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Info-graphic Research:
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( )
Industry: Advertising
Personality type: Creative
Average income across UK in previous year: £37,747
Employed in this sector: 153,000 people
• Scamping (quickly sketching and developing ideas on paper)
• Copywriting
• Communication
• Pitch, present and justify own ideas
• Designs and typography
• Digital
Info-graphic Research:
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paper, then scan those notes and add them here.
Degrees usually studied
• Advertising
• Marketing
• Graphic design
• Photography
• Art and design
• Psychology
• English language
How diverse is the work force?
Gender balance: almost 50/50
BAME: 10%
Freelancers: 23%
How qualified is the workforce?
Graduates:70% (although not often in advertising and marketing)
Info-graphic Research:
Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on
paper, then scan those notes and add them here.
Where is the work force based?
Just under 50%: London
South east England and North West England are rapidly growing creative hubs: both 10% share of the market
Not uncommon to find work in Scotland and Wales.
Last year $150 billion was spent on advertising and $160 billion on sales promotion (i.e. coupons, samples, sweepstakes,
Economics of scale changing due to the globalization of the world marketplace.
2015: the world spent an estimate of $529.43billion on advertising.
UK: over 25,000 advertising agencies
( )
Estimated a person 30 years ago saw up to 2,000 ad messages a day, now up to 5,000 or more exposures a day.
Adult ad consumption 1945: 5.2 hours -> currently: 9.8 hours. (This is not due to an increase in ads but an increase in
viewers and technology, more outlets to see the ads, more channels, tv, internet, radio, etc.)
Info-graphic Research:
Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on
paper, then scan those notes and add them here.
About 362 ads per day, only 153 noted. Only 86 gains awareness, only 12 make an impression and fewer make a sale.
Info-graphic Research: Key facts
1. Average income across UK in previous year: £37,747
2. Employed in this sector: 153,000 people
3. Diverse? :Gender balance: almost 50/50
4. Where is the work force based? - Just under 50%: London
5. Last year $150 billion was spent on advertising and $160 billion on sales promotion (i.e. coupons, samples,
sweepstakes, premiums).
6. 2015: the world spent an estimate of $529.43billion on advertising.
7. UK: over 25,000 advertising agencies
8. Estimated a person 30 years ago saw up to 2,000 ad messages a day, now up to 5,000 or more exposures a
9. Adult ad consumption 1945: 5.2 hours -> currently: 9.8 hours. (This is not due to an increase in ads but an
increase in viewers and technology, more outlets to see the ads, more channels, tv, internet, radio, etc.)
10. About 362 ads per day, only 153 noted. Only 86 gains awareness, only 12 make an impression and fewer
make a sale.
Total media minutes:
1945 = 309
1985 = 433
2014 = 590
Ads exposed:
1945 = 340
1985 = 296
2014 = 362
Ads noted:
1945 = 124
1985 = 121
2014 = 153
Types of ads?
Price to place ads?
Client research:
Irn-bru target audience: MALE, 16-28 YEAR OLDS
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client?: irn-bru (introduced 1901)
What do they make?: irn-bru (a Scottish carbonated soft drink)
How do they advertise their products?:
Scottish accent
Lines of appeal: comedy humour.
Appeal + persuasion: promise to solve problems? Irn-bru will get you through.
Narrative: Realist narrative
Linear / sequential
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
IRN-BRU is available as a Sugar Free, XTRA and Regular soft drink.
Availaible in a range of sizes.
The recipe for IRN-BRU is known by only three people in the world - former Chairman Robin Barr, his daughter Company Secretary and
Legal Affairs Manager Julie Barr; and one other A.G.Barr p.l.c board director whose identity remains confidential.
Client research:
Flavour: hard to describe.
Irn-bru tastes kinda like rust and battery acid and it's magic
Tastes like bru of the irn variety
likened the taste to Bazooka Joe bubble gum
Swish mouthwash
A bubbling highland stream mixed with casual violence. But in a good way
makes you feel more Scottish.
It's orange but not orange flavoured but it's exactly how you would imagine an orange drink that isn't orange flavoured would taste, all
orangey (but not orange)
Bubble gum tonic water that looked at a fruit
tastes like Hubba Bubba-type bubble gum
I think it varies depending on how cold you drink it
I've had it super cold, warm and even used it as a marinade for meat. Never tasted bubblegum at any point
Who knows, I'm just glad it exists
artificial banana flavoring
expensive bottled urine.
The taste when you've been chewing gum and it has lost its original intended flavour. But fizzy.
Cough syrup and marshmallow
Cream soda but orange coloured.
It says on the label. It tastes of sparkling fruits
Fizzers (a sweet in Australia)
Salty bananas.
No point comparing it to other flavours- that's like asking what a banana tastes like.
