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Saudi Arabia has issued an ultimatum to Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas:
take up the Trump administration’s Israel-Palestine peace plan or step down from your position.
The Times of Israel reports that Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Mohammad bin
Salman brought Abbas in for a meeting and told him to “accept Trump’s peace plan or quit” as well
as to rebuff any Iranian efforts to influence the PA. The Saudi monarchy also reportedly demanded
any cooperation between members of Fatah and Hezbollah, the Iranian proxy terror group, cease
However, a Palestinian Authority official pushed back on the notion that Saudi Arabia issued any sort of
threat toward Abbas. “The talk was about coordination, and it focused on three points,” the official
told Haaretz. “One, supporting reconciliation and the president’s position on the arms issue; two,
economic assistance; and three, that any diplomatic and regional settlement will be based on the
Arab peace initiative, without any change.” “Support from Arab countries is crucial and Abbas’ trip
reinforces the need to assist the Palestinians against all obstacles,” said Safi. “Palestinian
reconciliation requires the efforts of all Arab countries—and not just the Palestinians—since it will
positively affect the region.”
The Trump peace plan that Salman referred to reportedly features some type of two-state solution
that attempts to make all parties happy.
Recent agreement aimed at expelling Iranian, Hezbollah forces from Golan Heights “does not meet
Israel’s unequivocal demands”; Israeli officials report agreement could allow Iran to get as close as 5
kilo. from border. Israel on Sunday reacted to the recent “US-Russia-Jordan Memorandum of
Principles” confirming that it does not meet Israel’s demands and security needs.
The agreement was created by Russia, the United States and Jordan on Saturday and is intended to
eliminate “non-Syrian foreign forces” from the Golan Heights that pose a threat to Israel and Jordan.
Israeli MP Tzachi Hanegbi announced on Sunday that the agreement does not meet Israel’s demands and
that the Jewish State has every right to defend itself, stating the agreement “does not meet Israel’s
unequivocal demand that there will not be developments that bring the forces of Hezbollah or Iran to
the Israel-Syria border in the north,” adding that “there’s reflection here of the understanding that Israel
has set red lines, and will stand firm on this.” “Even though we view favorably the agreement on the need to
eliminate the foreign forces, namely, the Iranian forces, Hezbollah and the Shiite militias from the area [and] the
test will be on the ground, not in words but in deeds. Israel has already made it clear that it shall not accept
Iran and its affiliates and proxies basing themselves in Syria, which will be a permanent threat and a
constant source of tension, friction and instability.”
According to reports from Israeli officials, the current agreement would allow Iranian and Hezbollah forces to
get as close as five kilometers to Israel’s borders in the near future.
Russian FM reportedly claims removal of Iranian forces in Syria were not part of talks with the US,
states that Iran maintaining presence in Syria as “legitimate”; Netanyahu informed US, Russia that “Israel
will take action in Syria, including southern Syria, as we see fit and according to our security needs.
Russia claimed that the ceasefire agreement in Syria does not include Russia’s commitment to remove
Iranian forces from Syria, stating that Iran maintaining its presence in Syria is “legitimate”.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made the remarks on Tuesday, stating not only does Iran have a
“legitimate” presence in Syria, but that “If you look at who is the greatest danger, it’s just the wards of
the United States, various foreign terrorists, militants who are attached to those groups of armed
opposition that the US supports.”
Lavrov reportedly stated that removal of Iranian forces from Syria was never part of talks with the United States
and Jordan, reportedly stating, “If we talk about the pro-Iranian forces, then some will be tempted to call the
entire Syrian Army pro-Iranian. And then what? Will it have to surrender? This is what they call wishful thinking.”
Netanyahu stated Monday, “We [Israel] are doing it with a balanced combination of strength and
responsibility. We are defending our borders, we are defending our country and we will continue to do
this. I have communicated to our friends in Washington… and also to our friends in Moscow that Israel
will take action in Syria, including southern Syria, as we see fit and according to our security needs.
That is the deciding factor, and it will continue to be the deciding factor.”
