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IT 서비스사업 
박준성교수, KAIST 
Copyright © 2014. Dr. June Sung Park. All rights reserved.
서울대경영학학사(1979); 석사(1983) 
Ohio State University 산업공학및전산학박사(1988) 
University of Iowa 경영정보학종신교수(1989-2000) 
삼성SDS CTO/전무(2001-2009) 
[현] KAIST 산업및시스템공학과교수, 전산학과겸임교수(2010-현재) 
[현] 국제SW공학협회(SEMAT)회장( 
[현] OMG Essence 국제표준TF 위원 
[현] 미래부방송통신인프라원천기술개발사업“Giga급스마트클라우드릿핵심기술개발”과제총괄책임자 
[현] 미래부클라우드산업포럼도입확산분과위원장 
[현] 안행부전자정부민관협력포럼클라우드분과위원장 
[현] Information Technology and Management 및Telecommunication Systems 학술지Associate Editor 
미국Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 및Who’s Who in Media and Communication 명인록등재 
Mainframe Batch 
Mainframe Online 
BPR & Client/ Server 
E-Business & SOA 
Mobile, Cloud & Big Data 
1954년Arthur Andersen이GE에봉급처리시스템구축 
1985년삼성SDS 설립 
13년매출$6.6B, 영업이익30%, P/S Ratio 4.5, 직원156,700명, 신규채용6,700명, 55 Offshore Delivery Centers 
72년SAP 설립 
04년ESOA & NetWeaver 
02년eBiz Suite 
2010년Accenture가eBay의iPad Marketplace를Azure 플랫폼으로이식 
Custom개발, Package구현에서Cloud Service 컨설팅, 구현으로 
SOA 기반의재사용서비스및Framework을활용한Asset-Based Service (재사용자산기반서비스) 체제로 
2010 ($B) 
2015 ($B) 
CAGR (%) 
Software Product 
IT Services 
Computing Hardware 
Telecom Equipment 
Telecom Services 
박준성, “SaaS에관한小考,” 미래부클라우드지원센터, 기술보고서1호, 2013. 9(
Exposes standardized execution services for key underwriting and policy administration functions and its integrated third-party engines such as Fair Isaac’s rule engines and Oracle’s rating engine. 
Provides a service-oriented architecture environment to help integrate these components into an insurer’s existing core policy/ underwriting applications. 
Provides cloud orchestration service that enables you to quickly access Microsoft PaaS services while IT controls business process configuration, billing, metering, performance monitoring, provisioning, security and data compliance 
SW패키지사업은무형자본집약형, 미래가치지향적, R&D 기반의사업인데반해, IT서비스사업은사람사업, 현재가치지향적, 훈련기반의사업 
F. Barber and R. Strack, The Surprising Economics of a People Business, Harvard Business Review, June 2005. 
Economic Value Added (EVA) = [ Employee Productivity –Average Cost per Employee ] * Number of Employees 
Employee Productivity = [ Revenue -Supplier Cost –Depreciation – Cost of Capital ] / Number of Employees 
[ Employee Productivity / Average Cost per Employee ]는미국, 유럽의IT서비스업체평균110 
인도의선진IT서비스업체들(TCS, Wipro, Infosys 등) 은180 
F. Barber, P. Catchings, Y. Morieux, Rules of the Game for People Business, Boston Consulting Group, April 2005. 
*Includes employee training (4% of revenue) and R&D (2% of revenue). These ratios 4% and 2% are based on Accenture’s 2008 annual report. 
