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Signature Assignment: Training and Education in Business: Implementation of Professional
Training Plan
TP ICap Company
Stacey Troup
Professional Communications/ MBA-600
June 23, 2018
Professor Dr. Christopher Ewing
Touro University Worldwide
Signature Assignment: Training and Education in Business: Implementation of Professional
Training Plan
Training and education are at the core needs for any financial services firm in order to
maintain the employee at the company over time. Beyond the expectations of professional
licensing (FINRA Series 7) are the continuing education, professional development, and
cultural assimilation training models which will prepare the employee for a diverse team of
professionals, colleagues, and customers while acclimating to their cultural differences and not
holding any preconceived notions within a diverse workforce. This assimilation will help the
employee when changing directions in career to foreign markets or acquiring clients from
foreign locations. The effective blueprint is key to the success of any training program and at
the core of all training is the need for professional communication. Regardless of where the
company is located, the ability to effectively communicate performance evaluations, training,
or business relationships hinges on the ability to effectively deliver the message in a clear,
concise fashion.
Key Words: Communication, Professional Expectations, Finance, Career Growth.
Signature Assignment: Training and Education in Business: Implementation of Professional
Training Plan
TP ICap Company
Communication is essential to business and business relationships. Effective
communication and the ability to not only get your message across, but to do so with fluidity,
clarity, and understanding when dealing in international waters can prove to be increasingly
difficult due to cultural changes and variances in communication styles or modes of
communication as well as acceptable topics. Through training and education, we can ensure
that our employees at TP ICap are prepared for international business dealings, have the proper
educational background to understand the business terminology and differential
communication methods, and the intellect to grow through development of their professional
development plans extended through management to help them climb our ladders. Only
through a full understanding of the expectations of communication in the foreign country can
we thoroughly deliver our intended messages and business outcomes while building
international relationships with our customers and colleagues.
Foreign Communication – US to UK
While both countries speak English, the formality and proper speech within the English
language play a key role in successful communication with the UK. Here in the US, we are
accustomed to slang, humor, and a sense of urgency. The English, however, tend to be more
calm, collected, and goal focused rather than racing to the finish line during their
communications. They are also devoutly more formal in their speech patterns (referring to
their English as “the Queens English”) and US humor is often lost in the translation to their UK
English style (Heinze, 2014).
It is for these reasons that we propose to impose a professional training program to
include continued education (for professional license requirements), tuition assistance with
advanced degrees, license preparatory assistance, license assistance, and in-house training
models to be discussed so that professional development plans can be inclusive of proper
methods and expectations of communication in international markets, as well as assistance
comprehending advanced financial terms as part of the daily communication needs.
The Professional Training Plan – Hurdles
There are many stages at which a training plan can be of use. From the first day of hire
and throughout one's career, we need to keep the skills of the employees at their top
performance to ensure our best efforts and competitive edge are maintained.
ICap has been progressing their training plan over the last few years as they understand
the need for this constant improvement (From Integration to Transformation - TP ICap Annual
Report 2017, 2017). As we progress, we always seek ways to implement the new ideas for
training into the staff’s agenda without coming up against resistance.
Resistance to training is common in professional settings due to the staffs inability to see
the value of the provided training, the fear of losing control (the feeling that they are being
forced into attrition), fear of change, etc. Fear is a major underlying factor to the “9 Reasons
Your Employees Are Resisting Your Training” (Peters, 2015) and it can be overcome through
effective communication. By involving your employees through surveys, professional
development plans, and other modes of communication, you can assist with the assimilation
into any newly introduced training plan and help your employees not only see the value but to
take advantage of what the education you are providing can bring them both personally and
professionally (Peters, 2015).
Financial firms are always looking for the next big strategy, idea, or market to become
involved in. The ability of the staff to be well versed in these markets as well as assimilate to
the cultures, speech patterns, expectations, and social etiquette of the desired regions are part of
successful business dealings and retained customer loyalty (Site Staff, 2004). Stretching
beyond traditional training methods, we propose a formal training plan that encompasses the
different learning styles to ensure adherence, acceptance, and growth of the plan and for our
The Formal Training Plan – Steps
Training Today™, a professional training organization, suggest that there are five
objectives which much be met for any formal training plan (Training Today, N.D.). These
objectives include:
1. Determining your training needs: from HR and legal needs perspectives, you can
ensure your employees are kept abreast of the laws in both their home markets as well
as those needing to be understood in emerging markets. This determination should also
accompany any professional development plan given to employees. A good place to
start is by surveying upper management on what skills they are seeking from their
groups as well as surveying the employees seeking promotion.
