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Focus on what 
matters to you 
A taste of Venice 
Kleeneze leads 
to success 
A car that 
will earn 
yo u m o r e
CONTENTS Editor’s Note 
There are many things I love about this business, but my favourite is 
watching someone losing hope. Before the gasps of disbelief ripple around 
the network, that wasn’t a horrific typo on my part, but bear with me while 
I explain. 
We use the word ‘hope’ probably more times a day than we realise. ‘I hope 
you’re well’; ‘I hope it’s sunny tomorrow’; ‘I hope I win the lottery on 
Saturday’. Please don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against the word. It’s 
actually one of the main reasons I love to hear stories from our new 
distributors, listening to their original hopes that Kleeneze will give them 
that lifeline they’re after and then their journey to achieving it. 
It’s that subsequent journey a new starter goes on that is the reason I like 
watching someone losing hope in Kleeneze. It’s on that journey that you see 
their hope disappear, as it becomes replaced with something far more 
powerful – knowledge, confidence and control. 
Hope is indeed lovely and expresses your desires, but knowing you’ll 
achieve your expectations is a far more positively powerful state to be in. 
Who do you believe will achieve their goals – someone who hopes they will 
or someone who says they will? 
In fact, if you cast your mind back, isn’t the reason you joined to lose hope? 
Were you hoping that your debts were paid or that you’d find some time for 
your family this month? Were you hoping the week went quickly before or 
that you’d find the money to retire early? Wishes and hopes are all well and 
good, but you have no control over them. 
Still not convinced you should abandon hope? Think of it as a sort of positive 
giving up. Abandoning hope doesn’t mean you should abandon your dreams 
and ambitions. All it does is give you a better way of going about things. 
Whatever we are doing, we usually have an end result in mind and ‘hope’ 
that we succeed. However, that hope also means that the fear of not 
succeeding is also present. Suddenly, simply by hoping, the thoughts of 
success or failure begin to override and sometimes even defeat the task 
you’re doing in the first place. 
Hope can be hugely counterproductive in this way. Rather than getting on 
with the task at hand, you’re focussing your attention on later, when you’re 
hoping they’ll turn out ok! 
Running your own Kleeneze business puts you back in the driving seat. It 
gives you control. And isn’t that why you chose this path in the first place? 
To gain control over your time or finances? Control over what you do and 
when? Control over who you work with, how you work and how long you 
work for? 
Ditch hope and replace it with planning. Yes, there will always be situations 
that are outside of your control and expectations, but as someone with a 
good solid plan, you no longer have to hope you’ll get through them – you 
know you will. 
From today, adopt the slogan ‘abandon all hope’! Replace saying ‘I hope I 
will achieve my goal’ with ‘I know I will achieve my goal’ and ‘I have a plan 
in place to achieve my goal’. Motivate yourself with hope and then 
immediately delete the word from your vocabulary and start planning to 
achieve instead. 
Xen ia Po ole 
Xenia Poole 
Editor in Chief 
18 4 Holiday essentials 
The holiday season is upon us. Make sure you have 
everything you need in your suitcase before you set off 
5 News from Lisa 
All the latest company news from Kleeneze’s Managing 
Director, Lisa Burke 
6 A car that will earn you more 
As if qualifying for a car wasn’t enough, this one is 
guaranteed to earn you even more at the same time 
7 Fantastic rewards ‘just for putting 
out catalogues’ 
Create your own retail success story with these great tips 
8 Marching to the beat 
of his own drum 
From rocking out to retailing out, 
our newest Senior Distributor tells 
his story 
10 New starter stories 
Every day we hear fantastic stories from our new starters in 
the Network. Here are just a few 
12 What are you waiting for? 
Been putting something off for a while? Don’t worry, you’re 
not alone 
14 Kleeneze leads to 
The free leads keep on coming in, 
but don’t stop doing what it 
is you do! 
16 Retail Boosters 
Who doesn’t like to get something for free? 
17 We’ve increased our income by £1,000 
in just eight weeks 
One of our latest Sales Plan movers tells her story 
18 You can control your own destiny 
Dreaming of sacking off the day job? Hundreds of our Distributors 
already have 
20 A taste of Venice 
Get inspired for Destination 2014 with 
these mouth-watering recipes from Venice 
22 Being my own boss means I can focus 
on what matters to me 
A life-changing experience changed one Kleeneze Distributors 
priorities in life 
23 Period 7 Recognition 
Congratulations to all our Network achievers in Period 7!
Holiday Essentials 
It’s that time of year that we all love! Family chill time, beaches and sunshine! Whether you’re going abroad this year or 
visiting the beautiful beaches of the UK, we’re sure to have something you’ll love. 
Funky airheads - £14.99 
Inflatable kids travel pillow in 
cute animal design. Perfect to 
slip into hand luggage. 
1. Ladybird – 745375 
2. Lion – 742813 
Premium sun protection 
from £4.99! 
1. Calypso once a day 
£14.99 – 745278 
2. Calypso sun lotion 
£9.99 – 745243 
3. Calypso sun burn relief 
£4.99 – 745260 
Slimming swimsuit - £29.99 
The close fitting design on this 
stylish swimsuit creates a slimmer 
waistline. 3 sizes available. 
1. Size 12-14 745170 
2. Size 16-18 745189 
3. Size 20-22 745162 
Broadway beach towel - £16.99 Make a statement this summer with these 
fantastic beach towels. 
1. Blue – 745073 2. Pink – 745057 
The Ultimate 
ladybird lion
Lisa Burke, Managing Director Business update 
News from Lisa... 
Where to start? It’s been a sizzling summer of success 
so far, not least so because of two of the most exciting 
incentives the business has ever seen. 
Leads to Success is, without a doubt, the biggest sponsoring 
campaign Kleeneze has ever witnessed. It’s already produced 
thousands of free leads for the network and we are confident that 
by the end of it your teams will be bigger and stronger than 
ever before. 
To use an incentive such as this on top of your usual lead 
generation creates massive growth for your business and the 
momentum of such is unbelievably exciting. As you’ll be aware, the 
Christmas season is just around the corner and what better way to 
start it with a booming, flourishing team? Four weeks of one simple 
incentive has the power to completely revolutionise your business 
and see you explode into 2015 on a mission to success. 
The other incentive that really got the network buzzing was our 
Summer Retail Incentive. Taking place over six weeks, it will see 20 
winners walk away from the Christmas Showcase with a brand 
new iPad mini. Plus one of those winners will have also secured a 
place on the European Destination 2014 to the magical city 
of Venice. 
The Summer Retail Incentive simply asked you to beat your own 
personal best from the same time last year. We went with this 
criteria, not only because it’s simple and achievable, but also 
because it’s important for the growth of 
your business. If there’s one person you 
are competing with more than anyone 
else, it’s you! It’s not always about being 
the best in the world (although if that’s 
what you want – who are we to stop 
you!). However, it’s always about striving 
for ways to perform a little bit better than 
the days or weeks before. 
Here at HQ, we’re always looking for ways to beat our personal 
best – whether it’s picking a destination that’s even more luxurious 
than the last or putting together a catalogue that’s going to blow all 
previous ones out of the water. 
It’s our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goal to produce the very 
best for you and never less. As Jim Rohn said: “Never wish your 
life was easier – wish that you were better.” 
There are so many different personal bests you can beat – not just 
retail figures – there are numbers of people you’ve spoken to, 
number of tap and tells conducted, number of events attended, 
number of personal development books read – the list is endless. 
Take a few or all of these areas, find out your personal bests and 
set out to beat them. Imagine what that could do for your business! 
As ever, we’re always looking for your feedback, stories and 
successes, so keep sending them in to 
or and we will continue to circulate 
them to help inspire and motivate others. 
See you all at the Christmas Showcase! 
Much love, 
30/30 Car Challenge 
A car that will earn 
you more 
We love a good incentive here at Kleeneze and there are certainly some great 
ones to choose from at the moment. 
The 30/30 Car Challenge has to be right up there as one of our favourites, 
because not only will you have built your business through qualifying for it and 
not only will you have a brand new Mini to call your own for a whole year 
through qualifying for it – the reward itself will lead to new business and in 
turn your business will thrive even more than ever! 
Every day you drive past thousands of potential customers and prospects. 
Imagine all those wasted opportunities! By qualifying for the 30/30 Car 
Challenge, you’ll have your own travelling billboard. Not only will it tell the 
world who you are, at a deeper level it shows how seriously you take your 
business and customers’ loyalty. Let’s face it – image is everything, so what 
better way to market yourself than a brand new, fully branded car? 
Why it’s great to have your business 
visible on the road: 
Free advertising 
If we’re being picky, having your car branded is actually called ‘organic 
marketing’, but we like to call a spade a spade. Advertising works already – 
there’s no question of that. This time it’s completely free for you, though, so 
you’ve nothing to lose! 
Gaining trust 
By displaying your details on your car, you’re telling everyone you are a serious 
and established business. You’re showing your customers that this is what 
you do and you take it seriously. Plus, you’re telling your prospects that this is 
what they can have too. 
Brand awareness 
This kind of falls under the trust banner again. Customers are more likely to 
purchase from you if they’re aware of your brand. We go with what we know 
on the whole. And while they’re unlikely to throw themselves in front of your 
car to order from you right there and then, when they next spot your catalogue, 
they’ll recognise your brand and are more likely to order from you. 
Immediate influence 
While a nice new branded car should not really have anything to do with your 
skills or value as a person, many people will make assumptions based on that 
impression. Something strange happens when people see branded vehicles – 
they automatically assume that the person driving knows more about whatever 
they’re advertising than anyone else. Even if the driver doesn’t. Simply by virtue 
of having your details on your car, it’ll increase your authority. A well-branded 
car will help with getting prospects to listen to you. It’s also a fantastic gateway 
for people to ask what it is you do. 
“We are very excited about the 30/30 Car Challenge. From the first time it was 
announced, we felt that this was one of the best incentives that Kleeneze had 
come up with to date. A fleet of Kleeneze Minis on the motorways sounds like 
a great idea! 
We are determined to qualify by February 2015. We are using the tracker and 
the one thing that keeps us motivated is having that shiny new Mini, branded 
with Kleeneze all over it. We would feel so proud having achieved such an 
awesome challenge.” 
Chantele and Barry Travis, Silver Executive Distributors 
• Initiate 30 new distributors who achieve £600 (500BP) in their 
first 30 days in a rolling 12 months. 
• Do the same in the next 12 months and you keep the car for 
another year and so on. 
• The Kleeneze-branded Mini comes with all expenses paid all you 
have to pay for is petrol* 
• The car will always be under 2 years old and will be a moving 
advert for your business, with your own contact details, logo and 
opportunity branding. 
*Full terms and conditions on the DSA
Fantastic rewards ‘just for 
putting out catalogues’ 
Retail is the staple of any Kleeneze business, so getting it right is important. No matter what you do, as long as you do it 
consistently, it will pay off. However, we always love to share how our top Distributors go about their business on a 
day-to-day basis. 
We caught up with Senior Distributor, Paul Tonkin, who Period after Period remains at the top of the retail charts, qualifying 
for some rather nice luxury Kleeneze incentives along the way and earning a great income to boot. Paul’s tips detailed below 
are very specific to the vast amount of retail he does month after month and something that works for him. Every team has 
different ways of doing things, so don’t forget to consult with your Upline if you too want to create a bigger retail plan! 
Retail tips 
The 2 colours you are most interested in are green for customer, and red for 
outstanding books. 
When you write your numbers up for next time, put a green dash above the 
numbers that bought off you last time. A red dash above the numbers where 
you didn’t get your catalogue back. If you don’t get your books back a second 
time, cross them off. Bring the green dashes forward every time. 
When you’ve delivered your catalogues around the same houses seven times, 
you are then ready to reduce your round to customers only. You do that by 
writing down all the numbers with a green dash above them. 
When you put your catalogues together, don’t clip the bag closed. Do that as 
you walk down the path to the house to save time. 
When you collect your catalogue, open every bag and look at the order form. 
It’s easier to write the address now than struggle when you get home. Keep 
your orders in order, because, if you collected them that way, you’ll deliver 
them that way. 
Write the address down, phone number, and price. Then, when you go to 
deliver your orders, phone the first two, tell them how much, and say you’ll be 
there in however many minutes. Do a rolling call, so you are never far away. 
When you start out, don’t over face yourself. The biggest time consumers is 
getting the books ready to go back out. Go to EVERY house. Don’t miss any. 
Start your next drop, from the 
last house you went to. DON’T 
flit all over the place. 
I started Kleeneze in June 2003 
whilst working in London as a 
shop fitter. Because of the 
nature of the job, I kept moving. 
I could only put books out in the 
early morning (at 6am). I started 
new areas 4 times before 
I moved back home to 
Lancaster, so that was like being 
a new starter 5 times. 
After being back in Lancaster for 
one year, I was laid off from 
being a bathroom fitter. 
At the age of 53, prospects were grim, so I spoke with my upline, Dave 
Birtwistle. We put a plan together, that was so successful my earnings went 
from £222 to £3,042 in just 4 weeks. 
I earned over £9,000 in the next 12 weeks. I then uprooted again at the 
beginning of June 2009. 
I relocated to The Channel Island of Guernsey. I blanket dropped persistently 
and consistently for the next 18 months. I have never earned less than £500 a 
week since I arrived over here. 
I have a small team of 2, both here, and a distributor in Blackpool. I have been 
awarded Kleeneze’s V.I.P. trophy twice, 2010, and 2011. Being awarded this 
trophy Kleeneze took both myself and Joanne to New York, and a year later to 
Miami. Fantastic rewards for ‘just putting out catalogues’. 
In 2013 my total Kleeneze income was £38,940.00. Do you think you’re too old 
to do this? I’m 61 now!” 
Paul Tonkin, Senior Distributor. 
• Starting out, get a reporter’s A5 notepad and 4 coloured pens. 
• Use black to write down the street names and house numbers. 
• Your day slips should be specific, i.e. Monday from 08.30. 
• Your sorry I missed you slips should read the same. i.e. Tuesday 
from 08.30. 
• When you collect your catalogues use the pen as follows. 
• Black diagonal line through number for got back unlooked. 
• Blue, got backed looked. 
• Red circle round the number for not got back. red cross through the 
number for not wanting a catalogue. 
• Green diagonal line for order.
Sales plan movers 
Marching to the beat of 
his own drum 
A few years ago, you may remember a Distributor emerging from the dance 
floor at the Kleeneze Gala Dinner only to jump on the stage, pick up the 
drumsticks and steal the show. That Distributor was John Shearer. What you 
might not know is that in his life before Kleeneze, John was an internationally-renowned 
drummer and has played with some of the most well-respected 
musicians in the world. 
So what, might you ask, brought John to start his own Kleeneze business? 
Well, we had the same question, so when he recently moved up the Sales Plan 
to Senior Distributor, we decided to track him down for a little chat. 
“When I was 12, my parents bought me a toy drum,“ remembers John. “I don’t 
think I even touched it. It stayed in the loft. Then one day, my music teacher 
at school said: ’I hear you have a drum’. I told him I didn’t know how to play 
it, but he insisted, so I brought it in. From the first time I played it, that was it. 
I fell for it hook, line and sinker.” 
It was the catalyst that was to change John’s life. In that moment, he knew 
what he wanted not just to play the drums. He wanted to be famed for playing 
the drums. At 16, he left school and soon after got a gig as a drummer for a 
band called Hampton Court, immediately going on tour. 
“It was a bit of a culture shock,“ laughs John remembering it. “I was lucky to 
get the opportunity, but I also worked really hard.” 
From there, John moved up the ’career’ ladder, blagging when he felt he had 
to, and grasping unbelievable opportunities whenever he could. 
“The one thing I’ve had to do is learn how to self-promote or I wouldn’t have 
ever got any work!“ says John wryly. “When I was 19, I was in a band called 
Airport and being managed by an entrepreneur who owned all these nightclubs 
in the North. He put me in touch with Buddy Rich, the fastest drummer in the 
world, and I got study with him. I toured with him and learned with him from 
the same time.” 
When Airport had reached its limit, John decided it was time to move on. He 
arranged eight auditions down on London and the first one he got, becoming 
a resident drummer for six nights a week. 
“It was great,” he remembers. “But I still wanted to be famous. I wanted to 
be recognised. I started to call up all the record companies, trying to get scouts 
to come and see me. I called the scout for CBS and blagged him pretending I 
was The Beatles’ manager!” 
The blag worked and, perhaps out of sheer curiosity to see who would try and 
pull off such a stunt, the scout came. What followed was the start of John’s 
whole career taking off. 
First came a stint with the band Moon. Then the Sutherland Brothers. Suddenly, 
John found himself in high demand, playing huge arenas and festivals, such 
as Reading in 1979. Uriah Heap’s David Byron approached him to record with 
him. For three years, he played with Steve Hackett, as he built up his solo 
career outside of Genisis. Then John was asked to play for American 
psychedelic rock band, Iron Butterfly’s come-back tour. 
“I was very fortunate,” says John. “They were equal in fame to The Doors, so 
it was an amazing opportunity. It was what I had always wanted.” 
It was while he was living in the States that John started to turn his hand to 
teaching; firstly holding seminars and then going on to open drum ’schools’. 
“I started teaching while I was recording and still performing,” says John. 
“Then I got invited to return to England to be the drummer for Geezer Butler, 
Black Sabbath’s bass player. When I got back, I rented a studio in Islington 
and carried on teaching. I also bought a drum shop, which became hugely 
successful. However, it didn’t work out too well with my career – when people 
came into the shop, they wanted to see me and, more often than not, I was on 
the road.”
Eventually John closed the shop. His career started to diversify then even more 
when he took up touring with the Barron Knights, an incredibly well-known, 
humorous music group. However, no one could have seen where John’s career 
was going to take him next. 
“My son, Scott, had asked me to go into school for a drum session. I must have 
entertained them, because the next thing I know I was asked to play at a 
children’s party. I thought, why not! I started doing more children’s 
entertainment. Then, when I was on tour with the Barron Knights in Australia, 
I saw a magician and knew that’s what I wanted to do.” 
Not one to do things by halves, John worked hard learning the trade and saw 
out his wish - becoming an internationally acclaimed magician working 
everywhere from Las Vegas to the Middle East! 
However, in true rock and roll style, John had spent all his money and was 
starting to worry about his finances. 
“About six years ago, I moved to a really nice place in the country,” explains 
John. “It was nice, but expensive. I’d spent all my money and I started to worry 
what would happen if my work ever dried up. I don’t have a pension and, aside 
from drumming and magic, I can’t do anything else. That’s when Doug and 
Sandra Roper came into my life.” 
At first, John turned it down. For about five minutes! Then, deciding he had 
nothing to lose, he joined Kleeneze. He slowly, but surely, retailed his way up 
and then started to team build. Now, the drummer turned children’s entertainer 
turned magician turned business owner has turned Senior Distributor and is 
in qualification for the Venice Destination this autumn! 
“At the end of the day, I needed a pension – I had nothing,“ admits John, who 
is now aiming to go Bronze by the end of the year. “Doug and Sandra not only 
saved me from financial worries, on a personal level they’ve also helped me 
through so much. If I had any advice to give anyone, I would say always listen 
to your Uplines, they’ve truly got the best intentions for you. Find your diamonds 
– like I have done with my team. Oh, and smile a big smile!”
New starter stories 
“I started Kleeneze in June 
2010 as I was struggling to 
find any kind of job that 
would fit around my 3 
children (Sophie, 14; Kieran, 
13; and Lacey, 3). My last 
job as a cleaner was earning 
me £500 a month, but it 
meant leaving Lacey to cry 
with her Nana. I seemed to 
see my kids less, missed 
bedtime stories with Lacey 
and it broke my heart 
every day. 
I was on benefits to help out 
at the time and had just accepted I would never find a proper job and my 
life was to barely survive financially, living in debt. 
Then Kleeneze found me. Initially I didn’t have the start-up fee, but I 
decided to go for it and saved up. I started with 200 catalogues, put them 
under Lacey’s pram and off we went! I really enjoyed my first month and 
I felt that the money didn’t even matter, because I was getting to spend 
time with my daughter. So when I found out that I’d earned £264.47, I 
was shocked, but excited about what it meant for the future. 
I started to attend all the meetings and the excitement was contagious. 
The people I met have since become great friends. I started to introduce 
others to the business and help them earn money. It was great. 
