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By	Practioners	for	Practioners	
Building	IT	Capabilities	for	meeting	evolving	Business	Expectations	
“Disruptive	winds	of	change	are	blowing	across	the	Industry	and	
impacting	the	way	in	which	Enterprises	need	their	IT	to	
Many	CIO	organisations	have	adopted	best	practices,	International	
Standards,	World	class	tools,	Project	Portfolio	Management,	etc.,	but	the	goal	
of	aligning	IT	to	Business	remains	elusive.	
Everyone	is	aware	that	new	technologies	and	the	current	wave	of	automation	
driven	by	mobility	and	the	Internet	of	Things	are	forever	changing	the	ways	
in	which	IT	is	used	and	operated.	
Instead	of	being	a	‘Mechanic	Shop’	that	provides	technology	and	fixes	things	
when	they	go	wrong;	Businesses	now	need	IT	to	behave	like	a	‘One	Stop	
Customisation	Studio’	focused	on	value	outcome	improvements;	not	status	
quo	maintenance.		
They	want	IT	to	become	their	strategic	partner	and	help	them	transition	to	
the	Digital	Era,	where	a	customer	with	a	smartphone,	is	really	the	King.		
IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
2				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
The	transformation	from	‘doing	everything	themselves’	to	‘getting	things	done’	
in	the	best	possible	manner;	innovating	new	ways	of	reaching	and	interacting	
business	customers;	requires	a	new	Operating	Model,	that	does	away	with	
Silos	and	focuses	on	delivering	valuable	service	outcomes	to	the	business.	
For	the	first	time,	a	management	model	for	IT,	comes	from	a	non-
manufacturing	root	(CMMI,	ISO,	ITIL,;	the	next	generation	IT	Operating	
Model	–	The	‘IT	Value	Chain’	from	the	Open	Group,	draws	its	inspiration	
from	Potter’s	Value	Chain	which	is	more	related	to	service	management.		
By	focusing	on	‘Value	Outcomes’	devolved	to	stakeholders	(as	opposed	to	
process	maturity)	this	bold	
new	approach;	is	the	
fore-runner	in	the	
transformation	from	‘Silo	
Based	Technology	Delivery’	to	a	
‘Service	Delivery’	Paradigm;	that	
continually	improves	value	outcomes	
through	innovation.	
This	movement	can	be	described	as	acquiring	an	
‘Outside-In	View’	(focussed	on	
stakeholder	value	outcomes)	
instead	of	operating	from	the	
traditional,	Siloed,	‘Inside-Out	
View’	(focused	on	technology	
The	Service	System	components	illustrates	how;	
Technology	requires	a	capabiity	layer	,that	brings	in	the	
required	Customer	Focus	for	establishing	the	outside-in	view.
3				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
	Much	of	the	success	enjoyed	by	modern	enterprises	is	directly	associated	
with	how	the	enterprise	manages	its	data	resources	and	makes	it	available	
across	functions	in	a	seamless	manner;	providing	capability	to	convert	data	
into	relevant	and	valuable	information	at	the	appropriate	moment.	
The	‘Boundaryless	Information	FlowTM	1	problem	space	is	shared	by	many	
customer	members	of	The	Open	Group,	and	similar	organizations	worldwide.		
It	is	essentially	the	problem	of	getting	information	to	the	right	people	at	the	
right	time	in	a	secure,	reliable	manner,	in	order	to	support	the	operations	
that	are	core	to	the	extended	enterprise.		
Business	functions	such	as	Sales,	Finance,	Manufacturing,	Inventory,	
Warehousing,	Logistics,	etc.,	have	excellent	ERP	grade	IT	Solutions	that	can	
integrate	globally,	and	provide	boundryless	information.		
Despite	many	claims,	“Boundary	Less	Infromation	Flow”	or	an	ERP	grade	
solution	for	IT	Service	Management	is	still	a	distant	dream.	
The	Silo-Design	of	traditional	IT	Organisations,	extendes	deeply	into	the	IT	
Service	Management	Application	
Space.	Each	Silo	has	its	own	
management	system	typically	
desgined	and	implemented	to	ensure	
that	the	Silo	is	able	to	demonstrate	
compliance	to	targets.	
As	each	of	these	applications	come	
with	proprietory	architectures,	it	is	a	
1	The Open Group’s Interoperable Enterprise Business Scenario originally published in
2001, crystallizes this need for Boundaryless Information Flow and describes the way in
which this need drives IT customers’ deployment of their information infrastructure.
4				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
daunting	task	to	integrate	the	information,	to	achive	desired	levels	of	
transparency	for	managing	the	‘Deliverd	Service’	in	a	meaningful	manner.	
