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Internet Filtering in the

Middle East
and North Africa
Internet in the Middle East and North            accessible to Internet users as part of
Africa                                           Qatar’s Supreme Council for Information
Countries in the Middle East and North           and Communication Technology’s
Africa continue to invest in information         initiative to develop more Web sites with
and communications infrastructure and            Arabic content.3
media projects as part of their strategies            The number of Internet users is likely
to develop the local economies and create        to continue to rise, especially with the
employment.                                      introduction of technologies that
     Among the major examples are                overcome poor ICT infrastructure that
Jordan’s plans to establish a free IT zone       hinders Internet access in the region.
in Amman, which will give sales and              WiMAX, for example, was commercially
income tax breaks to the software                available by end of March 2009 in Algeria,
companies and business development               Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and
firms based in the zone. The zone is part        Tunisia, while operators in other parts of
of a strategy designed to increase the           the region have started testing the
number of Internet users from 26 percent         service.4 Additionally, broadband markets
to 50 percent. It aims to increase               are growing fast in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco
employment in the sector and to boost the        and Tunisia, and commercial 3G mobile
sector’s revenues from $2.2 billion in           services have been launched in Egypt,
2009 to $3 billion by end of 2011.1              Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, and
     In addition to existing regional hubs       Tunisia.5
Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City,             Demographic factors are also expected
the United Arab Emirates launched a new          to contribute to the growth of Internet
content creation zone to support media           population. The Arab Media Outlook
content creators in the Middle East and          2008–2012 says that, “Digital media will
North Africa. The new Abu Dhabi-based            thrive in the Arab market because the
zone aims to employ Arab media                   market has a large, technologically
professionals in film, broadcast, digital        accomplished demographic group—its
and publishing. CNN, BBC, the Financial          youth—who are comfortable with it and will
Times, Thomson Reuters Foundation, and           customize it to their own requirements.”
Thomson Foundation are among the                 The report also revealed that, “over 50%
partners of the zone.2                           of the population in Yemen, Oman, Saudi
     At the same time, some countries have       Arabia, Jordan, Morocco and Egypt are
initiated efforts to develop Arabic Web          estimated to be currently less than 25
content. In this regard, Microsoft is            years old, while in the rest of the countries
working on translation technology that           the under-25, ‘net generation’ makes up
would make the Arabic language more              around 35% to 47% of total population.”6


    Liberalization of telecommunications           Internet and Media Regulations: The
markets has already taken place in                 Debate
several Arab countries. Most incumbent             The last few years have witnessed an
telecom companies in North Africa are              increase in the debate over media and
already in private hands, with exception of        Internet censorship in the region. Rifts
Algerie Telecom, the privatization of which        between the censors and local and
has been postponed due to the global               regional advocates of freedom of speech
economic crisis.7 However, experts say             have intensified, and more voices
telecom liberalization in the Middle East          continue to express concern about media
and North Africa still lags behind the rest        regulations in the region.
of the world in terms cost and efficiency, a           Interestingly, while advocates in the
matter which does not encourage direct             region criticize the regimes for the
foreign investment.8                               repressive regulations, which limit
                                                   freedom of speech online, some
The Media Environment in the Middle                governments claim they arrest bloggers
East and North Africa                              and online activists because they abuse
The Middle East and North Africa is one of         what the regimes call “media freedom.” In
the most heavily censored regions in the           Egypt for example, the authorities arrested
world. Human rights watchdogs and free             a blogger in May 2009 under the
speech advocacy groups continue to                 accusation of "Exploitation of the
criticize the media restrictions and               democratic climate prevailing in the
repressive legal regimes, and over the             country to overthrow the regime." The
past few years, a great number of bloggers         Cairo-based Arab Network for Human
and cyber-dissidents have been jailed.             Rights Information deplored the charges
     In April 2009, The International              and described them as a black comedy.11
Federation of Journalists called for a             Another example of such a rift is from the
radical overhaul of media laws in the              Gulf countries, where the head of the
Middle East, stating that the laws in most         Doha Centre for Media Freedom criticized
of the region’s countries still permit the         Dubai Police for allegedly asking Google to
jailing of journalists for undermining the         censor YouTube. The head of the center
reputation of the state, the president, the        was later criticized by Qatar officials as
monarch or the religion. Such laws have            well as some journalists and was accused
often been used to suppress reporting of           of endorsing pornography,12 which is a
corruption or scrutiny of government               sensitive topic in many Middle East and
actions.9 This media environment created           North African societies.
by authorities has been hostile to bloggers            While it is common for Internet groups
and online activism, resulting in a number         and online activists in the region to
of arrests across the region. In a list            organize online campaigns to condemn
created by the Committee to Protect                online censorship and arrests of bloggers
Journalists of the ten worst countries to be       and online writers, other online campaigns
a blogger, four such countries (Egypt,             which call for and support social
Syria, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia) were             censorship–mostly online pornography–
from the region.10                                 have emerged in the past few years. For
                                                   instance, an Arabic Web site called Ehjeb
                                                   (Arabic for the verb "to block") is becoming
                                                   increasingly popular, particularly among
                                                   users of Web forums. The site offers to


facilitate blocking of Web sites by sending       and regulations, technical filtering,
user-submitted URLs of questionable               physical restrictions, surveillance and
content to the censors in some of the             monitoring, and harassments and arrests.
region’s countries. Also, some Internet           Among the laws and regulations used to
users in North African countries where            control access in the region are the press
there is no social filtering have organized       and publication laws, penal codes,
online campaigns to demand filtering of           emergency laws, anti-terrorism laws,
sexually explicit content.13                      Internet-specific laws, ISPs Terms &
    Pro-censorship advocates and anti-            Conditions, and telecommunications
censorship activists have also used the           decrees.
court system in their attempts to
implement or remove censorship. For               Press and Publication Laws, Penal
example, a judge in Egypt filed a lawsuit         Codes, Emergency Laws, and Anti-
requesting the banning of 51 Web sites            terrorism Bills
considered offensive. The court rejected          Many countries in the region use
the lawsuit in December 2007 and                  restrictive press laws to regulate online
emphasized support for freedom of                 publishing and traditional journalism. For
expression as long as the Web sites do not        example, censorship of online media and
harm local beliefs or public order. In May        print journalism in Bahrain is exerted
2009 however, a Cairo court ruled in favor        using the 2002 Press Law.14 Kuwait’s
of an Egyptian lawyer and ordered the             2006 Press Law allows imprisonment of
Egyptian government to ban access to              journalists for making references to Islam
pornographic Web sites because they are           that are deemed insulting,15 or for articles
deemed offensive to the values of religion        seen as “against national interests.”16
and society.                                      Oman’s 1984 Press and Publication Law
    In Tunisia however, a blogger                 authorizes the government to censor
challenged the Web filtering regime in the        publications deemed politically, culturally,
country by filing a legal suit against the        or sexually offensive.17 Syria’s 2001 Press
Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) for                Law sets out sweeping controls over
censoring the social networking site              publications printed in Syria.18 And
Facebook after it was briefly blocked in          journalists in Tunisia have been
August 2008. The court dismissed the              prosecuted by Tunisia’s press code which
case in November 2008 without providing           bans offending the president, disturbing
any explanation. These examples and               order, and publishing what the
cases illustrate how the fight over access        government perceives as false news.19
control is taking different shapes and            Yemen’s 1990 Press and Publications Law
forms, and also indicate that different           subjects publications and broadcast
players will continue the debate and              media to broad prohibitions and harsh
challenge each other.                             penalties.20 The press law in Morocco has
                                                  been used to suppress outspoken online
Access Control in the Middle East                 writers.21
and North Africa                                      In addition to press codes, some
Access control in the Middle East and             countries often use penal codes to
North Africa is multilayered; governments         suppress journalists and online writers.
and authorities use different measures to         Yemen’s Ministry of Information declared
regulate Internet access and online               in April 2008 that the penal code will be
activities. These measures include laws           used to prosecute writers who publish on


