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Gingivitis and Periodontal
function of the periodontium
1. is to attach the tooth to the bone tissues of the jaws
2. to maintain integrity of the surface of the masticatory mucosa of
the oral cavity
Healthy periodontium
Healthy gingiva:
1. Fits snugly around the teeth, filling each inter proximal space
between the contact area
2. Color : Coral pink
3. Consistency: Firm
4. Stippling (orange peel appearance)
Periodontal ligament
is made up of
1. Collagen fibers
2. Oxytalan fibers
3. Fibroblasts
4. Amorphous ground substance & interstitial tissue
5. Cementoblasts
6. Osteoblasts
7. Osteoclasts
8. Epithelial rests of Malassez
9. Thin walled blood vessels
10. Lymphatic vessels
11. Sensory nerves
Deposits on teeth
Organic coverings of tooth enamel are divided in to 2 types
1. Anatomic structures (Nasmyths membrane)
2. Acquired pellicle
Nasmyths membrane (enamel cuticle)
• Anatomical covering formed during the developmental and eruptive
stages of teeth
• Remnants of this membrane persists throughout the life
1. Thin deposit on the exposed surface of the teeth
2. Shortly formed after eruption
3. Usually invisible
4. Fully formed in 30 mins and reaches its mature thickness of 0.1 –
0.8 microns within 24 hrs
5. Free of bacteria and covers the tooth surface
6. Its of salivary origin composed of mucoproteins or glycoproteins
1. Gingival diseases
2. Chronic periodontitis
3. Aggressive periodontitis
4. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
Signs of gingival disease
1. Chronic gingivitis in which the intradental papillae are edematous
and blunted.
2. There is some loss of gingival tissue.
3. The gums bleed with brushing.
Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gingiva (gums).
Gingivitis alone does not affect the underlying supporting structures of
the teeth and is reversible
Gingival Diseases
1. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gingival tissue.
2. Gingivitis is characterized by areas of redness and
swelling, and there is a tendency for the gingiva to
bleed easily.
3. Gingivitis is limited to the epithelium and gingival
connective tissues.
4. It is important to note that there is no tissue
recession or loss of connective tissue or bone.
Marginal gingivitis
Other Types of Gingivitis
Other types of gingivitis are associated with:
1. Puberty
2. Pregnancy
3. Use of birth control medications
Gingivitis is painless and often unrecognized until a
dental professional emphasizes its importance.
Improved daily oral hygiene practices will reverse
Copyright © 2005 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Medication-induced gingivitis
Pregnancy gingivitis
Health gum
Periodontitis – loss of bone
Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
• Specific type of gingivitis with characteristic signs and symptoms
• Disease manifests as both acute and recurrent (subacute) phases
inflammatory condition involves primarily
1. Free gingival margin
2. Crest of the gingiva
3. Interdental papillae
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Diagnostic triad:
1. Pain
2. Interdental ulceration
3. Gingival bleeding
Vincents angina
When it spreads to the soft palate and tonsillar areas:
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Global increase associated with HIV infection
Not a contagious infection
Occur at any age, but is more common among young and middle- aged
In developing countries, it is seen almost exclusively in children,
related to poverty and malnutrition
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Endogenous, polymicrobial infection causing destructive inflammation
due to the coexistence of several predisposing factors
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
1. Fusiform bacillus
2. Borrelia vincentii (a spirochete):
• present in small numbers in the healthy gingival flora
• Some times vibrio and coccal forms
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
• Number of factors disturb the host-parasite relationship, facilitating
overgrowth of the organisms of the fuso- spirochaetal complex
• Increase in IgG and IgM antibody titers to spirochetes and increased
IgG titers to Bacteroides melaninogenicus
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Predisposing Factors
1. Psychological stress plays an important role
increased frequency of the disease in people in the military services
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Predisposing Factors
2. Immunosuppression
3. Smoking
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Predisposing Factors
4. Upper respiratory tract infection
5. Local trauma
6. Poor nutritional status
7 Poor oral hygiene.
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Predisposing Factors
8. HIV-positive persons suffer from a severe form of disease ultimately
HIV associated periodontitis
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Predisposing Factors
Deficient in vitamin C and B complex
Necrotizing ulcerative
Predisposing Factors
1. Highest incidence occurring between October and February
respiratory infections and exanthemas are at their peak
2. Lowest incidence occurring in July and August
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
Painful, hyperemic gingiva and sharply punched-out crater like erosions
of the interdental papillae of sudden onset
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
Ulcerated remnants of the papillae and the free gingiva bleed when
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
Become covered by a grayish green, necrotic pseudomembrane
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
Ulceration tends to spread and may eventually involve all gingival
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
• It begins rather commonly at a single isolated focus, with a rapid
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
• A fetid odor ultimately develops that is extremely unpleasant.
