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Prueba de Inglés 6to año


Estimado docente,
Le presentamos adjunto el instructivo para tomar la prueba de inglés de 6to. año de Primaria.
Le agradecemos que lea atentamente los instructivos de cada sección antes de tomar la prueba. Este instructivo
busca asegurar las condiciones de aplicación más uniformes y válidas posibles en todas las escuelas del país.
Recuerde que esta prueba busca evaluar el nivel de salida de Primaria para ofrecer un nivel adecuado en
Enseñanza Media. Por lo tanto, es importante que los docentes no provean a los niños de más ayuda de la que se
establece en los instructivos, de modo de no alterar los resultados.
Le agradecemos mucho su colaboración y compromiso en esta tarea.
Cordiales saludos,

Equipo de Articulación Inglés
Primaria – Secundaria
Programa de Políticas Lingüísticas
Noviembre 2010

                                           INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES

1) Orden de la prueba:                                       3) Es fundamental el cumplimiento de los tiempos
1ª sección:    LISTENING I y II                              establecidos para cada sección de la prueba, tal como
               Hoja de examen (1 página)                     figuran en cada sección del instructivo.
                                                             4) Las pruebas de todo el país serán corregidas
2ª sección:    READING I y II                                centralmente en Montevideo. Una vez terminadas
               Librillo de examen (páginas 2 - 5)            todas las secciones de la prueba, el docente debe
3ª sección:    WRITING I y II                                poner todos los materiales en un sobre y
               Librillo de examen (páginas 6 - 7)            entregárselos al Director de la Escuela (hoja del
                                                             Listening, librillo del Reading y Writing, planilla del
4ª sección:    SPEAKING                                      Speaking). Este o el Profesor Articulador de
               Planilla página 8 de este instructivo.        Secundaria enviarán el sobre a:
                                                             Programa de Políticas Lingüísticas, ANEP - CODICEN
2) Todas las instrucciones dirigidas a los niños deben       Colonia 1013, Piso 8, Oficina 5
hacerse en inglés.                                           C.P. 11100, Montevideo

                              Departamento de Segundas Lenguas y Lenguas Extranjeras, CEIP
                                               Inspección de Inglés, CES
                                           Programa de Políticas Lingüísticas
                                                   ANEP - CODICEN
                                                   Noviembre 2010

In this section students will be assessed in listening comprehension. The listening material
consists in two different dialogs and two tasks, one corresponding to each dialog. The whole
section has to be completed in 10 minutes (5 minutes for each task).

Listening I (CD, Tracks 1 and 2, 5 minutes)                                                                 )
Tell the students that they will hear a conversation between two people, Carlos and Amanda, about what
they did last weekend, and that they have to tick below the pictures corresponding to the activities they
did, as shown in the example. Point to the pictures and clearly explain that Carlos and Amanda did some
of these activities and not others. They have to tick only those that any of them did, and leave blank the
others.             .                                                                                        .
Tell students that they will hear the conversation twice, and only twice, and they will complete the task
while listening to the conversation.                                                                         .
It is very likely that the students have not done a task like this before. So, make sure that they understand
what they have to do. If necessary, go over the instructions again before playing the CD.
Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is it
correct to tick the hamburguer?”). If a student asks a question in Spanish, the examiner must rephrase
the question in English before answering.
Example: Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer en este ejercicio”
Examiner: “Oh, so you didn’t understand what you have to do in this exercise (Pointing to the
Examiner’s explanations and answers have to be in English.
Give a few seconds to students to look at the pictures before playing the CD. Tracks 1 and 2 in the CD
contain the same dialog, required for this task. Make sure that all students are able to listen well
from their sit. Play tracks 1 and 2, and then stop.
After students have finished Listening I task, start explaining Listening II task.
Listening II (CD, Tracks 3 and 4, 5 minutes)
Tell the students that they will hear another conversation between the same two people, Carlos and
Amanda. This time they have to decide if the statements are True or False. Read all the statements
aloud once. Then, give some time to students to read the statements on their own. Explain to the
students that they have to write a T or an F before each statement, as shown in the example. No
statement can be left without a letter.
Tell students that they will hear the conversation twice, and only twice, and they will have to write
the T or F while listening to the conversation.
It is very likely that the students have not done a task like this before. So, make sure that they
understand what they have to do. If necessary, go over the instructions again.
Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is it
correct to write a T here?”).
After you read the statements and gave a minute to students to read them on their own, play tracks 3
and 4 in the CD. Both tracks contain the same dialog, required for task 2. Make sure that all students
are able to listen well from their sit. Play tracks 3 and 4, and then stop.


