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                                                                 Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149– 3153

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Investigation of As-doped ZnO films synthesized via thermal annealing of
ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures
O. Maksimov Ã, B.Z. Liu
Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA

a r t i c l e in fo                                    abstract

Article history:                                       We synthesized ZnO films via oxidative annealing of ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures and investigated their
Received 29 January 2008                               structural and optical properties. Films were polycrystalline, c-axis oriented and exhibited superior
Received in revised form                               optical properties. In addition, we detected nanometer-size As clusters into the ZnO film and a GaxOy
26 February 2008                                       layer at the ZnO/GaAs interface. Formation of an interfacial layer can prevent use of this technique for
Accepted 14 March 2008
                                                       p-type doping and complicates identification of the origin of p-type response in the annealed ZnO/GaAs
Communicated by R. Fornari
Available online 20 March 2008                         heterostructures.
                                                                                                                       & 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

A1. Auger electron spectroscopy
A1. p-Type doping
B1. ZnO
B2. Semiconducting II–VI materials

1. Introduction                                                                               with transition metals [5] coupled with nanosecond-long spin
                                                                                              coherence time measured at low temperatures [6] makes this
    There is a broad technological and scientific interest in zinc                             material extremely promising for future application in spin
oxide (ZnO) due to its unique physical and chemical properties [1].                           electronics.
It is a radiatively hard wide band gap semiconductor (EG$3.37 eV)                                 Although high crystalline quality ZnO films were grown using
that can be easily doped n-type. Its band gap energy can be tuned                             molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), chemical vapor deposition (CVD),
by alloying with MgO and CdO from 7.9 to 2.3 eV [2], covering                                 and pulsed laser deposition (PLD), further progress in this area is
deep-UV to visible regions of the spectrum. It has a much higher                              slowed down by the difficulties associated with doping ZnO
exciton binding energy, 60 meV, when compared with other wide                                 p-type. It is generally acknowledged that high enough doping
band gap semiconductors like GaN or SiC, leading to the efficient                              levels are difficult to achieve both due to the background n-type
excitonic transitions at room temperature. In addition, owing to                              doping originating from the presence of H impurities and point
the availability of native substrates and amenability to wet                                  defects, such as O vacancies and Zn interstitials [7–11], and due to
chemical etching, ZnO is an extremely promising material for                                  the large acceptor activation energies and/or low solubility of
the development of optoelectronic devices, such as ultraviolet and                            commonly used group V (N, P, As) and group I (Li) dopants. In
visible light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors. ZnO nanos-                                addition, a slow transition from p-type to n-type conductivity was
tructures (nanoparticles, nanorods, nanobelts, etc.), which can be                            observed by a number of research groups. It was tentatively
synthesized using inexpensive physical vapor transport techni-                                assigned either to the acceptor migration from the substitutional
ques, were shown to be extremely promising for application as gas                             to the interstitial position or to the hydrogen diffusion [12,13].
sensors, due to the large surface to volume ratio [3], and                                        In spite of these difficulties, there are reports of ZnO-doped
microlasers due to the superior optical properties [4]. Further-                              p-type with group V (N [14,15], P [16,17], As [18–22], and Sb
more, reports of high-temperature ferromagnetism in ZnO doped                                 [23,24]) and group I (Li [25]) elements. Co-doping with
                                                                                              two potential acceptors (N and As) [26] or acceptor and donor
                                                                                              (N and Al) [27,28] was also used. In the case of the acceptor–donor
  Ã Corresponding author. Tel.: +17242956624; fax: +17242956617.                              co-doping, the improvement is believed to be primarily due to the
    E-mail address: (O. Maksimov).                                       higher solubility of the forming N–Al–N complex. A temperature

0022-0248/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

3150                                     O. Maksimov, B.Z. Liu / Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149–3153

modulation epitaxy technique was also applied to achieve
                                                                                                             002 GaAs
N-doped p-type ZnO [29]. Here, nitrogen-doped layers were

                                                                                                                                    Intensity (Arb. Units)
grown at low temperature (400 1C) to increase solubility followed
by the deposition of thin undoped layer at high temperature                                                    002
(950 1C) to improve crystalline quality.                                                                                                                                      3.05
    In particular, p-type doping utilizing thermal As diffusion from

