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V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
    Evaluating Cluster Quality Using Modified Density Subspace
                       Clustering Approach
                                  V.Kavitha1, Dr.M.Punithavalli2,
                Research Scholar, Dept of Computer Science, Karpagam University Coimbatore, India.
                  Director,Dept of MCA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering Coimbatore, India.

         Clustering of the time series data faced          Identifying the groups of similar objects and helps to
with curse of dimensionality, where real world             discover distribution of patterns, finding the
data consist of many dimensions. Finding the               interesting correlations in large data sets. It has been
clusters in feature space, subspace clustering is a        subject of wide research since it arises in many
growing task. Density based approach to identify           application domains in engineering, business and
clusters in dimensional point sets. Density                social sciences. Especially, in the last years the
subspace clustering is a method to detect the              availability of huge transactional and experimental
density-connected clusters in all subspaces of high        data sets and the arising requirements for data
dimensional data for clustering time series data           mining created needs for clustering algorithms that
streams Multidimensional data clustering                   scale and can be applied in diverse domains.
evaluation can be done through a density-based
approach. In this approach proposed, Density                        The clustering of the times series data
subspace clustering algorithm is used to find best         streams becomes one of the important problem in
cluster result from the dataset. Density subspace          data mining domain. Most of the traditional
clustering algorithm selects the P set of attributes       algorithms will not support the fast arrival of large
from the dataset. Then apply the density                   amount of data stream. In several traditional
clustering for selected attributes from the                algorithms, a few one-pass clustering algorithms
dataset .From the resultant cluster calculate the          have been proposed for the data stream problem.
intra and inter cluster distance. Measuring the            These methods address the scalability issues of the
similarity between data objects in sparse and              clustering problem and evolving the data in the
high-dimensional data in the dataset, Plays a very         result and do not address the following issues:
important role in the success or failure of a
clustering method. Evaluate the similarity                 (1)The quality of the clusters is poor when the data
between data points and consequently formulate             evolves considerably over time.
new criterion functions for clustering .Improve
the accuracy and evaluate the similarity between           (2) A data stream clustering algorithm requires much
the data points in the clustering,. The proposed           greater functionality to discovering accurate result
algorithm also concentrates the Density                    and exploring clusters over different portions of the
Divergence Problem (Outlier). Proposed system              stream.
clustering results compared them with existing                       Charu C. Aggarwal [5] proposed micro-
clustering algorithms in terms of the Execution            clustering phase in the online statistical data
time, Cluster Quality analysis. Experimental               collection portion of the algorithm. This method is
results show that proposed system improves                 not dependent on any user input such as the time
clustering quality result, and less time than the          horizon or the required granularity of the clustering
existing clustering methods.                               process. The aim of the method is to maintain
                                                           statistics based on sufficiently high level granularity
Keywords— Density Subspace Clustering, Intra               used by the online components such as horizon-
Cluster, Inter       Cluster,   Outlier,   Hierarchical    specific macro-clustering as well as evolution
Clustering.                                                analysis.

I. INTRODUCTION                                                     The clustering of the time series data
          Clustering is one of the most important          stream and incremental models are requiring a
tasks in data mining process for discovering similar       decisions before all the data are available in the
groups and identifying interesting distributions and       dataset. The models are not identical to find the best
patterns in the underlying data. Clustering of the         clustering result.
time series DataStream problem is about partitioning                Finding clusters in the feature space,
a given data set into groups such that the data points     subspace clustering is an emergent task. Clustering
in a cluster are more similar to each other than points    with dissimilarity measure is robust method to
in different clusters .Cluster analysis [3] aims at        handle large amount of data and able to estimate the

