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How “Agile” Are We?
June 25, 2019
Who am I
Shuman Ip @ LoyaltyOne (Canada)
Associate Director, Agility and Lean
& Services Delivery Manager
Past Experience:
- Agile Coach
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Developer
- Software Test Engineer
• Business Agility
• Measure How “Agile”
• Metrics 1
• Metrics 2
• Metrics 3
• Discussion
Question: How Agile are our businesses?
1. How important is Agility to the business?
2. How Agile is your business currently?
How Agile are our businesses per State of Agile?
How Agile are our businesses per Deloitte and McKinsey?
More than 90% of senior executives
give high priority to becoming agile
While less than 10% see their firm as
currently highly agile
Question: What does it mean to be Agile as a Business?
What does it mean to be Agile as a Business?
Business Agility is the ability of an
organization to rapidly adapt to
market and environmental changes
What are the indicators for Agility?
What are the indicators for Agility?
What are the indicators for Agility?
Team Outputs?
What are the indicators for Agility?
Team Outputs?
What are the indicators for Agility?
Team Outputs?
What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility?
What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility?
1. Customer Lens
What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility?
1. Customer Lens
2. Measure End-to-End Service Delivery
What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility?
1. Customer Lens
2. Measure End-to-End Service Delivery
3. Different Services have Different
Agility Expectations and Capability
How “Agile
Are We
Exercise: Different Group has different identity
Feature: Fitness CriteriaWhich service are we inspecting?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaWho is our customer for this service?
In case you don’t know who your customer is…
Who is yelling the loudest and fastest?
Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility
1. Replenishment Frequency
2. Release Frequency
3. Lead Time
Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility
1. Replenishment Frequency
2. Release Frequency
3. Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
Replenishment happens
when the delivery system
pulls in customer request(s)
as commitment(s)
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
(Commit to fulfill Request)
Moonbucks Coffee
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Replenishment vs. Business Agility
It shows how often we can adapt to
changes introduced by our customers
Agile does not mean delivering faster,
it means adapting to changes quick
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
How often do customers
expect us to react (take in
their request of this
particular work item type)?
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
How often do we currently
take in customer request of
this particular work item type?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
Replenishment Frequency can
signal the customers to prepare
for their request in a ready-to-
consume state
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work
Category Notes
Goal Setting (What)
50% of new POS Loyalty Program
enrollments come from Digital Channels
Strategic Objective (Why)
Validate hypothesis: Our potential POS
customer-base is moving towards Digital
See attached for current paper-based
workflow and ideal digital workflow
Business Scope Trim Divided Digital Enrollment into 3 Phases
Business Dependencies Client Services, Partner, Marketing
User flow (look into drop off)
Enrollment Location (for future campaign)
Technical Feasibility Yes
Effort (hrs, days, wks, mths) Days
Technical Dependencies Dani’s team to work on front end tweaks
Technical Scope Trim N/A
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work
With an established Replenishment
Cadence, customers know when to
get the Feature Request form filled
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Replenishment Frequency
Avg. Replenishment Rate = Number of Days
Number of Replenishment
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
What is the expected and
current Replenishment
Frequency of your system?
Day Replenishment? Release?
1 √
6 √ √
10 √ √
15 √ √
20 √ √
26 √ √
30 √ √
Day Replenishment? Release?
35 √ √
40 √ √
45 √
46 √
50 √
51 √
55 √ √
60 √ √
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Replenishment Frequency
Avg. Replenishment Rate = Number of Days
Number of Replenishment
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
What is the expected and
current Replenishment
Frequency of your system?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency
Replenishment vs. Business Agility
It shows how often we can adapt to
changes introduced by our customers
Agile does not mean delivering faster,
it means adapting to changes quick
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility
1. Replenishment Frequency
2. Release Frequency
3. Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency
Release happens when the
customer has received the
service (product) as requested
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Moonbucks Coffee
Medium Diablo
Coffee for David
Two Small Angel
Coffees for Ann Yep I am David.
Oh I am Ann.
Coming now
Coffee is Made
Customer has not received
Coffee Received
(Outcome realized)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Release vs. Business Agility?
It shows how often stakeholders
need to do release-related tasks, and
It shows how often customer can
adapt to changes introduced by us
Collaborate with Customer to
achieve outcomes instead of
pushing outputs to Customer
Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency
How often do customers
expect to receive fulfilled
requests of this particular
work item type from us?
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency
How often do we currently
deliver completed request(s)
of this particular work item
type to customers?
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work
Release Frequency can
signal customer and
stakeholders to prepare for
release-related tasks
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work
Release Tasks Customer Internal Stakeholders
Deploy to Production √ (Ops)
Communication √ √ (Internal, Exec)
Training √ √
User Acceptance Test √ √ (User Research)
Add to Starter Kit √ (Dev)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Release Frequency
What is the expected and
current Release Frequency of
your system?
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Avg. Release Rate = Number of Days
Number of Release
Day Replenishment? Release?
1 √
6 √ √
10 √ √
15 √ √
20 √ √
26 √ √
30 √ √
Day Replenishment? Release?
35 √ √
40 √ √
45 √
46 √
50 √
51 √
55 √ √
60 √ √
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Release Frequency
What is the expected and
current Release Frequency of
your system?
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Avg. Release Rate = Number of Days
Number of Release
Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency
Release vs. Business Agility?
It shows how often stakeholders
need to do release-related tasks, and
It shows how often customer can
adapt to changes introduced by us
Collaborate with Customer to
achieve outcomes instead of
pushing outputs to Customer
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment and Release Frequencies
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment and Release Frequencies
Replenishment and Release
have Transaction Costs
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility
1. Replenishment Frequency
2. Release Frequency
3. Lead Time
Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
Lead Time is the elapsed time between
Replenishment and Release
How fast?