                                                                               Intensity (Arb. Units)
GaAs substrates into the ZnO films [18,21,30–34] and by oxidation
of the ZnTe/GaAs heterostrucutres [35,36] was realized by a number
of research groups. In addition, both n- and p-type ZnO films were
synthesized through the annealing of undoped ZnSe crystals in the                                                                                            12     16       20         24
activated oxygen atmosphere (radical beam gettering epitaxy)                                                                                                        ω (deg.)
[37,38]. However, additional effects, such as formation of an
interfacial Zn2As2O7 layer [39], Ga diffusion into ZnO film [40,41],                                                                                                           004GaAs
and Zn diffusion into the GaAs substrate [42] were also reported.                                                                                                 110
Also, isolated As atoms should act either as deep acceptors (As is
incorporated substitutionally at the O position—AsO) and donors                                                                                                    x100
                                                                                                                101                                                                    004
(As is incorporated substitutionally at the Zn position—AsZn) or
remain amphoteric (As is incorporated interstitially—Asi). Thus,
p-type conductivity is explained by the formation of a complex with                                     30            40              50                            60            70
two spontaneous Zn vacancies (AsZnÀ2VZn) [43]. Clearly, data                                                                     Θ -2Θ (deg.)
interpretation is not straightforward and the origin of the p-type            Fig. 1. XRD yÀ2y scan registered from the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure.
response remains controversial. Hence, we synthesized ZnO films by             Inset is the XRD o scan registered for the /0 0 2S ZnO peak.
thermal oxidation of MBE-grown ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures and
investigated their structural and optical properties. A particular            /0 0 1S or c-axis preferred orientation is usually observed due
emphasis was dedicated to the film/substrate interface that was                to its lowest surface free energy. Some misoriented ZnO grains
examined using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES).                             (/1 0 1S, /1 0 2S and /11 0S) are also present. There were
                                                                              observations of Te and ZnO2 inclusions in the oxidized ZnTe and
2. Experimental details                                                       ZnxNy films [35,46]. Here, we do not detect any peaks that can be
                                                                              indexed as ZnSe, Se, or ZnO2 phases suggesting that ZnSe was
    High crystalline quality ZnSe films were grown in the Veeco                entirely transformed into ZnO by oxidative annealing. The /0 0 2S
MBE system on the epi-ready semi-insulating (0 0 1) GaAs                      ZnO peak is relatively narrow, with a full-width at half-maximum
substrates. Next, they were oxidized in a horizontal tube furnace             (FWHM) of $0.31, which is comparable to the previous reports
by annealing in an oxygen flow for 2 h at 500 1C. Our annealing time           [31,49]. This corresponds to the mean grain size of $27 nm
exceeds rapid annealing used for ZnTe films (1–25 min) [35,36] and             calculated using the Scherrer formula
is comparable to the long annealing (1–5 h) applied toward ZnS
[44,45] and ZnxNy [46–48] films to assure full transformation of               D ¼ 0:89l=b cos y
ZnSe into the ZnO. Thickness of ZnSe films was varied between                                                                ˚
                                                                              where l is the X-ray wavelength (1.5406 A), b is the FWHM of
300 nm and 1 mm. Since similar results were obtained for all of the
                                                                              the diffraction peak in radians, and y is the Bragg diffraction
films, only the data for a 700-nm thick film is presented.
                                                                              angle [50].
    Structural and optical properties of the annealed films were
                                                                                 Inset of Fig. 1 is the o scan (rocking curve) of the /0 0 2S peak
investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and photolumi-
                                                                              that shows out-of-plane mosaic spread and serves a good
nescence (PL) spectroscopies. XRD measurements were carried out
                                                                              indication of crystalline quality. Although it is broader
in yÀ2y and o modes (to determine out-of-plane orientation and
                                                                              (FWHM$3.051) than measured for the PLD-grown ZnO films
mosaic spread) using a Scintag X2 diffractometer. Raman measure-
                                                                              (FWHM$1.451) [51], it is comparable to the value reported for
ments were performed in a backscattering geometry using a
                                                                              ZnO film heavily doped with P (FWHM$3.211) [52]. Thus, dopant
confocal Raman set up (CRM 200, WITec) equipped with an Ar+ -ion
                                                                              (As) incorporation could be the reason of the rocking curve
laser (a 488 nm line focused with a 40 Â objective was used for
excitation), Actron spectrometer, and a charge-couple device
                                                                                 Fig. 2 is the Raman spectrum collected from the annealed
camera (Andor DV401-BV CCD). PL measurements were performed
                                                                              ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. As is expected for a highly textured
at room temperature. Luminescence was excited with a 266 nm line
                                                                              film measured in a backscattering geometry, only EHigh (435 cmÀ1)
of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser (Microchip NanoUV-266, JDS Uniphase),
                                                                              and ALO (569 cmÀ1) modes are observed [53]. ALO peak is much
                                                                                    1                                             1
spectrally resolved through a spectrometer (ISA, Edison), and
                                                                              more intense, when compared with EHigh and has a characteristic
detected with a photomultiplier tube.
                                                                              asymmetric shape with a low-energy tail. An increase in intensity
    The morphology was investigated with scanning electron
                                                                              of an ALO peak was reported for the N-doped ZnO [54] while
microscopy (SEM) in the field emission SEM (JEOL 6700F). The
                                                                              similar asymmetry was recorded for a Sb-doped ZnO [55]. Thus,
surface and in-depth composition analysis was performed by AES
                                                                              shape and intensity of ALO mode can serve an indication of dopant
in the Physical Electronics 670 filed emission scanning Auger
nanoprobe using a 10 KeV and 10 nA electron beam. The samples
                                                                                 In addition to the two lines originating from the ZnO film, three
were 301 tilted with respect to the electron beam during analysis.
                                                                              more are present at a low-energy side of the spectrum. An intense
Three KV Ar ion sputtering was used for depth profiling.
                                                                              peak at 292 cmÀ1 is the LO mode from the GaAs substrate. Two
                                                                              other peaks recorded at 199 and 257 cmÀ1 require more attention.
3. Results and discussion                                                     They can be assigned as Eg and A1g modes of the crystalline As [56]
                                                                              indicating there are nanometer-size As clusters dispersed into the
    Fig. 1 is a yÀ2y scan collected from the annealed ZnSe film.               ZnO layer. Absence of the As peaks in the XRD spectrum can be
It reveals that the film is a highly textured /0 0 2S ZnO. Such                explained by their small volume fraction.

