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Rural Caries Risk
The rural landscape of the United States forms special challenges for those living in rural
communities that are not seen in the urban or suburban setting. According to the Maternal and Child
Health Bureau in 2014 15.5% of children in the United States were living in rural areas ("Rural and
Urban Children," 2014). Rural areas were defined by the US Census bureau as any area with 50,000
or less people, or urban clusters with less than 2,500 people. Assessing oral health status of those in
rural areas presents unique challenges. Challenges are due to geography and the spread of sparse
populations over large areas of land. In reviewing the literature related to the question, do children
in rural areas have higher caries risk, it became evident ... Show more content on ...
Adair et al., utilized methods for this study where children were examined by calibrated two dentists
and parents completing a questionnaire about fluoride exposure. The population in this study
included children whose school drinking water was fluoridated. Differences between the population
groups came from home water supply either being fluoridated or non–fluoridated. A major limitation
of this study is that only a small sample size in rural Georgia was assessed.
Geography matters: state–level variation in children's oral health care access and oral health status
examined the differences in children's oral health status and access to care between states. Data from
this study was derived from the 2007 Survey of Children's Health. The population of interest in this
study was children age 2– 17. The study also considered child, family, and community variables that
may impact oral health status and access to care. Limitations of this study included data restrictions
as private insurance data was difficult to access (Fisher – Owens et al,
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Literature Review On Rural Markets
The primary objective of this literature review is to understand the concept of Rural Markets in
India, and to find out the opportunities and challenges faced by these rural markets according to the
researches already conducted. The Rural Markets, as a part of the economy have been untapped and
have a huge potential. The urban markets in India are saturated and even though the contribution of
agricultural sector has gone down in the GDP, India still lives in her villages.
However, the concept of rural markets, in India, is still evolving and possesses like any other sector
its own set of opportunities and challenges. The primary objective of this study will be
understanding ... Show more content on ...
The analysis concluded that outlying India offers enormous opportunities which businesses can tap
with regards to growth and progress. However, companies experience many challenges inside
tackling the outlying markets. 833 million people have a home in India when compared with 377
million inside urban India therefore vast untapped opportunities can be purchased in rural India, but
marketer struggle to tap these opportunities due to lack of infrastructure facilities. Literacy rate is
lacking in rural area so people can't identify brand difference. However, now the literacy rate is also
increasing in rural India. Variety of middle and greater income household inside rural India is
anticipated to grow from 80 million to 111 thousand. There is swift development in infrastructure
these opportunities attract companies to rural market. Using some technologies development in
distribution as well as marketing of goods in rural Indian, companies in outlying market can earn
more profits, marketplace share, etc. The Rural market is often a greater future prospect for your
marketers and there are various opportunities available for him or her in rural
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New Market Penetration Strategy in Rural India
Team name: Two idiots
Institute IMT Ghaziabad
Team Members: Sankha Mandal: 9434134144 Udai Singh : 7838590282
Rural market– opportunities– "India lives in her villages", a maxim attributed to Mahatma Gandhi,
rings true when we see rural India retaining its old domination of the national population and
economy in its 627000 villages, even after six decades of a development model that cherishes
urbanization and industrialization. Close to 69% of Indians–743 million people or 138 million
households–live in rural areas, generating 56% of the national income. With urban markets showing
signs of saturation, companies are getting increasingly excited about the ... Show more content on ...
| Cigarettes |59 |Sewing machines |64 |
| Toilet soap |57 |Table fans |62 |
| Tea |53 |B&W TVs |57 |
| Washing powder |53 |Cassette recorders |53 |
| Talcum powder |44 |Motorcycles |49 |
| Toothpaste |38 |Scooters |30 |
| Electric bulbs |38 |Mixers/grinders |25 |
| Shampoo |25 |Washing machines |12 |
| Nail polish
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Rural Tourism And Urban Tourism
For some time, rural areas have seen a marked decrease in economic potential as a result of the
urbanization of most areas in the United States. Unlike many of the more populated areas, rural
areas are home to small communities that exist over a vast amount of land. Farmers, cattle herders
and the like often suffer from a lack of economic certainty whereas their profits hinge on the
conditions around them. It has become increasingly necessary to implement new methods of
revitalizing the economies of rural areas in order to create a more equally profitable nation. There
are many historical landmarks, key events and persons of interest all over the United States and that
appeal only appreciates over time. Many rural areas are beginning to capitalize on the industry that
seems to bring the most unbridle profit, tourism. Rural tourism is inclusive of many experiences that
take place in a rural setting from eco–tourism to ethno–tourism. There are many misconceptions that
exist about the benefits of rural tourism and the criticisms most often point towards the disruption of
the existing community. Yet the implementation of a successful rural tourism industry has proved
beneficial according to several studies conducted in the U.S. For instance, according to the
Economic Research Service "Rural tourism and recreational development results in lower local
poverty rates and improvements in other social conditions, such as local educational attainment and
health (measured by mortality
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Paying Attention to Rural Education Essay
For many communities, particularly rural communities, schools serve as a source of identity.
Because of this, the problems that plague rural schools become enough of a problem that they
threaten the identity of the community; unfortunately, many lawmakers and policymakers in seats of
power do not have an intuitive understanding of how rural schools work. Policies that work for
urban schools, or even suburban schools, can not be assumed to fit the role of a rural school. It is
suggested in this article that more attention needs to be paid to rural schools that fly under the radar
or have misdiagnosed problems. Even though a greater number of people are moving to rural areas
from urban environments, nationwide awareness of problems in ... Show more content on ...
A note on the last point: this is not a negative thing in and of itself, it is only a problem if the school
does not have the resources or know–how to handle a growing diverse population. It helps nobody if
a diverse school is teaching to only the majority population. On a broad basis, the discussion in this
article of problems being handled in a 'general' way speaks volumes about our own pluralistic
educational needs. We learn in class that it is important to not judge students based on their
backgrounds, and that it is important to approach all cultures as unique. Using a broad stroke to try
and cover diversity does not work. In a similar way, trying to solve the problems of rural schools
using a broad stroke (using methods that normally apply to similar problems in an urban setting, for
instance) will not work. As educators, it is important for us to consider the unique problems of the
rural setting and to consider how these issues affect our students. "The interactions between teachers
and students determine the quality of education. Teachers send messages that tell students that they
have potential and that they can learn. Teachers who know their subject matter, believe that all
students can learn, and care about students as individuals can have a great impact on students and
their learning," (379 Gollnick and Chinn). In absence of funding and resources, teachers can still
take great strides in providing students
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Urban Areas Of Rural Areas
Over the years, there has been a very high movement from rural to urban areas and this has made it
difficult to improve as well as sustain development in rural areas. The arrival of civilization brought
about urbanization. Civilization is the height of man's inventions as a means of raising his standard
of living. Man believes in high–living and indeed obtains much pleasure in the company of other
fellow men. People agglomerate in cities to be able to communicate person to person, person to firm
person to government. Urban areas constitute the development potential of the state, the rural areas
have been neglected in terms of development opportunities. With the declining attitudes that existed
in the rural areas the rural dwellers are attracted to the urban areas to benefits from better paying
jobs, qualitative supply of basic amenities, highs level of commercial, recreational and industrial
Rapid urban population growth and physical expansion are very serious physical planning problem
such as poor physical layout places like Ajegunle and Makoko in Lagos. Also, these include in the
list; mass transit problem inadequate supply of housing, water and other basic social services.
Embarking on rural development and sustainability is very important, considering the fact that more
than two–third of the Nigeria's population is living in rural areas, and they experience a lot of
misery, poverty, morbidity
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Crime Statistics In Rural Communities
Although many people seem to believe that rural communities and populations are without crime,
this is a misconception that effects the way in which policing takes place. Crime statistics in local
communities do not put emphasis on the happenings in rural communities. This leads to shortages in
specialty crime units that could be useful in rural areas, though difficult to supply because of low
usage. The resources, such as funding, that could be allocated to rural areas is then provided to other
departments that benefit locals. This could lead to shortage of officers in rural communities, which
causes strain on officers from higher shift loads. For a local police officer, work slates can be
divided up as other staff can come and complete already ... Show more content on ...
This type of policing is reactive where police officers patrol communities looking for crimes that
have or are occurring. This style of policing allows for all suspects to be treated the same regardless
of criminogenic factors. This type of policing leads to higher arrests and can be used as a deterrent
due to high numbers of people talking about the police catching their crimes. This type of policing is
effective when focusing on tackling a specific crime that is causing great numbers of harm to
societies as seen with initiatives on gun violence, drinking and driving or drug trafficking. This type
of policing limits corruption, which can be seen in policing approaches where close community
interactions can lead to bias an unfair treatment. However, traditional policing is not without
drawbacks. This type of policing leaves no room for discretion leading to us viruses them mentality
from not only the general population but the officers as well. The police officers will no longer see
themselves as apart of the community but above the community they are apart of. Reactive policing
does not address issues of the community problems; it only creates a temporary superficial solution
to greater problems. Community policing works with the public to police as well as prevent crimes,
which is not seen in traditional policing. Although community policing seems idea, there should be a
policing approach that handles most crimes without bias as well as works with the
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Health Care Services And Rural Communities
Section 1
Assessing Healthcare services is an important factor for individuals in rural areas in order to
decrease physical and emotional stress. In many rural areas, there are barriers that one may face
such as, lack of transportation, shortage of physicians in the area and lack of health care services.
With these barriers, rural communities face more sickness and deaths. In this paper, the author will
discuss factors that sustain health care services in rural communities and how to make it better with
a proposed solution that may assist with this issue.
Factors that contribute to sustaining the issue, what factors may ameliorate the issue.
When one looks at the barriers that rural communities face with the issue of health care services,
there are a few to discuss. First, lack of transportation is one barrier to look at. In rural areas, there
are residents that may not have a car, have funds to put gas in the car, or due to distance in a rural
community, have the means to travel that far due to their health condition. In a qualitative study
done on barriers that patients with chronic disease face in rural areas, between the years of 2002 to
2012, geographical distance was one of the main barriers that the patients faced. This issue caused
many patients to not seek healthcare increasing their vulnerability to possibly decrease their health,
according to (Brundisini, Giacomini, DeJean, et al. 2013).
The next barrier that the author found was the shortage of physicians in
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Rural Development in India
Rural Development In India
India has been a welfare state ever since her Independence and the primary objective of all
governmental endeavors has been the welfare of its millions. Planning has been one of the pillars of
the Indian policy since independence and the country's strength is derived from the achievement of
planning. The policies and programmes have been designed with the aim of alleviation of rural
poverty which has been one of the primary objectives of planned development in India. It was
realized that a sustainable strategy of poverty alleviation has to be based on increasing the
productive employment opportunities in the process of growth itself. Elimination of poverty,
ignorance, diseases and inequality of ... Show more content on ...
These are health education drinking water, housing and roads. To impart greater momentum to the
efforts in these sectors the Government had launched the Pradhan Mantri Gramdoya Yojana
(PMGY) and the ministry of rural development was entrusted with the responsibility of
implementing drinking water, housing and rural roads component of PMGY During the Ninth Plan
period, several anti–poverty Programmes have been restructured to enhance the efficiency of the
Programmes for providing increased benefits to the rural poor. Self Employment Programmes have
been revamped by merging the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), the Development
of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA), the Supply of Improved Tool–Kits to Rural
Artisans (SITRA), the Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM), the Ganga Kalyan
Yojana (GKY) and the Million Wells Scheme (MWS) into a holistic self–employment scheme called
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY). Keeping in view the needs and aspirations of the
local people, Panchayati Raj Institutions have been involved in the programme implementation and
these institutions constitute the core of decentralized development of planning and its
implementations. The Ministry is also vigorously pursuing with the State Governments for
expeditious devolution of requisite administrative and financial powers to PRI's as envisaged under
73rd amendment act of the
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Social Workers : A Rural Setting Face Each And Every Day...
This paper discusses the issues that social workers who practice in a rural setting face each and
every day. But, what does a town need to be considered rural? According to the United States
Census, any area that has less than 2500 people is considered to be a rural area (Branch 2016). Areas
with small populations such as these face many issues each day. These issues can include dual
relationships, limited availability of resources, confidentiality issues, transportation issues, and
having to take on more responsibility. All of these problems bring about difficulties for social
workers who practice in rural settings. One of the main issues with practicing in a rural setting
involves client confidentiality and how to maintain it in a rural setting. The odds of having a social
worker completing counseling sessions with someone that they know previously are very high when
you live and work in a small town. The client could be your next door neighbor or someone you
serve with on the local school board. Confidentiality has an exceedingly high chance of being
broken. In a small town, the locals will likely know who is currently going to the social worker's
office just by looking at who's cars are currently in the parking lot. A local social worker might also
have no choice but to deal with inquisitive neighbors asking him why their friend is in need of
professional help and other personal questions. This type of intrusion generates problems for the
client to be able to
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Behavior Of Rural Consumers Towards Mobile Phones Essay
1.0 Introduction "The future lies with those companies who see the poor as their customers" –
Villages are an integral part of nation. They become even more important in the Asian and African
context, where a majority of population is residing in rural areas.
For centuries the rural world in India was static as a self sufficient unit of production and
consumption, but it is no longer so. The rural setting is changing every day, with the corporate sector
acting both as the carrier and bearer of the consequences of this change which is happening at an
accelerating rate. Demographic profiles and spending patterns in rural India too are changing and
marketers have to junk their old perception about rural India. Rural consumers who were on the
receiving end so far are now gradually getting into position to dictate terms for the first time.
