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                                                 IMAGE PROCESSING
               Mr.J.P.Patil                      Mr.R.D.Badgujar                  Mr.M.L.Patel

               Lecturer,                         Lecturer,                        Lecturer,

               RCPIT,Shirpur                     RCPIT,Shirpur                    RCPIT,Shirpur


               Mob.:9423193448                   Mob.:-9881804224                  Mob.:9372092305


                       Image and Speech processing are used to be a single unified field in the early sixties
               and seventies. Today , it has expanded and diversified into several branches based on
               mathematical tools as well as applications. For instance there are separate topics dealing
               with fuzzy IP, morphological IP knowledge based IP etc. Similarly several topics deal with
               diverse application specific tools for remote sensing industrial vision and so forth.

                       Image analysis issue such as segmentation, edge/line detection, feature extraction,
               image description and pattern recognition have been covered in great deal and all the state-
               of-art concepts have been discussed in many papers.

                       The main motivation for extracting the content of information is the accessibility
               problem. A problem that is even more relevant for dynamic multimedia data, which also have
               to be searched and retrieved. While content extraction techniques are reasonably developed
               for text, video data still is essentially opaque. Its richness and complexity suggests that there
               is a long way to go in extracting video features, and the implementation of more suitable and
               effective processing procedures is an important goal to be achieved.