Cost of Sales 
Gross Margin 
Sales & Marketing 
Service Engineering* or 
Product R&D 
Operating Profit 
Economiesof Scale 
Productized Assets 
Globally Integrated Operation 
Economies of Scope 
Asset-Based Service 
Labor-Based Service / Specialist 
Labor-Based Service / Generalist 
F. Barber, P. Catchings, Y. Morieux, Rules of the Game for People Business, Boston Consulting Group, April 2005.
기업용애플리케이션패키지업체가제품유지보수를위한고객지원및제품교육서비스외에,SI계약을통한컨설팅,제품Customization, 기존시스템과의통합등IT서비스를제공하는경우 
Type 1: Decoupling of product business and professional service business (예: IBM, HP, EMC 등) 
Type 2: Professional services coupled with their own products 
Type 2-1: SW패키지창업후일정기간IT서비스를통해제품완성도를높여가는경우 
Type 2-2: 성공한SW패키지업체가자사제품의혁신을위해IT-Smart한선진고객의패키지구현프로젝트에참여하는경우(예: SAP, Oracle) 
Type 2-3: SW패키지업체가제품의Commodity화, 시장포화, 경쟁심화로인한매출부진및수익악화를극복하기위해IT서비스를하게되는경우 
Type 2-3의경우, Type 1으로의전환이유리할수있음 
SW패키지/IT서비스병행전략(TYPE2-1): OPOWER 사례 
2007년Harvard 전산과Dan Yates가전력회사의에너지소비절약을위한SW로창업 
단기매출제고를위한고객별Customization과장기제품경쟁력제고를위한제품로드맵고수간에균형을유지하기위해“Token System” 운영 
Estimate the annual engineering capacity in number of scrum cycles—i.e., tokens. 
Grant 15% of the total tokens to sales which they can “spend” over the year. 
Have product and engineering teams categorize requests in an RFP as blue, green and yellow, and estimate the number of tokens needed to complete them. 
Have sales decide how many tokens to redeem for yellow and green features to win the RFP. 
On productroadmap? 
Change in engineering plan to meet the RFP? 
can be completed withoutchange 
already on 
need acceleration at least by one quarter 
Not on 
need to be added anew 
T. Eisenmann and R. Go, Product Development at OPOWER, Harvard Business School, Feb. 2011.
SW패키지/IT서비스병행전략(TYPE2-3): I2 TECHNOLOGIES 사례 
SW패키지업체들은1조원이상매출에서불과1-2년만에도산가능(예: i2, Baan) 
i2 경우SW라이센스매출의전체매출비중이1994년75%에서2001년20%로추락 
IT서비스경영체제를못갖춘상태에서IT서비스사업추진으로2001년매출$1 당$9 원가발생 
Stock Price 
i2 Technologies Stock Price 
Service Revenues as % of Total Revenues 
Michael A. Cusumano, The Business of Software, Free Press, NY, 2004.
IT서비스사업의가치사슬(VALUE CHAIN) 
Service Engagement 
Solution Design 
Service Portfolio 
Service Assetization 
박준성, “A Framework for Education Engineering for IT Service,” 한국정보과학회지, 2008. 2. 
Service EngagementService EngineeringEngagementProcessPhaseService MarketingCustomerServicePortfolioServiceContractService DeliveryWork BreakdownStructureArtifactActivityMethodologyServiceDeliverablesSolutionArchitecture ReusableIP Asset EucationCurriculumCourseLearning ObjectEmployeeOrganization UnitService CostService ValueService ProposalService PriceSuppliersCompetencyJob/RoleEngagementTeamResourcePlanningResourceAllocationServiceCatalog
서비스R&D는TCS 비즈니스모델혁신, TCS 판매서비스혁신및서비스수행방법론의3대영역에투자 
서비스R&D의목표는기술성숙도(Technology Maturity), 프로세스성숙도(Process Maturity) 및SW재사용의3대목표를추구 
프로세스성숙도: TCS 고유의iQMS체계를ISO9001:2000, CMMI, P-CMM, 6 Sigma 기반으로구축운영 
기술성숙도: CoE(Centers of Excellence)를중심으로각기술영역의최신추세및Best Practice 확보및훈련 
SW재사용: RAMP(Reusable Asset Management Platform)을활용하여재사용가능한SW자산을수확, 정제하여개발원가의30-90% 절감 
Key Delivery Performance Indicators shared with customers 
Ontime delivery 
Defect density (defects per 1000 FP) 
Budget overrun 
Cost of Quality 
선진사의Offshore Delivery 센터역할을통한기술이전효과전무(인도, 중국대비불리) 
SW공학수준이선진국대비크게낙후되어품질, 생산성이매우낮음 
패키지개발, 해외진출등경쟁력성숙도를무시한무모한사업전략 
OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, 2005 
SoftwareInvestment in OECD countries: 1980-2003 (as % of Gross Fixed Capital Formation)