Client research:
More memorable – Catch phrase
Engage with the advert more
Less likely to skip over it
Short story about an awkward, situation they don’t want to be in but don’t want to be rude or make a fool of themselves to instead of
making a scene they drink irn-bru to help them get though.
Irn-bru is aimed at males between the ages of 16-28. This is reflected in the style and humour of the advert. The main person is always
male and the situations are relatable, something not many males at that age would be comfortable in.
Indescribable flavour – taste alcoholic?
Colours – builder, masculine, hard.
Able to get you through, drink for anytime for anything. Lots of possibility’s to drink.
Market research:
Things to consider:
Competition – soft drinks (coke)
Effect of ads
Where to place ads – visible to target audience, most impact. Change ad due to
What market is your client part of? Soft drink
Who is their competition?
[Not only have to worry about other fizzy drinks (coke) - As the above chart
shows, drinkers are moving away from traditional carbonates
towards perceived healthier options such as water and fruit juices or drinks
which offer functional benefits such as sports and energy drinks. IRN-BRU is an
‘Other Flavoured Carbonate’ (OFC) within the traditional carbonates sector. And
it is the OFC category which is really struggling at the moment. As of summer
2008, the OFC market had shrunk by 7% in volume terms across the UK.]
Ads with most impact:
Television - 83%
Magazines - 50%
Online - 47%
Newspapers - 44%
Radio - 32%
Billboards/outdoor advertising – 13%
Market research:
Why decline?
Mums, concerned about additives, flavorings and sugars, increasingly turn to drink options they consider to be healthier.
In the year to May 2007, there were 73 launches in the carbonates sector but by May 2008 this figure had almost doubled to
More choice has created less brand loyalty, as drinkers’ repertoires extend.
The average drinker’s repertoire contained 5.2 brands in 2007 but this figure had increased to 5.4 brands for IRN-BRU
drinkers by 2008
Compare others (coke, pepsi, etc)
Market research:
Adverts, young people have fun. Beach, party drink. Make you feel good, not everyday life, a treat?
Advertising and marketing campaigns have considerably increased The Coca-Cola Company’s (KO) brand power over the
years. In 2013, Coca-Cola spent $3.37 billion, or 7.0% of it’s 2013 revenues, on advertising—including in-store activations,
loyalty points programs, and point-of-sale marketing.
Coca-Cola was one of the official sponsors of the 2014 winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia. The company’s Olympic game
activations, including the longest-ever Olympic torch relay, helped generate 11% growth in Russian unit case volume in 2013.
Coca-Cola was able to connect with millions of fans through the 92,000-mile Coca-Cola FIFA World Cup trophy tour in 2014.
Coca-Cola also achieved major success through the “Share a Coke” campaign, which allowed fans to put their names or
those of their family and friends right on the front of Coca-Cola bottles or cans, effectively personalizing the product.
To support its brands further, Coca-Cola planned additional media spending of $400 million in 2014 as part of an incremental
$1 billion investment by 2016.
Original slogan - ‘Exhilarating, invigorating, aids digestion.’
Attracts target audience be giving them options like downloads, music, applications etc…
Wide range of advertising – cover a lot of ground
Sponser of Michael Jackson, music and sex appeal.
Jeff gordon – drove pepsi car, pepsi collectable merchandics
Beyonce signed a $50 million contract with pepsi and chose the song for the ad – creative imput for can design and content.
Cola wars.
Compare others (coke, pepsi, etc)
Audience research:
Secondary research:
Things to consider: age, gender.
Can design – look cool like monster. How
it looks also a factor o play, not just how
it tastes.
Audience: Male (25-36)
What’s new
5: what would influence your decision to purchase a soft drink?
Taste = 15 (79%)
Cost = 2
Size = 1
Branding = 1
6: what type of advertising do you feel ‘reach’ you more?
TV = 10 (53%)
Print: 2
Web = 7
Environmental = 0
7: what style of persuasion ‘reaches’ you more?
Comedy = 11 (58%)
Expert = 1
Celebrity = 3
Beneficial = 2
8: have you ever played an advert game?
Yes = 10 (53%)
No = 9
1: age
16 = 7
17 = 10
18 = 2
19+ = 0
2: gender
Male = 14
Female = 5
3: do you buy consume soft drinks?
Everyday = 5 (26%)
Every couple of days = 7 (37%)
Occasionally = 6 (32%)
Never = 1 (5%)
4 : Preferred brand?
Coke = 4
Pepsi = 4
Irn-bru = 2
Other = 9
Primary research:
Audience research:
Audience research:
What do you think makes an advert memorable? Why?
• I think that comedy makes an advertisement memorable because you are more likely to remember something that is
funny and makes you laugh, than a lot of information
o Probably something to with comedy, like slapstick humour , I'm not sure it just comes to mind when thinking about
adverts that I remember.
 Comedy, when an advert makes me laugh I often remember it later on.
