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CANCER                                     NHS Improvement





Stroke Improvement Programme
Joining up prevention:
case studies from the Stroke Improvement
Programme projects

           Introduction                                         3

           Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust                  4

           Epsom General Hospital                               6

           Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust   7

           Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust          10

           North Bristol NHS Trust                              12

           North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network         16

           Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust          18

           Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust               21

           United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust              23

           Stroke resources                                     25

           Further information                                  27
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   3


The Stroke Improvement Programme            18 atrial fibrillation projects were        TOP TIPS
worked with 10 sites from March             established in October 2007 and
2009 to test implementing quality           completed in April 2009. Working              • Clearly define a pathway for
markers 5 and 6 of the National             across 15 networks, with PCTs,                  high and low risk patients,
Stroke Strategy and to contribute to        general practices, practice based               agreed across primary and
national learning.                          consortia and acute trusts, they                secondary care
                                            piloted a range of approaches to              • Streamline the referral route with
                                                                                            single point of contact for high
These markers set some challenging          improve detection and optimal
                                                                                            and low risk
goals for health communities to             treatment of patients with AF in
                                                                                          • Employ a comprehensive
achieve and required many previously        primary care to reduce the risk of
                                                                                            communication strategy
unanswered questions to be solved,          stroke. The Stroke Improvement                • Establish a sustainable data and
not least what will be the real             Programme publications that provide             audit system
demand for the service.                     a summary and overview of the                 • Tailor the weekend service to
                                            outcomes from this first phase are              local needs and demand
Sites commenced work in March               listed in the Stroke resources section.       • Think differently about how and
2009; during the following 12                                                               where TIA clinics are provided
months they met together on six             The suggestions, experiences and
occasions to share ideas and learning.      examples provided in this document
                                            are intended to generate ideas, to
All sites were at very different stages     show what is possible when teams           Contacts for each of the projects are
in the development of their TIA             work constructively together and to        included. Full details of the service
services and had different aims to          guide planning for improvement             improvement can be found at:
work towards. Much of the work this         activities. Nine of the 10 sites are
year has concentrated on the front          included in this publication.
end of the TIA pathway and work in
the coming year will concentrate on         The Stroke Improvement Programme
access to carotid endarterectomy,           continuously publishes materials to
follow up and implementing seven            help those striving to improve stroke
day services, as well as ongoing work       and TIA services. All materials are
on access to imaging. Work in the           available on the Stroke Improvement
coming year will also be linked closely     Programme web site at:
with the NHS Improvement work on  
atrial fibrillation (AF).

4   | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

    Buckinghamshire Hospitals TIA Service
    Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust

    Aims                                       Actions                                     All of these changes were
    To deliver a TIA service to the people     The team planned to see high-risk           coordinated via the creation of a
    of Buckinghamshire in line with the        patients on an ad-hoc basis at one of       multidisciplinary TIA project group,
    recommendations of the National            the day hospitals at 9am on the day         which met monthly during the main
    Stroke Strategy.                           after the “first contact”. To start         development phase, and quarterly
                                               with, one MRI slot was kept free on         subsequently.
    Issues                                     each site at 10.30am, on the
    Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust        understanding that it would be used         Outcomes
    is a split site trust with two main        for an inpatient if no request were         The pathway was implemented in
    sites, Stoke Mandeville Hospital and       received for an outpatient by 10am.         July 2009, and has worked very well
    Wycombe Hospital, with a combined                                                      for patients referred in as per
    population of about 500,000. A             There was concern that there would          protocol. Patients attending the clinic
    twice weekly MRI-based TIA clinic          be a large number of, possibly              at 9am, or shortly after almost
    had been running at Stoke                  inappropriate, referrals or that the        always get brain MRI and carotid
    Mandeville since 2000, and at              service would break down during             MRA imaging the same morning,
    Wycombe since 2006. While there            periods of leave. To tackle this, all       and this part of the pathway has
    were many good aspects to this             patients in the high risk service were      proven very reliable.
    service, including routine MRI brain       seen briefly by the medical on-call
    and carotid imaging since the              team, partly to filter out                  Numbers were slightly lower than
    inception of the clinics, audits on        inappropriate referrals and partly to       expected and the radiographers
    both sites had shown that the mean         check consultant stroke physician           dropped the dedicated 10.30am slot
    wait to be seen was about two              availability the following day.             in favour of fitting patients in as
    weeks.                                                                                 necessary. The low numbers and very
                                               For low-risk patients the team made         few inappropriate referrals meant
    One of the challenges locally was that     two innovations:                            the need for review by the on-call
    each site has just one stroke              • rationalisation of the referral           medical teams was rapidly dropped,
    physician, and neurology input on            process so that all referrals on both     making use of middle grade staff
    each site restricted by each                 sites were faxed to stroke service        with appropriate supervision during
    neurologist being off-site for               secretaries                               periods of consultant leave.
    substantial parts of the working           • patients not able to be seen on one
    week, so it was not practical to offer       site within a week were seen on
    a daily traditional clinic on each site      the other site, if space was
    every day of the week.                       available. The major advantage of
                                                 this is around clinic cancellations for
                                                 on call duties, annual and study
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   5

Table 1: Proportion of high risk patients seen within 24 hours

   2009 -10     Proportion of high risk patients seen within 24 hours

   Q1           33%

   Q2           56% - new services started July

   Q3           52%

   Q4           59%

These figures include patients seen as inpatients, but this proportion has been
declining steadily over the year. It is still the policy of the trust to admit patients
over weekends when there is no outpatient service, and patients still get MRI
brain and carotid MRA at weekends.

Table 2: Proportion of high risk patients seen as inpatients

   2009 -10     Proportion of high risk patients seen as inpatients

   Q2           37% - new services started July

   Q3           23%

   Q4           11%

Performance on the vital sign has been less good, with some patients recorded
as not having had blood tests or an ECG, or not having been started on all
necessary medication with the 24 hour time period. It is possible some of this
reflects the complexities of the data acquisition and transfer.

Table 3: Proportion of low risk patients seen within seven days

   2009 -10     Proportion of low risk patients seen within 24 hours

   Q1           38%

   Q2           70% - new services started July

   Q3           70%

   Q4           67%

Dr Matthew Burn
Consultant Stroke Physician
Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust

6   |   Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

    TIA service development
    Epsom General Hospital

    Aims                                        Because of this lack of TIA service          key departments, such as A&E. A
    To establish a comprehensive TIA            and stroke specialists, there was            referral proforma was drawn up and
    service for patients in the Epsom area      no data to quantify the need for             circulated to key clinicians in the
    of Surrey who attend the Epsom              improvement, just a very wide gap            hospital. A secretary who can book
    General Hospital site of Epsom and          that all in the trust acknowledged.          appointments at short notice was
    St Helier NHS Trust.                                                                     made available to the stroke service.
    Issues                                      A project team was established that          Outcomes
    Epsom General Hospital only                 drew together the key clinicians and         The team have achieved:
    provided one neurovascular clinic run       managers required to develop the TIA         • one TIA clinic now runs every week,
    on alternate weeks by a geriatrician,       service, i.e. stroke consultant, stroke        on a Tuesday afternoon, for low
    far below the standard of service           specialist nurse, radiologists, vascular       risk TIA patients. Some ad hoc
    demanded by the quality standards           scientists, service manager, assistant         clinics are held on the ward when
    for TIA services being developed by         medical director, GP, outpatient               resources allow (high risk patients
    Surrey Heart and Stroke Network             department manager, director of                continue to be admitted)
    (based upon national guidance and           operations for planned care, network         • good liaison with the vascular
    clinical recommendations).                  data analyst and network service               department, that means the entire
                                                improvement manager.                           TIA clinic can be covered
    Consideration for development of TIA                                                     • same day scanning is now being
    services took into account a                A one-stop TIA clinic was immediately          provided.
    challenging baseline with regards to        established to run once per week in          • approval by the trust board of a
    staffing, imaging, location and             the outpatient department.                     business case to invest in stroke
    referral.                                                                                  and TIA services to enable
                                                Immediate difficulties encountered by          provision of a Monday to Friday
    The stroke consultant to lead this          the carotid duplex service were                TIA service for high and low risk
    project was recruited at the                addressed e.g. inappropriate referrals.        patients
    beginning of 2009 on a part time            Longer-term issues such as
    basis. Before that, the stroke service      inadequate staffing for a daily service,     Contact
    at Epsom General Hospital was led by        were addressed through                       Janet Putterill
    a stroke specialist nurse and general       departmental meetings.                       Consultant Stroke Physician,
    physicians. The role of the new                                                          Epsom General Hospital
    consultant therefore was to embed           A TIA pathway was developed by the 
    best practice into the care of patients     project team and agreed with other
    presenting with stroke or TIA.
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |                                                             7

TIA service improvement project
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Aims                                        Table 4: Working towards a high quality, accessible and effective TIA service
To achieve a high-quality, accessible
and effective TIA service through joint
input from the medicine,                       Where we are now                                                          Where we want to be
neuroscience and radiology                     • Conventional model                                                      • Daily one-stop-shop
directorates to ensure urgent                  • Four weekly clinics between                                             • High risk patients seen within
assessment and treatment of patients             Preston and Chorley                                                       24 hours
with TIA, in line with quality markers         • Mix of high/low risk                                                    • Lower risk patients seen within
5 and 6 of the National Stroke                 • Various referral routes                                                   one week
Strategy.                                      • Timing of intervention variable                                         • Unified referral pathway
                                               • GP supervised secondary                                                 • Carotid intervention (high risk)
Issues                                           prevention                                                                seen within 48 hours
In January 2009, Lancashire Teaching                                                                                     • TIA nurse supervision of
Hospitals NHS Trust were nearing                                                                                           secondary prevention
delivery of a daily emergency ‘one-
stop shop’ TIA service for high risk
patients, led jointly by a stroke
physician and a stroke neurologist.
Further substantial work was required         Figure 1: Patient pathway - original referral -
to achieve the service envisaged (see         procedure performed March 2008 - Jan 2009
table 4).
                                                                                   Numbers of date pairs used to calculate average delays

A conventional TIA service was in
                                                                                             44 U/SScan
place at commencement of the                                                                 to CTDel

project. There had been a recent                             286 OrigRef        687 U/SRef                      44 CTDel        25 CTScan       10 MDT1
                                                             to U/SRef          to U/SScan                      to CTScan       to MDT1         to Clin Rev
move to a rapid access TIA clinic with                                                                                                                                 4 Clin Rev
a view to TIA patients being assessed         Average                                                                                                                  to Proc Perf

