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PORTFOLIO                                                     John E. Thompson

                                                                     217 W Franklin Ave #3
                                                                     Minneapolis MN 55404


                                                                             twitter @jet1385

My Site (URL TBD)          Version 2           This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture   February 14, 2011          Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      What is this?

      This is a future personal website, the purpose of which is to illustrate my feats to those
      interested. I based it on a simple, obvious idea: a site that is its own map. Perfect for an
      aspiring information architect.

      Who will be visiting the site?

      I decided that I would pick three primary personas with different goals. Since my site isn't
      going to be complicated, user scenarios for the primary and some tertiary personas will
      be combined with the site path diagram.

                                                                                                                     My very rough sketch at a bar (I was
                                                                                                                     inspired by ambient dialogue).

                                                                                                                     The "pac man" in the upper right
                                                                                                                     has no real meaning; it was just an
                                                                                                                     idea that popped into my head. If I
                                                                                                                     can flesh out a purpose to use it
                                                                                                                     later, I most certainly will.

My Site (URL TBD)                               Version 2                                            This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                        February 14, 2011                                           Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Je!rey                                               Leann                                              Todd

      This man is a CCO at a world-famous                  She's a designer at heart. Preferring to focus     While satisfied with his lucrative freelance
      agency and is searching for talent. He's a           on pure creative aesthetics, she finds herself      copywriting gig, his true love is discovering
      researcher, so he will be searching for a            in need of talent from other fields—in this         original websites and promoting them online
      resume, portfolio and anything that defines           case, information architecture and user            via Twitter and his various blogs.
      me as a professional.                                experience.
                                                                                                              Like Leann, he bases much of his search on
      But he doesn't just believe in cold, hard facts.     Leann bases her search on web presence             talent, but above everything, he scours for
      He wants to know what makes his workers              and pure talent; experience and personality        mold-breakers.
      tick; personality plays a key role in who he         doesn't play much of a role in her search.
      hires—as does method.                                                                                   While he spends half of his time on his
                                                           She's looking for someone to help her on her       Macbook (with an 11.6" screen size), he also
      He has a specific way of ordering tea, keeps          latest project, a full-scale online presence,      lugs around an iPhone and makes sure to
      up on the latest typography innovations and          including a website, social media campaign,        rock out every once in a while.
      blasts old Pixies songs in his glass-walled          blog and more. Leann has yet to complete
      office.                                               the preliminary plan and also seeks                Though not seemingly a directly useful demo
                                                           consultation from a creative-minded, far-          for my site, he has connections, thousands of
      Jeffrey gives off an aura of being rarely            seeking individual.                                dedicated followers and raw excitement for
      impressed to keep people working harder,                                                                everything—a real networking and
      but he takes time to reward those who truly          She's also a cat owner and Scrabble player,        promotional goldmine and someone who
      deserve recognition.                                 but she means business. This creative entity       could be a blast to work with in the future.
                                                           is not one to stretch projects and embrace a
                                                           high amount of grand ideas. Practicality is
                                                           her mantra.

My Site (URL TBD)                               Version 2                                                   This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                        February 14, 2011                                                  Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
PAGES Once I had a better idea of who would be visiting my site, I compiled a list of parts on
      the site, their purposes and intended users.

      Home                 Universal staple; also serves as a 'refresh' button.                            Jeffrey, Leann, Todd

      Contact              Universal staple; will help users locate my location and contact information.   Jeffrey, Leann, Todd

      Resume               Where users can view and download my latest resume and view my                  Jeffrey, Leann
                           professional history.

      UX/IA Work           Where users can view my completed UX/IA projects and download                   Jeffrey, Leann
                           portfolio pieces.

      Writing Work         Where users can view and download my professional writing portfolio.            Jeffrey

      Hobbies              Where users can view my hobbies and get a better overview of my                 Jeffrey, Todd

      Social               Twitter, reddit, Tumblr, YouTube and LinkedIn icons and/or links for the        Todd

      Credits              Where users can view who contributed to the site and contact those              Jeffrey, Leann, Todd
                           contributors if they wish. This part also boosts visibility of my site—each
                           contributor is listed here. If anyone searches for their names, my site will
                           show up in the search. Also, those contributors will have my site in their
                           portfolios and resumes, further increasing visibility.