The	IT4ITTM	Reference	Architecture	brings	in	the	required	standardisation	
capability	that	can	be	used	by	all	stakeholders,	including	tool	developers,	to	
ensure	that	their	Services	will	expose	required	information	to	other	Services	
that	need	them;	using	a	common	Service	Model	and	associated	lingua	franca	
and	achive	‘Boundaryless	Information	Flow”	
The	transformation	from	a	Mechic	Shop	to	a	‘Customisation	Studio’	is	
heavily	dependent	upon	the	capabilities	of	the	ITSM	tool	sets	to	provide	
boundary	less	information	flow	required	for	supply	chain	transparency	for	
tracking	and	improving	value	chain	outcomes.		
In	simple	words,	‘Innovation	breeds	on	information’.	
“Bimodal	IT	is	the	practice	of	
managing	two	separate,	
coherent	modes	of	IT	delivery,	
one	focused	on	stability	and	the	
other	on	agility.	Mode	1	is	
traditional	and	sequential,	
emphasizing	safety	and	
accuracy.	Mode	2	is	exploratory	
and	nonlinear,	emphasizing	
agility	and	speed.2”	
2	Gartner	IT	Glossary
5				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
Gartner	research3	indicates	that	already,	more	than	40%	of	organizations	
describe	themselves	as	having	started	the	journey,	and	such	is	the	current	
momentum	that	we	anticipate	that	fully	three	out	of	four	organizations	will	
be	at	some	level	of	bimodal	maturity	by	2017	
Digital	transformation	demands	that	businesses	be	more	agile,	manage	
uncertainty	and	deliver	solid	reliability.	CIOs	can	meet	this	challenge	by	
using	a	bimodal	approach	to	managing	IT,	reducing	time-to-market	and	
more-effectively	aligning	IT's	activities	with	the	dynamics	of	a	digital	
Confronted	by	digital	transformation,	IT	leaders	recognize	the	need	to	
innovate	more,	manage	uncertainty	better	and	establish	more	agility.	
However,	they	have	to	do	this	while	simultaneously	running	the	business	and	
hitting	regular	performance	goals,	which	is	where	bimodal	capabilities	are	
Bimodal	affects	the	whole	ecosystem	internally	and	externally.	This	is	not	
just	about	the	IT	organization.	Bimodal	is	important	to	external	service	
providers	(ESPs),	because	enterprises	will	want	to	engage	with	them	in	
different	ways,	and	it	will	present	new	opportunities	for	ESPs.	As	a	result,	
practice	leaders	and	strategic	planners	in	ESPs	need	to	develop	a	way	to	
respond	to	customers	in	both	modes:		
The	essence	of	the	situation	as	documented	in	the	Research	Paper	“Managing	
uncertainty	—	that	is,	being	able	to	move	forward	even	when	the	future	is	
unclear	or	when	a	predefined	plan	is	impossible	—	is	foundational	to	success	
in	the	digital	era.		
3	How	to	Achieve	Enterprise	Agility	with	a	Bimodal	Capability?
4	Gartner	Predicts	2015:	Bimodal	IT	Is	a	Critical	Capability	for	CIOs	-
6				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
Often,	the	desire	to	manage	uncertainty	is	masked	by	a	focus	on	speed,	but	
frequently	that's	because	speed	is	seen	as	a	way	to	respond	to	uncertainty.	
The	benefit	of	speed	afforded	by	bimodal	is	eclipsed	by	the	benefit	of	being	
able	to	move	forward	when	the	future	is	unclear.”	
However,	one	single	aspect	is	clear,	the	journey	for	enterprises	transition	
from	legacy	‘Mechanic	Shop	Models”	to	a	Customisation	Studio	Model	
requires	that	requisite	capabilities	be	systematically	grown	and	established	
across	all	layers	of	the	organisation.	
IT4ITTM	Reference	Architecture	is	based	on	the	the	IT	Value	chain	and	was	
developed	with	the	following	aspects	considered:	-	
l The	required	changes	do	not	start	with	People,	Process,	Technology	and	
l Instead	the	changes	must	start	with	the	structure	and	focus	of	the	
organisation,	which	in	turn	will	impact	the	roles,	processes,	the	IT	
automation	and	Technology	Landscape.	
l What	is	required	–	A	new	IT	operating	Model	that	modernizes	IT	in	the	
following	Key	areas:	
Ø Engagement	Model:	Moving	from	exclusively	project-led	fulfillment	to	
a	 self-service	 experience	 that	 puts	 the	 control	 over	 the	 pace	 of	
innovation	 in	 the	 hands	 of	 the	 service	 consumer	 (IT	 or	 business	
Ø Deliverables:	 Shifting	 from	 the	 traditional	 “system	 of	 Record”	 focus	
driven	 by	 monolithic	 process	 focused	 applications	 to	 a	 new	 service-
centric	 orientation	 powered	 by	 hybrid	 composite	 applications	 and	
information	that	evolve	rapidly	and	continually.	
