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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in Management and

       Stress Management and
             Prevention Program
                 Resource Guide

Stress Management and Prevention
     Program Resource Guide


                        Karla L. Jackson

                       Kaplan University

   HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

                          June 21, 2011
Table of Contents
   UNI T   1   THE   NATURE      OF   STRESS

      Information to Remember: “What is Stress?” Quotes that Define Stress
      Resources: My Health Philosophy
      Tools: Are You Stressed?
   UNI T   2   THE   PHYSI OLOG Y      OF     STRESS

      Information to Remember: The Physiology of Stress
      Resources: Immediate, Intermediate, and Prolonged Stress Effects
      Tools: Journal Writing: Physical Symptoms Questionnaire
   UNI T   3   PSYCHOLOGY        OF   STRESS

      Information to Remember: Stress and Various Aspects of Psychology Quotes
      Resources: Emotional Well-Being
      Tools: Journal Writing: The Psychology of Your Stress

      Information to Remember: “What is Stress?” Quotes that Define Stress
      Resources: Your Personal Value System
      Tools: Journal Writing: Stress-Resistant Personality Survey
   UNI T   5   DEALI NG    WI TH   STRESS:        COPI NG     STRA TEGI ES

      Information to Remember: Various Quotes on Coping Strategies & Stress
      Tools: Journal Writing: The Time-Crunch Questionnaire
   UNI T   6   RELAXATION        TE CHNI QUES         1:   BREATHI NG,     MEDI TATI ON,


      Information to Remember: Quotes
      Resources: Bridging the Hemispheres of Thought
      Tools: Journal Writing: Too Much Information
   UNI T   7NUTRI TI ON      &   ST RESS

      Information to Remember: Various Quotes on Nutrition & Stress
      Tools: Journal Writing: Self-Assessment: Nutritional Eating Habits
   UNI T   8   PHYSI CAL    EXER CI SE      &   ACTI VI TY
Information to Remember: The Benefits of Fitness to De-stressing Quotes
  Tools: Journal Writing: Physical Exercise


                                   (End of the Guide)
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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress
Information to Remember:
      Stress is a physiological response to external or internal stimuli, an action or a thought. Stress
       can be good (eustress) or bad (distress). Stress is an integral part of life, as human beings are
       reactive and responsive to their environments and thoughts, and the circumstances that occur
       there. Stress is a survival response. The stimulus is the stressor.

      ―Selye added …that stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed upon
       it to adapt, whether that demand produces pleasure or pain.‖ Selye observed that whether a
       situation was perceived as good (e.g., a job promotion) or bad (e.g., the loss of a job), the
       physiological response or arousal was very similar. The body, according to Selye, doesn‘t know
       the difference between good and bad stress. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 5)

      ―A stressor is anything in the outside world that knocks you out of homeostatic balance, and
       the stress response is what your body does to reestablish homeostasis.‖ (Saplosky, 1998, p. 6)

Resources: Exercise 1.1
My Health Philosophy

Life is a kaleidoscope of the infinite variety. No two things are the same. Everyone’s life is individual.

                                                                                           --Paramahansa Yogananda

We all have philosophies. Philosophies are nothing more than our opinions, dressed up with an
introduction and conclusion—a way to present to someone, even ourselves, what we really think
about some topic or ideal. We have philosophies on everything—the types of music we like and
listen to, the state of world affairs, and even the foods we eat at restaurants.
Now it‘s time to examine your philosophy about your health. Based on what you already know, and
perhaps have been taught or exposed to, define as best you can what the words health and wellness
mean to you. After having done this, ask yourself why health is so important and write a few lines
about this.

Given the premise that every issue is a health issue, identify some seemingly non-health issues such
as the global economy, deforestation, or TV programming. See if you can discover the connection
between these issues and your state of well-being. How is your state of health influenced by stress?
Finally, where do you see yourself twenty-five years from now? If you were to continue your current
lifestyle for the next three to four decades, how do you see yourself at that point in the future? Your
health philosophy guides your state of health. What is your health philosophy?

What has influenced your philosophy up to now (e.g., parents, teachers, friends, books)? Be specific.
Take some time to write it down here now. If you need additional space to write,

use the extra pages provided at the back of this book.

My Health Philosophy

       My philosophy on health and wellness, along with my faith in Christ, defines who I am as a

woman. My health is as free of disease, neuroses, and any other negative, debilitating issue, whether

physiological, psychological, physical, social, or spiritual, as much as is possible per my control.

Wellness is living with positivity and optimism throughout life‘s joys and tragedies; I choose to live

with a good attitude. My health and wellness philosophy is eloquently stated by Howley and Franks:

  “Total fitness is a condition reached through striving to optimize life in all aspects – social, mental, psychological,

   spiritual, and physical. This dynamic, multidimensional state has a positive health base and includes individual

 performance goals. The highest quality of life includes mental alertness and curiosity, and positive emotional feelings,

meaningful relationships with others, awareness and involvement in social strivings, recognition of the broader forces of

 life, and the physical capacity to accomplish goals with vigor…high fitness in one area enhances the other areas, and

 conversely, lower fitness in any area restricts the accomplishments possible in other areas…An optimal quality of life
requires individuals to strive, grow, and develop, though they may never achieve the highest level of fitness. The totally

           fit person…continually strives for the highest quality of life possible.” (Howley, 2007, p. 6)

       I am totally fit! It is health, it is wellness, it is celebratory, it is dynamic, it is evolutionary, it is

good, and it these are all me! This is how I am able to express myself in and throughout life, to

myself and others. Good health is what I own, how I will continue to strive toward the things I

dream of, and how I will attain them; how I be with those I love and care for, how I will serve

others; how I am. I am healthy, grateful, and thankful every day. My good health a gift.

Reason: I had to really think about how I want to live in regards to health and wellness. Having
written these thoughts down is like having a map upon which to reference.

Tools: Journal Writing
Are You Stressed?
Although there is no definitive survey composed of 20 questions to determine if you are stressed or
burnt out or just exactly how stressed you really are, questionnaires do help increase awareness that,
indeed, there may be a problem in one or more areas of your life. The following is an example of a
simple stress inventory to help you determine the level of stress in your life. Read each statement, and
then circle either the word Agree or Disagree. Then count the number of "Agree" points (one per
question) and use the Stress Level Key to determine your personal stress level.

                    Statement:                                    Agree                  Disagree

  1. I have a hard time falling asleep at night.                                    Agree Disagree

  2. I tend to suffer from tension and/or migraine headaches.                       Agree     Disagree

  3. I find myself thinking about finances and making ends meet.                    Agree Disagree

  4 .I wish I could find more to laugh and smile about each day.                    Agree Disagree

  5. More often than not, I skip breakfast or lunch to get things done. Agree                 Disagree

  6. If I could change my job situation, I would.                                  Agree      Disagree

  7. I wish I had more personal time for leisure pursuits.                          Agree Disagree

  8. I have lost a good friend or family member recently.                           Agree     Disagree
9. 1 am unhappy in my relationship or am recently divorced.            Agree     Disagree

 10. I haven't had a quality vacation in a long time.                   Agree     Disagree

 11. I wish that my life had a clear meaning and purpose.               Agree Disagree

 12. I tend to eat more than three meals a week outside the home.       Agree Disagree

 13. I tend to suffer from chronic pain.                                Agree Disagree

 14. 1 don't have a strong group of friends to whom I can turn.         Agree Disagree

 15. I don't exercise regularly (more than three times per week).       Agree Disagree

 16. I am on prescribed medication for depression.                       Agree Disagree

 17. My sex life is very satisfying.                                     Agree Disagree

 18. My family relationships arc less than desirable.                   Agree     Disagree

 19. Overall, my self-esteem can be rather low.                         Agree Disagree

 20. 1 spend no time each day dedicated to meditation or centering.     Agree     Disagree

 Stress Level Key

 Less than 5 points               You have a low level of stress and maintain good coping skills.

 More than 5 points               You have a moderate level of personal stress.

 More than 10 points               You have a high level of personal stress.

 More than 15 points               You have an exceptionally high level of stress.

©Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Reason: This chart reminds me to look at my life closely and introspectively, unafraid, considering
how much I may be affected by stress.

Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress
Information to Remember:
    Having learned that stress can enhance and disrupt memory, improving your memory during
     stress is crucial to survival. ―When a stressor is occurring it is a good time to be at your best in
     memory retrieval…and formation.‖ (Sapolsky, 1998, p. 211). You need to be able to gain the
     experience (if the stressor is new), or be able to remember (application) what you did the last
     time (the recurring stressor) in order to get yourself out of it again to ensure your survivability
     and ensure optimal functionality; conversely, ―practice makes perfect.‖ (Unit 2 Discussion Post,
     Author‘s Submission, Question #1).

    The stress, or ―fight or flight,‖ response is the set of ―… dynamics involved in the body‘s
     physiological arousal to survive a threat.‖ It involves:

       Stage 1. Stimuli from one or more of the five senses are sent to the brain (e.g., a scream, the
       smell of fire, the taste of poison, a passing truck in your lane).

       Stage 2. The brain deciphers the stimulus as either a threat or a nonthreat. If the stimulus is
       not regarded as a threat, this is the end of the response (e.g., the scream came from the
       television). If, however, the response is decoded as a real threat, the brain then activates the
       nervous and endocrine systems to quickly prepare for defense and/or escape.

       Stage 3. The body stays activated, aroused, or ―keyed-up‖ until the threat is over.

       Stage 4. The body returns to homeostasis, a state of physiological calmness, once the
       threat is gone. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009).

       Physiological Systems Affected by “Fight or Flight” Response (Ibid, p. 7):
        a. Increased heart rate to pump oxygenated blood to working muscles
        b. Increased blood pressure to deliver blood to working muscles
        c. Increased ventilation to supply working muscles with oxygen for energy metabolism
        d. Vasodilation of arteries to the body‘s periphery (arms and legs) with the greatest
            muscle mass
        e. Increased serum glucose for metabolic processes during muscle contractions
        f. Increased free fatty acid mobilization as an energy source for prolonged activity (e.g.,
g. Increased blood coagulation and decreased clotting time in the event of bleeding
         h. Increased muscular strength
         i. Decreased gastric movement and abdominal blood flow to allow blood to go to
              working muscles
         j. Increased perspiration to cool body-core temperature
    The body does not differentiate between eu- (good) and distress (bad); ―… [it] responds
     identically to all types of perceived threats.‖ (Ibid)

    Stress inhibits the immune system. ―Stress will suppress the formation of new lymphocytes and
     …shorten the time preexisting lymphocytes stay in the circulation….will inhibit the
     manufacturing of new antibodies in response to infectious agent,…will inhibit innate immune
     response, suppressing inflammation…‖ (Saplosky, 1998, p. 151).

Resource: Exercise
Immediate, Intermediate, and Prolonged Stress Effects
As noted in Chapter 2, the stress response has immediate (seconds), intermediate (minutes to hours),
and prolonged (days) effects through which the symptoms of physical stress can manifest. To
reinforce your understanding of each phase of this physiological process, please take a moment to
reflect on how your body reacts to stress through these three processes.

1. What do you feel when immediately threatened?

       a. Tingling sensations                                    Yes           No

       b. Sweating                                               Yes           No

       c. Muscle tension (e.g., jaw muscles)                     Yes           No

       d. Rapid heart rate                                       Yes           No

       e. Rapid breathing (or holding your breath)               Yes           No

       f. Rush of blood to your face and neck (blushing)         Yes           No

       g. Racing thoughts

2. How would you best classify your body‘s intermediate (within hours) response to stress?

       a. Tension headache                                       Yes           No

       b. Migraine headache                                      Yes           No
c. Sore neck and shoulders                                  Yes                 No

       d. Sore throat                                              Yes                 No

       e. Allergies                                                Yes                 No

       f. Stomachache                                              Yes                 No

       g. GI tract problems                                        Yes                 No

3. What do you notice as long-term effects of prolonged stress (five to ten days)?

       a. Cold or flu                                              Yes                 No

       b. Acne (broken-out face blemishes)                         Yes                 No

       c. Herpes flare-up (around lips)                            Yes                 No

       d. Menstrual period irregularities                          Yes                 No

Reason: This Exercise was chosen because it serves as a quick reference of the physical symptoms of
stress on the body so that one learns to become vigilant and preventive.

Tools: Journal Writing
Physical Symptoms Questionnaire
Please look over this list of stress-related symptoms and circle how often they have occurred in the
past week, how severe they seemed to you, and how long they lasted. Then reflect on the past
week‘s workload and see whether you notice any connection between your stress levels and possible
stress-related symptoms.

                                                    How Often?           How Severe?        How Long?

                                                    (Number of days      (1 = mild;         (1 = 1 hour;

                                                    in the past week)    5 = severe)        5 = all day)

1. Tension headache                                 01234567              12345              12345

2. Migraine headache                                01234567              12345              12345
3. Muscle tension (neck and/or shoulders)       01234567         12345   12345

4. Muscle tension (lower back)                  01234567         12345   12345

5. Joint pain                                   01234567         12345   12345

6. Cold                                         01234567         12345   12345

7. Flu                                          01234567         12345   12345

8. Stomachache                                  01234567         12345   12345

9. Stomach/abdominal bloating/distention/gas    01234567         12345   12345

10. Diarrhea                                    01234567         12345   12345

11. Constipation                                01234567         12345   12345

12. Ulcer flare-up                              01234567         12345   12345

13. Asthma attack                               01234567         12345   12345

14. Allergies                                   01234567         12345   12345

15. Canker/cold sores                           01234567         12345   12345

16. Dizzy spells                                01234567         12345   12345

17. Heart palpitations (racing heart)           01234567         12345   12345

18. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   12345   12345

19. Insomnia                                    01234567         12345   12345

20. Nightmares                                  01234567         12345   12345

21. Fatigue                                     01234567         12345   12345

22. Hemorrhoids                                 01234567         12345   12345

23. Pimples/acne                                01234567         12345   12345
24. Cramps                                            01234567           12345            12345

25. Frequent accidents                                01234567           12345            12345

26. Other                                             01234567           12345            12345

Score: Look over this entire list. Do you observe any patterns or relationships between your stress
levels and your physical health? A value over 30 points most likely indicates a stress-related
health problem. If it seems to you that these symptoms are related to undue stress, they probably
are. Although medical treatment is advocated when necessary, the regular use of relaxation
techniques may lessen the intensity, frequency, and duration of these episodes.

