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23 May 2018 - DAY 1
11.30 – 11.35 / PLENARY
Welcome and Introduction
Constantine Kamaras, Chairman, IAB Europe
Rob Beeler, Chairman of AdMonsters, Founder Beeler.Tech
The IAB Europe Chairman introduces the key forces transforming the digital
landscape and the strategies that can help businesses to adapt and thrive:
• The impact of regulation and public policy
• The importance of continual education and employee engagement
• The potential for publishers able to evolve their proposition
• The new technologies vying for a role in the digital ecosystem
• The prospects for the future of digital advertising
11.35 – 12.00 / PLENARY
Keynote - Industry overview
Rob Norman, Senior Advisor, GroupM
How did we get to this pivotal point for the digital ecosystem – and where
are we headed next? GroupM’s Advisor and former Chief Digital Officer, Rob
Norman is one of the most sought-after industry voices on the future of
digital. He explores the nature of the challenges that digital advertising now
faces – and how the industry can adapt to deliver continued growth.
12.00 – 12.30 / PLENARY
Presentation – Digital Ad Market growth highlights and Industry trends
Dr. Daniel Knapp, Executive Director, TMT Research & Analytics, IHS Markit
The latest research from IHS Markit shows digital advertising delivering 90%
of all advertising industry growth – and not just through its most high-
profile players. IHS Markit’s Senior Director Daniel Knapp reveals key
findings of the research, including signs of important emerging
opportunities in the digital ecosystem.
12.30 – 12.55 / PLENARY
Keynote – Italia Online
Andrea Leonardo Chiapponi, Chief Commercial Officer Large Account,
To be announced
12.55 – 13.20 / PLENARY
Panel - Publishers fight back, Publisher 2.0
Anne Goodman (Moderator)
Dora Michail, Managing Director, Digital, The Telegraph
Carsten Schwecke, Chief Digital Officer, Media Impact GmbH & Co. (Axel
Christer Ljones, Head Of Product, Schibsted
Not content to depend on digital advertising for revenues, progressive-
minded publishers are evolving their business models and opening up whole
new revenue streams. IAB US CEO Randall Rothenberg hosts a panel
exploring different strategies for growth: from eCommerce to advertising
alliances and native video.
14.05 – 14.25 / ART POINT
Presentation - The rise of the Data Protection Officer
Steve Lok, Head of MarTech & Ops, The Economist
From invisible background role to a vital driver of marketing and business
strategy: the Data Protection Officer epitomises the transformation taking
place in digital marketing. Our speaker will explore the key challenges in data
protection, and the value that it provides for businesses through a more
strategic approach.
14.05 – 14.25 / PLENARY
Panel - Programmatic video: unlocking the power of automation
Nigel Gilbert, VP Strategic Development EMEA, AppNexus (Moderator)
Paola Colombo GM Adtech Publitalia '80
Imran Khan VP Global Strategic Development, Teads
Major brands and media agencies have swiftly come to depend on
programmatic buying for the delivery of display ads. However, automated
advertising can only reach its full potential through the most engaging format
available on digital platforms: video.
14.25 – 14.45 / PLENARY
Keynote - Control the cumulative exposure time per user to maximise
the memorization of your message
Yohann Dupasquier, Chief Executive Officer, TradeLab
While numerous studies proved a direct link between the exposure time and
the rate of ad memorization, brands want to exceed the visibility standards
applied to display ads to maximise the impact of their messages. Tradelab’s
CEO Yohann Dupasquier will explain in detail the functioning of its piloting
solutions of advertising exposition duration. Through a case-study, the
programmatic platform will present how to generate a significant uplift of
advertising attractiveness through cumulative exposure time, thus proving
that a qualitative approach favouring useful reach offers display visibility and
efficiency criteria comparable to the ones of video.
14.45 – 15.10 / PLENARY
Live stream Q&A - The EU, digital advertising and data
Giovanni Buttarelli, EU Data Protection Supervisor
Constantine Kamaras, Chairman, Board of directors, IAB Europe (Interviewer)
Giovanni Buttarelli is a prominent campaigner for modern and progressive
data privacy regulation for the EU in the digital era. Appearing via video link,
he answers questions on the likely impact of such regulation. This session will
explore the key regulatory challenges and incentives facing the digital
advertising industry, the impact on advertisers, agencies and publishers, and
how the behaviour of companies and consumers and the digital ecosystem
might change as a result. Book your Early Bird pass before 31 March and
have the opportunity to table a question to Giovanni Buttarelli.