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
• The patient almost always complains of an inability to eat because of
the severe gingival pain and the tendency for gingival bleeding
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
The patient usually suffers from headache, malaise, and a low-grade
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
• Excessive salivation with the presence of a metallic taste to the saliva
is often noted
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
Regional lymphadenopathy is usually present.
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
In advanced and more serious cases, there may be generalized or
systemic manifestations
1. Leukocytosis
2. gastrointestinal disturbances
3. Tachycardia.
Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative
After the NUG is cured, the crests of the interdental papillae, which
have been destroyed leaving a hollowed-out area
Constitute an area which retains debris and microorganisms –Serve as
an ‘incubation zone.’
1. Smear studies - nonspecific findings
2. Although the presence of the disease can often be confirmed when
vast numbers of the spirochete and fusiform bacteria are seen
3. It may be also present in ‘normal mouths,’ acute herpetic
gingivostomatitis, simple pericoronitis, marginal gingivitis and
chronic gingivitis
4. Final diagnosis is made clinically
1. Superficial cleansing in the early acute stage with –Chlorhexidine –
Diluted hydrogen peroxide –or Warm Salt water
2. This is followed by thorough scaling and polishing
3. Topical anesthetics may be required to reduce the pain during this
4. Recontouring of gingival papillae is usually required –proper use of
round toothpicks –or gingivoplasty
1. Treatment cannot be considered complete until the gingival tissue
contours almost normal.
2. High recurrence rate
3. Occasional serious sequelae such as gangrenous stomatitis or
noma, septicemia and toxemia
4. Even death have also been reported following this disease
usually develops when gingivitis, usually with abundant plaque and
calculus beneath the gingival margin, has not been adequately treated.
Periodontitis (periodontal disease)
• is a chronic inflammatory disease, which includes gingivitis along with
loss of connective tissue and bone support for the teeth.
• It damages alveolar bone (the bone of the jaw in which the roots of
the teeth are connected) and the periodontal ligaments that hold the
roots in place.
It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults
• Periodontal disease is an infectious disease process that involves
inflammation. Periodontal diseases involve the structures of the
• Periodontal disease can cause a breakdown of the periodontium
resulting in loss of tissue attachment and destruction of the alveolar
Prevalence of Periodontal Disease
• Periodontal diseases are the leading cause of tooth loss in
• Almost all adults and many children have calculus on their
• Fortunately, with the early detection and treatment of
periodontal disease, most people can keep their teeth for
Systemic Conditions:
Links to Periodontal Disease
Certain systemic conditions increase the patient’s susceptibility to
periodontal disease, and periodontal disease may actually increase
a patient’s susceptibility to certain systemic conditions.
1. Cardiovascular disease
2. Preterm low birthweight
3. Respiratory disease
Causes of Periodontal Diseases
Dental plaque is the major factor in causing periodontal
Causes of Periodontal Diseases
Dental calculus provides a surface for plaque to attach.
1. Subgingival calculus
2. Supragingival calculus
Buildup of bacterial plaque on the teeth affects the
gingival tissues
Periodontal disease
Types of Periodontal Diseases
• Periodontal disease is an inclusive term describing any disease of the
• Gingival diseases and periodontitis are the two basic forms of
periodontal disease, and each has a variety of forms.
• Periodontitis means inflammation of the supporting
tissues of the teeth.
• Periodontitis is the extension of the inflammatory
process from the gingiva into
the connective tissue and alveolar bone that supports
the teeth.
• The progression of periodontitis involves the destruction
of connective tissue attachment at the most apical
portion of a periodontal pocket.
Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease
1. Smoking
2. Diabetes
3. Poor Oral Hygiene
4. Osteoporosis
6. Medications
7. Stress
Risk Factors for Periodontitis
Modifiable risk factors that contribute to periodontitis include
1. Plaque
2. Smoking
3. Obesity
4. Diabetes (especially type 1)
5. Emotional stress
6. Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy)
Systemic diseases associated with hematologic
disease that can manifest as periodontitis include
1. Acquired neutropenia
2. Agranulocytosis
3. Leukemias
4. Lazy leukocyte syndrome
5. Hypogammaglobulinemia
Systemic diseases associated with genetic disorders that can
manifest as periodontitis include
1. Familial and cyclic neutropenia
2. Down syndrome
3. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndromes
4. Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome
5. Chédiak-Higashi syndrome
6. Histiocytosis syndromes
7. Glycogen storage disease
8. Infantile genetic agranulocytosis
9. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (types IV and VIII)
10. Hypophosphatasia
11. Cohen syndrome
12. Crohn disease
Periodontal disease has caused a loss of gum
tissue and bone around the teeth.
