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Scholarship Essay
Being a Malaysian, I recognize Malaysia’s need for home-grown
skills and talent in the shape of planers (professionals with
solutions) and seekers (those in dire need) collaborating
towards sustainable development. I fall into both categories.
Coming from a poor background single parent family in
Malaysia, my biggest challenge is helping to improve the lives
of the impoverished through good morals, governance, and
sustainable development. The need for problem solvers capable
of using cross-disciplinary and cross-jurisdictional strategies to
solve multifaceted challenges is critical for the country. This
has prompted my application for the Gamuda Scholarship.
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to
transform lives in my community. Indeed, I have taken part in
various volunteering programs focused towards helping
homeless youth those in need and the environment, such as
representing my secondary school in planning of International
Coastal Clean-up Singapore 2014 with Beatty Secondary School
(Singapore) and the representatives from National University of
Singapore (NUS) volunteers, and various programmes Sikh Flag
Day to raise funds for disadvantaged people in the community.
so that they can achieve something meaningful with their lives.
To attain my goals and dreams, I realize that I must successfully
complete my college education and this begins with attaining
this scholarship. I am very excited and hopeful about my future
prospects and feel that the chance your scholarship will
facilitate, I will be able to change lives all over Malaysia, and
even the Asian continent.
I am currently undertaking have currently being offered and
accepted Bachelor of Business and Commerce Undergraduate
programme from Monash University Malaysia, which is starting
in July 2018, and I am looking for scholarship support to
continue with my studies. The scholarship will help me to
pursue my dream of advancing my field of study through
research and collaboration with other professionals. I am
adamant about continuing my education until I have earned the
highest possible credentials. I am passionate, hardworking, and
dedicated to becoming a future problem solver for my country.
Indeed, I believe that will bring a unique and much-desired
perspective to my graduate program in Malaysia, and I will take
the technical and theoretical knowledge from my education
program to transform lives.
Furthermore, my competence in other areas such as linguistics
is evident in my mastery of 3 languages, namely English,
Chinese and Japanese, and having certifications such as HSK
(Chinese Certification accepted by the Chinese Government)
Level 6 (the highest level in HSK) in top 20th percentile, JLPT
(a Japanese Language Proficiency Examination) N2 Level with
full marks and A1 grade in Japanese in GCE O Level, as well as
taking 100% English-medium educational programmes and
examinations, namely GCE O Level and GCE A Level.
My love for education has been encouraged by my friends and
family, who had supported me all the way, even when things
were very tough and seemed hopeless. I have had the
opportunity to volunteer and have internships at various
organizations, such as Jiangsu Huanli Technology Co. Ltd. and
Aimhouse Hotel Bangkok, and this has given me profound
knowledge. The combination of this knowledge and my
education will help to be a great contributor to Malaysia’s
economic development. I am the founder and president of a
young achievers’ club, which aims at promoting entrepreneurial
skills among young people from poor communities. The club
currently has 100 members, and it continues to grow at a fast
pace. I was also involved in NUS Research Institute Scientific
Research and Entrepreneurship Programme, which helped me
equip and internalize entrepreneurship concepts. I have received
Huanli-Jiujiang Educational Foundation Bursary, which
recognizes students from humble family backgrounds and their
achievements. My family has catered for me throughout my
lifetime, and I try to chip in; however, I can. Regrettably, my
family cannot afford to finance my education as my mother, the
sole breadwinner of my family, will be unemployed after this
month; therefore, I hope to use my knowledge and skills to help
to pay for my college education.
I have always been an outstanding student, and I believe that
knowledge is the key to almost everything. This is demonstrated
by my curiosity and passion in world history, finance (including
derivatives), and economics (in monetary policies, fiscal
policies and alternative economic theories such as Austrian
Economics and less well-known Gesellian School of Thought
advocating for Frei-Geld), with getting A grades in both History
and Economics in GCE A Level. Moreover, I have the desire to
brush up on my skills by inquisitive and curious constantly. I
always look forward to collaborating with my tutors and fellow
learners in the quest to gain a deep understanding of class
concepts so that I can apply them in the real world. As a result,
I am able to attain good grades while assisting my classmates in
areas where they might be stuck.
Beyond the classroom, I am an outstanding member of my
community and have taken part in several developmental
projects geared towards powering the helpless. By doing so, I
am able to adhere to a certain moral code that was instilled in
me while I was still young. I believe that I have excellent
leadership skills since I have been the president of several clubs
from early in various leadership positions such as Assistant
Patrol Leader in Scouts CCA, in which I was responsible for
facilitating Scout Troop activities, being a member in Student
Council which facilitated School activities and Orientation
Group Leader, a high barriers-to-entry role where I took care of
the well-being of new students from more than 50 Secondary
Schools in the Orientation in my Junior College and easing them
to the new and unfamiliar environment, in my education.
Further, as stated earlier, I ran the club for young entrepreneurs,
and this needs managerial-like skills. My fellow learners look
up to me, not only to help them with their class work but also
issues that might be affecting other aspects of their lives. These
leadership skills will help me throughout my college education
and professional life.
Your foundation has a history of giving scholarships to
bright young Malaysia from impoverished regions in order to
bring, knowledge, skills, and problem-solving abilities to their
various communities. I have already accomplished some of this
work and, through your assistance; I want to continue with it.
My coursework is multidisciplinary, and it will facilitate me
with the necessary tools to creatively solve the social and
economic development issues the country is facing and develop
a solid background for our future workforce.
