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BULLETIN                                                                  14.01.11 Issue 02


When thinking up a headline for this week’s conference edition of EWB, we were overwhelmed with inspirational and motivational quotes from
the Kleeneze LIVE! New Year Launch. Some were literally said to us at lunch in passing by those who had been so inspired by the morning’s
events. However, it was this line that stuck out for us the most: ‘Draw a line today and grasp your future’.
2010 was a fantastic year for Kleeneze and there’s no doubt that we will remember the highlights for years to come. However, we also know
that there are so many more things to come for this business and we are certain that they will be bigger and better than any of the years that led
up to it.
Every day is a new opportunity for you to grasp your future; to put a line through yesterday’s / last week’s / last month’s events and set your sail
to where you want to go. There’s a time and a place for reliving past glories, but right now it’s far more important to start building the
foundation for future achievements.
The New Year Launch 2011 saw the start of a brand new year for Kleeneze. New tools; new ways to recruit and sponsor; new ideas and new
trainings. Now it’s up to you to take them on board, start going for that all important NO and grasp the future you want and deserve.
Oh, and if you’re wondering about any of the headlines we cast aside in preference for this one, then let us indulge you. Ironically, brought to
you by the same man who said ‘draw a line today and grasp your future’, was this gem of a quote – “You need to be in New York, but I hate
cheesecake.” (What can we say? Obviously even ‘Kleeneze legends’ have their off moments!).

Saturday’s launches are already having a huge impact on the business.
The excitement of the new initiatives is running at an all-time high. We’re all
tingly thinking about what 2011 holds for everyone!

The low handling charges for new starters, which we introduced last year, is now permanent. This means
that in your first four weeks of the business, you will receive free handling for all orders over £75/€90.
Throughout your fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth week in the business, you will receive free handling for all
orders over £150/€180.

Registering online is now even better. We have changed our online sign-up money-back guarantee to offer
100% money-back on the complete kit if your new starter decides to resign within 14 days of sign up.

To make the online sign-up process even smoother, once you’ve discussed and agreed the right starter kit
with your new Distributor, the email link you send them will be for that SPECIFIC JOINING KIT. This will
avoid anyone selecting the wrong kit when they first start.

Starter Kits have been renamed to Business Builder Kits. Plus the Super 200 (name and Kit) has been taken out of circulation. So, your new
starters can now choose between:

                      Business Builder 50
                      50 sets of Main Book, Health & Beauty and current specialogue, along with all the normal starter kit contents. PLUS: 2
                      FREE periods of Internet charges

                      Business Builder 200
                      200 sets of Main Book, Health & Beauty and New Year Sale, along with all the normal starter kit contents. PLUS: 3 FREE
                      periods of Internet charges

                      Business Builder 250 (online only)
                      250 sets of Main Book, Health & Beauty and New Year Sale, along with all the normal starter kit contents. PLUS: 4 FREE
                      periods of Internet charge

                                                                                                 14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
                                                              BREAK FREE
                                                              Many will be starting the New Year with less money and possibly even no work, so
                                                              we’re piloting a new FREE STARTER KIT.
                                                              The Break Free Kit contains all the basics a new person needs to get themselves up
                                                              and running, including:
                                          5 sets of Main Books, Health & Beauty and current specialogue (New Year Sale), snap cat bags, order
                                          forms, the HPRH DVD, and the new starter guides/business manuals.
                                          Your new Distributor will start with a £150/€180 credit limit and if their first order is £75/€90 or above,
                                          we’ll send them another 5 SETS OF CATALOGUES FOR FREE.
                                          There is of course a real cost in setting up a new Distributor and we’ll pay the majority of that.
                                          However, as an initiator (i.e. the person who sends the online sign-up email), your contribution will be
                                          £4.99/€5.99 once the new starter completes online sign-up, and this will automatically be charged to
                                          your Kleeneze account.
                                          When your new starter signs up to Break Free, they will need to pay 1p/€1 on their credit or debit card
                                          for security reasons. This will be debited back to their account immediately after.

  Our Fast Start bonuses that have proved so successful for new Distributors have been adapted
  for the those who start with Break Free.

  Achieve £150/€180 in the first 21 days of sign-up and you’ll qualify for a further set of 25 sets
  of Catalogues (half income kit).

  £150/€180 IN RETAIL SALES:
  Once your new Break Free starter has completed £150/€180 in retail sales (regardless on the
  length of time it takes them) and paid for them, they’ll have their credit limit increased to
  £500/€600 and given and EzeReach account and and websites.
  After the £150/€180 in retail sales has been achieved or they have been in the business for 21
  days, only then will they be able to order sales aids.

THINGS THAT YOU DESIRE – I    GAVIN SCOTT                                     RICHARD FENTON &
                              “We haven’t even scratched the surface          ANDREA WALTZ
                              of Kleeneze. Soon we’ll have a 24-7             “I didn’t know if I had what it took to be
                              stream of income. It blows every other          successful, but I knew that I had what it
                              opportunity out of the water. The retail        took to fail.”
                              side has just grown massively - you will be     “Failure is not something you avoid, it’s
                              able to do it anywhere, from your phone         something you pass through on the way
                              or anywhere. You can have that                  to success.”
                              millionaire’s lifestyle.”
                                                                              “When you start to go for no, you’ll find
                                                                              that it’s harder to get a no and you’ll be
                                                                              more prone to getting yeses. It’s one of the great ironies.”
                                                                              “Never make decisions for others in terms of what they’re going to
                              SANDRA ROPER                                    decide, do or spend.”
                              “Yes, we’ve had fabulous success with our
                              team, and it feels great: but it’s success      RICHARD BERRY
                              that has followed a sustained period of
                                                                              “E-commerce has had the biggest positive
                              purposeful, focused activity.”
                                                                              influence on direct selling more than any
                              “It’s what you decide that becomes your         other sector.”
                              reality – you always, always, get to choose
                                                                              “We’re in the business of live, face-to-face
                              how you respond to life. And if you muck
                                                                              advertising. It’s extremely efficient and it is
                              it up one day, you can always choose to
                                                                              this that what’s direct selling is all about
                              live it better tomorrow.”
                                                                              in the 21st century. What gives you the
“It’s not too late to start. Now is the time to set your goals. Now is the    competitive edge is this face-to-face
time to plan your path to achieve them; for you to keep on keeping on         opportunity with your customers.”
and not get distracted.”
                                                                              “My prediction is that when Kleeneze celebrates it centenary in 2123,
                                                                              the business will not only be much bigger, but the opportunities will
                                                                              be just as good as they are today.”

Jamie Stewart presents Aggie Sheppard from          Silver Executive Distributors, Doug and Sandra        Ever get the feeling he’s not that keen on
Macmillan with a cheque for £19,102 raised by       Roper are our third quarter Mini winners              cheesecake?
YOU over the past year

                                                                                                     14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
IT’S ALL ABOUT YOUR FUTURE    LEE HENSHAW                                     ANDREW BUXTON
                              “Like anyone else that’s been in the            “Everyone here can, if they wish to, start a
                              business a while we’ve had our ups and          new Kleeneze journey today - a new
                              downs. But you have to decide whether           chapter in your future.”
                              you let the downs; keep you down, or            “Everything that happens on your
                              whether you’re going to get on with it          journey has been experienced by
                              and build a business, no matter what.”          someone before and all you need to do is
                              “Making it work is just a matter of being       follow their path.”
                              prepared to do what’s necessary and             “It’s been stated by many that failure is
                              tracking your results. You just have to         not an option, but it is, isn’t it? We found
  decide how much you really want it and if you want it badly enough          out that failure, and lots of it, is the only option to achieve success.”
  you’ll make it happen – no matter what.”
                                                                              “It’s vital that you visualise and feel how your goal will feel when you
                                                                              achieve it.”
                              JAIME DE CASO
                              “We found that Break Free broke down            JOHN STEPHEN
                              mental barriers and excitement for the
                                                                              “It’s the place where winners come from,
                              Distributors. You don’t have to feel
                                                                              the place where you can find the real you.
                              uncomfortable asking people for money.
                                                                              It can take you anywhere you want to go
                              It led to an increase in activity. Sponsoring
                                                                              - your brain.”
                              increased by 4 times.”
                                                                              “You can flick the switch on or off at any
                              “Interestingly, not everyone wants to join
                                                                              time. Ultimately it’s down to you to build
                              for free. When people saw the
                                                                              your future. The platform is there - it’s
                              opportunity and saw that they could join
                                                                              built. The stage is set for you to perform.
  with more to get them started faster they didn’t want the free start.”
                                                                              The only question is what level are you
  “Set your goals, make an activity plan, review your past leads, make        going to perform at?”
  the jacket fit - whatever people want out of Kleeneze, they can achieve
  it. Start them with the business kit that they NEED.”

                                  IPOD/MP3 PLAYER FROM THE DSA

                    KLEENEZE LIVE! ON TOUR 2011
                    Kleeneze LIVE! on Tour is back and with more speakers, more training
   BOOK             and more inspiration and they’re more unmissable than ever!

   NOW!             You can now book tickets for the Dublin (5 February - order
                    code: 01953) and Warwick (5 March - order code: 02054)
                    events. Ticket price: £10/€12

                                                Distributor of the Year Award
                                                  CRAIG AND MAGDALENA WHITE

                                    SED Challenge Cup                         Executive Challenge Cup
                                  CRAIG & MAGDALENA WHITE                        DOUG & SANDRA ROPER

                            The SED Challenge Cup – awarded for       The Executive Challenge Cup – awarded for
                              outstanding executive group sales           outstanding executive group sales

                VIP Trophy                           Distributor Challenge Trophy                      Harry Crook Trophy

The VIP Trophy – awarded for consistency of     The Distributor Challenge Trophy - awarded     The Harry Crook Trophy - awarded for
 effort and outstanding personal retail sales     for outstanding business development          outstanding business development


                                                                                        14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
“What a fantastic Showcase - it only get’s better with this business.      market our products online all mean that Kleeneze has aligned itself in
We came away today with what we thought was the world at our feet          pole position for massive growth.
and couldn’t wait to share the magical news with our team.                 With a massively exciting launch to the New Year how can anyone fail
As first-time qualifiers to Hong Kong, we did not think it could get any   to build a huge business?”
better but on Saturday you guys blew our minds away.”
                                                                           Mike and Amanda Bibby, Silver Premier Executive Distributors
Lee and Michelle Pattinson, Gold Distributors
                                                                           “Kleeneze have struck gold this time! The Kleeneze LIVE! New Year
“Over the years we must have been to nearly 30 conferences, so we          Launch has proven to us all that it is actually easier to get RICH than to
don’t say this lightly - the launch of 2011 was the best EVER!             make excuses. The changes that will be taking place within Kleeneze
We have been training from Go for No for the last 2 years and to           this year are bigger and more exciting than ever; but what’s really got
finally get to see Andrea Waltz & Richard Fenton in person was             everyone talking is that Kleeneze are offering each and every one of us
fantastic and they did not disappoint. Their training was the best         the opportunity to establish our very own e-commerce presence. It
training of any of the guest speakers that Kleeneze have had in the        doesn’t get much better than that!”
past. Can’t wait to watch it again online.                                 Debbie Gee, Silver Executive Distributor
The new incentives were exactly what is needed in these ever changing
times, the new starter kits, the new break free kit and the chance to

Your tweets
                 @Speak2Andy At the end of another mega day                @go4moreincome Kleeneze set to become a European giant over
                 with positive conversations and leads rolling in I know   next 2 to 5 years
                 I’m in the right place at the right time! Kleeneze        @juozz1 I’m so excited about this year after the Kleeneze Showcase.
                 @earnextra Break Free and 30% discount sign ons           Bring on the Nos!
                 in the pipeline. 2 should be in later this week.          @plinda400 Excellent Showcase! Kleeneze is the way to go! Build a
                 Working on others too. Kleeneze HQ master stroke!         future and a true lifestyle! There is not better time than NOW!!!

On Facebook:
                      Katie Allnutt Fantastic day. So many highlights      Shelagh Patricia Falconer OH!MY GOSH! What a Fantastic Day in
                      but the one for me was the very quick ’hour’         Icc in Birmingham on Saturday I’m blown away by all that was
                      that Richard and Andrea were on stage telling us     Announced Best ever Conference to date I am sooo grateful
                      to ’Go for No’.. absolutely brilliant                Thank you HQ.
                      Don Jardine Wow! what a day, chest hurts             Joanne Louse Ring here at the ICC, feeling the buzz – absolutely
                      from cheering so much! Top quality training,         fantastic announcements. Definitely can’t wait to get out there and
                      hanging around with so many happy and                find them nos.
positive friends good fun and creating your own business and future.       Matt Pritchard The Break Free announcement was the highlight for
“We Rock“                                                                  me. I’m expecting it to lead to a seat on the plan to New York ?
Lindsey Field What a great day! So many great speakers and                 Terri Louise Donaldson Absolutely brilliant. Mine and my husband’s
announcements ... but ... amazing to hear Richard Berry speak. If the      first time ever at one of these and we loved it. Can’t wait for many
man who introduced catalogues to Kleeneze thinks we are still in a         more to come!
winning business with a great future ... who can argue?!
                                                                           Steve Burns When Jamie announced the latest improvements for
Janette McKim What a great conference. Watched it all from my              retail and business building, I wanted to get off home there and then.
sitting room and just as well as I have a bad cold!! Loved all the         However, glad I stayed around for some inspirational training.
training especially Richard & Andrea. I know I will be going for NO
from now on. Really liked all the new announcements from Jamie.
Can’t wait to start putting them all into action. Thank you Jamie,
Michael and HQ Team for such a great day.
Jodie Clingan This was our first conference and we were
blown away!! we know what were doing to be in NEW YORK
November 2011!!!
Alan Threlfall What an awesome day we all had, yet again Kleeneze
goes from strength to strength and manages to make the opportunity
we have even more fantastic, a massive thanks to Jamie, Michael and
all of the team @ HQ that work so hard on our behalf.

December Retail Challenge winners
2010 ended with a bang as thousands of you took part in the December Retail Challenge. Running for five weeks, there were
fantastic prizes to be won, plus we ran a weekly challenge open to everyone.