A few months into the business, I became pregnant with my son, Mason. 
It was a difficult pregnancy and I spent months of it in hospital, but I still 
received a cash bonus into my bank every month. 
At the time, my partner Paul stepped in to help me. He was working a 50 
hour week then, but since getting involved has managed to drop his hours 
to 30. The more we both get involved with Kleeneze, the more we love it. 
I have always been a very shy person and over the past year, from 
reading Adele de Caso’s Shy People Can Be Successful Too and help from 
others in my team, I’ve started to have the courage and confidence to 
believe in myself and my dreams. 
I’m loving my Kleeneze journey with my children side by side, as they love 
Kleeneze too. I’m hoping to build my business and become financially free 
and take my first ever holiday abroad with my amazing Kleeneze family.” 
Susan Machon and Paul Wainwright, Silver Distributors 
“Prior to Kleeneze, I was a training 
manager for a large retail store for 23 
years. However, in April this year I was 
made redundant. This, I thought, is a 
golden opportunity to not only do 
something different but to do something 
that I really enjoy and fit around my 
family life as I now have a 
granddaughter as well. 
I saw an advert to work from home. 
Debra, now my sponsor, gave me a call 
and I have not looked back. I love being my own boss, having the 
flexibility to work when I want to and the fact you get rewarded for what 
you do. I enjoy meeting people and getting fitter. It is such a simple 
business, with loads of 1-1 support from your sponsor but also from the 
wider team via webinars and emails. 
In my first full 3 weeks I earned £353, hitting my 30 day challenge, 10% 
and 13% bonus level. The following month I had almost a £100 pay rise! I 
know this is just the start. I now want to help others to do the same and 
am really excited about my new venture.” 
Kevin Addison, Silver Distributor 
Network testimonials 
In my first full 3 weeks I earned 
£353, hitting my 30 day challenge, 
10% and 13% bonus level. The 
following month I had almost a 
£100 pay rise! I know this is just the 
start. I now want to help others to 
do the same and am really excited 
about my new venture
“I learnt a huge lesson this week from Rose Bentley-Smith about 
warm market. She signed two people in on her first day in Kleeneze 
and all she did was contact her warm market. 
If you don’t tell EVERYBODY you know what you are doing, you run 
the risk of them joining somebody else! Last night I finally wrote out a 
proper warm market list and it turns out I have 390 people to send 
some information to. Say at minimum they all know 10 other people, 
that’s 3,900! All potential leads and guess what – they’re all free. 
Don’t miss out because you prejudged. It doesn’t happen by chance, it 
happens by choice! Your choice.” 
Chris Dudley, Silver Distributor 
“Does Kleeneze work? Claire 
joined our business 2 weeks ago. She 
has already processed £700 in orders 
and has just picked up an order for 
£141. Kleeneze works if you work it!” 
Sharon Davis, 
Bronze Executive Distributor 
“Just received my success kit! Looking forward to putting it all 
together and getting out to deliver them!” 
Laura Lea, New Distributor 
“I just want to add my support to the Leads to Success Campaign. 
This incentive in my opinion is the best one yet. It will help me build 
my Kleeneze business for the future, bring more team members and 
also help me connect with more people and help them on their 
Kleeneze journey. 
I’m so very excited about this incentive that I’m on fire and it is 
already bringing in results. 
Kleeneze is one word ‘Magical’.” 
Ian Hughes, Silver Distributor 
“The Team @ HQ have a great attitude to the business and that has 
always come across when we have called the Service Centre. Keep up 
the fantastic work.” 
Fred Mason, Senior Distributor 
Network testimonials 
“Working as a children’s entertainer to make ends meet meant that I 
didn’t have as much time as I’d like to spend with my partner and 
children. So I turned to Kleeneze. I had tried other MLM companies in the 
past, but they didn’t offer the opportunity to earn as much income or time 
as I was after. 
I have now managed to free up more of my time which in turn allows me 
to spend more time with my children and family. I have reduced my 
children’s entertainment work down to the two main seasons of the year 
which I believe are important for all children and should be made magical 
with a visit from the correct people for these times of the year - Easter 
and Christmas. 
I know some may wonder how I am going to manage to do my Kleeneze 
business and appear as Santa for the kids too, but I know I won’t find 
this a problem at all thanks to the flexibility of the business. 
I set myself a target to achieve my 10% in my first full Period, sponsor 1 
person and show them the way Kleeneze can work for them. I have 
achieved both of these targets very quickly. I joined on the instalment 
option and I am on my way to paying for my entire business start-up 
costs with kleeneze and a little profit on top of that too. 
My next goals are to go for Gold by my birthday in October this year and 
to have a small team of at least 5 by this time. 
My tips for anyone just starting out with Kleeneze are talk to as many 
people you know who may be interested in doing the same and building a 
residual income, Things aren’t easy and it does take the time and effort 
which needs to be put in to earn the income you wish to earn. 
As an SED said to me in a training workshop: ‘you don’t know what you 
don’t know’ and this saying is very, very true.” 
Carl Robertson, new Distributor 
My tips for anyone just starting out with 
Kleeneze are talk to as many people you 
know who may be interested in doing the 
same and building a residual income, Things 
aren’t easy and it does take the time and 
effort which needs to be put in to earn the 
income you wish to earn.
Personal development 
What are you waiting for? 
Blaming the makers of Candy Crush for your procrastination? It might surprise you to learn that the ongoing struggle with 
procrastination actually dates back to the very beginnings of civilization! Of course, that’s of no help when having a mental 
guilt tussle with yourself for not putting your catalogues out, filing your tax returns on time or hitting your self-imposed goals 
for the week. However, knowing where it all stems from can definitely help you conquer it once and for all. 
“One of the greatest labour-saving inventions of today is 
tomorrow,” Vincent T. Foss 
Even the ancient Egyptians had trouble with time management. Hieroglyphics 
discovered from 1400BC were translated to read: “Friend, stop putting off 
work and allow us to go home in good time.” 
Fast-forward six hundred years later and humankind were still putting things 
off. In 800BC, the Greek poet, Hesiod warned not to “put off your work till 
tomorrow and the day after, for a sluggish worker does not fill his barn, nor 
will one who puts off his work.” 
“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week,” Spanish proverb 
It’s more than likely that every single one of us has experienced the guilt 
feeling of procrastination before. That email we need to reply to, the phone call 
we need to make, that project we need to finish. Despite our best intentions, 
and daily mental chastising, we never seem to get around to doing it. In fact, 
procrastination has nothing to do with lack of intention or willingness. It’s 
basically the difficulty in following through. The foot-dragging leads to a feeling 
of growing pressure, as whatever you’re putting off will eventually have to be 
dealt with. In fact, procrastination at its very worst can even lead to health and 
financial problems. 
So if we don’t want to procrastinate and it makes us feel so terrible to do so, 
why do we continue in this vein? 
“Hard work pays off later. Laziness pays off now. I’ve always been 
one for being in the moment,” Anonymous 
There have been many theories written about why we procrastinate, but the 
main one seems to boil down to this – we procrastinate about doing things 
that cause us pain. By pain, it’s not necessarily physical (although if you’re 
putting off going to the gym, this might be the case). Pain is a broad definition 
of all sorts of feelings, but it’s the feeling that takes over us when we move out 
of our comfort zone. 
On the whole, we like to retreat to our comfort zone. It’s, well, comforting. And 
who wants to leave a comfortable place? Unfortunately, there’s a price to pay 
for staying inside this time-squandering, instant gratification zone. Missed 
opportunities and a constant nagging feeling that there must be more to life 
than this. 
Of course, leaving The Zone is easier said than done. Unhelpfully, the human 
brain is basically hardwired to procrastinate, so given the choice between 
something that’s complicated, lengthy or uninspiring and rewarding or 
something that’s immediate, easy and rewarding, our brains will automatically 
plump for the latter option. 
“One of these days I’m going to get help for my procrastination 
problem,” Unknown 
Most people believe that if they could solve their procrastination problem, 
they’d be much more efficient. Forget it – you’ll never completely eliminate 
procrastination. However, you can find a way to help to control the tendencies. 
There are many methods out there on solving this age-old conundrum, so here 
are a few to try. They might not work for everyone, but if you don’t succeed 
with one, keep on trying! 
If you can’t beat it… 
Admit it. You’ve procrastinated on something. It’s the first step. However, now 
you know that everyone does it, you can cut yourself some slack. Stop beating 
yourself up about something you’ve been putting off in favour of something 
more pleasurable – you’re only human! There. That’s the first step of taking 
control. Now you have that control back, it’s time to make a choice of whether 
you do the task or not. 
Make a date 
If you find that the hours are turning to days and days to weeks on your 
procrastinated project, stop and schedule a time for it. Slice it up into 
manageable chunks if need be and schedule in something every day until it’s 
complete. Don’t pick a time when you know that you won’t be at your best 
either. If you’re a night owl, it’s probably best not to say you’ll get up earlier to 
do it – even if you have the very best intentions. 
Tell a little white lie 
The human brain is actually pretty easy to trick. If you believe something is 
more important and pressing to do, you’ll more than likely do it first. Bump that 
dreaded project to the top of your list and stick an urgent deadline on it. This is 
particularly helpful when you run your own business and only have yourself to 
be accountable to! The best part about this strategy is that procrastinators are 
actually really good at self-deception anyway (“I’ll do it tomorrow”), so it just 
requires a little mental engineering of the truth.
Make it public 
If admitting to yourself you haven’t done something you said you would isn’t 
bad enough, tell the world. Post your goals on Facebook, tell your friends and 
family, take a newspaper ad out if that’s what it takes! The upside is that you’ll 
achieve your goal. The downside is that you’ll have to go back to step one and 
admit that you’ve procrastinated on it. However, this might make you more 
likely to succeed next time. 
Reward yourself 
Ignore the bad behaviour and praise the good is what they say when it comes 
to those tyrannical toddlers. Well, essentially, we haven’t changed much since 
those days and we still respond really well to a little praise and a nice treat. 
Give yourself something nice to work towards or some small rewards for 
milestones along the way. 
At the end of the day, sometimes you have to ‘just do it’. When you don’t feel 
like it, when every ounce of your self-talk is screaming: “nooo, stay on the sofa, 
it’s so much nicer.” You know, though, that once it’s done you’ll feel so much 
better. There’s a reason we hate procrastination so much and that’s because 
it’s not really getting on with life. We only get a certain number of years, so 
let’s not waste them by not taking action and, even worse, reproaching 
yourself instead! 
“Procrastination is like a credit card; it’s a lot fun until you get the 
bill,” Christopher Parker 
[proh-kras-tuh-ney-shun] noun 
The act or habit of putting off or 
delaying, especially something 
requiring immediate attention 
Tools to help with 
(just don’t put off using them!) 
Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy 
Mark Twain once said that if the first thing you do each morning is 
to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of 
knowing that it is probably the worst thing that’s going to happen to you 
all day long. 
In Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy talks about that ‘frog’ being our biggest, 
most important task, the one that will have the greatest impact on our life 
and the one we are most likely to procrastinate on. 
The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming 
Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play, Neil Fiore 
This book is almost 30 years old, but continues to be hugely relevant 
and a best seller. The Now Habit takes an honest look into your 
procrastination behaviours and helps you adopt new habits so you can 
get more things done quicker, eliminating all the anxiety and stress 
of procrastination. 
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Steve Chandler 
The irony of putting off reading a book about procrastination is really too 
much to bear, so we’ve included this fantastic book that can be read for 
just two or three minutes and immediately fill you with a burst of 
motivation. 100 Ways is a collection of different thinking tools to turn the 
most defeatist attitude into energetic, purposeful accomplishments.
50 leads for free 
Kleeneze leads to success 
“Fantastic incentive. Massive growth coming.” 
“This is awesome. Kleeneze’s going from strength 
to strength.” 
These were just some of the reactions we got after 
launching the Leads to Success incentive in which, 
throughout August, for every one person you initiate we’ll 
give you 50 free leads. 
Kleeneze Leads to Success is the biggest sponsoring 
incentive the business has ever seen and has the 
potential to grow and strengthen your team massively 
this summer. 
With the Christmas season rapidly approaching, a bigger 
team could see fantastic financial rewards, as well as 
strengthening your business. Plus, this incentive could lead 
to you qualifying for much more with Kleeneze, such as 
securing your place to Montego Bay, Jamaica or having 
your own Kleeneze-branded Mini! 
The possibilities are endless and all it takes is for you to 
sponsor ONE person into your team. Of course, the more 
people you sponsor in, the more leads you’ll generate. 
Sponsor two and we’ll give you 100 leads. Sponsor five and 
that’s 250 potential prospects!!! 
The incentive is designed to give you more on top of what you already do, so 
keep on creating your own leads too! With that in mind, we took a trip down 
Team Talk memory lane and dug out some of our favourite quotes, tips and 
advice from the leaders. 
Team building 
“We came up with saying years ago: if you want more milk - get more cows. 
You must understand that Kleeneze is first and foremost a Network Marketing 
company that retails its products through a catalogue, it is not a retail 
company that does a bit of this networking thing on the side. 
So if you want good sustainable growth you have to retail enough to make the 
money you need then do massive team building and find more people who you 
can share this great business with and help them make the money they need. 
Teambuilding is the key to growth in everyone’s business and ultimately 
growth in Kleeneze.” 
Mike Bibby, Silver Premier Executive 
Following up 
“Keep following up. Reach out and build your team. 
Imagine you were locked into a newsagent with a lottery ticket machine that 
offered a free go. You press the button once and get a ticket. It offers you 
another try. You’re stuck there all night and tickets keep on coming out. Would 
you not check every single one to see if you had won? 
“Kleeneze is the same – it’s just a numbers game.” 
Gavin Scott, Silver Premier Executive 
Kleeneze LEADS TO SUCCESS incentive: 
• Sponsor one person between Friday 1 August until 
Sunday 31 August (inclusive) and we’ll give you 50 
free leads!! 
• Once you’ve qualified, we’ll provide you with 
everything to help you manage your leads: 
• Track everything with your own contact manager 
• Personalised auto responder 
• Advanced template email follow up 
“I’m so excited to get started! Thank you Kleeneze.” 
“OMG – this is fantastic. Come on team, let’s get it on, eh? ” 
“This is one of the best incentives EVER. Fabulous.”
Leads Incentive – sponsoring tips 
“I always focus on getting one new person 
started in my business every week. That’s 
one of the places I see the Compound 
Effect working the most, because when a 
new person starts, it doesn’t fundamentally 
change your business. Using the Compound 
Effect week-on-week over a year has a 
huge knock-on effect on your business. 
Understanding the Compound Effect means 
that if someone doesn’t start with you one 
week, you’ll know that it doesn’t mean it’s 
all gone to pot. You might have three weeks with no one starting, 
but then the next week you may have three people starting. The law of 
averages comes into play. Carry on doing those same things and the average 
will work out the same.” 
Doug Roper, Gold Executive 
“When you decide that you’re ready to take 
your business seriously, put your ‘blinkers’ 
on and focus ONLY on productive, business-building 
activities. If it doesn’t increase 
your orders, your customer base or the size 
of your team, don’t do it! Don’t complicate 
things, don’t take advice from people who 
haven’t done it (or those outside of our 
business who masquerade as ‘experts’), 
just put your trust in your Upline’s system 
and don’t get distracted. Put everything 
else to one side for 3 to 5 years and you can build 
an amazing residual income and the lifestyle of your choice.” 
Andy Stephenson, Silver Premier Executive 
Dealing with rejection 
“The best way I found to deal with rejection 
in any shape or form in the business, is to 
make sure that you are doing enough 
numbers to compensate. In sponsoring, if 
you have several more prospects to talk to, 
it doesn’t matter if one person says no 
because you have many others on the list 
to speak to. But if you only have one lead, 
and the only one person whom you’ve 
explained the opportunity to this week says 
no, it’ll impact you much more because 
you’ve ‘failed’ 100% this week on sponsoring. 
What separates those earning the big incomes from the rest is that they’ve 
had more ‘no’s’ and therefore more ‘failures’ than anyone! They’ve had to! We 
all work the same business and therefore to succeed you’ve had to ’fail’ more 
often - he who plays the most numbers get the most wins!” 
Stuart Heard, Silver Executive 
Creating new business 
“People should follow up every lead by 
telephone. Always aim to get more leads 
than you need or plan in, because if you’re 
scratching around, you’re going to end up 
trying to persuade people to join the 
business. If you’ve got more leads than you 
can handle, you’ll be more relaxed about it. 
Plus, you get good at it. The more you do, 
the more confident you become and the 
results are better. 
We find out why people are looking and we 
try to find out what’s important to them and then we show them 
why Kleeneze is the solution. If someone’s got a financial headache, we give 
them the aspirin! 
We try to get very large numbers of people into our funnel, into our contact 
manager and into our database. We follow up with loads of information – once 
they’re in the database, there’s no escape!” 
Neil Young, Gold Senior Executive 
Envision the future 
“One of the very first things I say to 
prospects is how can I help you. Find out 
people’s needs, goals and strengths from 
the outset, because you’ll need to 
know throughout the life of their 
Kleeneze journey. 
You, as a leader, need to see your 
business not how it is today, but how it will 
be in the future.” 
Geoff Webb, 
Silver Senior Executive
Retail Boosters 
Our brand new Retail Booster has been with us for just over a month and here at HQ, we’re pretty excited about it. 
We listened to your feedback to have a consumable product 
and this is what we gave you – the uPVC Reviver. 
It leaves impeccable results on dirty window frames, doors, 
cladding, guttering and garden furniture. Our customer’s 
swear by it, which is why this is a perfect item to have as 
a retail booster. This is also featured on page 13 of the 
Houseproud catalogue with an amazing testimonial from 
Mrs D in Bromborough. 
“I swear by this product, I use it every year to make my 
window frames looks like new. Last year I was having my 
fascia boards cleaned by a tradesman and he said it is 
better than the one they sell to the trade, he now uses it 
everywhere he goes!” 
This product is manufactured in the UK which is even 
better as people now want home manufactured items. The 
packaging has been changed to make it more colourful 
and eye-catching and has everything on there to help your 
customers get the full potential of the product. 
If that wasn’t enough, the flyer has 3 simple steps of how 
to use it and how your customers can get the best 
possible results. 
All your customers need to do is spend £20 and they can 
have it for FREE! 
Our retail boosters have always been an extremely 
popular way of creating new customers. Don’t forget that 
the Kitchen Scissors, Ultimate Peeler and the Knife 
Sharpener are still available to buy in packs and singles. 
All code details can be found on the DSA. 
Get your uPVC flyers and singles on the codes below: 
uPVC Singles 
Code 753718 
Price £1.00 / €1.20 
uPVC Flyer (pack of 300) 
Code: 750360 
Price: £1.50 / €1.80
We’ve increased our income 
by £1,000 in just eight weeks 
We are not going to say our last 
eight weeks have been a walk in 
the park - it is hard work - but 
anything worth having is and 
because you enjoy what you are 
doing it doesn’t appear to be. 
Our story 
“When John was made redundant from his job as a Farm Manager, we found 
ourselves not as financially comfortable as we’d been used to. He got another 
job, but it wasn’t one that he thrived in and his income was considerably less 
than it was in his previous position. We have a twelve-year-old son – we love 
him to bits, but he is certainly an expensive commodity! Like many others, we 
found ourselves needing to earn an additional income. 
In May 2012 I found a flyer on my windscreen and came home very excited. I 
had found the answer to our problem! We arranged to meet to discuss the 
opportunity the following day during my lunch hour. I certainly liked what I had 
been shown. I explained how it all worked to John the very same evening and, 
to be honest, he wasn’t completely sold on the idea, but he went along with it 
to pacify me! 
We joined shortly afterwards and were soon out delivering catalogues and 
building our business. We originally ran our business part time and had a 
slower start compared to many, but we followed the system, attended 
meetings and training sessions and before we knew it our business began to 
grow, with weekly orders exceeding £500! 
After a year in the business, John’s sceptismn had diminished and he left his 
job to contribute more to the business alongside other commitments. I 
continue to work part time as an HR Administrator three days a week, and 
long for the day (hopefully in the not too distant future) to join John full time in 
the business. I currently work as many hours as I can on my days away from 
the “day job” sharing the business with prospects, admin etc and not on the 
housework, washing, ironing and shopping as perhaps I should! 
