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                                          NHS Improvement



              Heart Improvement

              Making Best Use
              of Inpatient Beds
              National Priority Project
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds is a national priority project of the Heart Improvement
Programme focusing on a variety of approaches to reducing avoidable inpatient bed days.

The project ran over the period June 2007 to March 2008.

Key learning from the project is available in the following formats:

1. Project summary
This document includes a description of the national project, supporting information
gained throughout the period and key learning from the project.

Project summaries include issues to address, actions taken and key outcomes from each
of the 12 projects participating in this work.

Contact details are included to provide additional information with regular updates
available on the website.

2. Presentations at National Conference 8 May 2008
Copies of presentations from the speakers at the conference are available on the website:

3. Web based resources
Project team members found this a very useful opportunity to share learning across the
different project areas. These are now available to share on the improvement website at:

These are categorised into four chapters:
1. Admission avoidance and timely readmission
2. Improving inpatient stay
3. Hospital/community interface
4. End of Life Care

Content includes:
• Case studies and improvement stories
• Protocols, procedures
• Operational policies
• Job descriptions
• Business cases
• Vox pops and video clips

Additional information will be included as it becomes available and existing materials
regularly updated.

Further information and updates email:
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds   3

Introduction                                                                    4
Key Findings                                                                    6
Project Summaries                                                             11
Plymouth Clinical Assessment Service (PCAS)                                   12
Heart Failure - Rotherham                                                     13
Central Manchester Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction                       15
Project in Primary Care
West Hertfordshire Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) in                         17
Secondary Care Project
Reducing Length of Inpatient Stay for Myocardial Infarction                    18
and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients - Lancashire
Cardiac Surgery Inter-hospital Transfer Project - North West London            20
Continuing Development of Cardiac Services in North Bristol                    21
NHS Trust – Southmead Hospital and Frenchay Hospital
Reducing Non-elective Arrhythmia Inter-hospital Transfer Waits Through         22
the Implementation of an Internet-based Referral and Transfer
Management System - North Central London
Heart Failure Early Discharge - North West London                              24
Reducing Avoidable Hospital Admissions by Providing Community                  26
Support for Patients Referred Through the Single Contact Access
Nomination (SCAN) - Sheffield
Integrated Heart Failure Service Across All Organisational                     27
Boundaries - Surrey
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds - Sussex                                     28
Project Teams and Participating Sites                                         29
4       Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Admission to hospital is essential for                          To improve health outcomes for
        patients requiring surgery, some invasive
        investigations and stabilisation of medical
        Following on from the work on
        interhospital transfers1 there are still some
        patients waiting for unnecessarily long
                                                                  ?     people with long-term conditions
                                                                        by March 2008 offering a
                                                                        personalised care plan for the
                                                                        most at risk vulnerable people;
                                                                        and to reduce overall emergency
        periods as an inpatient for surgery and                         bed days by 5% by 2008,
        electrophysiological procedures. This is both                   through improved care
        clinically suboptimal for the patients and                      in primary care and community
        inefficient in terms of avoidable bed days.                     settings for people with
        Waiting unnecessarily long periods for                          long-term conditions.
        inpatient procedures and regular admissions
        to hospital can be demoralising and stressful
        for patients, their families and the staff who
        care for them.
                                                                        PSA12a3: Emergency bed days

                                                                        The NHS Heart Improvement Programme
                                                                        established a national project to work
        The recent NICE Commissioning Guide                             with a number of local project teams.
        highlights evidence to support effective
        multidisciplinary specialist services for                       The aims of this work were:
        people with chronic heart failure. These can
        have a positive effect on patients’ life                        • To reduce the number of avoidable
        expectancy and quality of life and help to                        emergency bed days
        reduce recurrent hospital stays by 30–50%2.                     • To reduce overall length of stay
        The Operating Framework requires                                • To develop alternative models
        organisations to reduce these avoidable bed                       of care.
        days by putting systems in place to support                     Twelve projects across the country took
        people with long term conditions in the                         part in this work and from the outset we
        community.                                                      recognised that many of the issues were
                                                                        complex and that there was no single

         Making moves Heart Improvement Programme April 2006
         Commissioning a heart failure service for the management of chronic heart failure
         Operating Framework 2007/08
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds      5

The areas of work broadly divided into the
• Prevention of admissions by improved
  detection and management in the
• Redesign of the inpatient pathway
• Reduction in the frequency and
  urgency of readmissions
• End of life care.

6       Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Key Findings
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds            7

Key Findings

All 12 projects had very different approaches to       Inter-hospital transfers
making best use of inpatient beds and, as such,        • Treat and return policy implementation led to
were able to look at a variety of ways to achieve        a reduction of an average by eight days stay
their results. The three areas addressed can             for ACS patients awaiting angiography
broadly be defined as cardiology services, heart       • Prioritisation and risk stratification agreement
failure services and inter-hospital transfers. The       reached for targets that form part of the
findings include:-                                       commissioning framework with a resultant
                                                         reduction in mean length of stay admission to
Cardiology services                                      surgical transfer of 3.3 days per patient, and
• GPSI triage of cardiology referrals to effectively     from work-up to surgical transfer of 7.25 per
  manage patients led to a 66% reduction in              patient
  the referrals requiring cardiologist input in        • Implementation of a web-based transfer
  secondary care                                         management system for electrophysiology
• Diagnostic testing performed and reported on           patients showed a 55% reduction in total days
  in less than ten working days using ‘Choose &          waiting from the baseline.
• Transferring services from two hospitals to one      Challenges
  led to an average reduction in length of stay        This work started in June 2007 and was
  (LoS) for myocardial infarction (MI) and acute       ambitious from the outset. Below are some of
  coronary syndrome (ACS) patients of four             the key challenges:
                                                       • The complexity of the issues presenting at
Heart failure services                                   local level required good information to
• BNP testing used to 'rule out' heart failure           understand fully the issues that face service
  reduced inappropriate medication and                   providers. Robust systems of data collection
  requests for echo tests. Referral to                   and analysis were required and the initiation
  cardiologists dropped by 30%                           of such systems was slower than originally
• BNP testing increased the percentage of                anticipated.
  people discharged from hospital with a               • A variety of approaches to patient experience
  diagnosis of heart failure confirmed by echo           across the projects included surveys, patient
  from 22% to 75%                                        diaries and discovery interviews. The uptake of
• Electronic reporting of results reduced                various methods was encouraging; however
  duplication of tests                                   achieving meaningful patient involvement
• Re-configuration of services enabled a                 continues to provide a challenge and will be a
  reduction of heart failure admissions from 65          key element of future work.
  to 21 per month and reduced length of stay           • Demonstrating return on investment at a time
  from 8.59 days to 4.5 days                             of early implementation of payment by results
• An audit indicated that optimal prescribing            and development of the Improvement System
  and titration of beta blockers could reduce            gives added impetus to ensure that baseline
  admissions by 142 per year. This equates to a          data and methods of data collection and
  16% reduction. The guidelines have been                analysis are in place at the time of project
  circulated to all GPs in one PCT                       inception. The nine month timeline
• A whole system integrated approach to heart            attributable to the projects has largely been
  failure cut admissions by more than 50%                able to go some way to highlight and deliver
  for people with heart failure in primary               return on investment and it is anticipated
  diagnosis position. The length of stay reduced         that this will gain momentum in future
  by four days from 11 to seven, which                   months and years.
  represents a nearly 40% decrease and a 20%           • Re-configuration at local level proved
  reduction in the number of days waiting for            challenging at times with competing agendas.

8       Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Return on Investment (ROI)                              The indicative savings shown may accrue to a
        The development of NHS tariffs is ongoing and           hospital provider but are not reflected in a
        where possible projects have been encouraged            reduction of cost to the commissioner through
        to show ROI as an outcome measure. However,             the tariff or contract mechanisms as they
        the limited unbundling of diagnostics and the           currently exist. Calculation of future tariffs will
        relative insensitivity of tariffs at this stage of      reflect changes in patient care.
        their development to the effect of reducing
        lengths of stay has been a limiting factor in           These calculations are offered as an indicative
        clearly identifying financial savings.                  short term saving and one which may be used
                                                                to stimulate local dialogue with the aim of
        The following table sets out an example of ROI          developing appropriate arrangements to re-
        from one of the projects. The project aim was to        invest savings as appropriate to improve care of
        focus on emergency admissions and to identify           patients along the whole pathway. This is
        and reduce avoidable aspects of the patient stay        premised on the understanding that the
        and thereby to reduce the overall length of             development of tariffs is not designed to prevent
        hospital stay. A calculated cost per bed day of         improvements in care from being realised.
        £101 was based on the average of each non
        elective spell tariff for heart failure (E18 and E19)   The Heart Improvement Programme urges you
        divided by their respective non elective stay trim      to learn from this important work and discuss
        point days to demonstrate an indicative return          locally how you might apply some of the
        on investment for each bed day saved against            solutions to your own environment for the
        the project baseline.                                   benefit of local cardiac patients.

                       Mean LOS Admissions                                                                   ROI £

         April         8.59          65
         May           8.81          66
         June          5.36          64
         Average       7.59          65

         Project                                      Reduction     Bed days saved       Bed day cost £

         July          4.3           75               3.29          122
         August        5.44          58               2.15          54
         September 3.15              20               4.44          89
         October       6.61          23               0.98          22
         November      4.17          23               3.42          79
         December      7.08          30               0.51          13
         January       6.92          24               0.67          16
         February      4.52          21               3.07          64
         Total bed
         days saved                                                 623                  101                 62962
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds            9

Key learning                                          Other aspects includes:
With a range of clinical presentations, including     • Good understanding of the complexity of all
heart failure, acute coronary syndrome and              the issues, through effective base-lining
those awaiting surgical and electrical procedures,      activities and ongoing data analysis is
by far the largest gain and the most challenging        essential
was the heart failure group. Project team             • Achieving earlier diagnosis ensures that
commitment has been impressive with feedback            patients are on the right pathway of care at
highlighting the positive effects of peer support       an earlier stage to achieve improved clinical
and national steerage.                                  outcomes
                                                      • Increasing effective, appropriate and early
Of crucial importance is having an integrated           medication, up-titrating and achieving
approach across the pathway of care. For cardiac        maintenance dose, promotes symptom control
surgery patients explicit communication is              and prevents emergency admission,
required, particularly between cardiology and           particularly for heart failure patients
cardiac surgery departments, and between              • Supporting partnership between patients and
secondary and tertiary care. Heart failure services     health professionals, and where appropriate
require collaborative approaches particularly           patient self management is necessary, to
between community and secondary care,                   achieve patient centred care
especially between nursing staff, and elderly         • Using a systematic approach for booking and
medicine and cardiology. This underpins the             transfer of patients helps reduce avoidable
opportunity for a co-ordinated and team based           delays in the system
management style promoting a smoother                 • To help patients shape future services and
transition across organisations, departments and        choice, their involvement is necessary from the
service providers for patients.                         outset
                                                      • Trust between organisations needs to be
The development of a supportive infrastructure          developed to help avoid unnecessary
in primary care is essential when addressing            duplication of diagnostic tests, particularly
admission avoidance, early discharge and                when a patient needs to move between
reduction in readmissions. Commissioning                service providers
expertise within the national team and locally        • Education and training are crucial to the
has been beneficial to participating projects in        implementation of change
this regard.                                          • Greater flexibility of workforce and changing
                                                        roles can increase capacity and effectiveness of
                                                        service provision
                                                      • A greater focus on good working relationships
                                                        across the organisational interface will lead to
                                                        a reduction in frequency of admissions and
                                                        readmissions and will promote seamless care.

10      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Moving forward/next steps                             Before discussing the specific projects it is
        The online resource has been set up to                important to acknowledge the huge
        encapsulate useful information. This is a dynamic     reductions in inpatient bed days realised to
        tool for accessing a huge variety of useful           date, for example through reducing
        resources that will be continually developing         unnecessary waits for urgent interhospital
        following this initial launch and will provide an     transfers for acute coronary syndrome and
        opportunity for fast tracking innovative working.     pathway redesign to meet elective targets.
                                                              Generally speaking the remaining work is
        The next round of priority projects will include      more challenging due to the competing
        heart failure and surgery and will start in the       pressures on elective and non elective services
        summer of 2008 until 2010.                            and the increasing co-morbidity of patients.

        Heart failure                                         The NHS Heart Improvement Programme
        Some of the projects above will continue              acknowledge that NHS staff want systems to
        through to the next stage of their work plan          work seamlessly to help them provide the best
        whilst other new projects will be recruited           possible care for patients and that NHS
        through the process of application. In particular,    organisations need efficient and effective
        we intend to work with networks and                   processes to make the best use of available
        organisations on the issues below:                    beds.