And here are the winners, as drawn at the Kleeneze LIVE! New Year Showcase:
10 x Income Kits: Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock, Richard & Patricia Rogers, Ian Russell, David & Sheila
Moss-Baker, James & Alyson Hutchinson, John & Janis Horsman, Adam Swire & Deborah Heron, Keith
Glass & Margaret Holvec, Ivan Darch, Sally Pritchard & Robert Hunt
10 x Ezecook 2: David & Deborah Matthews, John Rees & Diane Mowels, William & Sharon
Stevenson, Gerard Coste, Tracey Burton & Gary Todd, Richard & Kim White, Gary Cooper & Jackie
Norris, Beverley & Ali Akcay, Christopher Pagett, David Notman, Judit Ugrin & Laszlo Varga,
Charlotte Sowerby & Stephen Howell, Ian & Deborah Wightmore, Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard, Brian &
Diane Holmwood, Chaitali & Ajit Nath, David & Christine Rhodes, Debra & Tony Williams, Debra &
Oliver Pusey
5 x Enterprize Magazines: Judith Carey, Lisa Curtis & Kevin Wratten, Richard Radbourne & Yvonne
Kirk, Kim & Scott Keable, Rachel & Stuart Gibbs, Sue & Tony Mincher, Peter Savidge, Jackie & Stuart
Bower, Denise & Nigel Rayner, Anthony & Aileen Gunn, Ursula Oetjen, John & Denise Dawkes,
Andrew & Jennifer Henderson, Jayne & Gary Burcombe, Jeffrey & Susan Greening, Mark & Sue
O’Reilly, Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning, Ian & Carol Parker, Timea Annus, Jane & David Mousley
Pairs of Kleeneze LIVE! Tour Tickets: David Wilson & Julie Knight, Jason Leigh, Barry & Cecilia
Bradbury, Janet & Colin Watts, Melanie Coo & John Pickersgill, Stephen Hoyland, Bill & Joyce Rowe,
Rachel Finch-Lees, Angela & Andrew Sweetman, John & Vera Bowden, Kathy & Ian Peace, Peter &
Sandra Murton, Maria & Frank Rendle, Doug & Sandra Roper, Carole Morrison, Allan & Myra Collins,
Rosemary Snedden, Paul Boulton, Sharon Smith & Kevin Pilkington, Peter & Caren Neesham
Pairs of September Gala Dinner Tickets: Justine & Steve Giergiel, Donna & Gemma Smith, Rosina
& Frank Pocock, Janet & Andrew Mitchell, Adrian & Carol Pope
£50 Naked Wine Vouchers: Jennifer Sayer, Bob & Diane Goulding, Deborah Bennett & Yvonne
Clark, Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor, Neil & Caroline Gebbie, Punit Vyas, Michael McGuinness &
Louise Hughes, David Prew & Lisa Davis, Karen Lucas, Tom & Kathryn Forbes, Stephen & Laine
Shepherd, Lisa & Paul Watkins, Ian Staddon & Hayley Newman, Michael Warriner, Marian Marafko,
Alison & Michael Ogden, Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins, David & Jenny Gerry, Linda & Alan Cannings,
Raymond & Caroline Powell
Kleeneze Pop-Up Banner: Amanda & William Hodgson, Ann & John Coe, Danna Powell & Nigel
Robinson, Simon & Kerri Matthews, Phillipa & Gordon De Sousa
Holiday in Cyprus: Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter, Kate Joels & Andrew Peay, Sheila & Paul
Freschini, Johanna & Stuart Peuleve, Richard & Pauline Yates
Double Your Cheque: Mark & Sharon Fearn £745.71, Mollie Gregory £259.75, Paul & Maria
Armstrong £327.22, Janet & Colin Watts £669.02, Philip Paxton, Tracey Burton & Gary Todd
£637.60, Tracy Burridge & Paul Nolan £430.90, Sarah-Jane Middleton & David Barnett-Jones
£440.68, Fred Millership £461.75, Phillip Jamison £330.89
£100 voucher towards Sales Aids or advertising: Peter Pooley, Clare Haines, Leslie Wood, Paul
Gallagher, Christopher & Helen Morris, Paul & Heidi Davis, Denby Rhodes, John & Cath Clease, Chris
Grigg, Antony & Aileen Gunn

  There are ten months before the Kleeneze Destination takes place in the incredible city of
  New York. Congratulations to our latest Distributors who have climbed the Sales Plan in
  the last couple of months and are now officially in qualification for the Big Apple!

  Toni Yates and Martin Webb                           Mark Wright and Emma Frain
  Steven Bond                                          Charis Selfridge
  Susan Blunt                                          Nick and Grace Sassanelli
                                                       Karen and Scott Boardman

                                                                                                      14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
 Kleeneze is undoubtedly one of the leaders in the field of direct selling
 and we plan to stay that way for many years to come. To that effect,
                                                                             FREE UNBRANDED WEBSITES FOR EVERYONE
                                                                             Off the back of, you can now also have an
 2011 is the year that Kleeneze takes the Internet by storm! And this is     unbranded, fully compliant website –
 how we plan to do it:                                                                  
 A NEW WAY TO BUILD YOUR RETAIL                                                                   to help you generate even more enquiries into
     Over recent months more and more Distributors have been                                      your business.
            trying to establish an e-commerce presence and so we’re                                To activate this new unbranded site you must
                introducing a new way to build your retail that will                               first activate your branded website on
COMING IN ensure we stay leaders in our field.                                             and log in using your
 MARCH!      So, as part of the ongoing development of
                                                                                                    normal DSA username
                                                                                                    and password. If you
    website, from MARCH 2011 you
                                                                                                     have already activated
  will be able to take orders from your customers online. So e-
                                                                             your web site your
 commerce will not be in place until March of this year and
                                                                             unbranded site is automatically activated. Full
 until then we will be continuing with the traditional method
                                                                             guidelines can be found on the DSA.
 of retailing only.
 The first stage is to allow customers in your local area to place their                                                                   Photos
                                                                             Many of you are already using Social Media,           from the KleenezeLIVE!
 orders on your website. The current order process runs as:
                                                                             with Facebook being globally known as the most          New Year Launch
 Step 1: You drop catalogues                                                 utilised. So, we’ve set up a Facebook fan page!           are now on
 Step 2: Customer writes out order on paper form                             By linking to the new Kleeneze fan page and                facebook
 Step 3: Collect catalogues with orders (and go back for stragglers)         inviting others to do so, you will be able to make
 Step 4: You collate all your customer orders and place your order           sure your contacts (friends) are kept up-to-date with all the news
         to HQ                                                               such as catalogue launches, new products, offers and conferences.
 Step 5: On receipt of your delivery, you then deliver to your               We know how well Kleeneze works and by letting your ‘friends’ see
         customers and collect payment                                       what it is all about by drip-feeding them the information in a timely
 So the first stage is to give you an electronic version of steps 1 to 3.    way it could help them see what it could do for them.
                                                                             We’ll be sharing
                                                                             testimonials about
 We’ll enable a payment function, so that your website will accept           how people from all
 payment from your customers by credit or debit card and then allow          walks of life have
 you to make the final delivery. This will take a little more time, as we    changed their lives
 need to ensure that we’re compliant with distance selling regulations       with Kleeneze can be
 and everything is fully secure and links to your account.                   shared with them in
 “Please rest assured, we have no intention of EVER dealing direct with      an easy to digest and
 customers,” said Managing Director Jamie Stewart at the Kleeneze            non-intrusive way.
 LIVE! New Year Launch. “Our expertise is in supporting Kleeneze             The Facebook page is
 Distributors. Other business opportunities DO deal direct with              there to help you
 customers and cut out distributors and their commissions. This will         spread the Kleeneze
 NOT happen in Kleeneze.                                                     word – building the
 We believe that door to door catalogue distribution is the lifeblood of     brand from a customer base point of view, but primarily and most
 this business and the personal service that you offer your customers        importantly to help YOU recruit new distributors.
 can never be replaced.”                                           

  £150 and five Income Kits: Mark & Sue O’Reilly, Colin & Sarby Turnbull, Chaitali & Ajit Nath, Andy & Linda Goddard, Jean & Frederick Bamber, Jayne
  & Gary Burcombe, Patrick McKenna, Daisy & Richard Fickling, William Mackenzie, Don O’Shea
  £50 and two Income Kits: Kate & Stewart Brunskill, Christopher & Lynne Marshall, Tim Sandom, Hugh & Sally-Anne Smith, Michael Cap, Shane &
  Stacy McKee, James Newby & Emma Bradshaw, Sylvia & Kenneth Moody, Katharine Thompson & Hugh McCardle, Alan & Rae Gray, Laurie Mitchell,
  Jenny Jones, Jennifer & Ian Mackenzie, Amrit Bhachu, Matthew Ashley, Monique & Melissa Parkhurst, Kathleen & Raymond Watson, Patricia McMahon,
  Roy Holden & Lesley Frances, Gary & Esther Watson, Anthony Price, Colin & Charlene Sadler, Janet & Andrew Mitchell, Caroline & Philip Thompson,
  Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul

100,000 And Above                                     Kerry & Paul Stonall                   36,077.10   Gareth & Jeanette Jones                  14,127.09   John Greenwood                      9,519.90
Nasko Ratchev                          2,721,191.12   Ron & Judy Speirs                      35,490.64   Timothy Murphy                           14,103.18   Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan            9,519.24
Lynn Macdonald                         2,718,551.46   Brian Manchester                       35,395.05   Norah Bohan                              14,070.99   David & Heather Flannagan           9,519.23
Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes            2,685,275.62   Angela & Stephen Burchell              35,075.99   Donna & Charles Warr                     14,024.14   Michael Prior                       9,504.98
Bob Webb                               1,413,635.30                                                      Raymond & Lorraine Satchell              14,012.36   Philip & Alison Wimbles             9,471.02
Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat              1,209,091.55   15,000 And Above                                   David & Jenny Gerry                      14,009.52   John & Jenny Caton                  9,450.79
Terry Carr                             1,020,275.68   Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson          34,966.77   Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor           13,989.78   Paul Smith & Angela Solomon         9,340.63
Rob Forster & Ray Aziz                 1,020,046.60   Ram & Joginder Singh                   34,874.91   David & Christine Rhodes                 13,986.80   Gerard Coste                        9,315.47
Gillian Nicholson                      1,003,772.90   Karim Karmali                          34,551.71   Louise Puttick                           13,974.76   Paul & Avril Coleman                9,300.40
Freda Fenn & Heather Summers             896,940.64   Michael & Sandra Laydon                34,305.59   Roger & Simon Mantle                     13,968.68   Suzanne & Richard Woolven           9,285.14
Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott          890,978.85   Nicola & Jerome Neville                33,481.65   Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson            13,853.17   Bob & Rosemarie Hardy               9,276.16
Muriel & Tony Judson                     862,644.01   Gill & Donato Sepe                     33,025.96   David Potter                             13,844.69   Bernadette Murray                   9,253.96
Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden                  833,644.56   John & Janice Halsall                  31,940.91   William & Jane Warrington                13,794.33   Kenny Liggett                       9,231.01
Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull                810,389.18   Trish & Lee Fisher                     31,704.15   Jeffrey & Frances Topple                 13,763.50   Peter & Angela Abrahams             9,224.09
John & Jeanette Hawkes                   724,016.23   Graham & Georgina Long                 31,433.26   Andrew & Denise Hunt                     13,759.60   Diana Babbage & Joanna Turner       9,172.58
Peter & Jackie White                     682,819.25   Stuart & Gail Mckibbin                 29,892.83   Isobel & James Orr                       13,753.59   Simon Luckett & Cristina Simoes     9,158.22
Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton                506,662.92   Lesley Burroughs                       28,463.93   Ian & Pauline Pilkington                 13,678.34   Richard & Suzanne Tibbetts          9,116.67
Mike & Amanda Bibby                      455,532.15   Paul Flintoft                          28,404.04   Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths            13,635.06   Lorraine & Mark Collins             9,111.85
Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks              404,245.59   Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman            28,398.00   June & David Love                        13,627.84   Jacqueline Akhurst & Steven Ellis   9,096.48
Margaret & Roy Japp                      334,151.32   Allan Ledwidge                         28,284.68   Elizabeth & Ian Hyams                    13,577.77   Alex Dewar & Lucie Hannah Marcus    9,091.90
Terence & Jean Ash                       329,778.75   Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee             28,184.68   Denys & Laura Harris                     13,494.15   Kathleen Watson                     9,084.80
Gary & Esther Watson                     326,505.51   Chantele & Barry Travis                28,055.35   Trevor & Janet Rawding                   13,447.44   Roger & Gillian Coupe               9,039.37
John & Steven Sharp                      275,933.71   Jennifer & Martin Amos                 27,165.61   Catherine & Stephen Lord                 13,437.93   Javid Khan                          9,010.97
Hazel & John Stephen                     264,368.29   Michael & Jennifer Allsop              27,136.03   William & Sharon Stevenson               13,415.73   Sara & Steven Smith                 9,004.32
Craig & Magdalena White                  247,028.54   Harold & Minnie Fulton                 27,038.40   Ian & Carol Parker                       13,395.93   Richard & Patricia Rogers           8,981.42
Gordon & Judy Seldon                     238,223.21   Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard               26,973.06   Sandra Brown                             13,382.88   David Bond & John Watkins           8,977.17
Robert Gibbons                           238,020.23   Helen & Andrew Walsh                   26,880.82   Darryl Allen                             13,382.88   Kimberley Sunter                    8,969.33
Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch          220,166.12   Steven Harding & Narissa Mather        26,828.45   Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester        13,382.88   Belinda Barnes & John Shearer       8,942.61
Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer                   203,134.25   Karen & Peter Flitton                  26,279.29   Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford          13,378.20   Tony & Julie Brown                  8,912.19
David & Anne Pemberton-Smith             187,903.62   Ivan Darch                             25,966.62   Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman            13,280.83   Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell         8,892.20
Judy Jodrell                             186,873.61   Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy           25,863.32   Christopher Young & Helena Edwards       13,223.39   Stephen & Barbara Courtney          8,835.52
Claire & Peter Rea                       185,378.94   Angela & James Macleod                 25,788.63   Steven Mee & Jaqueline Mullings          13,192.13   Peter & Angela Bach                 8,835.52
John & Sarah Mckie                       183,700.98   Christine Lappin & Simon Place         25,590.01   Bill & Joyce Rowe                        13,158.98   Sheelagh & Paul Humphries           8,793.61
Michael & Jean Day                       175,982.13   Ian & Agnieszka Clarke                 25,342.73   Sarah Jenkins                            13,158.98   Christina & Rob Cann                8,783.71
Stephen Geldard                          165,593.66   Martina & James McGrath                25,222.21   Johanna & Stuart Peuleve                 13,109.32   Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore         8,780.93
Phil & Jean Warrington                   164,778.15   Gloria & Clive Davies                  25,118.98   Paul & Helen Wilson                      13,082.22   Paul & Gosia Hammond                8,778.80
Vie & Keith Robertson                    152,869.79   Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher         24,786.73   Sharon Bullock & David Taylor            13,060.83   David & Deborah Lord                8,769.78
John & Anne Donaldson                    152,725.12   Linda & Tony Gower                     24,741.80   Warren & Pamela Sewell                   12,935.08   Tim & Freda Drinkwater              8,769.78
Tony & Katharine Briffa                  145,886.59   Joseph O’Donnell                       24,396.14   Kate Lee                                 12,894.53   Kerry Edees                         8,767.61
John & Christine Prosser                 143,417.88   Jen & Garry Luke                       24,243.57   Anthony & Leslie Carrick                 12,814.50   Glyn Thomas & Rose Rees             8,756.51
Robert & Mary Higgins                    135,341.25   Colin & Charlene Sadler                24,193.29   Bernie & Barbara Klinger                 12,798.76   John & Mary Marsh                   8,744.17
Sylvia & Jack Hood                       131,714.92   Elaine & Martin Spafford               24,146.85   Robert & Rosemary Annan                  12,749.96   Deryck & Jane Easton                8,726.11
Michael & Susan Pirie                    128,640.53   Conor & Linda Treanor                  23,936.93   Patricia Fisher                          12,680.16   Graham & Marion Whitaker            8,719.56
Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan                 122,685.27   Debra & Oliver Pusey                   23,826.02   Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison                12,662.28   Michael & Valerie Warrener          8,706.39
Heather & James O’Neil                   120,250.69   Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts         23,548.98   Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton              12,614.11   Peter Savidge                       8,700.90
Raymond & Miriam Turnbull                119,674.67   Mark & Sarah Wildman                   23,471.26   Tavis Taylor                             12,597.95   Paul Bate & Thomas Johnson          8,647.41
Geoff & Fiona Webb                       118,079.86   John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone           23,418.46   Graham & Jennifer Shaw                   12,578.72   Michael & Anne Barnaville           8,641.98
Jill Corlett                             116,608.28   Alison & Kevin Thomas                  23,382.82   James & Jane White                       12,534.31   Charis Selfridge                    8,641.18
Victor & Una Brown                       116,064.11   Karen Jordan & Kenneth Rooney          23,291.11   Graham & Christine James                 12,480.53   Sharon Owen                         8,636.04
Sue & Geoffrey Burras                    115,656.58   Robert & Jacqueline Dolan              22,906.08   Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz               12,442.38   Douglas & Theresa Hack              8,602.98
Adele & Jaime De Caso                    114,172.59   Timothy & Tina Pace                    22,740.54   Stephen & Laine Shepherd                 12,402.76   Laura & Pauline Cleland             8,592.12
Malcolm Ashmore                          114,172.59   Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin   22,684.85   Angel & Stuart Hill                      12,352.29   Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell            8,554.93
Andy & Carolyn Cooper                    105,029.14   Cindy & David Brown                    22,474.93   Leslie & Moira Harris                    12,352.29   Jeanette & David Ward               8,551.06
Trevor Mitchell                          104,522.16   Robert Wellock                         22,474.93   Raymond & Barbara Mann                   12,336.50   Cliff & Linda Parker                8,490.25
Irene Wilson                             101,134.92   Christine & Jim Foster                 22,370.69   Robert Young & Clare Mears               12,334.31   Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso      8,470.07
Sue & Steve Ferguson                     100,098.48   Jillian & Peter Griffiths              22,235.43   Adrian & Margaret Lynch                  12,270.79   Emma & Chris Shafe                  8,465.64
                                                      Maria & Lee Kowalkowski                22,146.53   Jane & Andrew Connor                     12,269.90   Paula Macleod & Pierre De Spa       8,464.67
35,000 And Above                                      David Belcher                          22,036.80   Janet & Andrew Mitchell                  12,257.59   Marie Andrews                       8,460.06
Stephani & Bill Neville                  99,525.62    Richard & Helen Peuleve                22,036.80   David & Elaine Luke                      12,210.10   Adrian Fisher                       8,460.06
Helen Lambert & Richard Woods            95,271.81    Linda & Ian Stanley                    21,803.71   Peter & Cathy Legg                       12,110.41   Robert & Jennifer Radbourne         8,442.03
Anthony Greeves                          93,040.90    Steve & Cathy Chambers                 21,685.16   Stacy & Jonathan Beck                    12,028.34   Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins         8,413.75
Carole & Benny Morris                    91,905.77    Kevin Sands                            21,569.41   Julian & Karen Pike                      11,925.65   David & Deborah Matthews            8,410.69
Lauren & Peter Jackson                   91,415.87    John & Karina Beesley                  21,563.00   Veronica Nixon                           11,921.06   Sarah & David Messer                8,400.84
David & Rosie Bibby                      87,594.87    Norman & Joanne Grundy                 21,464.59   Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas            11,892.01   Antony & Aileen Gunn                8,395.45
Steve & Debbie Roper                     87,277.35    Ann & John Coe                         21,333.01   Sarah Trim                               11,880.23   Ann Ashley & Roger Samuel           8,356.79
Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young          84,489.09    Keith & Patricia Phillips              21,292.01   Angela Wallace                           11,813.68   Peter & Joyce Rowe                  8,345.58
Declan Oneill                            83,863.71    Terry Hayden                           21,099.38   Susan Clements & John Dowding            11,779.62   William & Helen Greaves             8,340.33
Glenn & Caroline Royston                 82,480.64    Tony & Wendy Vallerine                 21,021.85   Stuart Chantler & Claire Garrod          11,779.62   Stephen & Elaine Blay               8,319.93
Gaynor Morgan                            82,346.79    Sharon & Craig Davis                   21,016.06   Alex & Kathleen Langler                  11,775.76   Catherine Knight                    8,306.86
Olivera Toner                            81,992.18    Gill & Tim Evans                       20,894.75   Jackie & Stuart Bower                    11,765.59   Jason Morris                        8,299.22
David & Samantha Branch                  79,416.97    John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo              20,873.85   Frederick & Karen Mason                  11,654.58   Carol Stephen & Gary Watson         8,281.66
Dave & Susie Horton                      79,077.73    Robert Gould                           20,847.62   Richard & Ranti Fallowfield              11,600.04   Clare Haines                        8,271.89
Michelle Kennedy                         77,906.94    Gerwyn Duggan                          20,847.62   Tom & Kathryn Forbes                     11,598.13   Jane Philpott                       8,268.95
Susan & David Darton                     77,677.11    Christopher & Lynne Marshall           20,788.33   Vivienne & Richard Washington            11,579.58   John & Anita Orr                    8,265.72
Angela & Norman Campbell                 77,421.89    Mikaela & Andrew Brown                 20,668.11   Andrew & Vicky De Caso                   11,579.58   Mervyn Baxter                       8,265.72
Marcell & Joanne Treanor                 77,014.61    Coleen & Stephen Batchelor             19,929.32   John & Lesley McNally                    11,540.56   Noel & Eileen Carson                8,231.76
Stephen & Debra Nell                     76,284.51    Paul Meikle                            19,527.02   Linda Charles                            11,540.56   Niall & Eileen Mckenna              8,225.82
Helen & Paul Allgood                     75,558.49    John Smith                             19,218.78   Joe Croll                                11,518.08   Jasbir Kaur                         8,225.12
Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald                   75,419.91    Rosemary & Christopher Day             19,120.36   Gavin Thomson                            11,426.70   Mary & Harry Fullerton              8,201.29
Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw              75,046.19    Clive & Pamela Lennard                 18,902.81   Anthony Mervin                           11,418.26   Adam Swire & Deborah Heron          8,199.75
Deborah & Allan Dewar                    74,811.30    James Dale & Claire Daniels            18,671.79   Patricia & Dennis Corser                 11,415.24   Alan & Rebekah Larner               8,197.00
Stanley & Roy Stewart                    71,016.71    Keith & Veronica King                  18,585.58   Raymond & Susan Kirkland                 11,373.54   Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman         8,189.10
John & Jenny Holden                      70,986.12    Kodwo Anderson                         18,585.58   Wendy Fielding                           11,316.68   Richard Howe                        8,180.97
Karen & Neil Young                       70,861.56    Phil Curtis                            18,549.21   Geoffrey & Berenice Davey                11,299.25   Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault         8,142.76
Eve & Norman Branch                      70,684.44    Harry Hancock                          18,467.38   Carole & James Sunter                    11,259.28   David Notman                        8,114.53
Rosina & Frank Pocock                    70,027.42    Terry & Jane Hodge                     18,465.88   Michael Collin & Gwendoline Hannan       11,179.23   William & Agnes Burgess             8,099.26
Ramon & Sylvia Laing                     69,988.93    Lorraine & Ian Balcombe                18,409.66   Henry & Diana Crosby                     11,122.66   Willie Louw                         8,094.65
Caroline Harris & Craig Cox              69,925.87    Christopher Conroy                     18,409.66   Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg             11,096.20   Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning       8,089.38
Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch          69,863.82    Maria & Shane Treanor                  18,400.80   Toni Yates & Martin Webb                 11,071.84   Morna Campbell & Donna Mcloone      8,082.84
Peter & Myrna Wellock                    67,992.85    Amelia & Hannah Mchard                 18,393.51   Marcus & Joyce Emerson                   11,052.16   Julie Bullivant                     8,072.78
Craig & Mary Hawkes                      67,071.85    Marie & Jeremy Simmonds                18,382.79   Fay & Andrew Roe                         10,934.46   Linda & Alan Cannings               8,060.00
Andrew & Sue Boswell                     66,862.96    Iain & Jackie Swanston                 18,260.80   Neil & Susan Maclean                     10,895.72   Sandra & Chris Nelms                8,058.15
Brian Harwood                            66,729.75    John & Kath Clease                     18,060.76   Stephen & Joyce Milne                    10,863.84   David & Gail Slee                   8,045.17
Mike & Dawn Gough                        64,668.23    Ann Searle & Philip Linsey             18,043.52   Chaitali & Ajit Nath                     10,859.21   Brian & Diane Holmwood              8,028.12
Chris & Julia Norton                     64,564.34    Sheila & Nigel Fowler                  18,012.55   Paul & Carolyn Blaxall                   10,845.19   Annette Bradley                     8,020.43
Helen Brooks                             60,879.17    Gareth & Gil Duffy                     17,993.58   Gavin & Trish Conway                     10,841.34   Phillippa Snow & Ky Hale            8,020.43
John & Wendy English                     60,865.50    Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent             17,959.66   Terry Card                               10,835.30   Negin & Michael Backhouse           7,946.22
Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth     60,207.88    Michael & Janet Wallace                17,938.23   Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley         10,819.26   Catherine & Geoffrey White          7,940.51
Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark            59,886.22    Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras        17,935.40   Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel                 10,791.06   Sadie Oboyle                        7,930.40
Alf & Carol Bell                         59,878.06    Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning        17,906.38   Julie Golding                            10,782.76   Elizabeth & Keith Tomlinson         7,911.42
Christopher & Louise Brown               59,169.85    Colin & Sarby Turnbull                 17,816.05   Andrew Webber & Kerryann Perry           10,729.47   John Rees & Diane Mowels            7,859.20
Julie Collier & Peter Richards           58,219.37    Sakuntla Kalyan & Richard Lovesey      17,693.73   Lesley & Gordon Whittington              10,710.42   Lee & Michelle Pattinson            7,854.62
Jane & John Dunkerley                    58,182.43    Patrick & Helen Loftus                 17,500.78   Sandra Ellis                             10,690.87   Roger & Martina Carragher           7,832.73
Richard & Clare Chantler                 57,810.96    Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor          17,466.73   Stewart Lonsdale & Susan Allen           10,683.05   Sharon & Steve Agnew                7,832.32
Tracy & David Sheehan                    56,878.34    Michael & Julia Tolton                 17,317.01   Cath & John Wilkinson                    10,682.08   Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell         7,816.05
Doug & Sandra Roper                      55,015.51    Paul Melville                          17,297.15   Jim & Vicky Smith                        10,621.08   Christine & Ian Brennan             7,797.79
Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain       54,199.83    Peter & Jean Monroe                    17,182.23   Lee & Fiona Henshaw                      10,566.95   Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall     7,796.91
Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock              53,396.85    David & Judith Mccreath                17,130.55   Arthur & Irene Bennett                   10,563.98   Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph          7,796.37
Belinda & Peter Clarke                   52,179.22    Martyn Cunningham                      17,055.65   Susan Walton                             10,512.23   Colin & Gillian Campbell            7,795.76
James Curtis                             51,644.61    Diane & Geoff Owen                     17,032.76   Marion & Anthony Homer                   10,505.81   Mark Jennings & Sian Murphy         7,793.72
Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward           51,148.54    Charlie & Gillian Whitton              16,974.38   Diana Schuch & Alan Ward                 10,493.93   Jill & David Mason                  7,791.18
Debbie & Trevor Collins                  49,705.09    Gordon & Patrick Davidson              16,922.15   Craig & Linda Lomas                      10,464.41   Gabrielle & Christopher Brace       7,772.86
Su & Jas Bains                           49,705.09    Gail & Darren Drew                     16,842.33   Bob & Diane Goulding                     10,454.37   Mark Wright & Emma Frain            7,752.94
Eamonn & Anne Roe                        47,956.66    Darren & Christina Simmons             16,823.67   Christine & Con Browning                 10,447.68   Margaret Jarman                     7,735.94
John Webb & Kathryn Price                47,415.62    Barry & Cecilia Bradbury               16,791.64   Joanne & Tim Powell                      10,439.06   Markus Klotzer & Petra Romoser      7,730.33
Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey          47,264.76    Caroline & Simon Harvey                16,690.27   Lesley Davies & Wendy Meddelton          10,418.96   Jane Waddell                        7,727.00
Derrick & Maria Longwright               46,826.79    Kevin Rider                            16,546.57   Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan                10,332.03   Kathleen & Dominic Carolan          7,706.50
Graham & Catherine Hyde                  46,551.26    Michael Amor-Wilkes                    16,406.60   Allan & Maxine Lawford                   10,305.93   Kevin & Leah Howe                   7,702.53
Roger & Barbara Green                    46,512.79    Bill Caddy                             16,341.63   Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert                10,286.61   Susan & Tony Cater                  7,699.04
Sharon & Andrew Bird                     45,960.34    Georgina & Phil Gale                   16,279.86   Sarah Sancho                             10,271.11   Verity & Richard Bloor              7,685.01
Sunil Popat                              45,956.01    Arthur & Susan Cuthbert                16,233.46   Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham     10,265.84   Judith & Stephen Joyce              7,662.04
Paul Tawn & Clare Bason                  45,956.01    Tim Sandom                             16,056.07   David & Lynn Bole                        10,217.13   Allan & Myra Collins                7,653.75
Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan           45,843.24    Keith & Teresa Faulkner                16,046.64   Shane & Emma Sullivan                    10,214.59   Luisa Byrom & Andy Newton           7,646.41
Debbie Gee & David White                 45,201.74    Nichola & David Walmsley               15,988.51   Declan & Monica Manning                  10,203.47   Melissa Squires & Ian Slade         7,633.80
Alan Meldrum                             44,949.61    Lyn & Tony Davies                      15,965.34   Elizabeth & George Kerr                  10,148.83   Sheelagh & Brian Carter             7,633.37
Clare & Martin Whitelock                 44,825.88    Tony Fasulo & Julie White              15,756.45   Kelly & Steve Elliott                    10,133.24   Terry & Diane Williams              7,631.97
Steven & Sarah Curtis                    44,816.31    Bev & Dave Townsend                    15,653.25   Clive & Beverley Currier                 10,125.85   Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec       7,625.81
David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin         44,217.05    Anthony & Susan Peacham                15,537.57   Sarah Darch & Timothy Philp              10,110.95   Ian & Deborah Wightmore             7,617.51
Jay Singh                                44,072.40    Heather Brown                          15,523.14   Peter Gallant & Claire McKay             10,072.61   Liz & Andy Gowland                  7,616.82
Caroline & Philip Thompson               43,249.72    Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr            15,443.25   Chris & Nicky Evans                      10,043.70   Emma Colley                         7,614.19
Melanie & Andrew Wilson                  42,548.26    Omran Zaman                            15,253.05                                                        Beryl Wynter & Aaron Smalling       7,611.03
Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly              42,505.59    Narendra & Kashmir Kalon               15,222.48   7,500 And Above                                      Katie & Mark Johnson                7,608.65
Alexandra Tuesley                        41,493.70    Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse        15,199.02   Janet & Roger Bowen                       9,994.19   Nigel Le Long                       7,607.18
Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris              41,408.69    Mark Law & Diana Searle                15,192.04   Daniel & Michelle Marshall                9,976.27   Steven Divito                       7,597.32
Tom & Bernadette Hingley                 41,026.86    David Byatt & Janet Smith              15,135.70   Sylvia & Gary Green                       9,969.95   Mary & Peter Whinfrey               7,586.11
Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree        40,959.16    Pamela Jarvis                          15,123.54   Ron & Heidi Body                          9,945.10   Martyn Regan & Verity Antcliff      7,583.30
Alison & Michael Ogden                   40,929.15    Barry & Nina Mitchell                  15,074.84   Steven Bond                               9,909.41   Glenn & Claire Few                  7,577.05
Stephen Clark                            40,736.73                                                       Deborah Morgan                            9,908.85   Sue Phoenix                         7,575.50
Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi               40,176.08    10,000 And Above                                   Susan Hook                                9,860.53   Mark & Louise Keye                  7,560.16
John & Sophia Clements                   39,856.53    Andrew & Cheryl Williams               14,999.66   Michael & Diane Ruth Mccaul               9,802.67   Richard Radbourne & Yvonne Kirk     7,552.33
David Pope                               39,659.34    Richard & Greta Brownridge             14,971.23   Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks             9,791.10   Christine & Geoffrey Richards       7,540.87
Amanda & Andrew Holland                  39,288.76    Amy Warrington                         14,963.28   Vicky & Craig Austin                      9,685.79   Arthur & Maureen Nicholl            7,538.98
Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox           38,779.71    Peter & Caren Neesham                  14,731.41   Steve & Ann-Marie Richardson              9,659.72   Erick Duncan & Terry Garde          7,537.47
Denise & Stephen Neal                    37,706.18    Robert & Jennifer Clifton              14,687.89   Gareth Rickhuss & Janette Pyne            9,632.84   Justine & Steve Giergiel            7,533.92
Abigail Colclough                        37,331.63    Seamus & Clare Houghton                14,639.10   Martin Stoves                             9,628.51   Marie & Alim Slimani                7,531.59
Andrew & Ann Meldrum                     36,995.61    Yvonne & Jonathan Coffey               14,493.23   Linda & Steve Tinkler                     9,602.28   Michael & Mercy Radbourne           7,521.62
Toby Acton & Donna Gold                  36,829.75    Barbara Margaret Webb                  14,486.30   David & Claire Fallon                     9,564.66   Michael Wallace                     7,521.12
Rhian & E Anthony Jones                  36,735.92    Shirley Pere & John Barnes             14,425.56   Georgina Marshall & Will Goodger          9,550.55   Karen Lucas                         7,519.23
Keith & Helen Sandland                   36,521.94    Dean & Rachel Rothwell                 14,342.19   Ian Williams & Sally Mellor               9,537.77   Richard Roberts                     7,514.10
Steven Clements                          36,426.34    Michael Godwin                         14,312.44   Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter             9,533.60   Nick & Grace Sassanelli             7,510.06
Peter & Sheryl Dutton                    36,282.19    David Wilson & Julie Knight            14,178.09   Pierce & Janet Hartley                    9,524.74

