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Introducing Profiles International
©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

Table of Contents
                                                  Who We Are
                                                         Profiles International – A High-level Overview   3
                                                         Global Reach                                     4
                                                         Clients and industries                           6
                                                         Research for management                          7

                                                  What We Do
                                                         Know your people at the deepest level            8
                                                         Benefits to your organization                    9
                                                         Creating real value for clients                  10

                                                  How We Do It
                                                         High-tech                                        11
                                                         High-touch                                       12
                                                         Overview of assessments and solutions            13
                                                         Assessment descriptions                          14

                                                  Contact Us                                              19
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

Who We Are – Employee assessment specialists

                                                             Profiles International: A High-level Overview
                                                             Profiles helps organizations worldwide create high-performing workforces. We do this
                                                             through our comprehensive suite of employee assessments and performance management

                                                             We help our clients gain a competitive advantage by understanding their people at the
                                                             deepest levels. This includes how they think, natural tendencies, behaviors and preferences,
                                                             and attitudes toward key workplace issues. This helps them select the right people, place
                                                             them in the right roles, and manage them to their full potential.

                                                             Since our founding in 1991, we have delivered over 45,000,000 assessments to over 40,000
                                                             organizations in 122 countries. We do this through our team of nearly 200 direct employees
                                                             and 1000 business partners with backgrounds in organizational psychology, human resource
                                                             management, sales management, corporate training, coaching, consulting, education, and
                                                             information technology.

                                                             Our business is both high-tech and high-touch, and laser-focused to help our clients
                                                             succeed. Our assessments are grounded in advanced behavioral science that we continually
 Profiles International Founders                             validate through our team of PhD Psychologists and Psychometricians. Our dedicated client
     Jim Sirbasku, CEO, and                                  services team and strategic business partners are with you the entire way, helping you
       Bud Haney, President                                  deliver assessments effortlessly through our state-of-the-art virtual assessment centers. Our
                                                             assessment reports are written for managers and contain practical insight and advice to get
                                                             the most from their people.
                                                                                                                  Introducing Profiles International | 3
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Global Reach – 122 Countries, 32 Languages

Africa                                   Asia                Europe           Slovakia                            Nicaragua
Algeria                                  Afghanistan         Albania          Slovenia                            Panama
Botswana                                 Azerbaijan          Austria          Spain                               Puerto Rico (US)
Egypt                                    Bahrain             Belgium          Sweden                              Saint Kitts & Nevis
Eritrea                                  China               Bosnia &         Switzerland                         Saint Lucia
Ethiopia                                 Cyprus              Herzegovina      Ukraine                             Saint Vincent &
Gambia, The                              India               Bulgaria                                             The Grenadines
Ghana                                    Indonesia           Croatia          North America                       Trinidad & Tobago
Kenya                                    Iran                Czech Republic   Antigua &                           United States
Liberia                                  Iraq                Denmark          Barbuda
Libya                                    Israel              Estonia          Aruba                               Oceania
Malawi                                   Jordan              Finland          (Netherlands)                       Australia
Mauritius                                Kazakhstan          France           Bahamas                             New Zealand
Morocco                                  Korea, South        Germany          Barbados                            Tonga
Rwanda                                   Kuwait              Greece           Belize
Sierra Leone                             Lebanon             Hungary          Bermuda (UK)                        South America
South Africa                             Malaysia            Latvia           British Virgin                      Argentina
Sudan                                    Oman                Ireland          Islands (UK)                        Brazil
Swaziland                                Pakistan            Italy            Canada                              Chile
Nigeria                                  Philippines         Lithuania        Cayman Islands                      Colombia
Uganda                                   Qatar               Luxembourg       (UK)                                Ecuador
Zambia                                   Russia              Macedonia        Costa Rica                          Peru
Zimbabwe                                 Saudi Arabia        Moldova          Dominican                           Uruguay
Tanzania                                 Sri Lanka           Montenegro       Republic                            Venezuela
Togo                                     Syria               Netherlands      El Salvador
Tunisia                                  Turkey              Norway           Guam (US)
                                         United Arab         Poland           Guatemala
                                         Emirates            Portugal         Honduras
                                         United Kingdom      Romania          Jamaica
                                         Vietnam             Russia           Kosovo
                                         Yemen               Serbia           Mexico
                                                                                            Introducing Profiles International | 4
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

Who We Are – Clients we serve
                                                             We have served over 40,000 organizations worldwide
                                                              Industries we serve
                                                               • Financial services and insurance
                                                               • Retail and consumer products
                                                               • Travel and hospitality
                                                               • Professional and business services
                                                               • Healthcare and human services
                                                               • Media, telecommunications and technology
                                                               • Energy, utilities and natural resources
                                                               • Manufacturing, transportation and automotive
                                                               • Construction and real estate
                                                               • Federal, state and local governments
                                                               • K-12, for-profit and not-for-profit higher education