We are now establishing our own team which we are very excited about. We 
were so excited to have achieved Gold Distributorship status, allowing us to 
increase our income in eight weeks by £1,000! We look forward to helping all 
our team to achieve their goals too! We are confident this is our future and 
that undoubtedly it will allow us to fulfil our dreams. We are currently 
striving on working towards qualifying for Venice – our first Kleeneze 
five-star Destination! 
Can you do it? You certainly can. All you need to do it make that choice, have 
that reason why and you are there. We are not going to say our last eight 
weeks have been a walk in the park - it is hard work - but anything worth 
having is and because you enjoy what you are doing it doesn’t appear to be. In 
fact, we have never survived on such little sleep as we have over the past two 
months, but if asked ‘would you do it all over again?’ our answer would 
certainly be ;you bet’. The sense of achievement when you achieve your goal, 
the support from your team and friends throughout the Vision and Imagine 
Group is quite simply amazing – thank you all. 
Do we have any future goals? We certainly do. This is only the beginning of our 
amazing Kleeneze journey, with our sights on Senior and beyond in the not too 
distant future. This business is simply amazing, it gives you the flexibility to 
choose how you wish to live your life. It’s hard to put into words, but it is 
simply the best!” 
Debs and John Kibbler, Gold Distributors
Sack the boss 
You can control your own destiny 
There are hundreds of thousands of people out there right now, 
as you’re reading this, who want to leave their job. Office 
politics, terrible commutes, missing out time with family, living 
pay-cheque to pay-cheque and even workplace bullying are some 
of the many, many reasons that employees are unhappy with their work life and yet 
the majority stick it out in the name of security and not knowing any other way. 
So here’s the thing. That security doesn’t exist anymore. The new economic reality of our time is that it could all be swept 
away at a moment’s notice, so now is the time to create your own opportunity. 
Becoming your own boss means creating work that you love, constructed around your life goals. It means freedom, but not 
just the freedom to go flitting off to sunny climes whenever it suits you (although we’re all for the flitting), it’s the freedom to 
experiment and play with your life to create the perfect scenario for you. It’s the freedom to break out from being just a job 
title and stir your lifestyle up for the better. It’s the freedom to control your destiny. 
Of course, as Spiderman’s Uncle said: with great power comes great responsibility (Voltaire should also be credited here, as 
he did possibly say it first and probably better). However, it’s a choice that very few ever regret. 
The freedom that being your own boss 
gives you is priceless. When you have 
kids, time is more important than money, 
but with Kleeneze, you can really have 
both! We both bring up our kids from 
home and with a monthly income of 
£3,000+, it’s fantastic!
Here’s what some of our Distributors had to say about it: 
“I let my boss go nearly seven years ago now, just 18 months after starting my 
Kleeneze business. It felt fantastic to have the freedom of choice as to how I 
spend my time and how much money I want to earn. Never having to ask a 
boss for time off again is a great feeling. I’m at all the kids’ events, we holiday 
when we want to and I don’t have to deal with rush hour traffic. I would never 
go back to the job world,” Harvey Kent, Senior Distributor 
“The freedom that being your own boss gives you is priceless. When you have 
kids, time is more important than money, but with Kleeneze, you can really 
have both! We both bring up our kids from home and with a monthly income of 
£3,000+, it’s fantastic. As they say, children spell love ‘T.I.M.E’” 
John Webb, Gold Executive Distributor 
“I sacked my boss almost 10 years ago. It was only 11 weeks after my wife 
had started our Kleeneze business. A leap of faith you might think? When your 
wife brings over £550 for a month’s part-time work into the household, you 
know it’s a no-brainer to just go for it. Thanks to Kleeneze, I love my life,” 
Leo ten Bruggencate, Gold Distributor 
“I sacked the boss three months into starting my Kleeneze business and my 
husband, Dave, sacked his a year ago. It’s given us the opportunity to do 
things that we want to do when we want to do them. We still work hard, but 
it’s our choice, not someone else’s. To be honest, Kleeneze isn’t hard work if 
you love what you do. We love helping people – it’s what makes this business 
special. Our team are not work colleagues, they are our friends,” 
Tracy Sheehan, Gold Executive Distributor 
“I was medically discharged from the army last year and decided I wasn’t 
going to work for anyone else again. I’d had enough of going ‘cap-in-hand’ to 
ask for time off only to be told I couldn’t take leave when I wanted it, because 
there would be too many away at one time. We had to book our leave for the 
whole year in April, couldn’t have any spare for emergencies! I seriously 
wasn’t sure what I was going to do with myself at first, but I knew that I was 
going to be self-employed. I had been a Distributor several years earlier and 
like a fool I had quit. I’d always stayed in touch with my Upline, though and 
eventually I decided to join again. I would never quit this amazing business 
again. I love it; the flexibility, the people, the incentives, the opportunities. It is 
simply the best thing out there,” Neil Dooley, Silver Distributor 
“I was sacked from my professional and stressful job as a medical 
representative. I am now a full-time mum to two great boys and a carer to my 
son, Louis, who has a long-term disability. Kleeneze has allowed me to do this 
without a boss or that sinking Sunday feeling I used to have. Now I can’t wait 
until Mondays!” Wendy Meddleton, Senior Distributor 
Being your own 
Kleeneze boss: 
Having the flexibility to work anywhere 
Facebook is testimony to this. Only last week we were accosted by a 
photo of Peter Rea’s feet with a backdrop of beautiful cloudless sky and 
miles of crystal clear seas while he worked on his Showcase training! 
Work wherever you choose, week after week. 
Work that you enjoy 
The team spirit within Kleeneze makes it what it is. Over 80% of your life 
is spent working, so you want to make sure you’re having fun at work too. 
If you have fun in your work, it will spill into the rest of your life too. Sizzle 
your way to success! 
Create more lifelines 
There is no greater feeling than being able to help others. 
This business gives you the opportunity to do just that. What a fantastic 
position to be in. 
Choose how much money you earn 
Need an extra £100 a month pocket money? Ok, you can do that. Prefer 
an extra £1,000 a month pocket money. Ok, you can do that. Want a life-changing 
income? It’s perfectly possible. Your earning capacity is 
limitless with Kleeneze. 
Answer only to yourself 
As an employee, chances are at some point you’ve felt undermined, 
undervalued and in severe need of a self-confidence boost. Forget that – 
you call all the shots now! As your own boss, you only have yourself to 
answer to and you’ll find yourself automatically more determined and 
motivated as a result. 
You’ll grow as a person 
Ok, sounds a little cheesy, but it’s true. Being your own boss is hard work, 
let’s not deny it. However, it will make you more resilient, more 
determined, wiser, self-disciplined and simply a better version of the 
former, already fabulous, you. 
You can live the life that you choose 
That’s already a more meaningful life simply by virtue of the fact that you 
have chosen it. Being your own boss will turn your life upside down for 
the better and as you go down that path to success, it will continue to get 
better all the time.
A taste of Venice 
Bigoli is an extruded pasta in the form of a long and thick tube. Traditionally they were made with buckwheat flour, but are 
more commonly made with whole wheat flour now. Traditionally, duck eggs are used for the pasta. 
1. To make the pasta dough. Combine the flour, egg and yolk with the water. 
Mix and knead well, adding extra water if needed, until the dough is 
smooth and elastic. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead 
again. Divide the pasta dough into 4 pieces and then knead each well. 
2. Roll each piece out as thinly as possible then cut into thin strips and roll 
into spaghetti using your fingertips, using more flour if necessary to 
prevent sticking. Set aside whilst making the anchovy sauce. 
3. Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onions, sweat gently before adding 
the garlic. Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
4. Add the anchovies to the pan, stir and cook for a further 10 minutes, 
stirring occasionally until the anchovies have puréed amongst the onions 
and created a rich sauce. 
5. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and cook the 
pasta for 3 - 4 minutes or until ‘al dente’ – cook in batches if necessary. 
6. Remove the garlic clove from the pan and add the chopped parsley 
to finish. 
7. Drain the pasta and add it 
straight into the pan with 
the sauce, add a couple of 
tablespoons of the pasta 
water to loosen. Mix 
through and season with 
and black pepper. 
Serve immediately 
Yo u c o u l d 
still get here 
with the 
Summer Retail 
For the bigoli: 
• 400g Semolina flour 
• 1 egg 
• 100ml water 
• olive oil 
For the sauce: 
• 3 tbsp olive oil 
• 1 onion, finely sliced 
• 100g anchovy fillets 
• 1 cloves garlic, left whole 
• 1 bunches fresh parsley, chopped 
• pepper 
1 in 20 
chances to 
win an iPad 
For more details of the Summer Retail 
Incentive, please visit the DSA.
Torta Sabbiosa 
(Sandy Cake) 
Sabbiosa means sandy and you’ll understand why once you’ve tried it. At first bite, it seems dry but then it melts in your 
mouth and you will love its golden hue as well. It is a classic cake from the region of Veneto. It’s so old that it’s not very well 
known to the younger generations anymore. 
Serve it warm right from the oven; freeze it to pull out when unexpected guests drop in-or (as I do) have a piece for breakfast 
with cappuccino. All in all this is a recipe you need to try. 
This recipe is a traditional Venetian flavour of yesteryear. Serve it warm right from the oven; freeze it to pull out when 
unexpected guests drop in. Great for breakfast or for a snack accompanying tea or milk. 
Qualifiers for Venice will be dining at some of 
the most exquisite restaurants enjoying 
traditional, fresh Venetian food. 
Here are a few you’ll be visiting if you qualify! 
• Antico Pignolo - popular on the Venetian restaurant 
scene, Antico Pignolo is famous for its unique take on 
classic Venetian cuisine, using innovative techniques and 
the freshest produce to create an explosion of flavour. 
• Trattoria da Romano - this restaurant has been serving 
the locals with excellent food for over 100 years! 
• Proscuitteria - a traditional yet contemporary restaurant 
on three levels in the heart of Venice. 
Torta Sabbiosa 
What you need: 
• 2/3 cup finely milled corn flour, (not corn meal or polenta) 
• 7 ounces soft butter, plus more for the cake pan 
• 1/4 cup potato starch 
• 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for the cake pan 
• 1 teaspoon active dry yeast, (1/2 packet) 
• 1 cup sugar 
• 2 eggs, separated 
• 1/8 teaspoon salt 
• Powdered sugar, for dusting the cake, or other toppings (optional) 
1. Butter the cake pan bottom, cover it with a parchment circle, then butter 
and flour the entire inside of the pan. Arrange a rack in the centre of the 
oven and preheat to gas mark 4 or 175°c. 
2. Sift together the corn flour, white flour, and potato starch. 
3. Sprinkle yeast over 1/4 cup of warm water and let it dissolve. 
4. In the bowl of the mixer, cream together the sugar and butter for several 
minutes on high speed, scraping down the bowl several times, until light 
and smooth. 
5. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time; scrape down the bowl and fluff up the 
batter on high speed. Lower the speed and incorporate the dry 
ingredients, alternating with the yeast water, in two or three additions. 
Mix only briefly after adding the flours but scrape the bowl and beaters 
well and fold the batter over with a rubber spatula-it will be stiff-to be 
sure the dry ingredients are evenly moistened. 
6. With the whisk attachment or a hand whisk, whip the egg whites in a 
clean bowl, with the pinch of salt, to firm peaks. Stir in 1/3 of the whites to 
lighten the batter then gently fold in the remainder. Scrape the batter into 
the prepared pan and spread it in an even layer. 
7. Bake for about 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown and springs 
back to the touch, and the cake is starting to pull away from the sides of 
the pan. 
8. Let it cool on a wire rack for an hour, then remove from the pan. Cut the 
cake in wedges and serve warm or at room temperature (or reheated in a 
low oven if you like) plain or fancy. (Wrap well and freeze for a month or 
so; defrost at room temperature before removing the wrappings.)
Our story 
Being my own boss means I can 
focus on what matters to me 
“I was a teacher until July 2001. I started teaching in 1975 – a variety of 
subjects to children from 7 years of age up until 11. Based in Cumbria, I had 
relocated – on my own – from the North East. In 1977, I got married and five 
years later we had our daughter. My father had been very ill that year and 
sadly died just three months after my daughter was born. My mother moved 
across from the North East, so she was able to look after our little one whilst I 
returned to work. 
The following year, in October 1983, I was returning to my classroom after the 
lunch break when I felt an intense pain in my head and neck. I started 
teaching, but I felt as though I was going to faint and eventually realised I 
couldn’t go on. I retired to the staff room (after telling a close colleague, as my 
children had been using scissors before lunch and they were strewn all over 
the classroom and I was worried!). 
I was taken home, worsening, and the doctor was called. After I described my 
symptoms, she said, “I think you have a brain haemorrhage and you are going 
to hospital”! I was taken to the local hospital and after more checks, her 
diagnosis was confirmed. I was transferred the very next day to the General 
Hospital in Newcastle. 
After more tests and scans, I had to sign the consent form for an operation I 
was told that 50% survive and those who do may suffer great damage 
including not being able to walk or talk. I had no choice, though, I had to sign. 
I had the operation and thankfully all went well. I woke up remembering I had 
a one-year-old daughter on the other side of the country to take care of! I think 
this probably helped instil in me a sense of priority. Two weeks later, I was 
discharged and returned home. I gradually learned how to walk again and 
started to put weight back on. Six months later, I returned to work. We’d 
moved to a brand new bungalow, which we were sorting out, and I was 
studying special educational needs on an Open University course, so life 
was busy. 
Then things started to go wrong. My husband became almost impossible to live 
with and I eventually told him to go! Our daughter was devastated, but 
perseverance wins through. We divorced, but looking after the bungalow and 
its garden and our daughter, as well as working was a strain on both my time 
and energy. After cutting through the electric cable on the lawn mower, a 
colleague came around to help with the garden. Over time, we grew closer, 
eventually falling in love! 
After nine years together, we got married and bought another bungalow in a 
village. My new husband retired from teaching and was looking for something 
else to earn money. We were already customers of Kleeneze and our 
distributor had phoned us up after we’d moved, as he couldn’t find our new 
house. My husband answered the phone and they started to discuss the 
business. I was entirely dubious about it all and didn’t believe it could work, 
saying to him: ‘You do what you want, pet, but I’m carrying on teaching!’ He 
joined in 1999, but I loved my teaching job and, most of all the kids. 
In 2001, I was made redundant and by that point I knew Kleeneze worked. I 
joined him in the business. I started attending meetings and learning more 
about it. I started to really enjoy the people side of the business. In 2005 we 
qualified for the Sydney conference – the second time I had ever flown in an 
aeroplane (and the first time was only down from Newcastle to Heathrow!). 
When you go through a trauma, it does help to reinforce your priorities in life. 
My experience made me strive for a greater understanding of the formation of 
the world and appreciate its complexities a lot more. Thanks to the flexibility of 
Kleeneze, I have more time to spend doing the things I love, such as looking at 
wildlife and nature and pursuing an interest in local history. 
We love meeting people and helping others and it gives us the freedom to do 
the things we love. We choose how we want to spend our time. Honesty and 
caring for others are my priorities and this company has both!” 
Les Coan, Bronze Executive Distributor
We believe that recognition is essential. We value all the hard work you put into your businesses on a daily basis and, 
as such, the next few pages are dedicated to YOU! 
Here are the names of those whose achievements are very much to be shouted about this Period. 
In no other business will you find such a recognition and reward scheme! Congratulations to all of you who achieved 
your goals in Period 7 and, for our new starters, we hope to see your name on these pages very soon! 
Recognition Period 7 
Personal Retail Top 3 
1st £10,306 
Susan Coleman & 
Robert Holdford 
2nd £8,389 
Melissa Squires & 
Ian Slade 
3rd £6,414 
Paul Tonkin & 
Joanne Heeraman 
Personal Sales Group Top 3 
1st £23,524 
Stuart & 
Robyn-Lee Heard 
2nd £20,306 
Marie & 
Jeremy Simmonds 
3rd £18,068 
Debra & 
Oliver Pusey 
New Business Sales Top 3 
1st £8,338 
Richard Chantler 
2nd £8,185 
Stephen Smith & 
Dennis Chamberlain 
3rd £7,593 
Debra & 
Oliver Pusey
Recognition Top 50 Period 7 
Personal Retail 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £10,306 
Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £8,389 
Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £6,414 
Anthony Mervin £6,190 
Peter Savidge £6,090 
Adam Fairclough & Jennifer Thornley £5,961 
Chaitali & Ajit Nath £5,826 
Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas £5,736 
Sohail Ahmed £5,618 
Saddique Hussain £5,536 
Jeffrey Margrave £5,387 
Gary & Esther Watson £5,242 
Kenneth Rooney £5,203 
Margaret & Ian Foster £4,970 
Jane & David Mousley £4,927 
Lorraine & Mark Collins £4,889 
Karen Hall & Robert Evans £4,842 
Kira & Andrew Thomas £4,698 
Lindsay Kelly & James Holmes £4,571 
Satwinder Sagoo £4,536 
Sharon & Sean Deegan £4,352 
Paul & Gosia Hammond £4,288 
Chris & Annette Wright £4,175 
Robert & Mary Higgins £4,153 
Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £4,135 
David & Elizabeth Marsden £4,118 
Philip Palmer £4,113 
Ian & Deborah Wightmore £4,110 
Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw £4,102 
Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £3,938 
Paul & Pauline Parish £3,898 
Andrew & Kerryann Webber £3,831 
Michael & Ann Jones £3,819 
Sanjay Sharma £3,814 
Martyn Cunningham £3,814 
Ian & Rachel Hickton £3,805 
Cynthia & Peter Hayes £3,798 
Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning £3,789 
Angela Wallace & William Lawson £3,710 
Gavin & Trish Conway £3,659 
Karen & Steven Glew £3,598 
Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £3,566 
Paul Jesson £3,556 
Malcolm & Jennifer Warden £3,543 
Emma & Mark MacKelden £3,514 
Terry & Diane Williams £3,476 
Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul £3,466 
John & Jenny Caton £3,419 
Chris & Jean Jenkinson £3,390 
Victoria & Rowan Sweet £3,361 
Personal Sales Group 
Distributor Name Sales 
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard £23,524 
Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £20,306 
Debra & Oliver Pusey £18,068 
Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £15,756 
Ian & Sally Williams £15,255 
Mike & Dawn Gough £14,362 
Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £12,134 
Karen & Neil Young £11,914 
Michele & Brian Hewitt £11,384 
Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill £11,366 
Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall £11,130 
Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton £10,890 
Claire & Peter Rea £10,219 
Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec £10,049 
David & Anne Pemberton-Smith £9,866 
Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £9,757 
Albert & Caroline Berry £9,729 
Andrew Fountaine & Susan Nokes £9,669 
Nigel Le Long £9,647 
Ann & John Coe £9,620 
Christine & Adrian Wright £9,523 
Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £9,463 
Marlene & Robert Somerville £9,404 
Peter Savidge £9,332 
Abigail Colclough £9,259 
Jane & David Mousley £9,078 
Craig Skellern £9,075 
Paul & Gosia Hammond £9,067 
Ted & Rose Farrar £9,012 
Gail & Darren Drew £8,847 
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain £8,816 
Susan Walton £8,815 
Peter & Angela Abrahams £8,768 
Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell £8,744 
Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson £8,645 
Robert & Jacqueline Dolan £8,602 
Andrew & Sue Boswell £8,558 
Sharon & Craig Davis £8,523 
Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £8,379 
Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young £8,335 
Christopher & Sarah Smith £8,196 
Eileen French £8,142 
Linda & Alan Cannings £8,040 
Andrew & Kerryann Webber £8,016 
Stacy & Jonathan Beck £7,909 
Brian & Deborah Hobbs £7,874 
Gareth & Lynette Tucker £7,794 
Joyce Reed £7,730 
Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter £7,690 
James & Jane White £7,572 
New Business Sales 
Distributor Name Sales 
Richard Chantler £8,338 
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain £8,185 
Debra & Oliver Pusey £7,593 
Helen & Andrew Walsh £7,483 
Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley £7,470 
Doug & Sandra Roper £6,200 
Mike & Dawn Gough £5,661 
Rie Pearson & David Heppenstall £5,389 
Ian & Sally Williams £5,345 
Craig White £4,852 
Kim & Scott Keable £4,827 
Andrew & Sue Boswell £4,568 
Beryl & Maxine Wynter £4,361 
Peter & Jackie White £4,306 
Christopher & Sarah Smith £4,229 
Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros £4,183 
Debbie Gee & David White £4,024 
Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett £3,957 
Asha & Dipam Joshi £3,814 
Graham & Lorna Carter £3,779 
Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £3,741 
Eamonn & Anne Roe £3,701 
Heather & James Oneil £3,674 
David Miller £3,674 
Christine & Geoffrey Richards £3,563 
Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts £3,475 
Tracy & Garry Eltringham £3,418 
Bob & Diane Goulding £3,324 
Kath & Wayne Preston £3,300 
Sarah & Martyn Harvey £3,228 
Stacy & Jonathan Beck £3,222 
Graham & Janet Holloway-Smith £3,082 
Lee & Fiona Henshaw £2,944 
Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill £2,867 
Christopher Pagett & Rachel Parker £2,693 
Deborah Weaver & Sherralyn King £2,692 
Craig Skellern £2,672 
Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec £2,633 
Michael & Louise Elliott £2,633 
Keith & Shirleyann Martin-Roxburgh £2,599 
Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore £2,598 
Nick & Grace Sassanelli £2,571 
Michael & Susan Pirie £2,537 
Michael & Jennifer Allsop £2,490 
Steve & Debbie Roper £2,483 
Debs & John Kibbler £2,436 
Alexandra Tuesley £2,365 
Gareth & Lynette Tucker £2,335 
Paul Flintoft £2,295 
Sharon & Craig Davis £2,292 
This figure will not 
include break-away Gold 
Distributors or non-qualifying 
Gold Distributors 
(includes all adjustments). 