첫째, 제조업스타일경영체제에서“사람사업” 경영체제로의전환시급 
Process Ability 
Process Activity 
Is Assigned to 
Work Product 
Method / Tool 
Requires Specific 
Organization Unit 
Works In 
Consists of 
Consists of 
Management, Modeling, Coding, Testing, Measurement … 
Language and Metamodel 
SPEM 2.0 
Work Product 
Is Composed of 
Is Described using
첫째, 제조업스타일경영체제에서“사람사업” 경영체제로의전환시급 
인사관리체제를“TalentManagement” 체제로전면개편필요 
E. Michaels, H. Handfield-Jones and B. Axelrod, The War for Talent, Harvard Business School Press, 2001. 
B. Curtis, W. E. Hefley and S. A. Milller, The People CMM: A Framework for Human Capital Management (2nd Edition), 2009. 
박준성, “Software Talent Management,” 한국SW기술진흥협회, 2014. 4.
둘째, SW공학도입시급: RAYTHEON 사례 
1987-1995년SW공학기반의SW개발프로세스, 방법론, 툴의표준화로프로젝트원가40% 절감 
The organization’s standard software engineering processwas defined describing the “whats” of developing software, and detailed procedures describing the “how” of critical aspects of software development, along with the toolsand the trainingneeded to make the developers productive. 
Raytheon put the highest priority on improving requirement engineering. 
Raytheon adopted formal, structured decomposition methods (Yourdon/Demarco with Hatley/Pirbhai real- time extensions), supporting CASE tools (Software thru Pictures and a variety of other vendor tools). With a well-honed training curriculumin place that is imparted to all members of the software requirements team (including systems people and, occasionally, the customer). 
Raytheon also emphasized in-process inspections. The process mandated 100% inspection coverage. They applied inspections to requirements definition, top-level design, detailed design and coding phases. 
Incremental build and integration testingwere enforced. 
Rework Cost 
Defect Density
둘째, SW공학도입시급: CAPGEMINI사례 
2000년Rational Unified Process를전사표준SW개발프로세스로채택, 전직원의UML, CBD, SOA 필수교육후전프로젝트에표준프로세스, 방법론, 툴필수적용 
Aproject was conducted to build an information system for a automobile manufacturer including a Web-based interface on the front-end with J2EE compliant code, Oracle database and UNIX servers on the back-end. 
The first task for the 50 people team was to nail down the system requirementsfor the first 6-month phase of development. 
The team and users agreed on 8 high-level requirements that were to be addressed 2 at a time in each of four iterations over the 6-month period. 
The requirements were maintained in Rational’srequirement management toolcalled RequisitePro. 
The team modeled use casesfrom the requirements in the Rational Rose, an integrated development environment(IDE). After client approval of use cases, the team developed system designs using class diagramsand sequence diagrams. Traceability of the requirements into the system designs was relatively easy owing to the integration between Rational RequisiteProand Rational Rose. 
The team also leveraged requirements to develop test scripts, and then conducted functional tests of the code using the testing tool Rational TestStudio. The integration between RequisiteProand TestStudiowas another time-saver—allowing the team to see in RequisiteProwhether a test case had passed. 
Defects found during test runs were recorded in the defect trackingtool Rational ClearQuest, providing ready access to the current state of quality for the project. 