           1. INTRODUCTION                                         computer easier. Virtual reality, the
                                                                   technology of interacting with a computer
           Image Processing is development of the art              using all of the human senses, will also
           and technique of producing images known as              contribute to better human and computer
           photographs. Photography is so much a part of           interfaces. Standards for virtual-reality
           life today that the average person may                  program languages—for example, Virtual
           encounter more than 1000 camera images a                Reality Modeling language (VRML)—are
           day. Photographs preserve personal memories             currently in use or are being developed for the
           (family snapshots) and inform us of public              World Wide Web.
           events (news photos). They provide a means
           of identification (driver's license photos) and              Synchronization of Image and Speech
           of glamorization (movie-star portraits); views          Processing plays a very important role in this
           of far-off places on Earth (travel photographs)         fairy       world.       Other, exotic models of
           and in space (astral photographs); as well as           computation are being developed, including
           microscopic scenes from inside the human                biological computing that uses living
           body (medical and scientific photos). Many              organisms, molecular computing that uses
           specialized commercial categories, including            molecules with particular properties, and
           fashion,      product,     and      architectural       computing that uses deoxyribonucleic acid
           photography, also fit under the broad umbrella          (DNA), the basic unit of heredity, to store data
           that defines photography's function in the              and carry out operations. These are examples
           world today.                                            of possible future computational platforms
                                                                   that, so far, are limited in abilities or are
               Speech Processing improved speech                   strictly theoretical. Scientists investigate them
           recognition will make the operation of a                because of the physical limitations of
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           miniaturizing circuits embedded in silicon.         4.1.2 Erosion :-
           There are also limitations related to heat
           generated by even the tiniest of transistors.           Erosion is the process of eliminating all the
                                                               boundary points from an object, leaving the
                                                               object smaller in area by one pixel all around
                                                               its perimeter. If it narrows to less than three
           3. BACKGROUND
                                                               pixels thick at any point, it will become
                    Content of image includes resolution,      disconnected (into two objects) at that point. It
           color, intensity, and texture. Image resolution     is useful for removing from a segmented
           is just the size of image in term of display        image objects that are too small to be of
           pixels. Color is represented using RGB color        interest.
           model in computer. For each pixel on the
           screen, there are three bytes (R,G,B color               Shrinking is an special kind of erosion in
           component) to represent its color. Each color       that single-pixel objects are left intact. This is
           component is in the range of 0 to 255.              useful when the total object count must be
           Intensity is the gray level information of pixels   preserved.
           represented by one byte. The intensity value is         Thinning is another special kind of
           in the range of 0 to 255. Texture characterizes     erosion. It is implemented in a two-step
           local variations of image color or intensity.       process. The first step will mark all candidate
           Although texture-based methods has been             pixels for removal. The second step actually
           widely used in computer vision and graphics,        removes those candidates that can be removed
           there is no single commonly accepted                without destroying object connectivity.
           definition of texture. Each texture analysis
           method defines texture according to its own         4.1.3 Dilation :-
           model. We consider texture as a symbol of
           local color or intensity variation. Image                Dilation is the process of incorporating
           regions that are detected to have a similar         into the object all the background pixels that
           texture have similar pattern of local variation     touch it, leaving it larger in area by that
           of color or intensity.                              amount. If two objects are separated by less
                                                               than three pixels at any point, they will
           4. BASIS IMAGE PROCESSING:                          become connected (merged into one object) at
           4.1 THEORY OF IMAGE PROCESSING                      that point. It is useful for filling small holes in
                Modern digital technology has made it          segmented objects.
           possible to manipulate multi-dimensional
           signals with systems that range from simple             Thickening is a special kind of dilation. It
           digital circuits to advanced parallel computers.    is implemented in a two-step process. The first
           The goal of this manipulation can be divided        step marks all the candidate pixels for
           into three categories:                              addition. The second step adds those
           * Image Processing image in -> image out            candidates that can be added without merging
           * Image Analysis image in -> measurements           objects.
           out                                                 4.1.4 Opening :-
           * Image Understanding image in -> high-level
           description out                                           The process of erosion followed by
           Common Image Processing techniques :                dilation is called opening. It has the effect of
                                                               eliminating small and thin objects, breaking
           4.1.1 Dithering :-                                  objects at thin points, and generally smoothing
                                                               the boundaries of larger objects without
               Dithering is a process of using a pattern of    significantly changing their area.
           solid dots to simulate shades of gray. Different
           shapes and patterns of dots have been               4.1.5 Closing :-
           employed in this process, but the effect is the
           same. When viewed from a great enough                      The process of dilation followed by
           distance that the dots are not discernible, the     erosion is called closing. It has the effect of
           pattern appears as a solid shade of gray.           filling small and thin holes in objects,
                                                               connecting nearby objects, and generally
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           smoothing the boundaries of objects without          between black and white. To improve the
           significantly changing their area.                   ability to differentiate, special lighting
                                                                techniques must often be employed. It should
           4.1.6 Filtering :-                                   be pointed out that the above method of using
                                                                a histogram is only one of a large number of
                  Image filtering can be used for noise         ways to threshold an image. Such a method is
           reduction, image sharpening, and image               said to use a global threshold for an entire
           smoothing. By applying a low-pass or high-           image. When it is not possible to find a single
           pass filter to the image, the image can be           threshold or an entire image, an approach is to
           smoothed or sharpened respectively. Low pass         partition the total image into smaller
           filter is used to reduce the amplitude of high-      rectangular areas and determine the threshold
           frequency components. Simple low pass filters        or each window being analyzed. Images of a
           applies local averaging. The gray level at each      weld pool in real time were taken and digitized
           pixel is replaced with the average of the gray       using thresholding technique. The images
           levels in a square or rectangular neighborhood.      were thresholded at various threshold values
           Gaussian Low pass Filter applies Fourier
                                                                and also at the optimum value to show the
           transform to the image. High pass filter is used     importance of choosing an appropriate
           to increase the amplitude of high-frequency          threshold.

           4.2 IMAGE ANALYSIS                                   FEATURE EXTRACTION:

              Image techniques are used to enhance,                   We have seen analysis or any visual
           improve, or otherwise alter an image and to          pattern reorganization problem, the camera
           prepare it for image analysis.                       takes the picture of scene and passes the
                                                                picture to a feature extractor, whose purpose
           The various techniques employed in image             is data reduction by measuring certain features
           processing and analysis are:
                                                                or properties that distinguish objects or their
           1. Image data reduction                              parts. Feature extraction usually, is associated
                                                                with another method called feature selection.
           2. Segmentation                                      The objective of feature selection and
                                                                extraction techniques is to reduce this
           3. Feature extraction                                dimensionality.
                                                                The objective of feature extraction is to
           4. Object recognition                                represent an object in compact way that
                                                                facilities image analysis task in terms of
                                                                algorithmic simplicity and computationally
              Segmentation is the generic name for the          efficiency.
           number of different techniques that divide the
           image into segments of its constituents. In          OBJECT RECOGNITION
           segmentation, the objective is to group areas
           of an image having similar characteristics or
                                                                         The most difficult part of image
           features into distinct entities representing parts
                                                                processing is object recognition. Although
           of the image. One of the most important
                                                                there are many image segmentation algorithms
           techniques which this papers deals with is
                                                                that can segment image into regions with some
                                                                continuous feature, it is still very difficult to
           THRESHOLDING                                         recognize objects from these regions.