My Site (URL TBD)                                Version 2                                                    This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                         February 14, 2011                                                   Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      I then sketched how users would access the site from various reference pages and
      applications. I quickly discovered the need to have easy one- to two-click access between
      all parts of the site.

                                                                                            ign                       potential
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                                                                                   web or                                                         s

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                                                                                                                  hobbies         ia work



                                                                                       writing work

My Site (URL TBD)                              Version 2                                                                          This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                       February 14, 2011                                                                         Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Once I had a clear look at where users would head, then I inventoried the parts in order
      to make their functions clearer. Administrative meta is excluded since none of the parts
      has a creation date, author or usage history.

      Common questions can be answered here (i.e. What kind of page is it? What content
      will be contained within in? What meta data will be included within the code?).

      part / title   type          content                          notes                           location         descriptive meta*

      Home           Home page     All parts; a short bio/intro/    Subject to change (i.e. more    www.[TBD].com    *for all pages—all content is related to the following:
                                   about statement; credits         collaborators in credits;
                                   section; social media icons      more social icons, etc.).                        Information architect, info architect, user experience
                                                                                                                     designer, designer, content manager, content
      Contact        Expandable    Name, email, phone               Subject to change.              /contact         strategist, organizer, IA, UX designer, John
                     window        number, address                                                                   Thompson, John E. Thompson, jet1385
                                   (pending); "hello" statement

      Resume         Expandable    Full resume minus hobbies,       N/A                             /resume
                     window        contact info, references;
                                   PDF resume download link

      UX/IA          Expandable    List of UX/IA work; PDF          Subject to change (addition/    /uxiawork
      Work           window        portfolio download links;        deletion of UX/IA work);
                                   links to webpages, preview       image previews may be cut
                                   images; summaries; post          if they do not work properly.

      Writing        Expandable    List of written pieces; one      Subject to change (addition/    /writingwork
      Work           window        PDF portfolio link; links to     deletion of writing work);
                                   written pieces (if available);   PDF portfolio will need
                                   summaries; post dates            updating.
      Hobbies        Expandable    List of hobbies (bulleted,       Subject to change; might
                     window        perhaps)                         add a PDF resume
                                                                    download link.

My Site (URL TBD)                                Version 2                                                          This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                         February 14, 2011                                                         Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Since the website is mainly about myself, the site map is simple! Considering the site
      path, inventory and user personas, all parts are accessible immediately from the home
      page and expand when interacted with.


                                                     Home                      contact

                                       UX/IA Work


                                         UX/IA                 Writing
                       Resume            Work                  Work
                        down-            down-                 down-
                         load            loads                 loads


My Site (URL TBD)                            Version 2                                         This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                     February 14, 2011                                        Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      And since my career path is information architecture, why not have my website match
                                                                                                                Default Home View .1

      that style? So it will be a portfolio itself—an interactive, gorgeous site map. You're
                                                                                                                            These are notes. I skip the "i" as to not
      probably wondering how this is going to work....
                                                                                                                            confuse it with an "L" or a "1".

      First, the default home view (the home page without any interaction):

                                                                                                                  1a   Either my picture, signature or something
                                                                                                                       that reflects "me" will go here.
         1f             1a                                                                        1e

                                                                                                                  1b   This will be a short 'about' statement.
                [Logo]                                                                         Contact
                                 1b                                                                                    These lines will be visible, but much prettier.
              This is a paragraph illustrating
              who I am. It will serve as a
              synopsis, a verbal 'about              HOME                                                         1d   If there's a box or shading behind this, the
              page', if you will. It will most                                                                         box will adjust for user-adjusted text size.
              likely be three lines and
              relatively this wide.                                                                                    Align top with logo; include a healthy
                                                                                                                       amount of white space above the logo.

                                                                                                                  1f   If possible, this page should load part by
                                                                       Writing                                         part in a predetermined order (i.e. logo,
                                                   UX/IA work                                                          about text, home, contact, resume, UX/IA
                                 Resume                                 work                   Hobbies
                                                                                                                       work, writing work, hobbies, credits, social
                                                                                                                       media icons).

