SlideShare a Scribd company logo© Unitag SAS 2012
To be efficient a QR Code campaign has to be structured and organized. In order to do
so you will be introduced to 10 rules through this guide. They will give you the necessary
knowledge to correctly use QR Codes.
You will then be able to design your marketing campaigns while being confident in the
added value of the operation and the impact on your consumers.
In this guide Unitag also details good and bad examples of QR Code campaigns so that
you make the best choices and avoid common mistakes. After which you will have all the
necessary assets to make your QR Code event successful.
Follow the guide !
Introduction© Unitag SAS 2012
QR Code presentation	 4
10 rules about QR Codes	 7
I. Choose your QR Code type
II. Customize your QR Code
III. Use contrasting colors
IV. Adapt the size of your QR Code
V. Choose the correct printing support
VI. Optimize your QR Code’s visibility
VII. Ensure that you are in an area with WiFi / Data service
VIII. Explain how to use your QR Code
IX. Offer some added value
X. Make your QR Code leads to a mobile website
QR Code campaign examples	 16
Bad examples
Good examples
Appendix	31
Quiet Zone
QR Code size
QR Code structure
Redundancy© Unitag SAS 2012
What is a QR Code?
A QR Code is a two-dimensional square barcode, often black-and-white,
that is found more and more frequently in advertisements. It can
contain various kinds of useful information for consumers. For example,
it can redirect a user’s smartphone to a web page in order to let him
purchase the advertised product. Or to let him download a coupon, or
even add an event to the calendar on his smartphone.
In other words, QR Codes can add a digital dimension to physical and
printed material, enhancing your marketing campaign and increasing
its impact on consumers.
Furthermore, QR Codes need not be limited to simple black-and-
white. QR Code designs continue to evolve, with many attractive
designs appearing in the market. We feel that the best QR Codes
should incorporate your colors and branding, so that you can draw the
attention of consumers and get them to scan your codes.
Customize your QR Codes!
With its state-of-the-art QR Code generator, Unitag’s goal is to provide businesses with attractive and
colorful QR Codes. Our online code generator provides robust customizations - color, shapes, logo
overlay, etc. - that can incorporate your corporate brand, or even create a new one, into your QR
Codes. Additional design elements can be incorporated with the assistance of a graphic designer, so
long as certain rules, described later in this guide, are followed.© Unitag SAS 2012
How to read QR Codes?
QR Codes are read by so-called “reading applications”, which are
basically barcode scanners. There are dozens of them that you can
directly download on your smartphone. But pay attention to the
fact that readers are differently efficient at reading QR Codes! That
is why we recommend the i-nigma reader for higher performance.
The reference: i-nigma (
Available on iPhone, Android and Blackberry
Some other applications:
Another common application (iPhone and Androïd)
	 A possible alternative (iPhone and Androïd)
Reading - or scanning - a QR Code is then a very easy three-step
process, as detailed in the opposite diagram.
The user has to open its reading application and aim at the QR
Code with the smartphone’s digital camera. It is then recognized by
the application which carries out the associated action - generally
opening a web page.© Unitag SAS 2012
I 	 Choose your QR Code type
Before creating the QR Code you want to publish, you should
choose what type of information will be incorporated into the
code. Different types of information can indeed be encoded and
lead to different actions.
QR Codes can encode the following actions:
A website URL to which the user will be directed and where he will see the content made
available for him.
An email or a text-message ready to be sent.
A business card which can be directly stored in your smartphone’s contact list.
An event that can be automatically added to your calendar.
A phone number recognized by your Smartphone for dialing.
A simple text to display.
Wi-Fi access point’s credentials to initiate a connection from your smartphone.© Unitag SAS 2012
II	 Customize your QR Code
Choosing the correct type is the first step in creating your QR Code. You can then customize the code
by changing its colors or size, or by overlaying a logo - there are many possible modifications. By
personalizing your QR Code, you can achieve a competitive advantage in the market, differentiating
your business and your product and drawing the attention of more consumers.© Unitag SAS 2012
III		 Use contrasting colors
When customizing your QR Code with different colors, make sure the code remains readable! No matter
what set of colors you apply, the background color has to CONTRAST with the colors of the QR Code itself.