Which soft drink advert is most likely to make you want to buy the drink advertised? Why?
• Irn-Bru because the adverts are funny
o Coca-Cola , it seems inviting an friendly.
 None, adverts don’t affect whether I buy a certain drink or not
Which soft drink would you like to drink right now?
• Dr.Pepper
o Appetiser.
 Diet coke
Primary research:
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Advergame – A video game which contains an advertisement for a product, service, or company in some way . Some are
created by a company with the sole purpose of advertising and promoting the company or its products. Other times, an
advergame can be sponsored by a company to promote their product, for example a character drinking a specific drink
brand or a specific car driving past a billboard advertising a certain product. Advergames have become more popular with
the rise of the internet.
Idea Generation:
Desert = hot, dry, tiring – makes drink look cool, refreshing.
Not everyday use, treat? Make you want it more? Makes it seem like a treat, more exited, happy to get it?
Individual Idea:
Advergame –> irn-bru will get you through. Through the desert where you have been stranded. The irn-bru is used as fuel
for a motorbike, if crash of irn-bru runs out you stop and carryon on foot (lost one life). There will be obstacles in the
desert such as tumble weed which you have to avoid, canyons which provide layers, bulls/cows which you will have to
wait to cross the road, and cacti which will slow you down. Trying to get as far as possible.
Video –> bike broken down, in desert alone, has irn-bru, get you through. rule of three, desert Tumble weed (drink) relax,
walk forward and step on skull (drink) confidence, looks at vulture on rock looking at him, looks around, there are loads,
(drinks, cuts off to irn-bru), at end carries on walking.
Poster –> desert in background motorbike with vulture on it, man in foreground? Man and vulture attacking in
background, blurred, irn-bru on rock in foreground?
Group Idea:
Video -> Angus (a teen in school) is being pushed around and bullied. Upset, he rushes into the guys changing room opens
his irn-Bru can and drinks it. The irn-bru makes him really confident and cool. He walks out into the main hall and walks
towards the door, the people in the hall are shocked by his new looks. The bully has a cola in his hand and drops it and
goes to enter the shop to buy an irn-bru. Angus keeps walking out the door as girls follow him. As he walks off the shot
gets his whole body and you see he’s wearing a kilt. When he’s out the door he stops and drinks his Irn-Bru as he holds up
a Scottish flag up in the other hand. Fire works bang. (Photoshop). Then cut to the orange background with the quote,
“Irn-Bru, end your day with a bang ”.
Poster -> using the filming from the video Angus will be stood in the centre of the poster and fireworks will be going of
behind him. He will be holding an irn-bru in one hand and the Scottish flag in the other. The kilt will be visible. Across
either the top or bottom there will be an orange band showing he irn-bru and information about it.
Game -> angus running through the country (end of advert) collecting coins to be able to afford an irn-bru.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Character – base it on the boy in the advert. Cool wearing kilt.
Start and end screen – orange and blue (irn-bru colours) familiarity.
game set outside (at end of advert when he walks away)
Powerups : heart (gives one extra life), iron man(can’t get hurt), coin (to afford ien-bru), magnet (coins are drawn to him.)
Planning Docs (Advergame):
In my group is Georgia, Sophie, Will and me.
E-mail detailed roles and responsibilities.
Manager, director, props, camera, etc.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Mood board
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
There will be two lead male roles and around 4 minor female roles.
The characters will be:
Angus – Jack coxon
The bully -
Scottish voice over –
Girls – Sophie Grantham, Keira Branton, Rebecca Neale,
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Script
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
•There’s a teenager, Angus, who is being pushed around and bullied at school near his lockers and he is very upset.
•He goes into the guys changing room, locks the door and sits down on the bench.
•He opens his Irn-Bru can and drinks it.
•Then he feels weird and gets up and looks at himself in the mirror with his hands on each side of the sink.
•He then opens his eyes wide and takes his glasses off.
•Then cut to the door opening and smoke and he walks out of the changing room.
•He looks really cool and is now wearing a leather jacket and has clear skin and good hair.
•He walks out into the main hall and walks towards the door.
•People who are in the hall do a double take as they are shocked by his new looks.
•A Scottish girl says “ (Och aye the noo/ oh yes, right now) (pure dead brilliant/ you look good) “
•Then as he walks past the shop we get him in slow-motion as the winks at a group of girls.
•The girls are stood with the bully who has a cola in his hand.
•They drop all their things and follow Angus and leave the bully on his own.
•He drops his cola and goes to enter the shop but walks into the door as it’s a pull not a push.
•Angus keeps walking out the door as girls follow him excitedly.
•As he walks off the shot gets his whole body and you see he’s wearing a kilt.
•When he’s out the door he stops and drinks his Irn-Bru as he holds up a Scottish flag up in the other hand.
•Fire works bang. (Photoshop). – (blue and white fireworks?)
