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Challenges and opportunities
coming from a more open and
        online world
 The Arkansas Distance Learning Association
               10 October 2012
              Gard Titlestad
             Secretary General
•   Introduction
•   Higher education – a goldmine
•   Global context
•   Opportunities, trends and disruptive initiatives
•   Paradoxes
•   The users
•   System failure
•   A wake up call
•   Conclusion
What is ICDE?
• the leading global membership organization for open and
  distance education
• an NGO official partner of UNESCO, and shares that agency’s
  key aim – the attainment of quality education for all
• member focused – ICDE is an organization which will involve
  members in decision making, in cooperative action and in
  cooperative problem solving.
• transparent – Members will be able to follow the activities
  and decisions of ICDE.
• ICDE believes that in pursuing education as a universal right,
  the needs of the learner must be central.
• senior management in member institutions is actively
  involved in ICDE
• 100 institutional
   – All parts of the world
   – Organises most of the
     (>100.000 students)
• 10 regional associations
  as associate members
• Also some national
  associations and

    Strategic Objectives
   The draft strategic Plan 2013 - 2016

1. To promote the importance of open, distance, flexible
and online (e-learning ) education in educational policy.
2. To encourage quality in open, distance, flexible and
online (e-learning) education.
3. To support the development of new methodologies
and technologies.
4. To facilitate cooperation and networking amongst
5. To strengthen ICDE membership and governance, and
engage members in collaborative activity and
organizational development.
• While governments world wide celebrate the
  success of higher education, governmental
  policies are out-dated and are not capable of
  grasping the benefits from the most
  constructive and disruptive factor in the higher
  education sector: open and online education
• While the Academic world wants to show the
  way – are universities and higher education
  institutions prepared for reinventing
The talent pool is growing…


Chart A7.1
       United Kingdom
                                                                                   Tertiary education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the level of education

          New Zealand
                                                                                   Below upper secondary

        Czech Republic
         OECD average
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Employment prospects increase with

                                                                                                                                     Percentage of 25-64 year-olds in employment, by level of education (2010)

       Slovak Republic
         United States
                                                                                   Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary

The crisis reinforces the
importance of good education
• Over the past decade, more than two-thirds of
  GDP growth in EU21 countries was driven by
  labour income growth among tertiary-educated
  individuals, compared with just 51% in the United
• Even in the midst of the recession in 2009, labour
  income growth among tertiary graduates
  increased in the majority of EU countries with
  available data.
• In contrast, those with mid-range jobs and skills
  felt the most severe impact of the 2009 drop in
           Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2012
Bottom line:
 Higher Education – a goldmine
for the individual and the society
• For the individual – the
  employment prospects
• For the individual – the
  net value is good
• For the public – cost
  benefit is success!
   – Documented by OECD in
     Education at a glance
Global need for barrier-free
 access to higher education

• Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
  “Higher education: In less than 40
  years, enrolments have increased fivefold.
  Globally it is estimated that demand will
  expand from less than 100 million students in
  2000 to over 250 million students in 2025.”
       ”Four universities a week”

  Open and distance elearning is needed!
Example Tianjin
• Need for re-
  educating public
• The City Council co-
  operate with TOU
• Needs: 2 – 3 million
  the next years?
Education has to contribute
 to bringing youths back to
     the labour market

Paris, 9 October 2012 - OECD Harmonised Unemployment Rates
World Development
     Report 2013
• “The youth challenge alone is staggering.
  More than 620 million young people are
  neither working nor studying. Just to keep
  employment rates constant, the worldwide
  number of jobs will have to increase by
  around 600 million over a 15-year period”

 October 1, 2012
Mobilising the workforce:
• Tomorrow’s employment
  policies must create
  conditions to facilitate
  labour mobility through                  Education
  the lifelong learning of
  the individual.