DEBKA – 11/15
Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Wednesday, Nov. 15, once again that Israel would not
permit Iran to establish a military presence in Syria, as the skeptics would discover. Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel reserves its freedom of military action in Syria
to defend its borders.
Strong words about not letting Iran establish a military presence in Syria have also come from US
President Donald Trump, and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad. The Saudi prince, who orchestrated
Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri's flight to curtail Iran's hold on Beirut, has summoned a conference of
Syrian opposition leaders for Nov. 28, to create a powerful new bloc against Bashar Assad and his Iranian
This deployment is so extensive and organized, that talk of removing Iran's military presence from
that country is by now unrealistic without a major upheaval.
PNW – 11/14
It seems that Saudi Arabia may be allying with the lesser Satan, Israel. America is, of course, the Great
Satan. For decades Saudi Arabia has been an unspoken bad seed, a major state-sponsor of terror and
the genesis of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's been a toss-up as to who is really the No. 1 terror sponsor –
the Iranian mullahs or the Saudi Wahhabists. It's been surmised by some experts that a major reason the
Saudis fund and export terror is simple self-preservation. If we finance the radicals, they won't turn on us.
This is at least in part, as we may recall, why the kingdom funded al-Qaida when bin Laden was the head
cheese. They literally funded him on the stipulation that he would not return to Saudi Arabia. This has served to
keep the nation relatively stable, even when those around them were under siege. The radical Islamists chose
not to bite off the hand that was feeding them. But now it seems that it is none other than the Saudis who
are feeling threatened – threatened by the other major terror sponsor – Iran. Really, it was just a matter
of time. And the threat to once-stable Saudi Arabia has grown so great that it appears to be forming a
clandestine alliance with enemy No. 1 in the Middle East – Israel. This is as odd a couple as the tea party
collaborating with antifa.
In a relatively short period of time, Iran has begun to "box in" the Saudi kingdom. Nations that were aligned
with the Saudis or the West are now cozying up to Iran. Turkey, still inexplicably part of NATO, is leaning
more toward Iran and Russia. This is very worrisome as Turkey is No. 1 in Global Firepower's Middle
East military strength rankings. The Saudis will benefit greatly allying with the firepower of Israel, and
the Jewish nation may be able to take a breath as it quietly builds alliances with other Sunni nations.
After all, at the end of the day, this conflict will likely be what it has always been – a battle of supremacy
between Sunni and Shias.
Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir on Thursday called on the Hezbollah terrorist
organization to disarm, warning the group that regional efforts were underway to oust them from
the Lebanese government.
At a press conference in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, al-Jubeir denounced Hezbollah as “a tool of the
Iranian Revolutionary Guards” and “a first-class terrorist organization used by Iran to destabilize
Lebanon and the region.” “Hezbollah has kidnapped the Lebanese system,” he said.
Al-Jubeir added that “consultations and coordination between peace-loving countries and Lebanon-
loving countries are underway to try to find a way that would restore sovereignty to Lebanon and
reduce the negative action which Hezbollah is conducting in Lebanon.” The minister’s remarks
came as the kingdom rejected accusations that Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri was being
detained in Riyadh following his shock resignation earlier this month. Hariri has been in Riyadh since
giving a statement on television on November 4 that he was stepping down because he feared for his
life while also accusing Saudi Arabia’s arch-rival Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of destabilizing
IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eizenkot gave a rare, exclusive interview Thursday with the
London-based Elaph newspaper, warning that Iran is building a Shiite Crescent from Tehran to Beirut,
through Iraq to Syria and then to Lebanon, across the Gulf from Bahrain to Yemen, and “even the Red
Sea.” It is the first such interview with an Arab newspaper, the Saudi Arabian-owned Elaph noted. The
Chief of Staff said that Saudi Arabia and Israel have common interests in dealing with Iran, according
to the report, and “denied the IDF has any intention to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon, but added Israel
will not accept any strategic threat to its [people or territory].”
The Israeli military chief said there is no doubt about Iran’s intention to attain nuclear capability.
