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n Yes we can!

n	 The	social	dynamics	of	microfinance	and	entrepreneurship	at	the	BOP	

n	 Evaluating	social	mission	projects	in	emerging	and	BOP	markets

n	 Are	you	digitally	awake	to	Asia?

n	 Letter	from	China

gems : APRIL 2010                                                         Page No. 1
Welcome to GEMs!

                             It gives us great pleasure to bring you                                garner	a	vast	amount	of	experience	in	studying	BOP	
                                                                                                    consumers.	In	this	issue	we	bring	to	you	a	glimpse	of	some	
                             the first issue of GEMs – devoted to                                   of	the	key	things	we	have	learnt.
                             bring you insights and information
                             from Rapid Growth Emerging                                             In	addition	to	several	articles	focusing	on	BOP,	this	issue	
                                                                                                    includes	an	article	describing	the	internet	revolution	in	Asia	
                             Markets.                                                               and	its	implications	for	marketers.	Internet	has	gone	on	its	
                                                                                                    own	trajectory	in	Asia	and	in	many	ways	Asia	has	embraced	
                             We	realize	that	it	is	difficult	to	provide	you	with	an	in-depth	       Web	2.0	more	wholeheartedly	than	the	West.	
                             analysis	of	consumers	in	these	vast	and	heterogeneous	
                             markets.	However	we	do	hope	we	are	able	to	provide	you	                Lastly,	the	words	of	economists	and	their	expectations	of	
                             with	some	food	for	thought	and	also	whet	your	appetite	to	dig	         Chinese	consumers	saving	the	world	by	copying	American	
                             deeper	and	learn	more.                                                 consumers’	spending	habits	provides	a	great	source	of	
                                                                                                    debate	and	even	amusement,	and	is	the	subject	of	our	first	
                             This	issue	is	devoted	to	consumers	at	the	Bottom	of	the	               regular	‘Letter	from	China’	column!	
                             Pyramid	(BOP).	Bottom	of	the	Pyramid	was	a	term	first	
                             popularized	by	Dr.	C.K.	Prahalad	–	professor	of	strategy	at	the	       We	sincerely	hope	you	enjoy	reading	this	issue	and	look	
                             University	of	Michigan.	Dr.	Prahalad	said	that	this	group	is	not	      forward	to	your	comments	and	suggestions.
                             just	worthy	of	charity	but	can	be	an	attractive,	albeit	a	value	
                             conscious	consumer	segment.	

                             Dr.	Prahalad	proposed	that	offering	relevant	and	attractively	
                             priced	products	to	BOP	consumers	is	actually	an	act	of	
                             engaging	them	and	bringing	them	from	isolation,	thereby	
                             marrying	the	tasks	of	poverty	alleviation	and	business	development.	

                             Researching	this	target	group	poses	its	own	hurdles	and	               James Fergusson                     Ashok Sethi
                             challenges.	The	task	demands	a	great	deal	of	sensitivity	and	          Global	Director	                    Consumer	Insights	Director
                                                                                                    Rapid	Growth	and	Emerging	Markets   Rapid	Growth	and	Emerging	Markets
                             understanding	of	the	target	group.	TNS	has	been	able	to	     


gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                                            Page No. 2
yes we can
Yes we can!
Poonam Kumar, Director of Brand Strategy of Emerging Markets, TNS AP MEA

Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) was a term first popularized by Dr. C.K. Prahalad – professor of strat-
egy at University of Michigan, who wrote a book called “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”.
In this article Poonam shares her experience in developing marketing strategies for this segment
and explains that branding is as important for this group as any other segment.
In	three	decades,	Grameen	bank	has	empowered	40	million	              These	consumers	represent	a	market	opportunity	that	the	
people	in	one	of	the	world’s	poorest	countries	to	say	‘Yes	we	        world	cannot	afford	to	ignore	or	neglect	from	an	economic,	
can’.	Achieved	through	micro	loans	of	less	than	USD	10	each,	         social	and	human	perspective.	BOP	consumers	represent	over	
Grameen	has	changed	the	fortunes	of	several	generations.	             two	thirds	of	the	population	in	the	emerging	markets	that	eve-
What’s	more,	unlike	the	struggling	banks	of	the	developed	world,	     ryone	is	hoping	will	show	the	way	out	of	the	downturn.	They	
Grameen	boasts	a	recovery	rate	of	over	98%!!                          form	a	significant	part	of	the	nascent	and	virgin	potential	that	
                                                                      must	be	unlocked	to	realize	the	promise	in	these	markets	and	
Prior	to	Grameen’s	initiative,	the	world’s	poor	(over	half	the	       are	even	more	critical	for	long	term	social	stability	and	prosper-
world’s	population)	have	been	regarded	as	unfortunate	victims	        ity.
who	need	to	be	rescued.	As	a	result	of	Grameen	and	other	suc-
cesses,	this	mindset	has	changed.	The	BOP	consumer	is	now	            With	everyone	eyeing	the	opportunity,	much	has	already	been	
perceived	and	explored	as	not	just	an	economically	productive	        written	about	the	paradigm	shifts	required	in	the	business	
unit,	but	also	as	a	promising	and	growing	market	with	a	collective	   model.	The	need	to	revisit	price-product-quality	equations,	the	
buying	potential	of	USD	5	trillion!		                                 need	for	innovation	(that	is	built	from	the	ground	up	through	
                                                                      community	involvement),	the	need	for	capital	efficiency	and	
                                                                      coarse	segmentation,	the	need	for	accessibility	and	affordabil-
                                                                      ity,	and	most	importantly,	the	need	for	education,	skill	develop-
                                                                      ment	and	community	building	that	will	empower	even	the	most	
                                                                      timid	of	them	all	to	say	‘Yes	we	can’.

                                                                      Brand	successes,	like	everything	else	in	the	BOP	segment,	
                                                                      defy	the	power	of	dominant	logic.	Overlooked	and	ignored	by	
                                                                      most	marketers	as	a	commodity	market,	the	BOP	consumer	
                                                                      demonstrates	a	surprising	and	strong	preference	to	buy	a	
                                                                      brand	over	a	commodity,	as	long	as	the	proposition	is	made	
                                                                      accessible and affordable.

                                                                      Brands	are	valued,	even	loved,	as	they	offer	reassurance	and	
                                                                      certainty	in	these	consumers’	uncertain	lives.	And	once	won	
                                                                      over,	BOP	consumers	reward	the	brands	with	unshakeable	
                                                                      loyalty	giving	early	movers	a	strong	competitive	advantage.	
                                                                      TNS’	accumulated	knowledge	and	understanding	of	BOP	
                                                                      consumers	has	resulted	in	the	identification	of	9	pertinent	tips	
PHOTO: CHINA BY SHAWN WANG                                            to	building	brand	propositions	that	will	succeed	among	BOP	          PHOTO: EGYPT BY STEVE HAMILTON-CLARK

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                                                                 Page No. 3
Yes we can!
Continued from previous page

9 tips to building brand propositions that succeed in BOP markets

  The	brand	must	be	anchored	on	strong	functionality	that	
                                                                       It	is	equally	important	that	the	brand	serves	as	an	emotional	
                                                                                                                                             Pricing	and	quality	are	not	tangential	vectors.	The	brand	
  makes	a	tangible,	measurable	difference	in	the	consumer’s	           anchor	–	a	source	of	hope,	optimism	and	protection.                   must	combine	world	class	quality	to	counter	hostile	infra-
  life.	This	implies	that	information,	education	and	reasons	                                                                                structure	with	affordable	pricing.	The	entire	brand	proposi-
  to	believe	are	core	to	reassuring	that	their	money	is	wisely	                                                                              tion	therefore	requires	reengineering	through	innovation	on	
  spent,	to	building	trust	and	a	relationship.	                                                                                              product,	packaging	and	delivery	mechanisms.