•Then cut to the orange background with the quote, “Irn-Bru, end your day with a bang ”.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Story board
•There’s a teenager, Angus, who is
being pushed around and bullied at
school near his lockers and he is
very upset.
•He goes into the guys changing room,
locks the door and sits down on the bench.
•He opens his Irn-Bru can and drinks it.
•Then he feels weird and gets up and looks
at himself in the mirror with his hands on
each side of the sink.
•He then opens his eyes wide and takes
his glasses off.
•Then cut to the door opening and
smoke and he walks out of the changing
•He looks really cool and is now
wearing a leather jacket and has clear
skin and good hair.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Story board
•He walks out into the main hall and
walks towards the door.
•People who are in the hall do a double
take as they are shocked by his new
•Girls are stood with the bully who has
a cola in his hand.
•Then as he walks past the shop we
get him in slow-motion as he winks at
a group of girls.
•They drop all their things and follow
Angus and leave the bully on his own.
•He drops his cola and goes to enter
the shop but walks into the door as
it’s a pull not a push.
•A Scottish girl says “ (Och aye the noo/
oh yes, right now) (pure dead brilliant/
you look good) “
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Story board
•Angus keeps walking out the door as
girls follow him excitedly.
•As he walks off the shot gets his whole body and you see he’s
wearing a kilt.
•When he’s out the door he stops and drinks his Irn-Bru as he
holds up a Scottish flag up in the other hand.
•Fire works bang. (Photoshop).
•Then cut to the orange background with the quote, “Irn-Bru,
end your day with a bang ”.
Planning Docs
(TV Advert):
Location list
Camera shots
This is
This is the shop where
the bully is standing
there with all the girls.
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Shot list
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Schedule
E-mail – contingency planning
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Health and Safety Planning.
• what you want to achieve, eg how you will ensure that your employees and others are kept healthy and safe at
• how you will decide what might cause harm to people and whether you are doing enough or need to do more to
prevent that harm
• how you will prioritise the improvements you may need to make
• who will be responsible for health and safety tasks, what they should do, when and with what results
• how you will measure and review whether you have achieved what you set out to do
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain.
The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities is responsible for enforcing the Act and Statutory Instruments
relevant to the working environment.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 we have to ensure the health and safety of us and others who may be
affected by what we do or do not do. It applies to all work activities and premises and everyone at work has
responsibilities under it, including the self-employed. Employees must take care of their own health and safety and
that of others who may be affected by their actions at work. They must also co-operate with employers and co-
workers to help everyone meet their legal requirements. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
1999 also apply to every work activity and workplace and require all risks to be assessed and, where necessary,
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Resources
… ?
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Cost list
Planning Docs (TV Advert): Call list
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
Colors from the irn-bru can.
Colors from
Scotland, (Colors
of the kilt.)
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Like the end of the video advert.
Angus in the centre of the poster and fireworks going of in the background ‘end your day with a bang’
Incredibly rough draft.
Use pictures taken from the video to make it.
Finished Stuff:
Evaluation (Advergame):
The animation of my advergame is a little jumpy and I could make it a lot smoother if I added more slides then I would be able to get the
smoothest animation possible. The design of my front and back pages of the game match and are the colours of irn-bru which gives a sense of
familiarity of the brand to the person playing it. The pixel art design of my game and character are good but they do not work together that well. I
based the design of my character on the boy in the advert and what I imagine he would look like as a cartoon character but I didn’t take into
consideration how he would move as an animated game character. My characters design is too tall and skinny to fit my type of game and a
shorter, wider design would have been better. To help me avoid this problem in the future I need to make sure I make a detailed plan and think
ahead so all of the aspects of the game fit together. Because my character is moving quite slow and I couldn’t make him move faster I made the
background move more to try and get a sense of movement in the character. I thought an upbeat soundtrack might have helped with this and
would be better to match the jumpy animation but the second half of the soundtrack is too loud and busy for a simple game. A more upbeat
soundtrack with varied rhythm would be more suited for this game.
What worked?
Background design – because it was a simple sky and so didn’t detract from the character,
The goal of the game, as an irn-bru promotion worked as I used brand colours in the design and it linked in with the character in the advert.
What didn’t?
The character design, the boy is too tall and thin and so not appropriate for the type of game. This made him difficult to animate and slow
moving. Fitting the music with video, the music could be more upbeat and varied in rhythm which would add enthusiasm to the game and make it
more enjoyable.
What can I improve?
The animation is fine but too jumpy, need a little more time and slides to make the animation smoother. Because my character design was tall
and thin he was an awkward shape and difficult to move I made the background move as well to try and add a sense of movement but probably I
should have tried just making the background move and kept the character still, he could just then react to the obstacles coming towards him.