Receding gums and a periodontal abscess
(arrow) in a person who has periodontitis.
Receding gums
Receding gums
Chronic plaque-induced inflammation of the soft tissues
resulting in loss gum tissue, supporting bone, tooth movement,
and loss of teeth.
The arrows indicate varying amounts of bone loss due to periodontal disease
Furcation involvement
Furcation involvement
a fenestration is a buccal or lingual window defect of either denuded
bone or soft tissue occurring over a tooth root, implant, or alveolar
Dental dehiscence in bone is a condition when the bone of your tooth
wears away below the gumline
Generalized juvenile periodontitis
Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease
1. Red, swollen, or tender gingiva
2. Bleeding gingiva while brushing or flossing
3. Loose or separating teeth
4. Pain or pressure when chewing
5. Pus around the teeth or gingiva
Spacing of teeth
Deep Pocket depths
Over-erupted and mobile teeth
Radiographic signs
The following characteristic are indicative of periodontal tissue change.
1. The crest of interdental bone will be 2 mm or more apical to the
CEJ; this is very important to determine if there is bone loss.
2. The crest of alveolar bone will appear fuzzy in appearance.
3. Lamina dura will be ill-defined
4. Density of interdental bone will be decreased .
5. Furcation areas of molar areas will be involved, and you will find
radiolucency in that area.
crestal bone resorption
Gingival enlargements
Gingival enlargements
Gingival enlargement or gingival overgrowth, a common trait of gingival
disease, is characterized by an increase in the size of gingiva.
1. Fibrous epulis/peripheral fibroma
2. Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma
3. Peripheral giant cell lesion/granuloma.
Fibrous epulis/peripheral fibroma
lesion frequently represents as firm, pink, un-inflammed mass, and it
seems to grow from below the free gingival margin/interdental papilla
Most often the lesion is painless.
Fibrous epulis/peripheral fibroma
Pain may be associated due to secondary trauma via;
1. Brushing
2. Flossing
3. Chewing.
the fibroma may show additional focus of calcification
1. Peripheral calcifying fibroma), foci of cementicles - peripheral
cementifying fibroma
2. Trabeculae of bone - peripheral ossifying fibroma,
Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma
• Presents in adults as smooth surfaced mass
• often ulcerated and grows from beneath the gingival margin.
Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma
These reddish/bluish color mass are highly vascular, compressible
could bleed readily.
Typically they grow rapidly within first few weeks and then slowly.
Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma
• The mass may penetrate interdentally and present as bilobular
(buccal and lingual) mass connected through the col area, but bone
erosion in uncommon
Pyogenic granuloma
Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma
Angiogranuloma which appears during pregnancy are termed as
pregnancy epulis/tumor or granuloma gravidarum
Peripheral giant cell granuloma
peripheral giant cell granuloma
Peripheral giant cell granuloma
• They occur particularly in anterior region in young patients or in
posterior mouth during mixed dentition phase and in adults.
• They are very aggressive lesions with significant growth potential.
Peripheral giant cell granuloma
• The high vascularity of these lesions can be understood by their
purplish-red color and tendency to bleed.
• They also tend to penetrate interdentally and erosion of adjacent
bone along with separation of adjacent teeth is a common occurrence
Gingival cysts
• Gingival cysts
Benign masses could be;
1. Fibroma
2. Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
3. Central Giant Cell Granuloma
4. Papilloma
5. Leukoplakia
6. Nevus
7. Myoblastoma
8. Hemangioma
9. Neurilemoma
10. Neurofibroma
11. Ameloblastoma
Malignant tumors could be squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma. Among sarcomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma[12] is more common, and
fibrosacroma, lymphosarcoma and reticulum cell sarcoma are rarely reported[13]. Other rare lesions (< 2% prevalence) include
angioma, osteofibroma, myxoma, fibropapilloma, adenoma and lipoma[
Malignant tumors could be;
1. squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma
2. Among sarcomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma is more common
3. fibrosacroma
4. lymphosarcoma
5. reticulum cell sarcoma
Other rare lesions (< 2% prevalence) include;
1. Angioma
2. Osteofibroma
3. Myxoma
4. Fibropapilloma
5. Adenoma
6. Lipoma
The acute form of isolated gingival enlargement
various abscesses such as gingival, periodontal, periapical or
various abscesses such as gingival, periodontal,
periapical or pericoronal.