2. Determine the affected employees: all levels of staff can benefit from proper training
plans. Professional FINRA licensing also requires continued learning objectives yearly
to ensure adherence to local laws (Education & Training, N.D.). The levels or waves of
training that take place should start from your most needed place and work forward.
3. Knowing how to train adult learners: Motivation, reinforcement, retention, and
transference; the basic process for training the adult learner successfully. This task is
key to employee success and happiness with the overall program and the impact it can
have on their growth and career.
4. Know your audience: different training methods and terminology for different stages
of the process. Specifically, a focus on the terminology, process and laws surrounding
international trade guidelines to be covered by entry-level staff with a focus on cultural
diversity, acceptance, emerging markets, and customer cultural traits for more advanced
levels of financial professional within the firm.
5. The detailed blueprint: drafting a blueprint of training objectives is key to its success.
Taking into consideration the steps outlined above when the plan is drafted will help
ensure overall success of the program and its acceptance by the staff (Training Today,
Professional Training Plan – Step 1 (the Blueprint)
In a firm such as TP ICap, entry-level training must be the first step. As we help new
hires acclimate to the expectations of their daily routine of both frequently used terminology
and processes for completing transactions for higher level trainers, they will be embracing the
day to day operations of the firm while they are in the six month probationary period whereby
the need to pass the FINRA Series 7 exam in order to continue employment after the
probationary period (FINRA Rule, not the employer’s) (Osterland, 2014). At this stage of
training, we suggest to impose a “buddy” system whereby the new hire will spend two weeks
with an upper-level person who they will be working under or in the same capacity as when the
probationary period and training concludes. This will enable a relationship to be made while
learning the ropes and will help the employee being trained feel part of the team while the
training employee will appreciate the value they bring to the firm (Ferrazzi, 2015).
For upper-level staff, their professional development plan which should accompany their
yearly reviews should be a roadmap to changes that need to be implemented in order to be
promoted to the next level. This stage is where the most resistance is usually felt during
implementation of a training plan so care needs to be taken to provide relevant, adaptable
training, and should be met with a rewards and recognition program (such as raise or title
promotion) (Peters, 2015). At this stage of the training, they will be introduced to video
training models and more immersive skills sharpening training which they will find relative to
their success. This can include introducing them to new markets (Forex, AI, Libor, Capital
Markets, M&A, Compliance, and Regulatory) (Training, N.D.) which when skills are
sharpened and learned, can relate to a significant increase in their valuation to the company,
sizeable salary increases, additional licenses or degrees obtained, and set them up for long-term
success (Ferrazzi, 2015).
Executive level staff are not exempt from this type of training plan. As all members of
the firm need to see that training is an integral part of their career path and continued learning
within the firm, the executive staff needs to be refreshed and re-introduced to cultural training
yearly as staff diversity continues to grow. In addition, they need to keep their eye on the
company’s success which includes empowering their staff to succeed through education and
training. Leading by example is the best visual conceptualization we as a company can
provide to empower our staff and keep them “hungry” (Ferrazzi, 2015).
From experienced staff to executive staff, these people will serve as the mentors who will
“piggyback” training to new employees, process yearly reviews which should include skills
deliverables to be completed in designated timeframes in addition to any job performance
issues which may exist. Throughout these evaluations and deliverable objectives, we will be
effectively able to record our training and train across a bevy of cultures and continents as we
continue to grow (Train the Trainer, N.D.).
In many of these situations, we will utilize the “train the trainer” approach to learning. This
will entail specific teamwork of the upper-level staff, human resources, or other specialty areas
of the company to train the trainers on specific issues that exist in their firms so that they may
effectively train lower level or problematic staff with corrective action. The use of these
professional firms who teach a broad spectrum of cross-cultural communication methods, as well
as specific training topics, will ensure we not only do not offend our colleagues and customers
as we grow internationally but will help us to assimilate and refrain from assumptions and
stereotypes while minimizing culture shock. By utilizing a well thought out plan and a well-
versed trainer who has been made specifically aware of our needs as a company while being an
expert in their specific training area, we ensure success of the program (Training, N.D.).