                                                                   O. Maksimov, B.Z. Liu / Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149–3153                                                           3151

                                                       A1g (As)                                                                                 3.262 eV

                                                                                                         Intensity (Arb. Units)
                                                       LO (GaAs)
                                       Eg (As)

                                                                                                                                                            165 meV
                                                                              LO (ZnO)
Intensity (Arb. Units)


                                                          E2high (ZnO)
                                                                                                                                    3.5               3.0                  2.5                 2.0
                                                                                                                                                             Energy (eV)

                                                                                                        Fig. 4. PL spectrum collected at room temperature from the annealed ZnSe/GaAs

                                                                                                                                                                                           Si KLL

                                                                                                                                            O KLL
                                             200              400                   600                                                                          Zn LMM
                                                      Raman Shift (cm-1)
                                                                                                         Intensity (Arb. Units)

Fig. 2. Raman spectrum collected from the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure.                                                                                              As LMM

                                                                                                                                  C LMM

                                                                                                                                  200     400   600      800      1000     1200     1400      1600
                                                                                                                                                        Kinetic Energy (eV)

                                                                                                        Fig. 5. AES survery spectrum from the surface of the annealed ZnSe/GaAs

                                                                                                            Fig. 5 shows a surface spectrum acquired prior to sputtering. In
                                                                                                        addition to the expected Zn, O, and As, Si and C are found. While C
                                                                                                        is from the hydrocarbon contamination unavoidable during the
                            Fig. 3. SEM image of the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure.
                                                                                                        sample handling, Si contamination may come from the wall of the
                                                                                                        quartz tube during annealing. Both C and Si are present only on
   Fig. 3 is the SEM micrograph showing the surface of the ZnO                                          the surface. Se or Ga are not observed, indicating these elements
film. It is composed of dense grains with uniform size distribution                                      are either not present or below the detection limit of the
as is expected for a polycrystalline film.                                                               technique. The presence of As on the surface indicates possible
   Fig. 4 is the PL spectrum collected at room temperature. It is                                       diffusion of As into ZnO, which is confirmed by the depth profile,
dominated by an intense, narrow (FWHM$165 meV) band edge                                                as shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that As is uniformly distributed
emission line at $3.262 eV. No significant deep-level emission,                                          within the ZnO film (Region I), with a concentration of roughly 8.5
usually originated from the point defects such as Zn vacancies                                          atomic percents. Thermally activated As diffusion from the GaAs
(VZn), Zn interstitials (Zni), and oxygen vacancies (VO), [1] is                                        substrate into the ZnO film was previously detected using
present at $2.4 eV. Thus, although the film is polycrystalline,                                          secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) [18,30,35,41,57]. Arsenic
individual ZnO grains are close to stoichiometry and of high                                            content depended on the deposition/annealing conditions with up
optical quality. We should note that superior optical properties                                        to 1021 cmÀ3 As atoms usually incorporated into ZnO. By
were reported for the ZnO films obtained via oxidative annealing                                         comparison, our As concentration is higher, probably, due to the
of ZnS [44,45] and Zn3N2 [47].                                                                          long annealing time. Since it is above the solubility limit,