        •   Prevalence and incidence                          For more information and to get involved
        •   Diagnosis                                         please contact
        •   Treatment
        •   Maintenance
        •   Supportive and palliative care.

        Underpinning the applications, we are
        particularly interested to look at issues affecting
        equity and access, information, audit and
        coding, patient experience and workforce.

        Surgical work will focus on the whole pathway
        of care including elective and non elective
        management. This will bring together learning
        from the 18 week pathway, making best use of
        inpatient beds and the interhospital transfer
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds     11

Project Summaries

12      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Plymouth Clinical Assessment Service (PCAS)
        Plymouth NHS Hospital Trust, Plymouth Teaching Primary Care Trust,
        Private provider: Express Diagnostics
        Peninsula Cardiac Managed Clinical Network (PCMCN)

        Issues to address                                      Key results/outcomes
        General Practitioners’ with a Specialist Interest      A pilot scheme was implemented (September
        (GPSI) in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) to triage       2007) of the Plymouth clinical assessment service
        all cardiology referrals in order to ‘stem the flow’   (PCAS) which showed:
        of referrals into the acute sector by sharing and
        diversifying pathways, and provide more services       • Only 34% of patients actually required
        in the community e.g. NT Pro Brain Natriuretic           referral to a cardiologist
        Peptides (NT Pro BNP) to:                              • All patient's are booked through Choose
                                                                 & Book and all diagnostic tests are
        • Increase choice of provider, with quicker access       performed and reported on in less than
          to diagnostic tests and a quicker diagnosis of         10 working days
          the disease                                          • Results and reports are sent electronically to
        • Enter the patient on the right pathway for             the GPSIs and are available to cardiologists
          their care, see the most appropriate person for      • Those requiring clinical assessment from their
          their care and be given medicines                      test result are booked into a community
          management therapies much sooner to                    cardiology service and offered either a
          improve their prognosis                                medicine management plan, referral to the
        • Agree clearer pathways across organisational           heart failure nurse or are referred back to their
          boundaries                                             GP for follow up.
        • Set processes up electronically to ensure a
          paperless trail to inform the referral to            BNP - NT pro BNP has been used to 'rule out'
          treatment time for the 18 week pathway               heart failure since April 07. A total of 400
        • Ensure speedy access to cardiologists for            patients have been assessed using the test and
          urgent cases from CHD GPSIs.                         found that:

        Actions taken                                          • 30% of patients were identified as 'not
        • GPSIs were approached to ensure their                  having heart failure' reducing
          agreement and a small scale triage study was           inappropriate medication, request for
          instigated to determine additional GPSI                ECHO tests and referral to cardiologists
          capacity required for triaging referral letters      • early diagnosis has ensured patients are
          (one hour of additional capacity per week was          given appropriate medicines management
          required for the GPSIs to perform a turn               therapies which may translate into better
          around time of less than five days).                   outcomes.
        • Clear outcomes and priorities of these
          meetings were established, delivered and             All Plymouth GPs now use Choose & Book for all
          evaluated by an inclusive PCAS project group.        cardiology referrals and thus capture the
        • Cardiologists met monthly with the GPSIs for         Plymouth population within the Clinical
          tutorials which also enabled speedier access         Assessment Service. This will significantly
          for urgent referrals.                                increase current referral figures and capacity
                                                               planning is underway to meet the demand.

                                                               Contact information
                                                               Chrissie Bennett
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds             13

Heart Failure
Rotherham PCT and Rotherham Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
North Trent Network of Cardiac Care

Issues to address                                    2007 to identify the scope for training and
Rotherham has a higher than national incidence       developing primary care teams, to optimise their
of heart failure (HF) coupled with a high rate of    prescribing practice and reduce the need for
emergency admissions and readmissions for            hospital admissions. This highlighted significant
people with a primary diagnosis of HF. The main      variation between primary care practices with an
aim of this project was to achieve a 5%              overall low incidence of HF patients on beta
reduction in bed days for HF patients and to         blockers licensed for HF and on the appropriate
develop a care package for people with three         dose.
or more admissions per annum.
                                                     As a result of this work, titration guidelines have
• Avoidance of emergency admissions for              been developed and disseminated widely to
  patients with heart failure – one of the highest   primary care teams. These are also available on
  causes of admissions in Rotherham                  the PCT intranet.
• Getting patients onto the appropriate pathway
  of care                                            A series of protected learning time events aimed
• To ensure that admissions are timely and           at GPs, practice nurses and other primary care
  appropriate                                        staff were held. This forms part of a rolling
• Education of staff in both secondary and           programme of training and education.
  primary care
• Support and joint working between secondary        The beta blocker prescribing audit was
  and primary care to improve the patient            presented at the cardiovascular local
  pathway                                            implementation team (CVD LIT) meeting, and
• Improved communication across the whole            also to primary care staff at the Protected
  patient pathway                                    Learning Time events in January 2008.
• Reduction in bed days for heart failure
  patients.                                          The main finding was that an indicated 142
                                                     admissions per year could be avoided by
Actions taken                                        optimal prescribing and titration of beta
A time limited multidisciplinary project group       blockers. This equates to a 16% reduction
was established to oversee the project.              in HF admissions.

An admissions audit was performed from patient       A six month telemedicine pilot for heart failure
records to identify patients with three or more      patients will be completed in August 2008 when
admissions. A readmission evaluation form was        a full evaluation will be carried out by Sheffield
developed including admission source,                University. The pilot will compare the effects
medication on admission and noting changes           and outcomes of 30 patients, trained and
made, diagnostic tests performed and discharge       equipped to download vital signs data daily via
details. This baseline audit, carried out on 2006    the telephone line to a health care provider who
data, identified 53 patients in this category.       will alert the GP or nurse when changes are
                                                     detected, with those of a control group. The aim
Beta blocker prescribing rates were recognised       is to encourage patient self management and
as a significant indicator of successful patient     reduce readmission rates and the number of
care and a correlation was identified from           visits by specialist HF nurses.
research evidence between the increased use of
beta blockers in HF patients and a corresponding
reduction in hospital admissions. An audit of
beta blocker prescribing was carried out across
39 practices using practice registers in April

14      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Key results/outcomes
        • Two GP practices are due to commence a pilot
          looking at ‘Enhancing the use of beta blockers
          in heart failure patients – preventing non-
          elective admissions and out patient referrals to
          secondary care.’ It will be reviewed by the PCT
          in October 2008.
        • The titration guidelines are currently being
          printed into booklet format and each GP will
          receive a copy.
        • Protected learning time events were organised
          for GPs, focused on CVD, and many of the
          workshops were targeted at heart failure.
        • GP practice and community staff are being
          kept up to date with evidence based
          education and training
        • This is part of a rolling programme of work for
          patients with heart failure and will continue on
          completion of the project.

        Contact information
        Ann Baines
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds             15

Central Manchester Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction Project in Primary Care
Manchester Primary Care Trust
Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac Network

Issues to address                                    Key results/outcomes
The aim of the project was to establish a local      1. Audit of practice registers
enhanced service (LES) in primary care for people    Out of the 41 GP practices in the central hub of
with left ventricular dysfunction (LVSD) to assess   Manchester PCT, 29 practices responded.
impact on hospital admissions, length of stay
and patient experience.                              Below highlights some of the key results:

A staged approach was agreed to:                     Confirm the diagnosis of those patients with
                                                     read code G58
• Identify patients on practice systems with an      • 66% of patients have their diagnosis
  accurate diagnosis of LVSD                           confirmed by echocardiography
• Design and implement an education                  •12% of patients are awaiting an
  programme for primary care clinicians to             echocardiogram to confirm their diagnosis
  ensure a high level of knowledge and skill
  amongst participating practices                    Establish how many of these currently being
• Fully implement a LES to support specialist        followed up in secondary care could be
  services for people with LVSD and to raise the     managed in the practice
  level of care delivered to them in primary care.   •There are potentially another 100 patients from
                                                       the practices that responded that could have
Actions taken                                          their follow up in primary care
• As part of the LES, all 41 practices within
  Central Manchester were asked to audit their       Identify the number of new patients diagnosed
  practice registers for patients with LVSD          in the last year and consequently require up-
• Data was collected from all practices within       titration of their medication
  Central Manchester as well as practices            • Last year there were 95 new patients
  participating in the LES using the Tactical           identified with a further 12 awaiting
  Information System (TIS). This included length        cardiology assessment
  of stay (LoS) and admission/readmission rates      • Out of these, only nine were followed up and
• Development of a training programme for the           up-titrated in primary care, potentially leaving
  enhanced service for LVSD to provide                  a possible 98 patients that could have been
  participants with the knowledge & skills base         treated in primary care.
  sufficient to provide an enhanced service to
  these patients                                     2. Data collection from Tactical Information
• A key component of the education                   System (TIS) - Data at the end of ten
  programme focused on patient and public            months
  involvement. A pack was provided to staff          Due to the two month time lag between activity
  with useful references to follow up and teams      and data collection, the March ‘08 data was not
  proceeded with their chosen methodology            available at time of publication.
  over the course of the project, targeting
  people appropriately from their heart failure      This data will be incorporated onto the Greater
  registers and utilising the cardiac network for    Manchester and Cheshire website at
  support.                                  in May 2008.

16      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        3. Educational programme for the enhanced
        service for left ventricular systolic
        The content for this programme was developed
        by GPSI working closely with the Professor of
        Cardiology from the local tertiary centre and his

        4. Patient involvement
        Two practices are using ‘Discovery Interviews’ to
        gain insight into the patient experience. This is
        being utilised to shape future developments as
        per local and national guidelines. Other practices
        will be required to involve patients and this is
        being followed up.

        Contact information
        Caroline Hewitt
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds            17

West Hertfordshire Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) in Secondary Care Project
West Herts Hospital Trust
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Heart and Stroke Network

Organisations involved                                Key results/outcomes
• Hemel Hempstead General Hospital (HHGH)
• Watford General Hospital (WGH)                       Before introduction       After introduction
                                                       of BNP                    of BNP in HHGH
Issues to address
Assessing the effect of introducing urgent Brain       Mean LoS for heart        Mean Los for heart
Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) testing at one site         failure primary           failure primary
(Hemel Hempstead General Hospital) and                 diagnosis in the          diagnosis first 3
comparing this to a neighbouring site which            three months prior        months with BNP at
does not perform BNP (Watford General                  to BNP:                   HHGH:
                                                       • HHGH 6.8 days           • HHGH: 4.6 days
• Identifying patients with suspected heart            • WGH 5.4 days              (down 2.2 days)
  failure                                                                        • WGH: 5.6 days
• Confirming diagnosis earlier                                                     (up 0.2 days)
• Getting on to heart failure pathway (or other)       Median LoS for            Median LoS for
  earlier                                              heart failure primary     heart failure
• Reducing in-patient echocardiograms                  diagnosis in the          primary diagnosis in
• Increasing percentage of patients with primary       three months prior        the three months
  heart failure discharge diagnosis confirmed by       to BNP:                   with BNP in HHGH:
• Reducing length of stay (LoS).                       • HHGH 2 days             HHGH: 1.6 days
                                                       • WGH 4.3 days            (down 0.4 days)
Actions taken                                                                    with BNP
At Hemel Hempstead General Hospital (HHGH):                                      WGH: 5.1 days
• Negotiated with the pathology lab to do                                        (up 0.8 days)
  urgent BNPs (result within 2 hours) for
                                                       Number of IP echoes       Number of IP echoes
  breathless patients being admitted with a
                                                       in HHGH: 48               in HHGH Feb 08: 68
  query cardiac or definite cardiac cause for their
  breathlessness                                       Percentage of patients    Percentage of patients
• Informed consultants and trained junior              with HF diagnosis on      with HF diagnosis on
  doctors in the use of BNP                            discharge with            discharge with
• BNP available from November 2007                     diagnosis confirmed by    diagnosis confirmed
• Organised for Pathology to send copies of BNP        echo: 22%                 by echo: 75%
  results to heart failure specialist nurse for her
  to visit all patients with a positive result to
  ensure echo and cardiology follow up                This interim report demonstrates a reduction in
• Monitored BNP usage.                                both mean and median length of stay at Hemel
                                                      Hempstead General Hospital (HHGH), and a
At both Hemel Hempstead General Hospital              slight increase at the neighbouring hospital site,
(HHGH) and Watford General Hospital (WGH)             although the statistical significance has not yet
• Organised for data collections through IT           been assessed. The results so far indicate that
• Baseline audits in Sept/Oct                         this has not reduced the number of inpatient
• Follow up audit in February 2008 and                echos at this site, however the number of
  collected/analysed data in March 2008.              patients discharged with a diagnosis of heart
                                                      failure on discharge confirmed by echo has
                                                      increased from 22% to 75%.

