket EDINBURGH.
TRAINING MEETINGS - 2011 COUNTRYWIDE                                              8.00pm until 9.00pm. Everyone welcome. £3 single, £4
                                                                                                                                                and John Hawkes on 07767
                                                                                                                                                         620441 or email:
19 Feb (19/3; 16/4; 14/5; 11/6; 16/7; 20/8; 17/9; 15/10; 19/11;                   joint distributor. Contact - Jim & Jane White Ezereach
          17/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, Tuesday                     0141 530 9724.                                                21 Feb (21/3; 18/4; 16/5; 20/6; 18/7; 19/9; 17/10; 21/11; 12/12)
          Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk. PE30 1EZ (Use                                                                                               South East Open Evening Bracknell. Everyone welcome
          hotel entrance in Kings Street, opposite ‘Prezzo’). 7.30pm                                                                                     across the Network. Join us for an evening of fun,
          for 8.00pm prompt start. Business Dress only please             SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES                                                           Opportunity Presentations & Kleeneze Stories – Huge
          £2.50 per person. Guests free. Everyone welcome.                1 Feb   (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity                    Recognition for all groups Forest or Hospitality Suite,
          Contact Ann & John Coe on 01553 829241 or Ezereach                      Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St                          Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL,
          01553 888118.                                                           Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm
                                                                                                                         .                               Berks, RG12 9SE 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors
                                                                                  for 8.00pm start, £3 per distributor, Guests Free! Business            £3 - Guests FREE Business dress please Contact Debbie
13 Mar (8/5; 21/8; 23/10) Gillian Nicholson’s Wealth Events
                                                                                  dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on                     Gee on 07782 345 935 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540.
          Training - Garden Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Thurrock,
                                                                                  01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429.
          ESSEX. Registration opens at 11.00am for prompt start                                                                                 21 Feb (21/3; 18/4; 16/5; 13/6; 11/7; 8/8; 5/9; 3/10; 31/10; 28/11)
          at 11.30hrs. Finish 14.30hrs. £5 per distributor. For further   2 Feb   (second Wednesday of every period – Blue) Mighty Oaks                  Westcountry Open at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton,
          information email Gillian Nicholson at                                  Opportunity Meeting. Ye Olde Bell, Barnby Moor DN22                    DEVON EX15 1RU (just 5 mins from J28 on M5 sign
 Arrive ready to learn, Leave               8QS near A1, 5 minutes north of RETFORD. 7.30pm for                    posted). Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple.
          ready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of Knowledge,                   8.00pm start. Dress: Smart casual please. We promote                   Guests FREE. All from Red and Blue groups welcome.
          Wealth of Friendships.                                                  Ed Ludbrook’s Coaching approach. Everyone welcome.                     Prospect focused Business Opportunity Presentation,
                                                                                  £3 per distributorship, £1 per guest. Maria and Derrick                Training, Book Stall, Bids table, Testimonials, raffle and
27 Mar ‘The Big 1’ is here again! The East Midlands premier
                                                                                  Longwright (Ezereach 01522 718671).                                    business related stands Ample parking. Accommodation,
          event is coming up soon, so book now to secure a place
                                                                                                                                                         meals, coffee and bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul
          with top speakers – Doug Roper, Ian Crockford, Chris            7 Feb   (7/3; 4/4; 2/5; 30/5; 27/6; 25/7; 22/8; 19/9; 17/10; 14/11;            01392 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel &
          Hinds, Jaime de Caso and Lynn Macdonald. Knowledge                      12/12) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the                       Lucinda 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652)
          is King will also be there on the day. Tickets only £8 per              Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD CM14 5NF, J28
          person for a fantastic afternoon of training with a fantastic           - M25 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Business Dress please.         20 Mar Wales and West Millionaires College. Holiday Inn,
          raffle. Starts at 12 noon (Doors open 11am) Finish at 5pm.              Everyone welcome, Hosts Richard & Vanadis. EzeReach:                   NEWPORT, junction 24 of the M4 12.30 for a prompt
          For further details contact Andy Buxton & Laura Kelly on                01206 804 635.                                                         1pm start. Finishes 4.30 Hear from top network leader
          07830 190485. Make cheques payable to ‘The Big 1’ to                                                                                           and up and coming stars. £8 pp includes CD of last
          10 Cook Close, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 0JJ. The                8 Feb   (8/3; 5/4; 3/5; 31/5; 28/6; 26/7; 23/8; 20/9; 18/10; 15/11)            event, Guests FREE Resource table with raffle. Contact
          meeting is at the Novotel, Long Eaton, NOTTINGHAM -                     South West Training & Recognition Meeting. Ship Inn                    Vic Brown on Ezereach 01792 824460
          Jct 25 M1. You cannot buy tickets on the day so don’t                   (next to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston,
          delay - book today - this will be a sell out event.                     BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress
                                                                                                                                                         Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in
          See you there.                                                          Please. Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host:
                                                                                                                                                         your area? Let us know, at
                                                                                  Andy Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561.