Further, the principles of your organization reflect what I
believe in. Similar to your organization, I hope to help people
throughout my entire lifetime. To attain my goals, I need as
much help as I can get. I am glad that I already have the moral
support of my friends and family, but that is not merely enough
to make my dream a reality. I hope that your foundation will
help me attain my goals through this coveted scholarship. I
thank for your consideration and time for this important ward.
Welcome to Phase 3 of the Startup Analysis Canvas Project,
where your focus is the Market Strategy.
Each of the phases build on one another as they're all connected
to the same new product or service idea.
In this phase, you will craft the Market Strategy for your new
startup company.
· Each question should be answered in order, with the question
written ahead of each response.
· Use the number of words requested as an indicator of the
breadth and depth of the response required.
· Your submission will be 1 document that is a Word Document.
The file extension will be .doc or .docx. These are the only
allowable file formats for submission. If you are working in a
Google Doc or other software, you will need to convert this into
a Word Document for submission.
· Multiple versions of your submission are not allowed. We will
grade the first version submitted.
Focus on a problem for which you can develop and launch a
solution within 12 months. You solution should leverage your
skills and relationships, and require initial funding of no more
than $25,000 to bring the product to market.
1. Product
The Lean Product Process is an iterative, easy-to-follow process
based on the Product-Market Fit Pyramid. This process guides
you sequentially through each layer of the pyramid from the
bottom to the top. The process helps you articulate, test, and
revise your key hypotheses so you can improve your product-
market fit. Be sure to integrate your team's prior work on this
topic from earlier submissions.
· Step 1: Determine Your Target Customer - It all begins with
targeting customers who will ultimately decide how well your
product meets their needs. You should use market segmentation
to focus on your target customer.
· Step 2: Identify Underserved Customer Needs - Identify the
specific needs that correspond to a good market opportunity.
When you develop a new product or improve an existing
product, focus on addressing customer needs that aren’t
adequately met by existing competitors. These are their
“underserved” needs. Customers are going to evaluate your
product in relation to the alternatives. The relative degree to
which your product meets their needs depends on the
competitive landscape.
· Step 3: Define Your Value Proposition - Your value
proposition is your plan for how your product will meet
customer needs better than the alternatives. Of all the potential
customer needs your product could address, which ones will you
focus on with your product? You need to figure out how your
product will be differentiated from competitive products. How
will your product outperform the others? What unique features
of your product will delight customers? This is the essence of
product strategy.
· Step 4: Specify Your MVP Feature Set - Once you are clear on
your value proposition, you need to specify what functionality
your minimum viable product will include. You don’t want to
spend time and effort toiling away only to find out later that
customers don’t desire the product you’ve built. The MVP
approach is aimed at building only what is needed to create
enough value in the eyes of your target customer to validate that
you are heading in the right direction. Customers may end up
telling you that your MVP lacks an important piece of
functionality. Or they may tell you that they wouldn’t use a
particular feature that you decided to include in your MVP. The
goal is to iterate until you have an MVP that customers agree is
viable, and that aligns with a pricing strategy that makes sense
for you.
· Step 5: Create Your MVP Prototype - In order to test your
MVP hypotheses with customers, you need to show them a
version of your product so they can give you feedback on it.
You will need to apply user experience (UX) design to bring
your feature set to life for your customers. While you could
build a live, working version of your MVP, it’s usually faster
and more prudent to create an MVP prototype. A prototype is a
representation of your product that you create without having to
build your actual product.
With the above guidelines, please respond to these five
· Who is your target customer?Please respond in approximately
100 words.
· What are the underserved needs of this target customer?Please
respond in approximately 100 words.
· What is your value proposition?Please respond in
approximately 100 words.
· What is your MVP feature set?Please respond in
approximately 100 words.
· What is your prototype?
· If your idea is an app or website, include a wireframe
generated from Balsamiq's free trial (Links to an external site.),
or a comparable tool. See examples here (Links to an external
· If your idea is a product, include a sketch, diagram, or
rendering of the product.
· If your idea is a service, include a flowchart of how the
service works.
2. Price
To develop the pricing strategy for your product or service,
follow these guidelines:
· Step 1: Develop the Marketing Strategy - A detailed market
analysis acts as a logical starting point for pricing decisions. A
business follows up a market analysis with a division and
definition of the market into segments each with its distinct
requirements and needs. After this, a decision needs to be made
regarding the desired segments to be targeted. The product and
brand positioning is then based on these identified segments.
· Step 2: Make Marketing Mix Decisions on 3Ps - Once the
segments and positioning is somewhat in place, the marketing
mix planning comes into effect. Here the product, distribution,
and promotional elements are decisions to focus upon and to
· Step 3: Estimate the Demand Curve - Another market analysis
needs to be conducted at this point. In this one, there needs to
be specific information gathered about how the price affects the
quantity of the product demanded.
· Step 4: Calculate Costs - A company can now get an accurate
assessment of the total fixed and variable costs associated with
the product. These are a necessary inputs for pricing decisions
as the final price needs to at least cover these costs.
· Step 5: Assess the Environment - Another vital element that
feeds into pricing is the environment. This means an
understanding of the competitor’s strategies, their product and
its value as well as an understanding of any industry or legal
· Step 6: Set Pricing Objectives - There are several objectives
that a company can have from its pricing strategy. This is the
point in the process that those objectives need to be discussed
and agreed upon.