                                                      Contact information
                                                      Candy Jeffries:

18      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Reducing Length of Inpatient Stay for Myocardial Infarction (MI)
        and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patients
        East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
        Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network

        Issues to address                                     Actions taken
        East Lancashire Hospitals Trust consisted of two      • Mapping of MI and ACS care pathways
        main District General Hospital sites 15 miles         • Baseline information for the previous 12
        apart, serving a population of 500 000 people.          months of MI and ACS data was obtained
        The trust had a disparate cardiology service,           from healthcare resource groups (HRG).
        consisting of 45 dedicated cardiac ward beds            Prospectively, data was analysed
        and 12 coronary care beds split across the two          monthly in relation to length of stay,
        sites, with two cardiologists at Burnley, and two       readmission rate and bed days
        at Blackburn, one of whom was a locum who             • A flow tool that measured throughput
        worked solely in the cardiac catheter lab. There        through beds was obtained from critical care.
        was no cardiology on call service, and the              The flow tool was implemented on coronary
        coronary care unit did not come under the               care at both sites one month prior to the
        management auspices of the cardiologists.               move, and then was used to monitor activity
                                                                until 31 December
        Patients who attended with MI were admitted           • All cardiology inpatient services centralised on
        onto a ward under the general physician of the          to one site
        day, rather than a cardiologist; and some             • Treat and return policy instigated with tertiary
        patients with ACS would complete their                  care centre for acute ACS patients. This
        inpatient stay without seeing a cardiologist at         meant that patients needing urgent
        all. The catheter lab, based at the Blackburn site,     angiography were identified to the tertiary
        only performed procedures on ‘cold’ elective            centre, taken for the procedure in a dedicated
        patients. Acute ACS patients were referred to           cardiac vehicle once the slot was available, and
        the tertiary centre, remaining as in patients until     returned to point of origin afterwards, without
        the angiography had been done. The average              becoming a tertiary centre inpatient. A web
        wait for transfer to the tertiary centre was 15         based ‘whiteboard’ referral system was
        days, but on occasion the wait could be as long         created to facilitate this process
        as 21 days.                                           • Three interventional cardiologists recruited
                                                                (making a total of six cardiologists in total)
                                                              • Instigated 24/7 cardiology on call service
                                                              • Daily consultant ward rounds on cardiology
                                                                wards, coronary care and medical admissions
                                                                unit (MAU). MAU referral guidelines were
                                                                created by the cardiologists to identify and
                                                                accelerate referral of appropriate patients
                                                              • Instigated a pacemaker implantation service
                                                              • Catheter lab activity expanded to include low
                                                                risk inpatients. Balloon pump policy created,
                                                                training instigated, and ‘dummy run’
                                                                transfers trialled.
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds       19

Key results/outcomes

                      Number of Beds      Average LOS MI/ACS        LOS ACS patients awaiting
                      CCU     Ward        inpatients (days)         angiography (days)

 Baseline position    12             45   10                        15

 Position after       10             26   6                         7

 Notes                19 cardiology       Average length of stay    Average length of stay
                      beds removed        reduced by 4 days         reduced by 8 days

Contact information
Jennifer Watts

20      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Cardiac Surgery Inter-hospital Transfer Project
        Ealing Hospital NHS Trust
        Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust (incorporating Hammersmith and St Mary’s sites)
        The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust
        North West London Cardiac Network

        Issues to address                                      Key results/outcomes
        In July 2007 it became apparent that significant       Transfer targets
        delays were occurring for inpatients requiring         Meetings have taken place and agreement
        urgent transfer from a District General Hospital       reached that the targets listed below will form
        (DGH) into a tertiary centre for a surgical            part of the commissioning framework for North
        procedure. The reasons behind these delays             West London. This is a significant step towards
        were complex and varied, and related to bed            ensuring that the aims of the project are met,
        pressures, access to diagnostics and also to           and that urgent surgical patients waiting for
        work-up procedures. In July 2007, the web-             transfer can go to the centre with the shortest
        based Inter-Hospital Transfer (IHT) system             waiting time.
        showed that the average wait from admission to
        transfer for an urgent inpatient surgical referral     The targets agreed state that:
        in North West London was 18 days. The project          1. 100% of high risk patients needing
        was designed to address these issues and                  cardiac surgery should have been
        focussed on Ealing NHS Trust and the tertiary             transferred, and received their surgery,
        centres it refers patients into (see above).              within five days of the request for a fully
                                                                  ‘worked-up’ patient to be transferred
        Actions taken                                          2. For intermediate risk patients, 90%
        The project team looked at the entire patient             should be transferred and have their
        pathway for urgent surgical inpatients and                surgery within five days
        identified bottlenecks and agreed actions to           3. The risk scoring system devised and
        take to address these issues. These bottlenecks           approved by the North West London
        fell into three main areas:                               Cardiac Network should be utilised
                                                               4. The North West London Cardiac
        1. Pre-operative work-up                                  Network’s web-based transfer system
        2. Patient referral/tertiary care delays                  should be fully utilised by all trusts in
        3. Clinical prioritisation and risk scoring               North West London to monitor this
        Three project meetings were held at which aims,        5. The web-based transfer system will be
        approaches and actions were agreed. Actions               used to flag the patient for transfer to
        were undertaken outside the meeting in various            another trust within North West London
        areas:                                                    if a patient cannot be transferred and
                                                                  operated on within five days.
        • Development of a protocol for cardiothoracic
          surgical work-up for patients to improve             Transfer times from Ealing:
          interhospital transfer to a tertiary care centre -   A comparison of eight week audit data collected
          Ealing NHS Trust                                     at the beginning and end of the project shows
        • Definition and agreement of standardised             that the following savings are being made:
          surgical work-up criteria
        • Clinical prioritisation and risk scoring              Mean wait from           3.3 days saved
        • Audit of tertiary care bottlenecks and delays         admission to             per patient
        • IHT system amended to facilitate cardiac              surgical transfer
          surgery work-up criteria.
                                                                Mean wait from           7.25 days saved
        The network board was regularly updated on              work-up complete         per patient
        the project’s progress and key issues were              to surgical transfer
        agreed there as appropriate.

                                                               Contact information
                                                               Jason Antrobus.
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds           21

Continuing Development of Cardiac Services in North Bristol NHS Trust –
Southmead Hospital and Frenchay Hospital
Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset Cardiac and Stroke Network

Issues to address                                      Key results/outcomes
Southmead and Frenchay Hospitals serve the             Unfortunately, an outbreak of Noravirus
population of Bristol and the surrounding area,        infection resulted in ward closures during the
supported by the Royal Bristol Hospital Tertiary       course of the project, which had an impact on
Centre which is only a few miles away. There are       the performance of the cardiology service.
currently two inpatient wards that receive             However, despite this, the figures show that the
cardiac patients, supported by a coronary care         improvements that had been made in the
unit. It became apparent that patients admitted        system managed to prevent the performance of
with a primary cardiac diagnosis were subject to       the service from deteriorating significantly from
a prolonged length of stay; that once admitted         baseline levels.
patients transfer to a cardiac ward was delayed;
and that less than 60% were transferred to the         In its first month, the catheter lab has seen and
care of a cardiologist. In addition, targets for the   treated 100 patients. Further developments and
transfer of appropriate patients to the tertiary       the continuation of this work are expected to
centre were not being achieved, and it was             produce significant positive impacts on the
believed that opportunities to prevent patient         current situation.
readmission after discharge were not being met.
                                                       Contact information
At the same time, there was a need to develop          Nicola Hughes
appropriate pathways and guidelines for the            Email:
imminent opening of a new catheter lab at the
Frenchay site.

Actions taken
• Developed and piloted a cardiac support nurse
  role which actively pulled cardiac patients on
  to the cardiac wards
• Developed a patient journal for cardiac
  inpatients to records their thoughts regarding
  their stay
• Operational policy and guidelines for the new
  catheter lab were formulated
• Staff were very kindly supported and trained
  by national specialist units
• Patient tracking system implemented
• Catheter lab opened on 18 February 2008,
  providing angiography for low risk ACS
  inpatients, a pacemaker insertion service and
• A second catheter lab is due to be opened
• A further cardiology consultant is due to join
  the team in May
• Preparing for BCIS accreditation.

22      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Reducing Non-elective Arrhythmia Inter-hospital Transfer Waits Through the
        Implementation of an Internet-based Referral and Transfer Management System
        The Heart Hospital (University College London Hospital), Barnet Hospital,
        Chase Farm Hospital, North Middlesex Hospital, Royal Free Hampstead
        Hospital, Whittington Hospital and North Central London Cardiac Network

        Issues to address                                      Actions taken
        Patients who required treatment for a non-             • A retrospective audit of time from admission
        elective arrhythmia were referred by five North          to referral, and from referral to IHT was
        Central London (NCL) hospitals to the tertiary           established (25 patients)
        centre at University College London Hospital           • Implementation of on-line IHT referral and
        (UCLH). The referral was faxed from the acute            transfer management system (Web Based
        hospital to the catheter lab co-ordinator, and an        Transfer System) at the end of August 2007 in
        inter hospital transfer (IHT) arranged. Every stage      the referring and receiving hospitals across the
        of this process required lengthy medical                 North Central London sector. This incorporated
        supervision. Anecdotally, long waits were                a WBTS also a tracking and audit tool
        reported but no robust audit system existed.           • Initial training of the main users at all centres
                                                                 during the month preceding going-live date
        • Successful introduction of the web-based             • Dedicated user support during office hours for
          transfer system (WBTS)                                 a further month
        • Reduced length of stay for arrhythmia inter-         • Further user training delivered between
          hospital transfer (IHT) patients within North          October and December 2007 for user change-
          Central London                                         over (mainly junior doctors)
        • Improved communication between referring             • In-house WBTS training and administration
          and receiving centres as well as between staff         functions given back to each hospital.
          and patients                                           Implementation of in-house WBTS champion
        • Transparency of IHT wait, through on-line            • Feedback lines of communication through
          waiting lists                                          WBTS champions
        • Easily accessible length of stay data for all key    • Cross-organisational team building and
          stakeholders.                                          problem solving through regular ‘Learn and
                                                                 Share Events’
                                                               • Daily dedicated permanent pacemaker slots at
                                                               • After implementation of WBTS a prospective
                                                                 audit of waiting times was performed,
                                                                 matching types and number of procedures of
                                                                 baseline audit (25 patients)
                                                               • WTBS user satisfaction questionnaires used to
                                                                 determine staff response to changes.

                                                               Key results/outcomes
                                                               The key results are shown in the table below:

                                   Admission to               Referral to transfer       Admission to
                                   referral (total days)      (total days)               transfer (total days)

          Baseline                 193                        155                        348

          WBTS cohort              87                         140                        227

          Reduction from           55%                        10%                        35%
          baseline in %
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds     23

The user satisfaction questionnaires were
distributed to WBTS users including ward sisters,
receivers (personnel organising transfers at
receiving centres) and referring consultants.

These showed
• Referrers and ward sisters at the referring
  centres reported greater transparency of the
  IHT wait and improved communication
  between the centres
• The information on the WBTS was believed to
  have contributed to improved bed usage and
  better team working across hospital
• Referring consultants believed that the benefits
  of the WBTS outweighed the increased work

In addition, the 'live' waiting list has also
enabled all stakeholders to highlight
exceptionally long patient waiting times and at
times enabled intervention to limit these.
Greater participation of more stakeholders in the
IHT process also ensures better sustainability of
the transfer process within the NCL sector.