‘There is also no doubt about Iran’s intent to extend its influence in to the different regions, and to
activate the arms of its proxies such as Hezbollah, the Islamic Jihad and al-Houthi,” he said.
“Iran is trying to change the rules of the game in the region through the transfer of expertise and
building weapons factories, and supplying advanced weaponry and other aircraft,” Eizenkot said. “They
are investing large sums of money in the [Syrian civil] war, and the various militias… “You can see the
Iranian plan is to control the Middle East… from Iran through Iraq to Syria, Lebanon and across the
Gulf from Bahrain to Yemen and even the Red Sea,” he warned“In this matter there is complete
agreement between us and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the IDF chief of staff said, “with regard to
Iran and the need to confront [Tehran] and to stop the expansion program. .
Analysts believe moves by Mohammed bin Salman to consolidate power may have come ahead
of ascension to throne, with Israel-backed war against Hezbollah in the works. An unconfirmed
report in the British press Thursday claimed that Saudi King Salman plans to abdicate the
throne and hand power to his son next week.
The move would cap a major shakeup in Riyadh as the royal family has attempted to
consolidate power both within the kingdom and in the region in the last several weeks,
arresting princes and senior government officials, and seemingly engineering the resignation
of Lebanon’s prime minister as a blow to Iran.
Russia, Turkey & Iran to hold summit on Syria next week. Russian President Vladimir
Putin will hold talks on Syria with his counterparts from Turkey and Iran next week, the
Kremlin announcing the summit Thursday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will arrive in Sochi on Wednesday, November 22. According
to Russian media, the talks will center on Syria, Kurdish forces and regional
developments. The summit will follow Russia casting its tenth veto of the United Nations
Security Council on a resolution to renew inquiry into the Assad regime’s use of
chemical weapons.
Majority of member state representatives attend emergency meeting in Cairo; Arab League condemns
Iran, officially refers to Hezbollah as “terrorist organization”; Lebanon claims “Israeli aggression” and
“right of the Lebanese to resist it and foil its plans by all available means”. The Arab League held an
emergency meeting in Cairo Sunday, the meeting centered on Iran and its destabilization of the region
and Hezbollah.
The meeting was arranged by Saudi Arabia with majority of member states sending ministers and diplomats to
Cairo. Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain endorsed and supported the meeting.
Officials focused on Iran and its proxies in the region, mainly Hezbollah, which the League officialy
condemned as a “terrorist organization”, as well as Houthi rebels in Yemen and Iranian forces in Syria.
Following the meeting, the Arab League announced that it would inform the United Nations Security Council on
Iran’s growth and efforts in the region, announcing possible future action. Chief of the Arab League, Ahmed
Aboul-Gheit confirm the reports, stating “We have not taken a decision to ask the Security Council to meet, but
we are just briefing the council and maybe the next stage will be for us to meet and call for a Security Council
meeting and submit a draft Arab resolution.”
Iraq and Lebanon’s foreign ministers were not in attendance, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry claiming
that the Israel and Saudi Arabia are to blame for instability in the region, stating “The solution to the region’s
problems many of which are down to Saudi Arabia’s sterile policy, is not to publish such worthless
statements but to stop following the policies of the Zionist regime [Israel] which seeks to stoke
these are the main principles in President Trump’s peace plan as most senior Israeli officials
understand them having shared intimate conversations with the US negotiating team: Trump
intends to offer the Palestinians a state – but under different conditions than in the past, and
together with an extensive economic proposal. After initial reservation, the American president
intends to offer the Palestinians a state, and is also expected to adopt the principle of land swaps –
but not necessarily according to the 1967 lines, which were the basis for previous initiatives by
previous administrations, especially Obama’s and Clinton’s.