How Predictable?
(Commit to fulfill Request)
Moonbucks Coffee
Coffee Received
(Outcome realized)
Lead Time
How much
sugar/ milk?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
Lead Time is not a mere number,
it is a Probabilistic Distribution
How fast?
How Predictable?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
How fast?
How Predictable?
Lead Time vs. Business Agility
It answers the question “when will this be done?”
based on historical data
• End-to-end delivery
• Customer-recognizable service
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
How fast?
90 Days
How Predictable?
How fast do customers expect our delivery to be?
How predictable do customers expect our delivery to be?
Customer expects 90 Days
delivery 75% of the time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
How fast is our current delivery to customers’ expected confidence level?
How predictable is our current delivery to customers’ expected duration?
We deliver to 90 days 57% of the time
We deliver to 106 days 75% of the time
How fast?
90 Days
How Predictable?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work
Knowing the Lead Time allows customer to select
the appropriate class of service for each work item
How fast?
90 Days 85
How Predictable?
1 1
0 0
1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1
14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 86 94 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 158 166
Cycle time value (calendar days from start to complete)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work
p actual estimated rounded days
5% 21 30.730 31
10% 27 38.397 38
15% 33 43.908 44
20% 43 48.434 48
25% 56 52.396 52
30% 56 56.000 56
35% 56 59.369 59
40% 58 62.584 63
45% 59 65.706 66
50% 60 68.783 69
55% 63 71.862 72
60% 67 74.988 75
65% 74 78.213 78
70% 82 81.600 82
75% 90 85.240 85
80% 123 89.269 89
85% 147 93.930 94
90% 152 99.732 100
95% 160 108.194 108
100% 170 170.000 170
How fast?
90 Days 85
How Predictable?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
What is the expected and current lead time of your system?
How Predictable?
How fast?
6 Days
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
What is the expected and current lead time of your system?
1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration)
How Predictable?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time (Days)
How fast?
6 Days
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
Based on our historical data:
0% chance we can deliver in less than 3 days
100% chance we can deliver within 12 days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time (Days)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
What is the expected and current lead time of your system?
1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration)
How Predictable?
How fast?
6 Days
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time (Days)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
What is the expected and current lead time of your system?
1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration)
2. Calculate Lead Time Duration per customer’s expected predictability (e.g. 75%)
How fast?
6 Days
How Predictable?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time (Days)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
What is the expected and current lead time of your system?
1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration)
2. Calculate Lead Time Duration per customer’s expected Predictability (e.g. 75%)
3. Calculate Lead Time Predictability per customer’s expected Duration (e.g. 6 Days)
How fast?
6 Days
How Predictable?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time (Days)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time
What is the expected and current lead time of your system?
1. Troy Magennis’s
2. Excel: =PERCENTILE.INC(array, desired percentile)
3. Excel: =PERCENTRANK.INC(array, desired duration)
How fast?
6 Days
How Predictable?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time (Days)
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time
Lead Time vs. Business Agility
It answers the question “when will this be done?”
based on historical data
• End-to-end delivery
• Customer-recognizable service
How fast?
90 Days
How Predictable?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow “Agile” is our Cost-Saving Feature Service in LoyaltyOne?
How fast?
90 Days
How Predictable?
Go-to-market Strategies
Current State
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaWhen do we use the Service Delivery Dashboard?
Customer Meetings
Service Delivery Review
Operations Review
Improvement Initiatives… etc.
Service Delivery Agility
Feature: Fitness CriteriaPresentation: What does your dashboard say?
Can you guess the
identity of your system?
What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility?
1. Unit of measure is “customer recognizable”
2. Represent the capability of an End-to-End delivery pipeline
3. One dashboard per service
Feature: Fitness CriteriaDiscussion: How useful is this dashboard?
For Customers?
For the Service Delivery Group?
For Executives?
Any other groups?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaDiscussion: How to close the gaps in dashboard?
How do we close the gap between
customer expectation and delivery
system capability?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Turn off a customer segment
Feature: Fitness CriteriaBank Monthly Financial Report Dashboard
How fast?
30 Days
How Predictable?
Go-to-market Strategies
Current State
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Turn off a customer segment
2. Manage Customer Demand and Expectations
Feature: Fitness CriteriaGaming Startup Feature Request Dashboard
How fast?
5 Days
How Predictable?
Go-to-market Strategies
Current State
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Turn off a customer segment
2. Manage Customer Demand and Expectations
3. Increase Delivery Capability
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
Feature: Fitness CriteriaAnalyze the Histogram Tail
Why were these
tickets delayed?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 …
Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaAnalyze the Histogram Tail
Feature: Fitness CriteriaAnalyze the Histogram Tail
Special cause variation –
outside of normal fluctuation
+3 standard deviation
-3 standard deviation
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
2. Visualize Workflow
Feature: Fitness CriteriaVisualize Workflow
Feature: Fitness CriteriaVisualize Workflow
Do we have too much going
on in Design?
How long are the tickets in
Design for?
What is the flow efficiency?