Ø Lifecycle:	 moving	 from	 a	 technology-centric,	 project	 lifecycle	 to	
managing	the	end-to-end	service	model	and	lifecycle.	This	opens	the	
door	for	using	new	development	methodologies	like	Scrum,	agile	and	
models	such	as	DevOps.	
Ø Operating	 Model:	 moving	 from	 a	 technology	 delivery	 organisation	
focused	 on	 Silos	 to	 a	 value	 chain	 model	 that	 promotes	 value-based
7				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
consumption,	greater	cost	transparency	and	multi-sourced	delivery	of	
a	broad-based	service	Portfolio.	
The	transformation	that	is	needed	to	realize	these	benefits	entails	adoption	
of	the	IT4IT	standard.	The	standard	comprises	a	reference	architecture	and	
value	chain-based	IT	operating	model	for	managing	the	business	of	IT.		
Designed	by	customers	like	you	over	the	last	2	years	using	real	world	use	cases	
Based	on	Porter’s	value	chain	and	lean	manufacturing	value	streams	concepts	
Leveraging	business	value	chain	success	in	IT	
The	 Open	 Group’s	 IT4IT	 Reference	 Architecture	 is	 a	 standard	 reference	
architecture	 and	 value	 chain-based	 operating	 model	 for	 managing	 the	
business	of	IT.		It	uses	a	value	chain	approach	to	create	a	model	of	the	functions	
that	IT	performs	to	help	organizations	identify	the	activities	that	contribute	to	
business	competitiveness.
8				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
This	value	chain	framework,	called	the	IT	Value	Chain,	applies	this	concept	to	
IT	by	defining	an	integrated	IT	management	framework	focusing	on	the	
lifecycle	of	services.	It	identifies	the	key	things	that	IT	must	do	–	and	do	well.		
It	allows	IT	to	achieve	the	same	level	of	business	predictability	and	efficiency	
that	supply	chain	management	has	allowed	for	the	business,	and	was	
designed	by	practitioners	to	be	industry,	product,	and	vendor-independent.		
l IT4ITTM,	provides	a	Vendor-Neutral,	Technology-Agnostic,	and	Industry-
Agnostic	Reference	Architecture	for	managing	the	business	of	IT.	
l IT4ITTM,	prescribes	holistic	management	of	the	business	of	IT	with	
continuous	insight	and	control,	enabling	Boundaryless	Information	Flow	
across	the	entire	IT	Value	Chain.		
l IT4ITTM	Standards	and	Guides,	professionalise	IT,	to	work	across	silos	and	
prepare	for	emerging	enterprise	IT	industry	trends	in	a	better,	faster,	
lower	cost	way,	and	with	less	risk.	
l IT4ITTM	Standards	and	Guides,	professionalise	IT,	to	work	across	silos	and	
prepare	for	emerging	enterprise	IT	industry	trends	in	a	better,	faster,	
lower	cost	way,	and	with	less	risk.
9				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
This	brings	a	huge	difference	to	the	capability	of	external	service	provider	
organisations	to	take	over	operational	responsibility	and	provide	End	to	End	
Services	directly	to	business	consumers	while	the	CIO	becomes	a	facilitator.	
The	reference	architecture	and	IT	operating	model	cover	all	of	the	activities	
that	are	needed	to	provide	business	functions	with	appropriate	IT	services.	
The	IT4IT	Reference	Architecture	describes	the	IT	function	from	a	value	
focused	end-to-end	perspective	covering	all	capabilities	and	data	needed	to	
manage	the	IT	services.		
It	describes	the	IT	function	both	as	IT	service	provider	to	the	business,	and	
as	consumer	of	IT	services	that	support	the	IT	function.		
The	standard	specifies	the	IT	function’s	workflows,	integrations,	data,	and	
functions	as	requirements	for	(automated)	information	systems	that	support	
the	IT	function.	
The	transformation	can	be	undertaken	incrementally,	enabling	the	benefits	
to	be	realized	as	soon	as	possible.	
It	provides	capabilities	for	the	CIO	organisation	to	transition	from	the	
current	Silo	Based	Organisation	model	and	become	a	Broker-Integrator	who
10				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
is	no	longer	constrained	by	the	traditional	shackles	that	owning	your	own	
infrastructure	and	managing	your	own	people	that	limit	IT	value	deliveries.	
It	provides	the	necessary	traceability	in	multi-sourced	Service	Delivery	
Models	by	ensuring	the	structure	of	information	as	an	enterprise	operates	
the	IT	Value	Chain	operated	by	multiple	third	party	service	providers.	