                                                Delay,           10                       13              2 2               8               9                 6
more quickly. Little hard data was               Days
available for the baseline position but                       Range               0-185               0-49              0-89         0-35             Range
an imaging directorate audit,                                 0-261 days
                                                                                                                                                      3-11 days

summarised in figure 1, suggests an
                                                         0                 10                  20                      30                   40                    50                  60
average 50 day interval between
original patient referral and carotid                        OrigRef - U/SRef      U/SRef - U/SScan           U/SScan - CTDel          CTDel - CTScan

intervention.                                                CTScan - MDT1         MDT1 - Clin Rev            Clin Rev - Proc Perf

8   |   Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

    Actions                                                                     • created a unified single point of             Outcomes
    The development of the service has                                            access, with initial telephone call to        By establishing ongoing monitoring
    been at a time of substantial efforts                                         the acute stroke unit for high and            and audit, the team are able to
    to improve stroke services and to                                             lower risk TIA patients, triage, and          understand their service. Figures 2 to
    promote awareness and education by                                            subsequent electronic patient                 7 show the outcome of an audit of
    the acute trust and in partnership                                            booking and confirmation of                   58 patients between May and
    with other organisations including                                            appointment time                              October 2009. The original pathway
    the Central Lancashire PCT and the                                          • set up monitoring and audit of the            had an emphasis on referral from
    Stroke Network in Lancashire and                                              service on an ongoing basis                   A&E. Following the audit showing a
    Cumbria. The Stroke 90:10 project is                                        • established a potential role for a            longer referral time from GPs, the
    also under way in the North West.                                             specialist TIA nurse to supervise             single point of access was introduced
    The team:                                                                     continued adherence to secondary              in October 2009.
    • convened a multidisciplinary group                                          prevention, as a strategy to
      comprising clinicians and the                                               maintaining long-term stroke risk
      relevant general managers, in order                                         reduction
      to develop a daily emergency clinic                                       • developed a business case to
      for high risk TIA patients                                                  sustain and develop the service
    • launched a daily emergency TIA                                              further
      clinic in May 2009, with two (three                                       • hosted educational events
      if necessary) daily slots and                                               promoting developments in stroke
      immediate access to carotid                                                 and TIA
      imaging if appropriate, Monday
      to Friday

        Figure 2: Referral source by interval from first                                                                          Figure 3: Referral source of all
        contact to clinic appointment                                                                                             patients

          Number of patients


                                    <24 hrs        24-48 hrs         2-7 days        1-2 weeks      2-4 weeks        >4 weeks
                                                       Interval from first contact to clinic appointment
                                                               A&E        MAU         GP         Other
                                                                                                                                         A&E         MAU        GP          Other

        Figure 4: Interval from first contact to clinic                                                                           Figure 5: Diagnosis amongst
        appointment by final diagnosis                                                                                            patients seen within 24 hours

          Number of patients


                               5                                                                                                          7
                                    <24 hrs        24-48 hrs         2-7 days        1-2 weeks      2-4 weeks        >4 weeks
                                              Interval from first contact to clinic appointment by final diagnosis
                                                        High risk TIA           Low risk TIA        Non TIA
                                                                                                                                    High risk TIA        Low risk TIA         Non TIA
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   9

  Figure 6: Interval from first contact           Figure 7: Interval from first contact
  to carotid imaging amongst all high             to carotid imaging amongst high
  risk TIA patients                               risk TIA patients assessed in clinic
                                                  with 24 hours
                   8%    13%


                                 20%                                       33%


                          21%                             67%

     <24 hours     24-48 hours    2-7 days

     1-2 weeks     2-4 weeks      >4 weeks                 <24 hours    24-48 hours

Table 5: Clinic performance

                                                Patients seen in clinic within 24 hours of ‘first contact’ vital sign definition

  Assessed within 24 hrs of symptom onset       64% (9)

  24 – 48 hrs                                   29% (4)

  2-7 days                                      7% (1)

This demonstrated:                             ‘The opportunity to exchange ideas with other teams in
• the shortest interval between first
  contact and clinic assessment                other parts of the UK was one of the most valuable
  occurred in patients referred                aspects of the project. In particular, perhaps our
  directly from A&E, whereas longer
  intervals were seen when patients            preparedness to adapt quickly based on ideas shared at
  initially presented to their GP
• a high non-TIA rate exists amongst
                                               the peer support days (for instance, single point of
  patients seen within 24 hours,               referral) helped to influence our own service
  which has implications for planning
  carotid and brain imaging capacity           development whilst it was ‘a work in progress’.
• a rapid improvement in key
                                               Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  measures can be achieved with
  such a model – % high risk patients
  seen within 24 hours and % high              23 patients attending the emergency         Contact
  risk patients having carotid imaging         clinic between May and July 2009            Dr Hedley Emsley
  within 24 hours (already 100%                completed a questionnaire                   Consultant Neurologist
  within 48 hours)                             encompassing a range of issues              Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
                                               relating to their experience of the         NHS Foundation Trust
Sustaining improvements will depend            clinic. Patients were also asked to
on continued effective interaction             provide an overall rating of the
between all the relevant specialties.          service, from poor (one) to excellent
                                               (five). Nineteen (83%) gave a rating
                                               of five, the remaining four (17%)
                                               giving a rating of four.

10 |   Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

  Sustainable acute stroke and TIA
  management programme
  Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  Aims                                         attending to identify waiting times to
  Seamless GP and A&E referral for             being seen in clinic, whether the
  patients suspected of having had a           patient is low or high risk, whether
  TIA, with access to treatment,               investigations are required and
  including timely access to diagnostics       whether they are confirmed TIA.
  both within and out of hours.
                                               Implementation of five day a
  Issues                                       week TIA clinics. Recognising the
  There was no assessment of patients          lack of coverage across the week,
  by referrer to determine high or low         clinic slots were changed to occur five
  risk TIA. TIA clinics were held once a       days a week using the same three
  week. Waiting times were up to three         consultants, with the addition of a
  weeks for a patient to be seen by a          general medicine consultant
  stroke specialist and up to two weeks        providing TIA clinic slots in his clinic.
  for carotid imaging following TIA
  clinic.                                      Same day carotid imaging. The
                                               waiting time for a carotid doppler
  Actions                                      scan was a bottleneck in patients
  Standard TIA pro-forma and                   receiving urgent outpatient
  referral process. The team created           assessment and treatment for TIA. A
  a standard referral pro-forma for all        same day referral process means TIA
  referrals sent to TIA clinic, used by        is now considered urgent and
  A&E, GP surgeries, CDU,                      patients receive a scan the same day
  ophthalmology etc. This ensures              as their outpatient appointment.
  patients are risk assessed using
  national clinical ABCD2 assessment to        Outcomes
  identify whether they are high or low        • same day carotid imaging in place –
  risk TIA.                                      removed waiting time
                                               • reduction in patient waiting times
  Data reporting mechanism in                    to be seen by specialist, average
  place. The team created a data                 waiting time reduced by three days
  collection form for consultants to
  complete in clinic for all patients
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |           11

  Figure 8: Milton Keynes TIA pathway analysis
   Data from Q3 2009 - 2010
    Best we did was 8 days - Target was 24 hours

      First contact           Referral to clinic          TIA clinic       Referral for cartoid imaging        Cartoid imaging

     All cases within 1 day    Took at least five days in all cases        All cases same day             Two cases within one day

   Data from March to April 2010
     Best we did was 3 days - (Result after first month)

      First contact           Referral to clinic          TIA clinic       Referral for cartoid imaging        Cartoid imaging

    All cases within 1 day    Took at least three days in all cases         All cases same day              Same day was best

Contact                                                                  ‘Research other organisations to understand lessons
Nicola Evans
Project Manager                                                          learnt - don’t reinvent the wheel, the chances of
Milton Keynes Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust
                                                                         someone having implemented the same change as you                                           is highly likely’.

12    |   Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

     Providing a seven day, one stop, TIA
     service at North Bristol NHS Trust
     North Bristol NHS Trust

     Aims                                        Issues                                        Imaging needed to be available:
     The team at North Bristol NHS Trust,        In March 2009, one stop TIA clinics           • negotiated one stop services with
     supported by the Avon,                      were held three times a week, with a            radiology to provide head CTs and
     Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and              variable waiting time. There was one            carotid doppler scans
     Somerset Cardiac and Stroke                 stroke physician and one registrar.           • training of ultrasonographers to
     Network, had a clear vision for the                                                         carry out doppler to increase
     service they wished to provide and          Actions                                         staffing in response to demand
     aimed to:                                   The weekday service was developed             • diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
     • provide a seven day, one stop TIA         and strengthened and the pathway                available for weekday services
        service with full diagnostic imaging     was redesigned for the weekend                  instead of CT if required
        that patients can access within 24       service, with the development of              • MRI imaging for weekend TIA
        hours of onset of symptoms, to           close links with A&E.                           services including DWI and MR
        include same day brain and carotid                                                       angiography
        imaging and next day cardiac             The team developed a standard TIA
        diagnostics                              network-wide referral form for all            The University of West England
     • have a single point of referral           GPs and appointed a TIA coordinator           developed a online training module
     • ensure universal use of ABCD2             as single point of referral.                  for ABCD2 assessment for all GPs and
        score and stratification of patients                                                   Great Western Ambulance Service
        with a score above and below 4,          The following staffing changes were           staff.
        with patients ≥ 4 assessed and           made:
        treated within 24 hours and              • increased number of stroke                  Pre-packs of medication for patients
        patients < 4 assessed and treated          consultant sessions                         to take away from TIA outpatient
        in less than seven days                  • a stroke co-ordinator assessment            attendances were made available.
     • ensure prompt referral and                  of patients as part of the weekday          Patient information packs were
        treatment for all patients requiring       service                                     developed for all TIA patients.
        vascular surgery                         • nurse staffing on the acute stroke
     • ensure patients are discharged              unit changed to accommodate
        from outpatient clinic with a copy         weekend service
        of the discharge summary                 • an on call physician rota for
                                                   weekend service
                                                 • a weekly neuro-vascular meeting
                                                   to ensure prompt referral and
                                                   treatment and to review all critical
                                                   carotid imaging
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   13

The following outcomes have been                Figure 9: Clinics running three times a weeek
• five day service is embedded and
  running well, a seven day one stop
  service commenced in April 2010
• there is a good relationship with
  clinical support and vascular
• the appointment of a TIA
  co-ordinator ensures timely and
  efficient booking of patients
  according to ABCD2 prioritisation
• there is a commitment within
  stroke team to develop services
• the mean waiting time for patients
  seen in clinic went from 7.78 days
  to 1.76 days as the frequency of
  clinics was increased
• there is an indication of reduction
  in admissions for high risk patients
  during weekdays as frequency of
  clinics has increased

Reduction in admissions will be
explored further. There is the
potential to reduce weekend
admissions but this needs further
work as the trust provides the out of
hours service for the whole of Bristol.