                Thresholding is a binary conversion                      There are several reasons for this.
           technique in which each pixel is converted into      First, image segmentation is an ill-posed task
           a binary value either black or white. This is        and there is always some degree of uncertainty
           accomplished by utilizing a frequency                in the segmentation result. Second, an object
           histogram of the image and establishing what         may contain several regions and how to
           intensity (gray level) is to be the border           connect different regions is another problem.
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           At present, no algorithm can segment general
           images into objects automatically with high
           accuracy. In the case that there is some a prior
           knowledge about the foreground objects or
           background scene, the accuracy of object
           recognition could be pretty good. Usually the
           image is first segmented into regions
           according to the pattern of color or texture.
           Then separate regions will be grouped to form
           objects.        The grouping process is
           important for the success of object recognition.
           Full automatically grouping only occurs when
           the a prior knowledge about the foreground
           objects or background scene exists. In the
           other cased, human interaction may be
           required to achieve good accuracy of object
           5. DEMOS
               This is a demo showing different image
           processing techniques.
           Here is the ORIGINAL image, taken from the
           photo "Robin Jeffers at Ton House" (1927) by
           Edward Weston.                                     QUANTIZATION
                                                              LOW PASS FILTERING
                                                                     Here is the image with only
                                                              Here is the image filtered
                                                              5      grayscale       shades;     the   original
                                                              this filter is a 3-by-3 mean filter
                                                              has 184 shades.                                    -
                                                              notice how it smoothes the
                                                              Note how much detail is retained                the
                                                              texture of the image while
                                                              with              only          5          shades
                                                              blurring out the edges
                                                              LOW             PASS         FILTERING            II
                                                              EDGE DETECTION
                                                              Here         is       the      image      filtered
                                                              This filter is a 2-dimensional
                                                              Notice       the     difference    between      the
                                                              Laplacian (actually the negative
                                                               Images         from       the    two      filters?
                                                              of the Laplacian) - notice how it brings       out
                                                              the edges in the image