                                                              People we work with
                                                               • Business leaders–CEOs, Presidents and General Managers
                                                               • Small- and mid-sized business owners
                                                               • Functional leaders–CFOs, CIOs, Sales and Marketing leaders, HR leaders
                                                               • Functional specialists – Recruiting, Learning and Development
                                                               • First and second line managers

                                                              Global reach
                                                               • 122 countries; material translated into 32 languages
                                                                                                                Introducing Profiles International | 5
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

Who We Are – Research for management
                               We are passionate researchers and thought leaders in the area of
                        applying employee assessments to solve important organizational challenges.
                                                                                       Introducing Profiles International | 6
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

 What We Do – Know your people at the deepest level
                                                              Our assessments provide you with in-depth, objective, comprehensive,
                                                              and reliable information about your people, far beyond what you could
                                                              uncover through typical interviews, performance reviews or day-to-day
                                                              interaction. This includes:

                                                              How they think
                                                              • The rate at which they learn and assimilate information
                                                              • Verbal and numeric skills and reasoning abilities

                                                               Natural tendencies, behaviors and preferences
                                                              • Energy level, assertiveness, social influence, manageability, attitude, decisiveness,
                                                                 accommodating, independence, objective judgment
                                                              • Productivity, quality of work, initiative, teamwork, problem solving, adapting to
                                                              • Response to job-related stress, frustration, and conflict
                                                              • Customer service orientation, trust, tact, empathy, conformity, focus, and flexibility
                                                              • Prospecting, call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, teamwork, building and
                                                                 maintaining relationships, and compensation preference

                                                              Attitudes toward important performance-related issues
• Only about 10% of a person can be
                                                              • Personal integrity, substance abuse, reliability, and work ethic
  described by what appears on the surface
  and can be observed by the untrained eye.
                                                              How they interact with others, as team members and with their managers
• Employees and managers are biased by                        • Control, composure, social influence, analytical, patience, results orientation,
  many factors which impact the quantity                        precision, expressiveness, ambition, teamwork, positive expectancy, and quality of
  and quality of information.                                   work
                                                              • Overall team strengths, weaknesses, and balance
                                                              • Fit with manager and preferred management style
                                                                                                                  Introducing Profiles International | 7
 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

What We Do – Benefits to your organization
                                                             We help you use this information to improve employee and
                                                             manager performance, as well as overall workforce productivity.
                                                             Select people best suited to succeed in a particular job in your organization
                                                             • We help you repeat success by defining the characteristics of successful people in a
                                                                role and using this as a model to evaluate and select prospective candidates.
                                                             • According to the Harvard Business Review, this “job matching” approach more
                                                               accurately predicts job success than any of the commonly accepted factors such as
                                                               education, experience or job training.

                                                             Improve communication and relationships between employees and their managers
                                                             • Imagine if every employee came with an operator’s manual that would help the
                                                               organization and manager get the most from that employee. Our assessments give
                                                               you specialized reports for interviewing, selecting, coaching, and succession
                                                               planning. This information is invaluable for managers to effectively communicate
                                                               with and motivate the employee to peak performance.

                                                             Improve team performance and work place harmony
                                                             • Profiles team and workforce analysis tools help leaders get the most from every
                                                               team member and effectively guide the way to achievement of shared goals by
                                                               understanding team balance, strengths and weaknesses.

                                                             Build consistent culture and values throughout your organization
                                                             • Understanding employees’ attitudes and beliefs towards their employers, managers
                                                               and job functions is a critical first step toward building a high-performance
                                                               workforce. Our assessments can examine a company’s culture and provide insight
                                                               into employee, managerial and team alignment and how these fit with the
                                                               company’s strategic goals and objectives. This process helps to identify gaps in                                  organizational alignment.
                                                                                                                 Introducing Profiles International | 8
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

What We Do – Creating real value for clients
                                                             Why is it important?
                                                             Maximize each employee’s contribution to the organization
                                                             • The rise and fall of many organizations is the direct result of the collective skill set,
                                                               emotional intelligence, teamwork, and talent of its individuals. By using our
                                                               assessment solutions, you will see tangible results in terms of increased productivity,
                                                               reduced stress and conflict, and a positive impact on your bottom line.

                                                             Reduce employee turnover and absenteeism
                                                             • Better hiring decisions equals improved productivity and less disruption. Bringing the
                                                               right person on board in the right position leads to improved organizational efficiency
                                                               and increased overall satisfaction among employees at all levels.

                                                             Reduce cost of theft
                                                             • Attitudes towards integrity, substance abuse, reliability and work ethic are not listed on
                                                               the resume or divulged by references. Profiles provides easy-to-read reports covering
                                                               these costly land mines and helping you reduce liability, costs and turnover.

                                                             Reduce workforce conflict and improve employee satisfaction
                                                             • When you measure compatibility characteristics among your workforce,
                                                               communication is improved, conflict is reduced and leaders have actionable data to
                                                               maximize individual and overall team performance.