                                                                                                                  1g   I would prefer to include contact information
                1d     1g                                                                                              for those credited. Or the names could link
                                                                                                                       to their email or respective websites.
               concept - John Thompson
               design - Ash Williams
               coding - Byron Bluth

My Site (URL TBD)                                Version 2                                               This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                         February 14, 2011                                              Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Now the page that displays my portfolio of information architecture work:
                                                                                                                                                            UX/IA Work .2

                                                                                                                                            2a   Clicking on any of these will result in the
                            2a                                                                                                                   current box dissolving and returning to the
                                                                                                                            2b                   home page.
                 [Logo]                                                                                                                          Clicking on any of these will result in the
                                                                                                                                                 current box dissolving and the respective
                                                                                                                                                 part opening as if the user had clicked that
             This is a paragraph illustrating who I am.                                                                                          part from the default home view.
             It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal
             'about page', if you will. It will most likely             HOME
             be three lines and relatively this wide.
                                                                                                                                            2c   Opens a PDF preview of the portfolio on a
                                                                                                                                                 new tab or window.
                                                                 2a                        2b                               2b
                                                                                                                                            2d   Image expands when clicked on to a size
                                                                UX/IA                   Writing
                                    Resume                                                                          Hobbies                      that comfortably fits 800x600 resolution.
                                                                work                     work

                                                                                                                                            2e   Scroll up or down one portfolio item. Note
                                                                          2e                                           2a                        "Page 2 of 3" to give user the location.
                                                                                                2c      2c
                                                                                  Page 2 of 3
                                                 2d                2g                                Download as a PDF                           Include alt text for all images.
                                                                   This is a synopsis on the site purpose. It could
                                                Preview image      include what I tasks I performed, who I worked with,
                                                                   what programs/apps I used, or anything relevant to                       2g   Opens clicked URL in a new tab or window.
                                                                   the project.

                                                                                                     Download as a PDF
                                                                                                                                            2h   When "UX/IA Work" is clicked, this box
                                                                                          2010                             should precipitate smoothly and the arrow
                                                      2f           This is a synopsis on the site purpose. It could                              will connect from "UX/IA Work" to the
                                                Preview image      include what I tasks I performed, who I worked with,                          window. The window starts at Page 1 of (n).
                                                                   what programs/apps I used, or anything relevant to
                                                                   the project.                                                                  All of this should take half a second.

               Credits                                                            Page 2 of 3
               concept - John Thompson                                                                                    2b
               design - Ash Williams
               coding - Byron Bluth

My Site (URL TBD)                                                     Version 2                                                    This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                                              February 14, 2011                                                   Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Now the page that displays my portfolio of written pieces (articles, blogs, page copy, etc.):
                                                                                                                                                       Written Work .3

                                                                                                                                             3a   See notes 2a, 2b, 2e and 2h—adjust
        3a                                                                                                                                        accordingly.

                                                                                                                                             3b   Opens link to the written piece in a new tab
                                                                                                                                                  or window.

             This is a paragraph illustrating who I am.
             It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal
             'about page', if you will. It will most likely            HOME
             be three lines and relatively this wide.

                                                              UX/IA                   Writing
                                    Resume                                                                            Hobbies
                                                              work                     work

                                                                                            Page 2 of 3

                                                                  3b             Download writing portfolio as a PDF

                                                               Top 10 Reasons Wireframing Rocks               2011
                                                               This is a synopsis that would serve as a "pull" to the
                                                               article itself. I would include a teaser, touch upon the
                                                               topics being discusses and include any other
                                                               necessary details.

                                                               Winter Skin Care Dos and Don'ts                2010
                                                               This is a synopsis that would serve as a "pull" to the
                                                               article itself. I would include a teaser, touch upon the
                                                               topics being discusses and include any other
                                                               necessary details.

               Credits                                                                       Page 2 of 3
               concept - John Thompson
               design - Ash Williams
               coding - Byron Bluth

My Site (URL TBD)                                                 Version 2                                                         This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                                          February 14, 2011                                                        Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Now the page that displays my resume:
                                                                                                                                                               Resume .4

                                                                                                                                        4a   See notes 2a, 2b, 2e and 2h—adjust
        4a                                                                                                                                   accordingly.

                                                                                                                                        4b   This box will expand fully downward as
                                                                                                                                             needed. No scrolling required, except in the
                                                                                                                                             browser window.

             This is a paragraph illustrating who I am.
             It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal
             'about page', if you will. It will most likely              HOME
             be three lines and relatively this wide.