                                                                                                                                            14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
100,000 And Above                                     Alison & Michael Ogden                 32,650.84   Lorraine & Ian Balcombe             15,226.86   Angela Wallace                     9,669.94
Lynn Macdonald                         1,916,540.37   David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin       32,629.05   Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey     15,165.17   Raymond & Susan Kirkland           9,570.91
Nasko Ratchev                          1,913,625.72   Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan         32,605.32   Chantele & Barry Travis             15,153.80   Jen & Garry Luke                   9,554.67
Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes            1,899,333.58   Deborah & Allan Dewar                  32,555.63   Gerwyn Duggan                       15,080.40   Paul Meikle                        9,530.99
Bob Webb                                 980,804.22   Amanda & Andrew Holland                32,407.42   Robert Gould                        15,080.40   Donna & Charles Warr               9,518.41
Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat                865,339.11   John & Jenny Holden                    32,399.50   Keith & Patricia Phillips           15,066.03   Barbara Margaret Webb              9,377.03
Terry Carr                               735,932.89   Helen Lambert & Richard Woods          32,114.17   Mike & Dawn Gough                   15,045.80   Stephen & Laine Shepherd           9,362.48
Rob Forster & Ray Aziz                   735,848.89   Abigail Colclough                      31,800.97                                                   Sylvia & Gary Green                9,346.59
John & Jeanette Hawkes                   517,767.73   Andrew & Sue Boswell                   31,578.34   10,000 And Above                                Mikaela & Andrew Brown             9,251.57
Freda Fenn & Heather Summers             368,202.60   Derrick & Maria Longwright             31,453.62   Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy        14,985.99   Peter & Angela Bach                9,247.05
Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott          367,592.23   Jay Singh                              31,447.86   Steve & Cathy Chambers              14,882.42   Stephen & Barbara Courtney         9,247.05
Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton                359,260.75   Melanie & Andrew Wilson                31,071.40   Coleen & Stephen Batchelor          14,785.34   Michael Godwin                     9,221.02
Muriel & Tony Judson                     354,756.15   Susan & David Darton                   30,259.28   James Dale & Claire Daniels         14,769.50   Daniel & Michelle Marshall         9,134.76
Gillian Nicholson                        332,639.65   Graham & Catherine Hyde                29,776.34   Andrew & Ann Meldrum                14,749.22   Jeffrey & Frances Topple           9,129.43
Mike & Amanda Bibby                      320,698.77   Roger & Barbara Green                  29,682.76   David Belcher                       14,717.05   Lesley Davies & Wendy Meddelton    9,105.81
Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks              292,169.54   Su & Jas Bains                         29,595.13   Richard & Helen Peuleve             14,717.05   Andrew & Denise Hunt               9,081.50
Peter & Jackie White                     291,537.85   Debbie & Trevor Collins                29,595.13   Bill & Joyce Rowe                   14,711.39   David & Christine Rhodes           9,049.67
Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden                  280,673.64   Chris & Julia Norton                   29,402.30   Sarah Jenkins                       14,711.39   Ann & John Coe                     9,038.59
Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull                271,487.76   Tom & Bernadette Hingley               29,397.67   Denise & Stephen Neal               14,627.81   Seamus & Clare Houghton            9,031.21
Terence & Jean Ash                       231,321.04   John Webb & Kathryn Price              29,164.26   Sunil Popat                         14,453.62   Shirley Pere & John Barnes         9,015.70
Gary & Esther Watson                     229,171.37   Debbie Gee & David White               28,939.46   Paul Tawn & Clare Bason             14,409.13   Patrick & Helen Loftus             9,000.30
Robert Gibbons                           161,173.92   Rosina & Frank Pocock                  28,757.74   Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras     14,320.29   Georgina & Phil Gale               8,987.81
Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch          144,119.55   Graham & Georgina Long                 28,251.84   Kevin Sands                         14,222.10   Graham & Christine James           8,976.49
Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer                   143,986.27   Rhian & E Anthony Jones                27,822.65   Paul Melville                       13,884.71   Stuart & Gail Mckibbin             8,883.00
David & Anne Pemberton-Smith             136,780.55   Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree      27,294.62   Tavis Taylor                        13,422.83   Darren & Christina Simmons         8,879.70
Claire & Peter Rea                       130,713.74   Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi             27,281.11   Lyn & Tony Davies                   13,342.40   Paul & Carolyn Blaxall             8,785.23
John & Sarah Mckie                       121,151.08   Caroline Harris & Craig Cox            27,119.48   Gareth & Gil Duffy                  13,211.55   Patricia Fisher                    8,749.30
Stephen Geldard                          115,729.84   John & Sophia Clements                 26,982.86   Peter & Sheryl Dutton               13,207.77   Amanda & Peter Graham              8,709.72
Margaret & Roy Japp                      109,066.25   Julie Collier & Peter Richards         26,551.62   Robert & Jacqueline Dolan           13,198.29   Georgina & Will Goodger            8,657.61
Vie & Keith Robertson                    107,983.63   Michael & Sandra Laydon                26,534.32   Terry Hayden                        13,176.44   Cath & John Wilkinson              8,618.11
Craig & Magdalena White                  105,580.51   John & Janice Halsall                  26,488.67   Alison & Kevin Thomas               13,079.48   Linda Charles                      8,593.04
Tony & Katharine Briffa                  104,206.96   Alexandra Tuesley                      25,909.42   Michael Amor-Wilkes                 13,032.94   Jennifer & Martin Amos             8,583.91
                                                      David Pope                             25,820.53   Bev & Dave Townsend                 12,925.84   Dean & Rachel Rothwell             8,450.26
                                                      Steven Clements                        25,510.35                                                   Joanne & Tim Powell                8,404.06
35,000 And Above                                                                                         Stephen Clark                       12,705.22
                                                      Kerry & Paul Stonall                   25,403.72   Ron & Judy Speirs                   12,624.16   Sheelagh & Paul Humphries          8,298.22
Gordon & Judy Seldon                     98,251.31
                                                      Jane & John Dunkerley                  25,403.48   Andrew & Cheryl Williams            12,614.20   Gavin Thomson                      8,292.90
Robert & Mary Higgins                    93,314.80
                                                      Nicola & Jerome Neville                25,402.90   Tim Sandom                          12,571.49   Trevor & Janet Rawding             8,286.91
Victor & Una Brown                       92,266.56
                                                      Richard & Clare Chantler               25,141.15   Linda & Ian Stanley                 12,550.48   John & Lesley Mcnally              8,275.30
Raymond & Miriam Turnbull                89,189.18
                                                      Angela & Stephen Burchell              25,015.31   Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee          12,523.84   Sara & Steven Smith                8,270.28
John & Steven Sharp                      88,782.52
                                                      Ram & Joginder Singh                   25,005.30   Karen & Peter Flitton               12,401.94   Robert & Jennifer Clifton          8,215.26
Sue & Geoffrey Burras                    88,487.20
                                                      Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain     24,602.86   Linda & Tony Gower                  12,291.38   Bernie & Barbara Klinger           8,176.01
Hazel & John Stephen                     84,900.95
                                                      Toby Acton & Donna Gold                24,524.73   Warren & Pamela Sewell              12,270.28   Harry Hancock                      8,149.27
Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan                 84,408.93
                                                      Alf & Carol Bell                       23,780.54   Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning     12,256.56   Robert Young & Clare Mears         8,116.92
Heather & James O’Neil                   83,598.07
                                                      Trevor Mitchell                        23,167.47   Martyn Cunningham                   12,109.26   John & Jenny Caton                 8,112.34
Sue & Steve Ferguson                     76,676.58
                                                      Trish & Lee Fisher                     21,963.60   Ann Searle & Philip Linsey          12,102.01   Richard & Suzanne Tibbetts         8,105.64
Jill Corlett                             72,416.50
                                                      Clare & Martin Whitelock               21,475.16   Jillian & Peter Griffiths           12,039.06   Tony & Julie Brown                 8,100.62
Michael & Jean Day                       71,227.77
                                                      Allan Ledwidge                         20,873.59   Rosemary & Christopher Day          12,016.86   David Byatt & Janet Smith          8,090.17
Lauren & Peter Jackson                   69,204.19
                                                      Anthony Greeves                        20,617.17   Jeanette & David Ward               11,969.37   Keith & Teresa Faulkner            8,084.13
Phil & Jean Warrington                   68,261.04
                                                      Doug & Sandra Roper                    20,071.62   Yvonne & Jonathan Coffey            11,932.86   Helen & Andrew Walsh               8,079.23
David & Rosie Bibby                      66,047.33
                                                      Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman            20,048.59   Narendra & Kashmir Kalon            11,921.06   Adrian & Margaret Lynch            8,020.10
Dave & Susie Horton                      64,455.89
                                                      Joseph Odonnell                        20,041.87   Amelia & Hannah Mchard              11,724.89   Diane & Geoff Owen                 8,013.76
Irene Wilson                             61,962.78
                                                      Carole & Benny Morris                  20,034.90   Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent          11,660.88   Mark Law & Diana Searle            8,008.48
Stephani & Bill Neville                  61,754.33
                                                      Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark          19,347.72   Pamela Jarvis                       11,580.43   Sharon Smith & Kevin Pilkington    7,980.17
Glenn & Caroline Royston                 60,763.27
                                                      Christine Lappin & Simon Place         19,194.32   Gill & Donato Sepe                  11,571.92   Judith & David Ripley              7,980.17
Steve & Debbie Roper                     59,472.68
                                                      John Smith                             19,008.29   Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard            11,512.05   Chaitali & Ajit Nath               7,948.52
Stephen & Debra Nell                     59,246.67
                                                      Olivera Toner                          18,964.31   Sheila & Nigel Fowler               11,462.82   Paul & Andrea Towler               7,909.26
Michelle Kennedy                         57,534.22
                                                      Declan Oneill                          18,962.57   Michael & Janet Wallace             11,389.69   Ian & Carol Parker                 7,883.66
Ramon & Sylvia Laing                     57,318.64
                                                      Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris            18,903.69   David & Jenny Gerry                 11,380.90   Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler      7,862.93
Peter & Myrna Wellock                    56,110.97
                                                      Gloria & Clive Davies                  18,774.88   Barry & Nina Mitchell               11,377.26   Susan Clements & John Dowding      7,860.73
Helen & Paul Allgood                     53,971.54
                                                      Colin & Charlene Sadler                18,737.18   Omran Zaman                         11,363.30   Stuart Chantler & Claire Garrod    7,860.73
Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw              53,077.66
                                                      Phil Curtis                            18,687.10   Steven Bond                         11,349.45   Kelly & Steve Elliott              7,850.47
Karen & Neil Young                       52,943.46
                                                      Alan Meldrum                           18,415.39   Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr         11,299.42   Harold & Minnie Fulton             7,833.06
Judy Jodrell                             52,331.84
                                                      Brian Manchester                       18,413.25   Anthony & Susan Peacham             11,276.95   Tom & Kathryn Forbes               7,827.91
Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young          51,591.83
                                                      Angela & Norman Campbell               18,380.38   Tony & Wendy Vallerine              11,164.61   Elizabeth & Ian Hyams              7,812.98
David & Samantha Branch                  50,024.28
                                                      Marcell & Joanne Treanor               18,380.38   Geoffrey & Berenice Davey           11,136.16   Kerry Edees                        7,770.27
Sylvia & Jack Hood                       47,200.73
                                                      Karim Karmali                          18,238.47   Marie & Jeremy Simmonds             11,068.31   Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher     7,759.52
Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald                   46,540.61
                                                      Stanley & Roy Stewart                  18,192.64   Pierce & Janet Hartley              10,952.10   Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman      7,696.15
Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch          45,179.89
                                                      Colin & Sarby Turnbull                 18,172.24   Marion & Anthony Homer              10,939.05   Angel & Stuart Hill                7,687.51
Eve & Norman Branch                      45,179.89
                                                      Gaynor Morgan                          17,911.05   John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo           10,793.21   Leslie & Moira Harris              7,687.51
Brian Harwood                            44,877.11
                                                      Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox         17,881.46   Raymond & Lorraine Satchell         10,781.31   Sharon & Craig Davis               7,667.94
John & Anne Donaldson                    44,096.05
                                                      Christopher & Lynne Marshall           17,316.32   Ivan Darch                          10,684.59   Gordon & Patrick Davidson          7,661.39
Geoff & Fiona Webb                       43,859.20
                                                      Kevin Rider                            17,223.78   Peter & Caren Neesham               10,641.89   David & Lynn Bole                  7,657.08
Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth     43,674.05
                                                      Gareth & Jeanette Jones                17,113.15   Clive & Pamela Lennard              10,628.12   Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks      7,626.15
Helen Brooks                             43,547.39
                                                      Ian & Agnieszka Clarke                 17,101.53   Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson       10,454.85   Michael Wallace                    7,618.56
John & Christine Prosser                 42,012.35
                                                      Keith & Helen Sandland                 17,061.27   Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts      10,342.91   Karen & Scott Boardman             7,616.67
James Curtis                             41,693.27
                                                      Angela & James Macleod                 16,995.15   Maria & Lee Kowalkowski             10,318.71   Anthony Mervin                     7,597.18
Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock              41,460.70
                                                      Mark & Sarah Wildman                   16,626.78   Catherine & Stephen Lord            10,271.82   Terry Card                         7,580.01
John & Wendy English                     40,510.75
                                                      Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin   16,601.87   Julian & Karen Pike                 10,253.75   Jude & Steve Joyce                 7,576.24
Craig & Mary Hawkes                      40,204.18
                                                      Christopher Young & Helena Edwards     16,385.75   Roger & Simon Mantle                10,240.41   Paul & Gosia Hammond               7,573.83
Christopher & Louise Brown               39,878.77
                                                      Robert Wellock                         16,385.04   Paul Flintoft                       10,162.38   Paul Bate & Thomas Johnson         7,568.11
Tracy & David Sheehan                    39,336.68
                                                      Cindy & David Brown                    16,285.06   Lesley Burroughs                    10,122.46   Veronica Nixon                     7,566.21
Andy & Carolyn Cooper                    37,898.13
                                                      Debra & Oliver Pusey                   15,939.26   Norman & Joanne Grundy              10,117.55   Henry & Diana Crosby               7,547.77
Belinda & Peter Clarke                   37,586.26
                                                      Barry & Cecilia Bradbury               15,906.18                                                   Paul & Avril Coleman               7,542.95
Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward           35,485.06
                                                      Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson          15,825.91                                                   Graham & Marion Whitaker           7,542.95
Steven & Sarah Curtis                    35,189.93                                                       7,500 And Above
                                                      Timothy & Tina Pace                    15,749.58                                                   Susan Blunt                        7,536.75
                                                                                                         Johanna & Stuart Peuleve             9,969.53
                                                      Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly            15,477.35                                                   Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley   7,531.87
15,000 And Above                                      Sharon & Andrew Bird                   15,473.04
                                                                                                         Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester    9,901.72
                                                                                                                                                         Wendy Fielding                     7,527.26
Caroline & Philip Thompson               34,693.56                                                       David & Heather Flannagan            9,863.99
                                                      Kodwo Anderson                         15,445.90                                                   Kate Lee                           7,519.13
Michael & Susan Pirie                    34,380.68                                                       Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz           9,763.25
                                                      Keith & Veronica King                  15,445.90                                                   John & Karina Beesley              7,505.98
Eamonn & Anne Roe                        34,043.17                                                       Darryl Allen                         9,759.58
                                                      Peter & Jean Monroe                    15,282.18                                                   Arthur & Irene Bennett             7,504.82
Malcolm Ashmore                          33,837.96                                                       Sandra Brown                         9,759.58
                                                      Terry & Jane Hodge                     15,264.45
Adele & Jaime De Caso                    33,837.96                                                       Elaine & Martin Spafford             9,753.96
                                                      Christopher Conroy                     15,226.86
                                                                                                         Richard & Greta Brownridge           9,730.15