                                                             More effectively focus training and development investments
                                                             • All Profiles solutions address specific performance improvement goals for your
                                                               organization by providing you with reports for selection, development, training,
                                                               promotion, management, and succession planning to maximize your investment.
                                                                                                                  Introducing Profiles International | 9
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – High-tech

                                                             Scientifically valid assessments
                                                             • Profiles assessment validation study standards exceed those set by
                                                                The Association of Test Publishers
                                                             • All Profiles solutions are validated in each language
                                                             • EEOC compliant
                                                             • Tailored to your specific needs

                                                             Delivered effortlessly online through a branded Virtual Assessment Center,
                                                             a customizable component of the Profiles Resource Center
                                                             • Over 99% uptime and availability
                                                             • Analytics dashboard
                                                             • Unlimited simultaneous user access
                                                             • Client-controlled assessment administration and scheduling
                                                             • Data secured by firewall and site encryption
                                                             • Generate reports that include actionable data
                                                             • Update accounts
                                                             • Build job models based on high-performing incumbents
                                                             • Prepare data exports
                                                             • Monitor meter inventory
                                                                                                       Introducing Profiles International | 10
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – High-touch

                                                             Dedicated client service professionals fully vested in your success:
                                                             • Proven implementation plan that includes deliverables and timetables to
                                                               help clients set and achieve clear objectives
                                                             • Comprehensive training is provided to each client according to his or her
                                                               unique needs and objectives
                                                             • Training is available in person, via interactive internet, on-site at the client
                                                               organization, or at Profiles International’s Corporate Training Center

                                                             Practical and actionable output written for your managers is available via
                                                             the Profiles Assessment Center featuring:
                                                             • Tracking reports: hired/terminated
                                                             • Pattern analysis
                                                             • Cost analysis
                                                             • Performance reports – correlate performance with job match and
                                                                assessment scores
                                                             • Financial reports – Return on Investment reports
                                                             • Adverse Impact reports
                                                             • Team company perspective analysis
                                                                                                          Introducing Profiles International | 11
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Overview of our assessments and solutions
                              Your Business Objective                                                      Our Popular Solutions
                 High-level Strategic Workforce Management
                 Identifying high-potential employees and managers                 PXT                                CP360                         PSA   CSP
                 Strategic workforce and succession planning                       PXT                          PPI   CP360                         PSA   CSP
                 Restructuring, reorganizing and downsizing                        PXT                          PPI            PMF      WES         PSA   CSP   PLP
                 Post-merger integration of organizations                          PXT                          PPI            PMF      WES         PSA   CSP   PLP
                 Everyday Workforce Management
                 Basic pre-employment screening                           SOS                 PST
                 Screening, interviewing and selecting job candidates              PXT        PST         EBC                                       PSA   CSP
                 Onboarding new employees                                          PXT                          PPI            PMF
                 Improving employee productivity and work quality                  PXT                          PPI                     WES
                 Improving employee motivation and communication                                                PPI            PMF      WES
                 Resolving conflict between co-workers                                                          PPI
                 Selecting and managing teams                                                                   PPI
                 Evaluating management effectiveness                               PXT                          PPI   CP360             WES
                 Prioritizing management development needs                                                            CP360             WES
                 Sales and Customer-facing Workforce Management
                 Screening, interviewing and selecting job candidates                         PST         EBC                                       PSA   CSP
                 Retaining and growing customers and accounts                                                                                       PSA   CSP   PLP
                 Improving sales performance                                                                    PPI   CP360    PMF      WES         PSA         PLP

                                                                 Legend    SOS    Step One Survey                     PMF     Profiles Managerial Fit
                                                                           PXT    ProfileXT                           WES     Workplace Engagement Survey
                                                                           PST    Profiles Skills Tests               PSA     Profiles Sales Assessment
                                                                           EBC    Employee Background Checks          CSP     Customer Service Profile
                                                                           PPI    Profiles Performance Indicator      PLP     Profiles LoyaltyPro
                                                                          CP360   CheckPoint 360
                                                                                                                                          Introducing Profiles International | 12
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions

                                                        Step One Survey II® (SOSII)
                                                        The SOSII is a brief pre-hire assessment that measures an individual’s basic work-related values. It is
                                                        used primarily as a screening tool early in the candidate selection process.

                                                        This assessment provides valid insight into an applicant’s work ethic, reliability, integrity, propensity
                                                        for substance abuse, and attitudes toward theft — including property, data and time.

                                                        ProfileXT® (PXT)
                                                        The PXT assessment measures how well an individual fits specific jobs in your organization. The “job
                                                        matching” feature of the PXT is unique, and it enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the
                                                        qualities required to successfully perform in a specific job. It is used throughout the employee life
                                                        cycle for selection, on-boarding, managing, and strategic workforce planning.