At this stage, there will be no evacuation of Jews or Arabs. The question of dividing Jerusalem,
according to the same sources, is not currently on the agenda. Also, the debate over the transfer
of the American embassy to Jerusalem and US recognition of Jerusalem as the official capital of
Israel will be postponed, in order to make it easier for Netanyahu to sell the plan to politicians on
the right and public opinion. In addition, top Israeli officials expect the PA to receive hundreds of
millions for a tremendous economic development. The money will come mainly from the Sunni
Arab countries, which will allow Chairman Abbas to accept the proposal.
According to the same report, Prime Minister Netanyahu is in the midst of a battle to gain complete
control over the entire length of the Jordan valley.
Israeli officials are saying that Trump and his administration have not yet decided who is the
obstacle to the negotiations – Israel or the PA – despite Secretary of State Tillerson’s warning to
shut down the PLO office in DC for violations of the conditions imposed by Congress on its
remaining open. The same Israeli officials also believe the entire Trump Middle East team, who all
come from Real Estate, are convinced they can urge the peace process along by throwing money
at it. This is why Netanyahu has been telling his ministers at every opportunity that Trump is the
most friendly president Israel has ever dealt with and there will not be a better deal from any
future administration, so Israel must not say no to Trump – in the hope that Mahmoud Abbas would
be the one to reject the White House plan. In response to the report, a senior White House official said
(translated from the Hebrew Channel 2 report), “There is ongoing speculation about the work we are
doing and this report is not much different – the details are essentially a mix of ideas that have been
around for years and are not necessarily accurate, we are in a productive dialogue with all the
relevant parties and we bring a different approach than in the past to achieve a sustainable peace
deal We have no artificial deadline, beyond the continuation of the talks, as we said, our job is to
allow a deal that will work for both sides and we have no intention of imposing anything on them.”
Israel 'won't agree to talks with the Palestinians as long as Hamas' is part of Palestinian Authority,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel’s response to any peace plan
proposed by the Trump administration would be determined solely by the country’s security
needs and interests.
The comments came amid reports that the US plans to push forward with a peace plan that would
recognize a Palestinian state but leave open the possibility for all Israeli settlers to remain in their
homes. An Israeli TV report to this effect Saturday night was dismissed as inaccurate by both Israel and
the US. Speaking to a gathering of Likud ministers Sunday morning, Netanyahu said, “As for the
speculation I’ve been hearing [about the US plan], if [US President Donald] Trump presents a
diplomatic plan, the only consideration that will guide me will be Israel’s national and security
At the full cabinet meeting shortly after, Netanyahu told ministers, “I don’t intend to address the many
speculations we’ve heard over the weekend” regarding the Trump plan. But, he added, the security and
other interests that will determine Israel’s response to such a plan “have been explained fully to our
American friends. According to a Hadashot (formerly Channel 2) news report Saturday, the US plan
would include recognition of a Palestinian state, but no insistence on the evacuation of Israeli
settlements or settlers under a permanent accord, while Washington would back most of Israel’s
security demands regarding the West Bank. Trump prepared to offer recognition of Palestinian
statehood, with the parameters of that state to include land swaps. The borders, however, would
“not necessarily” be based on the pre-1967 lines.
24 - Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression,
and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting
righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
25 - Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build
Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be
built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 - And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the
prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and
unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall
cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make
it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
1 Thes. 5:3 - For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as
travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
Mat. 24:32 - Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves,
ye know that summer is nigh: 33-So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near,
even at the doors. 34-Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
35-Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

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Israel vs syria

  • 1. SAUDIS TOLD ABBAS TO ACCEPT TRUMP PEACE PLAN OR RESIGN — REPORT TIMES OF ISRAEL - 11/12 Saudi Arabia has issued an ultimatum to Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas: take up the Trump administration’s Israel-Palestine peace plan or step down from your position. The Times of Israel reports that Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz Al Saud and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman brought Abbas in for a meeting and told him to “accept Trump’s peace plan or quit” as well as to rebuff any Iranian efforts to influence the PA. The Saudi monarchy also reportedly demanded any cooperation between members of Fatah and Hezbollah, the Iranian proxy terror group, cease immediately. However, a Palestinian Authority official pushed back on the notion that Saudi Arabia issued any sort of threat toward Abbas. “The talk was about coordination, and it focused on three points,” the official told Haaretz. “One, supporting reconciliation and the president’s position on the arms issue; two, economic assistance; and three, that any diplomatic and regional settlement will be based on the Arab peace initiative, without any change.” “Support from Arab countries is crucial and Abbas’ trip reinforces the need to assist the Palestinians against all obstacles,” said Safi. “Palestinian reconciliation requires the efforts of all Arab countries—and not just the Palestinians—since it will positively affect the region.” The Trump peace plan that Salman referred to reportedly features some type of two-state solution that attempts to make all parties happy.