In addition, I need to be able to manage my time better and make the most of the time I have given to each thing so not only do I keep up to date
but I also have contingency time. This will help me in a lot of ways such as organising and more slides.
Finished Stuff:

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Irn bru

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. You will need to copy and paste this slide several times. ------------------------------ ( ) (2012) Industry: Advertising Personality type: Creative Average income across UK in previous year: £37,747 Employed in this sector: 153,000 people Skills: • Scamping (quickly sketching and developing ideas on paper) • Copywriting • Communication • Pitch, present and justify own ideas • Designs and typography • Digital
  • 3. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. Degrees usually studied • Advertising • Marketing • Graphic design • Photography • Art and design • Psychology • English language How diverse is the work force? Gender balance: almost 50/50 BAME: 10% Disabled:10% Freelancers: 23% How qualified is the workforce? Graduates:70% (although not often in advertising and marketing)
  • 4. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. Where is the work force based? Just under 50%: London South east England and North West England are rapidly growing creative hubs: both 10% share of the market Not uncommon to find work in Scotland and Wales. Last year $150 billion was spent on advertising and $160 billion on sales promotion (i.e. coupons, samples, sweepstakes, premiums). Economics of scale changing due to the globalization of the world marketplace. 2015: the world spent an estimate of $529.43billion on advertising. UK: over 25,000 advertising agencies -------------------- ( ) Estimated a person 30 years ago saw up to 2,000 ad messages a day, now up to 5,000 or more exposures a day. Adult ad consumption 1945: 5.2 hours -> currently: 9.8 hours. (This is not due to an increase in ads but an increase in viewers and technology, more outlets to see the ads, more channels, tv, internet, radio, etc.)
  • 5. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. About 362 ads per day, only 153 noted. Only 86 gains awareness, only 12 make an impression and fewer make a sale. --------------------------------------------
  • 6. Info-graphic Research: Key facts 1. Average income across UK in previous year: £37,747 2. Employed in this sector: 153,000 people 3. Diverse? :Gender balance: almost 50/50 4. Where is the work force based? - Just under 50%: London 5. Last year $150 billion was spent on advertising and $160 billion on sales promotion (i.e. coupons, samples, sweepstakes, premiums). 6. 2015: the world spent an estimate of $529.43billion on advertising. 7. UK: over 25,000 advertising agencies 8. Estimated a person 30 years ago saw up to 2,000 ad messages a day, now up to 5,000 or more exposures a day. 9. Adult ad consumption 1945: 5.2 hours -> currently: 9.8 hours. (This is not due to an increase in ads but an increase in viewers and technology, more outlets to see the ads, more channels, tv, internet, radio, etc.) 10. About 362 ads per day, only 153 noted. Only 86 gains awareness, only 12 make an impression and fewer make a sale. Total media minutes: 1945 = 309 1985 = 433 2014 = 590 Ads exposed: 1945 = 340 1985 = 296 2014 = 362 Ads noted: 1945 = 124 1985 = 121 2014 = 153 Types of ads? Price to place ads? Infergraphics
  • 7. Client research: Irn-bru target audience: MALE, 16-28 YEAR OLDS Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client?: irn-bru (introduced 1901) What do they make?: irn-bru (a Scottish carbonated soft drink) How do they advertise their products?: Scottish accent Lines of appeal: comedy humour. Appeal + persuasion: promise to solve problems? Irn-bru will get you through. Narrative: Realist narrative Linear / sequential Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research. IRN-BRU is available as a Sugar Free, XTRA and Regular soft drink. Availaible in a range of sizes. The recipe for IRN-BRU is known by only three people in the world - former Chairman Robin Barr, his daughter Company Secretary and Legal Affairs Manager Julie Barr; and one other A.G.Barr p.l.c board director whose identity remains confidential.
  • 8. Client research: Flavour: hard to describe. Irn-bru tastes kinda like rust and battery acid and it's magic Tastes like bru of the irn variety likened the taste to Bazooka Joe bubble gum Swish mouthwash A bubbling highland stream mixed with casual violence. But in a good way makes you feel more Scottish. It's orange but not orange flavoured but it's exactly how you would imagine an orange drink that isn't orange flavoured would taste, all orangey (but not orange) Bubble gum tonic water that looked at a fruit tastes like Hubba Bubba-type bubble gum I think it varies depending on how cold you drink it I've had it super cold, warm and even used it as a marinade for meat. Never tasted bubblegum at any point Who knows, I'm just glad it exists artificial banana flavoring expensive bottled urine. The taste when you've been chewing gum and it has lost its original intended flavour. But fizzy. Cough syrup and marshmallow Cream soda but orange coloured. It says on the label. It tastes of sparkling fruits Fizzers (a sweet in Australia) Salty bananas. No point comparing it to other flavours- that's like asking what a banana tastes like.