• Coordination between
  the labour market and          Welfare               Work
  education policy is crucial
  for business
  competitiveness and
  future welfare.
Technology as
The rapid development of
information and
communication technology
(ICT) offers tremendous
educational opportunities to
provide new
innovative, accessible and more
affordable ways of learning.
                                  Mansoor Al
                                  Awar, Chairman, Middle
                                  East e-Learning
Internet is hitting
• "The investing
  community believes
  that the Internet is
  education, that
  education is having
  its Internet
   – Jose
     Ferreira, founder of
     the interactive-
     learning company
”IT sector booms during
       downturn”, says OECD

•   © OECD ActiveCharts –
ODL in rapid growth
• The world’s 18 largest mega-universities are open
  universities serving more than 14.3 million students. Most
  of these universities were founded after the 1970s.
• China: 1 of every 10 registered students in higher education
  is a student at The Open University of China.
• Africa: African Virtual University has signed up with 21
  countries and 28 Universities to provide Open and Distance
  eLearning, based on OER and the Internet.
• Almost one-third of enrolments in HE in the autumn of
  2010 in the USA were online enrolments, with more than
  30% of the students taking at least one course online.
The Future - USA
• College presidents predict substantial growth in
  online learning: 15% say most of their current
  undergraduate students have taken a class
  online, and 50% predict that 10 years from now most
  of their students will take classes online.
• Nearly two-thirds of college presidents (62%)
  anticipate that 10 years from now, more than half of
  the textbooks used by their undergraduate students
  will be entirely digital.
•   The Digital Revolution and Higher Education. 2011. By Kim Parker, Amanda Lenhart and
    Kathleen Moore
Crossroad or….
• 1,021 Internet experts, researchers, observers
  and users, 60% agreed with a statement that by
• “there will be mass adoption of teleconferencing
  and distance learning to leverage expert
  resources … a transition to ‘hybrid’ classes that
  combine online learning components with less-
  frequent on-campus, in-person class meetings.”
• Some 39% agreed with an opposing statement
  that said, “in 2020 higher education will not be
  much different from the way it is today.”
Pew Internet/Elon University survey, July 2012

and more!
Disruptive innovation
        Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Disruptive innovation does not make a good product or service
better, but makes it more affordable and accessible, so more people
can purchase or use it.
Disruptive innovation — in education
For Anant Agarwal, MITx, the Institute’s
new online-learning initiative, isn’t just a
means of democratizing education. It’s a
way to reinvent it.
MOOC Mania

The Chronicle's special report on Online Learning 2012
Many questions
• Motivation for MOOCs? Money, Branding or
  doing the Good things?
• Sustainable?
• Business models?
• The cost savings – for quality or profit?
• Pedagogic quality? Flip the classroom?
• Lot of criticism
  –Criticism can be the mother of
• That "much-touted online
  university, where a student can get
  a degree without ever
  encountering another student
  except online, is fine within the
  portfolio of higher education,"
  Sexton said. But for it to be "the
  norm," he said, would be
  "disgraceful.”                    John Saxton, President, New York University
   – Inside Higher Ed
25% of Indian students are now
covered by distance education

                Lakh = 100.000
August 21, 2012
• India's New Rules for Foreign Universities
  Raise Questions at Home and Abroad

• ……the new restrictions include allowing only
  institutions ranked in the top 500 worldwide
  to collaborate with Indian universities………
New iPhone could boost U.S. GDP by
 up to 0.5 percent, JP Morgan says
Mobile connection booms
    all over the world
• According to Wireless
  intelligence institute:
   – World cellular
     connections in Q3
     2012 closed at 6.4
   – Already next year
     there will be more
     connections than the
     world´s population
• Governments don´t responds to
  UNESCO´s questionnaires.
• There is a lack of interest and
  awareness on the part of
  policymakers and the public,
• There are attitudes that see
  mobile phones as disruptive
  devices that students use
  primarily to play games, chat
  with friends and potentially
  engage in inappropriate
  behaviours such as cheating
  and cyber-bullying.
Two books

The Academic world
shows the way, Göran Bexell
Two books

                               • Comphrehensive
                                 overview of challenges
                                 for universities.
                               • In 416 pages: almost
                                 nothing on the
                                 opportunities and
                                 challenges from a more
                                 open and online world
                               • One sentence: ”Internet
                                 offers an unused
                                 revolution in the thinking
                                 with regards to
The Academic world               education.” End of story.
shows the way, Göran Bexell,
Lund University, Sweden
Two books
• Several articles, carefully
  analysing how future
  opportunities could be
  met. Blended learning.
  Experiences from the
  Open Universitiy, UK, and
  much more. Strong
  innovation in the
  university approach.
• Discussed with a holistic
  approach to the future
                                Universitat Oberta de Catalunia,
                                Barcelona, Spain
While the Academic world wants to
 show the way – are universities and
higher education institutions prepared
     for reinventing themselves?
What about
the users?

