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Introduction to R for Data Science
dipl. ing Branko Kovač
Data Analyst at CUBE/Data Science Mentor
at Springboard
Data Science Serbia
dr Goran S. Milovanović
Data Scientist at DiploFoundation
Data Science Serbia
MultipleLinear Regression in R
• Dummy coding of categorical predictors
• Multiple regression
• Nested models and Partial
• Partial and Part Correlation
• Multicolinearity
• {Lattice} plots
• Prediction, Confidence
Intervals, Residuals
• Influential Cases and
the Influence Plot
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# Introduction to R for Data Science
# SESSION 7 :: 9 June, 2016
# Multiple Linear Regression in R
# Data Science Community Serbia + Startit
# :: Goran S. Milovanović and Branko Kovač ::
#### read data
#### load
MultipleRegression in R
• Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
#### simple linearregression:SepalLength vs Petal
# Predictorvs Criterion {ggplot2}
ggplot(data = iris,
aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length)) +
geom_point(size = 2, colour = "black") +
geom_point(size = 1, colour = "white") +
geom_smooth(aes(colour = "black"),
method='lm') +
ggtitle("Sepal Length vs Petal Length") +
xlab("Sepal Length") + ylab("Petal Length") +
theme(legend.position = "none")
MultipleRegression in R
• Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# And now for something completelly different(but in
#### Problemswith linearregressionin iris
# Predictorvs Criterion {ggplot2} - group separation
ggplot(data = iris,
aes(x = Sepal.Length,
y = Petal.Length,
color = Species)) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
ggtitle("Sepal Length vs Petal Length") +
xlab("Sepal Length") + ylab("Petal Length")
MultipleRegression in R
• Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# Predictorvs Criterion {ggplot2} - separate
regression lines
ggplot(data = iris,
aes(x = Sepal.Length,
y = Petal.Length,
colour=Species)) +
geom_smooth(method=lm) +
geom_point(size = 2) +
ggtitle("Sepal Length vs Petal Length") +
xlab("Sepal Length") + ylab("Petal Length")
MultipleRegression in R
• Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
### better... {lattice}
xyplot(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length | Species, #
{latice} xyplot
data = iris,
xlab = "Sepal Length", ylab = "Petal Length"
MultipleRegression in R
• Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# Petal Length and SepalLength:Conditional
densityplot(~ Petal.Length | Species, # {latice} xyplot
data = iris,
xlab = "Petal Length", ylab = "Density",
main = "P(Petal Length|Species)",
col.line = 'red'
densityplot(~ Sepal.Length | Species, # {latice} xyplot
data = iris,
xlab = "Sepal Length", ylab = "Density",
main = "P(Sepal Length|Species)",
col.line = 'blue'
MultipleRegression in R
• Problems with simple linear regression:
iris dataset
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# Linearregressionin subgroups
species <- unique(iris$Species)
w1 <- which(iris$Species == species[1]) # setosa
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris[w1,])
w2 <- which(iris$Species == species[2]) # versicolor
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris[w2,])
w3 <- which(iris$Species == species[3]) # virginica
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris[w3,])
MultipleRegression in R
• Simple linear regressions in sub-groups
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
#### Dummy Coding:Species in the iris dataset
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species, data=iris)
# Neverforget whatthe regressioncoefficientfor a dummy variablemeans:
# It tells us aboutthe effectof moving from the baselinetowardsthe respectivereferencelevel!
# Here: baseline = setosa (cmp.levels(iris$Species)vs.the outputof tidy(reg))
# NOTE: watch for the order of levels!
levels(iris$Species) # Levels: setosa versicolor virginica
iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species,
levels = c("versicolor",
# baseline is now:versicolor
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species, data=iris)
tidy(reg)# The regression coefficents (!): figure out whathas happened!