  • 9. Client research: Humour: More memorable – Catch phrase Engage with the advert more Less likely to skip over it Adverts: Short story about an awkward, situation they don’t want to be in but don’t want to be rude or make a fool of themselves to instead of making a scene they drink irn-bru to help them get though. Irn-bru is aimed at males between the ages of 16-28. This is reflected in the style and humour of the advert. The main person is always male and the situations are relatable, something not many males at that age would be comfortable in. Indescribable flavour – taste alcoholic? Colours – builder, masculine, hard. Able to get you through, drink for anytime for anything. Lots of possibility’s to drink.
  • 10. Market research: Things to consider: Originality Competition – soft drinks (coke) Effect of ads Where to place ads – visible to target audience, most impact. Change ad due to seasons. What market is your client part of? Soft drink Who is their competition? [Not only have to worry about other fizzy drinks (coke) - As the above chart shows, drinkers are moving away from traditional carbonates towards perceived healthier options such as water and fruit juices or drinks which offer functional benefits such as sports and energy drinks. IRN-BRU is an ‘Other Flavoured Carbonate’ (OFC) within the traditional carbonates sector. And it is the OFC category which is really struggling at the moment. As of summer 2008, the OFC market had shrunk by 7% in volume terms across the UK.] Ads with most impact: Television - 83% Magazines - 50% Online - 47% Newspapers - 44% Radio - 32% Billboards/outdoor advertising – 13%
  • 11. Market research: Why decline? Mums, concerned about additives, flavorings and sugars, increasingly turn to drink options they consider to be healthier. In the year to May 2007, there were 73 launches in the carbonates sector but by May 2008 this figure had almost doubled to 129. More choice has created less brand loyalty, as drinkers’ repertoires extend. The average drinker’s repertoire contained 5.2 brands in 2007 but this figure had increased to 5.4 brands for IRN-BRU drinkers by 2008 Compare others (coke, pepsi, etc) excellence/leith/irn-bru.pdf
  • 12. Market research: Coke: Adverts, young people have fun. Beach, party drink. Make you feel good, not everyday life, a treat? Advertising and marketing campaigns have considerably increased The Coca-Cola Company’s (KO) brand power over the years. In 2013, Coca-Cola spent $3.37 billion, or 7.0% of it’s 2013 revenues, on advertising—including in-store activations, loyalty points programs, and point-of-sale marketing. Coca-Cola was one of the official sponsors of the 2014 winter Olympics held in Sochi, Russia. The company’s Olympic game activations, including the longest-ever Olympic torch relay, helped generate 11% growth in Russian unit case volume in 2013. Coca-Cola was able to connect with millions of fans through the 92,000-mile Coca-Cola FIFA World Cup trophy tour in 2014. Coca-Cola also achieved major success through the “Share a Coke” campaign, which allowed fans to put their names or those of their family and friends right on the front of Coca-Cola bottles or cans, effectively personalizing the product. To support its brands further, Coca-Cola planned additional media spending of $400 million in 2014 as part of an incremental $1 billion investment by 2016. Pepsi: Original slogan - ‘Exhilarating, invigorating, aids digestion.’ Attracts target audience be giving them options like downloads, music, applications etc… Wide range of advertising – cover a lot of ground Sponser of Michael Jackson, music and sex appeal. Jeff gordon – drove pepsi car, pepsi collectable merchandics Beyonce signed a $50 million contract with pepsi and chose the song for the ad – creative imput for can design and content. Cola wars. Compare others (coke, pepsi, etc) strategy
  • 13. Audience research: Secondary research: Things to consider: age, gender. Can design – look cool like monster. How it looks also a factor o play, not just how it tastes. Audience: Male (25-36) Looks Reputation What’s new
  • 14. 5: what would influence your decision to purchase a soft drink? Taste = 15 (79%) Cost = 2 Size = 1 Branding = 1 6: what type of advertising do you feel ‘reach’ you more? TV = 10 (53%) Print: 2 Web = 7 Environmental = 0 7: what style of persuasion ‘reaches’ you more? Comedy = 11 (58%) Expert = 1 Celebrity = 3 Beneficial = 2 8: have you ever played an advert game? Yes = 10 (53%) No = 9 1: age 16 = 7 17 = 10 18 = 2 19+ = 0 2: gender Male = 14 Female = 5 3: do you buy consume soft drinks? Everyday = 5 (26%) Every couple of days = 7 (37%) Occasionally = 6 (32%) Never = 1 (5%) 4 : Preferred brand? Coke = 4 Pepsi = 4 Irn-bru = 2 Other = 9 Primary research: Audience research:
  • 15. Audience research: What do you think makes an advert memorable? Why? • I think that comedy makes an advertisement memorable because you are more likely to remember something that is funny and makes you laugh, than a lot of information o Probably something to with comedy, like slapstick humour , I'm not sure it just comes to mind when thinking about adverts that I remember.  Comedy, when an advert makes me laugh I often remember it later on. Which soft drink advert is most likely to make you want to buy the drink advertised? Why? • Irn-Bru because the adverts are funny o Coca-Cola , it seems inviting an friendly.  None, adverts don’t affect whether I buy a certain drink or not Which soft drink would you like to drink right now? • Dr.Pepper o Appetiser.  Diet coke Primary research:
  • 16. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products. Advergame – A video game which contains an advertisement for a product, service, or company in some way . Some are created by a company with the sole purpose of advertising and promoting the company or its products. Other times, an advergame can be sponsored by a company to promote their product, for example a character drinking a specific drink brand or a specific car driving past a billboard advertising a certain product. Advergames have become more popular with the rise of the internet.