셋째, 경쟁력성숙도모델에따른지속적경영/역량혁신으로국제경쟁력확보 
Cloud, Mobile, Big Data, Context Computing으로발전해나가는IT서비스수요를고려하여, 서비스포트폴리오의선택및집중 
전문지식및역량과표준방법론및툴을기반으로생산된프로젝트산출물들을수확, 정제하여ABS로전환 
표준프로세스, 방법론, 툴을기반으로해외Offshore Delivery Center를구축하여해외시장진출 
SOA 구조SW자산을이용한BPO, SaaS 사업도전 
경청해주셔서감사합니다. 수고많으셨습니다! 
미래부|Software CEO Academy

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  • 1. IT 서비스사업 박준성교수, KAIST Copyright © 2014. Dr. June Sung Park. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 세미나목차 IT서비스산업의역사와최근동향 IT서비스사업의특성 IT서비스경영의핵심프로세스 한국IT서비스산업의국제경쟁력강화방안 2
  • 3. 강사소개 서울대경영학학사(1979); 석사(1983) Ohio State University 산업공학및전산학박사(1988) University of Iowa 경영정보학종신교수(1989-2000) 삼성SDS CTO/전무(2001-2009) [현] KAIST 산업및시스템공학과교수, 전산학과겸임교수(2010-현재) [현] 국제SW공학협회(SEMAT)회장( [현] OMG Essence 국제표준TF 위원 [현] 미래부방송통신인프라원천기술개발사업“Giga급스마트클라우드릿핵심기술개발”과제총괄책임자 [현] 미래부클라우드산업포럼도입확산분과위원장 [현] 안행부전자정부민관협력포럼클라우드분과위원장 [현] Information Technology and Management 및Telecommunication Systems 학술지Associate Editor 미국Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 및Who’s Who in Media and Communication 명인록등재 3
  • 5. IT서비스산업의역사 2010 2000 1980 1970 1960 1950 1990 Mainframe Batch Mainframe Online BPR & Client/ Server E-Business & SOA Mobile, Cloud & Big Data 1954년Arthur Andersen이GE에봉급처리시스템구축 1985년삼성SDS 설립 81년Infosys설립 13년매출$6.6B, 영업이익30%, P/S Ratio 4.5, 직원156,700명, 신규채용6,700명, 55 Offshore Delivery Centers 72년SAP 설립 92년R3 04년ESOA & NetWeaver 02년eBiz Suite 2010년Accenture가eBay의iPad Marketplace를Azure 플랫폼으로이식 5
  • 6. IT서비스산업의최근동향 Custom개발, Package구현에서Cloud Service 컨설팅, 구현으로 SOA 기반의재사용서비스및Framework을활용한Asset-Based Service (재사용자산기반서비스) 체제로 IT 2010 ($B) 2015 ($B) CAGR (%) Software 1,111 1,538 7 Software Product 244 351 8 IT Services 793 1,004 5 SaaS/PaaS 71 158 17 IaaS 3 20 48 CSB 0.05 5 400 Computing Hardware 375 604 10 Telecom Equipment 413 572 7 Telecom Services 1,602 1,914 4 6 박준성, “SaaS에관한小考,” 미래부클라우드지원센터, 기술보고서1호, 2013. 9(
  • 7. IT서비스산업의최근동향: ACCENTURE 및CAPGEMINI 사례 Exposes standardized execution services for key underwriting and policy administration functions and its integrated third-party engines such as Fair Isaac’s rule engines and Oracle’s rating engine. Provides a service-oriented architecture environment to help integrate these components into an insurer’s existing core policy/ underwriting applications. Provides cloud orchestration service that enables you to quickly access Microsoft PaaS services while IT controls business process configuration, billing, metering, performance monitoring, provisioning, security and data compliance 7
  • 10. “사람사업”의경영 사람사업의경영방식은제조업및(유형및무형)자본집약형서비스사업과크게상이 SW패키지사업은무형자본집약형, 미래가치지향적, R&D 기반의사업인데반해, IT서비스사업은사람사업, 현재가치지향적, 훈련기반의사업 F. Barber and R. Strack, The Surprising Economics of a People Business, Harvard Business Review, June 2005. 10