                                                                                                                                                         or EzeReach 01772 977402 and we will include them in
OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND                                     8 Feb   (8/3; 5/4; 3/5; 31/5) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity
                                                                                  Meeting, Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL
                                                                                                                                                         our weekly meetings diary.
                                                                                                                                                         DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.
8 Feb     (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at                          HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. £3 per distributor, guests free.
          Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE                   7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Business dress please. Hosts:
          CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. All                 Rosina & Frank Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405.
          distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair
          Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a

                                                                                                                                                             Issue 04 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN

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Kleeneze 2011 ewb 04

  • 1. BULLETIN 28.01.11 Issue 04 LEARN MORE – BE MORE Want a bigger paycheque? Want a bigger business? Want to get to • We’ll take you back to basics, showing you how to build good New York? Well, experience within the Network shows that first you customer relations, set realistic goals and support the right people. need to LEARN HOW. • And you’ll learn the steps it takes to qualify for destinations. You’ll If you think that the likes of Silver Premier Executive Gavin Scott learn how consistency and persistency will ensure your journey to became a success without first learning how, you’d be mistaken. Gold join others in New York is a smooth one. Premier Executives, Peter and Jackie White had to attend meetings and Kleeneze LIVE! is more than just a chance to hook up with your teams take notes from those who had already achieved success before they and speak to staff from HQ. It’s the chance to obtain the knowledge started climbing the sales plan. Everyone who is anyone within the that will change your business and your lifestyle for good. These are Network (and elsewhere!) didn’t get to where they are without first the only events where you will find all the leaders together, where you learning how. can get training from those whose businesses you’d love to have and personal one-on-one time from Kleeneze’s top achievers. Luckily, this is Kleeneze and that learning is readily available to you whenever you want it! It’s not like any other arena where you’d have It’s not something you can afford to miss. to research the best courses, pay a fortune to attend them and end up dozing through the ‘boring bits’. Kleeneze learning is full of BOOK NOW. KLEENEZE LIVE! DUBLIN, SATURDAY 5 inspiration, fun and you’re guaranteed to come out with something FEBRUARY, 12 NOON. CODE 01953, £10/€12. valuable by the end of it. “The Dublin event is going to be a great day. People would be foolish This year, we have a learning extravaganza touring around not to be there! The LIVE! events are always fantastic – they have a the country. great buzz about them. They’re great learning forums and, of course, • Learn how to speak to your warm list, get given scripts to use and the more we learn, the more we become. taught how to use your story to inspire others. I’m going to be sharing some of my beliefs and • If you struggle to keep a positive mindset when your business isn’t philosophies on the day, as well as a little bit going to plan, then we have the training events to help you. of my journey. I want to give people the tips • You’ll learn how to get your new starters up and running from the and knowledge that will move their word go and how to keep them motivated to stay on track. businesses forward.” • Read the book, got the t-shirt, but are having trouble putting the Craig White, slight edge into practice? There’ll be tips and tricks to ensure you Premier Executive Distributor and can employ the slight edge in everything you do. Distributor of the Year 560-068-02