the Internet content that “incites hatred”           or religious rituals, opposing the Islamic
or “harms national interests.”22 Syria’s             religion, transcending family principles
penal code criminalizes spreading news               and values, setting up a Web site for
abroad.23 Though the Bahraini                        groups promoting programs in breach of
government introduced in May 2008                    public decency and order, and setting up a
amendments to the 2002 Press Law that                Web site or publishing information for a
eliminate prison sentences for journalists           terrorist group under fake names with
and prior censorship on publications,                intent to facilitate contacts with their
journalists can still be charged and jailed          leadership, or to promote their ideologies
using the penal code and anti-terrorism              and finance their activities, or to publish
law.24                                               information on how to make explosives or
    In addition to the use of penal and              any other substances to be used in
press codes, two countries–Egypt and                 terrorist attacks.28
Syria–both of which have been under                      In January 2008, Saudi Arabia
emergency law for some time, have taken              implemented 16 articles of new law on the
advantage of their status to punish                  use of technology. The law includes
individuals deemed threatening. Egypt’s              penalties of ten years in prison and a fine
emergency law, in force since the                    for Web site operators who advocate or
declaration of the state of emergency in             support terrorism; three years and fine for
1981, grants the administrative authority            financial fraud or invasion of privacy; and
powers to search, arrest and detain                  five years and a fine for those guilty of
individuals without the supervision of               distributing pornography or other
judicial bodies. Rights groups say that the          materials that violate public law, religious
uninterrupted application of the                     values and social standards of the
emergency law since 1981 has led to the              kingdom. Accomplices of the guilty parties
emergence of a parallel legal system                 and even those who are proven to have
unchecked by ordinary judicial bodies.25             only intended to engage in unlawful IT acts
Similarly, Syria uses the ongoing state of           can receive up to half of maximum
emergency (which began in 1963) to                   punishments.29
arrest media workers and journalists and
political activists risk arrest at any time.26       Terms and Conditions of ISPs
Morocco uses its anti-terrorism bill,                Terms and conditions imposed by ISPs are
passed following suicide bombings in                 also used to control access in some
Casablanca in 2003, to punish journalists.           countries. In Oman for example, Internet
The bill grants the government sweeping              use is regulated by the ISP Omantel’s
legal power to arrest journalists for                Terms & Conditions, which mandate that
publishing content deemed to “disrupt                users “not carry out any unlawful activities
public order by intimidation, force,                 which contradict the social, cultural,
violence, fear or terror.”27                         political, religious or economical values of
                                                     the Sultanate of Oman or could cause
Internet-Specific Laws                               harm to any third party” as any abuse and
Few countries in the region have                     misuse of the Internet Services will “result
introduced Internet-specific laws to                 in the termination of the subscription
regulate Internet activities; among them             and/or in the proceedings of Criminal or
are the United Arab Emirates and Saudi               Civil lawsuits against the Customer.”30
Arabia. The UAE’s 2007 federal cyber law             Another example is Yemen where the
criminalizes hacking, abusing holy shrines           terms and conditions set by the ISP


TeleYemen (aka Y.Net) prohibits “sending           information, together with any suspicious
any message which is offensive on moral,           activities to the police.36
religious, communal, or political grounds.”            Similarly, Jordan began in March 2008
TeleYemen reserves the right to control            increasing restrictions on the country’s
access to data stored in its system “in any        Internet cafés. Cameras were installed in
manner deemed appropriate by                       Internet cafes to monitor users, and
TeleYemen.” Section 6.3.3 cautions                 Internet café owners were required to
subscribers that TeleYemen will report             register the IP number of the café, the
“any use or attempted use of the Y.Net             users’ personal data, the time of use and
service which contravenes any applicable           the data of Web sites explored.37
Law of the Republic of Yemen.”31                   Additionally, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of
                                                   Interior in April 2009 ordered Internet
Telecommunications Laws                            cafés to install hidden cameras and
Telecommunications laws are used to                provide a record of names and identities
control what ISPs can and cannot host. In          of their customers.38 In Kuwait, Internet
Algeria, for example, article 14 of a 1998         café owners also were required to
telecommunications decree makes ISPs               maintain a record of customers’ names
responsible for the sites they host, and           and IDs, which they must submit to the
requires them to take “all necessary steps         Ministry of Communications (MOC) upon
to ensure constant surveillance” of                request.39
content to prevent access to “material                 Some Internet café operators in
contrary to public order and morality.32           Lebanon admit that they use surveillance
Bahrain’s Telecommunications Law of                computer software that enables them to
2002 contains penalties for illicit use of         monitor the desktops and browsing habits
the network, including the transmission of         of their clients under the pretext of
messages that are offensive to public              protecting the security of their computer
policy or morals.33 And in Tunisia, the            networks or to stop their clients from
1998 post and telecommunications law               accessing pornography.40 In March 2008,
enables the authorities to intercept and           the Syrian authorities ordered Internet
check the content of email messages.34             café users to provide their names and
Electronic surveillance such as filtering of       identification cards and the times they use
email messages of government opponents             the Internet café to Internet café owners
has been reported in Tunisia.35                    who will subsequently present them to the
Surveillance and Monitoring                            In October 2007, police in Yemen
Measures to monitor Internet activities,           ordered some Internet cafés to close at
particularly in Internet cafés, have been          midnight and demanded that users show
introduced in many Arab countries. In              their identification cards to the café
Algeria, security forces started raiding           operator.42 Some Internet café owners use
Internet cafés and checking browsing               surveillance software to monitor the online
history of Internet users after terrorist          activities of their customers and refuse
attacks hit the country in April 2007. In          access to clients who access
April 2008, the security forces increased          pornography.43
their monitoring and surveillance efforts of           In August 2008, the Egyptian
Internet cafés and Internet cafés were             authorities imposed new monitoring
required to collect names and ID numbers           measures by demanding that Internet café
of their customers and report this                 clients must provide their names, email