  • 2. ISRAEL: US-RUSSIA AGREEMENT IN SYRIA DOES NOT MEET ISRAEL’S DEMANDS. BEHOLD ISRAEL-11/13 Recent agreement aimed at expelling Iranian, Hezbollah forces from Golan Heights “does not meet Israel’s unequivocal demands”; Israeli officials report agreement could allow Iran to get as close as 5 kilo. from border. Israel on Sunday reacted to the recent “US-Russia-Jordan Memorandum of Principles” confirming that it does not meet Israel’s demands and security needs. The agreement was created by Russia, the United States and Jordan on Saturday and is intended to eliminate “non-Syrian foreign forces” from the Golan Heights that pose a threat to Israel and Jordan. Israeli MP Tzachi Hanegbi announced on Sunday that the agreement does not meet Israel’s demands and that the Jewish State has every right to defend itself, stating the agreement “does not meet Israel’s unequivocal demand that there will not be developments that bring the forces of Hezbollah or Iran to the Israel-Syria border in the north,” adding that “there’s reflection here of the understanding that Israel has set red lines, and will stand firm on this.” “Even though we view favorably the agreement on the need to eliminate the foreign forces, namely, the Iranian forces, Hezbollah and the Shiite militias from the area [and] the test will be on the ground, not in words but in deeds. Israel has already made it clear that it shall not accept Iran and its affiliates and proxies basing themselves in Syria, which will be a permanent threat and a constant source of tension, friction and instability.” According to reports from Israeli officials, the current agreement would allow Iranian and Hezbollah forces to get as close as five kilometers to Israel’s borders in the near future.
  • 3. RUSSIA: IRANIAN PRESENCE IN SYRIA “LEGITIMATE”. BEHOLD ISRAEL-11/14 Russian FM reportedly claims removal of Iranian forces in Syria were not part of talks with the US, states that Iran maintaining presence in Syria as “legitimate”; Netanyahu informed US, Russia that “Israel will take action in Syria, including southern Syria, as we see fit and according to our security needs. Russia claimed that the ceasefire agreement in Syria does not include Russia’s commitment to remove Iranian forces from Syria, stating that Iran maintaining its presence in Syria is “legitimate”. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made the remarks on Tuesday, stating not only does Iran have a “legitimate” presence in Syria, but that “If you look at who is the greatest danger, it’s just the wards of the United States, various foreign terrorists, militants who are attached to those groups of armed opposition that the US supports.” Lavrov reportedly stated that removal of Iranian forces from Syria was never part of talks with the United States and Jordan, reportedly stating, “If we talk about the pro-Iranian forces, then some will be tempted to call the entire Syrian Army pro-Iranian. And then what? Will it have to surrender? This is what they call wishful thinking.” Netanyahu stated Monday, “We [Israel] are doing it with a balanced combination of strength and responsibility. We are defending our borders, we are defending our country and we will continue to do this. I have communicated to our friends in Washington… and also to our friends in Moscow that Israel will take action in Syria, including southern Syria, as we see fit and according to our security needs. That is the deciding factor, and it will continue to be the deciding factor.”