                                                                UX/IA                Writing
                                    Resume                                                                         Hobbies
                                                                work                  work


                                                                                                    Download resume as a PDF

                 Experience                                                Education

                 Information Architect / UX Designer                       Bachelor of Science, English
                 (Freelance)                                               University of Wisconsin-Madison
                 Minneapolis, MN                                           August 2003-May 2008
                 January 2010-present                                      Complex sentence structuring and grammar;
                 Collaborating with an artist on her professional          humanism; sociology; researching and essay
                 website project, including the design concept,            writing; literature; art history; economics;
                 user personas and scenarios, usability, mapping,          programming; object design; engineering;
                 wireframes and archiving.                                 calculus; circuitry; physics.

                 Multimedia Managing Editor                                Private Pilot Training, Single-Engine Airplane
                 RB Publishing                                             Wings, Inc. (St. Paul, MN)
                 Madison, WI                                               Wisconsin Aviation (Madison, WI)
                 September 2007-May 2010                                   2006-2007
                 Managed all print and digital design, editorial and
                 marketing for B2C and B2B magazines. Headed
                 two awards campaigns and three web/print

My Site (URL TBD)                                                      Version 2                                               This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                                               February 14, 2011                                              Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Now the page that displays my portfolio of written pieces (articles, blogs, page copy, etc.):
                                                                                                                                                           Hobbies .5

                                                                                                                                    5a   See notes 2a, 2b, 2e and 2h—adjust
        5a                                                                                                                               accordingly.

                                                                                                                                    5b   May omit this, depending on usability/UX

             This is a paragraph illustrating who I am.                                                                             5c   This box will expand fully downward as
             It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal                                                                                       needed. No scrolling required, except in the
             'about page', if you will. It will most likely           HOME                                                               browser window.
             be three lines and relatively this wide.

                                                              UX/IA               Writing
                                    Resume                                                                   Hobbies
                                                              work                 work



                                                                                                Download resume as a PDF


                                                                       Construction Volunteer
                                                                       Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
                                                                       November 2010-present

                                                                       Amateur Curler
                                                                       St. Paul Curling Club
                                                                       October 2010-present

                                                                       Guitarist & Composer
               concept - John Thompson
               design - Ash Williams
               coding - Byron Bluth

My Site (URL TBD)                                                Version 2                                                 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                                         February 14, 2011                                                Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      Now the page that displays my contact information:
                                                                                                                                                             Contact .6

                                                                                                                                     6a   See notes 2a and 2b—adjust accordingly.
        6a                                                                         6b

                                                                                                                                     6b   When "Contact" is clicked, the default view
                 [Logo]                                                            Contact                                                box should dissipate slowly as the opened
                                                                                   John E. Thompson                                       window precipitates smoothly and the arrow
                                                                                                                                          will connect from "Home" to the window. All
             This is a paragraph illustrating who I am.                                                                                   of this should take half a second.
             It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal                                 Address Line
             'about page', if you will. It will most likely           HOME
                                                                                   City, ST 55432
             be three lines and relatively this wide.
                                                                                                                                     6c   Clicking will open an new message/
                                                                                   Shoot me a line, phone me, mail
                                                                                   me a letter, and I'll get back to you!                 compose window in the user's email
                                                                                                                                          application of choice (Outlook, Gmail...).

                                                              UX/IA          Writing
                                    Resume                                                               Hobbies
                                                              work            work

              concept - John Thompson
              design - Ash Williams
              coding - Byron Bluth

My Site (URL TBD)                                                Version 2                                                  This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                                         February 14, 2011                                                 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
      All that from a drawing on a sheet of paper!

      From here, I plan on designing the site myself and developing it in Ajax, Joomla or, most
      likely, WordPress. However, this would render my "Credits" section null, which is why I
      hope to find other new talent similar to myself, others who could join in and beef up their
      own portfolios and resumes.

      Either way, my last step is to fill up the "UX/IA Work" page—and this is what I am looking
      forward to the most.

       Contact me at 608.215.7014 or

       Also, follow me on Twitter @jet1385,
       check out my blog at, and feel free to
       connect with me on LinkedIn.