This figure includes all new 
initiations plus their sales 
from Period 5-7
Recognition Volume Profit & Ten Active Wide 
VP - 10% 
Adrian Bailey 
Adrian Bratley 
Amanda Bossom 
Andrew Robinson 
Andy Connelly 
Angela Campos 
Antonia Coleman & 
Christopher Chambers 
Astrid Steel 
Atinuke Olusesi 
Audrone Dicker 
Billy Fegan 
Carly Caldwell 
Carole Wood & Andrew Wood 
Carolyn Douglas 
Christiana Jones 
Clare Lambert 
Cory Laird & Yasmin Ali 
Daniel Turner 
Daniel Williams 
David Collins 
Elizabeth Page & David Spurling 
Esther Howie 
Gemma Foulkes 
Gene Sprague 
Georgie Taylor 
Graham Stamps & Sandy Stamps 
Gregan Brown 
Imelda Galvin & Colm Galvin 
James Ko 
Jeremy Brown 
Joyce Smith 
Julie Ann Green 
Karen Williams 
Karl Lohia 
Katie Lain 
Keiron Brown 
Kimberley Bowen 
Kirsty Hutcheon 
Linda Pollard 
Lisa Nicholls 
Louise Maynard 
Lynne Gardener 
Marilyn Hart 
Mark Upton 
Matteo Sassanelli 
Michael Virk 
Michelle Rhodes 
Natalie Wilson 
Neeves Crook & Graeme Moodie 
Neil Spedding 
Paul Arthurton 
Paul Grundy 
Philip Leonard 
Rebecca Reeves 
Rebecca Woods 
Richard Daniels 
Robert Hewitt 
Roderick Dykes 
Ross Wilkinson 
Roxanne Atkins & Chris Ogden 
Samson Olagunju 
Samuel Camara 
Sandra Cavaney 
Sarah Geddes 
Serena Mccarthy 
Sharon Tagizadeh 
Simon Bambury 
Simon Beall & Fiona Beall 
Sophie Easterbrook 
Susan Owen 
Susan Price 
Susan Reid 
Tania Owen 
Victor Phezulu 
Willow Wren 
VP - 13% 
Amanda Thompson 
Arthur Wyett & David Winder 
Bradley Holloway-Smith 
Bruce Woodhouse & Emma Clements 
Coleen Humphrey 
Danielle Butterworth & David Peate 
Debbie Bennett 
Eamonn Ryan & Sandra Ryan 
Elaine Bennett 
Gemma Armstrong & Russell Armstrong 
Gillian Lawrence 
Jose Scholes 
Lee-Anne Gilroy & Michael Gilroy 
Paulina Golebiewska 
Peter Watson & Jacqui Watson 
Sharon Norman & James Norman 
Steven Bailey & Mary Bailey 
William Pile & Jacqueline Berry 
VP - 15% 
Andy Coleman & Krystina Coleman 
Gary Morgan & Tracy Madden 
Oksana Chapman & Richard Chapman 
Paul Boulton & Sara-Jayne Boulton 
Robert Herbert 
Steve McGough 
Susanne Parkhouse 
VP - 18% 
Ellie Moore 
Rie Pearson & David Heppenstall 
Simon Matthews & Carol Matthews 
Ten Active Wide - 
Period 7 
Craig White 
Claire & Peter Rea 
Bob Webb 
Doug & Sandra Roper 
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 
Ian & Sally Williams 
Debra & Oliver Pusey 
Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young 
Andrew & Sue Boswell 
Phil & Jean Warrington 
Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 
Mike & Dawn Gough 
John & Craig Hawkes 
Karen & Neil Young 
Peter & Myrna Wellock 
in Period 7
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Recognition Bulk Sales 
Karim Karmali 26,196 
Alexandra Tuesley 26,063 
Sharon & Andrew Bird 25,604 
Anthony Greeves 25,410 
Carole & Benny Morris 25,384 
Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 24,987 
James Curtis 24,736 
Keith Sandland 24,510 
David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 23,951 
Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 23,427 
Amanda & Andrew Holland 23,330 
Derrick & Maria Longwright 22,504 
Clare Chantler 22,103 
Debbie Gee & David White 21,973 
Ian & Sally Williams 21,914 
Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 21,793 
Roger & Barbara Green 21,661 
Marcell & Joanne Treanor 21,268 
Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 21,081 
Sunil Popat 21,081 
Julie Collier & Peter Richards 21,072 
Jay Singh 20,794 
Stanley & Roy Stewart 20,587 
Alison & Michael Ogden 20,541 
Jennifer & Martin Amos 20,511 
Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 20,218 
Eamonn & Anne Roe 20,053 
Michael & Sandra Laydon 19,643 
Paul & Carolyn Blaxall 19,587 
Stuart & Gail McKibbin 19,235 
Kerry & Paul Stonall 19,001 
Wendy English 18,935 
Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 18,675 
Timothy & Tina Pace 18,525 
Mark & Sarah Wildman 18,525 
Chantele & Barry Travis 18,483 
Sharon & Craig Davis 18,396 
Caroline & Philip Thompson 18,250 
Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 18,141 
Linda & Ian Stanley 18,091 
Rhian & E Anthony Jones 18,035 
Ron & Judy Speirs 18,000 
Craig & Linda Lomas 17,984 
Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 16,921 
Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 16,879 
Melanie & Andrew Wilson 16,779 
Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 16,710 
Amelia McHard 16,255 
Helen & Andrew Walsh 16,008 
Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 16,000 
Karen & Peter Flitton 15,421 
Joseph & Julie Brame 15,378 
Jackie & Stuart Bower 15,240 
Michael & Janet Wallace 15,206 
Sakuntla Kalyan 15,162 
Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 14,890 
Christopher Conroy 14,890 
Christine & Adrian Wright 14,877 
Tony Fasulo & Julie White-Fasulo 14,831 
John & Janice Halsall 14,584 
Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 14,428 
Ram & Joginder Singh 14,109 
John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 13,913 
Christine & Jim Foster 13,861 
Graham & Lorna Carter 13,790 
David Pope 13,437 
David Byatt & Janet Smith 13,357 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Steve & Cathy Chambers 13,153 
Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 13,130 
Mark Law 13,102 
Angela Wallace & William Lawson 12,923 
David Wilson & Julie Knight 12,771 
Graham & Georgina Long 12,730 
Michael & Jennifer Allsop 12,635 
Peter & Sheryl Dutton 12,583 
Nicola & Jerome Neville 12,443 
Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 12,430 
Karen Boardman 12,351 
Lesley Burroughs 12,148 
Barbara Margaret Webb 12,005 
Paul Meikle 11,645 
Jim & Claire Dale 11,610 
Paul Melville & Victoria Schofield 11,577 
Louise Puttick 11,347 
Elaine & Martin Spafford 11,294 
Sharon Bullock & David Taylor 11,252 
Sue Phoenix 10,886 
Denise & Stephen Neal 10,730 
Carole & James Sunter 10,672 
Georgina & Will Goodger 10,579 
Gloria & Clive Davies 10,205 
Georgina & Phil Gale 10,148 
David & Christine Rhodes 10,143 
Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 10,112 
Terry & Jane Hodge 9,913 
Martyn Cunningham 9,897 
Jillian & Peter Griffiths 9,873 
Jude & Steve Joyce 9,728 
Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 9,664 
Kenneth Rooney 9,656 
Patricia & Triona Eckford 9,631 
Kimberley Sunter 9,597 
Sheila & Nigel Fowler 9,563 
John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 9,544 
Michele & Brian Hewitt 9,487 
Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 9,479 
Jaqueline Mullings & Steven Mee 9,422 
Peter Neesham 9,402 
Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 9,275 
Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 9,234 
Norman & Joanne Grundy 9,188 
Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 9,179 
Kira & Andrew Thomas 9,108 
Alan Meldrum 9,098 
Mark Jones & Amanda Wilson 9,098 
Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 9,086 
Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul 9,049 
Louise & Paul Lewis 8,996 
Martin Webb & Toni Yates 8,919 
Stephen & Laine Shepherd 8,881 
Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 8,876 
Kevin Sands 8,855 
Daniel & Michelle Marshall 8,835 
John Smith 8,805 
Robert Wellock 8,805 
Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 8,790 
Gareth Daw 8,766 
Ann & John Coe 8,747 
Ivan Darch 8,747 
Bob & Diane Goulding 8,724 
Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 8,670 
Kim Atherton 8,654 
Gail & Darren Drew 8,653 
Anthony & Susan Peacham 8,620 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Peter & Cheryl Creed 8,591 
Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 8,589 
Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 8,528 
Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 8,386 
Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 8,374 
Lyn & Tony Davies 8,356 
John Smith 8,276 
Colin & Sarby Turnbull 8,276 
Sandra Ellis 8,273 
Ian & Carol Parker 8,200 
Kenny Liggett 8,182 
Seamus & Clare Houghton 8,177 
David & Paula Arapes 8,156 
Oswald Elrick 8,156 
Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 8,131 
Omran Zaman 8,127 
Albert & Caroline Berry 8,107 
Gareth & Lynette Tucker 8,104 
Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 8,101 
Lewis & Lewis Clarke 8,093 
Andrew Fountaine & Susan Nokes 8,057 
Stephen Clark 8,050 
Nigel Le Long 8,039 
Pamela Kent 8,039 
David & Jenny Gerry 7,974 
Tim Sandom 7,965 
Robert Young & Clare Mears 7,957 
Karen & Kevin Marriott 7,906 
Roger & Gillian Coupe 7,890 
Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker 7,886 
Marion & Anthony Homer 7,868 
Marlene & Robert Somerville 7,837 
Tony & Julie Brown 7,829 
John Shearer 7,829 
Robert & Rosemary Annan 7,792 
Iain & Jackie Swanston 7,786 
Peter Savidge 7,777 
Kathleen & Dominic Carolan 7,745 
Amy Warrington 7,699 
Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell 7,699 
John & Jenny Caton 7,687 
Diane & Geoff Owen 7,686 
Trevor & Janet Rawding 7,683 
Jason Morris 7,663 
Andrew & Ann Meldrum 7,626 
Tom & Kathryn Forbes 7,624 
Henry & Diana Crosby 7,617 
Veronica Nixon 7,616 
Nick & Grace Sassanelli 7,609 
Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 7,599 
Annette Bradley 7,588 
Graham & Christine James 7,581 
Craig Skellern 7,565 
Jane & David Mousley 7,565 
Paul & Gosia Hammond 7,556 
Joseph Odonnell 7,521 
Ted & Rose Farrar 7,510 
Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell 7,472 
Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 7,467 
Alison & Kevin Thomas 7,467 
Susan Walton 7,346 
Peter & Anne Rowland 7,317 
Peter & Angela Abrahams 7,307 
Linda Brooks & Jason Belverstone 7,211 
Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 7,204 
Ian & Lynne Ball 7,195 
Richard Scott 7,195 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 7,160 
Vincent & Lorraine Tsoi 7,078 
Colin Sadler 7,070 
Joe Croll 7,069 
Tavis Taylor 7,060 
Rosemary & Christopher Day 7,042 
Laura McLoughlin & George Kerr 6,947 
Janet & Andrew Mitchell 6,940 
Gareth & Gil Duffy 6,881 
Clive & Pamela Lennard 6,832 
Christopher & Sarah Smith 6,830 
Gerry Melanephy & Maureen McLoughlin 6,812 
Richard & Helen Peuleve 6,798 
Eileen French 6,785 
Shaun & Susan Allsopp 6,782 
Gerry & Melina Moriarty 6,751 
Linda & Alan Cannings 6,700 
Stephanie Tompsett 6,689 
Andrew & Kerryann Webber 6,680 
Chaitali & Ajit Nath 6,633 
Harold & Minnie Fulton 6,621 
Conor & Linda Treanor 6,607 
Stacy & Jonathan Beck 6,591 
Brian & Deborah Hobbs 6,562 
Jane & Andrew Connor 6,497 
Raymond Satchell 6,477 
Joyce Reed 6,442 
Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter 6,408 
Peter & Jean Monroe 6,341 
Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning 6,317 
James & Jane White 6,310 
Kate Lee & Nicola Spence 6,298 
Julie & Shane Edward Baker 6,268 
Paul Flintoft 6,262 
Ann & Philip Linsey 6,262 
Terry Hayden 6,262 
Darren Simmons 6,248 
Abigail Allgood 6,228 
Vikki & Bernie Titterrell 6,218 
Justine & Steve Giergiel 6,209 
Robert Clifton 6,176 
Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock 6,171 
Joanne Powell 6,136 
John & Kath Clease 6,117 
David Miller 6,113 
Alastair Miller 6,113 
Vivienne Washington 6,088 
Andrew & Vicky De Caso 6,088 
David Potter 6,088 
Katrina & Ian Hawker 6,085 
Keith Tomlinson 6,057 
Andrae Lyth 6,054 
Alana & Keith Banks 6,037 
Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton 6,034 
Anthony Mervin 6,031 
Joanne & Stuart Lamb 6,028 
Clive & Bev Currier 5,997 
Lesley & Gordon Whittington 5,924 
Stuart & Maureen Orr 5,869 
Patricia Fisher 5,851 
Jeffrey & Frances Topple 5,850 
Michael Godwin 5,850 
Caroline & Simon Harvey 5,846 
Heather & Alan Brown 5,836 
John & Sophia Clements 5,835 
Antony Webb & Denise Bolt 5,834 
Glyn & Rose Thomas 5,825 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Mary Mullins 5,815 
Robert Gould 5,797 
Punit Vyas 5,763 
Daisy & Richard Fickling 5,759 
Maria & Shane Treanor 5,758 
Lee & Michelle Pattinson 5,754 
Kathleen Watson 5,754 
Louise & Timothy Curtis 5,735 
Jennifer & Stephen Roberts 5,726 
Tracy Herron 5,723 
Linda Smith 5,712 
Bev & Dave Townsend 5,697 
Emma & Mark MacKelden 5,695 
June & David Love 5,694 
Barry & Nina Mitchell 5,687 
Frederick & Karen Mason 5,686 
Glenn & Herlinda Hadgraft 5,685 
Mark Williamson & Lisa Hughes 5,680 
Sylvia & Gary Green 5,672 
Steven Clements 5,663 
David & Elaine Luke 5,660 
Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins 5,642 
Christine Lappin 5,623 
Allan Ledwidge 5,618 
Catherine & Stephen Lord 5,610 
Stephen & Dorothy Hanlon 5,608 
Andrew & Denise Hunt 5,604 
Tracy & Garry Eltringham 5,599 
Bill Caddy 5,594 
Antony & Aileen Gunn 5,586 
Sohail Ahmed 5,582 
Alex & Kathleen Langler 5,575 
Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 5,572 
Louise Wellock 5,543 
Patrick & Helen Loftus 5,522 
Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 5,516 
Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 5,493 
Sandra Brown 5,486 
Darryl Allen 5,486 
Julie & Anthony Martin 5,474 
Kathryn Shaw 5,463 
Ann & John Stapleton 5,462 
Peter & Joyce Rowe 5,448 
Gerard Coste 5,446 
Debbie Hadden & Stephen Richmond 5,428 
Lisa & Liz Hellier 5,428 
Adam Fairclough & Jennifer Thornley 5,412 
Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett 5,372 
Adam Humphrey 5,365 
Kenneth Thomson 5,336 
Teresa & Finbarr McCarthy 5,308 
Cath & John Wilkinson 5,304 
Michael Walker & Michelle Anderson 5,297 
Martin Campbell 5,288 
Fay & Andrew Roe 5,284 
Luisa & Andy Newton 5,277 
Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 5,273 
Shoukran Sharaf 5,245 
Catherine & Geoffrey White 5,239 
Rebecca & David Smith 5,230 
Christine & Geoffrey Richards 5,207 
Brian & Diane Holmwood 5,205 
Sarah & Timothy Philp 5,198 
Paul & Alison Taylor 5,192 
Clare Haines 5,173 
Beryl & Maxine Wynter 5,169 
Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas 5,167 
Lindsay Kelly & James Holmes 5,162 
James Moynihan 5,151 
Karen & Steven Glew 5,147 
Stuart Hill 5,104 
Stephen & Elaine Blay 5,050 
Susan Hook 5,030 
Bryn Dunkerley 5,001 
Kim & Scott Keable 4,979 
Shirley Pere & John Barnes 4,965 
Steven Smith 4,962 
Barbara & John Russell 4,955 
Margarida & Lawrence David Gray 4,930 
Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 4,822 
Michaela Williams 4,813 
Michael & Louise Elliott 4,799 
Keri & Mark Watters 4,783 
Wendy Fielding 4,779 
Veronica & Steven Martinucci 4,772 
William & Helen Greaves 4,734 
Teresa Reis & Stephen McCormick 4,724 
Michael Prior 4,695 
Simon & Carol Matthews 4,695 
Peter & Cathy Legg 4,687 
John & Karina Beesley 4,669 
Janet & Terry Mulley 4,668 
Cliff & Linda Parker 4,645 
Alex Dewar 4,636 
Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros 4,631 
Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 4,614 
Saddique Hussain 4,613 
Isobel & James Orr 4,611 
Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 4,606 
Donna & Charles Warr 4,606 
Lynne & David Trowell 4,593 
John & Lesley McNally 4,587 
Sarah & David Messer 4,568 
Dean & Rachel Rothwell 4,560 
Robert Hope & Lorna Brown 4,534 
Gill & Tim Evans 4,532 
Lance & Deborah Clapton 4,510 
Amanda & Leo Ten Bruggencate 4,508 
Jerome Hadley 4,508 
Jeffrey Margrave 4,489 
Simon & Kerri Matthews 4,489 
Karen Hall & Robert Evans 4,487 
Pamela Jarvis 4,483 
Gavin & Trish Conway 4,482 
Tony & Karyn Medd 4,473 
Paul & Helen Wilson 4,462 
Angela Fitzgerald & Peter Slinger 4,448 
Liz & Andy Gowland 4,413 
Mark & Heather Gordon 4,401 
Diana Schuch 4,389 
Keith & Veronica King 4,387 
Philip Palmer 4,385 
John & Christine Parker 4,340 
Pierce & Janet Hartley 4,340 
Alan & Rebekah Larner 4,278 
Brian & Jane Mansi 4,265 
Lorraine & Mark Collins 4,223 
Anna & Nicholas Padfield 4,198 
Christopher Pagett & Rachel Parker 4,198 
Neil & Susan MacLean 4,180 
Margaret & Michael Drayton 4,175 
Simon & Alison Patmore 4,174 
Recognition Bulk Sales
No. Distributor Name Sales 
No. Distributor Name Sales 
Contact details. Kleeneze Ltd., Express House, Clayton Business Park, Clayton Le Moors, Accrington, BB5 5JY 
Website: +44 (0)1254 304171 
Recognition Bulk Sales 
Lynn MacDonald 1,402,283 
Nasko Ratchev 1,402,074 
Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 1,386,176 
Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 701,987 
Bob Webb 649,676 
Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 594,884 
Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 524,863 
Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 523,733 
Muriel & Tony Judson 508,450 
Gillian Nicholson 431,667 
Peter & Jackie White 425,871 
John & Craig Hawkes 366,867 
Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 359,544 
Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 339,650 
Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 283,135 
Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 255,957 
Gary & Esther Watson 248,931 
Mike & Amanda Bibby 223,086 
Gordon & Judy Seldon 167,654 
Craig White 150,624 
Robert & Mary Higgins 137,009 
Michael & Jean Day 127,318 
Margaret & Roy Japp 126,116 
Robert Gibbons 119,879 
Karen & Neil Young 114,613 
Andy & Claire Stephenson 109,132 
Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 108,794 
Claire & Peter Rea 106,358 
John & Steven Sharp 99,913 
Hazel & John Noble Stephen 95,477 
Sheila Smith 89,118 
Judy Jodrell 82,145 
David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 78,922 
John & Sarah McKie 77,715 
Abigail Colclough 71,627 
Sylvia & Jack Hood 65,864 
Phil & Jean Warrington 65,610 
Geoff & Fiona Webb 65,195 
Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 65,139 
John & Anne Donaldson 64,966 
John & Christine Prosser 62,065 
Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 61,087 
Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 60,530 
Sue & Geoffrey Burras 60,228 
Andy & Janine Cooper 59,582 
Glenn & Caroline Royston 58,092 
Heather & James O’Neil 55,047 
Michelle Kennedy 53,867 
Adele & Jaime De Caso 53,595 
Malcolm Ashmore 53,595 
Helen & Paul Allgood 51,749 
Chris & Julia Norton 51,594 
Michael & Susan Pirie 51,086 
Alf & Carol Bell 49,481 
David & Rosie Bibby 48,025 
Keith & Robert Robertson 47,960 
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 47,291 
Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 46,896 
Mary & Edward Hawkes 46,828 
Gaynor Morgan 46,428 
Tony & Katharine Briffa 45,596 
David & Samantha Branch 45,267 
Andrew & Sue Boswell 45,202 
Steve & Debbie Roper 44,164 
Susan & David Darton 43,543 
Mike & Dawn Gough 42,454 
Jill Corlett 42,008 
Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch 41,603 
Deborah & Allan Dewar 40,703 
Tracy & David Sheehan 40,298 
Doug & Sandra Roper 40,272 
Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 39,633 
Caroline & Craig Cox 39,127 
Richard Chantler 38,991 
Stephen & Debra Nell 38,223 
Irene & Helen Wilson 38,194 
Stephani & Bill Neville 38,089 
Brian Harwood & Debbie Hargreaves 36,827 
Lauren & Peter Jackson 36,470 
Jane & John Dunkerley 35,718 
Dave & Susie Horton 34,784 
Belinda & Peter Clarke 34,075 
Nuala & Clodagh McDonald 33,690 
Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 32,491 
Peter & Myrna Wellock 32,389 
Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill 32,334 
Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young 30,550 
Sue & Jas Bains 30,134 
Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 29,889 
Clare & Martin Whitelock 29,159 
Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 29,018 
John Webb & Kathryn Price 28,782 
Christopher & Louise Brown 28,616 
Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 28,053 
Trevor Mitchell 27,846 
Rosina Pocock 27,694 
Debra & Oliver Pusey 27,517 
Sylvia Laing 27,370 
Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 26,966 
Seph O’connell 26,646 
Re-order code: 756725

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How To Leak-Proof Your Magazine Business
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Team talk-issue-august-2014 kleeneze

  • 1. WWW.KLEENEZE.CO.UK AUGUST 2014 Focus on what matters to you A taste of Venice Kleeneze leads to success A car that will earn yo u m o r e