                                                                                                 1627 | P a g e
V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
number of clusters automatically by avoid overlap.           hierarchical    algorithms      are    classified      as
Density subspace clustering is a method to detect the        agglomerative (merging) or divisive (splitting). The
density-connected clusters in all subspaces of high          agglomerative approach starts with each data point
dimensional data. In our proposed approach Density           in a separate cluster or with a certain large number
subspace clustering algorithm is used to find best           of clusters. Each step of this approach merges the
cluster result from the dataset. Density subspace            two clusters that are the most similar. Thus after
clustering algorithm selects the P set of attributes         each step, the total number of clusters decreases.
from the dataset. Then apply the density clustering          This is repeated until the desired number of clusters
for selected attributes from the dataset .From the           is obtained or only one cluster remains. By contrast,
resultant cluster calculate the intra and inter cluster      the divisive approach starts with all data objects in
distance. In this method finds the best cluster              the same cluster. In each step, one cluster is split into
distance, repeat the steps until all the attributes in the   smaller clusters, until a termination condition holds.
dataset are clustered among the clustered result in          Agglomerative algorithms are more widely used in
the dataset and finally finds the best cluster result.       practice. Thus the similarities between clusters are
                                                             more researched.
         Clustering methods are used to support
estimates a data distribution for newly attracted data                 Hierarchical divisive methods generate a
and their ability to generate cluster boundaries of          classification in a top-down manner, by
arbitrary shape, size and efficiently. Density based         progressively sub-dividing the single cluster which
clustering for measuring dynamic dissimilarity               represents an entire dataset. Monothetic (divisions
measure based on the dynamical system was                    based on just a single descriptor) hierarchical
associated with Density estimating functions.                divisive methods are generally much faster in
Hypothetical basics of the system proposed measure           operation than the corresponding polythetic
are developed and applied to construct a different           (divisions based on all descriptors) hierarchical
clustering method that can efficiently partition of the      divisive and hierarchical agglomerative methods, but
whole data space in the dataset. Clustering based on         tend to give poor results. Given a set of N items to
the Density based clustering dissimilarity measure is        be clustered, and an N*N distance (or similarity)
robust to handle large amount of data in the dataset         matrix, the basic process of hierarchical clustering
and able to estimate the number of clusters                       1. Start by assigning each item to a cluster, so
automatically by avoid overlap. The dissimilarity                      that if you have N items, you now have N
values are evaluated and clustering process is carried                 clusters, each containing just one item. Let
out with the density values.                                           the distances (similarities) between the
                                                                       clusters the same as the distances
          Similarity measures that take into                           (similarities) between the items they
consideration on the context of the features have also                 contain.
been employed but refer to continuous data, e.g.,                 2. Find the closest (most similar) pair of
Mahalanobis distance. Dino Ienco proposed context-                     clusters and merge them into a single
based distance for categorical attributes. The                         cluster, so that now you have one cluster
motivation of this work is to measure the distance                     less.
between two values of a categorical attribute Ai can              3. Compute distances (similarities) between
be determined by which the values of the other                         the new cluster and each of the old clusters.
attributes Aj are distributed in the dataset objects: if          4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all items are
they are similarly of the attributes distributed in the                clustered into a single cluster of size N. (*)
groups of data objects in correspondence of the
distinct values of Ai a low value of distance was                An easy way to comply with the conference
obtained. Author also Propose also a solution to the         paper formatting requirements is to use this
critical point choice of the attributes Aj .The result       document as a template and simply type your text
was validated with various real world and synthetic          into it.
datasets, by embedding our distance learning method
in both partitional and a hierarchical clustering            B. Non Hierarchical Clustering
algorithm.                                                             A non-hierarchical method generates a
                                                             classification by partitioning a dataset, giving a set
II. RELATED WORK                                             of (generally) non-overlapping groups having no
         This work is based on hierarchical approach.        hierarchical relationships between them. A
 So, the process is incremental clustering process.          systematic evaluation of all possible partitions is
                                                             quite infeasible, and many different heuristics have
A. Hierarchical Clustering                                   thus been described to allow the identification of
         A hierarchical clustering algorithm creates         good, but possibly sub-optimal, partitions. Non-
a hierarchical decomposition of the given set of data        hierarchical methods are generally much less
objects. Depending on the decomposition approach,            demanding of computational resources than the

                                                                                                    1628 | P a g e
V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                   Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                    Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
hierarchic methods, only a single partition of the        system splits the cluster and assigns each of the
dataset has to be formed.                                 chosen variables to one of the new clusters,
Three of the main categories of non-hierarchical          becoming this pivot variable for that cluster.
method are single-pass, relocation and nearest            Afterwards, all remaining variables on the old
neighbour:                                                cluster are assigned to the new cluster which has the
      Single-pass methods (e.g. Leader) produce          closest pivot. New leaves start new statistics,
         clusters that are dependent upon the order       assuming that only forthcoming information will be
         in which the compounds are processed, and        useful to decide whether or not this cluster should be
         so will not be considered further;               split. This feature increases the system's ability to
      Relocation methods, such as k-means,               cope with changing concepts as, later on, a test is
         assigns compounds to a user-defined              performed such that if the diameters of the children
         number of seed clusters and then iteratively     leaves approach the parent's diameter, then the
         reassign compounds to see if better clusters     previously taken decision may no longer recent the
         result. Such methods are prone to reaching       structure of data, so the system re-aggregates the
         local optima rather than a global optimum,       leaves on the parent node, restarting statistics. We
         and it is generally not possible to determine    propose our work to solve the density based
         when or whether the global optimum               subspace system comparing to the different densities
         solution has been reached;                       at each of the subspace attributes system, each time
      Nearest neighbor methods, such as the              series data streams.
         Jarvis-Patrick method, assign compounds to
         the same cluster as some number of their         B .Disadvantages of the existing system
         nearest neighbors. User-defined parameters            The split decision used in the algorithm
         determine how many nearest neighbors                     focus only focus on measuring the distance
         need to be considered, and the necessary                 between the two groups, which implies
         level of similarity between nearest neighbor             high risk to solve the density problems at
         lists.                                                   different densities.
                                                               The different density at sub attribute values
III. METHODOLOGY                                                  is changes to both intra and inter cluster.
         In Methodology, we discussed about the
existing system ODAC and Proposed System of               C.IHCA (Improved Hierarchical Clustering
IHCA and MDSC algorithms.                                 Algorithm)
                                                                   The Improved Hierarchical Clustering
A. Online Divisive Agglomerative Clustering               algorithm [IHCA] is an algorithm for an incremental
          The     Online       Divisive-Agglomerative     clustering of streaming time sequence. It constructs a
Clustering (ODAC) is an incremental approach for          hierarchical tree-shaped structure of clusters by
clustering streaming time series using a hierarchical     using a top-down strategy. The leaves are the
procedure over time. It constructs a tree-like            resulting clusters, with each leaf grouping a set of
hierarchy of clusters of streams, using a top-down        variables. The system includes an incremental
strategy based on the correlation between streams.        distance measure and executes procedures for
The system also possesses an agglomerative phase to       expansion and aggregation of the tree based
enhance a dynamic behaviour capable of structural         structure. The system will be monitoring the flow of
change detection. The ODAC (Online Divisive-              continuous time series data. Then time interval will
Agglomerative Clustering) system is a variable            be fixed. Within the specific time interval the data
clustering algorithm that constructs a hierarchical       points will be partitioned. In a partition the diameter
tree-shaped structure of clusters using a top-down        is calculated. Diameter is nothing but the maximum
strategy. The leaves are the resulting clusters, with a   distance between the two points. Each and every
set of variables at each leaf. The union of the leaves    data point of the partition will be compare with the
is the complete set of variables. The intersection of     diameter value. If the data point is greater than the
leaves is the empty set. The system encloses an           diameter value then the split process will be execute
incremental distance measure and executes                 otherwise the Aggregate (Merge) process will be
procedures for expansion and aggregation of the           performed. Based on the above criteria the
tree-based structure, based on the diameters of the       hierarchical tree will be growing. Here we have to
clusters. The main setting of our system is the           observe the splitting process, because the splitting
monitoring of existing cluster's diameters. In a          will decide the growth of clusters. In the proposed
divisive hierarchical structure of clusters,              technique the Hoeffding Bound is used for to
considering stationary data streams, the overall intra-   observe the splitting process. In IHCA the technique
cluster dissimilarity should decrease with each split.    unequality vapnik Chervonenkis is used for splitting
For each existing cluster, the system finds the two       process. Using this technique the observation of
variables defining the diameter of that cluster. If a     splitting process is improved. So, the cluster is
given heuristic condition is met on this diameter, the    grouping properly.