and phone numbers, before they can use                   To one degree or another, the Gulf
the Internet. Once the data is provided,            countries, as well as Sudan, Tunisia, Gaza,
clients will receive a text message on their        and Yemen, censor pornography, nudity,
cell phones and a pin number that they              gay and lesbian content, escort and dating
can use to access the Internet.44                   services, and sites displaying provocative
    In addition to the above measures,              attire. Also censored by most of these
some countries impose physical                      countries are Web sites which present
restrictions on Internet cafés as part of the       critical reviews of Islam and/or attempt to
monitoring efforts. For example, Yemen45            convert Muslims to other religions. Some
and Oman46 require that computer                    of these countries also filter Web sites
screens in Internet cafés must be visible           related to alcohol, gambling, and drugs.
to the floor supervisor. No closed rooms or         Generally, the countries that implement
curtains that might obstruct view of the            political or social filtering also target to
monitors are allowed.                               various degrees proxies and
                                                    circumvention tools to prevent users from
Technical Filtering in the Middle East              bypassing filters. Some of these countries
and North Africa                                    also block online translation services and
ONI conducted tests for technical Internet          privacy tools apparently because they also
filtering in all of the countries in the            can be used to access blocked content.
Middle East and North Africa between
2008 and 2009. Test results prove that              Regional Trends in Access Control
the governments and Internet service                Internet censorship in the Middle East and
providers (ISPs) censor content deemed              North Africa is on the rise, and the scope
politically sensitive; critical of                  and depth of filtering are increasing.
governments, leaders or ruling families;            Previous ONI tests revealed that political
morally offensive; or in violation of public        filtering was limited in some countries, but
ethics and order.                                   2008-2009 results indicate that political
     Testing also revealed that political           censorship is targeting more content and
filtering continues to be the common                is becoming more consistent. For
denominator across the region. Many                 example, previous tests found that Yemen
states in the Middle East and North Africa          temporarily blocked political Web sites in
prevent their citizens from accessing               the run-up to the 2006 presidential
political content or have blocked such              elections, and Bahrain did the same
content in the past. For example, Bahrain,          ahead of parliamentary elections.
Qatar, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates,            However, 2008-2009 testing revealed
Syria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya, and            that filtering in these two countries has
Tunisia have censored Web sites                     been consistently extended to include
containing content critical of the                  several Web sites run by opposition
governments and leaders, Web sites                  groups or news Web sites and forums
which claim human rights violations,                which espouse oppositional political
and/or Web sites of opposition groups.              views.
Mauritania has briefly blocked the news                  In the meantime, countries that have
Web site Taqadoumy, and Egypt has at                been filtering political content continue to
some point blocked the Web site of the              add more Web sites to their political
Islamic opposition group Muslim                     blacklists. For example, filtering in Syria
Brotherhood, as well as the Web site of             was expanded to include popular sites
the Labor Party’s newspaper.                        such as YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon,


as well as more Web sites affiliated with             Department, which announced it would
the Muslim Brotherhood Kurdish                        exercise immediate supervision and
opposition groups. Another example is                 censorship.
Tunisia, which added more political and                   Another example is Saudi Arabia,
oppositional content as well as other                 which announced in May 2009 plans to
apolitical sites such as the OpenNet                  enact legislation for newspapers and
Initiative and Global Voices Online.                  Internet Web sites that will require Saudi-
     Social filtering is also increasing and is       based Web sites to get official licenses
catching up with the continuously growing             from a special agency under the purview
social Web. Most of the Arab countries                of the Ministry of Information. Bahrain
were found to have started to block                   already has a similar system that requires
Arabic-language explicit content that was             local Web sites to register with the
previously accessible. Interestingly,                 Ministry of Information.
filtering of Arabic-language explicit Web                 Among the new trends in controlling
content in the Middle East and North                  access is the increase in incidents of
Africa is usually not as fast as that of other        hacking of opposition and dissident Web
languages. ONI’s investigation revealed               sites and blogs. Such incidents have been
that the US-based commercial filtering                reported in Tunisia and Yemen. On the
software used by most of the ISPs in the              other hand, sectarian cyber war among
region does not pick up Arabic content as             different religious groups in the region,
comprehensively as content in English.                namely Shiite and Sunni groups, has
     Increases in filtering are the norm in           occurred in the past few years. The cyber
the Middle East and North Africa, and                 attacks managed to deface the Web sites
unblocking is the exception. Of the few               of significant Shiite and Sunni
examples of unblocking of Web sites is                organizations and individuals and in some
Syria’s restoration of access to Wikipedia            cases the attackers managed to remove
Arabic, Morocco’s lifting of a ban on a few           the content of some of these sites.
pro-Western Sahara independence Web                   Additionally, Israeli, Palestinian and
sites, and Libya’s allowing access to some            Lebanese Web sites run by Hizbullah have
previously banned political sites. Sudan’s            been targets of attacks and hacking,
filtering of gay and lesbian, dating,                 especially during wars and conflicts.
provocative attire and health-related sites
was also more limited compared to                     Conclusion
previous test results.                                Governments in the Middle East and North
     Another regional trend is that more              Africa continue to invest in media and IT
Arab countries are introducing regulations            projects, and at the same time are
to make Web publishing subject to press               continuing to invest in censorship
and publication laws and requiring local              technologies to prevent their citizens from
Web sites to register with the authorities            accessing a wide range of objectionable
before they can go live. In Jordan, for               content. Also, while Western companies
example, the country’s Legislation Bureau             build ICT infrastructure necessary for
in the Prime Minister’s Office issued in              development in the region, other Western
September 2007 a decision that Web                    companies provide the censors with
sites and electronic press must comply                technologies and data used to filter the
with the provisions of the publications and           Internet.
publishing law and fall under the oversight               The censors in the region attempt to
of the Publications and Publishing                    control political content using technical


filtering, laws and regulations, surveillance        NOTES
and monitoring, physical restrictions, and           

extra-legal harassment and arrests.
Filtering of content deemed offensive for            1 Mohammad Ghazal, “Jordan, UAE firms in
religious, moral, and cultural reasons is               talks over free IT zone,” The National, May
pervasive in many countries and is                      16, 2009,
     Though many governments                         2 Keach Hagey, “Capital launches media zone
acknowledge social filtering, most                      to nurture young Arab talent,” The National,
continue to disguise their political filtering          October 13, 2008,
practices by attempting to confuse users      
with different error messages.                          2/BUSINESS/13341341/1119/NEWS.
     The absence of technical filtering in           3 Chris V. Panganiban, “Technology to promote

some countries in the region by no means                Arabic online,” The Peninsula, April 19,
indicates free online environments in                   2009,
those countries; surveillance and             
monitoring practices and extra-legal                    _news.asp?section=local_news&month=apr
harassment from security agencies create                il2009&file=local_news2009041913642.x
a climate of fear used to silence online             4 “Has the age of fixed wireless broadband
dissidents.                                             services arrived in the Arab World? By end
     Many ISPs block popular politically                of March 2009, six Arab countries had
neutral online services such as online                  eleven commercially launched,” Arab
translation services and privacy tools                  Advisors Group, April 16, 2009,
fearing that they can be used to bypass       
the filtering regimes. The censors also                 sser-160409.htm.
                                                     5 “2008 Africa - Telecoms, Mobile and
overblock Web sites and services such as
social networking Web sites and photo                   Broadband in Northern Region,” ChinaCCM,
and video sharing Web sites because of                  December 2008,
the potential for content considered          
objectionable.                                       6 PricewaterhouseCoopers, “Arab media
     More users in the Middle East and                  outlook 2008-2012,”
North Africa are using the Internet for       
political campaigning and social activism;              ns.nsf/docid/14D97CB491E2A59B852573
however, states continue to introduce                   34000B8AAB.
more restrictive legal, technical and                7 “2008 Africa - Telecoms, Mobile and

monitoring measures, amid growing local                 Broadband in Northern Region,” ChinaCCM,
and regional calls to ease restrictions and             December 2008,
remove barriers to the free flow of           
information.                                            07/news/20081205/111435.asp.
                                                     8 Dana Halawi, “MENA telecoms need

                                                        liberalization – Hasbani,” The Daily Star,
Author: Helmi Noman
                                                        April 17, 2009,
                                                     9 International Federation of Journalists, “IFJ

                                                        Demands Overhaul of Repressive Media
                                                        Laws in the Middle East,” April 29, 2009,



  middle-east.                                                                                      oppression.php.
10 Committee to Protect Journalists, “10 Worst                                                    20 Yemen News Agency (Saba) Press and

  Countries to be a Blogger,” April 30, 2009                                                        Publications Law,                                                
  countries-to-be-a-blogger.php.                                                                    htm.
11 “Egypt: new comic crimes written by the                                                        21 “Appeal court overturns blogger’s

  state security - Blogger in custody, on                                                           conviction,” September 18, 2008, Reporters
  charges of exploitation of the democratic                                                         Without Borders,
  climate,” The Arabic Network for Human                                                  
  Rights Information, May 14, 2009,                                                                 28603.                                                        22 “Lawzi: Ma Yonshar fi Sahafat Al Internet

  2.shtml.                                                                                          Lan Yakon Ba'eedan A'n Al Mosa'ala bimojib
12 “A press row in Qatar -The limits to                                                             Qanoon Al Oqobat” [Online journalism is
  liberalization,” The Economist, May 14,                                                           subject to the penal code: Lawzi, Yemeni
  2009,                                                                                             Minister of Information], Saba, February 3,                                                           2008,
  .                                                                                                 hp?t=9502.
13 “Users’ Initiative to Block Web Sites,”                                                        23 Freedom House, “Map of Press Freedom

  OpenNet Initiative Blog, October 24, 2008,                                                        2008,”                                                  
  initiatives-block-web-sites.                                                                      m?page=251&year=2008.
14 Bahrain Center for Human Rights, “Website                                                      24 “Despite advances, journalists still face

  accused of violating press code, BCHR                                                             possible jail terms under prevailing laws,
  concerned that move is aimed at silencing                                                         warns IFJ,” International Federation of
  critical voices,” September 2008                                                                  Journalists, June 12, 2008,                                                
  6.                                                                                                4435/.
15 “Country Profile: Kuwait,” BBC News, March                                                     25 Sarah Carr, “Journalists Challenge Egypt’s

  11, 2009,                                                                                         Exceptional Laws at Seminar,” Daily News                                                         Egypt, August 1, 2008,
16 Reporters without Borders, “Kuwait—                                                              eID=15464.
  Annual Report 2007”,                                                                            26 Reporters Without Borders, “Syria - Annual                                                       Report 2007,”
  20767.                                                                                            id_rubrique659-Syria.html.
17 United Nations Development Programme,                                                          27 “Background: The State of Human Rights in

  “Program on Governance in the Arab Region                                                         Morocco,” Human Rights Watch, November
  (UNDP-POGAR): Oman,”                                                                              2005,                                             
  d=13.                                                                                             /4.htm.
18 Freedom House, “Map of Press Freedom                                                           28 “UAE cyber crimes law,” Gulf News,

  2008,”                                                                                            November 2, 2007,                                                 
  m?page=251&year=2008.                                                                             als/more_stories/10018507.html.
19 Committee to Protect Journalists, “Tunisia                                                     29 David Westley, “Saudi Tightens Grip on

  Report: The Smiling Oppressor,” September                                                         Internet Use,” Arabian Business, January
  23, 2008,                                                                                         26, 2008,



  saudi-tightens-grip-on-internet-useoni.                                                            came.
30 Omantel, “Omantel Terms & Conditions,”                                                          39 U.S. Department of State, “Country Reports                                                          on Human Rights Practices—2007,”
  p.                                                                                                 released by the Bureau of Democracy,
31 Y.Net, “Terms and conditions for Y.Net                                                            Human Rights, and Labor, March 11, 2008,
  Service,”                                                                                                                                             100599.htm.
32 Reporters Without Borders, “Internet Under                                                      40 “Baramij Malomatiya tadbut elaqat al-

  Surveillance 2004 - Algeria,”                                                                      Jumhur bemaqahi al-Internet lima’ aljins                                                        waltajasos wasirqat albareed aleliqtoroni”
  10730.                                                                                             [Information software to control the
33 Telecommunication Regulatory Authority                                                            relationship between the public and Internet
  (TRA) - Kingdom of Bahrain, “Legislative                                                           cafés and to prevent access to sex, spying,
  decree no. 48 of 2002 Promulgating the                                                             and stealing emails], Dar al-Hayat, June 24,
  Telecommunications Law,”                                                                           2007,                                                
  =1.                                                                                                6-2007/Item-20070623-59a6944a-c0a8-
34 “A textbook case in press censorship for the                                                      10ed-0082-a494ca530035/story.html.
  past 20 years,” Reporters Without Borders,                                                       41 Khaled Yacoub Oweis, “Syria expands ‘iron

  November 5, 2007,                                                                                  censorship’ over Internet,” Reuters, March                                                        13, 2008,
35 “Repression continues as Ben Ali marks                                                            idUKL138353620080313?sp=true.
  21st anniversary as president,” Reporters                                                        42 “Internet cafes closed after midnight,”

  Without Borders, November 7, 2008,                                                                 Mareb Press, February 20, 2008,                                              
  29208.                                                                                             d=10305.
36 Fathiya Borowinah, “al-Jazaer: Ajhizat alamn                                                    43 Moneer Al-Omari , “Search for Pornographic

  tolin al-harb ala magahi alinternet liihbat                                                        Material on Rise; Children are most
  masharee’ khalaya irhabiya naemah”                                                                 Vulnerable,” Yemen Post, January 12, 2009,
  [Algeria: security services declared war on                                              
  Internet cafes to thwart the projects of                                                           084.htm.
  terrorist sleeper cells], Al-Riyadh, May 1,                                                      44 “Egypt demanding data from cyber cafés

  2007,                                                                                              users: NGO,” AFP, August 9, 2008,                                                  
  cle246175.html.                                                                                    tRSmeojLOOn65lVULB4lj8A.
37 “Jordan: New Restrictions on Internet Cafes                                                     45 Moneer Al-Omari , “Search for Pornographic

  and Violating Privacy of Users,” The Arabic                                                        Material on Rise; Children are most
  Network for Human Rights Information,                                                              Vulnerable,” Yemen Post, January 12, 2009,
  March 11, 2008,                                                                                                                                    084.htm.
  html.                                                                                            46 Oman Telecommunications Company,
38 Helmi Noman, “Restriction on Internet use                                                         “Procedures for Internet Cyber Café Pre-
  in the Middle East on the rise: Internet cafés                                                     Approval,”
  in Saudi must install hidden cameras,”                                                   
  OpenNet Initiative Blog, April 16, 2009,                                                           ess/internet/preapprovaleng.pdf.


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Internet Filtering in the Middle East and North Africa

  • 1. 2009 Internet Filtering in the Middle East and North Africa Internet in the Middle East and North accessible to Internet users as part of Africa Qatar’s Supreme Council for Information Countries in the Middle East and North and Communication Technology’s Africa continue to invest in information initiative to develop more Web sites with and communications infrastructure and Arabic content.3 media projects as part of their strategies The number of Internet users is likely to develop the local economies and create to continue to rise, especially with the employment. introduction of technologies that Among the major examples are overcome poor ICT infrastructure that Jordan’s plans to establish a free IT zone hinders Internet access in the region. in Amman, which will give sales and WiMAX, for example, was commercially income tax breaks to the software available by end of March 2009 in Algeria, companies and business development Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and firms based in the zone. The zone is part Tunisia, while operators in other parts of of a strategy designed to increase the the region have started testing the number of Internet users from 26 percent service.4 Additionally, broadband markets to 50 percent. It aims to increase are growing fast in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco employment in the sector and to boost the and Tunisia, and commercial 3G mobile sector’s revenues from $2.2 billion in services have been launched in Egypt, 2009 to $3 billion by end of 2011.1 Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, and In addition to existing regional hubs Tunisia.5 Dubai Media City and Dubai Internet City, Demographic factors are also expected the United Arab Emirates launched a new to contribute to the growth of Internet content creation zone to support media population. The Arab Media Outlook content creators in the Middle East and 2008–2012 says that, “Digital media will North Africa. The new Abu Dhabi-based thrive in the Arab market because the zone aims to employ Arab media market has a large, technologically professionals in film, broadcast, digital accomplished demographic group—its and publishing. CNN, BBC, the Financial youth—who are comfortable with it and will Times, Thomson Reuters Foundation, and customize it to their own requirements.” Thomson Foundation are among the The report also revealed that, “over 50% partners of the zone.2 of the population in Yemen, Oman, Saudi At the same time, some countries have Arabia, Jordan, Morocco and Egypt are initiated efforts to develop Arabic Web estimated to be currently less than 25 content. In this regard, Microsoft is years old, while in the rest of the countries working on translation technology that the under-25, ‘net generation’ makes up would make the Arabic language more around 35% to 47% of total population.”6 1
  • 2. 2009 Liberalization of telecommunications Internet and Media Regulations: The markets has already taken place in Debate several Arab countries. Most incumbent The last few years have witnessed an telecom companies in North Africa are increase in the debate over media and already in private hands, with exception of Internet censorship in the region. Rifts Algerie Telecom, the privatization of which between the censors and local and has been postponed due to the global regional advocates of freedom of speech economic crisis.7 However, experts say have intensified, and more voices telecom liberalization in the Middle East continue to express concern about media and North Africa still lags behind the rest regulations in the region. of the world in terms cost and efficiency, a Interestingly, while advocates in the matter which does not encourage direct region criticize the regimes for the foreign investment.8 repressive regulations, which limit freedom of speech online, some The Media Environment in the Middle governments claim they arrest bloggers East and North Africa and online activists because they abuse The Middle East and North Africa is one of what the regimes call “media freedom.” In the most heavily censored regions in the Egypt for example, the authorities arrested world. Human rights watchdogs and free a blogger in May 2009 under the speech advocacy groups continue to accusation of "Exploitation of the criticize the media restrictions and democratic climate prevailing in the repressive legal regimes, and over the country to overthrow the regime." The past few years, a great number of bloggers Cairo-based Arab Network for Human and cyber-dissidents have been jailed. Rights Information deplored the charges In April 2009, The International and described them as a black comedy.11 Federation of Journalists called for a Another example of such a rift is from the radical overhaul of media laws in the Gulf countries, where the head of the Middle East, stating that the laws in most Doha Centre for Media Freedom criticized of the region’s countries still permit the Dubai Police for allegedly asking Google to jailing of journalists for undermining the censor YouTube. The head of the center reputation of the state, the president, the was later criticized by Qatar officials as monarch or the religion. Such laws have well as some journalists and was accused often been used to suppress reporting of of endorsing pornography,12 which is a corruption or scrutiny of government sensitive topic in many Middle East and actions.9 This media environment created North African societies. by authorities has been hostile to bloggers While it is common for Internet groups and online activism, resulting in a number and online activists in the region to of arrests across the region. In a list organize online campaigns to condemn created by the Committee to Protect online censorship and arrests of bloggers Journalists of the ten worst countries to be and online writers, other online campaigns a blogger, four such countries (Egypt, which call for and support social Syria, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia) were censorship–mostly online pornography– from the region.10 have emerged in the past few years. For instance, an Arabic Web site called Ehjeb (Arabic for the verb "to block") is becoming increasingly popular, particularly among users of Web forums. The site offers to 2
  • 3. 2009 facilitate blocking of Web sites by sending and regulations, technical filtering, user-submitted URLs of questionable physical restrictions, surveillance and content to the censors in some of the monitoring, and harassments and arrests. region’s countries. Also, some Internet Among the laws and regulations used to users in North African countries where control access in the region are the press there is no social filtering have organized and publication laws, penal codes, online campaigns to demand filtering of emergency laws, anti-terrorism laws, sexually explicit content.13 Internet-specific laws, ISPs Terms & Pro-censorship advocates and anti- Conditions, and telecommunications censorship activists have also used the decrees. court system in their attempts to implement or remove censorship. For Press and Publication Laws, Penal example, a judge in Egypt filed a lawsuit Codes, Emergency Laws, and Anti- requesting the banning of 51 Web sites terrorism Bills considered offensive. The court rejected Many countries in the region use the lawsuit in December 2007 and restrictive press laws to regulate online emphasized support for freedom of publishing and traditional journalism. For expression as long as the Web sites do not example, censorship of online media and harm local beliefs or public order. In May print journalism in Bahrain is exerted 2009 however, a Cairo court ruled in favor using the 2002 Press Law.14 Kuwait’s of an Egyptian lawyer and ordered the 2006 Press Law allows imprisonment of Egyptian government to ban access to journalists for making references to Islam pornographic Web sites because they are that are deemed insulting,15 or for articles deemed offensive to the values of religion seen as “against national interests.”16 and society. Oman’s 1984 Press and Publication Law In Tunisia however, a blogger authorizes the government to censor challenged the Web filtering regime in the publications deemed politically, culturally, country by filing a legal suit against the or sexually offensive.17 Syria’s 2001 Press Tunisian Internet Agency (ATI) for Law sets out sweeping controls over censoring the social networking site publications printed in Syria.18 And Facebook after it was briefly blocked in journalists in Tunisia have been August 2008. The court dismissed the prosecuted by Tunisia’s press code which case in November 2008 without providing bans offending the president, disturbing any explanation. These examples and order, and publishing what the cases illustrate how the fight over access government perceives as false news.19 control is taking different shapes and Yemen’s 1990 Press and Publications Law forms, and also indicate that different subjects publications and broadcast players will continue the debate and media to broad prohibitions and harsh challenge each other. penalties.20 The press law in Morocco has been used to suppress outspoken online Access Control in the Middle East writers.21 and North Africa In addition to press codes, some Access control in the Middle East and countries often use penal codes to North Africa is multilayered; governments suppress journalists and online writers. and authorities use different measures to Yemen’s Ministry of Information declared regulate Internet access and online in April 2008 that the penal code will be activities. These measures include laws used to prosecute writers who publish on 3