               Here is the image with every 3rd pixel
           sampled, and the intermediate pixels filled in
           with the sampled values. Note the blocky
           appearance of the new image.
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                                                              regions. Thus one part of an image (region)
                                                              might be processed to suppress motion blur
                                                              while another part might be processed to
                                                              improve              color             rendition.
                                                                    The image is stored only as a set of
                                                              pixels with RGB values in computer. The
                                                              computer knows nothing about the meaning of
                                                              these pixel values. The content of an image is
                                                              quite clear for a person. However, it is not so
                                                              easy for a computer. For example, it is a piece
                                                              of cake to recognize yourself in an image,
                                                              even in a crowd. But this is extremely difficult
                                                              for computer. The preprocessing is to help the
           EDGE DETECTION II                                  computer to understand the content of image.
           This is the Laplacian filter with the original     What is the so-called content of image? Here
           image added back in – notice how it brings out     content means features of image or its objects
           the edges in the image while maintaining the       such as color, texture, resolution, and motion.
           underlying grey scale information.                 Object can be viewed as a meaningful
                                                              component in an image. For example, a
                                                              moving car, a flying bird, a person are all
                                                              objects. There are a lot of techniques for image
                                                              processing. This chapter starts with an
                                                              introduction to general image processing
                                                              techniques and then talks about video
                                                              processing techniques. The reason we want to
                                                              introduce image processing first is that image
                                                              processing techniques can be used on video if
                                                              we treat each picture of a video as a still
                                                                7. APPLICATIONS
           6. IMAGE PROCESSING VERSUS                              REAL-TIME MEASUREMENT OF
           IMAGE ANALYSIS                                     TRAFFIC QUEUE PARAMETERS BY
                                                              USING       IMAGE    PROCESSING
               Image processing relates to the
           preparation of an image for latter analysis and
           use. Images captured by a camera or a similar
                                                                    The real-time measurement of traffic
           technique (e.g. by a scanner) are not              queue parameters are required in many traffic
           necessarily in a form that can be used by
                                                              situations such as accident and congestion
           image analysis routines. Some may need
                                                              monitoring and adjusting the timings of the
           improvement to reduce noise, others may need
                                                              traffic lights. So far the reported image
           to be simplified, and still others may need to
                                                              processing methods have been targeted for
           be enhanced, altered, segmented, filtered, etc.
                                                              measuring simple traffic parameters. In this
           Image processing is the collection of routines
                                                              paper we describe image processing
           and techniques that improve, simplify,             techniques together with the results to measure
           enhance, or otherwise alter an image. Image
                                                              the queue traffic parameters in real-time. The
           analysis is the collection of processes in which
                                                              proposed queue detection algorithm consists of
           a captured image that is prepared by image
                                                              a motion detection and vehicle detection
           processing is analyzed in order to extract
                                                              operation, both based on extracting edges of
           information about the image and to identify
                                                              the scene. The results show that the reposed
           objects or facts about the object or its           algorithms are able to measure various queue
           environment.                                       parameters such as queue detection, length of
               In a sophisticated image processing            the queue, period of the occurrence of the
           system it should be possible to apply specific     queue, slope of the queue etc.
           image processing operations to selected
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           BAW-Project - Digital Image Processing                     The signals are usually processed in a
                                                                digital    representation whereby speech
                Aim of this project is to investigate the       processing can be seen as the intersection of
           effects that lead to structural changes in river     digital signal processing and natural language
           embankments. Changes on the microscopic              processing.
           scale can eventually course complete
           destabilization of shore fortifications. We               Speech processing can be divided in the
           study the microscopic movement that occurs at        following categories:
           boundaries between sediment layers (or
           geotextiles) due to hydraulic pressure changes.           Speech recognition, which deals with
           Towards this end endoscopes are used to              analysis of the linguistic content of a speech
           gather images from within the sediment. The          signal.
           images are in turn analyzed by digital image             Speaker recognition, where the aim is to
           sequence analysis techniques which yield             recognize the identity of the speaker.
           information on the frequency of motion and
           occurring velocity fields. Another aspect of             Enhancement of speech signals, e.g. noise
           our research is the estimation of flow fields        reduction,
           through sediment layers which again can be
           done using endoscopes in conjunction with                 Speech coding for compression and
           image processing techniques.                         transmission   of  speech.  See    also
           Remote sensing
                Natural       resources   survey     and            Voice analysis for medical purposes, such
           management; estimation related to agriculture,       as analysis of vocal loading and dysfunction of
           hydrology, forestry, mineralogy; urban               the vocal cords.
           planning; environment and pollution control;
                                                                   Speech synthesis: the artificial synthesis of
           cartography, registration of satellite images
                                                                speech, which usually means computer
           with terrain maps; monitoring traffic along
                                                                generated speech.
           roads, docks, air fields; etc.
                                                                     Speech compression is important in the
           Bio-medical                                          telecommunications area for increasing the
                                                                amount of info which can be transferred,
                ECG, EEG, EMG analysis; cytological,            stored, or heard, for a given set of time and
           histological and stereological applications;         space constraints.
           automated radiology and pathology, X-ray
           images analysis; mask screening of medical                Speech can be described as an act of
           images such as chromosome slides for                 producing voice through the use of the vocal
           detection various diseases mammograms,               folds and vocal apparatus to create a linguistic
           cancers, smears, CAP, MRI, PET, SPECT,               act designed to convey information.
           USG and other tomography images.
                                                                    Various types of linguistic acts where the
           Military Applications                                audience consists of more than one individual,
                                                                including public speaking, oration, and
                Missile guidance and detection; target          quotation.
           identification; navigation of pilot less vehicles;
           reconnaissance; and range finding; etc.                  The physical act of speaking, primarily
                                                                through the use of vocal cords to produce
                                                                voice. See phonology and linguistics for more
                                                                detailed information on the physical act of
                 Speech processing is the study of speech
                                                                     However, speech can also take place
           signals and the processing methods of these
                                                                inside one's head, known as intrapersonal
                                                                communication, for example, when one thinks
                                                                or utters sounds of approval or disapproval. At
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           a deeper level, one could even consider
           subconscious processes, including dreams
           where aspects of oneself communicate with
           each other (see Sigmund Freud), as part of
           intrapersonal communication, even though
           most human beings do not seem to have direct
           access to such communication.