                                                                                                1629 | P a g e
V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
                                                            Set minPts
         In the Hoeffding Bound,
                                                            If (q
                                        (1)                 best distance =0
Where, the observations starting that after n
independent observations of the real valued random          For each unvisited point P in dataset D
                                                            mark P as visited
variable r with range R, with confidence
                                                            N = getNeighbours (P, eps)
         In the proposed algorithm, the range value         if sizeof(N) < MinPts
                                                            mark P as NOISE
will be increase from R2 [1]to RN .[2] So the
observation process is not a fixed one. Depends on
                                                            C = next cluster
the number of nodes the system will generating the
                                                            expandCluster (P, N, C, eps, MinPts)
observation process.
                                                            Calculate the average distance cluster
D. Modified Density Subspace Clustering
          Instead of finding clusters in the full feature
space, subspace clustering is an emergent task which
                                                               denotes the jth datapoint which belongs to cluster
aims at detecting clusters embedded in subspaces. A
cluster is based on a high-density region in a
                                                             Nc stands for number of clusters.
subspace. To identify the dense region is a major
                                                                      is the distance between datapoint and
problem. And some of the data points are forming
out of the cluster range is called ―the density              the cluster centroid .
divergence problem‖. We propose a novel Modified             xi stands for datapoint which belongs to cluster
subspace clustering algorithm is to discover the            centroid
clusters based on the relative region densities in the      best                      distance                  =0
subspaces attribute, where the clusters are regarded        for            each          value          as
as regions whose densities are relatively high as           if (fi >bestdistance)
compared to the region densities in a subspace.             {
Based on this idea, different density thresholds are        bestdistance=fi
adaptively determined to discover the clusters in           selected attribute set =     from best distance fi
different subspace attribute. We also devise an             Hierarchical _clustering ( )
innovative algorithm, referred to as MDSC                   }
(Modified Density Subspace clustering), to adopt a          d=d+1
divide-and-conquer scheme to efficiently discover           }
clusters satisfying different density thresholds in         End while
different subspace cardinalities.                           }
                                                            expandCluster (P, N, C, eps, MinPts)
Advantages of the proposed system                           {
  The proposed system efficiently discovers                add P to cluster C
    clusters satisfying different density thresholds        for each point P' in N
    in different subspace attributes.                       if P' is not visited
  To reduce the Density Divergence Problem.                mark P' as visited
  To reduce the outlier. (The data points which            N' = getNeighbours(P', eps)
    are out of the range).                                  if sizeof(N') >= MinPts
  To improve the Intra cluster and Inter cluster           N = N joined with N'
    performance.                                            if P' is not yet member of any cluster
                                                            add P' to cluster C
E. Algorithm for Modified Density Subspace                  Return the cluster C from the datapoint P.
Clustering                                                  }
1. Initialize the selected attribute set and An –total      Hierarchical _clustering ( )
attribute set                                               X = {x1, x2, x3... xn} be the set of data points.
2. Select a set of attribute subset from at dataset         I. Begin with the disjoint clustering having level L(0)
d=1…n,                                                      = 0 and sequence number m = 0.
While ( ==! null                                            II. Find the least distance pair of clusters in the
                                                            current clustering, say pair (Ci), (Cj), according to
                                                            d[(Ci), (Cj),] = min d[(i),(j)] =best distance where
Set (eps)