Do we have too little going on
in UAT?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
2. Visualize Workflow
3. Limit Work In Progress
Feature: Fitness CriteriaLimit Work In Progress
Avg. Lead Time =
Work In Progress
Avg. Delivery Rate
Little’s Law
Limiting WIP puts a constraint to the
system to lower the Avg. Lead Time
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
2. Visualize Workflow
3. Limit Work In Progress
4. Deferred Commitment
Feature: Fitness CriteriaDeferred Commitment
Option vs. Commitment
Are you treating everything
as Commitment?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
2. Visualize Workflow
3. Limit Work In Progress
4. Deferred Commitment
5. Classes of Service
Feature: Fitness CriteriaClasses of Service
A service might need to offer
different classes of service to
satisfy different “urgency”
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
2. Visualize Workflow
3. Limit Work In Progress
4. Deferred Commitment
5. Classes of Service
6. Work Item Types
Feature: Fitness CriteriaWork Item Types
Demand Analysis:
Are we dividing our services too granularly?
Do we need to further split our work item types?
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard?
1. Analyze the Histogram tail
2. Visualize Workflow
3. Limit Work In Progress
4. Deferred Commitment
5. Classes of Service
6. Work Item Types
7. Staffing
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHypothesis
If we <the change / experiment>
we expect to see <impact to the context for change>
seen through <measurement and observations>
Feature: Fitness CriteriaHypothesis
If we decrease WIP Limit from 10 to 7
we expect to see a increase in lead time predictability
seen through the shape of our lead time histogram
Feature: Fitness Criteria
How fast?
90 Days
How Predictable?
Monthly Weekly
Release Frequency
Monthly Weekly
Replenishment Frequency
Go-to-market Strategies
Current State
Previous State
NEW System vs Old System
Feature: Fitness CriteriaAll components are interrelated
All components are interrelated
Intending to improve one area (e.g. Release Rate)
can have an impact on the other areas
Feature: Fitness CriteriaDiscussion: What about Throughput?
Why doesn’t this dashboard include
Throughput as a metrics?
KanbanTO - June 2019 - How Agile Are We Executive Dashboard

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KanbanTO - June 2019 - How Agile Are We Executive Dashboard

  • 1. KanbanTO How “Agile” Are We? June 25, 2019
  • 3. Shuman Ip @ LoyaltyOne (Canada) KMP, ESP Associate Director, Agility and Lean & Services Delivery Manager Past Experience: - Agile Coach - Scrum Master - Product Owner - Developer - Software Test Engineer
  • 4. Agenda • Business Agility • Measure How “Agile” • Metrics 1 • Metrics 2 • Metrics 3 • Discussion
  • 6. Question: How Agile are our businesses? 1. How important is Agility to the business? 2. How Agile is your business currently?
  • 7. How Agile are our businesses per State of Agile?
  • 8. How Agile are our businesses per Deloitte and McKinsey? More than 90% of senior executives give high priority to becoming agile While less than 10% see their firm as currently highly agile Sources:
  • 9. Question: What does it mean to be Agile as a Business?
  • 10. What does it mean to be Agile as a Business? Business Agility is the ability of an organization to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes
  • 11. What are the indicators for Agility?
  • 12. What are the indicators for Agility?
  • 13. What are the indicators for Agility? Team Outputs?
  • 14. What are the indicators for Agility? Team Outputs?
  • 15. What are the indicators for Agility? Team Outputs?
  • 16. What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility?
  • 17. What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility? 1. Customer Lens
  • 18. What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility? 1. Customer Lens 2. Measure End-to-End Service Delivery
  • 19. What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility? 1. Customer Lens 2. Measure End-to-End Service Delivery 3. Different Services have Different Agility Expectations and Capability
  • 21. Exercise: Different Group has different identity
  • 22. Feature: Fitness CriteriaWhich service are we inspecting?
  • 23. Feature: Fitness CriteriaWho is our customer for this service? In case you don’t know who your customer is… Who is yelling the loudest and fastest?
  • 24. Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility 1. Replenishment Frequency 2. Release Frequency 3. Lead Time
  • 25. Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility 1. Replenishment Frequency 2. Release Frequency 3. Lead Time
  • 28. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency Replenishment happens when the delivery system pulls in customer request(s) as commitment(s) Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Replenishment Frequency
  • 29. Payment (Commit to fulfill Request) Replenishment Moonbucks Coffee Queue (Optional)
  • 30. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Replenishment Frequency Replenishment vs. Business Agility It shows how often we can adapt to changes introduced by our customers Agile does not mean delivering faster, it means adapting to changes quick enough
  • 31. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency How often do customers expect us to react (take in their request of this particular work item type)? Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 32. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency How often do we currently take in customer request of this particular work item type?
  • 33. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency Replenishment Frequency can signal the customers to prepare for their request in a ready-to- consume state Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 34. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work
  • 35. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work Censored
  • 36. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work Category Notes Goal Setting (What) 50% of new POS Loyalty Program enrollments come from Digital Channels Strategic Objective (Why) Validate hypothesis: Our potential POS customer-base is moving towards Digital Workflow See attached for current paper-based workflow and ideal digital workflow Business Scope Trim Divided Digital Enrollment into 3 Phases Business Dependencies Client Services, Partner, Marketing Analytics User flow (look into drop off) Enrollment Location (for future campaign) Technical Feasibility Yes Effort (hrs, days, wks, mths) Days Technical Dependencies Dani’s team to work on front end tweaks Technical Scope Trim N/A
  • 37. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Replenishment Example – Feature Work With an established Replenishment Cadence, customers know when to get the Feature Request form filled Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 38. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Replenishment Frequency Avg. Replenishment Rate = Number of Days Number of Replenishment Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency What is the expected and current Replenishment Frequency of your system?