Contact information
Swetlana Wolf

24      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Heart Failure Early Discharge
        Central Middlesex Hospital (part of North West London Hospitals NHS Trust)
        Brent PCT (Wembley Centre for Health and Care and other Community Clinics)
        North West London Cardiac Network

        Issues to address                                     • Average length of stay was nine days
        Patients with heart failure currently tend to stay    • Patient’s follow up was conducted at the
        in hospital longer than necessary because the           cardiology or heart failure hospital clinic.
        clinical staff must ensure that patients are            All patients had one or more co-morbidities
        completely stable before discharge. Because of          with hypertension and diabetes being the
        difficulty with continuity of care by junior            most prevalent.
        doctors, the period between the patient coming
        off intravenous diuretics and being stabilised on     Actions taken
        oral medication is often prolonged. Also,             A project steering group was set up with key
        patients are kept in hospital longer than             members (involving hospital and community
        necessary because the medical staff realise that      staff) to guide and inform the project. A process
        they may not see them after discharge for some        mapping exercise was conducted to review the
        time because access to clinics is inflexible.         existing care pathway and a baseline audit was
                                                              conducted for the first eight weeks. The
        This project reviewed the existing pathway of         following points outline the areas reviewed and
        care and assessed length of stay and emergency        developed within the project:
        readmissions, the objective being to re-engineer
        the pathway of care to reduce length of stay.         • Early discharge protocol and proforma
        Other areas reviewed were the existing                  developed by the heart failure (hospital and
        cardiology services relationship with other             community) and CCT
        specialities such as general medicine, care of the    • Promoting information for early discharge
        elderly, respiratory, gastro, endocrine and the         throughout the hospital and with other
        collaborative care team (CCT).                          specialties
                                                              • Working closely with CCT to support the heart
        Fifty data fields were included in the audit and a      failure nurse with early discharge. Patients
        further 30 for use from day one to ten of their         were identified within A&E, CCU and wards to
        care, which includes inpatient and community            discuss possible early discharge
        care episodes. The following points outline the       • A questionnaire was sent out to patients who
        most significant areas:                                 were on the baseline audit asking to comment
                                                                on their recent admission and the service
        • Twenty-four patients were identified for entry        provided – this information was used to make
          onto the baseline audit – our original target of      changes to the pilot
          30 patients couldn’t be reached due to the          • The project was piloted for four months
          patient criteria, which limited the patients that   • Following the change in management process,
          could be included. This was recognised as a           a further 24 patients were audited and as with
          risk to the pilot and it was agreed to                the baseline audit, there were similar problems
          investigate whether it would be possible to           with recruitment. Prior to discharge of each
          extend the project to include Brent patients          patient an individual management plan was
          admitted to Northwick Park Hospital                   put together to provide appropriate continuing
        • Sixteen men and eight women who fitted the            care and adjustments to medication
          set criteria (patients treated with IV diuretics      (continuing the stabilisation of the patient
          with LV systolic dysfunction and not admitted         which otherwise would have happened in
          with ACS) were identified to include in the           hospital). A combination of CCT, hospital heart
          baseline. Six were <65 years and 18 were >65          failure nurses and community heart failure
          years, this age split is typical of heart failure     nurses was used depending on the patient’s
          where the majority of patients tend to be             requirements – home visiting or attendances at
          elderly.                                              hospital
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds     25

• A patient personal notebook (previously
  developed by North West London Cardiac
  Network) was offered to patients on the pilot
  to promote self-management of care
• CCT staff attended a heart failure nurses clinic
  on a rotating basis as part of a training

Key results/outcomes
The length of stay of patients in the second
audit was eight days. Although the numbers of
patients in the study was not enough to allow
statistical analysis, the reduction in length of stay
was in the area predicted at the start of the
project (10%), and if born out in a larger study
would represent a significant saving.

Furthermore, this approach to patient care is
applicable to other specialties. The project did
provide some unexpected findings and more
qualitative than quantitative results.

The following points provide a brief outline of
the conclusions:

• Heart failure patients are often complex,
  admitted with co-morbidities and social
  issues which impact on being able to
  provide early discharge
• Developed better links with other
• Developed a training schedule for CCT
  and HF to educate A&E staff in
  recognising HF symptoms and discharging
  patients without admitting to hospital
• Patient follow-up was expanded to
  incorporate different resources according
  to need
• Further work to review emergency
  readmissions for patients on pilot in next
  six months to establish continuity of care
• Further work to estimate the resource cost
  of providing the service to put against the
  reduction in length of stay.

Contact information
Temo Donovan

26      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Reducing Avoidable Hospital Admissions by Providing Community Support for
        Patients Referred Through the Single Contact Access Nomination (SCAN)
        Sheffield Primary Care Trust;
        Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
        North Trent Network of Cardiac Care

        Issues to address                                    • Support and speed of response led by
        SCAN is a referral system into and out of              patient need
        secondary care, initiated to provide support in      • Utilises a mixture of urgent and non urgent
        the community.                                         response community services
                                                             • Local intelligence and directory of services
        With the restructuring of the primary care trust       used to signpost appropriately
        (PCT) back into one PCT and the admission            • Guidelines and protocols in place to underpin
        avoidance work, the heart failure nurse service        process and delivery
        was reviewed and a new model introduced.             • Identified gaps in service and skills
                                                             • Feedback loop in plan
        Some of the aims were to:                            • New model enables two specialist nurses to
                                                               case find in secondary care, assess and refer
        • Focus activity to reduce admissions and              patients to community heart failure team.
          maintain reduction in admissions
        • Increase use of single contact access              Key results/outcomes
          nomination (SCAN) by primary and secondary         • 300 cumulative heart failure referrals
          care and develop further to enable                   into SCAN
          patients/carers to self refer to SCAN for          • Rate of GP referral increasing rapidly – 73
          information/visit                                    heart failure referrals in last quarter
        • Review heart failure pathway in line with the      • Evidence of patient satisfaction
          18 week wait                                       • Increased capacity through service redesign eg.
        • Signpost patients to the appropriate service         community staff nurses with special interest in
        • Reduce discharge delays whilst patients wait         heart failure take less complex patients with
          for social services to provide care packages         support from the specialist nurses
        • Reduce variation in discharge information from     • Reduced admissions and improved triage
          heart failure service in secondary care to           system
          primary care.                                      • Dedicated heart failure ward discussions
                                                             • Heart failure rehabilitation pilot
        Actions taken                                        • Early discussion in Telly Health
        • Single point of access (SCAN) for nominations      • Investment and support.
          and management of the system in place from
          primary, secondary care professionals, care        Contact information
          homes, social care, patients and carers.           Colette Longford
          Signposting by skilled senior nurses               Email:
        • Development of System One as an
          administrative/management function as a
          register for 'Very High Intensity Users’ (VHIUs)
        • An additional three nurses from community
          nursing appointed
        • A change of role for secondary care nurses so
          all inpatient and secondary care patients are
          assessed and if appropriate, referred to the
          community heart failure team. Education
          provided for staff working on the medical
          admissions unit. ‘link nurses’ developed and
          criteria for case finding agreed
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds         27

Integrated Heart Failure Service Across All Organisational Boundaries
Ashford and St Peters NHS Trust, North West Locality of Surrey PCT
(to be extended to South West Locality and Frimley Park)
Surrey Heart and Stroke Network

The aim of the project was to provide fully          Key results/outcomes
integrated heart failure services across all         • Establishment of local HF nurse activity
organisational boundaries to improve the clinical      database. For Nov 07 – Jan 08
management of all heart failure patients. This         demonstrates 72 avoided GP contacts,
included increasing referrals to the heart failure     three avoided hospital admissions and
nurses and integrating the service with the GP         one avoided A&E admissions
with special interest ‘heart function’ clinics.      • Community Heart Failure Consultant
                                                       review – this was a four month audit of
Issues to address                                      the direct access by HF nurses to
• Reduce heart failure admissions                      consultant opinion. Review indicates a
• Reduce length of stay (LoS)                          potential saving of 24 inpatient days and
• There were two heart failure nurses in old           15 outpatient attendances
  North Surrey locality                              • Reduction of heart failure admissions from
• Successful BHF bid for heart failure nurses.         65 to 21 per month
  Came into post July/September 06 (didn’t take      • Reduction in LOS from average of 8.59
  patients on until late 2006)                         days to 4.5 days
• Two to three weeks waits for inpatient echo        • A strong heart failure steering group
  with up to 16 week wait for outpatient echo          committed to improving services
  in secondary care                                  • Improved access to consultant cardiology
• Links with palliative care team established but      opinion
  not consolidated                                   • Improved patient management within the
• End of life stage – improved access to               home and across organisational boundaries
  palliative care and hospice.                       • Home ECG audit – expedited referral to
                                                       secondary care where appropriate for
Actions taken                                          intervention/treatment. Improved medicines
• New consultant cardiologist with special             management within the home. Reduced
  interest in heart failure and imaging appointed      unnecessary care/GP appointments. Increased
  in April 06                                          reassurance for patients and carers
• Data collection to review heart failure            • Improved links with palliative care and other
  admissions for the first quarter in years 2006,      community services
  2007 and 2008 for comparison                       • Consistent documentation across localities
• Data collection to establish LoS from April to     • Through audit and patient and public
  March 2007/08                                        involvement, established sound evidence to
• Review documentation; new West Surrey wide           inform business proposal for continuation of
  clinical guidelines and patient information          heart failure nurse led service
• Establishment of a heart failure nurse service     • Engagement from network commissioning
  across the whole of West Surrey to review            group for continuation of service and spread
  protocols                                            to other localities across Surrey
• Establish a process for direct access to           • New one stop echo/heart failure clinic run by
  consultant cardiologist for his opinion with         consultant cardiologist within secondary care.
  complex patients for both heart failure and GP
  with special interests (GPSI)                      Contact information
• Established links with palliative care             Alex Bennett
• Access to network shared drive in order to         Email:
  access information by all parties involved in
• Purchase of portable ECG machines for all
  heart failure nurses across West Surrey
• Purchase of weighing scales to help inpatient
• Audit of patient satisfaction via questionnaire.

28      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds
        Conquest Hospital
        Sussex Heart Network

        Issues to address                                     • Both Tai Chi rehabilitation programmes and
        The Conquest Hospital inpatient heart failure           hand-held records were available for heart
        service offered an excellent package of care for        failure patients
        those patients who were referred to them, but         • Teaching/education sessions for practice
        the service became fragmented for the patients          nurses/community nurses/acute nurses took
        who were admitted to other consultant teams             place
        elsewhere in the hospital. Problems included:         • Links with the hospice team and expansion of
                                                                the palliative and supportive care services were
        • Delays in getting echos done                          developed and progressed.
        • Heart failure team not being informed of the
          patient admission                                   Key results/outcomes
        • Undue delays in medical admissions unit             Jan 1998 – Dec 2007
          (MAU)                                               • 51.04% reduction in average no. of
        • Patient not on the correct pathway for                admissions/quarter with heart failure in
          optimisation of care                                  primary diagnosis position
        • Longer length of stay (LoS)                         • 36.6% reduction in median LOS/quarter
        • Unnecessary readmissions                              has decreased from 11 to seven days
        • Lack of specialist support for patients             • 23% reduction of deaths in hospital in
          following their discharge.                            non-elective admissions with heart failure.

        Actions taken                                         Aug 2007 – Mar 2008
        • Established a project steering group and            • 20% reduction in number of days waiting
          process mapped acute and community care               for echo from date of referral to date
          heart failure pathways                                of test.
        • Baseline information data was obtained and
          subsequent data was collected and analysed          Please note that these results are calculated
        • Early identification of heart failure admissions    on incomplete HRG performance data.
          through existing and enhanced methods.
          These included a telephone hotline for heart        Contact information
          failure admissions with an accompanying             Toni De Freitas
          poster initiative, and an ‘alert’ feature on the    Email:
          hospital information system to highlight all
          known patients and guidance around
          contacting the heart failure team
        • MAU consultants and their teams worked to
          fast track patients to the heart failure acute
          team, all cardiology inpatient admissions were
          centralised to dedicated wards and early
          access to echocardiogram on the ward was
        • Management plans were in place for all heart
          failure patients following an acute heart failure
          pathway, and optimised discharge and follow
          up care were established
        • Cross boundary communications were further
          enhanced through multi-disciplinary team
          discharge planning meetings, ward rounds for
          heart failure acute teams, enhanced
          community heart failure nurse links to wards
          and the establishment of ward-link nurses
Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds     29

Project Team Members
and Participating Sites

30      Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds

        Project Team Members and Participating Sites

        Thelma Daly                                             Temo Donovan
        Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset           North West London Cardiac Network
        Cardiac and Stroke Network                              Brent, Central Middlesex Hospital and Brent tPCT
        Bristol, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust
                                                                Chrissie Bennett
        Nicola Hughes                                           Peninsula Cardiac Managed Clinical Network
        Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset           Plymouth, Plymouth tPCT and Plymouth
        Cardiac and Stroke Network                              Hospitals NHS Trust
        Bristol, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust
                                                                Toni De Freitas
        Candy Jeffries                                          Sussex Heart Network
        Bedfordshie & Hertfordshie Heart and Stroke Network     Hastings, Conquest Hospital and Hastngs
        Hemel Hempstead Hospital, West Herts NHS Trust          and Rother PCT