Although there is a long way to go, the beginning has already been made.
Corporate world needs to realize that, to be successful in the rural market, they must go in with a
clear long–term strategy. There must be a willingness to invest in rural market with as much energy
as they utilise to build brands in the urban one. Since rural efforts take longer to give sustained
results, they must be prepared for a long haul. Short term efforts may not deliver the desired results
on a sustained basis in rural areas.
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The Quality Of Life In Urban And Rural Life
Urban areas are the human settlement with high population and well–established infrastructure.
People who live in urban areas are mostly involved in commerce and trading activities. However,
urban areas are not confined to cities only, but also includes the suburbs areas. On the other side,
rural areas are region situated on the outskirts. There are open space and natural vegetation.
Residents practice agriculture and animal husbandry and use it as a source of income. Many people
and families raise questions on the benefits that one acquires by choosing to live in either urban or
rural settlement (Lucas 31). Quality of life is essential when comparing both urban and rural life.
Even though both locations are best to live, it is crucial to evaluate the similarity and differences
between two places. Various factors such as the diversity, employment opportunities, health, and
capacity to make broad choices influence one decision while comparing urban and rural life. Even
though life in both urban and rural areas offers great benefits, there are some drawbacks in both
lives. Both positive and negative factors determine the quality of life in urban centers. To start with,
people living in cities have a variety of choices to make regarding their everyday lives. For example,
residents in urban areas have access to the various types of food which results in improved health.
Additionally, different types of culture exist in cities. People learn different culture through
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Postcolonial Ireland: Rural Fundamentalism and...
The purpose of this essay is to ask, when Ireland began to industrialise in the 1960s and the 1970s
why it mainly occurred in the west. This essay will discuss postcolonial Ireland (1920s–1960s). It
will define rural fundamentalism and how it informed social and economic policies in Ireland, it will
focus on how poverty, emigration and unemployment and how it played a key role in the eclipsing
of the communities of rural Ireland This essay will discuss how the opening up of the economy and
the shift in ideologies was essential to the survival of the nation. Moving on it will discuss the
International Development Authority (IDA) and its role it had in promoting industrialisation in the
west. It will give an explanation as to why the ... Show more content on ...
West of Ireland is a designated area it can be argued that this can one of the reasons why
multinational firms chose to locate to the west of Ireland to achieve the maximum profit margin
from the industry.
Wickham (1980) argued, that the new industries where located in rural Ireland because a smaller
percentage of the population were in industrial workforce and trade union connections where
significantly lower. He argues that the trade union connections where predominantly Dublin based
industries. The multinational firms located in the west of Ireland because they could employ cheap
labour. According to Slater (2011), multinational firms tend to employ younger employees with no
experience in industrial work; they tend to recruit small farm owners. As Harris (1986) illustrate that
the multinationals had generated 2100 jobs of which 1875 where being preformed by women, when
the IDA "publicly stressed that the jobs in the new factories where for males, suggesting that they
would be more qualified, full time and well paid." (Corcoran et al 2007:73) in practise this did not
happen as Harris (1986) noted they recruited rural women.
According to Harris (1984), half of the women came from small farm backgrounds and commuted
to work everyday. Women where earning money, they were seen as consumers, this brought
economic change to the west, as a result new shops where opening up in rural towns. Women were
finding new identities. Industrialisation resulted in
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Rural Development
Implementation of Rural Development Programmes in India: Impediments and Possible Solutions
"The real India lives in the villages. Unless we are able to uplift the tribals and the backward classes
India faces a dark future". –––– Swami Vivekananda Introduction
India lives in villages and its development is synonymous with the development of people living
rural areas. India is a vast and second most populous country of the world. According to 2011 census
India's population is now about 4.2 billion, its annual growth rate is about 1.64%. About 68.84 % of
the country's population lives in rural areas where their work is mainly related to agriculture and its
allied activities like animal husbandry, dairying, forestry, fishery, etc. and cottage and ... Show more
content on ...
on agriculture, stresses on food self–sufficiency and employment to the rural people as the top
priorities. Nevertheless, this food self–sufficiency is under strong constraints and handicaps,
particularly from the massive rural population growth which consequently leading to illiteracy,
ignorance, and backwardness. Besides, alarming also leading to land under cultivation is not only
diminishing but also gets further fragmented, ecology degraded, infrastructural facilities do not
match with the growth of rural population. This problem has been aggravated mainly by
demographic pressure which leads to a large number of very small fields of the country and poor
infrastructure facilities like water, electricity, transport, educational institutions, communication,
health, warehousing etc. Unless these problems are strategically attended and pragmatic efforts are
initiated, India, can't flourish its rural areas and communities. Keeping these in view, the present
paper tries to identify the impediments in implementing rural development programmes and
pragmatic efforts to overcome them for ensuring equitable and sustainable development in rural
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Essay On Rural India
Access to Internet is a prerequisite to go digital. But how many indians have the fortune of
possessing it? As per TRAI report, the figure is not more than 28 per cent of the population. Out of
36.74 core internet subscribers till September, 2016, 24.7 core of the connections are concentrated
only in cities. Urban India is way ahead with 61.9 internet subscriptions per 100 people while rural
India is struggling with 13.7 subscriptions per 100 people. Digital disparity is so high that Delhi
alone has 2.2 core internet connections while the entire North–East lags behind with just 4.3 lakh
connection. Half of the 3 core connections in Maharashtra are concentrated in Mumbai.
It is to be noted that urban population constitute only 32.7 per cent ... Show more content on ...
1.7 Awareness
Reaction is impulsive and rigorous in case of a threat. It is mild and lukewarm in case of an
opportunity. Same is the case with going cashless. Cyber security is one of the retarding factor
which can cast doubt in the mind of people, especially in those areas lagging behind in financial
literacy. The mass should be made aware of the benefits of going cashless. At the same time, they
should have the faith that their digital money is safe. India fares quite high in the United Nation's
Telecommunication Union's index of cyber security, placed in the' maturing category' at 23rd
position out of 165 nations. However, most of the ATMs in India still run on the outdated Windows
XP which is vulnerable and proned to cyber attacks. The case of 3.2 million debits of Yes Bank,
Axis Bank, HDFC, SBI, ICICI compromised last year makes cyber security a challenge that need to
be given due importance else people will not have the confidence to go digital.
1.8 Suggestions
1. Limit in cash withdrawal should be reinstated to restrict uncontrolled flow of cash back into the
2. ATMs should be upgraded regularly to latest version of Windows.
3. Startups in smartphone sector should be encouraged by proving subsidies to local entrepreneur so
that these can be availed at reasonable price in the market which is now being dominated by the
Chinese manufacturers.
4. Projects like Bharatnet should be allocated maximum fund( an
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Rural And Remote Australia Essay
The definition of rural and remote Australia is based on the access to health, workforce and major
cities. One feature to define geographical rurality is when many services are less accessible to them.
There are several different systems in place for classifying and separating different degrees of
RRMA – Rural Remote and Metropolitan Areas. This uses population size and direct distance from
the nearest service centre in order to divide into 7 groups o Capital cities – state and territory capital
o Other metropolitan centre– statistical subdivisions with a population >100000 o Large rural
centres –population of >25000 residing in urban centres o Small rural centres –population between
10000 and 24999 o Other rural centres –all remaining statistical local areas in rural zone o Remote
centres –remote zone with population of 5000 or more o Other remote centres –all remaining
statistical local areas in remote zone
ARIA– Accessibility/Remoteness Index of ... Show more content on ...
The rate has slowly declined in major cities but remained the same in remote Australia, with farmers
being at higher risk. Due mainly to the isolation the individual may feel physically by the distance of
the town or property but the traditional ideologies, still common in rural areas, to do with
homosexuality and mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. These lead to more alienation
and substance abuse. The feeling that someone may not be able to reach out to get help included
with the distance making it very hard for someone to seek medical attention. There are provisions
being put in place for improving the future of rural Australians mental health such as educational
meetings in schools for understanding homosexuality and substance abuse and trying to remove the
stigma. There are also support mechanisms being put in place with more access to health
professionals and emergency
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Disadvantages Of Rural Development
There is a lot of construction work have been carried out in the city. But the development of
construction works in rural areas also increased. This is to explore the rural area which has potential
or ability to become an attraction of our country. There are many advantages in rural development
some of them are increasing in literacy rate, improve in transportation and road facility, water
problems are solved, better improvement in power supply and also improving to live a better life. One of the advantages
in rural development is literacy rate is increasing in rural areas. The literacy rate of people in rural
areas is poor if compare to the people who live in city. This is because there is less educational
introduce in the rural areas. The rural areas are lack of educational because they do not have enough
resources to construct educational building such as school. The children in rural areas should study
to gain knowledge and get use of it. So, the advantage of rural development to the population is the
literacy rate increase among the people in rural areas. When there is implementing of construction
project, the most important building which must be constructed is school. This is to give convenient
to the people to study and ... Show more content on ...
This is because some of the rural place still do not have roadway. They still using boat as their
transport and their only excess is river. So, if implement the development in rural area, the
transportation and road facility can be improved. For example, if there is a roadway, the people can
use the motorcycle and car as their daily transportation. It is more convenient, easy and safer than
using boat. In short, development of the transportation and road facility in rural area is important
and simultaneously provide the advantages to the people who live in rural
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The Industrialization Of Rural Ireland In The 1940s And 1950s
Rural Ireland of the 1940s and 1950s was a very quiet, tranquil and peaceful region. It was very
agriculturally orientated and it was the main source of employment in this region (Wickham, 1980).
Rural Ireland was very poor and many residents had emigrated in search of work. During these
decades the Irish government used protectionist policies which created a community ideology
amongst Irish citizens (Wickham, 1980). The citizens felt a sense of control over their state. Let's
now fast forward in time and stop 20 years into the future. The region is now 1970 and Rural Ireland
was far from the poor region it was less than 20 years ago. This region was now undergoing a boom
and there were many factories and transnational corporations in sight. ... Show more content on ...
The Irish government took a huge risk by saying goodbye to the protectionist policies that had been
in place in the country for many years. Deciding to view the world as a market was a risk,
considering it went against the policies that led Irish people to believe they had a fraction of control
over the state. The risk paid off, with the government attracting Transnational Corporations into the
rural regions of Ireland through incentives and grants. The industrialization of Rural Ireland
transformed Rural Society. Rural Ireland, once a region occupied by agricultural enterprises, now
became the home of many manufacturing factories and the region had slowly begun to urbanize due
to the increase in Transnational Corporations in the region. Although there was conflict along the
way, as can be seen by the conflict that emerged due to a fear of pollution, this industrialization
transformed the life of the residents. Women were now given "financial independence" as they
earned their own individual incomes for the first time. They had escaped from the invisible
handcuffs that locked them to their homes. These women now had a new, distinguished source of
power that enabled them to form their own community ideology. A boom took off in the rural
regions of Ireland, with more employment opportunities. Migrants returned home to take advantage
of these opportunities and the rural
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Map Of Global Rural Population Distribution Essay
Currently 3.4 billion people live in remote and rural areas. Physical, geopolitical, and financial
impediments create an environment where it is difficult to access healthcare. (1) After examining the
major extrinsic and intrinsic factors in healthcare delivery to rural areas, we extrapolate how
existing technology and supply chain management can be leveraged to create cost effective, large
scale, and ultimately self–sustaining strategy.
Map of Global Rural Population Distribution INTRODUCTION
There are two main factors that generally dictate one's ability to get health care services. Those two
factors are affordability and accessibility. For those in living in urban areas, or developed rural
areas, the focus is primarily on the financial impact of accessing healthcare. However, for the other
half of the world the accessibility issue is one of physical and geopolitical nature, though in the end
underlying costs also play a secondary factor. In these rural areas even routine medical exams like
physicals, vaccinations, and simple neo–natal care like vitamin supplementation are difficult to
Identifying issues that contribute to the difficulties associated with healthcare delivery is easy. There
were plenty of issues we already anticipated, and many arose during our research into our white
paper topic. The real difficulty was identifying the starting point from where a solution could begin
to be engineered. With the global economy being so integrated, the
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Understanding And Writing : The Reflection Of Living In...
When I first came to this class I had no clue what it was going to be about. I was born and raised in
a rural town. I have also had to deal with all that comes with living in a rural town. Small town
people gossip, trains coming in and out whenever they want (I never cared to sit and try to figure out
the schedule either), or having to drive 45 miles to get literally anything for a decent price. The
worse part also has to be finding clothes that no one else in the school would wear, so I would have
to drive down to Florida just to shop for clothes – until people started figuring it out so then I
switched to online shopping. The good part about living in a rural area I guess would be the quiet,
stress free rides to school or work because it would take me about thirty minutes; those were always
good moments to think. The thing about living in a city, like Tifton, is I do not see the stars like I
would back home which always makes going home more admirable. Being in the class opened me
up to my community more, and did get me more involved in it as well.
One topic that came up in the book, Reclaiming the Rural, was that of Agricultural Literacy.