                                      19%   57%
 ODL and OER can fuel
the Knowledge Triangle

High quality education                                        Open Access
Research based education                                      Research based OER
Resource based education                                      Research based teaching

                              and ODL

                  Innovation in education
                  Innovate the learning system and institutions
                  Knowledge supply for innovation
 ODL and OER can fuel
the Knowledge Triangle
• Through holistic, strategic and systematic work to increase
  synergies in the flow between the components in the triangle:
• increase quality of education through resource based education
  and through research based education, using OER and ODL
• easy access to research based education through research based
  OER, open access and facilitation by technology and ODL
• build knowledge about education through research and
  development and ensure the flow to education practitioners and
• stimulate innovation in institutions through using the opportunities
  inherent in OER and ODL
• strengthen knowledge supply to public and private sectors using the
  concepts of OER and ODL
• increase innovation in society through strengthened interaction
  between the knowledge triangle and society”
System failure
School failure
       – system failure
• Reducing school failure pays off for both
  society and individuals. More education
  attainment provides better labour market
  prospects and contributes to economic
  growth and social progress. The highest
  performing education systems across OECD
  countries are those that combine high quality
  and equity.

 Overcoming School Failure: Policies that Work
 February 2012
School failure
– system failure
   One of five don´t complete
   ”Drop outs”
   Or ”Push outs” (Hal Plotkin)
University drop-outs (or push outs?) cost 660
    million Euros per year in Spain alone

Norway – 2005 - 2010

Total drop outs/push outs in higher education:
12% (Health educations)- 37 % (Management and Economy)

Only health educations have lower drop out rate than 20%
System failure or not?

In my nightmares: ”Why not? Drop outs are
 fine. It filters for the talent pool – it filters
      for the recruitment to the elite.”
Dr Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO,
                Flexible learning for inclusive education
• Yet all people, regardless of their
  sex, race, religion, disability or national, ethnic and social
  origin, are entitled to a quality education. Denying them
  such an opportunity is not only an infringement of their
  fundamental human rights; it is also a serious waste of
  society’s human resources. Indeed, education that is
  restricted to certain social groups deprives a country of
  significant assets and skills that could be tapped to build
  prosperous communities. Furthermore, it limits the impact
  of national efforts to create peaceful, just, fair and cohesive

• Inclusive education is therefore non-negotiable.
• While governments world wide celebrate the
  success of higher education, governmental
  policies are out-dated and are not capable of
  grasping the benefits from the most
  constructive and disruptive factor in the higher
  education sector: open and online education
• While the Academic world wants to show the
  way – are universities and higher education
  institutions prepared for reinventing
•   The added value from HE
•   The need for HE around the world
•   The need for linking jobcreation with knowledge supply
•   The opportunities from a mor open and online world
•   The opportunities from open and disruptive innovation
•   The users needs
•   The global system failure
•   The observed paradoxes
A wake up call is needed!
To harvest the benefits from a more
      Open and Online world
         To be adressed:
Governments (wake up):              Universities (shake up):
• Governmental policies to          • Strategies and leadership
  facilitate a wanted               • Open and Conventional
                                      universities to partner up
• Optimal regulatory and policy
  framework for ODL, incentives     • Faculty training, student
  for OER –                           training for ODL
• Sector overarching policies for   • Flip the classroom for
  mobilising the workforce            student-oriented and
• Initiatives for research, to        personalised learning
  support effective uptake of       • Prepare for reinventing
  quality ODL and OER                 yourself
To harvest the benefits from a more
      Open and Online world
      To be adressed:

  HEI, private and public sector:
  Build partnerships and agreements for
  knowledge supply, mobilising the
• I believe we are at the beginning of a big debate
  about the future learning system.
• We need a professional, policy-oriented
  debate, in Europe, and throughout the world, on
  the opportunities and challenges coming from a
  more open and online world.
• Educational systems will be decided
  nationally, but the direction will also be a global
• ICDE will be a visible and eager player in this
• And: You are welcome to join!
Thank you!