  Pricing	must	be	empathetic	to	the	consumer’s	budget,	but	this	
                                                                       Expertise	credentials	are	as	essential	as	in	developed	
                                                                                                                                             International	pedigree,	aspirational	among	the	emerging	mid-
  does	not	mean	that	the	BOP	consumer	always	buys	the	cheap-           markets.	The	role	of	expertise	however	differs	–	the	need	is	         dle	class,	is	less	relevant	and	cannot	be	the	sole	motivating	
  est	brand	available.	They	respond	favourably	to	a	demonstration	     not	for	innovation	and	new	news,	but	expertise	is	required	           proposition.	In	markets	of	China,	India	and	Africa,	local	brands	
  of	value	and	are	willing	to	pay	incrementally	more	for	it.	Family	   to	build	trust,	visibility	and	reassurance	that	they	are	getting	     thrive	among	these	consumers	and	are	often	looked	at	for	
  care	propositions	also	grant	permission	to	spend	a	little	more.      the	best	that	their	money	can	buy.                                    inspiration	and	learning	by	MNCs.

 Protection	and	Fortification	positioning	themes	–	both	physical	
                                                                       The	proposition	does	not	always	have	to	be	about	the	bare	
                                                                                                                                            THE TIME HAS COME FOR
                                                                                                                                            US TO NOW CONSIDER A
                                                                                                                                            DIFFERENT PYRAMID – ONE
 and	mental	–	resonate.	Enabling	clean	clothes	that	get	recogni-       necessities.	Despite,	or	perhaps	because	of,	the	many	press-         THAT IS INVERTED – BASED
 tion	and	approval,	tea	that	boosts	mental	and	physical	energy	        ing	life	concerns,	a	brand	that	promises	fun,	surprise,	sensorial	
 directed	at	either	self	or	family	enhance	the	brand’s	appeal.	        pleasure	or	a	special	moment	brings	cheer	and	is	welcomed	
                                                                                                                                            NOT ON INCOME, BUT
 Whatever	the	positioning	theme,	simplicity,	inclusiveness	and	        into	the	consumer’s	life.	This	is	especially	needed	for	non-         ON OPPORTUNITY AND
 accessibility	must	be	integral	to	the	proposition.                    essential	consumption,	but	can	add	value	in	all	categories.          GROWTH.

                                                                                                                                            And… yes, we can!
 Finally,	it	is	necessary	to	recognize	that	although	most	successes	are	on	affiliative	positioning	themes,	BOP	needs	to	span	the	
                                                                                                                                            FOR	MORE	INFORMATION	CONTACT:

 entire	human	needs	spectrum.	Themes	about	excellence	and	success	have	also	been	leveraged	successfully.	Brands	ventur-
 ing	into	the	assertive	needs	domain	have	done	it	effectively	through	promises	of	mastery	over	budget,	admiration	and	envy	of	
 superior	homemaking	skills,	and	parental	pride	and	ambition.	Rebelliousness	and	exclusivity	however	have	no	place	here.	Inclu-
 sion	is	important	as	is	meaning	and	purpose.	The	promise	has	to	be	about	empowerment	rather	than	exclusivity;	challenges	
 have	to	be	about	changing	unfair	practices	rather	than	edgy	urban	rebelliousness,	superiority	shown	with	a	goal	rather	than	ego	

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                                                                                 Page No. 4
social dynamics
The social dynamics of microfinance and
entrepreneurship at the BOP
Constanza Cilley, General Manager, TNS Argentina

There has been a huge collective action involving millions
of poor people and thousands of NGOs, activists, inter-
governmental organization officials, scholars and other
development experts around the issue of microfinancing
in developing markets. Figures provided by the report
“State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign” constitute an
impressive snapshot that portrays a several fold growth in
the level of microfinancing: from 2000 to 2006.

In	this	article	we	analyse	the	link	between	entrepreneurship	
and	microfinance,	taking	Argentina	as	a	case	study.	Research	
conducted	by	TNS	in	Argentina	shows	that:	
a.	Entrepreneurship	is	a	clear	need	among	the	poor	and	also	
has	a	great	potential	for	their	financial	progress.	
b.	When	that	need	is	fulfilled	through	microcredits,	it	generates	
important	changes	in	terms	of	material	progress,	development	
of	social	capital	and	empowerment	to	the	most	vulnerable	and	
powerless	sectors	of	societies.

Entrepreneurship and its constraints
Entrepreneurship	to	the	poor	offers	a	way	to	improve	their	liveli-
hood	and	hence	one	possible	path	for	material	survival.	A	fairly	
significant	proportion	of	the	poor	are	already	engaged	in	entre-
preneurial	activities.	Results	from	a	TNS	Argentina	nationwide	
survey	measuring	behaviour	and	perceptions	towards	entrepre-
neurship	and	financial	services	among	Argentine	citizens	at	the	
base	of	the	income	pyramid	shows	that	2	out	of	10	persons	
living	in	poverty	say	that	they	have	developed	productive	busi-
nesses	on	their	own	in	the	past.	

The	survey	also	shows	that	the	proportion	of	‘potential’	entre-
preneurs	is	huge	and	amounts	to	almost	half	of	Argentine	poor.	
                                                                                                                                                                   “Microcredits are a critical tool against
Five	out	of	ten	people	living	in	poverty	say	that	they	are	willing	                                                                                                poverty and a wise investment in
to	be	entrepreneurs	and	to	develop	a	project	of	their	own	in	the	                                                                                                  human capital”
future.                                                                                                                                                                                  Kofi	Annan,	former	UN	Secretary-General

Why	does	this	entrepreneurial	spirit	remain	latent	and	does	          Gladys, a participant of the microcredit programme, washes cars for a living. She has been able to buy a professional vaccum cleaner.
it	not	translate	into	business?	The	answers	obtained	by	TNS	          PHOTO: ARGENTINA BY DELFINA ROSELL

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page No. 5
The social dynamics of microfinance and entrepreneurship at the BOP
Continued from previous page

Argentina	point	to	structural-systemic	constraints:	Almost	half	of	     Apart	from	the	direct	tangible	benefit,	the	broader	and	psycho-                        into	macro	changes.	Companies	need	to	look	at	this	area	not	
poor	Argentines	(47%)	say	that	lack	of	financing	is	the	main	ob-        logical	benefits	are	significant	and	most	women	said	that	they	                        as	charity	but	as	a	viable	way	to	generate	profits	while	facilitat-
stacle	they	face	to	develop	productive	projects.	Moreover,	74%	         now	enjoy	more	prominence	and	respect	in	household	deci-                               ing	economic	progress	for	the	consumers	at	the	base	of	the	
think	that	obtaining	a	credit	or	a	loan	is	difficult.	Only	3%	report	   sion	making	than	they	did	before.	Microcredit	not	only	provides	                       pyramid.	However,	approaching	this	target	group	and	designing	
having	tried	to	obtain	a	financial	service	as	there	is	a	strong	        financial	capital	but	also	builds	social	capital	(which	refers	to	the	                 a	product	which	meets	their	needs	requires	a	careful	under-
perception	that	their	efforts	are	unlikely	to	be	rewarded.	             networks,	norms	of	reciprocity	and	trust	that	facilitate	coordina-                     standing	of	their	needs	and	overcoming	the	barriers	and	current	
                                                                        tion	and	cooperation	for	mutual	benefit	-Putnam	1995)	for	the	                         perceptions	of	banking	and	financial	institutions.
Almost	8	out	of	10	individuals	express	that	the	main	barriers	          beneficiaries.	
for	access	are	banks’	terms	and	conditions.	Accessibility	to	
the	formal	financial	market	is	rare	for	the	poor.	They	voice	their	     Microcredit opportunity                                                                *	In	the	year	2006	in	Argentina,	there	were	98	microcredit	organisations,	18	
discontent	towards	the	high	level	of	income	requirement	set	by	         The	worldwide	growth	of	microcredits	should	be	seen	with	opti-                         big	and	80	small,		with	30,400	clients/beneficiaries	corresponding	to	an	over-
                                                                                                                                                               all	portfolio	of	$40,100,000.	The	segmentation	line	between	the	two	groups	
the	banks,	and	also	towards	guarantor	requirements	and	inter-           mism.	They	generate	material,	psychological	and	social	benefits	                       or	organisations	was	$200,000	and	400	clients.
est	rates.	                                                             for	the	poor.	But	much	more	can	be	done	by	the	development	
                                                                        community,	donors	and	companies	to	translate	microcredits	                             **	You	can	have	a	flavour	of	their	work	at	
Clearly	this	segment	of	consumers	feel	intimidated	and	alien-
ated	by	the	traditional	banks	-	in	fact	some	banks,	conscious	of	
the	distance,	have	tried	to	create	an	environment	that	aims	to	
differentiate	them	from	traditional	banks	(an	example	of	this	is	
                                                                        “Almost 8 out of 10 individuals
Fiegranpoder,	where	very	loud	music	welcomes	customers	and	
                                                                        express that the main barriers for
staff	do	not	wear	ties	but	informal	t-shirts).	                         access are banks’ terms and
                                                                        conditions. Accessibility to the formal finan-
Microcredit in action                                                   cial market is rare for the poor.”                                                                          FOR	MORE	INFORMATION	CONTACT:
Clearly	microcredits	for	the	poor	provide	an	innovative	solution	
by	linking	potential	entrepreneurs	with	financial	resources.	While	
several	important	barriers	need	to	be	overcome	to	make	this	
happen,	when	it	does	materialise,	the	results	are	very	gratifying.

TNS	Argentina	conducted	an	exploratory	satisfaction	study*	
on	female	beneficiaries	of	microcredit,	living	in	poor	neighbour-
hoods	in	Greater	Buenos	Aires.	Respondents	were	receiving	
microcredits	from	Mujeres	2000**	-	an	NGO.	Mujeres	2000**	
fosters	community	development,	placing	the	focus	on	technical	
assistance	and	human	support.

Satisfaction	among	recipients	is	high	-	96%	are	somewhat	or	
very	satisfied,	94%	would	recommend	the	service	provided	and	
96%	would	renew	it.	The	direct	benefits	of	the	credit	are	clearly	
driving	the	satisfaction	–	allowing	the	women	to	develop	their	
business	project	and	as	a	result	attain	a	certain	level	of	econom-
ic	stability.	Almost	all	said	that	they	now	have	a	better	quality	of	    Family is a key role in Emerging Markets. Maria (back row) also participates in the
life	than	before.                                                        microcredit programme. Her husband, grandson and friend have helped her not
                                                                                                                                                                Weekend groceries fair
                                                                         only to maintain the credit but also to build their house.
                                                                         PHOTO: ARGENTINA BY DELFINA ROSELL                                                     PHOTO: ARGENTINA BY DELFINA ROSELL

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page No. 6
Evaluating social mission projects in emerging and
BOP markets
Raghavan Srinivasan, Managing Director, TNS Indonesia
Astiti Suhirman, Business Director Indonesia

Studying	BOP	markets	requires	a	special	sensitivity	to	the	target	     n	 Taking	into	consideration	BOP	market	realities	(lower	SES	
group	as	well	as	the	issues	involved.	In	this	article,	Rags	and	          and	literacy)	and	the	children	target	group.
Astiti	demonstrate	how	a	simple	device	of	an	innovative	sticker	
based	diary	helped	in	capturing	accurate	information	on	brush-         The	issues	to	address	in	developing	the	methodology	were:
ing	behaviour	in	children.	This	article	has	been	adopted	from	the	     n	 What	should	we	do	to	enable	our	respondents	to	provide	
paper	presented	at	the	ESOMAR	Congress	2009,	which	won	                   real	behaviour	information?
the	award	for	the	“Best	Methodological	Paper.”
                                                                       n	 What	should	we	do	to	ensure	that	the	mothers	had	knowl-
                                                                          edge	of	children’s	behaviour?	
Behaviour change in social mission projects
Social	development	projects	in	BOP	markets	focus	on	engineer-          n	 What	should	we	do	to	ensure	that	it	is	simple	and	relevant	
ing	behaviour	change	in	some	form	or	another	as	their	ultimate	           for	BOP	market	realities?
goal.	The	‘behaviour’	to	be	changed	varies	across	projects	–	
from	changing	food	habits	to	washing	hands	before	eating,	and	         Based	on	these,	the	guiding	principles	we	set	out	were:
from	brushing	at	night	to	condom	usage	for	AIDS	prevention.	           n	 We	must	have	a	record	of	the	‘interest	behaviour’	
The	target	group	also	varies	from	general	public	to	specialists	          (brushing,	brushing	at	night)	over	a	period	of	time	
like	doctors	or	business	leaders.                                         (one	or	two	weeks)	–	to	ensure	that	we	are	
                                                                          measuring	‘regular’	behaviour.
The	increasing	direct	engagement	of	the	private	sector	and	            n	 Consumers	will	tell	or	record	actual	behaviour	if	
large	MNCs	in	these	projects	is	bringing	with	it	more	stringent	          we	make	it	easier	for	them	to	do	so	without	biases.	
accountability	and	rigorous	evaluation	of	real	ROI	in	terms	of	           It	is	the	researchers’	responsibility	to	eliminate	
the	‘end	behaviour’	to	be	changed	(the	equivalent	of	sales	or	            biases	arising	out	of	‘focused	measurement	of	
market	share	in	commercial	world).                                        interest	behaviour’	–	where	the	respondent	knows	
                                                                          what	is	being	measured	and	hence	biases	come	
Unilever Oral Care social mission project                                 to	operate.
Unilever	Oral	Care	is	investing	substantially	in	social	projects	to	
promote	night	brushing	behaviour	among	children	in	the	4-8	            n	 Measurement	methodology	and	tools	must	
years	age	group,	in	Indonesia	and	other	BOP	markets.	The	                 involve	both	the	mother	and	the	child.
success	of	this	project	would	truly	be	a	‘win-win’	solution	for	       n	 The	‘behaviour	recording’	should	ideally	not	
all	stakeholders	–	individuals,	society	and	the	private	sector.	          involve	any	writing.	
Unilever	had	wanted	to	comprehensively	evaluate	their	social	          n	 It	should	not	place	undue	burdens	or	special	
mission	project	in	Indonesia	in	terms	of	long	term	benefits	due	          training	requirements	for	any	of	the	stakeholders	
to	increase	in	night	brushing	and	for	optimizing	the	communica-           in	the	projects	–	the	respondent,	the	field	

tion	strategy.	The	research	challenge	in	accomplishing	this	was:          interviewer	and	the	data	digitizer.	
n	 Innovating	a	reliable	behaviour	prediction	tool	to	                 n	 Last	but	not	the	least,	it	should	be	economical	
   measure	brushing	frequency	and	night	brushing	–	without	               and affordable.
   the	‘claimed’	response	biases.	

                                                                                                                                        PHOTO: INDONESIA
                                                                                                                                        BY QUINNY CHAN
gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                             Page No. 7
Evaluating social mission projects in emerging and BOP markets
Continued from previous page

The	guiding	principles	set	out	naturally	led	us	to	the	innovative	   Study findings and learnings
behaviour	measurement	methodology	-	“Daily	Activity	Sticker	         We	now	have	over	3,000	weeks	of	behaviour	measurement	
Diary”                                                               data	using	this	methodology	and	the	salient	findings	are:	
n    Where	children	and	mother	together	record	all	daily	            n   The	methodology	provides	reliable	behaviour	data	-
     activities	of	their	child	in	our	target	group.                      	brushing	frequency	and	the	proportion	of	the	population	
n    By	taking	out	the	appropriate	pictorial	sticker	                    ‘brushing	at	night	regularly’	obtained	from	this	study	was	
     (from	a	sticker	sheet)	and	pasting	it	in	the	daily	                 much	lower	than	estimates	or	assessments	from	other	
     activity	diary.                                                     studies	based	on	‘claimed’	behaviour.	It	was	also	more	in	
                                                                         line	with	the	‘tooth	paste	market	size’	in	Indonesia.
n    For	one	or	two	weeks.
                                                                     n   This	social	mission	project	would	in	the	long	haul	lead	to	
The	final	diary	used	for	the	study	was	co-created	with	                  market	development	as	well	-	regular	night	brushing	comes	
consumers	in	an	iterative	laboratory	considering	the	many	               with	an	increase	in	brushing	frequency.
‘details’,	such	as:	what	time	slots,	what	activities,	how	many	
stickers	for	each	to	provide	for,	and	in	what	format	should	it       n   Realistic	behaviour	data	linked	with	attitudes	can	
be	to	ensure	easy	usage.	Our	final	“Daily	Activity	Sticker	Diary”	       powerfully	guide	interventions	optimization	–	it	led	to	
was	in	a	daily	sheet	calendar	format	to	be	hung	in	the	main	             identification	of	deterrents	to	night	brushing	not	yet	
living area.                                                             explored	in	communication.

                                                                     Summary and suggestions
                                                                     Even	in	the	high	technology	times	we	all	live	in,	it	is	possible	to	
                                                                     develop	simple	solutions	to	complex	problems	that	work	well	in	
                                                                     practice	in	emerging	and	BOP	markets.	In	the	final	analysis	it	is	
                                                                     all	about	starting	out	with	the	first	principles	of	good	data	col-
                                                                     lection	and	patiently	addressing	all	the	issues.	The	“Daily	Activity	
                                                                     Sticker	Diary”	based	behaviour	measurement	methodology	we	
                                                                     had	developed	can	easily	be	extended	to	behaviour	measure-
                                                                     ment	in	other	social	mission	projects	(such	as	general	hygiene,	
                                                                     nutrition,	sexual	behaviour)	and	to	commercial	marketing	issues	
                                                                     where	reliable	behaviour	measurement	is	important.h

                                                                     FOR	MORE	INFORMATION	CONTACT:

“Even in these high technology times
we all live in, it’s possible to develop
simple solutions to complex problems
that work well in practice in emerging
and BOP markets.”                                          

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                              Page No. 8
Are you digitally awake to Asia?
Using research to engage Asia on Asia’s terms
Lee Ryan, Regional Qualitative Research Director, TNS AP MEA
Bernice Klaassen, Head of Interactive Research, Singapore and Hong Kong

The rest of the world is lagging far behind Asia in digital consumer
engagement. LEE RYAN and BERNICE KLAASSEN are not sur-                               “There is the notion that other
prised. Western organizations seeking a future in Asia need to find                  countries and cultures are just
the right approach to research if they want to get off first base.            playing catch-up – sometimes leap-
                                                                              frogging particular technologies, but
Guess	what?	Emerging	markets	do	not	evolve	in	the	same	way	as	west-           always developing along a trajectory
ern	markets.	In	February	2008,	Harvard Business Review	predicted	                set here about the right ideas and
online	worlds	as	one	of	its	‘breakthrough	ideas’	of	the	year.	In	Asia,	           products. It is refreshing to have
they’ve	known	about	this	for	some	time.	When	it	comes	to	development	              American engineers return from
of	the	digital	space,	Western	assumptions	about	Asia	have	been	slow	              Japan or China or India and say,
to	form	at	best,	and,	at	worst,	plain	wrong.	In	the	online	world,	Asia	has	
taken	different	trajectories	to	actually	go	beyond	both	Europe	and	North	
                                                                                   ‘Oh my God! You will not believe
America.	This	has	profound	implications	not	only	for	Western	under-
                                                                                                       what I saw’.”
standing	of	Asia’s	developing	economies	and	cultures,	but	for	how	it	                             Genevieve	Bell,	Intel.
does	business	with	them.	

What’s happened?
How	do	we	know	that	the	US	and	Eurocentric	vision	of	the	Internet	is	
losing	significance?	Here’s	a	clue.	384	million	Chinese	internet	users.	
There	are	now	more	internet	users	in	China	than	in	the	US,	and	Asia	is	
already	accounting	for	over	40%	of	the	world’s	global	online	population.	
And	it	is	not	just	about	the	number	of	people	going	online	in	Asia,	it	is	
also	what	they	do	when	they	are	online.	

In	Asia,	social	networking	participants	have	taken	such	websites	to	a	dif-
ferent	level.	Instant	messaging	has	never	been	such	a	hit	in	Europe	and	
North	America	that	it	has	been	in	Asia.	Confined	by	their	own	languages	
and	using	their	own	cultural	preferences	for	communicating,	Japan,	Ko-
rea	and	China	have	created	their	own	versions	of	the	social	web.	These	
three	nations	are	evolving	in	different	ways	to	gain	and	keep	their	own	
internal	market	advantages.	Compared	to	the	US	and	European	social	
media,	companies	struggle	to	monetize	their	social	media	applications;	
in	Korea	and	China,	QQ	and	Cyworld	are	already	profitable.	This	makes	
it	difficult	for	the	US	and	Eurocentric	global	players	to	see	a	way	in.	

Cultural constraints, online openness
What	are	the	reasons	for	these	differences?	Technology	is	overcoming	
local	constraints.	Everybody	was	aware	of	the	social	and	cultural	codes	

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                          Page No. 9
Are you digitally awake to Asia?
Continued from previous page

that	inhibit	behaviour	in	Asia.	Nobody	predicted	that	the	advent	
of	online	worlds	would	tap	into	a	desire	for	expression	that	lies	        “So how do we keep up
beneath.	                                                                 with this fast-paced digital
In	their	personal	lives,	Asian	online	users	have	grasped	the	freedom	     environment, both from a
and	anonymity	offered	by	the	internet	and	taken	it	way	beyond	the	
experience	of	Western	cultures.	Today,	40-50%	of	online	Asians	are	
                                                                          research and business
involved	in	user-generated	content,	compared	to	just	10%	in	the	          perspective? It calls for
West.	The	whole	development	of	web	2.0	is	much	faster	in	this	part	
of	the	world.	There	is	substantial	evidence	that	Asian	consumers	         a careful, three-pronged
are	more	comfortable	expressing	themselves	online.	
                                                                          approach: observation;
So	how	do	we	keep	up	with	this	fast-paced	digital	environment,	           conversation; interaction.”
both	from	a	research	and	business	perspective?	It	calls	for	a	care-
ful,	three-pronged	approach:	observation;	conversation;	interaction.

Engaging the new consumer
First,	Observation.	This	is	about	‘listening’,	getting	close	to	what	     online	spaces	where	people	congregate	as	their	
people	are	saying	and	doing	online	through	research:	creating	            avatars	or	online	persona	to	chat,	create	and	
a	‘virtual	closeness’	through	buzz-monitoring	software	that	can	          trade.	It	is	a	prediction	of	what	we	are	only	just	
analyse	user	generated	content	semantically.	TNS	Cymfony	allows	          beginning	to	see	in	Europe	and	the	US.	Gartner	
clients	to	track	consumer	generated	content	in	real	time.                 Consulting	predicts	that	by	2011,	80%	of	active	
                                                                          Internet	users	will	have	an	avatar.		
Second,	Conversation.	In	Asia,	due	to	cultural	constraints,	the	
traditional	focus	group	is	not	effective	online.	TNS	Incubator	is	a	      Just	because	the	online	world	is	following	an	
web	2.0	research	tool	that	enables	clients	to	have	different	types	       evolutionary	path	that	Western	marketers	did	
of	conversations	and	engage	consumers	differently.	Developed	in	          not	predict,	this	is	no	time	to	be	averse	to	the	
Asia,	it	has	immediate	relevance	to	what	consumers	are	doing	here,	       metaverse.	Fear	not.	The	right	kind	of	approach	
online,	today.                                                            to	research	will	provide	the	entitlement	to	some	of	
                                                                          the	answers.	
Third,	Interaction.	Participation	cannot	happen	without	the	first	two	
stages.	This	means	going	further	than	a	classic	agency	relationship;	
clients	and	research	agencies	are	now	collaborating	and	co-creat-         FOR	MORE	INFORMATION	CONTACT:
ing	with	the	new	consumers.	To	engage	consumers,	clients	need	to	
ensure	reciprocity.	Consumers’	time	and	attention	must	be	earned	
and	rewarded.	Activities	such	as	contests	and	competitions	help	to	
change	the	type	of	interaction	between	brands	and	consumers.		

The new reality
Truth	is,	Western	marketers	have	no	time	to	come	to	terms	with	the	
Internet	as	they	think	it	is.	The	next	version	is	already	born	in	Asia	
where	consumers	are	making	the	‘metaverse’	a	reality:	multiple	 

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                     Page No. 10

Why Chinese consumers spend less and save more
Ashok Sethi explores the challenges confronting China’s consumers as the developed world looks to them to
drive demand required for a return to economic growth.
                                                             The magic eight                                                                   The other barriers to consumption
                                                             Eight	is	a	lucky	number	in	China.	The	opening	ceremony	of	Beijing	                Owning	a	house	ranks	among	the	most	important	desires	for	a	Chinese.	
                                                             Olympics	commenced	on	the	eighth	day	of	the	eighth	month	of	2008	at	              The	idea	of	living	in	rented	accommodation	is	alien	and	unacceptable.	
                                                             8.08.08	pm.	The	car	number	plates	with	a	few	eights	go	for	thousands	of	          Traditionally	Chinese	have	liked	the	idea	of	stability	and	the	state	provided	
                                                             dollars	in	auctions	and	the	consumer	will	willingly	cough	up	a	significant	       that	by	allotting	life	long	accommodation,	which	you	keep	even	after	
                                                             premium	to	acquire	a	mobile	phone	number	which	is	festooned	with	a	               retirement.	With	state	housing	gone	for	most,	the	Chinese	are	rushing	to	
                                                             couple	of	eights.                                                                 buy	apartments.	The	strong	demand	coupled	with	a	relatively	controlled	
                                                                                                                                               supply	has	made	the	cost	of	housing	disproportionate	to	the	consumers’	
                                                             Eight	is	also	the	percentage	by	which,	the	economists	believe,	the	               income.	Today	the	average	per	capita	annual	urban	disposable	income	
                                                             Chinese	economy	must	grow	to	provide	jobs	to	the	millions	of	students	            in	Shanghai	will	buy	two	square	meters	of	an	apartment.	Additionally	
                                                             graduating	from	Universities,	or	the	rural	folks	migrating	to	the	cities	in	      Chinese	need	to	cough	up	30%	of	the	price	as	down	payment.	
                                                             search	of	a	better	life.	The	first	two	quarters	of	2009	were	difficult	–	China	
                                                             could	only	muster	up	a	6.1%	GDP	growth	in	Q1	of	2009	and	just	missed	             On	the	other	hand	social	norms	today	make	the	idea	of	continuing	to	live	
                                                             the	magic	mark	of	eight	in	Q2	with	a	7.95	growth.	However	the	Q4	figures	         with	the	parents	after	marriage	as	nearly	inconceivable	(no	pun	intended)	
                                                             came	at	10.7%	and	the	whole	of	China	heaved	a	collective	sigh	of	relief	          and	no	self-respecting	woman	will	accept	a	man’s	hand	in	marriage	un-
                                                             when	overall	growth	of	8.7%	was	announced	for	2009.                               less	the	hand	holds	the	keys	to	an	apartment	(according	to	a	recent	poll	
                                                                                                                                               only	18%	of	mothers	are	willing	to	let	their	daughters	marry	a	man	who	
                                                             Clearly	the	magic	has	been	achieved	with	a	lot	of	stimulus	-	the	Chinese	         rents	his	home!).	With	low	starting	salaries	even	for	University	graduates,	
                                                             government	is	trying	to	spend	four	trillion	yuan	in	stimulating	the	economy.	     parents	need	to	bear	the	burden	of	saving	for	the	down	payment.	High	
                                                             Money	is	being	poured	into	building	roads,	bridges	and	some	income	               mortgage	payments	in	relation	to	the	income	further	reduces	the	spend-
                                                             generating	activities.	Exports	continue	to	be	a	challenge,	though	the	            ing	ability	of	the	consumers.
                                                             Economists	predict	that	China’s	exports	will	return	to	growth	this	year	
                                                             –	but	are	unlikely	to	touch	2007	levels	in	the	near	future.	A	contributing	       Secondly,	while	impending	marriage	of	the	child	brings	a	substantial	
                                                             factor	is	the	American	consumer	who	may	never	return	to	the	frenzied	             financial	burden	for	the	family,	the	university	education	before	that	is	also	
                                                             shopping	they	previously	exhibited	to	the	delight	and	economic	growth	of	         a	formidable	expense.	As	China	moves	towards	becoming	a	market	
                                                             the	whole	world.                                                                  economy,	the	cost	of	education	has	been	increasing	steadily.	Today	for	
                                                                                                                                               an	average	family	the	cost	of	providing	a	university	education	may	take	
                                                             Consumer                                                                          up	as	much	as	one-third	to	half	the	disposable	income	of	the	family.	Even	
                                                             Economist	say	(softly	in	China	and	more	shrilly	in	the	West)	that	the	Chi-        school	education	costs	are	going	up	as	more	Chinese	consider	the	idea	
                                                             nese	consumer	must	spend	more	to	compensate	for	the	loss	of	exports	              of	sending	their	child	to	expensive	private	schools.
                                                             and	redress	the	global	imbalance.	Replacing	American	consumers	who	
                                                             previously	sustained	the	global	economy	with	their	profligate	consump-            Thirdly	the	average	Chinese	consumer	is	value	driven.	Products	receive	
                                                             tion	of	Chinese	goods	-	enabling	Chinese	Consumers	to	save	as	much	as	            a	microscopic	scrutiny	and	intensive	comparison	and	valuation.	Prices	
                                                             one-quarter	of	their	incomes.	Hence	the	critical	question	now	is	whether	         are	compared	thoroughly	and	promotions	and	deals	welcomed	enthusi-
                                                             the	Chinese	consumer	will	spend	more	and	save	the	global	economy.                 astically.	While	there	is	a	trend	of	premiumisation,	it	is	not	universal	and	
                                                                                                                                               applies	more	to	products	of	visible	consumption	which	can	make	the	
                                                             The	traditional	reason	given	for	the	Chinese	consumer	to	save	a	large	pro-        consumer	look	good	and	successful.
                                                             portion	of	their	income	is	that	many	do	not	enjoy	social	security	and	need	
                                                             to	set	aside	for	their	retirement	and	possible	medical	expenses.	Secondly,	       Hence	while	the	Chinese	consumer	will	gradually	spend	more,	and	
                                                             culturally	Chinese	are	considered	to	be	thrifty	and	savings	driven.	While	        consumption	as	a	proportion	of	the	Chinese	GDP	will	move	up	from	its	
                                                             these	factors	–	whether	cultural	or	structural	–	do	contribute	to	the	Chi-        uniquely	low	level	today,	the	movement	is	going	to	be	gradual	unless	
                                                             nese	households	stashing	away	a	large	proportion	of	their	income	there	           significant	changes	are	made	to	make	housing	and	education	more	
                                                             are	other	social	and	emotional	reasons	driving	this	behaviour.                    accessible	and	affordable	and	the	consumer	regains	the	confidence	of	
                               PHOTO: CHINA BY HOLLY ZHANG                                                                                     continued	prosperity.

gems : APRIL 2010                                                                                                                                                                                              Page No. 11

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TNS Global: GEMs – Insights from Emerging Markets 1/2010

  • 1. gems INSIGHTS FROM EMERGING MARKETS n Yes we can! n The social dynamics of microfinance and entrepreneurship at the BOP n Evaluating social mission projects in emerging and BOP markets n Are you digitally awake to Asia? n Letter from China gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 1
  • 2. Welcome to GEMs! It gives us great pleasure to bring you garner a vast amount of experience in studying BOP consumers. In this issue we bring to you a glimpse of some the first issue of GEMs – devoted to of the key things we have learnt. bring you insights and information from Rapid Growth Emerging In addition to several articles focusing on BOP, this issue includes an article describing the internet revolution in Asia Markets. and its implications for marketers. Internet has gone on its own trajectory in Asia and in many ways Asia has embraced We realize that it is difficult to provide you with an in-depth Web 2.0 more wholeheartedly than the West. analysis of consumers in these vast and heterogeneous markets. However we do hope we are able to provide you Lastly, the words of economists and their expectations of with some food for thought and also whet your appetite to dig Chinese consumers saving the world by copying American deeper and learn more. consumers’ spending habits provides a great source of debate and even amusement, and is the subject of our first This issue is devoted to consumers at the Bottom of the regular ‘Letter from China’ column! Pyramid (BOP). Bottom of the Pyramid was a term first popularized by Dr. C.K. Prahalad – professor of strategy at the We sincerely hope you enjoy reading this issue and look University of Michigan. Dr. Prahalad said that this group is not forward to your comments and suggestions. just worthy of charity but can be an attractive, albeit a value conscious consumer segment. Dr. Prahalad proposed that offering relevant and attractively priced products to BOP consumers is actually an act of engaging them and bringing them from isolation, thereby marrying the tasks of poverty alleviation and business development. Researching this target group poses its own hurdles and James Fergusson Ashok Sethi challenges. The task demands a great deal of sensitivity and Global Director Consumer Insights Director Rapid Growth and Emerging Markets Rapid Growth and Emerging Markets understanding of the target group. TNS has been able to PHOTO: INDIA BY ANUJ ROY gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 2
  • 3. yes we can Yes we can! Poonam Kumar, Director of Brand Strategy of Emerging Markets, TNS AP MEA Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) was a term first popularized by Dr. C.K. Prahalad – professor of strat- egy at University of Michigan, who wrote a book called “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”. In this article Poonam shares her experience in developing marketing strategies for this segment and explains that branding is as important for this group as any other segment. In three decades, Grameen bank has empowered 40 million These consumers represent a market opportunity that the people in one of the world’s poorest countries to say ‘Yes we world cannot afford to ignore or neglect from an economic, can’. Achieved through micro loans of less than USD 10 each, social and human perspective. BOP consumers represent over Grameen has changed the fortunes of several generations. two thirds of the population in the emerging markets that eve- What’s more, unlike the struggling banks of the developed world, ryone is hoping will show the way out of the downturn. They Grameen boasts a recovery rate of over 98%!! form a significant part of the nascent and virgin potential that must be unlocked to realize the promise in these markets and Prior to Grameen’s initiative, the world’s poor (over half the are even more critical for long term social stability and prosper- world’s population) have been regarded as unfortunate victims ity. who need to be rescued. As a result of Grameen and other suc- cesses, this mindset has changed. The BOP consumer is now With everyone eyeing the opportunity, much has already been perceived and explored as not just an economically productive written about the paradigm shifts required in the business unit, but also as a promising and growing market with a collective model. The need to revisit price-product-quality equations, the buying potential of USD 5 trillion! need for innovation (that is built from the ground up through community involvement), the need for capital efficiency and coarse segmentation, the need for accessibility and affordabil- ity, and most importantly, the need for education, skill develop- ment and community building that will empower even the most timid of them all to say ‘Yes we can’. Brand successes, like everything else in the BOP segment, defy the power of dominant logic. Overlooked and ignored by most marketers as a commodity market, the BOP consumer demonstrates a surprising and strong preference to buy a brand over a commodity, as long as the proposition is made accessible and affordable. Brands are valued, even loved, as they offer reassurance and certainty in these consumers’ uncertain lives. And once won over, BOP consumers reward the brands with unshakeable loyalty giving early movers a strong competitive advantage. TNS’ accumulated knowledge and understanding of BOP consumers has resulted in the identification of 9 pertinent tips PHOTO: CHINA BY SHAWN WANG to building brand propositions that will succeed among BOP PHOTO: EGYPT BY STEVE HAMILTON-CLARK consumers. gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 3
  • 4. Yes we can! Continued from previous page 9 tips to building brand propositions that succeed in BOP markets one The brand must be anchored on strong functionality that two It is equally important that the brand serves as an emotional three Pricing and quality are not tangential vectors. The brand makes a tangible, measurable difference in the consumer’s anchor – a source of hope, optimism and protection. must combine world class quality to counter hostile infra- life. This implies that information, education and reasons structure with affordable pricing. The entire brand proposi- to believe are core to reassuring that their money is wisely tion therefore requires reengineering through innovation on spent, to building trust and a relationship. product, packaging and delivery mechanisms. four Pricing must be empathetic to the consumer’s budget, but this five Expertise credentials are as essential as in developed six International pedigree, aspirational among the emerging mid- does not mean that the BOP consumer always buys the cheap- markets. The role of expertise however differs – the need is dle class, is less relevant and cannot be the sole motivating est brand available. They respond favourably to a demonstration not for innovation and new news, but expertise is required proposition. In markets of China, India and Africa, local brands of value and are willing to pay incrementally more for it. Family to build trust, visibility and reassurance that they are getting thrive among these consumers and are often looked at for care propositions also grant permission to spend a little more. the best that their money can buy. inspiration and learning by MNCs. seven Protection and Fortification positioning themes – both physical eight The proposition does not always have to be about the bare THE TIME HAS COME FOR US TO NOW CONSIDER A DIFFERENT PYRAMID – ONE and mental – resonate. Enabling clean clothes that get recogni- necessities. Despite, or perhaps because of, the many press- THAT IS INVERTED – BASED tion and approval, tea that boosts mental and physical energy ing life concerns, a brand that promises fun, surprise, sensorial directed at either self or family enhance the brand’s appeal. pleasure or a special moment brings cheer and is welcomed NOT ON INCOME, BUT Whatever the positioning theme, simplicity, inclusiveness and into the consumer’s life. This is especially needed for non- ON OPPORTUNITY AND accessibility must be integral to the proposition. essential consumption, but can add value in all categories. GROWTH. And… yes, we can! nine Finally, it is necessary to recognize that although most successes are on affiliative positioning themes, BOP needs to span the FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: entire human needs spectrum. Themes about excellence and success have also been leveraged successfully. Brands ventur- ing into the assertive needs domain have done it effectively through promises of mastery over budget, admiration and envy of superior homemaking skills, and parental pride and ambition. Rebelliousness and exclusivity however have no place here. Inclu- sion is important as is meaning and purpose. The promise has to be about empowerment rather than exclusivity; challenges have to be about changing unfair practices rather than edgy urban rebelliousness, superiority shown with a goal rather than ego satisfaction. gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 4
  • 5. social dynamics The social dynamics of microfinance and entrepreneurship at the BOP Constanza Cilley, General Manager, TNS Argentina There has been a huge collective action involving millions of poor people and thousands of NGOs, activists, inter- governmental organization officials, scholars and other development experts around the issue of microfinancing in developing markets. Figures provided by the report “State of the Microcredit Summit Campaign” constitute an impressive snapshot that portrays a several fold growth in the level of microfinancing: from 2000 to 2006. In this article we analyse the link between entrepreneurship and microfinance, taking Argentina as a case study. Research conducted by TNS in Argentina shows that: a. Entrepreneurship is a clear need among the poor and also has a great potential for their financial progress. b. When that need is fulfilled through microcredits, it generates important changes in terms of material progress, development of social capital and empowerment to the most vulnerable and powerless sectors of societies. Entrepreneurship and its constraints Entrepreneurship to the poor offers a way to improve their liveli- hood and hence one possible path for material survival. A fairly significant proportion of the poor are already engaged in entre- preneurial activities. Results from a TNS Argentina nationwide survey measuring behaviour and perceptions towards entrepre- neurship and financial services among Argentine citizens at the base of the income pyramid shows that 2 out of 10 persons living in poverty say that they have developed productive busi- nesses on their own in the past. The survey also shows that the proportion of ‘potential’ entre- preneurs is huge and amounts to almost half of Argentine poor. “Microcredits are a critical tool against Five out of ten people living in poverty say that they are willing poverty and a wise investment in to be entrepreneurs and to develop a project of their own in the human capital” future. Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary-General Why does this entrepreneurial spirit remain latent and does Gladys, a participant of the microcredit programme, washes cars for a living. She has been able to buy a professional vaccum cleaner. it not translate into business? The answers obtained by TNS PHOTO: ARGENTINA BY DELFINA ROSELL gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 5
  • 6. The social dynamics of microfinance and entrepreneurship at the BOP Continued from previous page Argentina point to structural-systemic constraints: Almost half of Apart from the direct tangible benefit, the broader and psycho- into macro changes. Companies need to look at this area not poor Argentines (47%) say that lack of financing is the main ob- logical benefits are significant and most women said that they as charity but as a viable way to generate profits while facilitat- stacle they face to develop productive projects. Moreover, 74% now enjoy more prominence and respect in household deci- ing economic progress for the consumers at the base of the think that obtaining a credit or a loan is difficult. Only 3% report sion making than they did before. Microcredit not only provides pyramid. However, approaching this target group and designing having tried to obtain a financial service as there is a strong financial capital but also builds social capital (which refers to the a product which meets their needs requires a careful under- perception that their efforts are unlikely to be rewarded. networks, norms of reciprocity and trust that facilitate coordina- standing of their needs and overcoming the barriers and current tion and cooperation for mutual benefit -Putnam 1995) for the perceptions of banking and financial institutions. Almost 8 out of 10 individuals express that the main barriers beneficiaries. for access are banks’ terms and conditions. Accessibility to the formal financial market is rare for the poor. They voice their Microcredit opportunity * In the year 2006 in Argentina, there were 98 microcredit organisations, 18 discontent towards the high level of income requirement set by The worldwide growth of microcredits should be seen with opti- big and 80 small, with 30,400 clients/beneficiaries corresponding to an over- all portfolio of $40,100,000. The segmentation line between the two groups the banks, and also towards guarantor requirements and inter- mism. They generate material, psychological and social benefits or organisations was $200,000 and 400 clients. est rates. for the poor. But much more can be done by the development community, donors and companies to translate microcredits ** You can have a flavour of their work at Clearly this segment of consumers feel intimidated and alien- ated by the traditional banks - in fact some banks, conscious of the distance, have tried to create an environment that aims to differentiate them from traditional banks (an example of this is “Almost 8 out of 10 individuals Fiegranpoder, where very loud music welcomes customers and express that the main barriers for staff do not wear ties but informal t-shirts). access are banks’ terms and conditions. Accessibility to the formal finan- Microcredit in action cial market is rare for the poor.” FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Clearly microcredits for the poor provide an innovative solution by linking potential entrepreneurs with financial resources. While several important barriers need to be overcome to make this happen, when it does materialise, the results are very gratifying. TNS Argentina conducted an exploratory satisfaction study* on female beneficiaries of microcredit, living in poor neighbour- hoods in Greater Buenos Aires. Respondents were receiving microcredits from Mujeres 2000** - an NGO. Mujeres 2000** fosters community development, placing the focus on technical assistance and human support. Satisfaction among recipients is high - 96% are somewhat or very satisfied, 94% would recommend the service provided and 96% would renew it. The direct benefits of the credit are clearly driving the satisfaction – allowing the women to develop their business project and as a result attain a certain level of econom- ic stability. Almost all said that they now have a better quality of Family is a key role in Emerging Markets. Maria (back row) also participates in the life than before. microcredit programme. Her husband, grandson and friend have helped her not Weekend groceries fair only to maintain the credit but also to build their house. PHOTO: ARGENTINA BY DELFINA ROSELL PHOTO: ARGENTINA BY DELFINA ROSELL gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 6
  • 7. Evaluating social mission projects in emerging and BOP markets Raghavan Srinivasan, Managing Director, TNS Indonesia Astiti Suhirman, Business Director Indonesia Studying BOP markets requires a special sensitivity to the target n Taking into consideration BOP market realities (lower SES group as well as the issues involved. In this article, Rags and and literacy) and the children target group. Astiti demonstrate how a simple device of an innovative sticker based diary helped in capturing accurate information on brush- The issues to address in developing the methodology were: ing behaviour in children. This article has been adopted from the n What should we do to enable our respondents to provide paper presented at the ESOMAR Congress 2009, which won real behaviour information? the award for the “Best Methodological Paper.” n What should we do to ensure that the mothers had knowl- edge of children’s behaviour? Behaviour change in social mission projects Social development projects in BOP markets focus on engineer- n What should we do to ensure that it is simple and relevant ing behaviour change in some form or another as their ultimate for BOP market realities? goal. The ‘behaviour’ to be changed varies across projects – from changing food habits to washing hands before eating, and Based on these, the guiding principles we set out were: from brushing at night to condom usage for AIDS prevention. n We must have a record of the ‘interest behaviour’ The target group also varies from general public to specialists (brushing, brushing at night) over a period of time like doctors or business leaders. (one or two weeks) – to ensure that we are measuring ‘regular’ behaviour. The increasing direct engagement of the private sector and n Consumers will tell or record actual behaviour if large MNCs in these projects is bringing with it more stringent we make it easier for them to do so without biases. accountability and rigorous evaluation of real ROI in terms of It is the researchers’ responsibility to eliminate the ‘end behaviour’ to be changed (the equivalent of sales or biases arising out of ‘focused measurement of market share in commercial world). interest behaviour’ – where the respondent knows what is being measured and hence biases come Unilever Oral Care social mission project to operate. Unilever Oral Care is investing substantially in social projects to promote night brushing behaviour among children in the 4-8 n Measurement methodology and tools must years age group, in Indonesia and other BOP markets. The involve both the mother and the child. success of this project would truly be a ‘win-win’ solution for n The ‘behaviour recording’ should ideally not all stakeholders – individuals, society and the private sector. involve any writing. Unilever had wanted to comprehensively evaluate their social n It should not place undue burdens or special mission project in Indonesia in terms of long term benefits due training requirements for any of the stakeholders to increase in night brushing and for optimizing the communica- in the projects – the respondent, the field innovation tion strategy. The research challenge in accomplishing this was: interviewer and the data digitizer. n Innovating a reliable behaviour prediction tool to n Last but not the least, it should be economical measure brushing frequency and night brushing – without and affordable. the ‘claimed’ response biases. PHOTO: INDONESIA BY QUINNY CHAN gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 7
  • 8. Evaluating social mission projects in emerging and BOP markets Continued from previous page The guiding principles set out naturally led us to the innovative Study findings and learnings behaviour measurement methodology - “Daily Activity Sticker We now have over 3,000 weeks of behaviour measurement Diary” data using this methodology and the salient findings are: n Where children and mother together record all daily n The methodology provides reliable behaviour data - activities of their child in our target group. brushing frequency and the proportion of the population n By taking out the appropriate pictorial sticker ‘brushing at night regularly’ obtained from this study was (from a sticker sheet) and pasting it in the daily much lower than estimates or assessments from other activity diary. studies based on ‘claimed’ behaviour. It was also more in line with the ‘tooth paste market size’ in Indonesia. n For one or two weeks. n This social mission project would in the long haul lead to The final diary used for the study was co-created with market development as well - regular night brushing comes consumers in an iterative laboratory considering the many with an increase in brushing frequency. ‘details’, such as: what time slots, what activities, how many stickers for each to provide for, and in what format should it n Realistic behaviour data linked with attitudes can be to ensure easy usage. Our final “Daily Activity Sticker Diary” powerfully guide interventions optimization – it led to was in a daily sheet calendar format to be hung in the main identification of deterrents to night brushing not yet living area. explored in communication. Summary and suggestions Even in the high technology times we all live in, it is possible to develop simple solutions to complex problems that work well in practice in emerging and BOP markets. In the final analysis it is all about starting out with the first principles of good data col- lection and patiently addressing all the issues. The “Daily Activity Sticker Diary” based behaviour measurement methodology we had developed can easily be extended to behaviour measure- ment in other social mission projects (such as general hygiene, nutrition, sexual behaviour) and to commercial marketing issues where reliable behaviour measurement is important.h FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: “Even in these high technology times we all live in, it’s possible to develop simple solutions to complex problems that work well in practice in emerging and BOP markets.” gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 8
  • 9. Are you digitally awake to Asia? Using research to engage Asia on Asia’s terms Lee Ryan, Regional Qualitative Research Director, TNS AP MEA Bernice Klaassen, Head of Interactive Research, Singapore and Hong Kong The rest of the world is lagging far behind Asia in digital consumer engagement. LEE RYAN and BERNICE KLAASSEN are not sur- “There is the notion that other prised. Western organizations seeking a future in Asia need to find countries and cultures are just the right approach to research if they want to get off first base. playing catch-up – sometimes leap- frogging particular technologies, but Guess what? Emerging markets do not evolve in the same way as west- always developing along a trajectory ern markets. In February 2008, Harvard Business Review predicted set here about the right ideas and online worlds as one of its ‘breakthrough ideas’ of the year. In Asia, products. It is refreshing to have they’ve known about this for some time. When it comes to development American engineers return from of the digital space, Western assumptions about Asia have been slow Japan or China or India and say, to form at best, and, at worst, plain wrong. In the online world, Asia has taken different trajectories to actually go beyond both Europe and North ‘Oh my God! You will not believe America. This has profound implications not only for Western under- what I saw’.” standing of Asia’s developing economies and cultures, but for how it Genevieve Bell, Intel. does business with them. What’s happened? How do we know that the US and Eurocentric vision of the Internet is losing significance? Here’s a clue. 384 million Chinese internet users. There are now more internet users in China than in the US, and Asia is already accounting for over 40% of the world’s global online population. And it is not just about the number of people going online in Asia, it is also what they do when they are online. In Asia, social networking participants have taken such websites to a dif- ferent level. Instant messaging has never been such a hit in Europe and North America that it has been in Asia. Confined by their own languages and using their own cultural preferences for communicating, Japan, Ko- rea and China have created their own versions of the social web. These three nations are evolving in different ways to gain and keep their own internal market advantages. Compared to the US and European social media, companies struggle to monetize their social media applications; in Korea and China, QQ and Cyworld are already profitable. This makes it difficult for the US and Eurocentric global players to see a way in. Cultural constraints, online openness What are the reasons for these differences? Technology is overcoming local constraints. Everybody was aware of the social and cultural codes gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 9
  • 10. Are you digitally awake to Asia? Continued from previous page that inhibit behaviour in Asia. Nobody predicted that the advent of online worlds would tap into a desire for expression that lies “So how do we keep up beneath. with this fast-paced digital In their personal lives, Asian online users have grasped the freedom environment, both from a and anonymity offered by the internet and taken it way beyond the experience of Western cultures. Today, 40-50% of online Asians are research and business involved in user-generated content, compared to just 10% in the perspective? It calls for West. The whole development of web 2.0 is much faster in this part of the world. There is substantial evidence that Asian consumers a careful, three-pronged are more comfortable expressing themselves online. approach: observation; So how do we keep up with this fast-paced digital environment, conversation; interaction.” both from a research and business perspective? It calls for a care- ful, three-pronged approach: observation; conversation; interaction. Engaging the new consumer First, Observation. This is about ‘listening’, getting close to what online spaces where people congregate as their people are saying and doing online through research: creating avatars or online persona to chat, create and a ‘virtual closeness’ through buzz-monitoring software that can trade. It is a prediction of what we are only just analyse user generated content semantically. TNS Cymfony allows beginning to see in Europe and the US. Gartner clients to track consumer generated content in real time. Consulting predicts that by 2011, 80% of active Internet users will have an avatar. Second, Conversation. In Asia, due to cultural constraints, the traditional focus group is not effective online. TNS Incubator is a Just because the online world is following an web 2.0 research tool that enables clients to have different types evolutionary path that Western marketers did of conversations and engage consumers differently. Developed in not predict, this is no time to be averse to the Asia, it has immediate relevance to what consumers are doing here, metaverse. Fear not. The right kind of approach online, today. to research will provide the entitlement to some of the answers. Third, Interaction. Participation cannot happen without the first two stages. This means going further than a classic agency relationship; clients and research agencies are now collaborating and co-creat- FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: ing with the new consumers. To engage consumers, clients need to ensure reciprocity. Consumers’ time and attention must be earned and rewarded. Activities such as contests and competitions help to change the type of interaction between brands and consumers. The new reality Truth is, Western marketers have no time to come to terms with the Internet as they think it is. The next version is already born in Asia where consumers are making the ‘metaverse’ a reality: multiple gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 10
  • 11. LETTER FROM CHINA Why Chinese consumers spend less and save more Ashok Sethi explores the challenges confronting China’s consumers as the developed world looks to them to drive demand required for a return to economic growth. The magic eight The other barriers to consumption Eight is a lucky number in China. The opening ceremony of Beijing Owning a house ranks among the most important desires for a Chinese. Olympics commenced on the eighth day of the eighth month of 2008 at The idea of living in rented accommodation is alien and unacceptable. 8.08.08 pm. The car number plates with a few eights go for thousands of Traditionally Chinese have liked the idea of stability and the state provided dollars in auctions and the consumer will willingly cough up a significant that by allotting life long accommodation, which you keep even after premium to acquire a mobile phone number which is festooned with a retirement. With state housing gone for most, the Chinese are rushing to couple of eights. buy apartments. The strong demand coupled with a relatively controlled supply has made the cost of housing disproportionate to the consumers’ Eight is also the percentage by which, the economists believe, the income. Today the average per capita annual urban disposable income Chinese economy must grow to provide jobs to the millions of students in Shanghai will buy two square meters of an apartment. Additionally graduating from Universities, or the rural folks migrating to the cities in Chinese need to cough up 30% of the price as down payment. search of a better life. The first two quarters of 2009 were difficult – China could only muster up a 6.1% GDP growth in Q1 of 2009 and just missed On the other hand social norms today make the idea of continuing to live the magic mark of eight in Q2 with a 7.95 growth. However the Q4 figures with the parents after marriage as nearly inconceivable (no pun intended) came at 10.7% and the whole of China heaved a collective sigh of relief and no self-respecting woman will accept a man’s hand in marriage un- when overall growth of 8.7% was announced for 2009. less the hand holds the keys to an apartment (according to a recent poll only 18% of mothers are willing to let their daughters marry a man who Clearly the magic has been achieved with a lot of stimulus - the Chinese rents his home!). With low starting salaries even for University graduates, government is trying to spend four trillion yuan in stimulating the economy. parents need to bear the burden of saving for the down payment. High Money is being poured into building roads, bridges and some income mortgage payments in relation to the income further reduces the spend- generating activities. Exports continue to be a challenge, though the ing ability of the consumers. Economists predict that China’s exports will return to growth this year – but are unlikely to touch 2007 levels in the near future. A contributing Secondly, while impending marriage of the child brings a substantial factor is the American consumer who may never return to the frenzied financial burden for the family, the university education before that is also shopping they previously exhibited to the delight and economic growth of a formidable expense. As China moves towards becoming a market the whole world. economy, the cost of education has been increasing steadily. Today for an average family the cost of providing a university education may take Consumer up as much as one-third to half the disposable income of the family. Even Economist say (softly in China and more shrilly in the West) that the Chi- school education costs are going up as more Chinese consider the idea nese consumer must spend more to compensate for the loss of exports of sending their child to expensive private schools. and redress the global imbalance. Replacing American consumers who previously sustained the global economy with their profligate consump- Thirdly the average Chinese consumer is value driven. Products receive tion of Chinese goods - enabling Chinese Consumers to save as much as a microscopic scrutiny and intensive comparison and valuation. Prices one-quarter of their incomes. Hence the critical question now is whether are compared thoroughly and promotions and deals welcomed enthusi- the Chinese consumer will spend more and save the global economy. astically. While there is a trend of premiumisation, it is not universal and applies more to products of visible consumption which can make the The traditional reason given for the Chinese consumer to save a large pro- consumer look good and successful. portion of their income is that many do not enjoy social security and need to set aside for their retirement and possible medical expenses. Secondly, Hence while the Chinese consumer will gradually spend more, and culturally Chinese are considered to be thrifty and savings driven. While consumption as a proportion of the Chinese GDP will move up from its these factors – whether cultural or structural – do contribute to the Chi- uniquely low level today, the movement is going to be gradual unless nese households stashing away a large proportion of their income there significant changes are made to make housing and education more are other social and emotional reasons driving this behaviour. accessible and affordable and the consumer regains the confidence of PHOTO: CHINA BY HOLLY ZHANG continued prosperity. gems : APRIL 2010 Page No. 11