Basically, what Agricultural Literacy does is it is supposed to advocate the understanding and
knowledge necessary to communicate basic information about agriculture with students, producers,
consumers, and the public. These are things I used to do when I was in FFA (Future Farmers of
America), it is also what the club 4–H is doing as
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Essay On Rural Areas
Defining Rural Areas for Statistical Purposes
The vagaries around the rural concept must yield to an objective form in order to have consistent
measurement. Since this chapter draws primarily on data from the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), their definition of rural is consistent and convenient. Since 2006, NCES has used
the same "urban–centric" locale definitions used by the US Census Bureau. Fittingly, under this
urban–centric definition, rural areas include all those located outside of places the Census calls
The urban umbrella term includes three locales: cities, suburbs, and towns. Each of these is broken
into three subtypes: large, midsize, and small. City locales include territories within an urbanized ...
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For this reason, this chapter uses the entire rural locale instead of rural sublevels. One wrinkle in
NCES's classification system is that while every school can be specifically accounted for as
belonging to one locale, school districts can include schools from different locale classifications. For
example, a district classified as "suburban" might include a number of individual schools that are
classified as "rural." Despite the partial mismatch between the locale of some schools and the
districts they belong to, there are valuable reasons to compare school districts by their predominant
locale. For instance, districts, rather than schools, are the ones that often deal with issues like
transportation or providing opportunities for advanced course taking, which pose unique challenges
in rural areas. In order to compare districts by locale, the chapter uses NCES district categorizations
which assign a locale based on the predominant locale the district's schools.
Of course, this classification system groups together a large number of schools into each locale
category that are far from homogeneous. To illustrate differences between locales and across rural
areas, select data points are broken out by locale
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Reasons For Dealing With Rural Villages
Factors to Consider when Dealing with Rural Villages Nerfe Alcos, Irvin Chang
Moanalua High School
February 24, 2015
Table Contents Abstract....................................................................................2
Definition of Rural........................................................................3 Access to Health
Telemedicine...............................................................................5 Social
Organizations..............................................................................7 ... Show more content on ...
Even when one is able to pass the practical hurdles, one must deal with the social concerning
hurdles such as language and cultural differences. Even with the help of organization such as World
Health Organization, providing medical necessities remains a concerning problem. Healthcare
providers must be able to subdue all of these hurdles to be able to provide adequate service to their
rural patients.
It has been a problem to discuss the medical needs of rural areas simply because there are many
areas that fall under the rural category. The term rural is considered very vague: a sparsely populated
non–urban region. This means that the term rural can be branded to areas ranging from semi–
developed areas such as Lanai, to the almost isolated villages of Yendi. Rural populations
differentiate from one another depending on the region they reside in. However, these regions have
some things in common such as non–condensed population.
Although the amount of inhabitants varies from area to area, most rural areas share a constant. The
population density of almost all rural areas is low. Yendi, for example has a population 52,000
condensed in a area of 4,087.2 square kilometers. Burley, Idaho, another rural area is slightly more
condensed with a population of 10,456 residing in 16 square kilometers. When compared to the
12,150,996 inhabitants living within the 4,496 square kilometers of the urbanized Los
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Rural Americans Face The Struggle Of Accessing Healthcare
Rural Americans face the struggle of accessing healthcare, both preventative services and also
specialty care, here in America. What is the cause most often? Distance. According to a study
conducted by Buzza et al (2011), those surveyed believed that distance was perhaps the most
important reason for lack of access to healthcare on a variety of the spectrum to include: routine
healthcare, emergency care, specialty care, and in some cases diagnostic services. What the study
found was that among other things, improved means of getting to said services would in turn,
improve access to healthcare services for rural Americans. The demographics of this study looked at
specifically rural veterans, however, these struggles can be seen for ... Show more content on ...
Technological fixes are ways to solve the problems by means of technology, and often ignore
changing the behavior itself and rather just solve the problem with technology. Structural changes
are what are implemented as a penalty for not changing behaviors, typically an example of this is
laws and regulations that create a penalty for behaviors in order to change whatever problem is at
hand. First, how can the cognitive approach be utilized in order to change healthcare access to rural
Americans? Education of rural Americans as well as healthcare providers plays a role on access to
healthcare and their overall health. In rural America, twenty–eight percent of adults rate their health
status as fair to poor, approximately nineteen percent of adolescents smoke, eighty in 100,000 males
and forty in 100,000 females between the ages of one and twenty–four die, and approximately
sixty–four percent of rural adults are covered by private insurance. In addition, only ten percent of
the doctors in the United States practice in rural communities and only about forty in 100,000
specialists are in rural communities as well ("What 's Different about Rural Health Care," n.d.). In
terms of educating rural Americans on healthcare, it is a known fact that rural Americans have a
poorer understanding of healthcare, let alone, often have lower education levels–as a result, rural
Americans are less
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The Development Of Rural Development
3.2 Rural Development
According to Oyeleye, D.A.(1987) he defines rural development as process in which development in
social infrastructures such as better roads, water supply, electricity, schools and hospitals spreads out
from the urban centres or communities and moves into the rural villages and communities.
Abumere S.I. (2002) stated that if rural development is defined as a means to help improve the
physical, cultural, social and economic status or life of the rural people then that means that
infrastructures such as roads, clean water, electricity, telecommunication and other facilities must be
carefully planned and delivered to the rural people in a consistent manner. It doesn't matter whether
these infrastructures are built from the urban centres and move into the rural areas or vice versa. The
delivery mechanisms must be very consistent.
Inorder for any country to develope and progress both socially and economically, it must have the
necessary infrastructures that are needed to facilitate such development, in both urban and rural
areas of the country.
However studies have shown that in most developing countries, rural areas/villages are mostly
neglected therefore these rural areas don't have these basic infrastructures that are needed for
development. Therefore there is a huge demand for building infrastructures into rural areas.
That is very true for Papua New Guinea where the bulks of the population live in the rural areas.
The Gena villagers are one of the
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Difference Between Urban And Rural Life
There are two different ways of life in our society. Rural and urban society. Both ways of life are
opposite to each other. Rural society is a conservative society but urban society is an advanced
society. People living in backward areas make rural society and people living in advanced areas
make urban society.
Rural society is under developed and conservative society and different from urban society due to
many reasons:
People are not educated in rural areas. They are not aware about the importance of education in life.
They do not afford education for their children. Most of the people in rural areas are poor. There are
no education centers, colleges and authorized universities in rural areas. Everyone is illiterate. There
are small schools located in rural areas where children are not taught ... Show more content on ...
Education system is organized. There are high schools, colleges and highly authorized universities.
There are many job opportunities in urban areas. People are aware. People know the importance of
education in life. Parents send their children to high schools because they are aware and they can
afford their education expenses. People are broad minded. They have manners how to sit and
behave. They try to learn manners by copying their fellows. People are always in competition in
urban society and this is increasing day by day.
Urban society is highly structured society. People are aware in urban society. Rules and
responsibilities are defined. Urban society is a fast pace of life. People know their rights, needs and
their problems. It is a developed society. People are social. They do not have time to sit together and
have a chit chat with each other. People even do not have time for their families. All members of the
family live in separate rooms and they do not have time for each other.
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Morphology of Rural Settlements in Malda
The rural settlement within the Malda district highlights human attempts for the livelihood and
building the habitat on the diverse geographical landscapes. The characteristics of its natural
endowments, social conditionality and historical antecedents and most importantly the human
efforts gave the rural countryside a certain kind of social and morphological characteristics. The
morphological characteristics of the villages have been collected from the different natural regions
of the districts in order to understand the divergent forces and feature of it. This paper has focused
on understanding the settlement pattern in the Malda district in the three broad geographic regions
of it namely Tal, Diara and Barind.
Key Words: ... Show more content on ...
Cucu, 1998).
Study area:
Malda district consists mainly of low lying plains, sloping towards the south with undulating areas
on the north–east. Located between latitude 24040'20''N to 25032'8''N and longitude 87045'50''E to
88028'10''E. The Mahananda River divides the district into two regions. The western region is
further subdivided by the river Kalindri into two areas. The northern is known as 'Tal'– it is low
lying and vulnerable to inundation during rainy season, the southern area consists of very fertile land
and is thickly populated, commonly known as 'Diara'. The region of mature alluvium that had given
North Bengal its old historical name of varendri or barendri is known today as 'Barind'. This region
is made up of the ancient alluvial humps that are remnants of old riverine floodplains that remain
unaffected subsequently by inundation and renewed silting. Fig 1: Broad physiographic map of
Malda district Fig 2: Study area map Source: District Human Development Report, Malda Source:
District Human Development Report, Malda Harischandrapur I
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National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
The Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (MGNREGA), was launched in
September, 2005. This act has been considered as one of the significant developments which could
transform the rural economy and provide social security to the rural people. The Ministry of Rural
Development (MoRD) has defined MGNREGA as ""An Act to provide for the enhancement of
livelihood security of the households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred
days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household".
The main objectives of MNREGA as outlined by MoRD are: (a) To provide wage employment
opportunities; (b) to create sustainable rural livelihoods through regeneration of the natural ... Show
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Presently, the Act covers 626 districts of the country. Legislation of National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act (NREGA) and efforts at its subsequent implementation beginning the financial year
2006–07 mark a sharp departure from the past tradition, as the latter are designed around the basic
concept of a rights based approach to development (Datta et al, 2009). Prior to this, India was
following the needs based approach. So there was a paradigm shift in the approach to development
with the launch of MGNREGA.
` MGNREGA is a right–based framework and it provides a legal guarantee to work. Any adult
member of a household willing to do unskilled manual work would be provided
employment with 15 days. If the person does not get employment, the state govt. is required to pay
an unemployment allowance. The act does not permit the use of contractors which were a major
source of exploitation for the rural poor. With respect to labour intensive works, a ratio of 60:40 is to
be maintained. The schedule 11 of the act gives a list of the permissible works under MGNREGA,
most of which relate to water–conservation, irrigation and flood–protection etc.
It is rather unfortunate that serious and rigorous studies on NREGS in India are very few in number
(Datta et al, 2009). This paper examines the key outcomes of MGNREGA with respect to
employment and budgetary allocations. Section
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Essay on Reasons Behind China’s Enlarging Rural-Urban Divide
Urbanization brings with it a disparity between rural and urban living standards. Nonetheless, in
China this gap has started to become quite severe and has become a cause for concern (Naughton
113). Chinas Gini coefficient is currently at .415, which displays the increasing disparity in the
country ("DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY"). The rural–urban divide begun with the different ways
the Chinese government ran the rural and urban areas. The urban areas were fully under control of
the central government and since they were seen as the building blocks of the country they received
many governmental subsidies. Workers in urban areas received pensions, healthcare, had job
security, cheaper consumer goods due to subsidies and often had access to ... Show more content on ...
This is especially true for the poorer regions that cannot afford to greatly subsidize the education
system. This is a problem for the already poorer rural residents and causes many families to not be
able to afford to pay for more than the mandatory 9 years of schooling. Though some areas have
stopped requiring their students to pay tuition China lacks an adequate amount of schools and
parents still have to bear transportation costs (Hussain). This leads to a repetitive cycle of poverty in
which rural children cannot obtain the adequate education that could lead them to obtain a higher
paying job and leave the poverty cycle.
Another issue that contributes to the rural–urban divide is the extremely high cost of health care. In
2006, 39% of the rural population could not afford "professional medical treatment" ("Healthcare in
China"). Even though the government has introduced various systems to try to overcome this lack of
access to medical care, such as the Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and has increased
expenditure on health care, the results of this have not been equally spread. Many rural residents are
still uninsured and have large out of pocket health care expenses. In addition, "80 percent of health
expenditures are allocated to urban areas even though 70 percent of the population resides in rural
areas" ("Healthcare in China"). This is an example of Chinas
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Challenges Facing The Rural Lifestyle
Challenges Elderly Face Living in Rural Areas Social workers that practice in the rural environment
should understand the importance of their client's community. People who live in rural areas are
viewed as "country", unfortunate, and illiterate people not living the "normal" standards. In other
words, these characteristics of the rural lifestyle are people who are comfortable living in the low
populated environment are restricted to different resources compared to the urban communities.
Furthermore, to understand the rural lifestyle I conducted interviews on three elderly African
American women who lived their entire lives in the rural parts of Alabama: Ms. Orange who is 85
from Millry, Ms. Molly who is 83 from Camden and Ms. Washington ... Show more content on ...
"Living in rural towns can be challenging for us elderly folks. In order for me to receive medical
attention, I would wait the next day to drive miles to see the doctor," Ms. Washington. Clearly the
deficiencies in the health care profession are a major issue for low class citizens, specifically the
elderly, living in rural areas that deserve attention. As a result, health care facilities and physicians in
rural areas go by the population with health benefits so they can assist the patient. Otherwise, if the
patient does not have health benefits would have to wait longer or seek medical support from a
distance. A study was conducted comparing the access and quality of health care in rural and urban
areas to see if both areas were equivalent to each other. The result showed a significant deficiency in
rural areas (Reschovsky & Staiti, 2005). In addition to the results, three sets were identified between
barriers and in to show a connection to the results in providing health care. First the "convenience of
use" barrier states that in the rural areas the populations are lower and the residents have a tendency
to wait to seek care, travel far distances for their appointments and after arrival, wait longer to be
seen by a physician. The second barrier, "provider supply", stresses that services are few in the rural
areas because
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Exploring Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for...
Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its
peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services,
and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle
within Australia's different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is certainly
true for Rural Australia.
The biggest factor impacting Rural Australia has been the changes to the economic viability of
primary production, one of the largest sources of income for Australia (Australian Government,
2008), affected by globalization, deregulation, privatisation and reduction/withdrawal of services,
rising ... Show more content on ...