MultipleRegression in R
• Dummy coding of categorical predictors
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
### anotherway to do dummy coding
rm(iris); data(iris) # ...justto fix the order of Species backto default
contrasts(iris$Species) = contr.treatment(3, base = 1)
contrasts(iris$Species) # this probably whatyou rememberfrom your stats class...
iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species,
levels = c ("virginica","versicolor","setosa"))
contrasts(iris$Species) = contr.treatment(3, base = 1)
# baseline is now:virginica
contrasts(iris$Species) # considercarefully whatyou need to do
MultipleRegression in R
• Dummy coding of categorical predictors
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
### Petal.Length ~ Species(Dummy Coding)+ Sepal.Length
rm(iris); data(iris) # ...just to fix the order of Species backto default
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species + Sepal.Length, data=iris)
# BTW: since is.factor(iris$Species)==T,R does the dummy coding in lm() for you
regSum <- summary(reg)
# compare w. Simple LinearRegression
reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris)
regSum <- summary(reg)
MultipleRegression in R
• Multiple regression with dummy-coded categorical predictors
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
### Comparingnestedmodels
reg1 <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris)
reg2 <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species + Sepal.Length, data=iris) # reg1 is nested under reg2
# terminology:reg2 is a "full model"
# this terminology will be used quite often in Logistic Regression
# NOTE: Nested models
# There is a set of coefficientsfor the nested model(reg1)such thatit
# can be expressedin terms of the full model(reg2); in our case it is simple
# HOME: - figure it out.
anova(reg1, reg2) # partial F-test; Speciescertainly has an effect beyond Sepal.Length
# NOTE: for partial F-test, see:
MultipleRegression in R
• Comparison of nested models
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
#### Multiple Regression - by the book
# Following:
# (that's from yourreading list, to remind you...)
# Data set description
# URL:
stacklossModel = lm(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.,
# let's see:
glance(stacklossModel) # {broom}
tidy(stacklossModel) # {broom}
# predictnew data
obs = data.frame(Air.Flow=72, Water.Temp=20, Acid.Conc.=85)
predict(stacklossModel, obs)
MultipleRegression in R
• By the book: two or three continuous predictors…
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# confidence intervals
confint(stacklossModel, level=.95) #
95% CI
confint(stacklossModel, level=.99) #
99% CI
# 95% CI for Acid.Conc.only
confint(stacklossModel, "Acid.Conc.",
# defaultregressionplots in R
MultipleRegression in R
• By the book: two or three continuous predictors…
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# multicolinearity
library(car) # John Fox's carpackage
VIF <- vif(stacklossModel)
# Variance Inflation Factor(VIF)
# The increasein the ***variance***of an regression ceoff.due to colinearity
# NOTE: sqrt(VIF)= how much larger the ***SE*** of a reg.coeff.vs. whatit would be
# if there were no correlationswith the other predictors in the model
# NOTE: lower_bound(VIF)= 1; no upperbound;VIF > 2 --> (Concerned== TRUE)
Tolerance <- 1/VIF # obviously,tolerance and VIF are redundant
# NOTE: you can inspectmulticolinearity in the multiple regressionmode
# by conductinga PrincipalComponentAnalysis overthe predictors;
# when the time is right.
MultipleRegression in R
• Assumptions: multicolinearity
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
#### R for partial and part (semi-partial)correlations
library(ppcor) # a good one;there are many ways to do this in R
#### partialcorrelation in R
dataSet <- iris
dataSet$Species <- NULL
irisPCor <- pcor(dataSet, method="pearson")
irisPCor$estimate # partialcorrelations
irisPCor$p.value # results of significancetests
irisPCor$statistic # t-test on n-2-k degrees offreedom ;k = num. of variablesconditioned
# partial correlation between x and y while controlling forz
partialCor <- pcor.test(dataSet$Sepal.Length, dataSet$Petal.Length,
method = "pearson")
MultipleRegression in R
• Partial Correlation in R
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
#### semi-partialcorrelation in R
# NOTE: ... Semi-partialcorrelation is the correlation of two variables
# with variation from a third or more othervariables removedonly
# from the ***second variable***
# NOTE: The first variable <- rows, the secondvariable <-columns
# cf. ppcor:An R Packagefor a FastCalculationto Semi-partialCorrelation Coefficients(2015)
# SeonghoKim, BiostatisticsCore,Karmanos CancerInstitute,Wayne State University
# URL:
irisSPCor <- spcor(dataSet, method = "pearson")
partCor <- spcor.test(dataSet$Sepal.Length, dataSet$Petal.Length,
method = "pearson")
# NOTE: this is a correlation of dataSet$Sepal.Length w. dataSet$Petal.Length
# when the variance ofdataSet$Petal.Length(2nd variable)due to dataSet$Sepal.Width
# is removed!
MultipleRegression in R
• Part (semi-partial) Correlation in R
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
# NOTE: In multiple regression,this is the semi-partial(or part) correlation
# that you need to inspect:
# assume a modelwith X1, X2, X3 as predictors,and Y as a criterion
# You need a semi-partialof X1 and Y following the removalof X2 and X3 from Y
# It goes like this: in Step 1, you perform a multiple regression Y ~ X2 + X3;
# In Step 2, you take the residualsof Y, call them RY; in Step 3, you regress (correlate)
# RY ~ X1: the correlation coefficientthat you get from Step 3 is the part correlation
# that you're looking for.
MultipleRegression in R
• NOTE on semi-partial (part) correlation in multiple regression…
Intro to R for Data Science
Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
Intro to Multiple Linear Regression in R

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Učenje i viši kognitivni procesi 6. Učenje, III Deo: Instrumentalno učenje
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Intro to Multiple Linear Regression in R

  • 1. Introduction to R for Data Science Lecturers dipl. ing Branko Kovač Data Analyst at CUBE/Data Science Mentor at Springboard Data Science Serbia dr Goran S. Milovanović Data Scientist at DiploFoundation Data Science Serbia
  • 2. MultipleLinear Regression in R • Dummy coding of categorical predictors • Multiple regression • Nested models and Partial F-test • Partial and Part Correlation • Multicolinearity • {Lattice} plots • Prediction, Confidence Intervals, Residuals • Influential Cases and the Influence Plot Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 3. ######################################################## # Introduction to R for Data Science # SESSION 7 :: 9 June, 2016 # Multiple Linear Regression in R # Data Science Community Serbia + Startit # :: Goran S. Milovanović and Branko Kovač :: ######################################################## #### read data library(datasets) library(broom) library(ggplot2) library(lattice) #### load data(iris) str(iris) MultipleRegression in R • Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 4. #### simple linearregression:SepalLength vs Petal Lenth # Predictorvs Criterion {ggplot2} ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length)) + geom_point(size = 2, colour = "black") + geom_point(size = 1, colour = "white") + geom_smooth(aes(colour = "black"), method='lm') + ggtitle("Sepal Length vs Petal Length") + xlab("Sepal Length") + ylab("Petal Length") + theme(legend.position = "none") MultipleRegression in R • Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 5. # And now for something completelly different(but in R)... #### Problemswith linearregressionin iris # Predictorvs Criterion {ggplot2} - group separation ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length, color = Species)) + geom_point(size = 2) + ggtitle("Sepal Length vs Petal Length") + xlab("Sepal Length") + ylab("Petal Length") MultipleRegression in R • Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 6. # Predictorvs Criterion {ggplot2} - separate regression lines ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Petal.Length, colour=Species)) + geom_smooth(method=lm) + geom_point(size = 2) + ggtitle("Sepal Length vs Petal Length") + xlab("Sepal Length") + ylab("Petal Length") MultipleRegression in R • Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 7. ### better... {lattice} xyplot(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length | Species, # {latice} xyplot data = iris, xlab = "Sepal Length", ylab = "Petal Length" ) MultipleRegression in R • Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 8. # Petal Length and SepalLength:Conditional Densities densityplot(~ Petal.Length | Species, # {latice} xyplot data = iris, plot.points=FALSE, xlab = "Petal Length", ylab = "Density", main = "P(Petal Length|Species)", col.line = 'red' ) densityplot(~ Sepal.Length | Species, # {latice} xyplot data = iris, plot.points=FALSE, xlab = "Sepal Length", ylab = "Density", main = "P(Sepal Length|Species)", col.line = 'blue' ) MultipleRegression in R • Problems with simple linear regression: iris dataset Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 9. # Linearregressionin subgroups species <- unique(iris$Species) w1 <- which(iris$Species == species[1]) # setosa reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris[w1,]) tidy(reg) w2 <- which(iris$Species == species[2]) # versicolor reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris[w2,]) tidy(reg) w3 <- which(iris$Species == species[3]) # virginica reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris[w3,]) tidy(reg) MultipleRegression in R • Simple linear regressions in sub-groups Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 10. #### Dummy Coding:Species in the iris dataset is.factor(iris$Species) levels(iris$Species) reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species, data=iris) tidy(reg) glance(reg) # Neverforget whatthe regressioncoefficientfor a dummy variablemeans: # It tells us aboutthe effectof moving from the baselinetowardsthe respectivereferencelevel! # Here: baseline = setosa (cmp.levels(iris$Species)vs.the outputof tidy(reg)) # NOTE: watch for the order of levels! levels(iris$Species) # Levels: setosa versicolor virginica iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species, levels = c("versicolor", "virginica", "setosa")) levels(iris$Species) # baseline is now:versicolor reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species, data=iris) tidy(reg)# The regression coefficents (!): figure out whathas happened! MultipleRegression in R • Dummy coding of categorical predictors Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 11. ### anotherway to do dummy coding rm(iris); data(iris) # ...justto fix the order of Species backto default levels(iris$Species) contrasts(iris$Species) = contr.treatment(3, base = 1) contrasts(iris$Species) # this probably whatyou rememberfrom your stats class... iris$Species <- factor(iris$Species, levels = c ("virginica","versicolor","setosa")) levels(iris$Species) contrasts(iris$Species) = contr.treatment(3, base = 1) # baseline is now:virginica contrasts(iris$Species) # considercarefully whatyou need to do MultipleRegression in R • Dummy coding of categorical predictors Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 12. ### Petal.Length ~ Species(Dummy Coding)+ Sepal.Length rm(iris); data(iris) # ...just to fix the order of Species backto default reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species + Sepal.Length, data=iris) # BTW: since is.factor(iris$Species)==T,R does the dummy coding in lm() for you regSum <- summary(reg) regSum$r.squared regSum$coefficients # compare w. Simple LinearRegression reg <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris) regSum <- summary(reg) regSum$r.squared regSum$coefficients MultipleRegression in R • Multiple regression with dummy-coded categorical predictors Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 13. ### Comparingnestedmodels reg1 <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris) reg2 <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Species + Sepal.Length, data=iris) # reg1 is nested under reg2 # terminology:reg2 is a "full model" # this terminology will be used quite often in Logistic Regression # NOTE: Nested models # There is a set of coefficientsfor the nested model(reg1)such thatit # can be expressedin terms of the full model(reg2); in our case it is simple # HOME: - figure it out. anova(reg1, reg2) # partial F-test; Speciescertainly has an effect beyond Sepal.Length # NOTE: for partial F-test, see: # MultipleRegression in R • Comparison of nested models Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 14. #### Multiple Regression - by the book # Following: # (that's from yourreading list, to remind you...) data(stackloss) str(stackloss) # Data set description # URL: stacklossModel = lm(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc., data=stackloss) # let's see: summary(stacklossModel) glance(stacklossModel) # {broom} tidy(stacklossModel) # {broom} # predictnew data obs = data.frame(Air.Flow=72, Water.Temp=20, Acid.Conc.=85) predict(stacklossModel, obs) MultipleRegression in R • By the book: two or three continuous predictors… Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 15. # confidence intervals confint(stacklossModel, level=.95) # 95% CI confint(stacklossModel, level=.99) # 99% CI # 95% CI for Acid.Conc.only confint(stacklossModel, "Acid.Conc.", level=.95) # defaultregressionplots in R plot(stacklossModel) MultipleRegression in R • By the book: two or three continuous predictors… Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 16. # multicolinearity library(car) # John Fox's carpackage VIF <- vif(stacklossModel) VIF sqrt(VIF) # Variance Inflation Factor(VIF) # The increasein the ***variance***of an regression ceoff.due to colinearity # NOTE: sqrt(VIF)= how much larger the ***SE*** of a reg.coeff.vs. whatit would be # if there were no correlationswith the other predictors in the model # NOTE: lower_bound(VIF)= 1; no upperbound;VIF > 2 --> (Concerned== TRUE) Tolerance <- 1/VIF # obviously,tolerance and VIF are redundant Tolerance # NOTE: you can inspectmulticolinearity in the multiple regressionmode # by conductinga PrincipalComponentAnalysis overthe predictors; # when the time is right. MultipleRegression in R • Assumptions: multicolinearity Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 17. #### R for partial and part (semi-partial)correlations library(ppcor) # a good one;there are many ways to do this in R #### partialcorrelation in R dataSet <- iris str(dataSet) dataSet$Species <- NULL irisPCor <- pcor(dataSet, method="pearson") irisPCor$estimate # partialcorrelations irisPCor$p.value # results of significancetests irisPCor$statistic # t-test on n-2-k degrees offreedom ;k = num. of variablesconditioned # partial correlation between x and y while controlling forz partialCor <- pcor.test(dataSet$Sepal.Length, dataSet$Petal.Length, dataSet$Sepal.Width, method = "pearson") partialCor$estimate partialCor$p.value partialCor$statistic MultipleRegression in R • Partial Correlation in R Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 18. #### semi-partialcorrelation in R # NOTE: ... Semi-partialcorrelation is the correlation of two variables # with variation from a third or more othervariables removedonly # from the ***second variable*** # NOTE: The first variable <- rows, the secondvariable <-columns # cf. ppcor:An R Packagefor a FastCalculationto Semi-partialCorrelation Coefficients(2015) # SeonghoKim, BiostatisticsCore,Karmanos CancerInstitute,Wayne State University # URL: irisSPCor <- spcor(dataSet, method = "pearson") irisSPCor$estimate irisSPCor$p.value irisSPCor$statistic partCor <- spcor.test(dataSet$Sepal.Length, dataSet$Petal.Length, dataSet$Sepal.Width, method = "pearson") # NOTE: this is a correlation of dataSet$Sepal.Length w. dataSet$Petal.Length # when the variance ofdataSet$Petal.Length(2nd variable)due to dataSet$Sepal.Width # is removed! partCor$estimate partCor$p.value MultipleRegression in R • Part (semi-partial) Correlation in R Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R
  • 19. # NOTE: In multiple regression,this is the semi-partial(or part) correlation # that you need to inspect: # assume a modelwith X1, X2, X3 as predictors,and Y as a criterion # You need a semi-partialof X1 and Y following the removalof X2 and X3 from Y # It goes like this: in Step 1, you perform a multiple regression Y ~ X2 + X3; # In Step 2, you take the residualsof Y, call them RY; in Step 3, you regress (correlate) # RY ~ X1: the correlation coefficientthat you get from Step 3 is the part correlation # that you're looking for. MultipleRegression in R • NOTE on semi-partial (part) correlation in multiple regression… Intro to R for Data Science Session 7: Multiple Linear Regression in R