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Intranasal administration of insulin to the brain impacts cognitive function

                                    and peripheral metabolism

                            Volker Ott1*, Christian Benedict2, Bernd Schultes3,

                                      Jan Born4, Manfred Hallschmid1

Department of Neuroendocrinology, University of Luebeck, Germany; 2Department of Neuroscience,

Functional Pharmacology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 3Interdisciplinary Obesity Center,

Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland; 4Department of Medical Psychology and Behavioral

Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany

Key Terms:       Insulin, intranasal, central nervous system, glucose homeostasis, energy homeostasis,

                 thermogenesis, cognitive function, insulin resistance, hepatic glucose production

Word Count:      3487

* To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed:

Department of Neuroendocrinology, Hs. 50.1

University of Luebeck

Ratzeburger Allee 160

23538 Luebeck, Germany

Phone: ++49-451-500-5375

Fax:     ++49-451-500-3640


This is an Accepted Article that has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication in the Diabetes,
Obesity and Metabolism, but has yet to undergo copy-editing and proof correction. Please cite this
article as an "Accepted Article"; doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2011.01490.x


In recent years, the central nervous system (CNS) has emerged as a principle site of insulin action.

This notion is supported by studies in animals relying on intracerebroventricular insulin infusion and

by experiments in humans that make use of the intranasal pathway of insulin administration to the

brain. Employing neurobehavioral and metabolic measurements as well as functional imaging

techniques, these studies have provided insight into a broad range of central and peripheral effects of

brain insulin. The present review focuses on CNS effects of insulin administered via the intranasal

route on cognition, in particular memory function, and whole-body energy homeostasis including

glucose metabolism. Furthermore, evidence is reviewed that suggests a pathophysiological role of

impaired brain insulin signaling in obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are hallmarked by peripheral

and possibly central nervous insulin resistance, as well as in conditions such as Alzheimer´s disease

where      CNS     insulin     resistance    might     contribute     to    cognitive     dysfunction.


In the mid-eighteen-hundreds, Claude Bernard demonstrated that puncture of the fourth cerebral

ventricle induces glucosuria in mice [1], giving rise to the assumption that the central nervous system

(CNS) is involved in glucose homeostasis. However, interest in the role the brain might play in the

regulation of glucose metabolism abated and was only sparked again more than a century later.

Havrankova and coworkers demonstrated in 1978 that insulin receptors are present throughout the rat

CNS [2], followed closely by the demonstration that insulin receptors are also expressed in the human

brain [3,4]. The insulin receptor, a tyrosine kinase receptor, is found in particularly high densities in

brain regions like the olfactory bulb, the cerebellum, the dentate gyrus, the pyriform cortex, the

hippocampus, the choroid plexus and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus [5]. Some animal

studies suggest that insulin gene expression takes place within the CNS [6,7]. However, although

indicators of insulin transcription in human brain tissue have been presented [8], solid evidence for

local insulin production in the human CNS is still lacking [9]. It is rather assumed that peripheral

insulin crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by a saturable, receptor-mediated transport mechanism

[9-11] and by binding to brain insulin receptors affects functions as diverse as energy and glucose

homeostasis [12-14], reproduction [13], growth [15] and neuronal plasticity [16]. Woods and co-

workers were the first to perform seminal studies indicating that insulin, circulating within the blood

stream in proportion to body fat stores, acts as an adiposity signal within in the CNS. In conjunction

with the adipokine leptin it provides the brain with negative feedback on the amount of peripheral

energy (i.e., fat) depots [17; for review see reference 18]. In line with this notion, CNS administration

of insulin reduces body adiposity by down-regulating food intake [12,19,20]. This catabolic effect has

been observed mainly in males, indicating that the role of insulin in central nervous body weight

regulation may have sex-specific properties [21-23]. Moreover, as will be outlined in this review,

insulin’s impact on the brain exceeds its involvement in energy homeostasis and pertains to cognitive

functions (Figure 1). Brain insulin signaling might even constitute a neuroendocrine link between both

domains and is therefore emerging as a potential target in the treatment of metabolic and cognitive

disorders [24].

Enhancing central nervous insulin signaling by intranasal insulin administration in humans

Whereas in animals effective modes of insulin administration to the CNS, e.g., direct

intracerebroventricular (ICV) [25] or hypothalamic infusion [26] are routinely employed, insulin

administration to the human brain is more complicated. The conventional way of increasing CNS

concentrations of insulin to investigate effects of brain insulin relies on the intravenous (IV) infusion

of the hormone which has been shown to result in an increase in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) insulin

concentrations [27]. This parenteral route, however, faces several serious drawbacks. The fall in blood

glucose levels resulting from systemic insulin infusion triggers the graded activation of endocrine axes

that can affect brain function [28], and below certain threshold levels inevitably impairs cognition

[29]. Insulin-induced hypoglycemia and its potentially harmful effects can be prevented by

simultaneous continuous glucose infusion that per se may exert a biasing impact on (cognitive) brain

functioning. Moreover, the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp procedure implies considerable time

and labor investments and, generally, systemic insulin administration does not permit the dissection of

insulin’s effects on the CNS from its direct peripheral actions e.g. in liver [30] and adipose tissue [31].

These methodological limitations are avoided by the intranasal (IN) route of administration that has

been shown in humans to bypass the BBB and effectively deliver insulin as well as other peptide

hormones to the CNS within one hour after administration in the absence of relevant systemic

absorption [32]. Accordingly, findings in animals demonstrate that intranasally administered

neuropeptides reach brain structures involved in the regulation of metabolism and cognition [33,34].

Intra-neuronal transport of neuropeptides from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb takes several

hours [35]. Thus, extra-neuronal passage through intercellular clefts of the olfactory epithelium,

situated on the superior turbinate and opposite the nasal septum [36], is assumed to be the preferential

path of peptide transport into the CNS compartment [32,37], with additional transport along trigeminal

nerve branches to brainstem regions [38].