                                                                                                 1630 | P a g e
V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                     Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                      Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
the minimum is over all pairs of clusters in the              D. Outlier
current clustering.                                                Outlier is nothing but, the data points which
III. Increment the sequence number:                       are out of the range of the cluster. The outlier is
m = m +1.Merge clusters Ci and Cj into a single           calculated for the existing method of ODAC(Online
cluster to form the next clustering m. Set the level      Divisive Agglomerative Clustering) and the
of this clustering to L(m) = d[(Ci), (Cj),]               proposed method MDSC (Modified Density
IV. Update the distance matrix, D, by                     Subspace Clustering).
deleting the rows and columns corresponding to
clusters (r) and (s) and adding a row and                 Outlier Calculation
column corresponding to the newly formed cluster.         Step 1: Intra Cluster value is calculated for all
The distance between the new cluster, denoted (Ci),       Clusters.
(Cj) and old cluster (Ck) is defined in this way: d       Step 2: Mean of the Intra cluster is found out.
[(Ck), (Ci), (Cj)] = min [ d(k,i) ,d(k,j) ]               Step 3: All the data points of the clusters will be
V. If all the data points are in one cluster then stop,   comparing with the mean value.
else repeat from step 2.                                  Step 4: After comparison, each data point will be
                                                          decided whether the point will position within a
3. End                                                    cluster or out of the cluster.

IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS                                  V.SYSTEM EVALUATION                      ON     TIME
         The main objective of this chapter to            SERIES DATA SET
measure the proposed system result with the existing                This proposed method is evaluated with
system. Measuring the performance of cluster results      different kinds of time series data sets. Three types
and cluster analysis was measured in terms of the         of data sets are used to evaluate the proposed
Cluster Quality (Intra Cluster and Inter Cluster) and     algorithm. The data sets are namely ECG Data, EEG
Computation Time. The proposed system is very             Data and Network Sensor Data. ECG Data set is
much adapted with the dynamic performance of time         used to find out the anomaly Identification. This data
series data stream. We must evaluate our proposed         set have three attributes namely time seconds, left
system with real data produced by applications that       peek and right peek. EEG Data set is used to find out
generate time series data streams.                        abnormal personality. The name of the attributes is
                                                          Trial number, Sensor value, Sensor position, Sample
A. Evaluation Criteria for Clustering Quality             number. The third type of data set is Network sensor.
         Generally, the criteria used to evaluate         The name of he attributes is Total bytes, in bytes, out
clustering methods concentrate on the quality of the      bytes, Total Package, in package, out package,
resulting clusters.     Given     the hierarchical        Events.
characteristics of the system, the quality of the
hierarchy is constructed by our algorithm. And            A. Record Set Specification
another evaluation criterion is computation time of       TABLE I DATA SET SPECIFICATION
the system.                                               Data Set          Number         of Number          of
                                                                            Instance            Attributes
B. Cluster Quality                                        ECG               1800                3
          A good clustering algorithm will produce        EEG               1644                4
high quality based on intra cluster similarity and
                                                          Sensor            2500                7
inter cluster similarity measures. The quality of the
clustering result depends on the similarity measure
                                                             Using the above three kinds of data sets we have
used by the method and its implementation. The
                                                          to calculate Execution time of the system, Intra
quality of a clustering method is also measured by
                                                          cluster , Inter cluster and outlier of the cluster.
its ability to discover some or all of the hidden
patterns. The criteria for measuring the cluster
                                                             B. Result of Outlier
quality of intra clusters similarity will be high. And
                                                          TABLE2 OUTLIER SPECIFICATION
the inter cluster similarity will be low. For analysing
cluster quality will be in two forms, First one is
finding groups of objects will be related to one                   Technique                 Outlier Points
another. And second one is finding the group of                    Existing                  152
objects that differ from the objects in other groups.              System(ODAC)
                                                                   Existing                  123
C. Computation Time                                                System(IHCA)
         Another evaluation of this work is                        Proposed                  63
calculating the computation time of the process. The               System(MDSC)
complexity of execution time will be decreased
when using the proposed work.

                                                                                                  1631 | P a g e
V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                                   Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                                    Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
                C.Result of Execution Time                           FIGURE 2
                The following table shows that the difference        INTRA CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND
                between the two techniques of the system execution   PROPOSED SYSTEM
                TABLE 3

            Existing System
No of       Time in seconds       Proposed System Time in seconds
Clusters    ODAC                  IHCA                MDSC
2           2.0343                1.9066              1.3782
4           2.0493                1.9216              1.3664
6           2.1043                1.9766              1.3641
                                                                     TABLE                            5
8           2.1115                1.9838              1.3901         INTER CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND
10          2.0536                1.9259              1.3251         PROPOSED SYSTEM