All staff, regardless of their position, will be subject to both sensitivity training (to be
inclusive of sexual harassment review) and diversity training. These training models will be
delivered by an executive of both human resources and the legal department and will cover the
topics important to both team growth and preventative legal measures.
Within the diversity and inclusion training models topics including expectations of
professional communication, the “anti-slang” methodology, diversity acceptance and inclusion
inclusive of cultural-historical training utilizing the train the trainer model. For emerging
markets, the areas we are looking to expand into or people from foreign lands we are hiring, they
will work with a trainer to help teach cultural acceptance and inclusion in the workplace. By
learning what other cultures deem “common” in the workplace, we will be better prepared as a
group, to embrace the emerging markets of a global workplace.
Education and Your Success
Employees, both new and existing, need to embrace the impact that education has on
success in the US workplace. Unlike our UK corporate office, who have cultural differences in
terms of their view of education vs experience, we in the US financial markets demand a
certain level of education and understanding of concepts in order to be considered for even the
most entry-level roles (Heinze, 2014).
Within our educational requirements, our continued development of the professional
training and development plans will be an integral part of remaining relative in a highly
competitive market.
Personal Development Plans
Personal development plans which accompany yearly performance reviews establish a
roadmap of success for employees when carried out in a positive way. The following diagram
is a sample of the process (not that unlike the training plan) and its components for continued
learning and advancement (Chartered Management Institute, N.D.):
Utilizing the chart above, you can see how we (with training and education) can nurture an
employee from intern (fresh grad) to a stockbroker (photo credit: Pinterest) (Pinterest, n.d.)
While the chart suggests that your best place to begin a career like this is in NYC or
where you have contacts, you may choose to specialize your trading to something like Libor or
Forex, which can be in international markets (waters). It is for this reason that the diversity and
inclusion training is imperative to the success of new hires. Our communication methods and
expectations are not the same as those internationally and only through our understanding of
foreign professional communication expectations can we truly find success in our chosen field.
In addition to these initiatives to help acclimate people to different cultures, special focus on
compliatory issues will be trained and readdressed throughout one’s careers. As the laws change
in terms of reporting and responsibility in compliance (globally), we need to stay abreast and this
training will be given at the sole discretion of upper management and with the assistance of both
HR and the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO).
Adaptations to Adult Learners
While training is made available to the staff, it is imperative that we not only make the
training available through video learning series with follow-up examinations during times of
promotion but that we allow for the time management of necessary training to the working adult
learner. Adult learners have different life experiences which can enrich the “buddy” system of
training for lower level staff but also require the aforementioned reward system in order to find
training valuable (Principles of Adult Learning, N.D.).
The incorporated training and professional development plans should allow for online
degree earning (or advancement), online learning for Series 7 (and beyond) FINRA licenses (and
sponsorship of same), cultural training, compliance training, and other professional advancement
training methodologies. Adult learners have a bevy of responsibilities including family, home,
and work that can often impede their ability to attain these goals. By providing the online
environment and availability of same, we showcase our understanding of their need to do things
in their own time frame and not take from their existing responsibilities (Principles of Adult
Learning, N.D.).
Adult learners are (generally) not welcoming of either learning skills from superiors or
receiving constructive criticism. Additionally, the environment rarely provides the opportunity
for a positive interaction of this nature. It is for this reason that the training for interns be more
one-on-one and the experienced worker should be more self-directed. The self-directed model
allows adult workers to feel accomplished on their own terms, rather than through forced attrition.
At Training End
At the end of any training program or personal development plan, it is key to the growth
of the training program that feedback be given so that final “tweaks” to the program can be
made. This also allows for feedback on the viability and satisfaction of the provided training to
be given to those who coordinate such events so they are aware how it is valued by the
employees and the bosses who have suggested such training.
When a professional development plan is drafted, it needs to have an end game. This
endgame should be an evaluation of lessons learned throughout the training received and
feedback on how it was applied to their incentivized raise or promotion in the following year’s
review. Having a clearly identified objective at the start of any training will help the employee
see the value before they ever begin, allowing them to enter it as an enriching rather than forced
experience (Principles of Adult Learning, N.D.).