All	things	being	equal	people	are	the	key	to	success.	Establishing	next	
generation,	IT	Operating	models	and	associated	Innovation	Eco-System	
requires	a	re-skilling	of	IT	Staff	across	all	the	layers	of	the	Operating	Model	
positions	starting	from	Senior	executives	to	fresher’s	joining	from	
11				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
The	picture5	above	illustrates	the	moving	people	capability	profiles,	where	
the	demand	is	driven	by	disruptive	technology	trends.	The	IT	Management	
Gap,	an	existing	serious	impediment,	can	only	grow	further.	
While	this	challenge	can	be	daunting	for	professionals	currently	engaged	in	
IT	Service	delivery;	There	is	a	silver	lining	with	possibilities	for	transforming	
to	a	customizer	and	continuing	to	grow	a	bright	and	valuable	career	without	
becoming	redundant.	
The	IT4ITTM	Foundation	for	Practioners	Program	is	the	class	room	
component	of	Action	Research	Foundation’s	much	wider	Enterprise	ITSM	
Architecture	Capability	Building	Program.	
While	the	program	teaches	the	knowledge	required	for	Level	1,	Foundation	
Certificate	and	ARF	has	the	authority	to	hold	integral	exams,	the	program	
itself	is	not	mandatory	for	getting	certified.		
The	program	is	developed	and	delivered	in	a	manner	that	meets	the	
requirements	of	the	Open	Group	for	its	Accredited	Training	Centers	and	
operates	our	own	value	chain	 based,	custom	built,	QMS	that	
ensures	that	value	is	added	to	 the	candidates	from	the	
time	they	consider	doing	the	 program	and	extends	into	
the	practical	space	beyond	by	 welcoming	you	into	the	
ARF	Learning	 Center	
Community	with	a	 Unique	ARF-
LC	ID	where	you	 can	meet	other	
likeminded	people	 and	further	
your	learning.	
We	operate	a	structured	analyse	 and	improve	process	that	
validates	learning	goals	achieved	 by	our	students,	using	both	
5	Refer:	Open Group Management Guide, IT4ITTM
for Managing the Business of IT
ISBN: 1-937218-70-6 Document Number: G160, available at
12				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
anecdotal	and	empirical	data	and	use	it	to	identify	improvement	
opportunities	and	mount	service	improvement	programs.	
The	program	has	been	designed	by	successful,	practicing	architects,	who	
have	‘Been	There	and	Done	It’;	winning	international	Enterprise	and	IT	
Architecture	Excellence	Awards	for	their	customers	and	recognition	for	the	
pioneering	work	in	implementing	ITSM	SOA	Frameworks	and	their	
Automation	layers.	
Internalisation	of	Key	Learning	points	mandated	in	the	official	curriculum;	is	
ensured	through	the	use	of	case	studies	and	actual	war	stories	from	
successful	and	failed	Transformation	initiatives;	drawn	from	domains	such	as	
Retail,	Finance	&	Banking,	Automobile,	Telecom,	IT	Service	Provisioning.	
The	Open	Group®	Certification	for	People:	IT4IT™	Certification	Program	(the	
Program)	makes	certification	available	to	people	who	demonstrate	
knowledge	and	understanding	of	the	Body	of	Knowledge	covered	by	the	
The	Program	also	provides	accreditation	for	training	courses	designed	to	
help	people	acquire	the	necessary	knowledge	and	understanding	of	the	Body	
of	Knowledge	in	order	for	the	person	to	achieve	certification.	
Current	and	complete	information	on	the	certification	program	and	
conformance	requirements	are	published	on	the	Open	Group	Website	see:	
A	Brief	Overview	is	provided.	
The	Program	is	based	upon	a	set	of	key	documents:
13				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
1. The	Open	Group	Certification	for	People:	Certification	Policy,	which	
sets	out	the	policies	and	processes	by	which	an	individual	may	achieve	
2. The	Open	Group	Certification	for	People:	IT4IT™	Conformance	
Requirements	(Level	1),	which	documents	what	elements	of	the	Body	
of	Knowledge	an	individual	must	know,	understand,	or	be	able	to	do,	
including	depth	of	knowledge	required,	in	order	to	achieve	a	given	
level	of	certification.	
3. The	Open	Group	Certification	for	People:	Training	Course	
Accreditation	Policy,	which	sets	out	the	policies	and	processes	by	
which	a	training	course	may	achieve	accreditation.	
4. The	Open	Group	Certification	for	People:	Training	Course	
Accreditation	Requirements,	which	documents	the	criteria	that	must	
be	met	by	a	training	course	in	order	to	achieve	accreditation.	