Make note that some barcode scanners cannot interpret negative QR Codes - that is to say bright colors
on a dark background. So be sure to test any negative QR Code you generate, because if the contrast
is not strong enough or if the colors are not bright enough, your QR Code would be left useless.© Unitag SAS 2012
IV		 Adjust the size of your QR Code
If your QR Code is too small for the environment in which it is printed, the code will not be readable. Therefore,
be sure to compute the proper size based upon the following formula:
Size of your QR Code = Distance from the code to the scanner / 10
The size of your QR Code thus depends on where it is located, like a newspaper, product packaging or
a large poster, and how far your mobile device will be from the code. Different locations and conditions
will require different QR Code sizes.
For example if you decide to print your code on a advertising poster, the QR Code might be scanned
from 3 meters (10 feet) away, so the code should be at least 30 centimeters (1 foot) square.
QR Codes can be printed in any size; however you should be careful when printing a code at a size
less than under 3 cm (1 inch) square.
The best way to ensure that your QR Code has the right size is to scan using different smartphones
and different scanners, in expected scanning conditions
Note: Not all Smartphones have the same camera quality. Be sure to take current technology into
account when sizing your QR code, and, where appropriate, make your QR code a little larger than
the formula above would suggest.© Unitag SAS 2012
V	 Choose the correct printing surface
T-shirts, mugs, posters and even toilet paper, printing options for
QR Codes can be diverse and original! However where you print the
QR Code may affect its readability. For instance the printing surface
must be flat to permit QR Codes to be read, and try also to avoid
printing on reflective or easily distorted surfaces.
VI	 Optimize your QR Code’s visibility
Besides the chosen printing surface you will have to consider
the environment in which QR Codes will be displayed. They
have to be at the same time READABLE and VISIBLE by the
consumer. Try to avoid QR Codes displayed too low on a poster,
in a dark place or even on a moving surface. Also, it will be
more efficient to publish the QR Codes in environments where
consumers will in fact be able to use their smartphones to scan.© Unitag SAS 2012
VII	 Besureasuitablemobilenetworkisavailable
Without any suitable mobile network your QR
Code might not be of any use. Indeed if your QR
Code redirects the user to web-based content
the consumer must have access to a quality data
network, whether mobile or WiFi. If you know
specifically where the code will be available, you
should consider testing the data availability.
VIII	 Explain how to use your QR Code
Not everybody knows what QR Codes are made for and how they are read. It is important to print along
a QR Code an explanation on what a QR Code is and most important how to scan it.© Unitag SAS 2012
IX		 Offer some added value
Customers are inclined to scan your QR Code because they
expect to take advantage out of it. Couponing, exclusive
information, direct marketing are good examples of what QR
Codes are good for, they must deliver attractive content. Thus
you must indicate what kind of benefits the customer will get
from scanning your QR Code.
X	 YourQRCodehavetoleadtomobile-optimizedcontent
If your QR Code redirects to a website or a video, it must be mobile-
optimized. Most regular websites are poorly displayed on smartphones,
requiring inconvenient zooming in and out to read their content. Videos
will play well on smartphones, but should not be more than 30 to 60
seconds in length.
If you do not have a mobile-optimized website Unitag offers a mobile
page generator called© Unitag SAS 2012
Do not forget the QR Code golden rule:
Always scan your QR Code,
and scan it again,
before printing it!
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Bad example
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Bad example
	 Pictures of a TIME Magazine QR Code advertisement billboard on 51st and Broadway near Times
Square in New York City. These customized QR Codes, created by SET Japan, had been popping up from
the pages of TIME Magazine for months, redirecting readers to additional (non-mobile) web content.
• 1st issue: unreadable QR Codes.