Inflammatory gingival enlargement
Gingival enlargement in mouth breathers
Drug induced gingival enlargement
Drug influenced gingival overgrowth
Genetic disorders associated with gingival
Zimmerman-Laband syndrome
Ramon syndrome
Conditioned gingival enlargement
Typical multiple interproximal enlargements
in a pregnant patient.
Vitamin C deficiency:
Deficiency of vitamin C is defined as a serum ascorbic acid level < 2
Plasma cell gingivitis:
Plasma cell gingivitis:
Gingival enlargement associated with
systemic disease
Gingival enlargement associated with
systemic disease
1. Leukemia
2. Wegener’s Granulomatosis
3. Crohn’s disease
4. Sarcoidosis
5. Tuberculous gingival enlargement
Generalized gingival enlargement
Unusual presentations: has been rarely reported with;
1. amelogenesis imperfect
2. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
3. I-cell disease
4. Multiple myeloma.
These pseudo-enlargements
False enlargement: appears as a result of increase in size of underlying;
1. osseous (tori, exostosis, Paget’s disease, cherubism, osteoma)
2. dental tissues (during tooth eruption).
Gingival bleeding
Gingival bleeding may be caused by local and
systemic factors
Gingival bleeding
1. Gingivitis
2. Periodontitis
3. Improper use of floss
4. Vigorous brushing
5. Poor oral hygiene
6. Decayed tooth
SYSTEMIC factors
1. Drug induced bleeding
2. Diabetic Mellitus
3. Pregnancy
4. vitamin –c deficiency
5. Leukemia
6. Von willibrands disease
7. Platelet disorder
8. Aplastic anemia
• Periodontitis is an inflammatory reaction triggered by bacteria in
dental plaque.
Treatment involves;
1. Scaling
2. Root Planning
3. Sometimes Antibiotics
4. Surgery.
There is loss of alveolar bone, formation of deep gum pockets, and
eventually loosening of teeth.
Periodontitis (pyorrhea) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gums
resulting from an opportunistic infection of endogenous plaque biofilm.
Which of the following typically precedes periodontitis?
a) viral URI
b) Gingivitis
c) Candidiasis
d) Root infection
Periodontitis (pyorrhea) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gums
resulting from an opportunistic infection of endogenous plaque biofilm.
Which of the following typically precedes periodontitis?
a) viral URI
b) Gingivitis
c) Candidiasis
d) Root infection
Aggressive periodontitis is characterized by rapid progression of alveolar
bone loss and even tooth loss. Which of the following statements about
aggressive periodontitis is FALSE?
a) It usually occurs in children.
b) Extent of destruction is usually disproportionate to the extent of
plaque or calculus.
c) It is the most common type of peridontitis.
d) It runs in families.
Aggressive periodontitis is characterized by rapid progression of alveolar
bone loss and even tooth loss. Which of the following statements about
aggressive periodontitis is FALSE?
a) It usually occurs in children.
b) Extent of destruction is usually disproportionate to the extent of
plaque or calculus.
c) It is the most common type of peridontitis.
d) It runs in families.
In patients with HIV infection and periodontitis, presentation is
clinically similar to which of the following?
a) Chronic periodontitis
b) Vitamin C deficiency
c) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
d) Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
In patients with HIV infection and periodontitis, presentation is
clinically similar to which of the following?
a) Chronic periodontitis
b) Vitamin C deficiency
c) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
d) Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
Which of the following is the most common cause
of gingivitis?
a) Malocclusion
b) Poor oral hygiene
c) Food impaction
d) Xerostomia
Which of the following is the most common cause
of gingivitis?
a) Malocclusion
b) Poor oral hygiene
c) Food impaction
d) Xerostomia
The diagnosis of gingivitis is confirmed by which of
the following?
a) Petechiae throughout the mouth
b) Erythematous, friable tissue at the gum line
c) Gum pain when food is chewed
d) Culture of the affected gum area that identifies typical pathogens
The diagnosis of gingivitis is confirmed by which of
the following?
a) Petechiae throughout the mouth
b) Erythematous, friable tissue at the gum line
c) Gum pain when food is chewed
d) Culture of the affected gum area that identifies typical pathogens

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Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease. 1245484543458pptx

  • 2.
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  • 5. function of the periodontium 1. is to attach the tooth to the bone tissues of the jaws 2. to maintain integrity of the surface of the masticatory mucosa of the oral cavity
  • 6. Healthy periodontium Healthy gingiva: 1. Fits snugly around the teeth, filling each inter proximal space between the contact area 2. Color : Coral pink 3. Consistency: Firm 4. Stippling (orange peel appearance)
  • 7.