                Speech recognition (in many contexts also
           known as 'automatic speech recognition',
           computer speech recognition or erroneously as
           Voice Recognition) is the process of
           converting a speech signal to a sequence of
           words, by means of an algorithm implemented
           as a computer program. Speech recognition
           applications that have emerged over the last
           years include voice dialing (e.g., Call home),
           call routing (e.g., I would like to make a
           collect call), simple data entry (e.g., entering a
           credit card number), and preparation of
           structured documents (e.g., a radiology report).

                 Voice recognition or speaker recognition
           is a related process that attempts to identify the
           person speaking, as opposed to what is being

               So, these were some of the primitive
           processing operations which are applied on
           the captured Image. Not all the operations are
           necessary; actually it depends on our need.
           Speech     Processing    improved      speech
           recognition will make the operation of a
           computer easier. Virtual reality, the
           technology of interacting with a computer
           using all of the human senses, will also
           contribute to better human and computer
           interfaces. Standards for Virtual-reality
           program languages

           REFERENCES :

           1. ACM Transaction on graphics

           2. Digital Image Processing and Analysis-
              B.Chanda, D.Dutta Maujmder




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Image processing by manish myst, ssgbcoet

  • 1. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete IMAGE PROCESSING Mr.J.P.Patil Mr.R.D.Badgujar Mr.M.L.Patel Lecturer, Lecturer, Lecturer, RCPIT,Shirpur RCPIT,Shirpur RCPIT,Shirpur Mob.:9423193448 Mob.:-9881804224 Mob.:9372092305 ABSTRACT Image and Speech processing are used to be a single unified field in the early sixties and seventies. Today , it has expanded and diversified into several branches based on mathematical tools as well as applications. For instance there are separate topics dealing with fuzzy IP, morphological IP knowledge based IP etc. Similarly several topics deal with diverse application specific tools for remote sensing industrial vision and so forth. Image analysis issue such as segmentation, edge/line detection, feature extraction, image description and pattern recognition have been covered in great deal and all the state- of-art concepts have been discussed in many papers. The main motivation for extracting the content of information is the accessibility problem. A problem that is even more relevant for dynamic multimedia data, which also have to be searched and retrieved. While content extraction techniques are reasonably developed for text, video data still is essentially opaque. Its richness and complexity suggests that there is a long way to go in extracting video features, and the implementation of more suitable and effective processing procedures is an important goal to be achieved. 1. INTRODUCTION computer easier. Virtual reality, the technology of interacting with a computer Image Processing is development of the art using all of the human senses, will also and technique of producing images known as contribute to better human and computer photographs. Photography is so much a part of interfaces. Standards for virtual-reality life today that the average person may program languages—for example, Virtual encounter more than 1000 camera images a Reality Modeling language (VRML)—are day. Photographs preserve personal memories currently in use or are being developed for the (family snapshots) and inform us of public World Wide Web. events (news photos). They provide a means of identification (driver's license photos) and Synchronization of Image and Speech of glamorization (movie-star portraits); views Processing plays a very important role in this of far-off places on Earth (travel photographs) fairy world. Other, exotic models of and in space (astral photographs); as well as computation are being developed, including microscopic scenes from inside the human biological computing that uses living body (medical and scientific photos). Many organisms, molecular computing that uses specialized commercial categories, including molecules with particular properties, and fashion, product, and architectural computing that uses deoxyribonucleic acid photography, also fit under the broad umbrella (DNA), the basic unit of heredity, to store data that defines photography's function in the and carry out operations. These are examples world today. of possible future computational platforms that, so far, are limited in abilities or are Speech Processing improved speech strictly theoretical. Scientists investigate them recognition will make the operation of a because of the physical limitations of