If an employee seeks training on their own, it should also be recognized in the
professional evaluation at the yearly review mark. Some employees prefer to showcase their
proactivity by taking on training themselves, in addition to any training required as part of their
positions. Recognizing these advancements is part of the process fosters open communication at
all levels.
Corrective Action – Communication Breakdown
Not all evaluations are positive or fostering an environment where we want to see people
grow with the company. Mismatched supervisor relationships with staff can result in a
counterproductive environment whereby good workers are held back because they do not feel
part o the team nor do they feel that their contribution matters, this is the result of poor
Traditionally, the “positivity sandwich” was thought to be the answer to effectively
delivering an objective of change while fostering good communication and positive working
relationships. The problem with this approach is that many managers do not feel comfortable
delivering bad news to their employees for fear of retaliatory anger at the issue or even loss of
the employee over frustration. However, when the information is delivered through a positive
action plan, the worker can see that they are valued, a change is made, and end on a positive note
(Belludi, 2008) per the following diagram:
When delivering criticism, it is important to do so without negative tones but with
understanding, explanation of needed change, and a plan of action to correct it (Belludi, 2008).
Being mindful of tone while expressing compassion and concern while delivering the message
will ensure successful communication and corrective actions are well received by the employee.
While employees within any finance firm are expected to have a certain level of
education to begin their journey with the firm (Bachelor’s Degree in the US, no advanced degree
need in the UK), the internal training offered by companies such as TP ICap should include
sensitivity training, professional skills training, cultural adaptations, diversity and inclusion
training, and many others. It is through this cocktail of available resources we provide to our
employees that encourage their personal growth while keeping them growing with our firm. The
compliatory and legal training ensure our civil and regulatory compliance and keep us out of
legal battles (and even jail time) while educating our employees unilaterally on these subjects.
Fostering a positive working environment through “buddy system” training
methodologies will ensure that less experienced learners learn from those the company considers
“experts” in the respective field while giving a realistic expectation of the day to day
requirements of the job which the employee is being trained before committing to it while
simultaneously building working relationships in a team environment (setting).
The end result of training, education, and personal development plans is not only
advancement of our employees, but a fostering of clear lines of communication throughout the
business unit, company, and international offices as the company grows. The cultural adaptation
training teaches expectations of communication in international markets to foster positive
working relationships while being successful. At the end of it all, communication is the key to
successful delivery of the training, plans, and assimilation to the company goals and vision. The
better informed the employees are, and the better they are trained to expectations, the better their
communication becomes as they progress in the company. Our investment is in you, our
employees. Grow with us!
Belludi,N.(2008,02 20). The ComplimentSandwich FeedbackTechnique,With Examples. Retrievedfrom
CharteredManagementInstitute.(N.D.). PersonalDevelopmentPlans.RetrievedfromChartered
Education & Training.(N.D.).RetrievedfromFINRA:
Ferrazzi,K.(2015, 07 31). 7 Ways to ImproveEmployeeDevelopmentPrograms.RetrievedfromHarvard
FromIntegration to Transformation - TPICap AnnualReport2017. (2017). RetrievedfromTPICAP:
Heinze,A.(2014, 05 29). 10 thingsthatUS businessesneed to be awareof when developing businessin
Osterland,A.(2014, 05 15). Firms Struggleto Find,Train, the "Next-Gen"Advisorsof Tomorrow.