This tightening of expenditure continues on throughout the community. Business may cease
sponsorship of the local football teams and individuals may cut back on patronage of local
restaurants. Local charities and churches may notice a reduction in donations. It isn't just the newly
unemployed and the businesses that are affected. The general community begins to experience a fall
in optimism for the future. 'Economic downturn with the resulting sense of hopelessness and despair
is a major factor contributing to the high rate of rural suicides. A lot of people who get put on the
economic scrapheap through no fault of their own feel an enormous sense of worthlessness' (Human
Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,1999, p.5).
The newly unemployed can find it hard to gain other employment in the region as most rural areas
rely on one major industry for employment. Another problem is that many of the people employed
in primary production areas are likely to have limited education or skills and so find changing
careers difficult without assistance.
Education in Rural Australia is not necessarily valued or available in the same way it is in
metropolitan areas. Many children need to travel great distances or live away from home to access
secondary and particularly tertiary education. The high cost of living away from home, lack of
effective financial support from
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Essay On Rural Retrirification
This study is important because it will guide the Government in future for making decision on
expanding rural electrification program in areas without electricity and it will also encourage private
participation in coming up with Mini Electrical Energy generation in rural areas like mini hydro,
wind and Solar. It will also serve as a reference for ensuring that the Government has proper
documentation on this area so that these positive impacts of rural electrification will be clearly
supported by proper documentation and hence this will help the Government to secure more funding
from Donors to further rural electrification programs It is believed that the availability and reliability
of information from this study ... Show more content on ...
Remote or rural regions lacking electricity supply face a lot of challenges for them to get connected
to Electricity. They may lie at a reasonable distance from national or regional electricity grids
(remote villages in the Amazon) and may have difficulties in getting connected to Electricity (far
from urban centers with a difficult terrain such as large rivers or jungles). Naturally they may suffer
harsh climatic conditions that render electrification through grid extension a perilous task . In adding
to these challenges, the rural poor areas without access to electricity either spend relatively large
amounts of their scarce financial resources on energy, or a disproportionate amount of time
collecting firewood from the jungle or also lead to depletion of natural resources.
Rural electrification can have a positive impact on social and economic development in the
households, farms and establishments . If rural areas are electrified they may lead to certain changes
or social/economic development at the village level as well as at the household level. At both levels,
these changes might involve employment, incomes, productivity and others. In the agricultural
sector, rural electrification might lead to changes in irrigated area enhancing changes in cropping
intensity and cropping pattern, which in turn leads to changes in the use of factors of
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Rural Community Assessment
Rural areas are disappearing as we know it. With the population raising villages becoming towns
and towns becoming cities. With rural, it is described as a place that has more of an countryside than
a town. Evening technical is a population that has less than 2,500 people in that location, anything
over 2,500 is considered urban. The town that I pick is Tampico village located in Illinois. The town
is rural with only 790 people. With the rural–urban continuum classification, this village would be
considered non–metro area due to the fact that it is not adjacent to an area with a population less
than 19,999. Then with the rural influence codes, it would be classification as a non–core adjacent to
a micro area and contains a town of at least 2,500 residents. Now between the two different
classifications, the rural influence codes measure the ruralness of this town.
Sense 2010 the population of this town was at 790. After the past 6 years after that in 2016, the
population has decreased to 621. This is a total decrease of 169 over the last 6 years. It has also had
a rate of change of 27.21% of the decrease. ... Show more content on ...
The median of the age 45. Most of the population is older or younger. Most of the population falls
into 55 years or older. With very little younger people in the community. Now the race distribution
of this community is 97.7% white and the other 2.3% is Hispanic or two different races. There are
no African American people living in this area. This population has 93.5% of the people have a high
school diploma. I is then broken down into what percent is high school or college degree. The
number of people who have a high school diploma is 93.5%. With the rest of the population that has
a college degree is at 6.7%. With a population of 328 that is in the labor
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A Research Report On Rural Surveillance
Rural surveillance, although can be done in almost any settings, is usually conducted in rural,
farming, countryside or isolated areas where the use of an observation van is impractical. (Jenkins,
2010, p.205). The allegations and charges that were cited in both the Ruby Ridge and Waco
incidents were severe enough to warrant such surveillance and information gathering. The
allegations and charges in the case of the Waco siege and stand–off include firing of automatic
weapons from their compound, modifying legally purchased guns into illegal weapons, stock piling
illegal weapons, child abuse, advocating polygamy, fathering many children through a harem run by
the leader of the group. The location of the compound was in a rural area and for ... Show more
content on ...
The government also had an informant infiltrate the target but unknown to him, his cover had
already been blown. The target must have fed him with wrong and misleading information as was
evidenced in his reply about what the target group were doing. He replied that they were praying
when in actuality they were arming themselves for the siege from the government.
If the government had taken the time to set up an OP, taking note to use all rural OP precautions,
they would have been able to overtime get in close, set up both surface and sub–surface OPs and
gather evidence or information about the illegal weapons production activities, observe automatic
gun fire activities, confirm daily routine of key target group members. The surveillance could have
produced information on child abuse issues as well as polygamous activities. Intelligence from the
surveillance could have been used to better coordinate efforts of all agencies involved with the
siege. An even better alternative would have been to arrest the main target when he was out of his
comfort zone as he often did by mingling with locals during gun shows.
Lack of coordination even among one government agency with some leaning towards aggression
while others opted for negotiations shows the level of unpreparedness to move forward with the
mission. The government knew that they had been compromised but instead of adopting less risky
options, they decided to move in with little or incorrect intelligence about the
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Rural Urban Migration Is An Inevitable Component Of The...
The phenomenon of rapid urbanization in less developed countries and in the absence of extensive
industrialization, led to the emergence of illegal settlements and shanty towns, discuss the
relationship between urbanization, poverty and development; and use a case study to illustrate the
effects of rapid urbanization in LDC's.
Rural–urban migration occurs at varying rates in every country. This paper focuses on the process of
rural–urban migration and its influence on urbanization in developing countries. It presents
arguments in support of the proposal that rural–urban migration is an inevitable component of the
development process, and does not necessarily have to result in opposing impacts with the right mix
of policies, this process can occur at a socially acceptable level. However, the misrepresentation of
opportunities in favor of cities in most developing countries, the costs associated with rural–urban
migration often outweigh the benefits, which lead to excessive urbanization with special emphasis
on the causes and consequences of rural–urban migration, and their relationship with urbanization
and economic growth. Keeping into consideration the fact that rural–urban migration is an integral
part of the development process. Also the paper will give a brief historical background about the
rapid urbanization change in developing countries over time and will be applying a case study of a
country to illustrate this change.
Many developing countries have a recent
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Reasons Why Urban And Rural Areas Are Interdependent On...
Currently, most of the world's population is living in urban areas which have implications for land
use and land changes, use of natural resources, and the absorption of rural labour in urban areas. The
rural and urban interdependence means the flow of natural resources, agricultural commodity,
money, information and services between rural and urban areas. Moreover, the rural population is
adopting the urban style and behaviour or is becoming socially urbanized. According to Steinberg
(2014) economic development and natural resource use and as well as livelihoods bind urban and
rural areas together. These indicate that urban and rural areas have a symbiotic relationship, which
makes them to depend on each other. Thus, one area needs the other to function and develop. This
essay will outline and discuss the ways and reasons why urban and rural areas are interdependent on
each other.
RURAL AND URBAN INTERACTION Source: Repp et al. (2012).
There is a rich flow between urban and rural areas in domestic and tourism and consumption, such
as rural people visiting urban and spending money on food and entertainment. One of the factors
that indicate the interdependent between rural and urban areas is spatial flow. The ... Show more
content on ...
Rural areas play a role in accommodating and managing waste from urban areas because in rural
areas the space is enough unlike in urban areas where there is limited space, high rents, or
environmental conflicts Kubische (2007). The waste in urban areas flows to rural areas and is a
worldwide phenomenon. Water pollution, loss and degradation of farmland through urban
expansion, soil erosion, threats to forests, coastlines, and marine ecosystems from disposal toxic
wastes air pollution and acid rain from urban industries, power generation, and motor vehicles, are
among the long list flow that position many rural areas as dumping grounds for urban
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Briefing paper on rural housing
Table of Contents
Briefing paper on Rural Housing
Britain has experienced a series of affordable housing crisis in the early 1980s and early 1990s
(Bramley, 1994). As Andrew Stonell (2010) stated "Localism works–all over the country there are
villages very keen to have low–cost housing for local people and they are prevented by the planning
system from having it." This briefing paper refutes Stonell's claim and is written to the North
Eastern Farming and Rural Advisory Network, which is one of new Rural and Farming Networks.
The purpose of this paper is indicating the scale and causes of the rural housing crisis, and
demonstrating how the planning system enable the process of affordable rural housing, then ... Show
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Instead of "Right to buy" regulation, affordable rented housing will be provided to tenants with a
maximum of 80% of the total market rent, and available on both fixed term and regular lease (PPS3,
2011). Affordable rent houses will be let by registered providers and the increase of low cost rent
houses would provide decent homes to low–income residents and rural people from other villages.
To meet the demand of sustainable development in rural areas, PPS7 required government should
follow the planning objectives and regulations set out in PPG3, and the purpose is to provide rural
people a decent home. It also indicated that housing requirements and assessment of local affordable
housing need should be recognized by local planning authorities. Make sufficient land available and
strictly control new house building will promote the construction of low cost houses and make good
use of the land.
Milbourne (2008) also highlighted that tracing the cooperation with new partnership will lead a
wider series of agencies to afford suitable housing in the countryside. PPS3 (2006) indicated that
local authorities are not supposed to formulate affordable housing providers in planning conditions
and obligations, a discussion will be needed on how to provide affordable housing and long term
arrangement. This planning system will control the housing prices and conditions, in order to
prevent the malpractice in
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Use Of Distance Education Within A Rural Setting Essay
The Use of Distance Education in Continuing Interprofessional Education within a Rural Setting
Interprofessional education (IPE) is an imperative form of educating a variety of healthcare
professionals (HCPs). With factors such as an ageing population and an increase in the number of
patients with chronic health conditions, patient care has become more complex, requiring HCPs to
work together collaboratively. While many institutions initiate education for new HCPs with IPE as
a part of existing curriculum, current staff working in clinical areas require continuing education to
educate on how to work efficiently in the interprofessional team after they obtain their licensing.
Continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) is an important part of ongoing HCP education to
ensure HCPS maintain a continued focus and practice on working in an interprofessional
environment. While larger tertiary centres employ educators with an ability to conduct CIPE, rural
and isolated urban areas experience greater difficulty in managing CIPE, thus a distance education
focus is required. An understanding of the efficiency of distance education in the CIPE setting, in
addition to the most effective methods of providing CIPE is required for educators with an
interdisciplinary focus in the rural setting. In this paper, we will examine CIPE, issues regarding
CIPE in remote areas, and the use of distance education for CIPE.
Literature Search The Athabasca University Library was used as a
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Infrastructure and Rural Development in Malaysia
1. Malaysia has achieved substantial success in its rural development, especially in reducing the
incidence of poverty in both rural and urban. In the process, the rural areas have been developed
with infrastructures, utility, social amenities, health and school facilities and etc to support the
economic development of the country as well as increasing the quality of life of her populace. The
productivity and incomes of the rural people, or more specifically the agriculture sector, the
mainstay of the rural economy, have steadily increased. Rural development continues to be one of
the main focus of the Malaysian
Government under the 9 th Malaysia Plan (2006 – 1010).
2. ... Show more content on ...
Threat of communist terrorist in the 50's, asked for opening up of the rural area (including 4 new
villages for relocation), as well as their infrastructure and because of that, priority was given for the
purpose of the security.
6. The Malaysian Government built on the initial stock of infrastructure, expanding and modernising
infrastructure facilities and at the same time addressing the infrastructure inadequacies of the less
developed regions of the country. Because of the importance of infrastructure for economic
development and for alleviating poverty, the
Government of Malaysia continues to give the highest priority to infrastructure development. The
Malaysian Government has continuously allocated a substantial amount of the development budget
for infrastructure, rural development and poverty eradication programmes. 7. Massive investments
for the development and modernisation of infrastructure facilities and rural development were
clearly required not only to cope with the demands of a rapidly expanding economy but also to
ensure that the country's competitiveness in global markets was not compromised for lack of good
quality infrastructure.
8. Despite the effort of the part of the Government to develop the rural areas, two factors have to be
considered that have an important influence on
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Advancing Rural Healthcare: The APN Educator’s Ways and Means
When assessing the current state of healthcare in the United States, properly forming an answer
requires the separation of healthcare by geography, demographics, and economics. These factors
influence the quality and availability of services and resources available to clients and professionals.
The urban areas will usually have greater access to an array of services and resources, whereas the
rural areas will see limitation in this regard. The rural community is normally a place with an
eclectic collection of self–reliant people many of whom have never been exposed, within the context
of healthcare, to the complexities contained within the healthcare organizations in urban
environments. This factor does not eliminate or alleviate, for that ... Show more content on ...
Can I accomplish my personal goals and raise a family in a rural community going to be conducive
to these personal goals? These are examples of personal and professional questions that must be a
part of the metaparadigm assessment for the APN. If the professional goal is to promote the
advancement of healthcare within the healthcare community within the constraints of a rural setting
and one can embrace the eclectic nature of living in the rural environment, then it may be the case
that the APN is not limited but suited for the challenges presented by the metaparadigm. Rural
healthcare has a growing need for these professionals along with the services and education they can
provide. In rural America, more than 20 million Americans of the total 60 million total rural
residents do not receive the care they require. (Fact sheet, 2006) In taking these factors into
consideration the APN educator can be confident in the decision to practice in a rural community
which will accommodate the professional advancement that is the desired effect for the educator."