Kleeneze 2011 ewb 02

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Kleeneze 2011 ewb 02

  • 1. BULLETIN 14.01.11 Issue 02 “DRAW A LINE TODAY AND GRASP YOUR FUTURE” When thinking up a headline for this week’s conference edition of EWB, we were overwhelmed with inspirational and motivational quotes from the Kleeneze LIVE! New Year Launch. Some were literally said to us at lunch in passing by those who had been so inspired by the morning’s events. However, it was this line that stuck out for us the most: ‘Draw a line today and grasp your future’. 2010 was a fantastic year for Kleeneze and there’s no doubt that we will remember the highlights for years to come. However, we also know that there are so many more things to come for this business and we are certain that they will be bigger and better than any of the years that led up to it. Every day is a new opportunity for you to grasp your future; to put a line through yesterday’s / last week’s / last month’s events and set your sail to where you want to go. There’s a time and a place for reliving past glories, but right now it’s far more important to start building the foundation for future achievements. The New Year Launch 2011 saw the start of a brand new year for Kleeneze. New tools; new ways to recruit and sponsor; new ideas and new trainings. Now it’s up to you to take them on board, start going for that all important NO and grasp the future you want and deserve. Oh, and if you’re wondering about any of the headlines we cast aside in preference for this one, then let us indulge you. Ironically, brought to you by the same man who said ‘draw a line today and grasp your future’, was this gem of a quote – “You need to be in New York, but I hate cheesecake.” (What can we say? Obviously even ‘Kleeneze legends’ have their off moments!). 560-068-02
  • 2. ONE DAY…TEN LAUNCHES… Saturday’s launches are already having a huge impact on the business. The excitement of the new initiatives is running at an all-time high. We’re all tingly thinking about what 2011 holds for everyone! HANDLING CHARGES The low handling charges for new starters, which we introduced last year, is now permanent. This means that in your first four weeks of the business, you will receive free handling for all orders over £75/€90. Throughout your fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth week in the business, you will receive free handling for all orders over £150/€180. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Registering online is now even better. We have changed our online sign-up money-back guarantee to offer 100% money-back on the complete kit if your new starter decides to resign within 14 days of sign up. SIMPLIFYING PROCESSES To make the online sign-up process even smoother, once you’ve discussed and agreed the right starter kit with your new Distributor, the email link you send them will be for that SPECIFIC JOINING KIT. This will avoid anyone selecting the wrong kit when they first start. NEW STARTER KIT NAMES Starter Kits have been renamed to Business Builder Kits. Plus the Super 200 (name and Kit) has been taken out of circulation. So, your new starters can now choose between: Business Builder 50 50 sets of Main Book, Health & Beauty and current specialogue, along with all the normal starter kit contents. PLUS: 2 FREE periods of Internet charges Business Builder 200 200 sets of Main Book, Health & Beauty and New Year Sale, along with all the normal starter kit contents. PLUS: 3 FREE periods of Internet charges Business Builder 250 (online only) 250 sets of Main Book, Health & Beauty and New Year Sale, along with all the normal starter kit contents. PLUS: 4 FREE periods of Internet charge 14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 3. …UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES BREAK FREE Many will be starting the New Year with less money and possibly even no work, so we’re piloting a new FREE STARTER KIT. The Break Free Kit contains all the basics a new person needs to get themselves up and running, including: 5 sets of Main Books, Health & Beauty and current specialogue (New Year Sale), snap cat bags, order forms, the HPRH DVD, and the new starter guides/business manuals. Your new Distributor will start with a £150/€180 credit limit and if their first order is £75/€90 or above, we’ll send them another 5 SETS OF CATALOGUES FOR FREE. There is of course a real cost in setting up a new Distributor and we’ll pay the majority of that. However, as an initiator (i.e. the person who sends the online sign-up email), your contribution will be £4.99/€5.99 once the new starter completes online sign-up, and this will automatically be charged to your Kleeneze account. When your new starter signs up to Break Free, they will need to pay 1p/€1 on their credit or debit card for security reasons. This will be debited back to their account immediately after. BREAK FREE FAST START BONUSES Our Fast Start bonuses that have proved so successful for new Distributors have been adapted for the those who start with Break Free. BREAK FREE FAST START BONUS: Achieve £150/€180 in the first 21 days of sign-up and you’ll qualify for a further set of 25 sets of Catalogues (half income kit). £150/€180 IN RETAIL SALES: Once your new Break Free starter has completed £150/€180 in retail sales (regardless on the length of time it takes them) and paid for them, they’ll have their credit limit increased to £500/€600 and given and EzeReach account and and websites. After the £150/€180 in retail sales has been achieved or they have been in the business for 21 days, only then will they be able to order sales aids. ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 02 14.01.11
  • 4. BUILD THE LIFESTYLE THAT Y THINGS THAT YOU DESIRE – I GAVIN SCOTT RICHARD FENTON & “We haven’t even scratched the surface ANDREA WALTZ of Kleeneze. Soon we’ll have a 24-7 “I didn’t know if I had what it took to be stream of income. It blows every other successful, but I knew that I had what it opportunity out of the water. The retail took to fail.” side has just grown massively - you will be “Failure is not something you avoid, it’s able to do it anywhere, from your phone something you pass through on the way or anywhere. You can have that to success.” millionaire’s lifestyle.” “When you start to go for no, you’ll find that it’s harder to get a no and you’ll be more prone to getting yeses. It’s one of the great ironies.” “Never make decisions for others in terms of what they’re going to SANDRA ROPER decide, do or spend.” “Yes, we’ve had fabulous success with our team, and it feels great: but it’s success RICHARD BERRY that has followed a sustained period of “E-commerce has had the biggest positive purposeful, focused activity.” influence on direct selling more than any “It’s what you decide that becomes your other sector.” reality – you always, always, get to choose “We’re in the business of live, face-to-face how you respond to life. And if you muck advertising. It’s extremely efficient and it is it up one day, you can always choose to this that what’s direct selling is all about live it better tomorrow.” in the 21st century. What gives you the “It’s not too late to start. Now is the time to set your goals. Now is the competitive edge is this face-to-face time to plan your path to achieve them; for you to keep on keeping on opportunity with your customers.” and not get distracted.” “My prediction is that when Kleeneze celebrates it centenary in 2123, the business will not only be much bigger, but the opportunities will be just as good as they are today.” Jamie Stewart presents Aggie Sheppard from Silver Executive Distributors, Doug and Sandra Ever get the feeling he’s not that keen on Macmillan with a cheque for £19,102 raised by Roper are our third quarter Mini winners cheesecake? YOU over the past year 14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 5. YOU WANT, REALISE ALL THE IT’S ALL ABOUT YOUR FUTURE LEE HENSHAW ANDREW BUXTON “Like anyone else that’s been in the “Everyone here can, if they wish to, start a business a while we’ve had our ups and new Kleeneze journey today - a new downs. But you have to decide whether chapter in your future.” you let the downs; keep you down, or “Everything that happens on your whether you’re going to get on with it journey has been experienced by and build a business, no matter what.” someone before and all you need to do is “Making it work is just a matter of being follow their path.” prepared to do what’s necessary and “It’s been stated by many that failure is tracking your results. You just have to not an option, but it is, isn’t it? We found decide how much you really want it and if you want it badly enough out that failure, and lots of it, is the only option to achieve success.” you’ll make it happen – no matter what.” “It’s vital that you visualise and feel how your goal will feel when you achieve it.” JAIME DE CASO “We found that Break Free broke down JOHN STEPHEN mental barriers and excitement for the “It’s the place where winners come from, Distributors. You don’t have to feel the place where you can find the real you. uncomfortable asking people for money. It can take you anywhere you want to go It led to an increase in activity. Sponsoring - your brain.” increased by 4 times.” “You can flick the switch on or off at any “Interestingly, not everyone wants to join time. Ultimately it’s down to you to build for free. When people saw the your future. The platform is there - it’s opportunity and saw that they could join built. The stage is set for you to perform. with more to get them started faster they didn’t want the free start.” The only question is what level are you “Set your goals, make an activity plan, review your past leads, make going to perform at?” the jacket fit - whatever people want out of Kleeneze, they can achieve it. Start them with the business kit that they NEED.” YOU CAN NOW HEAR ALL THE TRAININGS FROM THE DAY OR DOWNLOAD THEM ONTO YOUR IPOD/MP3 PLAYER FROM THE DSA KLEENEZE LIVE! ON TOUR 2011 Kleeneze LIVE! on Tour is back and with more speakers, more training BOOK and more inspiration and they’re more unmissable than ever! NOW! You can now book tickets for the Dublin (5 February - order code: 01953) and Warwick (5 March - order code: 02054) events. Ticket price: £10/€12 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 02 14.01.11
  • 6. THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL! Distributor of the Year Award CRAIG AND MAGDALENA WHITE SED Challenge Cup Executive Challenge Cup CRAIG & MAGDALENA WHITE DOUG & SANDRA ROPER The SED Challenge Cup – awarded for The Executive Challenge Cup – awarded for outstanding executive group sales outstanding executive group sales VIP Trophy Distributor Challenge Trophy Harry Crook Trophy PAUL TONKIN & JOANNE HEERAMAN JENNIFER & MARTIN AMOS SAKUNTLA KALYAN & RICHARD LOVESEY The VIP Trophy – awarded for consistency of The Distributor Challenge Trophy - awarded The Harry Crook Trophy - awarded for effort and outstanding personal retail sales for outstanding business development outstanding business development SEE NEXT WEEK’S EWB WHEN WE SPEAK TO DISTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR AND SED TROPHY WINNERS CRAIG AND MAGDALENA WHITE 14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 7. YOUR SAY...YOUR SAY...YOUR “What a fantastic Showcase - it only get’s better with this business. market our products online all mean that Kleeneze has aligned itself in We came away today with what we thought was the world at our feet pole position for massive growth. and couldn’t wait to share the magical news with our team. With a massively exciting launch to the New Year how can anyone fail As first-time qualifiers to Hong Kong, we did not think it could get any to build a huge business?” better but on Saturday you guys blew our minds away.” Mike and Amanda Bibby, Silver Premier Executive Distributors Lee and Michelle Pattinson, Gold Distributors “Kleeneze have struck gold this time! The Kleeneze LIVE! New Year “Over the years we must have been to nearly 30 conferences, so we Launch has proven to us all that it is actually easier to get RICH than to don’t say this lightly - the launch of 2011 was the best EVER! make excuses. The changes that will be taking place within Kleeneze We have been training from Go for No for the last 2 years and to this year are bigger and more exciting than ever; but what’s really got finally get to see Andrea Waltz & Richard Fenton in person was everyone talking is that Kleeneze are offering each and every one of us fantastic and they did not disappoint. Their training was the best the opportunity to establish our very own e-commerce presence. It training of any of the guest speakers that Kleeneze have had in the doesn’t get much better than that!” past. Can’t wait to watch it again online. Debbie Gee, Silver Executive Distributor The new incentives were exactly what is needed in these ever changing times, the new starter kits, the new break free kit and the chance to Your tweets @Speak2Andy At the end of another mega day @go4moreincome Kleeneze set to become a European giant over with positive conversations and leads rolling in I know next 2 to 5 years I’m in the right place at the right time! Kleeneze @juozz1 I’m so excited about this year after the Kleeneze Showcase. @earnextra Break Free and 30% discount sign ons Bring on the Nos! in the pipeline. 2 should be in later this week. @plinda400 Excellent Showcase! Kleeneze is the way to go! Build a Working on others too. Kleeneze HQ master stroke! future and a true lifestyle! There is not better time than NOW!!! On Facebook: Katie Allnutt Fantastic day. So many highlights Shelagh Patricia Falconer OH!MY GOSH! What a Fantastic Day in but the one for me was the very quick ’hour’ Icc in Birmingham on Saturday I’m blown away by all that was that Richard and Andrea were on stage telling us Announced Best ever Conference to date I am sooo grateful to ’Go for No’.. absolutely brilliant Thank you HQ. Don Jardine Wow! what a day, chest hurts Joanne Louse Ring here at the ICC, feeling the buzz – absolutely from cheering so much! Top quality training, fantastic announcements. Definitely can’t wait to get out there and hanging around with so many happy and find them nos. positive friends good fun and creating your own business and future. Matt Pritchard The Break Free announcement was the highlight for “We Rock“ me. I’m expecting it to lead to a seat on the plan to New York ? Lindsey Field What a great day! So many great speakers and Terri Louise Donaldson Absolutely brilliant. Mine and my husband’s announcements ... but ... amazing to hear Richard Berry speak. If the first time ever at one of these and we loved it. Can’t wait for many man who introduced catalogues to Kleeneze thinks we are still in a more to come! winning business with a great future ... who can argue?! Steve Burns When Jamie announced the latest improvements for Janette McKim What a great conference. Watched it all from my retail and business building, I wanted to get off home there and then. sitting room and just as well as I have a bad cold!! Loved all the However, glad I stayed around for some inspirational training. training especially Richard & Andrea. I know I will be going for NO from now on. Really liked all the new announcements from Jamie. Can’t wait to start putting them all into action. Thank you Jamie, Michael and HQ Team for such a great day. Jodie Clingan This was our first conference and we were blown away!! we know what were doing to be in NEW YORK November 2011!!! Alan Threlfall What an awesome day we all had, yet again Kleeneze goes from strength to strength and manages to make the opportunity we have even more fantastic, a massive thanks to Jamie, Michael and all of the team @ HQ that work so hard on our behalf. ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 02 14.01.11