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Keynote The Arkansas Distance Learning Association (ARDLA)

  • 1. Challenges and opportunities coming from a more open and online world The Arkansas Distance Learning Association (ARDLA) 10 October 2012 Gard Titlestad Secretary General ICDE
  • 2. Outline • Introduction • Higher education – a goldmine • Global context • Opportunities, trends and disruptive initiatives • Paradoxes • The users • System failure • A wake up call • Conclusion
  • 3. What is ICDE? • the leading global membership organization for open and distance education • an NGO official partner of UNESCO, and shares that agency’s key aim – the attainment of quality education for all • member focused – ICDE is an organization which will involve members in decision making, in cooperative action and in cooperative problem solving. • transparent – Members will be able to follow the activities and decisions of ICDE. • ICDE believes that in pursuing education as a universal right, the needs of the learner must be central. • senior management in member institutions is actively involved in ICDE
  • 4. Members • 100 institutional members – All parts of the world – Organises most of the mega-universities (>100.000 students) • 10 regional associations as associate members • Also some national associations and individuals
  • 5. Suggested Strategic Objectives The draft strategic Plan 2013 - 2016 1. To promote the importance of open, distance, flexible and online (e-learning ) education in educational policy. 2. To encourage quality in open, distance, flexible and online (e-learning) education. 3. To support the development of new methodologies and technologies. 4. To facilitate cooperation and networking amongst members. 5. To strengthen ICDE membership and governance, and engage members in collaborative activity and organizational development.
  • 6. Paradoxes • While governments world wide celebrate the success of higher education, governmental policies are out-dated and are not capable of grasping the benefits from the most constructive and disruptive factor in the higher education sector: open and online education • While the Academic world wants to show the way – are universities and higher education institutions prepared for reinventing themselves?
  • 7. The talent pool is growing…
  • 8.
  • 9. 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % Norway Iceland Switzerland Sweden Netherlands Chart A7.1 Slovenia Germany Denmark Austria Brazil Portugal United Kingdom Luxembourg Poland Finland Australia Belgium Tertiary education the level of education New Zealand France Below upper secondary Czech Republic OECD average Employment prospects increase with Israel Percentage of 25-64 year-olds in employment, by level of education (2010) Slovak Republic Canada Ireland Mexico United States Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Estonia Greece Spain Japan Chile Hungary Italy Korea Turkey
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. The crisis reinforces the importance of good education • Over the past decade, more than two-thirds of GDP growth in EU21 countries was driven by labour income growth among tertiary-educated individuals, compared with just 51% in the United States. • Even in the midst of the recession in 2009, labour income growth among tertiary graduates increased in the majority of EU countries with available data. • In contrast, those with mid-range jobs and skills felt the most severe impact of the 2009 drop in GDP. Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2012
  • 13. Bottom line: Higher Education – a goldmine for the individual and the society • For the individual – the employment prospects increase • For the individual – the net value is good business • For the public – cost benefit is success! – Documented by OECD in Education at a glance 2012
  • 14. Global need for barrier-free access to higher education • Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO “Higher education: In less than 40 years, enrolments have increased fivefold. Globally it is estimated that demand will expand from less than 100 million students in 2000 to over 250 million students in 2025.” ”Four universities a week” Open and distance elearning is needed!
  • 15. Example Tianjin • Need for re- educating public servants • The City Council co- operate with TOU • Needs: 2 – 3 million the next years?
  • 16. Education has to contribute to bringing youths back to the labour market Paris, 9 October 2012 - OECD Harmonised Unemployment Rates
  • 17. World Development Report 2013 • “The youth challenge alone is staggering. More than 620 million young people are neither working nor studying. Just to keep employment rates constant, the worldwide number of jobs will have to increase by around 600 million over a 15-year period” October 1, 2012
  • 18. Mobilising the workforce: Mobication • Tomorrow’s employment policies must create conditions to facilitate labour mobility through Education the lifelong learning of the individual. • Coordination between the labour market and Welfare Work education policy is crucial for business competitiveness and future welfare.