  • 2. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete miniaturizing circuits embedded in silicon. 4.1.2 Erosion :- There are also limitations related to heat generated by even the tiniest of transistors. Erosion is the process of eliminating all the boundary points from an object, leaving the object smaller in area by one pixel all around its perimeter. If it narrows to less than three 3. BACKGROUND pixels thick at any point, it will become Content of image includes resolution, disconnected (into two objects) at that point. It color, intensity, and texture. Image resolution is useful for removing from a segmented is just the size of image in term of display image objects that are too small to be of pixels. Color is represented using RGB color interest. model in computer. For each pixel on the screen, there are three bytes (R,G,B color Shrinking is an special kind of erosion in component) to represent its color. Each color that single-pixel objects are left intact. This is component is in the range of 0 to 255. useful when the total object count must be Intensity is the gray level information of pixels preserved. represented by one byte. The intensity value is Thinning is another special kind of in the range of 0 to 255. Texture characterizes erosion. It is implemented in a two-step local variations of image color or intensity. process. The first step will mark all candidate Although texture-based methods has been pixels for removal. The second step actually widely used in computer vision and graphics, removes those candidates that can be removed there is no single commonly accepted without destroying object connectivity. definition of texture. Each texture analysis method defines texture according to its own 4.1.3 Dilation :- model. We consider texture as a symbol of local color or intensity variation. Image Dilation is the process of incorporating regions that are detected to have a similar into the object all the background pixels that texture have similar pattern of local variation touch it, leaving it larger in area by that of color or intensity. amount. If two objects are separated by less than three pixels at any point, they will 4. BASIS IMAGE PROCESSING: become connected (merged into one object) at 4.1 THEORY OF IMAGE PROCESSING that point. It is useful for filling small holes in Modern digital technology has made it segmented objects. possible to manipulate multi-dimensional signals with systems that range from simple Thickening is a special kind of dilation. It digital circuits to advanced parallel computers. is implemented in a two-step process. The first The goal of this manipulation can be divided step marks all the candidate pixels for into three categories: addition. The second step adds those * Image Processing image in -> image out candidates that can be added without merging * Image Analysis image in -> measurements objects. out 4.1.4 Opening :- * Image Understanding image in -> high-level description out The process of erosion followed by Common Image Processing techniques : dilation is called opening. It has the effect of eliminating small and thin objects, breaking 4.1.1 Dithering :- objects at thin points, and generally smoothing the boundaries of larger objects without Dithering is a process of using a pattern of significantly changing their area. solid dots to simulate shades of gray. Different shapes and patterns of dots have been 4.1.5 Closing :- employed in this process, but the effect is the same. When viewed from a great enough The process of dilation followed by distance that the dots are not discernible, the erosion is called closing. It has the effect of pattern appears as a solid shade of gray. filling small and thin holes in objects, connecting nearby objects, and generally
  • 3. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete smoothing the boundaries of objects without between black and white. To improve the significantly changing their area. ability to differentiate, special lighting techniques must often be employed. It should 4.1.6 Filtering :- be pointed out that the above method of using a histogram is only one of a large number of Image filtering can be used for noise ways to threshold an image. Such a method is reduction, image sharpening, and image said to use a global threshold for an entire smoothing. By applying a low-pass or high- image. When it is not possible to find a single pass filter to the image, the image can be threshold or an entire image, an approach is to smoothed or sharpened respectively. Low pass partition the total image into smaller filter is used to reduce the amplitude of high- rectangular areas and determine the threshold frequency components. Simple low pass filters or each window being analyzed. Images of a applies local averaging. The gray level at each weld pool in real time were taken and digitized pixel is replaced with the average of the gray using thresholding technique. The images levels in a square or rectangular neighborhood. were thresholded at various threshold values Gaussian Low pass Filter applies Fourier and also at the optimum value to show the transform to the image. High pass filter is used importance of choosing an appropriate to increase the amplitude of high-frequency threshold. components 4.2 IMAGE ANALYSIS FEATURE EXTRACTION: Image techniques are used to enhance, We have seen analysis or any visual improve, or otherwise alter an image and to pattern reorganization problem, the camera prepare it for image analysis. takes the picture of scene and passes the picture to a feature extractor, whose purpose The various techniques employed in image is data reduction by measuring certain features processing and analysis are: or properties that distinguish objects or their 1. Image data reduction parts. Feature extraction usually, is associated with another method called feature selection. 