      I have a value of 33 – not good, but understandable. Sadly, there is stress in my life, and I am
uncomfortable with this information. For one, I hate the effects of stress on my body. I know
immediately my racing heart, tightening gut, and awareness of not breathing mean stress. Knowing
the physiological effects of hormone-dumping is, in this case, more stressful.

      Nevertheless, I am empowered. First, I know what I am experiencing is not just
psychological, but physiological, with reactions that can result in long-lasting and/or permanent
damage to me. I am too young and vivacious to live with limitations possible should I succumb to
stress. No, there is a way to ameliorate and eradicate all the stressors in my life.

      As stated, I am empowered. I am determined to learn and apply better/improved coping
skills to the stressors. My immediate stress relievers are prayer and Bible-reading, especially the
Psalms, such as this portion:

                   ―As for me, I will call upon God, and the LORD shall save me.

                     Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud,

                                      And He shall hear my voice.

                                He has redeemed my soul in peace from

                                 From the battle that was against me,

                                    For there were many against me.
Psalm 55:16-18, NKJV (Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1982)

      I have learned to take comfort in Scripture, agreeing with Larry Dossey, who states ―…prayer
and religious devotion are directly correlated with positive health outcomes.‖ (Schlitz, 2005, p. 230).
As with being physically fit, spirituality must also be habitual in order to be maintained – the
demands of school are stressors. Being that I am determined to enjoy this return to school, I am
working on improving my time-management skills as I desire strongly to enjoy this academic

Reason: I have chosen to include this Journal write-up assignment to remember that stressors can
happen anytime and reading my Bible is another way to cope.

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress
Information to Remember:
     ―As the mind-body connection is more closely examined with regard to the stress response, it
      becomes increasingly clear that the mind is a very complex phenomenon, and not merely a by-
      product of neurochemical interactions. The interactions of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and
      personality traits—the mind is held accountable for all of them and a bit more.‖ (Brian Luke
      Seaward, 2009, p. 90)

     Stages of grieving: A process outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross regarding the mental
      preparation for death, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. (Ibid, p.
      95). These Stages can also be applied to divorce, terminal illness, and termination of a job, to
      name several.

     Sapolsky‘s ‗Subtleties of Predictability‘ explains the lowered physiological stress response a
      person or animal experiences when warned- ―predictability makes stressors less stressful.‖ The
      subtleties (Sapolsky, 1998, p. 258). In reference to my exercise routines, when I know what
      move is coming next, when I am familiar and confidant to perform that move, and when I
      know how many more are left (or, time remaining when holding The Plank – I can hold one for
      2 minutes 45 seconds, by the way…, working up to 3 minutes). Though there is stress, I stress
      less because I know what is coming next. ―In effect, information that increase predictability
      tells you that there is bad news, but comforts you that it‘s not going to be worse…‖ (Ibid). I
      can hold on for those last ten seconds…! (Unit 3 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission,
      Question #2).

Resources: Exercises
Emotional Well-Being
        Emotional well-being is best described as ―the ability to feel and express the entire range of
human emotions, and to control them, not be controlled by them.‖ Sounds like a pretty tall order,
huh? Well, it doesn‘t have to be. What is the range of human emotions? Everything from anger to
love, and all that‘s in between. No emotion is excluded, meaning that it is perfectly all right to feel
angry, jealous, giddy, sad, depressed, light-hearted, and silly. All of these feelings comprise the total
human experience, the complete spectrum of human emotions.
A well-accepted theory suggests that early in our development, we spend the greatest
amount of time trying on and exploring emotions. But if you are like most people, you were told at
an early age one or more of the following expressions related to your behavior: ―Wipe that smile off
your face,‖ ―Big boys don‘t cry,‖ ―Don‘t you ever talk back to me,‖ or ―I‘ll give you something to
cry about.‖ Perhaps our parents had good intentions, or perhaps they were just at wit‘s end.
Regardless of what

prompts such comments, most youngsters interpret the message altogether differently than
intended. Instead of relating such phrases only to the moment, most children take the
meaning of such messages globally and think it is never all right to laugh or to cry. If we hear
these messages enough, we begin to deny some of our feelings by stuffing them down into our
unconscious minds—only to meet them head-on later in life.

       The second half of the emotional well-being equation says that to be emotionally well, we
must control our feelings, not let them control us. Our feelings control us when we refuse to feel
and express them or when we linger too long in the moods of anger, anxiety, depression, grief, or
boredom. The result is stagnation, not dynamic living.

Here are some questions to ponder about your own sense of emotional well-being:

   1. What is your least favorite emotion, one that you don’t like to feel or perhaps would
       rather avoid feeling? Can you explain why?
   My least favorite emotion is jealousy. Jealousy conveys a general dissatisfaction with everyone
   and anything at anytime for any reason. Jealousy is due to insecurity, low, low, low self-esteem,
   and comes from an individual who has not felt she/he was/is loved, or is unwilling to love and
   trust. Jealous people lack stability and are, therefore unpredictable and dangerous; are
   untrusting. Jealous people are difficult to be around because of their suspicious and mistrusting
   nature; they also ―ooze‖ (my term describing the inability to contain the negative, harmful, and
   hurtful emotions), making them unpredictable and unstable. Jealous people do not seem to
   mind hurting others because they are also selfish and unloving; they hurt people hurting
   people. Jealous people are high-maintenance due to aforementioned reasons. I am not a jealous

   2. Combing through your memory, can you remember a time (or times) when you were
       told or reminded not to act or feel a certain way (e.g., big boys don’t cry), or were
       perhaps even humiliated? Take a moment to describe this incident.
   (Disclaimer: This is the ―ultra-short‖ version of this recount.) While serving as director of a
   children‘s program at my church, (volunteer staff of 20 adults, intermittent parent volunteers
and teens; serving approx. 40 children weekly). A disagreement developed during my 5th year
     that, had I not been grounded in my faith, would have ―rocked‖ me right out of the church. A
     piece of ―advice‖ I received in large doses during that trial, was ―don‘t take it personally.‖
     Really!?! Though I did not like the process and the outcome, I have since learned to appreciate
     both: did I want to be right or reconciled? I decided that reconciliation is the way to live. What
     became the focus were the people and not the incident that began the riff.

     3. What is your favorite emotion? Why? How often would you say you feel this emotion
         throughout the course of a typical day?
         My favorite emotion is joy. Joy, in my opinion, is the ―older sister‖ to happiness, which I
         define as ―younger,‖ more fickle, less faithful, more transient, less resilient. Because of joy
         there is laughter, love, trust, wholeness, people around, healing, strength, bond, and
         progress. Joy is a God-given gift to keep us grounded as we go through the issues of lifes.
         Joy is deeper, more dynamic (it grows with maturity), more committed, more lasting.
4.    If you feel you may be the kind of person who doesn’t acknowledge or express your
      emotions, can you think of ways to change your behavior and begin to gain a sense of
      emotional balance?

         I am emotionally intelligent. As an emotionally intelligent woman, I ―…know and manage
         [my] emotions well, and read and deal effectively with other people‘s feelings – [I am] at an
         advantage in any domain in life…picking up the unspoken rules that govern success in
         organizational politics…likely to be content…mastering the habits of mind that foster their
         own productivity…‖ (Goleman, 1994, pp. 34, 36). I am the talker; I have no problems
         expressing my emotions, never have. What I have had to work on is finesse, tact, diplomacy,
         listening, patience, empathy, and timing.
     Reason: I enjoyed this introspection; taking opportunity to carefully word some deep thoughts.
     This goes to show the importance of thinking purposefully about things. This was cathartic, had
     to delve deep for this one.

Tools: Journal Writing
The Psychology of Your Stress
The following questions are based on several theories from Chapter 4 to help you become more
aware of your perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors during episodes of stress:

1. In hindsight (because Freud said people are not aware at the time that they are doing it),
do you find that you use one or more defense mechanisms to protect your ego? Reflecting
on your behavior, which of the following do you see as common behaviors in your
psychology of stress profile?

     a.   Defensiveness (I didn‘t do it)                                 Yes            No

     b.   Projection (She did it)                                        Yes            No

     c.   Repression (I don‘t remember doing it)                         Yes            No

     d.   Displacement (He made me do it)                                Yes            No

     e.   Rationalization (Everyone does it)                             Yes            No

     f.   Humor (I can laugh about this now)                             Yes            No

     Understanding each, I do not identify with any of these being my psychological stress profile;
at least not in the ways defined.

     In all fairness, however, I have done these at one time or another, but they are not my normal
response: projecting, repressing, or displacing; but I have been defensive when I have felt attacked.
I have rationalized, but not because everyone does it, but to give further clarity as to why I did it.
Humor is how I diffuse/lighten up a tense/heated situation, especially when I REALLY don‘t want
to ―go there,‖ and/or feel the individual(s) cannot ―handle‖ the weightiness of the matter.

2. Carl Jung was adamant that we need to listen to the wisdom of our dreams. Please answer
the following questions based on Jung’s theories related to stress.

     a.   Do you often remember your dreams?                             Yes            No

     b.   Do you make it a habit to try to understand your

          dreams and dream symbols?                                      Yes            No
c.   Do you have any recurring dreams?                             Yes             No

     d.   Have you ever had a dream of an event that later

          came to pass?                                                 Yes             No

3. Refer to your Unit 1 Journal Writing Assignment, Exercise 1.5 (―Personal Stress Inventory: Top
Ten Stressors‖). Please list your stressors as predominantly anger-based or fear-based stressors.

DISCLAIMER: I am not responding to the situations listed by being angry or fearful, my
responses are in compliance with the activity.

Anger-Based Stressors

a. getting minimum exercise

c. behind in home-school schedule

Fear-Based Stressors

a. not getting enough sleep

b. eating habits

c. neck & LB pain

Reason: We are stressed for reasons we do not always closely examine. This Journal Writing
assignment took me ―close to home.‖ I particularly appreciated learning about Kübler-Ross‘s stages
of grieving, seeing its added ―value‖ applicable also to divorce, job termination, and terminal illness.
My emotional well-being must be kept healthy. This is material to be shared!

Unit 4: Personality Traits and the
Human Spirituality
Information to Remember:
     ―…researchers have identified specific personality traits and behaviors, classified as personality
     types, which have begun to shed some light on the relationship between personality and disease.
     They include Type A behavior, codependent personality, helpless-hopeless personality, hardy
     personality, survivor personality, and sensation seeker or Type R personality.‖ (Brian Luke
     Seaward, 2009, p. 135)

    Stress-prone personalities are:

         a. Type A Personality Types – are rushed and hurried, ultra-competitive, exhibit high
            tendencies of polyphasia (multi-tasking), have rapid speech patterns as they seek to
            dominate conversations with volume and tone; display manipulative control, being
            they are ego-driven; are aggressive, abrasive, and have ―free-floating‖ hostility, which is
            an ―…indwelling anger that erupts at trivial occurrences…‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009,
            p. 136). Because of these tendencies, Type As are more prone for cardiovascular

         b. Type D Personality Types – represent individuals who turn their anger inward, giving
            them commonality with Type As; Type Ds are prone to be negative, and therefore
            tend to be gloomy, irritable, socially inhibited and depressed. Type Ds are the highest
            demographics to be on antidepressants.

         c. Codependent Personality Types – the Type C personality; an addictive, stress-prone
            personality that is ―…dependent on making other people dependent on them as a
            means of self-validation.‖ (Ibid, p. 139); they are typically enablers, functioning in a
            dysfunctional sense of concern; the codependency is in the thinking that the
            dysfunctional person needs the codependent, and the codependent feeling needed
            because of the dysfunction. Sadly, this personality trait is exhibited in children.
            Codependents are in great need of approval (external referencing), are perfectionists,
            over-achievers, perfectionists, victims, crisis managers, devoted loyalists, martyrs (the
            martyr syndrome), feel inadequate (lack of spiritual health), and are reactionary,
meaning they react rather than respond to situations and people, this is where a lack of
             emotional boundary is exhibited. They are Type C, as they are more prone to cancer.

         d. Helpless-Hopeless Personality Types – displaying low self-esteem, these personality
            types ―…have encountered repeated bouts of failure, to the point where they give up
            on themselves in situations where they clearly have control;‖ (Ibid, p. 143) repeated
            failure has become a learned response. (Unit 2 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission,
            Question #2).

    Jung postulated that there is a profound, divine level of unconsciousness, the collective
     unconscious, which unites all people. Poor spiritual health results from the inability to access
     this source within us. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 189)

Resource: Exercise
Your Personal Value System
We all have a personal value system—a core pillar of the human spirit that is constantly undergoing
renovation. What does your value system currently look like? Perhaps this diagram can give you
some insights and, in turn, help resolve some issues that might be causing stress.

The circle in the center represents your core values: abstract or intangible constructs of importance
that can be symbolized by a host of material possessions. It is believed that we hold about four to
six core values that constitute our personal belief system, which, like a compass, guide the spirit on
our human journey. Give this concept some thought and then write in this circle what you consider
to be your current core values (e.g., love, happiness, health).

The many circles that surround the main circle represent your supporting values: those values that
lend support to your core values (these typically number from five to twelve). Take a moment to
reflect on what these might be and then assign one value per small circle. Inside each small circle,
include what typically symbolizes that value for you (e.g., wealth can be symbolized by money, a car,
or a house). Finally, consider whether any stress you feel in your life is the result of a conflict
between your supporting and core values.

                                        Faith Relationships

                          Patience                         Balance

             Health & Wellness                                    Perseverance
Compassion                    LOVE                           Gentleness

                          Peace                                               Confidence

                                Forgiveness                              Hope

                                              Self-Control      Joy

                 © Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

      Reason: At my core is love. Having a personal value system is like having a bank account that never
      runs out of money: there is always resource to withdraw – this, in itself, can be stress-relieving.