15.25 – 15.55 / PLENARY
Panel – Guide to GDPR: The Transparency & Consent Framework
Townsend Feehan, Chief Executive Officer, IAB Europe
Speakers from MediaMath, Quantcast & AppNexus
Members of IAB Europe’s GDPR Implementation Group (GIG) will discuss the
uptake of the Transparency & Consent Framework that helps publishers,
advertisers, and technology companies comply with key elements of the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR when processing personal data
or accessing non-personal or personal data on user devices).
16.10 – 17.00 / SEMINAR ROOM
Training - GDPR for digital publishers, digital agencies and advertisers
Speakers from IAB Europe
Which provisions in the General Data Protection Regulation are the most
relevant to digital publishers and advertisers? What is the guidance of the
European Data Protection Board (former Article 29 Working party) on these
topics? This training session, provided by IAB Europe will provide insight
into applying the GDPR to the digital advertising supply chain.
16.25 – 17.00 / PLENARY
Keynote - Measuring what matters
Brad Smallwood, Vice President Marketing Science, Facebook
As new creative content and ways of thinking evolve, advertisers have
responded quickly by merging new tech with old ad formats. But you can’t fit
square pegs into round holes, and you can’t depend on old toolkits to
measure the success of new mediums. Building brand has changed in the
digital era. In this talk, Brad Smallwood, Vice President Marketing Science,
Facebook will discuss what’s next in measurement and explain why marketers
can’t rely on old techniques in order to track the performance of new ad
formats, channels and technologies. This session will explore what should be
in a marketer’s measurement toolbox today and why it’s not possible to
match old measurements to new realities. Ultimately, there can be no half
measures in the digital world.
MIXX Awards Europe & IAB Europe Research
24 May 2018 - DAY 2
9.00 – 9.05 / PLENARY
Debrief and Opener
Rob Beeler, Chairman of AdMonsters, Founder Beeler.Tech
9.05 – 9.35 / PLENARY
Keynote - The Advertiser View
Franck Sineau, Group Media Department Director, Richemont
The world’s second-largest luxury goods business spends over half of its
advertising budget online. Franck Sineau explains why Richemont is
committed to digital platforms, how it uses data, and how it will evolve its
approach as the digital landscape transforms.
9.05 – 9.55 / SEMINAR ROOM
Training – IAB Europe’s GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework
Following up on the plenary session from DAY 1 on IAB Europe’s GDPR
Transparency & Consent Framework this training session presented by IAB
Europe will offer the opportunity to ask any questions you may still have
regarding the implementation of the Framework from the Global Vendor List
to ensuring the best possible User Experience.
9.35 – 9.55 / PLENARY
Keynote - Direct to Consumer. An evolution in how consumer brands
create and extract value
Randall Rothenberg, Chief Executive Officer, IAB
Across virtually all product and service categories and segments, the
conventional source of differentiation and value is shifting from high-barrier-
to-entry, capital-intensive, owned-and-operated supply chains, to low-
barrier-to-entry, capital-flexible, leased and rented supply chains – and value
extraction, historically managed through cumbersome, third-party processes,
is now being accomplished via direct relationships between brands and
consumers. CEO Randall Rothenberg details IAB’s groundbreaking research
into the new world of Direct Brands – and their implications for media,
advertising, and marketing.
9.55 – 10.15 / PLENARY
Keynote - What Builds Brand Love
Anita Caras, Director Sales Insights EMEA, OATH
Ever wonder where brand love comes from? So did Oath. Oath has found out
by looking at the many underlying drivers of brand love in our latest global
consumer research study. We all know what love feels like, and we know
getting your consumers to love your brand is more important today than ever
before. But WHY does a consumer love a brand? What does that relationship
look like?...Come to this session and all will be revealed.