                                                        This assessment reveals consistent, in-depth, objective insight into an individual's thinking and
                                                        reasoning style, relevant behavioral traits, occupational interests, and match to specific jobs in your
                                                        organization. It helps your managers interview and select people who have the highest probability
                                                        of being successful in a role, and provides practical recommendations for coaching them to
                                                        maximum performance. It also gives your organization consistent language and metrics to support
                                                        strategic workforce and succession planning, talent management and reorganization efforts.
                                                                                                                           Introducing Profiles International | 13
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions

                                                             Profiles Performance Indicator™ (PPI)
                                                             The Profiles Performance Indicator is a DISC-type assessment that reveals aspects of an individual's
                                                             personality that could impact their fit with their manager, coworkers and team, and their job
                                                             performance. It is used primarily for motivating and coaching employees, and resolving post-hire
                                                             conflict and performance issues.

                                                             The PPI specifically measures an individual's motivational intensity and behaviors related to
                                                             productivity, quality of work, initiative, teamwork, problem solving, and adapting to change, as well
                                                             as response to conflict, stress, and frustration. The output from this assessment serves as an
                                                             “operator's manual” for an employee, which helps managers better motivate, coach, and
                                                             communicate with the employee. It also helps to predict and minimize conflict among co-workers,
                                                             and it provides crucial information for improving team selection and performance.

                                                             A powerful feature of the PPI is the Team Analysis Report, designed to help managers form new
                                                             teams, reduce team conflict, improve team communication, improve their ability to anticipate
                                                             problems, and enhance their team leadership skills.

                                                             It helps evaluate overall team balance, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as team members’
                                                             personality characteristics along 12 key factors: control, composure, social influence, analytical,
                                                             patience, results orientation, precision, expressiveness, ambition, teamwork, positive expectancy,
                                                             and quality of work. It also provides team leaders with practical recommendations and action steps
                                                             to take in order to succeed in their jobs.
                                                                                                                            Introducing Profiles International | 14
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions

                                                     CheckPoint 360°™
                                                     The CheckPoint Management System is a 360-degree assessment. It is used primarily to evaluate the
                                                     effectiveness of your managers and leaders. This assessment combines feedback from direct reports,
                                                     peers, supervisors, and even customers, with a personalized program for developing specific
                                                     leadership skills based on that feedback. This process highlights a manager’s job performance in 8
                                                     universal management competencies: communication, leadership, adapting to change, relationships,
                                                     task management, production, development of others, and personal development.

                                                     The CheckPoint 360 helps managers identify and prioritize their own development opportunities. And
                                                     it helps the organization to better focus management training and development investments;
                                                     proactively uncover misaligned priorities between senior executives and front-line managers; and
                                                     surface management issues that could lead to low employee productivity, morale, job-satisfaction,
                                                     and increased turnover.

                                                     Profiles Managerial Fit ™ (PMF)
                                                     People typically don’t quit their companies, they quit their bosses. Profiles Managerial Fit (PMF)
                                                     measures critical aspects of compatibility between a manager and their employees. This report offers
                                                     an in-depth look at one’s approach to learning, as well as six critical dimensions of compatibility with
                                                     their manager: self-assurance, conformity, optimism, decisiveness, self-reliance, and objectivity.

                                                     Managers use this information for adapting their styles in order to get the most from each employee;
                                                     improve communication; increase engagement, satisfaction, and productivity; and reduce employee
                                                                                                                        Introducing Profiles International | 15
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions

                                                        Workplace Engagement Survey (WES)
                                                        Our Workplace Engagement Survey (WES) measures the degree to which your employees connect
                                                        with their work and feel committed to the organization and its goals. This gives you and your
                                                        management team a detailed view of what influences engagement across all of your workforce
                                                        segments and how your employees compare statistically to the overall working population.

                                                        In addition, the WES measures “satisfaction with employer” and “satisfaction with manager” across
                                                        your entire organization, and gives recommendations for your organization to improve.

                                                        Profiles Skills Tests (PST)
                                                        Profiles International provides comprehensive assessments to measure essential knowledge and
                                                        skills. We use powerful technologies, such as performance-based testing, which simulates popular
                                                        software products like Microsoft Office, to ensure accurate, reliable, assessment of knowledge,
                                                        skills, and abilities. Our skills assessments cover Software Skills, Clerical Skills, Call Center Skills,
                                                        Accounting and Finance, Medical, Nursing, Legal, Industrial, Computer Literacy, Retail, Food
                                                        Services, Information Technology, Staffing, and Human Resources.

                                                        Employee Background Checks (EBC)
                                                        Profiles International provides comprehensive employee background checks for our clients. These
                                                        include Consumer Credit Reports, Criminal History Record, Drivers' History Report (DMV), Education
                                                        Verification, Employment History Verification, Foreign Nationals Terrorist Sanctions Search (OFAC,
                                                        CLFST & OSFI), Identity Verification Search, Incarceration Records Search, Military Service
                                                        Verification, Cursory Nationwide Criminal Index Database Search (CNID), and many more.
                                                                                                                           Introducing Profiles International | 16
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions

                                                        Profiles Sales Assessment™ (PSA)
                                                        The Profiles Sales Assessment (PSA) measures how well a person fits specific sales jobs in your
                                                        organization. It is used primarily for selecting, on-boarding and managing sales people and account

                                                        The “job modeling” feature of the PSA is unique, and can be customized by company, sales position,
                                                        department, manager, geography, or any combination of these factors. This enables you to evaluate
                                                        an individual relative to the qualities required to perform successfully in a specific sales job in your
                                                        organization. It also predicts on-the-job performance in seven critical sales behaviors: prospecting,
                                                        call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, teamwork, building and maintaining relationships, and
                                                        compensation preference.