Peters,C.(2015, 10 16). 9 ReasonsYourEmployeesAre Resisting Your Training.Retrievedfrom Xanedu:
Principles of AdultLearning. (N.D.).RetrievedfromCorporationof National andCommunityServices
Site Staff.(2004, 01 2). YourKey to CompetitiveAdvantage. RetrievedfromCLOMedia:
Train the Trainer.(N.D.).RetrievedfromBritishCouncil:
Training.(N.D.).RetrievedfromLuzAzul Training&Consulting:
TrainingToday.(N.D.). Creating a Customraining Plan forYourOrganization.RetrievedfromTraining

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Implementation of Professional Training Plan

  • 1. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 1 Signature Assignment: Training and Education in Business: Implementation of Professional Training Plan TP ICap Company Stacey Troup Professional Communications/ MBA-600 June 23, 2018 Professor Dr. Christopher Ewing Touro University Worldwide
  • 2. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 2 Signature Assignment: Training and Education in Business: Implementation of Professional Training Plan Abstract Training and education are at the core needs for any financial services firm in order to maintain the employee at the company over time. Beyond the expectations of professional licensing (FINRA Series 7) are the continuing education, professional development, and cultural assimilation training models which will prepare the employee for a diverse team of professionals, colleagues, and customers while acclimating to their cultural differences and not holding any preconceived notions within a diverse workforce. This assimilation will help the employee when changing directions in career to foreign markets or acquiring clients from foreign locations. The effective blueprint is key to the success of any training program and at the core of all training is the need for professional communication. Regardless of where the company is located, the ability to effectively communicate performance evaluations, training, or business relationships hinges on the ability to effectively deliver the message in a clear, concise fashion. Key Words: Communication, Professional Expectations, Finance, Career Growth.
  • 3. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 3 Signature Assignment: Training and Education in Business: Implementation of Professional Training Plan TP ICap Company Communication is essential to business and business relationships. Effective communication and the ability to not only get your message across, but to do so with fluidity, clarity, and understanding when dealing in international waters can prove to be increasingly difficult due to cultural changes and variances in communication styles or modes of communication as well as acceptable topics. Through training and education, we can ensure that our employees at TP ICap are prepared for international business dealings, have the proper educational background to understand the business terminology and differential communication methods, and the intellect to grow through development of their professional development plans extended through management to help them climb our ladders. Only through a full understanding of the expectations of communication in the foreign country can we thoroughly deliver our intended messages and business outcomes while building international relationships with our customers and colleagues. Foreign Communication – US to UK While both countries speak English, the formality and proper speech within the English language play a key role in successful communication with the UK. Here in the US, we are accustomed to slang, humor, and a sense of urgency. The English, however, tend to be more calm, collected, and goal focused rather than racing to the finish line during their communications. They are also devoutly more formal in their speech patterns (referring to their English as “the Queens English”) and US humor is often lost in the translation to their UK English style (Heinze, 2014).
  • 4. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 4 It is for these reasons that we propose to impose a professional training program to include continued education (for professional license requirements), tuition assistance with advanced degrees, license preparatory assistance, license assistance, and in-house training models to be discussed so that professional development plans can be inclusive of proper methods and expectations of communication in international markets, as well as assistance comprehending advanced financial terms as part of the daily communication needs. The Professional Training Plan – Hurdles There are many stages at which a training plan can be of use. From the first day of hire and throughout one's career, we need to keep the skills of the employees at their top performance to ensure our best efforts and competitive edge are maintained. ICap has been progressing their training plan over the last few years as they understand the need for this constant improvement (From Integration to Transformation - TP ICap Annual Report 2017, 2017). As we progress, we always seek ways to implement the new ideas for training into the staff’s agenda without coming up against resistance. Resistance to training is common in professional settings due to the staffs inability to see the value of the provided training, the fear of losing control (the feeling that they are being forced into attrition), fear of change, etc. Fear is a major underlying factor to the “9 Reasons Your Employees Are Resisting Your Training” (Peters, 2015) and it can be overcome through effective communication. By involving your employees through surveys, professional development plans, and other modes of communication, you can assist with the assimilation into any newly introduced training plan and help your employees not only see the value but to take advantage of what the education you are providing can bring them both personally and professionally (Peters, 2015).