  • 8. Periodontal ligament is made up of 1. Collagen fibers 2. Oxytalan fibers 3. Fibroblasts 4. Amorphous ground substance & interstitial tissue 5. Cementoblasts 6. Osteoblasts 7. Osteoclasts 8. Epithelial rests of Malassez 9. Thin walled blood vessels 10. Lymphatic vessels 11. Sensory nerves
  • 9. Deposits on teeth Organic coverings of tooth enamel are divided in to 2 types 1. Anatomic structures (Nasmyths membrane) 2. Acquired pellicle
  • 10. Nasmyths membrane (enamel cuticle) • Anatomical covering formed during the developmental and eruptive stages of teeth • Remnants of this membrane persists throughout the life
  • 11. Pellicle 1. Thin deposit on the exposed surface of the teeth 2. Shortly formed after eruption 3. Usually invisible 4. Fully formed in 30 mins and reaches its mature thickness of 0.1 – 0.8 microns within 24 hrs 5. Free of bacteria and covers the tooth surface 6. Its of salivary origin composed of mucoproteins or glycoproteins
  • 12. CLASSIFICATION OF PERIODONTALDISEASE 1. Gingival diseases 2. Chronic periodontitis 3. Aggressive periodontitis 4. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
  • 14. Signs of gingival disease 1. Chronic gingivitis in which the intradental papillae are edematous and blunted. 2. There is some loss of gingival tissue. 3. The gums bleed with brushing.
  • 15. Gingivitis Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gingiva (gums). Gingivitis alone does not affect the underlying supporting structures of the teeth and is reversible
  • 16.
  • 17. Gingival Diseases 1. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gingival tissue. 2. Gingivitis is characterized by areas of redness and swelling, and there is a tendency for the gingiva to bleed easily. 3. Gingivitis is limited to the epithelium and gingival connective tissues. 4. It is important to note that there is no tissue recession or loss of connective tissue or bone.
  • 19. Other Types of Gingivitis Other types of gingivitis are associated with: 1. Puberty 2. Pregnancy 3. Use of birth control medications
  • 20. Gingivitis Gingivitis is painless and often unrecognized until a dental professional emphasizes its importance. Improved daily oral hygiene practices will reverse gingivitis.
  • 21. Copyright © 2005 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Medication-induced gingivitis
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  • 31. necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis • Specific type of gingivitis with characteristic signs and symptoms • Disease manifests as both acute and recurrent (subacute) phases
  • 32. inflammatory condition involves primarily 1. Free gingival margin 2. Crest of the gingiva 3. Interdental papillae
  • 33. necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Diagnostic triad: 1. Pain 2. Interdental ulceration 3. Gingival bleeding
  • 34. Vincents angina When it spreads to the soft palate and tonsillar areas:
  • 35. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Global increase associated with HIV infection
  • 36. Epidemiology Not a contagious infection Occur at any age, but is more common among young and middle- aged adults In developing countries, it is seen almost exclusively in children, related to poverty and malnutrition
  • 37. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Etiology Endogenous, polymicrobial infection causing destructive inflammation due to the coexistence of several predisposing factors
  • 38. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Etiology Mostly 1. Fusiform bacillus 2. Borrelia vincentii (a spirochete): • present in small numbers in the healthy gingival flora • Some times vibrio and coccal forms
  • 39. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Etiology • Number of factors disturb the host-parasite relationship, facilitating overgrowth of the organisms of the fuso- spirochaetal complex • Increase in IgG and IgM antibody titers to spirochetes and increased IgG titers to Bacteroides melaninogenicus
  • 40. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Predisposing Factors 1. Psychological stress plays an important role increased frequency of the disease in people in the military services
  • 41. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Predisposing Factors 2. Immunosuppression 3. Smoking
  • 42. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Predisposing Factors 4. Upper respiratory tract infection 5. Local trauma 6. Poor nutritional status 7 Poor oral hygiene.
  • 43. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Predisposing Factors 8. HIV-positive persons suffer from a severe form of disease ultimately HIV associated periodontitis
  • 44. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Predisposing Factors Deficient in vitamin C and B complex
  • 45. Necrotizing ulcerative Predisposing Factors 1. Highest incidence occurring between October and February respiratory infections and exanthemas are at their peak 2. Lowest incidence occurring in July and August
  • 46. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative Painful, hyperemic gingiva and sharply punched-out crater like erosions of the interdental papillae of sudden onset
  • 47. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative Ulcerated remnants of the papillae and the free gingiva bleed when touched
  • 48. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative Become covered by a grayish green, necrotic pseudomembrane
  • 49. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative Ulceration tends to spread and may eventually involve all gingival margins
  • 50. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative • It begins rather commonly at a single isolated focus, with a rapid onset
  • 51. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative • A fetid odor ultimately develops that is extremely unpleasant. Halitosis
  • 52. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative • The patient almost always complains of an inability to eat because of the severe gingival pain and the tendency for gingival bleeding
  • 53. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative The patient usually suffers from headache, malaise, and a low-grade fever
  • 54. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative • Excessive salivation with the presence of a metallic taste to the saliva is often noted
  • 55. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative Regional lymphadenopathy is usually present.