        IN administration of insulin preparations for the purpose of systemic insulin substitution, i.e.,

as an alternative approach to subcutaneous insulin injection, is not within the scope of this review.

Information on this aspect of nasal insulin administration can be found elsewhere [e.g. references


Insulin modulates neurobehavioral measures of brain activity and cognition in humans

Insulin effects on human brain activity have been revealed in a number of studies relying on different

methodological approaches. CNS responses to IN insulin were observed in the form of distinct

alterations in auditory evoked electroencephalographic brain potential responses during an oddball-

paradigm in healthy men while peripheral blood glucose levels remained unchanged [41] . In a related

study, the IN administration of 60 international units of insulin induced a negative shift in direct

current brain potentials that was also found after IV bolus injection of the hormone [42]. Both the IN

and the intravenous effects emerged within 20 min after insulin administration, indicating that

increases in systemic insulin concentrations are rapidly reported to the brain and that IN delivery of

the compound bypassing the body periphery can have a comparable impact on brain activity. The

impact of systemic insulin on cerebrocortical activity was likewise measured in euglycemic-

hyperinsulinemic clamp studies that utilized magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings and

demonstrated that obesity [43,44] and the fat-mass and obesity associated (FTO) allele variant

rs8050136 [45] modify insulin’s effects on cerebrocortical beta- and theta-wave activity .

          Experiments employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have shown a positive

relationship between plasma insulin levels and activation of the right hippocampus in response to

viewing photographs of high-caloric food items [46]. In some contrast to these results, in another

fMRI study, food picture-related activity of this and other brain regions was found to be reduced after

IN insulin in comparison to placebo administration [47], raising the question if insulin acting on the

hippocampus is relevant for the regulation of ingestive behavior. On the other hand, the hippocampus

is highly relevant for the formation and maintenance of declarative memory, i.e. memory for facts and

episodes that is accessible to conscious recollection [for review see reference 48]. The ability to

acquire and retain memories depends on synaptic plasticity. Thus, long-term potentiation (LTP) and

long-term depression (LTD) of synaptic transmission, i.e. the augmentation or reduction of synaptic

efficacy are assumed to be important modulators of the strength of a memory representation [49,50].

Several studies indicate that insulin contributes to changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity by

potentiating LTD and LTP, respectively, at different synapses [for review see reference 51]. Moreover,

insulin receptors have been found to increase synapse density and dendritic plasticity in structures that

process visual input [52]. In addition to these mechanims, insulin may promote glucose utilization of

neuronal networks [53]. Although globally glucose transport to the CNS is assumed to be insulin-

independent [54-56], hyperinsulinemia has been shown          in rodents to exert effects on glucose

metabolism in regions like the anterior hypothalamus and the basolateral amygdale [57].

        In accordance with insulin’s effects on synaptic plasticity [52] and regional glucose uptake

[52], central nervous administration of the hormone via the IN route has been shown to improve

memory functions in studies in healthy humans [23,58,59]. In experiments performed in our lab, a

declarative memory test was conducted at the beginning and end of eight weeks of IN insulin

treatment (160 international units/d). In brief, lists of 30 words were presented and in addition to an

immediate recall 3 min after presentation, in a delayed recall one week later subjects wrote down all

words they still remembered. The delayed recall of words was significantly improved after eight

weeks of IN insulin administration whereas immediate word recall and non-declarative memory

functions were not affected [58]. In line with the strong accumulation of insulin receptors in

hippocampal and cortical brain structures [60], this finding indicates that insulin signaling contributes

to the formation of declarative, hippocampus-dependent memory contents. Noteworthy, beneficial

effects of IN insulin on declarative memory are not restricted to healthy subjects but have also been

shown in memory-impaired subjects [e.g. references 61,62]. Suzanne Craft and co-workers performed

a study in adults with mild cognitive impairments including amnestic symptoms (e.g., due to

Alzheimer´s disease) who were treated with IN insulin over a period of three weeks (2x20

international units/d) [61]. The primary outcome measure was the recall of a story containing 44

informational bits to which subjects listened and that they were asked to recall immediately and after a

20-minute delay. Patients treated with insulin showed significantly increased memory savings over the

21-day period compared to placebo. Considering reports of impaired brain glucose metabolism in

Alzheimer’s disease [63-65], it might be speculated that these effects and, in particular, acute insulin-

induced enhancements of cognitive function in memory-impaired patients occurring within minutes

[66] at least in part derive from increases in cerebral glucose metabolism. In related animal studies, IN

administration of the peptide slowed the development of diabetes-induced brain changes in a murine

model of type 1 diabetes [67].

        CNS insulin signaling has been linked not only to cognitive but also to emotional functions of

the brain. Most recently, lentivirus-mediated downregulation of hypothalamic insulin receptor

expression in rats has been shown to elicit depressive and anxiety-like behaviors [68]. Vice versa, the

8-week IN insulin treatment described above induced an improvement in rated mood in our human

subjects [58]. In mice, IN insulin enhanced object-memory and induced anxiolytic behavioral effects

[69]. However, in mice with impaired glucose tolerance due to diet-induced obesity receiving the same

dose of IN insulin both effects were abrogated [69]. These findings suggest that disturbed CNS insulin

signaling/CNS insulin resistance might link metabolic disorders like obesity with cognitive

impairments and also depressive symptoms. Further evidence for this assumption is discussed below.