  • 39. Day Replenishment? Release? 1 √ 2 3 4 5 6 √ √ 7 8 9 10 √ √ 11 12 13 14 15 √ √ 16 17 18 19 20 √ √ 21 22 23 24 25 26 √ √ 27 28 29 30 √ √ Day Replenishment? Release? 31 32 33 34 35 √ √ 36 37 38 39 40 √ √ 41 42 43 44 45 √ 46 √ 47 48 49 50 √ 51 √ 52 53 54 55 √ √ 56 57 58 59 60 √ √ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lead Time
  • 40. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Replenishment Frequency Avg. Replenishment Rate = Number of Days Number of Replenishment Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency What is the expected and current Replenishment Frequency of your system?
  • 41. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment Frequency Replenishment vs. Business Agility It shows how often we can adapt to changes introduced by our customers Agile does not mean delivering faster, it means adapting to changes quick enough Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 42. Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility 1. Replenishment Frequency 2. Release Frequency 3. Lead Time
  • 45. Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency Release happens when the customer has received the service (product) as requested Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Release Frequency
  • 46. Moonbucks Coffee Medium Diablo Coffee for David & Two Small Angel Coffees for Ann Yep I am David. Thanks! Oh I am Ann. Coming now Coffee is Made Customer has not received Coffee Received (Outcome realized) Release
  • 47. Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Release Frequency Release vs. Business Agility? It shows how often stakeholders need to do release-related tasks, and It shows how often customer can adapt to changes introduced by us Collaborate with Customer to achieve outcomes instead of pushing outputs to Customer
  • 48. Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency How often do customers expect to receive fulfilled requests of this particular work item type from us? Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency
  • 49. Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency How often do we currently deliver completed request(s) of this particular work item type to customers? Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency
  • 50. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work Release Frequency can signal customer and stakeholders to prepare for release-related tasks Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency
  • 51. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work
  • 52. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work Release Tasks Customer Internal Stakeholders Deploy to Production √ (Ops) Communication √ √ (Internal, Exec) Training √ √ User Acceptance Test √ √ (User Research) Add to Starter Kit √ (Dev)
  • 53. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Release Frequency What is the expected and current Release Frequency of your system? Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Avg. Release Rate = Number of Days Number of Release
  • 54. Day Replenishment? Release? 1 √ 2 3 4 5 6 √ √ 7 8 9 10 √ √ 11 12 13 14 15 √ √ 16 17 18 19 20 √ √ 21 22 23 24 25 26 √ √ 27 28 29 30 √ √ Day Replenishment? Release? 31 32 33 34 35 √ √ 36 37 38 39 40 √ √ 41 42 43 44 45 √ 46 √ 47 48 49 50 √ 51 √ 52 53 54 55 √ √ 56 57 58 59 60 √ √ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lead Time
  • 55. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Release Frequency What is the expected and current Release Frequency of your system? Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Avg. Release Rate = Number of Days Number of Release
  • 56. Feature: Fitness CriteriaRelease Frequency Release vs. Business Agility? It shows how often stakeholders need to do release-related tasks, and It shows how often customer can adapt to changes introduced by us Collaborate with Customer to achieve outcomes instead of pushing outputs to Customer Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency
  • 57. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment and Release Frequencies Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 58. Feature: Fitness CriteriaReplenishment and Release Frequencies Replenishment and Release have Transaction Costs Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 59. Feature: Fitness Criteria3 Metrics for Service Delivery Agility 1. Replenishment Frequency 2. Release Frequency 3. Lead Time
  • 62. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time Lead Time is the elapsed time between Replenishment and Release Slow Fast How fast? Low High How Predictable?
  • 63. Payment (Commit to fulfill Request) Replenishment Moonbucks Coffee Coffee Received (Outcome realized) Release Lead Time How much sugar/ milk? Which coffee bean?
  • 64. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Slow Fast How fast? Low High How Predictable?
  • 65. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time Slow Fast How fast? Low High How Predictable? Lead Time vs. Business Agility It answers the question “when will this be done?” based on historical data • End-to-end delivery • Customer-recognizable service
  • 66. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days Low High How Predictable? 75% How fast do customers expect our delivery to be? How predictable do customers expect our delivery to be? E.g. Customer expects 90 Days delivery 75% of the time
  • 67. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time How fast is our current delivery to customers’ expected confidence level? How predictable is our current delivery to customers’ expected duration? E.g. We deliver to 90 days 57% of the time We deliver to 106 days 75% of the time Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days 106 Low High How Predictable? 75% 57%
  • 68. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work Knowing the Lead Time allows customer to select the appropriate class of service for each work item Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days 85 Low High How Predictable? 75%82% 1 0 1 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 14 22 30 38 46 54 62 70 78 86 94 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 158 166 Itemcount(higherequalsmoreoften) Cycle time value (calendar days from start to complete)
  • 69. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLoyaltyOne Release Example – Feature Work p actual estimated rounded days 5% 21 30.730 31 10% 27 38.397 38 15% 33 43.908 44 20% 43 48.434 48 25% 56 52.396 52 30% 56 56.000 56 35% 56 59.369 59 40% 58 62.584 63 45% 59 65.706 66 50% 60 68.783 69 55% 63 71.862 72 60% 67 74.988 75 65% 74 78.213 78 70% 82 81.600 82 75% 90 85.240 85 80% 123 89.269 89 85% 147 93.930 94 90% 152 99.732 100 95% 160 108.194 108 100% 170 170.000 170 Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days 85 Low High How Predictable? 75%82%
  • 70. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time What is the expected and current lead time of your system? Low High How Predictable? 75% Slow Fast How fast? 6 Days
  • 71. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time What is the expected and current lead time of your system? 1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration) Low High How Predictable? 75% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time (Days) Slow Fast How fast? 6 Days