10.20 – 10.50 / PLENARY
Panel - Rewiring the digital supply chain: the transparency you’re
looking for?
Ciaran O’Kane, CEO, Exchange Wire (Moderator)
James Prudhomme, Managing Director EMEA, Index Exchange
Erol Soyer, CEO and Founder, ProgRox
Blockchain technology promises to bring new levels of automation to the
booking and delivery of digital ads – and provide new levels of traceability
and transparency in the process. Is a new technology the solution that can
increase trust in digital advertising? Or will it complicate the supply chain
further still? Ciaran O’Kane of Exchange Wire hosts a panel of ad tech experts
putting the future of the digital supply chain under the spotlight.
11.15 – 11.50
Through a menu of expert-led side-sessions, we examine the prospects for
the digital ecosystem’s emerging technologies. Will they bring disruption and
opportunity – or simply distract marketers from the priorities they should be
focusing on?
11.15 – 11.50
Digital Outdoor – Speaker to be announced
The creative canvas of outdoor media promises new levels of digital
engagement – but can brands combine the capacity for personalised
targeting with visual impact at scale?
11.15 – 11.50
Presentation - Digital Audio - Marco Bertozzi, VP Sales Europe, Spotify
Does a world of personalized listening experiences have a role for brands?
We examine how creative and media strategies designed for radio must
evolve for the era of the playlist.
11.15 – 11.50 / SEMINAR ROOM
Digital Creativity - Shaa
To be announced
11.55 – 12.20 / ART POINT
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
A new storytelling platform delivering unprecedented, immersive
experiences? An empathy engine providing new levels of engagement? The
future of research? Or unavoidably awkward technologies that aren’t yet
ready for prime time? Will the real VR and AR please stand up.
11.55 – 12.20 / PLENARY
Panel - Brand safety inflection point?
John Montgomery, Executive VP Brand Safety, GroupM Global (Moderator)
Neil Bowman, VP Advertising Technology, BBC Advertising
Anthony Hitchings, Digital Advertising Operations Director, Financial Times
Brand Safety may have beeen an overused phrase in 2017, but ensuring
brands have safe experiences online has arguably hit its inflection point.
Reacting to brands need for transparency the IAB introduced the ads.txt
standard. On top of that there have been serious concerns about contextual
advertising and a commitment from publishers and technology companies
to demonstrate compliance with best practice. So what have we learned and
what does the future hold for Brand confidence?
13.20 – 13.55 / PLENARY
Panel - Optimising the human: re-engineering roles for the new digital
Neslihan Olcay, Chief Executive Officer, Wavemaker Turkey, Chair of the
Education and Training Committee IAB Europe
Rob Beeler, Chairman of AdMonsters, Founder Beeler.Tech
Richard Dunmall, President, MediaIQ
Hossein Houssaini, Global Head of Programmatic Solutions, Havas Media
In an increasingly automated and AI-driven media landscape, businesses face
a fundamental choice: they can focus on efficiencies and push human beings
into the background, or they can leverage the extra capacity that technology
provides to empower their people. Ad Operations training consultant Rob
Beeler is joined by Hossein Houssaini of Havas and Richard Dunmall of
MediaIQ. Together they explore the talent development strategies that are
securing a role for intuition, empathy and humanity in the media supply chain.
13.20 – 13.55 / PLENARY
Keynote - Creativity and interactivity
Caroline Hugonenc, Global VP research, Teads
To be announced
14.15 - 14.50 / PLENARY
Panel - The way ahead. Just what do advertisers want to see next in our
industry. Hear directly from major brands
Barbara Sala, CEE Media Director, Coca Cola
Bastien Parizot, Global Head of Consumer Engagement and Personalization,
Ben Sutherland, Chief Digital Officer, Diageo
Online advertising is the most accountable medium marketers have ever
had. It also brings frustrations. The advertiser view panel will be a frank
discussion of what works well, and what could be improved, independently
moderated by an experienced industry executive. Topics will be discussed
with panellists ahead of time and cover current issues such as GDPR
implications, data transparency and usage, creativity, perhaps direct to
consumer and brand safety. The moderator will ensure that areas you do not
wish to speak to are known. There may be questions from the floor. We have
Diageo and Coca Cola lined up as other panellists. Given the topic at hand it
will be great for the delegates to see and hear the views of the 'investors' in
this industry.
14.50 – 15.25 / PLENARY
Keynote - What Happens When Digital Giants Ditch Online Advertising?
Evgeny Morozov, author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom
The rise of digital giants has been facilitated by their clever business models
which leverage personal data of their users and turn it into highly
personalized online ads. Yet, the seeming permance of those models, once
taken for granted, is increasingly put into question on a number of fronts. On
the one hand, the ability to find secondary uses to the networked
infrastructures as well as the data harvested in the process of selling online
advertising has allowed big tech firms to expand far beyond their original
business model and start offering services such as cloud computing and
artificial intelligence; those services tend to offer much higher profit margins
than online advertising (which itself is becoming more expensive due to
higher costs of traffic acquisition). On the other hand, growing concerns
about the negative social consequences of data extractivist models embraced
by digital platforms (e.g. the ease with which fake news proliferates online)
have pushed tech firms to consider other ways of monetizing their services,
including subscription or usage fees for the services they offer; governments,
on recognizing that tech platforms perform functions akin to those of utility
firms, might eventually help subsidize some of those charges and usage fees,
as long as it helps decrease the velocity and power of fake news. What are
the social ramifications of this shift away from online advertising as the
dominant force shaping the development of digital giants? And what would
happen to many of their users' online and offline activities that digital giants
have helped to subsidize, at whatever political and social cost?
15.25 – 16.00 / PLENARY
Keynote - Embracing an ever-changing future for digital advertising
Amelia Torode, Founder, The Fawnbrake Collective
The importance of digital advertising to business growth will only increase –
but that doesn't make the future of digital advertising any more predictable.
To thrive, businesses must embrace the continual disruption that is
characteristic of the digital landscape. Brand strategist Amelia Torode
examines the practical changes that they can make, in order to do so: not just
executing digital transformation programmes, but building business
strategies, workplace cultures and supplier relationships that are optimised
for on-going change.
16.00 – 16.05 / PLENARY
Wrap Up
Townsend Feehan, Chief Executive Officer, IAB Europe
Book here

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Interact 2018 - Programme outline - Updated 20 march 2018

  • 1. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME OUTLINE 23 May 2018 - DAY 1 11.30 – 11.35 / PLENARY Welcome and Introduction Constantine Kamaras, Chairman, IAB Europe Rob Beeler, Chairman of AdMonsters, Founder Beeler.Tech The IAB Europe Chairman introduces the key forces transforming the digital landscape and the strategies that can help businesses to adapt and thrive: • The impact of regulation and public policy • The importance of continual education and employee engagement • The potential for publishers able to evolve their proposition • The new technologies vying for a role in the digital ecosystem • The prospects for the future of digital advertising 11.35 – 12.00 / PLENARY Keynote - Industry overview Rob Norman, Senior Advisor, GroupM How did we get to this pivotal point for the digital ecosystem – and where are we headed next? GroupM’s Advisor and former Chief Digital Officer, Rob Norman is one of the most sought-after industry voices on the future of digital. He explores the nature of the challenges that digital advertising now faces – and how the industry can adapt to deliver continued growth. 12.00 – 12.30 / PLENARY Presentation – Digital Ad Market growth highlights and Industry trends
  • 2. Dr. Daniel Knapp, Executive Director, TMT Research & Analytics, IHS Markit The latest research from IHS Markit shows digital advertising delivering 90% of all advertising industry growth – and not just through its most high- profile players. IHS Markit’s Senior Director Daniel Knapp reveals key findings of the research, including signs of important emerging opportunities in the digital ecosystem. 12.30 – 12.55 / PLENARY Keynote – Italia Online Andrea Leonardo Chiapponi, Chief Commercial Officer Large Account, ITaliaOnline To be announced 12.55 – 13.20 / PLENARY Panel - Publishers fight back, Publisher 2.0 Anne Goodman (Moderator) Dora Michail, Managing Director, Digital, The Telegraph Carsten Schwecke, Chief Digital Officer, Media Impact GmbH & Co. (Axel Springer) Christer Ljones, Head Of Product, Schibsted Not content to depend on digital advertising for revenues, progressive- minded publishers are evolving their business models and opening up whole new revenue streams. IAB US CEO Randall Rothenberg hosts a panel exploring different strategies for growth: from eCommerce to advertising alliances and native video. LUNCH 14.05 – 14.25 / ART POINT Presentation - The rise of the Data Protection Officer Steve Lok, Head of MarTech & Ops, The Economist From invisible background role to a vital driver of marketing and business strategy: the Data Protection Officer epitomises the transformation taking place in digital marketing. Our speaker will explore the key challenges in data protection, and the value that it provides for businesses through a more strategic approach.