  • 5. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 5 Financial firms are always looking for the next big strategy, idea, or market to become involved in. The ability of the staff to be well versed in these markets as well as assimilate to the cultures, speech patterns, expectations, and social etiquette of the desired regions are part of successful business dealings and retained customer loyalty (Site Staff, 2004). Stretching beyond traditional training methods, we propose a formal training plan that encompasses the different learning styles to ensure adherence, acceptance, and growth of the plan and for our employees. The Formal Training Plan – Steps Training Today™, a professional training organization, suggest that there are five objectives which much be met for any formal training plan (Training Today, N.D.). These objectives include: 1. Determining your training needs: from HR and legal needs perspectives, you can ensure your employees are kept abreast of the laws in both their home markets as well as those needing to be understood in emerging markets. This determination should also accompany any professional development plan given to employees. A good place to start is by surveying upper management on what skills they are seeking from their groups as well as surveying the employees seeking promotion. 2. Determine the affected employees: all levels of staff can benefit from proper training plans. Professional FINRA licensing also requires continued learning objectives yearly to ensure adherence to local laws (Education & Training, N.D.). The levels or waves of training that take place should start from your most needed place and work forward. 3. Knowing how to train adult learners: Motivation, reinforcement, retention, and transference; the basic process for training the adult learner successfully. This task is
  • 6. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 6 key to employee success and happiness with the overall program and the impact it can have on their growth and career. 4. Know your audience: different training methods and terminology for different stages of the process. Specifically, a focus on the terminology, process and laws surrounding international trade guidelines to be covered by entry-level staff with a focus on cultural diversity, acceptance, emerging markets, and customer cultural traits for more advanced levels of financial professional within the firm. 5. The detailed blueprint: drafting a blueprint of training objectives is key to its success. Taking into consideration the steps outlined above when the plan is drafted will help ensure overall success of the program and its acceptance by the staff (Training Today, N.D.) Professional Training Plan – Step 1 (the Blueprint) In a firm such as TP ICap, entry-level training must be the first step. As we help new hires acclimate to the expectations of their daily routine of both frequently used terminology and processes for completing transactions for higher level trainers, they will be embracing the day to day operations of the firm while they are in the six month probationary period whereby the need to pass the FINRA Series 7 exam in order to continue employment after the probationary period (FINRA Rule, not the employer’s) (Osterland, 2014). At this stage of training, we suggest to impose a “buddy” system whereby the new hire will spend two weeks with an upper-level person who they will be working under or in the same capacity as when the probationary period and training concludes. This will enable a relationship to be made while learning the ropes and will help the employee being trained feel part of the team while the training employee will appreciate the value they bring to the firm (Ferrazzi, 2015).
  • 7. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 7 For upper-level staff, their professional development plan which should accompany their yearly reviews should be a roadmap to changes that need to be implemented in order to be promoted to the next level. This stage is where the most resistance is usually felt during implementation of a training plan so care needs to be taken to provide relevant, adaptable training, and should be met with a rewards and recognition program (such as raise or title promotion) (Peters, 2015). At this stage of the training, they will be introduced to video training models and more immersive skills sharpening training which they will find relative to their success. This can include introducing them to new markets (Forex, AI, Libor, Capital Markets, M&A, Compliance, and Regulatory) (Training, N.D.) which when skills are sharpened and learned, can relate to a significant increase in their valuation to the company, sizeable salary increases, additional licenses or degrees obtained, and set them up for long-term success (Ferrazzi, 2015). Executive level staff are not exempt from this type of training plan. As all members of the firm need to see that training is an integral part of their career path and continued learning within the firm, the executive staff needs to be refreshed and re-introduced to cultural training yearly as staff diversity continues to grow. In addition, they need to keep their eye on the company’s success which includes empowering their staff to succeed through education and training. Leading by example is the best visual conceptualization we as a company can provide to empower our staff and keep them “hungry” (Ferrazzi, 2015). From experienced staff to executive staff, these people will serve as the mentors who will “piggyback” training to new employees, process yearly reviews which should include skills deliverables to be completed in designated timeframes in addition to any job performance issues which may exist. Throughout these evaluations and deliverable objectives, we will be
  • 8. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 8 effectively able to record our training and train across a bevy of cultures and continents as we continue to grow (Train the Trainer, N.D.). In many of these situations, we will utilize the “train the trainer” approach to learning. This will entail specific teamwork of the upper-level staff, human resources, or other specialty areas of the company to train the trainers on specific issues that exist in their firms so that they may effectively train lower level or problematic staff with corrective action. The use of these professional firms who teach a broad spectrum of cross-cultural communication methods, as well as specific training topics, will ensure we not only do not offend our colleagues and customers as we grow internationally but will help us to assimilate and refrain from assumptions and stereotypes while minimizing culture shock. By utilizing a well thought out plan and a well- versed trainer who has been made specifically aware of our needs as a company while being an expert in their specific training area, we ensure success of the program (Training, N.D.). All staff, regardless of their position, will be subject to both sensitivity training (to be inclusive of sexual harassment review) and diversity training. These training models will be delivered by an executive of both human resources and the legal department and will cover the topics important to both team growth and preventative legal measures. Within the diversity and inclusion training models topics including expectations of professional communication, the “anti-slang” methodology, diversity acceptance and inclusion inclusive of cultural-historical training utilizing the train the trainer model. For emerging markets, the areas we are looking to expand into or people from foreign lands we are hiring, they will work with a trainer to help teach cultural acceptance and inclusion in the workplace. By learning what other cultures deem “common” in the workplace, we will be better prepared as a group, to embrace the emerging markets of a global workplace.