  • 72. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time Based on our historical data: 0% chance we can deliver in less than 3 days 100% chance we can deliver within 12 days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time (Days)
  • 73. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time What is the expected and current lead time of your system? 1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration) Low High How Predictable? 75% Slow Fast How fast? 6 Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time (Days)
  • 74. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time What is the expected and current lead time of your system? 1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration) 2. Calculate Lead Time Duration per customer’s expected predictability (e.g. 75%) Slow Fast How fast? 6 Days Low High How Predictable? 75% 8.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time (Days)
  • 75. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time What is the expected and current lead time of your system? 1. Histogram (X-axis = Range of duration; Y-axis = # of work done in a particular duration) 2. Calculate Lead Time Duration per customer’s expected Predictability (e.g. 75%) 3. Calculate Lead Time Predictability per customer’s expected Duration (e.g. 6 Days) Slow Fast How fast? 6 Days Low High How Predictable? 75% 8.5 65% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time (Days)
  • 76. Feature: Fitness CriteriaExercise: Lead Time What is the expected and current lead time of your system? 1. Troy Magennis’s 2. Excel: =PERCENTILE.INC(array, desired percentile) 3. Excel: =PERCENTRANK.INC(array, desired duration) Slow Fast How fast? 6 Days Low High How Predictable? 75% 8.5 65% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time (Days)
  • 77. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLead Time Lead Time vs. Business Agility It answers the question “when will this be done?” based on historical data • End-to-end delivery • Customer-recognizable service Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days 85 Low High How Predictable? 75%82%
  • 78. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow “Agile” is our Cost-Saving Feature Service in LoyaltyOne? Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days 85 Low High How Predictable? 75%82% Go-to-market Strategies Current State Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 79. Feature: Fitness CriteriaWhen do we use the Service Delivery Dashboard? Customer Meetings Service Delivery Review Operations Review Improvement Initiatives… etc.
  • 81. Feature: Fitness CriteriaPresentation: What does your dashboard say? Can you guess the identity of your system?
  • 82. What are the criteria for the appropriate indicators for Agility? 1. Unit of measure is “customer recognizable” 2. Represent the capability of an End-to-End delivery pipeline 3. One dashboard per service
  • 84. Feature: Fitness CriteriaDiscussion: How useful is this dashboard? For Customers? For the Service Delivery Group? For Executives? Any other groups?
  • 85. Feature: Fitness CriteriaDiscussion: How to close the gaps in dashboard? How do we close the gap between customer expectation and delivery system capability?
  • 86. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Turn off a customer segment
  • 87. Feature: Fitness CriteriaBank Monthly Financial Report Dashboard Slow Fast How fast? 30 Days 34 Low High How Predictable? 100% 73% Go-to-market Strategies Current State Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency
  • 88. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Turn off a customer segment 2. Manage Customer Demand and Expectations
  • 89. Feature: Fitness CriteriaGaming Startup Feature Request Dashboard Slow Fast How fast? 5 Days 6 Low High How Predictable? 75% 70% Go-to-market Strategies Current State Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Weekly Release Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Daily Replenishment Frequency
  • 90. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Turn off a customer segment 2. Manage Customer Demand and Expectations 3. Increase Delivery Capability
  • 91. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail
  • 92. Feature: Fitness CriteriaAnalyze the Histogram Tail Why were these tickets delayed? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … Lead Time
  • 93. Feature: Fitness CriteriaAnalyze the Histogram Tail
  • 94. Feature: Fitness CriteriaAnalyze the Histogram Tail Special cause variation – outside of normal fluctuation +3 standard deviation -3 standard deviation
  • 95. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail 2. Visualize Workflow
  • 97. Feature: Fitness CriteriaVisualize Workflow Do we have too much going on in Design? How long are the tickets in Design for? What is the flow efficiency? Do we have too little going on in UAT?
  • 98. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail 2. Visualize Workflow 3. Limit Work In Progress
  • 99. Feature: Fitness CriteriaLimit Work In Progress Avg. Lead Time = Work In Progress Avg. Delivery Rate Little’s Law Limiting WIP puts a constraint to the system to lower the Avg. Lead Time
  • 100. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail 2. Visualize Workflow 3. Limit Work In Progress 4. Deferred Commitment
  • 101. Feature: Fitness CriteriaDeferred Commitment Option vs. Commitment Are you treating everything as Commitment?
  • 102. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail 2. Visualize Workflow 3. Limit Work In Progress 4. Deferred Commitment 5. Classes of Service
  • 103. Feature: Fitness CriteriaClasses of Service A service might need to offer different classes of service to satisfy different “urgency”
  • 104. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail 2. Visualize Workflow 3. Limit Work In Progress 4. Deferred Commitment 5. Classes of Service 6. Work Item Types
  • 105. Feature: Fitness CriteriaWork Item Types Demand Analysis: Are we dividing our services too granularly? Do we need to further split our work item types?
  • 106. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHow to close the gaps in dashboard? 1. Analyze the Histogram tail 2. Visualize Workflow 3. Limit Work In Progress 4. Deferred Commitment 5. Classes of Service 6. Work Item Types 7. Staffing
  • 107. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHypothesis If we <the change / experiment> we expect to see <impact to the context for change> seen through <measurement and observations>
  • 108. Feature: Fitness CriteriaHypothesis Example: If we decrease WIP Limit from 10 to 7 we expect to see a increase in lead time predictability seen through the shape of our lead time histogram
  • 109. Feature: Fitness Criteria Slow Fast How fast? 90 Days 85 Low High How Predictable? 75%82% Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Release Frequency Yearly Quarterly Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Monthly Replenishment Frequency 106 57% Go-to-market Strategies Current State Previous State NEW System vs Old System
  • 110. Feature: Fitness CriteriaAll components are interrelated All components are interrelated Intending to improve one area (e.g. Release Rate) can have an impact on the other areas
  • 111. Feature: Fitness CriteriaDiscussion: What about Throughput? Why doesn’t this dashboard include Throughput as a metrics?