                FIGURE 1
                EXECUTION TIME BETWEEN THE EXISTING                              Existing
                AND PROPOSED SYSTEMS                                             System     Inter
                                                                                 Cluster            Proposed System Inter Cluster
                                                                      No of
                                                                      Clusters   ODAC               IHCA               MDSC
                                                                      2          295.64             375.84             393.26
                                                                      4          262.72             279.07             296.42
                                                                      6          233.27             204.84             222.26
                                                                      8          156.65             148.74             166.16
                                                                      10         136.54             119.89             137.31

                                                                     FIGURE 3
                                                                     INTER CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND
                                                                     PROPOSED SYSTEM

                    TABLE                        4
                    AND PROPOSED SYSTEM

                Existing System
     No of      Intra Cluster      Proposed System Intra Cluster
     Clusters   ODAC               IHCA              MDSC
     2          898.94             865.15            831.72
     4          448.87             415.63            382.21
     6          346.56             313.41            279.98          VI.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
     8          271.54             238.54            205.11                   Clustering of the time series data faced with
                                                                     curse of dimensionality, where real world data
     10         199.04             166.04            132.61          consist of many dimensions. Finding the clusters in
                                                                     feature space, subspace clustering is an growing task.

                                                                                                          1632 | P a g e
V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633
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                                                                                          1633 | P a g e