  • 2. CONTENTS Editor’s Note There are many things I love about this business, but my favourite is watching someone losing hope. Before the gasps of disbelief ripple around the network, that wasn’t a horrific typo on my part, but bear with me while I explain. We use the word ‘hope’ probably more times a day than we realise. ‘I hope you’re well’; ‘I hope it’s sunny tomorrow’; ‘I hope I win the lottery on Saturday’. Please don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against the word. It’s actually one of the main reasons I love to hear stories from our new distributors, listening to their original hopes that Kleeneze will give them that lifeline they’re after and then their journey to achieving it. It’s that subsequent journey a new starter goes on that is the reason I like watching someone losing hope in Kleeneze. It’s on that journey that you see their hope disappear, as it becomes replaced with something far more powerful – knowledge, confidence and control. Hope is indeed lovely and expresses your desires, but knowing you’ll achieve your expectations is a far more positively powerful state to be in. Who do you believe will achieve their goals – someone who hopes they will or someone who says they will? In fact, if you cast your mind back, isn’t the reason you joined to lose hope? Were you hoping that your debts were paid or that you’d find some time for your family this month? Were you hoping the week went quickly before or that you’d find the money to retire early? Wishes and hopes are all well and good, but you have no control over them. Still not convinced you should abandon hope? Think of it as a sort of positive giving up. Abandoning hope doesn’t mean you should abandon your dreams and ambitions. All it does is give you a better way of going about things. Whatever we are doing, we usually have an end result in mind and ‘hope’ that we succeed. However, that hope also means that the fear of not succeeding is also present. Suddenly, simply by hoping, the thoughts of success or failure begin to override and sometimes even defeat the task you’re doing in the first place. Hope can be hugely counterproductive in this way. Rather than getting on with the task at hand, you’re focussing your attention on later, when you’re hoping they’ll turn out ok! Running your own Kleeneze business puts you back in the driving seat. It gives you control. And isn’t that why you chose this path in the first place? To gain control over your time or finances? Control over what you do and when? Control over who you work with, how you work and how long you work for? Ditch hope and replace it with planning. Yes, there will always be situations that are outside of your control and expectations, but as someone with a good solid plan, you no longer have to hope you’ll get through them – you know you will. From today, adopt the slogan ‘abandon all hope’! Replace saying ‘I hope I will achieve my goal’ with ‘I know I will achieve my goal’ and ‘I have a plan in place to achieve my goal’. Motivate yourself with hope and then immediately delete the word from your vocabulary and start planning to achieve instead. Xen ia Po ole Xenia Poole Editor in Chief 2 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 4 21 16
  • 3. CONTENTS 18 4 Holiday essentials AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 3 The holiday season is upon us. Make sure you have everything you need in your suitcase before you set off 5 News from Lisa All the latest company news from Kleeneze’s Managing Director, Lisa Burke 6 A car that will earn you more As if qualifying for a car wasn’t enough, this one is guaranteed to earn you even more at the same time 7 Fantastic rewards ‘just for putting out catalogues’ Create your own retail success story with these great tips 8 Marching to the beat of his own drum From rocking out to retailing out, our newest Senior Distributor tells his story 10 New starter stories Every day we hear fantastic stories from our new starters in the Network. Here are just a few 12 What are you waiting for? Been putting something off for a while? Don’t worry, you’re not alone 14 Kleeneze leads to success The free leads keep on coming in, but don’t stop doing what it is you do! 16 Retail Boosters Who doesn’t like to get something for free? 17 We’ve increased our income by £1,000 in just eight weeks One of our latest Sales Plan movers tells her story 18 You can control your own destiny Dreaming of sacking off the day job? Hundreds of our Distributors already have 20 A taste of Venice Get inspired for Destination 2014 with these mouth-watering recipes from Venice 22 Being my own boss means I can focus on what matters to me A life-changing experience changed one Kleeneze Distributors priorities in life 23 Period 7 Recognition Congratulations to all our Network achievers in Period 7!
  • 4. Holiday Essentials It’s that time of year that we all love! Family chill time, beaches and sunshine! Whether you’re going abroad this year or visiting the beautiful beaches of the UK, we’re sure to have something you’ll love. 4 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Funky airheads - £14.99 Inflatable kids travel pillow in cute animal design. Perfect to slip into hand luggage. 1. Ladybird – 745375 2. Lion – 742813 Premium sun protection from £4.99! 1. Calypso once a day £14.99 – 745278 2. Calypso sun lotion £9.99 – 745243 3. Calypso sun burn relief £4.99 – 745260 Slimming swimsuit - £29.99 The close fitting design on this stylish swimsuit creates a slimmer waistline. 3 sizes available. 1. Size 12-14 745170 2. Size 16-18 745189 3. Size 20-22 745162 Broadway beach towel - £16.99 Make a statement this summer with these fantastic beach towels. 1. Blue – 745073 2. Pink – 745057 The Ultimate Slim-suit! blue pink ladybird lion
  • 5. Lisa Burke, Managing Director Business update News from Lisa... Where to start? It’s been a sizzling summer of success so far, not least so because of two of the most exciting incentives the business has ever seen. Leads to Success is, without a doubt, the biggest sponsoring campaign Kleeneze has ever witnessed. It’s already produced thousands of free leads for the network and we are confident that by the end of it your teams will be bigger and stronger than ever before. To use an incentive such as this on top of your usual lead generation creates massive growth for your business and the momentum of such is unbelievably exciting. As you’ll be aware, the Christmas season is just around the corner and what better way to start it with a booming, flourishing team? Four weeks of one simple incentive has the power to completely revolutionise your business and see you explode into 2015 on a mission to success. The other incentive that really got the network buzzing was our Summer Retail Incentive. Taking place over six weeks, it will see 20 winners walk away from the Christmas Showcase with a brand new iPad mini. Plus one of those winners will have also secured a place on the European Destination 2014 to the magical city of Venice. The Summer Retail Incentive simply asked you to beat your own personal best from the same time last year. We went with this criteria, not only because it’s simple and achievable, but also because it’s important for the growth of your business. If there’s one person you are competing with more than anyone else, it’s you! It’s not always about being the best in the world (although if that’s what you want – who are we to stop you!). However, it’s always about striving for ways to perform a little bit better than the days or weeks before. Here at HQ, we’re always looking for ways to beat our personal best – whether it’s picking a destination that’s even more luxurious than the last or putting together a catalogue that’s going to blow all previous ones out of the water. It’s our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goal to produce the very best for you and never less. As Jim Rohn said: “Never wish your life was easier – wish that you were better.” There are so many different personal bests you can beat – not just retail figures – there are numbers of people you’ve spoken to, number of tap and tells conducted, number of events attended, number of personal development books read – the list is endless. Take a few or all of these areas, find out your personal bests and set out to beat them. Imagine what that could do for your business! As ever, we’re always looking for your feedback, stories and successes, so keep sending them in to or and we will continue to circulate them to help inspire and motivate others. See you all at the Christmas Showcase! Much love, AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 5
  • 6. 30/30 Car Challenge A car that will earn you more We love a good incentive here at Kleeneze and there are certainly some great ones to choose from at the moment. The 30/30 Car Challenge has to be right up there as one of our favourites, because not only will you have built your business through qualifying for it and not only will you have a brand new Mini to call your own for a whole year through qualifying for it – the reward itself will lead to new business and in turn your business will thrive even more than ever! Every day you drive past thousands of potential customers and prospects. Imagine all those wasted opportunities! By qualifying for the 30/30 Car Challenge, you’ll have your own travelling billboard. Not only will it tell the world who you are, at a deeper level it shows how seriously you take your business and customers’ loyalty. Let’s face it – image is everything, so what better way to market yourself than a brand new, fully branded car? Why it’s great to have your business visible on the road: Free advertising If we’re being picky, having your car branded is actually called ‘organic marketing’, but we like to call a spade a spade. Advertising works already – there’s no question of that. This time it’s completely free for you, though, so you’ve nothing to lose! Gaining trust By displaying your details on your car, you’re telling everyone you are a serious and established business. You’re showing your customers that this is what you do and you take it seriously. Plus, you’re telling your prospects that this is what they can have too. Brand awareness This kind of falls under the trust banner again. Customers are more likely to purchase from you if they’re aware of your brand. We go with what we know on the whole. And while they’re unlikely to throw themselves in front of your car to order from you right there and then, when they next spot your catalogue, they’ll recognise your brand and are more likely to order from you. Immediate influence While a nice new branded car should not really have anything to do with your skills or value as a person, many people will make assumptions based on that impression. Something strange happens when people see branded vehicles – they automatically assume that the person driving knows more about whatever they’re advertising than anyone else. Even if the driver doesn’t. Simply by virtue 6 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 of having your details on your car, it’ll increase your authority. A well-branded car will help with getting prospects to listen to you. It’s also a fantastic gateway for people to ask what it is you do. “We are very excited about the 30/30 Car Challenge. From the first time it was announced, we felt that this was one of the best incentives that Kleeneze had come up with to date. A fleet of Kleeneze Minis on the motorways sounds like a great idea! We are determined to qualify by February 2015. We are using the tracker and the one thing that keeps us motivated is having that shiny new Mini, branded with Kleeneze all over it. We would feel so proud having achieved such an awesome challenge.” Chantele and Barry Travis, Silver Executive Distributors 30/30 CAR CHALLENGE CRITERIA • Initiate 30 new distributors who achieve £600 (500BP) in their first 30 days in a rolling 12 months. • Do the same in the next 12 months and you keep the car for another year and so on. • The Kleeneze-branded Mini comes with all expenses paid all you have to pay for is petrol* • The car will always be under 2 years old and will be a moving advert for your business, with your own contact details, logo and opportunity branding. *Full terms and conditions on the DSA
  • 7. Fantastic rewards ‘just for putting out catalogues’ Retail is the staple of any Kleeneze business, so getting it right is important. No matter what you do, as long as you do it consistently, it will pay off. However, we always love to share how our top Distributors go about their business on a day-to-day basis. We caught up with Senior Distributor, Paul Tonkin, who Period after Period remains at the top of the retail charts, qualifying for some rather nice luxury Kleeneze incentives along the way and earning a great income to boot. Paul’s tips detailed below are very specific to the vast amount of retail he does month after month and something that works for him. Every team has different ways of doing things, so don’t forget to consult with your Upline if you too want to create a bigger retail plan! AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 7 Retail tips The 2 colours you are most interested in are green for customer, and red for outstanding books. When you write your numbers up for next time, put a green dash above the numbers that bought off you last time. A red dash above the numbers where you didn’t get your catalogue back. If you don’t get your books back a second time, cross them off. Bring the green dashes forward every time. When you’ve delivered your catalogues around the same houses seven times, you are then ready to reduce your round to customers only. You do that by writing down all the numbers with a green dash above them. When you put your catalogues together, don’t clip the bag closed. Do that as you walk down the path to the house to save time. When you collect your catalogue, open every bag and look at the order form. It’s easier to write the address now than struggle when you get home. Keep your orders in order, because, if you collected them that way, you’ll deliver them that way. Write the address down, phone number, and price. Then, when you go to deliver your orders, phone the first two, tell them how much, and say you’ll be there in however many minutes. Do a rolling call, so you are never far away. When you start out, don’t over face yourself. The biggest time consumers is getting the books ready to go back out. Go to EVERY house. Don’t miss any. Start your next drop, from the last house you went to. DON’T flit all over the place. I started Kleeneze in June 2003 whilst working in London as a shop fitter. Because of the nature of the job, I kept moving. I could only put books out in the early morning (at 6am). I started new areas 4 times before I moved back home to Lancaster, so that was like being a new starter 5 times. After being back in Lancaster for one year, I was laid off from being a bathroom fitter. At the age of 53, prospects were grim, so I spoke with my upline, Dave Birtwistle. We put a plan together, that was so successful my earnings went from £222 to £3,042 in just 4 weeks. I earned over £9,000 in the next 12 weeks. I then uprooted again at the beginning of June 2009. I relocated to The Channel Island of Guernsey. I blanket dropped persistently and consistently for the next 18 months. I have never earned less than £500 a week since I arrived over here. I have a small team of 2, both here, and a distributor in Blackpool. I have been awarded Kleeneze’s V.I.P. trophy twice, 2010, and 2011. Being awarded this trophy Kleeneze took both myself and Joanne to New York, and a year later to Miami. Fantastic rewards for ‘just putting out catalogues’. In 2013 my total Kleeneze income was £38,940.00. Do you think you’re too old to do this? I’m 61 now!” Paul Tonkin, Senior Distributor. PAUL’S TIPS ON RETAIL: • Starting out, get a reporter’s A5 notepad and 4 coloured pens. • Use black to write down the street names and house numbers. • Your day slips should be specific, i.e. Monday from 08.30. • Your sorry I missed you slips should read the same. i.e. Tuesday from 08.30. • When you collect your catalogues use the pen as follows. • Black diagonal line through number for got back unlooked. • Blue, got backed looked. • Red circle round the number for not got back. red cross through the number for not wanting a catalogue. • Green diagonal line for order.
  • 8. Sales plan movers Marching to the beat of his own drum A few years ago, you may remember a Distributor emerging from the dance floor at the Kleeneze Gala Dinner only to jump on the stage, pick up the drumsticks and steal the show. That Distributor was John Shearer. What you might not know is that in his life before Kleeneze, John was an internationally-renowned drummer and has played with some of the most well-respected musicians in the world. So what, might you ask, brought John to start his own Kleeneze business? Well, we had the same question, so when he recently moved up the Sales Plan to Senior Distributor, we decided to track him down for a little chat. “When I was 12, my parents bought me a toy drum,“ remembers John. “I don’t think I even touched it. It stayed in the loft. Then one day, my music teacher at school said: ’I hear you have a drum’. I told him I didn’t know how to play it, but he insisted, so I brought it in. From the first time I played it, that was it. I fell for it hook, line and sinker.” It was the catalyst that was to change John’s life. In that moment, he knew what he wanted not just to play the drums. He wanted to be famed for playing the drums. At 16, he left school and soon after got a gig as a drummer for a band called Hampton Court, immediately going on tour. “It was a bit of a culture shock,“ laughs John remembering it. “I was lucky to get the opportunity, but I also worked really hard.” From there, John moved up the ’career’ ladder, blagging when he felt he had to, and grasping unbelievable opportunities whenever he could. “The one thing I’ve had to do is learn how to self-promote or I wouldn’t have ever got any work!“ says John wryly. “When I was 19, I was in a band called Airport and being managed by an entrepreneur who owned all these nightclubs in the North. He put me in touch with Buddy Rich, the fastest drummer in the world, and I got study with him. I toured with him and learned with him from the same time.” When Airport had reached its limit, John decided it was time to move on. He arranged eight auditions down on London and the first one he got, becoming a resident drummer for six nights a week. “It was great,” he remembers. “But I still wanted to be famous. I wanted to be recognised. I started to call up all the record companies, trying to get scouts to come and see me. I called the scout for CBS and blagged him pretending I was The Beatles’ manager!” 8 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 The blag worked and, perhaps out of sheer curiosity to see who would try and pull off such a stunt, the scout came. What followed was the start of John’s whole career taking off. First came a stint with the band Moon. Then the Sutherland Brothers. Suddenly, John found himself in high demand, playing huge arenas and festivals, such as Reading in 1979. Uriah Heap’s David Byron approached him to record with him. For three years, he played with Steve Hackett, as he built up his solo career outside of Genisis. Then John was asked to play for American psychedelic rock band, Iron Butterfly’s come-back tour. “I was very fortunate,” says John. “They were equal in fame to The Doors, so it was an amazing opportunity. It was what I had always wanted.” It was while he was living in the States that John started to turn his hand to teaching; firstly holding seminars and then going on to open drum ’schools’. “I started teaching while I was recording and still performing,” says John. “Then I got invited to return to England to be the drummer for Geezer Butler, Black Sabbath’s bass player. When I got back, I rented a studio in Islington and carried on teaching. I also bought a drum shop, which became hugely successful. However, it didn’t work out too well with my career – when people came into the shop, they wanted to see me and, more often than not, I was on the road.”