  • 11. “사람사업”의경영성공지표 Economic Value Added (EVA) = [ Employee Productivity –Average Cost per Employee ] * Number of Employees Employee Productivity = [ Revenue -Supplier Cost –Depreciation – Cost of Capital ] / Number of Employees [ Employee Productivity / Average Cost per Employee ]는미국, 유럽의IT서비스업체평균110 인도의선진IT서비스업체들(TCS, Wipro, Infosys 등) 은180 F. Barber, P. Catchings, Y. Morieux, Rules of the Game for People Business, Boston Consulting Group, April 2005. 11
  • 12. IT서비스사업의손익구조 *Includes employee training (4% of revenue) and R&D (2% of revenue). These ratios 4% and 2% are based on Accenture’s 2008 annual report. Accenture 2010 Infosys 2010 SAP 2010 Microsoft 2010 Revenue $22B $6B $16B $62B Cost of Sales 66% 55% 32% 20% Gross Margin 34% 45% 68% 80% Sales & Marketing 12% 5% 21% 21% Service Engineering* or Product R&D 6% 7% 14% 14% G&A 2% 13% 6% Operating Profit 14% 33% 21% 39% 12
  • 13. IT서비스사업의경쟁력성숙도모델 저부가가치서비스에서고부가가치서비스로전환하기위해서는전사적으로재사용가능한지적자산의축적필요(LBS에서ABS로) IT서비스사업에서SW패지키사업으로의전환은경쟁력강화로드맵의최고단계에서가능 Economiesof Scale Productized Assets Globally Integrated Operation Economies of Scope Asset-Based Service Labor-Based Service / Specialist Labor-Based Service / Generalist 13 F. Barber, P. Catchings, Y. Morieux, Rules of the Game for People Business, Boston Consulting Group, April 2005.
  • 14. SW패키지업체의IT서비스사업병행전략 기업용애플리케이션패키지업체가제품유지보수를위한고객지원및제품교육서비스외에,SI계약을통한컨설팅,제품Customization, 기존시스템과의통합등IT서비스를제공하는경우 Type 1: Decoupling of product business and professional service business (예: IBM, HP, EMC 등) Type 2: Professional services coupled with their own products Type 2-1: SW패키지창업후일정기간IT서비스를통해제품완성도를높여가는경우 Type 2-2: 성공한SW패키지업체가자사제품의혁신을위해IT-Smart한선진고객의패키지구현프로젝트에참여하는경우(예: SAP, Oracle) Type 2-3: SW패키지업체가제품의Commodity화, 시장포화, 경쟁심화로인한매출부진및수익악화를극복하기위해IT서비스를하게되는경우 Type 2-3의경우, Type 1으로의전환이유리할수있음 14
  • 15. SW패키지/IT서비스병행전략(TYPE2-1): OPOWER 사례 2007년Harvard 전산과Dan Yates가전력회사의에너지소비절약을위한SW로창업 단기매출제고를위한고객별Customization과장기제품경쟁력제고를위한제품로드맵고수간에균형을유지하기위해“Token System” 운영 15 Estimate the annual engineering capacity in number of scrum cycles—i.e., tokens. Grant 15% of the total tokens to sales which they can “spend” over the year. Have product and engineering teams categorize requests in an RFP as blue, green and yellow, and estimate the number of tokens needed to complete them. Have sales decide how many tokens to redeem for yellow and green features to win the RFP. Featurecategory On productroadmap? Change in engineering plan to meet the RFP? Blue alreadyon can be completed withoutchange Green already on need acceleration at least by one quarter Yellow Not on need to be added anew T. Eisenmann and R. Go, Product Development at OPOWER, Harvard Business School, Feb. 2011.