14    |    Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

          Figure 10: Clinics increased from three to five a week in November
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |                            15

                                                                                                                                                        Figure 12 shows high levels of
Figure 11: Six day a week clinics tested from December 2009                                                                                             patient satisfaction:
                                                                                                                                                        • the majority of patients felt that
                                                                                                                                                          they were fully informed of the
                                                                                                                                                          various parts of their outpatient
                                                                                                                                                          attendance (diagnosis, tests,
                                                                                                                                                          results etc)
                                                                                                                                                        • all patients received information
                                                                                                                                                          and the majority found this to be
                                                                                                                                                        • two patients (out of a total of 10
                                                                                                                                                          respondents) commented that they
                                                                                                                                                          had not received information
                                                                                                                                                          regarding not driving prior to their

                                                                                                                                                        Dr Neil Baldwin
                                                                                                                                                        Consultant Stroke Physician
                                                                                                                                                        North Bristol NHS Trust

Figure 12: Patient satisfaction

 % positive responses

                              Explanation              Purpose                Adequate              Understanding               Were
                               given for                of tests              time with                 of final               leaflets
                               attending              understood                 staff                diagnosis                helpful
                                         Understanding           Test results               Ease of              Information               Adequate
                                          which tests             explained            finding scanning             leaflets              information
                                           to receive                                    departments               received                  given

16 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

   Improving the TIA pathway for high and low
   risk patients across north west London
   North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network

   Aims                                       supplied with referral forms. These         • who to?
   The aim of the project was the             GPs also needed to be encouraged to         • how do we do this?
   prompt assessment and treatment of         complete these forms accurately and         • what products do we need to
   high and low risk TIA patients and         increase their knowledge and                  acquire or produce?
   the communication of relevant              understanding of TIA. There were no         • what resources do we need?
   information to key stakeholders            procedures in place to collect data.        • roles and responsibilities
   across north west London. This is a                                                    • timescales
   multi-site project coordinated by the      The project commenced in November           • how do we need to consider
   North West London Cardiac and              2009 following the publication of the         additional stakeholders?
   Stroke Network, involving the              Stroke Strategy for London.1                • how do we measure success?
   following organisations:
   • North West London Cardiac and            Actions                                     New referral forms were launched on
     Stroke Network                           The team created new referral forms         7 December 2009:
   • Imperial College Healthcare              outlining the approved protocols and        • emails were sent to all GPs across
     NHS Trust                                out of hours service for TIA referral:        north west London explaining the
   • TIA clinics and A&E departments at       • gained consensus from clinical              new referral forms
     the following hospital sites:              teams in each hospital                    • the clinical contracts lead for each
     Northwick Park, West Middlesex,          • produced separate forms for GPs             PCT assisted by forwarding emails
     Charing Cross, St. Mary’s,                 and A&E departments                         to GPs to save the lengthy process
     Hillingdon, Chelsea and                  • forms included an aid to diagnosis          of creating a database
     Westminster                                (including ABCD2 score) and               • GPs mailshot included a link to
   • GP surgeries across north west             contact details for TIA clinics, both       dedicated webpages on the
     London                                     weekdays and out of hours                   network website
                                              • produced forms in every format            • dedicated webpages included
   Issues                                       likely to be used by GPs (EMIS,             downloadable versions of all forms
   GPs were demonstrating an                    Vision, Word)                               and information regarding aids to
   inconsistent approach to TIA                                                             diagnosis and use of referral forms
   diagnosis and referral. Awareness of       Alongside this, the project created a       • stroke consultants at each trust
   TIA and stroke also needed to be           communications plan to launch the             trained their local A&E departments
   improved. There are over 600 GPs           new forms to GPs, A&E departments             on use of forms
   across eight PCTs within the north         and all interested parties which
   west London region who needed to           included:
   be informed of pathways and                • what information do we need to
                                                communicate?                              1Stroke Strategy for London, Healthcare

                                                                                          for London, November 2008.
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   17

Ongoing engagement of GP practices         Outcomes
continued:                                 The team have achieved:
• additional emailshot to GPs              • a well defined TIA service has been
  encouraging them to access the             created within north west London,
  website to download the forms and          with provision of TIA services in six
  for information on how to fill them        hospitals, with clear protocols and
  out correctly                              one referral form
• hard copy mailshot with forms sent       • a clear pathway for both high and
   to every practice manager,                low risk patients with suspected
   enclosing pens with the website           TIA
   address of the dedicated TIA            • an out of hours, 24 hour TIA
   webpage to further publicise the          service for high risk referrals based
   site                                      at the hyper-acute centres
• stroke consultants write to every        • dedicated webpages have
   GP who has referred a TIA patient         provided a new reference point to
   using the old form and sends a            offer everything that a GP needs to
   copy of the new form                      know about the new forms and
Additional GP and A&E aids to              • A&E departments and London
encourage timely assessment of               Ambulance Service use the new
patients:                                    pathways
• urgent TIA assessment referral card
  created for A&E departments to           Baseline data is in the process of
  give to patients to encourage them       being collected and collated and data
  to attend TIA clinics and reduce         regarding referral patterns and vital
  levels of DNAs                           signs and subsequent improvement
• appointment card reproduced on           of service should be available soon.
  the dedicated webpages in a
  downloadable form for GPs to give        Early indications show the following:
  to patients with suspected TIA           • use of new referral forms in A&E
  who present at the surgery                  departments is now in excess of
The team created a data template for       • use of new referral forms by GP is
use within TIA clinics to collect             variable but is increasing month by
baseline data, assess the use of              month and has reached 60% in
referral forms and measure referring          one unit
patterns and vital signs:                  • hits on the network website
• data was accepted in hard or soft           increased by 20% after the launch
   copy                                    .
• assistance was offered by the            Contact
   network to facilitate collection        Marcia Reid
                                           Interim Senior Project Manager
Data was collected for the:                North West London Cardiac and
• use of new referral forms by GPs         Stroke Network
  and A&E departments (measured  
  in TIA clinics)
• number of TIA referrals (total and
  % of mimics)
• vital signs for high and low risk
• GP awareness (through survey
  monkey, evaluation forms and one
  to one interviews)

18    | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

     Improving access to TIA assessment
     Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
     and Peninsula Heart and Stroke Network

     Aims                                       defined by the ABCD2 score)                  The role of the stroke nurse
     To develop an equitable and                remained at two days. The main               practitioners includes:
     responsive TIA assessment service,         reason was that referrals received on        • assessment of all new acute stroke
     with improved out of hours access,         Friday, Saturday or Sunday, could not          admissions in A&E and the
     through the use of risk stratification,    be assessed until the next working             medical triage unit, using ROSIER.
     based upon carotid ultrasound              day.                                           If positive, the stroke nurse
     screening undertaken by stroke nurse                                                      practitioners are able to request CT
     practitioners.                             Actions                                        imaging and arrange admission to
                                                Rather than replicate a ‘traditional’          the acute stroke unit within four
     The project was initiated to improve       face-to-face outpatient clinic service         hours of hospital arrival
     the responsiveness of the TIA service      at weekends, the project team are            • initial point of referral for TIA
     for patients presenting at weekends        investigating an innovative model of           patients assessed in A&E. Referrals
     and bank holidays, achieve the vital       providing specialist assessment and            are risk stratified and allocated to
     signs target of TIA cases with a           addressing the issue of appropriate            the next available daily stroke clinic
     higher risk of stroke who are treated      urgent imaging and screening (i.e.             slot. On weekdays, a TIA clinic slot
     within 24 hours, and assist in             carotid ultrasound) during weekend             is often available later the same day
     working towards the 48 hour                and bank holiday periods.                    • thrombolysis assessment and liaison
     window for urgent carotid surgery.                                                        with the on-call stroke team and
                                                Carotid ultrasound scan results for a          provision of 1:1 care in the period
     Issues                                     12 month period have been collated             following thrombolysis
     The daily TIA/stroke clinic at the Royal   to establish a ‘baseline’ percentage of      • dysphagia screening
     Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation            ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ scans.
     Trust serves a population of 350,000                                                    The stroke nurse practitioners are
     and receives approximately 1,000           The results shown in table 6 provided        currently being trained to perform
     new referrals per year (60% of these       a broad indication of the percentage         carotid ultrasound screening to
     referrals are diagnosed as either TIA      of ‘abnormal’ screening results which        enable improved access to TIA
     or minor stroke).                          will be identified by the stroke nurse       assessment during weekends and
                                                practitioners.                               bank holidays.
     Since the clinic was established in
     2006, access times from referral to        Three stroke nurse practitioners at
     assessment have improved                   the Royal Devon and Exeter work
     dramatically. However, the median          seven days a week, from 7.30am to
     referral to assessment time, for both      8pm.
     high risk and lower risk patients (as
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |      19

Table 6: Data from the Royal Devon and Exeter TIA clinic - 14 May 2008 to 13 May 2009

   Degree of Stenosis within the Common Carotid Artery (CCA), Internal Carotid                Percentage of patients affected
   Artery (ICA), Carotid Bulb and Carotid Bifurcation

  No Visible Disease                                                                          32%

  Minimal (Detectable but < 30%)                                                              31%

  Mild      (30 – 49%)                                                                        28%

  Moderate (50 – 69%)                                                                         5%

  Severe   (70 – 99%)                                                                         4%

  Occluded (100%)                                                                             <1%

Training is provided ‘in house’ by the       Outcomes
chief clinical technologist. Two             Between 1 April 2009 and 31 March
stages of training were initially            2010, 36 TIA patients were admitted
identified:                                  during weekends and bank holidays.
1. ability to locate and identify the        The carotid ultrasound results for
   common carotid artery and the             these patients were examined to
   carotid branches                          provide an indication of whether the
2. ability to record velocities and          patients would have been admitted if
   assess velocity shifts using a            the carotid screening service had
   spectral doppler, and produce             been in place.
   B-mode colour images
                                             It is envisaged that the cut-off for
The training includes a period of ‘dual      admission will be >50% stenosis.
scanning’. A clinical technologist           Using this figure, analysis of the
validates the results.                       36 weekend and bank holiday
                                             admissions in 2009/10, (see table 7)
All patients presenting during               shows:
weekend and bank holiday periods
will have a carotid ultrasound               Table 7: Analysis of the 36 weekend and bank holiday admissions in 2009/10
screening investigation. Those
patients considered as ‘normal’ will
be discharged home with an                      < 50% or no detectable disease - Potential ‘avoided’ admission   16
appointment to attend the clinic the            < 50% but difficult scan                                         2
next working day. Patients whose
screening results suggest an                    >50%                                                             4
abnormal result (as defined by an               No Scan requested during admission                               16
agreed protocol, which includes key
measurements, defined ‘normal’
results and tolerance levels) will be
admitted. Prior to this project, all
patients presenting during weekends
and bank holiday periods with TIA
would be admitted.

