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                         •   CHETAN KANOJIA
                         •   ANKIT VEDA
                         •   ASHISH GHANGORIYA
• Introduction: -
• A market segment is commonly defined as "a group of
  present or potential customers with some common
  characteristics which is relevant in explaining / predicting
  their response to a supplier's marketing stimuli “
• In contrast to consumers, industrial customers tend to be
  fewer in number and purchase larger quantities. They
  evaluate offerings in more detail, and the decision process
  usually involves more than one person. These
  characteristics apply to organizations such as
  manufacturers and service providers, as well as
  resellers, governments, and institutions.
• Many of the consumer market segmentation variables can
  be applied to industrial markets.
• Moreover, companies collaborate among themselves
  heavily even in consolidated industries. One eg. is the
  automobile industry. There is not one single car
  manufacturer in the world that does not collaborate with at
  least one other car manufacturer either on drive-train
  technology, platform design, assembly, marketing or some
  other discipline. This makes it highly challenging for
  suppliers to differentiate themselves according to the
  needs of any one particular customer or segment. Yet
  others propose a totally different method by emphasizing
  on supply chain analysis and competitive advantage.
• Segmentation Variables for Industrial
• Segmentation variables as "customer
  characteristics that elate to some important
  difference in customer response to marketing
  effort" & recommends the following three
• Measurability, "otherwise the scheme will not be
  operational" according to Webster. While this would be
  an absolute ideal, its implementation can be next to
  impossible in some markets. The first barrier is, it often
  necessitates field research, which is expensive and
  time-consuming. Second, it is impossible to accurate
  strategic data on a large number of customers. Third, if
  gathered, the analysis of the data can be daunting task.
  These barriers lead most companies to use more
  qualitative and intuitive methods in measuring
  customer data, and more persuasive methods while
  selling, hoping to compensate for the gap of accurate
  data measurement.
• Substantiality, i.e. "the variable should be relevant to a
  substantial group of customers". The challenge here is
  finding the right size or balance. If the group gets too
  large, there is a risk of diluting effectiveness; and if the
  group becomes too small, the company will loose the
  benefits of economies of scale. Also, as Webster rightly
  states, there are often very large customers that provide a
  large portion of a suppliers business. These single
  customers as sometimes distinctive enough to justify
  constituting a segment on their own. This scenario is often
  observed in industries which are dominated by a small
  number of large companies, e.g. aircraft
  manufacturing, automotive, turbines, printing machines
  and paper machines.
• Operational relevance to marketing strategy.
  Segmentation should enable a company to offer the
  suitable operational offering to the chosen
  segment, e.g. faster delivery service, credit-card
  payment facility, 24-hour technical service, etc. This
  can only be applied by companies with sufficient
  operational resources. For eg., just-in-time delivery
  requires highly efficient and sizeable logistics
  operations, whereas supply-on-demand would need
  large inventories, tying down the supplier's capital.
  Combining the two within the same company - e.g. for
  two different segments - would stretch the company's
• A Generic Principle
• One of the recommended approaches in segmentation
  is for a company to decide whether it wants to have a
  limited number of products offered too many
  segments or many products offered to a limited
  number of segments. Businesses are encouraged not to
  offer many product lines to many segments, as this
  would dilute their focus and stretch their resources too
  much. Yet this happens relatively often in
  practice, which hints to the question, to what extent
  the recommended models realistic.
• The advantage in attempting the above approach is that although it
  may nor work at all times, it is a force for as much focus as
  practicable. The one-to-many model ensures – in theory – that a
  business keeps its focus sharp and makes use of economies of scale
  at the supply end of the chain. In "kills many birds with one stone".
• Eg.s: Coca Cola and some of the General Electric businesses. The
  drawback is that the business would risk loosing business as soon as
  a weakness in its supply chain or in its marketing forces it to
  withdraw from the market. Coca Cola's attempt to sell its Mineral
  bottled water in the UK turned out to be a flop mainly because it
  tries to position this "purified tap water" alongside mineral water of
  other brands. The trigger was a contamination scandal reported in
  the media.
• Two-Stage Market Segmentation
• Industrial market segmentation based on broad
  two-step classifications of
• Macro-segmentation and
• Micro-segmentation.
• This model is one the most common methods
  applied in industrial markets today. It is
  sometimes extended into more complex models
  to include multi-step and three- and four-
  dimensional models.
• Macro-segmentation centers on the characteristics of the buying
  organisation, thus dividing the market by:
• - Company / organisation size: one of the most practical and easily
  identifiable criteria, it can also be good rough indicator of the
  potential business for a company. However, it needs to be
  combined with other factors to draw a realistic picture.
• - Geographic location is equally as feasible as company size. It tells
  a company a lot about culture and communication requirements.
  For eg. A company would adapt a different bidding strategy with an
  Asian company than an American customer. Geographic location
  also relates to culture, language and business attitudes. For
  eg., Middle Eastern, European, North American, South American
  and Asian companies will all have different sets of business
  standards and communication requirements.