On this billboard, it is difficult to read the QR Code (even more
with this type of customization). The company had obviously
forgotten to try with different readers in order to check if these
customized QR Codes were readable.
• 2nd issue: a non-adapted content.
While these QR codes may look "cool", the related content is a
big disappointment because it is not adapted for a mobile context.
So this is basically an enormous billboard in New York City featuring
a customized QR code that cannot be read by the majority of
readers, and that links to a generic non-mobile website.
• 3rd issue: no information.
Not everyone is aware about QR Codes and how to scan them. So the fact that there is nothing
explained on this billboard is an issue:
	 - How to scan it?
	 - Which reader to use?
	 - What type of information do I get by scanning this code?
source :
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Bad example
	 Bruketa & Zinic decided to promote tourism in their region and therefore integrated QR Codes
on license plates with a redirection to the “Croatian tourist Board” web page.
• 1st issue: bad conditions for scanning.
It looks like the QR Codes are more likely to cause accidents than to attract tourists!
Besides the fact that it is not legal to use a phone while driving, trying to scan these QR Codes could be
quite dangerous because drivers would then have to get close enough to the cars and would pay less
attention to the traffic.
• 2nd issue: a website not easily accessible.
Moreover, the content is nothing else than the tourism website home page and is not adapted for
smartphones. Users have to focus on reading and do not focus on their driving! The purpose of the
operation was to discourage tourists, right?
source :
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Bad example
	 Pix designed a marketing campaign to be displayed... in the subway!
The basic idea of humorous posters was however quite good. Pix wanted to complement their
advertisement with a QR Code leading to a short clip detailing their campaign.
• 1st issue: no access to a
mobile network.
There is no mobile network access in the
subway! Keep that in mind because it is a
very common mistake to display QR Codes
in the subway, which is of course comple-
tely useless.
• 2nd issue: a content size
too important.
size of the clip that had to be downloaded
on the smartphone was important and the
download took too much time.
source :
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Good example
Good example
23© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
	 Here is a very smart use of QR Codes from Korea, a country known for its very high number
of people using this technology. This campaign was designed by Emart, one of the largest Korean
retailers, because they wanted to increase sales during lunchtime.
• 1st asset : a new concept using innovative technology.
Emart introduced “The Sunny Sale” across the Seoul. This involved a three-dimensional sculpture
whose shadow in the sun would complete a QR code only between noon and 1 p.m. every day. Anybody
who did scan the code was given a special 25% off discount that could be redeemed in store or on their
mobile e-commerce site.
• 2nd asset: an efficient campaign.
It is a smart way to effectively use technology to drive sales, at least in the short term. Emart saw a great
increase in sales during lunch hours and even doubled the number of locations for Sunny Sale QR Codes.
While the wow factor will surely quickly fade, it is still a great example of marketers finding a way to
turn QR codes into something actually worth scanning.
source :
Good example
24© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Good example
25© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
	 In order to promote its new jean collection, Clavin Klein dared to print enormous billboards fea-
turing a very wide QR Code on it. The QR Code lead to a video introducing the new products in a sexy
way. It is a success for the brand.
• 1st asset: an original idea.
Besides the originality of this well done campaign, Calvin Klein reaches its objective to create a Buzz
using a mere QR Code poster (which is easy to scan). They succeeded in promoting what we cannot
display on the street in New York.
• 2nd asset: a real added value on the content.
It is an exclusive video that can only been watched after scanning the code which leads to an exclusive
relationship between the brand and the consumer.
source :
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Good example
Good example
27© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Making the QR Code technology sexy was the new challenge of the brand, and it’s a win shot. In fact
Victoria’s Secret reaches its goal perfectly in displaying sexy posters on the street with a QR code on
it… hiding products brand.
• 1st asset: an attractive advertising!
This can be called an attractive campaign ! In fact, it is a really funny way to play with the curiosity of
the consumers and push them to scan your QR Code.
• 2nd asset: a real content.