  • 56. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative In advanced and more serious cases, there may be generalized or systemic manifestations 1. Leukocytosis 2. gastrointestinal disturbances 3. Tachycardia.
  • 57. Clinical features - necrotizing ulcerative After the NUG is cured, the crests of the interdental papillae, which have been destroyed leaving a hollowed-out area Constitute an area which retains debris and microorganisms –Serve as an ‘incubation zone.’
  • 58. Diagnosis 1. Smear studies - nonspecific findings 2. Although the presence of the disease can often be confirmed when vast numbers of the spirochete and fusiform bacteria are seen 3. It may be also present in ‘normal mouths,’ acute herpetic gingivostomatitis, simple pericoronitis, marginal gingivitis and chronic gingivitis 4. Final diagnosis is made clinically
  • 59. Treatment 1. Superficial cleansing in the early acute stage with –Chlorhexidine – Diluted hydrogen peroxide –or Warm Salt water 2. This is followed by thorough scaling and polishing 3. Topical anesthetics may be required to reduce the pain during this procedure 4. Recontouring of gingival papillae is usually required –proper use of round toothpicks –or gingivoplasty
  • 60. Prognosis 1. Treatment cannot be considered complete until the gingival tissue contours almost normal. 2. High recurrence rate 3. Occasional serious sequelae such as gangrenous stomatitis or noma, septicemia and toxemia 4. Even death have also been reported following this disease
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  • 66. Periodontitis usually develops when gingivitis, usually with abundant plaque and calculus beneath the gingival margin, has not been adequately treated.
  • 67. Periodontitis (periodontal disease) • is a chronic inflammatory disease, which includes gingivitis along with loss of connective tissue and bone support for the teeth. • It damages alveolar bone (the bone of the jaw in which the roots of the teeth are connected) and the periodontal ligaments that hold the roots in place. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults
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  • 70. Introduction • Periodontal disease is an infectious disease process that involves inflammation. Periodontal diseases involve the structures of the periodontium. • Periodontal disease can cause a breakdown of the periodontium resulting in loss of tissue attachment and destruction of the alveolar bone.
  • 71. Prevalence of Periodontal Disease • Periodontal diseases are the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. • Almost all adults and many children have calculus on their teeth. • Fortunately, with the early detection and treatment of periodontal disease, most people can keep their teeth for life.
  • 72. Systemic Conditions: Links to Periodontal Disease Certain systemic conditions increase the patient’s susceptibility to periodontal disease, and periodontal disease may actually increase a patient’s susceptibility to certain systemic conditions. 1. Cardiovascular disease 2. Preterm low birthweight 3. Respiratory disease
  • 73. Causes of Periodontal Diseases Dental plaque is the major factor in causing periodontal disease.
  • 74. Causes of Periodontal Diseases Dental calculus provides a surface for plaque to attach. 1. Subgingival calculus 2. Supragingival calculus
  • 75. Buildup of bacterial plaque on the teeth affects the gingival tissues
  • 76.
  • 78. Types of Periodontal Diseases • Periodontal disease is an inclusive term describing any disease of the periodontium. • Gingival diseases and periodontitis are the two basic forms of periodontal disease, and each has a variety of forms.
  • 79. Periodontitis • Periodontitis means inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth. • Periodontitis is the extension of the inflammatory process from the gingiva into the connective tissue and alveolar bone that supports the teeth. • The progression of periodontitis involves the destruction of connective tissue attachment at the most apical portion of a periodontal pocket.
  • 80. Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease 1. Smoking 2. Diabetes 3. Poor Oral Hygiene 4. Osteoporosis 5. HIV/AIDS 6. Medications 7. Stress
  • 81. Risk Factors for Periodontitis Modifiable risk factors that contribute to periodontitis include 1. Plaque 2. Smoking 3. Obesity 4. Diabetes (especially type 1) 5. Emotional stress 6. Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy)
  • 82. Systemic diseases associated with hematologic disease that can manifest as periodontitis include 1. Acquired neutropenia 2. Agranulocytosis 3. Leukemias 4. Lazy leukocyte syndrome 5. Hypogammaglobulinemia
  • 83. Systemic diseases associated with genetic disorders that can manifest as periodontitis include 1. Familial and cyclic neutropenia 2. Down syndrome 3. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndromes 4. Papillon-Lefèvre syndrome 5. Chédiak-Higashi syndrome 6. Histiocytosis syndromes 7. Glycogen storage disease 8. Infantile genetic agranulocytosis 9. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (types IV and VIII) 10. Hypophosphatasia 11. Cohen syndrome 12. Crohn disease
  • 84. Periodontal disease has caused a loss of gum tissue and bone around the teeth.