  • 16. SW패키지/IT서비스병행전략(TYPE2-3): I2 TECHNOLOGIES 사례 SW패키지업체들은1조원이상매출에서불과1-2년만에도산가능(예: i2, Baan) i2 경우SW라이센스매출의전체매출비중이1994년75%에서2001년20%로추락 IT서비스경영체제를못갖춘상태에서IT서비스사업추진으로2001년매출$1 당$9 원가발생 주가도1996년$20에서2000년$111로상승했다가2002년¢42로추락 16 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Stock Price 52.75 60.75 195.0 217.5 7.90 1.15 1.67 0.69 0.56 22.82 12.60 6.39 19.12 19.70 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 i2 Technologies Stock Price Service Revenues as % of Total Revenues Michael A. Cusumano, The Business of Software, Free Press, NY, 2004.
  • 18. IT서비스사업의가치사슬(VALUE CHAIN) Service Strategy Service Engagement Service Engineering Solution Design Service Delivery Service Resource Planning Service Portfolio Service ResourceAllocation Service Marketing Service Assetization 18
  • 19. IT서비스공학(IT SERVICE ENGINEERING) 19 박준성, “A Framework for Education Engineering for IT Service,” 한국정보과학회지, 2008. 2. Service EngagementService EngineeringEngagementProcessPhaseService MarketingCustomerServicePortfolioServiceContractService DeliveryWork BreakdownStructureArtifactActivityMethodologyServiceDeliverablesSolutionArchitecture ReusableIP Asset EucationCurriculumCourseLearning ObjectEmployeeOrganization UnitService CostService ValueService ProposalService PriceSuppliersCompetencyJob/RoleEngagementTeamResourcePlanningResourceAllocationServiceCatalog
  • 20. IT서비스공학: IBM GLOBAL SERVICE 사례 20
  • 21. IT서비스공학: TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES 사례 TCS는매출의1.5%를서비스R&D에투자 서비스R&D는TCS 비즈니스모델혁신, TCS 판매서비스혁신및서비스수행방법론의3대영역에투자 서비스R&D의목표는기술성숙도(Technology Maturity), 프로세스성숙도(Process Maturity) 및SW재사용의3대목표를추구 프로세스성숙도: TCS 고유의iQMS체계를ISO9001:2000, CMMI, P-CMM, 6 Sigma 기반으로구축운영 기술성숙도: CoE(Centers of Excellence)를중심으로각기술영역의최신추세및Best Practice 확보및훈련 SW재사용: RAMP(Reusable Asset Management Platform)을활용하여재사용가능한SW자산을수확, 정제하여개발원가의30-90% 절감 21 Key Delivery Performance Indicators shared with customers TCS IndustryAverage Ontime delivery 87% 29% Defect density (defects per 1000 FP) 1.4 4.1 Budget overrun 3.3% 11% Cost of Quality 25% 40~60%
  • 23. 한국IT서비스산업의경쟁력취약원인 60년SW산업역사에서,한국은선진국대비약30년늦게SW활용을시작하여,기업의IT활용성숙도가아직낮음(IT기반업무혁신보다는기존업무의전산화) 선진사의Offshore Delivery 센터역할을통한기술이전효과전무(인도, 중국대비불리) SW공학수준이선진국대비크게낙후되어품질, 생산성이매우낮음 지난30년동안선진국에서이미검증된정보시스템의모방구축으로,자체적으로혁신적인솔루션의개발경험미흡 LBS에서ABS로의전환미흡 대기업내부전산기능의대외사업진출로,지식집약형전문서비스사업형태의경쟁력있는경영체제를못갖춤 패키지개발, 해외진출등경쟁력성숙도를무시한무모한사업전략 23 OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, 2005 SoftwareInvestment in OECD countries: 1980-2003 (as % of Gross Fixed Capital Formation)
  • 24. 첫째, 제조업스타일경영체제에서“사람사업” 경영체제로의전환시급 사업프로세스표준화필수 24 Employee Competency Knowledge Skill Process Ability Process Activity Requires Role Performs Is Assigned to Possesses Capability Work Product Produces Method / Tool Uses Requires Specific Workgroup Organization Unit Works In Consists of Consists of Process Method Tool Management, Modeling, Coding, Testing, Measurement … Language and Metamodel BPMN SPEM 2.0 Essence UML SoaML … Role Activity Work Product Guideline Checklist Template Is Composed of Utilizes Is Described using
  • 25. 첫째, 제조업스타일경영체제에서“사람사업” 경영체제로의전환시급 인사관리체제를“TalentManagement” 체제로전면개편필요 25 E. Michaels, H. Handfield-Jones and B. Axelrod, The War for Talent, Harvard Business School Press, 2001. B. Curtis, W. E. Hefley and S. A. Milller, The People CMM: A Framework for Human Capital Management (2nd Edition), 2009. 박준성, “Software Talent Management,” 한국SW기술진흥협회, 2014. 4.