  • 2. S’TONKIN SALES There are a few valuable “As you may know, Angie Tonkin [Silver Executive Distributor] is my lessons in Paul Tonkin’s story. daughter and when she and Dave [Birtwistle] started with Kleeneze, I The first is - don’t prejudge. was working away as a shop-fitter,” explains Paul. “They spoke to The person who you decide everybody about joining except me, because they didn’t think I would wouldn’t be interested in do it! joining your team, could go “At the time, I was sharing a flat with someone. One day, I came back on to be recognised as the from work and she was really excited about this DVD she’d just seen. company’s top retailer. The It was Kleeneze. I told her that my daughter and her boyfriend had a second lesson is that it team, so if she was going to join, she should join with them. So she doesn’t matter where you did and I started helping her out. But then she started nagging me to are, Kleeneze works if YOU join and Angie was nagging me to join too! I thought, if I’m doing it work at it. And the third anyway, I might as well make some money out of it too.” thing we’ve learnt? Well, if you’re going to go for it – Paul started to work the business when he could. However, while you might as well aim for living in London, he moved three times, so was starting off as a new the top. Distributor in each area. Week in, week out he’d put his books out, but his work as a shop-fitter was drying up and he decided to move VIP Trophy winner 2010, Paul Tonkin joined Kleeneze in 2003 and back home to Lancaster. has moved around the country a whopping five times in the past seven years. However, as he moved, his business did too and each “I got a job as a bathroom fitter, but continued with my Kleeneze step of the way he’s continued to build a fantastic customer base, business as well. I’d put my books out at 6am before I went to work leading to an award-winning 2010, where he amassed over £75,000 and collect them afterwards at 8pm. It was giving me roughly £200 in personal sales! per month and I was happy enough with this. Then, one day I went to work and my boss told me he had gone bankrupt.” Now based in Guernsey, EWB caught up with Paul to find out what he believes has led to his success, how it feels to have Silver Premier At this moment, Paul decided he would focus on his Kleeneze Executive Gavin Scott sing your praises and how to keep motivated in business full-time. He spoke to Dave, who helped him to come up the rain! with a plan and then supported him with putting his books out. “If it wasn’t for Break Free, I wouldn’t have been able to join Kleeneze” We’re hearing this sentence quite a bit of late! The Break Free option is calls has definitely lessened, because if they giving you a fantastic new way to recruit like never before. Remember, don’t join and it’s free, then it’s just not for this is only a trial and will last until 5 March, so use it to build your them. Onto the next one!” business now! Emma Lamb, Silver Distributor “I recently joined Kleeneze through Break Free. I am a young mum of “I love Break Free! It’s made me want to talk to my warm list and all a 15-month-old and the time outdoors is doing both me and my son my old leads again, and I want to tell the world about Kleeneze more good. I have done about £80 worth of orders in one week. I didn’t than ever. The team are busy bringing people in and I’ve personally really think that it would take off that easily but it has done. On some sponsored 9 people into the team since returning from the New streets I had to go back to collect the book three or four times but it Year Launch! It is going to be such a massive year, I’m so excited, has been well worth the input. Well, best dash as more books need thank you Kleeneze!!” putting out…” Zoë Climpson, Gold Distributor. Sarah Silvera-Phillips, new Distributor “I have just joined Kleeneze and if it was not for the Break Free kit, I “A combination of going for no and Break Free has given us would not have been able to do so. Tomorrow will see the start of my confidence to tell everyone about Kleeneze - even ones that said no new life as a Kleeneze Distributor.” before are getting back to us with interest. Plus the fear of follow up Sarah Walker, new Distributor FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BREAK FREE ON THE DSA UNDER THE SALES AIDS SECTION 28.01.11 Issue 04 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 3. FOR VIP WINNER “To be honest, it was tremendously hard work at the time,” admits “Customer service is really important,” he stresses. “I order every day Paul. “I was doing 300 books a day for five days a week