      Tools: Journal
      Stress-Resistant Personality Survey
      The following survey is composed of statements based on the hardy, survivor, and risk-taking
      personality traits—all of which share common aspects that resist rather than attract or promote
      stress in one‘s life. Please answer the following questions with the most appropriate number.

                  4 = Always      3 = Often        2 = Sometimes         1 = Rarely      0 = Never

1.   I wake up each morning ready to
                                                   4             3                2               1         0
     face a new day.

2.   I tend not to let fear run my life.           4             3                2               1         0

3.   I would consider myself to be an
                                                   4             3                2               1         0

4.   I tend to see ―problems‖ as
     opportunities for personal growth             4             3                2               1         0
     and success.
5.    Although I like to be in control of
      my fate, I know when to go with the
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      flow when things are out of my

6.    Curiosity is one of my stronger
                                                4   3   2   1   0

7.    Life isn‘t always fair, but I still
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      manage to enjoy myself.

8.    When things knock me off balance, I
      am resilient and get back on my feet      4   3   2   1   0

9.    My friends would say that I have the
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      ability to turn misfortune into luck.

10.   I believe that if you don‘t take risks,
      you live a boring life and won‘t get      4   3   2   1   0

11.   I like to think of myself as being a
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      creative person.

12.   I believe in the philosophy that ―one
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      person truly can make a difference.‖

13.   I am both organized and flexible
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      with my life‘s day-to-day schedule.

14.   Sometimes having nothing to do is
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      the best way to spend a day.

15.   I trust that I am part of a greater
                                                4   3   2   1   0
      force of life in the universe.
16.   I believe in the philosophy that ―you
                                                           4                 3                    2            1         0
      make your own breaks.‖

17.   I approach new situations with the
      idea that I will learn something                     4                 3                    2            1         0
      valuable, regardless of the outcome.

18.   When I start a project, I see it
                                                           4                 3                    2            1         0
      through to its successful completion.

19.   I am strong willed, which I see as a
      positive characteristic to accomplish                4                 3                    2            1         0
      hard tasks.

20.   I am committed to doing my best in
                                                           4                 3                    2            1         0
      most everything in life.

                                                                                                               Total score   68

Score: A score of more than 30 points indicates that you most likely have traits associated with the hardy,
survivor, and calculated risk-taker personalities, personality types known to be stress-resistant.

                             © Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

        Reason: Who I am is expressed in different ways. Knowing who I am is key. Knowing my
        stressors is key to minimizing stress in my life .

Unit 5: Dealing with Stress:
Coping Strategies
Information to Remember:
        Coping - as defined by stress scholar Richard Lazarus (1981), is ―the process of managing
         demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the individual‘s resources; ‖ a specific frame
         of mind to deal with the situation in the best way possible. Skill sets utilized to deal with stress.
         (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009)

          Some factors that enable successful aging, which is a positive coping mechanism, are:

             a. Neonatal handling, or, parent-to-infant-bonding, the giving of love and affection, which
                transfers/conveys security, confidence and sense of belonging, these, in turn, sets the
                individual to age successfully later in life. Physiologically speaking, less glucocoritoids
                are secreted, or there is greater ability to cope, in the presence of stress.

             b. Another factor to successful aging is having a sense of contentment. If negative
                emotions, such as depression, can create an unhealthy physiological environment (again,
                increased levels of glucocoritoids), how much more so a positive, contented one.

             c. Having a social network, which seems to increase in quality versus quantity as we age, is
                another characteristic for aging successfully.

             d. A Harvard study showed people more apt to age successfully when they did not smoke,
                consume minimal amounts of alcohol, exercised as a habit, maintained a normal body
                weight throughout their lives, and exemplified resilient coping skills.

             e. Lastly, being needed and respected in their old age lend to aging successfully.

        Roger Allen (1983) developed and introduced cognitive restructuring, which means changing a
         perception from a negative interpretation to a neutral or positive one, making it less stressful.
         This process is also called reappraisal, relabeling, reframing, and attitude adjustment.
   Meditation enhances EI, is negatively associated with perceived stress and negative mental
         health; increased meditation experience equals increased emotional intelligence (EI);
         meditation can decrease negatively perceived stress, anger, hostility, anxiety, and depression;
         answered the hypothesis: ―…participants who had greater meditation experience exhibited
         higher [emotional intelligence, EI]…and less perceived stress, and negative mental health than
         those who had less or none. This research study recommends meditation to be integrated into
         lifestyle practices, since it cultivates well-being and emotional balance; ―…meditation seems to
         be one of the most effective coping strategies.‖‖ (Chu, 2010, p. 169).

Tools: Journal Writing
The Time-Crunch Questionnaire
The following is a survey based on the traits of the codependent personality. Please answer the
following questions with the most appropriate number.

                               1 = rarely        2 = sometimes 3 = often

1.       I tend to procrastinate with projects             3                2             1
         and responsibilities.

2.       My bedtime varies depending on the                3                2             1
         workload I have each day.

3.       I am the kind of person who leaves                3                2             1
         things till the last minute.

4.       I forget to make To Do lists to keep              3                2             1
         me organized.

5.       I spend more than two hours                       3                2             1
         watching television each night.

6.       I tend to have several projects going             3                2             1
         on at the same time.

7.       I tend to put work ahead of family                3                2             1
         and friends.

8.       My life is full of endless interruptions          3                2             1
         and distractions.

9.       I tend to spend a lot of time on the              3                2             1
10.   Multi-tasking is my middle name. I       3   2   1
      am a great multi-tasker.

11.   My biggest problem with time             3   2   1
      management is prioritization.

12.   I am a perfectionist when it comes to    3   2   1
      getting things done.

13.   I never seem to have enough time         3   2   1
      for my personal life.

14.   I tend to set unrealistic goals to       3   2   1
      accomplish tasks.

15.   I reward myself before getting things    3   2   1
      done on time.

16.   I just never have enough hours in the    3   2   1
      day to get things done.

17.   I can spend untold hours distracted      3   2   1
      while surfing the Internet.

18.   I tend not to trust others to get
      things done when I can do them           3   2   1
      better myself.

19.   If I am completely honest, I tend to     3   2   1
      be a workaholic.

20.   I have been known to skip meals in       3   2   1
      order to complete projects.

21.   I will clean my room, garage, or
      kitchen before I really get to work on   3   2   1

22.   I will often help friends with their     3   2   1
      work before doing my own.

23.   It‘s hard to get motivated to get        3   2   1
      things done.
Total score   43
Questionnaire Key

75–51 points = poor time management skills (time to reevaluate your life skills)

50–26 points = fair time-management skills (time to pull in the reins a bit)

0–25 points = excellent time management skills (keep doing what you are doing!)

Reason: These Journal Writing activities really make me look at myself purposefully, intentionally,
unashamedly…this is how I get to see where I need to grow! This Questionnaire revealed what I
already knew about myself: I tend to procrastinate. Finding out that I am not Type A was a good
thing, however. There is always room for improvement!

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1:
Breathing, Meditation, and Mental
Information to Remember:
       ―Diaphragmatic breathing is unequivocally the easiest method of relaxation to practice. It is
       easy because breathing is an action that we do normally without thought or hesitation. In its
       simplest form, diaphragmatic breathing is controlled deep breathing. It is symbolic of a
       deep sigh…‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, pp. 344-345). Also known as a lower belly
       ―Meditation is thought to be the oldest form of relaxation. In simple terms, it is a mind-
       cleansing or emptying process. At a deeper level, meditation is focused concentration and
       increased awareness of one‘s being. When the mind has been emptied of conscious thought,
       unconscious thoughts can enter the conscious realm to bring enlightenment to our lives.‖
       (Ibid, p. 370).
       Mental imagery describes the ability of the unconscious mind to generate images that have a
       calming, healing effect on the body.
       Visualization is one aspect of mental imagery, wherein there is conscious direction of self-
       generated images. Guided mental imagery is a variation wherein images are suggested by
       another person (either live or on tape).
       Diaphragmatic breathing coupled with mental imagery facilitates healing of chronic pain by
       using a person‘s ―inner energy‖ to ―unlock the cause of pain.‖ (Ibid, p. 346)

Resources: Exercise
Bridging the Hemispheres of Thought
In 1956 a researcher named Roger Sperry conducted some experiments on a handful of patients
with grand mal epileptic seizures. In the procedure he created, he cut the corpus callosum, the
bridge of neural fibers that connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Not only did the
operation reduce the number and intensity of the grand mal seizures, but it also soon gave
credence to a whole new concept of how the mind, through the brain, processes
information. Roger Sperry‘s research led to a Nobel Prize in medicine and to the household
expressions right-brain thinking and left-brain thinking.

Left-brain thinking skills are associated with judgment, analysis, mathematical and verbal acuity,
linear thought progression, and time consciousness; right-brain functioning is associated with
global thinking, holistic thinking, imagination, humor, emotionality, spatial orientation,
receptivity, and intuition.

Western culture grooms and rewards left-brain thinking. It is fair to say that judgmental
thinking is one of our predominant traits. Although it is true that Western culture is left-brain
dominant in thinking skills, the truth of the matter is that to be dominant in one style of thinking is
actually considered lopsided and imbalanced.

1. How would you describe your dominant thinking style? Would you say that your left brain or
right brain dominates?

2. If you were to make a guess or assumption as to why your thinking skills gravitate toward one
direction or the other, what would be your explanation? Genetics, my hard-wiring

3. One of the basic themes of wellness is balance—in this case, balance of the right-brain and left-
brain functions. Based on your answer to the first question, what are your dominant thinking skills
and your non-dominant thinking skills? What are some ways you can balance your patterns by
bridging between the right and left hemispheres of your brain?

      I am right-brain dominant in my thinking skills. The description of being global thinking,

holistic thinking, imagination, humor, emotional, having spatial orientation, receptivity, and

intuition, all rightly describe me and the way I think. Though not predominantly left-brained, I also

have verbal acuity, am time conscious (but this may be more due Type A personality traits), and can

be artistically analytical. My non-dominant thinking skills are judgment, mathematical acuity, and

linear thought progression, and time consciousness.

      Being a student/teacher (I home school 3; grades 6th, 10th, and 11th /12th) balances out the

right/left brain thinking patterns: all the activities to be done draw on all of these thinking skills

from seminal, creative thoughts to timely completion.
Reason: Knowing the kind of thinkeran individual is lends to how he/she interprets/filters information that may become stressors.
Leaning towards my strengths become my strength, versus trying to be proficientat what‘s notalleviates stress. The information
provided isaccurate of me.

Tools: Journal
Too Much Information
If no one has officially said this to you yet, then you are overdue to hear these words: Welcome to
the information age!‖ Satellite television, cable television, the Internet, cell phones, and embedded
computer chips are just a few things that inundate us with a tsunami of information. As if this
weren‘t enough, there are more things looming on the horizon, all of which are begging for our
attention. If you are like most people today, most likely you are drowning in information. There is
even a new name for this: information stress.

Although we take in information through all of our five senses, over 80 percent of all the
information we take in is received through the senses of sight and sound. Well before the term
―information age‖ was coined, it was very easy to experience sensory overload from too much
information taken from the eyes and ears, such as from watching too much television to pulling
an all-nighter to cram for an exam. The consequence of sensory overload is becoming numb to it all
and walking around like a zombie. It‘s no stretch to say there are people who fit this description.

Living in the information age, discernment is essential. Discernment means being able to distinguish
truth from non-truth. Perhaps more accurately, it means discerning

news from marketing, news from entertainment, and truth from hype and spin.

There is a solution to information overload. It is a practice called meditation: cleaning

the mind of all the clutter and useless information that bombards your attention span.

1. List five ways to successfully decrease the quantity of information with which you are barraged
every day.

     a. Turn off TV, Cell phone, PC, radio

     b. Listen to Classical music

     c. Go into dark closet to pray
d. Use bathroom in the dark

   e. Do a Contemplative Practice: Subtle Mind Practice

2. People tend to mirror behavior, often not even knowing that they do this. In terms of too much
information, or TMI, people who take in too much information often talk to their friends and share
too much information (e.g., how much they make, how many times they have sex per week, or how
often they clean their bathroom). There is a real art to sharing information without revealing
everything. As a rule, people who share too much information about themselves have acceptance
problems. Are you the kind of person who volunteers too much information? If so, what can you do
to filter out the less important facts and perceptions and still get your point across?

      I have been guilty of this at times, only to feel the ―sting‖ of being too revealing afterwards.

What I have learned and am learning to do is to simply become a better listener. If I am listening to

the other person, I do not have to talk as much. I will offer, ―I feel you.‖ ―I can empathize.‖ or,

―Let‘s pray about that…;‖ these tend to keep me from offering too much information.

      Also, when I am engaged in conversation with another, I try to think before I speak, asking

myself if I want that bit of information known, or do I want to be reminded of that information. If

I have to ask myself, I most likely do not have to share.

3. See if you can come up with a handful of ways to bring balance back into your life by taking time
to quiet your mind and explain them here.

       Contemplative Practice: Subtle Mind Practice
       Soak in the tub in silence
       Go for a jog/walk
       2 hr 18 min drive back home alone after dropping daughter off at college listening to
       ―Believe‖ by the Newsboys
       Laying in bed 1st thing in A.M. and deep-breathing for ~3-5 min. before getting out of bed
       Reading the Bible (esp. Psalms, Colossians, and Ephesians, etc.)
       Reading a book of prayers
       Listening to my ―Rain & Thunder‖ or ―Calming Ocean Waves‖ tracks on my iPod
Reason: In this current age of FB, Twitter, cell phones, when information can be kept up-to-the-
minute, information over-load is pervasive to our Western culture. This can be a major stressor.
Knowing when and having the discipline to turn these portals off is key to living a stress-decreased,
if not stress-free, life.

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress
Information to Remember:
    ―Nutrition is a complex subject consisting of five aspects: nutrients, digestion, absorption,
     metabolism, and elimination. …if the nutrients are not digested, absorbed, and metabolized,
     and waste products are not eliminated properly, then there is a real problem with one‘s state of
     wellbeing.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 490).

    ―Water is said to be the most important nutrient because,…one cannot survive without water.
     Water is critical to the optimal functioning of every cell in the body. It not only acts as a means
     of transportation of essential nutrients to all cells, but is involved in a host of chemical reactions
     as well as maintenance of the body‘s temperature.‖ (Ibid, p. 494).