  • 9. AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 9 Eventually John closed the shop. His career started to diversify then even more when he took up touring with the Barron Knights, an incredibly well-known, humorous music group. However, no one could have seen where John’s career was going to take him next. “My son, Scott, had asked me to go into school for a drum session. I must have entertained them, because the next thing I know I was asked to play at a children’s party. I thought, why not! I started doing more children’s entertainment. Then, when I was on tour with the Barron Knights in Australia, I saw a magician and knew that’s what I wanted to do.” Not one to do things by halves, John worked hard learning the trade and saw out his wish - becoming an internationally acclaimed magician working everywhere from Las Vegas to the Middle East! However, in true rock and roll style, John had spent all his money and was starting to worry about his finances. “About six years ago, I moved to a really nice place in the country,” explains John. “It was nice, but expensive. I’d spent all my money and I started to worry what would happen if my work ever dried up. I don’t have a pension and, aside from drumming and magic, I can’t do anything else. That’s when Doug and Sandra Roper came into my life.” At first, John turned it down. For about five minutes! Then, deciding he had nothing to lose, he joined Kleeneze. He slowly, but surely, retailed his way up and then started to team build. Now, the drummer turned children’s entertainer turned magician turned business owner has turned Senior Distributor and is in qualification for the Venice Destination this autumn! “At the end of the day, I needed a pension – I had nothing,“ admits John, who is now aiming to go Bronze by the end of the year. “Doug and Sandra not only saved me from financial worries, on a personal level they’ve also helped me through so much. If I had any advice to give anyone, I would say always listen to your Uplines, they’ve truly got the best intentions for you. Find your diamonds – like I have done with my team. Oh, and smile a big smile!”
  • 10. New starter stories 10 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 “I started Kleeneze in June 2010 as I was struggling to find any kind of job that would fit around my 3 children (Sophie, 14; Kieran, 13; and Lacey, 3). My last job as a cleaner was earning me £500 a month, but it meant leaving Lacey to cry with her Nana. I seemed to see my kids less, missed bedtime stories with Lacey and it broke my heart every day. I was on benefits to help out at the time and had just accepted I would never find a proper job and my life was to barely survive financially, living in debt. Then Kleeneze found me. Initially I didn’t have the start-up fee, but I decided to go for it and saved up. I started with 200 catalogues, put them under Lacey’s pram and off we went! I really enjoyed my first month and I felt that the money didn’t even matter, because I was getting to spend time with my daughter. So when I found out that I’d earned £264.47, I was shocked, but excited about what it meant for the future. I started to attend all the meetings and the excitement was contagious. The people I met have since become great friends. I started to introduce others to the business and help them earn money. It was great. A few months into the business, I became pregnant with my son, Mason. It was a difficult pregnancy and I spent months of it in hospital, but I still received a cash bonus into my bank every month. At the time, my partner Paul stepped in to help me. He was working a 50 hour week then, but since getting involved has managed to drop his hours to 30. The more we both get involved with Kleeneze, the more we love it. I have always been a very shy person and over the past year, from reading Adele de Caso’s Shy People Can Be Successful Too and help from others in my team, I’ve started to have the courage and confidence to believe in myself and my dreams. I’m loving my Kleeneze journey with my children side by side, as they love Kleeneze too. I’m hoping to build my business and become financially free and take my first ever holiday abroad with my amazing Kleeneze family.” Susan Machon and Paul Wainwright, Silver Distributors “Prior to Kleeneze, I was a training manager for a large retail store for 23 years. However, in April this year I was made redundant. This, I thought, is a golden opportunity to not only do something different but to do something that I really enjoy and fit around my family life as I now have a granddaughter as well. I saw an advert to work from home. Debra, now my sponsor, gave me a call and I have not looked back. I love being my own boss, having the flexibility to work when I want to and the fact you get rewarded for what you do. I enjoy meeting people and getting fitter. It is such a simple business, with loads of 1-1 support from your sponsor but also from the wider team via webinars and emails. In my first full 3 weeks I earned £353, hitting my 30 day challenge, 10% and 13% bonus level. The following month I had almost a £100 pay rise! I know this is just the start. I now want to help others to do the same and am really excited about my new venture.” Kevin Addison, Silver Distributor Network testimonials In my first full 3 weeks I earned £353, hitting my 30 day challenge, 10% and 13% bonus level. The following month I had almost a £100 pay rise! I know this is just the start. I now want to help others to do the same and am really excited about my new venture
  • 11. “I learnt a huge lesson this week from Rose Bentley-Smith about warm market. She signed two people in on her first day in Kleeneze and all she did was contact her warm market. If you don’t tell EVERYBODY you know what you are doing, you run the risk of them joining somebody else! Last night I finally wrote out a proper warm market list and it turns out I have 390 people to send some information to. Say at minimum they all know 10 other people, that’s 3,900! All potential leads and guess what – they’re all free. Don’t miss out because you prejudged. It doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by choice! Your choice.” Chris Dudley, Silver Distributor “Does Kleeneze work? Claire joined our business 2 weeks ago. She has already processed £700 in orders and has just picked up an order for £141. Kleeneze works if you work it!” Sharon Davis, Bronze Executive Distributor “Just received my success kit! Looking forward to putting it all together and getting out to deliver them!” Laura Lea, New Distributor “I just want to add my support to the Leads to Success Campaign. This incentive in my opinion is the best one yet. It will help me build my Kleeneze business for the future, bring more team members and also help me connect with more people and help them on their Kleeneze journey. I’m so very excited about this incentive that I’m on fire and it is already bringing in results. Kleeneze is one word ‘Magical’.” Ian Hughes, Silver Distributor “The Team @ HQ have a great attitude to the business and that has always come across when we have called the Service Centre. Keep up the fantastic work.” Fred Mason, Senior Distributor AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 11 Network testimonials “Working as a children’s entertainer to make ends meet meant that I didn’t have as much time as I’d like to spend with my partner and children. So I turned to Kleeneze. I had tried other MLM companies in the past, but they didn’t offer the opportunity to earn as much income or time as I was after. I have now managed to free up more of my time which in turn allows me to spend more time with my children and family. I have reduced my children’s entertainment work down to the two main seasons of the year which I believe are important for all children and should be made magical with a visit from the correct people for these times of the year - Easter and Christmas. I know some may wonder how I am going to manage to do my Kleeneze business and appear as Santa for the kids too, but I know I won’t find this a problem at all thanks to the flexibility of the business. I set myself a target to achieve my 10% in my first full Period, sponsor 1 person and show them the way Kleeneze can work for them. I have achieved both of these targets very quickly. I joined on the instalment option and I am on my way to paying for my entire business start-up costs with kleeneze and a little profit on top of that too. My next goals are to go for Gold by my birthday in October this year and to have a small team of at least 5 by this time. My tips for anyone just starting out with Kleeneze are talk to as many people you know who may be interested in doing the same and building a residual income, Things aren’t easy and it does take the time and effort which needs to be put in to earn the income you wish to earn. As an SED said to me in a training workshop: ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ and this saying is very, very true.” Carl Robertson, new Distributor My tips for anyone just starting out with Kleeneze are talk to as many people you know who may be interested in doing the same and building a residual income, Things aren’t easy and it does take the time and effort which needs to be put in to earn the income you wish to earn.
  • 12. Personal development What are you waiting for? Blaming the makers of Candy Crush for your procrastination? It might surprise you to learn that the ongoing struggle with procrastination actually dates back to the very beginnings of civilization! Of course, that’s of no help when having a mental guilt tussle with yourself for not putting your catalogues out, filing your tax returns on time or hitting your self-imposed goals for the week. However, knowing where it all stems from can definitely help you conquer it once and for all. “One of the greatest labour-saving inventions of today is tomorrow,” Vincent T. Foss Even the ancient Egyptians had trouble with time management. Hieroglyphics discovered from 1400BC were translated to read: “Friend, stop putting off work and allow us to go home in good time.” Fast-forward six hundred years later and humankind were still putting things off. In 800BC, the Greek poet, Hesiod warned not to “put off your work till tomorrow and the day after, for a sluggish worker does not fill his barn, nor will one who puts off his work.” “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week,” Spanish proverb It’s more than likely that every single one of us has experienced the guilt feeling of procrastination before. That email we need to reply to, the phone call we need to make, that project we need to finish. Despite our best intentions, and daily mental chastising, we never seem to get around to doing it. In fact, procrastination has nothing to do with lack of intention or willingness. It’s basically the difficulty in following through. The foot-dragging leads to a feeling of growing pressure, as whatever you’re putting off will eventually have to be dealt with. In fact, procrastination at its very worst can even lead to health and financial problems. So if we don’t want to procrastinate and it makes us feel so terrible to do so, why do we continue in this vein? “Hard work pays off later. Laziness pays off now. I’ve always been one for being in the moment,” Anonymous There have been many theories written about why we procrastinate, but the main one seems to boil down to this – we procrastinate about doing things that cause us pain. By pain, it’s not necessarily physical (although if you’re putting off going to the gym, this might be the case). Pain is a broad definition of all sorts of feelings, but it’s the feeling that takes over us when we move out of our comfort zone. On the whole, we like to retreat to our comfort zone. It’s, well, comforting. And who wants to leave a comfortable place? Unfortunately, there’s a price to pay for staying inside this time-squandering, instant gratification zone. Missed opportunities and a constant nagging feeling that there must be more to life than this. 12 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Of course, leaving The Zone is easier said than done. Unhelpfully, the human brain is basically hardwired to procrastinate, so given the choice between something that’s complicated, lengthy or uninspiring and rewarding or something that’s immediate, easy and rewarding, our brains will automatically plump for the latter option. “One of these days I’m going to get help for my procrastination problem,” Unknown Most people believe that if they could solve their procrastination problem, they’d be much more efficient. Forget it – you’ll never completely eliminate procrastination. However, you can find a way to help to control the tendencies. There are many methods out there on solving this age-old conundrum, so here are a few to try. They might not work for everyone, but if you don’t succeed with one, keep on trying! If you can’t beat it… Admit it. You’ve procrastinated on something. It’s the first step. However, now you know that everyone does it, you can cut yourself some slack. Stop beating yourself up about something you’ve been putting off in favour of something more pleasurable – you’re only human! There. That’s the first step of taking control. Now you have that control back, it’s time to make a choice of whether you do the task or not. Make a date If you find that the hours are turning to days and days to weeks on your procrastinated project, stop and schedule a time for it. Slice it up into manageable chunks if need be and schedule in something every day until it’s complete. Don’t pick a time when you know that you won’t be at your best either. If you’re a night owl, it’s probably best not to say you’ll get up earlier to do it – even if you have the very best intentions. Tell a little white lie The human brain is actually pretty easy to trick. If you believe something is more important and pressing to do, you’ll more than likely do it first. Bump that dreaded project to the top of your list and stick an urgent deadline on it. This is particularly helpful when you run your own business and only have yourself to be accountable to! The best part about this strategy is that procrastinators are actually really good at self-deception anyway (“I’ll do it tomorrow”), so it just requires a little mental engineering of the truth.
  • 13. Make it public If admitting to yourself you haven’t done something you said you would isn’t bad enough, tell the world. Post your goals on Facebook, tell your friends and family, take a newspaper ad out if that’s what it takes! The upside is that you’ll achieve your goal. The downside is that you’ll have to go back to step one and admit that you’ve procrastinated on it. However, this might make you more likely to succeed next time. Reward yourself Ignore the bad behaviour and praise the good is what they say when it comes to those tyrannical toddlers. Well, essentially, we haven’t changed much since those days and we still respond really well to a little praise and a nice treat. Give yourself something nice to work towards or some small rewards for milestones along the way. At the end of the day, sometimes you have to ‘just do it’. When you don’t feel like it, when every ounce of your self-talk is screaming: “nooo, stay on the sofa, it’s so much nicer.” You know, though, that once it’s done you’ll feel so much better. There’s a reason we hate procrastination so much and that’s because it’s not really getting on with life. We only get a certain number of years, so let’s not waste them by not taking action and, even worse, reproaching yourself instead! “Procrastination is like a credit card; it’s a lot fun until you get the bill,” Christopher Parker AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 13 Pro-cras-ti-na-tion [proh-kras-tuh-ney-shun] noun The act or habit of putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention Tools to help with procrastination (just don’t put off using them!) Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy Mark Twain once said that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that it is probably the worst thing that’s going to happen to you all day long. In Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy talks about that ‘frog’ being our biggest, most important task, the one that will have the greatest impact on our life and the one we are most likely to procrastinate on. The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play, Neil Fiore This book is almost 30 years old, but continues to be hugely relevant and a best seller. The Now Habit takes an honest look into your procrastination behaviours and helps you adopt new habits so you can get more things done quicker, eliminating all the anxiety and stress of procrastination. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Steve Chandler The irony of putting off reading a book about procrastination is really too much to bear, so we’ve included this fantastic book that can be read for just two or three minutes and immediately fill you with a burst of motivation. 100 Ways is a collection of different thinking tools to turn the most defeatist attitude into energetic, purposeful accomplishments.
  • 14. 50 leads for free Kleeneze leads to success “Fantastic incentive. Massive growth coming.” “This is awesome. Kleeneze’s going from strength to strength.” These were just some of the reactions we got after launching the Leads to Success incentive in which, throughout August, for every one person you initiate we’ll give you 50 free leads. Kleeneze Leads to Success is the biggest sponsoring incentive the business has ever seen and has the potential to grow and strengthen your team massively this summer. With the Christmas season rapidly approaching, a bigger team could see fantastic financial rewards, as well as strengthening your business. Plus, this incentive could lead to you qualifying for much more with Kleeneze, such as securing your place to Montego Bay, Jamaica or having your own Kleeneze-branded Mini! The possibilities are endless and all it takes is for you to sponsor ONE person into your team. Of course, the more people you sponsor in, the more leads you’ll generate. Sponsor two and we’ll give you 100 leads. Sponsor five and that’s 250 potential prospects!!! 14 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING! The incentive is designed to give you more on top of what you already do, so keep on creating your own leads too! With that in mind, we took a trip down Team Talk memory lane and dug out some of our favourite quotes, tips and advice from the leaders. Team building “We came up with saying years ago: if you want more milk - get more cows. You must understand that Kleeneze is first and foremost a Network Marketing company that retails its products through a catalogue, it is not a retail company that does a bit of this networking thing on the side. So if you want good sustainable growth you have to retail enough to make the money you need then do massive team building and find more people who you can share this great business with and help them make the money they need. Teambuilding is the key to growth in everyone’s business and ultimately growth in Kleeneze.” Mike Bibby, Silver Premier Executive Following up “Keep following up. Reach out and build your team. Imagine you were locked into a newsagent with a lottery ticket machine that offered a free go. You press the button once and get a ticket. It offers you another try. You’re stuck there all night and tickets keep on coming out. Would you not check every single one to see if you had won? “Kleeneze is the same – it’s just a numbers game.” Gavin Scott, Silver Premier Executive Kleeneze LEADS TO SUCCESS incentive: • Sponsor one person between Friday 1 August until Sunday 31 August (inclusive) and we’ll give you 50 free leads!! • Once you’ve qualified, we’ll provide you with everything to help you manage your leads: • Track everything with your own contact manager • Personalised auto responder • Advanced template email follow up “I’m so excited to get started! Thank you Kleeneze.” “OMG – this is fantastic. Come on team, let’s get it on, eh? ” “This is one of the best incentives EVER. Fabulous.”
  • 15. AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 15 Leads Incentive – sponsoring tips Consistency “I always focus on getting one new person started in my business every week. That’s one of the places I see the Compound Effect working the most, because when a new person starts, it doesn’t fundamentally change your business. Using the Compound Effect week-on-week over a year has a huge knock-on effect on your business. Understanding the Compound Effect means that if someone doesn’t start with you one week, you’ll know that it doesn’t mean it’s all gone to pot. You might have three weeks with no one starting, but then the next week you may have three people starting. The law of averages comes into play. Carry on doing those same things and the average will work out the same.” Doug Roper, Gold Executive Focus “When you decide that you’re ready to take your business seriously, put your ‘blinkers’ on and focus ONLY on productive, business-building activities. If it doesn’t increase your orders, your customer base or the size of your team, don’t do it! Don’t complicate things, don’t take advice from people who haven’t done it (or those outside of our business who masquerade as ‘experts’), just put your trust in your Upline’s system and don’t get distracted. Put everything else to one side for 3 to 5 years and you can build an amazing residual income and the lifestyle of your choice.” Andy Stephenson, Silver Premier Executive Dealing with rejection “The best way I found to deal with rejection in any shape or form in the business, is to make sure that you are doing enough numbers to compensate. In sponsoring, if you have several more prospects to talk to, it doesn’t matter if one person says no because you have many others on the list to speak to. But if you only have one lead, and the only one person whom you’ve explained the opportunity to this week says no, it’ll impact you much more because you’ve ‘failed’ 100% this week on sponsoring. What separates those earning the big incomes from the rest is that they’ve had more ‘no’s’ and therefore more ‘failures’ than anyone! They’ve had to! We all work the same business and therefore to succeed you’ve had to ’fail’ more often - he who plays the most numbers get the most wins!” Stuart Heard, Silver Executive Creating new business “People should follow up every lead by telephone. Always aim to get more leads than you need or plan in, because if you’re scratching around, you’re going to end up trying to persuade people to join the business. If you’ve got more leads than you can handle, you’ll be more relaxed about it. Plus, you get good at it. The more you do, the more confident you become and the results are better. We find out why people are looking and we try to find out what’s important to them and then we show them why Kleeneze is the solution. If someone’s got a financial headache, we give them the aspirin! We try to get very large numbers of people into our funnel, into our contact manager and into our database. We follow up with loads of information – once they’re in the database, there’s no escape!” Neil Young, Gold Senior Executive Envision the future “One of the very first things I say to prospects is how can I help you. Find out people’s needs, goals and strengths from the outset, because you’ll need to know throughout the life of their Kleeneze journey. You, as a leader, need to see your business not how it is today, but how it will be in the future.” Geoff Webb, Silver Senior Executive
  • 16. Retail Boosters Our brand new Retail Booster has been with us for just over a month and here at HQ, we’re pretty excited about it. We listened to your feedback to have a consumable product and this is what we gave you – the uPVC Reviver. It leaves impeccable results on dirty window frames, doors, cladding, guttering and garden furniture. Our customer’s swear by it, which is why this is a perfect item to have as a retail booster. This is also featured on page 13 of the Houseproud catalogue with an amazing testimonial from Mrs D in Bromborough. “I swear by this product, I use it every year to make my window frames looks like new. Last year I was having my fascia boards cleaned by a tradesman and he said it is better than the one they sell to the trade, he now uses it everywhere he goes!” This product is manufactured in the UK which is even better as people now want home manufactured items. The packaging has been changed to make it more colourful and eye-catching and has everything on there to help your customers get the full potential of the product. If that wasn’t enough, the flyer has 3 simple steps of how to use it and how your customers can get the best possible results. All your customers need to do is spend £20 and they can have it for FREE! Our retail boosters have always been an extremely popular way of creating new customers. Don’t forget that the Kitchen Scissors, Ultimate Peeler and the Knife Sharpener are still available to buy in packs and singles. All code details can be found on the DSA. 16 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Get your uPVC flyers and singles on the codes below: uPVC Singles Code 753718 Price £1.00 / €1.20 uPVC Flyer (pack of 300) Code: 750360 Price: £1.50 / €1.80
  • 17. We’ve increased our income by £1,000 in just eight weeks We are not going to say our last eight weeks have been a walk in the park - it is hard work - but anything worth having is and because you enjoy what you are doing it doesn’t appear to be. AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 17 Our story “When John was made redundant from his job as a Farm Manager, we found ourselves not as financially comfortable as we’d been used to. He got another job, but it wasn’t one that he thrived in and his income was considerably less than it was in his previous position. We have a twelve-year-old son – we love him to bits, but he is certainly an expensive commodity! Like many others, we found ourselves needing to earn an additional income. In May 2012 I found a flyer on my windscreen and came home very excited. I had found the answer to our problem! We arranged to meet to discuss the opportunity the following day during my lunch hour. I certainly liked what I had been shown. I explained how it all worked to John the very same evening and, to be honest, he wasn’t completely sold on the idea, but he went along with it to pacify me! We joined shortly afterwards and were soon out delivering catalogues and building our business. We originally ran our business part time and had a slower start compared to many, but we followed the system, attended meetings and training sessions and before we knew it our business began to grow, with weekly orders exceeding £500! After a year in the business, John’s sceptismn had diminished and he left his job to contribute more to the business alongside other commitments. I continue to work part time as an HR Administrator three days a week, and long for the day (hopefully in the not too distant future) to join John full time in the business. I currently work as many hours as I can on my days away from the “day job” sharing the business with prospects, admin etc and not on the housework, washing, ironing and shopping as perhaps I should! We are now establishing our own team which we are very excited about. We were so excited to have achieved Gold Distributorship status, allowing us to increase our income in eight weeks by £1,000! We look forward to helping all our team to achieve their goals too! We are confident this is our future and that undoubtedly it will allow us to fulfil our dreams. We are currently striving on working towards qualifying for Venice – our first Kleeneze five-star Destination! Can you do it? You certainly can. All you need to do it make that choice, have that reason why and you are there. We are not going to say our last eight weeks have been a walk in the park - it is hard work - but anything worth having is and because you enjoy what you are doing it doesn’t appear to be. In fact, we have never survived on such little sleep as we have over the past two months, but if asked ‘would you do it all over again?’ our answer would certainly be ;you bet’. The sense of achievement when you achieve your goal, the support from your team and friends throughout the Vision and Imagine Group is quite simply amazing – thank you all. Do we have any future goals? We certainly do. This is only the beginning of our amazing Kleeneze journey, with our sights on Senior and beyond in the not too distant future. This business is simply amazing, it gives you the flexibility to choose how you wish to live your life. It’s hard to put into words, but it is simply the best!” Debs and John Kibbler, Gold Distributors
  • 18. Sack the boss You can control your own destiny There are hundreds of thousands of people out there right now, as you’re reading this, who want to leave their job. Office politics, terrible commutes, missing out time with family, living pay-cheque to pay-cheque and even workplace bullying are some of the many, many reasons that employees are unhappy with their work life and yet the majority stick it out in the name of security and not knowing any other way. So here’s the thing. That security doesn’t exist anymore. The new economic reality of our time is that it could all be swept away at a moment’s notice, so now is the time to create your own opportunity. Becoming your own boss means creating work that you love, constructed around your life goals. It means freedom, but not just the freedom to go flitting off to sunny climes whenever it suits you (although we’re all for the flitting), it’s the freedom to experiment and play with your life to create the perfect scenario for you. It’s the freedom to break out from being just a job title and stir your lifestyle up for the better. It’s the freedom to control your destiny. Of course, as Spiderman’s Uncle said: with great power comes great responsibility (Voltaire should also be credited here, as he did possibly say it first and probably better). However, it’s a choice that very few ever regret. 18 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 The freedom that being your own boss gives you is priceless. When you have kids, time is more important than money, but with Kleeneze, you can really have both! We both bring up our kids from home and with a monthly income of £3,000+, it’s fantastic!
