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Jaw bone Disease
  Mazen Abood Bin Thabit             MD.FICPath
       . Associate Prof .of Pathology
.Senior lecturer of Oral pathology and oral histology
Classification of bone disease
1. Inflammatory bone disease.
2. Hereditary bone disease .
3. Metabolic bone disease .
4. Disease of unknown etiology .
    a. Paget’s disease .
    b. Fibro-osseous disease
5. Bone tumors .
Normal bone histology

       Haversian system
Inflammatory disease of jaw bone
Bone infection ( Oteomyelitis)   Chronic osteomyelitis with
   can be classified into :       proliferative periostitis
1. Suppurative :                  ( Garr’s disease)
    Acute osteomyelitis          Alveolar ostitis .
   Chronic osteomyelitis .       Special types
2. Granulomatous                  a Osteoradionecrosis .
3. Non suppurative                b. Chemical osteomyelitis
    Chronic sclerosing O          c. Osteomyelitis of newborn
     a. Focal                     and infant ( Neonatal
     b. Diffuse
                                  d. Chronic periostitis
• Is an inflammation of the medullary portion of
  the jaw bone which extends to involve the
  periosteum of the affected area
Acute osteomyelitis
• Rare disease .
• An infection of bone follow an infection
  associated with teeth
• The potential source of infection is
     1. Periapical infection .
     2. Periodontal pocket’s .
     3. Acute gingivitis .
     4. Penetrating and contaminated injuries
     5. Tooth extraction .
Acute osteomyelitis
Predisposing factors :
1. Fracture .
2. Radiation
3. Paget’s disease
4. Osteoporosis .
5. Vascular disease
Acute osteomyelitis
1. Immunodeficiency .
2. Immunosuppressant .
3. Malignancy .
4. Poorly controlled D.M
5. Chronic alcoholism and malnutrition
Acute osteomyelitis
• Clinical feature:
• More common in adult with
  mnadibular infection
• Osteomyelitis of Maxilla more
  common in neonate .
• Sever throbbing pain , deeply sited
  pain .
• Swelling ,malaise and pyrexia
• Gingiva red swollen and tender
• Involved teeth tender and mobile .
• Intra and extra-oral pus discharge
• Regional L.N enlargement
• Paresthesia of lower lips .
• Trismus
Acute osteomyelitis
1. Normal in early stages.
2. In 10-14 days, sufficient
   bone resorption occurs
   to produce irregular,
   moth-eaten areas of         osteomyelitis

3. Sequestra may be seen.
Micro-organism                   • Pathogenesis :
1. Aerobic bacteria:
  . Staphylococcus aureus .
  . Haemolytic streptococcus .
2. Anaerobic bacteria :
   .Pigmented bacteroids
  .Anaerobic streptococcus .
  . Pervotella
Acute osteomyelitis
• Histopathology:
• Acute inflammatory changes
• Bone trabeculae shows scalloping.
• Bone necrosis with degeneration of
  osteoblast and osteocytes .
• Sequestrum.
Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
Low grade inflammation       • Causes :
with associated with bone
                             1. Inadequate treatment of acute
destruction , granulation
tissue formation with little    osteomyelitis.
suppuration                  2. Infection by weak bacteria .
                               3. Infection of avscular bone .
                               4. Irradiation .
Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
Clinical feature:                    Radiography:
• Molar area mostly affected .       • Mouth eating radiolucent area
• Mild dull pain .                   • Multiple radio-opaque area
• Jaw swelling .                       represent sequstra .
• Sinus tract formation , pus
  discharge and shedding of
• Sequestra can be felt by probe .
( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket
• Localized inflammation of
  bone following either failure
  of blood clot to form in
  socket, or premature loss or
  disintegration of clot.