  • 27. 둘째, SW공학도입시급: RAYTHEON 사례 1987-1995년SW공학기반의SW개발프로세스, 방법론, 툴의표준화로프로젝트원가40% 절감 The organization’s standard software engineering processwas defined describing the “whats” of developing software, and detailed procedures describing the “how” of critical aspects of software development, along with the toolsand the trainingneeded to make the developers productive. Raytheon put the highest priority on improving requirement engineering. Raytheon adopted formal, structured decomposition methods (Yourdon/Demarco with Hatley/Pirbhai real- time extensions), supporting CASE tools (Software thru Pictures and a variety of other vendor tools). With a well-honed training curriculumin place that is imparted to all members of the software requirements team (including systems people and, occasionally, the customer). Raytheon also emphasized in-process inspections. The process mandated 100% inspection coverage. They applied inspections to requirements definition, top-level design, detailed design and coding phases. Incremental build and integration testingwere enforced. 27 Rework Cost Productivity CPI Defect Density
  • 28. 둘째, SW공학도입시급: CAPGEMINI사례 2000년Rational Unified Process를전사표준SW개발프로세스로채택, 전직원의UML, CBD, SOA 필수교육후전프로젝트에표준프로세스, 방법론, 툴필수적용 Aproject was conducted to build an information system for a automobile manufacturer including a Web-based interface on the front-end with J2EE compliant code, Oracle database and UNIX servers on the back-end. The first task for the 50 people team was to nail down the system requirementsfor the first 6-month phase of development. The team and users agreed on 8 high-level requirements that were to be addressed 2 at a time in each of four iterations over the 6-month period. The requirements were maintained in Rational’srequirement management toolcalled RequisitePro. The team modeled use casesfrom the requirements in the Rational Rose, an integrated development environment(IDE). After client approval of use cases, the team developed system designs using class diagramsand sequence diagrams. Traceability of the requirements into the system designs was relatively easy owing to the integration between Rational RequisiteProand Rational Rose. The team also leveraged requirements to develop test scripts, and then conducted functional tests of the code using the testing tool Rational TestStudio. The integration between RequisiteProand TestStudiowas another time-saver—allowing the team to see in RequisiteProwhether a test case had passed. Defects found during test runs were recorded in the defect trackingtool Rational ClearQuest, providing ready access to the current state of quality for the project. 28
  • 29. 셋째, 경쟁력성숙도모델에따른지속적경영/역량혁신으로국제경쟁력확보 IT서비스사업에적합한경영모델및프로세스와SW공학의기본역량을확충한후, Cloud, Mobile, Big Data, Context Computing으로발전해나가는IT서비스수요를고려하여, 서비스포트폴리오의선택및집중 전문지식및역량과표준방법론및툴을기반으로생산된프로젝트산출물들을수확, 정제하여ABS로전환 국내선진기업의정보시스템혁신을위한컨설팅및구현서비스시장의수입대체 표준프로세스, 방법론, 툴을기반으로해외Offshore Delivery Center를구축하여해외시장진출 SOA 구조SW자산을이용한BPO, SaaS 사업도전 29
  • 30. 경청해주셔서감사합니다. 수고많으셨습니다! 30 IT서비스경영수료 미래부|Software CEO Academy