  • 19. AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 19 Here’s what some of our Distributors had to say about it: “I let my boss go nearly seven years ago now, just 18 months after starting my Kleeneze business. It felt fantastic to have the freedom of choice as to how I spend my time and how much money I want to earn. Never having to ask a boss for time off again is a great feeling. I’m at all the kids’ events, we holiday when we want to and I don’t have to deal with rush hour traffic. I would never go back to the job world,” Harvey Kent, Senior Distributor “The freedom that being your own boss gives you is priceless. When you have kids, time is more important than money, but with Kleeneze, you can really have both! We both bring up our kids from home and with a monthly income of £3,000+, it’s fantastic. As they say, children spell love ‘T.I.M.E’” John Webb, Gold Executive Distributor “I sacked my boss almost 10 years ago. It was only 11 weeks after my wife had started our Kleeneze business. A leap of faith you might think? When your wife brings over £550 for a month’s part-time work into the household, you know it’s a no-brainer to just go for it. Thanks to Kleeneze, I love my life,” Leo ten Bruggencate, Gold Distributor “I sacked the boss three months into starting my Kleeneze business and my husband, Dave, sacked his a year ago. It’s given us the opportunity to do things that we want to do when we want to do them. We still work hard, but it’s our choice, not someone else’s. To be honest, Kleeneze isn’t hard work if you love what you do. We love helping people – it’s what makes this business special. Our team are not work colleagues, they are our friends,” Tracy Sheehan, Gold Executive Distributor “I was medically discharged from the army last year and decided I wasn’t going to work for anyone else again. I’d had enough of going ‘cap-in-hand’ to ask for time off only to be told I couldn’t take leave when I wanted it, because there would be too many away at one time. We had to book our leave for the whole year in April, couldn’t have any spare for emergencies! I seriously wasn’t sure what I was going to do with myself at first, but I knew that I was going to be self-employed. I had been a Distributor several years earlier and like a fool I had quit. I’d always stayed in touch with my Upline, though and eventually I decided to join again. I would never quit this amazing business again. I love it; the flexibility, the people, the incentives, the opportunities. It is simply the best thing out there,” Neil Dooley, Silver Distributor “I was sacked from my professional and stressful job as a medical representative. I am now a full-time mum to two great boys and a carer to my son, Louis, who has a long-term disability. Kleeneze has allowed me to do this without a boss or that sinking Sunday feeling I used to have. Now I can’t wait until Mondays!” Wendy Meddleton, Senior Distributor Being your own Kleeneze boss: Having the flexibility to work anywhere Facebook is testimony to this. Only last week we were accosted by a photo of Peter Rea’s feet with a backdrop of beautiful cloudless sky and miles of crystal clear seas while he worked on his Showcase training! Work wherever you choose, week after week. Work that you enjoy The team spirit within Kleeneze makes it what it is. Over 80% of your life is spent working, so you want to make sure you’re having fun at work too. If you have fun in your work, it will spill into the rest of your life too. Sizzle your way to success! Create more lifelines There is no greater feeling than being able to help others. This business gives you the opportunity to do just that. What a fantastic position to be in. Choose how much money you earn Need an extra £100 a month pocket money? Ok, you can do that. Prefer an extra £1,000 a month pocket money. Ok, you can do that. Want a life-changing income? It’s perfectly possible. Your earning capacity is limitless with Kleeneze. Answer only to yourself As an employee, chances are at some point you’ve felt undermined, undervalued and in severe need of a self-confidence boost. Forget that – you call all the shots now! As your own boss, you only have yourself to answer to and you’ll find yourself automatically more determined and motivated as a result. You’ll grow as a person Ok, sounds a little cheesy, but it’s true. Being your own boss is hard work, let’s not deny it. However, it will make you more resilient, more determined, wiser, self-disciplined and simply a better version of the former, already fabulous, you. You can live the life that you choose That’s already a more meaningful life simply by virtue of the fact that you have chosen it. Being your own boss will turn your life upside down for the better and as you go down that path to success, it will continue to get better all the time.
  • 20. A taste of Venice Bigoli is an extruded pasta in the form of a long and thick tube. Traditionally they were made with buckwheat flour, but are more commonly made with whole wheat flour now. Traditionally, duck eggs are used for the pasta. 20 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Instructions: 1. To make the pasta dough. Combine the flour, egg and yolk with the water. Mix and knead well, adding extra water if needed, until the dough is smooth and elastic. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead again. Divide the pasta dough into 4 pieces and then knead each well. 2. Roll each piece out as thinly as possible then cut into thin strips and roll into spaghetti using your fingertips, using more flour if necessary to prevent sticking. Set aside whilst making the anchovy sauce. 3. Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onions, sweat gently before adding the garlic. Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Add the anchovies to the pan, stir and cook for a further 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until the anchovies have puréed amongst the onions and created a rich sauce. 5. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta for 3 - 4 minutes or until ‘al dente’ – cook in batches if necessary. 6. Remove the garlic clove from the pan and add the chopped parsley to finish. 7. Drain the pasta and add it straight into the pan with the sauce, add a couple of tablespoons of the pasta water to loosen. Mix through and season with and black pepper. Serve immediately Bigoli Yo u c o u l d still get here with the Summer Retail Incentive! For the bigoli: • 400g Semolina flour • 1 egg • 100ml water • olive oil For the sauce: • 3 tbsp olive oil • 1 onion, finely sliced • 100g anchovy fillets • 1 cloves garlic, left whole • 1 bunches fresh parsley, chopped • pepper 1 in 20 chances to win an iPad mini For more details of the Summer Retail Incentive, please visit the DSA.
  • 21. Torta Sabbiosa (Sandy Cake) Sabbiosa means sandy and you’ll understand why once you’ve tried it. At first bite, it seems dry but then it melts in your mouth and you will love its golden hue as well. It is a classic cake from the region of Veneto. It’s so old that it’s not very well known to the younger generations anymore. Serve it warm right from the oven; freeze it to pull out when unexpected guests drop in-or (as I do) have a piece for breakfast with cappuccino. All in all this is a recipe you need to try. This recipe is a traditional Venetian flavour of yesteryear. Serve it warm right from the oven; freeze it to pull out when unexpected guests drop in. Great for breakfast or for a snack accompanying tea or milk. Qualifiers for Venice will be dining at some of the most exquisite restaurants enjoying traditional, fresh Venetian food. Here are a few you’ll be visiting if you qualify! • Antico Pignolo - popular on the Venetian restaurant scene, Antico Pignolo is famous for its unique take on classic Venetian cuisine, using innovative techniques and the freshest produce to create an explosion of flavour. • Trattoria da Romano - this restaurant has been serving the locals with excellent food for over 100 years! • Proscuitteria - a traditional yet contemporary restaurant on three levels in the heart of Venice. AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 21 Torta Sabbiosa What you need: • 2/3 cup finely milled corn flour, (not corn meal or polenta) • 7 ounces soft butter, plus more for the cake pan • 1/4 cup potato starch • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for the cake pan • 1 teaspoon active dry yeast, (1/2 packet) • 1 cup sugar • 2 eggs, separated • 1/8 teaspoon salt • Powdered sugar, for dusting the cake, or other toppings (optional) Instructions: 1. Butter the cake pan bottom, cover it with a parchment circle, then butter and flour the entire inside of the pan. Arrange a rack in the centre of the oven and preheat to gas mark 4 or 175°c. 2. Sift together the corn flour, white flour, and potato starch. 3. Sprinkle yeast over 1/4 cup of warm water and let it dissolve. 4. In the bowl of the mixer, cream together the sugar and butter for several minutes on high speed, scraping down the bowl several times, until light and smooth. 5. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time; scrape down the bowl and fluff up the batter on high speed. Lower the speed and incorporate the dry ingredients, alternating with the yeast water, in two or three additions. Mix only briefly after adding the flours but scrape the bowl and beaters well and fold the batter over with a rubber spatula-it will be stiff-to be sure the dry ingredients are evenly moistened. 6. With the whisk attachment or a hand whisk, whip the egg whites in a clean bowl, with the pinch of salt, to firm peaks. Stir in 1/3 of the whites to lighten the batter then gently fold in the remainder. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and spread it in an even layer. 7. Bake for about 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown and springs back to the touch, and the cake is starting to pull away from the sides of the pan. 8. Let it cool on a wire rack for an hour, then remove from the pan. Cut the cake in wedges and serve warm or at room temperature (or reheated in a low oven if you like) plain or fancy. (Wrap well and freeze for a month or so; defrost at room temperature before removing the wrappings.)
  • 22. Our story Being my own boss means I can focus on what matters to me “I was a teacher until July 2001. I started teaching in 1975 – a variety of subjects to children from 7 years of age up until 11. Based in Cumbria, I had relocated – on my own – from the North East. In 1977, I got married and five years later we had our daughter. My father had been very ill that year and sadly died just three months after my daughter was born. My mother moved across from the North East, so she was able to look after our little one whilst I returned to work. The following year, in October 1983, I was returning to my classroom after the lunch break when I felt an intense pain in my head and neck. I started teaching, but I felt as though I was going to faint and eventually realised I couldn’t go on. I retired to the staff room (after telling a close colleague, as my children had been using scissors before lunch and they were strewn all over the classroom and I was worried!). I was taken home, worsening, and the doctor was called. After I described my symptoms, she said, “I think you have a brain haemorrhage and you are going to hospital”! I was taken to the local hospital and after more checks, her diagnosis was confirmed. I was transferred the very next day to the General Hospital in Newcastle. After more tests and scans, I had to sign the consent form for an operation I was told that 50% survive and those who do may suffer great damage including not being able to walk or talk. I had no choice, though, I had to sign. I had the operation and thankfully all went well. I woke up remembering I had a one-year-old daughter on the other side of the country to take care of! I think this probably helped instil in me a sense of priority. Two weeks later, I was discharged and returned home. I gradually learned how to walk again and started to put weight back on. Six months later, I returned to work. We’d moved to a brand new bungalow, which we were sorting out, and I was studying special educational needs on an Open University course, so life was busy. Then things started to go wrong. My husband became almost impossible to live with and I eventually told him to go! Our daughter was devastated, but perseverance wins through. We divorced, but looking after the bungalow and its garden and our daughter, as well as working was a strain on both my time and energy. After cutting through the electric cable on the lawn mower, a colleague came around to help with the garden. Over time, we grew closer, eventually falling in love! After nine years together, we got married and bought another bungalow in a village. My new husband retired from teaching and was looking for something 22 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 else to earn money. We were already customers of Kleeneze and our distributor had phoned us up after we’d moved, as he couldn’t find our new house. My husband answered the phone and they started to discuss the business. I was entirely dubious about it all and didn’t believe it could work, saying to him: ‘You do what you want, pet, but I’m carrying on teaching!’ He joined in 1999, but I loved my teaching job and, most of all the kids. In 2001, I was made redundant and by that point I knew Kleeneze worked. I joined him in the business. I started attending meetings and learning more about it. I started to really enjoy the people side of the business. In 2005 we qualified for the Sydney conference – the second time I had ever flown in an aeroplane (and the first time was only down from Newcastle to Heathrow!). When you go through a trauma, it does help to reinforce your priorities in life. My experience made me strive for a greater understanding of the formation of the world and appreciate its complexities a lot more. Thanks to the flexibility of Kleeneze, I have more time to spend doing the things I love, such as looking at wildlife and nature and pursuing an interest in local history. We love meeting people and helping others and it gives us the freedom to do the things we love. We choose how we want to spend our time. Honesty and caring for others are my priorities and this company has both!” Les Coan, Bronze Executive Distributor
  • 23. We believe that recognition is essential. We value all the hard work you put into your businesses on a daily basis and, as such, the next few pages are dedicated to YOU! Here are the names of those whose achievements are very much to be shouted about this Period. In no other business will you find such a recognition and reward scheme! Congratulations to all of you who achieved your goals in Period 7 and, for our new starters, we hope to see your name on these pages very soon! AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 23 Recognition Period 7 Personal Retail Top 3 1st £10,306 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 2nd £8,389 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 3rd £6,414 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman Personal Sales Group Top 3 1st £23,524 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 2nd £20,306 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 3rd £18,068 Debra & Oliver Pusey New Business Sales Top 3 1st £8,338 Richard Chantler 2nd £8,185 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 3rd £7,593 Debra & Oliver Pusey
  • 24. Recognition Top 50 Period 7 Personal Retail No. Distributor Name Sales Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £10,306 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £8,389 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £6,414 Anthony Mervin £6,190 Peter Savidge £6,090 Adam Fairclough & Jennifer Thornley £5,961 Chaitali & Ajit Nath £5,826 Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas £5,736 Sohail Ahmed £5,618 Saddique Hussain £5,536 Jeffrey Margrave £5,387 Gary & Esther Watson £5,242 Kenneth Rooney £5,203 Margaret & Ian Foster £4,970 Jane & David Mousley £4,927 Lorraine & Mark Collins £4,889 Karen Hall & Robert Evans £4,842 Kira & Andrew Thomas £4,698 Lindsay Kelly & James Holmes £4,571 Satwinder Sagoo £4,536 Sharon & Sean Deegan £4,352 Paul & Gosia Hammond £4,288 Chris & Annette Wright £4,175 Robert & Mary Higgins £4,153 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £4,135 David & Elizabeth Marsden £4,118 Philip Palmer £4,113 Ian & Deborah Wightmore £4,110 Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw £4,102 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £3,938 Paul & Pauline Parish £3,898 Andrew & Kerryann Webber £3,831 Michael & Ann Jones £3,819 Sanjay Sharma £3,814 Martyn Cunningham £3,814 Ian & Rachel Hickton £3,805 Cynthia & Peter Hayes £3,798 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning £3,789 Angela Wallace & William Lawson £3,710 Gavin & Trish Conway £3,659 Karen & Steven Glew £3,598 Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £3,566 Paul Jesson £3,556 Malcolm & Jennifer Warden £3,543 Emma & Mark MacKelden £3,514 Terry & Diane Williams £3,476 Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul £3,466 John & Jenny Caton £3,419 Chris & Jean Jenkinson £3,390 Victoria & Rowan Sweet £3,361 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 24 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Personal Sales Group Distributor Name Sales Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard £23,524 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds £20,306 Debra & Oliver Pusey £18,068 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent £15,756 Ian & Sally Williams £15,255 Mike & Dawn Gough £14,362 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford £12,134 Karen & Neil Young £11,914 Michele & Brian Hewitt £11,384 Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill £11,366 Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall £11,130 Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton £10,890 Claire & Peter Rea £10,219 Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec £10,049 David & Anne Pemberton-Smith £9,866 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade £9,757 Albert & Caroline Berry £9,729 Andrew Fountaine & Susan Nokes £9,669 Nigel Le Long £9,647 Ann & John Coe £9,620 Christine & Adrian Wright £9,523 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker £9,463 Marlene & Robert Somerville £9,404 Peter Savidge £9,332 Abigail Colclough £9,259 Jane & David Mousley £9,078 Craig Skellern £9,075 Paul & Gosia Hammond £9,067 Ted & Rose Farrar £9,012 Gail & Darren Drew £8,847 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain £8,816 Susan Walton £8,815 Peter & Angela Abrahams £8,768 Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell £8,744 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson £8,645 Robert & Jacqueline Dolan £8,602 Andrew & Sue Boswell £8,558 Sharon & Craig Davis £8,523 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman £8,379 Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young £8,335 Christopher & Sarah Smith £8,196 Eileen French £8,142 Linda & Alan Cannings £8,040 Andrew & Kerryann Webber £8,016 Stacy & Jonathan Beck £7,909 Brian & Deborah Hobbs £7,874 Gareth & Lynette Tucker £7,794 Joyce Reed £7,730 Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter £7,690 James & Jane White £7,572 New Business Sales Distributor Name Sales Richard Chantler £8,338 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain £8,185 Debra & Oliver Pusey £7,593 Helen & Andrew Walsh £7,483 Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley £7,470 Doug & Sandra Roper £6,200 Mike & Dawn Gough £5,661 Rie Pearson & David Heppenstall £5,389 Ian & Sally Williams £5,345 Craig White £4,852 Kim & Scott Keable £4,827 Andrew & Sue Boswell £4,568 Beryl & Maxine Wynter £4,361 Peter & Jackie White £4,306 Christopher & Sarah Smith £4,229 Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros £4,183 Debbie Gee & David White £4,024 Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett £3,957 Asha & Dipam Joshi £3,814 Graham & Lorna Carter £3,779 Robert Hope & Lorna Brown £3,741 Eamonn & Anne Roe £3,701 Heather & James Oneil £3,674 David Miller £3,674 Christine & Geoffrey Richards £3,563 Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts £3,475 Tracy & Garry Eltringham £3,418 Bob & Diane Goulding £3,324 Kath & Wayne Preston £3,300 Sarah & Martyn Harvey £3,228 Stacy & Jonathan Beck £3,222 Graham & Janet Holloway-Smith £3,082 Lee & Fiona Henshaw £2,944 Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill £2,867 Christopher Pagett & Rachel Parker £2,693 Deborah Weaver & Sherralyn King £2,692 Craig Skellern £2,672 Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec £2,633 Michael & Louise Elliott £2,633 Keith & Shirleyann Martin-Roxburgh £2,599 Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore £2,598 Nick & Grace Sassanelli £2,571 Michael & Susan Pirie £2,537 Michael & Jennifer Allsop £2,490 Steve & Debbie Roper £2,483 Debs & John Kibbler £2,436 Alexandra Tuesley £2,365 Gareth & Lynette Tucker £2,335 Paul Flintoft £2,295 Sharon & Craig Davis £2,292 This figure will not include break-away Gold Distributors or non-qualifying Gold Distributors (includes all adjustments). This figure includes all new initiations plus their sales from Period 5-7