                                                        Customer Service Profile™ (CSP)
                                                        The Customer Service Profile (CSP) measures how well a person fits specific customer service jobs in
                                                        your organization. It is used primarily for selecting, on-boarding, and managing customer service

                                                        The CSP also looks at what your current and future employees believe is a high level of customer
                                                        service, while at the same time showing where they align (or not) with the company’s perspective.
                                                        We have a general industry version of this assessment as well as vertical specialties in hospitality,
                                                        healthcare, financial services, and retail.
                                                                                                                          Introducing Profiles International | 17
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Introducing Profiles International

How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions

                                                        Profiles Loyalty Pro™ (PLP)
                                                        Profiles LoyaltyPro™ is a web-based customer loyalty surveying tool. Loyalty, as determined through
                                                        the “voice of the customer,” is a leading indicator that predicts the “staying power” of an account.

                                                        Profiles LoyaltyPro™ offers companies a tool to gather ongoing, critical account intelligence that
                                                        helps them assess the relationship between the buyer and the supplier, ultimately driving the action
                                                        plan to improve customer service. Having insight into your customer’s perception of your
                                                        relationship allows you to steer the strategic business efforts and initiatives of the account
                                                        management teams to continually improve customer relationships and build a network of loyal
                                                                                                                       Introducing Profiles International | 18
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Profiles International – Who We Are
        Profiles International helps organizations worldwide create high-performing workforces.

        Through our comprehensive employment assessments and innovative talent management solutions,
        our clients gain a competitive advantage by selecting the right people and managing them to their
        full potential.

        Where We Are
        Profiles serves 122 countries
        around the globe and has
        material in 32 languages.

        Contact Us
        Profiles International
        (800) 960-9612
©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.                           Introducing Profiles International | 19
v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Introducing Profiles International