  • 17. Idea Generation: Desert = hot, dry, tiring – makes drink look cool, refreshing. Not everyday use, treat? Make you want it more? Makes it seem like a treat, more exited, happy to get it?
  • 18. Individual Idea: Advergame –> irn-bru will get you through. Through the desert where you have been stranded. The irn-bru is used as fuel for a motorbike, if crash of irn-bru runs out you stop and carryon on foot (lost one life). There will be obstacles in the desert such as tumble weed which you have to avoid, canyons which provide layers, bulls/cows which you will have to wait to cross the road, and cacti which will slow you down. Trying to get as far as possible. Video –> bike broken down, in desert alone, has irn-bru, get you through. rule of three, desert Tumble weed (drink) relax, walk forward and step on skull (drink) confidence, looks at vulture on rock looking at him, looks around, there are loads, (drinks, cuts off to irn-bru), at end carries on walking. Poster –> desert in background motorbike with vulture on it, man in foreground? Man and vulture attacking in background, blurred, irn-bru on rock in foreground?
  • 19. Group Idea: Video -> Angus (a teen in school) is being pushed around and bullied. Upset, he rushes into the guys changing room opens his irn-Bru can and drinks it. The irn-bru makes him really confident and cool. He walks out into the main hall and walks towards the door, the people in the hall are shocked by his new looks. The bully has a cola in his hand and drops it and goes to enter the shop to buy an irn-bru. Angus keeps walking out the door as girls follow him. As he walks off the shot gets his whole body and you see he’s wearing a kilt. When he’s out the door he stops and drinks his Irn-Bru as he holds up a Scottish flag up in the other hand. Fire works bang. (Photoshop). Then cut to the orange background with the quote, “Irn-Bru, end your day with a bang ”. Poster -> using the filming from the video Angus will be stood in the centre of the poster and fireworks will be going of behind him. He will be holding an irn-bru in one hand and the Scottish flag in the other. The kilt will be visible. Across either the top or bottom there will be an orange band showing he irn-bru and information about it. Game -> angus running through the country (end of advert) collecting coins to be able to afford an irn-bru.
  • 20. Planning Docs (Advergame): Character – base it on the boy in the advert. Cool wearing kilt. Start and end screen – orange and blue (irn-bru colours) familiarity. game set outside (at end of advert when he walks away) Powerups : heart (gives one extra life), iron man(can’t get hurt), coin (to afford ien-bru), magnet (coins are drawn to him.)
  • 22. Group: In my group is Georgia, Sophie, Will and me. E-mail detailed roles and responsibilities. Manager, director, props, camera, etc.
  • 23. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Mood board
  • 24. Planning Docs (TV Advert): There will be two lead male roles and around 4 minor female roles. The characters will be: Angus – Jack coxon The bully - Scottish voice over – Girls – Sophie Grantham, Keira Branton, Rebecca Neale, phoebe.
  • 25. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Script Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. •There’s a teenager, Angus, who is being pushed around and bullied at school near his lockers and he is very upset. •He goes into the guys changing room, locks the door and sits down on the bench. •He opens his Irn-Bru can and drinks it. •Then he feels weird and gets up and looks at himself in the mirror with his hands on each side of the sink. •He then opens his eyes wide and takes his glasses off. •Then cut to the door opening and smoke and he walks out of the changing room. •He looks really cool and is now wearing a leather jacket and has clear skin and good hair. •He walks out into the main hall and walks towards the door. •People who are in the hall do a double take as they are shocked by his new looks. •A Scottish girl says “ (Och aye the noo/ oh yes, right now) (pure dead brilliant/ you look good) “ •Then as he walks past the shop we get him in slow-motion as the winks at a group of girls. •The girls are stood with the bully who has a cola in his hand. •They drop all their things and follow Angus and leave the bully on his own. •He drops his cola and goes to enter the shop but walks into the door as it’s a pull not a push. •Angus keeps walking out the door as girls follow him excitedly. •As he walks off the shot gets his whole body and you see he’s wearing a kilt. •When he’s out the door he stops and drinks his Irn-Bru as he holds up a Scottish flag up in the other hand. •Fire works bang. (Photoshop). – (blue and white fireworks?) •Then cut to the orange background with the quote, “Irn-Bru, end your day with a bang ”.
  • 26. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Story board •There’s a teenager, Angus, who is being pushed around and bullied at school near his lockers and he is very upset. •He goes into the guys changing room, locks the door and sits down on the bench. •He opens his Irn-Bru can and drinks it. •Then he feels weird and gets up and looks at himself in the mirror with his hands on each side of the sink. •He then opens his eyes wide and takes his glasses off. •Then cut to the door opening and smoke and he walks out of the changing room. •He looks really cool and is now wearing a leather jacket and has clear skin and good hair.
  • 27. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Story board •He walks out into the main hall and walks towards the door. •People who are in the hall do a double take as they are shocked by his new looks. •Girls are stood with the bully who has a cola in his hand. •Then as he walks past the shop we get him in slow-motion as he winks at a group of girls. •They drop all their things and follow Angus and leave the bully on his own. •He drops his cola and goes to enter the shop but walks into the door as it’s a pull not a push. •A Scottish girl says “ (Och aye the noo/ oh yes, right now) (pure dead brilliant/ you look good) “
  • 28. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Story board •Angus keeps walking out the door as girls follow him excitedly. •As he walks off the shot gets his whole body and you see he’s wearing a kilt. •When he’s out the door he stops and drinks his Irn-Bru as he holds up a Scottish flag up in the other hand. •Fire works bang. (Photoshop). •Then cut to the orange background with the quote, “Irn-Bru, end your day with a bang ”.
  • 29. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Location list And Camera shots This is the …......... location. This is the shop where the bully is standing there with all the girls.
  • 30. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Shot list Word
  • 31. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Schedule E-mail – contingency planning
  • 32. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Health and Safety Planning. • what you want to achieve, eg how you will ensure that your employees and others are kept healthy and safe at work • how you will decide what might cause harm to people and whether you are doing enough or need to do more to prevent that harm • how you will prioritise the improvements you may need to make • who will be responsible for health and safety tasks, what they should do, when and with what results • how you will measure and review whether you have achieved what you set out to do The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities is responsible for enforcing the Act and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment. Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 we have to ensure the health and safety of us and others who may be affected by what we do or do not do. It applies to all work activities and premises and everyone at work has responsibilities under it, including the self-employed. Employees must take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions at work. They must also co-operate with employers and co- workers to help everyone meet their legal requirements. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 also apply to every work activity and workplace and require all risks to be assessed and, where necessary, controlled.
  • 33. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Resources … ?
  • 34. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Cost list E-mail
  • 35. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Call list Word
  • 36. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
  • 37. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. Colors from the irn-bru can. Colors from Scotland, (Colors of the kilt.)
  • 38. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Like the end of the video advert. Angus in the centre of the poster and fireworks going of in the background ‘end your day with a bang’ Incredibly rough draft. / Use pictures taken from the video to make it.
  • 40. Evaluation (Advergame): The animation of my advergame is a little jumpy and I could make it a lot smoother if I added more slides then I would be able to get the smoothest animation possible. The design of my front and back pages of the game match and are the colours of irn-bru which gives a sense of familiarity of the brand to the person playing it. The pixel art design of my game and character are good but they do not work together that well. I based the design of my character on the boy in the advert and what I imagine he would look like as a cartoon character but I didn’t take into consideration how he would move as an animated game character. My characters design is too tall and skinny to fit my type of game and a shorter, wider design would have been better. To help me avoid this problem in the future I need to make sure I make a detailed plan and think ahead so all of the aspects of the game fit together. Because my character is moving quite slow and I couldn’t make him move faster I made the background move more to try and get a sense of movement in the character. I thought an upbeat soundtrack might have helped with this and would be better to match the jumpy animation but the second half of the soundtrack is too loud and busy for a simple game. A more upbeat soundtrack with varied rhythm would be more suited for this game. What worked? Background design – because it was a simple sky and so didn’t detract from the character, The goal of the game, as an irn-bru promotion worked as I used brand colours in the design and it linked in with the character in the advert. What didn’t? The character design, the boy is too tall and thin and so not appropriate for the type of game. This made him difficult to animate and slow moving. Fitting the music with video, the music could be more upbeat and varied in rhythm which would add enthusiasm to the game and make it more enjoyable. What can I improve? The animation is fine but too jumpy, need a little more time and slides to make the animation smoother. Because my character design was tall and thin he was an awkward shape and difficult to move I made the background move as well to try and add a sense of movement but probably I should have tried just making the background move and kept the character still, he could just then react to the obstacles coming towards him. In addition, I need to be able to manage my time better and make the most of the time I have given to each thing so not only do I keep up to date but I also have contingency time. This will help me in a lot of ways such as organising and more slides.