  • 20. Technology as facilitator The rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT) offers tremendous educational opportunities to provide new innovative, accessible and more affordable ways of learning. Mansoor Al Awar, Chairman, Middle East e-Learning
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23.
  • 24. Internet is hitting Education • "The investing community believes that the Internet is hitting education, that education is having its Internet moment," – Jose Ferreira, founder of the interactive- learning company Knewton.
  • 25. ”IT sector booms during downturn”, says OECD • © OECD ActiveCharts –
  • 26. ODL in rapid growth • The world’s 18 largest mega-universities are open universities serving more than 14.3 million students. Most of these universities were founded after the 1970s. • China: 1 of every 10 registered students in higher education is a student at The Open University of China. • Africa: African Virtual University has signed up with 21 countries and 28 Universities to provide Open and Distance eLearning, based on OER and the Internet. • Almost one-third of enrolments in HE in the autumn of 2010 in the USA were online enrolments, with more than 30% of the students taking at least one course online.
  • 27. Costs
  • 28. The Future - USA • College presidents predict substantial growth in online learning: 15% say most of their current undergraduate students have taken a class online, and 50% predict that 10 years from now most of their students will take classes online. • Nearly two-thirds of college presidents (62%) anticipate that 10 years from now, more than half of the textbooks used by their undergraduate students will be entirely digital. • The Digital Revolution and Higher Education. 2011. By Kim Parker, Amanda Lenhart and Kathleen Moore
  • 29. Crossroad or…. • 1,021 Internet experts, researchers, observers and users, 60% agreed with a statement that by 2020: • “there will be mass adoption of teleconferencing and distance learning to leverage expert resources … a transition to ‘hybrid’ classes that combine online learning components with less- frequent on-campus, in-person class meetings.” • Some 39% agreed with an opposing statement that said, “in 2020 higher education will not be much different from the way it is today.” Pew Internet/Elon University survey, July 2012
  • 31. Disruptive innovation Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Disruptive innovation does not make a good product or service better, but makes it more affordable and accessible, so more people can purchase or use it.
  • 32. Disruptive innovation — in education For Anant Agarwal, MITx, the Institute’s new online-learning initiative, isn’t just a means of democratizing education. It’s a way to reinvent it.
  • 33. MOOC Mania The Chronicle's special report on Online Learning 2012
  • 34. Many questions • Motivation for MOOCs? Money, Branding or doing the Good things? • Sustainable? • Business models? • The cost savings – for quality or profit? • Pedagogic quality? Flip the classroom? • Lot of criticism –Criticism can be the mother of progress
  • 36. Paradox • That "much-touted online university, where a student can get a degree without ever encountering another student except online, is fine within the portfolio of higher education," Sexton said. But for it to be "the norm," he said, would be "disgraceful.” John Saxton, President, New York University – Inside Higher Ed
  • 37. India 25% of Indian students are now covered by distance education Lakh = 100.000
  • 38. Paradox August 21, 2012 • India's New Rules for Foreign Universities Raise Questions at Home and Abroad • ……the new restrictions include allowing only institutions ranked in the top 500 worldwide to collaborate with Indian universities………
  • 39. New iPhone could boost U.S. GDP by up to 0.5 percent, JP Morgan says
  • 40. Mobile connection booms all over the world • According to Wireless intelligence institute: – World cellular connections in Q3 2012 closed at 6.4 billion – Already next year there will be more connections than the world´s population
  • 41. Paradox • Governments don´t responds to UNESCO´s questionnaires. • There is a lack of interest and awareness on the part of policymakers and the public, • There are attitudes that see mobile phones as disruptive devices that students use primarily to play games, chat with friends and potentially engage in inappropriate behaviours such as cheating and cyber-bullying.
  • 42. Two books The Academic world shows the way, Göran Bexell
  • 43. Two books • Comphrehensive overview of challenges for universities. • In 416 pages: almost nothing on the opportunities and challenges from a more open and online world • One sentence: ”Internet offers an unused revolution in the thinking with regards to The Academic world education.” End of story. shows the way, Göran Bexell, Lund University, Sweden
  • 44. Two books • Several articles, carefully analysing how future opportunities could be met. Blended learning. Experiences from the Open Universitiy, UK, and much more. Strong innovation in the university approach. • Discussed with a holistic approach to the future university Universitat Oberta de Catalunia, Barcelona, Spain