These	four	documents	together	set	out	the	policies,	processes,	and	
requirements	for	the	Program.	This	document	defines	the	values	for	the	
terms	used	within	the	key	documents.	
Program	Configuration	
Capitalized	terms	not	otherwise	defined	herein	shall	have	the	meaning	ascribed	to	
them	in	either	The	Open	Group	Certification	for	People	Certification	Policy	or	Training	
Course	Accreditation	Policy.	
Body	of	Knowledge	-	IT4IT™	Reference	Architecture,	Version	2.0,	published	
by	The	Open	Group,	October	2015,	Document	No.	C155	
Available	Certifications	-	Level	1,	IT4IT	Foundation	 	
Knowledge	of	the	terminology,	structure,	and	basic	concepts	of	IT4IT	and	
understanding	of	the	core	principles	of	the	IT4IT	Reference	Architecture	and	
the	IT	Value	Chain.
14				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
Conformance	Requirements	-	IT4IT	Foundation:	The	Open	Group®	
Certification	for	People:	IT4IT™	Conformance	Requirements,	Version	1.0,	
published	by	The	Open	Group,	February	2016,	Document	No.	X1602	
Purpose	of	Certification	-	The	purpose	of	certification	for	IT4IT	Foundation	
is	to	provide	validation	that	the	Candidate	has	gained	knowledge	of	the	
terminology,	structure,	and	basic	concepts	of	the	IT4IT	standard	and	
understands	the	core	principles	of	the	IT4IT	Reference	Architecture	and	the	
IT	Value	Chain.	
The	learning	objectives	at	this	level	focus	on	knowledge	and	comprehension.	
Target	Audience	–	The	target	audience	for	this	level	includes,	but	is	not	
limited	to:	
Ø Individuals	who	require	a	basic	understanding	of	the	IT4IT	Reference	
Architecture	and	IT	Value	Chain	
Ø IT	Professionals	who	are	responsible	for	delivering	IT	services	
Ø IT	Professionals/Practitioners	who	are	focused	on	instrumenting	the	
IT	management	landscape	
Ø Enterprise	Architects	who	are	responsible	for	IT	business	
Ø Individuals	who	want	to	achieve	IT4IT	Level	2	certification	
Certification	Mark	
The	Open	Group®	Certification	for	People:	IT4IT™	Certification	Program	
Trademark	License	Agreement	defines	The	Open	Group	Certification	Mark	
logo	that	is	to	be	used	in	the	Program	along	with	the	following	labels	that	
identify	the	specific	Body	of	Knowledge	against	which	a	person	is	certified	
and	the	level	of	certification	achieved:	
Label	for	Level	1	Certification	–	Level	1,	Foundation,	IT4IT™	
Elements	Applicable	to	Certification	of	Individuals	
How	may	Candidates	prepare	for	certification?	–	By	attendance	at	a	
training	course	or	by	self-study
15				 	 	 IT4ITtm	is	the	registered	trade	mark	of	the	Open	Group
Duration	of	certification	–	Indefinite	
Expiry	–	Certification	to	a	given	version	of	the	Body	of	Knowledge	does	not	
expire,	so	there	are	no	re-	certification	or	renewal	requirements.	
Migration	–	As	this	is	a	new	program,	there	is	no	migration	policy.	
Visit	or	Send	us	a	mail	requesting	for	
information	to

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IT4IT Foundation for practitioners, Whats in it for you

  • 1. FOUNDATION FOR PRACTIONERS By Practioners for Practioners Building IT Capabilities for meeting evolving Business Expectations NEED FOR NEXT GENERATION IT OPERATING MODELS “Disruptive winds of change are blowing across the Industry and impacting the way in which Enterprises need their IT to function” Many CIO organisations have adopted best practices, International Standards, World class tools, Project Portfolio Management, etc., but the goal of aligning IT to Business remains elusive. Everyone is aware that new technologies and the current wave of automation driven by mobility and the Internet of Things are forever changing the ways in which IT is used and operated. Instead of being a ‘Mechanic Shop’ that provides technology and fixes things when they go wrong; Businesses now need IT to behave like a ‘One Stop Customisation Studio’ focused on value outcome improvements; not status quo maintenance. They want IT to become their strategic partner and help them transition to the Digital Era, where a customer with a smartphone, is really the King. ® IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group
  • 2. 2 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group SERVICE DELIVERY NOT TECHNOLOGY DELIVERY The transformation from ‘doing everything themselves’ to ‘getting things done’ in the best possible manner; innovating new ways of reaching and interacting business customers; requires a new Operating Model, that does away with Silos and focuses on delivering valuable service outcomes to the business. For the first time, a management model for IT, comes from a non- manufacturing root (CMMI, ISO, ITIL,; the next generation IT Operating Model – The ‘IT Value Chain’ from the Open Group, draws its inspiration from Potter’s Value Chain which is more related to service management. By focusing on ‘Value Outcomes’ devolved to stakeholders (as opposed to process maturity) this bold new approach; is the fore-runner in the transformation from ‘Silo Based Technology Delivery’ to a ‘Service Delivery’ Paradigm; that continually improves value outcomes through innovation. This movement can be described as acquiring an ‘Outside-In View’ (focussed on stakeholder value outcomes) instead of operating from the traditional, Siloed, ‘Inside-Out View’ (focused on technology delivery) The Service System components illustrates how; Technology requires a capabiity layer ,that brings in the required Customer Focus for establishing the outside-in view.