  • 8. December Retail Challenge winners 2010 ended with a bang as thousands of you took part in the December Retail Challenge. Running for five weeks, there were fantastic prizes to be won, plus we ran a weekly challenge open to everyone. And here are the winners, as drawn at the Kleeneze LIVE! New Year Showcase: 10 x Income Kits: Alice Lloyd & Geoffrey Lock, Richard & Patricia Rogers, Ian Russell, David & Sheila Moss-Baker, James & Alyson Hutchinson, John & Janis Horsman, Adam Swire & Deborah Heron, Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec, Ivan Darch, Sally Pritchard & Robert Hunt 10 x Ezecook 2: David & Deborah Matthews, John Rees & Diane Mowels, William & Sharon Stevenson, Gerard Coste, Tracey Burton & Gary Todd, Richard & Kim White, Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris, Beverley & Ali Akcay, Christopher Pagett, David Notman, Judit Ugrin & Laszlo Varga, Charlotte Sowerby & Stephen Howell, Ian & Deborah Wightmore, Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard, Brian & Diane Holmwood, Chaitali & Ajit Nath, David & Christine Rhodes, Debra & Tony Williams, Debra & Oliver Pusey 5 x Enterprize Magazines: Judith Carey, Lisa Curtis & Kevin Wratten, Richard Radbourne & Yvonne Kirk, Kim & Scott Keable, Rachel & Stuart Gibbs, Sue & Tony Mincher, Peter Savidge, Jackie & Stuart Bower, Denise & Nigel Rayner, Anthony & Aileen Gunn, Ursula Oetjen, John & Denise Dawkes, Andrew & Jennifer Henderson, Jayne & Gary Burcombe, Jeffrey & Susan Greening, Mark & Sue O’Reilly, Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning, Ian & Carol Parker, Timea Annus, Jane & David Mousley Pairs of Kleeneze LIVE! Tour Tickets: David Wilson & Julie Knight, Jason Leigh, Barry & Cecilia Bradbury, Janet & Colin Watts, Melanie Coo & John Pickersgill, Stephen Hoyland, Bill & Joyce Rowe, Rachel Finch-Lees, Angela & Andrew Sweetman, John & Vera Bowden, Kathy & Ian Peace, Peter & Sandra Murton, Maria & Frank Rendle, Doug & Sandra Roper, Carole Morrison, Allan & Myra Collins, Rosemary Snedden, Paul Boulton, Sharon Smith & Kevin Pilkington, Peter & Caren Neesham Pairs of September Gala Dinner Tickets: Justine & Steve Giergiel, Donna & Gemma Smith, Rosina & Frank Pocock, Janet & Andrew Mitchell, Adrian & Carol Pope £50 Naked Wine Vouchers: Jennifer Sayer, Bob & Diane Goulding, Deborah Bennett & Yvonne Clark, Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor, Neil & Caroline Gebbie, Punit Vyas, Michael McGuinness & Louise Hughes, David Prew & Lisa Davis, Karen Lucas, Tom & Kathryn Forbes, Stephen & Laine Shepherd, Lisa & Paul Watkins, Ian Staddon & Hayley Newman, Michael Warriner, Marian Marafko, Alison & Michael Ogden, Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins, David & Jenny Gerry, Linda & Alan Cannings, Raymond & Caroline Powell Kleeneze Pop-Up Banner: Amanda & William Hodgson, Ann & John Coe, Danna Powell & Nigel Robinson, Simon & Kerri Matthews, Phillipa & Gordon De Sousa Holiday in Cyprus: Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter, Kate Joels & Andrew Peay, Sheila & Paul Freschini, Johanna & Stuart Peuleve, Richard & Pauline Yates Double Your Cheque: Mark & Sharon Fearn £745.71, Mollie Gregory £259.75, Paul & Maria Armstrong £327.22, Janet & Colin Watts £669.02, Philip Paxton, Tracey Burton & Gary Todd £637.60, Tracy Burridge & Paul Nolan £430.90, Sarah-Jane Middleton & David Barnett-Jones £440.68, Fred Millership £461.75, Phillip Jamison £330.89 £100 voucher towards Sales Aids or advertising: Peter Pooley, Clare Haines, Leslie Wood, Paul Gallagher, Christopher & Helen Morris, Paul & Heidi Davis, Denby Rhodes, John & Cath Clease, Chris Grigg, Antony & Aileen Gunn NETWORK STARS There are ten months before the Kleeneze Destination takes place in the incredible city of New York. Congratulations to our latest Distributors who have climbed the Sales Plan in the last couple of months and are now officially in qualification for the Big Apple! NEW SENIOR DISTRIBUTORS NEW GOLD DISTRIBUTORS Toni Yates and Martin Webb Mark Wright and Emma Frain Steven Bond Charis Selfridge Susan Blunt Nick and Grace Sassanelli Karen and Scott Boardman 14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 9. KLEENEZE – THE FUTURE Kleeneze is undoubtedly one of the leaders in the field of direct selling and we plan to stay that way for many years to come. To that effect, FREE UNBRANDED WEBSITES FOR EVERYONE Off the back of, you can now also have an 2011 is the year that Kleeneze takes the Internet by storm! And this is unbranded, fully compliant website – how we plan to do it: A NEW WAY TO BUILD YOUR RETAIL to help you generate even more enquiries into Over recent months more and more Distributors have been your business. trying to establish an e-commerce presence and so we’re To activate this new unbranded site you must introducing a new way to build your retail that will first activate your branded website on COMING IN ensure we stay leaders in our field. and log in using your MARCH! So, as part of the ongoing development of normal DSA username and password. If you website, from MARCH 2011 you have already activated will be able to take orders from your customers online. So e- your web site your commerce will not be in place until March of this year and unbranded site is automatically activated. Full until then we will be continuing with the traditional method guidelines can be found on the DSA. of retailing only. STAGE ONE FACEBOOK The first stage is to allow customers in your local area to place their Photos Many of you are already using Social Media, from the KleenezeLIVE! orders on your website. The current order process runs as: with Facebook being globally known as the most New Year Launch Step 1: You drop catalogues utilised. So, we’ve set up a Facebook fan page! are now on Step 2: Customer writes out order on paper form By linking to the new Kleeneze fan page and facebook Step 3: Collect catalogues with orders (and go back for stragglers) inviting others to do so, you will be able to make Step 4: You collate all your customer orders and place your order sure your contacts (friends) are kept up-to-date with all the news to HQ such as catalogue launches, new products, offers and conferences. Step 5: On receipt of your delivery, you then deliver to your We know how well Kleeneze works and by letting your ‘friends’ see customers and collect payment what it is all about by drip-feeding them the information in a timely So the first stage is to give you an electronic version of steps 1 to 3. way it could help them see what it could do for them. We’ll be sharing STAGE TWO testimonials about We’ll enable a payment function, so that your website will accept how people from all payment from your customers by credit or debit card and then allow walks of life have you to make the final delivery. This will take a little more time, as we changed their lives need to ensure that we’re compliant with distance selling regulations with Kleeneze can be and everything is fully secure and links to your account. shared with them in “Please rest assured, we have no intention of EVER dealing direct with an easy to digest and customers,” said Managing Director Jamie Stewart at the Kleeneze non-intrusive way. LIVE! New Year Launch. “Our expertise is in supporting Kleeneze The Facebook page is Distributors. Other business opportunities DO deal direct with there to help you customers and cut out distributors and their commissions. This will spread the Kleeneze NOT happen in Kleeneze. word – building the We believe that door to door catalogue distribution is the lifeblood of brand from a customer base point of view, but primarily and most this business and the personal service that you offer your customers importantly to help YOU recruit new distributors. can never be replaced.” FRONT COVER COMPETITION WINNERS £150 and five Income Kits: Mark & Sue O’Reilly, Colin & Sarby Turnbull, Chaitali & Ajit Nath, Andy & Linda Goddard, Jean & Frederick Bamber, Jayne & Gary Burcombe, Patrick McKenna, Daisy & Richard Fickling, William Mackenzie, Don O’Shea £50 and two Income Kits: Kate & Stewart Brunskill, Christopher & Lynne Marshall, Tim Sandom, Hugh & Sally-Anne Smith, Michael Cap, Shane & Stacy McKee, James Newby & Emma Bradshaw, Sylvia & Kenneth Moody, Katharine Thompson & Hugh McCardle, Alan & Rae Gray, Laurie Mitchell, Jenny Jones, Jennifer & Ian Mackenzie, Amrit Bhachu, Matthew Ashley, Monique & Melissa Parkhurst, Kathleen & Raymond Watson, Patricia McMahon, Roy Holden & Lesley Frances, Gary & Esther Watson, Anthony Price, Colin & Charlene Sadler, Janet & Andrew Mitchell, Caroline & Philip Thompson, Michael & Diane Ruth McCaul ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 02 14.01.11
  • 10. BULK SALES FIGURES PERIOD 12 – COMBINED 100,000 And Above Kerry & Paul Stonall 36,077.10 Gareth & Jeanette Jones 14,127.09 John Greenwood 9,519.90 Nasko Ratchev 2,721,191.12 Ron & Judy Speirs 35,490.64 Timothy Murphy 14,103.18 Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan 9,519.24 Lynn Macdonald 2,718,551.46 Brian Manchester 35,395.05 Norah Bohan 14,070.99 David & Heather Flannagan 9,519.23 Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 2,685,275.62 Angela & Stephen Burchell 35,075.99 Donna & Charles Warr 14,024.14 Michael Prior 9,504.98 Bob Webb 1,413,635.30 Raymond & Lorraine Satchell 14,012.36 Philip & Alison Wimbles 9,471.02 Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 1,209,091.55 15,000 And Above David & Jenny Gerry 14,009.52 John & Jenny Caton 9,450.79 Terry Carr 1,020,275.68 Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson 34,966.77 Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor 13,989.78 Paul Smith & Angela Solomon 9,340.63 Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 1,020,046.60 Ram & Joginder Singh 34,874.91 David & Christine Rhodes 13,986.80 Gerard Coste 9,315.47 Gillian Nicholson 1,003,772.90 Karim Karmali 34,551.71 Louise Puttick 13,974.76 Paul & Avril Coleman 9,300.40 Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 896,940.64 Michael & Sandra Laydon 34,305.59 Roger & Simon Mantle 13,968.68 Suzanne & Richard Woolven 9,285.14 Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 890,978.85 Nicola & Jerome Neville 33,481.65 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 13,853.17 Bob & Rosemarie Hardy 9,276.16 Muriel & Tony Judson 862,644.01 Gill & Donato Sepe 33,025.96 David Potter 13,844.69 Bernadette Murray 9,253.96 Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 833,644.56 John & Janice Halsall 31,940.91 William & Jane Warrington 13,794.33 Kenny Liggett 9,231.01 Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 810,389.18 Trish & Lee Fisher 31,704.15 Jeffrey & Frances Topple 13,763.50 Peter & Angela Abrahams 9,224.09 John & Jeanette Hawkes 724,016.23 Graham & Georgina Long 31,433.26 Andrew & Denise Hunt 13,759.60 Diana Babbage & Joanna Turner 9,172.58 Peter & Jackie White 682,819.25 Stuart & Gail Mckibbin 29,892.83 Isobel & James Orr 13,753.59 Simon Luckett & Cristina Simoes 9,158.22 Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 506,662.92 Lesley Burroughs 28,463.93 Ian & Pauline Pilkington 13,678.34 Richard & Suzanne Tibbetts 9,116.67 Mike & Amanda Bibby 455,532.15 Paul Flintoft 28,404.04 Nicola Poor & Lewis Griffiths 13,635.06 Lorraine & Mark Collins 9,111.85 Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 404,245.59 Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 28,398.00 June & David Love 13,627.84 Jacqueline Akhurst & Steven Ellis 9,096.48 Margaret & Roy Japp 334,151.32 Allan Ledwidge 28,284.68 Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 13,577.77 Alex Dewar & Lucie Hannah Marcus 9,091.90 Terence & Jean Ash 329,778.75 Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 28,184.68 Denys & Laura Harris 13,494.15 Kathleen Watson 9,084.80 Gary & Esther Watson 326,505.51 Chantele & Barry Travis 28,055.35 Trevor & Janet Rawding 13,447.44 Roger & Gillian Coupe 9,039.37 John & Steven Sharp 275,933.71 Jennifer & Martin Amos 27,165.61 Catherine & Stephen Lord 13,437.93 Javid Khan 9,010.97 Hazel & John Stephen 264,368.29 Michael & Jennifer Allsop 27,136.03 William & Sharon Stevenson 13,415.73 Sara & Steven Smith 9,004.32 Craig & Magdalena White 247,028.54 Harold & Minnie Fulton 27,038.40 Ian & Carol Parker 13,395.93 Richard & Patricia Rogers 8,981.42 Gordon & Judy Seldon 238,223.21 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 26,973.06 Sandra Brown 13,382.88 David Bond & John Watkins 8,977.17 Robert Gibbons 238,020.23 Helen & Andrew Walsh 26,880.82 Darryl Allen 13,382.88 Kimberley Sunter 8,969.33 Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch 220,166.12 Steven Harding & Narissa Mather 26,828.45 Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester 13,382.88 Belinda Barnes & John Shearer 8,942.61 Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 203,134.25 Karen & Peter Flitton 26,279.29 Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford 13,378.20 Tony & Julie Brown 8,912.19 David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 187,903.62 Ivan Darch 25,966.62 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 13,280.83 Stephen Wilson & Marie Bell 8,892.20 Judy Jodrell 186,873.61 Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 25,863.32 Christopher Young & Helena Edwards 13,223.39 Stephen & Barbara Courtney 8,835.52 Claire & Peter Rea 185,378.94 Angela & James Macleod 25,788.63 Steven Mee & Jaqueline Mullings 13,192.13 Peter & Angela Bach 8,835.52 John & Sarah Mckie 183,700.98 Christine Lappin & Simon Place 25,590.01 Bill & Joyce Rowe 13,158.98 Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 8,793.61 Michael & Jean Day 175,982.13 Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 25,342.73 Sarah Jenkins 13,158.98 Christina & Rob Cann 8,783.71 Stephen Geldard 165,593.66 Martina & James McGrath 25,222.21 Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 13,109.32 Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore 8,780.93 Phil & Jean Warrington 164,778.15 Gloria & Clive Davies 25,118.98 Paul & Helen Wilson 13,082.22 Paul & Gosia Hammond 8,778.80 Vie & Keith Robertson 152,869.79 Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher 24,786.73 Sharon Bullock & David Taylor 13,060.83 David & Deborah Lord 8,769.78 John & Anne Donaldson 152,725.12 Linda & Tony Gower 24,741.80 Warren & Pamela Sewell 12,935.08 Tim & Freda Drinkwater 8,769.78 Tony & Katharine Briffa 145,886.59 Joseph O’Donnell 24,396.14 Kate Lee 12,894.53 Kerry Edees 8,767.61 John & Christine Prosser 143,417.88 Jen & Garry Luke 24,243.57 Anthony & Leslie Carrick 12,814.50 Glyn Thomas & Rose Rees 8,756.51 Robert & Mary Higgins 135,341.25 Colin & Charlene Sadler 24,193.29 Bernie & Barbara Klinger 12,798.76 John & Mary Marsh 8,744.17 Sylvia & Jack Hood 131,714.92 Elaine & Martin Spafford 24,146.85 Robert & Rosemary Annan 12,749.96 Deryck & Jane Easton 8,726.11 Michael & Susan Pirie 128,640.53 Conor & Linda Treanor 23,936.93 Patricia Fisher 12,680.16 Graham & Marion Whitaker 8,719.56 Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 122,685.27 Debra & Oliver Pusey 23,826.02 Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison 12,662.28 Michael & Valerie Warrener 8,706.39 Heather & James O’Neil 120,250.69 Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 23,548.98 Douglas & Kirsteen Hamilton 12,614.11 Peter Savidge 8,700.90 Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 119,674.67 Mark & Sarah Wildman 23,471.26 Tavis Taylor 12,597.95 Paul Bate & Thomas Johnson 8,647.41 Geoff & Fiona Webb 118,079.86 John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone 23,418.46 Graham & Jennifer Shaw 12,578.72 Michael & Anne Barnaville 8,641.98 Jill Corlett 116,608.28 Alison & Kevin Thomas 23,382.82 James & Jane White 12,534.31 Charis Selfridge 8,641.18 Victor & Una Brown 116,064.11 Karen Jordan & Kenneth Rooney 23,291.11 Graham & Christine James 12,480.53 Sharon Owen 8,636.04 Sue & Geoffrey Burras 115,656.58 Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 22,906.08 Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 12,442.38 Douglas & Theresa Hack 8,602.98 Adele & Jaime De Caso 114,172.59 Timothy & Tina Pace 22,740.54 Stephen & Laine Shepherd 12,402.76 Laura & Pauline Cleland 8,592.12 Malcolm Ashmore 114,172.59 Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin 22,684.85 Angel & Stuart Hill 12,352.29 Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell 8,554.93 Andy & Carolyn Cooper 105,029.14 Cindy & David Brown 22,474.93 Leslie & Moira Harris 12,352.29 Jeanette & David Ward 8,551.06 Trevor Mitchell 104,522.16 Robert Wellock 22,474.93 Raymond & Barbara Mann 12,336.50 Cliff & Linda Parker 8,490.25 Irene Wilson 101,134.92 Christine & Jim Foster 22,370.69 Robert Young & Clare Mears 12,334.31 Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso 8,470.07 Sue & Steve Ferguson 100,098.48 Jillian & Peter Griffiths 22,235.43 Adrian & Margaret Lynch 12,270.79 Emma & Chris Shafe 8,465.64 Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 22,146.53 Jane & Andrew Connor 12,269.90 Paula Macleod & Pierre De Spa 8,464.67 35,000 And Above David Belcher 22,036.80 Janet & Andrew Mitchell 12,257.59 Marie Andrews 8,460.06 Stephani & Bill Neville 99,525.62 Richard & Helen Peuleve 22,036.80 David & Elaine Luke 12,210.10 Adrian Fisher 8,460.06 Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 95,271.81 Linda & Ian Stanley 21,803.71 Peter & Cathy Legg 12,110.41 Robert & Jennifer Radbourne 8,442.03 Anthony Greeves 93,040.90 Steve & Cathy Chambers 21,685.16 Stacy & Jonathan Beck 12,028.34 Jean Sidhu & Antony Watkins 8,413.75 Carole & Benny Morris 91,905.77 Kevin Sands 21,569.41 Julian & Karen Pike 11,925.65 David & Deborah Matthews 8,410.69 Lauren & Peter Jackson 91,415.87 John & Karina Beesley 21,563.00 Veronica Nixon 11,921.06 Sarah & David Messer 8,400.84 David & Rosie Bibby 87,594.87 Norman & Joanne Grundy 21,464.59 Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas 11,892.01 Antony & Aileen Gunn 8,395.45 Steve & Debbie Roper 87,277.35 Ann & John Coe 21,333.01 Sarah Trim 11,880.23 Ann Ashley & Roger Samuel 8,356.79 Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young 84,489.09 Keith & Patricia Phillips 21,292.01 Angela Wallace 11,813.68 Peter & Joyce Rowe 8,345.58 Declan Oneill 83,863.71 Terry Hayden 21,099.38 Susan Clements & John Dowding 11,779.62 William & Helen Greaves 8,340.33 Glenn & Caroline Royston 82,480.64 Tony & Wendy Vallerine 21,021.85 Stuart Chantler & Claire Garrod 11,779.62 Stephen & Elaine Blay 8,319.93 Gaynor Morgan 82,346.79 Sharon & Craig Davis 21,016.06 Alex & Kathleen Langler 11,775.76 Catherine Knight 8,306.86 Olivera Toner 81,992.18 Gill & Tim Evans 20,894.75 Jackie & Stuart Bower 11,765.59 Jason Morris 8,299.22 David & Samantha Branch 79,416.97 John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 20,873.85 Frederick & Karen Mason 11,654.58 Carol Stephen & Gary Watson 8,281.66 Dave & Susie Horton 79,077.73 Robert Gould 20,847.62 Richard & Ranti Fallowfield 11,600.04 Clare Haines 8,271.89 Michelle Kennedy 77,906.94 Gerwyn Duggan 20,847.62 Tom & Kathryn Forbes 11,598.13 Jane Philpott 8,268.95 Susan & David Darton 77,677.11 Christopher & Lynne Marshall 20,788.33 Vivienne & Richard Washington 11,579.58 John & Anita Orr 8,265.72 Angela & Norman Campbell 77,421.89 Mikaela & Andrew Brown 20,668.11 Andrew & Vicky De Caso 11,579.58 Mervyn Baxter 8,265.72 Marcell & Joanne Treanor 77,014.61 Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 19,929.32 John & Lesley McNally 11,540.56 Noel & Eileen Carson 8,231.76 Stephen & Debra Nell 76,284.51 Paul Meikle 19,527.02 Linda Charles 11,540.56 Niall & Eileen Mckenna 8,225.82 Helen & Paul Allgood 75,558.49 John Smith 19,218.78 Joe Croll 11,518.08 Jasbir Kaur 8,225.12 Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald 75,419.91 Rosemary & Christopher Day 19,120.36 Gavin Thomson 11,426.70 Mary & Harry Fullerton 8,201.29 Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 75,046.19 Clive & Pamela Lennard 18,902.81 Anthony Mervin 11,418.26 Adam Swire & Deborah Heron 8,199.75 Deborah & Allan Dewar 74,811.30 James Dale & Claire Daniels 18,671.79 Patricia & Dennis Corser 11,415.24 Alan & Rebekah Larner 8,197.00 Stanley & Roy Stewart 71,016.71 Keith & Veronica King 18,585.58 Raymond & Susan Kirkland 11,373.54 Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman 8,189.10 John & Jenny Holden 70,986.12 Kodwo Anderson 18,585.58 Wendy Fielding 11,316.68 Richard Howe 8,180.97 Karen & Neil Young 70,861.56 Phil Curtis 18,549.21 Geoffrey & Berenice Davey 11,299.25 Alison Beal & Geoffrey Ault 8,142.76 Eve & Norman Branch 70,684.44 Harry Hancock 18,467.38 Carole & James Sunter 11,259.28 David Notman 8,114.53 Rosina & Frank Pocock 70,027.42 Terry & Jane Hodge 18,465.88 Michael Collin & Gwendoline Hannan 11,179.23 William & Agnes Burgess 8,099.26 Ramon & Sylvia Laing 69,988.93 Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 18,409.66 Henry & Diana Crosby 11,122.66 Willie Louw 8,094.65 Caroline Harris & Craig Cox 69,925.87 Christopher Conroy 18,409.66 Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg 11,096.20 Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning 8,089.38 Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch 69,863.82 Maria & Shane Treanor 18,400.80 Toni Yates & Martin Webb 11,071.84 Morna Campbell & Donna Mcloone 8,082.84 Peter & Myrna Wellock 67,992.85 Amelia & Hannah Mchard 18,393.51 Marcus & Joyce Emerson 11,052.16 Julie Bullivant 8,072.78 Craig & Mary Hawkes 67,071.85 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 18,382.79 Fay & Andrew Roe 10,934.46 Linda & Alan Cannings 8,060.00 Andrew & Sue Boswell 66,862.96 Iain & Jackie Swanston 18,260.80 Neil & Susan Maclean 10,895.72 Sandra & Chris Nelms 8,058.15 Brian Harwood 66,729.75 John & Kath Clease 18,060.76 Stephen & Joyce Milne 10,863.84 David & Gail Slee 8,045.17 Mike & Dawn Gough 64,668.23 Ann Searle & Philip Linsey 18,043.52 Chaitali & Ajit Nath 10,859.21 Brian & Diane Holmwood 8,028.12 Chris & Julia Norton 64,564.34 Sheila & Nigel Fowler 18,012.55 Paul & Carolyn Blaxall 10,845.19 Annette Bradley 8,020.43 Helen Brooks 60,879.17 Gareth & Gil Duffy 17,993.58 Gavin & Trish Conway 10,841.34 Phillippa Snow & Ky Hale 8,020.43 John & Wendy English 60,865.50 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 17,959.66 Terry Card 10,835.30 Negin & Michael Backhouse 7,946.22 Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 60,207.88 Michael & Janet Wallace 17,938.23 Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 10,819.26 Catherine & Geoffrey White 7,940.51 Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 59,886.22 Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 17,935.40 Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel 10,791.06 Sadie Oboyle 7,930.40 Alf & Carol Bell 59,878.06 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 17,906.38 Julie Golding 10,782.76 Elizabeth & Keith Tomlinson 7,911.42 Christopher & Louise Brown 59,169.85 Colin & Sarby Turnbull 17,816.05 Andrew Webber & Kerryann Perry 10,729.47 John Rees & Diane Mowels 7,859.20 Julie Collier & Peter Richards 58,219.37 Sakuntla Kalyan & Richard Lovesey 17,693.73 Lesley & Gordon Whittington 10,710.42 Lee & Michelle Pattinson 7,854.62 Jane & John Dunkerley 58,182.43 Patrick & Helen Loftus 17,500.78 Sandra Ellis 10,690.87 Roger & Martina Carragher 7,832.73 Richard & Clare Chantler 57,810.96 Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor 17,466.73 Stewart Lonsdale & Susan Allen 10,683.05 Sharon & Steve Agnew 7,832.32 Tracy & David Sheehan 56,878.34 Michael & Julia Tolton 17,317.01 Cath & John Wilkinson 10,682.08 Lynda Platts & Pauline Bell 7,816.05 Doug & Sandra Roper 55,015.51 Paul Melville 17,297.15 Jim & Vicky Smith 10,621.08 Christine & Ian Brennan 7,797.79 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 54,199.83 Peter & Jean Monroe 17,182.23 Lee & Fiona Henshaw 10,566.95 Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall 7,796.91 Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 53,396.85 David & Judith Mccreath 17,130.55 Arthur & Irene Bennett 10,563.98 Zoe Climpson & Will Joseph 7,796.37 Belinda & Peter Clarke 52,179.22 Martyn Cunningham 17,055.65 Susan Walton 10,512.23 Colin & Gillian Campbell 7,795.76 James Curtis 51,644.61 Diane & Geoff Owen 17,032.76 Marion & Anthony Homer 10,505.81 Mark Jennings & Sian Murphy 7,793.72 Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 51,148.54 Charlie & Gillian Whitton 16,974.38 Diana Schuch & Alan Ward 10,493.93 Jill & David Mason 7,791.18 Debbie & Trevor Collins 49,705.09 Gordon & Patrick Davidson 16,922.15 Craig & Linda Lomas 10,464.41 Gabrielle & Christopher Brace 7,772.86 Su & Jas Bains 49,705.09 Gail & Darren Drew 16,842.33 Bob & Diane Goulding 10,454.37 Mark Wright & Emma Frain 7,752.94 Eamonn & Anne Roe 47,956.66 Darren & Christina Simmons 16,823.67 Christine & Con Browning 10,447.68 Margaret Jarman 7,735.94 John Webb & Kathryn Price 47,415.62 Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 16,791.64 Joanne & Tim Powell 10,439.06 Markus Klotzer & Petra Romoser 7,730.33 Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 47,264.76 Caroline & Simon Harvey 16,690.27 Lesley Davies & Wendy Meddelton 10,418.96 Jane Waddell 7,727.00 Derrick & Maria Longwright 46,826.79 Kevin Rider 16,546.57 Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan 10,332.03 Kathleen & Dominic Carolan 7,706.50 Graham & Catherine Hyde 46,551.26 Michael Amor-Wilkes 16,406.60 Allan & Maxine Lawford 10,305.93 Kevin & Leah Howe 7,702.53 Roger & Barbara Green 46,512.79 Bill Caddy 16,341.63 Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert 10,286.61 Susan & Tony Cater 7,699.04 Sharon & Andrew Bird 45,960.34 Georgina & Phil Gale 16,279.86 Sarah Sancho 10,271.11 Verity & Richard Bloor 7,685.01 Sunil Popat 45,956.01 Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 16,233.46 Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham 10,265.84 Judith & Stephen Joyce 7,662.04 Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 45,956.01 Tim Sandom 16,056.07 David & Lynn Bole 10,217.13 Allan & Myra Collins 7,653.75 Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 45,843.24 Keith & Teresa Faulkner 16,046.64 Shane & Emma Sullivan 10,214.59 Luisa Byrom & Andy Newton 7,646.41 Debbie Gee & David White 45,201.74 Nichola & David Walmsley 15,988.51 Declan & Monica Manning 10,203.47 Melissa Squires & Ian Slade 7,633.80 Alan Meldrum 44,949.61 Lyn & Tony Davies 15,965.34 Elizabeth & George Kerr 10,148.83 Sheelagh & Brian Carter 7,633.37 Clare & Martin Whitelock 44,825.88 Tony Fasulo & Julie White 15,756.45 Kelly & Steve Elliott 10,133.24 Terry & Diane Williams 7,631.97 Steven & Sarah Curtis 44,816.31 Bev & Dave Townsend 15,653.25 Clive & Beverley Currier 10,125.85 Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec 7,625.81 David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 44,217.05 Anthony & Susan Peacham 15,537.57 Sarah Darch & Timothy Philp 10,110.95 Ian & Deborah Wightmore 7,617.51 Jay Singh 44,072.40 Heather Brown 15,523.14 Peter Gallant & Claire McKay 10,072.61 Liz & Andy Gowland 7,616.82 Caroline & Philip Thompson 43,249.72 Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 15,443.25 Chris & Nicky Evans 10,043.70 Emma Colley 7,614.19 Melanie & Andrew Wilson 42,548.26 Omran Zaman 15,253.05 Beryl Wynter & Aaron Smalling 7,611.03 Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 42,505.59 Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 15,222.48 7,500 And Above Katie & Mark Johnson 7,608.65 Alexandra Tuesley 41,493.70 Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse 15,199.02 Janet & Roger Bowen 9,994.19 Nigel Le Long 7,607.18 Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 41,408.69 Mark Law & Diana Searle 15,192.04 Daniel & Michelle Marshall 9,976.27 Steven Divito 7,597.32 Tom & Bernadette Hingley 41,026.86 David Byatt & Janet Smith 15,135.70 Sylvia & Gary Green 9,969.95 Mary & Peter Whinfrey 7,586.11 Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 40,959.16 Pamela Jarvis 15,123.54 Ron & Heidi Body 9,945.10 Martyn Regan & Verity Antcliff 7,583.30 Alison & Michael Ogden 40,929.15 Barry & Nina Mitchell 15,074.84 Steven Bond 9,909.41 Glenn & Claire Few 7,577.05 Stephen Clark 40,736.73 Deborah Morgan 9,908.85 Sue Phoenix 7,575.50 Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi 40,176.08 10,000 And Above Susan Hook 9,860.53 Mark & Louise Keye 7,560.16 John & Sophia Clements 39,856.53 Andrew & Cheryl Williams 14,999.66 Michael & Diane Ruth Mccaul 9,802.67 Richard Radbourne & Yvonne Kirk 7,552.33 David Pope 39,659.34 Richard & Greta Brownridge 14,971.23 Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks 9,791.10 Christine & Geoffrey Richards 7,540.87 Amanda & Andrew Holland 39,288.76 Amy Warrington 14,963.28 Vicky & Craig Austin 9,685.79 Arthur & Maureen Nicholl 7,538.98 Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 38,779.71 Peter & Caren Neesham 14,731.41 Steve & Ann-Marie Richardson 9,659.72 Erick Duncan & Terry Garde 7,537.47 Denise & Stephen Neal 37,706.18 Robert & Jennifer Clifton 14,687.89 Gareth Rickhuss & Janette Pyne 9,632.84 Justine & Steve Giergiel 7,533.92 Abigail Colclough 37,331.63 Seamus & Clare Houghton 14,639.10 Martin Stoves 9,628.51 Marie & Alim Slimani 7,531.59 Andrew & Ann Meldrum 36,995.61 Yvonne & Jonathan Coffey 14,493.23 Linda & Steve Tinkler 9,602.28 Michael & Mercy Radbourne 7,521.62 Toby Acton & Donna Gold 36,829.75 Barbara Margaret Webb 14,486.30 David & Claire Fallon 9,564.66 Michael Wallace 7,521.12 Rhian & E Anthony Jones 36,735.92 Shirley Pere & John Barnes 14,425.56 Georgina Marshall & Will Goodger 9,550.55 Karen Lucas 7,519.23 Keith & Helen Sandland 36,521.94 Dean & Rachel Rothwell 14,342.19 Ian Williams & Sally Mellor 9,537.77 Richard Roberts 7,514.10 Steven Clements 36,426.34 Michael Godwin 14,312.44 Pauline Cave & Alan Parmenter 9,533.60 Nick & Grace Sassanelli 7,510.06 Peter & Sheryl Dutton 36,282.19 David Wilson & Julie Knight 14,178.09 Pierce & Janet Hartley 9,524.74 14.01.11 Issue 02 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN
  • 11. BULK SALES FIGURES PERIOD 13 – COMBINED 100,000 And Above Alison & Michael Ogden 32,650.84 Lorraine & Ian Balcombe 15,226.86 Angela Wallace 9,669.94 Lynn Macdonald 1,916,540.37 David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin 32,629.05 Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey 15,165.17 Raymond & Susan Kirkland 9,570.91 Nasko Ratchev 1,913,625.72 Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan 32,605.32 Chantele & Barry Travis 15,153.80 Jen & Garry Luke 9,554.67 Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes 1,899,333.58 Deborah & Allan Dewar 32,555.63 Gerwyn Duggan 15,080.40 Paul Meikle 9,530.99 Bob Webb 980,804.22 Amanda & Andrew Holland 32,407.42 Robert Gould 15,080.40 Donna & Charles Warr 9,518.41 Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat 865,339.11 John & Jenny Holden 32,399.50 Keith & Patricia Phillips 15,066.03 Barbara Margaret Webb 9,377.03 Terry Carr 735,932.89 Helen Lambert & Richard Woods 32,114.17 Mike & Dawn Gough 15,045.80 Stephen & Laine Shepherd 9,362.48 Rob Forster & Ray Aziz 735,848.89 Abigail Colclough 31,800.97 Sylvia & Gary Green 9,346.59 John & Jeanette Hawkes 517,767.73 Andrew & Sue Boswell 31,578.34 10,000 And Above Mikaela & Andrew Brown 9,251.57 Freda Fenn & Heather Summers 368,202.60 Derrick & Maria Longwright 31,453.62 Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy 14,985.99 Peter & Angela Bach 9,247.05 Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott 367,592.23 Jay Singh 31,447.86 Steve & Cathy Chambers 14,882.42 Stephen & Barbara Courtney 9,247.05 Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton 359,260.75 Melanie & Andrew Wilson 31,071.40 Coleen & Stephen Batchelor 14,785.34 Michael Godwin 9,221.02 Muriel & Tony Judson 354,756.15 Susan & David Darton 30,259.28 James Dale & Claire Daniels 14,769.50 Daniel & Michelle Marshall 9,134.76 Gillian Nicholson 332,639.65 Graham & Catherine Hyde 29,776.34 Andrew & Ann Meldrum 14,749.22 Jeffrey & Frances Topple 9,129.43 Mike & Amanda Bibby 320,698.77 Roger & Barbara Green 29,682.76 David Belcher 14,717.05 Lesley Davies & Wendy Meddelton 9,105.81 Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks 292,169.54 Su & Jas Bains 29,595.13 Richard & Helen Peuleve 14,717.05 Andrew & Denise Hunt 9,081.50 Peter & Jackie White 291,537.85 Debbie & Trevor Collins 29,595.13 Bill & Joyce Rowe 14,711.39 David & Christine Rhodes 9,049.67 Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden 280,673.64 Chris & Julia Norton 29,402.30 Sarah Jenkins 14,711.39 Ann & John Coe 9,038.59 Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull 271,487.76 Tom & Bernadette Hingley 29,397.67 Denise & Stephen Neal 14,627.81 Seamus & Clare Houghton 9,031.21 Terence & Jean Ash 231,321.04 John Webb & Kathryn Price 29,164.26 Sunil Popat 14,453.62 Shirley Pere & John Barnes 9,015.70 Gary & Esther Watson 229,171.37 Debbie Gee & David White 28,939.46 Paul Tawn & Clare Bason 14,409.13 Patrick & Helen Loftus 9,000.30 Robert Gibbons 161,173.92 Rosina & Frank Pocock 28,757.74 Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras 14,320.29 Georgina & Phil Gale 8,987.81 Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch 144,119.55 Graham & Georgina Long 28,251.84 Kevin Sands 14,222.10 Graham & Christine James 8,976.49 Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer 143,986.27 Rhian & E Anthony Jones 27,822.65 Paul Melville 13,884.71 Stuart & Gail Mckibbin 8,883.00 David & Anne Pemberton-Smith 136,780.55 Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree 27,294.62 Tavis Taylor 13,422.83 Darren & Christina Simmons 8,879.70 Claire & Peter Rea 130,713.74 Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi 27,281.11 Lyn & Tony Davies 13,342.40 Paul & Carolyn Blaxall 8,785.23 John & Sarah Mckie 121,151.08 Caroline Harris & Craig Cox 27,119.48 Gareth & Gil Duffy 13,211.55 Patricia Fisher 8,749.30 Stephen Geldard 115,729.84 John & Sophia Clements 26,982.86 Peter & Sheryl Dutton 13,207.77 Amanda & Peter Graham 8,709.72 Margaret & Roy Japp 109,066.25 Julie Collier & Peter Richards 26,551.62 Robert & Jacqueline Dolan 13,198.29 Georgina & Will Goodger 8,657.61 Vie & Keith Robertson 107,983.63 Michael & Sandra Laydon 26,534.32 Terry Hayden 13,176.44 Cath & John Wilkinson 8,618.11 Craig & Magdalena White 105,580.51 John & Janice Halsall 26,488.67 Alison & Kevin Thomas 13,079.48 Linda Charles 8,593.04 Tony & Katharine Briffa 104,206.96 Alexandra Tuesley 25,909.42 Michael Amor-Wilkes 13,032.94 Jennifer & Martin Amos 8,583.91 David Pope 25,820.53 Bev & Dave Townsend 12,925.84 Dean & Rachel Rothwell 8,450.26 Steven Clements 25,510.35 Joanne & Tim Powell 8,404.06 35,000 And Above Stephen Clark 12,705.22 Kerry & Paul Stonall 25,403.72 Ron & Judy Speirs 12,624.16 Sheelagh & Paul Humphries 8,298.22 Gordon & Judy Seldon 98,251.31 Jane & John Dunkerley 25,403.48 Andrew & Cheryl Williams 12,614.20 Gavin Thomson 8,292.90 Robert & Mary Higgins 93,314.80 Nicola & Jerome Neville 25,402.90 Tim Sandom 12,571.49 Trevor & Janet Rawding 8,286.91 Victor & Una Brown 92,266.56 Richard & Clare Chantler 25,141.15 Linda & Ian Stanley 12,550.48 John & Lesley Mcnally 8,275.30 Raymond & Miriam Turnbull 89,189.18 Angela & Stephen Burchell 25,015.31 Andrew Ridley & Louise Lee 12,523.84 Sara & Steven Smith 8,270.28 John & Steven Sharp 88,782.52 Ram & Joginder Singh 25,005.30 Karen & Peter Flitton 12,401.94 Robert & Jennifer Clifton 8,215.26 Sue & Geoffrey Burras 88,487.20 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain 24,602.86 Linda & Tony Gower 12,291.38 Bernie & Barbara Klinger 8,176.01 Hazel & John Stephen 84,900.95 Toby Acton & Donna Gold 24,524.73 Warren & Pamela Sewell 12,270.28 Harry Hancock 8,149.27 Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan 84,408.93 Alf & Carol Bell 23,780.54 Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning 12,256.56 Robert Young & Clare Mears 8,116.92 Heather & James O’Neil 83,598.07 Trevor Mitchell 23,167.47 Martyn Cunningham 12,109.26 John & Jenny Caton 8,112.34 Sue & Steve Ferguson 76,676.58 Trish & Lee Fisher 21,963.60 Ann Searle & Philip Linsey 12,102.01 Richard & Suzanne Tibbetts 8,105.64 Jill Corlett 72,416.50 Clare & Martin Whitelock 21,475.16 Jillian & Peter Griffiths 12,039.06 Tony & Julie Brown 8,100.62 Michael & Jean Day 71,227.77 Allan Ledwidge 20,873.59 Rosemary & Christopher Day 12,016.86 David Byatt & Janet Smith 8,090.17 Lauren & Peter Jackson 69,204.19 Anthony Greeves 20,617.17 Jeanette & David Ward 11,969.37 Keith & Teresa Faulkner 8,084.13 Phil & Jean Warrington 68,261.04 Doug & Sandra Roper 20,071.62 Yvonne & Jonathan Coffey 11,932.86 Helen & Andrew Walsh 8,079.23 David & Rosie Bibby 66,047.33 Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman 20,048.59 Narendra & Kashmir Kalon 11,921.06 Adrian & Margaret Lynch 8,020.10 Dave & Susie Horton 64,455.89 Joseph Odonnell 20,041.87 Amelia & Hannah Mchard 11,724.89 Diane & Geoff Owen 8,013.76 Irene Wilson 61,962.78 Carole & Benny Morris 20,034.90 Tracey Payne & Harvey Kent 11,660.88 Mark Law & Diana Searle 8,008.48 Stephani & Bill Neville 61,754.33 Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark 19,347.72 Pamela Jarvis 11,580.43 Sharon Smith & Kevin Pilkington 7,980.17 Glenn & Caroline Royston 60,763.27 Christine Lappin & Simon Place 19,194.32 Gill & Donato Sepe 11,571.92 Judith & David Ripley 7,980.17 Steve & Debbie Roper 59,472.68 John Smith 19,008.29 Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard 11,512.05 Chaitali & Ajit Nath 7,948.52 Stephen & Debra Nell 59,246.67 Olivera Toner 18,964.31 Sheila & Nigel Fowler 11,462.82 Paul & Andrea Towler 7,909.26 Michelle Kennedy 57,534.22 Declan Oneill 18,962.57 Michael & Janet Wallace 11,389.69 Ian & Carol Parker 7,883.66 Ramon & Sylvia Laing 57,318.64 Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris 18,903.69 David & Jenny Gerry 11,380.90 Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler 7,862.93 Peter & Myrna Wellock 56,110.97 Gloria & Clive Davies 18,774.88 Barry & Nina Mitchell 11,377.26 Susan Clements & John Dowding 7,860.73 Helen & Paul Allgood 53,971.54 Colin & Charlene Sadler 18,737.18 Omran Zaman 11,363.30 Stuart Chantler & Claire Garrod 7,860.73 Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw 53,077.66 Phil Curtis 18,687.10 Steven Bond 11,349.45 Kelly & Steve Elliott 7,850.47 Karen & Neil Young 52,943.46 Alan Meldrum 18,415.39 Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr 11,299.42 Harold & Minnie Fulton 7,833.06 Judy Jodrell 52,331.84 Brian Manchester 18,413.25 Anthony & Susan Peacham 11,276.95 Tom & Kathryn Forbes 7,827.91 Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young 51,591.83 Angela & Norman Campbell 18,380.38 Tony & Wendy Vallerine 11,164.61 Elizabeth & Ian Hyams 7,812.98 David & Samantha Branch 50,024.28 Marcell & Joanne Treanor 18,380.38 Geoffrey & Berenice Davey 11,136.16 Kerry Edees 7,770.27 Sylvia & Jack Hood 47,200.73 Karim Karmali 18,238.47 Marie & Jeremy Simmonds 11,068.31 Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher 7,759.52 Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald 46,540.61 Stanley & Roy Stewart 18,192.64 Pierce & Janet Hartley 10,952.10 Paul Tonkin & Joanne Heeraman 7,696.15 Robert & Marianna Grinev-Branch 45,179.89 Colin & Sarby Turnbull 18,172.24 Marion & Anthony Homer 10,939.05 Angel & Stuart Hill 7,687.51 Eve & Norman Branch 45,179.89 Gaynor Morgan 17,911.05 John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo 10,793.21 Leslie & Moira Harris 7,687.51 Brian Harwood 44,877.11 Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox 17,881.46 Raymond & Lorraine Satchell 10,781.31 Sharon & Craig Davis 7,667.94 John & Anne Donaldson 44,096.05 Christopher & Lynne Marshall 17,316.32 Ivan Darch 10,684.59 Gordon & Patrick Davidson 7,661.39 Geoff & Fiona Webb 43,859.20 Kevin Rider 17,223.78 Peter & Caren Neesham 10,641.89 David & Lynn Bole 7,657.08 Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth 43,674.05 Gareth & Jeanette Jones 17,113.15 Clive & Pamela Lennard 10,628.12 Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks 7,626.15 Helen Brooks 43,547.39 Ian & Agnieszka Clarke 17,101.53 Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson 10,454.85 Michael Wallace 7,618.56 John & Christine Prosser 42,012.35 Keith & Helen Sandland 17,061.27 Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts 10,342.91 Karen & Scott Boardman 7,616.67 James Curtis 41,693.27 Angela & James Macleod 16,995.15 Maria & Lee Kowalkowski 10,318.71 Anthony Mervin 7,597.18 Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock 41,460.70 Mark & Sarah Wildman 16,626.78 Catherine & Stephen Lord 10,271.82 Terry Card 7,580.01 John & Wendy English 40,510.75 Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin 16,601.87 Julian & Karen Pike 10,253.75 Jude & Steve Joyce 7,576.24 Craig & Mary Hawkes 40,204.18 Christopher Young & Helena Edwards 16,385.75 Roger & Simon Mantle 10,240.41 Paul & Gosia Hammond 7,573.83 Christopher & Louise Brown 39,878.77 Robert Wellock 16,385.04 Paul Flintoft 10,162.38 Paul Bate & Thomas Johnson 7,568.11 Tracy & David Sheehan 39,336.68 Cindy & David Brown 16,285.06 Lesley Burroughs 10,122.46 Veronica Nixon 7,566.21 Andy & Carolyn Cooper 37,898.13 Debra & Oliver Pusey 15,939.26 Norman & Joanne Grundy 10,117.55 Henry & Diana Crosby 7,547.77 Belinda & Peter Clarke 37,586.26 Barry & Cecilia Bradbury 15,906.18 Paul & Avril Coleman 7,542.95 Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward 35,485.06 Seph O’Connell & Sarah Watson 15,825.91 Graham & Marion Whitaker 7,542.95 Steven & Sarah Curtis 35,189.93 7,500 And Above Timothy & Tina Pace 15,749.58 Susan Blunt 7,536.75 Johanna & Stuart Peuleve 9,969.53 Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly 15,477.35 Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley 7,531.87 15,000 And Above Sharon & Andrew Bird 15,473.04 Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester 9,901.72 Wendy Fielding 7,527.26 Caroline & Philip Thompson 34,693.56 David & Heather Flannagan 9,863.99 Kodwo Anderson 15,445.90 Kate Lee 7,519.13 Michael & Susan Pirie 34,380.68 Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz 9,763.25 Keith & Veronica King 15,445.90 John & Karina Beesley 7,505.98 Eamonn & Anne Roe 34,043.17 Darryl Allen 9,759.58 Peter & Jean Monroe 15,282.18 Arthur & Irene Bennett 7,504.82 Malcolm Ashmore 33,837.96 Sandra Brown 9,759.58 Terry & Jane Hodge 15,264.45 Adele & Jaime De Caso 33,837.96 Elaine & Martin Spafford 9,753.96 Christopher Conroy 15,226.86 Richard & Greta Brownridge 9,730.15 ENTERPRIZE WEEKLY BULLETIN Issue 02 14.01.11