CNS insulin signaling and peripheral metabolism

In animal experiments, brain insulin signaling has emerged as an important regulator of energy

balance [70-72]. Insulin’s net effect on energy homeostasis depends on several factors. Whereas

intravenously administered insulin exerts direct peripheral and, after BBB transport, central nervous

effects, intransally administered insulin selectively targets the CNS. In this context it is interesting to

note that the central nervous action of insulin on energy homeostasis partly opposes its peripheral

effects. Whereas after peripheral (IV or subcutaneous) administration insulin acts as an anabolic

hormone by promoting weight gain in form of muscle and fat mass [73,74], IN and ICV insulin

administration in humans and animals, respectively, induces catabolic effects by reducing food intake

[19,23] and as a consequence body fat content [20,21] particularly in the male organism [21-23]. In

parallel, central insulin exerts an anabolic impact on adipose tissue: in addition to the inhibition of

lipolysis by peripheral insulin [75,76], CNS insulin has been found to likewise inhibit lipolysis and

also to enhance lipogenesis [75,77,78]. Recent murine data also suggest that hypothalamic insulin

signaling potentiates brown adipose tissue thermogenesis through inhibition of warm sensitive neurons

[79]. Our group corroborated these findings in humans by demonstrating that IN insulin enhances

postprandial thermogenesis [80]. Thus, the catabolic effect of IN insulin appears to stem from reduced

energy intake [21,23] and increased energy expenditure [79,80] alike.

        Within the last decade, evidence has amounted that the impact of brain insulin signaling on

energy balance extends to glucose homeostasis. Hepatic glucose metabolism is an important

determinant of euglycemia [81]. By glycogenesis on the one hand and glycogenolysis and

gluconeogenesis on the other hand the liver stabilizes plasma glucose concentrations during

(postprandial) glucose abundance and (fasting) glucose depletion, respectively [82]. These processes

have long been known to be mediated by direct insulin action on hepatic insulin receptors and indirect

insulin effects on liver functions, including the downregulation of glucagon secretion and circulating

plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations [for      review see reference 83]. However, hepatic

glucose metabolism also seems to be under the control of a brain-liver axis. Obici and co-workers

have shown in rodents that genetic downregulation of hypothalamic insulin receptor expression

disinhibits hepatic glucose production [84]. This finding clearly hints at a reduction in hepatic insulin

sensitivity as a consequence of impaired hypothalamic insulin signaling. Fittingly, insulin has been

found to open ATP-sensitive potassium channels on glucose-responsive hypothalamic neurons and

the resulting neuronal hyperpolarization seems to be responsible for the vagal transmission of a signal

that downregulates hepatic glucose production [14,84]. However, in an experiment in dogs,

quadrupling the concentration of circulating insulin selectively in brain afferent arteries did not

enhance the inhibition of hepatic glucose production [85] which leaves open the question whether the

contribution of hypothalamic insulin signaling to insulin’s hepatic effects has a species-dependent


        In humans it has recently been shown that IV pretreatment with insulin potentiates glucose-

induced pancreatic insulin secretion by 40%, suggesting that circulating insulin exerts a direct positive

feedback on its own secretion [86]. Interestingly, a similar effect was found for brain insulin over 30

years ago in dogs, where ICV insulin administration increased pancreatic insulin secretion via a feed-

forward mechanism [87,88]. This brain-pancreatic crosstalk involving the vagal nerve has been

hypothesized to be another regulator of blood glucose. While effects of CNS insulin on peripheral

insulin sensitivity and pancreatic insulin secretion in humans are largely unexplored, two recent

studies have gathered evidence that insulin delivery to the brain does affect peripheral glucose

metabolism. IN insulin administration before intake of a liquid meal reduced postprandial circulating

insulin levels in healthy subjects while plasma glucose levels were unchanged in comparison to

placebo [80]. This finding suggests that brain insulin administration can enhance postprandial

peripheral insulin sensitivity, adding to the feed-forward effect of brain insulin on pancreatic insulin

secretion observed in animals. Another recent set of experiments performed by Stockhorst and

colleagues indicates that such brain-pancreatic cross-talk is accessible to classical conditioning [89].

On day 1, the investigators administered IN insulin vs. placebo that both have the same specific odor

due to the formulation with meta-cresol (a stabilizing agent in insulin solutions). They found an

increase in serum insulin concentrations and a reduction in blood glucose levels (within the

euglycemic range) after insulin compared with placebo, suggesting that activation of the brain-liver

axis enhanced pancreatic insulin secretion. On day 2, the procedure was repeated but placebo was

administered in both groups with the smell of meta-cresol functioning as a conditioned stimulus. Here,

the presentation of the conditioned stimulus alone after pretreatment with IN insulin on day 1 was

sufficient to cause an even enhanced increasing effect on serum insulin concentrations, which points to

a significant contribution of neurocognitive learning mechanisms to the regulation of peripheral

glucose homeostasis by brain insulin.

Central nervous system insulin resistance

Peripheral insulin resistance is a well-known feature of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Insulin resistance

in central nervous structures might likewise contribute to the development not only of these metabolic

disorders but also of cognitive impairments. Raising systemic insulin levels by IV infusion results in

increased CSF insulin concentrations in healthy, normal-weight subjects [27]. Obese subjects and

Alzheimer patients seem to display relatively decreased CSF insulin concentrations suggesting

reduced insulin transport across the BBB [90,91]. Likewise, in comparison to normal-weight subjects,

overweight humans show a decrease in MEG-recorded cortical activity during hyperinsulinemic-

euglycemic clamp experiments that is directly related to the amount of body fat and the degree of

peripheral insulin resistance [43]. These findings support the notion that in obesity both BBB insulin

transport and the central nervous sensitivity to insulin are reduced. Related studies relying on acute

and prolonged IN administration of the hormone have refined this picture. In further MEG-based

experiments, IN insulin acutely increased cerebrocortical activity in response to food vs. non-food

pictures in lean but not in obese subjects [92]. Long-term (8 weeks) administration of IN insulin in

obese subjects failed to affect body weight and fat mass [93] but still enhanced declarative memory

and dampened HPA-axis activity to a degree comparable with that observed in normal-weight subjects

[58,94]. This differential insulin response implies that brain regions involved in energy and glucose

homeostasis might be particularly prone to develop insulin resistance in obesity. In accordance with

these findings, in rats diet-induced obesity abolishes the catabolic actions of ICV insulin

administration, and a reduction in insulin receptor density in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus causes

hyperphagia (and, as mentioned above, also disinhibits hepatic glucose production) [84]. On a

molecular level, activation of the PI-3 signaling cascade subsequent to the binding of insulin to its

receptor mediates the majority of central nervous insulin effects on energy homeostasis [for review see

reference 95], while disturbances of this pathway are regarded as a likely cause of neuronal insulin

resistance [for review see 96].

        Reduced central nervous sensitivity might represent a pathophysiological link between

obesity, peripheral insulin resistance and cognitive disorders that have been found to be significantly

related in epidemiological studies [97,98]. Central insulin resistance seems to impair neuronal

plasticity via detrimental effects on glutamatergic and cholinergic pathways [99,100]. Such processes

are assumed to be influenced by genetic predisposition. One indicator for this assumption is that IN

insulin administration to patients with memory impairments improved memory functions

predominantly in non-carriers of the APOE*E4 allele, a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s

disease [62,66; for review see reference 101]. In this context, several further genetic polymorphisms

associated with reduced central nervous responsiveness to insulin have been characterized. Subjects

with the FTO gene polymorphism rs8050136 as well as carriers of the Gly972Arg polymorphism of

the Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 (IRS1) exhibit a decreased cerebrocortical response to IV insulin

[43,45]. Interestingly, these data support the suggested connection between the FTO variant and a

hyperphagic phenotype [102] characterised by a predilection for energy-dense foods [103], which

might involve decreased insulin sensitivity of food reward-related brain pathways [104].

Potential therapies aimed at overcoming CNS insulin resistance might include the IN

administration of insulin but could also rely on the insulin-sensitizing properties of the peroxisome

proliferator-activated receptor-ƴ (PPAR-ƴ) agonist rosiglitazone [105-108] and of metformin [109].

Regarding glucose homeostasis, enhancing central nervous/hypothalamic insulin signaling by insulin

administration to the brain might reinforce a vagally transmitted inhibitory signal on hepatic

gluconeogenesis [110], whose disinhibition represents a hallmark of type 2 diabetes and peripheral

insulin resistance [84]. The latter, moreover, appears to be highly associated with central nervous

insulin resistance [111]. IN insulin has been found to reduce HPA axis activity [58,93,94], thus

potentially opposing visceral adiposity and cognitive impairments due to stress-induced chronic HPA-

axis overactivation [112-114]. Moreover, in light of IN insulin’s acute memory-improving effects in

patients with mild cognitive impairments [61,62], the compound might ameliorate the harmful effects

on cognition that obesity and diabetes are suspected to engender [97].

        Notwithstanding these encouraging results, some caveats need to be addressed. In light of the

hyperinsulinemia that accompanies peripheral insulin resistance, it might be argued that the reduction

of CSF insulin levels observed in obese subjects [91] could represent a protective mechanism that

limits central nervous hyperinsulinemia and the potentially detrimental sequelae of cellular insulin

resistance inside the brain. Although speculative, this assumption is in line with findings that hint at a

dose-dependent directionality of central insulin’s impact on memory function. For example, acute IN

insulin administration to Alzheimer patients improved verbal memory recall only at lower doses (20

international units), whereas higher doses (up to 60 international units) were not effective and, in

carriers of the APOE*E4 allele, even induced a decline in memory performance [62]. In healthy

subjects, the induction of acute moderate euglycemic hyperinsulinemia has been found to trigger

central nervous system inflammation and beta-amyloid formation [115], both of which are known risk

factors for the development of cognitive impairments. The notion that brain hyperinsulinemia might

promote central nervous insulin resistance is supported by a recent in vitro-study showing that

prolonged (4-24 h) exposure of hypothalamic cells to high concentrations of insulin led to inactivation

and degradation of the insulin receptor and IRS-1 [116]. Against this background and considering that

long-term data on therapeutic and side effects of IN insulin in humans are so far lacking, obviously

much work is still necessary to sound the potential of brain insulin administration in the treatment of

cognitive and metabolic disorders.


Insulin binding to its receptors in the brain impacts a number of pivotal physiological functions,

including energy uptake and expenditure, glucose metabolism, adipocyte function and cognition. The

experimental data briefly summarized here clearly implicate CNS insulin resistance as a potentially

important factor in the pathophysiology of obesity and systemic insulin resistance as well as of

cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, the association between these disorders

found in epidemiological investigations may at least partly rely on dysregulated central nervous

insulin signaling. Although further studies are needed to substantiate the promising results of proof-of-

concept experiments on central nervous insulin administration, overcoming insulin resistance in the

brain may prove a viable therapeutic option in the treatment of these increasingly prevalent afflictions.


This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KFO126/B5), Germany. The funding

source   had    no   input   in   the   preparation,   review,   or   approval    of   the   manuscript.

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Figure 1. Insulin-mediated crosstalk between brain and body periphery

Intranasal/CNS and systemic insulin affect hepatic glucose production, pancreatic insulin secretion,

adipocyte function, energy homeostasis, and cognitive function. Respective citations in text boxes

refer to the reference list of the main text.


                                                                                                                 Intranasal/CNS insulin enhances
    Intranasal insulin                                                                                           declarative (e.g. word pairs) and
 bypasses the BBB and                                                                                              working memory (e.g. number
 achieves maximal CSF                                                                                             sequences) learning [23;58;59].
concentrations within 40
      minutes [32].

  Intranasal                              Insulin reaches the brain via
                                          receptor-mediated saturable
    insulin                                transport across the blood-                                         Intranasal/CNS insulin decreases
                                               brain-barrier [9;10].                    CNS insulin, like          food intake and enhances
           CNS insulin inhibits                                                         systemic insulin,         postprandial thermogenesis
         hepatic gluconeogenesis                                                      inhibits lipolysis and               [21;23;80].
                                                   CNS insulin increases
           via vagal efferences                 pancreatic insulin secretion         stimulates lipogenesis
                 [14;110].                      (feed-forward loop [87;88].)                 [77;78].