for about whether I’ve got £250 or not, so they are guaranteed to get their three months. Each month, I was Gavin Scott’s top retailer.” deliveries in three to four days. I would advise anyone who wants to build their customer base to be consistent and persistent. Be polite, However, a trip to Guernsey was about to change all of that. Having keep good notes and be prompt and courteous. When you deliver always wanted to visit the island, Paul decided to book a holiday over your orders, make sure you write down their phone number and give there. Within minutes of arriving (and realising he was very lost them a call a couple of minutes ahead of your arrival to tell them already!), Paul bumped into Joanne Heeraman. By the time she’d you’re on their way. I never cold call at a house. If they don’t walked him to where he wanted to get too, they were the best answer the phone, I don’t go. I can get rid of 30 or 40 orders in a of friends. few hours.” Over the next 12 months, Paul visited Joanne nearly every month and No mean feat really, as in rural Guernsey there are no house numbers, Joanne, in turn, came to visit him. A year later, he gave up his no street lights and no real signs to help you know which direction to customer base and moved to Guernsey permanently. His Kleeneze go in! But come rain or shine, Paul’s out there retailing. plan was still in place, though. “It’s never really been about the money,” he says. “I enjoy it. I don’t “I came over here on 2 June, 2009,” he remembers. “I brought 250 work for a boss and if I get wet, it just saves me having a wash when books with me, docked at 6.30 in the evening and by 11 o’clock I get home! But, I couldn’t do half of what I do without Jo turning Saturday morning, 250 books were out. That’s all I’ve done every day. the books around. I thought I was fast, but she is faster than me. Plus The first week, I did a full seven days and ever since I’ve done five she cooks my tea and does all the cleaning too!” days a week. I blanket dropped consistently for 18 months until I built up a good customer base. Now, every couple of months, I blanket Now the couple are looking forward to their trip to New York – an drop again to grow the base. I think I’ve only really scratched the added bonus to winning the trophy. With Gavin Scott singing their surface with Kleeneze. praises at Birmingham and throughout last year’s Kleeneze LIVE tour, it appears that Paul and Jo can do no wrong at the moment. “I was really going for that VIP Trophy last year. If I’m going to be a heavy retailer, I might as well aim for the top. I’ll be doing the same “It is nice when the man at the top of the tree is using my story,” says thing again this year too. The theory is that all my customers who I Paul. “But I find it a bit embarrassing too, because I haven’t done have now are the ones who got me there last year, so hopefully they anything special. I do 40 hours a week; I’m not killing myself doing it. will this year too.” I feel like, when it comes to Kleeneze, I’ve only just scratched the surface.” With such heavy retailing, you could be forgiven for thinking that there isn’t any time for service with a smile. On the contrary, Paul puts all his success down to one thing – customer service. WHAT MAKES GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE? Good customer service is the lifeblood of this business and Kleeneze Distributors are known to offer a level that many others struggle to match. Good customer service is all about bringing customers back and sending them away happy, so they’ll pass on positive feedback about your business to others. So what do you think makes up good customer service? Do you go the extra mile when it comes to customer service? Or do you believe that simply delivering the goods when you say you will is enough? We want to know what you think makes a good Kleeneze Distributor. What should you be doing to foster a great customer base? Send us your tips, stories, ideas and customer feedback to and we will publish them over the coming weeks. ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 04 28.01.11