Shortages of health facilities, physicians, nurses and other health care professionals in rural and
isolated areas can result in individuals forgoing preventive medicine and necessary health
treatment." (Fact Sheet, 2006) When the decision is weighed in this context, factors which lure away
APN to the urban setting will be neutralized to some extent.
To inspire
... Get more on ...

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Rural Caries Risk

  • 1. Rural Caries Risk The rural landscape of the United States forms special challenges for those living in rural communities that are not seen in the urban or suburban setting. According to the Maternal and Child Health Bureau in 2014 15.5% of children in the United States were living in rural areas ("Rural and Urban Children," 2014). Rural areas were defined by the US Census bureau as any area with 50,000 or less people, or urban clusters with less than 2,500 people. Assessing oral health status of those in rural areas presents unique challenges. Challenges are due to geography and the spread of sparse populations over large areas of land. In reviewing the literature related to the question, do children in rural areas have higher caries risk, it became evident ... Show more content on ... Adair et al., utilized methods for this study where children were examined by calibrated two dentists and parents completing a questionnaire about fluoride exposure. The population in this study included children whose school drinking water was fluoridated. Differences between the population groups came from home water supply either being fluoridated or non–fluoridated. A major limitation of this study is that only a small sample size in rural Georgia was assessed. Geography matters: state–level variation in children's oral health care access and oral health status examined the differences in children's oral health status and access to care between states. Data from this study was derived from the 2007 Survey of Children's Health. The population of interest in this study was children age 2– 17. The study also considered child, family, and community variables that may impact oral health status and access to care. Limitations of this study included data restrictions as private insurance data was difficult to access (Fisher – Owens et al, ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Literature Review On Rural Markets LITERATURE REVIEW: RURAL MARKETS – THE NEW EL DORADO INTRODUCTION The primary objective of this literature review is to understand the concept of Rural Markets in India, and to find out the opportunities and challenges faced by these rural markets according to the researches already conducted. The Rural Markets, as a part of the economy have been untapped and have a huge potential. The urban markets in India are saturated and even though the contribution of agricultural sector has gone down in the GDP, India still lives in her villages. However, the concept of rural markets, in India, is still evolving and possesses like any other sector its own set of opportunities and challenges. The primary objective of this study will be understanding ... Show more content on ... The analysis concluded that outlying India offers enormous opportunities which businesses can tap with regards to growth and progress. However, companies experience many challenges inside tackling the outlying markets. 833 million people have a home in India when compared with 377 million inside urban India therefore vast untapped opportunities can be purchased in rural India, but marketer struggle to tap these opportunities due to lack of infrastructure facilities. Literacy rate is lacking in rural area so people can't identify brand difference. However, now the literacy rate is also increasing in rural India. Variety of middle and greater income household inside rural India is anticipated to grow from 80 million to 111 thousand. There is swift development in infrastructure these opportunities attract companies to rural market. Using some technologies development in distribution as well as marketing of goods in rural Indian, companies in outlying market can earn more profits, marketplace share, etc. The Rural market is often a greater future prospect for your marketers and there are various opportunities available for him or her in rural ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. New Market Penetration Strategy in Rural India Team name: Two idiots Institute IMT Ghaziabad Team Members: Sankha Mandal: 9434134144 Udai Singh : 7838590282 Rural market– opportunities– "India lives in her villages", a maxim attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, rings true when we see rural India retaining its old domination of the national population and economy in its 627000 villages, even after six decades of a development model that cherishes urbanization and industrialization. Close to 69% of Indians–743 million people or 138 million households–live in rural areas, generating 56% of the national income. With urban markets showing signs of saturation, companies are getting increasingly excited about the ... Show more content on ... | | Cigarettes |59 |Sewing machines |64 | | Toilet soap |57 |Table fans |62 | | Tea |53 |B&W TVs |57 | | Washing powder |53 |Cassette recorders |53 | | Talcum powder |44 |Motorcycles |49 | | Toothpaste |38 |Scooters |30 | | Electric bulbs |38 |Mixers/grinders |25 | | Shampoo |25 |Washing machines |12 | | Nail polish ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Rural Tourism And Urban Tourism For some time, rural areas have seen a marked decrease in economic potential as a result of the urbanization of most areas in the United States. Unlike many of the more populated areas, rural areas are home to small communities that exist over a vast amount of land. Farmers, cattle herders and the like often suffer from a lack of economic certainty whereas their profits hinge on the conditions around them. It has become increasingly necessary to implement new methods of revitalizing the economies of rural areas in order to create a more equally profitable nation. There are many historical landmarks, key events and persons of interest all over the United States and that appeal only appreciates over time. Many rural areas are beginning to capitalize on the industry that seems to bring the most unbridle profit, tourism. Rural tourism is inclusive of many experiences that take place in a rural setting from eco–tourism to ethno–tourism. There are many misconceptions that exist about the benefits of rural tourism and the criticisms most often point towards the disruption of the existing community. Yet the implementation of a successful rural tourism industry has proved beneficial according to several studies conducted in the U.S. For instance, according to the Economic Research Service "Rural tourism and recreational development results in lower local poverty rates and improvements in other social conditions, such as local educational attainment and health (measured by mortality ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Paying Attention to Rural Education Essay For many communities, particularly rural communities, schools serve as a source of identity. Because of this, the problems that plague rural schools become enough of a problem that they threaten the identity of the community; unfortunately, many lawmakers and policymakers in seats of power do not have an intuitive understanding of how rural schools work. Policies that work for urban schools, or even suburban schools, can not be assumed to fit the role of a rural school. It is suggested in this article that more attention needs to be paid to rural schools that fly under the radar or have misdiagnosed problems. Even though a greater number of people are moving to rural areas from urban environments, nationwide awareness of problems in ... Show more content on ... A note on the last point: this is not a negative thing in and of itself, it is only a problem if the school does not have the resources or know–how to handle a growing diverse population. It helps nobody if a diverse school is teaching to only the majority population. On a broad basis, the discussion in this article of problems being handled in a 'general' way speaks volumes about our own pluralistic educational needs. We learn in class that it is important to not judge students based on their backgrounds, and that it is important to approach all cultures as unique. Using a broad stroke to try and cover diversity does not work. In a similar way, trying to solve the problems of rural schools using a broad stroke (using methods that normally apply to similar problems in an urban setting, for instance) will not work. As educators, it is important for us to consider the unique problems of the rural setting and to consider how these issues affect our students. "The interactions between teachers and students determine the quality of education. Teachers send messages that tell students that they have potential and that they can learn. Teachers who know their subject matter, believe that all students can learn, and care about students as individuals can have a great impact on students and their learning," (379 Gollnick and Chinn). In absence of funding and resources, teachers can still take great strides in providing students ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Urban Areas Of Rural Areas CHAPTER ONE 1.0 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1.1 INTRODUCTION Over the years, there has been a very high movement from rural to urban areas and this has made it difficult to improve as well as sustain development in rural areas. The arrival of civilization brought about urbanization. Civilization is the height of man's inventions as a means of raising his standard of living. Man believes in high–living and indeed obtains much pleasure in the company of other fellow men. People agglomerate in cities to be able to communicate person to person, person to firm person to government. Urban areas constitute the development potential of the state, the rural areas have been neglected in terms of development opportunities. With the declining attitudes that existed in the rural areas the rural dwellers are attracted to the urban areas to benefits from better paying jobs, qualitative supply of basic amenities, highs level of commercial, recreational and industrial activities. Rapid urban population growth and physical expansion are very serious physical planning problem such as poor physical layout places like Ajegunle and Makoko in Lagos. Also, these include in the list; mass transit problem inadequate supply of housing, water and other basic social services. Embarking on rural development and sustainability is very important, considering the fact that more than two–third of the Nigeria's population is living in rural areas, and they experience a lot of misery, poverty, morbidity ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Crime Statistics In Rural Communities Although many people seem to believe that rural communities and populations are without crime, this is a misconception that effects the way in which policing takes place. Crime statistics in local communities do not put emphasis on the happenings in rural communities. This leads to shortages in specialty crime units that could be useful in rural areas, though difficult to supply because of low usage. The resources, such as funding, that could be allocated to rural areas is then provided to other departments that benefit locals. This could lead to shortage of officers in rural communities, which causes strain on officers from higher shift loads. For a local police officer, work slates can be divided up as other staff can come and complete already ... Show more content on ... This type of policing is reactive where police officers patrol communities looking for crimes that have or are occurring. This style of policing allows for all suspects to be treated the same regardless of criminogenic factors. This type of policing leads to higher arrests and can be used as a deterrent due to high numbers of people talking about the police catching their crimes. This type of policing is effective when focusing on tackling a specific crime that is causing great numbers of harm to societies as seen with initiatives on gun violence, drinking and driving or drug trafficking. This type of policing limits corruption, which can be seen in policing approaches where close community interactions can lead to bias an unfair treatment. However, traditional policing is not without drawbacks. This type of policing leaves no room for discretion leading to us viruses them mentality from not only the general population but the officers as well. The police officers will no longer see themselves as apart of the community but above the community they are apart of. Reactive policing does not address issues of the community problems; it only creates a temporary superficial solution to greater problems. Community policing works with the public to police as well as prevent crimes, which is not seen in traditional policing. Although community policing seems idea, there should be a policing approach that handles most crimes without bias as well as works with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Health Care Services And Rural Communities Section 1 Assessing Healthcare services is an important factor for individuals in rural areas in order to decrease physical and emotional stress. In many rural areas, there are barriers that one may face such as, lack of transportation, shortage of physicians in the area and lack of health care services. With these barriers, rural communities face more sickness and deaths. In this paper, the author will discuss factors that sustain health care services in rural communities and how to make it better with a proposed solution that may assist with this issue. Factors that contribute to sustaining the issue, what factors may ameliorate the issue. When one looks at the barriers that rural communities face with the issue of health care services, there are a few to discuss. First, lack of transportation is one barrier to look at. In rural areas, there are residents that may not have a car, have funds to put gas in the car, or due to distance in a rural community, have the means to travel that far due to their health condition. In a qualitative study done on barriers that patients with chronic disease face in rural areas, between the years of 2002 to 2012, geographical distance was one of the main barriers that the patients faced. This issue caused many patients to not seek healthcare increasing their vulnerability to possibly decrease their health, according to (Brundisini, Giacomini, DeJean, et al. 2013). The next barrier that the author found was the shortage of physicians in ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Rural Development in India Rural Development In India India has been a welfare state ever since her Independence and the primary objective of all governmental endeavors has been the welfare of its millions. Planning has been one of the pillars of the Indian policy since independence and the country's strength is derived from the achievement of planning. The policies and programmes have been designed with the aim of alleviation of rural poverty which has been one of the primary objectives of planned development in India. It was realized that a sustainable strategy of poverty alleviation has to be based on increasing the productive employment opportunities in the process of growth itself. Elimination of poverty, ignorance, diseases and inequality of ... Show more content on ... These are health education drinking water, housing and roads. To impart greater momentum to the efforts in these sectors the Government had launched the Pradhan Mantri Gramdoya Yojana (PMGY) and the ministry of rural development was entrusted with the responsibility of implementing drinking water, housing and rural roads component of PMGY During the Ninth Plan period, several anti–poverty Programmes have been restructured to enhance the efficiency of the Programmes for providing increased benefits to the rural poor. Self Employment Programmes have been revamped by merging the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP), the Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA), the Supply of Improved Tool–Kits to Rural Artisans (SITRA), the Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM), the Ganga Kalyan Yojana (GKY) and the Million Wells Scheme (MWS) into a holistic self–employment scheme called Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY). Keeping in view the needs and aspirations of the local people, Panchayati Raj Institutions have been involved in the programme implementation and these institutions constitute the core of decentralized development of planning and its implementations. The Ministry is also vigorously pursuing with the State Governments for expeditious devolution of requisite administrative and financial powers to PRI's as envisaged under 73rd amendment act of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Social Workers : A Rural Setting Face Each And Every Day... This paper discusses the issues that social workers who practice in a rural setting face each and every day. But, what does a town need to be considered rural? According to the United States Census, any area that has less than 2500 people is considered to be a rural area (Branch 2016). Areas with small populations such as these face many issues each day. These issues can include dual relationships, limited availability of resources, confidentiality issues, transportation issues, and having to take on more responsibility. All of these problems bring about difficulties for social workers who practice in rural settings. One of the main issues with practicing in a rural setting involves client confidentiality and how to maintain it in a rural setting. The odds of having a social worker completing counseling sessions with someone that they know previously are very high when you live and work in a small town. The client could be your next door neighbor or someone you serve with on the local school board. Confidentiality has an exceedingly high chance of being broken. In a small town, the locals will likely know who is currently going to the social worker's office just by looking at who's cars are currently in the parking lot. A local social worker might also have no choice but to deal with inquisitive neighbors asking him why their friend is in need of professional help and other personal questions. This type of intrusion generates problems for the client to be able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Behavior Of Rural Consumers Towards Mobile Phones Essay "AN ANALYTIC STUDY TO EVALUATE BEHAVIOUR OF RURAL CONSUMERS TOWARDS MOBILE PHONES 1.0 Introduction "The future lies with those companies who see the poor as their customers" – C.K.Prahalad Villages are an integral part of nation. They become even more important in the Asian and African context, where a majority of population is residing in rural areas. For centuries the rural world in India was static as a self sufficient unit of production and consumption, but it is no longer so. The rural setting is changing every