Unpredictable complication of tooth   Improper healing
(.extraction (~1-3%
( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket
• Etiology:                             2. Premature loss of blood
1. Failure of blood clot                   clot may be due to:
   formation due to Poor blood             . Excessive mouth rinsing.
   supply as in:                           . Fibrinolysis byproteolytic
   . Paget’s disease.                        bacteria.
   . Osteopetrosis.
   . Following radiotherapy.
   . Excessive use of vasoconstrictor

    in local anesthesia.
( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket
Clinical picture :
1. Intense pain .
2. Most frequently seen in :
     . 3rd molar extraction
     . Difficult extraction with trauma
     . Smoker .
3. tooth socket appears empty and dry
4. jaw bone is visible in the tooth socket
5. Bad breath and Unpleasant taste .
6. Swollen of regional lymph node .
( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket
• Histopathology:
  Histological section of
  socket wall reveal formation
  of necrotic bone containing
  empty lacunae
Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative
• Represent areactive sub-
  periosteal new bone
  formation in response to
  low grade periapical
  infection , perifolliculitis or

         Garr’s disease
Chronic osteomyelitis with
          proliferative periostitis
• Clinical feature:
1. Young adult of both sexes.
2. Exclusively lower 1st
   permanent molar
3. Mild pain .
4. Non tender , smooth and
   hard bony swelling .

Smooth , focal subperiosteal bony growth on the
 outer surface of cortex
Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative
• Histopathology:
 Fibro-osseous microscopic
Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis
I. Chronic focal Sclerosing O :
    Uncommon nonsuppurative
     inflammation with bone reaction
    ( Osteosclerosis) around the root apex
     of nonvital tooth.

It is a local repose to low grade pulpal
inflammation or high tissue resistance to
• Clinical feature:
1. Young adult .
2. Commonly related to permanent
   mandibular 1st molar
3. Rare mandibular 2nd molar or
4. Asymptomatic
5. Some time dull pain
6. Large carious lesion , non vital
7. Rare may associated with non
   vital tooth
• Radiography:
 well defined radio-opaque
 up to 3 cm below the apex
 with intact lamina dura

 Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis

Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
 • Represent a proliferative bone
   reaction ( Osteosclerosis) of the jaw
   bone to low grade inflammation , the
   source of infection here is through the

1.Propionibacterium Acnes
Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis

• Clinical Feature:
1.   Black Elderly .
2.   More in female.
3.   Mandible and edentulous .
4.   Usually asymptomatic .
5.   Vague dull pain .
6.   Exacerbation may occur with
     mild pain , suppuration and

Histopathology:                    Diffuse or nodular sclerosis
Pagetoid ( Mosaic) pattern         resembling cotton wool
(Radiation osteomyelitis ( Osteoradionecrosis
• Bone necrosis follow
  irradiation of oral malignancy

Endarteritis obliterans and thrombosis
of inferior dental artery

Bone sterile and more susceptible for
Specific osteomyelitis
• Neonatal Maxillatitis         • Chemical osteomyelitis
• Rare type of osteomyelitis    • Rare condition .
• Infection during delivery     • Incorrect use of
  or breast feeding .             medicaments .
• Red , swollen , painfull      • Paraformaldehyde
  maxilla with multiple sinus   • Phosphorus or mercury
• Sequestration of
  developing teeth
Fibro-osseous disease
• Group of disorder             • Classification :
  characterized histologically  1. Fibrous dysplasia :
  by replacement of the normal
                                    a. Monostatic .
  bone by fibrous tissue
                                    b. Polystatic .
  within which trabeculae of
  nonfunctional osseous         2. Cemento-osseous dysplasia.
  structure or metaplastic bone     a. Periapical –cemental dysplasia
                                       b. Focal cemento-osseous dys
                                       c. Florid cemento –osseous dysp.
                                   3. Fibro-osseous neoplasm.
                                   4. Cherubism
Fibrous dysplasia
• A self limiting disease
  characterized by fibrous
  replacement of medullary
  bone by metaplastic woven
  bone that eventually
  replaced by dense lamellar