  • 3. 3 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group BOUNDRYLESS INFORMATION FLOW FOR MANAGING IT AS A BUSINESS Much of the success enjoyed by modern enterprises is directly associated with how the enterprise manages its data resources and makes it available across functions in a seamless manner; providing capability to convert data into relevant and valuable information at the appropriate moment. The ‘Boundaryless Information FlowTM 1 problem space is shared by many customer members of The Open Group, and similar organizations worldwide. It is essentially the problem of getting information to the right people at the right time in a secure, reliable manner, in order to support the operations that are core to the extended enterprise. Business functions such as Sales, Finance, Manufacturing, Inventory, Warehousing, Logistics, etc., have excellent ERP grade IT Solutions that can integrate globally, and provide boundryless information. Despite many claims, “Boundary Less Infromation Flow” or an ERP grade solution for IT Service Management is still a distant dream. The Silo-Design of traditional IT Organisations, extendes deeply into the IT Service Management Application Space. Each Silo has its own management system typically desgined and implemented to ensure that the Silo is able to demonstrate compliance to targets. As each of these applications come with proprietory architectures, it is a 1 The Open Group’s Interoperable Enterprise Business Scenario originally published in 2001, crystallizes this need for Boundaryless Information Flow and describes the way in which this need drives IT customers’ deployment of their information infrastructure.
  • 4. 4 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group daunting task to integrate the information, to achive desired levels of transparency for managing the ‘Deliverd Service’ in a meaningful manner. The IT4ITTM Reference Architecture brings in the required standardisation capability that can be used by all stakeholders, including tool developers, to ensure that their Services will expose required information to other Services that need them; using a common Service Model and associated lingua franca and achive ‘Boundaryless Information Flow” The transformation from a Mechic Shop to a ‘Customisation Studio’ is heavily dependent upon the capabilities of the ITSM tool sets to provide boundary less information flow required for supply chain transparency for tracking and improving value chain outcomes. In simple words, ‘Innovation breeds on information’. IT’S ALL ABOUT 2 SPEED (BI-MODEL) IT; MULTI-SOURCING FOR AGILITY; AND USING NEXT GENERATION IT OPERATING MODELS “Bimodal IT is the practice of managing two separate, coherent modes of IT delivery, one focused on stability and the other on agility. Mode 1 is traditional and sequential, emphasizing safety and accuracy. Mode 2 is exploratory and nonlinear, emphasizing agility and speed.2” 2 Gartner IT Glossary
  • 5. 5 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group Gartner research3 indicates that already, more than 40% of organizations describe themselves as having started the journey, and such is the current momentum that we anticipate that fully three out of four organizations will be at some level of bimodal maturity by 2017 4 Digital transformation demands that businesses be more agile, manage uncertainty and deliver solid reliability. CIOs can meet this challenge by using a bimodal approach to managing IT, reducing time-to-market and more-effectively aligning IT's activities with the dynamics of a digital business. Confronted by digital transformation, IT leaders recognize the need to innovate more, manage uncertainty better and establish more agility. However, they have to do this while simultaneously running the business and hitting regular performance goals, which is where bimodal capabilities are crucial. Bimodal affects the whole ecosystem internally and externally. This is not just about the IT organization. Bimodal is important to external service providers (ESPs), because enterprises will want to engage with them in different ways, and it will present new opportunities for ESPs. As a result, practice leaders and strategic planners in ESPs need to develop a way to respond to customers in both modes: The essence of the situation as documented in the Research Paper “Managing uncertainty — that is, being able to move forward even when the future is unclear or when a predefined plan is impossible — is foundational to success in the digital era. 3 How to Achieve Enterprise Agility with a Bimodal Capability? #a541674132 4 Gartner Predicts 2015: Bimodal IT Is a Critical Capability for CIOs -