Furthermore the content itself is attractive too and also exclusive, showing the new Victoria’s Secret
The only risk there would be car accidents due to inattentive car drivers.
source :
© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
Good example
Good example
29© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
	 At Denver’s airport were displayed a few dozens giant QR Codes to get people’s attention. Once
scanned, books are made directly accessible for free on the smartphone. Or some sudokus or crossed
words. A good way to spend some time waiting for one’s plane.
• 1st asset: a well-thought-of use.
The campaign is displayed in an original, useful and well-thought-
of place. Here consumers have nothing else to do except waiting
for their plane, they will hence have all the time they need to scan
the QR Codes and benefit from their content.
• 2nd asset: an innovative idea.
The content accessed via the QR Codes is totally appropriate to the
place and the situation of consumers. Besides, it is free and this is
very appreciated in the context of an airport where everything is
source :© Unitag SAS 2012
It is crucial to think about all the components of a QR Code campaign. Its content, how
it will be displayed, the environment in which it will be displayed or even the target
audience are all very important parts to control.
From now on, these 10 rules will allow you to conduct successfully your project and to
create by yourself your QR Code on Unitag’s website. Don’t hesitate and get started!
If you want an even more extended personalization through the work of a graphic
designer, the appendix will help you understand the technical rules to follow.
The Unitag team wishes you all the best success!
Conclusion© Unitag SAS 2012
Quiet Zone
QR Codes need a homogeneous zone around them to be read easily by scanners. This quiet zone must
be of the same color than the background color of the QR Code (the one next to the modules, not the
one of the modules) and must be wide enough (precisely, it must correspond to the width of 4 squares).© Unitag SAS 2012
The size
	 The more large the data of a QR Code is, the more squares it is composed of (and the smaller
they are). The QR Codes becomes then hard to read!
Only one solution: the size of the information has to be reduced when possible. If your QR Code leads
to a web page, you can use a URL shortener service like or These tools
transform long addresses in short ones (for example
web/july/ad-1 can be reduced to an address like You will then encode the short
address in your QR Code, making it thus easier to read! Note that some Unitag offers include the use
of an integrated URL shortener service.
Contains a lot of information
= lots of small modules
= hard to scan
Contains less information
= fewer modules
= easier to scan© Unitag SAS 2012
The structure
	 A QR Code consists of black and white squares called binary modules. There are also three big
squares in some corners, they are called “eyes” of the QR Code. Some smaller eyes can also be found
in the middle of the code.
When you decide to personalize your QR Code, a part of this structure can be modified. But the
following rules would then have to be respected:
• The green zones are distortable up to 30% given the redundancy level;
• The “Position” and “Alignment” zones - called eyes - have to be modified carefully (just regularly test
if the QR Code remains readable, with a less efficient reading application);
• The other zones can be modified less carefully. The most efficient QR Code readers will succeed in
reading even a very altered QR Code, however the eyes and the rotation module are the most sensitive
zones because they allow to locate it.© Unitag SAS 2012
	 Data encoding is redundant, which means that the information is repeated in the QR Code. This
allows to keep it readable even when a part has been altered. There are 4 redundancy levels, each
increasing the number of modules and reducing the readability.
The indicated percentage corresponds to the part of the surface that can be modified.
The redundancy level and the use of the QR Code must be considered together:
	 • No damage risks or strong requirement to reduce the number of modules: level L;
	 • Normal use: level M;
	 • Need to insert a logo or damage risks: level H or Q.
Note: it could be tempting to always choose a high redundancy level, but keep in mind that this
decreases the size of the modules and potentially makes the QR Code harder to read.
You will have to find the right balance!
Light 		 (L)	 7% redundancy
Medium	 (M) 	 15% redundancy
Quality	 (Q)	 25% redundancy
High		 (H)	 30% redundancy
QR Code is a registred trademark of DENSO WAVE
29 Rue Jeanne Marvig - 31400 Toulouse France
RCS 532 050 523
- -

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Manual para el uso de Codigo Qr

  • 1.