1. Monostatic
2. Polystatic
Fibrous dysplasia
• Monostatic :
1. More common 70%.
2. Any bone affected
3. In the Jaw bone maxilla is more
4. Start in childhood .
5. Slow growing painless, smooth ,
   rounded bony swelling with
   facial asymmetry .
6. Enlarge to make dysfunction with
   malocclusion and displacing
   teeth and some time prevent it’s
                                      Monostatic fibrous dysplasia
Fibrous dysplasia
7.  No pain on palpation
8.  Maxillary lesion may cause
    exophthalmos , proptosis and
    nasal obstruction .
9. Mandibular lesion occur in
    molar and premolar region
10. Protuberance and increase the
    depth of jaw
Fibrous dysplasia
• Polystatic:
1. Rare .
2.  Several bone .
3. More common in female.
4. 5% in the head and neck .
5. ( Albright syndrome) Patchy
   pigmentation Café au lait
   with precocious puberty and
   oth endocrine dysfunction.
6. Jaffe syndrome when these is
   absence of endocrine
                                  Café au lait
Fibrous dysplasia
• Histopathology:
1. Normal bone replaced by loose
   cellular fibrous tissue .
2. Newly formed bony trabeculae
   are delicate and irregular
   (likened to Chinese characters).
3. Spherical areas of calcification
                                      Fibrous stroma with
   resembling cemetum may be
                                        metaplastic bone
4. At the margins, lesional bone
   fuses with normal bone .
5. With age fibrous tissue decrease
   and bone formation increase with
   remodeling to lamellar bone
Fibrous dysplasia
• Radiography:
    . Radiolucent area with
   fine orange peal textures
    . Borders are difficult to
   define because of gradual
   transition to normal.
    . Initially resemble cyst-
   like radiolucencies
   containing faint bony

1. The disease is self limiting
2. Large lesion surgical ecountring
Cemento-osseous dysplasia
• A disease of jaw bone of   • Cemento-osseous dysplasia of
  unknown etiology with        three types:
  reactive and dysplastic    1. Periapical Cemento-osseous
  process characterized         dysplasia .
  microscopically by the     2. Focal Cemento-osseous dysplasia .
  replacement of normal      3. Florid Cemento-osseous dysplasia
  bone with a collagenous
  matrix containing
  trabeculae of immature
  bone and, in some
Cemento-osseous dysplasia
• Periapical Cemento-osseous
  dysplasia .
1. Mandibular incisor
2. More than one teeth is affected .
3. Tooth vital
4. More common in black female .
5. Middle age ( around 40) and rare
   before 20 .
6. Asymptomatic , typical discovered
   on routine radiographic examination

                                         A mixture of benign fibrous tissue
                                         , trabeculae of bone and
                                         cemnentum like material
. Periapical Cemento-osseous dysplasia

  • Radiography:
  1. Early lesion appears as
     rounded radiolucent area
     related to the apex and
     continue with PDL.
  2. Later produce solid radio-
     opaque mass

                                        Early   Late

When not associated with a tooth apex
called as focal cementoosseous, dysplasia
Cemento-osseous dysplasia
• Florid cemento-osseous
1. Gigantiform cementoma
2. Less common .
3. Represent an exuberant and
   sever form of periapical type
4. Middle age black women          Radio-opaque masses with
5. Typically symmetrical and       radiolucent porder at the root
   bilateral .
6. Some time all four quadrant
• Benign and self-limited
  hereditary autosomal
  dominant disease of the
  jaw bone

Chromosome 4pl6.3, which encodes
the SH3-binding protein, SH3 BP2.

                                    Symmetrical jaw bone swelling
• Clinical feature:
1. Young children 2-5 years
2. More common in male .
3. Familial .
4. At birth patient appears normal .
5. Later develop bilateral , painless ,
   symmetrical swelling at the angles
   of mandible .
6. The swelling grow rapidly for few
   years then slow regression untill
   childhood and become static at
7. In sever cases maxilla involved
   and give Chubby face.
8.    Exhibit fullness of cheek with
      widening of alveolar ridges and flat
      palatal vault
9.    Premature exfoliation of deciduous
10.   Malocclusion .
11.   Difficulty in mastication ,
      swallowing and speech
12.   Sever maxillary lesion produce
      pressure at the orbit floor result in
      upward turn of the pupils
      ( Heavenward look) with an angelic
       appearance .
13.   Enlargement of submandibular
      L.Ns may occur .
 • Radiography:
 1. Well defined multilocular
    cyst like radiolucent areas
 2. Expansion and thinning
    of the cortical plates

Multilocular cyst like radiolucent
• Histopathology
1. Highly cellular and vascular
   connective tissue arrange in
2. Large number of multinucleated
   giant cells .
3. Eosinophilic peri-vascular cuffing
   of collagen fibers .
4. Extravassated RBCs
5. Variable amount of metaplastic
   bone trabeculae
Ossifying fibroma