2. Segmentation The objective of feature selection and extraction techniques is to reduce this 3. Feature extraction dimensionality. The objective of feature extraction is to 4. Object recognition represent an object in compact way that facilities image analysis task in terms of SEGMENTATION algorithmic simplicity and computationally Segmentation is the generic name for the efficiency. number of different techniques that divide the image into segments of its constituents. In OBJECT RECOGNITION segmentation, the objective is to group areas of an image having similar characteristics or The most difficult part of image features into distinct entities representing parts processing is object recognition. Although of the image. One of the most important there are many image segmentation algorithms techniques which this papers deals with is that can segment image into regions with some thresholding. continuous feature, it is still very difficult to THRESHOLDING recognize objects from these regions. Thresholding is a binary conversion There are several reasons for this. technique in which each pixel is converted into First, image segmentation is an ill-posed task a binary value either black or white. This is and there is always some degree of uncertainty accomplished by utilizing a frequency in the segmentation result. Second, an object histogram of the image and establishing what may contain several regions and how to intensity (gray level) is to be the border connect different regions is another problem.
  • 4. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete At present, no algorithm can segment general images into objects automatically with high accuracy. In the case that there is some a prior knowledge about the foreground objects or background scene, the accuracy of object recognition could be pretty good. Usually the image is first segmented into regions according to the pattern of color or texture. Then separate regions will be grouped to form objects. The grouping process is important for the success of object recognition. Full automatically grouping only occurs when the a prior knowledge about the foreground objects or background scene exists. In the other cased, human interaction may be required to achieve good accuracy of object recognition 5. DEMOS This is a demo showing different image processing techniques. Here is the ORIGINAL image, taken from the photo "Robin Jeffers at Ton House" (1927) by Edward Weston. QUANTIZATION LOW PASS FILTERING Here is the image with only Here is the image filtered 5 grayscale shades; the original this filter is a 3-by-3 mean filter has 184 shades. - notice how it smoothes the Note how much detail is retained the texture of the image while with only 5 shades blurring out the edges LOW PASS FILTERING II EDGE DETECTION Here is the image filtered This filter is a 2-dimensional Notice the difference between the Laplacian (actually the negative Images from the two filters? of the Laplacian) - notice how it brings out the edges in the image Here is the image with every 3rd pixel sampled, and the intermediate pixels filled in with the sampled values. Note the blocky appearance of the new image.
  • 5. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete regions. Thus one part of an image (region) might be processed to suppress motion blur while another part might be processed to improve color rendition. The image is stored only as a set of pixels with RGB values in computer. The computer knows nothing about the meaning of these pixel values. The content of an image is quite clear for a person. However, it is not so easy for a computer. For example, it is a piece of cake to recognize yourself in an image, even in a crowd. But this is extremely difficult for computer. The preprocessing is to help the EDGE DETECTION II computer to understand the content of image. This is the Laplacian filter with the original What is the so-called content of image? Here image added back in – notice how it brings out content means features of image or its objects the edges in the image while maintaining the such as color, texture, resolution, and motion. underlying grey scale information. Object can be viewed as a meaningful component in an image. For example, a moving car, a flying bird, a person are all objects. There are a lot of techniques for image processing. This chapter starts with an introduction to general image processing techniques and then talks about video processing techniques. The reason we want to introduce image processing first is that image processing techniques can be used on video if we treat each picture of a video as a still image. 7. APPLICATIONS 6. IMAGE PROCESSING VERSUS REAL-TIME MEASUREMENT OF IMAGE ANALYSIS TRAFFIC QUEUE PARAMETERS BY USING IMAGE PROCESSING Image processing relates to the TECHNIQUES preparation of an image for latter analysis and use. Images captured by a camera or a similar The real-time measurement of traffic technique (e.g. by a scanner) are not queue parameters are required in many traffic necessarily in a form that can be used by situations such as accident and congestion image analysis routines. Some may need monitoring and adjusting the timings of the improvement to reduce noise, others may need traffic lights. So far the reported image to be simplified, and still others may need to processing methods have been targeted for be enhanced, altered, segmented, filtered, etc. measuring simple traffic parameters. In this Image processing is the collection of routines paper we describe image processing and techniques that improve, simplify, techniques together with the results to measure enhance, or otherwise alter an image. Image the queue traffic parameters in real-time. The analysis is the collection of processes in which proposed queue detection algorithm consists of a captured image that is prepared by image a motion detection and vehicle detection processing is analyzed in order to extract operation, both based on extracting edges of information about the image and to identify the scene. The results show that the reposed objects or facts about the object or its algorithms are able to measure various queue environment. parameters such as queue detection, length of In a sophisticated image processing the queue, period of the occurrence of the system it should be possible to apply specific queue, slope of the queue etc. image processing operations to selected