       Thanks for reading!
       - John

My Site (URL TBD)                             Version 2                                            This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro.
Information Architecture                      February 14, 2011                                           Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

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UX Portfolio - Personal Website

  • 1. PORTFOLIO John E. Thompson 217 W Franklin Ave #3 Minneapolis MN 55404 608.215.7014 twitter @jet1385 My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 2. CONCEPT What is this? This is a future personal website, the purpose of which is to illustrate my feats to those interested. I based it on a simple, obvious idea: a site that is its own map. Perfect for an aspiring information architect. Who will be visiting the site? I decided that I would pick three primary personas with different goals. Since my site isn't going to be complicated, user scenarios for the primary and some tertiary personas will be combined with the site path diagram. My very rough sketch at a bar (I was inspired by ambient dialogue). The "pac man" in the upper right has no real meaning; it was just an idea that popped into my head. If I can flesh out a purpose to use it later, I most certainly will. My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 3. PERSONAS Je!rey Leann Todd This man is a CCO at a world-famous She's a designer at heart. Preferring to focus While satisfied with his lucrative freelance agency and is searching for talent. He's a on pure creative aesthetics, she finds herself copywriting gig, his true love is discovering researcher, so he will be searching for a in need of talent from other fields—in this original websites and promoting them online resume, portfolio and anything that defines case, information architecture and user via Twitter and his various blogs. me as a professional. experience. Like Leann, he bases much of his search on But he doesn't just believe in cold, hard facts. Leann bases her search on web presence talent, but above everything, he scours for He wants to know what makes his workers and pure talent; experience and personality mold-breakers. tick; personality plays a key role in who he doesn't play much of a role in her search. hires—as does method. While he spends half of his time on his She's looking for someone to help her on her Macbook (with an 11.6" screen size), he also He has a specific way of ordering tea, keeps latest project, a full-scale online presence, lugs around an iPhone and makes sure to up on the latest typography innovations and including a website, social media campaign, rock out every once in a while. blasts old Pixies songs in his glass-walled blog and more. Leann has yet to complete office. the preliminary plan and also seeks Though not seemingly a directly useful demo consultation from a creative-minded, far- for my site, he has connections, thousands of Jeffrey gives off an aura of being rarely seeking individual. dedicated followers and raw excitement for impressed to keep people working harder, everything—a real networking and but he takes time to reward those who truly She's also a cat owner and Scrabble player, promotional goldmine and someone who deserve recognition. but she means business. This creative entity could be a blast to work with in the future. is not one to stretch projects and embrace a high amount of grand ideas. Practicality is her mantra. My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 4. PAGES Once I had a better idea of who would be visiting my site, I compiled a list of parts on the site, their purposes and intended users. Home Universal staple; also serves as a 'refresh' button. Jeffrey, Leann, Todd Contact Universal staple; will help users locate my location and contact information. Jeffrey, Leann, Todd Resume Where users can view and download my latest resume and view my Jeffrey, Leann professional history. UX/IA Work Where users can view my completed UX/IA projects and download Jeffrey, Leann portfolio pieces. Writing Work Where users can view and download my professional writing portfolio. Jeffrey Hobbies Where users can view my hobbies and get a better overview of my Jeffrey, Todd personality! Social Twitter, reddit, Tumblr, YouTube and LinkedIn icons and/or links for the Todd socialites. Credits Where users can view who contributed to the site and contact those Jeffrey, Leann, Todd contributors if they wish. This part also boosts visibility of my site—each contributor is listed here. If anyone searches for their names, my site will show up in the search. Also, those contributors will have my site in their portfolios and resumes, further increasing visibility. My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 5. SITE PATH I then sketched how users would access the site from various reference pages and applications. I quickly discovered the need to have easy one- to two-click access between all parts of the site. ign potential des collaborator web or s (; / sen omeon :P and ent (i.e. Leann) tar eI e or e sume :D c ont siast mai u (: enth l to so nn low fre r ef nte cia ec er co fol e| | link e pag y) from . J hu or l tion (i.e ead | hom an em ail | h er |= ad | lin re : | o g kf log blo rom ab m so ro cia f nk lm | li ed hobbies ia work resume ia credits | contact social writing work My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 6. INVENTORY Once I had a clear look at where users would head, then I inventoried the parts in order to make their functions clearer. Administrative meta is excluded since none of the parts has a creation date, author or usage history. Common questions can be answered here (i.e. What kind of page is it? What content will be contained within in? What meta data will be included within the code?). part / title type content notes location descriptive meta* Home Home page All parts; a short bio/intro/ Subject to change (i.e. more www.