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Jaw bone disaese

  • 1. Jaw bone Disease Mazen Abood Bin Thabit MD.FICPath . Associate Prof .of Pathology .Senior lecturer of Oral pathology and oral histology
  • 2. Classification of bone disease 1. Inflammatory bone disease. 2. Hereditary bone disease . 3. Metabolic bone disease . 4. Disease of unknown etiology . a. Paget’s disease . b. Fibro-osseous disease 5. Bone tumors .
  • 3. Normal bone histology Haversian system
  • 4. Inflammatory disease of jaw bone Bone infection ( Oteomyelitis) Chronic osteomyelitis with can be classified into : proliferative periostitis 1. Suppurative : ( Garr’s disease) Acute osteomyelitis Alveolar ostitis . Chronic osteomyelitis . Special types 2. Granulomatous a Osteoradionecrosis . 3. Non suppurative b. Chemical osteomyelitis Chronic sclerosing O c. Osteomyelitis of newborn a. Focal and infant ( Neonatal maxillitis) b. Diffuse d. Chronic periostitis
  • 5. Osteomyelitis • Is an inflammation of the medullary portion of the jaw bone which extends to involve the periosteum of the affected area
  • 6. Acute osteomyelitis • Rare disease . • An infection of bone follow an infection associated with teeth • The potential source of infection is 1. Periapical infection . 2. Periodontal pocket’s . 3. Acute gingivitis . 4. Penetrating and contaminated injuries 5. Tooth extraction .
  • 7. Acute osteomyelitis Predisposing factors : Local: 1. Fracture . 2. Radiation 3. Paget’s disease 4. Osteoporosis . 5. Vascular disease
  • 8. Acute osteomyelitis Systemic: 1. Immunodeficiency . 2. Immunosuppressant . 3. Malignancy . 4. Poorly controlled D.M 5. Chronic alcoholism and malnutrition
  • 9. Acute osteomyelitis • Clinical feature: • More common in adult with mnadibular infection • Osteomyelitis of Maxilla more common in neonate . • Sever throbbing pain , deeply sited pain . • Swelling ,malaise and pyrexia • Gingiva red swollen and tender • Involved teeth tender and mobile . • Intra and extra-oral pus discharge • Regional L.N enlargement • Paresthesia of lower lips . • Trismus
  • 10. Acute osteomyelitis Radiography: 1. Normal in early stages. 2. In 10-14 days, sufficient bone resorption occurs to produce irregular, moth-eaten areas of osteomyelitis radiolucency. 3. Sequestra may be seen.
  • 11. Etiopathogensis Micro-organism • Pathogenesis : 1. Aerobic bacteria: . Staphylococcus aureus . . Haemolytic streptococcus . 2. Anaerobic bacteria : .Pigmented bacteroids .Anaerobic streptococcus . .Perphyromonas . Pervotella
  • 12. Acute osteomyelitis • Histopathology: • Acute inflammatory changes • Bone trabeculae shows scalloping. • Bone necrosis with degeneration of osteoblast and osteocytes . • Sequestrum.
  • 13. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis Low grade inflammation • Causes : with associated with bone 1. Inadequate treatment of acute destruction , granulation tissue formation with little osteomyelitis. suppuration 2. Infection by weak bacteria . 3. Infection of avscular bone . 4. Irradiation .
  • 14. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis Clinical feature: Radiography: • Molar area mostly affected . • Mouth eating radiolucent area • Mild dull pain . • Multiple radio-opaque area • Jaw swelling . represent sequstra . • Sinus tract formation , pus discharge and shedding of squestra • Sequestra can be felt by probe .
  • 15. ( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket • Localized inflammation of bone following either failure of blood clot to form in socket, or premature loss or disintegration of clot. Unpredictable complication of tooth Improper healing (.extraction (~1-3%
  • 16. ( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket • Etiology: 2. Premature loss of blood 1. Failure of blood clot clot may be due to: formation due to Poor blood . Excessive mouth rinsing. supply as in: . Fibrinolysis byproteolytic . Paget’s disease. bacteria. . Osteopetrosis. . Following radiotherapy. . Excessive use of vasoconstrictor in local anesthesia.
  • 17. ( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket Clinical picture : 1. Intense pain . 2. Most frequently seen in : . 3rd molar extraction . Difficult extraction with trauma . Smoker . 3. tooth socket appears empty and dry 4. jaw bone is visible in the tooth socket 5. Bad breath and Unpleasant taste . 6. Swollen of regional lymph node .
  • 18. ( Alveolar ostitis ( Dry socket • Histopathology: Histological section of socket wall reveal formation of necrotic bone containing empty lacunae
  • 19. Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis • Represent areactive sub- periosteal new bone formation in response to low grade periapical infection , perifolliculitis or trauma Garr’s disease Periostitis
  • 20. Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis • Clinical feature: 1. Young adult of both sexes. 2. Exclusively lower 1st permanent molar 3. Mild pain . 4. Non tender , smooth and hard bony swelling . :X-Ray Smooth , focal subperiosteal bony growth on the outer surface of cortex
  • 21. Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis • Histopathology: Fibro-osseous microscopic feature
  • 22. Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis I. Chronic focal Sclerosing O : Uncommon nonsuppurative inflammation with bone reaction ( Osteosclerosis) around the root apex of nonvital tooth. It is a local repose to low grade pulpal inflammation or high tissue resistance to infection
  • 23. • Clinical feature: 1. Young adult . 2. Commonly related to permanent mandibular 1st molar 3. Rare mandibular 2nd molar or premolar 4. Asymptomatic 5. Some time dull pain 6. Large carious lesion , non vital pulp 7. Rare may associated with non vital tooth
  • 24. • Radiography: well defined radio-opaque up to 3 cm below the apex with intact lamina dura Focal sclerosing osteomyelitis Histopathology
  • 25. Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis • Represent a proliferative bone reaction ( Osteosclerosis) of the jaw bone to low grade inflammation , the source of infection here is through the PDL 1.Propionibacterium Acnes 2.Peptostreptoccocus
  • 26. Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis • Clinical Feature: 1. Black Elderly . 2. More in female. 3. Mandible and edentulous . 4. Usually asymptomatic . 5. Vague dull pain . 6. Exacerbation may occur with mild pain , suppuration and fistula Histopathology: Diffuse or nodular sclerosis Pagetoid ( Mosaic) pattern resembling cotton wool
  • 27. (Radiation osteomyelitis ( Osteoradionecrosis • Bone necrosis follow irradiation of oral malignancy Endarteritis obliterans and thrombosis of inferior dental artery Osteo-radionecrosis Bone sterile and more susceptible for infection
  • 28.
  • 29. Specific osteomyelitis • Neonatal Maxillatitis • Chemical osteomyelitis • Rare type of osteomyelitis • Rare condition . • Infection during delivery • Incorrect use of or breast feeding . medicaments . • Red , swollen , painfull • Paraformaldehyde maxilla with multiple sinus • Phosphorus or mercury . • Sequestration of developing teeth
  • 30. Fibro-osseous disease • Group of disorder • Classification : characterized histologically 1. Fibrous dysplasia : by replacement of the normal a. Monostatic . bone by fibrous tissue b. Polystatic . within which trabeculae of nonfunctional osseous 2. Cemento-osseous dysplasia. structure or metaplastic bone a. Periapical –cemental dysplasia b. Focal cemento-osseous dys c. Florid cemento –osseous dysp. 3. Fibro-osseous neoplasm. 4. Cherubism
  • 31. Fibrous dysplasia • A self limiting disease characterized by fibrous replacement of medullary bone by metaplastic woven bone that eventually replaced by dense lamellar bone 1. Monostatic 2. Polystatic
  • 32. Fibrous dysplasia • Monostatic : 1. More common 70%. 2. Any bone affected 3. In the Jaw bone maxilla is more affected 4. Start in childhood . 5. Slow growing painless, smooth , rounded bony swelling with facial asymmetry . 6. Enlarge to make dysfunction with malocclusion and displacing teeth and some time prevent it’s eruption Monostatic fibrous dysplasia
  • 33. Fibrous dysplasia 7. No pain on palpation 8. Maxillary lesion may cause exophthalmos , proptosis and nasal obstruction . 9. Mandibular lesion occur in molar and premolar region 10. Protuberance and increase the depth of jaw
  • 34. Fibrous dysplasia • Polystatic: 1. Rare . 2. Several bone . 3. More common in female. 4. 5% in the head and neck . 5. ( Albright syndrome) Patchy pigmentation Café au lait with precocious puberty and oth endocrine dysfunction. 6. Jaffe syndrome when these is absence of endocrine abnormalitis Café au lait
  • 35. Fibrous dysplasia • Histopathology: 1. Normal bone replaced by loose cellular fibrous tissue . 2. Newly formed bony trabeculae are delicate and irregular (likened to Chinese characters). 3. Spherical areas of calcification Fibrous stroma with resembling cemetum may be metaplastic bone present. 4. At the margins, lesional bone fuses with normal bone . 5. With age fibrous tissue decrease and bone formation increase with remodeling to lamellar bone
  • 36. Fibrous dysplasia • Radiography: . Radiolucent area with fine orange peal textures . Borders are difficult to define because of gradual transition to normal. . Initially resemble cyst- like radiolucencies containing faint bony trabeculae 1. The disease is self limiting 2. Large lesion surgical ecountring
  • 37. Cemento-osseous dysplasia • A disease of jaw bone of • Cemento-osseous dysplasia of unknown etiology with three types: reactive and dysplastic 1. Periapical Cemento-osseous process characterized dysplasia . microscopically by the 2. Focal Cemento-osseous dysplasia . replacement of normal 3. Florid Cemento-osseous dysplasia bone with a collagenous matrix containing trabeculae of immature bone and, in some instances,cementum-like mater
  • 38. Cemento-osseous dysplasia • Periapical Cemento-osseous dysplasia . 1. Mandibular incisor 2. More than one teeth is affected . 3. Tooth vital 4. More common in black female . 5. Middle age ( around 40) and rare before 20 . 6. Asymptomatic , typical discovered on routine radiographic examination A mixture of benign fibrous tissue , trabeculae of bone and cemnentum like material
  • 39. . Periapical Cemento-osseous dysplasia • Radiography: 1. Early lesion appears as rounded radiolucent area related to the apex and continue with PDL. 2. Later produce solid radio- opaque mass Early Late When not associated with a tooth apex called as focal cementoosseous, dysplasia
  • 40. Cemento-osseous dysplasia • Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: 1. Gigantiform cementoma 2. Less common . 3. Represent an exuberant and sever form of periapical type 4. Middle age black women Radio-opaque masses with 5. Typically symmetrical and radiolucent porder at the root bilateral . 6. Some time all four quadrant evolved
  • 41. Cherubim • Benign and self-limited hereditary autosomal dominant disease of the jaw bone Chromosome 4pl6.3, which encodes the SH3-binding protein, SH3 BP2. Symmetrical jaw bone swelling
  • 42. Cherubim • Clinical feature: 1. Young children 2-5 years 2. More common in male . 3. Familial . 4. At birth patient appears normal . 5. Later develop bilateral , painless , symmetrical swelling at the angles of mandible . 6. The swelling grow rapidly for few years then slow regression untill childhood and become static at puberty 7. In sever cases maxilla involved and give Chubby face.
  • 43. Cherubim 8. Exhibit fullness of cheek with widening of alveolar ridges and flat palatal vault 9. Premature exfoliation of deciduous teeth 10. Malocclusion . 11. Difficulty in mastication , swallowing and speech 12. Sever maxillary lesion produce pressure at the orbit floor result in upward turn of the pupils ( Heavenward look) with an angelic appearance . 13. Enlargement of submandibular L.Ns may occur .
  • 44. Cherubim • Radiography: 1. Well defined multilocular cyst like radiolucent areas 2. Expansion and thinning of the cortical plates Multilocular cyst like radiolucent
  • 45. Cherubim • Histopathology 1. Highly cellular and vascular connective tissue arrange in whorls. 2. Large number of multinucleated giant cells . 3. Eosinophilic peri-vascular cuffing of collagen fibers . 4. Extravassated RBCs 5. Variable amount of metaplastic bone trabeculae
  • 46.

Editor's Notes

  1. G