day, with the corporate sector acting both as the carrier and bearer of the consequences of this change which is happening at an accelerating rate. Demographic profiles and spending patterns in rural India too are changing and marketers have to junk their old perception about rural India. Rural consumers who were on the receiving end so far are now gradually getting into position to dictate terms for the first time. Although there is a long way to go, the beginning has already been made. Corporate world needs to realize that, to be successful in the rural market, they must go in with a clear long–term strategy. There must be a willingness to invest in rural market with as much energy as they utilise to build brands in the urban one. Since rural efforts take longer to give sustained results, they must be prepared for a long haul. Short term efforts may not deliver the desired results on a sustained basis in rural areas. A ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Quality Of Life In Urban And Rural Life Urban areas are the human settlement with high population and well–established infrastructure. People who live in urban areas are mostly involved in commerce and trading activities. However, urban areas are not confined to cities only, but also includes the suburbs areas. On the other side, rural areas are region situated on the outskirts. There are open space and natural vegetation. Residents practice agriculture and animal husbandry and use it as a source of income. Many people and families raise questions on the benefits that one acquires by choosing to live in either urban or rural settlement (Lucas 31). Quality of life is essential when comparing both urban and rural life. Even though both locations are best to live, it is crucial to evaluate the similarity and differences between two places. Various factors such as the diversity, employment opportunities, health, and capacity to make broad choices influence one decision while comparing urban and rural life. Even though life in both urban and rural areas offers great benefits, there are some drawbacks in both lives. Both positive and negative factors determine the quality of life in urban centers. To start with, people living in cities have a variety of choices to make regarding their everyday lives. For example, residents in urban areas have access to the various types of food which results in improved health. Additionally, different types of culture exist in cities. People learn different culture through ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Postcolonial Ireland: Rural Fundamentalism and... The purpose of this essay is to ask, when Ireland began to industrialise in the 1960s and the 1970s why it mainly occurred in the west. This essay will discuss postcolonial Ireland (1920s–1960s). It will define rural fundamentalism and how it informed social and economic policies in Ireland, it will focus on how poverty, emigration and unemployment and how it played a key role in the eclipsing of the communities of rural Ireland This essay will discuss how the opening up of the economy and the shift in ideologies was essential to the survival of the nation. Moving on it will discuss the International Development Authority (IDA) and its role it had in promoting industrialisation in the west. It will give an explanation as to why the ... Show more content on ... West of Ireland is a designated area it can be argued that this can one of the reasons why multinational firms chose to locate to the west of Ireland to achieve the maximum profit margin from the industry. 4 Wickham (1980) argued, that the new industries where located in rural Ireland because a smaller percentage of the population were in industrial workforce and trade union connections where significantly lower. He argues that the trade union connections where predominantly Dublin based industries. The multinational firms located in the west of Ireland because they could employ cheap labour. According to Slater (2011), multinational firms tend to employ younger employees with no experience in industrial work; they tend to recruit small farm owners. As Harris (1986) illustrate that the multinationals had generated 2100 jobs of which 1875 where being preformed by women, when the IDA "publicly stressed that the jobs in the new factories where for males, suggesting that they would be more qualified, full time and well paid." (Corcoran et al 2007:73) in practise this did not happen as Harris (1986) noted they recruited rural women. According to Harris (1984), half of the women came from small farm backgrounds and commuted to work everyday. Women where earning money, they were seen as consumers, this brought economic change to the west, as a result new shops where opening up in rural towns. Women were finding new identities. Industrialisation resulted in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Rural Development Implementation of Rural Development Programmes in India: Impediments and Possible Solutions "The real India lives in the villages. Unless we are able to uplift the tribals and the backward classes India faces a dark future". –––– Swami Vivekananda Introduction India lives in villages and its development is synonymous with the development of people living rural areas. India is a vast and second most populous country of the world. According to 2011 census India's population is now about 4.2 billion, its annual growth rate is about 1.64%. About 68.84 % of the country's population lives in rural areas where their work is mainly related to agriculture and its allied activities like animal husbandry, dairying, forestry, fishery, etc. and cottage and ... Show more content on ... on agriculture, stresses on food self–sufficiency and employment to the rural people as the top priorities. Nevertheless, this food self–sufficiency is under strong constraints and handicaps, particularly from the massive rural population growth which consequently leading to illiteracy, ignorance, and backwardness. Besides, alarming also leading to land under cultivation is not only diminishing but also gets further fragmented, ecology degraded, infrastructural facilities do not match with the growth of rural population. This problem has been aggravated mainly by demographic pressure which leads to a large number of very small fields of the country and poor infrastructure facilities like water, electricity, transport, educational institutions, communication, health, warehousing etc. Unless these problems are strategically attended and pragmatic efforts are initiated, India, can't flourish its rural areas and communities. Keeping these in view, the present paper tries to identify the impediments in implementing rural development programmes and pragmatic efforts to overcome them for ensuring equitable and sustainable development in rural ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay On Rural India Access to Internet is a prerequisite to go digital. But how many indians have the fortune of possessing it? As per TRAI report, the figure is not more than 28 per cent of the population. Out of 36.74 core internet subscribers till September, 2016, 24.7 core of the connections are concentrated only in cities. Urban India is way ahead with 61.9 internet subscriptions per 100 people while rural India is struggling with 13.7 subscriptions per 100 people. Digital disparity is so high that Delhi alone has 2.2 core internet connections while the entire North–East lags behind with just 4.3 lakh connection. Half of the 3 core connections in Maharashtra are concentrated in Mumbai. It is to be noted that urban population constitute only 32.7 per cent ... Show more content on ... 1.7 Awareness Reaction is impulsive and rigorous in case of a threat. It is mild and lukewarm in case of an opportunity. Same is the case with going cashless. Cyber security is one of the retarding factor which can cast doubt in the mind of people, especially in those areas lagging behind in financial literacy. The mass should be made aware of the benefits of going cashless. At the same time, they should have the faith that their digital money is safe. India fares quite high in the United Nation's Telecommunication Union's index of cyber security, placed in the' maturing category' at 23rd position out of 165 nations. However, most of the ATMs in India still run on the outdated Windows XP which is vulnerable and proned to cyber attacks. The case of 3.2 million debits of Yes Bank, Axis Bank, HDFC, SBI, ICICI compromised last year makes cyber security a challenge that need to be given due importance else people will not have the confidence to go digital. 1.8 Suggestions 1. Limit in cash withdrawal should be reinstated to restrict uncontrolled flow of cash back into the system. 2. ATMs should be upgraded regularly to latest version of Windows. 3. Startups in smartphone sector should be encouraged by proving subsidies to local entrepreneur so that these can be availed at reasonable price in the market which is now being dominated by the Chinese manufacturers. 4. Projects like Bharatnet should be allocated maximum fund( an ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Rural And Remote Australia Essay The definition of rural and remote Australia is based on the access to health, workforce and major cities. One feature to define geographical rurality is when many services are less accessible to them. There are several different systems in place for classifying and separating different degrees of rurality: RRMA – Rural Remote and Metropolitan Areas. This uses population size and direct distance from the nearest service centre in order to divide into 7 groups o Capital cities – state and territory capital o Other metropolitan centre– statistical subdivisions with a population >100000 o Large rural centres –population of >25000 residing in urban centres o Small rural centres –population between 10000 and 24999 o Other rural centres –all remaining statistical local areas in rural zone o Remote centres –remote zone with population of 5000 or more o Other remote centres –all remaining statistical local areas in remote zone ARIA– Accessibility/Remoteness Index of ... Show more content on ... The rate has slowly declined in major cities but remained the same in remote Australia, with farmers being at higher risk. Due mainly to the isolation the individual may feel physically by the distance of the town or property but the traditional ideologies, still common in rural areas, to do with homosexuality and mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. These lead to more alienation and substance abuse. The feeling that someone may not be able to reach out to get help included with the distance making it very hard for someone to seek medical attention. There are provisions being put in place for improving the future of rural Australians mental health such as educational meetings in schools for understanding homosexuality and substance abuse and trying to remove the stigma. There are also support mechanisms being put in place with more access to health professionals and emergency ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Disadvantages Of Rural Development There is a lot of construction work have been carried out in the city. But the development of construction works in rural areas also increased. This is to explore the rural area which has potential or ability to become an attraction of our country. There are many advantages in rural development some of them are increasing in literacy rate, improve in transportation and road facility, water problems are solved, better improvement in power supply and also improving to live a better life. One of the advantages in rural development is literacy rate is increasing in rural areas. The literacy rate of people in rural areas is poor if compare to the people who live in city. This is because there is less educational introduce in the rural areas. The rural areas are lack of educational because they do not have enough resources to construct educational building such as school. The children in rural areas should study to gain knowledge and get use of it. So, the advantage of rural development to the population is the literacy rate increase among the people in rural areas. When there is implementing of construction project, the most important building which must be constructed is school. This is to give convenient to the people to study and ... Show more content on ... This is because some of the rural place still do not have roadway. They still using boat as their transport and their only excess is river. So, if implement the development in rural area, the transportation and road facility can be improved. For example, if there is a roadway, the people can use the motorcycle and car as their daily transportation. It is more convenient, easy and safer than using boat. In short, development of the transportation and road facility in rural area is important and simultaneously provide the advantages to the people who live in rural ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Industrialization Of Rural Ireland In The 1940s And 1950s Rural Ireland of the 1940s and 1950s was a very quiet, tranquil and peaceful region. It was very agriculturally orientated and it was the main source of employment in this region (Wickham, 1980). Rural Ireland was very poor and many residents had emigrated in search of work. During these decades the Irish government used protectionist policies which created a community ideology amongst Irish citizens (Wickham, 1980). The citizens felt a sense of control over their state. Let's now fast forward in time and stop 20 years into the future. The region is now 1970 and Rural Ireland was far from the poor region it was less than 20 years ago. This region was now undergoing a boom and there were many factories and transnational corporations in sight. ... Show more content on ... The Irish government took a huge risk by saying goodbye to the protectionist policies that had been in place in the country for many years. Deciding to view the world as a market was a risk, considering it went against the policies that led Irish people to believe they had a fraction of control over the state. The risk paid off, with the government attracting Transnational Corporations into the rural regions of Ireland through incentives and grants. The industrialization of Rural Ireland transformed Rural Society. Rural Ireland, once a region occupied by agricultural enterprises, now became the home of many manufacturing factories and the region had slowly begun to urbanize due to the increase in Transnational Corporations in the region. Although there was conflict along the way, as can be seen by the conflict that emerged due to a fear of pollution, this industrialization transformed the life of the residents. Women were now given "financial independence" as they earned their own individual incomes for the first time. They had escaped from the invisible handcuffs that locked them to their homes. These women now had a new, distinguished source of power that enabled them to form their own community ideology. A boom took off in the rural regions of Ireland, with more employment opportunities. Migrants returned home to take advantage of these opportunities and the rural ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Map Of Global Rural Population Distribution Essay Currently 3.4 billion people live in remote and rural areas. Physical, geopolitical, and financial impediments create an environment where it is difficult to access healthcare. (1) After examining the major extrinsic and intrinsic factors in healthcare delivery to rural areas, we extrapolate how existing technology and supply chain management can be leveraged to create cost effective, large scale, and ultimately self–sustaining strategy. FIGURE 1 Map of Global Rural Population Distribution INTRODUCTION There are two main factors that generally dictate one's ability to get health care services. Those two factors are affordability and accessibility. For those in living in urban areas, or developed rural areas, the focus is primarily on the financial impact of accessing healthcare. However, for the other half of the world the accessibility issue is one of physical and geopolitical nature, though in the end underlying costs also play a secondary factor. In these rural areas even routine medical exams like physicals, vaccinations, and simple neo–natal care like vitamin supplementation are difficult to acquire. Identifying issues that contribute to the difficulties associated with healthcare delivery is easy. There were plenty of issues we already anticipated, and many arose during our research into our white paper topic. The real difficulty was identifying the starting point from where a solution could begin to be engineered. With the global economy being so integrated, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Understanding And Writing : The Reflection Of Living In... When I first came to this class I had no clue what it was going to be about. I was born and raised in a rural town. I have also had to deal with all that comes with living in a rural town. Small town people gossip, trains coming in and out whenever they want (I never cared to sit and try to figure out the schedule either), or having to drive 45 miles to get literally anything for a decent price. The worse part also has to be finding clothes that no one else in the school would wear, so I would have to drive down to Florida just to shop for clothes – until people started figuring it out so then I switched to online shopping. The good part about living in a rural area I guess would be the quiet, stress free rides to school or work because it would take me about thirty minutes; those were always good moments to think. The thing about living in a city, like Tifton, is I do not see the stars like I would back home which always makes going home more admirable. Being in the class opened me up to my community more, and did get me more involved in it as well. One topic that came up in the book, Reclaiming the Rural, was that of Agricultural Literacy. Basically, what Agricultural Literacy does is it is supposed to advocate the understanding and knowledge necessary to communicate basic information about agriculture with students, producers, consumers, and the public. These are things I used to do when I was in FFA (Future Farmers of America), it is also what the club 4–H is doing as ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Essay On Rural Areas Defining Rural Areas for Statistical Purposes The vagaries around the rural concept must yield to an objective form in order to have consistent measurement. Since this chapter draws primarily on data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), their definition of rural is consistent and convenient. Since 2006, NCES has used the same "urban–centric" locale definitions used by the US Census Bureau. Fittingly, under this urban–centric definition, rural areas include all those located outside of places the Census calls "urban." The urban umbrella term includes three locales: cities, suburbs, and towns. Each of these is broken into three subtypes: large, midsize, and small. City locales include territories within an urbanized ... Show more content on ... For this reason, this chapter uses the entire rural locale instead of rural sublevels. One wrinkle in NCES's classification system is that while every school can be specifically accounted for as belonging to one locale, school districts can include schools from different locale classifications. For example, a district classified as "suburban" might include a number of individual schools that are classified as "rural." Despite the partial mismatch between the locale of some schools and the districts they belong to, there are valuable reasons to compare school districts by their predominant locale. For instance, districts, rather than schools, are the ones that often deal with issues like transportation or providing opportunities for advanced course taking, which pose unique challenges in rural areas. In order to compare districts by locale, the chapter uses NCES district categorizations which assign a locale based on the predominant locale the district's schools. Of course, this classification system groups together a large number of schools into each locale category that are far from homogeneous. To illustrate differences between locales and across rural areas, select data points are broken out by locale ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Reasons For Dealing With Rural Villages ! Factors to Consider when Dealing with Rural Villages Nerfe Alcos, Irvin Chang Moanalua High School February 24, 2015 Table Contents Abstract....................................................................................2 Definition of Rural........................................................................3 Access to Health care.....................................................................3 Telemedicine...............................................................................5 Social Differences.........................................................................5 Organizations..............................................................................7 ... Show more content on ... Even when one is able to pass the practical hurdles, one must deal with the social concerning hurdles such as language and cultural differences. Even with the help of organization such as World Health Organization, providing medical necessities remains a concerning problem. Healthcare providers must be able to subdue all of these hurdles to be able to provide adequate service to their rural patients. 