[TBD].com *for all pages—all content is related to the following: about statement; credits collaborators in credits; section; social media icons more social icons, etc.). Information architect, info architect, user experience designer, designer, content manager, content Contact Expandable Name, email, phone Subject to change. /contact strategist, organizer, IA, UX designer, John window number, address Thompson, John E. Thompson, jet1385 (pending); "hello" statement Resume Expandable Full resume minus hobbies, N/A /resume window contact info, references; PDF resume download link UX/IA Expandable List of UX/IA work; PDF Subject to change (addition/ /uxiawork Work window portfolio download links; deletion of UX/IA work); links to webpages, preview image previews may be cut images; summaries; post if they do not work properly. dates Writing Expandable List of written pieces; one Subject to change (addition/ /writingwork Work window PDF portfolio link; links to deletion of writing work); written pieces (if available); PDF portfolio will need summaries; post dates updating. /hobbies Hobbies Expandable List of hobbies (bulleted, Subject to change; might window perhaps) add a PDF resume download link. My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 7. SITE MAP Since the website is mainly about myself, the site map is simple! Considering the site path, inventory and user personas, all parts are accessible immediately from the home page and expand when interacted with. Global Home contact UX/IA Work Hobbies Writing Resume Work UX/IA Writing Resume Work Work down- down- down- load loads loads Social Credits ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 8. WIREFRAME And since my career path is information architecture, why not have my website match Default Home View .1 that style? So it will be a portfolio itself—an interactive, gorgeous site map. You're These are notes. I skip the "i" as to not probably wondering how this is going to work.... confuse it with an "L" or a "1". First, the default home view (the home page without any interaction): 1a Either my picture, signature or something that reflects "me" will go here. 1f 1a 1e 1b This will be a short 'about' statement. [Logo] Contact 1c 1b These lines will be visible, but much prettier. 1c This is a paragraph illustrating who I am. It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal 'about HOME 1d If there's a box or shading behind this, the page', if you will. It will most box will adjust for user-adjusted text size. likely be three lines and relatively this wide. Align top with logo; include a healthy 1e amount of white space above the logo. 1f If possible, this page should load part by Writing part in a predetermined order (i.e. logo, UX/IA work about text, home, contact, resume, UX/IA Resume work Hobbies work, writing work, hobbies, credits, social media icons). 1g I would prefer to include contact information 1d 1g for those credited. Or the names could link to their email or respective websites. Credits concept - John Thompson design - Ash Williams coding - Byron Bluth My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 9. WIREFRAME Now the page that displays my portfolio of information architecture work: UX/IA Work .2 2a Clicking on any of these will result in the 2a current box dissolving and returning to the 2b home page. Contact [Logo] Clicking on any of these will result in the 2b current box dissolving and the respective 2a part opening as if the user had clicked that This is a paragraph illustrating who I am. part from the default home view. It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal 'about page', if you will. It will most likely HOME be three lines and relatively this wide. 2c Opens a PDF preview of the portfolio on a new tab or window. 2a 2b 2b 2b 2d Image expands when clicked on to a size UX/IA Writing Resume Hobbies that comfortably fits 800x600 resolution. work work 2e Scroll up or down one portfolio item. Note 2h 2e 2a "Page 2 of 3" to give user the location. 2c 2c Page 2 of 3 2d 2g Download as a PDF Include alt text for all images. 