Editor's Notes

  1. LoyaltyOne is a customer loyalty rewards program The more you spend, the more points you earn, which you can redeem for different items from cash to merchandise to flights
  2. How would you answer this question?
  3. Very Important, Not that important, Don’t know what Agile is Very Agile, Not that Agile
  4. The gap between aspiration and reality Citation:
  5. There are people with different positions and titles here. What are your understanding and expectation of Agility as a Business?
  6. Agile Manifesto: 1. Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools 2. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation 3. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation 4. Responding to Change Over Following a Plan
  7. Qualified Personnel Number of Agile Teams? Number of Agile Trainings? Number of Agile-certified employees? Collaborative Environment How open the office space is? How many white boards are around the office? If teams are co-located Engineering Practices Code Coverage Build Time Automation CI/CD Pipeline Maturity Team Outputs How much is velocity improving? How many retrospective action items are addressed? How long is the daily stand up? Company is investing significant amount of dollars into this Agility thing. How do we truly know that it is bringing value?
  8. Collaborative Environment How open the office space is? How many white boards are around the office? If teams are co-located
  9. Team Outputs How much is velocity improving? How many retrospective action items are addressed? How long is the daily stand up?
  10. Qualified Personnel Number of Agile Teams? Number of Agile Trainings? Number of Agile-certified employees?
  11. Engineering Practices Code Coverage Build Time Automation CI/CD Pipeline Maturity Company is investing significant amount of dollars into this Agility thing. How do we truly know that it is bringing value?
  12. Learn in the ESP course offered by LKU
  13. Customer Focus: Agile is to help resolve business problems Without Customer’s, there wouldn’t be anyone to consume the business Thus, if we want to measure Business Agility, we must put on the customer lens Customer-recognizable Indicators that they can see and has an impact on them
  14. End-to-end delivery pipeline In order to deliver to customers, firm operates as an interacting network of teams, all focused on working together to delivery increasing value to customers
  15. Most business provide more than one type of services Different Services have Different Agility Expectations E.g. Starbucks Food Services and Beverage Services have different expectation Or Hot and cold drinks have different expectation We might want to measure if the result of our end-to-end delivery is matching up to the customer’s expectation of our services
  16. Up until this point, it takes approximately 20 mins Roughly 30 mins to run the simulation
  17. Start Up – Deliver ASAP Scrum Team – Deliver every 2 weeks Finance – Month End Work
  18. There is no one size fit all expectations and delivery capability Each service has a different service level expectation and their respective delivery capability Different service has different service level agreement and expectations Boarding Time First Class Business Class Economy Class Call Center inquiry Elite Member Regular Member For the sake of this workshop, we are only going to go through one service (a.k.a work item type) New capability Enhancement of existing capability Production Defects Tech Debt Research Inquiry Reports
  19. When delivery is not up to expectation?
  20. How quickly can we react to customer’s change (request) Question: A lot of times work are being pushed down our throat. Or There are assumption that once a request is put in, they will be processed without understanding how much work are in progress or when it will actually be started Collaborative relationship Not blindly order taking
  21. How quickly can we react to customer’s change (request) Question: A lot of times work are being pushed down our throat. Or There are assumption that once a request is put in, they will be processed without understanding how much work are in progress or when it will actually be started Collaborative relationship Not blindly order taking
  22. What kind of change do we need to adapt to? Who is the biggest player in introducing changes to our system? Agile Manifesto: 1. Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools 2. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation 3. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation 4. Responding to Change Over Following a Plan
  23. Observe request in-flow Ask customers directly (might not be realistic expectation) Assume a frequency and test the assumption How quickly can we react to customer’s change (request) Question: A lot of times work are being pushed down our throat. Or There are assumption that once a request is put in, they will be processed without understanding how much work are in progress or when it will actually be started Collaborative relationship Not blindly order taking
  24. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for replenishment now After getting the Replenishment Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured replenishment cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves
  25. “How often can you take in new requests when they arise” Pull signal for customer to have their request in a read-to-consume state Collaboration instead of hand off 2 days after replenishment… Customer: “When can you start working on this item?” You: “If you want, we can start this item in 5 days based on our replenishment rate ----- You: “We will be replenishing in approximately 5 days” You: “Please have requirements ready by then for us to pick your work up” Customer: “Ah, timing might be a bit tight. When is the replenishment after the next one?” You: “We replenish every 7 days, so the next one will be in (5 + 7 = 12) days”
  26. Feature request template before we commit the work Collaborate with customers to fill in the table as it goes through our discovery phase of the Kanban board
  27. Feature request template before we commit the work Collaborate with customers to fill in the table as it goes through our discovery phase of the Kanban board
  28. Feature request template before we commit the work Collaborate with customers to fill in the table as it goes through our discovery phase of the Kanban board
  29. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for replenishment now After getting the Replenishment Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured replenishment cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves
  30. Each worksheet should have a table that goes for around 60 days When a replenishment happens on
  31. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for replenishment now After getting the Replenishment Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured replenishment cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves
  32. What kind of change do we need to adapt to? Who is the biggest player in introducing changes to our system? Agile Manifesto: 1. Individuals and Interactions Over Processes and Tools 2. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation 3. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation 4. Responding to Change Over Following a Plan