  • 4. 2009 the Internet content that “incites hatred” or religious rituals, opposing the Islamic or “harms national interests.”22 Syria’s religion, transcending family principles penal code criminalizes spreading news and values, setting up a Web site for abroad.23 Though the Bahraini groups promoting programs in breach of government introduced in May 2008 public decency and order, and setting up a amendments to the 2002 Press Law that Web site or publishing information for a eliminate prison sentences for journalists terrorist group under fake names with and prior censorship on publications, intent to facilitate contacts with their journalists can still be charged and jailed leadership, or to promote their ideologies using the penal code and anti-terrorism and finance their activities, or to publish law.24 information on how to make explosives or In addition to the use of penal and any other substances to be used in press codes, two countries–Egypt and terrorist attacks.28 Syria–both of which have been under In January 2008, Saudi Arabia emergency law for some time, have taken implemented 16 articles of new law on the advantage of their status to punish use of technology. The law includes individuals deemed threatening. Egypt’s penalties of ten years in prison and a fine emergency law, in force since the for Web site operators who advocate or declaration of the state of emergency in support terrorism; three years and fine for 1981, grants the administrative authority financial fraud or invasion of privacy; and powers to search, arrest and detain five years and a fine for those guilty of individuals without the supervision of distributing pornography or other judicial bodies. Rights groups say that the materials that violate public law, religious uninterrupted application of the values and social standards of the emergency law since 1981 has led to the kingdom. Accomplices of the guilty parties emergence of a parallel legal system and even those who are proven to have unchecked by ordinary judicial bodies.25 only intended to engage in unlawful IT acts Similarly, Syria uses the ongoing state of can receive up to half of maximum emergency (which began in 1963) to punishments.29 arrest media workers and journalists and political activists risk arrest at any time.26 Terms and Conditions of ISPs Morocco uses its anti-terrorism bill, Terms and conditions imposed by ISPs are passed following suicide bombings in also used to control access in some Casablanca in 2003, to punish journalists. countries. In Oman for example, Internet The bill grants the government sweeping use is regulated by the ISP Omantel’s legal power to arrest journalists for Terms & Conditions, which mandate that publishing content deemed to “disrupt users “not carry out any unlawful activities public order by intimidation, force, which contradict the social, cultural, violence, fear or terror.”27 political, religious or economical values of the Sultanate of Oman or could cause Internet-Specific Laws harm to any third party” as any abuse and Few countries in the region have misuse of the Internet Services will “result introduced Internet-specific laws to in the termination of the subscription regulate Internet activities; among them and/or in the proceedings of Criminal or are the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Civil lawsuits against the Customer.”30 Arabia. The UAE’s 2007 federal cyber law Another example is Yemen where the criminalizes hacking, abusing holy shrines terms and conditions set by the ISP 4
  • 5. 2009 TeleYemen (aka Y.Net) prohibits “sending information, together with any suspicious any message which is offensive on moral, activities to the police.36 religious, communal, or political grounds.” Similarly, Jordan began in March 2008 TeleYemen reserves the right to control increasing restrictions on the country’s access to data stored in its system “in any Internet cafés. Cameras were installed in manner deemed appropriate by Internet cafes to monitor users, and TeleYemen.” Section 6.3.3 cautions Internet café owners were required to subscribers that TeleYemen will report register the IP number of the café, the “any use or attempted use of the Y.Net users’ personal data, the time of use and service which contravenes any applicable the data of Web sites explored.37 Law of the Republic of Yemen.”31 Additionally, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior in April 2009 ordered Internet Telecommunications Laws cafés to install hidden cameras and Telecommunications laws are used to provide a record of names and identities control what ISPs can and cannot host. In of their customers.38 In Kuwait, Internet Algeria, for example, article 14 of a 1998 café owners also were required to telecommunications decree makes ISPs maintain a record of customers’ names responsible for the sites they host, and and IDs, which they must submit to the requires them to take “all necessary steps Ministry of Communications (MOC) upon to ensure constant surveillance” of request.39 content to prevent access to “material Some Internet café operators in contrary to public order and morality.32 Lebanon admit that they use surveillance Bahrain’s Telecommunications Law of computer software that enables them to 2002 contains penalties for illicit use of monitor the desktops and browsing habits the network, including the transmission of of their clients under the pretext of messages that are offensive to public protecting the security of their computer policy or morals.33 And in Tunisia, the networks or to stop their clients from 1998 post and telecommunications law accessing pornography.40 In March 2008, enables the authorities to intercept and the Syrian authorities ordered Internet check the content of email messages.34 café users to provide their names and Electronic surveillance such as filtering of identification cards and the times they use email messages of government opponents the Internet café to Internet café owners has been reported in Tunisia.35 who will subsequently present them to the authorities.41 Surveillance and Monitoring In October 2007, police in Yemen Measures to monitor Internet activities, ordered some Internet cafés to close at particularly in Internet cafés, have been midnight and demanded that users show introduced in many Arab countries. In their identification cards to the café Algeria, security forces started raiding operator.42 Some Internet café owners use Internet cafés and checking browsing surveillance software to monitor the online history of Internet users after terrorist activities of their customers and refuse attacks hit the country in April 2007. In access to clients who access April 2008, the security forces increased pornography.43 their monitoring and surveillance efforts of In August 2008, the Egyptian Internet cafés and Internet cafés were authorities imposed new monitoring required to collect names and ID numbers measures by demanding that Internet café of their customers and report this clients must provide their names, email 5
  • 6. 2009 and phone numbers, before they can use To one degree or another, the Gulf the Internet. Once the data is provided, countries, as well as Sudan, Tunisia, Gaza, clients will receive a text message on their and Yemen, censor pornography, nudity, cell phones and a pin number that they gay and lesbian content, escort and dating can use to access the Internet.44 services, and sites displaying provocative In addition to the above measures, attire. Also censored by most of these some countries impose physical countries are Web sites which present restrictions on Internet cafés as part of the critical reviews of Islam and/or attempt to monitoring efforts. For example, Yemen45 convert Muslims to other religions. Some and Oman46 require that computer of these countries also filter Web sites screens in Internet cafés must be visible related to alcohol, gambling, and drugs. to the floor supervisor. No closed rooms or Generally, the countries that implement curtains that might obstruct view of the political or social filtering also target to monitors are allowed. various degrees proxies and circumvention tools to prevent users from Technical Filtering in the Middle East bypassing filters. Some of these countries and North Africa also block online translation services and ONI conducted tests for technical Internet privacy tools apparently because they also filtering in all of the countries in the can be used to access blocked content. Middle East and North Africa between 2008 and 2009. Test results prove that Regional Trends in Access Control the governments and Internet service Internet censorship in the Middle East and providers (ISPs) censor content deemed North Africa is on the rise, and the scope politically sensitive; critical of and depth of filtering are increasing. governments, leaders or ruling families; Previous ONI tests revealed that political morally offensive; or in violation of public filtering was limited in some countries, but ethics and order. 2008-2009 results indicate that political Testing also revealed that political censorship is targeting more content and filtering continues to be the common is becoming more consistent. For denominator across the region. Many example, previous tests found that Yemen states in the Middle East and North Africa temporarily blocked political Web sites in prevent their citizens from accessing the run-up to the 2006 presidential political content or have blocked such elections, and Bahrain did the same content in the past. For example, Bahrain, ahead of parliamentary elections. Qatar, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, However, 2008-2009 testing revealed Syria, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Libya, and that filtering in these two countries has Tunisia have censored Web sites been consistently extended to include containing content critical of the several Web sites run by opposition governments and leaders, Web sites groups or news Web sites and forums which claim human rights violations, which espouse oppositional political and/or Web sites of opposition groups. views. Mauritania has briefly blocked the news In the meantime, countries that have Web site Taqadoumy, and Egypt has at been filtering political content continue to some point blocked the Web site of the add more Web sites to their political Islamic opposition group Muslim blacklists. For example, filtering in Syria Brotherhood, as well as the Web site of was expanded to include popular sites the Labor Party’s newspaper. such as YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon, 6
  • 7. 2009 as well as more Web sites affiliated with Department, which announced it would the Muslim Brotherhood Kurdish exercise immediate supervision and opposition groups. Another example is censorship. Tunisia, which added more political and Another example is Saudi Arabia, oppositional content as well as other which announced in May 2009 plans to apolitical sites such as the OpenNet enact legislation for newspapers and Initiative and Global Voices Online. Internet Web sites that will require Saudi- Social filtering is also increasing and is based Web sites to get official licenses catching up with the continuously growing from a special agency under the purview social Web. Most of the Arab countries of the Ministry of Information. Bahrain were found to have started to block already has a similar system that requires Arabic-language explicit content that was local Web sites to register with the previously accessible. Interestingly, Ministry of Information. filtering of Arabic-language explicit Web Among the new trends in controlling content in the Middle East and North access is the increase in incidents of Africa is usually not as fast as that of other hacking of opposition and dissident Web languages. ONI’s investigation revealed sites and blogs. Such incidents have been that the US-based commercial filtering reported in Tunisia and Yemen. On the software used by most of the ISPs in the other hand, sectarian cyber war among region does not pick up Arabic content as different religious groups in the region, comprehensively as content in English. namely Shiite and Sunni groups, has Increases in filtering are the norm in occurred in the past few years. The cyber the Middle East and North Africa, and attacks managed to deface the Web sites unblocking is the exception. Of the few of significant Shiite and Sunni examples of unblocking of Web sites is organizations and individuals and in some Syria’s restoration of access to Wikipedia cases the attackers managed to remove Arabic, Morocco’s lifting of a ban on a few the content of some of these sites. pro-Western Sahara independence Web Additionally, Israeli, Palestinian and sites, and Libya’s allowing access to some Lebanese Web sites run by Hizbullah have previously banned political sites. Sudan’s been targets of attacks and hacking, filtering of gay and lesbian, dating, especially during wars and conflicts. provocative attire and health-related sites was also more limited compared to Conclusion previous test results. Governments in the Middle East and North Another regional trend is that more Africa continue to invest in media and IT Arab countries are introducing regulations projects, and at the same time are to make Web publishing subject to press continuing to invest in censorship and publication laws and requiring local technologies to prevent their citizens from Web sites to register with the authorities accessing a wide range of objectionable before they can go live. In Jordan, for content. Also, while Western companies example, the country’s Legislation Bureau build ICT infrastructure necessary for in the Prime Minister’s Office issued in development in the region, other Western September 2007 a decision that Web companies provide the censors with sites and electronic press must comply technologies and data used to filter the with the provisions of the publications and Internet. publishing law and fall under the oversight The censors in the region attempt to of the Publications and Publishing control political content using technical 7
  • 8. 2009 filtering, laws and regulations, surveillance NOTES and monitoring, physical restrictions, and 

 extra-legal harassment and arrests. Filtering of content deemed offensive for 1 Mohammad Ghazal, “Jordan, UAE firms in religious, moral, and cultural reasons is talks over free IT zone,” The National, May pervasive in many countries and is 16, 2009, growing. 2. Though many governments 2 Keach Hagey, “Capital launches media zone acknowledge social filtering, most to nurture young Arab talent,” The National, continue to disguise their political filtering October 13, 2008, practices by attempting to confuse users with different error messages. 2/BUSINESS/13341341/1119/NEWS. The absence of technical filtering in 3 Chris V. Panganiban, “Technology to promote some countries in the region by no means Arabic online,” The Peninsula, April 19, indicates free online environments in 2009, those countries; surveillance and monitoring practices and extra-legal _news.asp?section=local_news&month=apr harassment from security agencies create il2009&file=local_news2009041913642.x ml. a climate of fear used to silence online 4 “Has the age of fixed wireless broadband dissidents. services arrived in the Arab World? By end Many ISPs block popular politically of March 2009, six Arab countries had neutral online services such as online eleven commercially launched,” Arab translation services and privacy tools Advisors Group, April 16, 2009, fearing that they can be used to bypass the filtering regimes. The censors also sser-160409.htm. 5 “2008 Africa - Telecoms, Mobile and overblock Web sites and services such as social networking Web sites and photo Broadband in Northern Region,” ChinaCCM, and video sharing Web sites because of December 2008, the potential for content considered 07/news/20081205/111435.asp. objectionable. 6 PricewaterhouseCoopers, “Arab media More users in the Middle East and outlook 2008-2012,” North Africa are using the Internet for political campaigning and social activism; ns.nsf/docid/14D97CB491E2A59B852573 however, states continue to introduce 34000B8AAB. more restrictive legal, technical and 7 “2008 Africa - Telecoms, Mobile and monitoring measures, amid growing local Broadband in Northern Region,” ChinaCCM, and regional calls to ease restrictions and December 2008, remove barriers to the free flow of information. 07/news/20081205/111435.asp. 8 Dana Halawi, “MENA telecoms need liberalization – Hasbani,” The Daily Star, Author: Helmi Noman April 17, 2009, ion_id=1&categ_id=3&article_id=101067#. 9 International Federation of Journalists, “IFJ Demands Overhaul of Repressive Media Laws in the Middle East,” April 29, 2009, 8
  • 9. 2009 


 overhaul-of-repressive-media-laws-in-the- middle-east. oppression.php. 10 Committee to Protect Journalists, “10 Worst 20 Yemen News Agency (Saba) Press and Countries to be a Blogger,” April 30, 2009 Publications Law, countries-to-be-a-blogger.php. htm. 11 “Egypt: new comic crimes written by the 21 “Appeal court overturns blogger’s state security - Blogger in custody, on conviction,” September 18, 2008, Reporters charges of exploitation of the democratic Without Borders, climate,” The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information, May 14, 2009, 28603. 22 “Lawzi: Ma Yonshar fi Sahafat Al Internet 2.shtml. Lan Yakon Ba'eedan A'n Al Mosa'ala bimojib 12 “A press row in Qatar -The limits to Qanoon Al Oqobat” [Online journalism is liberalization,” The Economist, May 14, subject to the penal code: Lawzi, Yemeni 2009, Minister of Information], Saba, February 3, 2008, africa/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13649580 . hp?t=9502. 13 “Users’ Initiative to Block Web Sites,” 23 Freedom House, “Map of Press Freedom OpenNet Initiative Blog, October 24, 2008, 2008,” initiatives-block-web-sites. m?page=251&year=2008. 14 Bahrain Center for Human Rights, “Website 24 “Despite advances, journalists still face accused of violating press code, BCHR possible jail terms under prevailing laws, concerned that move is aimed at silencing warns IFJ,” International Federation of critical voices,” September 2008 Journalists, June 12, 2008, 6. 4435/. 15 “Country Profile: Kuwait,” BBC News, March 25 Sarah Carr, “Journalists Challenge Egypt’s 11, 2009, Exceptional Laws at Seminar,” Daily News Egypt, August 1, 2008, untry_profiles/791053.stm. 16 Reporters without Borders, “Kuwait— eID=15464. Annual Report 2007”, 26 Reporters Without Borders, “Syria - Annual Report 2007,” 20767. id_rubrique659-Syria.html. 17 United Nations Development Programme, 27 “Background: The State of Human Rights in “Program on Governance in the Arab Region Morocco,” Human Rights Watch, November (UNDP-POGAR): Oman,” 2005, d=13. /4.htm. 18 Freedom House, “Map of Press Freedom 28 “UAE cyber crimes law,” Gulf News, 2008,” November 2, 2007, m?page=251&year=2008. als/more_stories/10018507.html. 19 Committee to Protect Journalists, “Tunisia 29 David Westley, “Saudi Tightens Grip on Report: The Smiling Oppressor,” September Internet Use,” Arabian Business, January 23, 2008, 26, 2008, 9
  • 10. 2009 


 caf%C3%A9s-saudi-must-install-hidden- saudi-tightens-grip-on-internet-useoni. came. 30 Omantel, “Omantel Terms & Conditions,” 39 U.S. Department of State, “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices—2007,” p. released by the Bureau of Democracy, 31 Y.Net, “Terms and conditions for Y.Net Human Rights, and Labor, March 11, 2008, Service,” 100599.htm. 32 Reporters Without Borders, “Internet Under 40 “Baramij Malomatiya tadbut elaqat al- Surveillance 2004 - Algeria,” Jumhur bemaqahi al-Internet lima’ aljins waltajasos wasirqat albareed aleliqtoroni” 10730. [Information software to control the 33 Telecommunication Regulatory Authority relationship between the public and Internet (TRA) - Kingdom of Bahrain, “Legislative cafés and to prevent access to sex, spying, decree no. 48 of 2002 Promulgating the and stealing emails], Dar al-Hayat, June 24, Telecommunications Law,” 2007, =1. 6-2007/Item-20070623-59a6944a-c0a8- 34 “A textbook case in press censorship for the 10ed-0082-a494ca530035/story.html. past 20 years,” Reporters Without Borders, 41 Khaled Yacoub Oweis, “Syria expands ‘iron November 5, 2007, censorship’ over Internet,” Reuters, March 13, 2008, 24264. 35 “Repression continues as Ben Ali marks idUKL138353620080313?sp=true. 21st anniversary as president,” Reporters 42 “Internet cafes closed after midnight,” Without Borders, November 7, 2008, Mareb Press, February 20, 2008, 29208. d=10305. 36 Fathiya Borowinah, “al-Jazaer: Ajhizat alamn 43 Moneer Al-Omari , “Search for Pornographic tolin al-harb ala magahi alinternet liihbat Material on Rise; Children are most masharee’ khalaya irhabiya naemah” Vulnerable,” Yemen Post, January 12, 2009, [Algeria: security services declared war on Internet cafes to thwart the projects of 084.htm. terrorist sleeper cells], Al-Riyadh, May 1, 44 “Egypt demanding data from cyber cafés 2007, users: NGO,” AFP, August 9, 2008, cle246175.html. tRSmeojLOOn65lVULB4lj8A. 37 “Jordan: New Restrictions on Internet Cafes 45 Moneer Al-Omari , “Search for Pornographic and Violating Privacy of Users,” The Arabic Material on Rise; Children are most Network for Human Rights Information, Vulnerable,” Yemen Post, January 12, 2009, March 11, 2008, 084.htm. html. 46 Oman Telecommunications Company, 38 Helmi Noman, “Restriction on Internet use “Procedures for Internet Cyber Café Pre- in the Middle East on the rise: Internet cafés Approval,” in Saudi must install hidden cameras,” OpenNet Initiative Blog, April 16, 2009, ess/internet/preapprovaleng.pdf. n-internet-use-middle-east-rise-internet- 10