3152                                                                      O. Maksimov, B.Z. Liu / Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149–3153

                                80                                                                             this layer should have a nanocrystalline or amorphous structure.
                                           Region I               Region II             Region III             Thus, oxidation of ZnSe is not self-limiting process at this film
Approx. concentration (atom%)

                                                                                                               thickness (o1 mm) and further oxidation of GaAs substrate occurs.
                                60                                                                             Furthermore, As diffusion into the ZnO layer can be facilitated by
                                                                                                               the oxidation process through the anion exchange observed in the
                                                                                                Ga             ZnSe/GaAs system [59,60]. We should also mention that Ga2O3
                                40                                                              As             layer was detected at the ZnO/(Cu, In)GaSe2 [61] and ZnO/GaN
                                                                                                               interfaces [62,63]. Since much higher temperatures (41000 1C)
                                                                                                               are required to promote reaction between ZnO and Ga2O3 [64], we
                                                                                                               do not expect formation of more complex phases like ZnGa2O4.
                                                                                                               Still, GaxOy interfacial layer can prevent use of oxidative annealing
                                                                                                               for p-type doping and complicates identification of the origin of
                                                                                                               p-type response in the annealed ZnO/GaAs heterostructures. For
                                                                                                               example, Zn-doped Ga2O3 is a p-type wide band gap semicon-
                                                         Sputtering time (s)
                                                                                                               ductor (EG$4.8 eV) [65,66]. Then, electroluminescence may be
Fig. 6. Depth profile of the annealed ZnSe(700 nm)/GaAs heterostructure.                                        due to the hole injection from the p-type Ga2O3 into the ZnO.
Quantification is performed by applying instrument-default relative sensitivity                                     While GaxOy interfacial layer does not form in many cases, for
factors to the integrated peak areas. The slight off-stoichiometry may arise either
                                                                                                               example when a few mm thick ZnTe is used [35,36], some of the
from the deviation of the instrument-default relative sensitivity factors from the
real values, or from other factors like preferential sputtering.
                                                                                                               previous reports of successful p-type doping [18] and device
                                                                                                               fabrication [31–34] using As diffusion into the ZnO/GaAs hetero-
                                                                                                               structures have to be revisited since very limited structural
                                                                                                               characterization is reported. Clearly, SIMS data cannot be used as
                                                                                                               the proof of substitutional or interstitial As incorporation into the
                                                                                                               ZnO alloy. Instead, As can be present in the nanometer-size
                                                                                                               clusters. Finally, detailed structural characterization should be
                                                                                                               performed in each case with particular attention being dedicated
dN (E)/dE (a.u.)

                                                                                                               toward the ZnO/GaAs interface to exclude interfacial layer
                                                             Ga in                                             formation.
                                                             Region III
                                     Ga in
                                     Region II                                                                 4. Conclusions