  • 9. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 9 Education and Your Success Employees, both new and existing, need to embrace the impact that education has on success in the US workplace. Unlike our UK corporate office, who have cultural differences in terms of their view of education vs experience, we in the US financial markets demand a certain level of education and understanding of concepts in order to be considered for even the most entry-level roles (Heinze, 2014). Within our educational requirements, our continued development of the professional training and development plans will be an integral part of remaining relative in a highly competitive market. Personal Development Plans Personal development plans which accompany yearly performance reviews establish a roadmap of success for employees when carried out in a positive way. The following diagram is a sample of the process (not that unlike the training plan) and its components for continued learning and advancement (Chartered Management Institute, N.D.): Utilizing the chart above, you can see how we (with training and education) can nurture an employee from intern (fresh grad) to a stockbroker (photo credit: Pinterest) (Pinterest, n.d.)
  • 10. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 10 While the chart suggests that your best place to begin a career like this is in NYC or where you have contacts, you may choose to specialize your trading to something like Libor or Forex, which can be in international markets (waters). It is for this reason that the diversity and inclusion training is imperative to the success of new hires. Our communication methods and expectations are not the same as those internationally and only through our understanding of foreign professional communication expectations can we truly find success in our chosen field. In addition to these initiatives to help acclimate people to different cultures, special focus on compliatory issues will be trained and readdressed throughout one’s careers. As the laws change
  • 11. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 11 in terms of reporting and responsibility in compliance (globally), we need to stay abreast and this training will be given at the sole discretion of upper management and with the assistance of both HR and the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO). Adaptations to Adult Learners While training is made available to the staff, it is imperative that we not only make the training available through video learning series with follow-up examinations during times of promotion but that we allow for the time management of necessary training to the working adult learner. Adult learners have different life experiences which can enrich the “buddy” system of training for lower level staff but also require the aforementioned reward system in order to find training valuable (Principles of Adult Learning, N.D.). The incorporated training and professional development plans should allow for online degree earning (or advancement), online learning for Series 7 (and beyond) FINRA licenses (and sponsorship of same), cultural training, compliance training, and other professional advancement training methodologies. Adult learners have a bevy of responsibilities including family, home, and work that can often impede their ability to attain these goals. By providing the online environment and availability of same, we showcase our understanding of their need to do things in their own time frame and not take from their existing responsibilities (Principles of Adult Learning, N.D.). Adult learners are (generally) not welcoming of either learning skills from superiors or receiving constructive criticism. Additionally, the environment rarely provides the opportunity for a positive interaction of this nature. It is for this reason that the training for interns be more one-on-one and the experienced worker should be more self-directed. The self-directed model allows adult workers to feel accomplished on their own terms, rather than through forced attrition.
  • 12. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 12 At Training End At the end of any training program or personal development plan, it is key to the growth of the training program that feedback be given so that final “tweaks” to the program can be made. This also allows for feedback on the viability and satisfaction of the provided training to be given to those who coordinate such events so they are aware how it is valued by the employees and the bosses who have suggested such training. When a professional development plan is drafted, it needs to have an end game. This endgame should be an evaluation of lessons learned throughout the training received and feedback on how it was applied to their incentivized raise or promotion in the following year’s review. Having a clearly identified objective at the start of any training will help the employee see the value before they ever begin, allowing them to enter it as an enriching rather than forced experience (Principles of Adult Learning, N.D.). If an employee seeks training on their own, it should also be recognized in the professional evaluation at the yearly review mark. Some employees prefer to showcase their proactivity by taking on training themselves, in addition to any training required as part of their positions. Recognizing these advancements is part of the process fosters open communication at all levels. Corrective Action – Communication Breakdown Not all evaluations are positive or fostering an environment where we want to see people grow with the company. Mismatched supervisor relationships with staff can result in a counterproductive environment whereby good workers are held back because they do not feel part o the team nor do they feel that their contribution matters, this is the result of poor communication.