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  • 1. V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633 Evaluating Cluster Quality Using Modified Density Subspace Clustering Approach V.Kavitha1, Dr.M.Punithavalli2, 1 Research Scholar, Dept of Computer Science, Karpagam University Coimbatore, India. 2 Director,Dept of MCA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Engineering Coimbatore, India. Abstract Clustering of the time series data faced Identifying the groups of similar objects and helps to with curse of dimensionality, where real world discover distribution of patterns, finding the data consist of many dimensions. Finding the interesting correlations in large data sets. It has been clusters in feature space, subspace clustering is a subject of wide research since it arises in many growing task. Density based approach to identify application domains in engineering, business and clusters in dimensional point sets. Density social sciences. Especially, in the last years the subspace clustering is a method to detect the availability of huge transactional and experimental density-connected clusters in all subspaces of high data sets and the arising requirements for data dimensional data for clustering time series data mining created needs for clustering algorithms that streams Multidimensional data clustering scale and can be applied in diverse domains. evaluation can be done through a density-based approach. In this approach proposed, Density The clustering of the times series data subspace clustering algorithm is used to find best streams becomes one of the important problem in cluster result from the dataset. Density subspace data mining domain. Most of the traditional clustering algorithm selects the P set of attributes algorithms will not support the fast arrival of large from the dataset. Then apply the density amount of data stream. In several traditional clustering for selected attributes from the algorithms, a few one-pass clustering algorithms dataset .From the resultant cluster calculate the have been proposed for the data stream problem. intra and inter cluster distance. Measuring the These methods address the scalability issues of the similarity between data objects in sparse and clustering problem and evolving the data in the high-dimensional data in the dataset, Plays a very result and do not address the following issues: important role in the success or failure of a clustering method. Evaluate the similarity (1)The quality of the clusters is poor when the data between data points and consequently formulate evolves considerably over time. new criterion functions for clustering .Improve the accuracy and evaluate the similarity between (2) A data stream clustering algorithm requires much the data points in the clustering,. The proposed greater functionality to discovering accurate result algorithm also concentrates the Density and exploring clusters over different portions of the Divergence Problem (Outlier). Proposed system stream. clustering results compared them with existing Charu C. Aggarwal [5] proposed micro- clustering algorithms in terms of the Execution clustering phase in the online statistical data time, Cluster Quality analysis. Experimental collection portion of the algorithm. This method is results show that proposed system improves not dependent on any user input such as the time clustering quality result, and less time than the horizon or the required granularity of the clustering existing clustering methods. process. The aim of the method is to maintain statistics based on sufficiently high level granularity Keywords— Density Subspace Clustering, Intra used by the online components such as horizon- Cluster, Inter Cluster, Outlier, Hierarchical specific macro-clustering as well as evolution Clustering. analysis. I. INTRODUCTION The clustering of the time series data Clustering is one of the most important stream and incremental models are requiring a tasks in data mining process for discovering similar decisions before all the data are available in the groups and identifying interesting distributions and dataset. The models are not identical to find the best patterns in the underlying data. Clustering of the clustering result. time series DataStream problem is about partitioning Finding clusters in the feature space, a given data set into groups such that the data points subspace clustering is an emergent task. Clustering in a cluster are more similar to each other than points with dissimilarity measure is robust method to in different clusters .Cluster analysis [3] aims at handle large amount of data and able to estimate the 1627 | P a g e
  • 2. V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633 number of clusters automatically by avoid overlap. hierarchical algorithms are classified as Density subspace clustering is a method to detect the agglomerative (merging) or divisive (splitting). The density-connected clusters in all subspaces of high agglomerative approach starts with each data point dimensional data. In our proposed approach Density in a separate cluster or with a certain large number subspace clustering algorithm is used to find best of clusters. Each step of this approach merges the cluster result from the dataset. Density subspace two clusters that are the most similar. Thus after clustering algorithm selects the P set of attributes each step, the total number of clusters decreases. from the dataset. Then apply the density clustering This is repeated until the desired number of clusters for selected attributes from the dataset .From the is obtained or only one cluster remains. By contrast, resultant cluster calculate the intra and inter cluster the divisive approach starts with all data objects in distance. In this method finds the best cluster the same cluster. In each step, one cluster is split into distance, repeat the steps until all the attributes in the smaller clusters, until a termination condition holds. dataset are clustered among the clustered result in Agglomerative algorithms are more widely used in the dataset and finally finds the best cluster result. practice. Thus the similarities between clusters are more researched. Clustering methods are used to support estimates a data distribution for newly attracted data Hierarchical divisive methods generate a and their ability to generate cluster boundaries of classification in a top-down manner, by arbitrary shape, size and efficiently. Density based progressively sub-dividing the single cluster which clustering for measuring dynamic dissimilarity represents an entire dataset. Monothetic (divisions measure based on the dynamical system was based on just a single descriptor) hierarchical associated with Density estimating functions. divisive methods are generally much faster in Hypothetical basics of the system proposed measure operation than the corresponding polythetic are developed and applied to construct a different (divisions based on all descriptors) hierarchical clustering method that can efficiently partition of the divisive and hierarchical agglomerative methods, but whole data space in the dataset. Clustering based on tend to give poor results. Given a set of N items to the Density based clustering dissimilarity measure is be clustered, and an N*N distance (or similarity) robust to handle large amount of data in the dataset matrix, the basic process of hierarchical clustering and able to estimate the number of clusters 1. Start by assigning each item to a cluster, so automatically by avoid overlap. The dissimilarity that if you have N items, you now have N values are evaluated and clustering process is carried clusters, each containing just one item. Let out with the density values. the distances (similarities) between the clusters the same as the distances Similarity measures that take into (similarities) between the items they consideration on the context of the features have also contain. been employed but refer to continuous data, e.g., 2. Find the closest (most similar) pair of Mahalanobis distance. Dino Ienco proposed context- clusters and merge them into a single based distance for categorical attributes. The cluster, so