                                                                                                                   We synthesized ZnO films via oxidative annealing of ZnSe/
                                                                                                               GaAs heterostructures and investigated their optical and structur-
                                                                                                               al properties using a wide range of techniques. Films were highly
                                                                                                               textured and exhibited sharp band edge PL at room temperature.
                    1065                  1070               1075                1080                1085      We observed that As diffusion into ZnO layer is accompanied by
                                                      Kinetic Energy (eV)                                      the formation of nanometer-size As clusters within the ZnO
                                                                                                               film and a GaxOy layer at the ZnO/GaAs interface. Such a layer
Fig. 7. The Ga LMM spectra acquired at different depths from the annealed
                                                                                                               complicates identification of the origin of p-type response in the
ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure.
                                                                                                               annealed ZnO/GaAs heterostructures and can prevent use of
                                                                                                               oxidative annealing for p-type doping.
formation of As clusters, detected using Raman spectroscopy, is
not surprising. Due to the presence of clusters, we cannot judge on
the amount of As incorporated into ZnO alloy at the substitutional
(AsO and AsZn) and interstitial (Asi) positions and on the efficiency
of thermal activated diffusion as a doping technique.                                                             This work was partially supported by the Department of the
                                                                                                               Navy, Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-07-1-0460.
    Fig. 6 also shows that the zinc/oxygen ratio remains constant
($0.65) within the ZnO film in Region I, indicating uniform                                                     Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations
oxidation of ZnSe film during annealing. The slight off-stoichio-                                               expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not
metry may arise either from the deviation of the instrument-                                                   necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Naval Research.
default relative sensitivity factors from the real values, or from                                                I would also like to thank Dr. Nitin Samarth (Pennsylvania State
other factors like preferential sputtering. Notice that Ga is not                                              University) for providing ZnSe films. The authors acknowledge use
present within the ZnO film, and low concentration of Ga in                                                     of facilities at the PSU Site of the NSF NNIN under Agree-
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Investigation of As-doped ZnO films synthesized via thermal annealing of ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures

  • 1. ARTICLE IN PRESS Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149– 3153 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Crystal Growth journal homepage: Investigation of As-doped ZnO films synthesized via thermal annealing of ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures O. Maksimov Ã, B.Z. Liu Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA a r t i c l e in fo abstract Article history: We synthesized ZnO films via oxidative annealing of ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures and investigated their Received 29 January 2008 structural and optical properties. Films were polycrystalline, c-axis oriented and exhibited superior Received in revised form optical properties. In addition, we detected nanometer-size As clusters into the ZnO film and a GaxOy 26 February 2008 layer at the ZnO/GaAs interface. Formation of an interfacial layer can prevent use of this technique for Accepted 14 March 2008 p-type doping and complicates identification of the origin of p-type response in the annealed ZnO/GaAs Communicated by R. Fornari Available online 20 March 2008 heterostructures. & 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 71.55.Gs 81.40.Ef 82.80.Pv 87.64.Bx Keywords: A1. Auger electron spectroscopy A1. p-Type doping B1. ZnO B2. Semiconducting II–VI materials 1. Introduction with transition metals [5] coupled with nanosecond-long spin coherence time measured at low temperatures [6] makes this There is a broad technological and scientific interest in zinc material extremely promising for future application in spin oxide (ZnO) due to its unique physical and chemical properties [1]. electronics. It is a radiatively hard wide band gap semiconductor (EG$3.37 eV) Although high crystalline quality ZnO films were grown using that can be easily doped n-type. Its band gap energy can be tuned molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), by alloying with MgO and CdO from 7.9 to 2.3 eV [2], covering and pulsed laser deposition (PLD), further progress in this area is deep-UV to visible regions of the spectrum. It has a much higher slowed down by the difficulties associated with doping ZnO exciton binding energy, 60 meV, when compared with other wide p-type. It is generally acknowledged that high enough doping band gap semiconductors like GaN or SiC, leading to the efficient levels are difficult to achieve both due to the background n-type excitonic transitions at room temperature. In addition, owing to doping originating from the presence of H impurities and point the availability of native substrates and amenability to wet defects, such as O vacancies and Zn interstitials [7–11], and due to chemical etching, ZnO is an extremely promising material for the large acceptor activation energies and/or low solubility of the development of optoelectronic devices, such as ultraviolet and commonly used group V (N, P, As) and group I (Li) dopants. In visible light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and detectors. ZnO nanos- addition, a slow transition from p-type to n-type conductivity was tructures (nanoparticles, nanorods, nanobelts, etc.), which can be observed by a number of research groups. It was tentatively synthesized using inexpensive physical vapor transport techni- assigned either to the acceptor migration from the substitutional ques, were shown to be extremely promising for application as gas to the interstitial position or to the hydrogen diffusion [12,13]. sensors, due to the large surface to volume ratio [3], and In spite of these difficulties, there are reports of ZnO-doped microlasers due to the superior optical properties [4]. Further- p-type with group V (N [14,15], P [16,17], As [18–22], and Sb more, reports of high-temperature ferromagnetism in ZnO doped [23,24]) and group I (Li [25]) elements. Co-doping with two potential acceptors (N and As) [26] or acceptor and donor (N and Al) [27,28] was also used. In the case of the acceptor–donor à Corresponding author. Tel.: +17242956624; fax: +17242956617. co-doping, the improvement is believed to be primarily due to the E-mail address: (O. Maksimov). higher solubility of the forming N–Al–N complex. A temperature 0022-0248/$ - see front matter & 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.03.027
  • 2. ARTICLE IN PRESS 3150 O. Maksimov, B.Z. Liu / Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149–3153 modulation epitaxy technique was also applied to achieve 002 GaAs N-doped p-type ZnO [29]. Here, nitrogen-doped layers were Intensity (Arb. Units) grown at low temperature (400 1C) to increase solubility followed by the deposition of thin undoped layer at high temperature 002 (950 1C) to improve crystalline quality. 3.05 In particular, p-type doping utilizing thermal As diffusion from Intensity (Arb. Units) GaAs substrates into the ZnO films [18,21,30–34] and by oxidation of the ZnTe/GaAs heterostrucutres [35,36] was realized by a number of research groups. In addition, both n- and p-type ZnO films were 102 synthesized through the annealing of undoped ZnSe crystals in the 12 16 20 24 activated oxygen atmosphere (radical beam gettering epitaxy) ω (deg.) [37,38]. However, additional effects, such as formation of an interfacial Zn2As2O7 layer [39], Ga diffusion into ZnO film [40,41], 004GaAs and Zn diffusion into the GaAs substrate [42] were also reported. 110 Also, isolated As atoms should act either as deep acceptors (As is incorporated substitutionally at the O position—AsO) and donors x100 101 004 (As is incorporated substitutionally at the Zn position—AsZn) or remain amphoteric (As is incorporated interstitially—Asi). Thus, p-type conductivity is explained by the formation of a complex with 30 40 50 60 70 two spontaneous Zn vacancies (AsZnÀ2VZn) [43]. Clearly, data Θ -2Θ (deg.) interpretation is not straightforward and the origin of the p-type Fig. 1. XRD yÀ2y scan registered from the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. response remains controversial. Hence, we synthesized ZnO films by Inset is the XRD o scan registered for the /0 0 2S ZnO peak. thermal oxidation of MBE-grown ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures and investigated their structural and optical properties. A particular /0 0 1S or c-axis preferred orientation is usually observed due emphasis was dedicated to the film/substrate interface that was to its lowest surface free energy. Some misoriented ZnO grains examined using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). (/1 0 1S, /1 0 2S and /11 0S) are also present. There were observations of Te and ZnO2 inclusions in the oxidized ZnTe and 2. Experimental details ZnxNy films [35,46]. Here, we do not detect any peaks that can be indexed as ZnSe, Se, or ZnO2 phases suggesting that ZnSe was High crystalline quality ZnSe films were grown in the Veeco entirely transformed into ZnO by oxidative annealing. The /0 0 2S MBE system on the epi-ready semi-insulating (0 0 1) GaAs ZnO peak is relatively narrow, with a full-width at half-maximum substrates. Next, they were oxidized in a horizontal tube furnace (FWHM) of $0.31, which is comparable to the previous reports by annealing in an oxygen flow for 2 h at 500 1C. Our annealing time [31,49]. This corresponds to the mean grain size of $27 nm exceeds rapid annealing used for ZnTe films (1–25 min) [35,36] and calculated using the Scherrer formula is comparable to the long annealing (1–5 h) applied toward ZnS [44,45] and ZnxNy [46–48] films to assure full transformation of D ¼ 0:89l=b cos y ZnSe into the ZnO. Thickness of ZnSe films was varied between ˚ where l is the X-ray wavelength (1.5406 A), b is the FWHM of 300 nm and 1 mm. Since similar results were obtained for all of the the diffraction peak in radians, and y is the Bragg diffraction films, only the data for a 700-nm thick film is presented. angle [50]. Structural and optical properties of the annealed films were Inset of Fig. 1 is the o scan (rocking curve) of the /0 0 2S peak investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and photolumi- that shows out-of-plane mosaic spread and serves a good nescence (PL) spectroscopies. XRD measurements were carried out indication of crystalline quality. Although it is broader in yÀ2y and o modes (to determine out-of-plane orientation and (FWHM$3.051) than measured for the PLD-grown ZnO films mosaic spread) using a Scintag X2 diffractometer. Raman measure- (FWHM$1.451) [51], it is comparable to the value reported for ments were performed in a backscattering geometry using a ZnO film heavily doped with P (FWHM$3.211) [52]. Thus, dopant confocal Raman set up (CRM 200, WITec) equipped with an Ar+ -ion (As) incorporation could be the reason of the rocking curve laser (a 488 nm line focused with a 40 Â objective was used for broadening. excitation), Actron spectrometer, and a charge-couple device Fig. 2 is the Raman spectrum collected from the annealed camera (Andor DV401-BV CCD). PL measurements were performed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. As is expected for a highly textured at room temperature. Luminescence was excited with a 266 nm line film measured in a backscattering geometry, only EHigh (435 cmÀ1) 2 of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser (Microchip NanoUV-266, JDS Uniphase), and ALO (569 cmÀ1) modes are observed [53]. ALO peak is much 1 1 spectrally resolved through a spectrometer (ISA, Edison), and more intense, when compared with EHigh and has a characteristic 2 detected with a photomultiplier tube. asymmetric shape with a low-energy tail. An increase in intensity The morphology was investigated with scanning electron of an ALO peak was reported for the N-doped ZnO [54] while 1 microscopy (SEM) in the field emission SEM (JEOL 6700F). The similar asymmetry was recorded for a Sb-doped ZnO [55]. Thus, surface and in-depth composition analysis was performed by AES shape and intensity of ALO mode can serve an indication of dopant 1 in the Physical Electronics 670 filed emission scanning Auger incorporation. nanoprobe using a 10 KeV and 10 nA electron beam. The samples In addition to the two lines originating from the ZnO film, three were 301 tilted with respect to the electron beam during analysis. more are present at a low-energy side of the spectrum. An intense Three KV Ar ion sputtering was used for depth profiling. peak at 292 cmÀ1 is the LO mode from the GaAs substrate. Two other peaks recorded at 199 and 257 cmÀ1 require more attention. 3. Results and discussion They can be assigned as Eg and A1g modes of the crystalline As [56] indicating there are nanometer-size As clusters dispersed into the Fig. 1 is a yÀ2y scan collected from the annealed ZnSe film. ZnO layer. Absence of the As peaks in the XRD spectrum can be It reveals that the film is a highly textured /0 0 2S ZnO. Such explained by their small volume fraction.
  • 3. ARTICLE IN PRESS O. Maksimov, B.Z. Liu / Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149–3153 3151 A1g (As) 3.262 eV 7000 Intensity (Arb. Units) LO (GaAs) Eg (As) 165 meV LO (ZnO) Intensity (Arb. Units) A1 6000 E2high (ZnO) 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Energy (eV) Fig. 4. PL spectrum collected at room temperature from the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. 