  • 4. IRAN ALREADY HAS 13 BASES IN SYRIA AND TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TROOPS. IS THEIR REMOVAL REALISTIC? DEBKA – 11/15 Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned Wednesday, Nov. 15, once again that Israel would not permit Iran to establish a military presence in Syria, as the skeptics would discover. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel reserves its freedom of military action in Syria to defend its borders. Strong words about not letting Iran establish a military presence in Syria have also come from US President Donald Trump, and Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad. The Saudi prince, who orchestrated Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri's flight to curtail Iran's hold on Beirut, has summoned a conference of Syrian opposition leaders for Nov. 28, to create a powerful new bloc against Bashar Assad and his Iranian sponsors.. This deployment is so extensive and organized, that talk of removing Iran's military presence from that country is by now unrealistic without a major upheaval.
  • 5. SAUDIS ALLYING WITH ... ISRAEL? PNW – 11/14 It seems that Saudi Arabia may be allying with the lesser Satan, Israel. America is, of course, the Great Satan. For decades Saudi Arabia has been an unspoken bad seed, a major state-sponsor of terror and the genesis of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's been a toss-up as to who is really the No. 1 terror sponsor – the Iranian mullahs or the Saudi Wahhabists. It's been surmised by some experts that a major reason the Saudis fund and export terror is simple self-preservation. If we finance the radicals, they won't turn on us. This is at least in part, as we may recall, why the kingdom funded al-Qaida when bin Laden was the head cheese. They literally funded him on the stipulation that he would not return to Saudi Arabia. This has served to keep the nation relatively stable, even when those around them were under siege. The radical Islamists chose not to bite off the hand that was feeding them. But now it seems that it is none other than the Saudis who are feeling threatened – threatened by the other major terror sponsor – Iran. Really, it was just a matter of time. And the threat to once-stable Saudi Arabia has grown so great that it appears to be forming a clandestine alliance with enemy No. 1 in the Middle East – Israel. This is as odd a couple as the tea party collaborating with antifa. In a relatively short period of time, Iran has begun to "box in" the Saudi kingdom. Nations that were aligned with the Saudis or the West are now cozying up to Iran. Turkey, still inexplicably part of NATO, is leaning more toward Iran and Russia. This is very worrisome as Turkey is No. 1 in Global Firepower's Middle East military strength rankings. The Saudis will benefit greatly allying with the firepower of Israel, and the Jewish nation may be able to take a breath as it quietly builds alliances with other Sunni nations. After all, at the end of the day, this conflict will likely be what it has always been – a battle of supremacy between Sunni and Shias.
  • 6. SAUDI ARABIA CALLS ON HEZBOLLAH TO DISARM, THREATENS ITS OUSTER FROM LEBANON TIMES OF ISRAEL – 11/16 Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir on Thursday called on the Hezbollah terrorist organization to disarm, warning the group that regional efforts were underway to oust them from the Lebanese government. At a press conference in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, al-Jubeir denounced Hezbollah as “a tool of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards” and “a first-class terrorist organization used by Iran to destabilize Lebanon and the region.” “Hezbollah has kidnapped the Lebanese system,” he said. Al-Jubeir added that “consultations and coordination between peace-loving countries and Lebanon- loving countries are underway to try to find a way that would restore sovereignty to Lebanon and reduce the negative action which Hezbollah is conducting in Lebanon.” The minister’s remarks came as the kingdom rejected accusations that Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri was being detained in Riyadh following his shock resignation earlier this month. Hariri has been in Riyadh since giving a statement on television on November 4 that he was stepping down because he feared for his life while also accusing Saudi Arabia’s arch-rival Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of destabilizing Lebanon.