  • 2.© Unitag SAS 2012 2 To be efficient a QR Code campaign has to be structured and organized. In order to do so you will be introduced to 10 rules through this guide. They will give you the necessary knowledge to correctly use QR Codes. You will then be able to design your marketing campaigns while being confident in the added value of the operation and the impact on your consumers. In this guide Unitag also details good and bad examples of QR Code campaigns so that you make the best choices and avoid common mistakes. After which you will have all the necessary assets to make your QR Code event successful. Follow the guide ! Introduction
  • 3.© Unitag SAS 2012 3 Summary QR Code presentation 4 10 rules about QR Codes 7 I. Choose your QR Code type II. Customize your QR Code III. Use contrasting colors IV. Adapt the size of your QR Code V. Choose the correct printing support VI. Optimize your QR Code’s visibility VII. Ensure that you are in an area with WiFi / Data service VIII. Explain how to use your QR Code IX. Offer some added value X. Make your QR Code leads to a mobile website QR Code campaign examples 16 Bad examples Good examples Appendix 31 Quiet Zone QR Code size QR Code structure Redundancy
  • 4.
  • 5.© Unitag SAS 2012 5 What is a QR Code? A QR Code is a two-dimensional square barcode, often black-and-white, that is found more and more frequently in advertisements. It can contain various kinds of useful information for consumers. For example, it can redirect a user’s smartphone to a web page in order to let him purchase the advertised product. Or to let him download a coupon, or even add an event to the calendar on his smartphone. In other words, QR Codes can add a digital dimension to physical and printed material, enhancing your marketing campaign and increasing its impact on consumers. Furthermore, QR Codes need not be limited to simple black-and- white. QR Code designs continue to evolve, with many attractive designs appearing in the market. We feel that the best QR Codes should incorporate your colors and branding, so that you can draw the attention of consumers and get them to scan your codes. Customize your QR Codes! With its state-of-the-art QR Code generator, Unitag’s goal is to provide businesses with attractive and colorful QR Codes. Our online code generator provides robust customizations - color, shapes, logo overlay, etc. - that can incorporate your corporate brand, or even create a new one, into your QR Codes. Additional design elements can be incorporated with the assistance of a graphic designer, so long as certain rules, described later in this guide, are followed.
  • 6.© Unitag SAS 2012 6 How to read QR Codes? QR Codes are read by so-called “reading applications”, which are basically barcode scanners. There are dozens of them that you can directly download on your smartphone. But pay attention to the fact that readers are differently efficient at reading QR Codes! That is why we recommend the i-nigma reader for higher performance. The reference: i-nigma ( Available on iPhone, Android and Blackberry Some other applications: Flashcode Another common application (iPhone and Androïd) NeoReader A possible alternative (iPhone and Androïd) Reading - or scanning - a QR Code is then a very easy three-step process, as detailed in the opposite diagram. The user has to open its reading application and aim at the QR Code with the smartphone’s digital camera. It is then recognized by the application which carries out the associated action - generally opening a web page.
  • 7.
  • 8.© Unitag SAS 2012 8 I Choose your QR Code type Before creating the QR Code you want to publish, you should choose what type of information will be incorporated into the code. Different types of information can indeed be encoded and lead to different actions. QR Codes can encode the following actions: A website URL to which the user will be directed and where he will see the content made available for him. An email or a text-message ready to be sent. A business card which can be directly stored in your smartphone’s contact list. An event that can be automatically added to your calendar. A phone number recognized by your Smartphone for dialing. A simple text to display. Wi-Fi access point’s credentials to initiate a connection from your smartphone.
  • 9.© Unitag SAS 2012 9 II Customize your QR Code Choosing the correct type is the first step in creating your QR Code. You can then customize the code by changing its colors or size, or by overlaying a logo - there are many possible modifications. By personalizing your QR Code, you can achieve a competitive advantage in the market, differentiating your business and your product and drawing the attention of more consumers.