    ―Research has shown that some foods actually induce a state of stress. Excess amounts of sugar,
     caffeine, salt, and foods poor in vitamins and minerals weaken the body‘s resistance to the stress
     response and may ultimately make a person more vulnerable to disease and illness.‖ (Ibid. p.

    The ―…gastrointestinal (GI) tract is very sensitive to stress.‖ (Ibid, 494). Stress affects the
     body‘s ability to digest, absorb, and eliminate (the digestive process) foods, as it shuts down
     major systems to provide the energy needed for the ―fight or flight.‖ Facilitating ―…the rapid
     mobilization of energy [glucose, amino acids (converted to glucose in the liver), and free fatty
     acids, for example] from storage sites and the inhibition of further storage,‖ (Sapolsky, 1998, pp.
     11, 56), are primary actions performed when the body perceives stress. This action inhibits the
     entire process of digestion in order to make energy (glucose, the best source) available to the
     larger muscle groups for movement. Digestion is irrelevant in the fight or flight. (Unit 7
     Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #2).

Tools: Journal Writing
Self-Assessment: Nutritional Eating Habits
1.    Do you regularly consume caffeine?                               Yes                  No

2.    List the foods that you ingest that contain          Type of Food with
      caffeine (e.g., coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate) and   Caffeine
                                                                                     Amount per Day
      the estimated amounts you consume per day.
                                                           a. 82% dark chocolate     1 square /2-3 days

                                                           b. 5 Hr Energy Drink    ½ Bottle/Day

                                                           c. coffee               2 servings/wk

      Do you take vitamin supplements? If yes, what
                                                                       Yes                  No
      kinds? (Women‘s, C, omega-3, Flaxseed, B12)

4.    Do you frequently use table salt?                                Yes                  No

5.    Do you eat one or more meals that are prepared
                                                                       Yes                  No
      outside the home daily?

6.    Do you consume junk food (from vending
                                                                       Yes                  No
      machines or convenience stores) regularly?

7.    Do you eat cereals that contain sugar?                           Yes                  No

8.    Do you drink a lot of soft drinks?                               Yes                  No

9.    Do you find that when you are stressed you tend
                                                                       Yes                  No
      to eat more?

10.   Do you find that when you are angry you tend
                                                                       Yes                  No
      to eat more?

11.   Do you eat a wide variety of fruits and
                                                                       Yes                  No
12.   Do you eat foods (e.g., fish and nuts) with the
                                                                                    Yes                          No
      essentials oils (omega-3 and omega-6)?

13.   Do you tend to eat quickly (e.g., to wolf down
                                                                                    Yes                          No
      your food)?

14.   Do you tend to drink alcohol as a means to
                                                                                    Yes                          No

15.   List your top five comfort foods:                              A. Raw Salad (Fresh Express)

                                                                     B. Peanut Butter

                                                                     C. Doritos Chips

                                                                     D. Popcorn

                                                                     E. Chocolate

16.   Describe any other eating habits that you                                 Bad snacking (to me) is eating
      associate with a stressed lifestyle:                                      chips…Doritos are my weakness…these
                                                                                are what I tend to grab when
                                                                                stressed/bored/stayed up too late
                                                                                Skipped meals
                                                                                Eating late at night
                               © Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

       Reason: This is key information based on the quote: ―you are what you eat.‖ Knowing that certain
       foods tend to cause stress in the body, should motivate eaters to lessen the in-take of or completely
       eliminate those foods from the diet. For example, caffeine is a stressor, it keeps the system in
       perpetual stress response. Therefore caffeine-enriched foods should be monitored in the diet.

Unit 8: Physical Exercise and
Information to Remember:
    ―A sound mind in a sound body,‖ reads the opening quote of Seaward‘s chapter twenty-eight.
     (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 511). There is a mind-body connection and exercising is an
     excellent way to maintain its most optimal health that soundness may be found in mind and
     body. Exercise benefits the body physically, physiologically, and psychologically. Exercise is
     one demonstration of how these systems work in concert to keep the body in homeostasis,
     articulating that mind-body connection. (Unit 8 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission,
     Question #3).

    The following are the reported psychological benefits of habitual exercise (particularly from

         a. Improved self-esteem

         b. Improved sense of self-reliance and self-efficacy

         c. Improved mental alertness, perception, and information processing

         d. Increased perceptions of acceptance by others

         e. Decreased feelings of depression and anxiety

         f. Decreased overall sense of stress and tension (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 521)

    ―There is new speculation that cortisol, a hormone released from the adrenal gland during the
     stress response [and insulin], may be related to the steady accumulation of body fat in one‘s
     lifetime…cortisol may be a principal hormone to regulate appetite under stress, to ensure that
     there is an adequate supply of both short- and long-term energy. A training program that
     includes regular cardiovascular exercise helps to ensure that the hormones synthesized and
     released as a result of chronic stress are used for their intended purposes and then flushed out
     of the system with other metabolic waste products. Exercise also burns calories, making this a
     desired health package for everyone.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 524).
   When exercise becomes habitual (the ultimate goal), it is able to facilitate bringing physiological
     systems into balance more efficiently and consistently, can create psychological calmness,
     ameliorate the symptoms of stress on the body, improving coping mechanisms, and provide the
     outlet for participants to mull and meditate through life‘s problems, while burning off those
     stress hormones and extra pounds, gaining physical fitness, and having fun. Of particular
     interest are cardiovascular endurance and rhythmic exercises, which ―…[act] as … catalysts to
     keep the body‘s physiological systems in balance,‖ and rhythmic exercises, such as running,
     which can produce thoughts of ―Zen-like‖ quality so intense that runners express depression
     when running is interrupted for days or more. Exercise benefits our mental capacities, since the
     same ―…spark that ignites the brain‘s mental capabilities also helps neutralize the brain‘s
     response to stress.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, pp. 516, 520, 515). (Unit 8 Discussion Post,
     Author‘s Submission, Question #3).

    Some last thoughts on exercise and stress from Sapolsky (Sapolsky, 1998, pp. 401-402):

         a. Exercise is great to counter stress: decreases risks of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases,
            eventually decreasing their physiological effects,

         b. Due to beta-endorphin secretion, exercise makes you feel good; it improves mood, giving
            the sense of self-efficacy and achievement, reduces tension, positively engaging the stress-
            response, reduces the stress-response, and is therefore, stress-reducing,

         c. Exercise must be habitual, part of a daily life-style to gain the physiological benefits stated,

         d. Do not over-exercise.

Tools: Journal Writing:
Physical Exercise
In simplest terms, we are physical animals with a human spirit. As human beings we were never
meant to sit behind a desk for eight to ten hours a day. Human anatomy and physiology
were designed to find a balance between motion and stillness, stress and homeostasis,
exercise and relaxation. Some would say that the mounting incidence of disease and illness
is a result of being out of physiological balance.

In this day and age, in which stress is at an all-time high, our bodies kick out several stress
hormones, which, if not used for their intended purpose (to mobilize the body‘s systems for fight or
flight), circulate throughout the body and tend to wreak havoc on various organs and constituents of
the immune system. Physical exercise is considered the best way to keep the physiological systems of
the body in balance, from stress hormones and adipose tissue to the integrity of bone cells and
macrophages of the immune system.
Exercise doesn‘t have to be all that hard or time consuming; perhaps more important than what you
do is just making the time to do it. Mark Twain once said, ―Oh, I get the urge to exercise every
now and then, but I just lie down till it goes away.‖ This may be humorous, but the truth of the
matter is that physical exercise is what we need to promote the balance and integrity of our
physiological systems. Although there is no doubt we seem to have a certain magnetic attraction
to the couch and TV, this pattern of behavior has proved to be hazardous to our health.

1. Describe your exercise habits, including the formula for success (intensity, frequency, and
duration of exercise).

       Physical Activity Patterns and Objectives

       -   Per Thygerson‘s recommendation, I engage in at least ―…2 hours and 30 minutes a week

           of moderate-intensity,… and an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-

           intensity aerobic physical activity. [My] aerobic activity [is] performed in episodes of at

           least 10 minutes, … spread throughout the week.‖ (Alton L. Thygerson, 2011). I will

           continue following this prescription for physical fitness to remain in optimal health.

           2012 Update: I exercise over one hour daily, over five hours weekly: 30 minutes

           of strengthening, up to 34 minutes of running (cardiorespiratory), and stretch 20-

           25 minutes. I also am personal trainer to two female clients (each one hour),

           which increases the exercises I do.

       -   Weight-bearing Exercises/Training:

           Mode: weight-bearing aerobic exercise (jog/run/kick boxing), dynamic constant

           external resistance (DCER; bicep curls; 5-10 lbs. free weights), plyometrics (jumps),

           isometrics (holds/planks)

           Intensity: moderate to high

           Frequency: Weight-bearing endurance exercise 3-5 days (2012 update: 5 days);

           Duration: 30-60 min.

       -   Cool-Down & Stretches:
Mode: Yoga poses/stretching/Pilates/Static holds

           Intensity: low

           Frequency: Stretching 7 days

           Duration: 10-20 min. (2012 update: 20-25 minutes)

           Personal Fitness Challenge: Perform 80 push-ups weekly to strength arms and

           shoulder girdle (upper body); treat when accomplished. Currently in progress.

           (2012 update: had to cease this Challenge, currently doing rehabilitative exercises

           with free weights to strengthen my right shoulder injured).

2. What are your favorite activities? If for some reason you were injured and couldn’t do your
favorite activity, what would be your second option for exercise?

      My favorite activities are running (alternate: elliptical) and weight training; Pilates, stretching

and deep-breathing.

3. What do you do to motivate yourself when you are less than inspired to get up

and out the door? What are some additional incentives to maintain a regular exercise


       Motivating myself to leave is not an issue currently, as I am a stay-at-home wife and mother.

When I have to leave, however, I remember the people depending on me, my original motivation,

and my desire to be a woman of integrity. I remember the results and what it took to obtain them,

and what it will continue to take. Having learned that I can lose the results that I worked so hard to

attain in a short amount to time is also incentive to continue. According to the Transtheoretical

Model of Change, I am Stage 5 (Marcus, 2009, p. 13). (2012 Update: I experienced the loss as

described in this entry, having lagged for two terms: one with tremendous inconsistencies
and the other with no work-outs at all (that was five months, too easy to slip). February 20,

2012 was my definitive return and I will not be turning back. Stresses in my life caused

weight-gain, 15 lbs., poor emotions, and a sluggishness I do not want to experience ever


4. Most people say that they cannot find the time to exercise. Considering classes, studying, work,
social obligations, and the like, it is hard to fit in everything. So the question of priorities comes to
mind. What are your priorities in terms of your health? Do you see your perspective
changing in the course of your life? Right now, what can you do to find (make) the time to
get physical exercise every day?

        Priorities: Taking the absolute best care of myself that I possibly can, involves, exercising

(currently doing); eating healthily (currently doing), drinking plenty water (doing, needs

improvement); getting better sleep (work in progress), minimizing the stressors in my

life…lowering the cortisol…yes, goes RIGHT to the viscera!!!; getting more fresh air, lastly,

knowing when to take breaks/vacations. I am already committed to exercising daily and faithfully.

5. Sketch out a quick weekly program of exercise, including days to work out, time of day,

and activity:

Weight-Bearing Exercises/Training; Daily: 6:35 – 7:45 A.M. (The updates are the 3-mile


Mon.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs,
stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins. Personal
Challenge: 16 push-ups.

Tues.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs,
stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins.Personal Challenge:
16 push-ups.

Weds.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs,
stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins.Billy Blanks‘ TaeBo:
This is TaeBo DVD; 65 minutes; hydrate. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups.
Thurs.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs,
stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins. Personal
Challenge: 16 push-ups.

Fri.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs,
stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups.

Sat.: make-up day for missed day during the week, otherwise, rest. However, anything can
happen today: walking in the mall, working in my garden, cleaning the garage, taking a walk or
dancing (Belly dancing, Bollywood Dance work-out, or Billy Blanks, Jr., 10-Min. Dance Work-
Out on Verizon‘s Demand) with my daughter; Stretch. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups.

Sun.: Rest

(2012 Update: Since January 2011, when Oprah Winfrey’s OWN aired, fitTV was invaded
and many of its fitness lifestyle programming disappeared, leaving only Gilad’s “Bodies in
Motion” and “Total Body Sculpt,” in the 6-7 A.M. time slot, the remainder filled with
Discovery programs.)

Reason: Exercising, being physically fit, investing in my health and wellness are integral parts to my
lifestyle. I have included schedules that I actually perform. I use these as templates, adding on or
replacing when necessary.
                   (Includes three (3) personally chosen resources indicated by asterisk.)

Alton L. Thygerson, E. a. (2011). Fit to be Well: Essential Concepts. Boston: Jones and Bartlett

Brian Luke Seaward, P. (2009). Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being.
Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

*Chu, L.-C. (2010, April 1). The Benefits of Meditation Vis-à-Vis Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Stress and
Negative Mental Health. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from A Kaplan University Web site:

This research study by Chu (2010) provides researched results of the benefits of meditation to all, especially those
people of high emotional intelligence (EI), who, by definition, tend to respond better to stress.

*Goleman, D. (1994). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Bantam Dell.

I am emotionally intelligent! I know myself better because of this book. I used this book in this project to provide a
sound definition of emotional intelligence. It complements Chu (2010) research study on meditation's added benefit to
high EI people who meditate often and their better response to stress.

*Howley, E. T. (2007). Fitness Professional's Handbook. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Almost poetic, the authors outline the definition of and motivations for attaining and maintaining total fitness. So
profound is this definition to me, it is officially used as reference both personally and professionally from now on. It
provides authority on how and why we should seek to totally fit, which lends itself to coping with stress optimally.

Marcus, B. H. (2009). Motivating People to Be Physically Active. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Sapolsky, R. (1998). Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. New York: St. Martin's Griffin.

Schlitz, M. A. (2005). Consciousness and Healing. St. Louis: Elsevier.

Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). The Open Study Bible: The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas
Nelson, Inc.
Unit 7 Project
In this Unit, you will be post the final project from HW410 to your website. Review the HW410
recap below.

In HW410 Critical Issues in Stress Management and Prevention, we had the opportunity to
explore Stress from both very personal and very scientific viewpoints.

The readings from Robert Zapolsky‟s Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and Brian Seward‟s Stress
Management books delved into both the pathophysiology of stress and its concomitant physical,
psychological and spiritual ramifications, as well as the multitude of techniques and strategies
available for coping and thriving even in the midst of extreme stress.

Final Project:

        You created a Stress Management and Prevention Program Guide to use in your
        professional work as a health and wellness expert.
        For each of Units 1-9 you selected three (3) key learning points as “Information to
        Remember” and briefly summarized each.
        You reviewed the exercises in Seaward, Essentials of Managing Stress for the chapters
        covered during the course, Units 1-9 and selected at least two topics to include in your
        resource guide. For each, you wrote a brief statement discussing your decision to include
        these particular exercises as being the most useful.
        You reviewed the journal writing topics in Seaward Managing Stress: A Creative Journal
        and selected at least two topics to include in your resource guide. For each, you wrote a
        brief statement about you decision to include these particular resources.
        On the „Additional Resources‟ page you listed at least one book, article, two Web sites,
        video, Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation material, reading or other material you
        wanted to include in your resource guide and included a brief statement as to why you
        chose each.

After publishing your HW410 final project onto your website, please use the
Respond link to post your website address to the entire class. Be sure to include a brief
description of what you added or changed.

Stress Unit 9 Project

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Karla jackson4 hw499-01-project7