  33. Since we are collaborating with customer, we also want to make sure they are ready for our changes
  34. How quickly can our customer react to our change (delivery)? Question Work is done, but customer hasn’t received anything yet. We are trying to satisfy customer request, not finish work Outcome – happy customer Output – Product implemented
  35. How quickly can our customer react to our change (delivery)? Question Work is done, but customer hasn’t received anything yet. We are trying to satisfy customer request, not finish work Outcome – happy customer Output – Product implemented
  36. Observe frequency of customer inquiry when to deliver Ask customers directly (might not be realistic expectation) Assume a frequency and test the assumption
  37. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for release now After getting the Release Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured Release cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves
  38. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for release now After getting the Release Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured Release cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves Cost Cutting Technology – Monthly cadence to XO and Finance to adjust Master Budget Partner Initiatives – Monthly sync up with them on our releases + training plans
  39. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for release now After getting the Release Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured Release cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves Cost Cutting Technology – Monthly cadence to XO and Finance to adjust Master Budget Partner Initiatives – Monthly sync up with them on our releases + training plans
  40. Deploy to Prod – Put Coffee onto counter Communication – Announce Requester’s name and the Product name Training – Instruction for best experience (layer of foam at the top, drink directly first before stirring) User Acceptance Test – Drink in front of Barista and provide immediate feedback on taste and temperature Add to Starter Kit – If it’s a new recipe asked by Customer, record it to the internal menu Maybe there isn’t a cadence for release now After getting the Release Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured Release cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves Cost Cutting Technology – Monthly cadence to XO and Finance to adjust Master Budget Partner Initiatives – Monthly sync up with them on our releases + training plans
  41. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for release now After getting the Release Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured Release cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves
  42. Each worksheet should have a table that goes for around 60 days When a replenishment happens on
  43. Maybe there isn’t a cadence for release now After getting the Release Frequency, we can use this number to set up a more structured Release cadence This can increase predictability of schedule for both our customers and ourselves
  44. How quickly can our customer react to our change (delivery)? Question Work is done, but customer hasn’t received anything yet. We are trying to satisfy customer request, not finish work Outcome – happy customer Output – Product implemented
  45. There is a saying “Agile doesn’t mean delivering faster, but adapt to changes quicker” In the dashboard, it is represented by the Replenishment Frequency and Release Frequency dials “How often can you take in new requests when they arise” “How often do we expect delivery of results”
  46. Transaction Costs for Replenishment and Release Replenishment: Liftoff Outcome Business Objective Readiness Release: Internal Communication External Customer Coordination Training Documentation Operation Coordination
  47. How long will the work take to complete?
  48. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  49. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  50. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  51. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution
  52. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution
  53. Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” ----- You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  54. Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” ----- You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  55. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  56. According to our historical data… 0% of the time we can deliver sooner than 3 Days 100% of the time we can deliver within 12 Days
  57. According to our historical data… 0% of the time we can deliver sooner than 3 Days 100% of the time we can deliver within 12 Days
  58. According to our historical data… 0% of the time we can deliver sooner than 3 Days 100% of the time we can deliver within 12 Days
  59. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  60. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  61. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  62. Lead Time is not a mere number, it is a Probabilistic Distribution Elapsed time for similar work types will vary within some range due to the forces of nature (a.k.a common-cause variability) Answers “How Fast (in average)” and “How Predictable” Scenario 1 Customer: “I want this feature in 1 weeks” You: “Base on our current delivery capability, we are 73% confident to deliver this in 1 weeks” You: “Is this acceptable to you?” Scenario 2 You: “We are 73% confident to deliver your requests in 1 week” Customer: “I am not comfortable with this. I want at least 80% confidence level”
  63. This maps out the current state of your delivery system How Agile is your service? Who has some areas in their data set that is not satisfying customers’ need?
  64. This maps out the current state of your delivery system How Agile is your service? Who has some areas in their data set that is not satisfying customers’ need?
  65. Back then we want to invest in CI/CD, but our release frequency doesn’t really require us to use CI/CD Link to Medium Post – It includes the history and creation of the dashboard. This is a workshop, so let’s focus on that Does everyone know what the middle graph is? There are 7 components in this dashboard. For our purpose, we want to simplify it further to focus on having a conversation that matters to the customer ------ 2015 @ LoyaltyOne Back then, consultants such as Alexei were helping LoyaltyOne out in our Agility journey. The idea of displaying graphs and dashboards within the company was popular because our Executives visited the office of a telecommunication companies (Telus) and saw dashboards everywhere. Upon learning about the appetite on dashboards, Alexei came up with the above dials and sliders on a whiteboard NEED TO TALK ABOUT START AND END OF A SERVICE DELIVERY Two characteristics This dashboard is not focused on one particular team, but it focuses on an end-to-end delivery pipeline of a service (which usually consists of more than one team) Unit of measure is “customer recognizable”
  66. Gaming Startup Feature Request
  67. Gaming Startup Feature Request
  68. Gaming Startup Feature Request Manage Customer Expectations Is customer expectation realistic (for a startup to do Just-in-time replenishment with limited resources) Replenishment: 4.3 Days Release 3.5 Days Average Lead Time 4.476 Days