  • 10.© Unitag SAS 2012 10 III Use contrasting colors When customizing your QR Code with different colors, make sure the code remains readable! No matter what set of colors you apply, the background color has to CONTRAST with the colors of the QR Code itself. Make note that some barcode scanners cannot interpret negative QR Codes - that is to say bright colors on a dark background. So be sure to test any negative QR Code you generate, because if the contrast is not strong enough or if the colors are not bright enough, your QR Code would be left useless.
  • 11.© Unitag SAS 2012 11 IV Adjust the size of your QR Code If your QR Code is too small for the environment in which it is printed, the code will not be readable. Therefore, be sure to compute the proper size based upon the following formula: Size of your QR Code = Distance from the code to the scanner / 10 The size of your QR Code thus depends on where it is located, like a newspaper, product packaging or a large poster, and how far your mobile device will be from the code. Different locations and conditions will require different QR Code sizes. For example if you decide to print your code on a advertising poster, the QR Code might be scanned from 3 meters (10 feet) away, so the code should be at least 30 centimeters (1 foot) square. QR Codes can be printed in any size; however you should be careful when printing a code at a size less than under 3 cm (1 inch) square. The best way to ensure that your QR Code has the right size is to scan using different smartphones and different scanners, in expected scanning conditions Note: Not all Smartphones have the same camera quality. Be sure to take current technology into account when sizing your QR code, and, where appropriate, make your QR code a little larger than the formula above would suggest.
  • 12.© Unitag SAS 2012 12 V Choose the correct printing surface T-shirts, mugs, posters and even toilet paper, printing options for QR Codes can be diverse and original! However where you print the QR Code may affect its readability. For instance the printing surface must be flat to permit QR Codes to be read, and try also to avoid printing on reflective or easily distorted surfaces. VI Optimize your QR Code’s visibility Besides the chosen printing surface you will have to consider the environment in which QR Codes will be displayed. They have to be at the same time READABLE and VISIBLE by the consumer. Try to avoid QR Codes displayed too low on a poster, in a dark place or even on a moving surface. Also, it will be more efficient to publish the QR Codes in environments where consumers will in fact be able to use their smartphones to scan.
  • 13.© Unitag SAS 2012 13 VII Besureasuitablemobilenetworkisavailable Without any suitable mobile network your QR Code might not be of any use. Indeed if your QR Code redirects the user to web-based content the consumer must have access to a quality data network, whether mobile or WiFi. If you know specifically where the code will be available, you should consider testing the data availability. VIII Explain how to use your QR Code Not everybody knows what QR Codes are made for and how they are read. It is important to print along a QR Code an explanation on what a QR Code is and most important how to scan it.
  • 14.© Unitag SAS 2012 14 IX Offer some added value Customers are inclined to scan your QR Code because they expect to take advantage out of it. Couponing, exclusive information, direct marketing are good examples of what QR Codes are good for, they must deliver attractive content. Thus you must indicate what kind of benefits the customer will get from scanning your QR Code. X YourQRCodehavetoleadtomobile-optimizedcontent If your QR Code redirects to a website or a video, it must be mobile- optimized. Most regular websites are poorly displayed on smartphones, requiring inconvenient zooming in and out to read their content. Videos will play well on smartphones, but should not be more than 30 to 60 seconds in length. If you do not have a mobile-optimized website Unitag offers a mobile page generator called
  • 15.© Unitag SAS 2012 15 Do not forget the QR Code golden rule: Always scan your QR Code, and scan it again, before printing it!
  • 16.