that now you have one cluster motivation of this work is to measure the distance less. between two values of a categorical attribute Ai can 3. Compute distances (similarities) between be determined by which the values of the other the new cluster and each of the old clusters. attributes Aj are distributed in the dataset objects: if 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all items are they are similarly of the attributes distributed in the clustered into a single cluster of size N. (*) groups of data objects in correspondence of the distinct values of Ai a low value of distance was An easy way to comply with the conference obtained. Author also Propose also a solution to the paper formatting requirements is to use this critical point choice of the attributes Aj .The result document as a template and simply type your text was validated with various real world and synthetic into it. datasets, by embedding our distance learning method in both partitional and a hierarchical clustering B. Non Hierarchical Clustering algorithm. A non-hierarchical method generates a classification by partitioning a dataset, giving a set II. RELATED WORK of (generally) non-overlapping groups having no This work is based on hierarchical approach. hierarchical relationships between them. A So, the process is incremental clustering process. systematic evaluation of all possible partitions is quite infeasible, and many different heuristics have A. Hierarchical Clustering thus been described to allow the identification of A hierarchical clustering algorithm creates good, but possibly sub-optimal, partitions. Non- a hierarchical decomposition of the given set of data hierarchical methods are generally much less objects. Depending on the decomposition approach, demanding of computational resources than the 1628 | P a g e
  • 3. V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633 hierarchic methods, only a single partition of the system splits the cluster and assigns each of the dataset has to be formed. chosen variables to one of the new clusters, Three of the main categories of non-hierarchical becoming this pivot variable for that cluster. method are single-pass, relocation and nearest Afterwards, all remaining variables on the old neighbour: cluster are assigned to the new cluster which has the  Single-pass methods (e.g. Leader) produce closest pivot. New leaves start new statistics, clusters that are dependent upon the order assuming that only forthcoming information will be in which the compounds are processed, and useful to decide whether or not this cluster should be so will not be considered further; split. This feature increases the system's ability to  Relocation methods, such as k-means, cope with changing concepts as, later on, a test is assigns compounds to a user-defined performed such that if the diameters of the children number of seed clusters and then iteratively leaves approach the parent's diameter, then the reassign compounds to see if better clusters previously taken decision may no longer recent the result. Such methods are prone to reaching structure of data, so the system re-aggregates the local optima rather than a global optimum, leaves on the parent node, restarting statistics. We and it is generally not possible to determine propose our work to solve the density based when or whether the global optimum subspace system comparing to the different densities solution has been reached; at each of the subspace attributes system, each time  Nearest neighbor methods, such as the series data streams. Jarvis-Patrick method, assign compounds to the same cluster as some number of their B .Disadvantages of the existing system nearest neighbors. User-defined parameters  The split decision used in the algorithm determine how many nearest neighbors focus only focus on measuring the distance need to be considered, and the necessary between the two groups, which implies level of similarity between nearest neighbor high risk to solve the density problems at lists. different densities.  The different density at sub attribute values III. METHODOLOGY is changes to both intra and inter cluster. In Methodology, we discussed about the existing system ODAC and Proposed System of C.IHCA (Improved Hierarchical Clustering IHCA and MDSC algorithms. Algorithm) The Improved Hierarchical Clustering A. Online Divisive Agglomerative Clustering algorithm [IHCA] is an algorithm for an incremental The Online Divisive-Agglomerative clustering of streaming time sequence. It constructs a Clustering (ODAC) is an incremental approach for hierarchical tree-shaped structure of clusters by clustering streaming time series using a hierarchical using a top-down strategy. The leaves are the procedure over time. It constructs a tree-like resulting clusters, with each leaf grouping a set of hierarchy of clusters of streams, using a top-down variables. The system includes an incremental strategy based on the correlation between streams. distance measure and executes procedures for The system also possesses an agglomerative phase to expansion and aggregation of the tree based enhance a dynamic behaviour capable of structural structure. The system will be monitoring the flow of change detection. The ODAC (Online Divisive- continuous time series data. Then time interval will Agglomerative Clustering) system is a variable be fixed. Within the specific time interval the data clustering algorithm that constructs a hierarchical points will be partitioned. In a partition the diameter tree-shaped structure of clusters using a top-down is calculated. Diameter is nothing but the maximum strategy. The leaves are the resulting clusters, with a distance between the two points. Each and every set of variables at each leaf. The union of the leaves data point of the partition will be compare with the is the complete set of variables. The intersection of diameter value. If the data point is greater than the leaves is the empty set. The system encloses an diameter value then the split process will be execute incremental distance measure and executes otherwise the Aggregate (Merge) process will be procedures for expansion and aggregation of the performed. Based on the above criteria the tree-based structure, based on the diameters of the hierarchical tree will be growing. Here we have to clusters. The main setting of our system is the observe the splitting process, because the splitting monitoring of existing cluster's diameters. In a will decide the growth of clusters. In the proposed divisive hierarchical structure of clusters, technique the Hoeffding Bound is used for to considering stationary data streams, the overall intra- observe the splitting process. In IHCA the technique cluster dissimilarity should decrease with each split. unequality vapnik Chervonenkis is used for splitting For each existing cluster, the system finds the two process. Using this technique the observation of variables defining the diameter of that cluster. If a splitting process is improved. So, the cluster is given heuristic condition is met on this diameter, the grouping properly. 1629 | P a g e