2 Definition It has been a problem to discuss the medical needs of rural areas simply because there are many areas that fall under the rural category. The term rural is considered very vague: a sparsely populated non–urban region. This means that the term rural can be branded to areas ranging from semi– developed areas such as Lanai, to the almost isolated villages of Yendi. Rural populations differentiate from one another depending on the region they reside in. However, these regions have some things in common such as non–condensed population. Although the amount of inhabitants varies from area to area, most rural areas share a constant. The population density of almost all rural areas is low. Yendi, for example has a population 52,000 condensed in a area of 4,087.2 square kilometers. Burley, Idaho, another rural area is slightly more condensed with a population of 10,456 residing in 16 square kilometers. When compared to the 12,150,996 inhabitants living within the 4,496 square kilometers of the urbanized Los ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Rural Americans Face The Struggle Of Accessing Healthcare Rural Americans face the struggle of accessing healthcare, both preventative services and also specialty care, here in America. What is the cause most often? Distance. According to a study conducted by Buzza et al (2011), those surveyed believed that distance was perhaps the most important reason for lack of access to healthcare on a variety of the spectrum to include: routine healthcare, emergency care, specialty care, and in some cases diagnostic services. What the study found was that among other things, improved means of getting to said services would in turn, improve access to healthcare services for rural Americans. The demographics of this study looked at specifically rural veterans, however, these struggles can be seen for ... Show more content on ... Technological fixes are ways to solve the problems by means of technology, and often ignore changing the behavior itself and rather just solve the problem with technology. Structural changes are what are implemented as a penalty for not changing behaviors, typically an example of this is laws and regulations that create a penalty for behaviors in order to change whatever problem is at hand. First, how can the cognitive approach be utilized in order to change healthcare access to rural Americans? Education of rural Americans as well as healthcare providers plays a role on access to healthcare and their overall health. In rural America, twenty–eight percent of adults rate their health status as fair to poor, approximately nineteen percent of adolescents smoke, eighty in 100,000 males and forty in 100,000 females between the ages of one and twenty–four die, and approximately sixty–four percent of rural adults are covered by private insurance. In addition, only ten percent of the doctors in the United States practice in rural communities and only about forty in 100,000 specialists are in rural communities as well ("What 's Different about Rural Health Care," n.d.). In terms of educating rural Americans on healthcare, it is a known fact that rural Americans have a poorer understanding of healthcare, let alone, often have lower education levels–as a result, rural Americans are less ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Development Of Rural Development 3.2 Rural Development According to Oyeleye, D.A.(1987) he defines rural development as process in which development in social infrastructures such as better roads, water supply, electricity, schools and hospitals spreads out from the urban centres or communities and moves into the rural villages and communities. Abumere S.I. (2002) stated that if rural development is defined as a means to help improve the physical, cultural, social and economic status or life of the rural people then that means that infrastructures such as roads, clean water, electricity, telecommunication and other facilities must be carefully planned and delivered to the rural people in a consistent manner. It doesn't matter whether these infrastructures are built from the urban centres and move into the rural areas or vice versa. The delivery mechanisms must be very consistent. Inorder for any country to develope and progress both socially and economically, it must have the necessary infrastructures that are needed to facilitate such development, in both urban and rural areas of the country. However studies have shown that in most developing countries, rural areas/villages are mostly neglected therefore these rural areas don't have these basic infrastructures that are needed for development. Therefore there is a huge demand for building infrastructures into rural areas. That is very true for Papua New Guinea where the bulks of the population live in the rural areas. The Gena villagers are one of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Difference Between Urban And Rural Life COMPARISON OF RURAL AND URBAN WAY OF LIFE Introduction: There are two different ways of life in our society. Rural and urban society. Both ways of life are opposite to each other. Rural society is a conservative society but urban society is an advanced society. People living in backward areas make rural society and people living in advanced areas make urban society. RURAL SOCIETY: Rural society is under developed and conservative society and different from urban society due to many reasons: EDUCATION: People are not educated in rural areas. They are not aware about the importance of education in life. They do not afford education for their children. Most of the people in rural areas are poor. There are no education centers, colleges and authorized universities in rural areas. Everyone is illiterate. There are small schools located in rural areas where children are not taught ... Show more content on ... Education system is organized. There are high schools, colleges and highly authorized universities. There are many job opportunities in urban areas. People are aware. People know the importance of education in life. Parents send their children to high schools because they are aware and they can afford their education expenses. People are broad minded. They have manners how to sit and behave. They try to learn manners by copying their fellows. People are always in competition in urban society and this is increasing day by day. STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY: Urban society is highly structured society. People are aware in urban society. Rules and responsibilities are defined. Urban society is a fast pace of life. People know their rights, needs and their problems. It is a developed society. People are social. They do not have time to sit together and have a chit chat with each other. People even do not have time for their families. All members of the family live in separate rooms and they do not have time for each other. ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Morphology of Rural Settlements in Malda Abstract: The rural settlement within the Malda district highlights human attempts for the livelihood and building the habitat on the diverse geographical landscapes. The characteristics of its natural endowments, social conditionality and historical antecedents and most importantly the human efforts gave the rural countryside a certain kind of social and morphological characteristics. The morphological characteristics of the villages have been collected from the different natural regions of the districts in order to understand the divergent forces and feature of it. This paper has focused on understanding the settlement pattern in the Malda district in the three broad geographic regions of it namely Tal, Diara and Barind. Key Words: ... Show more content on ... Cucu, 1998). Study area: Malda district consists mainly of low lying plains, sloping towards the south with undulating areas on the north–east. Located between latitude 24040'20''N to 25032'8''N and longitude 87045'50''E to 88028'10''E. The Mahananda River divides the district into two regions. The western region is further subdivided by the river Kalindri into two areas. The northern is known as 'Tal'– it is low lying and vulnerable to inundation during rainy season, the southern area consists of very fertile land and is thickly populated, commonly known as 'Diara'. The region of mature alluvium that had given North Bengal its old historical name of varendri or barendri is known today as 'Barind'. This region is made up of the ancient alluvial humps that are remnants of old riverine floodplains that remain unaffected subsequently by inundation and renewed silting. Fig 1: Broad physiographic map of Malda district Fig 2: Study area map Source: District Human Development Report, Malda Source: District Human Development Report, Malda Harischandrapur I ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 1 Introduction The Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (MGNREGA), was launched in September, 2005. This act has been considered as one of the significant developments which could transform the rural economy and provide social security to the rural people. The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has defined MGNREGA as ""An Act to provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household". The main objectives of MNREGA as outlined by MoRD are: (a) To provide wage employment opportunities; (b) to create sustainable rural livelihoods through regeneration of the natural ... Show more content on ... Presently, the Act covers 626 districts of the country. Legislation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) and efforts at its subsequent implementation beginning the financial year 2006–07 mark a sharp departure from the past tradition, as the latter are designed around the basic concept of a rights based approach to development (Datta et al, 2009). Prior to this, India was following the needs based approach. So there was a paradigm shift in the approach to development with the launch of MGNREGA. ` MGNREGA is a right–based framework and it provides a legal guarantee to work. Any adult member of a household willing to do unskilled manual work would be provided 2 employment with 15 days. If the person does not get employment, the state govt. is required to pay an unemployment allowance. The act does not permit the use of contractors which were a major source of exploitation for the rural poor. With respect to labour intensive works, a ratio of 60:40 is to be maintained. The schedule 11 of the act gives a list of the permissible works under MGNREGA, most of which relate to water–conservation, irrigation and flood–protection etc. It is rather unfortunate that serious and rigorous studies on NREGS in India are very few in number (Datta et al, 2009). This paper examines the key outcomes of MGNREGA with respect to employment and budgetary allocations. Section ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Essay on Reasons Behind China’s Enlarging Rural-Urban Divide Urbanization brings with it a disparity between rural and urban living standards. Nonetheless, in China this gap has started to become quite severe and has become a cause for concern (Naughton 113). Chinas Gini coefficient is currently at .415, which displays the increasing disparity in the country ("DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY"). The rural–urban divide begun with the different ways the Chinese government ran the rural and urban areas. The urban areas were fully under control of the central government and since they were seen as the building blocks of the country they received many governmental subsidies. Workers in urban areas received pensions, healthcare, had job security, cheaper consumer goods due to subsidies and often had access to ... Show more content on ... This is especially true for the poorer regions that cannot afford to greatly subsidize the education system. This is a problem for the already poorer rural residents and causes many families to not be able to afford to pay for more than the mandatory 9 years of schooling. Though some areas have stopped requiring their students to pay tuition China lacks an adequate amount of schools and parents still have to bear transportation costs (Hussain). This leads to a repetitive cycle of poverty in which rural children cannot obtain the adequate education that could lead them to obtain a higher paying job and leave the poverty cycle. Another issue that contributes to the rural–urban divide is the extremely high cost of health care. In 2006, 39% of the rural population could not afford "professional medical treatment" ("Healthcare in China"). Even though the government has introduced various systems to try to overcome this lack of access to medical care, such as the Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and has increased expenditure on health care, the results of this have not been equally spread. Many rural residents are still uninsured and have large out of pocket health care expenses. In addition, "80 percent of health expenditures are allocated to urban areas even though 70 percent of the population resides in rural areas" ("Healthcare in China"). This is an example of Chinas ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Challenges Facing The Rural Lifestyle Challenges Elderly Face Living in Rural Areas Social workers that practice in the rural environment should understand the importance of their client's community. People who live in rural areas are viewed as "country", unfortunate, and illiterate people not living the "normal" standards. In other words, these characteristics of the rural lifestyle are people who are comfortable living in the low populated environment are restricted to different resources compared to the urban communities. Furthermore, to understand the rural lifestyle I conducted interviews on three elderly African American women who lived their entire lives in the rural parts of Alabama: Ms. Orange who is 85 from Millry, Ms. Molly who is 83 from Camden and Ms. Washington ... Show more content on ... "Living in rural towns can be challenging for us elderly folks. In order for me to receive medical attention, I would wait the next day to drive miles to see the doctor," Ms. Washington. Clearly the deficiencies in the health care profession are a major issue for low class citizens, specifically the elderly, living in rural areas that deserve attention. As a result, health care facilities and physicians in rural areas go by the population with health benefits so they can assist the patient. Otherwise, if the patient does not have health benefits would have to wait longer or seek medical support from a distance. A study was conducted comparing the access and quality of health care in rural and urban areas to see if both areas were equivalent to each other. The result showed a significant deficiency in rural areas (Reschovsky & Staiti, 2005). In addition to the results, three sets were identified between barriers and in to show a connection to the results in providing health care. First the "convenience of use" barrier states that in the rural areas the populations are lower and the residents have a tendency to wait to seek care, travel far distances for their appointments and after arrival, wait longer to be seen by a physician. The second barrier, "provider supply", stresses that services are few in the rural areas because ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Exploring Factors Affecting the Quality of Life for... Australia is a vast land with a diverse environment and communities isolated by great distances. Its peoples have a diversity of culture, educational and economic circumstances, health needs, services, and social structure. Therefore the welfare issues experienced and the impact these have to lifestyle within Australia's different populations would also differ in relation to these factors. This is certainly true for Rural Australia. The biggest factor impacting Rural Australia has been the changes to the economic viability of primary production, one of the largest sources of income for Australia (Australian Government, 2008), affected by globalization, deregulation, privatisation and reduction/withdrawal of services, rising ... Show more content on ... This tightening of expenditure continues on throughout the community. Business may cease sponsorship of the local football teams and individuals may cut back on patronage of local restaurants. Local charities and churches may notice a reduction in donations. It isn't just the newly unemployed and the businesses that are affected. The general community begins to experience a fall in optimism for the future. 