2f 2011 This is a synopsis on the site purpose. It could Preview image include what I tasks I performed, who I worked with, what programs/apps I used, or anything relevant to 2g Opens clicked URL in a new tab or window. the project. Download as a PDF 2h When "UX/IA Work" is clicked, this box 2010 should precipitate smoothly and the arrow 2f This is a synopsis on the site purpose. It could will connect from "UX/IA Work" to the Preview image include what I tasks I performed, who I worked with, window. The window starts at Page 1 of (n). what programs/apps I used, or anything relevant to 2e the project. All of this should take half a second. Credits Page 2 of 3 concept - John Thompson 2b design - Ash Williams coding - Byron Bluth My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 10. WIREFRAME Now the page that displays my portfolio of written pieces (articles, blogs, page copy, etc.): Written Work .3 3a See notes 2a, 2b, 2e and 2h—adjust 3a accordingly. Contact 3b Opens link to the written piece in a new tab [Logo] or window. This is a paragraph illustrating who I am. It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal 'about page', if you will. It will most likely HOME be three lines and relatively this wide. UX/IA Writing Resume Hobbies work work Page 2 of 3 3b Download writing portfolio as a PDF Top 10 Reasons Wireframing Rocks 2011 This is a synopsis that would serve as a "pull" to the article itself. I would include a teaser, touch upon the topics being discusses and include any other necessary details. Winter Skin Care Dos and Don'ts 2010 This is a synopsis that would serve as a "pull" to the article itself. I would include a teaser, touch upon the topics being discusses and include any other necessary details. Credits Page 2 of 3 concept - John Thompson design - Ash Williams coding - Byron Bluth My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 11. WIREFRAME Now the page that displays my resume: Resume .4 4a See notes 2a, 2b, 2e and 2h—adjust 4a accordingly. Contact 4b This box will expand fully downward as [Logo] needed. No scrolling required, except in the browser window. This is a paragraph illustrating who I am. It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal 'about page', if you will. It will most likely HOME be three lines and relatively this wide. UX/IA Writing Resume Hobbies work work 4b Download resume as a PDF Experience Education Information Architect / UX Designer Bachelor of Science, English (Freelance) University of Wisconsin-Madison Minneapolis, MN August 2003-May 2008 January 2010-present Complex sentence structuring and grammar; Collaborating with an artist on her professional humanism; sociology; researching and essay website project, including the design concept, writing; literature; art history; economics; user personas and scenarios, usability, mapping, programming; object design; engineering; wireframes and archiving. calculus; circuitry; physics. Multimedia Managing Editor Private Pilot Training, Single-Engine Airplane RB Publishing Wings, Inc. (St. Paul, MN) Madison, WI Wisconsin Aviation (Madison, WI) September 2007-May 2010 2006-2007 Managed all print and digital design, editorial and marketing for B2C and B2B magazines. Headed two awards campaigns and three web/print redesigns. My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 12. WIREFRAME Now the page that displays my portfolio of written pieces (articles, blogs, page copy, etc.): Hobbies .5 5a See notes 2a, 2b, 2e and 2h—adjust 5a accordingly. Contact 5b May omit this, depending on usability/UX [Logo] tests. This is a paragraph illustrating who I am. 5c This box will expand fully downward as It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal needed. No scrolling required, except in the 'about page', if you will. It will most likely HOME browser window. be three lines and relatively this wide. UX/IA Writing Resume Hobbies work work 5c 5b Download resume as a PDF Hobbies Construction Volunteer Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity November 2010-present Amateur Curler St. Paul Curling Club October 2010-present Guitarist & Composer GarageBand 2007-present Credits concept - John Thompson design - Ash Williams coding - Byron Bluth My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 13. WIREFRAME Now the page that displays my contact information: Contact .6 6a See notes 2a and 2b—adjust accordingly. 6a 6b 6b When "Contact" is clicked, the default view [Logo] Contact box should dissipate slowly as the opened John E. Thompson window precipitates smoothly and the arrow 608.555.4321 6c will connect from "Home" to the window. All This is a paragraph illustrating who I am. of this should take half a second. It will serve as a synopsis, a verbal Address Line 'about page', if you will. It will most likely HOME City, ST 55432 be three lines and relatively this wide. 6c Clicking will open an new message/ Shoot me a line, phone me, mail me a letter, and I'll get back to you! compose window in the user's email application of choice (Outlook, Gmail...). UX/IA Writing Resume Hobbies work work Credits concept - John Thompson design - Ash Williams coding - Byron Bluth My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • 14. THE END All that from a drawing on a sheet of paper! From here, I plan on designing the site myself and developing it in Ajax, Joomla or, most likely, WordPress. However, this would render my "Credits" section null, which is why I hope to find other new talent similar to myself, others who could join in and beef up their own portfolios and resumes. Either way, my last step is to fill up the "UX/IA Work" page—and this is what I am looking forward to the most. Contact me at 608.215.7014 or Also, follow me on Twitter @jet1385, check out my blog at, and feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. Thanks for reading! - John My Site (URL TBD) Version 2 This document was constructed in Omnigraffle 5 Pro. Information Architecture February 14, 2011 Images were edited in Adobe Photoshop CS5.