  • 6. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete BAW-Project - Digital Image Processing The signals are usually processed in a digital representation whereby speech Aim of this project is to investigate the processing can be seen as the intersection of effects that lead to structural changes in river digital signal processing and natural language embankments. Changes on the microscopic processing. scale can eventually course complete destabilization of shore fortifications. We Speech processing can be divided in the study the microscopic movement that occurs at following categories: boundaries between sediment layers (or geotextiles) due to hydraulic pressure changes. Speech recognition, which deals with Towards this end endoscopes are used to analysis of the linguistic content of a speech gather images from within the sediment. The signal. images are in turn analyzed by digital image Speaker recognition, where the aim is to sequence analysis techniques which yield recognize the identity of the speaker. information on the frequency of motion and occurring velocity fields. Another aspect of Enhancement of speech signals, e.g. noise our research is the estimation of flow fields reduction, through sediment layers which again can be done using endoscopes in conjunction with Speech coding for compression and image processing techniques. transmission of speech. See also telecommunication. Remote sensing Natural resources survey and Voice analysis for medical purposes, such management; estimation related to agriculture, as analysis of vocal loading and dysfunction of hydrology, forestry, mineralogy; urban the vocal cords. planning; environment and pollution control; Speech synthesis: the artificial synthesis of cartography, registration of satellite images speech, which usually means computer with terrain maps; monitoring traffic along generated speech. roads, docks, air fields; etc. Speech compression is important in the Bio-medical telecommunications area for increasing the amount of info which can be transferred, ECG, EEG, EMG analysis; cytological, stored, or heard, for a given set of time and histological and stereological applications; space constraints. automated radiology and pathology, X-ray images analysis; mask screening of medical Speech can be described as an act of images such as chromosome slides for producing voice through the use of the vocal detection various diseases mammograms, folds and vocal apparatus to create a linguistic cancers, smears, CAP, MRI, PET, SPECT, act designed to convey information. USG and other tomography images. Various types of linguistic acts where the Military Applications audience consists of more than one individual, including public speaking, oration, and Missile guidance and detection; target quotation. identification; navigation of pilot less vehicles; reconnaissance; and range finding; etc. The physical act of speaking, primarily through the use of vocal cords to produce voice. See phonology and linguistics for more detailed information on the physical act of 8. SPEECH PROCESSING speaking. Speech processing is the study of speech However, speech can also take place signals and the processing methods of these inside one's head, known as intrapersonal signals. communication, for example, when one thinks or utters sounds of approval or disapproval. At
  • 7. Click Here & Upgrade Expanded Features PDF Unlimited Pages Documents Complete a deeper level, one could even consider subconscious processes, including dreams where aspects of oneself communicate with each other (see Sigmund Freud), as part of intrapersonal communication, even though most human beings do not seem to have direct access to such communication. Speech recognition (in many contexts also known as 'automatic speech recognition', computer speech recognition or erroneously as Voice Recognition) is the process of converting a speech signal to a sequence of words, by means of an algorithm implemented as a computer program. Speech recognition applications that have emerged over the last years include voice dialing (e.g., Call home), call routing (e.g., I would like to make a collect call), simple data entry (e.g., entering a credit card number), and preparation of structured documents (e.g., a radiology report). Voice recognition or speaker recognition is a related process that attempts to identify the person speaking, as opposed to what is being said. CONCLUSION So, these were some of the primitive processing operations which are applied on the captured Image. Not all the operations are necessary; actually it depends on our need. Speech Processing improved speech recognition will make the operation of a computer easier. Virtual reality, the technology of interacting with a computer using all of the human senses, will also contribute to better human and computer interfaces. Standards for Virtual-reality program languages REFERENCES : 1. ACM Transaction on graphics 2. Digital Image Processing and Analysis- B.Chanda, D.Dutta Maujmder 3. 4. 5.