  • 13. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 13 Traditionally, the “positivity sandwich” was thought to be the answer to effectively delivering an objective of change while fostering good communication and positive working relationships. The problem with this approach is that many managers do not feel comfortable delivering bad news to their employees for fear of retaliatory anger at the issue or even loss of the employee over frustration. However, when the information is delivered through a positive action plan, the worker can see that they are valued, a change is made, and end on a positive note (Belludi, 2008) per the following diagram: When delivering criticism, it is important to do so without negative tones but with understanding, explanation of needed change, and a plan of action to correct it (Belludi, 2008). Being mindful of tone while expressing compassion and concern while delivering the message will ensure successful communication and corrective actions are well received by the employee. Conclusion While employees within any finance firm are expected to have a certain level of education to begin their journey with the firm (Bachelor’s Degree in the US, no advanced degree need in the UK), the internal training offered by companies such as TP ICap should include sensitivity training, professional skills training, cultural adaptations, diversity and inclusion training, and many others. It is through this cocktail of available resources we provide to our
  • 14. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 14 employees that encourage their personal growth while keeping them growing with our firm. The compliatory and legal training ensure our civil and regulatory compliance and keep us out of legal battles (and even jail time) while educating our employees unilaterally on these subjects. Fostering a positive working environment through “buddy system” training methodologies will ensure that less experienced learners learn from those the company considers “experts” in the respective field while giving a realistic expectation of the day to day requirements of the job which the employee is being trained before committing to it while simultaneously building working relationships in a team environment (setting). The end result of training, education, and personal development plans is not only advancement of our employees, but a fostering of clear lines of communication throughout the business unit, company, and international offices as the company grows. The cultural adaptation training teaches expectations of communication in international markets to foster positive working relationships while being successful. At the end of it all, communication is the key to successful delivery of the training, plans, and assimilation to the company goals and vision. The better informed the employees are, and the better they are trained to expectations, the better their communication becomes as they progress in the company. Our investment is in you, our employees. Grow with us!
  • 15. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 15 References Belludi,N.(2008,02 20). The ComplimentSandwich FeedbackTechnique,With Examples. Retrievedfrom RightAttitudes: CharteredManagementInstitute.(N.D.). PersonalDevelopmentPlans.RetrievedfromChartered ManagementInstitute: planning Education & Training.(N.D.).RetrievedfromFINRA: training Ferrazzi,K.(2015, 07 31). 7 Ways to ImproveEmployeeDevelopmentPrograms.RetrievedfromHarvard BusinessReview: programs FromIntegration to Transformation - TPICap AnnualReport2017. (2017). RetrievedfromTPICAP: 2017-FINAL.pdf Heinze,A.(2014, 05 29). 10 thingsthatUS businessesneed to be awareof when developing businessin Europe.RetrievedfromBusinessCulture: Osterland,A.(2014, 05 15). Firms Struggleto Find,Train, the "Next-Gen"Advisorsof Tomorrow. RetrievedfromCNBC: gen-advisors-of-tomorrow.html Peters,C.(2015, 10 16). 9 ReasonsYourEmployeesAre Resisting Your Training.Retrievedfrom Xanedu:
  • 16. TRAININGANDEDUCATION IN BUSINESS:ROADMAPTO SUCCESS 16 Pinterest.(n.d.).RetrievedfromPinterest: Principles of AdultLearning. (N.D.).RetrievedfromCorporationof National andCommunityServices (GovernmentAgency): Site Staff.(2004, 01 2). YourKey to CompetitiveAdvantage. RetrievedfromCLOMedia: Train the Trainer.(N.D.).RetrievedfromBritishCouncil: Training.(N.D.).RetrievedfromLuzAzul Training&Consulting: TrainingToday.(N.D.). Creating a Customraining Plan forYourOrganization.RetrievedfromTraining Today: