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Time for Nature: Is a global public health crisis
what it takes to protect the
planet’s biodiversity?
Posted on June 5, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus
By Edward Perry, Policy Analyst, OECD Environment Directorate
Today is World Environment Day. As countries across the globe are still reeling from the human, social and economic cost of COVID-19,
dedicating today to nature might seem ill-timed. Let me tell you – it’s not.
Our disruption of ecosystems and exploitation of wildlife may well be why we are in this mess. To reduce the risk of future crises, COVID-19
recovery packages must recognise the importance of nature for human health, well-being and the economy. This year’s theme for World
Environment Day – Time for Nature – could not be more appropriate.
Nature, human health and the economy are closely linked
COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease, as are nearly two-thirds of infectious diseases affecting humans. That means that the disease-causing
pathogen jumped to humans from another animal. So which animal caused the COVID-19 outbreak? The jury is still out. Scientists suspect
that bats, pangolins and possibly other animals were involved. But let’s not shift the blame.
Look at other infectious diseases and you will see a common pattern emerge. Increased incidence of Lyme disease, Nipah, West Nile virus
and other zoonoses can be linked to our heavy environmental footprint. By overexploiting wildlife and degrading ecosystems, we have
brought ourselves closer to natural reservoirs of disease and disrupted the processes within ecosystems that keep these diseases in check.
Humans have significantly altered three-quarters of the earth’s surface. We have destroyed over 85% of the world’s wetlands. And between
1990 and 2015, we cut down an area of native forest 16 times the size of France. The rate of species extinction is unprecedented and
accelerating, driven by land-use change, over-exploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species. If we do
not make transformative changes in our systems, values and behaviours, we will see further declines in nature for decades to come. And with
it, a rising risk of disease outbreak.
The COVID-19 recovery must factor in nature
Governments are committing trillions of dollars to reinvigorate the economy and support livelihoods. Done right, recovery measures could set the world off on a new
trajectory that improves the health and resilience of nature, society and the economy. Done wrong, recovery measures will entrench or even exacerbate pre-COVID-
19 practices that destroy biodiversity, compromising our future and that of generations to come.
The COVID-19 response must be a holistic one that recognises the inter-connectedness of nature, human well-being, and the economy. Our impacts and
dependencies on nature present risks and opportunities. We must systematically factor these into business, financial and economic decisions.
Five considerations for governments as they plan their recovery
First, the COVID-19 recovery is no excuse for rolling back environmental regulation. This will only create future vulnerability. Maintaining and strengthening
environmental regulation is critical, but not sufficient. The increased rates of illegal poaching and deforestation during the COVID-19 lockdown highlight the
importance of coupling environmental regulation with effective monitoring and enforcement.
Second, stimulus measures should be designed to have a neutral or positive impact on nature. The Greenness of Stimulus Index developed by Vivid Economics shows
that, in 13 out of 16 countries, stimulus measures potentially harmful to nature largely outweigh those that support nature. Screening and monitoring stimulus
measures for their environmental impact is a sound first step. To drive transformative change, governments could make bail outs conditional on companies aligning
their business models with sustainability objectives.
Third, governments need to accelerate progress in reforming subsidies that harm nature. Before COVID-19 hit, government spending on subsidies harmful to
biodiversity was at least five times more than total spending to protect biodiversity. Reforming harmful subsidies can help free up resources, while promoting long-
term resilience.
Fourth, introducing and ramping up taxes on activities that harm biodiversity can help offset the costs of increased government spending and reductions in labour tax
revenue resulting from the COVID-19 induced economic crisis, while simultaneously providing incentives to better protect nature. OECD’s PINE database shows large
potential to scale up biodiversity-relevant taxes.
Fifth, nature-based jobs can get people back to work quickly, while promoting resilient, well-functioning ecosystems for the future. New Zealand, for example, is
investing NZD 1.1 billion to create 11,000 nature-based jobs. Jobs include restoring wetlands, trapping stoats and other introduced pests, and removing wilding pines
to make space for native bush to return.
Nature-based projects are not only quick to establish, they also have a multiplier effect. Ecosystem restoration in the US provides direct employment for 126 000
workers and generates USD 9.5 billion in economic output annually. It creates a further 95 000 indirect jobs and USD 15 billion in household spending.
In the words of Rahm Emanuel former White House Chief of Staff and former Mayor of Chicago, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”. Governments have
before them an opportunity and an imperative to set the world on a more sustainable path. Perhaps a global health crisis will be what it takes to protect the planet’s
It’s Time for Nature
Is the COVID-19 crisis spurring a transition to net-zero emissions in
the oil and gas sector?
Posted on December 2, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus
By Andrew Prag and Guy Halpern, OECD Environment Directorate
Almost all economic sectors have suffered due to the evolving COVID-19 crisis. For the oil and gas industry, already battered on one side by low prices
due to an oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, and on the other by the push to decarbonize the global economy, the crisis hit at an
especially challenging time.
Nevertheless, an increasing number of international oil and gas companies have set out seemingly ambitious goals to transition to “net-zero” carbon
emissions by 2050. What is behind these new announcements? Are they just greenwashing, or do they represent a genuine intent to transform firms
in the face of the accelerating energy transition? What do the commitments mean for achieving the Paris Agreement goals, and can they help to
convince governments to be bolder and to really deliver on their plans for a “green recovery” after COVID-19?
The oil and gas sector before and during the COVID-19 crisis
Well before COVID-19, there were clear signs that change was coming to some parts of the oil and gas industry. In 2014, CEOs of 12 major firms came
together form the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, later pledging support for the Paris Agreement. In September 2019, coinciding with the UN Climate
Summit in New York, the UK Offshore Oil and Gas association (OGUK) published Roadmap to 2035: A Blueprint for Net-zero. In December 2019, Repsol
was the first to pledge to become carbon neutral by 2050. By January 2020, the IEA stressed that the driving question for the industry was “should
today’s oil and gas companies be viewed only as part of the problem, or could they also be crucial in solving it?”
When COVID-19 hit, the picture changed dramatically. With much of the world on lockdown, demand plummeted. Oil prices even went briefly
negative in some US oil futures contracts and investment went into free-fall. With global COVID-19 case numbers still rising in late 2020, with many
countries facing a second wave of the virus, it’s clear that the economic impacts of the pandemic will not disappear overnight. Latest numbers from
the IEA point to a 35% decline in upstream oil and gas spending in 2020 compared to 2019, compared to an 18% decline in energy investment overall.
And yet in the midst of this turmoil, with the whole oil and gas sector under severe financial stress, more major European integrated oil and gas
companies (such as BP, Eni, OMV, Shell, Total and Equinor) have joined Repsol in pledging to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
At a time when it might have been tempting to retreat from the climate change debate and focus on shoring up near-term financial performance,
these multinationals appear to have decided to step up rather than step back, albeit with varying levels of ambition and depth.
Is this time different?
This is not the first time that oil and gas companies have put forward transformational ambitions. Nearly 20 years ago, BP rebranded to “beyond petroleum”,
pledging to control emissions and become leaders in promoting environmental sustainability. Investments did follow, but by 2013 most of BP’s renewable energy
assets had been sold off. So, will this time be different? There does appear to be more momentum than ever before. At least two of the recent commitments – those
of BP and ENI – crucially include Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 emissions encompass indirect emissions across a company’s value chain, including from the use of their
products. For an oil and gas company, this implies a radical change of business model, well beyond reducing emissions from the companies’ own operations.
BP in particular made two startling announcements as the pandemic started to take hold. First, the firm cut its long-term oil price forecast for oil by 30%, leading to a
write-down of assets by between USD 13 and USD 17.5 billion. Perhaps more surprising than the write-down itself was the reason given: that the pandemic will
“accelerate the pace of transition to a lower-carbon economy and energy system”. Second, BP has begun planning with expectations of a carbon price of USD 100
per tone by 2030 – a big step up from the current USD 40. Further, the footprint of oil and gas majors that have announced ambitious climate plans remains small
relative to overall production. In particular, nationally owned oil companies have been much slower to join the party. But these state-owned firms account for over
half of global production (and even greater share of reserves) and control a larger proportion of low-cost oil, making them more likely to continue producing in a low
oil price world. That said, October 2020 saw a promising sign of change with Malaysia’s Petronas becoming the first NOC to pledge net zero by 2050.
Why now?
Reputation management, staff retention and anticipation of future regulation are also at play. But changes are also being driven by the market and the need to
ensure access to finance in a world where oil is worth less as demand peaks, carbon prices rise, climate risk disclosure becomes the norm, and high-emission and
high-cost projects face real risks of becoming stranded assets. Market signals are already picking up on this new reality. In early October, NextEra, the biggest wind
energy producer in the US and one of the biggest solar energy producers, overtook ExxonMobil as the most valuable US energy company by market capitalization.
More broadly, renewables have been more resilient than fossil fuels in the face of the Covid-19 crisis and renewable energy firms in Germany, France, the UK and US
have outperformed oil & gas stocks since the onset of the COVID 19 crisis, as well as over the previous ten years.
Enter “green recovery”
In that light, the OECD and others have highlighted the potential for stimulus packages to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions as part of a “green
recovery”. Stimulus measures so far announced do include meaningful support for the green transition – in particular in the EU – but much more needs to be done.
The OECD reports that while at least 30 countries among the OECD its key partners have included measures to support the transition to greener economies as part
of their recovery programmed, many are also planning measures that will likely have direct or indirectly negative impacts on the environment. According to Energy
Policy Tracker estimates, G20 countries have so far committed USD 234.73 billion in support to fossil fuel energy versus USD 151.29 billion for clean energy. In that
light, the slew of pledges from the oil and gas sector helps to highlight an opportunity as governments continue to refine recovery packages. What better signal that
a green recovery is good for growth and jobs than for some of the world’s most profitable companies to voluntarily pledge their own transformation? Governments
can take heed by continuing to reorient energy stimulus towards clean energy, while actively supporting the needed transition in skills and workforce.
The challenges of greening urban mobility in the post-
pandemic era
Posted on July 24, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus
By Katherine Farrow, Ioannis Tikoudis and Walid Oueslati, OECD Environment Directorate
In the aftermath of the pandemic, policy makers face unique challenges in managing urban transport, but also an opportunity to steer urban mobility
towards a more sustainable, resilient future. The Covid-19 crisis has caused an unprecedented shock in travel demand, raising questions about the
future of transport in the near and long term. Lockdown measures have brought transport activity to a grinding halt in urban areas worldwide in recent
months. The dramatic improvements in air quality that ensued highlight the stark trade-offs between transport activity and the environment. As the
first wave of the outbreak starts to recede in a number of countries, two important questions emerge. First, will urban mobility return to pre-outbreak
patterns of use, or will the shock have a more profound, long-term impact on how people travel? Second, how should governments respond to these
changes in order to continue steering urban transport systems towards sustainability?
Past experience suggests that as the crisis subsides, the amount of travel that takes place in urban areas will gradually return to pre-crisis levels.
Following the SARS outbreak in 2003, transport activity returned to previous levels in less than a year. The economic shock of the global financial crisis
in 2008 also had a negligible lasting impact on transport habits in US cities.
Preliminary figures show that transport activity is indeed recovering in areas that have lifted lockdown measures. Road traffic in Wuhan, for example,
appears to be returning to pre-pandemic levels, and in Korea, activity at transport hubs has nearly returned to 2019 levels. Along with this increase in
transport activity comes a rebound in local air pollution and CO2 emissions. In Paris, for example, air pollution levels have already rebounded to 2019
The Covid-19 pandemic could lead to permanent shifts in the way we travel.
Even if the total amount of travel returns to pre-crisis levels, the scale and severity of the pandemic could nevertheless lead to lasting shifts in the way
in which this travel is undertaken, especially in the absence of a vaccine. Notably, many people may continue to avoid taking public transport to reduce
the risk of contracting the virus. Shifting trips from public transport to biking and walking will have positive environmental impacts, and many urban
areas are indeed witnessing an increase in non-motorized modes of transport. However, people may also turn to private car use, encouraged by low oil
prices and aggressive marketing by car manufacturers in the wake of the crisis.
The net environmental impacts of these shifts remain uncertain. City-specific factors such as the characteristics of its population, the quality of its
walking and biking infrastructure, and its geographic layout will play key roles in shaping the relative attractiveness of biking and walking vs. private car
use as alternatives to public transport. To the extent that weather conditions influence the uptake of walking and cycling, the timing of the lifting of
lockdown measures can also have implications for long-term shifts in mode choices.
Public policies can play an important role in shaping the future of transport systems in the post-recovery period.
To the extent that it is disrupting travel habits in fundamental ways, the Covid-19 crisis can constitute a “moment of change” for personal mobility. As such, it can be
considered a unique opportunity for governments to foster a shift towards more sustainable transport habits. Many cities have recognised this opportunity, rapidly
expanding bike lanes and providing incentives for travel via low-emission modes.
Governments should continue to strengthen measures to support greater walking and cycling in urban areas, discourage car use, and promote public transport. Building
trust in governments’ capacity to manage the public health risks of public transport will be critical in preventing a long-term exodus of ridership. The risk of transmission
can be reduced through face mask requirements, disinfection protocols, thermal screening, and contactless payment options. Investing in public transit improvements is
also a highly effective green stimulus measure.
While many urban areas have made significant advances in incentivizing walking and cycling, fewer have taken steps to strengthen disincentives for private car use.
Policies to discourage car travel include those that increase the cost of their ownership and use (e.g. registration fees and distance-based charges), as well as regulatory
measures such as urban vehicle access regulations. In areas where few sustainable alternatives to public transport exist, policy makers should consider refining these
measures to alleviate distributional effects, as well as exploring new forms of optimized, on-demand shared mobility services.
Finally, creating urban environments that are friendly to non-motorised modes of transport will be critical in facilitating more sustainable transport systems, especially if
people remain reluctant to use public transport. Proven policy options for doing so include providing quality infrastructure as well as incentives such as subsidies for the
purchase of bicycles.
Restoring urban mobility should not come at the expense of the environment.
Despite the evident challenges to greening urban transport during this time, concrete policy responses exist to respond to and influence mobility patterns as demand
for urban travel returns to pre-crisis levels. Given the significance of the transport sector for the environment, public health, and societal resilience in the long term, the
pursuit of sustainable, inclusive transport systems should remain a strong policy focus as the world emerges from the Covid-19 crisis.
The OECD has issued a number of policy briefs outlining strategies for policy makers to respond to the Covid-19 crisis. These aim to ensure that recovery policies are
compatible with a low-carbon transition and to highlight responses to the various uncertainties posed by the pandemic:
Building Back Better: A Sustainable, Resilient Recovery after Covid-19
Environmental Health and Strengthening Resilience to Pandemics
Environmental Responses to Covid-19
Water and climate: From risk management to investment opportunity
Xavier Leflaive and Kathleen Dominique, OECD Environment Directorate
In September 2017, the United Nations (UN) adopted a dedicated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on water. For years water had been under-valued, underpriced
and too often taken for granted, so Goal 6 on water and sanitation was a momentous recognition of water’s crucial policy importance. Though just one of 17 SDGs, this
goal also sits at the heart of many of them: water is essential for food security, health, cities, sustainable consumption and production, and terrestrial ecosystems.
But this recognition remains partial and fragile: weeks after SDG 6 was adopted in New York, water was not on the COP 21 agenda in Paris. And yet, one of the most
fundamental impacts of climate change is on the global water cycle and regional weather patterns, which in turn affect access to water resources for food production,
drinking and sanitation, energy, industry and ecosystems, and increases the risk of floods, droughts and wildfires.
Managing water must now be placed at the heart of successful adaptation strategies and climate resilience. Fortunately, the water community is advancing the policy
agenda via other means: in 2017, the UN General Assembly re-ignited a dialogue on global water governance to better integrate and co-ordinate the work of the UN on
water-related SDGs. The COP 23 in Bonn in November hosted a Water Day devoted to actions to help implement the Paris Climate Agreement. And last year, the
Roundtable on Financing Water (a joint initiative by the government of the Netherlands, the OECD and the World Water Council) was founded to provide a global public-
private platform to strengthen the evidence base and spur effective collaboration between the water community and financiers.
Lack of funding is a recurrent theme in global water discussions. And there is a compelling human rights and economic case for investment in water. The Human Right to
Water and Sanitation, recognized by the UN General Assembly in 2010, has yet to become a reality for a significant share of the global population. WHO estimates that,
as of 2015, 2.1 billion people still lacked access to safely managed drinking water services and 4.5 billion lacked access to sanitation compatible with the SDG 6
objectives. The benefits from strategic investment in water security could exceed hundreds of billions of dollars annually. In developed countries, investments in flood
and resilience infrastructure protect valuable assets against flood risks. In developing countries, the benefits would accrue essentially in terms of improved health and
productivity gains (especially for women) and ensuring children’s (especially girls) ability to go to school.
Yet finance isn’t flowing at the scale required. To achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, and adequate and equitable sanitation and
hygiene for all by 2030, the World Bank estimates that capital investment must triple to reach US$1.7 trillion. In addition, operating and maintenance costs will be higher.
The FAO has projected that an estimated US$960 billion of capital investment is needed to expand and improve irrigation in 93 developing countries between 2005 and
Valuing water for positive return on investment
The current economic climate and abundance of global capital provide a window of opportunity to scale up water-friendly infrastructure
investment that contributes to sustainable growth. In many advanced economies, interest rates are close to zero, increasing the fiscal space
available to governments to support investments in urban development, irrigation, energy and industry. Mainstreaming water considerations into
development finance portfolios in energy, transport, agriculture and climate would provide additional resources to reduce vulnerability to water
risks and enhance resilience and adaptive capacity.
Innovative technologies such as membranes, energy recovery, and digitization provide further opportunities for investment and business
development. New business models can convert investment benefits into revenue streams, thus improving the risk-return profile of water
investments. For instance, investments in flood plains or wetlands could be financed by capturing some of the value added that such nature-based
infrastructure provide properties in terms of flood protection.
Blended finance‒which strategically combines development funds and financial instruments to mobilize private investment towards sustainable
goals ‒is a promising way to leverage contributions from different sources of finance with different risk appetites to make projects more bankable.
Investments in water security can maximize net benefits when portfolios of projects are considered as part of a long-term strategy. Governments
have a role to play by putting in place institutions and policies that promote such innovative practices at scale.
The 2030 Development Agenda is now gaining traction and the global community is striving to translate the aims of the Paris Agreement into
financing flows and investment. A sizeable share of these investments therefore has the potential to facilitate access to safe water and sanitation
and protect against risks of floods, droughts, or water pollution.
Whether you are a financier, a professional in urban development, agriculture or energy, you have a role to play. The Roundtable on Financing
Water provides a platform to accelerate investments in water at scale
COVID-19 and the looming
plastics pandemic
Posted on July 7, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus
By Frithjof Laubinger and Nikhil Varghese, Circular Economy and Waste Team, OECD Environment Directorate
During the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the city was dealing with more than 240 tons of medical waste a day, a six-fold increase
over the amount being treated before the outbreak. Improperly discarded single-use facemasks and gloves have already been found at beaches of
remote islands and floating at sea, adding to the already chronic problem of marine plastic litter and revealing the shocking speed at which the
recent shift in human Behaviour impacts the environment.
Responses to the health crisis led to a rise in plastics consumption and waste generation in a number of sectors – well beyond the medical sector –
and put pressure on the environmentally sound handling, treatment and disposal of this waste. At the same time, as more household plastic waste
was being generated, less was recycled. The risk of recycling workers contracting the virus prompted several municipalities to temporarily put a
halt on separate collection and sorting, directing more waste to incineration or landfills.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread at different rates around the world, the crisis is generating its own short and long-term challenges
for waste management, recycling, and the circular economy transition. It is expected that many of the concerning behavioural or policy responses
are likely to be temporary, but there is a risk that some may stick and may set back recent efforts to tackle plastic pollution.
Many initiatives to reduce plastics were reversed or halted in response to the crisis…
With sanitary concerns at the top of people’s minds, the pandemic has brought about a resurgence of single-use plastics, amidst worries about the
virus clinging to reusable bags, cups and straws. Policy initiatives to reduce plastic use were reversed, halted or delayed in several countries. A
number of national and sub-national governments put in place waivers or delays on bans on single-use plastic bags, which were perceived as
unsanitary. For instance, in the United States, state governors of New York, Maine and California temporarily repealed or delayed their planned ban
on plastic bags and the UK government temporarily dropped its 5 pence charge on plastic bags for deliveries, with the intent to “reduce risk of
contamination”. Other authorities went even further and temporarily banned or strongly discouraged the use of reusable plastic bags (e.g.
Massachusetts, Illinois and New Hampshire). Scotland and Slovakia delayed the implementation of their respective deposit return schemes by one
year to allow businesses more time to respond to the pandemic.
Major brands also rolled back their waste reduction initiatives during the height of the pandemic. Starbucks, Tim Hortons and Dunkin’ Donuts
suspended reusable container programs and restaurants and food stores were limited to take-out and delivery with single-use packaging. Also in
supermarkets, consumers opted increasingly for plastic-wrapped products.
The scientific evidence behind these initiatives is weak
The science behind shifting to single-use plastics as a measure to reducing the spread of COVID-19 currently remains very weak. Whilst some
studies warn against the potentially elevated transfer of germs and micro-organisms through reusable shopping bags, initial research indicates
that COVID-19 also stays active on plastic surfaces for up to 3 days and significantly longer than on cardboard for example. Single-use plastic
items may therefore be just as much of a carrier agent as their reusable alternatives, depending on how each of these products is used. Reusable
options that are washed regularly may not necessarily lead to an elevated risk of exposure. In fact, the virus has been shown to survive less time
on alternative materials such as paper, suggesting that plastic substitutes may even be safer in some instances.
In a context of great uncertainty, an argument can of course be made to apply such measures based on the precautionary principle – particularly
in the short-term, while scientific evidence is weak. However, common sense suggests that any precautionary measure taken to reducing the
spread of COVID-19 should only be temporary, unless or until scientific evidence suggests otherwise.
Governments must ensure temporary measures do not become permanent
While many of the recent measures appear to be intended as temporary, there is a risk that they could become permanent. This could lead to
significant impacts on the environment with arguably limited or no associated benefits for public health or the economy. More generally, COVID-
19 could set back efforts by governments and industry to tackle plastic pollution, resulting in a delayed or slow transition towards sustainable
lifestyles and a more circular economy.
Furthermore, even if precautionary measures that promote single-use plastics are rapidly lifted when the crisis is well behind us, they could still
result in lasting changes to consumer behaviour. Hence, it will be important to increase consumer awareness around the importance of reducing
plastic production, consumption and waste.
Whilst the protection of human health is the main priority in the current crisis, wider impacts, such as those on the environment, should also be
factored into decision-making. For many years, the OECD has been an active promoter of policy discussions aimed at reducing the negative
environmental impacts of plastic production, use and waste. Our recent work includes analyses of markets for recycled plastics, policies that aim
to prevent the generation of single-use plastics waste and to mitigate the leakage of microplastics into the environment, and criteria and
considerations to design more sustainable plastics. The OECD also highlights what countries are doing to tackle plastic pollution in the ocean. The
forthcoming OECD Global Plastics Outlook will consolidate these and more issues into a major report and provide policy guidance to support
countries in their efforts towards a more sustainable plastics economy.
We are traditionally used to using earth bricks, concrete, and wood in
construction. They have been, and continue to be used in everyday
construction, meaning the continued destruction of trees for timber,
and the mining of resources to produce cement for binding sand,
gravel, and bricks. For a better world, there are new processes, and
sustainable as well as green building material alternatives that can be
used in construction today.
Sustainable and Green Building
Construction Materials
Bamboo is considered one of the best eco-friendly building materials. It has an incredibly high self-generation rate, with some being
reported to have grown up to three feet within 24 hours. It continues spreading and growing without having to be replanted after
harvest. Bamboo is a perennial grass and not wood and grows on every continent, except Europe and Antarctica.
It also has a high strength-to-weight ratio, even greater comprehensive strength than concrete and brick, and lasts incredibly long. It is,
therefore, the best choice for flooring and cabinetry. Unfortunately, bamboo requires treatment to resist insects and rot. If left
untreated, bamboo contains a starch that greatly invites insects, and it could swell and crack after absorbing water
• New industrial application and modern construction design have both demonstrated bamboo’s huge
• Regulatory Mechanisms putting restrictions on bamboo development.
• Lack of awareness has been the bottleneck inhibiting bamboo from taking shape in construction.
• Focusing on modern technology and financial support can expand bamboo market in construction.
• Strengthening institutions and government scheme can proliferate bamboo use in construction.
Bamboo is most abundant in India. India has the huge potential for bamboo with 14 million hectares of bamboo forest area. India is the
second largest country in terms of bamboo resources. The yield per hectare of bamboo in India is very low compared to China, Taiwan
and Japan which contribute about 80% to the world’s bamboo market.
Bamboo products (bamboo boards, bamboo veneers, bamboo mat corrugated roofing sheets, etc.) due to their physical and mechanical
performance in terms of hardness, stability and strength are gaining attention with large opportunities in emerging market. Moreover,
bamboo has the capability of mitigating climate change as it restores degraded land, act as carbon sequesters and protects from soil
Despite of these initiatives bamboo is not being utilized much in construction sector as there is a huge demand and supply gap for
bamboo raw material for its industry. Majority of the bamboo is supplied to the paper and pulp industry because of increased demand
after which very little is left for consumption by other industry. Moreover, the regulatory mechanisms in India impose restriction on
transit and harvesting of bamboo which has a negative impact on the bamboo construction industry.
Bamboo and its uses
Bamboo and its Uses Bamboo has more than 1,500 documented uses, ranging from fuelwood to light bulbs,
medicine, poison and toys to aircraft manufacturing (Forest Research Institute, 2008).
The products made from bamboo can be broadly classified into:
• Industrial Use and Products, (paper and pulp, bamboo charcoal for fuel, bamboo based gasifier for electricity)
• Food Products (consumption of bamboo shoots) Construction and Structural Applications (Bamboo housing)
• Wood Substitutes and Composites (Bamboo based panels, Veneers, Bamboo Flooring, mat boards, fiberboards,
particle boards, medium density boards, combinations of these, and combinations of these with wood and other
lingo-cellulose materials and inorganic substances).
• Cottage and Handicraft Industry
Use of Bamboo in Construction
Bamboo Resources and Potential in India
Worldwide Bamboo Resources
The global bamboo coverage worldwide is 36 million hectare that is 3.2% of total
forest area. Bamboo is mostly distributed in temperate, tropic and sub tropical zones
of all continents naturally except Europe and North America. Recently, bamboo has
been introduced into North America, Europe and Australia (Pannipa Chowan, 2013).
Asia is the richest bamboo producer with about 24 million hectares of the total
world bamboo resources. Five out of six countries have large extent of bamboo
forests in Asia viz. India, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Latin America
occupies the 10 million hectares of the total bamboo area in the world whereas
Africa has the smallest bamboo
area of 2.7 million hectare (FAO, 2005).
Bamboo Resources in India
India is the second largest country in the world after China in terms of
bamboo resources (Forest Survey of India [FSI], 2011). Worldwide, India
occupies 37.8% of the total bamboo forest area. Twenty Percent of its overall
forest area is of bamboo. In India there are 125 indigenous and 11 exotic
species of bamboo belonging to 23 genera (FSI, 2011). Bamboos are found in
all most all parts of the country except Kashmir where bamboo does not
occur naturally. Percentage of Distribution of bamboo forest area (major
state wise) out of total bamboo area of the country and its growing stock
(number of trees grown in that particular area) are given in table 1. This data
represents bamboo resources grown on government land.
Bamboo Resources in India
Potential in India
Current market of bamboo/bamboo products in India is estimated
to be Rs. 4,500 crores expected Table 2 Current Usage of Bamboo
to increase to Rs. 20,000 crores by 2015. Table 3 shows the
market size of bamboo (specifically for construction and housing
needs) in 2003 and expected market by 2015.
Potential in India
The bamboo sector in India is still a part of the informal and backward rural economy. There has been an
inability to grab the large potential. Bamboo is available in different forms or products, with improved
technology of preservation or protection and jointing. Despite technology advancements, bamboo is not
used much in construction. These catalysts and constraints are faced at all the stages of value chain. The
value chain usually follows the following structure discussed below:
India having the largest reserves of bamboo in the world is dealing with the shortage of bamboo as a raw
material in its industries. Presently it is underutilized and found in abundance. If bamboo sector has to be grown
beyond the certain level the regulatory restrictions on trade and transits need to be taken care off. India can
have 4-5 times better productivity then now and is expected to have an increase in the market size by 2015 if
proper management, cultivation and plantation practices are followed with proper market linkages. Thus,
bamboo can play an important role in meeting the future human needs of timber used as input for housing and
construction. In the light of increasing demand of raw materials for housing and construction, including timber
and decreasing forest area, bamboo based materials can serve as an alternative in bridging the gap of demand
and supply.
2.Cork as a building
Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak tree, quercus suber, which grows mainly in the
Mediterranean region. The bark is a vegetal tissue composed of an agglomeration of cells filled
with a gaseous mixture similar to air and lined with alternating layers of cellulose and suberin.
Cork's elasticity, combined with its near-impermeability, makes it the perfect material for making
bottle stoppers, floor tiles, insulation sheets, bulletin boards and other similar products.
Because of its remarkable qualities, cork is used in high-tech applications including car engines,
dam mechanisms and airport runways. The aeronautics has used cork as a thermal insulator in
space shuttles.
The use of cork as a raw material dates back to Phoenician and Greek times. Cork began to
become known all over the world as an effective bottle stopper for wine. In fact, cork is the only
material that makes a perfect seal during the ageing of the wine.
Today, cork is a valuable resource for Portugal, representing one of its most important export
The increasing market pressure towards natural and sustainable materials contributes to the natural
appealing of cork, also associated with an exotic character in some distant and valuable markets (e.g.
Asia, USA and Australia). The use of cork in flooring, wall coverings and insulation has increased, and
adopted innovative design approaches as well as product development and applications. The media
exposure of some out-of-the-box cork applications as exterior cladding of buildings was also decisive to
increase public awareness of cork: this was the case for Portuguese pavilions in the last two World Expos
of Hannover 2000 and Shanghai 2010
The cork oak
A typical tree produces several hundred kilograms of cork at each harvesting and will survive for many generations. The bark is stripped off the tree in sections
by highly skilled men using special axes, a traditional manual skill that dates back many hundreds of years.
Cork is harvested on a sustainable basis and the stripping of the bark does not harm the tree in any way. The bark grows back completely, taking on a smoother
texture after each harvest. A cork oak tree can be safely harvested up to 20 times during its life cycle, making cork a truly inexhaustible natural resource.
New plantations of cork oak trees are planted each year to ensure the level of cork production is maintained. Cork oak trees cannot be felled or removed
without government authorization, which is rarely granted.
Portugal, which produces more than 50% of the world's cork, has been particularly careful to safeguard this valuable resource. The first Portuguese laws
protecting cork oak trees date back to the 14th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became illegal to cut down cork oak trees, except for essential
thinning or the removal of old, non-productive trees.
In a context of increasing concern for the environment, cork remains the only tree whose bark can regenerate itself after each harvest — leaving the tree
unharmed. It is truly a renewable, environment
Cork oak forests cover approximately 2.5 million hectares across the Mediterranean region and most of them are located in seven countries:
Portugal, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, France, Italy and Tunisia.
The tree has a life span of 250-350 years. Each cork tree must be 20 to 25 years old before it can provide its first harvest of cork bark. This cork is
known as virgin and has a hard and irregular structure. After the virgin cork has been stripped, a new layer of cork begins to grow.
The first of these layers, harvested after nine years, is called secondary cork; cork harvested after this second stripping is known by the Portuguese
word: amazia.
Cork properties
The bark of the cork oak tree has a unique honeycomb structure composed of tiny cells.
Each cell has the form of a 14-sided polyhedron and the inner cell space is entirely filled
with an air-like gaseous mixture. The properties of cork derive naturally from the
structure and chemical composition of its extremely strong, flexible cell membranes,
which are waterproof and airtight.
Because about 89% of the tissue of the bark consists of gaseous matter, the density of
cork is extremely low, in the order of 0.12 to 0.20, a fact that bears witness to the huge
disproportion between the volume and the weight of the material.
Elasticity and resiliency
The cell membranes of cork are highly flexible, making it both compressible and elastic. This
means it returns to its original shape after being subjected to pressure. This and other
characteristics explain why cork has become an indispensable material for making bottle
These physical qualities mean that cork can be fitted perfectly against the walls of the
bottleneck. When cork is subjected to strong pressure, the gas in the cells is compressed and
considerably reduced in volume. When the pressure is released, the cork immediately
recovers its original shape and volume, showing no trace of having been subjected to any
appreciable deformation.
The presence of suberin (a complex mixture of fatty acids and heavy organic alcohol) renders
cork impermeable to both liquids and gases. As a result, it does not rot, making it one of the
best seals available.
The presence of suberin (a complex mixture of fatty acids and heavy organic alcohol)
renders cork impermeable to both liquids and gases. As a result, it does not rot, making it
one of the best seals available.
Insulation and fire retardant qualities
The value of cork is further enhanced by its low conductivity of heat, sound and vibration.
This is because the gaseous elements it contains are sealed in tiny, impermeable
compartments, insulated from each other by a moisture-resistant material. This endows
cork with one of the best insulating capacities, both thermal and acoustic, of any natural
Cork is also a natural fire retardant
It neither spreads flames nor releases toxic gases during combustion.
Resistance to wear
Cork is remarkably resistant to wear and has a high friction coefficient. Thanks to its
honeycomb structure, it is less affected by impact or friction than other hard surfaces.
Hypoallergenic properties
Because cork does not absorb dust, it helps protect against allergies and does not pose a
risk to asthma sufferers. It also has an unchangeable constitution that guarantees efficiency
A natural 'green’
In these times of increased concern for the environment, cork remains the only tree which can regenerate itself after each harvest. The cork bark is stripped off
two-thirds of the tree. The first harvest of cork is not stripped until the tree is approximately 20 years old. A thin layer of protective inner bark gives the cork oak
its unique ability to survive and regenerate itself after the debarking process. Stripping the bark requires great skill, as the inner bark must not be damaged. A
specially designed hatchet is used for the stripping process.
The first bark taken from a tree is called virgin bark. It has a very irregular exterior surface and is grayish in color. This bark is suitable for grinding into various
minute sizes ideal for cork insulation and composition cork. Interestingly, it has also become a very popular material for the manufacture of decorative items.
After the first harvest of cork, the bark is stripped from the tree once every nine years, until the cork oak is about 150 years old. The tree is then replaced by a
much younger one. The bark which grows after the virgin bark has been stripped is called refugo bark. It looks entirely different, having a much smoother
surface, which is brown in color. The first crop of refuge is used mostly for grinding. Subsequent strippings yield better quality cork that has fewer and more
tightly closed pores (grains). Most of the cork from these subsequent harvests is used for the production of cork stoppers or other items requiring cork with a
finer appearance.
After being stripped, the bark is left in the forest for some days to dry and, possibly, to be inspected by potential buyers. Purchasing cork bark is not an easy task
as the quality not only varies from forest to forest, but also from tree to tree. Even the same tree may produce cork of varying degrees of quality depending on
its exposure to sunlight.
Once in the factory area, the refugo bark is boiled to make it easier to remove the woody outer layer and to make the bark more elastic so that it can be flatten
it out more easily. The bark is then sorted into various thicknesses which are, in turn, sorted into different qualities. These different qualities determine the sale
price and/or the suitability of the cork for different manufacturing uses.
Cork is a natural product with remarkable and unique qualities that are unmatched by any other natural material. One cubic inch of cork is composed of no less
than 200 million tightly enclosed air cells, each measuring l/1000" in diameter. Each minute cell is 14-sided, which virtually eliminates any empty space between
the cells.
This quality is what gives cork its remarkable elasticity and ability to regain its original shape after being compressed
For decades, builders around the world have used precast concrete
sustainably. Although the process has been refined to a high science,
new technology continues to advance materials and casting processes.
That’s exciting as precast concrete’s evolution continues to add value to
sustainable buildings and occupant wellbeing.
Precast concrete production is done off the construction site in climate-
controlled factory conditions where critical factors like temperature and
humidity are tightly regulated. The manufacturing process uses
assembly-line principles where highly skilled and specialized workers
automate or oversee repetitive tasks. They ensure quality control by
meeting optimum conditions and ensuring consistency in concrete
The manufacturing process of precast concrete starts with specific
engineered designs calling for the cast products’ physical dimensions
and internal structural makeup. That includes the span and depth of
precast products along with details like concrete strength through mix
design and reinforcement requirements
Precast concrete manufacturers use forms or molds to shape the finished product while the
concrete cures or hardens. These forms are made from either wood or steel depending on
what product is being precast. Both wood and steel have their advantages in terms of
sustainability. Steel forms last a long time, but wood is reusable and is a renewable resource
that can be sustainably harvested. All forms are prepared with a release agent to prevent
cured concrete from bonding to the form.
Technology now allows form oil to be much more environmentally sustainable. For years,
mineral oil was the mainstay. But this is a petroleum product that comes with pollution
issues in addition to being an expensive, non-renewable product. Organic form release
agents and synthetic oils are replacing mineral oil. Now they’re doing their part for making
precast concrete products sustainable.
Reinforcement is a crucial part of the precast process. Reinforcing concrete increases its
tensile strength for tension and compression, which are primary physical forces
compensated for in construction design. The most common reinforcement method is
recycled steel rebar and prestressing strand, which is a highly sustainable product. In fact,
71% of reinforcing steel is made from recycled materials. Other reinforcements include:
• Wire mesh
• High-tech polymer
• Fiber mesh
Sustainability continues inside the concrete mix design. Concrete is mainly composed of cement and aggregates that bond through a
chemical hydration process activated by water.
Producing cement is energy-intensive and is not considered sustainable. Efforts to make concrete a more sustainable material largely involve
replacing cement in the concrete mix with alternatives such as leftover fly ash and slag from steel mills. However, with current capabilities,
you can only replace a portion of the cement used. Waste concrete can also be crushed and recycled as aggregate.
Once precast products have cured sufficiently enough to handle, workers strip the precast piece from the mold, and the form can later be
reused. Then the newly cast member is moved to a storage space where the curing process continues for up to 28 days. That’s when
concrete reaches its maximum design strength.
Precast concrete products can be made in advance of their installation schedule. When needed at the site, precast pieces are trucked from
factory storage and lifted right into place. This efficiency eliminates the chance of weather delays or labor shortages and contributes to the
project’s economic sustainability.
Precast concrete and environmental responsibility are entirely compatible. Sustainability in concrete products comes right from the
constituent materials used in making concrete. It doesn’t use scarce resources that are hard to obtain, expensive to purchase or difficult
to work with. Concrete consists of several naturally occurring ingredients. Portland cement is a blend of limestone, silica and minute
amounts of several chemicals.
Concrete aggregates consist of naturally occurring gravel, sand or rock that’s crushed to a particular screen size. Aggregates lend well to
recycled material like old concrete harvested from demolition sites or excess spillage from the manufacturing process. All sorts of natural
mineral compounds are mined and made into aggregates. Some previously manufactured products are recycled into concrete mixes,
including glass.
Water is the catalyst. It triggers a chemical reaction that starts the hydration or curing effect. Precast concrete can
have a relatively low water-cement ratio of between 0.36 and 0.38. This low ratio means the weight of the water
compared to the weight of the cement is less than in a typical mix – it also increases durability. After treating it, you
can often recycle water used for making concrete.
There are many precast concrete sustainability benefits. On their own, each one contributes a small but important
value to sustainable buildings. It’s the holistic and systematic approach that gives precast products their rightful place
in helping provide long-term environmental sustainability. Consider these benefits:
• Precast manufacturing holds tighter tolerances and precise mixture proportions.
• The factory settings greatly reduce waste. That includes waste from excessive concrete, formwork and bracing,
packaging and debris that accumulates on cast-in-place sites.
• Precast manufacturing businesses recycle waste material. That results in less material sent to landfills or dumped
into the environment.
• Plant conditions create less dust. This is healthier for workers protected by ventilation equipment and personal
protective equipment like respirators.
• Properly designed precast structural members are smaller in size and use less material than products built on-site.
This means less material must be harvested from the environment and results in less to dispose of when the
building’s lifecycle is over.
• The workplace environment is healthier for factory employees than those who work on construction sites. Internal
shop environments have controlled conditions where air quality, noise and safety hazards are addressed.
• Most ingredients used in precast concrete are locally produced, and aggregates are mined within a short distance of
production. Many precast facilities are located right at the aggregate pit or nearby. This greatly reduces hauling trips,
which decreases highway traffic, fuel consumption and exhaust levels that present a risk to the public.
• Energy conservation is a huge factor in creating sustainability in buildings. Operating costs are one of sustainability’s
key tenets. Precast concrete’s thermal mass absorbs and releases heat slowly. This can equate to long-term energy
savings through years of cooling and heating the building, especially when combined with insulation.
• Indoor air quality is higher in buildings made with precast concrete components. Many architects specify precast
pieces to serve for interior finishes, as well as exterior exposure. Exposed interior concrete surfaces have no volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) that off gas toxic chemicals.
• Concrete finishes inside buildings have an attractive aesthetic appearance and reduce costs by eliminating other
types of finishes.
LEED is a green building rating system. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the leading authority when it comes to recognizing excellence
in environmentally friendly, sustainable building design and construction. Having a building LEED-certified is a badge of honor that’s well-earned. It’s also the sustainably
proper thing to do.
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) developed the LEED green building rating system to help market the construction industry as more efficient, stable
and environmentally sound. LEED is a voluntary program, not a compliance or regulatory requirement. In two decades, LEED projects have become the norm, not the
exception, for industrial, commercial and residential projects.
Products used in LEED projects are consensus-based building systems. There are standards for certification and flexible design guidelines for using sustainable building
products and techniques as well as ensuring long-term operation is economically and environmentally sustainable. LEED is as much of a mindset movement as it is a
practical application
4.Sheep Wool as a Construction Material for Energy Efficiency Improvement
Wool insulation, made from the remnants of sheering sheep, is increasingly finding its way
into commercial and residential buildings across the world, in countries like New Zealand,
Scandinavia and even Canada.
Here, Andrew Legge, founder and managing partner of Havelock Wool, a Nevada-based
producer of sheep’s wool insulation, discusses the inherent benefits of using this material in
construction, especially when it is byproduct of the textile industry
What are some sustainable benefits of wool insulation?
Wool as insulation is a natural insulator that has evolved over thousands of years to protect sheep
from the elements. Heat is not required during the production process, as no glues or bonding
agents are used. As a result, wool insulation has an extremely low net embodied energy and
minimal environmental impact. In addition, wool does not contain harmful chemicals and is
naturally self-extinguishing. Finally, wool insulation has a long useful lifespan and can be
composted when a building is repurposed, rather than end up in a landfill. We take wool that is
considered too coarse for textiles and repurpose it to create high-performing insulation.
How is wool insulation produced? What materials and processes are involved?
Our production process is quite simple. We source a particular blend of wool in New Zealand and, after it is thoroughly scoured (cleaned), we have it shipped via
ocean freight to our factory in Reno, Nev. It is packed with a 200-ton press prior to shipping, which enables us to keep our logistics in the bottom decile from a
cost and efficiency standpoint. In the factory, the wool is unpacked and then sent through one of two production lines to make either batts or blow-in insulation.
After packaging is completed, we are ready to send the processed wool to end users.
When thinking about maintenance and installation, what are the differences from traditional insulation?
With wool insulation, you can install it and forget about it, as it requires no maintenance or care after installation. The process of installing wool batts is the
same as with other types of insulation. Blow-in wool insulation is also similar, though there is a slight variation in the machinery used to install it. Installers must
possess the necessary equipment.
Common misconceptions about wool insulation
The common misconception with wool is that it is not worth the additional upfront cost. Wool manages moisture and offers passive filtration, given that its
amino acids irreversibly bond with formaldehyde, NOx and SO2. If you think about it, adding 0.5 per cent to your construction budget in exchange for getting a
natural, healthy, long-lasting insulation material is a smart decision and good investment. Our challenge is to educate architects, builders and consumers on the
benefits of wool insulation and then be a part of the conversation at the right time in the decision-making process.
Sheep wool is a natural, renewable and sustainable material, and it is important to ensure that it is used in an environmentally friendly manner. The future well-
organized collection and clean production of sheep wool insulation could create a positive effect on the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and regional socio-
economical development through the creation of a suitable environment for farmers, SMEs, local communities. All of the aforementioned could result in
enhanced standard and quality of life in rural areas. This study was focused on the alternative uses of wool as a construction material beyond its traditional uses
in the textile industry. This research shows that sheep wool could be used as a very good natural resource in the building industry for insulation in BiH and the
surrounding countries.
Local natural materials, such as sheep wool, provide sustainable answers for all requirements of contemporary architecture as appropriate materials for
insulation and energy saving in buildings. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that thermal insulation from sheep wool provides comparable
characteristics with convectional materials, and in some applications, even performs better
5.Recycled and Reclaimed Materials
Recycling and Recyclability
Structural steel produced in North America typically contains 90
percent or more recycled steel.
Steel, when recycled, loses none of its inherent properties.
Using steel on a construction site minimizes the amount of demolition
waste since steel can be easily and responsibly recycled.
When steel construction products have outlived their current intended
use, they can be recycled into new steel products.
Steel Sustainability in Recycling Fact Sheet
Steel Sustainability in Construction Fact Sheet
Sustainability in Steelmaking Fact Sheet
Green Building Rating Systems
Steel can be used to comply with the requirements of sustainable design
standards such as:
International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
ASHRAE Standard 189.1, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
National Green Building Standard (ICC-700).
Steel can also provide credit points for green building rating systems like:
USGBC's LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Find out how
steel can contribute to a LEED v4 project.
Green Building Initiative's ANSI/GBI-01, Green Building Assessment Protocol for
Commercial Buildings.
Steel vs. Wood
Claims made about the "environmental benefits" of using mass timber for mid- and high-rise building construction often rely on existing assumptions to
reinforce them versus scientific studies.
"Steel Industry Response to Inaccurate Claims Regarding Wood in Construction" - Kevin Dempsey - October 2, 2020
Wood is typically a single-use material. At the end of its useful life, the demolished structure of a wood building is typically landfilled or incinerated. This
returns any stored carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere as either carbon dioxide or methane.
Wood is a renewable building resource, but being renewable is not the same thing as being sustainable. Renewability is a single attribute, just like
recyclability is a single attribute. Wood can no more be classified as a sustainable material based on a single attribute than can steel or any other building
The wood industry claims that for every tree cut down, one or more new trees are planted. However, the claim does not take into account that it will take
many years before those saplings mature. In the meantime, the forest is depleted of the oxygen, water storage and filtration, wildlife habitat, global
cooling, and other benefits wood provided by the mature tree. (From "Understanding Environmental Product Declarations [EPDs] for Wood [Current
Problems and Future Possibilities"], The Sierra Club Forest Certification and Green Building Team, September 24, 2013.)
Trees are often harvested by clear-cutting, leaving large gaps in the forestland that impact the plants and animal species that are left behind.
Carbon is sequestered in the fiber of trees, but that does not mean that wood buildings become large reservoirs of carbon that is stored indefinitely. The
reality is that carbon storage in wood products is temporary and is released back into the atmosphere by the demolition and subsequent decay of the
wood structure or by fire.
The carbon that is sequestered in new wood construction is only offsetting the impacts of the release of greenhouse gases from wood buildings currently
being demolished. Wood construction is not a new technology that will suddenly result in a quantum increase in carbon storage.
Eighty-one percent of forests in the United States are not certified, 11 percent are Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI®)-certified, and 7 percent are Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC®)-certified. (From "Forest Certification Around the World: Georgia-Pacific, Sustainable Forestry and Certification," Georgia-
Pacific, 2014). The sustainable harvest certification provided by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative has often been challenged as to whether it reaches the
required threshold of sustainable forestry. SFI was created in 1994 by the paper and timber industry.
In actuality, only 7 percent of the forestland in the United States reaches the threshold of being considered sustainably managed.
An emerging technology that can make use of waste plastic
Though we all diligently cart our plastic to the curb for recycling, the sad reality is that only about 7% of it is commercially viable for recycling,
the rest ends up as landfill.
Plastic is a petroleum product that until now has been very inconsistent and unstable when returned to an oil form. Recently a North American
fuel company called Plastic2Oil, has developed a process that can consistently transform unsorted, unwashed waste plastic into ultra-clean,
ultra-low Sulphur fuel requiring no further refinement.
Breaking down at various purities, this low-emission processing technique delivers predominantly heating oil and diesel transportation fuel, but
has a use for all its by-products including running the processor itself which uses its own off-gases as fuel (approximately 10-12% of process
The emissions documented by CRA (carbon footprint analysis) from the P2O stack test were lower than what would be produced by the same test
on a natural gas furnace of similar size.
John Bordynuik, President & CEO
There is no question that what we are talking about here is still burning fossil fuels. The difference in this case, is that these fossil fuels have
effectively seen the end of their useful life, and are now clogging up our landfills, waterways and oceans.
Even if we had government commitment and action, transforming our energy infrastructure from fossil fuels to renewables will be an arduous
process that will take decades. Without government cooperation as we are seeing, that will be even more drawn out.
Our world presently runs on oil, and it will require oil through manufacturing, transportation and construction to transform our societies into
sustainable ones. It’s possible that this sort of technology will be part of that process.
Aside from landfills we also have in the South Pacific what is known as ‘Garbage Island’, where converging ocean currents have brought
together a floating debris pile (mostly plastic) the size of Texas. Having no commercial value and no one to take ownership of it, it simply
continues to grow.
We are leaving countless ecological disasters for the next generation, and frivolously using the resources they will need to clean up our mess.
Perhaps technologies like this will help lessen the burden
Felled trees in residential areas have most often been either burned as waste, or taken to landfills. With the help of portable mills and tree salvage
companies, better use is being made of this valuable resource.
Ecohome Published: June 27, 2012, 3:15 p.m. Last updated: Sept. 25, 2020, 5:01 p.m.
Mike Reynolds
It's always a bit sad to watch an old and seemingly healthy tree come down. But if it must, it's great to do something useful with it. This 110 year old pine
tree in Chelsea, Quebec that was looming over two homes started to show signs of rot. With a new building project slated to go right underneath it, it
was time to take it down
Where an old garage stood was soon to be the location of a studio / workshop, so rather than dispose of the wood from this tree and go buy more, Brian
Blak and Colleen Mahoney had a portable mill come and turn the tree into usable materials for their future building project.
Despite being in a wooded neighborhood on a large lot, allowed to fall on its own this tree could have landed on any one of 3 homes.
To take it down safely took an entire day with 2 people on the ground, one climber and a crane. The first section removed (the crown) weighed in
impressively at just over 8 thousand pounds.
When it was safely down and cut into manageable sizes, the tree was milled into 8x8's for the main support structure and boards for flooring and trim.
After being left to air dry for two years, much of the lumber was taken to a local mill to be turned into tongue and groove flooring. The rest was milled
and finished by the owners (in their new workshop) as the materials for baseboards and trims.
Along with the tree, materials from the old garage were also salvaged for the new project. Plywood from the floor was cut into strips and used as
strapping, while rafters became shelving in the workshop.
Exterior clapboard from the garage became the interior finish for one of the walls. That along with exterior styled lighting gives you the feeling of sitting
outside, which can be a helpful delusion during a long Canadian winter.
A project like this takes a lot of foresight, planning and patience. Materials were collected and stored in their yard while the wood dried and plans were
finalized. All said and done, a good portion of the materials for this project were not only local, they came from within 5 feet of the building site.
The whole process of building this backyard studio (which Brian and Colleen have dubbed the treehouse) has drawn in many curious and inspired
neighbors who have walked away with bits of this locally infamous tree for their own projects
Green BuildingTechnology
Why Do We Need Green Building Technologies?
We are a country of 1.2 Billion People and counting …
• 31% percent of Indian population lives in Urban Areas
• 700% increase in commercial energy consumption in the last four decades and the numbers are growing
• Energy consumption in India will touch 4 trillion units by 2030
• There is a shortage of average 225 million litre water per day in major Indian Cities, and an alarming 21
Indian cities are estimated to run out of water by 2030
Green Building Construction presents one big solution to this unsustainable growth. By now we all know, a
green building is a structure which is designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an environmentally
friendly and resource-efficient manner. In addition to that, these buildings are designed to meet certain
critical objectives like:
• Protecting Occupant Health
• Improving Employee Productivity
• Conservation Of Energy, Water, And Other Fast Depleting Resources
• Reduce The Use Of Energy, Water, And Other Fast Depleting Resources
• Lower Carbon Footprint
• Reducing The Overall Impact To The Environment
• Better Indoor Air
Green building technology can really help in achieving these objectives in an efficient manner
Types Of Green BuildingTechnologies
1. Net Zero Concepts
Net zero or Zero energy buildings are built to effectively operate independently of the standard
electric grid. In simple words, they are able to produce their own power through the use of
renewable energy sources. And yes, “Zero” here refers to both energy consumption and carbon
emissions. Basically, such building structures consume zero net energy annually and do not produce
any carbon emissions as it largely relies on renewable energy supplies like solar or wind power.
In addition to net zero concepts there are a certain building which efficiently produces energy
which is more than its requirement. Such buildings produce a surplus of energy, hence they are
known as “Energy-Plus Buildings”. On the other hand, some buildings produce little less than the
required energy, they are called “Near-Zero Energy Buildings”.
Zero energy homes are expressly built to be enormously energy efficient with passive solar designs
and excellent insulation. While design is just one part, the building powers itself using active solar
panels and wind collectors, some buildings also use biofuels for heating.
And one fact we cannot ignore to mention, building a zero-energy home is no easy task, also it’s not
cheap. Zero energy concepts are still a niche form of construction which involve high up-front costs.
But again, the rewards of building such homes are a perfect blend of technology which barely
affects the environment compared to today’s typical construction project.
2. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation And Air
About half of a building’s energy demand are devoted to heating, ventilation, and air-
conditioning (HVAC). Hence, it is barely surprising that this particular field has become an
important point for innovation.
Today all modern constructions employ HVAC systems, in fact, it is one function that
designates them as modern buildings or homes. Through a series of ducts, house warm or
cool or dehumidified air flows into all the rooms of a home. A centrally placed HVAC system
is one of the most silent and convenient ways to cool the entire house.
HVAC Systems comprise of water-cooled screw chillers with a high coefficient of
performance and eco-friendly refrigerant.
AHU’s, cooling towers, pumps; jet fans with adjustable frequency drives are modulated by
centralized IBMS with the installation variable air volumes inside the designated areas.
AHU’s are interlinked with Heat Recovery Units to reduce the cooling load on the chiller.
For better IAQ, use of Demand Control Ventilation system with Co2 sensors is a must.
The main objective of an HVAC system is to reduce the electricity consumption of the
building from the electricity grid.
3. Cool Roofs
The effect a roof can have on energy is often ignored, the impression of which can be momentous. In winter, inadequate or damaged roof insulation allows heat to easily escape and
during summers, heat gained through the roof not only upsurges the cooling load but also increases the electricity demands.
A cool roof is one sustainable green building technology which aims at reflecting the heat and sunlight away. It helps largely in keeping the buildings at standard room temperatures by
depressing heat absorption and thermal emittance. Simply put, they reflect more of the sun’s rays than average shingle roofs and avert the warm/cool air inside the home from escaping
through the top of a building.
The typical design of cool roofs makes use of special tiles and reflective paints which absorb less heat and also reflect most of the solar radiation away. Typically, cool roofs easily reduce
temperatures by more the 50 degree Celsius during the summer months. Cool roofs help in minimizing the dependence on air conditioning systems, which in turn helps in reducing the
energy use and lowering greenhouse gas emissions that result from powering our heating and cooling.
Cool roofs can be constructed with a number of materials, including special reflective paint and cool roof shingles and tiles.
4. Green Insulation
Energy-efficient heating can only keep a building warm if there is sufficient thermal insulation to keep the heat inside. Another fact that might surprise you is that
Insulation is one of the greatest concerns when it comes to the construction of buildings and homes.
But, most people don’t understand that these insulators are simply wall filters which do not necessarily demand the use of expensive and highly finished materials.
While choosing the best possible insulating materials, there are some prerequisites that one could consider. Some of them are discussed below.
• Costing of the insulating material
• Measurement of the area where insulation is to be done
• Degree of insulation required
• Costing of energy being consumed for heating and cooling
• Sensible fire-proof
• Non- absorption of moisture
• Non – vulnerable to undergo deformation
• Insolent of attack of little insects
Identifying basic insulating materials is very important. Here is a list of basic insulating materials; wool insulation materials, slag slabs, natural fibre insulation materials,
porotherm bricks, gypsum board, vermiculite, and perlite insulation materials, cementitious foam insulation materials, gasket cork sheet, insulation facings etc.
Additionally, the use of green insulation has proved out to be a sustainable construction technology as it helps in eliminating the need of high-end finishes made from
non-renewable materials, denim insulation, cellulose insulation, glass insulation, and cotton insulations are few examples. The use of Porotherm Bricks is one great option
as these bricks contain natural insulation properties
5. Water
Conservation of water is one of the basic principles of green building. Rigorous efforts are
needed to ensure that material and systems which are used in building construction aid in
the reduction of water consumption during both the construction and operation phases in
buildings and landscaping the areas.
The principle of water efficiency and sustainable water management is quite achievable, it
can be done by using alternate sources of water to meet the water demands where the
quality of water need not be potable. In the residential zones, potable water can be supplied
and in large commercial zones partly potable and a large portion of non- potable water can
be supplied and this is a wise step and should be considered in all urban areas of the country
and abroad.
All the water fixtures like taps, toilets, shower heads, urinals etc. should be water efficient.
Green buildings are sustainable buildings which demand water conservation as well as
preventing pollution and use reuse of grey water and recycle treated water ensuring potable
water use for potable purpose only.
The environmental benefits of Green construction are obvious, but there are
other compelling reasons to implement green building technologies which may
not immediately come to mind. One example is – Additional business
opportunities which come from appealing to an ever-growing pool of
environmentally conscious consumers.
Green buildings make a lot of business sense, as it starts paying off good ROI
within 3-4 years. Well, though the use of new technology might look like some
additional effort and investments, the rewards of these are far higher and
Use of Green building technology aids the green efforts, benefiting workforce
and society as a whole, reducing operating costs and elevating your brand value
An environmentalist can be defined as an individual who “advocates or works to protect air, water, animals, plants, and
other natural resources from pollution or its effects.”
The term ‘environmentalism’ can be defined as an ethical and political movement aims at improving and protecting
natural environment quality by, first, changing environmentally harmful activities, second, by adopting social, political
and economic forms of organization that are necessary and/or conducive to the benign treatment of the environment
and third, by reassessing the human-nature relationship. Therefore, an environmentalist is an individual who is an
advocate of environmentalism.
Environmental movements can be broadly classified into two categories. The first is the anthropocentric approach or
the ‘human-centered’ approach wherein one is primarily concerned with the negative impact of environmental
degradation on various aspects of human life. This is referred to as the ‘shallow ecology’ approach. The second
category is termed as the biocentric approach or the ‘life centered’ approach wherein it is believed that the
environment carries with itself a certain intrinsic worth that obligates human beings to take care of it. As a result, all
individuals and elements from the natural environment form a unified ecological community. This is termed as the
‘deep ecology’ approach.
Jadav Payeng
Also known as the ‘forest man of India,’ Jadav Payeng comes from the state of Assam. (infinity, n.d.) His contribution as an
environmentalist entails creating a 550 hectare long man-made forest all by himself.
The forest of Muali Reserve lies in the Majuli Island, on Brahmaputra River in Assam. It has a total area of 1000 hectares and
faces the threat of “extensive soil erosion.” Majuli shrunk to about more than half of its size in the past 70 years and faced the
possibility of being submerged. To prevent this submergence, the Golaghat District Forestry Division began planting 200
hectares of the forest in the sandbars of the Brahmaputra in 1980. However, at the beginning of 1983, this program was
abandoned by the authorities. Jadev Payeng stepped in at that moment and spent 30 years of his life trying to restore the
forest. He started by planting bamboo and some other plant species which resulted in the restoration of that area. At present,
the forest encompasses 1360 hectares of area and a variety of wildlife. (Fourtané, 2018)
Molai Kathoni forest: A one-man-made forest
The Mulai Reserve is a forest on the Majuli Island in the Brahmaputra River near Kokilamukh in the Jorhat district in Assam,
India. It has a total area of about 1,000 hectares and is under continuous threat due to the extensive soil erosion on its banks.
Majuli has shrunk over the past 70 years by more than half. There are concerns that it could be submerged within the next 20
years. To fight this, in 1980, the Assam Forestry Division of Golaghat district began a plan to reforest 200 hectares of the forest
in one of the sandbars of the Brahmaputra river.
Forest Man: Award-Winning Documentary Films
The Molai forest and Jadav Payeng have been the subject of a number of award-winning documentary films. In 2012, a locally
made documentary film produced by Jitu Kalita, The Molai Forest, was screened at the Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Jitu Kalita, who lives near Jadav Payeng's house, has also been featured and given recognition on his work reporting the life
and accomplishment of Jadav Payeng through his documentary film.
Source: Alpha/Flickr
Source: Jadav Payeng:
The Forest Man of
Jadav Payeng: Forest Man of India
Jadav Payeng is an inspirational environmental activist. He upgraded a chapori of the river Brahmaputra to a
reserve forest all by himself. He began his incredible journey in 1979 when he was only 16 years old.
Jadav Payeng is a humble farmer from a marginalized tribal community in the region of Assam, India. He is the
son of a poor buffalo trader. When he started planting trees in 1979 as a teenager, it was because he had seen
dead snakes piled on the sand.
The snakes had died due to the high temperatures and the lack of shade or tree cover. Since he started, he
invested over 30 years of his life to make a difference in the world trying to save Majuli from erosion by planting
thousands of trees for almost 40 years.
Which country has the largest man-made forest in the world?
China already has the largest human-made forest in the world. The forest is known as the Great Green Wall. This
man-made forest has been designed to stop desertification and fight climate change. This Chinese forest is
meant to eventually cover more than 42 percent of China’s landmass.
Ordinary citizens have planted billions of trees across China since 2010, making the Chinese forestation
programme greater than any seen elsewhere. However, this is the effort of an entire population toward a
common goal. The forestation of the Molai Forest is the result of the effort of one man only. This is what makes
it unique.
Source: Manamohana Holla K/Wikimedia
Source: Humanity Watchdog
Sumaira Abdulali
Sumaira Abdulali was born into a family of environmentalists and has been working towards
environmental protection since 2002. For more than a decade, she has contributed extensively to
two issues that impact the environment, namely, sand mining and noise pollution. Her NGO,
Awaaz Foundation played a crucial role in implementing silence zones and safe zone limits during
festivals and also dealing with the issue of sand drudging which severely impacts the bio-system.
She faced several threats from mafias and big politicians, however, her will and deter enabled her
to remain focused on serving the environment and directing all her energies to bring about a
change in the society. (The Logical Indian, 2015)
Rajendra Singh
Also known as the ‘waterman of India,’ Rajendra Singh has worked towards the goal of efficient
water management and harvesting. For over three decades, Singh has worked towards the
rejuvenation and revival of water bodies in India. He is also known to be highly critical of the lax in
the attitude of various government bodies and their pessimism towards water body revival. He has
revived over 12 water bodies by constructing 11800 water structures in the regions of Karnataka,
Rajasthan, and Maharashtra. This has helped in the recharging of aquifers. His work and
contribution to the environment have won him the Magsaysay in 2001 and the Stockholm Water
Prize in 2015. (Kamal, 2019)
M. S. Swaminathan
Known as the ‘Father of India’s Green Revolution,’ Swaminathan worked on agricultural research and plant genetics. His
work led to the production of a high-technology invention in the wheat crops which paved the way for the Indian Green
Revolution. He is known as an agricultural genius since he cross-bred a Mexican seed with a local variety that led to the
production of a large number of grains. This helped in successfully tackling the famine issue in India as well as that in
Career span of Dr M.S. Swaminathan
His professional career began in 1949. During the period from 1949-55, he undertook research on potato,
wheat, rice and jute genetics, after which he worked on Mexican dwarf wheat varieties.
Besides serving as the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, his
contributions include establishment of the National Bureau of Plant, Animal and Fish Genetic Resources of
India and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.
Dr M.S. Swaminathan has served as Director of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (1966-
72) and Director General of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Secretary to the Government of
India, Department of Agricultural Research and Education (1972-79)
Lessons Learned from the Life of Dr M.S. Swaminathan
● The word “impossible” is not in the dictionary of Dr M.S. Swaminathan. He had studied genetics for a
reason—to help the poor farmers, to make it possible for India to produce enough grain to feed its people. He
has achieved what he has dreamt for India.
● Though a promising academic career awaited him in the U.S. during the 50’s. Dr M.S. Swaminathan
refused to settle there. Love for his country and the passion to improve the lives of his countrymen were
stronger. Passion, commitment and focused work can bring your goal closer to you
Recognition and Awards
● Dr M.S. Swaminathan was awarded the Padma Shri in 1967, the Padma Bhushan in 1972, and Padma Vibhushan in 1989.
● The Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership in 1971, in recognition of outstanding contributions in Agricultural
● The Borlaug Award in 1971 for his pioneering work in wheat.
● The Philippines president honored Dr M.S. Swaminathan with The Golden Heart Presidential Award in 1987.
● Dr M.S. Swaminathan received the Volvo Environment Prize in 1999.
● Dr M.S. Swaminathan also received the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development in 2000.
● The Planet and Humanity Medal of the International Geographical Union was awarded in 2000 to Dr M.S. Swaminathan.
● Dr M.S. Swaminathan is also the first recipient of the Award instituted by the Association for Women in Development from
Washington. Krishi Ratna Award in 1986.
● Commandeur of the Order of the Golden Ark of the Netherlands, to honor special services rendered to the conservation of the flora
and fauna in the world (1990).
● Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement in 1991. The Honda Prize in 1991.
● UNEP–Sasakawa Environment Prize was awarded to him in 1994.
● Dr M.S. Swaminathan received Global Environmental Leadership Award in 1995.
Now, Currently Dr M.S. Swaminathan holds the UNESCO Chair in Eco-technology and is Chairman of the Dr M.S. Swaminathan
Research Foundation, Chennai.
Apart from the environmentalists listed in this paper, there are plenty of other
individuals who have played a key role in the environmental protection of India.
The contribution of not only Indian environmentalists but all of those across the
world serves as an inspiration to become more aware of the harm being caused to
the environment due to human activities. With several environmentalists working
towards the cause of the environment, we must play our role in conserving the
environment and augmenting their efforts. Our contribution towards the
environment should not just be limited to academics and study of environmental
concepts, it should go beyond the textbook and manifest itself in the ground
reality. We must employ active action and voice our opinions to protect our
Chary, V. Dr M.S. Swaminathan – the Agricultural Genius. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from
Fourtané, S. (2018). Jadav Payeng: The Man Who Planted an Entire Forest by Himself. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from
The Logical Indian. (2015). Know-How: Sumaira Abdulali Has Bravely Fought Against Noise Pollution And Sand Mining. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from

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Introduction to Environment & Sustainability

  • 3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit GOVERNMENT MINISTRIES INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS
  • 4. 4 Time for Nature: Is a global public health crisis what it takes to protect the planet’s biodiversity? Posted on June 5, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus By Edward Perry, Policy Analyst, OECD Environment Directorate Today is World Environment Day. As countries across the globe are still reeling from the human, social and economic cost of COVID-19, dedicating today to nature might seem ill-timed. Let me tell you – it’s not. Our disruption of ecosystems and exploitation of wildlife may well be why we are in this mess. To reduce the risk of future crises, COVID-19 recovery packages must recognise the importance of nature for human health, well-being and the economy. This year’s theme for World Environment Day – Time for Nature – could not be more appropriate. Nature, human health and the economy are closely linked COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease, as are nearly two-thirds of infectious diseases affecting humans. That means that the disease-causing pathogen jumped to humans from another animal. So which animal caused the COVID-19 outbreak? The jury is still out. Scientists suspect that bats, pangolins and possibly other animals were involved. But let’s not shift the blame. Look at other infectious diseases and you will see a common pattern emerge. Increased incidence of Lyme disease, Nipah, West Nile virus and other zoonoses can be linked to our heavy environmental footprint. By overexploiting wildlife and degrading ecosystems, we have brought ourselves closer to natural reservoirs of disease and disrupted the processes within ecosystems that keep these diseases in check. Humans have significantly altered three-quarters of the earth’s surface. We have destroyed over 85% of the world’s wetlands. And between 1990 and 2015, we cut down an area of native forest 16 times the size of France. The rate of species extinction is unprecedented and accelerating, driven by land-use change, over-exploitation of natural resources, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species. If we do not make transformative changes in our systems, values and behaviours, we will see further declines in nature for decades to come. And with it, a rising risk of disease outbreak.
  • 5. 5 The COVID-19 recovery must factor in nature Governments are committing trillions of dollars to reinvigorate the economy and support livelihoods. Done right, recovery measures could set the world off on a new trajectory that improves the health and resilience of nature, society and the economy. Done wrong, recovery measures will entrench or even exacerbate pre-COVID- 19 practices that destroy biodiversity, compromising our future and that of generations to come. The COVID-19 response must be a holistic one that recognises the inter-connectedness of nature, human well-being, and the economy. Our impacts and dependencies on nature present risks and opportunities. We must systematically factor these into business, financial and economic decisions. Five considerations for governments as they plan their recovery First, the COVID-19 recovery is no excuse for rolling back environmental regulation. This will only create future vulnerability. Maintaining and strengthening environmental regulation is critical, but not sufficient. The increased rates of illegal poaching and deforestation during the COVID-19 lockdown highlight the importance of coupling environmental regulation with effective monitoring and enforcement. Second, stimulus measures should be designed to have a neutral or positive impact on nature. The Greenness of Stimulus Index developed by Vivid Economics shows that, in 13 out of 16 countries, stimulus measures potentially harmful to nature largely outweigh those that support nature. Screening and monitoring stimulus measures for their environmental impact is a sound first step. To drive transformative change, governments could make bail outs conditional on companies aligning their business models with sustainability objectives. Third, governments need to accelerate progress in reforming subsidies that harm nature. Before COVID-19 hit, government spending on subsidies harmful to biodiversity was at least five times more than total spending to protect biodiversity. Reforming harmful subsidies can help free up resources, while promoting long- term resilience. Fourth, introducing and ramping up taxes on activities that harm biodiversity can help offset the costs of increased government spending and reductions in labour tax revenue resulting from the COVID-19 induced economic crisis, while simultaneously providing incentives to better protect nature. OECD’s PINE database shows large potential to scale up biodiversity-relevant taxes. Fifth, nature-based jobs can get people back to work quickly, while promoting resilient, well-functioning ecosystems for the future. New Zealand, for example, is investing NZD 1.1 billion to create 11,000 nature-based jobs. Jobs include restoring wetlands, trapping stoats and other introduced pests, and removing wilding pines to make space for native bush to return. Nature-based projects are not only quick to establish, they also have a multiplier effect. Ecosystem restoration in the US provides direct employment for 126 000 workers and generates USD 9.5 billion in economic output annually. It creates a further 95 000 indirect jobs and USD 15 billion in household spending. In the words of Rahm Emanuel former White House Chief of Staff and former Mayor of Chicago, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”. Governments have before them an opportunity and an imperative to set the world on a more sustainable path. Perhaps a global health crisis will be what it takes to protect the planet’s biodiversity. It’s Time for Nature
  • 6. 6 Is the COVID-19 crisis spurring a transition to net-zero emissions in the oil and gas sector? Posted on December 2, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus By Andrew Prag and Guy Halpern, OECD Environment Directorate Almost all economic sectors have suffered due to the evolving COVID-19 crisis. For the oil and gas industry, already battered on one side by low prices due to an oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, and on the other by the push to decarbonize the global economy, the crisis hit at an especially challenging time. Nevertheless, an increasing number of international oil and gas companies have set out seemingly ambitious goals to transition to “net-zero” carbon emissions by 2050. What is behind these new announcements? Are they just greenwashing, or do they represent a genuine intent to transform firms in the face of the accelerating energy transition? What do the commitments mean for achieving the Paris Agreement goals, and can they help to convince governments to be bolder and to really deliver on their plans for a “green recovery” after COVID-19? The oil and gas sector before and during the COVID-19 crisis Well before COVID-19, there were clear signs that change was coming to some parts of the oil and gas industry. In 2014, CEOs of 12 major firms came together form the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative, later pledging support for the Paris Agreement. In September 2019, coinciding with the UN Climate Summit in New York, the UK Offshore Oil and Gas association (OGUK) published Roadmap to 2035: A Blueprint for Net-zero. In December 2019, Repsol was the first to pledge to become carbon neutral by 2050. By January 2020, the IEA stressed that the driving question for the industry was “should today’s oil and gas companies be viewed only as part of the problem, or could they also be crucial in solving it?” When COVID-19 hit, the picture changed dramatically. With much of the world on lockdown, demand plummeted. Oil prices even went briefly negative in some US oil futures contracts and investment went into free-fall. With global COVID-19 case numbers still rising in late 2020, with many countries facing a second wave of the virus, it’s clear that the economic impacts of the pandemic will not disappear overnight. Latest numbers from the IEA point to a 35% decline in upstream oil and gas spending in 2020 compared to 2019, compared to an 18% decline in energy investment overall. And yet in the midst of this turmoil, with the whole oil and gas sector under severe financial stress, more major European integrated oil and gas companies (such as BP, Eni, OMV, Shell, Total and Equinor) have joined Repsol in pledging to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. At a time when it might have been tempting to retreat from the climate change debate and focus on shoring up near-term financial performance, these multinationals appear to have decided to step up rather than step back, albeit with varying levels of ambition and depth.
  • 7. 7 Is this time different? This is not the first time that oil and gas companies have put forward transformational ambitions. Nearly 20 years ago, BP rebranded to “beyond petroleum”, pledging to control emissions and become leaders in promoting environmental sustainability. Investments did follow, but by 2013 most of BP’s renewable energy assets had been sold off. So, will this time be different? There does appear to be more momentum than ever before. At least two of the recent commitments – those of BP and ENI – crucially include Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 emissions encompass indirect emissions across a company’s value chain, including from the use of their products. For an oil and gas company, this implies a radical change of business model, well beyond reducing emissions from the companies’ own operations. BP in particular made two startling announcements as the pandemic started to take hold. First, the firm cut its long-term oil price forecast for oil by 30%, leading to a write-down of assets by between USD 13 and USD 17.5 billion. Perhaps more surprising than the write-down itself was the reason given: that the pandemic will “accelerate the pace of transition to a lower-carbon economy and energy system”. Second, BP has begun planning with expectations of a carbon price of USD 100 per tone by 2030 – a big step up from the current USD 40. Further, the footprint of oil and gas majors that have announced ambitious climate plans remains small relative to overall production. In particular, nationally owned oil companies have been much slower to join the party. But these state-owned firms account for over half of global production (and even greater share of reserves) and control a larger proportion of low-cost oil, making them more likely to continue producing in a low oil price world. That said, October 2020 saw a promising sign of change with Malaysia’s Petronas becoming the first NOC to pledge net zero by 2050. Why now? Reputation management, staff retention and anticipation of future regulation are also at play. But changes are also being driven by the market and the need to ensure access to finance in a world where oil is worth less as demand peaks, carbon prices rise, climate risk disclosure becomes the norm, and high-emission and high-cost projects face real risks of becoming stranded assets. Market signals are already picking up on this new reality. In early October, NextEra, the biggest wind energy producer in the US and one of the biggest solar energy producers, overtook ExxonMobil as the most valuable US energy company by market capitalization. More broadly, renewables have been more resilient than fossil fuels in the face of the Covid-19 crisis and renewable energy firms in Germany, France, the UK and US have outperformed oil & gas stocks since the onset of the COVID 19 crisis, as well as over the previous ten years. Enter “green recovery” In that light, the OECD and others have highlighted the potential for stimulus packages to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions as part of a “green recovery”. Stimulus measures so far announced do include meaningful support for the green transition – in particular in the EU – but much more needs to be done. The OECD reports that while at least 30 countries among the OECD its key partners have included measures to support the transition to greener economies as part of their recovery programmed, many are also planning measures that will likely have direct or indirectly negative impacts on the environment. According to Energy Policy Tracker estimates, G20 countries have so far committed USD 234.73 billion in support to fossil fuel energy versus USD 151.29 billion for clean energy. In that light, the slew of pledges from the oil and gas sector helps to highlight an opportunity as governments continue to refine recovery packages. What better signal that a green recovery is good for growth and jobs than for some of the world’s most profitable companies to voluntarily pledge their own transformation? Governments can take heed by continuing to reorient energy stimulus towards clean energy, while actively supporting the needed transition in skills and workforce.
  • 8. 8 The challenges of greening urban mobility in the post- pandemic era Posted on July 24, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus By Katherine Farrow, Ioannis Tikoudis and Walid Oueslati, OECD Environment Directorate In the aftermath of the pandemic, policy makers face unique challenges in managing urban transport, but also an opportunity to steer urban mobility towards a more sustainable, resilient future. The Covid-19 crisis has caused an unprecedented shock in travel demand, raising questions about the future of transport in the near and long term. Lockdown measures have brought transport activity to a grinding halt in urban areas worldwide in recent months. The dramatic improvements in air quality that ensued highlight the stark trade-offs between transport activity and the environment. As the first wave of the outbreak starts to recede in a number of countries, two important questions emerge. First, will urban mobility return to pre-outbreak patterns of use, or will the shock have a more profound, long-term impact on how people travel? Second, how should governments respond to these changes in order to continue steering urban transport systems towards sustainability? Past experience suggests that as the crisis subsides, the amount of travel that takes place in urban areas will gradually return to pre-crisis levels. Following the SARS outbreak in 2003, transport activity returned to previous levels in less than a year. The economic shock of the global financial crisis in 2008 also had a negligible lasting impact on transport habits in US cities. Preliminary figures show that transport activity is indeed recovering in areas that have lifted lockdown measures. Road traffic in Wuhan, for example, appears to be returning to pre-pandemic levels, and in Korea, activity at transport hubs has nearly returned to 2019 levels. Along with this increase in transport activity comes a rebound in local air pollution and CO2 emissions. In Paris, for example, air pollution levels have already rebounded to 2019 levels. The Covid-19 pandemic could lead to permanent shifts in the way we travel. Even if the total amount of travel returns to pre-crisis levels, the scale and severity of the pandemic could nevertheless lead to lasting shifts in the way in which this travel is undertaken, especially in the absence of a vaccine. Notably, many people may continue to avoid taking public transport to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. Shifting trips from public transport to biking and walking will have positive environmental impacts, and many urban areas are indeed witnessing an increase in non-motorized modes of transport. However, people may also turn to private car use, encouraged by low oil prices and aggressive marketing by car manufacturers in the wake of the crisis. The net environmental impacts of these shifts remain uncertain. City-specific factors such as the characteristics of its population, the quality of its walking and biking infrastructure, and its geographic layout will play key roles in shaping the relative attractiveness of biking and walking vs. private car use as alternatives to public transport. To the extent that weather conditions influence the uptake of walking and cycling, the timing of the lifting of lockdown measures can also have implications for long-term shifts in mode choices.
  • 9. 9 Public policies can play an important role in shaping the future of transport systems in the post-recovery period. To the extent that it is disrupting travel habits in fundamental ways, the Covid-19 crisis can constitute a “moment of change” for personal mobility. As such, it can be considered a unique opportunity for governments to foster a shift towards more sustainable transport habits. Many cities have recognised this opportunity, rapidly expanding bike lanes and providing incentives for travel via low-emission modes. Governments should continue to strengthen measures to support greater walking and cycling in urban areas, discourage car use, and promote public transport. Building trust in governments’ capacity to manage the public health risks of public transport will be critical in preventing a long-term exodus of ridership. The risk of transmission can be reduced through face mask requirements, disinfection protocols, thermal screening, and contactless payment options. Investing in public transit improvements is also a highly effective green stimulus measure. While many urban areas have made significant advances in incentivizing walking and cycling, fewer have taken steps to strengthen disincentives for private car use. Policies to discourage car travel include those that increase the cost of their ownership and use (e.g. registration fees and distance-based charges), as well as regulatory measures such as urban vehicle access regulations. In areas where few sustainable alternatives to public transport exist, policy makers should consider refining these measures to alleviate distributional effects, as well as exploring new forms of optimized, on-demand shared mobility services. Finally, creating urban environments that are friendly to non-motorised modes of transport will be critical in facilitating more sustainable transport systems, especially if people remain reluctant to use public transport. Proven policy options for doing so include providing quality infrastructure as well as incentives such as subsidies for the purchase of bicycles. Restoring urban mobility should not come at the expense of the environment. Despite the evident challenges to greening urban transport during this time, concrete policy responses exist to respond to and influence mobility patterns as demand for urban travel returns to pre-crisis levels. Given the significance of the transport sector for the environment, public health, and societal resilience in the long term, the pursuit of sustainable, inclusive transport systems should remain a strong policy focus as the world emerges from the Covid-19 crisis. The OECD has issued a number of policy briefs outlining strategies for policy makers to respond to the Covid-19 crisis. These aim to ensure that recovery policies are compatible with a low-carbon transition and to highlight responses to the various uncertainties posed by the pandemic: Building Back Better: A Sustainable, Resilient Recovery after Covid-19 Environmental Health and Strengthening Resilience to Pandemics Environmental Responses to Covid-19
  • 10. 10 Water and climate: From risk management to investment opportunity Xavier Leflaive and Kathleen Dominique, OECD Environment Directorate In September 2017, the United Nations (UN) adopted a dedicated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on water. For years water had been under-valued, underpriced and too often taken for granted, so Goal 6 on water and sanitation was a momentous recognition of water’s crucial policy importance. Though just one of 17 SDGs, this goal also sits at the heart of many of them: water is essential for food security, health, cities, sustainable consumption and production, and terrestrial ecosystems. But this recognition remains partial and fragile: weeks after SDG 6 was adopted in New York, water was not on the COP 21 agenda in Paris. And yet, one of the most fundamental impacts of climate change is on the global water cycle and regional weather patterns, which in turn affect access to water resources for food production, drinking and sanitation, energy, industry and ecosystems, and increases the risk of floods, droughts and wildfires. Managing water must now be placed at the heart of successful adaptation strategies and climate resilience. Fortunately, the water community is advancing the policy agenda via other means: in 2017, the UN General Assembly re-ignited a dialogue on global water governance to better integrate and co-ordinate the work of the UN on water-related SDGs. The COP 23 in Bonn in November hosted a Water Day devoted to actions to help implement the Paris Climate Agreement. And last year, the Roundtable on Financing Water (a joint initiative by the government of the Netherlands, the OECD and the World Water Council) was founded to provide a global public- private platform to strengthen the evidence base and spur effective collaboration between the water community and financiers. Lack of funding is a recurrent theme in global water discussions. And there is a compelling human rights and economic case for investment in water. The Human Right to Water and Sanitation, recognized by the UN General Assembly in 2010, has yet to become a reality for a significant share of the global population. WHO estimates that, as of 2015, 2.1 billion people still lacked access to safely managed drinking water services and 4.5 billion lacked access to sanitation compatible with the SDG 6 objectives. The benefits from strategic investment in water security could exceed hundreds of billions of dollars annually. In developed countries, investments in flood and resilience infrastructure protect valuable assets against flood risks. In developing countries, the benefits would accrue essentially in terms of improved health and productivity gains (especially for women) and ensuring children’s (especially girls) ability to go to school. Yet finance isn’t flowing at the scale required. To achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, and adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030, the World Bank estimates that capital investment must triple to reach US$1.7 trillion. In addition, operating and maintenance costs will be higher. The FAO has projected that an estimated US$960 billion of capital investment is needed to expand and improve irrigation in 93 developing countries between 2005 and 2050
  • 11. 11 Valuing water for positive return on investment The current economic climate and abundance of global capital provide a window of opportunity to scale up water-friendly infrastructure investment that contributes to sustainable growth. In many advanced economies, interest rates are close to zero, increasing the fiscal space available to governments to support investments in urban development, irrigation, energy and industry. Mainstreaming water considerations into development finance portfolios in energy, transport, agriculture and climate would provide additional resources to reduce vulnerability to water risks and enhance resilience and adaptive capacity. Innovative technologies such as membranes, energy recovery, and digitization provide further opportunities for investment and business development. New business models can convert investment benefits into revenue streams, thus improving the risk-return profile of water investments. For instance, investments in flood plains or wetlands could be financed by capturing some of the value added that such nature-based infrastructure provide properties in terms of flood protection. Blended finance‒which strategically combines development funds and financial instruments to mobilize private investment towards sustainable goals ‒is a promising way to leverage contributions from different sources of finance with different risk appetites to make projects more bankable. Investments in water security can maximize net benefits when portfolios of projects are considered as part of a long-term strategy. Governments have a role to play by putting in place institutions and policies that promote such innovative practices at scale. The 2030 Development Agenda is now gaining traction and the global community is striving to translate the aims of the Paris Agreement into financing flows and investment. A sizeable share of these investments therefore has the potential to facilitate access to safe water and sanitation and protect against risks of floods, droughts, or water pollution. Whether you are a financier, a professional in urban development, agriculture or energy, you have a role to play. The Roundtable on Financing Water provides a platform to accelerate investments in water at scale
  • 12. 12 COVID-19 and the looming plastics pandemic Posted on July 7, 2020 by OECD Environment Focus By Frithjof Laubinger and Nikhil Varghese, Circular Economy and Waste Team, OECD Environment Directorate During the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the city was dealing with more than 240 tons of medical waste a day, a six-fold increase over the amount being treated before the outbreak. Improperly discarded single-use facemasks and gloves have already been found at beaches of remote islands and floating at sea, adding to the already chronic problem of marine plastic litter and revealing the shocking speed at which the recent shift in human Behaviour impacts the environment. Responses to the health crisis led to a rise in plastics consumption and waste generation in a number of sectors – well beyond the medical sector – and put pressure on the environmentally sound handling, treatment and disposal of this waste. At the same time, as more household plastic waste was being generated, less was recycled. The risk of recycling workers contracting the virus prompted several municipalities to temporarily put a halt on separate collection and sorting, directing more waste to incineration or landfills. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread at different rates around the world, the crisis is generating its own short and long-term challenges for waste management, recycling, and the circular economy transition. It is expected that many of the concerning behavioural or policy responses are likely to be temporary, but there is a risk that some may stick and may set back recent efforts to tackle plastic pollution. Many initiatives to reduce plastics were reversed or halted in response to the crisis… With sanitary concerns at the top of people’s minds, the pandemic has brought about a resurgence of single-use plastics, amidst worries about the virus clinging to reusable bags, cups and straws. Policy initiatives to reduce plastic use were reversed, halted or delayed in several countries. A number of national and sub-national governments put in place waivers or delays on bans on single-use plastic bags, which were perceived as unsanitary. For instance, in the United States, state governors of New York, Maine and California temporarily repealed or delayed their planned ban on plastic bags and the UK government temporarily dropped its 5 pence charge on plastic bags for deliveries, with the intent to “reduce risk of contamination”. Other authorities went even further and temporarily banned or strongly discouraged the use of reusable plastic bags (e.g. Massachusetts, Illinois and New Hampshire). Scotland and Slovakia delayed the implementation of their respective deposit return schemes by one year to allow businesses more time to respond to the pandemic. Major brands also rolled back their waste reduction initiatives during the height of the pandemic. Starbucks, Tim Hortons and Dunkin’ Donuts suspended reusable container programs and restaurants and food stores were limited to take-out and delivery with single-use packaging. Also in supermarkets, consumers opted increasingly for plastic-wrapped products.
  • 13. 13 The scientific evidence behind these initiatives is weak The science behind shifting to single-use plastics as a measure to reducing the spread of COVID-19 currently remains very weak. Whilst some studies warn against the potentially elevated transfer of germs and micro-organisms through reusable shopping bags, initial research indicates that COVID-19 also stays active on plastic surfaces for up to 3 days and significantly longer than on cardboard for example. Single-use plastic items may therefore be just as much of a carrier agent as their reusable alternatives, depending on how each of these products is used. Reusable options that are washed regularly may not necessarily lead to an elevated risk of exposure. In fact, the virus has been shown to survive less time on alternative materials such as paper, suggesting that plastic substitutes may even be safer in some instances. In a context of great uncertainty, an argument can of course be made to apply such measures based on the precautionary principle – particularly in the short-term, while scientific evidence is weak. However, common sense suggests that any precautionary measure taken to reducing the spread of COVID-19 should only be temporary, unless or until scientific evidence suggests otherwise. Governments must ensure temporary measures do not become permanent While many of the recent measures appear to be intended as temporary, there is a risk that they could become permanent. This could lead to significant impacts on the environment with arguably limited or no associated benefits for public health or the economy. More generally, COVID- 19 could set back efforts by governments and industry to tackle plastic pollution, resulting in a delayed or slow transition towards sustainable lifestyles and a more circular economy. Furthermore, even if precautionary measures that promote single-use plastics are rapidly lifted when the crisis is well behind us, they could still result in lasting changes to consumer behaviour. Hence, it will be important to increase consumer awareness around the importance of reducing plastic production, consumption and waste. Whilst the protection of human health is the main priority in the current crisis, wider impacts, such as those on the environment, should also be factored into decision-making. For many years, the OECD has been an active promoter of policy discussions aimed at reducing the negative environmental impacts of plastic production, use and waste. Our recent work includes analyses of markets for recycled plastics, policies that aim to prevent the generation of single-use plastics waste and to mitigate the leakage of microplastics into the environment, and criteria and considerations to design more sustainable plastics. The OECD also highlights what countries are doing to tackle plastic pollution in the ocean. The forthcoming OECD Global Plastics Outlook will consolidate these and more issues into a major report and provide policy guidance to support countries in their efforts towards a more sustainable plastics economy.
  • 14. We are traditionally used to using earth bricks, concrete, and wood in construction. They have been, and continue to be used in everyday construction, meaning the continued destruction of trees for timber, and the mining of resources to produce cement for binding sand, gravel, and bricks. For a better world, there are new processes, and sustainable as well as green building material alternatives that can be used in construction today. Sustainable and Green Building Construction Materials
  • 15. 1. Bamboo: GREEN CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL Bamboo is considered one of the best eco-friendly building materials. It has an incredibly high self-generation rate, with some being reported to have grown up to three feet within 24 hours. It continues spreading and growing without having to be replanted after harvest. Bamboo is a perennial grass and not wood and grows on every continent, except Europe and Antarctica. It also has a high strength-to-weight ratio, even greater comprehensive strength than concrete and brick, and lasts incredibly long. It is, therefore, the best choice for flooring and cabinetry. Unfortunately, bamboo requires treatment to resist insects and rot. If left untreated, bamboo contains a starch that greatly invites insects, and it could swell and crack after absorbing water • New industrial application and modern construction design have both demonstrated bamboo’s huge potential. • Regulatory Mechanisms putting restrictions on bamboo development. • Lack of awareness has been the bottleneck inhibiting bamboo from taking shape in construction. • Focusing on modern technology and financial support can expand bamboo market in construction. • Strengthening institutions and government scheme can proliferate bamboo use in construction. KEY MESSAGES Bamboo is most abundant in India. India has the huge potential for bamboo with 14 million hectares of bamboo forest area. India is the second largest country in terms of bamboo resources. The yield per hectare of bamboo in India is very low compared to China, Taiwan and Japan which contribute about 80% to the world’s bamboo market. Bamboo products (bamboo boards, bamboo veneers, bamboo mat corrugated roofing sheets, etc.) due to their physical and mechanical performance in terms of hardness, stability and strength are gaining attention with large opportunities in emerging market. Moreover, bamboo has the capability of mitigating climate change as it restores degraded land, act as carbon sequesters and protects from soil erosion. Despite of these initiatives bamboo is not being utilized much in construction sector as there is a huge demand and supply gap for bamboo raw material for its industry. Majority of the bamboo is supplied to the paper and pulp industry because of increased demand after which very little is left for consumption by other industry. Moreover, the regulatory mechanisms in India impose restriction on transit and harvesting of bamboo which has a negative impact on the bamboo construction industry.
  • 16. 16 Bamboo and its uses Bamboo and its Uses Bamboo has more than 1,500 documented uses, ranging from fuelwood to light bulbs, medicine, poison and toys to aircraft manufacturing (Forest Research Institute, 2008). The products made from bamboo can be broadly classified into: • Industrial Use and Products, (paper and pulp, bamboo charcoal for fuel, bamboo based gasifier for electricity) • Food Products (consumption of bamboo shoots) Construction and Structural Applications (Bamboo housing) • Wood Substitutes and Composites (Bamboo based panels, Veneers, Bamboo Flooring, mat boards, fiberboards, particle boards, medium density boards, combinations of these, and combinations of these with wood and other lingo-cellulose materials and inorganic substances). • Cottage and Handicraft Industry Use of Bamboo in Construction
  • 17. 17 Bamboo Resources and Potential in India Worldwide Bamboo Resources The global bamboo coverage worldwide is 36 million hectare that is 3.2% of total forest area. Bamboo is mostly distributed in temperate, tropic and sub tropical zones of all continents naturally except Europe and North America. Recently, bamboo has been introduced into North America, Europe and Australia (Pannipa Chowan, 2013). Asia is the richest bamboo producer with about 24 million hectares of the total world bamboo resources. Five out of six countries have large extent of bamboo forests in Asia viz. India, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Latin America occupies the 10 million hectares of the total bamboo area in the world whereas Africa has the smallest bamboo area of 2.7 million hectare (FAO, 2005). Bamboo Resources in India India is the second largest country in the world after China in terms of bamboo resources (Forest Survey of India [FSI], 2011). Worldwide, India occupies 37.8% of the total bamboo forest area. Twenty Percent of its overall forest area is of bamboo. In India there are 125 indigenous and 11 exotic species of bamboo belonging to 23 genera (FSI, 2011). Bamboos are found in all most all parts of the country except Kashmir where bamboo does not occur naturally. Percentage of Distribution of bamboo forest area (major state wise) out of total bamboo area of the country and its growing stock (number of trees grown in that particular area) are given in table 1. This data represents bamboo resources grown on government land. Bamboo Resources in India Potential in India
  • 18. 18 Current market of bamboo/bamboo products in India is estimated to be Rs. 4,500 crores expected Table 2 Current Usage of Bamboo to increase to Rs. 20,000 crores by 2015. Table 3 shows the market size of bamboo (specifically for construction and housing needs) in 2003 and expected market by 2015. Potential in India MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS
  • 20. 20 CATALYSTS AND CONSTRAINTS IN BAMBOO DEVELOPMENT The bamboo sector in India is still a part of the informal and backward rural economy. There has been an inability to grab the large potential. Bamboo is available in different forms or products, with improved technology of preservation or protection and jointing. Despite technology advancements, bamboo is not used much in construction. These catalysts and constraints are faced at all the stages of value chain. The value chain usually follows the following structure discussed below: India having the largest reserves of bamboo in the world is dealing with the shortage of bamboo as a raw material in its industries. Presently it is underutilized and found in abundance. If bamboo sector has to be grown beyond the certain level the regulatory restrictions on trade and transits need to be taken care off. India can have 4-5 times better productivity then now and is expected to have an increase in the market size by 2015 if proper management, cultivation and plantation practices are followed with proper market linkages. Thus, bamboo can play an important role in meeting the future human needs of timber used as input for housing and construction. In the light of increasing demand of raw materials for housing and construction, including timber and decreasing forest area, bamboo based materials can serve as an alternative in bridging the gap of demand and supply.
  • 21. 21 2.Cork as a building material Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak tree, quercus suber, which grows mainly in the Mediterranean region. The bark is a vegetal tissue composed of an agglomeration of cells filled with a gaseous mixture similar to air and lined with alternating layers of cellulose and suberin. Cork's elasticity, combined with its near-impermeability, makes it the perfect material for making bottle stoppers, floor tiles, insulation sheets, bulletin boards and other similar products. Because of its remarkable qualities, cork is used in high-tech applications including car engines, dam mechanisms and airport runways. The aeronautics has used cork as a thermal insulator in space shuttles. The use of cork as a raw material dates back to Phoenician and Greek times. Cork began to become known all over the world as an effective bottle stopper for wine. In fact, cork is the only material that makes a perfect seal during the ageing of the wine. Today, cork is a valuable resource for Portugal, representing one of its most important export products. The increasing market pressure towards natural and sustainable materials contributes to the natural appealing of cork, also associated with an exotic character in some distant and valuable markets (e.g. Asia, USA and Australia). The use of cork in flooring, wall coverings and insulation has increased, and adopted innovative design approaches as well as product development and applications. The media exposure of some out-of-the-box cork applications as exterior cladding of buildings was also decisive to increase public awareness of cork: this was the case for Portuguese pavilions in the last two World Expos of Hannover 2000 and Shanghai 2010
  • 22. 22 The cork oak A typical tree produces several hundred kilograms of cork at each harvesting and will survive for many generations. The bark is stripped off the tree in sections by highly skilled men using special axes, a traditional manual skill that dates back many hundreds of years. Cork is harvested on a sustainable basis and the stripping of the bark does not harm the tree in any way. The bark grows back completely, taking on a smoother texture after each harvest. A cork oak tree can be safely harvested up to 20 times during its life cycle, making cork a truly inexhaustible natural resource. New plantations of cork oak trees are planted each year to ensure the level of cork production is maintained. Cork oak trees cannot be felled or removed without government authorization, which is rarely granted. Portugal, which produces more than 50% of the world's cork, has been particularly careful to safeguard this valuable resource. The first Portuguese laws protecting cork oak trees date back to the 14th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became illegal to cut down cork oak trees, except for essential thinning or the removal of old, non-productive trees. In a context of increasing concern for the environment, cork remains the only tree whose bark can regenerate itself after each harvest — leaving the tree unharmed. It is truly a renewable, environment Cork oak forests cover approximately 2.5 million hectares across the Mediterranean region and most of them are located in seven countries: Portugal, Algeria, Spain, Morocco, France, Italy and Tunisia. The tree has a life span of 250-350 years. Each cork tree must be 20 to 25 years old before it can provide its first harvest of cork bark. This cork is known as virgin and has a hard and irregular structure. After the virgin cork has been stripped, a new layer of cork begins to grow. The first of these layers, harvested after nine years, is called secondary cork; cork harvested after this second stripping is known by the Portuguese word: amazia.
  • 23. 23 Cork properties The bark of the cork oak tree has a unique honeycomb structure composed of tiny cells. Each cell has the form of a 14-sided polyhedron and the inner cell space is entirely filled with an air-like gaseous mixture. The properties of cork derive naturally from the structure and chemical composition of its extremely strong, flexible cell membranes, which are waterproof and airtight. Because about 89% of the tissue of the bark consists of gaseous matter, the density of cork is extremely low, in the order of 0.12 to 0.20, a fact that bears witness to the huge disproportion between the volume and the weight of the material. Elasticity and resiliency The cell membranes of cork are highly flexible, making it both compressible and elastic. This means it returns to its original shape after being subjected to pressure. This and other characteristics explain why cork has become an indispensable material for making bottle stoppers. These physical qualities mean that cork can be fitted perfectly against the walls of the bottleneck. When cork is subjected to strong pressure, the gas in the cells is compressed and considerably reduced in volume. When the pressure is released, the cork immediately recovers its original shape and volume, showing no trace of having been subjected to any appreciable deformation. Impermeability The presence of suberin (a complex mixture of fatty acids and heavy organic alcohol) renders cork impermeable to both liquids and gases. As a result, it does not rot, making it one of the best seals available. Impermeability The presence of suberin (a complex mixture of fatty acids and heavy organic alcohol) renders cork impermeable to both liquids and gases. As a result, it does not rot, making it one of the best seals available. Insulation and fire retardant qualities The value of cork is further enhanced by its low conductivity of heat, sound and vibration. This is because the gaseous elements it contains are sealed in tiny, impermeable compartments, insulated from each other by a moisture-resistant material. This endows cork with one of the best insulating capacities, both thermal and acoustic, of any natural substance. Cork is also a natural fire retardant It neither spreads flames nor releases toxic gases during combustion. Resistance to wear Cork is remarkably resistant to wear and has a high friction coefficient. Thanks to its honeycomb structure, it is less affected by impact or friction than other hard surfaces. Hypoallergenic properties Because cork does not absorb dust, it helps protect against allergies and does not pose a risk to asthma sufferers. It also has an unchangeable constitution that guarantees efficiency
  • 24. 24 A natural 'green’ In these times of increased concern for the environment, cork remains the only tree which can regenerate itself after each harvest. The cork bark is stripped off two-thirds of the tree. The first harvest of cork is not stripped until the tree is approximately 20 years old. A thin layer of protective inner bark gives the cork oak its unique ability to survive and regenerate itself after the debarking process. Stripping the bark requires great skill, as the inner bark must not be damaged. A specially designed hatchet is used for the stripping process. The first bark taken from a tree is called virgin bark. It has a very irregular exterior surface and is grayish in color. This bark is suitable for grinding into various minute sizes ideal for cork insulation and composition cork. Interestingly, it has also become a very popular material for the manufacture of decorative items. After the first harvest of cork, the bark is stripped from the tree once every nine years, until the cork oak is about 150 years old. The tree is then replaced by a much younger one. The bark which grows after the virgin bark has been stripped is called refugo bark. It looks entirely different, having a much smoother surface, which is brown in color. The first crop of refuge is used mostly for grinding. Subsequent strippings yield better quality cork that has fewer and more tightly closed pores (grains). Most of the cork from these subsequent harvests is used for the production of cork stoppers or other items requiring cork with a finer appearance. After being stripped, the bark is left in the forest for some days to dry and, possibly, to be inspected by potential buyers. Purchasing cork bark is not an easy task as the quality not only varies from forest to forest, but also from tree to tree. Even the same tree may produce cork of varying degrees of quality depending on its exposure to sunlight. Once in the factory area, the refugo bark is boiled to make it easier to remove the woody outer layer and to make the bark more elastic so that it can be flatten it out more easily. The bark is then sorted into various thicknesses which are, in turn, sorted into different qualities. These different qualities determine the sale price and/or the suitability of the cork for different manufacturing uses. Cork is a natural product with remarkable and unique qualities that are unmatched by any other natural material. One cubic inch of cork is composed of no less than 200 million tightly enclosed air cells, each measuring l/1000" in diameter. Each minute cell is 14-sided, which virtually eliminates any empty space between the cells. This quality is what gives cork its remarkable elasticity and ability to regain its original shape after being compressed
  • 25. 25 3.PRECAST CONCRETE SUSTAINABILITY HOW PRECAST CONCRETE IS MADE For decades, builders around the world have used precast concrete sustainably. Although the process has been refined to a high science, new technology continues to advance materials and casting processes. That’s exciting as precast concrete’s evolution continues to add value to sustainable buildings and occupant wellbeing. Precast concrete production is done off the construction site in climate- controlled factory conditions where critical factors like temperature and humidity are tightly regulated. The manufacturing process uses assembly-line principles where highly skilled and specialized workers automate or oversee repetitive tasks. They ensure quality control by meeting optimum conditions and ensuring consistency in concrete contents. The manufacturing process of precast concrete starts with specific engineered designs calling for the cast products’ physical dimensions and internal structural makeup. That includes the span and depth of precast products along with details like concrete strength through mix design and reinforcement requirements FORMING AND SETTING PRECAST CONCRETE Precast concrete manufacturers use forms or molds to shape the finished product while the concrete cures or hardens. These forms are made from either wood or steel depending on what product is being precast. Both wood and steel have their advantages in terms of sustainability. Steel forms last a long time, but wood is reusable and is a renewable resource that can be sustainably harvested. All forms are prepared with a release agent to prevent cured concrete from bonding to the form. Technology now allows form oil to be much more environmentally sustainable. For years, mineral oil was the mainstay. But this is a petroleum product that comes with pollution issues in addition to being an expensive, non-renewable product. Organic form release agents and synthetic oils are replacing mineral oil. Now they’re doing their part for making precast concrete products sustainable. Reinforcement is a crucial part of the precast process. Reinforcing concrete increases its tensile strength for tension and compression, which are primary physical forces compensated for in construction design. The most common reinforcement method is recycled steel rebar and prestressing strand, which is a highly sustainable product. In fact, 71% of reinforcing steel is made from recycled materials. Other reinforcements include: • Wire mesh • High-tech polymer • Fiber mesh
  • 26. 26 SUSTAINABILITY IN CONCRETE MIX DESIGN Sustainability continues inside the concrete mix design. Concrete is mainly composed of cement and aggregates that bond through a chemical hydration process activated by water. Producing cement is energy-intensive and is not considered sustainable. Efforts to make concrete a more sustainable material largely involve replacing cement in the concrete mix with alternatives such as leftover fly ash and slag from steel mills. However, with current capabilities, you can only replace a portion of the cement used. Waste concrete can also be crushed and recycled as aggregate. Once precast products have cured sufficiently enough to handle, workers strip the precast piece from the mold, and the form can later be reused. Then the newly cast member is moved to a storage space where the curing process continues for up to 28 days. That’s when concrete reaches its maximum design strength. Precast concrete products can be made in advance of their installation schedule. When needed at the site, precast pieces are trucked from factory storage and lifted right into place. This efficiency eliminates the chance of weather delays or labor shortages and contributes to the project’s economic sustainability. HOW PRECAST CONCRETE IS SUSTAINABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Precast concrete and environmental responsibility are entirely compatible. Sustainability in concrete products comes right from the constituent materials used in making concrete. It doesn’t use scarce resources that are hard to obtain, expensive to purchase or difficult to work with. Concrete consists of several naturally occurring ingredients. Portland cement is a blend of limestone, silica and minute amounts of several chemicals. Concrete aggregates consist of naturally occurring gravel, sand or rock that’s crushed to a particular screen size. Aggregates lend well to recycled material like old concrete harvested from demolition sites or excess spillage from the manufacturing process. All sorts of natural mineral compounds are mined and made into aggregates. Some previously manufactured products are recycled into concrete mixes, including glass. Water is the catalyst. It triggers a chemical reaction that starts the hydration or curing effect. Precast concrete can have a relatively low water-cement ratio of between 0.36 and 0.38. This low ratio means the weight of the water compared to the weight of the cement is less than in a typical mix – it also increases durability. After treating it, you can often recycle water used for making concrete.
  • 27. 27 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY BENEFITS FROM PRECAST CONCRETE There are many precast concrete sustainability benefits. On their own, each one contributes a small but important value to sustainable buildings. It’s the holistic and systematic approach that gives precast products their rightful place in helping provide long-term environmental sustainability. Consider these benefits: • Precast manufacturing holds tighter tolerances and precise mixture proportions. • The factory settings greatly reduce waste. That includes waste from excessive concrete, formwork and bracing, packaging and debris that accumulates on cast-in-place sites. • Precast manufacturing businesses recycle waste material. That results in less material sent to landfills or dumped into the environment. • Plant conditions create less dust. This is healthier for workers protected by ventilation equipment and personal protective equipment like respirators. • Properly designed precast structural members are smaller in size and use less material than products built on-site. This means less material must be harvested from the environment and results in less to dispose of when the building’s lifecycle is over. • The workplace environment is healthier for factory employees than those who work on construction sites. Internal shop environments have controlled conditions where air quality, noise and safety hazards are addressed. • Most ingredients used in precast concrete are locally produced, and aggregates are mined within a short distance of production. Many precast facilities are located right at the aggregate pit or nearby. This greatly reduces hauling trips, which decreases highway traffic, fuel consumption and exhaust levels that present a risk to the public. • Energy conservation is a huge factor in creating sustainability in buildings. Operating costs are one of sustainability’s key tenets. Precast concrete’s thermal mass absorbs and releases heat slowly. This can equate to long-term energy savings through years of cooling and heating the building, especially when combined with insulation. • Indoor air quality is higher in buildings made with precast concrete components. Many architects specify precast pieces to serve for interior finishes, as well as exterior exposure. Exposed interior concrete surfaces have no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that off gas toxic chemicals. • Concrete finishes inside buildings have an attractive aesthetic appearance and reduce costs by eliminating other types of finishes.
  • 28. 28 WHAT IS LEED CERTIFICATION AND HOW DOES PRECAST CONCRETE CONTRIBUTE? LEED is a green building rating system. It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is the leading authority when it comes to recognizing excellence in environmentally friendly, sustainable building design and construction. Having a building LEED-certified is a badge of honor that’s well-earned. It’s also the sustainably proper thing to do. The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) developed the LEED green building rating system to help market the construction industry as more efficient, stable and environmentally sound. LEED is a voluntary program, not a compliance or regulatory requirement. In two decades, LEED projects have become the norm, not the exception, for industrial, commercial and residential projects. Products used in LEED projects are consensus-based building systems. There are standards for certification and flexible design guidelines for using sustainable building products and techniques as well as ensuring long-term operation is economically and environmentally sustainable. LEED is as much of a mindset movement as it is a practical application
  • 29. 29 4.Sheep Wool as a Construction Material for Energy Efficiency Improvement Wool insulation, made from the remnants of sheering sheep, is increasingly finding its way into commercial and residential buildings across the world, in countries like New Zealand, Scandinavia and even Canada. Here, Andrew Legge, founder and managing partner of Havelock Wool, a Nevada-based producer of sheep’s wool insulation, discusses the inherent benefits of using this material in construction, especially when it is byproduct of the textile industry What are some sustainable benefits of wool insulation? Wool as insulation is a natural insulator that has evolved over thousands of years to protect sheep from the elements. Heat is not required during the production process, as no glues or bonding agents are used. As a result, wool insulation has an extremely low net embodied energy and minimal environmental impact. In addition, wool does not contain harmful chemicals and is naturally self-extinguishing. Finally, wool insulation has a long useful lifespan and can be composted when a building is repurposed, rather than end up in a landfill. We take wool that is considered too coarse for textiles and repurpose it to create high-performing insulation.
  • 30. 30 How is wool insulation produced? What materials and processes are involved? Our production process is quite simple. We source a particular blend of wool in New Zealand and, after it is thoroughly scoured (cleaned), we have it shipped via ocean freight to our factory in Reno, Nev. It is packed with a 200-ton press prior to shipping, which enables us to keep our logistics in the bottom decile from a cost and efficiency standpoint. In the factory, the wool is unpacked and then sent through one of two production lines to make either batts or blow-in insulation. After packaging is completed, we are ready to send the processed wool to end users. When thinking about maintenance and installation, what are the differences from traditional insulation? With wool insulation, you can install it and forget about it, as it requires no maintenance or care after installation. The process of installing wool batts is the same as with other types of insulation. Blow-in wool insulation is also similar, though there is a slight variation in the machinery used to install it. Installers must possess the necessary equipment. Common misconceptions about wool insulation The common misconception with wool is that it is not worth the additional upfront cost. Wool manages moisture and offers passive filtration, given that its amino acids irreversibly bond with formaldehyde, NOx and SO2. If you think about it, adding 0.5 per cent to your construction budget in exchange for getting a natural, healthy, long-lasting insulation material is a smart decision and good investment. Our challenge is to educate architects, builders and consumers on the benefits of wool insulation and then be a part of the conversation at the right time in the decision-making process. Sheep wool is a natural, renewable and sustainable material, and it is important to ensure that it is used in an environmentally friendly manner. The future well- organized collection and clean production of sheep wool insulation could create a positive effect on the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and regional socio- economical development through the creation of a suitable environment for farmers, SMEs, local communities. All of the aforementioned could result in enhanced standard and quality of life in rural areas. This study was focused on the alternative uses of wool as a construction material beyond its traditional uses in the textile industry. This research shows that sheep wool could be used as a very good natural resource in the building industry for insulation in BiH and the surrounding countries. Local natural materials, such as sheep wool, provide sustainable answers for all requirements of contemporary architecture as appropriate materials for insulation and energy saving in buildings. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that thermal insulation from sheep wool provides comparable characteristics with convectional materials, and in some applications, even performs better
  • 31. 31 5.Recycled and Reclaimed Materials Recycling and Recyclability Structural steel produced in North America typically contains 90 percent or more recycled steel. Steel, when recycled, loses none of its inherent properties. Using steel on a construction site minimizes the amount of demolition waste since steel can be easily and responsibly recycled. When steel construction products have outlived their current intended use, they can be recycled into new steel products. Steel Sustainability in Recycling Fact Sheet Steel Sustainability in Construction Fact Sheet Sustainability in Steelmaking Fact Sheet Green Building Rating Systems Steel can be used to comply with the requirements of sustainable design standards such as: International Green Construction Code (IgCC) ASHRAE Standard 189.1, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings National Green Building Standard (ICC-700). Steel can also provide credit points for green building rating systems like: USGBC's LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Find out how steel can contribute to a LEED v4 project. Green Building Initiative's ANSI/GBI-01, Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings.
  • 32. 32 Steel vs. Wood Claims made about the "environmental benefits" of using mass timber for mid- and high-rise building construction often rely on existing assumptions to reinforce them versus scientific studies. "Steel Industry Response to Inaccurate Claims Regarding Wood in Construction" - Kevin Dempsey - October 2, 2020 Wood is typically a single-use material. At the end of its useful life, the demolished structure of a wood building is typically landfilled or incinerated. This returns any stored carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere as either carbon dioxide or methane. Wood is a renewable building resource, but being renewable is not the same thing as being sustainable. Renewability is a single attribute, just like recyclability is a single attribute. Wood can no more be classified as a sustainable material based on a single attribute than can steel or any other building material. The wood industry claims that for every tree cut down, one or more new trees are planted. However, the claim does not take into account that it will take many years before those saplings mature. In the meantime, the forest is depleted of the oxygen, water storage and filtration, wildlife habitat, global cooling, and other benefits wood provided by the mature tree. (From "Understanding Environmental Product Declarations [EPDs] for Wood [Current Problems and Future Possibilities"], The Sierra Club Forest Certification and Green Building Team, September 24, 2013.) Trees are often harvested by clear-cutting, leaving large gaps in the forestland that impact the plants and animal species that are left behind. Carbon is sequestered in the fiber of trees, but that does not mean that wood buildings become large reservoirs of carbon that is stored indefinitely. The reality is that carbon storage in wood products is temporary and is released back into the atmosphere by the demolition and subsequent decay of the wood structure or by fire. The carbon that is sequestered in new wood construction is only offsetting the impacts of the release of greenhouse gases from wood buildings currently being demolished. Wood construction is not a new technology that will suddenly result in a quantum increase in carbon storage. Eighty-one percent of forests in the United States are not certified, 11 percent are Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI®)-certified, and 7 percent are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®)-certified. (From "Forest Certification Around the World: Georgia-Pacific, Sustainable Forestry and Certification," Georgia- Pacific, 2014). The sustainable harvest certification provided by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative has often been challenged as to whether it reaches the required threshold of sustainable forestry. SFI was created in 1994 by the paper and timber industry. In actuality, only 7 percent of the forestland in the United States reaches the threshold of being considered sustainably managed.
  • 33. 33 An emerging technology that can make use of waste plastic Though we all diligently cart our plastic to the curb for recycling, the sad reality is that only about 7% of it is commercially viable for recycling, the rest ends up as landfill. Plastic is a petroleum product that until now has been very inconsistent and unstable when returned to an oil form. Recently a North American fuel company called Plastic2Oil, has developed a process that can consistently transform unsorted, unwashed waste plastic into ultra-clean, ultra-low Sulphur fuel requiring no further refinement. Breaking down at various purities, this low-emission processing technique delivers predominantly heating oil and diesel transportation fuel, but has a use for all its by-products including running the processor itself which uses its own off-gases as fuel (approximately 10-12% of process output). The emissions documented by CRA (carbon footprint analysis) from the P2O stack test were lower than what would be produced by the same test on a natural gas furnace of similar size. John Bordynuik, President & CEO There is no question that what we are talking about here is still burning fossil fuels. The difference in this case, is that these fossil fuels have effectively seen the end of their useful life, and are now clogging up our landfills, waterways and oceans. Even if we had government commitment and action, transforming our energy infrastructure from fossil fuels to renewables will be an arduous process that will take decades. Without government cooperation as we are seeing, that will be even more drawn out. Our world presently runs on oil, and it will require oil through manufacturing, transportation and construction to transform our societies into sustainable ones. It’s possible that this sort of technology will be part of that process. Aside from landfills we also have in the South Pacific what is known as ‘Garbage Island’, where converging ocean currents have brought together a floating debris pile (mostly plastic) the size of Texas. Having no commercial value and no one to take ownership of it, it simply continues to grow. We are leaving countless ecological disasters for the next generation, and frivolously using the resources they will need to clean up our mess. Perhaps technologies like this will help lessen the burden
  • 34. 34 THE RISE OF URBAN LOGGING Felled trees in residential areas have most often been either burned as waste, or taken to landfills. With the help of portable mills and tree salvage companies, better use is being made of this valuable resource. Ecohome Published: June 27, 2012, 3:15 p.m. Last updated: Sept. 25, 2020, 5:01 p.m. Mike Reynolds It's always a bit sad to watch an old and seemingly healthy tree come down. But if it must, it's great to do something useful with it. This 110 year old pine tree in Chelsea, Quebec that was looming over two homes started to show signs of rot. With a new building project slated to go right underneath it, it was time to take it down Where an old garage stood was soon to be the location of a studio / workshop, so rather than dispose of the wood from this tree and go buy more, Brian Blak and Colleen Mahoney had a portable mill come and turn the tree into usable materials for their future building project. Despite being in a wooded neighborhood on a large lot, allowed to fall on its own this tree could have landed on any one of 3 homes. To take it down safely took an entire day with 2 people on the ground, one climber and a crane. The first section removed (the crown) weighed in impressively at just over 8 thousand pounds. When it was safely down and cut into manageable sizes, the tree was milled into 8x8's for the main support structure and boards for flooring and trim. After being left to air dry for two years, much of the lumber was taken to a local mill to be turned into tongue and groove flooring. The rest was milled and finished by the owners (in their new workshop) as the materials for baseboards and trims. Along with the tree, materials from the old garage were also salvaged for the new project. Plywood from the floor was cut into strips and used as strapping, while rafters became shelving in the workshop. Exterior clapboard from the garage became the interior finish for one of the walls. That along with exterior styled lighting gives you the feeling of sitting outside, which can be a helpful delusion during a long Canadian winter. A project like this takes a lot of foresight, planning and patience. Materials were collected and stored in their yard while the wood dried and plans were finalized. All said and done, a good portion of the materials for this project were not only local, they came from within 5 feet of the building site. The whole process of building this backyard studio (which Brian and Colleen have dubbed the treehouse) has drawn in many curious and inspired neighbors who have walked away with bits of this locally infamous tree for their own projects
  • 35. 35 Green BuildingTechnology Why Do We Need Green Building Technologies? We are a country of 1.2 Billion People and counting … • 31% percent of Indian population lives in Urban Areas • 700% increase in commercial energy consumption in the last four decades and the numbers are growing …. • Energy consumption in India will touch 4 trillion units by 2030 • There is a shortage of average 225 million litre water per day in major Indian Cities, and an alarming 21 Indian cities are estimated to run out of water by 2030 Green Building Construction presents one big solution to this unsustainable growth. By now we all know, a green building is a structure which is designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient manner. In addition to that, these buildings are designed to meet certain critical objectives like: • Protecting Occupant Health • Improving Employee Productivity • Conservation Of Energy, Water, And Other Fast Depleting Resources • Reduce The Use Of Energy, Water, And Other Fast Depleting Resources • Lower Carbon Footprint • Reducing The Overall Impact To The Environment • Better Indoor Air Green building technology can really help in achieving these objectives in an efficient manner
  • 36. Types Of Green BuildingTechnologies 1. Net Zero Concepts Net zero or Zero energy buildings are built to effectively operate independently of the standard electric grid. In simple words, they are able to produce their own power through the use of renewable energy sources. And yes, “Zero” here refers to both energy consumption and carbon emissions. Basically, such building structures consume zero net energy annually and do not produce any carbon emissions as it largely relies on renewable energy supplies like solar or wind power. In addition to net zero concepts there are a certain building which efficiently produces energy which is more than its requirement. Such buildings produce a surplus of energy, hence they are known as “Energy-Plus Buildings”. On the other hand, some buildings produce little less than the required energy, they are called “Near-Zero Energy Buildings”. Zero energy homes are expressly built to be enormously energy efficient with passive solar designs and excellent insulation. While design is just one part, the building powers itself using active solar panels and wind collectors, some buildings also use biofuels for heating. And one fact we cannot ignore to mention, building a zero-energy home is no easy task, also it’s not cheap. Zero energy concepts are still a niche form of construction which involve high up-front costs. But again, the rewards of building such homes are a perfect blend of technology which barely affects the environment compared to today’s typical construction project.
  • 37. 2. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning) About half of a building’s energy demand are devoted to heating, ventilation, and air- conditioning (HVAC). Hence, it is barely surprising that this particular field has become an important point for innovation. Today all modern constructions employ HVAC systems, in fact, it is one function that designates them as modern buildings or homes. Through a series of ducts, house warm or cool or dehumidified air flows into all the rooms of a home. A centrally placed HVAC system is one of the most silent and convenient ways to cool the entire house. HVAC Systems comprise of water-cooled screw chillers with a high coefficient of performance and eco-friendly refrigerant. AHU’s, cooling towers, pumps; jet fans with adjustable frequency drives are modulated by centralized IBMS with the installation variable air volumes inside the designated areas. AHU’s are interlinked with Heat Recovery Units to reduce the cooling load on the chiller. For better IAQ, use of Demand Control Ventilation system with Co2 sensors is a must. The main objective of an HVAC system is to reduce the electricity consumption of the building from the electricity grid.
  • 38. 3. Cool Roofs The effect a roof can have on energy is often ignored, the impression of which can be momentous. In winter, inadequate or damaged roof insulation allows heat to easily escape and during summers, heat gained through the roof not only upsurges the cooling load but also increases the electricity demands. A cool roof is one sustainable green building technology which aims at reflecting the heat and sunlight away. It helps largely in keeping the buildings at standard room temperatures by depressing heat absorption and thermal emittance. Simply put, they reflect more of the sun’s rays than average shingle roofs and avert the warm/cool air inside the home from escaping through the top of a building. The typical design of cool roofs makes use of special tiles and reflective paints which absorb less heat and also reflect most of the solar radiation away. Typically, cool roofs easily reduce temperatures by more the 50 degree Celsius during the summer months. Cool roofs help in minimizing the dependence on air conditioning systems, which in turn helps in reducing the energy use and lowering greenhouse gas emissions that result from powering our heating and cooling. Cool roofs can be constructed with a number of materials, including special reflective paint and cool roof shingles and tiles.
  • 39. 4. Green Insulation Energy-efficient heating can only keep a building warm if there is sufficient thermal insulation to keep the heat inside. Another fact that might surprise you is that Insulation is one of the greatest concerns when it comes to the construction of buildings and homes. But, most people don’t understand that these insulators are simply wall filters which do not necessarily demand the use of expensive and highly finished materials. While choosing the best possible insulating materials, there are some prerequisites that one could consider. Some of them are discussed below. • Costing of the insulating material • Measurement of the area where insulation is to be done • Degree of insulation required • Costing of energy being consumed for heating and cooling • Sensible fire-proof • Non- absorption of moisture • Non – vulnerable to undergo deformation • Insolent of attack of little insects Identifying basic insulating materials is very important. Here is a list of basic insulating materials; wool insulation materials, slag slabs, natural fibre insulation materials, porotherm bricks, gypsum board, vermiculite, and perlite insulation materials, cementitious foam insulation materials, gasket cork sheet, insulation facings etc. Additionally, the use of green insulation has proved out to be a sustainable construction technology as it helps in eliminating the need of high-end finishes made from non-renewable materials, denim insulation, cellulose insulation, glass insulation, and cotton insulations are few examples. The use of Porotherm Bricks is one great option as these bricks contain natural insulation properties
  • 40. 5. Water Conservation of water is one of the basic principles of green building. Rigorous efforts are needed to ensure that material and systems which are used in building construction aid in the reduction of water consumption during both the construction and operation phases in buildings and landscaping the areas. The principle of water efficiency and sustainable water management is quite achievable, it can be done by using alternate sources of water to meet the water demands where the quality of water need not be potable. In the residential zones, potable water can be supplied and in large commercial zones partly potable and a large portion of non- potable water can be supplied and this is a wise step and should be considered in all urban areas of the country and abroad. All the water fixtures like taps, toilets, shower heads, urinals etc. should be water efficient. Green buildings are sustainable buildings which demand water conservation as well as preventing pollution and use reuse of grey water and recycle treated water ensuring potable water use for potable purpose only.
  • 41. FINALTHOUGHTS 41 The environmental benefits of Green construction are obvious, but there are other compelling reasons to implement green building technologies which may not immediately come to mind. One example is – Additional business opportunities which come from appealing to an ever-growing pool of environmentally conscious consumers. Green buildings make a lot of business sense, as it starts paying off good ROI within 3-4 years. Well, though the use of new technology might look like some additional effort and investments, the rewards of these are far higher and satisfying. Use of Green building technology aids the green efforts, benefiting workforce and society as a whole, reducing operating costs and elevating your brand value
  • 42. An environmentalist can be defined as an individual who “advocates or works to protect air, water, animals, plants, and other natural resources from pollution or its effects.” The term ‘environmentalism’ can be defined as an ethical and political movement aims at improving and protecting natural environment quality by, first, changing environmentally harmful activities, second, by adopting social, political and economic forms of organization that are necessary and/or conducive to the benign treatment of the environment and third, by reassessing the human-nature relationship. Therefore, an environmentalist is an individual who is an advocate of environmentalism. Environmental movements can be broadly classified into two categories. The first is the anthropocentric approach or the ‘human-centered’ approach wherein one is primarily concerned with the negative impact of environmental degradation on various aspects of human life. This is referred to as the ‘shallow ecology’ approach. The second category is termed as the biocentric approach or the ‘life centered’ approach wherein it is believed that the environment carries with itself a certain intrinsic worth that obligates human beings to take care of it. As a result, all individuals and elements from the natural environment form a unified ecological community. This is termed as the ‘deep ecology’ approach. FAMOUS ENVIRONMENTALISTS OF INDIA
  • 43. Jadav Payeng Also known as the ‘forest man of India,’ Jadav Payeng comes from the state of Assam. (infinity, n.d.) His contribution as an environmentalist entails creating a 550 hectare long man-made forest all by himself. The forest of Muali Reserve lies in the Majuli Island, on Brahmaputra River in Assam. It has a total area of 1000 hectares and faces the threat of “extensive soil erosion.” Majuli shrunk to about more than half of its size in the past 70 years and faced the possibility of being submerged. To prevent this submergence, the Golaghat District Forestry Division began planting 200 hectares of the forest in the sandbars of the Brahmaputra in 1980. However, at the beginning of 1983, this program was abandoned by the authorities. Jadev Payeng stepped in at that moment and spent 30 years of his life trying to restore the forest. He started by planting bamboo and some other plant species which resulted in the restoration of that area. At present, the forest encompasses 1360 hectares of area and a variety of wildlife. (Fourtané, 2018) Molai Kathoni forest: A one-man-made forest The Mulai Reserve is a forest on the Majuli Island in the Brahmaputra River near Kokilamukh in the Jorhat district in Assam, India. It has a total area of about 1,000 hectares and is under continuous threat due to the extensive soil erosion on its banks. Majuli has shrunk over the past 70 years by more than half. There are concerns that it could be submerged within the next 20 years. To fight this, in 1980, the Assam Forestry Division of Golaghat district began a plan to reforest 200 hectares of the forest in one of the sandbars of the Brahmaputra river. Forest Man: Award-Winning Documentary Films The Molai forest and Jadav Payeng have been the subject of a number of award-winning documentary films. In 2012, a locally made documentary film produced by Jitu Kalita, The Molai Forest, was screened at the Jawaharlal Nehru University. Jitu Kalita, who lives near Jadav Payeng's house, has also been featured and given recognition on his work reporting the life and accomplishment of Jadav Payeng through his documentary film. 43 Source: Alpha/Flickr Source: Jadav Payeng: The Forest Man of India/Facebook
  • 44. Jadav Payeng: Forest Man of India Jadav Payeng is an inspirational environmental activist. He upgraded a chapori of the river Brahmaputra to a reserve forest all by himself. He began his incredible journey in 1979 when he was only 16 years old. Jadav Payeng is a humble farmer from a marginalized tribal community in the region of Assam, India. He is the son of a poor buffalo trader. When he started planting trees in 1979 as a teenager, it was because he had seen dead snakes piled on the sand. The snakes had died due to the high temperatures and the lack of shade or tree cover. Since he started, he invested over 30 years of his life to make a difference in the world trying to save Majuli from erosion by planting thousands of trees for almost 40 years. Which country has the largest man-made forest in the world? China already has the largest human-made forest in the world. The forest is known as the Great Green Wall. This man-made forest has been designed to stop desertification and fight climate change. This Chinese forest is meant to eventually cover more than 42 percent of China’s landmass. Ordinary citizens have planted billions of trees across China since 2010, making the Chinese forestation programme greater than any seen elsewhere. However, this is the effort of an entire population toward a common goal. The forestation of the Molai Forest is the result of the effort of one man only. This is what makes it unique. 44 Source: Manamohana Holla K/Wikimedia Commons Source: Humanity Watchdog
  • 45. Sumaira Abdulali Sumaira Abdulali was born into a family of environmentalists and has been working towards environmental protection since 2002. For more than a decade, she has contributed extensively to two issues that impact the environment, namely, sand mining and noise pollution. Her NGO, Awaaz Foundation played a crucial role in implementing silence zones and safe zone limits during festivals and also dealing with the issue of sand drudging which severely impacts the bio-system. She faced several threats from mafias and big politicians, however, her will and deter enabled her to remain focused on serving the environment and directing all her energies to bring about a change in the society. (The Logical Indian, 2015) 45 Rajendra Singh Also known as the ‘waterman of India,’ Rajendra Singh has worked towards the goal of efficient water management and harvesting. For over three decades, Singh has worked towards the rejuvenation and revival of water bodies in India. He is also known to be highly critical of the lax in the attitude of various government bodies and their pessimism towards water body revival. He has revived over 12 water bodies by constructing 11800 water structures in the regions of Karnataka, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra. This has helped in the recharging of aquifers. His work and contribution to the environment have won him the Magsaysay in 2001 and the Stockholm Water Prize in 2015. (Kamal, 2019) Source: Source:
  • 46. M. S. Swaminathan Known as the ‘Father of India’s Green Revolution,’ Swaminathan worked on agricultural research and plant genetics. His work led to the production of a high-technology invention in the wheat crops which paved the way for the Indian Green Revolution. He is known as an agricultural genius since he cross-bred a Mexican seed with a local variety that led to the production of a large number of grains. This helped in successfully tackling the famine issue in India as well as that in Asia. Career span of Dr M.S. Swaminathan His professional career began in 1949. During the period from 1949-55, he undertook research on potato, wheat, rice and jute genetics, after which he worked on Mexican dwarf wheat varieties. Besides serving as the Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, his contributions include establishment of the National Bureau of Plant, Animal and Fish Genetic Resources of India and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. Dr M.S. Swaminathan has served as Director of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (1966- 72) and Director General of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Agricultural Research and Education (1972-79) Lessons Learned from the Life of Dr M.S. Swaminathan ● The word “impossible” is not in the dictionary of Dr M.S. Swaminathan. He had studied genetics for a reason—to help the poor farmers, to make it possible for India to produce enough grain to feed its people. He has achieved what he has dreamt for India. ● Though a promising academic career awaited him in the U.S. during the 50’s. Dr M.S. Swaminathan refused to settle there. Love for his country and the passion to improve the lives of his countrymen were stronger. Passion, commitment and focused work can bring your goal closer to you 46
  • 47. 47 Recognition and Awards ● Dr M.S. Swaminathan was awarded the Padma Shri in 1967, the Padma Bhushan in 1972, and Padma Vibhushan in 1989. ● The Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership in 1971, in recognition of outstanding contributions in Agricultural Research. ● The Borlaug Award in 1971 for his pioneering work in wheat. ● The Philippines president honored Dr M.S. Swaminathan with The Golden Heart Presidential Award in 1987. ● Dr M.S. Swaminathan received the Volvo Environment Prize in 1999. ● Dr M.S. Swaminathan also received the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development in 2000. ● The Planet and Humanity Medal of the International Geographical Union was awarded in 2000 to Dr M.S. Swaminathan. ● Dr M.S. Swaminathan is also the first recipient of the Award instituted by the Association for Women in Development from Washington. Krishi Ratna Award in 1986. ● Commandeur of the Order of the Golden Ark of the Netherlands, to honor special services rendered to the conservation of the flora and fauna in the world (1990). ● Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement in 1991. The Honda Prize in 1991. ● UNEP–Sasakawa Environment Prize was awarded to him in 1994. ● Dr M.S. Swaminathan received Global Environmental Leadership Award in 1995. Now, Currently Dr M.S. Swaminathan holds the UNESCO Chair in Eco-technology and is Chairman of the Dr M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai.
  • 48. CONCLUSION 48 Apart from the environmentalists listed in this paper, there are plenty of other individuals who have played a key role in the environmental protection of India. The contribution of not only Indian environmentalists but all of those across the world serves as an inspiration to become more aware of the harm being caused to the environment due to human activities. With several environmentalists working towards the cause of the environment, we must play our role in conserving the environment and augmenting their efforts. Our contribution towards the environment should not just be limited to academics and study of environmental concepts, it should go beyond the textbook and manifest itself in the ground reality. We must employ active action and voice our opinions to protect our environment
  • 49. Chary, V. Dr M.S. Swaminathan – the Agricultural Genius. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from agricultural-genius/ Fourtané, S. (2018). Jadav Payeng: The Man Who Planted an Entire Forest by Himself. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from The Logical Indian. (2015). Know-How: Sumaira Abdulali Has Bravely Fought Against Noise Pollution And Sand Mining. Retrieved 12 May 2020, from REFERENCES