  • 7. IDF CHIEF SAYS ISRAEL WILLING TO SHARE INTEL WITH MODERATE ARAB STATES IN FIRST-EVER SAUDI– INTERVIEW JEWISH PRESS – 11/16 IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eizenkot gave a rare, exclusive interview Thursday with the London-based Elaph newspaper, warning that Iran is building a Shiite Crescent from Tehran to Beirut, through Iraq to Syria and then to Lebanon, across the Gulf from Bahrain to Yemen, and “even the Red Sea.” It is the first such interview with an Arab newspaper, the Saudi Arabian-owned Elaph noted. The Chief of Staff said that Saudi Arabia and Israel have common interests in dealing with Iran, according to the report, and “denied the IDF has any intention to attack Hezbollah in Lebanon, but added Israel will not accept any strategic threat to its [people or territory].” The Israeli military chief said there is no doubt about Iran’s intention to attain nuclear capability. ‘There is also no doubt about Iran’s intent to extend its influence in to the different regions, and to activate the arms of its proxies such as Hezbollah, the Islamic Jihad and al-Houthi,” he said. “Iran is trying to change the rules of the game in the region through the transfer of expertise and building weapons factories, and supplying advanced weaponry and other aircraft,” Eizenkot said. “They are investing large sums of money in the [Syrian civil] war, and the various militias… “You can see the Iranian plan is to control the Middle East… from Iran through Iraq to Syria, Lebanon and across the Gulf from Bahrain to Yemen and even the Red Sea,” he warned“In this matter there is complete agreement between us and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” the IDF chief of staff said, “with regard to Iran and the need to confront [Tehran] and to stop the expansion program. .
  • 8. REPORT CLAIMS SAUDI KING, 81, TO HAND REINS TO SON NEXT WEEK TIMES OF ISRAEL – 11/17 Analysts believe moves by Mohammed bin Salman to consolidate power may have come ahead of ascension to throne, with Israel-backed war against Hezbollah in the works. An unconfirmed report in the British press Thursday claimed that Saudi King Salman plans to abdicate the throne and hand power to his son next week. The move would cap a major shakeup in Riyadh as the royal family has attempted to consolidate power both within the kingdom and in the region in the last several weeks, arresting princes and senior government officials, and seemingly engineering the resignation of Lebanon’s prime minister as a blow to Iran. Russia, Turkey & Iran to hold summit on Syria next week. Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold talks on Syria with his counterparts from Turkey and Iran next week, the Kremlin announcing the summit Thursday. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will arrive in Sochi on Wednesday, November 22. According to Russian media, the talks will center on Syria, Kurdish forces and regional developments. The summit will follow Russia casting its tenth veto of the United Nations Security Council on a resolution to renew inquiry into the Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons.
  • 9. ARAB LEAGUE HELD EMERGENCY MEETING ON IRAN AND HEZBOLLAH BEHOLD ISRAEL – 11/20 Majority of member state representatives attend emergency meeting in Cairo; Arab League condemns Iran, officially refers to Hezbollah as “terrorist organization”; Lebanon claims “Israeli aggression” and “right of the Lebanese to resist it and foil its plans by all available means”. The Arab League held an emergency meeting in Cairo Sunday, the meeting centered on Iran and its destabilization of the region and Hezbollah. The meeting was arranged by Saudi Arabia with majority of member states sending ministers and diplomats to Cairo. Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain endorsed and supported the meeting. Officials focused on Iran and its proxies in the region, mainly Hezbollah, which the League officialy condemned as a “terrorist organization”, as well as Houthi rebels in Yemen and Iranian forces in Syria. Following the meeting, the Arab League announced that it would inform the United Nations Security Council on Iran’s growth and efforts in the region, announcing possible future action. Chief of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit confirm the reports, stating “We have not taken a decision to ask the Security Council to meet, but we are just briefing the council and maybe the next stage will be for us to meet and call for a Security Council meeting and submit a draft Arab resolution.” Iraq and Lebanon’s foreign ministers were not in attendance, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry claiming that the Israel and Saudi Arabia are to blame for instability in the region, stating “The solution to the region’s problems many of which are down to Saudi Arabia’s sterile policy, is not to publish such worthless statements but to stop following the policies of the Zionist regime [Israel] which seeks to stoke divisions.”