20    | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

     This provides a prospective indication     Training will continue, to enable the
     of the impact of the new service, and      stroke nurse practitioners to become
     indicates that 44% of TIA admissions       proficient in carotid ultrasound
     during the weekends and bank               screening. It is anticipated that the
     holidays of 2009/10 could potentially      stroke nurse practitioners training
     have been avoided if the stroke nurse      and sign-off of competencies will be
     practitioners service was in place. It     completed by September 2010. It is
     will also be necessary to establish        the intention of the project team to
     whether any other factors, such as co      produce a project report, including
     morbidities, determined the                costs, training information and
     requirement for admission.                 competencies, to support future
                                                commissioning decisions with regard
     It is anticipated that this model will     to development of TIA assessment
     be a cost effective solution for           services.
     increasing access to, and
     enhancement of, TIA assessment at          Contact
     weekends and bank holidays.                Carol Massey
                                                Service Improvement Manager
     The stroke nurse practitioners and         Peninsula Heart and Stroke Network
     clinical measurements department 
     have approached the project
     enthusiastically. A collaborative and
     open approach has enabled
     specialties and disciplines to work
     together and understand roles within
     the project.
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |         21

Acute medicine TIA service
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

Aims                                              A pathway was created to ensure                   To improve awareness across the
To create a sustainable, effective one-           that fasting blood tests, CT brain                health economy the team:
stop TIA service to meet the vital sign           scans and doppler of the carotids                 • produced standardised forms for
requirement for high risk and low risk            were all performed as early as                      GPs and other referral areas
TIA.                                              possible, as needed, usually the same             • taught GPs and other clinicians
                                                  morning ahead of the consultant                   • worked with the Surrey Heart and
Issues                                            review, results discussion and                      Stroke Network on training days
At baseline in, 2008 Surrey and                   treatment prescription from the clinic            • rolled out a newly empowered
Sussex NHS Trust offered a TIA service            in the afternoon. This was broadly                  stroke team across the trust
based on two clinics per week that                based on the EXPRESS2 study.                      • created a single bleep holder to
was unable to offer assessment,                                                                       take all calls
investigation and treatment within 24             In the early days this relied on one
hours. Since the retirement of the                consultant and the challenge became               The team also worked closely with
substantive consultant physician in               how to make the service sustainable.              radiology to access CT and doppler
2008 the stroke service had been led              In order to do this the trust:                    slots on a needs related basis and
by successive locum consultant                    • appointed a trust doctor                        created an electronic audit tool to
clinicians throughout 2009. Clinicians            • appointed two stroke consultants                standardise note-keeping, letters to
were clear that a system-wide change                with job plans including TIA review             GPs and gather audit data that was
of practice was needed.                           • embedded the service within the                 reliable and easy to analyse.
                                                    ever-open acute medical unit
Actions                                             environment
A TIA service was created based on                • included more junior staff from
the acute medical unit, operating                   the stroke and acute medical unit
each day, Monday to Friday, for all                 services
patients referred the previous day                • created pathways and proformas to
with TIA (including low and high risk               standardise care delivery

 2Rothwell PM, Giles MF, Chandratheva A, Marquardt L, Geraghty O, Redgrave JNE, Lovelock CE,
 Binney LE, Bull LM, Cuthbertson FC, Welch SJV, Bosch S, Carasco-Alexander F, Silver LE, Gutnikov
 SA, Mehta Z, on behalf of the Early use of Existing Preventive Strategies for Stroke (EXPRESS)
 Study. Major reduction in risk of early recurrent stroke by urgent treatment of TIA and minor
 stroke: EXPRESS Study. Lancet 2007; 370: 1432-42

22    |   Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

     Creating a patient-centred service,            Figure 13: TIA bed days per month
     accessible at the point of need, was
     very well received by patients and                      180
     clinicians alike. GPs are very happy                    160
     with the bleep holder for stroke; they
     told the team that this sort of access
     is exactly what they want. The profile
     of TIA and stroke has been raised                Days   100

     dramatically internally and externally.                 80
     The team are waiting for validation of                  40
     an outcome audit of strokes at 90
                                                                   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

     There is no waiting list at all for TIA                                                         Month April 2007 to May 2010
     patients and there is consistently
     good performance against the vital
     sign. The percentage of high risk
     patients with TIA seen and treated in       TIA patients are no longer admitted
     24 hours is 66% currently (baseline         to the trust other than in exceptional
     data is not available, but anecdotally      circumstances. Data in table 8 shows
     assumed to be 0%).                          a reduction of 88% in required bed
                                                 days for TIA. Assuming £255 a night,
                                                 this represents a potential saving to
                                                 the trust of over £100,000 per year.

                                                 Table 8: Total Q4 TIA bed days

                                                    2007/08                           124

                                                    2009/10                           15

                                                 Dr Ben Mearns
                                                 Consultant Physician,
                                                 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare
                                                 NHS Trust
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   23

Improving TIA services in Lincolnshire
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Aims                                        Table 9: Stroke physician capacity and frequency of TIA clinics
The objectives for this project were
                                               Site                     WTE Stroke Physicians       Number of TIA Clinics
• develop sustainable TIA services
   that are available five days per            Lincoln County           1.00                        2 per week
   week, with plans to progress the
                                               Pilgrim                  0.8                         5 per week
   service to cover weekends during
   2010/11                                     Grantham and District    0.2                         2 per month
• implement a rapid access TIA
   pathway for high risk patients
• develop the workforce to ensure           Patients were referred to the hospital      Actions
   all TIA patients receive care from       via traditional referral letters and        The project team ran a service
   staff with the appropriate level of      were appointed to the next available        scoping day with all those involved
   expertise                                clinic slot. The information included       to review current service provision,
                                            in the referral letter varied greatly and   identify gaps, and explore options
Issues                                      the inclusion of the ABCD2 score was        for service redesign. The preferred
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS           minimal. It was therefore difficult to      model for service delivery agreed
Trust has three acute hospital sites,       grade referrals based on a                  was an extension of current
Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham           standardised risk stratification system.    outpatient based service, with
and District Hospital and Pilgrim           High and low risk patients were             increased capacity and frequency to
Hospital Boston. At commencement            referred to any site.                       meet demand and access to same
of this project, the configuration of                                                   day diagnostics.
TIA service provision varied across the     At the commencement of the project
sites (see table 9).                        there was no baseline data or a             A TIA referral form was designed
                                            mechanism for data collection. The          and piloted which could be used by
                                            timeframes for access to diagnostics        all healthcare professionals to refer
                                            varied across the sites.                    into the TIA clinics. The purpose of
                                                                                        the form was to:
                                                                                        • collect set information about each
                                                                                            patient to allow for accurate
                                                                                            grading of referrals, so the team
                                                                                            could appoint patients into clinic
                                                                                            slots based on high or low risk
                                                                                            ABCD2 scores

24    | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

     • educate referrers about the referral     The business case was approved for
       process, the importance of               the recruitment of a new stroke
       providing the information required       physician at Lincoln County and
       on the form, advice on initiation of     Pilgrim Hospital. This will enable
       treatment and prompts to provide         additional clinics to be set up with
       essential information to patients        enough capacity to ensure access to
                                                specialist assessment five days a week
     The referral pathway advised referrers     for high risk patients.
     to fax all high risk referrals to either
     Lincoln County or Pilgrim Hospitals as     Contact
     the frequency of clinics at Grantham       Louise Pearson
     did not serve the requirements of          Clinical Services Manager –
     high risk patients. Grantham               Stroke and TIA
     continued to receive referrals for low     United Lincolnshire Hospitals
     risk patients. Work took place with        NHS Trust
     the A&E and emergency assessment 
     unit teams to highlight the
     importance of urgent telephone
     referrals directly to the stroke
     physicians for patients presenting
     with symptoms of TIA and a
     dedicated fax line was established so
     referral went directly to the stroke

     The biggest improvement made was
     to the streamline the referral process
     for TIA patients into the clinics by
     encouraging the use of the ABCD2
     score at point of referral and ensuring
     that appointments for high risk
     patients could be prioritised.

     Implementation of the standardised
     referral form allowed collection of
     baseline data and the ability to
     continually monitor demand for TIA
     clinics. This will enable capacity to be
     tailored to the need for rapid access
     clinics for high risk patients.
Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects |   25

Stroke Resources

Stroke Improvement Programme website                           Trainer’s Resource Pack – An Introduction to Service
The Stroke Improvement Programme website offers                Improvement, NHS Improvement
information and resources on improving stroke and TIA          The Trainer's Resource Pack - An Introduction to Service
services, including:                                           Improvement, is a collection of tried and tested training
• information on topical issues affecting stroke and           modules for service redesign tools and techniques, and
  TIA services                                                 change management skills.
• presentations from events and meetings             
• examples of successful redesign and stroke
  improvement in stroke and TIA services                       Guidance on Risk Assessment and Stroke Prevention
• information on measures                                      for Atrial Fibrillation (GRASP-AF) Tool                                  This tool should be used as part of a systematic approach
                                                               to the identification, diagnosis and optimal management
Sustainability Checklist, NHS Cancer                           of patients with AF to reduce their risk of stroke.
Improvement Programme                                          Developed collaboratively and piloted by the West
A checklist containing key questions to ask about your         Yorkshire Cardiovascular Network, the Leeds Arrhythmia
project or service to ensure plans are in place to sustain     team and PRIMIS+, as part of the AF in primary care
the improvement.                                               projects, made available nationally through NHS            Improvement.

The Sustainability Toolkit, NHS Heart                          Stroke Improvement Programme e-bulletin
Improvement Programme                                          Containing updates, news and information for anyone
Although focused on improving cardiac pathways, The            interested in developing stroke services, the Stroke
Sustainability Toolkit provides useful information and         Improvement Programme e-bulletin is essential for
examples on how to sustain improvements. It also               anyone working in stroke and TIA services.
contains resources on capturing data, measurement
and analysis.                                                  The Stroke Improvement Programme e-bulletin is                    published every two weeks and the latest edition is
                                                               available on the Stroke Improvement website
                                                      If you would like to
                                                               subscribe to the Stroke Improvement e-bulletin, please

26    | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

     Atrial Fibrillation documents, NHS Improvement                   Sustainability Model, NHS Institute of Innovation
     The following documents are available to download from           and Improvement
     the Stroke Improvement website                                   The Sustainability Model is a diagnostic tool that is used                                    to predict the likelihood of sustainability for your
                                                                      improvement project and provides practical advice on
     Atrial fibrillation in primary care: making an impact            how you might increase the likelihood of sustainability for
     on stroke prevention, October 2009                               your improvement initiative.
     This document aims to capture the final summary of their
     individual approach, lessons learned, improvements to            welcome_to_sustainability.html
     practice and quality outcomes, also sharing tools and
     resources developed to enable other health communities           Improvement Leaders’ Guides, NHS Institute for
     to drive this agenda forward.                                    Innovation and Improvement
     Commissioning for Stroke Prevention in Primary                   A series of service improvement guides, including a guide
     Care - The Role of Atrial Fibrillation, June 2009                to sustainability and how it can be used in improvement
     Developed following a national consensus meeting of              work. The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
     opinion leaders in the field, this document is to develop        website also contains worksheets for measuring
     a concerted strategy towards the management of AF in             improvement.
     primary care, in particular anticoagulant management   
     and its significance in relation to reduction in the risk of     task=view&id=134&Itemid=351
     Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care National Priority            This website provides evidence to support stroke
     Project, April 2008                                              rehabilitation assessment tools.
     A summary document produced in April 2008 including    
     descriptions, supporting information and key learning
     from the local projects that were part of the Atrial             Spreading good practice documents and
     Fibrillation in Primary Care national priority project.          information, Sarah Fraser & Associates Ltd
                                                                      Sarah Fraser is an independent consultant who works
     Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care Resources and                with NHS organisations on how good practice spreads
     Learning, April 2008                                             and how improvements can be made. The website
     This online resource is a tool produced in April 2008 that       contains a number of free resources on spreading good
     captured the learning from the local project sites that          practice and improvements.
     worked on the Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care national
     priority project. The resource provides documents,
     guidelines, presentations, proformas and algorithms
     developed and used by the local priority projects.

     NHS Improvement System
     The NHS Improvement System is a free, comprehensive
     online resource supporting quality improvement in NHS
     services, offering a range of service improvement tools,
     case studies and resources.

     The Improvement System gives NHS staff the capability to
     record, track and report on projects, share improvement
     stories and documents, access Statistical Process Control
     (SPC) software, Demand and Capacity tools and a Patient
     Pathway Analyser, all within a secure environment.
Further information

Stroke Improvement Programme
National Team
NHS Improvement - Stroke
Improvement Programme
3rd Floor, St John's House,
East Street, Leicester LE1 6NB

Tel: 0116 222 5184
Fax: 0116 222 5101
                                                                                        NHS Improvement





              NHS Improvement

              With over ten years practical service improvement experience in cancer,
              diagnostics and heart, NHS Improvement aims to achieve sustainable
              effective pathways and systems, share improvement resources and
              learning, increase impact and ensure value for money to improve the
              efficiency and quality of NHS services.

              Working with clinical networks and NHS organisations across England,
              NHS Improvement helps to transform, deliver and build sustainable
              improvements across the entire pathway of care in cancer, diagnostics,
              heart, lung and stroke services.

              3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB
              Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101