  • 4. LEARN WHILE YOU EARN EVENTS COMPANY SHOWCASES AND TRAINING DAYS presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126 9 Feb (every other Wednesday) Swindon BOM, The Link Centre, SWINDON. SN5 7DL. Blades bar 7.45 for 8pm start, 5 Feb Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – RED COW email:, Malcolm Bullough 01228 £2.50 per distributor guests free, Business dress please. MORAN HOTEL, DUBLIN (order on ticket 675553 e mail: Everyone welcome. Contact Steve or Debra Nell on code 01953 – limited availability) 01793 238909 or 9 Feb (four weekly) The Pirates of Plenty Manchester Open 16 Feb Gold Day – Head Office, ACCRINGTON Evening, The Horrocks Room, St Matthew’s Hall, Chapel 14 Feb (14/3; 11/4; 9/5; 6/6; 4/7; 1/8; 29/8; 26/9; 24/10; 21/11) (email to Lane, Stretford MANCHESTER, M32 9 AJ. 8.00pm- Norwich Business Opportunity Evening, Holiday Inn, 10.00pm. Come and join us at our informal & friendly, Ipswich Road, NORWICH, NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8.00pm , secure a place) open evening. Doors open at 19.30hrs for light start. £3 per Distributor, guests free. Business dress 5 Mar Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – STONELEIGH refreshments, (free of charge). Easy to find - Just off please. Contact Stephen on 07810 126010. PARK, WARWICK (order on ticket code Chester Road M60/J7 heading towards Old 21 Feb (21/3; 18/4; 16/5; 13/6; 11/7; 8/8; 5/9; 3/10; 24/10; 28/11) 02054 – limited availability) Trafford/Trafford Centre. £1 per Distributor, guests free. Business Opportunity Open Evening, Everyone Welcome, Everyone welcome. Dress code smart/casual. Contact Supreme Inns, Bicker bar Roundabout, BOSTON 9 Apr Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – THE Katrina & Ian Harvey-Winstanley on 07946 561274, A17/A52 junction, registration 7.30pm, £3 per person, LANCASTRIAN SUITE, NEWCASTLE, EzeReach 0161 660 9867. Hosts:- Andy & Amanda Holland email: 7 May Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – THE BRISTOL 9 Feb (9/3; 6/4; 4/5; 1/6; 29/6; 27/7; 24/8; 21/9; 19/10; 16/11; Eze-Reach number: 01553 14/12) Leeds Open Evening, Holiday Inn Leeds Garforth, 886597. HOTEL, BRISTOL Wakefield Road, LEEDS, LS25 1LH. 7.30pm for 8.00pm. 23 Feb (23/3; 20/4; 18/5; 15/6; 13/7; 10/8; 7/9; 5/10; 2/11) 4 Jun Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – PARK ROYAL, start. Dress code: Business Suit. Contact Stuart on Birmingham Open BOM. The Plough & Harrow Hotel, 135 WARRINGTON 07792002402. Hagley Road, BIRMINGHAM. 7.45pm registration for an 13 Feb Everyone Welcome to Fast Forward Runcorn Millionaires 8.00pm prompt start. Ample free parking, good reception 25 Jun Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – MACDONALD meeting. The Holiday Inn, Wood Lane, Beechwood, areas & bar for team sizzles & meeting your guests. INCHYRA GRANGE HOTEL, FALKIRK RUNCORN. WA7 3HA. 12 noon till 4.30ish. £9 entry. Unfortunately there is no wheelchair access to the room 10 July Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour – BLUE MOUNTAIN Raffles, Bucket of Money, BIDS and best of all, a great (upstairs). Only £3 per distributorship, guests free (bring line up of speakers, Toby Acton, Vic Brown, Belinda loads & see your business grow). Hosts Gerard & Claire GOLF CLUB, BRACKNELL Clarke, Shelagh Irving and Michael Khatkar, all to help Tucker- Mawr (EzeReach: 0121 314 9785) and Geoff & 23 July Kleeneze LIVE! On Tour - RED COW you with your business. Learn and Earn in Kleeneze style. Diane Owen (EzeReach: 0121 314 4870) MORAN HOTEL, DUBLIN Contact Irene Wilson, Ezereach 01524 888875 or 01524 720192. 24 Feb (31/3, 28/4, 26/5, 30/8, 28/7, 25/8, 29/9, 27/10, 24/11) 3 Sept Kleeneze Xmas Showcase & Gala Dinner – 21 Feb (21/03; 18/04; 16/05; 13/06; 11/7; 08/08; 05/09; 03/10; Open Evening and Opportunity Showcase, Tottenham the NIA and HALL 3, the ICC, 31/10; 28/11) Titans Training and Opportunity Meeting, Green Leisure Centre, THE GOLD ROOM (1st Floor) 1 BIRMINGHAM (order tickets on code Cedar Court Hotel, Mayo Avenue, Off Rooley Lane, Philip Lane, Tottenham, LONDON N15 4JA. A prospect 00027. See the DSA for full information BRADFORD, BD5 8HW, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. focused, benefits led, presentation of the Kleeneze on how to book or to download the Everyone welcome. Business dress please. Contact Neil Business Opportunity. 7.30pm registration for prompt booking form) Young on Ezereach: 0113 350 8763, Mobile 07817 8.00pm start. £3 per distributor (£5 per distributorship). 10-16 Nov Kleeneze Destination – NEW YORK 439 451. Guests FREE. Dress code: Business. Everyone welcome! Hosts: Tony & Sue Peacham on 0208 521 4664 or 22 Feb (four-weekly). Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting at Premier Ezereach 0203 051 8333 or email: Inn Morrison Link Road, Haymarket EDINBURGH. TRAINING MEETINGS - 2011 COUNTRYWIDE 8.00pm until 9.00pm. Everyone welcome. £3 single, £4 and John Hawkes on 07767 620441 or email: 19 Feb (19/3; 16/4; 14/5; 11/6; 16/7; 20/8; 17/9; 15/10; 19/11; joint distributor. Contact - Jim & Jane White Ezereach 17/12) Going For Gold. At: The Globe Hotel, Tuesday 0141 530 9724. 21 Feb (21/3; 18/4; 16/5; 20/6; 18/7; 19/9; 17/10; 21/11; 12/12) Market Place, KINGS LYNN, Norfolk. PE30 1EZ (Use South East Open Evening Bracknell. Everyone welcome hotel entrance in Kings Street, opposite ‘Prezzo’). 