· 7: Determine Price - Using all the information collected and
analyzed till this point, a company is now in a good position to
set the best price for its products. A pricing method and
structure can be formulated along with any possible sales
promotions or discounts.
With the above guidelines, please respond to these questions:
· What is the market size of the target market that you've
selected?Be sure to quantify this in terms of users and their
annual spending on the product or service that you will provide.
Include at least 3 references to support your market size
assessment. Please respond in approximately 100 words (not
including the references).
· What are your costs to create, develop, and deliver the product
or service? Please respond in approximately 100 words.
· What are pricing strategies of your direct and indirect
competitors? Please respond in approximately 100 words.
· What is your pricing strategy for your product or
service?Explain why this is the best strategy in approximately
100 words.
3. Placement
What types of Distribution Channels will you use? Please
discuss which of the below four channels you will use and why
in approximately 200 words.
· Direct: In this channel, the manufacturer directly provides the
product to the consumer. In this instance, the business may own
all elements of its distribution channel or sell through a specific
retail location. Internet sales and one on one meetings are also
ways to sell directly to the consumer. One benefit of this
method is that the company has complete control over the
product, its image at all stages and the user experience.
· Indirect: In this channel, a company will use an intermediary
to sell a product to the consumer. The company may sell to a
wholesaler who further distributes to retail outlets. This may
raise product costs since each intermediary will get their
percentage of the profits. This channel may become necessary
for large producers who sell through hundreds of small retailers.
· Dual Distribution: In this type of channel, a company may use
a combination of direct and indirect selling. The product may be
sold directly to a consumer, while in other cases it may be sold
through intermediaries. This type of channel may help reach
more consumers but there may be the danger of channel
conflict. The user experience may vary and an inconsistent
image for the product and a related service may begin to take
· Reverse Channels: The last, most non tradition channel allows
for the consumer to send a product to the producer. This reverse
flow is what distinguishes this method from the others. An
example of this is when a consumer recycles and makes money
from this activity.
What types of Intermediaries will you use?Please discuss which
of the below four intermediaries you will use and why in
approximately 200 words.
Distribution channel intermediaries are middlemen who play a
crucial role in the distribution process. These middlemen
facilitate the distribution process through their experience and
expertise. There are four main types of intermediaries:
· Agents: The agent is an independent entity who acts as an
extension of the producer by representing them to the user. An
agent never actually gains ownership of the product and usually
make money from commissions and fees paid for their services.
· Wholesalers: Wholesalers are also independent entities. But
they actually purchase goods from a producer in bulk and store
them in warehouses. These goods are then resold in smaller
amounts at a profit. Wholesalers seldom sell directly to an end
user. Their customers are usually another intermediary such as a
· Distributors: Similar to wholesalers, distributors differ in one
regard. A wholesaler may carry a variety of competition brands
and product types. A distributor however, will only carry
products from a single brand or company. A distributor may
have a close relationship with the producer.
· Retailers: Wholesalers and distributors will sell the products
that they have acquired to the retailer at a profit. Retailers will
then stock the goods and sell them to the ultimate end user at a
4. Promotion
There are five methods that make up a promotional mix. A
company may choose to use one or more of these in harmony to
ensure a clear, effective and direct message reaches the
customer. The selection of the portfolio of activities may
depend on the company’s marketing and sales strategies and
budget allocations. These five methods are:
· Advertising: This mode of promotion is usually paid, with
little or no personal message. Mass media such as television,
radio or newspapers and magazines is most often the carrier of
these messages. Apart from these, billboards, posters, web
pages, brochures and direct mail also fall in the same category.
While this method has traditionally been one sided,
advertisement over new media such as the internet may allow
for quick feedback.
· Public Relations & Sponsorship: PR or publicity tries to
increase positive mention of the product or brand in influential
media outlets. These could include newspapers, magazines, talk
shows and new media such as social networks and blogs. This
could also mean allowing super users, or influencers to test the
product and speak positively about it to their peers. This type of
advertisement may or may not be paid. For example, sponsoring
a major event and increasing brand visibility is a paid action.
Sending free samples to a blogger then depends on their
discretion and opinion and is not usually swayed by payment.
· Personal Selling: Opposite of the one directional promotional
methods, direct selling connects company representatives with
the consumer. These interactions can be in person, over the
phone and over email or chat. This personal contact aims to
create a personal relationship between the client and the brand
or product.
· Direct Marketing: This channel targets specific influential
potential users through telemarketing, customized letters,
emails and text messages.
· Sales Promotions: These are usually short term strategic
activities which aim to encourage a surge in sales. These could
be ‘buy one get one free’ options, seasonal discounts, contests,
samples or even special coupons with expiration dates.
With the above guidelines, please respond to these questions:
· What types of advertising will you do for your product or
service in year one?What is the cost of doing these? Be sure to
include a specific dollar value. Please respond in approximately
100 words.
· What types of public relations and sponsorships will you do
for your product or service in year one? What is the cost of
doing these. Be sure to include a specific dollar value. Please
respond in approximately 100 words.
· Will you use personal selling as part of your promotional
strategy? Why or why not? Please respond in approximately 100
· Will you use direct marketing as part of your promotional
strategy? Why or why not? Please respond in approximately 100
· Will you use sales promotions as part of your promotional
strategy? Why or why not? Please respond in approximately 100
Insert Surname 4
Scholarship Essay
Being a Malaysian, I recognize Malaysia’s need for home-grown
skills and talent in the shape of planers (professionals with
solutions) and seekers (those in dire need) collaborating
towards sustainable development. I fall into both categories.
Coming from a single parent family, my biggest challenge is
helping to improve the lives of the impoverished through good
morals, governance, and sustainable development. The need for
problem solvers capable of using cross-disciplinary and cross-
jurisdictional strategies to solve multifaceted challenges is
critical for the country. This has prompted my application for
the Gamuda Scholarship.
For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to
transform lives in my community. Indeed, I have taken part in
various volunteering programs focused towards helping those in
need and the environment, such as representing my secondary
school in planning of International Coastal Clean-up Singapore
2014 with Beatty Secondary School (Singapore) and the
representatives from National University of Singapore (NUS)
volunteers, and various programmes such as Sikh Flag Day to
raise funds for disadvantaged people in the community. To
attain my goals and dreams, I realize that I must successfully
complete my college education and this begins with attaining
this scholarship. I am very excited and hopeful about my future
prospects and feel that the chance your scholarship will
facilitate, I will be able to change lives all over Malaysia, and
even the Asian continent.
I have currently being offered and accepted Bachelor of
Business and Commerce Undergraduate programme from
Monash University Malaysia, which is starting in July 2018, and
I am looking for scholarship support to continue with my
studies. The scholarship will help me to pursue my dream of
advancing my field of study through research and collaboration
with other professionals. I am adamant about continuing my
education until I have earned the highest possible credentials. I
am passionate, hardworking, and dedicated to becoming a future
problem solver for my country. Indeed, I believe that will bring
a unique and much-desired perspective to my graduate program
in Malaysia, and I will take the technical and theoretical
knowledge from my education program to transform lives.
Furthermore, my competence in other areas such as linguistics
is evident in my mastery of 3 languages, namely English,
Chinese and Japanese, and having certifications such as HSK
(Chinese Certification accepted by the Chinese Government)
Level 6 (the highest level in HSK) in top 20th percentile, JLPT
(a Japanese Language Proficiency Examination) N2 Level with
full marks and A1 grade in Japanese in GCE O Level, as well as
taking 100% English-medium educational programmes and
examinations, namely GCE O Level and GCE A Level.
My love for education has been encouraged by my friends and
family, who had supported me all the way, even when things
were very tough and seemed hopeless. I have had the
opportunity to volunteer and have internships at various
organizations, such as Jiangsu Huanli Technology Co. Ltd. and
Aimhouse Hotel Bangkok, and this has given me profound
knowledge. The combination of this knowledge and my
education will help to be a great contributor to Malaysia’s
economic development. I was also involved in NUS Research
Institute Scientific Research and Entrepreneurship Programme,
which helped me equip and internalize entrepreneurship
concepts. I have received Huanli-Jiujiang Educational
Foundation Bursary, which recognizes students from humble
family backgrounds and their achievements. My family has
catered for me throughout my lifetime, and I try to chip in;
however, I can. Regrettably, my family cannot afford to finance
my education as my mother, the sole breadwinner of my family,
will be unemployed after this month; therefore, I hope to use
my knowledge and skills to help to pay for my college
I have always been an outstanding student, and I believe that
knowledge is the key to almost everything. This is demonstrated
by my curiosity and passion in world history, finance(including
derivatives),and economics(in monetary policies, fiscal policies
and alternative economic theories such as Austrian Economics
and less well-known Gesellian School of Thought advocating
for Frei-Geld), with getting A grades in both History and
Economics in GCE A Level. Moreover, I have the desire to
brush up on my skills by inquisitive and curious constantly. I
always look forward to collaborating with my tutors and fellow
learners in the quest to gain a deep understanding of class
concepts so that I can apply them in the real world. As a result,
I am able to attain good grades while assisting my classmates in
areas where they might be stuck.
Apart from the classroom work, I am an outstanding member of
the community and have contributed a lot to developmental
projects. I have achieved several in my life, both in the
academic area, physical area and in other areas. One of my
notable achievements was when I was Assistant Patrol Leader in
Scouts CCA. I was responsible for facilitating Scout Troop
activities. During my term, I helped propelled the club along
with the peers to achieve the prestigious Frank Cooper Sands
Gold Award. This achievement reflects that I always strive for
high standards and in all what I do. I have also represented the
school in competitions such as United Nations Environmental
Programme STEM Eco Challenge 2015 and emerged as a finalist
in the competition. Furthermore, I also helped propel my Scout
CCA to obtain Silver Award in the National Exploration
Challenge 2014. Carrying on the sense of duty when I was an
Assistant Patrol Leader and a Student Councilor in secondary
school, as an member of the Student Council and Orientation
Group Leader, I was responsible for taking care of the well-
being of new students from more than 50 Secondary Schools in
the Orientation in my Junior College and easing them to the new
and unfamiliar environment. I was integrally involved in
orienting more than 1000 students feel better prepared and
familiarize themselves with the new environment. New students
are always scared and anxious, but through my determination, I
was able to direct them all through the orientation till they
adapted well t the school program.
Your foundation has a history of giving scholarships to bright
young Malaysia from impoverished regions in order to bring,
knowledge, skills, and problem-solving abilities to their various
communities. I have already accomplished some of this work
and, through your assistance; I want to continue with it. My
coursework is multidisciplinary, and it will facilitate me with
the necessary tools to creatively solve the social and economic
development issues the country is facing and develop a solid
background for our future workforce.
Further, the principles of your organization reflect what I
believe in. Similar to your organization, I hope to help people
throughout my entire lifetime. To attain my goals, I need as
much help as I can get. I am glad that I already have the moral
support of my friends and family, but that is not merely enough
to make my dream a reality. I hope that your foundation will
help me attain my goals through this coveted scholarship. I
thank for your consideration and time for this important ward.

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Insert Surname 2NameTutorCourseDateScholarship Ess.docx

  • 1. Insert Surname 2 Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Scholarship Essay Being a Malaysian, I recognize Malaysia’s need for home-grown skills and talent in the shape of planers (professionals with solutions) and seekers (those in dire need) collaborating towards sustainable development. I fall into both categories. Coming from a poor background single parent family in Malaysia, my biggest challenge is helping to improve the lives of the impoverished through good morals, governance, and sustainable development. The need for problem solvers capable of using cross-disciplinary and cross-jurisdictional strategies to solve multifaceted challenges is critical for the country. This has prompted my application for the Gamuda Scholarship. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to transform lives in my community. Indeed, I have taken part in various volunteering programs focused towards helping homeless youth those in need and the environment, such as representing my secondary school in planning of International Coastal Clean-up Singapore 2014 with Beatty Secondary School (Singapore) and the representatives from National University of Singapore (NUS) volunteers, and various programmes Sikh Flag Day to raise funds for disadvantaged people in the community. so that they can achieve something meaningful with their lives. To attain my goals and dreams, I realize that I must successfully complete my college education and this begins with attaining this scholarship. I am very excited and hopeful about my future prospects and feel that the chance your scholarship will facilitate, I will be able to change lives all over Malaysia, and even the Asian continent.
  • 2. I am currently undertaking have currently being offered and accepted Bachelor of Business and Commerce Undergraduate programme from Monash University Malaysia, which is starting in July 2018, and I am looking for scholarship support to continue with my studies. The scholarship will help me to pursue my dream of advancing my field of study through research and collaboration with other professionals. I am adamant about continuing my education until I have earned the highest possible credentials. I am passionate, hardworking, and dedicated to becoming a future problem solver for my country. Indeed, I believe that will bring a unique and much-desired perspective to my graduate program in Malaysia, and I will take the technical and theoretical knowledge from my education program to transform lives. Furthermore, my competence in other areas such as linguistics is evident in my mastery of 3 languages, namely English, Chinese and Japanese, and having certifications such as HSK (Chinese Certification accepted by the Chinese Government) Level 6 (the highest level in HSK) in top 20th percentile, JLPT (a Japanese Language Proficiency Examination) N2 Level with full marks and A1 grade in Japanese in GCE O Level, as well as taking 100% English-medium educational programmes and examinations, namely GCE O Level and GCE A Level. My love for education has been encouraged by my friends and family, who had supported me all the way, even when things were very tough and seemed hopeless. I have had the opportunity to volunteer and have internships at various organizations, such as Jiangsu Huanli Technology Co. Ltd. and Aimhouse Hotel Bangkok, and this has given me profound knowledge. The combination of this knowledge and my education will help to be a great contributor to Malaysia’s economic development. I am the founder and president of a young achievers’ club, which aims at promoting entrepreneurial skills among young people from poor communities. The club currently has 100 members, and it continues to grow at a fast pace. I was also involved in NUS Research Institute Scientific
  • 3. Research and Entrepreneurship Programme, which helped me equip and internalize entrepreneurship concepts. I have received Huanli-Jiujiang Educational Foundation Bursary, which recognizes students from humble family backgrounds and their achievements. My family has catered for me throughout my lifetime, and I try to chip in; however, I can. Regrettably, my family cannot afford to finance my education as my mother, the sole breadwinner of my family, will be unemployed after this month; therefore, I hope to use my knowledge and skills to help to pay for my college education. I have always been an outstanding student, and I believe that knowledge is the key to almost everything. This is demonstrated by my curiosity and passion in world history, finance (including derivatives), and economics (in monetary policies, fiscal policies and alternative economic theories such as Austrian Economics and less well-known Gesellian School of Thought advocating for Frei-Geld), with getting A grades in both History and Economics in GCE A Level. Moreover, I have the desire to brush up on my skills by inquisitive and curious constantly. I always look forward to collaborating with my tutors and fellow learners in the quest to gain a deep understanding of class concepts so that I can apply them in the real world. As a result, I am able to attain good grades while assisting my classmates in areas where they might be stuck. Beyond the classroom, I am an outstanding member of my community and have taken part in several developmental projects geared towards powering the helpless. By doing so, I am able to adhere to a certain moral code that was instilled in me while I was still young. I believe that I have excellent leadership skills since I have been the president of several clubs from early in various leadership positions such as Assistant Patrol Leader in Scouts CCA, in which I was responsible for facilitating Scout Troop activities, being a member in Student Council which facilitated School activities and Orientation Group Leader, a high barriers-to-entry role where I took care of the well-being of new students from more than 50 Secondary
  • 4. Schools in the Orientation in my Junior College and easing them to the new and unfamiliar environment, in my education. Further, as stated earlier, I ran the club for young entrepreneurs, and this needs managerial-like skills. My fellow learners look up to me, not only to help them with their class work but also issues that might be affecting other aspects of their lives. These leadership skills will help me throughout my college education and professional life. Your foundation has a history of giving scholarships to bright young Malaysia from impoverished regions in order to bring, knowledge, skills, and problem-solving abilities to their various communities. I have already accomplished some of this work and, through your assistance; I want to continue with it. My coursework is multidisciplinary, and it will facilitate me with the necessary tools to creatively solve the social and economic development issues the country is facing and develop a solid background for our future workforce. Further, the principles of your organization reflect what I believe in. Similar to your organization, I hope to help people throughout my entire lifetime. To attain my goals, I need as much help as I can get. I am glad that I already have the moral support of my friends and family, but that is not merely enough to make my dream a reality. I hope that your foundation will help me attain my goals through this coveted scholarship. I thank for your consideration and time for this important ward. Welcome to Phase 3 of the Startup Analysis Canvas Project, where your focus is the Market Strategy. Each of the phases build on one another as they're all connected to the same new product or service idea. In this phase, you will craft the Market Strategy for your new startup company. · Each question should be answered in order, with the question written ahead of each response.
  • 5. · Use the number of words requested as an indicator of the breadth and depth of the response required. · Your submission will be 1 document that is a Word Document. The file extension will be .doc or .docx. These are the only allowable file formats for submission. If you are working in a Google Doc or other software, you will need to convert this into a Word Document for submission. · Multiple versions of your submission are not allowed. We will grade the first version submitted. Focus on a problem for which you can develop and launch a solution within 12 months. You solution should leverage your skills and relationships, and require initial funding of no more than $25,000 to bring the product to market. 1. Product The Lean Product Process is an iterative, easy-to-follow process based on the Product-Market Fit Pyramid. This process guides you sequentially through each layer of the pyramid from the bottom to the top. The process helps you articulate, test, and revise your key hypotheses so you can improve your product- market fit. Be sure to integrate your team's prior work on this topic from earlier submissions. · Step 1: Determine Your Target Customer - It all begins with targeting customers who will ultimately decide how well your product meets their needs. You should use market segmentation to focus on your target customer. · Step 2: Identify Underserved Customer Needs - Identify the specific needs that correspond to a good market opportunity. When you develop a new product or improve an existing product, focus on addressing customer needs that aren’t adequately met by existing competitors. These are their “underserved” needs. Customers are going to evaluate your product in relation to the alternatives. The relative degree to which your product meets their needs depends on the competitive landscape. · Step 3: Define Your Value Proposition - Your value proposition is your plan for how your product will meet
  • 6. customer needs better than the alternatives. Of all the potential customer needs your product could address, which ones will you focus on with your product? You need to figure out how your product will be differentiated from competitive products. How will your product outperform the others? What unique features of your product will delight customers? This is the essence of product strategy. · Step 4: Specify Your MVP Feature Set - Once you are clear on your value proposition, you need to specify what functionality your minimum viable product will include. You don’t want to spend time and effort toiling away only to find out later that customers don’t desire the product you’ve built. The MVP approach is aimed at building only what is needed to create enough value in the eyes of your target customer to validate that you are heading in the right direction. Customers may end up telling you that your MVP lacks an important piece of functionality. Or they may tell you that they wouldn’t use a particular feature that you decided to include in your MVP. The goal is to iterate until you have an MVP that customers agree is viable, and that aligns with a pricing strategy that makes sense for you. · Step 5: Create Your MVP Prototype - In order to test your MVP hypotheses with customers, you need to show them a version of your product so they can give you feedback on it. You will need to apply user experience (UX) design to bring your feature set to life for your customers. While you could build a live, working version of your MVP, it’s usually faster and more prudent to create an MVP prototype. A prototype is a representation of your product that you create without having to build your actual product. With the above guidelines, please respond to these five questions: · Who is your target customer?Please respond in approximately 100 words. · What are the underserved needs of this target customer?Please respond in approximately 100 words.
  • 7. · What is your value proposition?Please respond in approximately 100 words. · What is your MVP feature set?Please respond in approximately 100 words. · What is your prototype? · If your idea is an app or website, include a wireframe generated from Balsamiq's free trial (Links to an external site.), or a comparable tool. See examples here (Links to an external site.). · If your idea is a product, include a sketch, diagram, or rendering of the product. · If your idea is a service, include a flowchart of how the service works. 2. Price To develop the pricing strategy for your product or service, follow these guidelines: · Step 1: Develop the Marketing Strategy - A detailed market analysis acts as a logical starting point for pricing decisions. A business follows up a market analysis with a division and definition of the market into segments each with its distinct requirements and needs. After this, a decision needs to be made regarding the desired segments to be targeted. The product and brand positioning is then based on these identified segments. · Step 2: Make Marketing Mix Decisions on 3Ps - Once the segments and positioning is somewhat in place, the marketing mix planning comes into effect. Here the product, distribution, and promotional elements are decisions to focus upon and to finalize. · Step 3: Estimate the Demand Curve - Another market analysis needs to be conducted at this point. In this one, there needs to be specific information gathered about how the price affects the quantity of the product demanded. · Step 4: Calculate Costs - A company can now get an accurate assessment of the total fixed and variable costs associated with the product. These are a necessary inputs for pricing decisions
  • 8. as the final price needs to at least cover these costs. · Step 5: Assess the Environment - Another vital element that feeds into pricing is the environment. This means an understanding of the competitor’s strategies, their product and its value as well as an understanding of any industry or legal constraints. · Step 6: Set Pricing Objectives - There are several objectives that a company can have from its pricing strategy. This is the point in the process that those objectives need to be discussed and agreed upon. · 7: Determine Price - Using all the information collected and analyzed till this point, a company is now in a good position to set the best price for its products. A pricing method and structure can be formulated along with any possible sales promotions or discounts. With the above guidelines, please respond to these questions: · What is the market size of the target market that you've selected?Be sure to quantify this in terms of users and their annual spending on the product or service that you will provide. Include at least 3 references to support your market size assessment. Please respond in approximately 100 words (not including the references). · What are your costs to create, develop, and deliver the product or service? Please respond in approximately 100 words. · What are pricing strategies of your direct and indirect competitors? Please respond in approximately 100 words. · What is your pricing strategy for your product or service?Explain why this is the best strategy in approximately 100 words. 3. Placement What types of Distribution Channels will you use? Please discuss which of the below four channels you will use and why in approximately 200 words. · Direct: In this channel, the manufacturer directly provides the product to the consumer. In this instance, the business may own
  • 9. all elements of its distribution channel or sell through a specific retail location. Internet sales and one on one meetings are also ways to sell directly to the consumer. One benefit of this method is that the company has complete control over the product, its image at all stages and the user experience. · Indirect: In this channel, a company will use an intermediary to sell a product to the consumer. The company may sell to a wholesaler who further distributes to retail outlets. This may raise product costs since each intermediary will get their percentage of the profits. This channel may become necessary for large producers who sell through hundreds of small retailers. · Dual Distribution: In this type of channel, a company may use a combination of direct and indirect selling. The product may be sold directly to a consumer, while in other cases it may be sold through intermediaries. This type of channel may help reach more consumers but there may be the danger of channel conflict. The user experience may vary and an inconsistent image for the product and a related service may begin to take hold. · Reverse Channels: The last, most non tradition channel allows for the consumer to send a product to the producer. This reverse flow is what distinguishes this method from the others. An example of this is when a consumer recycles and makes money from this activity. What types of Intermediaries will you use?Please discuss which of the below four intermediaries you will use and why in approximately 200 words. Distribution channel intermediaries are middlemen who play a crucial role in the distribution process. These middlemen facilitate the distribution process through their experience and expertise. There are four main types of intermediaries: · Agents: The agent is an independent entity who acts as an extension of the producer by representing them to the user. An agent never actually gains ownership of the product and usually make money from commissions and fees paid for their services. · Wholesalers: Wholesalers are also independent entities. But
  • 10. they actually purchase goods from a producer in bulk and store them in warehouses. These goods are then resold in smaller amounts at a profit. Wholesalers seldom sell directly to an end user. Their customers are usually another intermediary such as a retailer. · Distributors: Similar to wholesalers, distributors differ in one regard. A wholesaler may carry a variety of competition brands and product types. A distributor however, will only carry products from a single brand or company. A distributor may have a close relationship with the producer. · Retailers: Wholesalers and distributors will sell the products that they have acquired to the retailer at a profit. Retailers will then stock the goods and sell them to the ultimate end user at a profit. 4. Promotion There are five methods that make up a promotional mix. A company may choose to use one or more of these in harmony to ensure a clear, effective and direct message reaches the customer. The selection of the portfolio of activities may depend on the company’s marketing and sales strategies and budget allocations. These five methods are: · Advertising: This mode of promotion is usually paid, with little or no personal message. Mass media such as television, radio or newspapers and magazines is most often the carrier of these messages. Apart from these, billboards, posters, web pages, brochures and direct mail also fall in the same category. While this method has traditionally been one sided, advertisement over new media such as the internet may allow for quick feedback. · Public Relations & Sponsorship: PR or publicity tries to increase positive mention of the product or brand in influential media outlets. These could include newspapers, magazines, talk shows and new media such as social networks and blogs. This could also mean allowing super users, or influencers to test the product and speak positively about it to their peers. This type of
  • 11. advertisement may or may not be paid. For example, sponsoring a major event and increasing brand visibility is a paid action. Sending free samples to a blogger then depends on their discretion and opinion and is not usually swayed by payment. · Personal Selling: Opposite of the one directional promotional methods, direct selling connects company representatives with the consumer. These interactions can be in person, over the phone and over email or chat. This personal contact aims to create a personal relationship between the client and the brand or product. · Direct Marketing: This channel targets specific influential potential users through telemarketing, customized letters, emails and text messages. · Sales Promotions: These are usually short term strategic activities which aim to encourage a surge in sales. These could be ‘buy one get one free’ options, seasonal discounts, contests, samples or even special coupons with expiration dates. With the above guidelines, please respond to these questions: · What types of advertising will you do for your product or service in year one?What is the cost of doing these? Be sure to include a specific dollar value. Please respond in approximately 100 words. · What types of public relations and sponsorships will you do for your product or service in year one? What is the cost of doing these. Be sure to include a specific dollar value. Please respond in approximately 100 words. · Will you use personal selling as part of your promotional strategy? Why or why not? Please respond in approximately 100 words. · Will you use direct marketing as part of your promotional strategy? Why or why not? Please respond in approximately 100 words. · Will you use sales promotions as part of your promotional strategy? Why or why not? Please respond in approximately 100 words.