  • 85. Receding gums and a periodontal abscess (arrow) in a person who has periodontitis.
  • 88. Chronic plaque-induced inflammation of the soft tissues resulting in loss gum tissue, supporting bone, tooth movement, and loss of teeth.
  • 89. The arrows indicate varying amounts of bone loss due to periodontal disease
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  • 96. fenestration a fenestration is a buccal or lingual window defect of either denuded bone or soft tissue occurring over a tooth root, implant, or alveolar ridge.
  • 99. Dehiscence Dental dehiscence in bone is a condition when the bone of your tooth wears away below the gumline
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  • 104. Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease 1. Red, swollen, or tender gingiva 2. Bleeding gingiva while brushing or flossing 3. Loose or separating teeth 4. Pain or pressure when chewing 5. Pus around the teeth or gingiva
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  • 110. Radiographic signs The following characteristic are indicative of periodontal tissue change. 1. The crest of interdental bone will be 2 mm or more apical to the CEJ; this is very important to determine if there is bone loss. 2. The crest of alveolar bone will appear fuzzy in appearance. 3. Lamina dura will be ill-defined 4. Density of interdental bone will be decreased . 5. Furcation areas of molar areas will be involved, and you will find radiolucency in that area.
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  • 124. Gingival enlargements Gingival enlargement or gingival overgrowth, a common trait of gingival disease, is characterized by an increase in the size of gingiva.
  • 125. ISOLATED REACTIVE LESIONS OF THE GINGIVA ISOLATED REACTIVE LESIONS OF THE GINGIVA 1. Fibrous epulis/peripheral fibroma 2. Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma 3. Peripheral giant cell lesion/granuloma.
  • 126. Fibrous epulis/peripheral fibroma lesion frequently represents as firm, pink, un-inflammed mass, and it seems to grow from below the free gingival margin/interdental papilla Most often the lesion is painless.
  • 127. Fibrous epulis/peripheral fibroma Pain may be associated due to secondary trauma via; 1. Brushing 2. Flossing 3. Chewing.
  • 128.
  • 129. the fibroma may show additional focus of calcification 1. Peripheral calcifying fibroma), foci of cementicles - peripheral cementifying fibroma 2. Trabeculae of bone - peripheral ossifying fibroma,
  • 130. Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma • Presents in adults as smooth surfaced mass • often ulcerated and grows from beneath the gingival margin.
  • 131. Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma These reddish/bluish color mass are highly vascular, compressible could bleed readily. Typically they grow rapidly within first few weeks and then slowly.
  • 132. Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma • The mass may penetrate interdentally and present as bilobular (buccal and lingual) mass connected through the col area, but bone erosion in uncommon
  • 134. Angiogranuloma/pyogenic granuloma Angiogranuloma which appears during pregnancy are termed as pregnancy epulis/tumor or granuloma gravidarum
  • 135. Peripheral giant cell granuloma
  • 136. peripheral giant cell granuloma
  • 137. Peripheral giant cell granuloma • They occur particularly in anterior region in young patients or in posterior mouth during mixed dentition phase and in adults. • They are very aggressive lesions with significant growth potential.
  • 138. Peripheral giant cell granuloma • The high vascularity of these lesions can be understood by their purplish-red color and tendency to bleed. • They also tend to penetrate interdentally and erosion of adjacent bone along with separation of adjacent teeth is a common occurrence
  • 140. Neoplastic Benign masses could be; 1. Fibroma 2. Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma 3. Central Giant Cell Granuloma 4. Papilloma 5. Leukoplakia 6. Nevus 7. Myoblastoma 8. Hemangioma 9. Neurilemoma 10. Neurofibroma 11. Ameloblastoma Malignant tumors could be squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma. Among sarcomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma[12] is more common, and fibrosacroma, lymphosarcoma and reticulum cell sarcoma are rarely reported[13]. Other rare lesions (< 2% prevalence) include angioma, osteofibroma, myxoma, fibropapilloma, adenoma and lipoma[
  • 141. Neoplastic Malignant tumors could be; 1. squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma 2. Among sarcomas, Kaposi’s sarcoma is more common 3. fibrosacroma 4. lymphosarcoma 5. reticulum cell sarcoma
  • 142. Neoplastic Other rare lesions (< 2% prevalence) include; 1. Angioma 2. Osteofibroma 3. Myxoma 4. Fibropapilloma 5. Adenoma 6. Lipoma
  • 143. The acute form of isolated gingival enlargement various abscesses such as gingival, periodontal, periapical or pericoronal.