                                                                                                          ©NHS Improvement 2010 | All Rights Reserved | June 2010

              Delivering tomorrow’s
              improvement agenda
              for the NHS

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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...
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Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE Stroke Improvement Programme Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects
  • 2. Contents Introduction 3 Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust 4 Epsom General Hospital 6 Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 7 Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 10 North Bristol NHS Trust 12 North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network 16 Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust 18 Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 21 United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 23 Stroke resources 25 Further information 27
  • 3. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 3 Introduction The Stroke Improvement Programme 18 atrial fibrillation projects were TOP TIPS worked with 10 sites from March established in October 2007 and 2009 to test implementing quality completed in April 2009. Working • Clearly define a pathway for markers 5 and 6 of the National across 15 networks, with PCTs, high and low risk patients, Stroke Strategy and to contribute to general practices, practice based agreed across primary and national learning. consortia and acute trusts, they secondary care piloted a range of approaches to • Streamline the referral route with single point of contact for high These markers set some challenging improve detection and optimal and low risk goals for health communities to treatment of patients with AF in • Employ a comprehensive achieve and required many previously primary care to reduce the risk of communication strategy unanswered questions to be solved, stroke. The Stroke Improvement • Establish a sustainable data and not least what will be the real Programme publications that provide audit system demand for the service. a summary and overview of the • Tailor the weekend service to outcomes from this first phase are local needs and demand Sites commenced work in March listed in the Stroke resources section. • Think differently about how and 2009; during the following 12 where TIA clinics are provided months they met together on six The suggestions, experiences and occasions to share ideas and learning. examples provided in this document are intended to generate ideas, to All sites were at very different stages show what is possible when teams Contacts for each of the projects are in the development of their TIA work constructively together and to included. Full details of the service services and had different aims to guide planning for improvement improvement can be found at: work towards. Much of the work this activities. Nine of the 10 sites are year has concentrated on the front included in this publication. end of the TIA pathway and work in the coming year will concentrate on The Stroke Improvement Programme access to carotid endarterectomy, continuously publishes materials to follow up and implementing seven help those striving to improve stroke day services, as well as ongoing work and TIA services. All materials are on access to imaging. Work in the available on the Stroke Improvement coming year will also be linked closely Programme web site at: with the NHS Improvement work on atrial fibrillation (AF).
  • 4. 4 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Buckinghamshire Hospitals TIA Service Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust Aims Actions All of these changes were To deliver a TIA service to the people The team planned to see high-risk coordinated via the creation of a of Buckinghamshire in line with the patients on an ad-hoc basis at one of multidisciplinary TIA project group, recommendations of the National the day hospitals at 9am on the day which met monthly during the main Stroke Strategy. after the “first contact”. To start development phase, and quarterly with, one MRI slot was kept free on subsequently. Issues each site at 10.30am, on the Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust understanding that it would be used Outcomes is a split site trust with two main for an inpatient if no request were The pathway was implemented in sites, Stoke Mandeville Hospital and received for an outpatient by 10am. July 2009, and has worked very well Wycombe Hospital, with a combined for patients referred in as per population of about 500,000. A There was concern that there would protocol. Patients attending the clinic twice weekly MRI-based TIA clinic be a large number of, possibly at 9am, or shortly after almost had been running at Stoke inappropriate, referrals or that the always get brain MRI and carotid Mandeville since 2000, and at service would break down during MRA imaging the same morning, Wycombe since 2006. While there periods of leave. To tackle this, all and this part of the pathway has were many good aspects to this patients in the high risk service were proven very reliable. service, including routine MRI brain seen briefly by the medical on-call and carotid imaging since the team, partly to filter out Numbers were slightly lower than inception of the clinics, audits on inappropriate referrals and partly to expected and the radiographers both sites had shown that the mean check consultant stroke physician dropped the dedicated 10.30am slot wait to be seen was about two availability the following day. in favour of fitting patients in as weeks. necessary. The low numbers and very For low-risk patients the team made few inappropriate referrals meant One of the challenges locally was that two innovations: the need for review by the on-call each site has just one stroke • rationalisation of the referral medical teams was rapidly dropped, physician, and neurology input on process so that all referrals on both making use of middle grade staff each site restricted by each sites were faxed to stroke service with appropriate supervision during neurologist being off-site for secretaries periods of consultant leave. substantial parts of the working • patients not able to be seen on one week, so it was not practical to offer site within a week were seen on a daily traditional clinic on each site the other site, if space was every day of the week. available. The major advantage of this is around clinic cancellations for on call duties, annual and study leave
  • 5. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 5 Table 1: Proportion of high risk patients seen within 24 hours 2009 -10 Proportion of high risk patients seen within 24 hours Q1 33% Q2 56% - new services started July Q3 52% Q4 59% These figures include patients seen as inpatients, but this proportion has been declining steadily over the year. It is still the policy of the trust to admit patients over weekends when there is no outpatient service, and patients still get MRI brain and carotid MRA at weekends. Table 2: Proportion of high risk patients seen as inpatients 2009 -10 Proportion of high risk patients seen as inpatients Q2 37% - new services started July Q3 23% Q4 11% Performance on the vital sign has been less good, with some patients recorded as not having had blood tests or an ECG, or not having been started on all necessary medication with the 24 hour time period. It is possible some of this reflects the complexities of the data acquisition and transfer. Table 3: Proportion of low risk patients seen within seven days 2009 -10 Proportion of low risk patients seen within 24 hours Q1 38% Q2 70% - new services started July Q3 70% Q4 67% Contact Dr Matthew Burn Consultant Stroke Physician Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust
  • 6. 6 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects TIA service development Epsom General Hospital Aims Because of this lack of TIA service key departments, such as A&E. A To establish a comprehensive TIA and stroke specialists, there was referral proforma was drawn up and service for patients in the Epsom area no data to quantify the need for circulated to key clinicians in the of Surrey who attend the Epsom improvement, just a very wide gap hospital. A secretary who can book General Hospital site of Epsom and that all in the trust acknowledged. appointments at short notice was St Helier NHS Trust. made available to the stroke service. Actions Issues A project team was established that Outcomes Epsom General Hospital only drew together the key clinicians and The team have achieved: provided one neurovascular clinic run managers required to develop the TIA • one TIA clinic now runs every week, on alternate weeks by a geriatrician, service, i.e. stroke consultant, stroke on a Tuesday afternoon, for low far below the standard of service specialist nurse, radiologists, vascular risk TIA patients. Some ad hoc demanded by the quality standards scientists, service manager, assistant clinics are held on the ward when for TIA services being developed by medical director, GP, outpatient resources allow (high risk patients Surrey Heart and Stroke Network department manager, director of continue to be admitted) (based upon national guidance and operations for planned care, network • good liaison with the vascular clinical recommendations). data analyst and network service department, that means the entire improvement manager. TIA clinic can be covered Consideration for development of TIA • same day scanning is now being services took into account a A one-stop TIA clinic was immediately provided. challenging baseline with regards to established to run once per week in • approval by the trust board of a staffing, imaging, location and the outpatient department. business case to invest in stroke referral. and TIA services to enable Immediate difficulties encountered by provision of a Monday to Friday The stroke consultant to lead this the carotid duplex service were TIA service for high and low risk project was recruited at the addressed e.g. inappropriate referrals. patients beginning of 2009 on a part time Longer-term issues such as basis. Before that, the stroke service inadequate staffing for a daily service, Contact at Epsom General Hospital was led by were addressed through Janet Putterill a stroke specialist nurse and general departmental meetings. Consultant Stroke Physician, physicians. The role of the new Epsom General Hospital consultant therefore was to embed A TIA pathway was developed by the best practice into the care of patients project team and agreed with other presenting with stroke or TIA.
  • 7. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 7 TIA service improvement project Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Aims Table 4: Working towards a high quality, accessible and effective TIA service To achieve a high-quality, accessible and effective TIA service through joint input from the medicine, Where we are now Where we want to be neuroscience and radiology • Conventional model • Daily one-stop-shop directorates to ensure urgent • Four weekly clinics between • High risk patients seen within assessment and treatment of patients Preston and Chorley 24 hours with TIA, in line with quality markers • Mix of high/low risk • Lower risk patients seen within 5 and 6 of the National Stroke • Various referral routes one week Strategy. • Timing of intervention variable • Unified referral pathway • GP supervised secondary • Carotid intervention (high risk) Issues prevention seen within 48 hours In January 2009, Lancashire Teaching • TIA nurse supervision of Hospitals NHS Trust were nearing secondary prevention delivery of a daily emergency ‘one- stop shop’ TIA service for high risk patients, led jointly by a stroke physician and a stroke neurologist. Further substantial work was required Figure 1: Patient pathway - original referral - to achieve the service envisaged (see procedure performed March 2008 - Jan 2009 table 4). Numbers of date pairs used to calculate average delays A conventional TIA service was in 44 U/SScan place at commencement of the to CTDel project. There had been a recent 286 OrigRef 687 U/SRef 44 CTDel 25 CTScan 10 MDT1 to U/SRef to U/SScan to CTScan to MDT1 to Clin Rev move to a rapid access TIA clinic with 4 Clin Rev a view to TIA patients being assessed Average to Proc Perf Delay, 10 13 2 2 8 9 6 more quickly. Little hard data was Days available for the baseline position but Range 0-185 0-49 0-89 0-35 Range an imaging directorate audit, 0-261 days 0-20 3-11 days summarised in figure 1, suggests an 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 average 50 day interval between original patient referral and carotid OrigRef - U/SRef U/SRef - U/SScan U/SScan - CTDel CTDel - CTScan intervention. CTScan - MDT1 MDT1 - Clin Rev Clin Rev - Proc Perf
  • 8. 8 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Actions • created a unified single point of Outcomes The development of the service has access, with initial telephone call to By establishing ongoing monitoring been at a time of substantial efforts the acute stroke unit for high and and audit, the team are able to to improve stroke services and to lower risk TIA patients, triage, and understand their service. Figures 2 to promote awareness and education by subsequent electronic patient 7 show the outcome of an audit of the acute trust and in partnership booking and confirmation of 58 patients between May and with other organisations including appointment time October 2009. The original pathway the Central Lancashire PCT and the • set up monitoring and audit of the had an emphasis on referral from Stroke Network in Lancashire and service on an ongoing basis A&E. Following the audit showing a Cumbria. The Stroke 90:10 project is • established a potential role for a longer referral time from GPs, the also under way in the North West. specialist TIA nurse to supervise single point of access was introduced The team: continued adherence to secondary in October 2009. • convened a multidisciplinary group prevention, as a strategy to comprising clinicians and the maintaining long-term stroke risk relevant general managers, in order reduction to develop a daily emergency clinic • developed a business case to for high risk TIA patients sustain and develop the service • launched a daily emergency TIA further clinic in May 2009, with two (three • hosted educational events if necessary) daily slots and promoting developments in stroke immediate access to carotid and TIA imaging if appropriate, Monday to Friday Figure 2: Referral source by interval from first Figure 3: Referral source of all contact to clinic appointment patients 7% 20 Number of patients 10% 15 42% 10 5 41% 0 <24 hrs 24-48 hrs 2-7 days 1-2 weeks 2-4 weeks >4 weeks Interval from first contact to clinic appointment A&E MAU GP Other A&E MAU GP Other Figure 4: Interval from first contact to clinic Figure 5: Diagnosis amongst appointment by final diagnosis patients seen within 24 hours 1 20 Number of patients 15 6 10 5 7 0 <24 hrs 24-48 hrs 2-7 days 1-2 weeks 2-4 weeks >4 weeks Interval from first contact to clinic appointment by final diagnosis High risk TIA Low risk TIA Non TIA High risk TIA Low risk TIA Non TIA
  • 9. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 9 Figure 6: Interval from first contact Figure 7: Interval from first contact to carotid imaging amongst all high to carotid imaging amongst high risk TIA patients risk TIA patients assessed in clinic with 24 hours 8% 13% 17% 20% 33% 21% 21% 67% <24 hours 24-48 hours 2-7 days 1-2 weeks 2-4 weeks >4 weeks <24 hours 24-48 hours Table 5: Clinic performance Patients seen in clinic within 24 hours of ‘first contact’ vital sign definition Assessed within 24 hrs of symptom onset 64% (9) 24 – 48 hrs 29% (4) 2-7 days 7% (1) This demonstrated: ‘The opportunity to exchange ideas with other teams in • the shortest interval between first contact and clinic assessment other parts of the UK was one of the most valuable occurred in patients referred aspects of the project. In particular, perhaps our directly from A&E, whereas longer intervals were seen when patients preparedness to adapt quickly based on ideas shared at initially presented to their GP • a high non-TIA rate exists amongst the peer support days (for instance, single point of patients seen within 24 hours, referral) helped to influence our own service which has implications for planning carotid and brain imaging capacity development whilst it was ‘a work in progress’. • a rapid improvement in key Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust measures can be achieved with such a model – % high risk patients seen within 24 hours and % high 23 patients attending the emergency Contact risk patients having carotid imaging clinic between May and July 2009 Dr Hedley Emsley within 24 hours (already 100% completed a questionnaire Consultant Neurologist within 48 hours) encompassing a range of issues Lancashire Teaching Hospitals relating to their experience of the NHS Foundation Trust Sustaining improvements will depend clinic. Patients were also asked to on continued effective interaction provide an overall rating of the between all the relevant specialties. service, from poor (one) to excellent (five). Nineteen (83%) gave a rating of five, the remaining four (17%) giving a rating of four.