  • 12. Insert Surname 4 Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Scholarship Essay Being a Malaysian, I recognize Malaysia’s need for home-grown skills and talent in the shape of planers (professionals with solutions) and seekers (those in dire need) collaborating towards sustainable development. I fall into both categories. Coming from a single parent family, my biggest challenge is helping to improve the lives of the impoverished through good morals, governance, and sustainable development. The need for problem solvers capable of using cross-disciplinary and cross- jurisdictional strategies to solve multifaceted challenges is critical for the country. This has prompted my application for the Gamuda Scholarship. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to transform lives in my community. Indeed, I have taken part in various volunteering programs focused towards helping those in need and the environment, such as representing my secondary school in planning of International Coastal Clean-up Singapore 2014 with Beatty Secondary School (Singapore) and the representatives from National University of Singapore (NUS) volunteers, and various programmes such as Sikh Flag Day to raise funds for disadvantaged people in the community. To attain my goals and dreams, I realize that I must successfully complete my college education and this begins with attaining this scholarship. I am very excited and hopeful about my future prospects and feel that the chance your scholarship will facilitate, I will be able to change lives all over Malaysia, and even the Asian continent. I have currently being offered and accepted Bachelor of
  • 13. Business and Commerce Undergraduate programme from Monash University Malaysia, which is starting in July 2018, and I am looking for scholarship support to continue with my studies. The scholarship will help me to pursue my dream of advancing my field of study through research and collaboration with other professionals. I am adamant about continuing my education until I have earned the highest possible credentials. I am passionate, hardworking, and dedicated to becoming a future problem solver for my country. Indeed, I believe that will bring a unique and much-desired perspective to my graduate program in Malaysia, and I will take the technical and theoretical knowledge from my education program to transform lives. Furthermore, my competence in other areas such as linguistics is evident in my mastery of 3 languages, namely English, Chinese and Japanese, and having certifications such as HSK (Chinese Certification accepted by the Chinese Government) Level 6 (the highest level in HSK) in top 20th percentile, JLPT (a Japanese Language Proficiency Examination) N2 Level with full marks and A1 grade in Japanese in GCE O Level, as well as taking 100% English-medium educational programmes and examinations, namely GCE O Level and GCE A Level. My love for education has been encouraged by my friends and family, who had supported me all the way, even when things were very tough and seemed hopeless. I have had the opportunity to volunteer and have internships at various organizations, such as Jiangsu Huanli Technology Co. Ltd. and Aimhouse Hotel Bangkok, and this has given me profound knowledge. The combination of this knowledge and my education will help to be a great contributor to Malaysia’s economic development. I was also involved in NUS Research Institute Scientific Research and Entrepreneurship Programme, which helped me equip and internalize entrepreneurship concepts. I have received Huanli-Jiujiang Educational Foundation Bursary, which recognizes students from humble family backgrounds and their achievements. My family has catered for me throughout my lifetime, and I try to chip in;
  • 14. however, I can. Regrettably, my family cannot afford to finance my education as my mother, the sole breadwinner of my family, will be unemployed after this month; therefore, I hope to use my knowledge and skills to help to pay for my college education. I have always been an outstanding student, and I believe that knowledge is the key to almost everything. This is demonstrated by my curiosity and passion in world history, finance(including derivatives),and economics(in monetary policies, fiscal policies and alternative economic theories such as Austrian Economics and less well-known Gesellian School of Thought advocating for Frei-Geld), with getting A grades in both History and Economics in GCE A Level. Moreover, I have the desire to brush up on my skills by inquisitive and curious constantly. I always look forward to collaborating with my tutors and fellow learners in the quest to gain a deep understanding of class concepts so that I can apply them in the real world. As a result, I am able to attain good grades while assisting my classmates in areas where they might be stuck. Apart from the classroom work, I am an outstanding member of the community and have contributed a lot to developmental projects. I have achieved several in my life, both in the academic area, physical area and in other areas. One of my notable achievements was when I was Assistant Patrol Leader in Scouts CCA. I was responsible for facilitating Scout Troop activities. During my term, I helped propelled the club along with the peers to achieve the prestigious Frank Cooper Sands Gold Award. This achievement reflects that I always strive for high standards and in all what I do. I have also represented the school in competitions such as United Nations Environmental Programme STEM Eco Challenge 2015 and emerged as a finalist in the competition. Furthermore, I also helped propel my Scout CCA to obtain Silver Award in the National Exploration Challenge 2014. Carrying on the sense of duty when I was an Assistant Patrol Leader and a Student Councilor in secondary school, as an member of the Student Council and Orientation
  • 15. Group Leader, I was responsible for taking care of the well- being of new students from more than 50 Secondary Schools in the Orientation in my Junior College and easing them to the new and unfamiliar environment. I was integrally involved in orienting more than 1000 students feel better prepared and familiarize themselves with the new environment. New students are always scared and anxious, but through my determination, I was able to direct them all through the orientation till they adapted well t the school program. Your foundation has a history of giving scholarships to bright young Malaysia from impoverished regions in order to bring, knowledge, skills, and problem-solving abilities to their various communities. I have already accomplished some of this work and, through your assistance; I want to continue with it. My coursework is multidisciplinary, and it will facilitate me with the necessary tools to creatively solve the social and economic development issues the country is facing and develop a solid background for our future workforce. Further, the principles of your organization reflect what I believe in. Similar to your organization, I hope to help people throughout my entire lifetime. To attain my goals, I need as much help as I can get. I am glad that I already have the moral support of my friends and family, but that is not merely enough to make my dream a reality. I hope that your foundation will help me attain my goals through this coveted scholarship. I thank for your consideration and time for this important ward.