  • 45. While the Academic world wants to show the way – are universities and higher education institutions prepared for reinventing themselves?
  • 51. Universities: ODL and OER can fuel the Knowledge Triangle High quality education Open Access Research based education Research based OER Resource based education Research based teaching OER and ODL Innovation in education Innovate the learning system and institutions Knowledge supply for innovation
  • 52. Universities: ODL and OER can fuel the Knowledge Triangle • Through holistic, strategic and systematic work to increase synergies in the flow between the components in the triangle: • increase quality of education through resource based education and through research based education, using OER and ODL • easy access to research based education through research based OER, open access and facilitation by technology and ODL • build knowledge about education through research and development and ensure the flow to education practitioners and innovators • stimulate innovation in institutions through using the opportunities inherent in OER and ODL • strengthen knowledge supply to public and private sectors using the concepts of OER and ODL • increase innovation in society through strengthened interaction between the knowledge triangle and society”
  • 54. School failure – system failure • Reducing school failure pays off for both society and individuals. More education attainment provides better labour market prospects and contributes to economic growth and social progress. The highest performing education systems across OECD countries are those that combine high quality and equity. Overcoming School Failure: Policies that Work February 2012
  • 55. School failure – system failure One of five don´t complete ”Drop outs” Or ”Push outs” (Hal Plotkin)
  • 56. University drop-outs (or push outs?) cost 660 million Euros per year in Spain alone Norway – 2005 - 2010 Total drop outs/push outs in higher education: 12% (Health educations)- 37 % (Management and Economy) Only health educations have lower drop out rate than 20%
  • 57. System failure or not? In my nightmares: ”Why not? Drop outs are fine. It filters for the talent pool – it filters for the recruitment to the elite.” Anonymous
  • 58. Dr Qian Tang, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO, Flexible learning for inclusive education • Yet all people, regardless of their sex, race, religion, disability or national, ethnic and social origin, are entitled to a quality education. Denying them such an opportunity is not only an infringement of their fundamental human rights; it is also a serious waste of society’s human resources. Indeed, education that is restricted to certain social groups deprives a country of significant assets and skills that could be tapped to build prosperous communities. Furthermore, it limits the impact of national efforts to create peaceful, just, fair and cohesive societies. • Inclusive education is therefore non-negotiable.
  • 59. Paradoxes • While governments world wide celebrate the success of higher education, governmental policies are out-dated and are not capable of grasping the benefits from the most constructive and disruptive factor in the higher education sector: open and online education • While the Academic world wants to show the way – are universities and higher education institutions prepared for reinventing themselves?
  • 60. So; • The added value from HE • The need for HE around the world • The need for linking jobcreation with knowledge supply • The opportunities from a mor open and online world • The opportunities from open and disruptive innovation • The users needs • The global system failure • The observed paradoxes
  • 61. A wake up call is needed!
  • 62. To harvest the benefits from a more Open and Online world To be adressed: Governments (wake up): Universities (shake up): • Governmental policies to • Strategies and leadership facilitate a wanted • Open and Conventional development universities to partner up • Optimal regulatory and policy framework for ODL, incentives • Faculty training, student for OER – training for ODL • Sector overarching policies for • Flip the classroom for mobilising the workforce student-oriented and • Initiatives for research, to personalised learning support effective uptake of • Prepare for reinventing quality ODL and OER yourself
  • 63. To harvest the benefits from a more Open and Online world To be adressed: HEI, private and public sector: Build partnerships and agreements for knowledge supply, mobilising the workforce
  • 64. Conclusion • I believe we are at the beginning of a big debate about the future learning system. • We need a professional, policy-oriented debate, in Europe, and throughout the world, on the opportunities and challenges coming from a more open and online world. • Educational systems will be decided nationally, but the direction will also be a global issue. • ICDE will be a visible and eager player in this debate. • And: You are welcome to join!

Editor's Notes

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