'Economic downturn with the resulting sense of hopelessness and despair is a major factor contributing to the high rate of rural suicides. A lot of people who get put on the economic scrapheap through no fault of their own feel an enormous sense of worthlessness' (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,1999, p.5). The newly unemployed can find it hard to gain other employment in the region as most rural areas rely on one major industry for employment. Another problem is that many of the people employed in primary production areas are likely to have limited education or skills and so find changing careers difficult without assistance. Education in Rural Australia is not necessarily valued or available in the same way it is in metropolitan areas. Many children need to travel great distances or live away from home to access secondary and particularly tertiary education. The high cost of living away from home, lack of effective financial support from ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Essay On Rural Retrirification SIGNFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study is important because it will guide the Government in future for making decision on expanding rural electrification program in areas without electricity and it will also encourage private participation in coming up with Mini Electrical Energy generation in rural areas like mini hydro, wind and Solar. It will also serve as a reference for ensuring that the Government has proper documentation on this area so that these positive impacts of rural electrification will be clearly supported by proper documentation and hence this will help the Government to secure more funding from Donors to further rural electrification programs It is believed that the availability and reliability of information from this study ... Show more content on ... Remote or rural regions lacking electricity supply face a lot of challenges for them to get connected to Electricity. They may lie at a reasonable distance from national or regional electricity grids (remote villages in the Amazon) and may have difficulties in getting connected to Electricity (far from urban centers with a difficult terrain such as large rivers or jungles). Naturally they may suffer harsh climatic conditions that render electrification through grid extension a perilous task . In adding to these challenges, the rural poor areas without access to electricity either spend relatively large amounts of their scarce financial resources on energy, or a disproportionate amount of time collecting firewood from the jungle or also lead to depletion of natural resources. Rural electrification can have a positive impact on social and economic development in the households, farms and establishments . If rural areas are electrified they may lead to certain changes or social/economic development at the village level as well as at the household level. At both levels, these changes might involve employment, incomes, productivity and others. In the agricultural sector, rural electrification might lead to changes in irrigated area enhancing changes in cropping intensity and cropping pattern, which in turn leads to changes in the use of factors of ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Rural Community Assessment Rural areas are disappearing as we know it. With the population raising villages becoming towns and towns becoming cities. With rural, it is described as a place that has more of an countryside than a town. Evening technical is a population that has less than 2,500 people in that location, anything over 2,500 is considered urban. The town that I pick is Tampico village located in Illinois. The town is rural with only 790 people. With the rural–urban continuum classification, this village would be considered non–metro area due to the fact that it is not adjacent to an area with a population less than 19,999. Then with the rural influence codes, it would be classification as a non–core adjacent to a micro area and contains a town of at least 2,500 residents. Now between the two different classifications, the rural influence codes measure the ruralness of this town. Sense 2010 the population of this town was at 790. After the past 6 years after that in 2016, the population has decreased to 621. This is a total decrease of 169 over the last 6 years. It has also had a rate of change of 27.21% of the decrease. ... Show more content on ... The median of the age 45. Most of the population is older or younger. Most of the population falls into 55 years or older. With very little younger people in the community. Now the race distribution of this community is 97.7% white and the other 2.3% is Hispanic or two different races. There are no African American people living in this area. This population has 93.5% of the people have a high school diploma. I is then broken down into what percent is high school or college degree. The number of people who have a high school diploma is 93.5%. With the rest of the population that has a college degree is at 6.7%. With a population of 328 that is in the labor ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. A Research Report On Rural Surveillance Rural surveillance, although can be done in almost any settings, is usually conducted in rural, farming, countryside or isolated areas where the use of an observation van is impractical. (Jenkins, 2010, p.205). The allegations and charges that were cited in both the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents were severe enough to warrant such surveillance and information gathering. The allegations and charges in the case of the Waco siege and stand–off include firing of automatic weapons from their compound, modifying legally purchased guns into illegal weapons, stock piling illegal weapons, child abuse, advocating polygamy, fathering many children through a harem run by the leader of the group. The location of the compound was in a rural area and for ... Show more content on ... The government also had an informant infiltrate the target but unknown to him, his cover had already been blown. The target must have fed him with wrong and misleading information as was evidenced in his reply about what the target group were doing. He replied that they were praying when in actuality they were arming themselves for the siege from the government. If the government had taken the time to set up an OP, taking note to use all rural OP precautions, they would have been able to overtime get in close, set up both surface and sub–surface OPs and gather evidence or information about the illegal weapons production activities, observe automatic gun fire activities, confirm daily routine of key target group members. The surveillance could have produced information on child abuse issues as well as polygamous activities. Intelligence from the surveillance could have been used to better coordinate efforts of all agencies involved with the siege. An even better alternative would have been to arrest the main target when he was out of his comfort zone as he often did by mingling with locals during gun shows. Lack of coordination even among one government agency with some leaning towards aggression while others opted for negotiations shows the level of unpreparedness to move forward with the mission. The government knew that they had been compromised but instead of adopting less risky options, they decided to move in with little or incorrect intelligence about the ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Rural Urban Migration Is An Inevitable Component Of The... The phenomenon of rapid urbanization in less developed countries and in the absence of extensive industrialization, led to the emergence of illegal settlements and shanty towns, discuss the relationship between urbanization, poverty and development; and use a case study to illustrate the effects of rapid urbanization in LDC's. Rural–urban migration occurs at varying rates in every country. This paper focuses on the process of rural–urban migration and its influence on urbanization in developing countries. It presents arguments in support of the proposal that rural–urban migration is an inevitable component of the development process, and does not necessarily have to result in opposing impacts with the right mix of policies, this process can occur at a socially acceptable level. However, the misrepresentation of opportunities in favor of cities in most developing countries, the costs associated with rural–urban migration often outweigh the benefits, which lead to excessive urbanization with special emphasis on the causes and consequences of rural–urban migration, and their relationship with urbanization and economic growth. Keeping into consideration the fact that rural–urban migration is an integral part of the development process. Also the paper will give a brief historical background about the rapid urbanization change in developing countries over time and will be applying a case study of a country to illustrate this change. Many developing countries have a recent ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Reasons Why Urban And Rural Areas Are Interdependent On... INTRODUCTION Currently, most of the world's population is living in urban areas which have implications for land use and land changes, use of natural resources, and the absorption of rural labour in urban areas. The rural and urban interdependence means the flow of natural resources, agricultural commodity, money, information and services between rural and urban areas. Moreover, the rural population is adopting the urban style and behaviour or is becoming socially urbanized. According to Steinberg (2014) economic development and natural resource use and as well as livelihoods bind urban and rural areas together. These indicate that urban and rural areas have a symbiotic relationship, which makes them to depend on each other. Thus, one area needs the other to function and develop. This essay will outline and discuss the ways and reasons why urban and rural areas are interdependent on each other. RURAL AND URBAN INTERACTION Source: Repp et al. (2012). There is a rich flow between urban and rural areas in domestic and tourism and consumption, such as rural people visiting urban and spending money on food and entertainment. One of the factors that indicate the interdependent between rural and urban areas is spatial flow. The ... Show more content on ... Rural areas play a role in accommodating and managing waste from urban areas because in rural areas the space is enough unlike in urban areas where there is limited space, high rents, or environmental conflicts Kubische (2007). The waste in urban areas flows to rural areas and is a worldwide phenomenon. Water pollution, loss and degradation of farmland through urban expansion, soil erosion, threats to forests, coastlines, and marine ecosystems from disposal toxic wastes air pollution and acid rain from urban industries, power generation, and motor vehicles, are among the long list flow that position many rural areas as dumping grounds for urban ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Briefing paper on rural housing Table of Contents Briefing paper on Rural Housing Statement Britain has experienced a series of affordable housing crisis in the early 1980s and early 1990s (Bramley, 1994). As Andrew Stonell (2010) stated "Localism works–all over the country there are villages very keen to have low–cost housing for local people and they are prevented by the planning system from having it." This briefing paper refutes Stonell's claim and is written to the North Eastern Farming and Rural Advisory Network, which is one of new Rural and Farming Networks. The purpose of this paper is indicating the scale and causes of the rural housing crisis, and demonstrating how the planning system enable the process of affordable rural housing, then ... Show more content on ... Instead of "Right to buy" regulation, affordable rented housing will be provided to tenants with a maximum of 80% of the total market rent, and available on both fixed term and regular lease (PPS3, 2011). Affordable rent houses will be let by registered providers and the increase of low cost rent houses would provide decent homes to low–income residents and rural people from other villages. To meet the demand of sustainable development in rural areas, PPS7 required government should follow the planning objectives and regulations set out in PPG3, and the purpose is to provide rural people a decent home. It also indicated that housing requirements and assessment of local affordable housing need should be recognized by local planning authorities. Make sufficient land available and strictly control new house building will promote the construction of low cost houses and make good use of the land. Milbourne (2008) also highlighted that tracing the cooperation with new partnership will lead a wider series of agencies to afford suitable housing in the countryside. PPS3 (2006) indicated that local authorities are not supposed to formulate affordable housing providers in planning conditions and obligations, a discussion will be needed on how to provide affordable housing and long term arrangement. This planning system will control the housing prices and conditions, in order to prevent the malpractice in ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Use Of Distance Education Within A Rural Setting Essay The Use of Distance Education in Continuing Interprofessional Education within a Rural Setting Interprofessional education (IPE) is an imperative form of educating a variety of healthcare professionals (HCPs). With factors such as an ageing population and an increase in the number of patients with chronic health conditions, patient care has become more complex, requiring HCPs to work together collaboratively. While many institutions initiate education for new HCPs with IPE as a part of existing curriculum, current staff working in clinical areas require continuing education to educate on how to work efficiently in the interprofessional team after they obtain their licensing. Continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) is an important part of ongoing HCP education to ensure HCPS maintain a continued focus and practice on working in an interprofessional environment. While larger tertiary centres employ educators with an ability to conduct CIPE, rural and isolated urban areas experience greater difficulty in managing CIPE, thus a distance education focus is required. An understanding of the efficiency of distance education in the CIPE setting, in addition to the most effective methods of providing CIPE is required for educators with an interdisciplinary focus in the rural setting. In this paper, we will examine CIPE, issues regarding CIPE in remote areas, and the use of distance education for CIPE. Literature Search The Athabasca University Library was used as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Infrastructure and Rural Development in Malaysia INFRASTRUCTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN MALAYSIA Introduction 1. Malaysia has achieved substantial success in its rural development, especially in reducing the incidence of poverty in both rural and urban. In the process, the rural areas have been developed with infrastructures, utility, social amenities, health and school facilities and etc to support the economic development of the country as well as increasing the quality of life of her populace. The productivity and incomes of the rural people, or more specifically the agriculture sector, the mainstay of the rural economy, have steadily increased. Rural development continues to be one of the main focus of the Malaysian Government under the 9 th Malaysia Plan (2006 – 1010). 2. ... Show more content on ... Threat of communist terrorist in the 50's, asked for opening up of the rural area (including 4 new villages for relocation), as well as their infrastructure and because of that, priority was given for the purpose of the security. 6. The Malaysian Government built on the initial stock of infrastructure, expanding and modernising infrastructure facilities and at the same time addressing the infrastructure inadequacies of the less developed regions of the country. Because of the importance of infrastructure for economic development and for alleviating poverty, the Government of Malaysia continues to give the highest priority to infrastructure development. The Malaysian Government has continuously allocated a substantial amount of the development budget for infrastructure, rural development and poverty eradication programmes. 7. Massive investments for the development and modernisation of infrastructure facilities and rural development were clearly required not only to cope with the demands of a rapidly expanding economy but also to ensure that the country's competitiveness in global markets was not compromised for lack of good quality infrastructure. 8. Despite the effort of the part of the Government to develop the rural areas, two factors have to be considered that have an important influence on ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Advancing Rural Healthcare: The APN Educator’s Ways and Means When assessing the current state of healthcare in the United States, properly forming an answer requires the separation of healthcare by geography, demographics, and economics. These factors influence the quality and availability of services and resources available to clients and professionals. The urban areas will usually have greater access to an array of services and resources, whereas the rural areas will see limitation in this regard. The rural community is normally a place with an eclectic collection of self–reliant people many of whom have never been exposed, within the context of healthcare, to the complexities contained within the healthcare organizations in urban environments. This factor does not eliminate or alleviate, for that ... Show more content on ... Can I accomplish my personal goals and raise a family in a rural community going to be conducive to these personal goals? These are examples of personal and professional questions that must be a part of the metaparadigm assessment for the APN. If the professional goal is to promote the advancement of healthcare within the healthcare community within the constraints of a rural setting and one can embrace the eclectic nature of living in the rural environment, then it may be the case that the APN is not limited but suited for the challenges presented by the metaparadigm. Rural healthcare has a growing need for these professionals along with the services and education they can provide. In rural America, more than 20 million Americans of the total 60 million total rural residents do not receive the care they require. (Fact sheet, 2006) In taking these factors into consideration the APN educator can be confident in the decision to practice in a rural community which will accommodate the professional advancement that is the desired effect for the educator." Shortages of health facilities, physicians, nurses and other health care professionals in rural and isolated areas can result in individuals forgoing preventive medicine and necessary health treatment." (Fact Sheet, 2006) When the decision is weighed in this context, factors which lure away APN to the urban setting will be neutralized to some extent. To inspire ... Get more on ...