  • 10. 10 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Sustainable acute stroke and TIA management programme Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Aims attending to identify waiting times to Seamless GP and A&E referral for being seen in clinic, whether the patients suspected of having had a patient is low or high risk, whether TIA, with access to treatment, investigations are required and including timely access to diagnostics whether they are confirmed TIA. both within and out of hours. Implementation of five day a Issues week TIA clinics. Recognising the There was no assessment of patients lack of coverage across the week, by referrer to determine high or low clinic slots were changed to occur five risk TIA. TIA clinics were held once a days a week using the same three week. Waiting times were up to three consultants, with the addition of a weeks for a patient to be seen by a general medicine consultant stroke specialist and up to two weeks providing TIA clinic slots in his clinic. for carotid imaging following TIA clinic. Same day carotid imaging. The waiting time for a carotid doppler Actions scan was a bottleneck in patients Standard TIA pro-forma and receiving urgent outpatient referral process. The team created assessment and treatment for TIA. A a standard referral pro-forma for all same day referral process means TIA referrals sent to TIA clinic, used by is now considered urgent and A&E, GP surgeries, CDU, patients receive a scan the same day ophthalmology etc. This ensures as their outpatient appointment. patients are risk assessed using national clinical ABCD2 assessment to Outcomes identify whether they are high or low • same day carotid imaging in place – risk TIA. removed waiting time • reduction in patient waiting times Data reporting mechanism in to be seen by specialist, average place. The team created a data waiting time reduced by three days collection form for consultants to complete in clinic for all patients
  • 11. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 11 Figure 8: Milton Keynes TIA pathway analysis Data from Q3 2009 - 2010 Best we did was 8 days - Target was 24 hours First contact Referral to clinic TIA clinic Referral for cartoid imaging Cartoid imaging All cases within 1 day Took at least five days in all cases All cases same day Two cases within one day Data from March to April 2010 Best we did was 3 days - (Result after first month) First contact Referral to clinic TIA clinic Referral for cartoid imaging Cartoid imaging All cases within 1 day Took at least three days in all cases All cases same day Same day was best Contact ‘Research other organisations to understand lessons Nicola Evans Project Manager learnt - don’t reinvent the wheel, the chances of Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust someone having implemented the same change as you is highly likely’.
  • 12. 12 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Providing a seven day, one stop, TIA service at North Bristol NHS Trust North Bristol NHS Trust Aims Issues Imaging needed to be available: The team at North Bristol NHS Trust, In March 2009, one stop TIA clinics • negotiated one stop services with supported by the Avon, were held three times a week, with a radiology to provide head CTs and Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and variable waiting time. There was one carotid doppler scans Somerset Cardiac and Stroke stroke physician and one registrar. • training of ultrasonographers to Network, had a clear vision for the carry out doppler to increase service they wished to provide and Actions staffing in response to demand aimed to: The weekday service was developed • diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) • provide a seven day, one stop TIA and strengthened and the pathway available for weekday services service with full diagnostic imaging was redesigned for the weekend instead of CT if required that patients can access within 24 service, with the development of • MRI imaging for weekend TIA hours of onset of symptoms, to close links with A&E. services including DWI and MR include same day brain and carotid angiography imaging and next day cardiac The team developed a standard TIA diagnostics network-wide referral form for all The University of West England • have a single point of referral GPs and appointed a TIA coordinator developed a online training module • ensure universal use of ABCD2 as single point of referral. for ABCD2 assessment for all GPs and score and stratification of patients Great Western Ambulance Service with a score above and below 4, The following staffing changes were staff. with patients ≥ 4 assessed and made: treated within 24 hours and • increased number of stroke Pre-packs of medication for patients patients < 4 assessed and treated consultant sessions to take away from TIA outpatient in less than seven days • a stroke co-ordinator assessment attendances were made available. • ensure prompt referral and of patients as part of the weekday Patient information packs were treatment for all patients requiring service developed for all TIA patients. vascular surgery • nurse staffing on the acute stroke • ensure patients are discharged unit changed to accommodate from outpatient clinic with a copy weekend service of the discharge summary • an on call physician rota for weekend service • a weekly neuro-vascular meeting to ensure prompt referral and treatment and to review all critical carotid imaging
  • 13. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 13 Outcomes The following outcomes have been Figure 9: Clinics running three times a weeek noted: • five day service is embedded and running well, a seven day one stop service commenced in April 2010 • there is a good relationship with clinical support and vascular services • the appointment of a TIA co-ordinator ensures timely and efficient booking of patients according to ABCD2 prioritisation • there is a commitment within stroke team to develop services • the mean waiting time for patients seen in clinic went from 7.78 days to 1.76 days as the frequency of clinics was increased • there is an indication of reduction in admissions for high risk patients during weekdays as frequency of clinics has increased Reduction in admissions will be explored further. There is the potential to reduce weekend admissions but this needs further work as the trust provides the out of hours service for the whole of Bristol.
  • 14. 14 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Figure 10: Clinics increased from three to five a week in November
  • 15. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 15 Figure 12 shows high levels of Figure 11: Six day a week clinics tested from December 2009 patient satisfaction: • the majority of patients felt that they were fully informed of the various parts of their outpatient attendance (diagnosis, tests, results etc) • all patients received information and the majority found this to be helpful • two patients (out of a total of 10 respondents) commented that they had not received information regarding not driving prior to their attendance Contact Dr Neil Baldwin Consultant Stroke Physician North Bristol NHS Trust Figure 12: Patient satisfaction 100 90 80 % positive responses 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Explanation Purpose Adequate Understanding Were given for of tests time with of final leaflets attending understood staff diagnosis helpful clinic Understanding Test results Ease of Information Adequate which tests explained finding scanning leaflets information to receive departments received given
  • 16. 16 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Improving the TIA pathway for high and low risk patients across north west London North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network Aims supplied with referral forms. These • who to? The aim of the project was the GPs also needed to be encouraged to • how do we do this? prompt assessment and treatment of complete these forms accurately and • what products do we need to high and low risk TIA patients and increase their knowledge and acquire or produce? the communication of relevant understanding of TIA. There were no • what resources do we need? information to key stakeholders procedures in place to collect data. • roles and responsibilities across north west London. This is a • timescales multi-site project coordinated by the The project commenced in November • how do we need to consider North West London Cardiac and 2009 following the publication of the additional stakeholders? Stroke Network, involving the Stroke Strategy for London.1 • how do we measure success? following organisations: • North West London Cardiac and Actions New referral forms were launched on Stroke Network The team created new referral forms 7 December 2009: • Imperial College Healthcare outlining the approved protocols and • emails were sent to all GPs across NHS Trust out of hours service for TIA referral: north west London explaining the • TIA clinics and A&E departments at • gained consensus from clinical new referral forms the following hospital sites: teams in each hospital • the clinical contracts lead for each Northwick Park, West Middlesex, • produced separate forms for GPs PCT assisted by forwarding emails Charing Cross, St. Mary’s, and A&E departments to GPs to save the lengthy process Hillingdon, Chelsea and • forms included an aid to diagnosis of creating a database Westminster (including ABCD2 score) and • GPs mailshot included a link to • GP surgeries across north west contact details for TIA clinics, both dedicated webpages on the London weekdays and out of hours network website • produced forms in every format • dedicated webpages included Issues likely to be used by GPs (EMIS, downloadable versions of all forms GPs were demonstrating an Vision, Word) and information regarding aids to inconsistent approach to TIA diagnosis and use of referral forms diagnosis and referral. Awareness of Alongside this, the project created a • stroke consultants at each trust TIA and stroke also needed to be communications plan to launch the trained their local A&E departments improved. There are over 600 GPs new forms to GPs, A&E departments on use of forms across eight PCTs within the north and all interested parties which west London region who needed to included: be informed of pathways and • what information do we need to communicate? 1Stroke Strategy for London, Healthcare for London, November 2008.
  • 17. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 17 Ongoing engagement of GP practices Outcomes continued: The team have achieved: • additional emailshot to GPs • a well defined TIA service has been encouraging them to access the created within north west London, website to download the forms and with provision of TIA services in six for information on how to fill them hospitals, with clear protocols and out correctly one referral form • hard copy mailshot with forms sent • a clear pathway for both high and to every practice manager, low risk patients with suspected enclosing pens with the website TIA address of the dedicated TIA • an out of hours, 24 hour TIA webpage to further publicise the service for high risk referrals based site at the hyper-acute centres • stroke consultants write to every • dedicated webpages have GP who has referred a TIA patient provided a new reference point to using the old form and sends a offer everything that a GP needs to copy of the new form know about the new forms and pathways Additional GP and A&E aids to • A&E departments and London encourage timely assessment of Ambulance Service use the new patients: pathways • urgent TIA assessment referral card created for A&E departments to Baseline data is in the process of give to patients to encourage them being collected and collated and data to attend TIA clinics and reduce regarding referral patterns and vital levels of DNAs signs and subsequent improvement • appointment card reproduced on of service should be available soon. the dedicated webpages in a downloadable form for GPs to give Early indications show the following: to patients with suspected TIA • use of new referral forms in A&E who present at the surgery departments is now in excess of 80% The team created a data template for • use of new referral forms by GP is use within TIA clinics to collect variable but is increasing month by baseline data, assess the use of month and has reached 60% in referral forms and measure referring one unit patterns and vital signs: • hits on the network website • data was accepted in hard or soft increased by 20% after the launch copy . • assistance was offered by the Contact network to facilitate collection Marcia Reid Interim Senior Project Manager Data was collected for the: North West London Cardiac and • use of new referral forms by GPs Stroke Network and A&E departments (measured in TIA clinics) • number of TIA referrals (total and % of mimics) • vital signs for high and low risk patients • GP awareness (through survey monkey, evaluation forms and one to one interviews)
  • 18. 18 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Improving access to TIA assessment Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Peninsula Heart and Stroke Network Aims defined by the ABCD2 score) The role of the stroke nurse To develop an equitable and remained at two days. The main practitioners includes: responsive TIA assessment service, reason was that referrals received on • assessment of all new acute stroke with improved out of hours access, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, could not admissions in A&E and the through the use of risk stratification, be assessed until the next working medical triage unit, using ROSIER. based upon carotid ultrasound day. If positive, the stroke nurse screening undertaken by stroke nurse practitioners are able to request CT practitioners. Actions imaging and arrange admission to Rather than replicate a ‘traditional’ the acute stroke unit within four The project was initiated to improve face-to-face outpatient clinic service hours of hospital arrival the responsiveness of the TIA service at weekends, the project team are • initial point of referral for TIA for patients presenting at weekends investigating an innovative model of patients assessed in A&E. Referrals and bank holidays, achieve the vital providing specialist assessment and are risk stratified and allocated to signs target of TIA cases with a addressing the issue of appropriate the next available daily stroke clinic higher risk of stroke who are treated urgent imaging and screening (i.e. slot. On weekdays, a TIA clinic slot within 24 hours, and assist in carotid ultrasound) during weekend is often available later the same day working towards the 48 hour and bank holiday periods. • thrombolysis assessment and liaison window for urgent carotid surgery. with the on-call stroke team and Carotid ultrasound scan results for a provision of 1:1 care in the period Issues 12 month period have been collated following thrombolysis The daily TIA/stroke clinic at the Royal to establish a ‘baseline’ percentage of • dysphagia screening Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ scans. Trust serves a population of 350,000 The stroke nurse practitioners are and receives approximately 1,000 The results shown in table 6 provided currently being trained to perform new referrals per year (60% of these a broad indication of the percentage carotid ultrasound screening to referrals are diagnosed as either TIA of ‘abnormal’ screening results which enable improved access to TIA or minor stroke). will be identified by the stroke nurse assessment during weekends and practitioners. bank holidays. Since the clinic was established in 2006, access times from referral to Three stroke nurse practitioners at assessment have improved the Royal Devon and Exeter work dramatically. However, the median seven days a week, from 7.30am to referral to assessment time, for both 8pm. high risk and lower risk patients (as