      Time: 20 minutes

       In this section students will be assessed in reading comprehension. Students have to read
the text and complete a chart using the information provided in the text. Students will have a
total of 20 minutes to complete this task. Once the 20 minutes period is completed, students
will start all together the Reading II task. If a student finishes before the 20 minute period,
he/she will wait in silence.

       Read aloud the title of the text (“Dinosaurs”), and explain to the students that the text is
about dinosaurs and that they will have a task consisting in completing boxes in a chart. Do not
read the text out-loud, each student has to read it for himself/herself. Read aloud the title of the
exercise (“Complete the empty boxes of the following chart with the corresponding
information”) and explain how to do the exercise properly, using the examples provided.

       Show the students the chart, pointing to the empty boxes. Read first all the categories
(Dinosaurs, Diet, Size, Weight, Physical description, and the names of the Dinosaurs provided)
pointing to what is being read and showing it to the students. Then, read the example provided
in the first row, pointing to the text (“Long neck, long tail, small head and very tiny brain”).
Explain to the students that that is the physical description of the Apatosaurus.

     Make sure that students understand what they have to do, which is to complete the
empty boxes. If necessary, go over the instructions again, reading one more example provided.

      Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer questions related to
how to fill a specific box or the meaning of certain words. It is also not allowed to answer
confirmation questions (e.g. “Is it correct if I write big head here?”)

      If a student asks a question in Spanish, the examiner must rephrase the question in
English before answering.
Example: - Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer en este ejercicio”
          - Examiner: “Oh, so you didn’t understand what you have to do in this exercise
                     (Pointing to the exercise).

       Examiner’s explanations and answers have to be in English. The examiner is encouraged
to use body language any time during the explanations.

      5 minutes before time is over, tell students that they have 5 minutes left .


      Time: 20 minutes

       In this section students will be assessed in reading comprehension. Students have to read
the text and complete a multiple choice task with 10 questions using the information provided
in the text. Students will have a total of 20 minutes to complete this task. Once the 20 minutes
period is completed, students will start all together the Writing section. If a student finishes
before the 20 minute period, he/she will wait in silence.

        Read aloud the title of the text (“The Solar System”), and explain to the students that the
text is about the solar system and that they will have a task with questions. Do not read the text
out-loud, each student has to read it for himself/herself. Read aloud the title of the exercise
(“Circle the correct answer”) and explain how to do the exercise properly.

      Show the students the set of 10 questions located after the text, and make sure that they
understand what they need to do, as shown in the example. Explain to the students that only
one answer is correct, do not circle more than one option. Show students that the questions are
organized in two sets with different layouts: the first 6 questions have the options displayed
horizontally; the last 4 questions have the options displayed vertically. Make sure that the
students do not get confused.

       At the end of the explanation, ask for any doubts about the exercise. If necessary, go over
the instructions again.

     Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer questions related to
how to answer a specific sentence or the meaning of certain words. It is also not allowed to
answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is option (b) correct?”)

      If a student asks a question in Spanish, the examiner must rephrase the question in
English before answering.
Example: - Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer en este ejercicio”
          - Examiner: “Oh, so you didn´t understand what you have to do in this exercise
                     (Pointing to the exercise).

       Examiner’s explanations and answers have to be in English. The examiner is encouraged
to use body language any time during the explanations.

      5 minutes before time is over, tell students that they have 5 minutes left .


        Time: 40 minutes
In this section students will be assessed in writing. The students will have to do two writing tasks:

      Writing I: “Describe yourself and your daily routine.”
      Writing II: “Write an email inviting a friend to the cinema.”

       Read the instructions aloud and explain to students clearly that they have to do both
tasks. Tell them that you will explain both tasks before they start writing.
Explain that they will have 40 minutes total.

       Writing I: Read the title of the task and the three bullet points (“Describe yourself and your
daily routine, Your physical description, your family, everyday activities at home and at school”.)
Point to the word bank provided in the first task and tell students that they can use those words
to write the text. Also point to the lines where they are asked to write. Do not read the words
included in the word bank. Make sure the students know what they have to do, and then turn to
the explanation of the following task.

       Writing II: Read all the instructions including the bullet points (“Write an email inviting a
friend to the cinema. Tell your friend …, Don’t forget the subject line”). Explain to the students
that they have to use the information provided in the picture, but do not read the information in
the Theater sign. Point to the email format and explain to students that they are asked to write
the From-line, the Subject-line and the message in the box. Make sure that students understood
the instructions. If necessary, go over the instructions again.

       All instructions have to be given in English. Feel free to use body language
as much as needed to convey meaning. If a student asks a question in Spanish the facilitator
must rephrase the question in English before answering.
Example: Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer con las palabras de la burbuja”
Facilitator: “Oh, so you didn’t understand how to use these words?” (the teacher points to the
words inside the bubble)

      The facilitator’s answer has to be in English. The facilitator is encouraged to use body
language any time during the explanations.


        Time: 8 minutes total (2 students)
        The speaking test is divided in three parts. It is important to bear in mind that at this stage,
students are very young and they may be rather nervous during the test. Hence, creating a good
atmosphere and a safe environment will help both the teacher and the students.
        Students will take the oral exam in pairs. The Oral Examination may be slightly shorter or
longer, but in order to be fair to all students, it should last no less than 8 minutes and no longer
than 10 minutes total (2 students).
        The Oral Examination will be run by 2 or 3 examiners, who will examine a pair of students
at a time. If at the end of the session there is an uneven number of candidates, the very last
examination will involve 3 students at the same time. The test will then last 2 minutes longer,
total 10 minutes.
        The two examiners are the Facilitator (Primary School English teacher) and the Assessor
(Secondary School English teacher). The Facilitator is in charge of conducting the examination.
The Assessor is in charge of evaluating students’ performance and awarding marks for the areas
listed in the assessment form on page 8. The Assessor does not participate in the conduction of
the exam.
        Students will be assessed in the following areas: vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency,
accuracy, and overall impression; which will be marked as indicated in Chart 1. Each student will
be assigned a grade according to Chart 2.

         CHART 1: Marks                                          CHART 2: Grades
         Vocabulary           5 marks                            0 - 11 Needs improvement
         Pronunciation        2 marks                            12 – 14 Acceptable
         Fluency              3 marks                            15 – 16 Good
         Accuracy             4 marks                            17 – 18 Very Good
         Overall Impression   6 marks                            19 – 20 Excellent
         TOTAL                20 MARKS

Parts of the Test

Stage 1: Interview – 2 minutes total

       At the beginning of the test greet the students and make sure they feel at ease.

Ask the students 4 of the following questions, one at a time:
What’s your name?
How old are you?
Tell me about your family.

Do you like your school? Why/ Why not?
What’s the weather like?
Have you got any pets? Would you like to have one? Which kind of pet?
What time is it now?
How often do you visit your grandparents?
What do you do every day?
Do you like studying English? Why/Why not?
What do you do on your weekends?
Tell me about your best friend.
What do you do in the summer?

          If the student does not answer the questions, the examiner will skip this
                          stage and move on to the following stage

Stage 2: Project – 4 minutes total (2 minutes each)

In this part of the test, students will talk about a project they had prepared in advance in the
English class (portfolio, poster, model, semantic map or other). They will come into the room
with their project, which will help them organize their presentation. They will be asked to make a
short presentation about it. Each presentation will last 2 minutes.
Students will present their projects one at a time. Encourage students to use the project as an
aid during the presentation, to explain the different parts of it. Students can’t bring full
sentences or paragraphs printed, they can have key words, key phrases but they must construct
the sentences themselves. The aim is to encourage them to present the project using their own

Stage 3: Pair group - 2 minutes total (1 minute each)
After both students have presented the project, each of them will be encouraged to ask the
other three questions about the project. The goal of this stage is to evaluate the student’s ability
to ask questions. If the student can’t come up with any question spontaneously, read all the
questions below as examples and encourage him/her again to ask these or other questions:
Why did you choose this topic?
What do you like about it?
Where did you get the information?
Who did you prepare the project with?
What did you learn preparing this project?

                  Assessment form
Nr.        Name of student          V   P   F   A OI   Total


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Instructions for the examiner

  • 1. Prueba de Inglés 6to año INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE EXAMINER Estimado docente, Le presentamos adjunto el instructivo para tomar la prueba de inglés de 6to. año de Primaria. Le agradecemos que lea atentamente los instructivos de cada sección antes de tomar la prueba. Este instructivo busca asegurar las condiciones de aplicación más uniformes y válidas posibles en todas las escuelas del país. Recuerde que esta prueba busca evaluar el nivel de salida de Primaria para ofrecer un nivel adecuado en Enseñanza Media. Por lo tanto, es importante que los docentes no provean a los niños de más ayuda de la que se establece en los instructivos, de modo de no alterar los resultados. Le agradecemos mucho su colaboración y compromiso en esta tarea. Cordiales saludos, Equipo de Articulación Inglés Primaria – Secundaria Programa de Políticas Lingüísticas Noviembre 2010 INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES 1) Orden de la prueba: 3) Es fundamental el cumplimiento de los tiempos 1ª sección: LISTENING I y II establecidos para cada sección de la prueba, tal como Hoja de examen (1 página) figuran en cada sección del instructivo. 4) Las pruebas de todo el país serán corregidas 2ª sección: READING I y II centralmente en Montevideo. Una vez terminadas Librillo de examen (páginas 2 - 5) todas las secciones de la prueba, el docente debe 3ª sección: WRITING I y II poner todos los materiales en un sobre y Librillo de examen (páginas 6 - 7) entregárselos al Director de la Escuela (hoja del Listening, librillo del Reading y Writing, planilla del 4ª sección: SPEAKING Speaking). Este o el Profesor Articulador de Planilla página 8 de este instructivo. Secundaria enviarán el sobre a: Programa de Políticas Lingüísticas, ANEP - CODICEN 2) Todas las instrucciones dirigidas a los niños deben Colonia 1013, Piso 8, Oficina 5 hacerse en inglés. C.P. 11100, Montevideo Departamento de Segundas Lenguas y Lenguas Extranjeras, CEIP Inspección de Inglés, CES Programa de Políticas Lingüísticas ANEP - CODICEN Noviembre 2010 1
  • 2. LISTENING COMPREHENSION In this section students will be assessed in listening comprehension. The listening material consists in two different dialogs and two tasks, one corresponding to each dialog. The whole section has to be completed in 10 minutes (5 minutes for each task). Listening I (CD, Tracks 1 and 2, 5 minutes) ) Tell the students that they will hear a conversation between two people, Carlos and Amanda, about what they did last weekend, and that they have to tick below the pictures corresponding to the activities they did, as shown in the example. Point to the pictures and clearly explain that Carlos and Amanda did some of these activities and not others. They have to tick only those that any of them did, and leave blank the others. . . Tell students that they will hear the conversation twice, and only twice, and they will complete the task while listening to the conversation. . It is very likely that the students have not done a task like this before. So, make sure that they understand what they have to do. If necessary, go over the instructions again before playing the CD. Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is it correct to tick the hamburguer?”). If a student asks a question in Spanish, the examiner must rephrase the question in English before answering. Example: Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer en este ejercicio” Examiner: “Oh, so you didn’t understand what you have to do in this exercise (Pointing to the exercise). Examiner’s explanations and answers have to be in English. Give a few seconds to students to look at the pictures before playing the CD. Tracks 1 and 2 in the CD contain the same dialog, required for this task. Make sure that all students are able to listen well from their sit. Play tracks 1 and 2, and then stop. After students have finished Listening I task, start explaining Listening II task. Listening II (CD, Tracks 3 and 4, 5 minutes) Tell the students that they will hear another conversation between the same two people, Carlos and Amanda. This time they have to decide if the statements are True or False. Read all the statements aloud once. Then, give some time to students to read the statements on their own. Explain to the students that they have to write a T or an F before each statement, as shown in the example. No statement can be left without a letter. Tell students that they will hear the conversation twice, and only twice, and they will have to write the T or F while listening to the conversation. It is very likely that the students have not done a task like this before. So, make sure that they understand what they have to do. If necessary, go over the instructions again. Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is it correct to write a T here?”). After you read the statements and gave a minute to students to read them on their own, play tracks 3 and 4 in the CD. Both tracks contain the same dialog, required for task 2. Make sure that all students are able to listen well from their sit. Play tracks 3 and 4, and then stop. 2
  • 3. READING I: DINOSAURS Time: 20 minutes In this section students will be assessed in reading comprehension. Students have to read the text and complete a chart using the information provided in the text. Students will have a total of 20 minutes to complete this task. Once the 20 minutes period is completed, students will start all together the Reading II task. If a student finishes before the 20 minute period, he/she will wait in silence. Read aloud the title of the text (“Dinosaurs”), and explain to the students that the text is about dinosaurs and that they will have a task consisting in completing boxes in a chart. Do not read the text out-loud, each student has to read it for himself/herself. Read aloud the title of the exercise (“Complete the empty boxes of the following chart with the corresponding information”) and explain how to do the exercise properly, using the examples provided. Show the students the chart, pointing to the empty boxes. Read first all the categories (Dinosaurs, Diet, Size, Weight, Physical description, and the names of the Dinosaurs provided) pointing to what is being read and showing it to the students. Then, read the example provided in the first row, pointing to the text (“Long neck, long tail, small head and very tiny brain”). Explain to the students that that is the physical description of the Apatosaurus. Make sure that students understand what they have to do, which is to complete the empty boxes. If necessary, go over the instructions again, reading one more example provided. Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer questions related to how to fill a specific box or the meaning of certain words. It is also not allowed to answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is it correct if I write big head here?”) If a student asks a question in Spanish, the examiner must rephrase the question in English before answering. Example: - Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer en este ejercicio” - Examiner: “Oh, so you didn’t understand what you have to do in this exercise (Pointing to the exercise). Examiner’s explanations and answers have to be in English. The examiner is encouraged to use body language any time during the explanations. 5 minutes before time is over, tell students that they have 5 minutes left . 3
  • 4. READING II: THE SOLAR SYSTEM Time: 20 minutes In this section students will be assessed in reading comprehension. Students have to read the text and complete a multiple choice task with 10 questions using the information provided in the text. Students will have a total of 20 minutes to complete this task. Once the 20 minutes period is completed, students will start all together the Writing section. If a student finishes before the 20 minute period, he/she will wait in silence. Read aloud the title of the text (“The Solar System”), and explain to the students that the text is about the solar system and that they will have a task with questions. Do not read the text out-loud, each student has to read it for himself/herself. Read aloud the title of the exercise (“Circle the correct answer”) and explain how to do the exercise properly. Show the students the set of 10 questions located after the text, and make sure that they understand what they need to do, as shown in the example. Explain to the students that only one answer is correct, do not circle more than one option. Show students that the questions are organized in two sets with different layouts: the first 6 questions have the options displayed horizontally; the last 4 questions have the options displayed vertically. Make sure that the students do not get confused. At the end of the explanation, ask for any doubts about the exercise. If necessary, go over the instructions again. Clearly tell the students that the examiner is not allowed to answer questions related to how to answer a specific sentence or the meaning of certain words. It is also not allowed to answer confirmation questions (e.g. “Is option (b) correct?”) If a student asks a question in Spanish, the examiner must rephrase the question in English before answering. Example: - Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer en este ejercicio” - Examiner: “Oh, so you didn´t understand what you have to do in this exercise (Pointing to the exercise). Examiner’s explanations and answers have to be in English. The examiner is encouraged to use body language any time during the explanations. 5 minutes before time is over, tell students that they have 5 minutes left . 4
  • 5. WRITING I and II Time: 40 minutes In this section students will be assessed in writing. The students will have to do two writing tasks: Writing I: “Describe yourself and your daily routine.” Writing II: “Write an email inviting a friend to the cinema.” Read the instructions aloud and explain to students clearly that they have to do both tasks. Tell them that you will explain both tasks before they start writing. Explain that they will have 40 minutes total. Writing I: Read the title of the task and the three bullet points (“Describe yourself and your daily routine, Your physical description, your family, everyday activities at home and at school”.) Point to the word bank provided in the first task and tell students that they can use those words to write the text. Also point to the lines where they are asked to write. Do not read the words included in the word bank. Make sure the students know what they have to do, and then turn to the explanation of the following task. Writing II: Read all the instructions including the bullet points (“Write an email inviting a friend to the cinema. Tell your friend …, Don’t forget the subject line”). Explain to the students that they have to use the information provided in the picture, but do not read the information in the Theater sign. Point to the email format and explain to students that they are asked to write the From-line, the Subject-line and the message in the box. Make sure that students understood the instructions. If necessary, go over the instructions again. All instructions have to be given in English. Feel free to use body language as much as needed to convey meaning. If a student asks a question in Spanish the facilitator must rephrase the question in English before answering. Example: Student: “No entendí qué tengo que hacer con las palabras de la burbuja” Facilitator: “Oh, so you didn’t understand how to use these words?” (the teacher points to the words inside the bubble) The facilitator’s answer has to be in English. The facilitator is encouraged to use body language any time during the explanations. 5
  • 6. SPEAKING Time: 8 minutes total (2 students) The speaking test is divided in three parts. It is important to bear in mind that at this stage, students are very young and they may be rather nervous during the test. Hence, creating a good atmosphere and a safe environment will help both the teacher and the students. Students will take the oral exam in pairs. The Oral Examination may be slightly shorter or longer, but in order to be fair to all students, it should last no less than 8 minutes and no longer than 10 minutes total (2 students). The Oral Examination will be run by 2 or 3 examiners, who will examine a pair of students at a time. If at the end of the session there is an uneven number of candidates, the very last examination will involve 3 students at the same time. The test will then last 2 minutes longer, total 10 minutes. The two examiners are the Facilitator (Primary School English teacher) and the Assessor (Secondary School English teacher). The Facilitator is in charge of conducting the examination. The Assessor is in charge of evaluating students’ performance and awarding marks for the areas listed in the assessment form on page 8. The Assessor does not participate in the conduction of the exam. Students will be assessed in the following areas: vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, and overall impression; which will be marked as indicated in Chart 1. Each student will be assigned a grade according to Chart 2. CHART 1: Marks CHART 2: Grades Vocabulary 5 marks 0 - 11 Needs improvement Pronunciation 2 marks 12 – 14 Acceptable Fluency 3 marks 15 – 16 Good Accuracy 4 marks 17 – 18 Very Good Overall Impression 6 marks 19 – 20 Excellent TOTAL 20 MARKS Parts of the Test Stage 1: Interview – 2 minutes total At the beginning of the test greet the students and make sure they feel at ease. Ask the students 4 of the following questions, one at a time: What’s your name? How old are you? Tell me about your family. 6
  • 7. Do you like your school? Why/ Why not? What’s the weather like? Have you got any pets? Would you like to have one? Which kind of pet? What time is it now? How often do you visit your grandparents? What do you do every day? Do you like studying English? Why/Why not? What do you do on your weekends? Tell me about your best friend. What do you do in the summer? If the student does not answer the questions, the examiner will skip this stage and move on to the following stage Stage 2: Project – 4 minutes total (2 minutes each) In this part of the test, students will talk about a project they had prepared in advance in the English class (portfolio, poster, model, semantic map or other). They will come into the room with their project, which will help them organize their presentation. They will be asked to make a short presentation about it. Each presentation will last 2 minutes. Students will present their projects one at a time. Encourage students to use the project as an aid during the presentation, to explain the different parts of it. Students can’t bring full sentences or paragraphs printed, they can have key words, key phrases but they must construct the sentences themselves. The aim is to encourage them to present the project using their own words. Stage 3: Pair group - 2 minutes total (1 minute each) After both students have presented the project, each of them will be encouraged to ask the other three questions about the project. The goal of this stage is to evaluate the student’s ability to ask questions. If the student can’t come up with any question spontaneously, read all the questions below as examples and encourage him/her again to ask these or other questions: Why did you choose this topic? What do you like about it? Where did you get the information? Who did you prepare the project with? What did you learn preparing this project? 7
  • 8. SPEAKING Assessment form Nr. Name of student V P F A OI Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8