  • 4. V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633 Set minPts In the Hoeffding Bound, If (q { C=0 (1) best distance =0 i=1…n Where, the observations starting that after n independent observations of the real valued random For each unvisited point P in dataset D mark P as visited variable r with range R, with confidence N = getNeighbours (P, eps) In the proposed algorithm, the range value if sizeof(N) < MinPts mark P as NOISE will be increase from R2 [1]to RN .[2] So the else observation process is not a fixed one. Depends on C = next cluster the number of nodes the system will generating the expandCluster (P, N, C, eps, MinPts) observation process. Calculate the average distance cluster D. Modified Density Subspace Clustering Instead of finding clusters in the full feature space, subspace clustering is an emergent task which denotes the jth datapoint which belongs to cluster aims at detecting clusters embedded in subspaces. A i. cluster is based on a high-density region in a Nc stands for number of clusters. subspace. To identify the dense region is a major is the distance between datapoint and problem. And some of the data points are forming out of the cluster range is called ―the density the cluster centroid . divergence problem‖. We propose a novel Modified xi stands for datapoint which belongs to cluster subspace clustering algorithm is to discover the centroid clusters based on the relative region densities in the best distance =0 subspaces attribute, where the clusters are regarded for each value as as regions whose densities are relatively high as if (fi >bestdistance) compared to the region densities in a subspace. { Based on this idea, different density thresholds are bestdistance=fi adaptively determined to discover the clusters in selected attribute set = from best distance fi different subspace attribute. We also devise an Hierarchical _clustering ( ) innovative algorithm, referred to as MDSC } (Modified Density Subspace clustering), to adopt a d=d+1 divide-and-conquer scheme to efficiently discover } clusters satisfying different density thresholds in End while different subspace cardinalities. } expandCluster (P, N, C, eps, MinPts) Advantages of the proposed system {  The proposed system efficiently discovers add P to cluster C clusters satisfying different density thresholds for each point P' in N in different subspace attributes. if P' is not visited  To reduce the Density Divergence Problem. mark P' as visited  To reduce the outlier. (The data points which N' = getNeighbours(P', eps) are out of the range). if sizeof(N') >= MinPts  To improve the Intra cluster and Inter cluster N = N joined with N' performance. if P' is not yet member of any cluster add P' to cluster C E. Algorithm for Modified Density Subspace Return the cluster C from the datapoint P. Clustering } 1. Initialize the selected attribute set and An –total Hierarchical _clustering ( ) attribute set X = {x1, x2, x3... xn} be the set of data points. 2. Select a set of attribute subset from at dataset I. Begin with the disjoint clustering having level L(0) d=1…n, = 0 and sequence number m = 0. While ( ==! null II. Find the least distance pair of clusters in the current clustering, say pair (Ci), (Cj), according to { d[(Ci), (Cj),] = min d[(i),(j)] =best distance where Set (eps) 1630 | P a g e
  • 5. V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633 the minimum is over all pairs of clusters in the D. Outlier current clustering. Outlier is nothing but, the data points which III. Increment the sequence number: are out of the range of the cluster. The outlier is m = m +1.Merge clusters Ci and Cj into a single calculated for the existing method of ODAC(Online cluster to form the next clustering m. Set the level Divisive Agglomerative Clustering) and the of this clustering to L(m) = d[(Ci), (Cj),] proposed method MDSC (Modified Density IV. Update the distance matrix, D, by Subspace Clustering). deleting the rows and columns corresponding to clusters (r) and (s) and adding a row and Outlier Calculation column corresponding to the newly formed cluster. Step 1: Intra Cluster value is calculated for all The distance between the new cluster, denoted (Ci), Clusters. (Cj) and old cluster (Ck) is defined in this way: d Step 2: Mean of the Intra cluster is found out. [(Ck), (Ci), (Cj)] = min [ d(k,i) ,d(k,j) ] Step 3: All the data points of the clusters will be V. If all the data points are in one cluster then stop, comparing with the mean value. else repeat from step 2. Step 4: After comparison, each data point will be decided whether the point will position within a 3. End cluster or out of the cluster. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS V.SYSTEM EVALUATION ON TIME The main objective of this chapter to SERIES DATA SET measure the proposed system result with the existing This proposed method is evaluated with system. Measuring the performance of cluster results different kinds of time series data sets. Three types and cluster analysis was measured in terms of the of data sets are used to evaluate the proposed Cluster Quality (Intra Cluster and Inter Cluster) and algorithm. The data sets are namely ECG Data, EEG Computation Time. The proposed system is very Data and Network Sensor Data. ECG Data set is much adapted with the dynamic performance of time used to find out the anomaly Identification. This data series data stream. We must evaluate our proposed set have three attributes namely time seconds, left system with real data produced by applications that peek and right peek. EEG Data set is used to find out generate time series data streams. abnormal personality. The name of the attributes is Trial number, Sensor value, Sensor position, Sample A. Evaluation Criteria for Clustering Quality number. The third type of data set is Network sensor. Generally, the criteria used to evaluate The name of he attributes is Total bytes, in bytes, out clustering methods concentrate on the quality of the bytes, Total Package, in package, out package, resulting clusters. Given the hierarchical Events. characteristics of the system, the quality of the hierarchy is constructed by our algorithm. And A. Record Set Specification another evaluation criterion is computation time of TABLE I DATA SET SPECIFICATION the system. Data Set Number of Number of Instance Attributes B. Cluster Quality ECG 1800 3 A good clustering algorithm will produce EEG 1644 4 high quality based on intra cluster similarity and Sensor 2500 7 inter cluster similarity measures. The quality of the Network clustering result depends on the similarity measure Using the above three kinds of data sets we have used by the method and its implementation. The to calculate Execution time of the system, Intra quality of a clustering method is also measured by cluster , Inter cluster and outlier of the cluster. its ability to discover some or all of the hidden patterns. The criteria for measuring the cluster B. Result of Outlier quality of intra clusters similarity will be high. And TABLE2 OUTLIER SPECIFICATION the inter cluster similarity will be low. For analysing cluster quality will be in two forms, First one is finding groups of objects will be related to one Technique Outlier Points another. And second one is finding the group of Existing 152 objects that differ from the objects in other groups. System(ODAC) Existing 123 C. Computation Time System(IHCA) Another evaluation of this work is Proposed 63 calculating the computation time of the process. The System(MDSC) complexity of execution time will be decreased when using the proposed work. 1631 | P a g e
  • 6. V.Kavitha, Dr.M.Punithavalli / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 1, January -February 2013, pp.1627-1633 C.Result of Execution Time FIGURE 2 The following table shows that the difference INTRA CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND between the two techniques of the system execution PROPOSED SYSTEM time. TABLE 3 EXECUTION TIME BETWEEN EXISIING AND PROPOSED Existing System No of Time in seconds Proposed System Time in seconds Clusters ODAC IHCA MDSC 2 2.0343 1.9066 1.3782 4 2.0493 1.9216 1.3664 6 2.1043 1.9766 1.3641 TABLE 5 8 2.1115 1.9838 1.3901 INTER CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND 10 2.0536 1.9259 1.3251 PROPOSED SYSTEM FIGURE 1 EXECUTION TIME BETWEEN THE EXISTING Existing AND PROPOSED SYSTEMS System Inter Cluster Proposed System Inter Cluster No of Clusters ODAC IHCA MDSC 2 295.64 375.84 393.26 4 262.72 279.07 296.42 6 233.27 204.84 222.26 8 156.65 148.74 166.16 10 136.54 119.89 137.31 FIGURE 3 INTER CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND PROPOSED SYSTEM TABLE 4 INTRA CLUSTER BETWEEN EXISIING AND PROPOSED SYSTEM Existing System No of Intra Cluster Proposed System Intra Cluster Clusters ODAC IHCA MDSC 2 898.94 865.15 831.72 4 448.87 415.63 382.21 6 346.56 313.41 279.98 VI.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 8 271.54 238.54 205.11 Clustering of the time series data faced with curse of dimensionality, where real world data 10 199.04 166.04 132.61 consist of many dimensions. Finding the clusters in feature space, subspace clustering is an growing task. 1632 | P a g e
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