  • 1. KAPLAN UNIVERSITY HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention Stress Management and Prevention Program Resource Guide 1
  • 2. KAPLAN UNIVERSITY Stress Management and Prevention Program Resource Guide By Karla L. Jackson Kaplan University HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention June 21, 2011
  • 3. Table of Contents UNI T 1 THE NATURE OF STRESS Information to Remember: “What is Stress?” Quotes that Define Stress Resources: My Health Philosophy Tools: Are You Stressed? UNI T 2 THE PHYSI OLOG Y OF STRESS Information to Remember: The Physiology of Stress Resources: Immediate, Intermediate, and Prolonged Stress Effects Tools: Journal Writing: Physical Symptoms Questionnaire UNI T 3 PSYCHOLOGY OF STRESS Information to Remember: Stress and Various Aspects of Psychology Quotes Resources: Emotional Well-Being Tools: Journal Writing: The Psychology of Your Stress UNI T 4 PERSONALI TY T RAI TS AND HUMAN SPI R I TUALI TY Information to Remember: “What is Stress?” Quotes that Define Stress Resources: Your Personal Value System Tools: Journal Writing: Stress-Resistant Personality Survey UNI T 5 DEALI NG WI TH STRESS: COPI NG STRA TEGI ES Information to Remember: Various Quotes on Coping Strategies & Stress Tools: Journal Writing: The Time-Crunch Questionnaire UNI T 6 RELAXATION TE CHNI QUES 1: BREATHI NG, MEDI TATI ON, AND MENTAL I MAGERY Information to Remember: Quotes Resources: Bridging the Hemispheres of Thought Tools: Journal Writing: Too Much Information UNI T 7NUTRI TI ON & ST RESS Information to Remember: Various Quotes on Nutrition & Stress Tools: Journal Writing: Self-Assessment: Nutritional Eating Habits UNI T 8 PHYSI CAL EXER CI SE & ACTI VI TY
  • 4. Information to Remember: The Benefits of Fitness to De-stressing Quotes Tools: Journal Writing: Physical Exercise REFERENCES (End of the Guide)
  • 5.
  • 7. 1 Unit Unit 1: The Nature of Stress Information to Remember:  Stress is a physiological response to external or internal stimuli, an action or a thought. Stress can be good (eustress) or bad (distress). Stress is an integral part of life, as human beings are reactive and responsive to their environments and thoughts, and the circumstances that occur there. Stress is a survival response. The stimulus is the stressor.  ―Selye added …that stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed upon it to adapt, whether that demand produces pleasure or pain.‖ Selye observed that whether a situation was perceived as good (e.g., a job promotion) or bad (e.g., the loss of a job), the physiological response or arousal was very similar. The body, according to Selye, doesn‘t know the difference between good and bad stress. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 5)  ―A stressor is anything in the outside world that knocks you out of homeostatic balance, and the stress response is what your body does to reestablish homeostasis.‖ (Saplosky, 1998, p. 6) Resources: Exercise 1.1 My Health Philosophy Life is a kaleidoscope of the infinite variety. No two things are the same. Everyone’s life is individual. --Paramahansa Yogananda We all have philosophies. Philosophies are nothing more than our opinions, dressed up with an introduction and conclusion—a way to present to someone, even ourselves, what we really think about some topic or ideal. We have philosophies on everything—the types of music we like and listen to, the state of world affairs, and even the foods we eat at restaurants.
  • 8. Now it‘s time to examine your philosophy about your health. Based on what you already know, and perhaps have been taught or exposed to, define as best you can what the words health and wellness mean to you. After having done this, ask yourself why health is so important and write a few lines about this. Given the premise that every issue is a health issue, identify some seemingly non-health issues such as the global economy, deforestation, or TV programming. See if you can discover the connection between these issues and your state of well-being. How is your state of health influenced by stress? Finally, where do you see yourself twenty-five years from now? If you were to continue your current lifestyle for the next three to four decades, how do you see yourself at that point in the future? Your health philosophy guides your state of health. What is your health philosophy? What has influenced your philosophy up to now (e.g., parents, teachers, friends, books)? Be specific. Take some time to write it down here now. If you need additional space to write, use the extra pages provided at the back of this book. My Health Philosophy My philosophy on health and wellness, along with my faith in Christ, defines who I am as a woman. My health is as free of disease, neuroses, and any other negative, debilitating issue, whether physiological, psychological, physical, social, or spiritual, as much as is possible per my control. Wellness is living with positivity and optimism throughout life‘s joys and tragedies; I choose to live with a good attitude. My health and wellness philosophy is eloquently stated by Howley and Franks: “Total fitness is a condition reached through striving to optimize life in all aspects – social, mental, psychological, spiritual, and physical. This dynamic, multidimensional state has a positive health base and includes individual performance goals. The highest quality of life includes mental alertness and curiosity, and positive emotional feelings, meaningful relationships with others, awareness and involvement in social strivings, recognition of the broader forces of life, and the physical capacity to accomplish goals with vigor…high fitness in one area enhances the other areas, and conversely, lower fitness in any area restricts the accomplishments possible in other areas…An optimal quality of life
  • 9. requires individuals to strive, grow, and develop, though they may never achieve the highest level of fitness. The totally fit person…continually strives for the highest quality of life possible.” (Howley, 2007, p. 6) I am totally fit! It is health, it is wellness, it is celebratory, it is dynamic, it is evolutionary, it is good, and it these are all me! This is how I am able to express myself in and throughout life, to myself and others. Good health is what I own, how I will continue to strive toward the things I dream of, and how I will attain them; how I be with those I love and care for, how I will serve others; how I am. I am healthy, grateful, and thankful every day. My good health a gift. Reason: I had to really think about how I want to live in regards to health and wellness. Having written these thoughts down is like having a map upon which to reference. Tools: Journal Writing Are You Stressed? Although there is no definitive survey composed of 20 questions to determine if you are stressed or burnt out or just exactly how stressed you really are, questionnaires do help increase awareness that, indeed, there may be a problem in one or more areas of your life. The following is an example of a simple stress inventory to help you determine the level of stress in your life. Read each statement, and then circle either the word Agree or Disagree. Then count the number of "Agree" points (one per question) and use the Stress Level Key to determine your personal stress level. Statement: Agree Disagree 1. I have a hard time falling asleep at night. Agree Disagree 2. I tend to suffer from tension and/or migraine headaches. Agree Disagree 3. I find myself thinking about finances and making ends meet. Agree Disagree 4 .I wish I could find more to laugh and smile about each day. Agree Disagree 5. More often than not, I skip breakfast or lunch to get things done. Agree Disagree 6. If I could change my job situation, I would. Agree Disagree 7. I wish I had more personal time for leisure pursuits. Agree Disagree 8. I have lost a good friend or family member recently. Agree Disagree
  • 10. 9. 1 am unhappy in my relationship or am recently divorced. Agree Disagree 10. I haven't had a quality vacation in a long time. Agree Disagree 11. I wish that my life had a clear meaning and purpose. Agree Disagree 12. I tend to eat more than three meals a week outside the home. Agree Disagree 13. I tend to suffer from chronic pain. Agree Disagree 14. 1 don't have a strong group of friends to whom I can turn. Agree Disagree 15. I don't exercise regularly (more than three times per week). Agree Disagree 16. I am on prescribed medication for depression. Agree Disagree 17. My sex life is very satisfying. Agree Disagree 18. My family relationships arc less than desirable. Agree Disagree 19. Overall, my self-esteem can be rather low. Agree Disagree 20. 1 spend no time each day dedicated to meditation or centering. Agree Disagree Stress Level Key Less than 5 points You have a low level of stress and maintain good coping skills. More than 5 points You have a moderate level of personal stress. More than 10 points You have a high level of personal stress. More than 15 points You have an exceptionally high level of stress. ©Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Reason: This chart reminds me to look at my life closely and introspectively, unafraid, considering how much I may be affected by stress.
  • 11. 2 Unit Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress Information to Remember:  Having learned that stress can enhance and disrupt memory, improving your memory during stress is crucial to survival. ―When a stressor is occurring it is a good time to be at your best in memory retrieval…and formation.‖ (Sapolsky, 1998, p. 211). You need to be able to gain the experience (if the stressor is new), or be able to remember (application) what you did the last time (the recurring stressor) in order to get yourself out of it again to ensure your survivability and ensure optimal functionality; conversely, ―practice makes perfect.‖ (Unit 2 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #1).  The stress, or ―fight or flight,‖ response is the set of ―… dynamics involved in the body‘s physiological arousal to survive a threat.‖ It involves: Stage 1. Stimuli from one or more of the five senses are sent to the brain (e.g., a scream, the smell of fire, the taste of poison, a passing truck in your lane). Stage 2. The brain deciphers the stimulus as either a threat or a nonthreat. If the stimulus is not regarded as a threat, this is the end of the response (e.g., the scream came from the television). If, however, the response is decoded as a real threat, the brain then activates the nervous and endocrine systems to quickly prepare for defense and/or escape. Stage 3. The body stays activated, aroused, or ―keyed-up‖ until the threat is over. Stage 4. The body returns to homeostasis, a state of physiological calmness, once the threat is gone. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009). Physiological Systems Affected by “Fight or Flight” Response (Ibid, p. 7): a. Increased heart rate to pump oxygenated blood to working muscles b. Increased blood pressure to deliver blood to working muscles c. Increased ventilation to supply working muscles with oxygen for energy metabolism d. Vasodilation of arteries to the body‘s periphery (arms and legs) with the greatest muscle mass e. Increased serum glucose for metabolic processes during muscle contractions f. Increased free fatty acid mobilization as an energy source for prolonged activity (e.g., running)
  • 12. g. Increased blood coagulation and decreased clotting time in the event of bleeding h. Increased muscular strength i. Decreased gastric movement and abdominal blood flow to allow blood to go to working muscles j. Increased perspiration to cool body-core temperature  The body does not differentiate between eu- (good) and distress (bad); ―… [it] responds identically to all types of perceived threats.‖ (Ibid)  Stress inhibits the immune system. ―Stress will suppress the formation of new lymphocytes and …shorten the time preexisting lymphocytes stay in the circulation….will inhibit the manufacturing of new antibodies in response to infectious agent,…will inhibit innate immune response, suppressing inflammation…‖ (Saplosky, 1998, p. 151). Resource: Exercise Immediate, Intermediate, and Prolonged Stress Effects As noted in Chapter 2, the stress response has immediate (seconds), intermediate (minutes to hours), and prolonged (days) effects through which the symptoms of physical stress can manifest. To reinforce your understanding of each phase of this physiological process, please take a moment to reflect on how your body reacts to stress through these three processes. 1. What do you feel when immediately threatened? a. Tingling sensations Yes No b. Sweating Yes No c. Muscle tension (e.g., jaw muscles) Yes No d. Rapid heart rate Yes No e. Rapid breathing (or holding your breath) Yes No f. Rush of blood to your face and neck (blushing) Yes No g. Racing thoughts 2. How would you best classify your body‘s intermediate (within hours) response to stress? a. Tension headache Yes No b. Migraine headache Yes No
  • 13. c. Sore neck and shoulders Yes No d. Sore throat Yes No e. Allergies Yes No f. Stomachache Yes No g. GI tract problems Yes No 3. What do you notice as long-term effects of prolonged stress (five to ten days)? a. Cold or flu Yes No b. Acne (broken-out face blemishes) Yes No c. Herpes flare-up (around lips) Yes No d. Menstrual period irregularities Yes No Reason: This Exercise was chosen because it serves as a quick reference of the physical symptoms of stress on the body so that one learns to become vigilant and preventive. Tools: Journal Writing Physical Symptoms Questionnaire Please look over this list of stress-related symptoms and circle how often they have occurred in the past week, how severe they seemed to you, and how long they lasted. Then reflect on the past week‘s workload and see whether you notice any connection between your stress levels and possible stress-related symptoms. How Often? How Severe? How Long? (Number of days (1 = mild; (1 = 1 hour; in the past week) 5 = severe) 5 = all day) 1. Tension headache 01234567 12345 12345 2. Migraine headache 01234567 12345 12345
  • 14. 3. Muscle tension (neck and/or shoulders) 01234567 12345 12345 4. Muscle tension (lower back) 01234567 12345 12345 5. Joint pain 01234567 12345 12345 6. Cold 01234567 12345 12345 7. Flu 01234567 12345 12345 8. Stomachache 01234567 12345 12345 9. Stomach/abdominal bloating/distention/gas 01234567 12345 12345 10. Diarrhea 01234567 12345 12345 11. Constipation 01234567 12345 12345 12. Ulcer flare-up 01234567 12345 12345 13. Asthma attack 01234567 12345 12345 14. Allergies 01234567 12345 12345 15. Canker/cold sores 01234567 12345 12345 16. Dizzy spells 01234567 12345 12345 17. Heart palpitations (racing heart) 01234567 12345 12345 18. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12345 12345 19. Insomnia 01234567 12345 12345 20. Nightmares 01234567 12345 12345 21. Fatigue 01234567 12345 12345 22. Hemorrhoids 01234567 12345 12345 23. Pimples/acne 01234567 12345 12345
  • 15. 24. Cramps 01234567 12345 12345 25. Frequent accidents 01234567 12345 12345 26. Other 01234567 12345 12345 Score: Look over this entire list. Do you observe any patterns or relationships between your stress levels and your physical health? A value over 30 points most likely indicates a stress-related health problem. If it seems to you that these symptoms are related to undue stress, they probably are. Although medical treatment is advocated when necessary, the regular use of relaxation techniques may lessen the intensity, frequency, and duration of these episodes. Comments: I have a value of 33 – not good, but understandable. Sadly, there is stress in my life, and I am uncomfortable with this information. For one, I hate the effects of stress on my body. I know immediately my racing heart, tightening gut, and awareness of not breathing mean stress. Knowing the physiological effects of hormone-dumping is, in this case, more stressful. Nevertheless, I am empowered. First, I know what I am experiencing is not just psychological, but physiological, with reactions that can result in long-lasting and/or permanent damage to me. I am too young and vivacious to live with limitations possible should I succumb to stress. No, there is a way to ameliorate and eradicate all the stressors in my life. As stated, I am empowered. I am determined to learn and apply better/improved coping skills to the stressors. My immediate stress relievers are prayer and Bible-reading, especially the Psalms, such as this portion: ―As for me, I will call upon God, and the LORD shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice. He has redeemed my soul in peace from From the battle that was against me, For there were many against me.
  • 16. Psalm 55:16-18, NKJV (Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1982) I have learned to take comfort in Scripture, agreeing with Larry Dossey, who states ―…prayer and religious devotion are directly correlated with positive health outcomes.‖ (Schlitz, 2005, p. 230). As with being physically fit, spirituality must also be habitual in order to be maintained – the demands of school are stressors. Being that I am determined to enjoy this return to school, I am working on improving my time-management skills as I desire strongly to enjoy this academic journey. Reason: I have chosen to include this Journal write-up assignment to remember that stressors can happen anytime and reading my Bible is another way to cope.
  • 17. 3 Unit Unit 3: Psychology of Stress Information to Remember:  ―As the mind-body connection is more closely examined with regard to the stress response, it becomes increasingly clear that the mind is a very complex phenomenon, and not merely a by- product of neurochemical interactions. The interactions of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and personality traits—the mind is held accountable for all of them and a bit more.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 90)  Stages of grieving: A process outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross regarding the mental preparation for death, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. (Ibid, p. 95). These Stages can also be applied to divorce, terminal illness, and termination of a job, to name several.  Sapolsky‘s ‗Subtleties of Predictability‘ explains the lowered physiological stress response a person or animal experiences when warned- ―predictability makes stressors less stressful.‖ The subtleties (Sapolsky, 1998, p. 258). In reference to my exercise routines, when I know what move is coming next, when I am familiar and confidant to perform that move, and when I know how many more are left (or, time remaining when holding The Plank – I can hold one for 2 minutes 45 seconds, by the way…, working up to 3 minutes). Though there is stress, I stress less because I know what is coming next. ―In effect, information that increase predictability tells you that there is bad news, but comforts you that it‘s not going to be worse…‖ (Ibid). I can hold on for those last ten seconds…! (Unit 3 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #2). Resources: Exercises Emotional Well-Being Emotional well-being is best described as ―the ability to feel and express the entire range of human emotions, and to control them, not be controlled by them.‖ Sounds like a pretty tall order, huh? Well, it doesn‘t have to be. What is the range of human emotions? Everything from anger to love, and all that‘s in between. No emotion is excluded, meaning that it is perfectly all right to feel angry, jealous, giddy, sad, depressed, light-hearted, and silly. All of these feelings comprise the total human experience, the complete spectrum of human emotions.
  • 18. A well-accepted theory suggests that early in our development, we spend the greatest amount of time trying on and exploring emotions. But if you are like most people, you were told at an early age one or more of the following expressions related to your behavior: ―Wipe that smile off your face,‖ ―Big boys don‘t cry,‖ ―Don‘t you ever talk back to me,‖ or ―I‘ll give you something to cry about.‖ Perhaps our parents had good intentions, or perhaps they were just at wit‘s end. Regardless of what prompts such comments, most youngsters interpret the message altogether differently than intended. Instead of relating such phrases only to the moment, most children take the meaning of such messages globally and think it is never all right to laugh or to cry. If we hear these messages enough, we begin to deny some of our feelings by stuffing them down into our unconscious minds—only to meet them head-on later in life. The second half of the emotional well-being equation says that to be emotionally well, we must control our feelings, not let them control us. Our feelings control us when we refuse to feel and express them or when we linger too long in the moods of anger, anxiety, depression, grief, or boredom. The result is stagnation, not dynamic living. Here are some questions to ponder about your own sense of emotional well-being: 1. What is your least favorite emotion, one that you don’t like to feel or perhaps would rather avoid feeling? Can you explain why? My least favorite emotion is jealousy. Jealousy conveys a general dissatisfaction with everyone and anything at anytime for any reason. Jealousy is due to insecurity, low, low, low self-esteem, and comes from an individual who has not felt she/he was/is loved, or is unwilling to love and trust. Jealous people lack stability and are, therefore unpredictable and dangerous; are untrusting. Jealous people are difficult to be around because of their suspicious and mistrusting nature; they also ―ooze‖ (my term describing the inability to contain the negative, harmful, and hurtful emotions), making them unpredictable and unstable. Jealous people do not seem to mind hurting others because they are also selfish and unloving; they hurt people hurting people. Jealous people are high-maintenance due to aforementioned reasons. I am not a jealous person. 2. Combing through your memory, can you remember a time (or times) when you were told or reminded not to act or feel a certain way (e.g., big boys don’t cry), or were perhaps even humiliated? Take a moment to describe this incident. (Disclaimer: This is the ―ultra-short‖ version of this recount.) While serving as director of a children‘s program at my church, (volunteer staff of 20 adults, intermittent parent volunteers
  • 19. and teens; serving approx. 40 children weekly). A disagreement developed during my 5th year that, had I not been grounded in my faith, would have ―rocked‖ me right out of the church. A piece of ―advice‖ I received in large doses during that trial, was ―don‘t take it personally.‖ Really!?! Though I did not like the process and the outcome, I have since learned to appreciate both: did I want to be right or reconciled? I decided that reconciliation is the way to live. What became the focus were the people and not the incident that began the riff. 3. What is your favorite emotion? Why? How often would you say you feel this emotion throughout the course of a typical day? My favorite emotion is joy. Joy, in my opinion, is the ―older sister‖ to happiness, which I define as ―younger,‖ more fickle, less faithful, more transient, less resilient. Because of joy there is laughter, love, trust, wholeness, people around, healing, strength, bond, and progress. Joy is a God-given gift to keep us grounded as we go through the issues of lifes. Joy is deeper, more dynamic (it grows with maturity), more committed, more lasting. 4. If you feel you may be the kind of person who doesn’t acknowledge or express your emotions, can you think of ways to change your behavior and begin to gain a sense of emotional balance? I am emotionally intelligent. As an emotionally intelligent woman, I ―…know and manage [my] emotions well, and read and deal effectively with other people‘s feelings – [I am] at an advantage in any domain in life…picking up the unspoken rules that govern success in organizational politics…likely to be content…mastering the habits of mind that foster their own productivity…‖ (Goleman, 1994, pp. 34, 36). I am the talker; I have no problems expressing my emotions, never have. What I have had to work on is finesse, tact, diplomacy, listening, patience, empathy, and timing. Reason: I enjoyed this introspection; taking opportunity to carefully word some deep thoughts. This goes to show the importance of thinking purposefully about things. This was cathartic, had to delve deep for this one. Tools: Journal Writing The Psychology of Your Stress
  • 20. The following questions are based on several theories from Chapter 4 to help you become more aware of your perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors during episodes of stress: 1. In hindsight (because Freud said people are not aware at the time that they are doing it), do you find that you use one or more defense mechanisms to protect your ego? Reflecting on your behavior, which of the following do you see as common behaviors in your psychology of stress profile? a. Defensiveness (I didn‘t do it) Yes No b. Projection (She did it) Yes No c. Repression (I don‘t remember doing it) Yes No d. Displacement (He made me do it) Yes No e. Rationalization (Everyone does it) Yes No f. Humor (I can laugh about this now) Yes No Understanding each, I do not identify with any of these being my psychological stress profile; at least not in the ways defined. In all fairness, however, I have done these at one time or another, but they are not my normal response: projecting, repressing, or displacing; but I have been defensive when I have felt attacked. I have rationalized, but not because everyone does it, but to give further clarity as to why I did it. Humor is how I diffuse/lighten up a tense/heated situation, especially when I REALLY don‘t want to ―go there,‖ and/or feel the individual(s) cannot ―handle‖ the weightiness of the matter. 2. Carl Jung was adamant that we need to listen to the wisdom of our dreams. Please answer the following questions based on Jung’s theories related to stress. a. Do you often remember your dreams? Yes No b. Do you make it a habit to try to understand your dreams and dream symbols? Yes No
  • 21. c. Do you have any recurring dreams? Yes No d. Have you ever had a dream of an event that later came to pass? Yes No 3. Refer to your Unit 1 Journal Writing Assignment, Exercise 1.5 (―Personal Stress Inventory: Top Ten Stressors‖). Please list your stressors as predominantly anger-based or fear-based stressors. DISCLAIMER: I am not responding to the situations listed by being angry or fearful, my responses are in compliance with the activity. Anger-Based Stressors a. getting minimum exercise c. behind in home-school schedule Fear-Based Stressors a. not getting enough sleep b. eating habits c. neck & LB pain Reason: We are stressed for reasons we do not always closely examine. This Journal Writing assignment took me ―close to home.‖ I particularly appreciated learning about Kübler-Ross‘s stages of grieving, seeing its added ―value‖ applicable also to divorce, job termination, and terminal illness. My emotional well-being must be kept healthy. This is material to be shared!
  • 22. 4 Unit Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human Spirituality Information to Remember:  ―…researchers have identified specific personality traits and behaviors, classified as personality types, which have begun to shed some light on the relationship between personality and disease. They include Type A behavior, codependent personality, helpless-hopeless personality, hardy personality, survivor personality, and sensation seeker or Type R personality.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 135)  Stress-prone personalities are: a. Type A Personality Types – are rushed and hurried, ultra-competitive, exhibit high tendencies of polyphasia (multi-tasking), have rapid speech patterns as they seek to dominate conversations with volume and tone; display manipulative control, being they are ego-driven; are aggressive, abrasive, and have ―free-floating‖ hostility, which is an ―…indwelling anger that erupts at trivial occurrences…‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 136). Because of these tendencies, Type As are more prone for cardiovascular disease. b. Type D Personality Types – represent individuals who turn their anger inward, giving them commonality with Type As; Type Ds are prone to be negative, and therefore tend to be gloomy, irritable, socially inhibited and depressed. Type Ds are the highest demographics to be on antidepressants. c. Codependent Personality Types – the Type C personality; an addictive, stress-prone personality that is ―…dependent on making other people dependent on them as a means of self-validation.‖ (Ibid, p. 139); they are typically enablers, functioning in a dysfunctional sense of concern; the codependency is in the thinking that the dysfunctional person needs the codependent, and the codependent feeling needed because of the dysfunction. Sadly, this personality trait is exhibited in children. Codependents are in great need of approval (external referencing), are perfectionists, over-achievers, perfectionists, victims, crisis managers, devoted loyalists, martyrs (the martyr syndrome), feel inadequate (lack of spiritual health), and are reactionary,
  • 23. meaning they react rather than respond to situations and people, this is where a lack of emotional boundary is exhibited. They are Type C, as they are more prone to cancer. d. Helpless-Hopeless Personality Types – displaying low self-esteem, these personality types ―…have encountered repeated bouts of failure, to the point where they give up on themselves in situations where they clearly have control;‖ (Ibid, p. 143) repeated failure has become a learned response. (Unit 2 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #2).  Jung postulated that there is a profound, divine level of unconsciousness, the collective unconscious, which unites all people. Poor spiritual health results from the inability to access this source within us. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 189) Resource: Exercise Your Personal Value System We all have a personal value system—a core pillar of the human spirit that is constantly undergoing renovation. What does your value system currently look like? Perhaps this diagram can give you some insights and, in turn, help resolve some issues that might be causing stress. The circle in the center represents your core values: abstract or intangible constructs of importance that can be symbolized by a host of material possessions. It is believed that we hold about four to six core values that constitute our personal belief system, which, like a compass, guide the spirit on our human journey. Give this concept some thought and then write in this circle what you consider to be your current core values (e.g., love, happiness, health). The many circles that surround the main circle represent your supporting values: those values that lend support to your core values (these typically number from five to twelve). Take a moment to reflect on what these might be and then assign one value per small circle. Inside each small circle, include what typically symbolizes that value for you (e.g., wealth can be symbolized by money, a car, or a house). Finally, consider whether any stress you feel in your life is the result of a conflict between your supporting and core values. Faith Relationships Patience Balance Health & Wellness Perseverance
  • 24. Compassion LOVE Gentleness Peace Confidence Forgiveness Hope Self-Control Joy © Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Reason: At my core is love. Having a personal value system is like having a bank account that never runs out of money: there is always resource to withdraw – this, in itself, can be stress-relieving. Tools: Journal Stress-Resistant Personality Survey The following survey is composed of statements based on the hardy, survivor, and risk-taking personality traits—all of which share common aspects that resist rather than attract or promote stress in one‘s life. Please answer the following questions with the most appropriate number. 4 = Always 3 = Often 2 = Sometimes 1 = Rarely 0 = Never 1. I wake up each morning ready to 4 3 2 1 0 face a new day. 2. I tend not to let fear run my life. 4 3 2 1 0 3. I would consider myself to be an 4 3 2 1 0 optimist. 4. I tend to see ―problems‖ as opportunities for personal growth 4 3 2 1 0 and success.
  • 25. 5. Although I like to be in control of my fate, I know when to go with the 4 3 2 1 0 flow when things are out of my control. 6. Curiosity is one of my stronger 4 3 2 1 0 attributes. 7. Life isn‘t always fair, but I still 4 3 2 1 0 manage to enjoy myself. 8. When things knock me off balance, I am resilient and get back on my feet 4 3 2 1 0 quickly. 9. My friends would say that I have the 4 3 2 1 0 ability to turn misfortune into luck. 10. I believe that if you don‘t take risks, you live a boring life and won‘t get 4 3 2 1 0 far. 11. I like to think of myself as being a 4 3 2 1 0 creative person. 12. I believe in the philosophy that ―one 4 3 2 1 0 person truly can make a difference.‖ 13. I am both organized and flexible 4 3 2 1 0 with my life‘s day-to-day schedule. 14. Sometimes having nothing to do is 4 3 2 1 0 the best way to spend a day. 15. I trust that I am part of a greater 4 3 2 1 0 force of life in the universe.
  • 26. 16. I believe in the philosophy that ―you 4 3 2 1 0 make your own breaks.‖ 17. I approach new situations with the idea that I will learn something 4 3 2 1 0 valuable, regardless of the outcome. 18. When I start a project, I see it 4 3 2 1 0 through to its successful completion. 19. I am strong willed, which I see as a positive characteristic to accomplish 4 3 2 1 0 hard tasks. 20. I am committed to doing my best in 4 3 2 1 0 most everything in life. Total score 68 Score: A score of more than 30 points indicates that you most likely have traits associated with the hardy, survivor, and calculated risk-taker personalities, personality types known to be stress-resistant. © Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Reason: Who I am is expressed in different ways. Knowing who I am is key. Knowing my stressors is key to minimizing stress in my life .
  • 27. 5 Unit Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies Information to Remember:  Coping - as defined by stress scholar Richard Lazarus (1981), is ―the process of managing demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the individual‘s resources; ‖ a specific frame of mind to deal with the situation in the best way possible. Skill sets utilized to deal with stress. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009)  Some factors that enable successful aging, which is a positive coping mechanism, are: a. Neonatal handling, or, parent-to-infant-bonding, the giving of love and affection, which transfers/conveys security, confidence and sense of belonging, these, in turn, sets the individual to age successfully later in life. Physiologically speaking, less glucocoritoids are secreted, or there is greater ability to cope, in the presence of stress. b. Another factor to successful aging is having a sense of contentment. If negative emotions, such as depression, can create an unhealthy physiological environment (again, increased levels of glucocoritoids), how much more so a positive, contented one. c. Having a social network, which seems to increase in quality versus quantity as we age, is another characteristic for aging successfully. d. A Harvard study showed people more apt to age successfully when they did not smoke, consume minimal amounts of alcohol, exercised as a habit, maintained a normal body weight throughout their lives, and exemplified resilient coping skills. e. Lastly, being needed and respected in their old age lend to aging successfully.  Roger Allen (1983) developed and introduced cognitive restructuring, which means changing a perception from a negative interpretation to a neutral or positive one, making it less stressful. This process is also called reappraisal, relabeling, reframing, and attitude adjustment.
  • 28. Meditation enhances EI, is negatively associated with perceived stress and negative mental health; increased meditation experience equals increased emotional intelligence (EI); meditation can decrease negatively perceived stress, anger, hostility, anxiety, and depression; answered the hypothesis: ―…participants who had greater meditation experience exhibited higher [emotional intelligence, EI]…and less perceived stress, and negative mental health than those who had less or none. This research study recommends meditation to be integrated into lifestyle practices, since it cultivates well-being and emotional balance; ―…meditation seems to be one of the most effective coping strategies.‖‖ (Chu, 2010, p. 169). Tools: Journal Writing The Time-Crunch Questionnaire The following is a survey based on the traits of the codependent personality. Please answer the following questions with the most appropriate number. 1 = rarely 2 = sometimes 3 = often 1. I tend to procrastinate with projects 3 2 1 and responsibilities. 2. My bedtime varies depending on the 3 2 1 workload I have each day. 3. I am the kind of person who leaves 3 2 1 things till the last minute. 4. I forget to make To Do lists to keep 3 2 1 me organized. 5. I spend more than two hours 3 2 1 watching television each night. 6. I tend to have several projects going 3 2 1 on at the same time. 7. I tend to put work ahead of family 3 2 1 and friends. 8. My life is full of endless interruptions 3 2 1 and distractions. 9. I tend to spend a lot of time on the 3 2 1 phone.
  • 29. 10. Multi-tasking is my middle name. I 3 2 1 am a great multi-tasker. 11. My biggest problem with time 3 2 1 management is prioritization. 12. I am a perfectionist when it comes to 3 2 1 getting things done. 13. I never seem to have enough time 3 2 1 for my personal life. 14. I tend to set unrealistic goals to 3 2 1 accomplish tasks. 15. I reward myself before getting things 3 2 1 done on time. 16. I just never have enough hours in the 3 2 1 day to get things done. 17. I can spend untold hours distracted 3 2 1 while surfing the Internet. 18. I tend not to trust others to get things done when I can do them 3 2 1 better myself. 19. If I am completely honest, I tend to 3 2 1 be a workaholic. 20. I have been known to skip meals in 3 2 1 order to complete projects. 21. I will clean my room, garage, or kitchen before I really get to work on 3 2 1 projects. 22. I will often help friends with their 3 2 1 work before doing my own. 23. It‘s hard to get motivated to get 3 2 1 things done.
  • 30. Total score 43 Questionnaire Key 75–51 points = poor time management skills (time to reevaluate your life skills) 50–26 points = fair time-management skills (time to pull in the reins a bit) 0–25 points = excellent time management skills (keep doing what you are doing!) Reason: These Journal Writing activities really make me look at myself purposefully, intentionally, unashamedly…this is how I get to see where I need to grow! This Questionnaire revealed what I already knew about myself: I tend to procrastinate. Finding out that I am not Type A was a good thing, however. There is always room for improvement!
  • 31. 6 Unit Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing, Meditation, and Mental Imagery Information to Remember: ―Diaphragmatic breathing is unequivocally the easiest method of relaxation to practice. It is easy because breathing is an action that we do normally without thought or hesitation. In its simplest form, diaphragmatic breathing is controlled deep breathing. It is symbolic of a deep sigh…‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, pp. 344-345). Also known as a lower belly breathing. ―Meditation is thought to be the oldest form of relaxation. In simple terms, it is a mind- cleansing or emptying process. At a deeper level, meditation is focused concentration and increased awareness of one‘s being. When the mind has been emptied of conscious thought, unconscious thoughts can enter the conscious realm to bring enlightenment to our lives.‖ (Ibid, p. 370). Mental imagery describes the ability of the unconscious mind to generate images that have a calming, healing effect on the body. Visualization is one aspect of mental imagery, wherein there is conscious direction of self- generated images. Guided mental imagery is a variation wherein images are suggested by another person (either live or on tape). Diaphragmatic breathing coupled with mental imagery facilitates healing of chronic pain by using a person‘s ―inner energy‖ to ―unlock the cause of pain.‖ (Ibid, p. 346) Resources: Exercise Bridging the Hemispheres of Thought In 1956 a researcher named Roger Sperry conducted some experiments on a handful of patients with grand mal epileptic seizures. In the procedure he created, he cut the corpus callosum, the bridge of neural fibers that connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Not only did the operation reduce the number and intensity of the grand mal seizures, but it also soon gave credence to a whole new concept of how the mind, through the brain, processes
  • 32. information. Roger Sperry‘s research led to a Nobel Prize in medicine and to the household expressions right-brain thinking and left-brain thinking. Left-brain thinking skills are associated with judgment, analysis, mathematical and verbal acuity, linear thought progression, and time consciousness; right-brain functioning is associated with global thinking, holistic thinking, imagination, humor, emotionality, spatial orientation, receptivity, and intuition. Western culture grooms and rewards left-brain thinking. It is fair to say that judgmental thinking is one of our predominant traits. Although it is true that Western culture is left-brain dominant in thinking skills, the truth of the matter is that to be dominant in one style of thinking is actually considered lopsided and imbalanced. 1. How would you describe your dominant thinking style? Would you say that your left brain or right brain dominates? 2. If you were to make a guess or assumption as to why your thinking skills gravitate toward one direction or the other, what would be your explanation? Genetics, my hard-wiring 3. One of the basic themes of wellness is balance—in this case, balance of the right-brain and left- brain functions. Based on your answer to the first question, what are your dominant thinking skills and your non-dominant thinking skills? What are some ways you can balance your patterns by bridging between the right and left hemispheres of your brain? I am right-brain dominant in my thinking skills. The description of being global thinking, holistic thinking, imagination, humor, emotional, having spatial orientation, receptivity, and intuition, all rightly describe me and the way I think. Though not predominantly left-brained, I also have verbal acuity, am time conscious (but this may be more due Type A personality traits), and can be artistically analytical. My non-dominant thinking skills are judgment, mathematical acuity, and linear thought progression, and time consciousness. Being a student/teacher (I home school 3; grades 6th, 10th, and 11th /12th) balances out the right/left brain thinking patterns: all the activities to be done draw on all of these thinking skills from seminal, creative thoughts to timely completion.
  • 33. Reason: Knowing the kind of thinkeran individual is lends to how he/she interprets/filters information that may become stressors. Leaning towards my strengths become my strength, versus trying to be proficientat what‘s notalleviates stress. The information provided isaccurate of me. Tools: Journal Too Much Information If no one has officially said this to you yet, then you are overdue to hear these words: Welcome to the information age!‖ Satellite television, cable television, the Internet, cell phones, and embedded computer chips are just a few things that inundate us with a tsunami of information. As if this weren‘t enough, there are more things looming on the horizon, all of which are begging for our attention. If you are like most people today, most likely you are drowning in information. There is even a new name for this: information stress. Although we take in information through all of our five senses, over 80 percent of all the information we take in is received through the senses of sight and sound. Well before the term ―information age‖ was coined, it was very easy to experience sensory overload from too much information taken from the eyes and ears, such as from watching too much television to pulling an all-nighter to cram for an exam. The consequence of sensory overload is becoming numb to it all and walking around like a zombie. It‘s no stretch to say there are people who fit this description. Living in the information age, discernment is essential. Discernment means being able to distinguish truth from non-truth. Perhaps more accurately, it means discerning news from marketing, news from entertainment, and truth from hype and spin. There is a solution to information overload. It is a practice called meditation: cleaning the mind of all the clutter and useless information that bombards your attention span. 1. List five ways to successfully decrease the quantity of information with which you are barraged every day. a. Turn off TV, Cell phone, PC, radio b. Listen to Classical music c. Go into dark closet to pray
  • 34. d. Use bathroom in the dark e. Do a Contemplative Practice: Subtle Mind Practice 2. People tend to mirror behavior, often not even knowing that they do this. In terms of too much information, or TMI, people who take in too much information often talk to their friends and share too much information (e.g., how much they make, how many times they have sex per week, or how often they clean their bathroom). There is a real art to sharing information without revealing everything. As a rule, people who share too much information about themselves have acceptance problems. Are you the kind of person who volunteers too much information? If so, what can you do to filter out the less important facts and perceptions and still get your point across? I have been guilty of this at times, only to feel the ―sting‖ of being too revealing afterwards. What I have learned and am learning to do is to simply become a better listener. If I am listening to the other person, I do not have to talk as much. I will offer, ―I feel you.‖ ―I can empathize.‖ or, ―Let‘s pray about that…;‖ these tend to keep me from offering too much information. Also, when I am engaged in conversation with another, I try to think before I speak, asking myself if I want that bit of information known, or do I want to be reminded of that information. If I have to ask myself, I most likely do not have to share. 3. See if you can come up with a handful of ways to bring balance back into your life by taking time to quiet your mind and explain them here. Prayer Contemplative Practice: Subtle Mind Practice Soak in the tub in silence Go for a jog/walk 2 hr 18 min drive back home alone after dropping daughter off at college listening to ―Believe‖ by the Newsboys Laying in bed 1st thing in A.M. and deep-breathing for ~3-5 min. before getting out of bed Reading the Bible (esp. Psalms, Colossians, and Ephesians, etc.) Reading a book of prayers Listening to my ―Rain & Thunder‖ or ―Calming Ocean Waves‖ tracks on my iPod
  • 35. Reason: In this current age of FB, Twitter, cell phones, when information can be kept up-to-the- minute, information over-load is pervasive to our Western culture. This can be a major stressor. Knowing when and having the discipline to turn these portals off is key to living a stress-decreased, if not stress-free, life.
  • 36. 7 Unit Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress Information to Remember:  ―Nutrition is a complex subject consisting of five aspects: nutrients, digestion, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. …if the nutrients are not digested, absorbed, and metabolized, and waste products are not eliminated properly, then there is a real problem with one‘s state of wellbeing.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 490).  ―Water is said to be the most important nutrient because,…one cannot survive without water. Water is critical to the optimal functioning of every cell in the body. It not only acts as a means of transportation of essential nutrients to all cells, but is involved in a host of chemical reactions as well as maintenance of the body‘s temperature.‖ (Ibid, p. 494).  ―Research has shown that some foods actually induce a state of stress. Excess amounts of sugar, caffeine, salt, and foods poor in vitamins and minerals weaken the body‘s resistance to the stress response and may ultimately make a person more vulnerable to disease and illness.‖ (Ibid. p. 508).  The ―…gastrointestinal (GI) tract is very sensitive to stress.‖ (Ibid, 494). Stress affects the body‘s ability to digest, absorb, and eliminate (the digestive process) foods, as it shuts down major systems to provide the energy needed for the ―fight or flight.‖ Facilitating ―…the rapid mobilization of energy [glucose, amino acids (converted to glucose in the liver), and free fatty acids, for example] from storage sites and the inhibition of further storage,‖ (Sapolsky, 1998, pp. 11, 56), are primary actions performed when the body perceives stress. This action inhibits the entire process of digestion in order to make energy (glucose, the best source) available to the larger muscle groups for movement. Digestion is irrelevant in the fight or flight. (Unit 7 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #2). Tools: Journal Writing Self-Assessment: Nutritional Eating Habits
  • 37. 1. Do you regularly consume caffeine? Yes No 2. List the foods that you ingest that contain Type of Food with caffeine (e.g., coffee, tea, sodas, chocolate) and Caffeine Amount per Day the estimated amounts you consume per day. a. 82% dark chocolate 1 square /2-3 days b. 5 Hr Energy Drink ½ Bottle/Day c. coffee 2 servings/wk Do you take vitamin supplements? If yes, what Yes No kinds? (Women‘s, C, omega-3, Flaxseed, B12) 4. Do you frequently use table salt? Yes No 5. Do you eat one or more meals that are prepared Yes No outside the home daily? 6. Do you consume junk food (from vending Yes No machines or convenience stores) regularly? 7. Do you eat cereals that contain sugar? Yes No 8. Do you drink a lot of soft drinks? Yes No 9. Do you find that when you are stressed you tend Yes No to eat more? 10. Do you find that when you are angry you tend Yes No to eat more? 11. Do you eat a wide variety of fruits and Yes No vegetables?
  • 38. 12. Do you eat foods (e.g., fish and nuts) with the Yes No essentials oils (omega-3 and omega-6)? 13. Do you tend to eat quickly (e.g., to wolf down Yes No your food)? 14. Do you tend to drink alcohol as a means to Yes No relax? 15. List your top five comfort foods: A. Raw Salad (Fresh Express) B. Peanut Butter C. Doritos Chips D. Popcorn E. Chocolate 16. Describe any other eating habits that you Bad snacking (to me) is eating associate with a stressed lifestyle: chips…Doritos are my weakness…these are what I tend to grab when stressed/bored/stayed up too late Gum-chewing Skipped meals Eating late at night © Paramount Wellness Institute. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. Reason: This is key information based on the quote: ―you are what you eat.‖ Knowing that certain foods tend to cause stress in the body, should motivate eaters to lessen the in-take of or completely eliminate those foods from the diet. For example, caffeine is a stressor, it keeps the system in perpetual stress response. Therefore caffeine-enriched foods should be monitored in the diet.
  • 39. 8 Unit Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity Information to Remember:  ―A sound mind in a sound body,‖ reads the opening quote of Seaward‘s chapter twenty-eight. (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 511). There is a mind-body connection and exercising is an excellent way to maintain its most optimal health that soundness may be found in mind and body. Exercise benefits the body physically, physiologically, and psychologically. Exercise is one demonstration of how these systems work in concert to keep the body in homeostasis, articulating that mind-body connection. (Unit 8 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #3).  The following are the reported psychological benefits of habitual exercise (particularly from jogging): a. Improved self-esteem b. Improved sense of self-reliance and self-efficacy c. Improved mental alertness, perception, and information processing d. Increased perceptions of acceptance by others e. Decreased feelings of depression and anxiety f. Decreased overall sense of stress and tension (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 521)  ―There is new speculation that cortisol, a hormone released from the adrenal gland during the stress response [and insulin], may be related to the steady accumulation of body fat in one‘s lifetime…cortisol may be a principal hormone to regulate appetite under stress, to ensure that there is an adequate supply of both short- and long-term energy. A training program that includes regular cardiovascular exercise helps to ensure that the hormones synthesized and released as a result of chronic stress are used for their intended purposes and then flushed out of the system with other metabolic waste products. Exercise also burns calories, making this a desired health package for everyone.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, p. 524).
  • 40. When exercise becomes habitual (the ultimate goal), it is able to facilitate bringing physiological systems into balance more efficiently and consistently, can create psychological calmness, ameliorate the symptoms of stress on the body, improving coping mechanisms, and provide the outlet for participants to mull and meditate through life‘s problems, while burning off those stress hormones and extra pounds, gaining physical fitness, and having fun. Of particular interest are cardiovascular endurance and rhythmic exercises, which ―…[act] as … catalysts to keep the body‘s physiological systems in balance,‖ and rhythmic exercises, such as running, which can produce thoughts of ―Zen-like‖ quality so intense that runners express depression when running is interrupted for days or more. Exercise benefits our mental capacities, since the same ―…spark that ignites the brain‘s mental capabilities also helps neutralize the brain‘s response to stress.‖ (Brian Luke Seaward, 2009, pp. 516, 520, 515). (Unit 8 Discussion Post, Author‘s Submission, Question #3).  Some last thoughts on exercise and stress from Sapolsky (Sapolsky, 1998, pp. 401-402): a. Exercise is great to counter stress: decreases risks of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, eventually decreasing their physiological effects, b. Due to beta-endorphin secretion, exercise makes you feel good; it improves mood, giving the sense of self-efficacy and achievement, reduces tension, positively engaging the stress- response, reduces the stress-response, and is therefore, stress-reducing, c. Exercise must be habitual, part of a daily life-style to gain the physiological benefits stated, d. Do not over-exercise. Tools: Journal Writing: Physical Exercise In simplest terms, we are physical animals with a human spirit. As human beings we were never meant to sit behind a desk for eight to ten hours a day. Human anatomy and physiology were designed to find a balance between motion and stillness, stress and homeostasis, exercise and relaxation. Some would say that the mounting incidence of disease and illness is a result of being out of physiological balance. In this day and age, in which stress is at an all-time high, our bodies kick out several stress hormones, which, if not used for their intended purpose (to mobilize the body‘s systems for fight or flight), circulate throughout the body and tend to wreak havoc on various organs and constituents of the immune system. Physical exercise is considered the best way to keep the physiological systems of the body in balance, from stress hormones and adipose tissue to the integrity of bone cells and macrophages of the immune system. Exercise doesn‘t have to be all that hard or time consuming; perhaps more important than what you do is just making the time to do it. Mark Twain once said, ―Oh, I get the urge to exercise every now and then, but I just lie down till it goes away.‖ This may be humorous, but the truth of the matter is that physical exercise is what we need to promote the balance and integrity of our
  • 41. physiological systems. Although there is no doubt we seem to have a certain magnetic attraction to the couch and TV, this pattern of behavior has proved to be hazardous to our health. 1. Describe your exercise habits, including the formula for success (intensity, frequency, and duration of exercise). Physical Activity Patterns and Objectives - Per Thygerson‘s recommendation, I engage in at least ―…2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity,… and an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous- intensity aerobic physical activity. [My] aerobic activity [is] performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, … spread throughout the week.‖ (Alton L. Thygerson, 2011). I will continue following this prescription for physical fitness to remain in optimal health. 2012 Update: I exercise over one hour daily, over five hours weekly: 30 minutes of strengthening, up to 34 minutes of running (cardiorespiratory), and stretch 20- 25 minutes. I also am personal trainer to two female clients (each one hour), which increases the exercises I do. - Weight-bearing Exercises/Training: Mode: weight-bearing aerobic exercise (jog/run/kick boxing), dynamic constant external resistance (DCER; bicep curls; 5-10 lbs. free weights), plyometrics (jumps), isometrics (holds/planks) Intensity: moderate to high Frequency: Weight-bearing endurance exercise 3-5 days (2012 update: 5 days); Duration: 30-60 min. - Cool-Down & Stretches:
  • 42. Mode: Yoga poses/stretching/Pilates/Static holds Intensity: low Frequency: Stretching 7 days Duration: 10-20 min. (2012 update: 20-25 minutes) Personal Fitness Challenge: Perform 80 push-ups weekly to strength arms and shoulder girdle (upper body); treat when accomplished. Currently in progress. (2012 update: had to cease this Challenge, currently doing rehabilitative exercises with free weights to strengthen my right shoulder injured). 2. What are your favorite activities? If for some reason you were injured and couldn’t do your favorite activity, what would be your second option for exercise? My favorite activities are running (alternate: elliptical) and weight training; Pilates, stretching and deep-breathing. 3. What do you do to motivate yourself when you are less than inspired to get up and out the door? What are some additional incentives to maintain a regular exercise regimen? Motivating myself to leave is not an issue currently, as I am a stay-at-home wife and mother. When I have to leave, however, I remember the people depending on me, my original motivation, and my desire to be a woman of integrity. I remember the results and what it took to obtain them, and what it will continue to take. Having learned that I can lose the results that I worked so hard to attain in a short amount to time is also incentive to continue. According to the Transtheoretical Model of Change, I am Stage 5 (Marcus, 2009, p. 13). (2012 Update: I experienced the loss as described in this entry, having lagged for two terms: one with tremendous inconsistencies
  • 43. and the other with no work-outs at all (that was five months, too easy to slip). February 20, 2012 was my definitive return and I will not be turning back. Stresses in my life caused weight-gain, 15 lbs., poor emotions, and a sluggishness I do not want to experience ever again.) 4. Most people say that they cannot find the time to exercise. Considering classes, studying, work, social obligations, and the like, it is hard to fit in everything. So the question of priorities comes to mind. What are your priorities in terms of your health? Do you see your perspective changing in the course of your life? Right now, what can you do to find (make) the time to get physical exercise every day? Priorities: Taking the absolute best care of myself that I possibly can, involves, exercising (currently doing); eating healthily (currently doing), drinking plenty water (doing, needs improvement); getting better sleep (work in progress), minimizing the stressors in my life…lowering the cortisol…yes, goes RIGHT to the viscera!!!; getting more fresh air, lastly, knowing when to take breaks/vacations. I am already committed to exercising daily and faithfully. 5. Sketch out a quick weekly program of exercise, including days to work out, time of day, and activity: Weight-Bearing Exercises/Training; Daily: 6:35 – 7:45 A.M. (The updates are the 3-mile runs) Mon.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs, stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups. Tues.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs, stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins.Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups. Weds.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs, stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins.Billy Blanks‘ TaeBo: This is TaeBo DVD; 65 minutes; hydrate. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups.
  • 44. Thurs.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs, stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Daily Run; 3 miles: ~30-34 mins. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups. Fri.: Gilad’s Total Body Sculpt (fitTV): weights, aerobics, plyometrics & static holds, Abs, stretch & cool-down; 40 minutes; hydrate. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups. Sat.: make-up day for missed day during the week, otherwise, rest. However, anything can happen today: walking in the mall, working in my garden, cleaning the garage, taking a walk or dancing (Belly dancing, Bollywood Dance work-out, or Billy Blanks, Jr., 10-Min. Dance Work- Out on Verizon‘s Demand) with my daughter; Stretch. Personal Challenge: 16 push-ups. Sun.: Rest (2012 Update: Since January 2011, when Oprah Winfrey’s OWN aired, fitTV was invaded and many of its fitness lifestyle programming disappeared, leaving only Gilad’s “Bodies in Motion” and “Total Body Sculpt,” in the 6-7 A.M. time slot, the remainder filled with Discovery programs.) Reason: Exercising, being physically fit, investing in my health and wellness are integral parts to my lifestyle. I have included schedules that I actually perform. I use these as templates, adding on or replacing when necessary.
  • 45. References (Includes three (3) personally chosen resources indicated by asterisk.) Alton L. Thygerson, E. a. (2011). Fit to be Well: Essential Concepts. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Brian Luke Seaward, P. (2009). Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. *Chu, L.-C. (2010, April 1). The Benefits of Meditation Vis-à-Vis Emotional Intelligence, Perceived Stress and Negative Mental Health. Retrieved June 12, 2011, from A Kaplan University Web site: b0c6-2a2d223d2abc%40sessionmgr110&vid=4&hid=113 This research study by Chu (2010) provides researched results of the benefits of meditation to all, especially those people of high emotional intelligence (EI), who, by definition, tend to respond better to stress. *Goleman, D. (1994). Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Bantam Dell. I am emotionally intelligent! I know myself better because of this book. I used this book in this project to provide a sound definition of emotional intelligence. It complements Chu (2010) research study on meditation's added benefit to high EI people who meditate often and their better response to stress. *Howley, E. T. (2007). Fitness Professional's Handbook. Champaign: Human Kinetics. Almost poetic, the authors outline the definition of and motivations for attaining and maintaining total fitness. So profound is this definition to me, it is officially used as reference both personally and professionally from now on. It provides authority on how and why we should seek to totally fit, which lends itself to coping with stress optimally. Marcus, B. H. (2009). Motivating People to Be Physically Active. Champaign: Human Kinetics. Sapolsky, R. (1998). Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. Schlitz, M. A. (2005). Consciousness and Healing. St. Louis: Elsevier. Thomas Nelson, Inc. (1982). The Open Study Bible: The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc.
  • 46. Unit 7 Project In this Unit, you will be post the final project from HW410 to your website. Review the HW410 recap below. In HW410 Critical Issues in Stress Management and Prevention, we had the opportunity to explore Stress from both very personal and very scientific viewpoints. The readings from Robert Zapolsky‟s Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers and Brian Seward‟s Stress Management books delved into both the pathophysiology of stress and its concomitant physical, psychological and spiritual ramifications, as well as the multitude of techniques and strategies available for coping and thriving even in the midst of extreme stress. Final Project: You created a Stress Management and Prevention Program Guide to use in your professional work as a health and wellness expert. For each of Units 1-9 you selected three (3) key learning points as “Information to Remember” and briefly summarized each. You reviewed the exercises in Seaward, Essentials of Managing Stress for the chapters covered during the course, Units 1-9 and selected at least two topics to include in your resource guide. For each, you wrote a brief statement discussing your decision to include these particular exercises as being the most useful. You reviewed the journal writing topics in Seaward Managing Stress: A Creative Journal and selected at least two topics to include in your resource guide. For each, you wrote a brief statement about you decision to include these particular resources. On the „Additional Resources‟ page you listed at least one book, article, two Web sites, video, Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation material, reading or other material you wanted to include in your resource guide and included a brief statement as to why you chose each. After publishing your HW410 final project onto your website, please use the Respond link to post your website address to the entire class. Be sure to include a brief description of what you added or changed. Stress Unit 9 Project