  • 6. 6 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group Often, the desire to manage uncertainty is masked by a focus on speed, but frequently that's because speed is seen as a way to respond to uncertainty. The benefit of speed afforded by bimodal is eclipsed by the benefit of being able to move forward when the future is unclear.” However, one single aspect is clear, the journey for enterprises transition from legacy ‘Mechanic Shop Models” to a Customisation Studio Model requires that requisite capabilities be systematically grown and established across all layers of the organisation. IT4ITTM Reference Architecture is based on the the IT Value chain and was developed with the following aspects considered: - l The required changes do not start with People, Process, Technology and Partnerships l Instead the changes must start with the structure and focus of the organisation, which in turn will impact the roles, processes, the IT automation and Technology Landscape. l What is required – A new IT operating Model that modernizes IT in the following Key areas: Ø Engagement Model: Moving from exclusively project-led fulfillment to a self-service experience that puts the control over the pace of innovation in the hands of the service consumer (IT or business consumers). Ø Deliverables: Shifting from the traditional “system of Record” focus driven by monolithic process focused applications to a new service- centric orientation powered by hybrid composite applications and information that evolve rapidly and continually. Ø Lifecycle: moving from a technology-centric, project lifecycle to managing the end-to-end service model and lifecycle. This opens the door for using new development methodologies like Scrum, agile and models such as DevOps. Ø Operating Model: moving from a technology delivery organisation focused on Silos to a value chain model that promotes value-based
  • 7. 7 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group consumption, greater cost transparency and multi-sourced delivery of a broad-based service Portfolio. The transformation that is needed to realize these benefits entails adoption of the IT4IT standard. The standard comprises a reference architecture and value chain-based IT operating model for managing the business of IT. IT4IT™ – REFERENCE ARCHITECTURE FOR MANAGING THE BUSINESS OF IT Designed by customers like you over the last 2 years using real world use cases Based on Porter’s value chain and lean manufacturing value streams concepts Leveraging business value chain success in IT The Open Group’s IT4IT Reference Architecture is a standard reference architecture and value chain-based operating model for managing the business of IT. It uses a value chain approach to create a model of the functions that IT performs to help organizations identify the activities that contribute to business competitiveness.
  • 8. 8 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group This value chain framework, called the IT Value Chain, applies this concept to IT by defining an integrated IT management framework focusing on the lifecycle of services. It identifies the key things that IT must do – and do well. It allows IT to achieve the same level of business predictability and efficiency that supply chain management has allowed for the business, and was designed by practitioners to be industry, product, and vendor-independent. l IT4ITTM, provides a Vendor-Neutral, Technology-Agnostic, and Industry- Agnostic Reference Architecture for managing the business of IT. l IT4ITTM, prescribes holistic management of the business of IT with continuous insight and control, enabling Boundaryless Information Flow across the entire IT Value Chain. l IT4ITTM Standards and Guides, professionalise IT, to work across silos and prepare for emerging enterprise IT industry trends in a better, faster, lower cost way, and with less risk. l IT4ITTM Standards and Guides, professionalise IT, to work across silos and prepare for emerging enterprise IT industry trends in a better, faster, lower cost way, and with less risk.
  • 9. 9 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group This brings a huge difference to the capability of external service provider organisations to take over operational responsibility and provide End to End Services directly to business consumers while the CIO becomes a facilitator. The reference architecture and IT operating model cover all of the activities that are needed to provide business functions with appropriate IT services. The IT4IT Reference Architecture describes the IT function from a value focused end-to-end perspective covering all capabilities and data needed to manage the IT services. It describes the IT function both as IT service provider to the business, and as consumer of IT services that support the IT function. The standard specifies the IT function’s workflows, integrations, data, and functions as requirements for (automated) information systems that support the IT function. The transformation can be undertaken incrementally, enabling the benefits to be realized as soon as possible. It provides capabilities for the CIO organisation to transition from the current Silo Based Organisation model and become a Broker-Integrator who
  • 10. 10 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group is no longer constrained by the traditional shackles that owning your own infrastructure and managing your own people that limit IT value deliveries. It provides the necessary traceability in multi-sourced Service Delivery Models by ensuring the structure of information as an enterprise operates the IT Value Chain operated by multiple third party service providers. THE IT4ITTM FOUNDATION FOR PRACTIONERS PROGRAM All things being equal people are the key to success. Establishing next generation, IT Operating models and associated Innovation Eco-System requires a re-skilling of IT Staff across all the layers of the Operating Model positions starting from Senior executives to fresher’s joining from universities.