  69. Scrum Team - Story
  70. Scrum Team - Story
  71. Improve system capability
  72. Bank Monthly Financial Report
  73. Bank Monthly Financial Report
  74. Turn off a particular customer segment Replenishment: 20 Days Release 30 Days Average Lead Time 27 Days
  75. Customer Recognizable A cup of tea, not Tea Bag + Hot Water End-to-end delivery pipeline Usually the delivery pipeline consists of more than 1 team Commitment to Delivery ONE Service Different services can have a different dashboard to represent their reality Starbuck Donut (immediately) Drinks (longer) Sandwich (even Longer)
  76. Up until this point, it takes approximately 20 mins Roughly 30 mins to run the simulation
  77. Over-servicing: Opportunity cost Waiting resources on customer who can tolerate a lower level of service Customer might not be ready for a higher level of service Under-servicing: Customer Dissatisfaction
  78. Turn off a particular customer segment Replenishment: 20 Days Release 30 Days Average Lead Time 27 Days
  79. Manage Customer Expectations Is customer expectation realistic (for a startup to do Just-in-time replenishment with limited resources) Replenishment: 4.3 Days Release 3.5 Days Average Lead Time 4.476 Days
  80. Improve system capability
  81. Root-cause analysis on the histogram’s tail Control Chart to differentiate common-cause vs special-causes Investigate the reason that caused the delay (assignable causes) Try to come up with explicit policies to prevent them from happening again
  82. Analyze the tail Are they common-cause variation (normal fluctuation) or special-cause variation (assignable cause that created the delay) Try to come up with explicit policies to prevent them from happening again
  83. Analyze the tail Control Chart
  84. Analyze the tail Control Chart
  85. Allow us to unhide information in our workflow process Provides motivation for change
  86. Allow us to unhide information in our workflow process Provides motivation for change
  87. Allow us to unhide information in our workflow process Provides motivation for change
  88. We have a roughly 50% discard rate Options have value because the future is uncertain 0% discard rate implies there is no uncertainty about the future
  89. Root-cause analysis on the histogram’s tail Control Chart to differentiate common-cause vs special-causes Investigate the reason that caused the delay (assignable causes) Try to come up with explicit policies to prevent them from happening again
  90. We have a roughly 50% discard rate Options have value because the future is uncertain 0% discard rate implies there is no uncertainty about the future
  91. Root-cause analysis on the histogram’s tail Control Chart to differentiate common-cause vs special-causes Investigate the reason that caused the delay (assignable causes) Try to come up with explicit policies to prevent them from happening again
  92. We have a roughly 50% discard rate Options have value because the future is uncertain 0% discard rate implies there is no uncertainty about the future
  93. Root-cause analysis on the histogram’s tail Control Chart to differentiate common-cause vs special-causes Investigate the reason that caused the delay (assignable causes) Try to come up with explicit policies to prevent them from happening again
  94. This maps out the current state of your delivery system How Agile is your service? Who has some areas in their data set that is not satisfying customers’ need?
  95. F4P Cards?
  96. Up until this point, it takes approximately 20 mins Roughly 30 mins to run the simulation
  97. This maps out the current state of your delivery system How Agile is your service? Who has some areas in their data set that is not satisfying customers’ need?
  98. Simplified Version for our internal use We feel like it still captures the essence of the original dashboard A tool for internal inspection on how the delivery system is doing. More importantly, it is a great visual to aid conversations with customers
  99. Being too Agile E.g. Delivering too frequently, customer does not have enough staff to handle such frequency of release
  100. Long term: Look into ways to improve the delivery system Short term: Offer other faster class of service
  101. What is the customer’s tolerance if they need their request of this work type filled immediately? Production Defect (1 Hour) Feature Work (1 Day) Depending on the size of the work and how long the Design phase take Just-In-Time: If we need to react to changes Daily or Hourly (e.g. Product Defect)  Just In Time More expensive to have “unutilized resources” be on standby for sudden changes Agile: If changes come in unexpectedly (e.g. Feature design)  Agile Self-organized cross-functional teams to tactically handle changes Waterfall: If we have the leisure to react to changes every Month or less frequent (e.g. Monthly Report)  Waterfall Less need to react = Less unknown and risks Depending on the size of your Request, you might get away with Waterfall when replenishing bi-weekly for small requests For our cost-saving feature requests, we assume that monthly and less can get away with Waterfall ---- Waterfall – BDUF, Testing If the service is small enough, they can use Waterfall to deliver within a month Thus it is dependent on the size of your service Pre-CI = non-automated Testing CI = Continuous Testing CD = Continuous Guidance around the practices that can be used to support different frequencies If replenishing Quarterly, org can get away with BDUF If the need is under “daily” and towards “hourly”, then more aggressive, “Just In Time” planning and replenishment practices will be required When releasing monthly, it is possible to sustain that rate without Continuous Integration Higher frequency delivery cycles will make CI/CD more necessary How to determine the surface area
  102. How do we close the gap between reality and customer expectation? Turn off a particular customer segment Manage customer expectation Elevate system performance
  103. Link to Medium Post – It includes the history and creation of the dashboard. This is a workshop, so let’s focus on that Does everyone know what the middle graph is? There are 7 components in this dashboard. For our purpose, we want to simplify it further to focus on having a conversation that matters to the customer ------ 2015 @ LoyaltyOne Back then, consultants such as Alexei were helping LoyaltyOne out in our Agility journey. The idea of displaying graphs and dashboards within the company was popular because our Executives visited the office of a telecommunication companies (Telus) and saw dashboards everywhere. Upon learning about the appetite on dashboards, Alexei came up with the above dials and sliders on a whiteboard NEED TO TALK ABOUT START AND END OF A SERVICE DELIVERY Two characteristics This dashboard is not focused on one particular team, but it focuses on an end-to-end delivery pipeline of a service (which usually consists of more than one team) Unit of measure is “customer recognizable”
  104. Simplified Version for our internal use We feel like it still captures the essence of the original dashboard A tool for internal inspection on how the delivery system is doing. More importantly, it is a great visual to aid conversations with customers ----- Kanban Method is a management method for Directly improving service delivery Catalyzing improvements Evolving a business to be “fit for purpose”