7.30pm across the Network. Join us for an evening of fun, for 8.00pm prompt start. Business Dress only please SOUTH/MIDLANDS/WALES Opportunity Presentations & Kleeneze Stories – Huge £2.50 per person. Guests free. Everyone welcome. 1 Feb (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity Recognition for all groups Forest or Hospitality Suite, Contact Ann & John Coe on 01553 829241 or Ezereach Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, 01553 888118. Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm . Berks, RG12 9SE 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors for 8.00pm start, £3 per distributor, Guests Free! Business £3 - Guests FREE Business dress please Contact Debbie 13 Mar (8/5; 21/8; 23/10) Gillian Nicholson’s Wealth Events dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on Gee on 07782 345 935 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540. Training - Garden Suite, Thurrock Hotel, Thurrock, 01425 480675 or Ezereach 02380987429. ESSEX. Registration opens at 11.00am for prompt start 21 Feb (21/3; 18/4; 16/5; 13/6; 11/7; 8/8; 5/9; 3/10; 31/10; 28/11) at 11.30hrs. Finish 14.30hrs. £5 per distributor. For further 2 Feb (second Wednesday of every period – Blue) Mighty Oaks Westcountry Open at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton, information email Gillian Nicholson at Opportunity Meeting. Ye Olde Bell, Barnby Moor DN22 DEVON EX15 1RU (just 5 mins from J28 on M5 sign Arrive ready to learn, Leave 8QS near A1, 5 minutes north of RETFORD. 7.30pm for posted). Distributors £3 per person or £4 per couple. ready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of Knowledge, 8.00pm start. Dress: Smart casual please. We promote Guests FREE. All from Red and Blue groups welcome. Wealth of Friendships. Ed Ludbrook’s Coaching approach. Everyone welcome. Prospect focused Business Opportunity Presentation, £3 per distributorship, £1 per guest. Maria and Derrick Training, Book Stall, Bids table, Testimonials, raffle and 27 Mar ‘The Big 1’ is here again! The East Midlands premier Longwright (Ezereach 01522 718671). business related stands Ample parking. Accommodation, event is coming up soon, so book now to secure a place meals, coffee and bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul with top speakers – Doug Roper, Ian Crockford, Chris 7 Feb (7/3; 4/4; 2/5; 30/5; 27/6; 25/7; 22/8; 19/9; 17/10; 14/11; 01392 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel & Hinds, Jaime de Caso and Lynn Macdonald. Knowledge 12/12) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at the Lucinda 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652) is King will also be there on the day. Tickets only £8 per Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD CM14 5NF, J28 person for a fantastic afternoon of training with a fantastic - M25 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Business Dress please. 20 Mar Wales and West Millionaires College. Holiday Inn, raffle. Starts at 12 noon (Doors open 11am) Finish at 5pm. Everyone welcome, Hosts Richard & Vanadis. EzeReach: NEWPORT, junction 24 of the M4 12.30 for a prompt For further details contact Andy Buxton & Laura Kelly on 01206 804 635. 1pm start. Finishes 4.30 Hear from top network leader 07830 190485. Make cheques payable to ‘The Big 1’ to and up and coming stars. £8 pp includes CD of last 10 Cook Close, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 0JJ. The 8 Feb (8/3; 5/4; 3/5; 31/5; 28/6; 26/7; 23/8; 20/9; 18/10; 15/11) event, Guests FREE Resource table with raffle. Contact meeting is at the Novotel, Long Eaton, NOTTINGHAM - South West Training & Recognition Meeting. Ship Inn Vic Brown on Ezereach 01792 824460 Jct 25 M1. You cannot buy tickets on the day so don’t (next to Premier Inn), Thornbury Road, Alveston, delay - book today - this will be a sell out event. BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in See you there. Please. Distributors £2.50 per head, guests FREE. Host: your area? Let us know, at Andy Cooper, E/R: 0117 911 7561. or EzeReach 01772 977402 and we will include them in OPPORTUNITY MEETINGS - NORTH/SCOTLAND 8 Feb (8/3; 5/4; 3/5; 31/5) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL our weekly meetings diary. DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY. 8 Feb (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. £3 per distributor, guests free. Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. Business dress please. Hosts: CA4 OAD Tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. All Rosina & Frank Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405. distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a Issue 04 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN