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Insights of Indian youth by  Kaustav SenGupta  @  INgene
India is continuously becoming younger ! 250million youth with an average age of  24. Sixty percent of the population is under the age of 30. 13.9 million [in the age group of 12-16years with 51.7% boys and 48.3% girls] young influencers are present in the top 35 cities of India. Another major category is the affluent young working singles (21-25years) with a population of 11.8 million.  The youth in India holds a “dual cultural passport”  (both ethnic and international in their outlook) and smart enough to blend their cultural, spiritual & family values with the global influences.  Based on the A C Nielsen survey’09,  India has 2.5 million affluent households ,  Of which 2.2 million belongs to the “upper middle” segment; 200,000 in the  “upper upper middle” segment and about 100,000 in the “rich” segment. Delhi Ranked as the most affluent city in the country, followed by Bangalore and Greater Mumbai.  60% of affluent households are nuclear families, and nearly a quarter have elders at home.  90% own their homes. The affluent are energetic consumers of media, fashion and lifestyle products.  At home, they speaks regional languages, but they prefer their newspapers to be in English and they like to watch TV in Hindi (regional) . They are not keen on reading magazine! Overall, the study found that  the economic slowdown has not had a major impact on the spending habits of affluent individuals in India.
Data Source : Businessworld Marketing Whitebook, 2007-2008
Aspirations and Competition: As many as  9.3 million young Indian want to go to college every year  where as only 3 million seats are available. For admission to the premier engineering college, the IITs, there are 7,000 kids at each mark point in the entrance exam. During any major “exam season” the household becomes war zone.  In India, the children are considered as an asset and expenditure in their education is considered as investment for the future of their parents.  Hence, unlike their global peers they study really hard to make their parents proud and pay them back by achieving the epitome of success.  The Indian youth are highly motivated and geared with limitless aspiration.  And, for the lucky few, the success follows; and follows the money-power at quite a young age. Most of these successful youth are either from middle class or higher middleclass family. The higher aspirations with a motto of  “make your family proud”  (as seeded by their parents) are not only making the youth in India as focused & career centric but also the most family oriented youth in the world. The recent Global TGI report states that  India scores highest (76%) in the rating of “it is important my family thinks I’m doing well”.   “ When I was growing up, my parents told me, ‘Finish your dinner. People in China and India are starving.’ I tell my daughters, ‘Finish your homework. People in India and China are starving for your job’ ”.   Thomas Friedman
PREFERENCES IN LIFE Survey was conducted among Indian and In‘glo’dian youth in October’09 copyright to INgene
While their parents’ generation had defined criteria of what success was, this generation recognizes that there are many routs to nirvana. Any form of self-employment including dog grooming parlors, adventure tourism, counseling, fitness instructors, DJs, is fine and respectable, as long as you are making money. In the India of past, identity was based on caste, community and what your lineage was.  Today, they see performance as something that can neutralize all these advantages  (or lack of them). There are so many opportunities for the bold and the smart who seize them.  their role models are first generation of successful entrepreneurs, cricketers, tennis players, newscasters, film stars (who’s not so young / mid 40’s) and so on . “ A lot of world’s smart money is flowing to where a lot of the world’s smart people are- specially as they cost less than smart people in the developed countries…(in west) anxiety will be a raising emotion as people get scared- for their job and for their future.” Marian Salzman & Ira Matathia
While the majority of India´s growing middle class is largely risk-averse, the country´s high-potential target market of high-earning youth,  who are able to take bigger risks, are the kind of people who keep  up-to-date with trends.  Aged between 25 and 35 they have no responsibilities,  high disposable incomes and are very consumer-oriented. (Ashit Mallick, market researcher, WGSN interview)  International music channel MTV has released the results of its Wellbeing survey into global culture and how young people feel about their lives.  The research reveals that the country where young people had the greatest perceived sense of ‘wellbeing’ was India, followed by Sweden with the USA coming third.
India has a very different system while adopting a global trend.  We doesn’t simply consume a trend but let it pass on through an unique osmosis process (slow and time consuming) where the trend is treated with Indian flavor and mixed with the finer elements of our age old customs and then ultimately, ready to consume.  Take an example of how we make an ensemble with a pair of denim…the simplest combination can be a Fabindia Kurta+wood/ glass beads in neck+Swatch in wrist+ Levi’s+ Kolhapuri …flaunting a D&G embalmed mobile (or mobiles) and don’t miss the Guru Ramdev locket, sunshine stones, the gold (oh so odd) ring gifted by grand dad, red thread…and so on.  Interesting mix of fashion, tradition, spirituality and family values ….that’s India.
Socio-psychological Categorization* of Indian youth: The  Bharatiyas  estimating 67% of the young population who lives in the rural (R1, R2 to R4 SEC) areas with least influence of globalization, high traditional values. They are least economically privileged, most family oriented Bollywood influenced generation.  The  Indians  constitute 31.5% (A, B,C, D & E SEC) and have moderate global influence. They are well aware of the global trends but rooted to the Indian family values, customs and ethos.   MGI India Consumer Demand research states that The Urban middle class (majorly the  Indians ) will experience unprecendented growth, expanding from 7 million households today to 87 million households by 2025. This alone will be larger than the projected population of the United States in 2025. *Copyright to Kaustav SG
The  In‘glo’dians  are minimal in number but they are the influencers and initiators of any trend direction. They are globally inclined, exposed and affluent enough to afford so called trendy “look”. In‘glo’dians always need not have grownup in a creamy layer but “reached” in the creamy layer through various professional achievements. The Inglodians are basically the affluent (A1,A SEC) and marginal (1.5% or roughly three million) in number though they are strongly growing (70% growth rate). Inglodians are affluent and consume most of the trendy & luxury items. They are internet savvy & the believers of global-village (a place where there is no difference between east & west, developing & developed countries etc.), highly influenced by the western music, food, fashion & culture yet Indian at heart.  This category always wants to be different than the rest of other categories. And not only they wants to appear  different  than the rest of their peers but even from “aam aadmi” or mass population.  The theory of “adopted differentiation”  :  “To distinguish & separate themselves from the mass (aam aadmi) of India and other categories of youth, the  In‘glo’dian  (and majority of  Indians ) youth segment consciously adopts the  sophisticated yet cool  look and attitude which is not so young as per the Global perception”.  [copyright: Kaustav SG]
The average annual expenditure by the youth(12-16years) is Rs.10,360 (US$225) and is spreading across multiple product categories. Looking good and having a great time takes up most of their funds.  The average expenditure of working singles (21-25years) is Rs.17,310 (US$376.3). Eating out acquires 1/5 th  of the share of expenditure. Data Source : Businessworld Marketing Whitebook, 2007-2008
Inter-personal and socio-psychological traits
Family first… Family first… I love ma…
C  [email_address]
Blend in… Blend in…
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Respect traditions…but don’t take it as a burden…
C  [email_address]
We aspire… We aspire… Why grey? I wana be Tata or Birla…wana acquire all the global  giants in business …wana be the man of steel… U know, the Ambanis and Mittals look smart… I wana be in the Forbes list of global rich ! C  [email_address]
Bright and loud? Nah…not ma cup of tea… I wana be cool yet sophi… Black makes me confident…u know its smart, neat…and yah,  not cheap White is mine…it makes me stand out of d crowd and chaos (of colors)… And ya,  it shows that I have money to maintain white …as I drive ma car… Its really tough to maintain white in Delhi u know…he he he Why grey?  I wana be Tata or Birla … Bright I like in occasions…when I wear kurta during festives…but I like pastels Overall…it makes me appear matured…sometimes, even if u have money  People doesn’t respect u unless u LOOK matured. C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
We are  responsible  and we stand together to  PROTEST  and  PROTECT   C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Showoff your talent… Showoff your talent… and the other side of u Appear radical…intellectual…EXHIBITIONIST
C  [email_address]
Self obsession…narcissism… Self obsession…narcissism…
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Social Networking and youth in India: The recent trend of social networking site is :  "becoming a facebooker”  (among Inglodians and Indians)…So, what’s great in Facebook which is not there in Orkut (to me actually, Orkut is more user-friendly than Facebook, though the security issue is a bit loose there)or any other SNS ? Well the simple answer is:  remaining in Orkut is no more “cool”…!  Orkut me bhid zada ho geya hae (Orkut is over crowded!) Why?!! Cause, Orkut is populated by Aam Jantaa (and Bharatiyas) where-as Facebook is "international"!  My theory of Adopted Differentiation again proves undeniable while predicting Indian youth trend. In India, the Inglodians and Indians consciously [ and continuously] remain distant and distinct from Bharatiyas and grass roots …though most of them still has an Orkut account but rarely visits there (as Orkut is penetrated by the rest of India)…I can see the new surge of movement is towards Twitter, cause Facebook is also slowly becoming familiar among the rest (as facebook is also going for the "masses" through the "localization of the product")… Hence, once Facebook walks in the same path of becoming "popular among aam aadmi" [as of Orkut], the "charm" of it will go and creamy layers will shift to another SNS, and by default the rest of India will also slowly "shift" (following the Inglodians and Indians by virtue of classic Trickle Down Theory)...
Copyright to INgene
Fashion and attitude
Mix tricks… Mix tricks…
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
True DESI… True DESI…
C  [email_address]
Get a tattoo and piercing… Get a tattoo and piercing… C  [email_address]
the concept of “Cool Tattoos” came through the mainstream Bollywood movie celebs [instead of coming from underground / alternative] which made tattooing “cool and acceptable” in India…Sanjay Dutt has 16 tattoos [the press says so..] over his ruined aged grumpy skin [and its not tht he’s grown with these tattoos…he got them ‘done’ after he crossed 40!]…tattoo is something luxurious here [ u will often hear the comment ‘oh..this tattoo..i got it done from LA…I go thr for my regular shopping..]…like the Chanel  suit…the In’glo’dian youth are doing it to consciously present an image that they are more “western” then the other half of “have nots”…  Funky Monkey charges Rs.2000 for each square inch black line tattoo! In that money actually a BPO family can eat two meals a month…! So, instead of a trickle up theory [as happened in west] Tattooing in India followed the other root…the “trickle down theory”… “ We do about four tattoos every day of the week and approximately seven during weekends. Big pieces of Shiva are in demand and we have a steady stream of women who want their children’s names tattooed as well,” says Hardy Mitra, 40, who started the tattoo studio eight years ago and has new outlets planned in Delhi and Kolkata. Younger girls, who come accompanied by parents, seem to have fallen in love with mythical animals like the unicorn and want one on themselves. The more bizarre, the better!”…  can u imagine a youth at London coming with momma to get her first Tattoo!! Its more like a celebration and status symbol here. Extracted rom my interview given to Ruby Pseudo at :   C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Look Gothic…live like a Goth…eh, superficially Look Gothic…live like a Goth…eh, superficially
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Shoes… bags… accessories… we love branded and funky…
Youth in India(12-16years) spends an average of Rs.1,113 (US$24) in a year on footwear, with the spends by boys being higher at Rs.1,210 (US$26.3) than the spends by girls at Rs.771 (US$16.8) on an average. Most buy branded footwear (65%) in the case of casual, formal and semiformal footwear. The proportion of branded purchase for sports shoes is even higher at 77%. Most express loyalty to a brand or an outlet for purchase of footwear. The working young singles (21-25years) has an annual average expenditure of Rs.1,317 (US$28.6) for footwear.  12-16years 21-25years Data Source : Businessworld Marketing Whitebook, 2007-2008
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
DENIM…the Indiversal* youth dress code Tattered…sand blasted… stone washed… embroided… beaded… * Copyright to Kaustav SG
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Music, entertainment, adventure travel… C  [email_address]
Indian youth started following the theory of adopted differentiation in music also. The In’glo’dians are going for more personalized music and relevant gadgets  [… to listen music ie. ipod, mobile, Bluetooth earplugs etc…)  whereas, Bharatiyas are aggressively “exhibiting” their music and musical belongings  ( the homemade amplifiers, Nokia speaker phones, cracking loud speakers, mikes, woofers etc…). Now putting the music aloud in car  [and keeping the windows open!]  is considered “cheap”  unlike the earlier days…when it was a part of showing-off / dikhawa...the pride of owning an imported car and then modifying it with the higher decibel musical system which used to crack others eardrums while the car will whiz pass with open windows…o ya, a hot partner by the side or car full of drunken dudes… now the scene is : A bharatiya is walking in the street with mobile in hand, which is blinking lights and guzzling higher decible sound / music [this sound can appear as "noise" to the in'glo'dians] from some local FM channel...“sun bhai…my new guru mobile”...or a maxicab/auto / truck brusting the local soundtrack@ scratched CD / FM… On the other hand, an in’glo’dian is jogging [at home/health club with glass walls/groomed garden] with the wireless earplug @ Bluetooth / ipod “my music, I will listen…who the hell u r…”  C  [email_address]
Hip- hop music has become a trend among the Indians and Bharatiyas in india. Artists like T_ pain, Timberland, Kevin ferdiline & K -os are some of the artists creating names in the field of hip-hop. C  [email_address]
Earn high…spend high… Earn high…spend high… balance a dual lifestyle of being desi and western
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Mild adventurers…  Mild adventurers…
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
C  [email_address]
Film / Theater have historically been the most popular form of entertainment in India. About 44% youth(12-16years) have watched a movie in a theater in the last year. And, most of them (65%) have done it at least 4 times over the year. Gaming is at its nascent stages where incidence is at 8% in a three months period. However there is evidence of its gaining popularity, with nearly 81% of the children involving themselves in the activity at least once a week. They play on a multitude of platforms wherein PCs and cell phones are the leading once with close to 40% enjoying the thrill via this mode.  Eating out with family and friends on birthdays, get together, experimenting with different cuisines, enjoying the ambience of different restaurants as a trend is here to stay with proportions likely to increase substantially in the coming years. Most prefers to eat out at the local restaurants, specialty restaurants and dhabas. About a tenth state preference for fast food outlets like McDonald’s. Nirula’s, and Pizza Hut, with a preference to desi flavored dishes like Chiken Tikka Pizza.  Indian youth on an avarage spends Rs.1,327 annually for books which accounts for a significant share of their wallet next only to apparel and eating out/ food purchases. Music CDs and cassets are purchased by a significant 30% in a whole year time period. Purchases are also fairly frequent. Nearly 47% of them purchase from specialized music stores like Planet M, Music World, while the other formats incluide exclusive stationary shops, multi-category shops, discount stores, department stores etc. C  [email_address]
21% of working young singles (21-25years) a movie in movie theater. The amount spent by 37% on films lies in the range of 101-250 (US$2.2-5.4) and 28% on outdoor entertainment.  66% of working singles prefers to eat out.  Average annual expenditure on the music lies at Rs.847 (US$18.4). Music emerges as one of the favorite pastimes of working singles with buying incidence at 38% in a year. The frequency of purchase is high with around 71% making a music purchase once in 2-3 months. The frequency of gaming among the working singles is 22%. Around 80% of these gamers indulge in gaming at least once a year. Mobile gaming is the most sought after with 69% people playing through these devices. C  [email_address]
Copyright to  INgene  and  Kaustav SenGupta

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INSIGHTYOUNG09-10 Indian youth trend report

  • 1. Insights of Indian youth by Kaustav SenGupta @ INgene
  • 2. India is continuously becoming younger ! 250million youth with an average age of 24. Sixty percent of the population is under the age of 30. 13.9 million [in the age group of 12-16years with 51.7% boys and 48.3% girls] young influencers are present in the top 35 cities of India. Another major category is the affluent young working singles (21-25years) with a population of 11.8 million. The youth in India holds a “dual cultural passport” (both ethnic and international in their outlook) and smart enough to blend their cultural, spiritual & family values with the global influences. Based on the A C Nielsen survey’09, India has 2.5 million affluent households , Of which 2.2 million belongs to the “upper middle” segment; 200,000 in the “upper upper middle” segment and about 100,000 in the “rich” segment. Delhi Ranked as the most affluent city in the country, followed by Bangalore and Greater Mumbai. 60% of affluent households are nuclear families, and nearly a quarter have elders at home. 90% own their homes. The affluent are energetic consumers of media, fashion and lifestyle products. At home, they speaks regional languages, but they prefer their newspapers to be in English and they like to watch TV in Hindi (regional) . They are not keen on reading magazine! Overall, the study found that the economic slowdown has not had a major impact on the spending habits of affluent individuals in India.
  • 3. Data Source : Businessworld Marketing Whitebook, 2007-2008
  • 4. Aspirations and Competition: As many as 9.3 million young Indian want to go to college every year where as only 3 million seats are available. For admission to the premier engineering college, the IITs, there are 7,000 kids at each mark point in the entrance exam. During any major “exam season” the household becomes war zone. In India, the children are considered as an asset and expenditure in their education is considered as investment for the future of their parents. Hence, unlike their global peers they study really hard to make their parents proud and pay them back by achieving the epitome of success. The Indian youth are highly motivated and geared with limitless aspiration. And, for the lucky few, the success follows; and follows the money-power at quite a young age. Most of these successful youth are either from middle class or higher middleclass family. The higher aspirations with a motto of “make your family proud” (as seeded by their parents) are not only making the youth in India as focused & career centric but also the most family oriented youth in the world. The recent Global TGI report states that India scores highest (76%) in the rating of “it is important my family thinks I’m doing well”. “ When I was growing up, my parents told me, ‘Finish your dinner. People in China and India are starving.’ I tell my daughters, ‘Finish your homework. People in India and China are starving for your job’ ”. Thomas Friedman
  • 5. PREFERENCES IN LIFE Survey was conducted among Indian and In‘glo’dian youth in October’09 copyright to INgene
  • 6. While their parents’ generation had defined criteria of what success was, this generation recognizes that there are many routs to nirvana. Any form of self-employment including dog grooming parlors, adventure tourism, counseling, fitness instructors, DJs, is fine and respectable, as long as you are making money. In the India of past, identity was based on caste, community and what your lineage was. Today, they see performance as something that can neutralize all these advantages (or lack of them). There are so many opportunities for the bold and the smart who seize them. their role models are first generation of successful entrepreneurs, cricketers, tennis players, newscasters, film stars (who’s not so young / mid 40’s) and so on . “ A lot of world’s smart money is flowing to where a lot of the world’s smart people are- specially as they cost less than smart people in the developed countries…(in west) anxiety will be a raising emotion as people get scared- for their job and for their future.” Marian Salzman & Ira Matathia
  • 7. While the majority of India´s growing middle class is largely risk-averse, the country´s high-potential target market of high-earning youth, who are able to take bigger risks, are the kind of people who keep up-to-date with trends. Aged between 25 and 35 they have no responsibilities, high disposable incomes and are very consumer-oriented. (Ashit Mallick, market researcher, WGSN interview) International music channel MTV has released the results of its Wellbeing survey into global culture and how young people feel about their lives. The research reveals that the country where young people had the greatest perceived sense of ‘wellbeing’ was India, followed by Sweden with the USA coming third.
  • 8. India has a very different system while adopting a global trend. We doesn’t simply consume a trend but let it pass on through an unique osmosis process (slow and time consuming) where the trend is treated with Indian flavor and mixed with the finer elements of our age old customs and then ultimately, ready to consume. Take an example of how we make an ensemble with a pair of denim…the simplest combination can be a Fabindia Kurta+wood/ glass beads in neck+Swatch in wrist+ Levi’s+ Kolhapuri …flaunting a D&G embalmed mobile (or mobiles) and don’t miss the Guru Ramdev locket, sunshine stones, the gold (oh so odd) ring gifted by grand dad, red thread…and so on. Interesting mix of fashion, tradition, spirituality and family values ….that’s India.
  • 9. Socio-psychological Categorization* of Indian youth: The Bharatiyas estimating 67% of the young population who lives in the rural (R1, R2 to R4 SEC) areas with least influence of globalization, high traditional values. They are least economically privileged, most family oriented Bollywood influenced generation. The Indians constitute 31.5% (A, B,C, D & E SEC) and have moderate global influence. They are well aware of the global trends but rooted to the Indian family values, customs and ethos. MGI India Consumer Demand research states that The Urban middle class (majorly the Indians ) will experience unprecendented growth, expanding from 7 million households today to 87 million households by 2025. This alone will be larger than the projected population of the United States in 2025. *Copyright to Kaustav SG
  • 10. The In‘glo’dians are minimal in number but they are the influencers and initiators of any trend direction. They are globally inclined, exposed and affluent enough to afford so called trendy “look”. In‘glo’dians always need not have grownup in a creamy layer but “reached” in the creamy layer through various professional achievements. The Inglodians are basically the affluent (A1,A SEC) and marginal (1.5% or roughly three million) in number though they are strongly growing (70% growth rate). Inglodians are affluent and consume most of the trendy & luxury items. They are internet savvy & the believers of global-village (a place where there is no difference between east & west, developing & developed countries etc.), highly influenced by the western music, food, fashion & culture yet Indian at heart. This category always wants to be different than the rest of other categories. And not only they wants to appear different than the rest of their peers but even from “aam aadmi” or mass population. The theory of “adopted differentiation” : “To distinguish & separate themselves from the mass (aam aadmi) of India and other categories of youth, the In‘glo’dian (and majority of Indians ) youth segment consciously adopts the sophisticated yet cool look and attitude which is not so young as per the Global perception”. [copyright: Kaustav SG]
  • 11. The average annual expenditure by the youth(12-16years) is Rs.10,360 (US$225) and is spreading across multiple product categories. Looking good and having a great time takes up most of their funds. The average expenditure of working singles (21-25years) is Rs.17,310 (US$376.3). Eating out acquires 1/5 th of the share of expenditure. Data Source : Businessworld Marketing Whitebook, 2007-2008
  • 13. Family first… Family first… I love ma…
  • 19. Respect traditions…but don’t take it as a burden…
  • 21. We aspire… We aspire… Why grey? I wana be Tata or Birla…wana acquire all the global giants in business …wana be the man of steel… U know, the Ambanis and Mittals look smart… I wana be in the Forbes list of global rich ! C [email_address]
  • 22. Bright and loud? Nah…not ma cup of tea… I wana be cool yet sophi… Black makes me confident…u know its smart, neat…and yah, not cheap White is mine…it makes me stand out of d crowd and chaos (of colors)… And ya, it shows that I have money to maintain white …as I drive ma car… Its really tough to maintain white in Delhi u know…he he he Why grey? I wana be Tata or Birla … Bright I like in occasions…when I wear kurta during festives…but I like pastels Overall…it makes me appear matured…sometimes, even if u have money People doesn’t respect u unless u LOOK matured. C [email_address]
  • 25. We are responsible and we stand together to PROTEST and PROTECT C [email_address]
  • 27. Showoff your talent… Showoff your talent… and the other side of u Appear radical…intellectual…EXHIBITIONIST
  • 29. Self obsession…narcissism… Self obsession…narcissism…
  • 32. Social Networking and youth in India: The recent trend of social networking site is : "becoming a facebooker” (among Inglodians and Indians)…So, what’s great in Facebook which is not there in Orkut (to me actually, Orkut is more user-friendly than Facebook, though the security issue is a bit loose there)or any other SNS ? Well the simple answer is: remaining in Orkut is no more “cool”…! Orkut me bhid zada ho geya hae (Orkut is over crowded!) Why?!! Cause, Orkut is populated by Aam Jantaa (and Bharatiyas) where-as Facebook is "international"! My theory of Adopted Differentiation again proves undeniable while predicting Indian youth trend. In India, the Inglodians and Indians consciously [ and continuously] remain distant and distinct from Bharatiyas and grass roots …though most of them still has an Orkut account but rarely visits there (as Orkut is penetrated by the rest of India)…I can see the new surge of movement is towards Twitter, cause Facebook is also slowly becoming familiar among the rest (as facebook is also going for the "masses" through the "localization of the product")… Hence, once Facebook walks in the same path of becoming "popular among aam aadmi" [as of Orkut], the "charm" of it will go and creamy layers will shift to another SNS, and by default the rest of India will also slowly "shift" (following the Inglodians and Indians by virtue of classic Trickle Down Theory)...
  • 35. Mix tricks… Mix tricks…
  • 40. True DESI… True DESI…
  • 43. Get a tattoo and piercing… Get a tattoo and piercing… C [email_address]
  • 44. the concept of “Cool Tattoos” came through the mainstream Bollywood movie celebs [instead of coming from underground / alternative] which made tattooing “cool and acceptable” in India…Sanjay Dutt has 16 tattoos [the press says so..] over his ruined aged grumpy skin [and its not tht he’s grown with these tattoos…he got them ‘done’ after he crossed 40!]…tattoo is something luxurious here [ u will often hear the comment ‘oh..this tattoo..i got it done from LA…I go thr for my regular shopping..]…like the Chanel suit…the In’glo’dian youth are doing it to consciously present an image that they are more “western” then the other half of “have nots”… Funky Monkey charges Rs.2000 for each square inch black line tattoo! In that money actually a BPO family can eat two meals a month…! So, instead of a trickle up theory [as happened in west] Tattooing in India followed the other root…the “trickle down theory”… “ We do about four tattoos every day of the week and approximately seven during weekends. Big pieces of Shiva are in demand and we have a steady stream of women who want their children’s names tattooed as well,” says Hardy Mitra, 40, who started the tattoo studio eight years ago and has new outlets planned in Delhi and Kolkata. Younger girls, who come accompanied by parents, seem to have fallen in love with mythical animals like the unicorn and want one on themselves. The more bizarre, the better!”… can u imagine a youth at London coming with momma to get her first Tattoo!! Its more like a celebration and status symbol here. Extracted rom my interview given to Ruby Pseudo at : C [email_address]
  • 49. Look Gothic…live like a Goth…eh, superficially Look Gothic…live like a Goth…eh, superficially
  • 53. Shoes… bags… accessories… we love branded and funky…
  • 54. Youth in India(12-16years) spends an average of Rs.1,113 (US$24) in a year on footwear, with the spends by boys being higher at Rs.1,210 (US$26.3) than the spends by girls at Rs.771 (US$16.8) on an average. Most buy branded footwear (65%) in the case of casual, formal and semiformal footwear. The proportion of branded purchase for sports shoes is even higher at 77%. Most express loyalty to a brand or an outlet for purchase of footwear. The working young singles (21-25years) has an annual average expenditure of Rs.1,317 (US$28.6) for footwear. 12-16years 21-25years Data Source : Businessworld Marketing Whitebook, 2007-2008
  • 61. DENIM…the Indiversal* youth dress code Tattered…sand blasted… stone washed… embroided… beaded… * Copyright to Kaustav SG
  • 65. Music, entertainment, adventure travel… C [email_address]
  • 66. Indian youth started following the theory of adopted differentiation in music also. The In’glo’dians are going for more personalized music and relevant gadgets [… to listen music ie. ipod, mobile, Bluetooth earplugs etc…) whereas, Bharatiyas are aggressively “exhibiting” their music and musical belongings ( the homemade amplifiers, Nokia speaker phones, cracking loud speakers, mikes, woofers etc…). Now putting the music aloud in car [and keeping the windows open!] is considered “cheap” unlike the earlier days…when it was a part of showing-off / dikhawa...the pride of owning an imported car and then modifying it with the higher decibel musical system which used to crack others eardrums while the car will whiz pass with open windows…o ya, a hot partner by the side or car full of drunken dudes… now the scene is : A bharatiya is walking in the street with mobile in hand, which is blinking lights and guzzling higher decible sound / music [this sound can appear as "noise" to the in'glo'dians] from some local FM channel...“sun bhai…my new guru mobile”...or a maxicab/auto / truck brusting the local soundtrack@ scratched CD / FM… On the other hand, an in’glo’dian is jogging [at home/health club with glass walls/groomed garden] with the wireless earplug @ Bluetooth / ipod “my music, I will listen…who the hell u r…” C [email_address]
  • 67. Hip- hop music has become a trend among the Indians and Bharatiyas in india. Artists like T_ pain, Timberland, Kevin ferdiline & K -os are some of the artists creating names in the field of hip-hop. C [email_address]
  • 68. Earn high…spend high… Earn high…spend high… balance a dual lifestyle of being desi and western
  • 72. Mild adventurers… Mild adventurers…
  • 73.  
  • 74.  
  • 79. Film / Theater have historically been the most popular form of entertainment in India. About 44% youth(12-16years) have watched a movie in a theater in the last year. And, most of them (65%) have done it at least 4 times over the year. Gaming is at its nascent stages where incidence is at 8% in a three months period. However there is evidence of its gaining popularity, with nearly 81% of the children involving themselves in the activity at least once a week. They play on a multitude of platforms wherein PCs and cell phones are the leading once with close to 40% enjoying the thrill via this mode. Eating out with family and friends on birthdays, get together, experimenting with different cuisines, enjoying the ambience of different restaurants as a trend is here to stay with proportions likely to increase substantially in the coming years. Most prefers to eat out at the local restaurants, specialty restaurants and dhabas. About a tenth state preference for fast food outlets like McDonald’s. Nirula’s, and Pizza Hut, with a preference to desi flavored dishes like Chiken Tikka Pizza. Indian youth on an avarage spends Rs.1,327 annually for books which accounts for a significant share of their wallet next only to apparel and eating out/ food purchases. Music CDs and cassets are purchased by a significant 30% in a whole year time period. Purchases are also fairly frequent. Nearly 47% of them purchase from specialized music stores like Planet M, Music World, while the other formats incluide exclusive stationary shops, multi-category shops, discount stores, department stores etc. C [email_address]
  • 80. 21% of working young singles (21-25years) a movie in movie theater. The amount spent by 37% on films lies in the range of 101-250 (US$2.2-5.4) and 28% on outdoor entertainment. 66% of working singles prefers to eat out. Average annual expenditure on the music lies at Rs.847 (US$18.4). Music emerges as one of the favorite pastimes of working singles with buying incidence at 38% in a year. The frequency of purchase is high with around 71% making a music purchase once in 2-3 months. The frequency of gaming among the working singles is 22%. Around 80% of these gamers indulge in gaming at least once a year. Mobile gaming is the most sought after with 69% people playing through these devices. C [email_address]
  • 81. Copyright to INgene and Kaustav SenGupta