  • 19. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 19 Table 6: Data from the Royal Devon and Exeter TIA clinic - 14 May 2008 to 13 May 2009 Degree of Stenosis within the Common Carotid Artery (CCA), Internal Carotid Percentage of patients affected Artery (ICA), Carotid Bulb and Carotid Bifurcation No Visible Disease 32% Minimal (Detectable but < 30%) 31% Mild (30 – 49%) 28% Moderate (50 – 69%) 5% Severe (70 – 99%) 4% Occluded (100%) <1% Training is provided ‘in house’ by the Outcomes chief clinical technologist. Two Between 1 April 2009 and 31 March stages of training were initially 2010, 36 TIA patients were admitted identified: during weekends and bank holidays. 1. ability to locate and identify the The carotid ultrasound results for common carotid artery and the these patients were examined to carotid branches provide an indication of whether the 2. ability to record velocities and patients would have been admitted if assess velocity shifts using a the carotid screening service had spectral doppler, and produce been in place. B-mode colour images It is envisaged that the cut-off for The training includes a period of ‘dual admission will be >50% stenosis. scanning’. A clinical technologist Using this figure, analysis of the validates the results. 36 weekend and bank holiday admissions in 2009/10, (see table 7) All patients presenting during shows: weekend and bank holiday periods will have a carotid ultrasound Table 7: Analysis of the 36 weekend and bank holiday admissions in 2009/10 screening investigation. Those patients considered as ‘normal’ will be discharged home with an < 50% or no detectable disease - Potential ‘avoided’ admission 16 appointment to attend the clinic the < 50% but difficult scan 2 next working day. Patients whose screening results suggest an >50% 4 abnormal result (as defined by an No Scan requested during admission 16 agreed protocol, which includes key measurements, defined ‘normal’ results and tolerance levels) will be admitted. Prior to this project, all patients presenting during weekends and bank holiday periods with TIA would be admitted.
  • 20. 20 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects This provides a prospective indication Training will continue, to enable the of the impact of the new service, and stroke nurse practitioners to become indicates that 44% of TIA admissions proficient in carotid ultrasound during the weekends and bank screening. It is anticipated that the holidays of 2009/10 could potentially stroke nurse practitioners training have been avoided if the stroke nurse and sign-off of competencies will be practitioners service was in place. It completed by September 2010. It is will also be necessary to establish the intention of the project team to whether any other factors, such as co produce a project report, including morbidities, determined the costs, training information and requirement for admission. competencies, to support future commissioning decisions with regard It is anticipated that this model will to development of TIA assessment be a cost effective solution for services. increasing access to, and enhancement of, TIA assessment at Contact weekends and bank holidays. Carol Massey Service Improvement Manager The stroke nurse practitioners and Peninsula Heart and Stroke Network clinical measurements department have approached the project enthusiastically. A collaborative and open approach has enabled specialties and disciplines to work together and understand roles within the project.
  • 21. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 21 Acute medicine TIA service Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Aims A pathway was created to ensure To improve awareness across the To create a sustainable, effective one- that fasting blood tests, CT brain health economy the team: stop TIA service to meet the vital sign scans and doppler of the carotids • produced standardised forms for requirement for high risk and low risk were all performed as early as GPs and other referral areas TIA. possible, as needed, usually the same • taught GPs and other clinicians morning ahead of the consultant • worked with the Surrey Heart and Issues review, results discussion and Stroke Network on training days At baseline in, 2008 Surrey and treatment prescription from the clinic • rolled out a newly empowered Sussex NHS Trust offered a TIA service in the afternoon. This was broadly stroke team across the trust based on two clinics per week that based on the EXPRESS2 study. • created a single bleep holder to was unable to offer assessment, take all calls investigation and treatment within 24 In the early days this relied on one hours. Since the retirement of the consultant and the challenge became The team also worked closely with substantive consultant physician in how to make the service sustainable. radiology to access CT and doppler 2008 the stroke service had been led In order to do this the trust: slots on a needs related basis and by successive locum consultant • appointed a trust doctor created an electronic audit tool to clinicians throughout 2009. Clinicians • appointed two stroke consultants standardise note-keeping, letters to were clear that a system-wide change with job plans including TIA review GPs and gather audit data that was of practice was needed. • embedded the service within the reliable and easy to analyse. ever-open acute medical unit Actions environment A TIA service was created based on • included more junior staff from the acute medical unit, operating the stroke and acute medical unit each day, Monday to Friday, for all services patients referred the previous day • created pathways and proformas to with TIA (including low and high risk standardise care delivery patients). 2Rothwell PM, Giles MF, Chandratheva A, Marquardt L, Geraghty O, Redgrave JNE, Lovelock CE, Binney LE, Bull LM, Cuthbertson FC, Welch SJV, Bosch S, Carasco-Alexander F, Silver LE, Gutnikov SA, Mehta Z, on behalf of the Early use of Existing Preventive Strategies for Stroke (EXPRESS) Study. Major reduction in risk of early recurrent stroke by urgent treatment of TIA and minor stroke: EXPRESS Study. Lancet 2007; 370: 1432-42
  • 22. 22 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Outcomes Creating a patient-centred service, Figure 13: TIA bed days per month accessible at the point of need, was very well received by patients and 180 clinicians alike. GPs are very happy 160 with the bleep holder for stroke; they 140 told the team that this sort of access 120 is exactly what they want. The profile of TIA and stroke has been raised Days 100 dramatically internally and externally. 80 60 The team are waiting for validation of 40 an outcome audit of strokes at 90 20 days. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 There is no waiting list at all for TIA Month April 2007 to May 2010 patients and there is consistently good performance against the vital sign. The percentage of high risk patients with TIA seen and treated in TIA patients are no longer admitted 24 hours is 66% currently (baseline to the trust other than in exceptional data is not available, but anecdotally circumstances. Data in table 8 shows assumed to be 0%). a reduction of 88% in required bed days for TIA. Assuming £255 a night, this represents a potential saving to the trust of over £100,000 per year. Table 8: Total Q4 TIA bed days 2007/08 124 2009/10 15 Contact Dr Ben Mearns Consultant Physician, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
  • 23. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 23 Improving TIA services in Lincolnshire United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust Aims Table 9: Stroke physician capacity and frequency of TIA clinics The objectives for this project were to: Site WTE Stroke Physicians Number of TIA Clinics • develop sustainable TIA services that are available five days per Lincoln County 1.00 2 per week week, with plans to progress the Pilgrim 0.8 5 per week service to cover weekends during 2010/11 Grantham and District 0.2 2 per month • implement a rapid access TIA pathway for high risk patients • develop the workforce to ensure Patients were referred to the hospital Actions all TIA patients receive care from via traditional referral letters and The project team ran a service staff with the appropriate level of were appointed to the next available scoping day with all those involved expertise clinic slot. The information included to review current service provision, in the referral letter varied greatly and identify gaps, and explore options Issues the inclusion of the ABCD2 score was for service redesign. The preferred United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS minimal. It was therefore difficult to model for service delivery agreed Trust has three acute hospital sites, grade referrals based on a was an extension of current Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham standardised risk stratification system. outpatient based service, with and District Hospital and Pilgrim High and low risk patients were increased capacity and frequency to Hospital Boston. At commencement referred to any site. meet demand and access to same of this project, the configuration of day diagnostics. TIA service provision varied across the At the commencement of the project sites (see table 9). there was no baseline data or a A TIA referral form was designed mechanism for data collection. The and piloted which could be used by timeframes for access to diagnostics all healthcare professionals to refer varied across the sites. into the TIA clinics. The purpose of the form was to: • collect set information about each patient to allow for accurate grading of referrals, so the team could appoint patients into clinic slots based on high or low risk ABCD2 scores
  • 24. 24 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects • educate referrers about the referral The business case was approved for process, the importance of the recruitment of a new stroke providing the information required physician at Lincoln County and on the form, advice on initiation of Pilgrim Hospital. This will enable treatment and prompts to provide additional clinics to be set up with essential information to patients enough capacity to ensure access to specialist assessment five days a week The referral pathway advised referrers for high risk patients. to fax all high risk referrals to either Lincoln County or Pilgrim Hospitals as Contact the frequency of clinics at Grantham Louise Pearson did not serve the requirements of Clinical Services Manager – high risk patients. Grantham Stroke and TIA continued to receive referrals for low United Lincolnshire Hospitals risk patients. Work took place with NHS Trust the A&E and emergency assessment unit teams to highlight the importance of urgent telephone referrals directly to the stroke physicians for patients presenting with symptoms of TIA and a dedicated fax line was established so referral went directly to the stroke physicians. Outcomes The biggest improvement made was to the streamline the referral process for TIA patients into the clinics by encouraging the use of the ABCD2 score at point of referral and ensuring that appointments for high risk patients could be prioritised. Implementation of the standardised referral form allowed collection of baseline data and the ability to continually monitor demand for TIA clinics. This will enable capacity to be tailored to the need for rapid access clinics for high risk patients.
  • 25. Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects | 25 Stroke Resources Stroke Improvement Programme website Trainer’s Resource Pack – An Introduction to Service The Stroke Improvement Programme website offers Improvement, NHS Improvement information and resources on improving stroke and TIA The Trainer's Resource Pack - An Introduction to Service services, including: Improvement, is a collection of tried and tested training • information on topical issues affecting stroke and modules for service redesign tools and techniques, and TIA services change management skills. • presentations from events and meetings • examples of successful redesign and stroke improvement in stroke and TIA services Guidance on Risk Assessment and Stroke Prevention • information on measures for Atrial Fibrillation (GRASP-AF) Tool This tool should be used as part of a systematic approach to the identification, diagnosis and optimal management Sustainability Checklist, NHS Cancer of patients with AF to reduce their risk of stroke. Improvement Programme Developed collaboratively and piloted by the West A checklist containing key questions to ask about your Yorkshire Cardiovascular Network, the Leeds Arrhythmia project or service to ensure plans are in place to sustain team and PRIMIS+, as part of the AF in primary care the improvement. projects, made available nationally through NHS Improvement. Sustainability_Checklist.pdf The Sustainability Toolkit, NHS Heart Stroke Improvement Programme e-bulletin Improvement Programme Containing updates, news and information for anyone Although focused on improving cardiac pathways, The interested in developing stroke services, the Stroke Sustainability Toolkit provides useful information and Improvement Programme e-bulletin is essential for examples on how to sustain improvements. It also anyone working in stroke and TIA services. contains resources on capturing data, measurement and analysis. The Stroke Improvement Programme e-bulletin is published every two weeks and the latest edition is available on the Stroke Improvement website If you would like to subscribe to the Stroke Improvement e-bulletin, please email
  • 26. 26 | Joining up prevention: case studies from the Stroke Improvement Programme projects Atrial Fibrillation documents, NHS Improvement Sustainability Model, NHS Institute of Innovation The following documents are available to download from and Improvement the Stroke Improvement website The Sustainability Model is a diagnostic tool that is used to predict the likelihood of sustainability for your improvement project and provides practical advice on Atrial fibrillation in primary care: making an impact how you might increase the likelihood of sustainability for on stroke prevention, October 2009 your improvement initiative. This document aims to capture the final summary of their individual approach, lessons learned, improvements to welcome_to_sustainability.html practice and quality outcomes, also sharing tools and resources developed to enable other health communities Improvement Leaders’ Guides, NHS Institute for to drive this agenda forward. Innovation and Improvement Commissioning for Stroke Prevention in Primary A series of service improvement guides, including a guide Care - The Role of Atrial Fibrillation, June 2009 to sustainability and how it can be used in improvement Developed following a national consensus meeting of work. The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement opinion leaders in the field, this document is to develop website also contains worksheets for measuring a concerted strategy towards the management of AF in improvement. primary care, in particular anticoagulant management and its significance in relation to reduction in the risk of task=view&id=134&Itemid=351 stroke. StrokEngine-Assess Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care National Priority This website provides evidence to support stroke Project, April 2008 rehabilitation assessment tools. A summary document produced in April 2008 including descriptions, supporting information and key learning from the local projects that were part of the Atrial Spreading good practice documents and Fibrillation in Primary Care national priority project. information, Sarah Fraser & Associates Ltd Sarah Fraser is an independent consultant who works Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care Resources and with NHS organisations on how good practice spreads Learning, April 2008 and how improvements can be made. The website This online resource is a tool produced in April 2008 that contains a number of free resources on spreading good captured the learning from the local project sites that practice and improvements. worked on the Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care national priority project. The resource provides documents, guidelines, presentations, proformas and algorithms developed and used by the local priority projects. NHS Improvement System The NHS Improvement System is a free, comprehensive online resource supporting quality improvement in NHS services, offering a range of service improvement tools, case studies and resources. The Improvement System gives NHS staff the capability to record, track and report on projects, share improvement stories and documents, access Statistical Process Control (SPC) software, Demand and Capacity tools and a Patient Pathway Analyser, all within a secure environment. Email:
  • 27. Further information Stroke Improvement Programme National Team NHS Improvement - Stroke Improvement Programme 3rd Floor, St John's House, East Street, Leicester LE1 6NB Tel: 0116 222 5184 Fax: 0116 222 5101 Email:
  • 28. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement With over ten years practical service improvement experience in cancer, diagnostics and heart, NHS Improvement aims to achieve sustainable effective pathways and systems, share improvement resources and learning, increase impact and ensure value for money to improve the efficiency and quality of NHS services. Working with clinical networks and NHS organisations across England, NHS Improvement helps to transform, deliver and build sustainable improvements across the entire pathway of care in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and stroke services. 3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101 ©NHS Improvement 2010 | All Rights Reserved | June 2010 Delivering tomorrow’s improvement agenda for the NHS