  • 11. 11 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group The picture5 above illustrates the moving people capability profiles, where the demand is driven by disruptive technology trends. The IT Management Gap, an existing serious impediment, can only grow further. While this challenge can be daunting for professionals currently engaged in IT Service delivery; There is a silver lining with possibilities for transforming to a customizer and continuing to grow a bright and valuable career without becoming redundant. The IT4ITTM Foundation for Practioners Program is the class room component of Action Research Foundation’s much wider Enterprise ITSM Architecture Capability Building Program. While the program teaches the knowledge required for Level 1, Foundation Certificate and ARF has the authority to hold integral exams, the program itself is not mandatory for getting certified. The program is developed and delivered in a manner that meets the requirements of the Open Group for its Accredited Training Centers and operates our own value chain based, custom built, QMS that ensures that value is added to the candidates from the time they consider doing the program and extends into the practical space beyond by welcoming you into the ARF Learning Center Community with a Unique ARF- LC ID where you can meet other likeminded people and further your learning. We operate a structured analyse and improve process that validates learning goals achieved by our students, using both 5 Refer: Open Group Management Guide, IT4ITTM for Managing the Business of IT ISBN: 1-937218-70-6 Document Number: G160, available at
  • 12. 12 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group anecdotal and empirical data and use it to identify improvement opportunities and mount service improvement programs. The program has been designed by successful, practicing architects, who have ‘Been There and Done It’; winning international Enterprise and IT Architecture Excellence Awards for their customers and recognition for the pioneering work in implementing ITSM SOA Frameworks and their Automation layers. Internalisation of Key Learning points mandated in the official curriculum; is ensured through the use of case studies and actual war stories from successful and failed Transformation initiatives; drawn from domains such as Retail, Finance & Banking, Automobile, Telecom, IT Service Provisioning. THE OPEN GROUP® CERTIFICATION FOR PEOPLE - IT4IT™ PROGRAM CONFIGURATION Overview The Open Group® Certification for People: IT4IT™ Certification Program (the Program) makes certification available to people who demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge covered by the Program. The Program also provides accreditation for training courses designed to help people acquire the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Body of Knowledge in order for the person to achieve certification. Current and complete information on the certification program and conformance requirements are published on the Open Group Website see: A Brief Overview is provided. The Program is based upon a set of key documents:
  • 13. 13 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group 1. The Open Group Certification for People: Certification Policy, which sets out the policies and processes by which an individual may achieve certification. 2. The Open Group Certification for People: IT4IT™ Conformance Requirements (Level 1), which documents what elements of the Body of Knowledge an individual must know, understand, or be able to do, including depth of knowledge required, in order to achieve a given level of certification. 3. The Open Group Certification for People: Training Course Accreditation Policy, which sets out the policies and processes by which a training course may achieve accreditation. 4. The Open Group Certification for People: Training Course Accreditation Requirements, which documents the criteria that must be met by a training course in order to achieve accreditation. These four documents together set out the policies, processes, and requirements for the Program. This document defines the values for the terms used within the key documents. Program Configuration Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in either The Open Group Certification for People Certification Policy or Training Course Accreditation Policy. Body of Knowledge - IT4IT™ Reference Architecture, Version 2.0, published by The Open Group, October 2015, Document No. C155 Available Certifications - Level 1, IT4IT Foundation Knowledge of the terminology, structure, and basic concepts of IT4IT and understanding of the core principles of the IT4IT Reference Architecture and the IT Value Chain.
  • 14. 14 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group Conformance Requirements - IT4IT Foundation: The Open Group® Certification for People: IT4IT™ Conformance Requirements, Version 1.0, published by The Open Group, February 2016, Document No. X1602 Purpose of Certification - The purpose of certification for IT4IT Foundation is to provide validation that the Candidate has gained knowledge of the terminology, structure, and basic concepts of the IT4IT standard and understands the core principles of the IT4IT Reference Architecture and the IT Value Chain. The learning objectives at this level focus on knowledge and comprehension. Target Audience – The target audience for this level includes, but is not limited to: Ø Individuals who require a basic understanding of the IT4IT Reference Architecture and IT Value Chain Ø IT Professionals who are responsible for delivering IT services Ø IT Professionals/Practitioners who are focused on instrumenting the IT management landscape Ø Enterprise Architects who are responsible for IT business transformation Ø Individuals who want to achieve IT4IT Level 2 certification Certification Mark The Open Group® Certification for People: IT4IT™ Certification Program Trademark License Agreement defines The Open Group Certification Mark logo that is to be used in the Program along with the following labels that identify the specific Body of Knowledge against which a person is certified and the level of certification achieved: Label for Level 1 Certification – Level 1, Foundation, IT4IT™ Elements Applicable to Certification of Individuals How may Candidates prepare for certification? – By attendance at a training course or by self-study
  • 15. 15 IT4ITtm is the registered trade mark of the Open Group Duration of certification – Indefinite Expiry – Certification to a given version of the Body of Knowledge does not expire, so there are no re- certification or renewal requirements. Migration – As this is a new program, there is no migration policy. HOW TO REGISTER Visit or Send us a mail requesting for information to