  • 10. TRUMP’S NEW PEACE PLAN: PALESTINIAN STATE AND SETTLEMENTS JEWISH PRESS – 11/18 these are the main principles in President Trump’s peace plan as most senior Israeli officials understand them having shared intimate conversations with the US negotiating team: Trump intends to offer the Palestinians a state – but under different conditions than in the past, and together with an extensive economic proposal. After initial reservation, the American president intends to offer the Palestinians a state, and is also expected to adopt the principle of land swaps – but not necessarily according to the 1967 lines, which were the basis for previous initiatives by previous administrations, especially Obama’s and Clinton’s. At this stage, there will be no evacuation of Jews or Arabs. The question of dividing Jerusalem, according to the same sources, is not currently on the agenda. Also, the debate over the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem and US recognition of Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel will be postponed, in order to make it easier for Netanyahu to sell the plan to politicians on the right and public opinion. In addition, top Israeli officials expect the PA to receive hundreds of millions for a tremendous economic development. The money will come mainly from the Sunni Arab countries, which will allow Chairman Abbas to accept the proposal.
  • 11. FOR ITS PART, THE US IS EXPECTED TO MEET MOST OF ISRAEL’S SECURITY NEEDS, AND THE UNDERSTANDING IS THAT IDF FORCES WILL BE POSITIONED ON THE JORDAN RIVER. According to the same report, Prime Minister Netanyahu is in the midst of a battle to gain complete control over the entire length of the Jordan valley. Israeli officials are saying that Trump and his administration have not yet decided who is the obstacle to the negotiations – Israel or the PA – despite Secretary of State Tillerson’s warning to shut down the PLO office in DC for violations of the conditions imposed by Congress on its remaining open. The same Israeli officials also believe the entire Trump Middle East team, who all come from Real Estate, are convinced they can urge the peace process along by throwing money at it. This is why Netanyahu has been telling his ministers at every opportunity that Trump is the most friendly president Israel has ever dealt with and there will not be a better deal from any future administration, so Israel must not say no to Trump – in the hope that Mahmoud Abbas would be the one to reject the White House plan. In response to the report, a senior White House official said (translated from the Hebrew Channel 2 report), “There is ongoing speculation about the work we are doing and this report is not much different – the details are essentially a mix of ideas that have been around for years and are not necessarily accurate, we are in a productive dialogue with all the relevant parties and we bring a different approach than in the past to achieve a sustainable peace deal We have no artificial deadline, beyond the continuation of the talks, as we said, our job is to allow a deal that will work for both sides and we have no intention of imposing anything on them.”
  • 12. US MUST ADDRESS OUR SECURITY NEEDS, PM SAYS AMID PEACE PLAN SPECULATION TIMES OF ISRAEL - 11/19 Israel 'won't agree to talks with the Palestinians as long as Hamas' is part of Palestinian Authority, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel’s response to any peace plan proposed by the Trump administration would be determined solely by the country’s security needs and interests. The comments came amid reports that the US plans to push forward with a peace plan that would recognize a Palestinian state but leave open the possibility for all Israeli settlers to remain in their homes. An Israeli TV report to this effect Saturday night was dismissed as inaccurate by both Israel and the US. Speaking to a gathering of Likud ministers Sunday morning, Netanyahu said, “As for the speculation I’ve been hearing [about the US plan], if [US President Donald] Trump presents a diplomatic plan, the only consideration that will guide me will be Israel’s national and security interests. At the full cabinet meeting shortly after, Netanyahu told ministers, “I don’t intend to address the many speculations we’ve heard over the weekend” regarding the Trump plan. But, he added, the security and other interests that will determine Israel’s response to such a plan “have been explained fully to our American friends. According to a Hadashot (formerly Channel 2) news report Saturday, the US plan would include recognition of a Palestinian state, but no insistence on the evacuation of Israeli settlements or settlers under a permanent accord, while Washington would back most of Israel’s security demands regarding the West Bank. Trump prepared to offer recognition of Palestinian statehood, with the parameters of that state to include land swaps. The borders, however, would “not necessarily” be based on the pre-1967 lines.
  • 13. DANIEL’S 70TH WEEK - TRIBULATION 24 - Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. 25 - Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 - And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 - And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. 1 Thes. 5:3 - For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Mat. 24:32 - Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33-So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34-Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35-Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.