  • 144. various abscesses such as gingival, periodontal, periapical or pericoronal.
  • 146. Gingival enlargement in mouth breathers
  • 147. Drug induced gingival enlargement
  • 149. Genetic disorders associated with gingival enlargement: Zimmerman-Laband syndrome Ramon syndrome
  • 151. Typical multiple interproximal enlargements in a pregnant patient.
  • 152. Vitamin C deficiency: Deficiency of vitamin C is defined as a serum ascorbic acid level < 2 μg/mL
  • 155. Gingival enlargement associated with systemic disease
  • 156. Gingival enlargement associated with systemic disease 1. Leukemia 2. Wegener’s Granulomatosis 3. Crohn’s disease 4. Sarcoidosis 5. Tuberculous gingival enlargement
  • 157. Generalized gingival enlargement Unusual presentations: has been rarely reported with; 1. amelogenesis imperfect 2. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 3. I-cell disease 4. Multiple myeloma.
  • 158. These pseudo-enlargements False enlargement: appears as a result of increase in size of underlying; 1. osseous (tori, exostosis, Paget’s disease, cherubism, osteoma) 2. dental tissues (during tooth eruption).
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  • 162. Gingival bleeding may be caused by local and systemic factors .
  • 163. Gingival bleeding LOCAL 1. Gingivitis 2. Periodontitis 3. Improper use of floss 4. Vigorous brushing 5. Poor oral hygiene 6. Decayed tooth
  • 164. SYSTEMIC factors 1. Drug induced bleeding 2. Diabetic Mellitus 3. Pregnancy 4. vitamin –c deficiency 5. Leukemia 6. Von willibrands disease 7. Platelet disorder 8. Aplastic anemia
  • 165. Summary • Periodontitis is an inflammatory reaction triggered by bacteria in dental plaque.
  • 166. Summary Treatment involves; 1. Scaling 2. Root Planning 3. Sometimes Antibiotics 4. Surgery.
  • 167. Summary There is loss of alveolar bone, formation of deep gum pockets, and eventually loosening of teeth.
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  • 173. Periodontitis (pyorrhea) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gums resulting from an opportunistic infection of endogenous plaque biofilm. Which of the following typically precedes periodontitis? a) viral URI b) Gingivitis c) Candidiasis d) Root infection
  • 174. Periodontitis (pyorrhea) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gums resulting from an opportunistic infection of endogenous plaque biofilm. Which of the following typically precedes periodontitis? a) viral URI b) Gingivitis c) Candidiasis d) Root infection
  • 175. Aggressive periodontitis is characterized by rapid progression of alveolar bone loss and even tooth loss. Which of the following statements about aggressive periodontitis is FALSE? a) It usually occurs in children. b) Extent of destruction is usually disproportionate to the extent of plaque or calculus. c) It is the most common type of peridontitis. d) It runs in families.
  • 176. Aggressive periodontitis is characterized by rapid progression of alveolar bone loss and even tooth loss. Which of the following statements about aggressive periodontitis is FALSE? a) It usually occurs in children. b) Extent of destruction is usually disproportionate to the extent of plaque or calculus. c) It is the most common type of peridontitis. d) It runs in families.
  • 177. In patients with HIV infection and periodontitis, presentation is clinically similar to which of the following? a) Chronic periodontitis b) Vitamin C deficiency c) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis d) Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
  • 178. In patients with HIV infection and periodontitis, presentation is clinically similar to which of the following? a) Chronic periodontitis b) Vitamin C deficiency c) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis d) Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease
  • 179. Which of the following is the most common cause of gingivitis? a) Malocclusion b) Poor oral hygiene c) Food impaction d) Xerostomia
  • 180. Which of the following is the most common cause of gingivitis? a) Malocclusion b) Poor oral hygiene c) Food impaction d) Xerostomia
  • 181. The diagnosis of gingivitis is confirmed by which of the following? a) Petechiae throughout the mouth b) Erythematous, friable tissue at the gum line c) Gum pain when food is chewed d) Culture of the affected gum area that identifies typical pathogens
  • 182. The diagnosis of gingivitis is confirmed by which of the following? a) Petechiae throughout the mouth b) Erythematous, friable tissue at the gum line c) Gum pain when food is chewed d) Culture of the affected gum area that identifies typical pathogens