        Caroline Hewitt                                         Alex Bennett
        Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac Network         Surrey Heart and Stroke Network
        Central Manchester, Central Manchester PCT, Central     Woking, Surrey PCT and Ashford and
        Manchester and Manchester Childrens University          St Peter's NHS Trust
        Hospitals NHS Trust and PBC Hub
                                                                Mimi Parker
        Luke Coleman                                            Surrey Heart and Stroke Network
        Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac Network         Woking, Surrey PCT and Ashford and
        Central Manchester, Central Manchester PCT, Central     St Peter's NHS Trust
        Manchester and Manchester Childrens University
        Hospitals NHS Trust and PBC Hub                         National Team Members
        Jennifer Watts
        Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network            Sheelagh Machin
        Blackburn, East Lancashire NHS Trust, Blackburn         Director, NHS Improvement
        Royal Infirmary
                                                                Carolyn Heyes
        Rita Briggs                                             National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement
        Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network
                                                                Richard Longbottom
        Blackburn, East Lancashire NHS Trust, Blackburn
                                                                Commissioning Advisor, NHS Improvement
        Royal Infirmary

        Ann Baines                                              Jennifer Watts
        North Trent Network of Cardiac Care - Rotherham         Service Improvement Manager, NHS Improvement
        Rotherham, Rotherham PCT and Rotherham NHS
                                                                Anne Coleman
        Foundation Trust
                                                                Personal Assistant, NHS Improvement
        Colette Longford
                                                                Jonathan Shribman
        North Trent Network of Cardiac Care - Sheffield
                                                                National Clinical Lead, General Practitioner
        Sheffield, Sheffield PCT and Sheffield Teaching
        Hospitals NHS Trust                                     David Walker
        Swetlana Wolf                                           National Clinical Lead, Consultant Cardiologist
        North Central London Cardiac Network                    Steve Livesey
        Hampstead, Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust and Heart      National Clinical Lead, Consultant
        Hospital                                                Cardiothoracic Surgeon
        Jason Antrobus
        North West London Cardiac Network
        Ealing, Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, St Mary's Hospital
        and Hammersmith Hospital
                                                                                NHS Improvement





              NHS Improvement

              NHS Improvement is a newly formed
              national improvement programme
              working with clinical networks and NHS
              organisations to transform, deliver and
              sustain improvements across the entire
              pathway of care in cancer, cardiac,
              diagnostics and stroke services.

              Formed in April 2008, NHS Improvement
              brings together the Cancer Services
              Collaborative ‘Improvement Partnership’,
              Diagnostics Service Improvement, NHS
              Heart Improvement Programme and
              Stroke Improvement into one
              improvement programme. With over eight
              years practical service improvement
              experience in cancer, diagnostics and
              heart, NHS Improvement aims to achieve
              sustainable effective pathways and
              systems, share improvement resources and
              learning, increase impact and ensure value
              for money to improve the efficiency and
              quality of NHS services.

              NHS Improvement
              3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB
              Telephone: 0116 222 5101 | Fax: 0116 222 5184


              ©NHS Improvement 2008 | All Rights Reserved
              Publication Ref: IMP/heart0004

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Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Project - National Priority Projects 07/08 Summary Document

  • 1. NHS NHS Improvement CANCER DIAGNOSTICS Heart Improvement HEART Making Best Use STROKE of Inpatient Beds National Priority Project
  • 2. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds is a national priority project of the Heart Improvement Programme focusing on a variety of approaches to reducing avoidable inpatient bed days. The project ran over the period June 2007 to March 2008. Key learning from the project is available in the following formats: 1. Project summary This document includes a description of the national project, supporting information gained throughout the period and key learning from the project. Project summaries include issues to address, actions taken and key outcomes from each of the 12 projects participating in this work. Contact details are included to provide additional information with regular updates available on the website. 2. Presentations at National Conference 8 May 2008 Copies of presentations from the speakers at the conference are available on the website: 3. Web based resources Project team members found this a very useful opportunity to share learning across the different project areas. These are now available to share on the improvement website at: These are categorised into four chapters: 1. Admission avoidance and timely readmission 2. Improving inpatient stay 3. Hospital/community interface 4. End of Life Care Content includes: • Case studies and improvement stories • Protocols, procedures • Operational policies • Job descriptions • Business cases • Vox pops and video clips Additional information will be included as it becomes available and existing materials regularly updated. Further information and updates email:
  • 3. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 3 Contents Introduction 4 Key Findings 6 Project Summaries 11 Plymouth Clinical Assessment Service (PCAS) 12 Heart Failure - Rotherham 13 Central Manchester Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction 15 Project in Primary Care West Hertfordshire Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) in 17 Secondary Care Project Reducing Length of Inpatient Stay for Myocardial Infarction 18 and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients - Lancashire Cardiac Surgery Inter-hospital Transfer Project - North West London 20 Continuing Development of Cardiac Services in North Bristol 21 NHS Trust – Southmead Hospital and Frenchay Hospital Reducing Non-elective Arrhythmia Inter-hospital Transfer Waits Through 22 the Implementation of an Internet-based Referral and Transfer Management System - North Central London Heart Failure Early Discharge - North West London 24 Reducing Avoidable Hospital Admissions by Providing Community 26 Support for Patients Referred Through the Single Contact Access Nomination (SCAN) - Sheffield Integrated Heart Failure Service Across All Organisational 27 Boundaries - Surrey Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds - Sussex 28 Project Teams and Participating Sites 29
  • 4. 4 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Introduction Admission to hospital is essential for To improve health outcomes for patients requiring surgery, some invasive investigations and stabilisation of medical conditions. Following on from the work on interhospital transfers1 there are still some patients waiting for unnecessarily long ? people with long-term conditions by March 2008 offering a personalised care plan for the most at risk vulnerable people; and to reduce overall emergency periods as an inpatient for surgery and bed days by 5% by 2008, electrophysiological procedures. This is both through improved care clinically suboptimal for the patients and in primary care and community inefficient in terms of avoidable bed days. settings for people with Waiting unnecessarily long periods for long-term conditions. inpatient procedures and regular admissions to hospital can be demoralising and stressful for patients, their families and the staff who care for them. PSA12a3: Emergency bed days The NHS Heart Improvement Programme ? established a national project to work The recent NICE Commissioning Guide with a number of local project teams. highlights evidence to support effective multidisciplinary specialist services for The aims of this work were: people with chronic heart failure. These can have a positive effect on patients’ life • To reduce the number of avoidable expectancy and quality of life and help to emergency bed days reduce recurrent hospital stays by 30–50%2. • To reduce overall length of stay The Operating Framework requires • To develop alternative models organisations to reduce these avoidable bed of care. days by putting systems in place to support Twelve projects across the country took people with long term conditions in the part in this work and from the outset we community. recognised that many of the issues were complex and that there was no single solution. 1 Making moves Heart Improvement Programme April 2006 2 Commissioning a heart failure service for the management of chronic heart failure 3 Operating Framework 2007/08
  • 5. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 5 The areas of work broadly divided into the following: • Prevention of admissions by improved detection and management in the community • Redesign of the inpatient pathway • Reduction in the frequency and urgency of readmissions • End of life care.
  • 6. 6 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Key Findings
  • 7. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 7 Key Findings All 12 projects had very different approaches to Inter-hospital transfers making best use of inpatient beds and, as such, • Treat and return policy implementation led to were able to look at a variety of ways to achieve a reduction of an average by eight days stay their results. The three areas addressed can for ACS patients awaiting angiography broadly be defined as cardiology services, heart • Prioritisation and risk stratification agreement failure services and inter-hospital transfers. The reached for targets that form part of the findings include:- commissioning framework with a resultant reduction in mean length of stay admission to Cardiology services surgical transfer of 3.3 days per patient, and • GPSI triage of cardiology referrals to effectively from work-up to surgical transfer of 7.25 per manage patients led to a 66% reduction in patient the referrals requiring cardiologist input in • Implementation of a web-based transfer secondary care management system for electrophysiology • Diagnostic testing performed and reported on patients showed a 55% reduction in total days in less than ten working days using ‘Choose & waiting from the baseline. Book’ • Transferring services from two hospitals to one Challenges led to an average reduction in length of stay This work started in June 2007 and was (LoS) for myocardial infarction (MI) and acute ambitious from the outset. Below are some of coronary syndrome (ACS) patients of four the key challenges: days. • The complexity of the issues presenting at Heart failure services local level required good information to • BNP testing used to 'rule out' heart failure understand fully the issues that face service reduced inappropriate medication and providers. Robust systems of data collection requests for echo tests. Referral to and analysis were required and the initiation cardiologists dropped by 30% of such systems was slower than originally • BNP testing increased the percentage of anticipated. people discharged from hospital with a • A variety of approaches to patient experience diagnosis of heart failure confirmed by echo across the projects included surveys, patient from 22% to 75% diaries and discovery interviews. The uptake of • Electronic reporting of results reduced various methods was encouraging; however duplication of tests achieving meaningful patient involvement • Re-configuration of services enabled a continues to provide a challenge and will be a reduction of heart failure admissions from 65 key element of future work. to 21 per month and reduced length of stay • Demonstrating return on investment at a time from 8.59 days to 4.5 days of early implementation of payment by results • An audit indicated that optimal prescribing and development of the Improvement System and titration of beta blockers could reduce gives added impetus to ensure that baseline admissions by 142 per year. This equates to a data and methods of data collection and 16% reduction. The guidelines have been analysis are in place at the time of project circulated to all GPs in one PCT inception. The nine month timeline • A whole system integrated approach to heart attributable to the projects has largely been failure cut admissions by more than 50% able to go some way to highlight and deliver for people with heart failure in primary return on investment and it is anticipated diagnosis position. The length of stay reduced that this will gain momentum in future by four days from 11 to seven, which months and years. represents a nearly 40% decrease and a 20% • Re-configuration at local level proved reduction in the number of days waiting for challenging at times with competing agendas. echo.
  • 8. 8 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Return on Investment (ROI) The indicative savings shown may accrue to a The development of NHS tariffs is ongoing and hospital provider but are not reflected in a where possible projects have been encouraged reduction of cost to the commissioner through to show ROI as an outcome measure. However, the tariff or contract mechanisms as they the limited unbundling of diagnostics and the currently exist. Calculation of future tariffs will relative insensitivity of tariffs at this stage of reflect changes in patient care. their development to the effect of reducing lengths of stay has been a limiting factor in These calculations are offered as an indicative clearly identifying financial savings. short term saving and one which may be used to stimulate local dialogue with the aim of The following table sets out an example of ROI developing appropriate arrangements to re- from one of the projects. The project aim was to invest savings as appropriate to improve care of focus on emergency admissions and to identify patients along the whole pathway. This is and reduce avoidable aspects of the patient stay premised on the understanding that the and thereby to reduce the overall length of development of tariffs is not designed to prevent hospital stay. A calculated cost per bed day of improvements in care from being realised. £101 was based on the average of each non elective spell tariff for heart failure (E18 and E19) The Heart Improvement Programme urges you divided by their respective non elective stay trim to learn from this important work and discuss point days to demonstrate an indicative return locally how you might apply some of the on investment for each bed day saved against solutions to your own environment for the the project baseline. benefit of local cardiac patients. Mean LOS Admissions ROI £ Baseline: April 8.59 65 May 8.81 66 June 5.36 64 Average 7.59 65 Project Reduction Bed days saved Bed day cost £ July 4.3 75 3.29 122 August 5.44 58 2.15 54 September 3.15 20 4.44 89 October 6.61 23 0.98 22 November 4.17 23 3.42 79 December 7.08 30 0.51 13 January 6.92 24 0.67 16 February 4.52 21 3.07 64 Total bed days saved 623 101 62962
  • 9. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 9 Key learning Other aspects includes: With a range of clinical presentations, including • Good understanding of the complexity of all heart failure, acute coronary syndrome and the issues, through effective base-lining those awaiting surgical and electrical procedures, activities and ongoing data analysis is by far the largest gain and the most challenging essential was the heart failure group. Project team • Achieving earlier diagnosis ensures that commitment has been impressive with feedback patients are on the right pathway of care at highlighting the positive effects of peer support an earlier stage to achieve improved clinical and national steerage. outcomes • Increasing effective, appropriate and early Of crucial importance is having an integrated medication, up-titrating and achieving approach across the pathway of care. For cardiac maintenance dose, promotes symptom control surgery patients explicit communication is and prevents emergency admission, required, particularly between cardiology and particularly for heart failure patients cardiac surgery departments, and between • Supporting partnership between patients and secondary and tertiary care. Heart failure services health professionals, and where appropriate require collaborative approaches particularly patient self management is necessary, to between community and secondary care, achieve patient centred care especially between nursing staff, and elderly • Using a systematic approach for booking and medicine and cardiology. This underpins the transfer of patients helps reduce avoidable opportunity for a co-ordinated and team based delays in the system management style promoting a smoother • To help patients shape future services and transition across organisations, departments and choice, their involvement is necessary from the service providers for patients. outset • Trust between organisations needs to be The development of a supportive infrastructure developed to help avoid unnecessary in primary care is essential when addressing duplication of diagnostic tests, particularly admission avoidance, early discharge and when a patient needs to move between reduction in readmissions. Commissioning service providers expertise within the national team and locally • Education and training are crucial to the has been beneficial to participating projects in implementation of change this regard. • Greater flexibility of workforce and changing roles can increase capacity and effectiveness of service provision • A greater focus on good working relationships across the organisational interface will lead to a reduction in frequency of admissions and readmissions and will promote seamless care.
  • 10. 10 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Moving forward/next steps Before discussing the specific projects it is The online resource has been set up to important to acknowledge the huge encapsulate useful information. This is a dynamic reductions in inpatient bed days realised to tool for accessing a huge variety of useful date, for example through reducing resources that will be continually developing unnecessary waits for urgent interhospital following this initial launch and will provide an transfers for acute coronary syndrome and opportunity for fast tracking innovative working. pathway redesign to meet elective targets. Generally speaking the remaining work is The next round of priority projects will include more challenging due to the competing heart failure and surgery and will start in the pressures on elective and non elective services summer of 2008 until 2010. and the increasing co-morbidity of patients. Heart failure The NHS Heart Improvement Programme Some of the projects above will continue acknowledge that NHS staff want systems to through to the next stage of their work plan work seamlessly to help them provide the best whilst other new projects will be recruited possible care for patients and that NHS through the process of application. In particular, organisations need efficient and effective we intend to work with networks and processes to make the best use of available organisations on the issues below: beds. • Prevalence and incidence For more information and to get involved • Diagnosis please contact • Treatment • Maintenance • Supportive and palliative care. Underpinning the applications, we are particularly interested to look at issues affecting equity and access, information, audit and coding, patient experience and workforce. Surgery Surgical work will focus on the whole pathway of care including elective and non elective management. This will bring together learning from the 18 week pathway, making best use of inpatient beds and the interhospital transfer projects.
  • 11. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 11 Project Summaries
  • 12. 12 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Plymouth Clinical Assessment Service (PCAS) Plymouth NHS Hospital Trust, Plymouth Teaching Primary Care Trust, Private provider: Express Diagnostics Peninsula Cardiac Managed Clinical Network (PCMCN) Issues to address Key results/outcomes General Practitioners’ with a Specialist Interest A pilot scheme was implemented (September (GPSI) in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) to triage 2007) of the Plymouth clinical assessment service all cardiology referrals in order to ‘stem the flow’ (PCAS) which showed: of referrals into the acute sector by sharing and diversifying pathways, and provide more services • Only 34% of patients actually required in the community e.g. NT Pro Brain Natriuretic referral to a cardiologist Peptides (NT Pro BNP) to: • All patient's are booked through Choose & Book and all diagnostic tests are • Increase choice of provider, with quicker access performed and reported on in less than to diagnostic tests and a quicker diagnosis of 10 working days the disease • Results and reports are sent electronically to • Enter the patient on the right pathway for the GPSIs and are available to cardiologists their care, see the most appropriate person for • Those requiring clinical assessment from their their care and be given medicines test result are booked into a community management therapies much sooner to cardiology service and offered either a improve their prognosis medicine management plan, referral to the • Agree clearer pathways across organisational heart failure nurse or are referred back to their boundaries GP for follow up. • Set processes up electronically to ensure a paperless trail to inform the referral to BNP - NT pro BNP has been used to 'rule out' treatment time for the 18 week pathway heart failure since April 07. A total of 400 • Ensure speedy access to cardiologists for patients have been assessed using the test and urgent cases from CHD GPSIs. found that: Actions taken • 30% of patients were identified as 'not • GPSIs were approached to ensure their having heart failure' reducing agreement and a small scale triage study was inappropriate medication, request for instigated to determine additional GPSI ECHO tests and referral to cardiologists capacity required for triaging referral letters • early diagnosis has ensured patients are (one hour of additional capacity per week was given appropriate medicines management required for the GPSIs to perform a turn therapies which may translate into better around time of less than five days). outcomes. • Clear outcomes and priorities of these meetings were established, delivered and All Plymouth GPs now use Choose & Book for all evaluated by an inclusive PCAS project group. cardiology referrals and thus capture the • Cardiologists met monthly with the GPSIs for Plymouth population within the Clinical tutorials which also enabled speedier access Assessment Service. This will significantly for urgent referrals. increase current referral figures and capacity planning is underway to meet the demand. Contact information Chrissie Bennett Email:
  • 13. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 13 Heart Failure Rotherham PCT and Rotherham Hospital NHS Foundation Trust North Trent Network of Cardiac Care Issues to address 2007 to identify the scope for training and Rotherham has a higher than national incidence developing primary care teams, to optimise their of heart failure (HF) coupled with a high rate of prescribing practice and reduce the need for emergency admissions and readmissions for hospital admissions. This highlighted significant people with a primary diagnosis of HF. The main variation between primary care practices with an aim of this project was to achieve a 5% overall low incidence of HF patients on beta reduction in bed days for HF patients and to blockers licensed for HF and on the appropriate develop a care package for people with three dose. or more admissions per annum. As a result of this work, titration guidelines have • Avoidance of emergency admissions for been developed and disseminated widely to patients with heart failure – one of the highest primary care teams. These are also available on causes of admissions in Rotherham the PCT intranet. • Getting patients onto the appropriate pathway of care A series of protected learning time events aimed • To ensure that admissions are timely and at GPs, practice nurses and other primary care appropriate staff were held. This forms part of a rolling • Education of staff in both secondary and programme of training and education. primary care • Support and joint working between secondary The beta blocker prescribing audit was and primary care to improve the patient presented at the cardiovascular local pathway implementation team (CVD LIT) meeting, and • Improved communication across the whole also to primary care staff at the Protected patient pathway Learning Time events in January 2008. • Reduction in bed days for heart failure patients. The main finding was that an indicated 142 admissions per year could be avoided by Actions taken optimal prescribing and titration of beta A time limited multidisciplinary project group blockers. This equates to a 16% reduction was established to oversee the project. in HF admissions. An admissions audit was performed from patient A six month telemedicine pilot for heart failure records to identify patients with three or more patients will be completed in August 2008 when admissions. A readmission evaluation form was a full evaluation will be carried out by Sheffield developed including admission source, University. The pilot will compare the effects medication on admission and noting changes and outcomes of 30 patients, trained and made, diagnostic tests performed and discharge equipped to download vital signs data daily via details. This baseline audit, carried out on 2006 the telephone line to a health care provider who data, identified 53 patients in this category. will alert the GP or nurse when changes are detected, with those of a control group. The aim Beta blocker prescribing rates were recognised is to encourage patient self management and as a significant indicator of successful patient reduce readmission rates and the number of care and a correlation was identified from visits by specialist HF nurses. research evidence between the increased use of beta blockers in HF patients and a corresponding reduction in hospital admissions. An audit of beta blocker prescribing was carried out across 39 practices using practice registers in April
  • 14. 14 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Key results/outcomes • Two GP practices are due to commence a pilot looking at ‘Enhancing the use of beta blockers in heart failure patients – preventing non- elective admissions and out patient referrals to secondary care.’ It will be reviewed by the PCT in October 2008. • The titration guidelines are currently being printed into booklet format and each GP will receive a copy. • Protected learning time events were organised for GPs, focused on CVD, and many of the workshops were targeted at heart failure. • GP practice and community staff are being kept up to date with evidence based education and training • This is part of a rolling programme of work for patients with heart failure and will continue on completion of the project. Contact information Ann Baines Email:
  • 15. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 15 Central Manchester Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction Project in Primary Care Manchester Primary Care Trust Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac Network Issues to address Key results/outcomes The aim of the project was to establish a local 1. Audit of practice registers enhanced service (LES) in primary care for people Out of the 41 GP practices in the central hub of with left ventricular dysfunction (LVSD) to assess Manchester PCT, 29 practices responded. impact on hospital admissions, length of stay and patient experience. Below highlights some of the key results: A staged approach was agreed to: Confirm the diagnosis of those patients with read code G58 • Identify patients on practice systems with an • 66% of patients have their diagnosis accurate diagnosis of LVSD confirmed by echocardiography • Design and implement an education •12% of patients are awaiting an programme for primary care clinicians to echocardiogram to confirm their diagnosis ensure a high level of knowledge and skill amongst participating practices Establish how many of these currently being • Fully implement a LES to support specialist followed up in secondary care could be services for people with LVSD and to raise the managed in the practice level of care delivered to them in primary care. •There are potentially another 100 patients from the practices that responded that could have Actions taken their follow up in primary care • As part of the LES, all 41 practices within Central Manchester were asked to audit their Identify the number of new patients diagnosed practice registers for patients with LVSD in the last year and consequently require up- • Data was collected from all practices within titration of their medication Central Manchester as well as practices • Last year there were 95 new patients participating in the LES using the Tactical identified with a further 12 awaiting Information System (TIS). This included length cardiology assessment of stay (LoS) and admission/readmission rates • Out of these, only nine were followed up and • Development of a training programme for the up-titrated in primary care, potentially leaving enhanced service for LVSD to provide a possible 98 patients that could have been participants with the knowledge & skills base treated in primary care. sufficient to provide an enhanced service to these patients 2. Data collection from Tactical Information • A key component of the education System (TIS) - Data at the end of ten programme focused on patient and public months involvement. A pack was provided to staff Due to the two month time lag between activity with useful references to follow up and teams and data collection, the March ‘08 data was not proceeded with their chosen methodology available at time of publication. over the course of the project, targeting people appropriately from their heart failure This data will be incorporated onto the Greater registers and utilising the cardiac network for Manchester and Cheshire website at support. in May 2008.
  • 16. 16 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 3. Educational programme for the enhanced service for left ventricular systolic dysfunction The content for this programme was developed by GPSI working closely with the Professor of Cardiology from the local tertiary centre and his team. 4. Patient involvement Two practices are using ‘Discovery Interviews’ to gain insight into the patient experience. This is being utilised to shape future developments as per local and national guidelines. Other practices will be required to involve patients and this is being followed up. Contact information Caroline Hewitt Email:
  • 17. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 17 West Hertfordshire Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) in Secondary Care Project West Herts Hospital Trust Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Heart and Stroke Network Organisations involved Key results/outcomes • Hemel Hempstead General Hospital (HHGH) • Watford General Hospital (WGH) Before introduction After introduction of BNP of BNP in HHGH Issues to address Assessing the effect of introducing urgent Brain Mean LoS for heart Mean Los for heart Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) testing at one site failure primary failure primary (Hemel Hempstead General Hospital) and diagnosis in the diagnosis first 3 comparing this to a neighbouring site which three months prior months with BNP at does not perform BNP (Watford General to BNP: HHGH: Hospital): • HHGH 6.8 days • HHGH: 4.6 days • Identifying patients with suspected heart • WGH 5.4 days (down 2.2 days) failure • WGH: 5.6 days • Confirming diagnosis earlier (up 0.2 days) • Getting on to heart failure pathway (or other) Median LoS for Median LoS for earlier heart failure primary heart failure • Reducing in-patient echocardiograms diagnosis in the primary diagnosis in • Increasing percentage of patients with primary three months prior the three months heart failure discharge diagnosis confirmed by to BNP: with BNP in HHGH: echo • Reducing length of stay (LoS). • HHGH 2 days HHGH: 1.6 days • WGH 4.3 days (down 0.4 days) Actions taken with BNP At Hemel Hempstead General Hospital (HHGH): WGH: 5.1 days • Negotiated with the pathology lab to do (up 0.8 days) urgent BNPs (result within 2 hours) for Number of IP echoes Number of IP echoes breathless patients being admitted with a in HHGH: 48 in HHGH Feb 08: 68 query cardiac or definite cardiac cause for their breathlessness Percentage of patients Percentage of patients • Informed consultants and trained junior with HF diagnosis on with HF diagnosis on doctors in the use of BNP discharge with discharge with • BNP available from November 2007 diagnosis confirmed by diagnosis confirmed • Organised for Pathology to send copies of BNP echo: 22% by echo: 75% results to heart failure specialist nurse for her to visit all patients with a positive result to ensure echo and cardiology follow up This interim report demonstrates a reduction in • Monitored BNP usage. both mean and median length of stay at Hemel Hempstead General Hospital (HHGH), and a At both Hemel Hempstead General Hospital slight increase at the neighbouring hospital site, (HHGH) and Watford General Hospital (WGH) although the statistical significance has not yet • Organised for data collections through IT been assessed. The results so far indicate that • Baseline audits in Sept/Oct this has not reduced the number of inpatient • Follow up audit in February 2008 and echos at this site, however the number of collected/analysed data in March 2008. patients discharged with a diagnosis of heart failure on discharge confirmed by echo has increased from 22% to 75%. Contact information Candy Jeffries: Email:
  • 18. 18 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Reducing Length of Inpatient Stay for Myocardial Infarction (MI) and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Patients East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network Issues to address Actions taken East Lancashire Hospitals Trust consisted of two • Mapping of MI and ACS care pathways main District General Hospital sites 15 miles • Baseline information for the previous 12 apart, serving a population of 500 000 people. months of MI and ACS data was obtained The trust had a disparate cardiology service, from healthcare resource groups (HRG). consisting of 45 dedicated cardiac ward beds Prospectively, data was analysed and 12 coronary care beds split across the two monthly in relation to length of stay, sites, with two cardiologists at Burnley, and two readmission rate and bed days at Blackburn, one of whom was a locum who • A flow tool that measured throughput worked solely in the cardiac catheter lab. There through beds was obtained from critical care. was no cardiology on call service, and the The flow tool was implemented on coronary coronary care unit did not come under the care at both sites one month prior to the management auspices of the cardiologists. move, and then was used to monitor activity until 31 December Patients who attended with MI were admitted • All cardiology inpatient services centralised on onto a ward under the general physician of the to one site day, rather than a cardiologist; and some • Treat and return policy instigated with tertiary patients with ACS would complete their care centre for acute ACS patients. This inpatient stay without seeing a cardiologist at meant that patients needing urgent all. The catheter lab, based at the Blackburn site, angiography were identified to the tertiary only performed procedures on ‘cold’ elective centre, taken for the procedure in a dedicated patients. Acute ACS patients were referred to cardiac vehicle once the slot was available, and the tertiary centre, remaining as in patients until returned to point of origin afterwards, without the angiography had been done. The average becoming a tertiary centre inpatient. A web wait for transfer to the tertiary centre was 15 based ‘whiteboard’ referral system was days, but on occasion the wait could be as long created to facilitate this process as 21 days. • Three interventional cardiologists recruited (making a total of six cardiologists in total) • Instigated 24/7 cardiology on call service • Daily consultant ward rounds on cardiology wards, coronary care and medical admissions unit (MAU). MAU referral guidelines were created by the cardiologists to identify and accelerate referral of appropriate patients • Instigated a pacemaker implantation service • Catheter lab activity expanded to include low risk inpatients. Balloon pump policy created, training instigated, and ‘dummy run’ transfers trialled.
  • 19. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 19 Key results/outcomes Number of Beds Average LOS MI/ACS LOS ACS patients awaiting CCU Ward inpatients (days) angiography (days) Baseline position 12 45 10 15 Position after 10 26 6 7 implementation Notes 19 cardiology Average length of stay Average length of stay beds removed reduced by 4 days reduced by 8 days Contact information Jennifer Watts Email:
  • 20. 20 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Cardiac Surgery Inter-hospital Transfer Project Ealing Hospital NHS Trust Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust (incorporating Hammersmith and St Mary’s sites) The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust North West London Cardiac Network Issues to address Key results/outcomes In July 2007 it became apparent that significant Transfer targets delays were occurring for inpatients requiring Meetings have taken place and agreement urgent transfer from a District General Hospital reached that the targets listed below will form (DGH) into a tertiary centre for a surgical part of the commissioning framework for North procedure. The reasons behind these delays West London. This is a significant step towards were complex and varied, and related to bed ensuring that the aims of the project are met, pressures, access to diagnostics and also to and that urgent surgical patients waiting for work-up procedures. In July 2007, the web- transfer can go to the centre with the shortest based Inter-Hospital Transfer (IHT) system waiting time. showed that the average wait from admission to transfer for an urgent inpatient surgical referral The targets agreed state that: in North West London was 18 days. The project 1. 100% of high risk patients needing was designed to address these issues and cardiac surgery should have been focussed on Ealing NHS Trust and the tertiary transferred, and received their surgery, centres it refers patients into (see above). within five days of the request for a fully ‘worked-up’ patient to be transferred Actions taken 2. For intermediate risk patients, 90% The project team looked at the entire patient should be transferred and have their pathway for urgent surgical inpatients and surgery within five days identified bottlenecks and agreed actions to 3. The risk scoring system devised and take to address these issues. These bottlenecks approved by the North West London fell into three main areas: Cardiac Network should be utilised 4. The North West London Cardiac 1. Pre-operative work-up Network’s web-based transfer system 2. Patient referral/tertiary care delays should be fully utilised by all trusts in 3. Clinical prioritisation and risk scoring North West London to monitor this target Three project meetings were held at which aims, 5. The web-based transfer system will be approaches and actions were agreed. Actions used to flag the patient for transfer to were undertaken outside the meeting in various another trust within North West London areas: if a patient cannot be transferred and operated on within five days. • Development of a protocol for cardiothoracic surgical work-up for patients to improve Transfer times from Ealing: interhospital transfer to a tertiary care centre - A comparison of eight week audit data collected Ealing NHS Trust at the beginning and end of the project shows • Definition and agreement of standardised that the following savings are being made: surgical work-up criteria • Clinical prioritisation and risk scoring Mean wait from 3.3 days saved • Audit of tertiary care bottlenecks and delays admission to per patient • IHT system amended to facilitate cardiac surgical transfer surgery work-up criteria. Mean wait from 7.25 days saved The network board was regularly updated on work-up complete per patient the project’s progress and key issues were to surgical transfer agreed there as appropriate. Contact information Jason Antrobus. Email:
  • 21. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 21 Continuing Development of Cardiac Services in North Bristol NHS Trust – Southmead Hospital and Frenchay Hospital Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset Cardiac and Stroke Network Issues to address Key results/outcomes Southmead and Frenchay Hospitals serve the Unfortunately, an outbreak of Noravirus population of Bristol and the surrounding area, infection resulted in ward closures during the supported by the Royal Bristol Hospital Tertiary course of the project, which had an impact on Centre which is only a few miles away. There are the performance of the cardiology service. currently two inpatient wards that receive However, despite this, the figures show that the cardiac patients, supported by a coronary care improvements that had been made in the unit. It became apparent that patients admitted system managed to prevent the performance of with a primary cardiac diagnosis were subject to the service from deteriorating significantly from a prolonged length of stay; that once admitted baseline levels. patients transfer to a cardiac ward was delayed; and that less than 60% were transferred to the In its first month, the catheter lab has seen and care of a cardiologist. In addition, targets for the treated 100 patients. Further developments and transfer of appropriate patients to the tertiary the continuation of this work are expected to centre were not being achieved, and it was produce significant positive impacts on the believed that opportunities to prevent patient current situation. readmission after discharge were not being met. Contact information At the same time, there was a need to develop Nicola Hughes appropriate pathways and guidelines for the Email: imminent opening of a new catheter lab at the Frenchay site. Actions taken • Developed and piloted a cardiac support nurse role which actively pulled cardiac patients on to the cardiac wards • Developed a patient journal for cardiac inpatients to records their thoughts regarding their stay • Operational policy and guidelines for the new catheter lab were formulated • Staff were very kindly supported and trained by national specialist units • Patient tracking system implemented • Catheter lab opened on 18 February 2008, providing angiography for low risk ACS inpatients, a pacemaker insertion service and PCI • A second catheter lab is due to be opened imminently • A further cardiology consultant is due to join the team in May • Preparing for BCIS accreditation.
  • 22. 22 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Reducing Non-elective Arrhythmia Inter-hospital Transfer Waits Through the Implementation of an Internet-based Referral and Transfer Management System The Heart Hospital (University College London Hospital), Barnet Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital, North Middlesex Hospital, Royal Free Hampstead Hospital, Whittington Hospital and North Central London Cardiac Network Issues to address Actions taken Patients who required treatment for a non- • A retrospective audit of time from admission elective arrhythmia were referred by five North to referral, and from referral to IHT was Central London (NCL) hospitals to the tertiary established (25 patients) centre at University College London Hospital • Implementation of on-line IHT referral and (UCLH). The referral was faxed from the acute transfer management system (Web Based hospital to the catheter lab co-ordinator, and an Transfer System) at the end of August 2007 in inter hospital transfer (IHT) arranged. Every stage the referring and receiving hospitals across the of this process required lengthy medical North Central London sector. This incorporated supervision. Anecdotally, long waits were a WBTS also a tracking and audit tool reported but no robust audit system existed. • Initial training of the main users at all centres during the month preceding going-live date • Successful introduction of the web-based • Dedicated user support during office hours for transfer system (WBTS) a further month • Reduced length of stay for arrhythmia inter- • Further user training delivered between hospital transfer (IHT) patients within North October and December 2007 for user change- Central London over (mainly junior doctors) • Improved communication between referring • In-house WBTS training and administration and receiving centres as well as between staff functions given back to each hospital. and patients Implementation of in-house WBTS champion • Transparency of IHT wait, through on-line • Feedback lines of communication through waiting lists WBTS champions • Easily accessible length of stay data for all key • Cross-organisational team building and stakeholders. problem solving through regular ‘Learn and Share Events’ • Daily dedicated permanent pacemaker slots at UCLH • After implementation of WBTS a prospective audit of waiting times was performed, matching types and number of procedures of baseline audit (25 patients) • WTBS user satisfaction questionnaires used to determine staff response to changes. Key results/outcomes The key results are shown in the table below: Admission to Referral to transfer Admission to referral (total days) (total days) transfer (total days) Baseline 193 155 348 WBTS cohort 87 140 227 Reduction from 55% 10% 35% baseline in %
  • 23. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 23 The user satisfaction questionnaires were distributed to WBTS users including ward sisters, receivers (personnel organising transfers at receiving centres) and referring consultants. These showed • Referrers and ward sisters at the referring centres reported greater transparency of the IHT wait and improved communication between the centres • The information on the WBTS was believed to have contributed to improved bed usage and better team working across hospital boundaries • Referring consultants believed that the benefits of the WBTS outweighed the increased work load. In addition, the 'live' waiting list has also enabled all stakeholders to highlight exceptionally long patient waiting times and at times enabled intervention to limit these. Greater participation of more stakeholders in the IHT process also ensures better sustainability of the transfer process within the NCL sector. Contact information Swetlana Wolf Email:
  • 24. 24 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Heart Failure Early Discharge Central Middlesex Hospital (part of North West London Hospitals NHS Trust) Brent PCT (Wembley Centre for Health and Care and other Community Clinics) North West London Cardiac Network Issues to address • Average length of stay was nine days Patients with heart failure currently tend to stay • Patient’s follow up was conducted at the in hospital longer than necessary because the cardiology or heart failure hospital clinic. clinical staff must ensure that patients are All patients had one or more co-morbidities completely stable before discharge. Because of with hypertension and diabetes being the difficulty with continuity of care by junior most prevalent. doctors, the period between the patient coming off intravenous diuretics and being stabilised on Actions taken oral medication is often prolonged. Also, A project steering group was set up with key patients are kept in hospital longer than members (involving hospital and community necessary because the medical staff realise that staff) to guide and inform the project. A process they may not see them after discharge for some mapping exercise was conducted to review the time because access to clinics is inflexible. existing care pathway and a baseline audit was conducted for the first eight weeks. The This project reviewed the existing pathway of following points outline the areas reviewed and care and assessed length of stay and emergency developed within the project: readmissions, the objective being to re-engineer the pathway of care to reduce length of stay. • Early discharge protocol and proforma Other areas reviewed were the existing developed by the heart failure (hospital and cardiology services relationship with other community) and CCT specialities such as general medicine, care of the • Promoting information for early discharge elderly, respiratory, gastro, endocrine and the throughout the hospital and with other collaborative care team (CCT). specialties • Working closely with CCT to support the heart Fifty data fields were included in the audit and a failure nurse with early discharge. Patients further 30 for use from day one to ten of their were identified within A&E, CCU and wards to care, which includes inpatient and community discuss possible early discharge care episodes. The following points outline the • A questionnaire was sent out to patients who most significant areas: were on the baseline audit asking to comment on their recent admission and the service • Twenty-four patients were identified for entry provided – this information was used to make onto the baseline audit – our original target of changes to the pilot 30 patients couldn’t be reached due to the • The project was piloted for four months patient criteria, which limited the patients that • Following the change in management process, could be included. This was recognised as a a further 24 patients were audited and as with risk to the pilot and it was agreed to the baseline audit, there were similar problems investigate whether it would be possible to with recruitment. Prior to discharge of each extend the project to include Brent patients patient an individual management plan was admitted to Northwick Park Hospital put together to provide appropriate continuing • Sixteen men and eight women who fitted the care and adjustments to medication set criteria (patients treated with IV diuretics (continuing the stabilisation of the patient with LV systolic dysfunction and not admitted which otherwise would have happened in with ACS) were identified to include in the hospital). A combination of CCT, hospital heart baseline. Six were <65 years and 18 were >65 failure nurses and community heart failure years, this age split is typical of heart failure nurses was used depending on the patient’s where the majority of patients tend to be requirements – home visiting or attendances at elderly. hospital
  • 25. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 25 • A patient personal notebook (previously developed by North West London Cardiac Network) was offered to patients on the pilot to promote self-management of care • CCT staff attended a heart failure nurses clinic on a rotating basis as part of a training schedule. Key results/outcomes The length of stay of patients in the second audit was eight days. Although the numbers of patients in the study was not enough to allow statistical analysis, the reduction in length of stay was in the area predicted at the start of the project (10%), and if born out in a larger study would represent a significant saving. Furthermore, this approach to patient care is applicable to other specialties. The project did provide some unexpected findings and more qualitative than quantitative results. The following points provide a brief outline of the conclusions: • Heart failure patients are often complex, admitted with co-morbidities and social issues which impact on being able to provide early discharge • Developed better links with other specialties • Developed a training schedule for CCT and HF to educate A&E staff in recognising HF symptoms and discharging patients without admitting to hospital • Patient follow-up was expanded to incorporate different resources according to need • Further work to review emergency readmissions for patients on pilot in next six months to establish continuity of care • Further work to estimate the resource cost of providing the service to put against the reduction in length of stay. Contact information Temo Donovan Email:
  • 26. 26 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Reducing Avoidable Hospital Admissions by Providing Community Support for Patients Referred Through the Single Contact Access Nomination (SCAN) Sheffield Primary Care Trust; Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust North Trent Network of Cardiac Care Issues to address • Support and speed of response led by SCAN is a referral system into and out of patient need secondary care, initiated to provide support in • Utilises a mixture of urgent and non urgent the community. response community services • Local intelligence and directory of services With the restructuring of the primary care trust used to signpost appropriately (PCT) back into one PCT and the admission • Guidelines and protocols in place to underpin avoidance work, the heart failure nurse service process and delivery was reviewed and a new model introduced. • Identified gaps in service and skills • Feedback loop in plan Some of the aims were to: • New model enables two specialist nurses to case find in secondary care, assess and refer • Focus activity to reduce admissions and patients to community heart failure team. maintain reduction in admissions • Increase use of single contact access Key results/outcomes nomination (SCAN) by primary and secondary • 300 cumulative heart failure referrals care and develop further to enable into SCAN patients/carers to self refer to SCAN for • Rate of GP referral increasing rapidly – 73 information/visit heart failure referrals in last quarter • Review heart failure pathway in line with the • Evidence of patient satisfaction 18 week wait • Increased capacity through service redesign eg. • Signpost patients to the appropriate service community staff nurses with special interest in • Reduce discharge delays whilst patients wait heart failure take less complex patients with for social services to provide care packages support from the specialist nurses • Reduce variation in discharge information from • Reduced admissions and improved triage heart failure service in secondary care to system primary care. • Dedicated heart failure ward discussions • Heart failure rehabilitation pilot Actions taken • Early discussion in Telly Health • Single point of access (SCAN) for nominations • Investment and support. and management of the system in place from primary, secondary care professionals, care Contact information homes, social care, patients and carers. Colette Longford Signposting by skilled senior nurses Email: • Development of System One as an administrative/management function as a register for 'Very High Intensity Users’ (VHIUs) • An additional three nurses from community nursing appointed • A change of role for secondary care nurses so all inpatient and secondary care patients are assessed and if appropriate, referred to the community heart failure team. Education provided for staff working on the medical admissions unit. ‘link nurses’ developed and criteria for case finding agreed
  • 27. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 27 Integrated Heart Failure Service Across All Organisational Boundaries Ashford and St Peters NHS Trust, North West Locality of Surrey PCT (to be extended to South West Locality and Frimley Park) Surrey Heart and Stroke Network The aim of the project was to provide fully Key results/outcomes integrated heart failure services across all • Establishment of local HF nurse activity organisational boundaries to improve the clinical database. For Nov 07 – Jan 08 management of all heart failure patients. This demonstrates 72 avoided GP contacts, included increasing referrals to the heart failure three avoided hospital admissions and nurses and integrating the service with the GP one avoided A&E admissions with special interest ‘heart function’ clinics. • Community Heart Failure Consultant review – this was a four month audit of Issues to address the direct access by HF nurses to • Reduce heart failure admissions consultant opinion. Review indicates a • Reduce length of stay (LoS) potential saving of 24 inpatient days and • There were two heart failure nurses in old 15 outpatient attendances North Surrey locality • Reduction of heart failure admissions from • Successful BHF bid for heart failure nurses. 65 to 21 per month Came into post July/September 06 (didn’t take • Reduction in LOS from average of 8.59 patients on until late 2006) days to 4.5 days • Two to three weeks waits for inpatient echo • A strong heart failure steering group with up to 16 week wait for outpatient echo committed to improving services in secondary care • Improved access to consultant cardiology • Links with palliative care team established but opinion not consolidated • Improved patient management within the • End of life stage – improved access to home and across organisational boundaries palliative care and hospice. • Home ECG audit – expedited referral to secondary care where appropriate for Actions taken intervention/treatment. Improved medicines • New consultant cardiologist with special management within the home. Reduced interest in heart failure and imaging appointed unnecessary care/GP appointments. Increased in April 06 reassurance for patients and carers • Data collection to review heart failure • Improved links with palliative care and other admissions for the first quarter in years 2006, community services 2007 and 2008 for comparison • Consistent documentation across localities • Data collection to establish LoS from April to • Through audit and patient and public March 2007/08 involvement, established sound evidence to • Review documentation; new West Surrey wide inform business proposal for continuation of clinical guidelines and patient information heart failure nurse led service • Establishment of a heart failure nurse service • Engagement from network commissioning across the whole of West Surrey to review group for continuation of service and spread protocols to other localities across Surrey • Establish a process for direct access to • New one stop echo/heart failure clinic run by consultant cardiologist for his opinion with consultant cardiologist within secondary care. complex patients for both heart failure and GP with special interests (GPSI) Contact information • Established links with palliative care Alex Bennett • Access to network shared drive in order to Email: access information by all parties involved in project • Purchase of portable ECG machines for all heart failure nurses across West Surrey • Purchase of weighing scales to help inpatient self-management • Audit of patient satisfaction via questionnaire.
  • 28. 28 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Conquest Hospital Sussex Heart Network Issues to address • Both Tai Chi rehabilitation programmes and The Conquest Hospital inpatient heart failure hand-held records were available for heart service offered an excellent package of care for failure patients those patients who were referred to them, but • Teaching/education sessions for practice the service became fragmented for the patients nurses/community nurses/acute nurses took who were admitted to other consultant teams place elsewhere in the hospital. Problems included: • Links with the hospice team and expansion of the palliative and supportive care services were • Delays in getting echos done developed and progressed. • Heart failure team not being informed of the patient admission Key results/outcomes • Undue delays in medical admissions unit Jan 1998 – Dec 2007 (MAU) • 51.04% reduction in average no. of • Patient not on the correct pathway for admissions/quarter with heart failure in optimisation of care primary diagnosis position • Longer length of stay (LoS) • 36.6% reduction in median LOS/quarter • Unnecessary readmissions has decreased from 11 to seven days • Lack of specialist support for patients • 23% reduction of deaths in hospital in following their discharge. non-elective admissions with heart failure. Actions taken Aug 2007 – Mar 2008 • Established a project steering group and • 20% reduction in number of days waiting process mapped acute and community care for echo from date of referral to date heart failure pathways of test. • Baseline information data was obtained and subsequent data was collected and analysed Please note that these results are calculated • Early identification of heart failure admissions on incomplete HRG performance data. through existing and enhanced methods. These included a telephone hotline for heart Contact information failure admissions with an accompanying Toni De Freitas poster initiative, and an ‘alert’ feature on the Email: hospital information system to highlight all known patients and guidance around contacting the heart failure team • MAU consultants and their teams worked to fast track patients to the heart failure acute team, all cardiology inpatient admissions were centralised to dedicated wards and early access to echocardiogram on the ward was facilitated • Management plans were in place for all heart failure patients following an acute heart failure pathway, and optimised discharge and follow up care were established • Cross boundary communications were further enhanced through multi-disciplinary team discharge planning meetings, ward rounds for heart failure acute teams, enhanced community heart failure nurse links to wards and the establishment of ward-link nurses
  • 29. Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds 29 Project Team Members and Participating Sites
  • 30. 30 Making Best Use of Inpatient Beds Project Team Members and Participating Sites Thelma Daly Temo Donovan Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset North West London Cardiac Network Cardiac and Stroke Network Brent, Central Middlesex Hospital and Brent tPCT Bristol, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust Chrissie Bennett Nicola Hughes Peninsula Cardiac Managed Clinical Network Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire and Somerset Plymouth, Plymouth tPCT and Plymouth Cardiac and Stroke Network Hospitals NHS Trust Bristol, Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust Toni De Freitas Candy Jeffries Sussex Heart Network Bedfordshie & Hertfordshie Heart and Stroke Network Hastings, Conquest Hospital and Hastngs Hemel Hempstead Hospital, West Herts NHS Trust and Rother PCT Caroline Hewitt Alex Bennett Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac Network Surrey Heart and Stroke Network Central Manchester, Central Manchester PCT, Central Woking, Surrey PCT and Ashford and Manchester and Manchester Childrens University St Peter's NHS Trust Hospitals NHS Trust and PBC Hub Mimi Parker Luke Coleman Surrey Heart and Stroke Network Greater Manchester and Cheshire Cardiac Network Woking, Surrey PCT and Ashford and Central Manchester, Central Manchester PCT, Central St Peter's NHS Trust Manchester and Manchester Childrens University Hospitals NHS Trust and PBC Hub National Team Members Jennifer Watts Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network Sheelagh Machin Blackburn, East Lancashire NHS Trust, Blackburn Director, NHS Improvement Royal Infirmary Carolyn Heyes Rita Briggs National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network Richard Longbottom Blackburn, East Lancashire NHS Trust, Blackburn Commissioning Advisor, NHS Improvement Royal Infirmary Ann Baines Jennifer Watts North Trent Network of Cardiac Care - Rotherham Service Improvement Manager, NHS Improvement Rotherham, Rotherham PCT and Rotherham NHS Anne Coleman Foundation Trust Personal Assistant, NHS Improvement Colette Longford Jonathan Shribman North Trent Network of Cardiac Care - Sheffield National Clinical Lead, General Practitioner Sheffield, Sheffield PCT and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust David Walker Swetlana Wolf National Clinical Lead, Consultant Cardiologist North Central London Cardiac Network Steve Livesey Hampstead, Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust and Heart National Clinical Lead, Consultant Hospital Cardiothoracic Surgeon Jason Antrobus North West London Cardiac Network Ealing, Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, St Mary's Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital
  • 31.
  • 32. NHS NHS Improvement CANCER DIAGNOSTICS HEART STROKE NHS Improvement NHS Improvement is a newly formed national improvement programme working with clinical networks and NHS organisations to transform, deliver and sustain improvements across the entire pathway of care in cancer, cardiac, diagnostics and stroke services. Formed in April 2008, NHS Improvement brings together the Cancer Services Collaborative ‘Improvement Partnership’, Diagnostics Service Improvement, NHS Heart Improvement Programme and Stroke Improvement into one improvement programme. With over eight years practical service improvement experience in cancer, diagnostics and heart, NHS Improvement aims to achieve sustainable effective pathways and systems, share improvement resources and learning, increase impact and ensure value for money to improve the efficiency and quality of NHS services. NHS Improvement 3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB Telephone: 0116 222 5101 | Fax: 0116 222 5184 ©NHS Improvement 2008 | All Rights Reserved Publication Ref: IMP/heart0004