        Liver                                           Pancreas
                            Systemic insulin
                             inhibits gluco-                                  Systemic insulin
                            neogenesis via                                 inhibits lipolysis and
                             hepatic insulin                                    stimulates
                           receptors [82;83].                              lipogenesis [75;76].


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Insulina intranasal e cognição

  • 1. Intranasal administration of insulin to the brain impacts cognitive function and peripheral metabolism Volker Ott1*, Christian Benedict2, Bernd Schultes3, Jan Born4, Manfred Hallschmid1 1 Department of Neuroendocrinology, University of Luebeck, Germany; 2Department of Neuroscience, Functional Pharmacology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 3Interdisciplinary Obesity Center, Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen, Switzerland; 4Department of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany Key Terms: Insulin, intranasal, central nervous system, glucose homeostasis, energy homeostasis, thermogenesis, cognitive function, insulin resistance, hepatic glucose production Word Count: 3487 * To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed: Department of Neuroendocrinology, Hs. 50.1 University of Luebeck Ratzeburger Allee 160 23538 Luebeck, Germany Phone: ++49-451-500-5375 Fax: ++49-451-500-3640 E-mail: This is an Accepted Article that has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication in the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, but has yet to undergo copy-editing and proof correction. Please cite this article as an "Accepted Article"; doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1326.2011.01490.x 1
  • 2. Abstract In recent years, the central nervous system (CNS) has emerged as a principle site of insulin action. This notion is supported by studies in animals relying on intracerebroventricular insulin infusion and by experiments in humans that make use of the intranasal pathway of insulin administration to the brain. Employing neurobehavioral and metabolic measurements as well as functional imaging techniques, these studies have provided insight into a broad range of central and peripheral effects of brain insulin. The present review focuses on CNS effects of insulin administered via the intranasal route on cognition, in particular memory function, and whole-body energy homeostasis including glucose metabolism. Furthermore, evidence is reviewed that suggests a pathophysiological role of impaired brain insulin signaling in obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are hallmarked by peripheral and possibly central nervous insulin resistance, as well as in conditions such as Alzheimer´s disease where CNS insulin resistance might contribute to cognitive dysfunction. 2
  • 3. Introduction In the mid-eighteen-hundreds, Claude Bernard demonstrated that puncture of the fourth cerebral ventricle induces glucosuria in mice [1], giving rise to the assumption that the central nervous system (CNS) is involved in glucose homeostasis. However, interest in the role the brain might play in the regulation of glucose metabolism abated and was only sparked again more than a century later. Havrankova and coworkers demonstrated in 1978 that insulin receptors are present throughout the rat CNS [2], followed closely by the demonstration that insulin receptors are also expressed in the human brain [3,4]. The insulin receptor, a tyrosine kinase receptor, is found in particularly high densities in brain regions like the olfactory bulb, the cerebellum, the dentate gyrus, the pyriform cortex, the hippocampus, the choroid plexus and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus [5]. Some animal studies suggest that insulin gene expression takes place within the CNS [6,7]. However, although indicators of insulin transcription in human brain tissue have been presented [8], solid evidence for local insulin production in the human CNS is still lacking [9]. It is rather assumed that peripheral insulin crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by a saturable, receptor-mediated transport mechanism [9-11] and by binding to brain insulin receptors affects functions as diverse as energy and glucose homeostasis [12-14], reproduction [13], growth [15] and neuronal plasticity [16]. Woods and co- workers were the first to perform seminal studies indicating that insulin, circulating within the blood stream in proportion to body fat stores, acts as an adiposity signal within in the CNS. In conjunction with the adipokine leptin it provides the brain with negative feedback on the amount of peripheral energy (i.e., fat) depots [17; for review see reference 18]. In line with this notion, CNS administration of insulin reduces body adiposity by down-regulating food intake [12,19,20]. This catabolic effect has been observed mainly in males, indicating that the role of insulin in central nervous body weight regulation may have sex-specific properties [21-23]. Moreover, as will be outlined in this review, insulin’s impact on the brain exceeds its involvement in energy homeostasis and pertains to cognitive functions (Figure 1). Brain insulin signaling might even constitute a neuroendocrine link between both domains and is therefore emerging as a potential target in the treatment of metabolic and cognitive disorders [24]. 3
  • 4. Enhancing central nervous insulin signaling by intranasal insulin administration in humans Whereas in animals effective modes of insulin administration to the CNS, e.g., direct intracerebroventricular (ICV) [25] or hypothalamic infusion [26] are routinely employed, insulin administration to the human brain is more complicated. The conventional way of increasing CNS concentrations of insulin to investigate effects of brain insulin relies on the intravenous (IV) infusion of the hormone which has been shown to result in an increase in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) insulin concentrations [27]. This parenteral route, however, faces several serious drawbacks. The fall in blood glucose levels resulting from systemic insulin infusion triggers the graded activation of endocrine axes that can affect brain function [28], and below certain threshold levels inevitably impairs cognition [29]. Insulin-induced hypoglycemia and its potentially harmful effects can be prevented by simultaneous continuous glucose infusion that per se may exert a biasing impact on (cognitive) brain functioning. Moreover, the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp procedure implies considerable time and labor investments and, generally, systemic insulin administration does not permit the dissection of insulin’s effects on the CNS from its direct peripheral actions e.g. in liver [30] and adipose tissue [31]. These methodological limitations are avoided by the intranasal (IN) route of administration that has been shown in humans to bypass the BBB and effectively deliver insulin as well as other peptide hormones to the CNS within one hour after administration in the absence of relevant systemic absorption [32]. Accordingly, findings in animals demonstrate that intranasally administered neuropeptides reach brain structures involved in the regulation of metabolism and cognition [33,34]. Intra-neuronal transport of neuropeptides from the nasal cavity to the olfactory bulb takes several hours [35]. Thus, extra-neuronal passage through intercellular clefts of the olfactory epithelium, situated on the superior turbinate and opposite the nasal septum [36], is assumed to be the preferential path of peptide transport into the CNS compartment [32,37], with additional transport along trigeminal nerve branches to brainstem regions [38]. IN administration of insulin preparations for the purpose of systemic insulin substitution, i.e., as an alternative approach to subcutaneous insulin injection, is not within the scope of this review. 4
  • 5. Information on this aspect of nasal insulin administration can be found elsewhere [e.g. references 39,40]. Insulin modulates neurobehavioral measures of brain activity and cognition in humans Insulin effects on human brain activity have been revealed in a number of studies relying on different methodological approaches. CNS responses to IN insulin were observed in the form of distinct alterations in auditory evoked electroencephalographic brain potential responses during an oddball- paradigm in healthy men while peripheral blood glucose levels remained unchanged [41] . In a related study, the IN administration of 60 international units of insulin induced a negative shift in direct current brain potentials that was also found after IV bolus injection of the hormone [42]. Both the IN and the intravenous effects emerged within 20 min after insulin administration, indicating that increases in systemic insulin concentrations are rapidly reported to the brain and that IN delivery of the compound bypassing the body periphery can have a comparable impact on brain activity. The impact of systemic insulin on cerebrocortical activity was likewise measured in euglycemic- hyperinsulinemic clamp studies that utilized magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings and demonstrated that obesity [43,44] and the fat-mass and obesity associated (FTO) allele variant rs8050136 [45] modify insulin’s effects on cerebrocortical beta- and theta-wave activity . Experiments employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have shown a positive relationship between plasma insulin levels and activation of the right hippocampus in response to viewing photographs of high-caloric food items [46]. In some contrast to these results, in another fMRI study, food picture-related activity of this and other brain regions was found to be reduced after IN insulin in comparison to placebo administration [47], raising the question if insulin acting on the hippocampus is relevant for the regulation of ingestive behavior. On the other hand, the hippocampus is highly relevant for the formation and maintenance of declarative memory, i.e. memory for facts and episodes that is accessible to conscious recollection [for review see reference 48]. The ability to acquire and retain memories depends on synaptic plasticity. Thus, long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) of synaptic transmission, i.e. the augmentation or reduction of synaptic efficacy are assumed to be important modulators of the strength of a memory representation [49,50]. 5
  • 6. Several studies indicate that insulin contributes to changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity by potentiating LTD and LTP, respectively, at different synapses [for review see reference 51]. Moreover, insulin receptors have been found to increase synapse density and dendritic plasticity in structures that process visual input [52]. In addition to these mechanims, insulin may promote glucose utilization of neuronal networks [53]. Although globally glucose transport to the CNS is assumed to be insulin- independent [54-56], hyperinsulinemia has been shown in rodents to exert effects on glucose metabolism in regions like the anterior hypothalamus and the basolateral amygdale [57]. In accordance with insulin’s effects on synaptic plasticity [52] and regional glucose uptake [52], central nervous administration of the hormone via the IN route has been shown to improve memory functions in studies in healthy humans [23,58,59]. In experiments performed in our lab, a declarative memory test was conducted at the beginning and end of eight weeks of IN insulin treatment (160 international units/d). In brief, lists of 30 words were presented and in addition to an immediate recall 3 min after presentation, in a delayed recall one week later subjects wrote down all words they still remembered. The delayed recall of words was significantly improved after eight weeks of IN insulin administration whereas immediate word recall and non-declarative memory functions were not affected [58]. In line with the strong accumulation of insulin receptors in hippocampal and cortical brain structures [60], this finding indicates that insulin signaling contributes to the formation of declarative, hippocampus-dependent memory contents. Noteworthy, beneficial effects of IN insulin on declarative memory are not restricted to healthy subjects but have also been shown in memory-impaired subjects [e.g. references 61,62]. Suzanne Craft and co-workers performed a study in adults with mild cognitive impairments including amnestic symptoms (e.g., due to Alzheimer´s disease) who were treated with IN insulin over a period of three weeks (2x20 international units/d) [61]. The primary outcome measure was the recall of a story containing 44 informational bits to which subjects listened and that they were asked to recall immediately and after a 20-minute delay. Patients treated with insulin showed significantly increased memory savings over the 21-day period compared to placebo. Considering reports of impaired brain glucose metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease [63-65], it might be speculated that these effects and, in particular, acute insulin- induced enhancements of cognitive function in memory-impaired patients occurring within minutes 6
  • 7. [66] at least in part derive from increases in cerebral glucose metabolism. In related animal studies, IN administration of the peptide slowed the development of diabetes-induced brain changes in a murine model of type 1 diabetes [67]. CNS insulin signaling has been linked not only to cognitive but also to emotional functions of the brain. Most recently, lentivirus-mediated downregulation of hypothalamic insulin receptor expression in rats has been shown to elicit depressive and anxiety-like behaviors [68]. Vice versa, the 8-week IN insulin treatment described above induced an improvement in rated mood in our human subjects [58]. In mice, IN insulin enhanced object-memory and induced anxiolytic behavioral effects [69]. However, in mice with impaired glucose tolerance due to diet-induced obesity receiving the same dose of IN insulin both effects were abrogated [69]. These findings suggest that disturbed CNS insulin signaling/CNS insulin resistance might link metabolic disorders like obesity with cognitive impairments and also depressive symptoms. Further evidence for this assumption is discussed below. CNS insulin signaling and peripheral metabolism In animal experiments, brain insulin signaling has emerged as an important regulator of energy balance [70-72]. Insulin’s net effect on energy homeostasis depends on several factors. Whereas intravenously administered insulin exerts direct peripheral and, after BBB transport, central nervous effects, intransally administered insulin selectively targets the CNS. In this context it is interesting to note that the central nervous action of insulin on energy homeostasis partly opposes its peripheral effects. Whereas after peripheral (IV or subcutaneous) administration insulin acts as an anabolic hormone by promoting weight gain in form of muscle and fat mass [73,74], IN and ICV insulin administration in humans and animals, respectively, induces catabolic effects by reducing food intake [19,23] and as a consequence body fat content [20,21] particularly in the male organism [21-23]. In parallel, central insulin exerts an anabolic impact on adipose tissue: in addition to the inhibition of lipolysis by peripheral insulin [75,76], CNS insulin has been found to likewise inhibit lipolysis and also to enhance lipogenesis [75,77,78]. Recent murine data also suggest that hypothalamic insulin signaling potentiates brown adipose tissue thermogenesis through inhibition of warm sensitive neurons [79]. Our group corroborated these findings in humans by demonstrating that IN insulin enhances 7
  • 8. postprandial thermogenesis [80]. Thus, the catabolic effect of IN insulin appears to stem from reduced energy intake [21,23] and increased energy expenditure [79,80] alike. Within the last decade, evidence has amounted that the impact of brain insulin signaling on energy balance extends to glucose homeostasis. Hepatic glucose metabolism is an important determinant of euglycemia [81]. By glycogenesis on the one hand and glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis on the other hand the liver stabilizes plasma glucose concentrations during (postprandial) glucose abundance and (fasting) glucose depletion, respectively [82]. These processes have long been known to be mediated by direct insulin action on hepatic insulin receptors and indirect insulin effects on liver functions, including the downregulation of glucagon secretion and circulating plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations [for review see reference 83]. However, hepatic glucose metabolism also seems to be under the control of a brain-liver axis. Obici and co-workers have shown in rodents that genetic downregulation of hypothalamic insulin receptor expression disinhibits hepatic glucose production [84]. This finding clearly hints at a reduction in hepatic insulin sensitivity as a consequence of impaired hypothalamic insulin signaling. Fittingly, insulin has been found to open ATP-sensitive potassium channels on glucose-responsive hypothalamic neurons and the resulting neuronal hyperpolarization seems to be responsible for the vagal transmission of a signal that downregulates hepatic glucose production [14,84]. However, in an experiment in dogs, quadrupling the concentration of circulating insulin selectively in brain afferent arteries did not enhance the inhibition of hepatic glucose production [85] which leaves open the question whether the contribution of hypothalamic insulin signaling to insulin’s hepatic effects has a species-dependent component. In humans it has recently been shown that IV pretreatment with insulin potentiates glucose- induced pancreatic insulin secretion by 40%, suggesting that circulating insulin exerts a direct positive feedback on its own secretion [86]. Interestingly, a similar effect was found for brain insulin over 30 years ago in dogs, where ICV insulin administration increased pancreatic insulin secretion via a feed- forward mechanism [87,88]. This brain-pancreatic crosstalk involving the vagal nerve has been hypothesized to be another regulator of blood glucose. While effects of CNS insulin on peripheral insulin sensitivity and pancreatic insulin secretion in humans are largely unexplored, two recent 8
  • 9. studies have gathered evidence that insulin delivery to the brain does affect peripheral glucose metabolism. IN insulin administration before intake of a liquid meal reduced postprandial circulating insulin levels in healthy subjects while plasma glucose levels were unchanged in comparison to placebo [80]. This finding suggests that brain insulin administration can enhance postprandial peripheral insulin sensitivity, adding to the feed-forward effect of brain insulin on pancreatic insulin secretion observed in animals. Another recent set of experiments performed by Stockhorst and colleagues indicates that such brain-pancreatic cross-talk is accessible to classical conditioning [89]. On day 1, the investigators administered IN insulin vs. placebo that both have the same specific odor due to the formulation with meta-cresol (a stabilizing agent in insulin solutions). They found an increase in serum insulin concentrations and a reduction in blood glucose levels (within the euglycemic range) after insulin compared with placebo, suggesting that activation of the brain-liver axis enhanced pancreatic insulin secretion. On day 2, the procedure was repeated but placebo was administered in both groups with the smell of meta-cresol functioning as a conditioned stimulus. Here, the presentation of the conditioned stimulus alone after pretreatment with IN insulin on day 1 was sufficient to cause an even enhanced increasing effect on serum insulin concentrations, which points to a significant contribution of neurocognitive learning mechanisms to the regulation of peripheral glucose homeostasis by brain insulin. Central nervous system insulin resistance Peripheral insulin resistance is a well-known feature of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Insulin resistance in central nervous structures might likewise contribute to the development not only of these metabolic disorders but also of cognitive impairments. Raising systemic insulin levels by IV infusion results in increased CSF insulin concentrations in healthy, normal-weight subjects [27]. Obese subjects and Alzheimer patients seem to display relatively decreased CSF insulin concentrations suggesting reduced insulin transport across the BBB [90,91]. Likewise, in comparison to normal-weight subjects, overweight humans show a decrease in MEG-recorded cortical activity during hyperinsulinemic- euglycemic clamp experiments that is directly related to the amount of body fat and the degree of peripheral insulin resistance [43]. These findings support the notion that in obesity both BBB insulin transport and the central nervous sensitivity to insulin are reduced. Related studies relying on acute 9
  • 10. and prolonged IN administration of the hormone have refined this picture. In further MEG-based experiments, IN insulin acutely increased cerebrocortical activity in response to food vs. non-food pictures in lean but not in obese subjects [92]. Long-term (8 weeks) administration of IN insulin in obese subjects failed to affect body weight and fat mass [93] but still enhanced declarative memory and dampened HPA-axis activity to a degree comparable with that observed in normal-weight subjects [58,94]. This differential insulin response implies that brain regions involved in energy and glucose homeostasis might be particularly prone to develop insulin resistance in obesity. In accordance with these findings, in rats diet-induced obesity abolishes the catabolic actions of ICV insulin administration, and a reduction in insulin receptor density in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus causes hyperphagia (and, as mentioned above, also disinhibits hepatic glucose production) [84]. On a molecular level, activation of the PI-3 signaling cascade subsequent to the binding of insulin to its receptor mediates the majority of central nervous insulin effects on energy homeostasis [for review see reference 95], while disturbances of this pathway are regarded as a likely cause of neuronal insulin resistance [for review see 96]. Reduced central nervous sensitivity might represent a pathophysiological link between obesity, peripheral insulin resistance and cognitive disorders that have been found to be significantly related in epidemiological studies [97,98]. Central insulin resistance seems to impair neuronal plasticity via detrimental effects on glutamatergic and cholinergic pathways [99,100]. Such processes are assumed to be influenced by genetic predisposition. One indicator for this assumption is that IN insulin administration to patients with memory impairments improved memory functions predominantly in non-carriers of the APOE*E4 allele, a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s disease [62,66; for review see reference 101]. In this context, several further genetic polymorphisms associated with reduced central nervous responsiveness to insulin have been characterized. Subjects with the FTO gene polymorphism rs8050136 as well as carriers of the Gly972Arg polymorphism of the Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 (IRS1) exhibit a decreased cerebrocortical response to IV insulin [43,45]. Interestingly, these data support the suggested connection between the FTO variant and a hyperphagic phenotype [102] characterised by a predilection for energy-dense foods [103], which might involve decreased insulin sensitivity of food reward-related brain pathways [104]. 10
  • 11. Potential therapies aimed at overcoming CNS insulin resistance might include the IN administration of insulin but could also rely on the insulin-sensitizing properties of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-ƴ (PPAR-ƴ) agonist rosiglitazone [105-108] and of metformin [109]. Regarding glucose homeostasis, enhancing central nervous/hypothalamic insulin signaling by insulin administration to the brain might reinforce a vagally transmitted inhibitory signal on hepatic gluconeogenesis [110], whose disinhibition represents a hallmark of type 2 diabetes and peripheral insulin resistance [84]. The latter, moreover, appears to be highly associated with central nervous insulin resistance [111]. IN insulin has been found to reduce HPA axis activity [58,93,94], thus potentially opposing visceral adiposity and cognitive impairments due to stress-induced chronic HPA- axis overactivation [112-114]. Moreover, in light of IN insulin’s acute memory-improving effects in patients with mild cognitive impairments [61,62], the compound might ameliorate the harmful effects on cognition that obesity and diabetes are suspected to engender [97]. Notwithstanding these encouraging results, some caveats need to be addressed. In light of the hyperinsulinemia that accompanies peripheral insulin resistance, it might be argued that the reduction of CSF insulin levels observed in obese subjects [91] could represent a protective mechanism that limits central nervous hyperinsulinemia and the potentially detrimental sequelae of cellular insulin resistance inside the brain. Although speculative, this assumption is in line with findings that hint at a dose-dependent directionality of central insulin’s impact on memory function. For example, acute IN insulin administration to Alzheimer patients improved verbal memory recall only at lower doses (20 international units), whereas higher doses (up to 60 international units) were not effective and, in carriers of the APOE*E4 allele, even induced a decline in memory performance [62]. In healthy subjects, the induction of acute moderate euglycemic hyperinsulinemia has been found to trigger central nervous system inflammation and beta-amyloid formation [115], both of which are known risk factors for the development of cognitive impairments. The notion that brain hyperinsulinemia might promote central nervous insulin resistance is supported by a recent in vitro-study showing that prolonged (4-24 h) exposure of hypothalamic cells to high concentrations of insulin led to inactivation and degradation of the insulin receptor and IRS-1 [116]. Against this background and considering that long-term data on therapeutic and side effects of IN insulin in humans are so far lacking, obviously 11
  • 12. much work is still necessary to sound the potential of brain insulin administration in the treatment of cognitive and metabolic disorders. Conclusion Insulin binding to its receptors in the brain impacts a number of pivotal physiological functions, including energy uptake and expenditure, glucose metabolism, adipocyte function and cognition. The experimental data briefly summarized here clearly implicate CNS insulin resistance as a potentially important factor in the pathophysiology of obesity and systemic insulin resistance as well as of cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, the association between these disorders found in epidemiological investigations may at least partly rely on dysregulated central nervous insulin signaling. Although further studies are needed to substantiate the promising results of proof-of- concept experiments on central nervous insulin administration, overcoming insulin resistance in the brain may prove a viable therapeutic option in the treatment of these increasingly prevalent afflictions. Acknowledgments This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KFO126/B5), Germany. The funding source had no input in the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. 12
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  • 21. Figure 1. Insulin-mediated crosstalk between brain and body periphery Intranasal/CNS and systemic insulin affect hepatic glucose production, pancreatic insulin secretion, adipocyte function, energy homeostasis, and cognitive function. Respective citations in text boxes refer to the reference list of the main text. 21
  • 22. 2-4-1-9-5-8-3 Moon-Night Intranasal/CNS insulin enhances Intranasal insulin declarative (e.g. word pairs) and bypasses the BBB and working memory (e.g. number achieves maximal CSF sequences) learning [23;58;59]. concentrations within 40 minutes [32]. Intranasal Insulin reaches the brain via receptor-mediated saturable insulin transport across the blood- Intranasal/CNS insulin decreases brain-barrier [9;10]. CNS insulin, like food intake and enhances CNS insulin inhibits systemic insulin, postprandial thermogenesis hepatic gluconeogenesis inhibits lipolysis and [21;23;80]. CNS insulin increases via vagal efferences pancreatic insulin secretion stimulates lipogenesis [14;110]. (feed-forward loop [87;88].) [77;78]. Liver Pancreas Systemic insulin Adipocytes inhibits gluco- Systemic insulin neogenesis via inhibits lipolysis and hepatic insulin stimulates receptors [82;83]. lipogenesis [75;76]. 22