  • 1. Introducing Profiles International ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 2. Introducing Profiles International Table of Contents Who We Are Profiles International – A High-level Overview 3 Global Reach 4 Clients and industries 6 Research for management 7 What We Do Know your people at the deepest level 8 Benefits to your organization 9 Creating real value for clients 10 How We Do It High-tech 11 High-touch 12 Overview of assessments and solutions 13 Assessment descriptions 14 Contact Us 19 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 3. Introducing Profiles International Who We Are – Employee assessment specialists Profiles International: A High-level Overview Profiles helps organizations worldwide create high-performing workforces. We do this through our comprehensive suite of employee assessments and performance management solutions. We help our clients gain a competitive advantage by understanding their people at the deepest levels. This includes how they think, natural tendencies, behaviors and preferences, and attitudes toward key workplace issues. This helps them select the right people, place them in the right roles, and manage them to their full potential. Since our founding in 1991, we have delivered over 45,000,000 assessments to over 40,000 organizations in 122 countries. We do this through our team of nearly 200 direct employees and 1000 business partners with backgrounds in organizational psychology, human resource management, sales management, corporate training, coaching, consulting, education, and information technology. Our business is both high-tech and high-touch, and laser-focused to help our clients succeed. Our assessments are grounded in advanced behavioral science that we continually Profiles International Founders validate through our team of PhD Psychologists and Psychometricians. Our dedicated client Jim Sirbasku, CEO, and services team and strategic business partners are with you the entire way, helping you Bud Haney, President deliver assessments effortlessly through our state-of-the-art virtual assessment centers. Our assessment reports are written for managers and contain practical insight and advice to get the most from their people. Introducing Profiles International | 3 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 4. Global Reach – 122 Countries, 32 Languages Africa Asia Europe Slovakia Nicaragua Algeria Afghanistan Albania Slovenia Panama Botswana Azerbaijan Austria Spain Puerto Rico (US) Egypt Bahrain Belgium Sweden Saint Kitts & Nevis Eritrea China Bosnia & Switzerland Saint Lucia Ethiopia Cyprus Herzegovina Ukraine Saint Vincent & Gambia, The India Bulgaria The Grenadines Ghana Indonesia Croatia North America Trinidad & Tobago Kenya Iran Czech Republic Antigua & United States Liberia Iraq Denmark Barbuda Libya Israel Estonia Aruba Oceania Malawi Jordan Finland (Netherlands) Australia Mauritius Kazakhstan France Bahamas New Zealand Morocco Korea, South Germany Barbados Tonga Rwanda Kuwait Greece Belize Sierra Leone Lebanon Hungary Bermuda (UK) South America South Africa Malaysia Latvia British Virgin Argentina Sudan Oman Ireland Islands (UK) Brazil Swaziland Pakistan Italy Canada Chile Nigeria Philippines Lithuania Cayman Islands Colombia Uganda Qatar Luxembourg (UK) Ecuador Zambia Russia Macedonia Costa Rica Peru Zimbabwe Saudi Arabia Moldova Dominican Uruguay Tanzania Sri Lanka Montenegro Republic Venezuela Togo Syria Netherlands El Salvador Tunisia Turkey Norway Guam (US) United Arab Poland Guatemala Emirates Portugal Honduras United Kingdom Romania Jamaica Vietnam Russia Kosovo Yemen Serbia Mexico Introducing Profiles International | 4 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 5. Introducing Profiles International Who We Are – Clients we serve We have served over 40,000 organizations worldwide  Industries we serve • Financial services and insurance • Retail and consumer products • Travel and hospitality • Professional and business services • Healthcare and human services • Media, telecommunications and technology • Energy, utilities and natural resources • Manufacturing, transportation and automotive • Construction and real estate • Federal, state and local governments • K-12, for-profit and not-for-profit higher education  People we work with • Business leaders–CEOs, Presidents and General Managers • Small- and mid-sized business owners • Functional leaders–CFOs, CIOs, Sales and Marketing leaders, HR leaders • Functional specialists – Recruiting, Learning and Development • First and second line managers  Global reach • 122 countries; material translated into 32 languages Introducing Profiles International | 5 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 6. Introducing Profiles International Who We Are – Research for management We are passionate researchers and thought leaders in the area of applying employee assessments to solve important organizational challenges. Introducing Profiles International | 6 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 7. Introducing Profiles International What We Do – Know your people at the deepest level Our assessments provide you with in-depth, objective, comprehensive, and reliable information about your people, far beyond what you could uncover through typical interviews, performance reviews or day-to-day interaction. This includes: How they think • The rate at which they learn and assimilate information • Verbal and numeric skills and reasoning abilities Natural tendencies, behaviors and preferences • Energy level, assertiveness, social influence, manageability, attitude, decisiveness, accommodating, independence, objective judgment • Productivity, quality of work, initiative, teamwork, problem solving, adapting to change • Response to job-related stress, frustration, and conflict • Customer service orientation, trust, tact, empathy, conformity, focus, and flexibility • Prospecting, call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, teamwork, building and maintaining relationships, and compensation preference Attitudes toward important performance-related issues • Only about 10% of a person can be • Personal integrity, substance abuse, reliability, and work ethic described by what appears on the surface and can be observed by the untrained eye. How they interact with others, as team members and with their managers • Employees and managers are biased by • Control, composure, social influence, analytical, patience, results orientation, many factors which impact the quantity precision, expressiveness, ambition, teamwork, positive expectancy, and quality of and quality of information. work • Overall team strengths, weaknesses, and balance • Fit with manager and preferred management style Introducing Profiles International | 7 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 8. Introducing Profiles International What We Do – Benefits to your organization We help you use this information to improve employee and manager performance, as well as overall workforce productivity. Select people best suited to succeed in a particular job in your organization • We help you repeat success by defining the characteristics of successful people in a role and using this as a model to evaluate and select prospective candidates. • According to the Harvard Business Review, this “job matching” approach more accurately predicts job success than any of the commonly accepted factors such as education, experience or job training. Improve communication and relationships between employees and their managers • Imagine if every employee came with an operator’s manual that would help the organization and manager get the most from that employee. Our assessments give you specialized reports for interviewing, selecting, coaching, and succession planning. This information is invaluable for managers to effectively communicate with and motivate the employee to peak performance. Improve team performance and work place harmony • Profiles team and workforce analysis tools help leaders get the most from every team member and effectively guide the way to achievement of shared goals by understanding team balance, strengths and weaknesses. Build consistent culture and values throughout your organization • Understanding employees’ attitudes and beliefs towards their employers, managers and job functions is a critical first step toward building a high-performance workforce. Our assessments can examine a company’s culture and provide insight into employee, managerial and team alignment and how these fit with the company’s strategic goals and objectives. This process helps to identify gaps in organizational alignment. Introducing Profiles International | 8 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 9. Introducing Profiles International What We Do – Creating real value for clients Why is it important? Maximize each employee’s contribution to the organization • The rise and fall of many organizations is the direct result of the collective skill set, emotional intelligence, teamwork, and talent of its individuals. By using our assessment solutions, you will see tangible results in terms of increased productivity, reduced stress and conflict, and a positive impact on your bottom line. Reduce employee turnover and absenteeism • Better hiring decisions equals improved productivity and less disruption. Bringing the right person on board in the right position leads to improved organizational efficiency and increased overall satisfaction among employees at all levels. Reduce cost of theft • Attitudes towards integrity, substance abuse, reliability and work ethic are not listed on the resume or divulged by references. Profiles provides easy-to-read reports covering these costly land mines and helping you reduce liability, costs and turnover. Reduce workforce conflict and improve employee satisfaction • When you measure compatibility characteristics among your workforce, communication is improved, conflict is reduced and leaders have actionable data to maximize individual and overall team performance. More effectively focus training and development investments • All Profiles solutions address specific performance improvement goals for your organization by providing you with reports for selection, development, training, promotion, management, and succession planning to maximize your investment. Introducing Profiles International | 9 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 10. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – High-tech Scientifically valid assessments • Profiles assessment validation study standards exceed those set by The Association of Test Publishers • All Profiles solutions are validated in each language • EEOC compliant • Tailored to your specific needs Delivered effortlessly online through a branded Virtual Assessment Center, a customizable component of the Profiles Resource Center • Over 99% uptime and availability • Analytics dashboard • Unlimited simultaneous user access • Client-controlled assessment administration and scheduling • Data secured by firewall and site encryption • Generate reports that include actionable data • Update accounts • Build job models based on high-performing incumbents • Prepare data exports • Monitor meter inventory Introducing Profiles International | 10 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 11. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – High-touch Dedicated client service professionals fully vested in your success: • Proven implementation plan that includes deliverables and timetables to help clients set and achieve clear objectives • Comprehensive training is provided to each client according to his or her unique needs and objectives • Training is available in person, via interactive internet, on-site at the client organization, or at Profiles International’s Corporate Training Center Practical and actionable output written for your managers is available via the Profiles Assessment Center featuring: • Tracking reports: hired/terminated • Pattern analysis • Cost analysis • Performance reports – correlate performance with job match and assessment scores • Financial reports – Return on Investment reports • Adverse Impact reports • Team company perspective analysis Introducing Profiles International | 11 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 12. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Overview of our assessments and solutions Your Business Objective Our Popular Solutions High-level Strategic Workforce Management Identifying high-potential employees and managers PXT CP360 PSA CSP Strategic workforce and succession planning PXT PPI CP360 PSA CSP Restructuring, reorganizing and downsizing PXT PPI PMF WES PSA CSP PLP Post-merger integration of organizations PXT PPI PMF WES PSA CSP PLP Everyday Workforce Management Basic pre-employment screening SOS PST Screening, interviewing and selecting job candidates PXT PST EBC PSA CSP Onboarding new employees PXT PPI PMF Improving employee productivity and work quality PXT PPI WES Improving employee motivation and communication PPI PMF WES Resolving conflict between co-workers PPI Selecting and managing teams PPI Evaluating management effectiveness PXT PPI CP360 WES Prioritizing management development needs CP360 WES Sales and Customer-facing Workforce Management Screening, interviewing and selecting job candidates PST EBC PSA CSP Retaining and growing customers and accounts PSA CSP PLP Improving sales performance PPI CP360 PMF WES PSA PLP Legend SOS Step One Survey PMF Profiles Managerial Fit PXT ProfileXT WES Workplace Engagement Survey PST Profiles Skills Tests PSA Profiles Sales Assessment EBC Employee Background Checks CSP Customer Service Profile PPI Profiles Performance Indicator PLP Profiles LoyaltyPro CP360 CheckPoint 360 Introducing Profiles International | 12 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 13. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions Step One Survey II® (SOSII) The SOSII is a brief pre-hire assessment that measures an individual’s basic work-related values. It is used primarily as a screening tool early in the candidate selection process. This assessment provides valid insight into an applicant’s work ethic, reliability, integrity, propensity for substance abuse, and attitudes toward theft — including property, data and time. ProfileXT® (PXT) The PXT assessment measures how well an individual fits specific jobs in your organization. The “job matching” feature of the PXT is unique, and it enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the qualities required to successfully perform in a specific job. It is used throughout the employee life cycle for selection, on-boarding, managing, and strategic workforce planning. This assessment reveals consistent, in-depth, objective insight into an individual's thinking and reasoning style, relevant behavioral traits, occupational interests, and match to specific jobs in your organization. It helps your managers interview and select people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role, and provides practical recommendations for coaching them to maximum performance. It also gives your organization consistent language and metrics to support strategic workforce and succession planning, talent management and reorganization efforts. Introducing Profiles International | 13 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 14. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions Profiles Performance Indicator™ (PPI) The Profiles Performance Indicator is a DISC-type assessment that reveals aspects of an individual's personality that could impact their fit with their manager, coworkers and team, and their job performance. It is used primarily for motivating and coaching employees, and resolving post-hire conflict and performance issues. The PPI specifically measures an individual's motivational intensity and behaviors related to productivity, quality of work, initiative, teamwork, problem solving, and adapting to change, as well as response to conflict, stress, and frustration. The output from this assessment serves as an “operator's manual” for an employee, which helps managers better motivate, coach, and communicate with the employee. It also helps to predict and minimize conflict among co-workers, and it provides crucial information for improving team selection and performance. A powerful feature of the PPI is the Team Analysis Report, designed to help managers form new teams, reduce team conflict, improve team communication, improve their ability to anticipate problems, and enhance their team leadership skills. It helps evaluate overall team balance, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as team members’ personality characteristics along 12 key factors: control, composure, social influence, analytical, patience, results orientation, precision, expressiveness, ambition, teamwork, positive expectancy, and quality of work. It also provides team leaders with practical recommendations and action steps to take in order to succeed in their jobs. Introducing Profiles International | 14 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 15. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions CheckPoint 360°™ The CheckPoint Management System is a 360-degree assessment. It is used primarily to evaluate the effectiveness of your managers and leaders. This assessment combines feedback from direct reports, peers, supervisors, and even customers, with a personalized program for developing specific leadership skills based on that feedback. This process highlights a manager’s job performance in 8 universal management competencies: communication, leadership, adapting to change, relationships, task management, production, development of others, and personal development. The CheckPoint 360 helps managers identify and prioritize their own development opportunities. And it helps the organization to better focus management training and development investments; proactively uncover misaligned priorities between senior executives and front-line managers; and surface management issues that could lead to low employee productivity, morale, job-satisfaction, and increased turnover. Profiles Managerial Fit ™ (PMF) People typically don’t quit their companies, they quit their bosses. Profiles Managerial Fit (PMF) measures critical aspects of compatibility between a manager and their employees. This report offers an in-depth look at one’s approach to learning, as well as six critical dimensions of compatibility with their manager: self-assurance, conformity, optimism, decisiveness, self-reliance, and objectivity. Managers use this information for adapting their styles in order to get the most from each employee; improve communication; increase engagement, satisfaction, and productivity; and reduce employee turnover. Introducing Profiles International | 15 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 16. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions Workplace Engagement Survey (WES) Our Workplace Engagement Survey (WES) measures the degree to which your employees connect with their work and feel committed to the organization and its goals. This gives you and your management team a detailed view of what influences engagement across all of your workforce segments and how your employees compare statistically to the overall working population. In addition, the WES measures “satisfaction with employer” and “satisfaction with manager” across your entire organization, and gives recommendations for your organization to improve. Profiles Skills Tests (PST) Profiles International provides comprehensive assessments to measure essential knowledge and skills. We use powerful technologies, such as performance-based testing, which simulates popular software products like Microsoft Office, to ensure accurate, reliable, assessment of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our skills assessments cover Software Skills, Clerical Skills, Call Center Skills, Accounting and Finance, Medical, Nursing, Legal, Industrial, Computer Literacy, Retail, Food Services, Information Technology, Staffing, and Human Resources. Employee Background Checks (EBC) Profiles International provides comprehensive employee background checks for our clients. These include Consumer Credit Reports, Criminal History Record, Drivers' History Report (DMV), Education Verification, Employment History Verification, Foreign Nationals Terrorist Sanctions Search (OFAC, CLFST & OSFI), Identity Verification Search, Incarceration Records Search, Military Service Verification, Cursory Nationwide Criminal Index Database Search (CNID), and many more. Introducing Profiles International | 16 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 17. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions Profiles Sales Assessment™ (PSA) The Profiles Sales Assessment (PSA) measures how well a person fits specific sales jobs in your organization. It is used primarily for selecting, on-boarding and managing sales people and account managers. The “job modeling” feature of the PSA is unique, and can be customized by company, sales position, department, manager, geography, or any combination of these factors. This enables you to evaluate an individual relative to the qualities required to perform successfully in a specific sales job in your organization. It also predicts on-the-job performance in seven critical sales behaviors: prospecting, call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, teamwork, building and maintaining relationships, and compensation preference. Customer Service Profile™ (CSP) The Customer Service Profile (CSP) measures how well a person fits specific customer service jobs in your organization. It is used primarily for selecting, on-boarding, and managing customer service employees. The CSP also looks at what your current and future employees believe is a high level of customer service, while at the same time showing where they align (or not) with the company’s perspective. We have a general industry version of this assessment as well as vertical specialties in hospitality, healthcare, financial services, and retail. Introducing Profiles International | 17 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 18. Introducing Profiles International How We Do It – Assessment Descriptions Profiles Loyalty Pro™ (PLP) Profiles LoyaltyPro™ is a web-based customer loyalty surveying tool. Loyalty, as determined through the “voice of the customer,” is a leading indicator that predicts the “staying power” of an account. Profiles LoyaltyPro™ offers companies a tool to gather ongoing, critical account intelligence that helps them assess the relationship between the buyer and the supplier, ultimately driving the action plan to improve customer service. Having insight into your customer’s perception of your relationship allows you to steer the strategic business efforts and initiatives of the account management teams to continually improve customer relationships and build a network of loyal customers. Introducing Profiles International | 18 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 19. Profiles International – Who We Are Profiles International helps organizations worldwide create high-performing workforces. Through our comprehensive employment assessments and innovative talent management solutions, our clients gain a competitive advantage by selecting the right people and managing them to their full potential. Where We Are Profiles serves 122 countries around the globe and has material in 32 languages. Contact Us Profiles International (800) 960-9612 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved. Introducing Profiles International | 19 v9 ©2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.