  • 17. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 17 Bad example
  • 18. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 18 Bad example Pictures of a TIME Magazine QR Code advertisement billboard on 51st and Broadway near Times Square in New York City. These customized QR Codes, created by SET Japan, had been popping up from the pages of TIME Magazine for months, redirecting readers to additional (non-mobile) web content. • 1st issue: unreadable QR Codes. On this billboard, it is difficult to read the QR Code (even more with this type of customization). The company had obviously forgotten to try with different readers in order to check if these customized QR Codes were readable. • 2nd issue: a non-adapted content. While these QR codes may look "cool", the related content is a big disappointment because it is not adapted for a mobile context. So this is basically an enormous billboard in New York City featuring a customized QR code that cannot be read by the majority of readers, and that links to a generic non-mobile website. • 3rd issue: no information. Not everyone is aware about QR Codes and how to scan them. So the fact that there is nothing explained on this billboard is an issue: - How to scan it? - Which reader to use? - What type of information do I get by scanning this code? source :
  • 19. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 19 Bad example Bruketa & Zinic decided to promote tourism in their region and therefore integrated QR Codes on license plates with a redirection to the “Croatian tourist Board” web page. • 1st issue: bad conditions for scanning. It looks like the QR Codes are more likely to cause accidents than to attract tourists! Besides the fact that it is not legal to use a phone while driving, trying to scan these QR Codes could be quite dangerous because drivers would then have to get close enough to the cars and would pay less attention to the traffic. • 2nd issue: a website not easily accessible. Moreover, the content is nothing else than the tourism website home page and is not adapted for smartphones. Users have to focus on reading and do not focus on their driving! The purpose of the operation was to discourage tourists, right? source :
  • 20. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 20 Bad example Pix designed a marketing campaign to be displayed... in the subway! The basic idea of humorous posters was however quite good. Pix wanted to complement their advertisement with a QR Code leading to a short clip detailing their campaign. • 1st issue: no access to a mobile network. There is no mobile network access in the subway! Keep that in mind because it is a very common mistake to display QR Codes in the subway, which is of course comple- tely useless. • 2nd issue: a content size too important. Besides,oncetheQRCodewasscanned,the size of the clip that had to be downloaded on the smartphone was important and the download took too much time. source :
  • 21.
  • 22. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 22 Good example
  • 23. Good example 23© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! Here is a very smart use of QR Codes from Korea, a country known for its very high number of people using this technology. This campaign was designed by Emart, one of the largest Korean retailers, because they wanted to increase sales during lunchtime. • 1st asset : a new concept using innovative technology. Emart introduced “The Sunny Sale” across the Seoul. This involved a three-dimensional sculpture whose shadow in the sun would complete a QR code only between noon and 1 p.m. every day. Anybody who did scan the code was given a special 25% off discount that could be redeemed in store or on their mobile e-commerce site. • 2nd asset: an efficient campaign. It is a smart way to effectively use technology to drive sales, at least in the short term. Emart saw a great increase in sales during lunch hours and even doubled the number of locations for Sunny Sale QR Codes. While the wow factor will surely quickly fade, it is still a great example of marketers finding a way to turn QR codes into something actually worth scanning. source :
  • 24. Good example 24© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag !
  • 25. Good example 25© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! In order to promote its new jean collection, Clavin Klein dared to print enormous billboards fea- turing a very wide QR Code on it. The QR Code lead to a video introducing the new products in a sexy way. It is a success for the brand. • 1st asset: an original idea. Besides the originality of this well done campaign, Calvin Klein reaches its objective to create a Buzz using a mere QR Code poster (which is easy to scan). They succeeded in promoting what we cannot display on the street in New York. • 2nd asset: a real added value on the content. It is an exclusive video that can only been watched after scanning the code which leads to an exclusive relationship between the brand and the consumer. source :
  • 26. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 26 Good example
  • 27. Good example 27© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! Making the QR Code technology sexy was the new challenge of the brand, and it’s a win shot. In fact Victoria’s Secret reaches its goal perfectly in displaying sexy posters on the street with a QR code on it… hiding products brand. • 1st asset: an attractive advertising! This can be called an attractive campaign ! In fact, it is a really funny way to play with the curiosity of the consumers and push them to scan your QR Code. • 2nd asset: a real content. Furthermore the content itself is attractive too and also exclusive, showing the new Victoria’s Secret collection. The only risk there would be car accidents due to inattentive car drivers. source :
  • 28. © Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! 28 Good example
  • 29. Good example 29© Unitag SAS 2012 Be careful, campaign not made by Unitag ! At Denver’s airport were displayed a few dozens giant QR Codes to get people’s attention. Once scanned, books are made directly accessible for free on the smartphone. Or some sudokus or crossed words. A good way to spend some time waiting for one’s plane. • 1st asset: a well-thought-of use. The campaign is displayed in an original, useful and well-thought- of place. Here consumers have nothing else to do except waiting for their plane, they will hence have all the time they need to scan the QR Codes and benefit from their content. • 2nd asset: an innovative idea. The content accessed via the QR Codes is totally appropriate to the place and the situation of consumers. Besides, it is free and this is very appreciated in the context of an airport where everything is expensive. source :
  • 30.© Unitag SAS 2012 30 It is crucial to think about all the components of a QR Code campaign. Its content, how it will be displayed, the environment in which it will be displayed or even the target audience are all very important parts to control. From now on, these 10 rules will allow you to conduct successfully your project and to create by yourself your QR Code on Unitag’s website. Don’t hesitate and get started! If you want an even more extended personalization through the work of a graphic designer, the appendix will help you understand the technical rules to follow. The Unitag team wishes you all the best success! Conclusion
  • 31.
  • 32.© Unitag SAS 2012 32 Quiet Zone QR Codes need a homogeneous zone around them to be read easily by scanners. This quiet zone must be of the same color than the background color of the QR Code (the one next to the modules, not the one of the modules) and must be wide enough (precisely, it must correspond to the width of 4 squares).
  • 33.© Unitag SAS 2012 33 The size The more large the data of a QR Code is, the more squares it is composed of (and the smaller they are). The QR Codes becomes then hard to read! Only one solution: the size of the information has to be reduced when possible. If your QR Code leads to a web page, you can use a URL shortener service like or These tools transform long addresses in short ones (for example web/july/ad-1 can be reduced to an address like You will then encode the short address in your QR Code, making it thus easier to read! Note that some Unitag offers include the use of an integrated URL shortener service. Contains a lot of information = lots of small modules = hard to scan Contains less information = fewer modules = easier to scan
  • 34.© Unitag SAS 2012 34 The structure A QR Code consists of black and white squares called binary modules. There are also three big squares in some corners, they are called “eyes” of the QR Code. Some smaller eyes can also be found in the middle of the code. When you decide to personalize your QR Code, a part of this structure can be modified. But the following rules would then have to be respected: • The green zones are distortable up to 30% given the redundancy level; • The “Position” and “Alignment” zones - called eyes - have to be modified carefully (just regularly test if the QR Code remains readable, with a less efficient reading application); • The other zones can be modified less carefully. The most efficient QR Code readers will succeed in reading even a very altered QR Code, however the eyes and the rotation module are the most sensitive zones because they allow to locate it.
  • 35.© Unitag SAS 2012 35 Redundancy Data encoding is redundant, which means that the information is repeated in the QR Code. This allows to keep it readable even when a part has been altered. There are 4 redundancy levels, each increasing the number of modules and reducing the readability. The indicated percentage corresponds to the part of the surface that can be modified. The redundancy level and the use of the QR Code must be considered together: • No damage risks or strong requirement to reduce the number of modules: level L; • Normal use: level M; • Need to insert a logo or damage risks: level H or Q. Note: it could be tempting to always choose a high redundancy level, but keep in mind that this decreases the size of the modules and potentially makes the QR Code harder to read. You will have to find the right balance! Light (L) 7% redundancy Medium (M) 15% redundancy Quality (Q) 25% redundancy High (H) 30% redundancy
  • 36. QR Code is a registred trademark of DENSO WAVE UNITAG SAS 29 Rue Jeanne Marvig - 31400 Toulouse France RCS 532 050 523 - -