  • 3. 14.05 – 14.25 / PLENARY Panel - Programmatic video: unlocking the power of automation Nigel Gilbert, VP Strategic Development EMEA, AppNexus (Moderator) Paola Colombo GM Adtech Publitalia '80 Imran Khan VP Global Strategic Development, Teads Major brands and media agencies have swiftly come to depend on programmatic buying for the delivery of display ads. However, automated advertising can only reach its full potential through the most engaging format available on digital platforms: video. 14.25 – 14.45 / PLENARY Keynote - Control the cumulative exposure time per user to maximise the memorization of your message Yohann Dupasquier, Chief Executive Officer, TradeLab While numerous studies proved a direct link between the exposure time and the rate of ad memorization, brands want to exceed the visibility standards applied to display ads to maximise the impact of their messages. Tradelab’s CEO Yohann Dupasquier will explain in detail the functioning of its piloting solutions of advertising exposition duration. Through a case-study, the programmatic platform will present how to generate a significant uplift of advertising attractiveness through cumulative exposure time, thus proving that a qualitative approach favouring useful reach offers display visibility and efficiency criteria comparable to the ones of video. 14.45 – 15.10 / PLENARY Live stream Q&A - The EU, digital advertising and data Giovanni Buttarelli, EU Data Protection Supervisor Constantine Kamaras, Chairman, Board of directors, IAB Europe (Interviewer) Giovanni Buttarelli is a prominent campaigner for modern and progressive data privacy regulation for the EU in the digital era. Appearing via video link, he answers questions on the likely impact of such regulation. This session will explore the key regulatory challenges and incentives facing the digital advertising industry, the impact on advertisers, agencies and publishers, and how the behaviour of companies and consumers and the digital ecosystem might change as a result. Book your Early Bird pass before 31 March and have the opportunity to table a question to Giovanni Buttarelli. 15.25 – 15.55 / PLENARY Panel – Guide to GDPR: The Transparency & Consent Framework Townsend Feehan, Chief Executive Officer, IAB Europe Speakers from MediaMath, Quantcast & AppNexus
  • 4. Members of IAB Europe’s GDPR Implementation Group (GIG) will discuss the uptake of the Transparency & Consent Framework that helps publishers, advertisers, and technology companies comply with key elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR when processing personal data or accessing non-personal or personal data on user devices). 16.10 – 17.00 / SEMINAR ROOM Training - GDPR for digital publishers, digital agencies and advertisers Speakers from IAB Europe Which provisions in the General Data Protection Regulation are the most relevant to digital publishers and advertisers? What is the guidance of the European Data Protection Board (former Article 29 Working party) on these topics? This training session, provided by IAB Europe will provide insight into applying the GDPR to the digital advertising supply chain. 16.25 – 17.00 / PLENARY Keynote - Measuring what matters Brad Smallwood, Vice President Marketing Science, Facebook As new creative content and ways of thinking evolve, advertisers have responded quickly by merging new tech with old ad formats. But you can’t fit square pegs into round holes, and you can’t depend on old toolkits to measure the success of new mediums. Building brand has changed in the digital era. In this talk, Brad Smallwood, Vice President Marketing Science, Facebook will discuss what’s next in measurement and explain why marketers can’t rely on old techniques in order to track the performance of new ad formats, channels and technologies. This session will explore what should be in a marketer’s measurement toolbox today and why it’s not possible to match old measurements to new realities. Ultimately, there can be no half measures in the digital world. COCKTAIL GALA DINNER MIXX Awards Europe & IAB Europe Research Awards
  • 5. 24 May 2018 - DAY 2 9.00 – 9.05 / PLENARY Debrief and Opener Rob Beeler, Chairman of AdMonsters, Founder Beeler.Tech 9.05 – 9.35 / PLENARY Keynote - The Advertiser View Franck Sineau, Group Media Department Director, Richemont
  • 6. The world’s second-largest luxury goods business spends over half of its advertising budget online. Franck Sineau explains why Richemont is committed to digital platforms, how it uses data, and how it will evolve its approach as the digital landscape transforms. 9.05 – 9.55 / SEMINAR ROOM Training – IAB Europe’s GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework Following up on the plenary session from DAY 1 on IAB Europe’s GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework this training session presented by IAB Europe will offer the opportunity to ask any questions you may still have regarding the implementation of the Framework from the Global Vendor List to ensuring the best possible User Experience. 9.35 – 9.55 / PLENARY Keynote - Direct to Consumer. An evolution in how consumer brands create and extract value Randall Rothenberg, Chief Executive Officer, IAB Across virtually all product and service categories and segments, the conventional source of differentiation and value is shifting from high-barrier- to-entry, capital-intensive, owned-and-operated supply chains, to low- barrier-to-entry, capital-flexible, leased and rented supply chains – and value extraction, historically managed through cumbersome, third-party processes, is now being accomplished via direct relationships between brands and consumers. CEO Randall Rothenberg details IAB’s groundbreaking research into the new world of Direct Brands – and their implications for media, advertising, and marketing. 9.55 – 10.15 / PLENARY Keynote - What Builds Brand Love Anita Caras, Director Sales Insights EMEA, OATH Ever wonder where brand love comes from? So did Oath. Oath has found out by looking at the many underlying drivers of brand love in our latest global consumer research study. We all know what love feels like, and we know getting your consumers to love your brand is more important today than ever before. But WHY does a consumer love a brand? What does that relationship look like?...Come to this session and all will be revealed. 10.20 – 10.50 / PLENARY
  • 7. Panel - Rewiring the digital supply chain: the transparency you’re looking for? Ciaran O’Kane, CEO, Exchange Wire (Moderator) James Prudhomme, Managing Director EMEA, Index Exchange Erol Soyer, CEO and Founder, ProgRox Blockchain technology promises to bring new levels of automation to the booking and delivery of digital ads – and provide new levels of traceability and transparency in the process. Is a new technology the solution that can increase trust in digital advertising? Or will it complicate the supply chain further still? Ciaran O’Kane of Exchange Wire hosts a panel of ad tech experts putting the future of the digital supply chain under the spotlight. 11.15 – 11.50 HOT OR NOT Through a menu of expert-led side-sessions, we examine the prospects for the digital ecosystem’s emerging technologies. Will they bring disruption and opportunity – or simply distract marketers from the priorities they should be focusing on? 11.15 – 11.50 Digital Outdoor – Speaker to be announced The creative canvas of outdoor media promises new levels of digital engagement – but can brands combine the capacity for personalised targeting with visual impact at scale? 11.15 – 11.50 Presentation - Digital Audio - Marco Bertozzi, VP Sales Europe, Spotify Does a world of personalized listening experiences have a role for brands? We examine how creative and media strategies designed for radio must evolve for the era of the playlist. 11.15 – 11.50 / SEMINAR ROOM Digital Creativity - Shaa To be announced 11.55 – 12.20 / ART POINT Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality A new storytelling platform delivering unprecedented, immersive experiences? An empathy engine providing new levels of engagement? The future of research? Or unavoidably awkward technologies that aren’t yet ready for prime time? Will the real VR and AR please stand up.
  • 8. 11.55 – 12.20 / PLENARY Panel - Brand safety inflection point? John Montgomery, Executive VP Brand Safety, GroupM Global (Moderator) Neil Bowman, VP Advertising Technology, BBC Advertising Anthony Hitchings, Digital Advertising Operations Director, Financial Times Brand Safety may have beeen an overused phrase in 2017, but ensuring brands have safe experiences online has arguably hit its inflection point. Reacting to brands need for transparency the IAB introduced the ads.txt standard. On top of that there have been serious concerns about contextual advertising and a commitment from publishers and technology companies to demonstrate compliance with best practice. So what have we learned and what does the future hold for Brand confidence? LUNCH 13.20 – 13.55 / PLENARY Panel - Optimising the human: re-engineering roles for the new digital ecosystem Neslihan Olcay, Chief Executive Officer, Wavemaker Turkey, Chair of the Education and Training Committee IAB Europe Rob Beeler, Chairman of AdMonsters, Founder Beeler.Tech Richard Dunmall, President, MediaIQ Hossein Houssaini, Global Head of Programmatic Solutions, Havas Media In an increasingly automated and AI-driven media landscape, businesses face a fundamental choice: they can focus on efficiencies and push human beings into the background, or they can leverage the extra capacity that technology provides to empower their people. Ad Operations training consultant Rob Beeler is joined by Hossein Houssaini of Havas and Richard Dunmall of MediaIQ. Together they explore the talent development strategies that are securing a role for intuition, empathy and humanity in the media supply chain. 13.20 – 13.55 / PLENARY Keynote - Creativity and interactivity Caroline Hugonenc, Global VP research, Teads To be announced 14.15 - 14.50 / PLENARY Panel - The way ahead. Just what do advertisers want to see next in our industry. Hear directly from major brands Barbara Sala, CEE Media Director, Coca Cola
  • 9. Bastien Parizot, Global Head of Consumer Engagement and Personalization, Nestle Ben Sutherland, Chief Digital Officer, Diageo Online advertising is the most accountable medium marketers have ever had. It also brings frustrations. The advertiser view panel will be a frank discussion of what works well, and what could be improved, independently moderated by an experienced industry executive. Topics will be discussed with panellists ahead of time and cover current issues such as GDPR implications, data transparency and usage, creativity, perhaps direct to consumer and brand safety. The moderator will ensure that areas you do not wish to speak to are known. There may be questions from the floor. We have Diageo and Coca Cola lined up as other panellists. Given the topic at hand it will be great for the delegates to see and hear the views of the 'investors' in this industry. 14.50 – 15.25 / PLENARY Keynote - What Happens When Digital Giants Ditch Online Advertising? Evgeny Morozov, author of The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom The rise of digital giants has been facilitated by their clever business models which leverage personal data of their users and turn it into highly personalized online ads. Yet, the seeming permance of those models, once taken for granted, is increasingly put into question on a number of fronts. On the one hand, the ability to find secondary uses to the networked infrastructures as well as the data harvested in the process of selling online advertising has allowed big tech firms to expand far beyond their original business model and start offering services such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence; those services tend to offer much higher profit margins than online advertising (which itself is becoming more expensive due to higher costs of traffic acquisition). On the other hand, growing concerns about the negative social consequences of data extractivist models embraced by digital platforms (e.g. the ease with which fake news proliferates online) have pushed tech firms to consider other ways of monetizing their services, including subscription or usage fees for the services they offer; governments, on recognizing that tech platforms perform functions akin to those of utility firms, might eventually help subsidize some of those charges and usage fees, as long as it helps decrease the velocity and power of fake news. What are the social ramifications of this shift away from online advertising as the dominant force shaping the development of digital giants? And what would happen to many of their users' online and offline activities that digital giants have helped to subsidize, at whatever political and social cost?
  • 10. 15.25 – 16.00 / PLENARY Keynote - Embracing an ever-changing future for digital advertising Amelia Torode, Founder, The Fawnbrake Collective The importance of digital advertising to business growth will only increase – but that doesn't make the future of digital advertising any more predictable. To thrive, businesses must embrace the continual disruption that is characteristic of the digital landscape. Brand strategist Amelia Torode examines the practical changes that they can make, in order to do so: not just executing digital transformation programmes, but building business strategies, workplace cultures and supplier relationships that are optimised for on-going change. 16.00 – 16.05 / PLENARY Wrap Up Townsend Feehan, Chief Executive Officer, IAB Europe BOOK YOUR EARLY BIRD PASS BEFORE 31 MARCH Book here