  • 25. AUGUST 2014 TEAMTALK 25 Recognition Volume Profit & Ten Active Wide VP - 10% Adrian Bailey Adrian Bratley Amanda Bossom Andrew Robinson Andy Connelly Angela Campos Antonia Coleman & Christopher Chambers Astrid Steel Atinuke Olusesi Audrone Dicker Billy Fegan Carly Caldwell Carole Wood & Andrew Wood Carolyn Douglas Christiana Jones Clare Lambert Cory Laird & Yasmin Ali Daniel Turner Daniel Williams David Collins Elizabeth Page & David Spurling Esther Howie Gemma Foulkes Gene Sprague Georgie Taylor Graham Stamps & Sandy Stamps Gregan Brown Imelda Galvin & Colm Galvin James Ko Jeremy Brown Joyce Smith Julie Ann Green Karen Williams Karl Lohia Katie Lain Keiron Brown Kimberley Bowen Kirsty Hutcheon Linda Pollard Lisa Nicholls Louise Maynard Lynne Gardener Marilyn Hart Mark Upton Matteo Sassanelli Michael Virk Michelle Rhodes Natalie Wilson Neeves Crook & Graeme Moodie Neil Spedding Paul Arthurton Paul Grundy Philip Leonard Rebecca Reeves Rebecca Woods Richard Daniels Robert Hewitt Roderick Dykes Ross Wilkinson Roxanne Atkins & Chris Ogden Samson Olagunju Samuel Camara Sandra Cavaney Sarah Geddes Serena Mccarthy Sharon Tagizadeh Simon Bambury Simon Beall & Fiona Beall Sophie Easterbrook Susan Owen Susan Price Susan Reid Tania Owen Victor Phezulu Willow Wren VP - 13% Amanda Thompson Arthur Wyett & David Winder Bradley Holloway-Smith Bruce Woodhouse & Emma Clements Coleen Humphrey Danielle Butterworth & David Peate Debbie Bennett Eamonn Ryan & Sandra Ryan Elaine Bennett Gemma Armstrong & Russell Armstrong Gillian Lawrence Jose Scholes Lee-Anne Gilroy & Michael Gilroy Paulina Golebiewska Peter Watson & Jacqui Watson Sharon Norman & James Norman Steven Bailey & Mary Bailey William Pile & Jacqueline Berry VP - 15% Andy Coleman & Krystina Coleman Gary Morgan & Tracy Madden Oksana Chapman & Richard Chapman Paul Boulton & Sara-Jayne Boulton Robert Herbert Steve McGough Susanne Parkhouse VP - 18% Ellie Moore Rie Pearson & David Heppenstall Simon Matthews & Carol Matthews Ten Active Wide - Period 7 Craig White Claire & Peter Rea Bob Webb Doug & Sandra Roper Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Ian & Sally Williams Debra & Oliver Pusey Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young Andrew & Sue Boswell Phil & Jean Warrington Raymond & Miriam Turnbull Mike & Dawn Gough John & Craig Hawkes Karen & Neil Young Peter & Myrna Wellock First-time qualifiers in Period 7
  • 26. TOP THE 500 No. Distributor Name Sales 26 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Recognition Bulk Sales Karim Karmali 26,196 Alexandra Tuesley 26,063 Sharon & Andrew Bird 25,604 Anthony Greeves 25,410 Carole & Benny Morris 25,384 Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 24,987 James Curtis 24,736 Keith Sandland 24,510 David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 23,951 Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 23,427 Amanda & Andrew Holland 23,330 Derrick & Maria Longwright 22,504 Clare Chantler 22,103 Debbie Gee & David White 21,973 Ian & Sally Williams 21,914 Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 21,793 Roger & Barbara Green 21,661 Marcell & Joanne Treanor 21,268 Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 21,081 Sunil Popat 21,081 Julie Collier & Peter Richards 21,072 Jay Singh 20,794 Stanley & Roy Stewart 20,587 Alison & Michael Ogden 20,541 Jennifer & Martin Amos 20,511 Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 20,218 Eamonn & Anne Roe 20,053 Michael & Sandra Laydon 19,643 Paul & Carolyn Blaxall 19,587 Stuart & Gail McKibbin 19,235 Kerry & Paul Stonall 19,001 Wendy English 18,935 Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 18,675 Timothy & Tina Pace 18,525 Mark & Sarah Wildman 18,525 Chantele & Barry Travis 18,483 Sharon & Craig Davis 18,396 Caroline & Philip Thompson 18,250 Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 18,141 Linda & Ian Stanley 18,091 Rhian & E Anthony Jones 18,035 Ron & Judy Speirs 18,000 Craig & Linda Lomas 17,984 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 16,921 Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 16,879 Melanie & Andrew Wilson 16,779 Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 16,710 Amelia McHard 16,255 Helen & Andrew Walsh 16,008 Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 16,000 Karen & Peter Flitton 15,421 Joseph & Julie Brame 15,378 Jackie & Stuart Bower 15,240 Michael & Janet Wallace 15,206 Sakuntla Kalyan 15,162 Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 14,890 Christopher Conroy 14,890 Christine & Adrian Wright 14,877 Tony Fasulo & Julie White-Fasulo 14,831 John & Janice Halsall 14,584 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 14,428 Ram & Joginder Singh 14,109 John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 13,913 Christine & Jim Foster 13,861 Graham & Lorna Carter 13,790 David Pope 13,437 David Byatt & Janet Smith 13,357 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 No. Distributor Name Sales Steve & Cathy Chambers 13,153 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 13,130 Mark Law 13,102 Angela Wallace & William Lawson 12,923 David Wilson & Julie Knight 12,771 Graham & Georgina Long 12,730 Michael & Jennifer Allsop 12,635 Peter & Sheryl Dutton 12,583 Nicola & Jerome Neville 12,443 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 12,430 Karen Boardman 12,351 Lesley Burroughs 12,148 Barbara Margaret Webb 12,005 Paul Meikle 11,645 Jim & Claire Dale 11,610 Paul Melville & Victoria Schofield 11,577 Louise Puttick 11,347 Elaine & Martin Spafford 11,294 Sharon Bullock & David Taylor 11,252 Sue Phoenix 10,886 Denise & Stephen Neal 10,730 Carole & James Sunter 10,672 Georgina & Will Goodger 10,579 Gloria & Clive Davies 10,205 Georgina & Phil Gale 10,148 David & Christine Rhodes 10,143 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 10,112 Terry & Jane Hodge 9,913 Martyn Cunningham 9,897 Jillian & Peter Griffiths 9,873 Jude & Steve Joyce 9,728 Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 9,664 Kenneth Rooney 9,656 Patricia & Triona Eckford 9,631 Kimberley Sunter 9,597 Sheila & Nigel Fowler 9,563 John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 9,544 Michele & Brian Hewitt 9,487 Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 9,479 Jaqueline Mullings & Steven Mee 9,422 Peter Neesham 9,402 Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 9,275 Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 9,234 Norman & Joanne Grundy 9,188 Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 9,179 Kira & Andrew Thomas 9,108 Alan Meldrum 9,098 Mark Jones & Amanda Wilson 9,098 Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 9,086 Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul 9,049 Louise & Paul Lewis 8,996 Martin Webb & Toni Yates 8,919 Stephen & Laine Shepherd 8,881 Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 8,876 Kevin Sands 8,855 Daniel & Michelle Marshall 8,835 John Smith 8,805 Robert Wellock 8,805 Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 8,790 Gareth Daw 8,766 Ann & John Coe 8,747 Ivan Darch 8,747 Bob & Diane Goulding 8,724 Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 8,670 Kim Atherton 8,654 Gail & Darren Drew 8,653 Anthony & Susan Peacham 8,620 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 No. Distributor Name Sales Peter & Cheryl Creed 8,591 Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 8,589 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 8,528 Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 8,386 Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 8,374 Lyn & Tony Davies 8,356 John Smith 8,276 Colin & Sarby Turnbull 8,276 Sandra Ellis 8,273 Ian & Carol Parker 8,200 Kenny Liggett 8,182 Seamus & Clare Houghton 8,177 David & Paula Arapes 8,156 Oswald Elrick 8,156 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 8,131 Omran Zaman 8,127 Albert & Caroline Berry 8,107 Gareth & Lynette Tucker 8,104 Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 8,101 Lewis & Lewis Clarke 8,093 Andrew Fountaine & Susan Nokes 8,057 Stephen Clark 8,050 Nigel Le Long 8,039 Pamela Kent 8,039 David & Jenny Gerry 7,974 Tim Sandom 7,965 Robert Young & Clare Mears 7,957 Karen & Kevin Marriott 7,906 Roger & Gillian Coupe 7,890 Kevin Davies & Deborah Parker 7,886 Marion & Anthony Homer 7,868 Marlene & Robert Somerville 7,837 Tony & Julie Brown 7,829 John Shearer 7,829 Robert & Rosemary Annan 7,792 Iain & Jackie Swanston 7,786 Peter Savidge 7,777 Kathleen & Dominic Carolan 7,745 Amy Warrington 7,699 Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell 7,699 John & Jenny Caton 7,687 Diane & Geoff Owen 7,686 Trevor & Janet Rawding 7,683 Jason Morris 7,663 Andrew & Ann Meldrum 7,626 Tom & Kathryn Forbes 7,624 Henry & Diana Crosby 7,617 Veronica Nixon 7,616 Nick & Grace Sassanelli 7,609 Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 7,599 Annette Bradley 7,588 Graham & Christine James 7,581 Craig Skellern 7,565 Jane & David Mousley 7,565 Paul & Gosia Hammond 7,556 Joseph Odonnell 7,521 Ted & Rose Farrar 7,510 Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell 7,472 Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 7,467 Alison & Kevin Thomas 7,467 Susan Walton 7,346 Peter & Anne Rowland 7,317 Peter & Angela Abrahams 7,307 Linda Brooks & Jason Belverstone 7,211 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 7,204 Ian & Lynne Ball 7,195 Richard Scott 7,195 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301
  • 27. TOP THE 500 No. Distributor Name Sales JULY 2014 TEAMTALK 27 No. Distributor Name Sales Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 7,160 Vincent & Lorraine Tsoi 7,078 Colin Sadler 7,070 Joe Croll 7,069 Tavis Taylor 7,060 Rosemary & Christopher Day 7,042 Laura McLoughlin & George Kerr 6,947 Janet & Andrew Mitchell 6,940 Gareth & Gil Duffy 6,881 Clive & Pamela Lennard 6,832 Christopher & Sarah Smith 6,830 Gerry Melanephy & Maureen McLoughlin 6,812 Richard & Helen Peuleve 6,798 Eileen French 6,785 Shaun & Susan Allsopp 6,782 Gerry & Melina Moriarty 6,751 Linda & Alan Cannings 6,700 Stephanie Tompsett 6,689 Andrew & Kerryann Webber 6,680 Chaitali & Ajit Nath 6,633 Harold & Minnie Fulton 6,621 Conor & Linda Treanor 6,607 Stacy & Jonathan Beck 6,591 Brian & Deborah Hobbs 6,562 Jane & Andrew Connor 6,497 Raymond Satchell 6,477 Joyce Reed 6,442 Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter 6,408 Peter & Jean Monroe 6,341 Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning 6,317 James & Jane White 6,310 Kate Lee & Nicola Spence 6,298 Julie & Shane Edward Baker 6,268 Paul Flintoft 6,262 Ann & Philip Linsey 6,262 Terry Hayden 6,262 Darren Simmons 6,248 Abigail Allgood 6,228 Vikki & Bernie Titterrell 6,218 Justine & Steve Giergiel 6,209 Robert Clifton 6,176 Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock 6,171 Joanne Powell 6,136 John & Kath Clease 6,117 David Miller 6,113 Alastair Miller 6,113 Vivienne Washington 6,088 Andrew & Vicky De Caso 6,088 David Potter 6,088 Katrina & Ian Hawker 6,085 Keith Tomlinson 6,057 Andrae Lyth 6,054 Alana & Keith Banks 6,037 Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton 6,034 Anthony Mervin 6,031 Joanne & Stuart Lamb 6,028 Clive & Bev Currier 5,997 Lesley & Gordon Whittington 5,924 Stuart & Maureen Orr 5,869 Patricia Fisher 5,851 Jeffrey & Frances Topple 5,850 Michael Godwin 5,850 Caroline & Simon Harvey 5,846 Heather & Alan Brown 5,836 John & Sophia Clements 5,835 Antony Webb & Denise Bolt 5,834 Glyn & Rose Thomas 5,825 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 No. Distributor Name Sales Mary Mullins 5,815 Robert Gould 5,797 Punit Vyas 5,763 Daisy & Richard Fickling 5,759 Maria & Shane Treanor 5,758 Lee & Michelle Pattinson 5,754 Kathleen Watson 5,754 Louise & Timothy Curtis 5,735 Jennifer & Stephen Roberts 5,726 Tracy Herron 5,723 Linda Smith 5,712 Bev & Dave Townsend 5,697 Emma & Mark MacKelden 5,695 June & David Love 5,694 Barry & Nina Mitchell 5,687 Frederick & Karen Mason 5,686 Glenn & Herlinda Hadgraft 5,685 Mark Williamson & Lisa Hughes 5,680 Sylvia & Gary Green 5,672 Steven Clements 5,663 David & Elaine Luke 5,660 Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins 5,642 Christine Lappin 5,623 Allan Ledwidge 5,618 Catherine & Stephen Lord 5,610 Stephen & Dorothy Hanlon 5,608 Andrew & Denise Hunt 5,604 Tracy & Garry Eltringham 5,599 Bill Caddy 5,594 Antony & Aileen Gunn 5,586 Sohail Ahmed 5,582 Alex & Kathleen Langler 5,575 Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 5,572 Louise Wellock 5,543 Patrick & Helen Loftus 5,522 Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 5,516 Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 5,493 Sandra Brown 5,486 Darryl Allen 5,486 Julie & Anthony Martin 5,474 Kathryn Shaw 5,463 Ann & John Stapleton 5,462 Peter & Joyce Rowe 5,448 Gerard Coste 5,446 Debbie Hadden & Stephen Richmond 5,428 Lisa & Liz Hellier 5,428 Adam Fairclough & Jennifer Thornley 5,412 Alan & Anne-Marie Bennett 5,372 Adam Humphrey 5,365 Kenneth Thomson 5,336 Teresa & Finbarr McCarthy 5,308 Cath & John Wilkinson 5,304 Michael Walker & Michelle Anderson 5,297 Martin Campbell 5,288 Fay & Andrew Roe 5,284 Luisa & Andy Newton 5,277 Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 5,273 Shoukran Sharaf 5,245 Catherine & Geoffrey White 5,239 Rebecca & David Smith 5,230 Christine & Geoffrey Richards 5,207 Brian & Diane Holmwood 5,205 Sarah & Timothy Philp 5,198 Paul & Alison Taylor 5,192 Clare Haines 5,173 Beryl & Maxine Wynter 5,169 Gunta Freidenfelde & Alexander Deas 5,167 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 Lindsay Kelly & James Holmes 5,162 James Moynihan 5,151 Karen & Steven Glew 5,147 Stuart Hill 5,104 Stephen & Elaine Blay 5,050 Susan Hook 5,030 Bryn Dunkerley 5,001 Kim & Scott Keable 4,979 Shirley Pere & John Barnes 4,965 Steven Smith 4,962 Barbara & John Russell 4,955 Margarida & Lawrence David Gray 4,930 Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 4,822 Michaela Williams 4,813 Michael & Louise Elliott 4,799 Keri & Mark Watters 4,783 Wendy Fielding 4,779 Veronica & Steven Martinucci 4,772 William & Helen Greaves 4,734 Teresa Reis & Stephen McCormick 4,724 Michael Prior 4,695 Simon & Carol Matthews 4,695 Peter & Cathy Legg 4,687 John & Karina Beesley 4,669 Janet & Terry Mulley 4,668 Cliff & Linda Parker 4,645 Alex Dewar 4,636 Lee Roberts & Maryann Barros 4,631 Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 4,614 Saddique Hussain 4,613 Isobel & James Orr 4,611 Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 4,606 Donna & Charles Warr 4,606 Lynne & David Trowell 4,593 John & Lesley McNally 4,587 Sarah & David Messer 4,568 Dean & Rachel Rothwell 4,560 Robert Hope & Lorna Brown 4,534 Gill & Tim Evans 4,532 Lance & Deborah Clapton 4,510 Amanda & Leo Ten Bruggencate 4,508 Jerome Hadley 4,508 Jeffrey Margrave 4,489 Simon & Kerri Matthews 4,489 Karen Hall & Robert Evans 4,487 Pamela Jarvis 4,483 Gavin & Trish Conway 4,482 Tony & Karyn Medd 4,473 Paul & Helen Wilson 4,462 Angela Fitzgerald & Peter Slinger 4,448 Liz & Andy Gowland 4,413 Mark & Heather Gordon 4,401 Diana Schuch 4,389 Keith & Veronica King 4,387 Philip Palmer 4,385 John & Christine Parker 4,340 Pierce & Janet Hartley 4,340 Alan & Rebekah Larner 4,278 Brian & Jane Mansi 4,265 Lorraine & Mark Collins 4,223 Anna & Nicholas Padfield 4,198 Christopher Pagett & Rachel Parker 4,198 Neil & Susan MacLean 4,180 Margaret & Michael Drayton 4,175 Simon & Alison Patmore 4,174 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 Recognition Bulk Sales
  • 28. TOP THE 100 No. Distributor Name Sales No. Distributor Name Sales Contact details. Kleeneze Ltd., Express House, Clayton Business Park, Clayton Le Moors, Accrington, BB5 5JY Website: +44 (0)1254 304171 28 TEAMTALK AUGUST 2014 Recognition Bulk Sales Lynn MacDonald 1,402,283 Nasko Ratchev 1,402,074 Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 1,386,176 Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 701,987 Bob Webb 649,676 Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 594,884 Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 524,863 Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 523,733 Muriel & Tony Judson 508,450 Gillian Nicholson 431,667 Peter & Jackie White 425,871 John & Craig Hawkes 366,867 Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 359,544 Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 339,650 Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 283,135 Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 255,957 Gary & Esther Watson 248,931 Mike & Amanda Bibby 223,086 Gordon & Judy Seldon 167,654 Craig White 150,624 Robert & Mary Higgins 137,009 Michael & Jean Day 127,318 Margaret & Roy Japp 126,116 Robert Gibbons 119,879 Karen & Neil Young 114,613 Andy & Claire Stephenson 109,132 Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 108,794 Claire & Peter Rea 106,358 John & Steven Sharp 99,913 Hazel & John Noble Stephen 95,477 Sheila Smith 89,118 Judy Jodrell 82,145 David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 78,922 John & Sarah McKie 77,715 Abigail Colclough 71,627 Sylvia & Jack Hood 65,864 Phil & Jean Warrington 65,610 Geoff & Fiona Webb 65,195 Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 65,139 John & Anne Donaldson 64,966 John & Christine Prosser 62,065 Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 61,087 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 60,530 Sue & Geoffrey Burras 60,228 Andy & Janine Cooper 59,582 Glenn & Caroline Royston 58,092 Heather & James O’Neil 55,047 Michelle Kennedy 53,867 Adele & Jaime De Caso 53,595 Malcolm Ashmore 53,595 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Helen & Paul Allgood 51,749 Chris & Julia Norton 51,594 Michael & Susan Pirie 51,086 Alf & Carol Bell 49,481 David & Rosie Bibby 48,025 Keith & Robert Robertson 47,960 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 47,291 Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 46,896 Mary & Edward Hawkes 46,828 Gaynor Morgan 46,428 Tony & Katharine Briffa 45,596 David & Samantha Branch 45,267 Andrew & Sue Boswell 45,202 Steve & Debbie Roper 44,164 Susan & David Darton 43,543 Mike & Dawn Gough 42,454 Jill Corlett 42,008 Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch 41,603 Deborah & Allan Dewar 40,703 Tracy & David Sheehan 40,298 Doug & Sandra Roper 40,272 Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 39,633 Caroline & Craig Cox 39,127 Richard Chantler 38,991 Stephen & Debra Nell 38,223 Irene & Helen Wilson 38,194 Stephani & Bill Neville 38,089 Brian Harwood & Debbie Hargreaves 36,827 Lauren & Peter Jackson 36,470 Jane & John Dunkerley 35,718 Dave & Susie Horton 34,784 Belinda & Peter Clarke 34,075 Nuala & Clodagh McDonald 33,690 Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 32,491 Peter & Myrna Wellock 32,389 Kevin Rider & Caroline Gledhill 32,334 Lindsay Gonsalves & Daniel Young 30,550 Sue & Jas Bains 30,134 Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 29,889 Clare & Martin Whitelock 29,159 Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 29,018 John Webb & Kathryn Price 28,782 Christopher & Louise Brown 28,616 Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 28,053 Trevor Mitchell 27,846 Rosina Pocock 27,694 Debra & Oliver Pusey 27,517 Sylvia Laing 27,370 Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 26,966 Seph O’connell 26,646 51 52 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 57567255 Re-order code: 756725