5000 Si KLL O KLL 200 400 600 Zn LMM Raman Shift (cm-1) Intensity (Arb. Units) Fig. 2. Raman spectrum collected from the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. As LMM C LMM 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Kinetic Energy (eV) Fig. 5. AES survery spectrum from the surface of the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. Fig. 5 shows a surface spectrum acquired prior to sputtering. In addition to the expected Zn, O, and As, Si and C are found. While C is from the hydrocarbon contamination unavoidable during the Fig. 3. SEM image of the annealed ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. sample handling, Si contamination may come from the wall of the quartz tube during annealing. Both C and Si are present only on Fig. 3 is the SEM micrograph showing the surface of the ZnO the surface. Se or Ga are not observed, indicating these elements film. It is composed of dense grains with uniform size distribution are either not present or below the detection limit of the as is expected for a polycrystalline film. technique. The presence of As on the surface indicates possible Fig. 4 is the PL spectrum collected at room temperature. It is diffusion of As into ZnO, which is confirmed by the depth profile, dominated by an intense, narrow (FWHM$165 meV) band edge as shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen that As is uniformly distributed emission line at $3.262 eV. No significant deep-level emission, within the ZnO film (Region I), with a concentration of roughly 8.5 usually originated from the point defects such as Zn vacancies atomic percents. Thermally activated As diffusion from the GaAs (VZn), Zn interstitials (Zni), and oxygen vacancies (VO), [1] is substrate into the ZnO film was previously detected using present at $2.4 eV. Thus, although the film is polycrystalline, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) [18,30,35,41,57]. Arsenic individual ZnO grains are close to stoichiometry and of high content depended on the deposition/annealing conditions with up optical quality. We should note that superior optical properties to 1021 cmÀ3 As atoms usually incorporated into ZnO. By were reported for the ZnO films obtained via oxidative annealing comparison, our As concentration is higher, probably, due to the of ZnS [44,45] and Zn3N2 [47]. long annealing time. Since it is above the solubility limit,
  • 4. ARTICLE IN PRESS 3152 O. Maksimov, B.Z. Liu / Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3149–3153 80 this layer should have a nanocrystalline or amorphous structure. Region I Region II Region III Thus, oxidation of ZnSe is not self-limiting process at this film Approx. concentration (atom%) thickness (o1 mm) and further oxidation of GaAs substrate occurs. 60 Furthermore, As diffusion into the ZnO layer can be facilitated by O the oxidation process through the anion exchange observed in the Zn Ga ZnSe/GaAs system [59,60]. We should also mention that Ga2O3 40 As layer was detected at the ZnO/(Cu, In)GaSe2 [61] and ZnO/GaN interfaces [62,63]. Since much higher temperatures (41000 1C) are required to promote reaction between ZnO and Ga2O3 [64], we do not expect formation of more complex phases like ZnGa2O4. 20 Still, GaxOy interfacial layer can prevent use of oxidative annealing for p-type doping and complicates identification of the origin of p-type response in the annealed ZnO/GaAs heterostructures. For 0 example, Zn-doped Ga2O3 is a p-type wide band gap semicon- Sputtering time (s) ductor (EG$4.8 eV) [65,66]. Then, electroluminescence may be Fig. 6. Depth profile of the annealed ZnSe(700 nm)/GaAs heterostructure. due to the hole injection from the p-type Ga2O3 into the ZnO. Quantification is performed by applying instrument-default relative sensitivity While GaxOy interfacial layer does not form in many cases, for factors to the integrated peak areas. The slight off-stoichiometry may arise either example when a few mm thick ZnTe is used [35,36], some of the from the deviation of the instrument-default relative sensitivity factors from the real values, or from other factors like preferential sputtering. previous reports of successful p-type doping [18] and device fabrication [31–34] using As diffusion into the ZnO/GaAs hetero- structures have to be revisited since very limited structural characterization is reported. Clearly, SIMS data cannot be used as the proof of substitutional or interstitial As incorporation into the ZnO alloy. Instead, As can be present in the nanometer-size clusters. Finally, detailed structural characterization should be performed in each case with particular attention being dedicated dN (E)/dE (a.u.) toward the ZnO/GaAs interface to exclude interfacial layer Ga in formation. Region III Ga in Region II 4. Conclusions We synthesized ZnO films via oxidative annealing of ZnSe/ GaAs heterostructures and investigated their optical and structur- al properties using a wide range of techniques. Films were highly textured and exhibited sharp band edge PL at room temperature. 1065 1070 1075 1080 1085 We observed that As diffusion into ZnO layer is accompanied by Kinetic Energy (eV) the formation of nanometer-size As clusters within the ZnO film and a GaxOy layer at the ZnO/GaAs interface. Such a layer Fig. 7. The Ga LMM spectra acquired at different depths from the annealed complicates identification of the origin of p-type response in the ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. annealed ZnO/GaAs heterostructures and can prevent use of oxidative annealing for p-type doping. formation of As clusters, detected using Raman spectroscopy, is not surprising. Due to the presence of clusters, we cannot judge on Acknowledgments the amount of As incorporated into ZnO alloy at the substitutional (AsO and AsZn) and interstitial (Asi) positions and on the efficiency of thermal activated diffusion as a doping technique. This work was partially supported by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research under Grant N00014-07-1-0460. Fig. 6 also shows that the zinc/oxygen ratio remains constant ($0.65) within the ZnO film in Region I, indicating uniform Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations oxidation of ZnSe film during annealing. The slight off-stoichio- expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not metry may arise either from the deviation of the instrument- necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Naval Research. default relative sensitivity factors from the real values, or from I would also like to thank Dr. Nitin Samarth (Pennsylvania State other factors like preferential sputtering. 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