• - SIC core (standard industry classification), which
  originated in the US, can be a good indicator for
  application-based segmentation. However it is based only
  on relatively standard and basic industries, and product or
  service classifications such as sheet metal
  production, springs manufacturing, construction
  machinery, legal services, cinema's etc. Many industries
  that use a number of different technologies or have
  innovative products are classified under the 'other'
  category, which does not bring much benefit if these form
  the customer base. Eg.s are access control
  equipment, thermal spray coatings and uninterruptible
  power supply systems, none of which have been classified
  under the SIC.
• - Purchasing situation, new task, modified re-buy or
  straight re-buy. This is another relatively theoretical
  and unused criterion in real life. As a result of
  increased competition and globalisation in most
  established industries, companies tend to find focus in
  a small number of markets, get to know the market
  well and establish long-term relationship with
  customers. The general belief is, it is cheaper to keep
  an existing customer than to find a new one. When this
  happens, the purchase criteria are more based on
  relationship, trust, technology and overall cost of
  purchase, which dilutes the importance of this
• - Decision-making stage. This criterion can only
  apply to newcomers. In cases of long-term
  relationship, which is usually the objective of
  most industrial businesses, the qualified supplier
  is normally aware of the purchase
  requirement, i.e. they always get into the bidding
  process right at the beginning. & "with increasing
  turbulence in the marketplace, it is clear that
  firms have to move away from transaction-
  oriented marketing strategies and move towards
  relationship-oriented marketing for enhanced
• - Benefit segmentation: The product's economic value
  to the customer, which is one of the more helpful
  criteria in some industries. It "recognizes that
  customers buy the same products for different
  reasons, and place different values on particular
  product features. For eg. The access control industry
  markets the same products for two different value sets:
  Banks, factories and airports install them for security
  reasons, i.e. to protect their assets against.
  However, sports stadiums, concert arenas and the
  London Underground installs similar equipment in
  order to generate revenue and/or cut costs by
  eliminating manual ticket-handling
• Type of institution: banks would require designer furniture for their
  customers while government departments would suffice with
  functional and durable sets. Hospitals would require higher hygiene
  criteria while buying office equipment than utilities. And airport
  terminals would need different degrees of access control and
  security monitoring than shopping centers. However, type of buying
  institution and the decision-making stage can only work on paper.
  As institutional buyers cut procurement costs, they are forced to
  reduce the number of suppliers, with whom they develop long-
  term relationships. This makes the buying institution already a
  highly experienced one and the suppliers are normally involved at
  the beginning of the decision-making process. This eliminates the
  need to apply these two items as segmentation criteria.
• Customers' business potential assuming supply
  can be guaranteed and prices are acceptable by a
  particular segment. For eg., 'global accounts'
  would buy high quantities and are prepared to
  sign long-term agreements; 'key accounts'
  medium-sized regional customers that can be the
  source of 30% of a company's revenue as long as
  competitive offering is in place for them; 'direct
  accounts' form many thousands of small
  companies that buy mainly ob price but in return
  are willing to forego service.
• Purchasing strategies, global vs. local decision-making
  structure, decision-making power of purchasing officers vs.
  engineers or technical specifies.
• - Supply Chain Position: A customer' business model affects where
  and how they buy. If he pursues a cost leadership strategy, then the
  company is more likely to be committed to high-volume
  manufacturing, thus requiring high-volume purchasing. To the
  supplier, this means constant price pressure and precise delivery
  but relatively long-term business security, e.g. in the commodities
  markets. But if the company follows a differentiation strategy, then
  it is bound to offer customised products and services to its
  customers. This would necessitate specialised high-quality products
  from the supplier, which are often purchased in low volumes, which
  mostly eliminates stark price competition, emphasises on
  functionality and requires relationship-based marketing mix.
• Micro-segmentation on the other hand requires a higher degree of
  knowledge. While macro-segmentation put the business into broad
  categories, helping a general product strategy, micro-segmentation
  is essential for the implementation of the concept. "Micro-
  segments are homogenous groups of buyers within the macro-
  segments" Macro-segmentation without micro-segmentation
  cannot provide the expected benefits to the organisation. Micro-
  segmentation focuses on factors that matter in the daily business;
  this is where "the rubber hits the road". The most common criteria
  include the characteristics of the decision-making units within each
• E.g. - Buying decision criteria (product quality, delivery, technical
  support, price, and supply continuity). "The marketer might divide
  the market based on supplier profiles that appear to be preferred
  by decision-makers, e.g. high quality – prompt delivery – premium
  price vs. standard quality – less-prompt delivery – low price".
• - Purchasing strategy, which falls into two
  categories, according to Hutt and Speh: First, there are
  companies who contact familiar suppliers (some have
  vendor lists) and place the order with the first supplier that
  fulfils the buying criteria. These tend to include more
  OEM's than public sector buyers. Second, organizations
  that consider a larger number of familiar and unfamiliar
  suppliers, solicit bids, examine all proposals and place the
  order with the best offer. Experience has shown that
  considering this criterion as part of the segmentation
  principles can be highly beneficial, as the supplier can avoid
  unnecessary costs by, for eg. not spending time and
  resources unless officially approved in the buyer's vendor
• Structure of the decision-making unit can be one of
  the most effective criteria. Knowing the decision-
  making process has been shown to make the difference
  between winning and losing a contract. If this is the
  case, the supplier can develop a suitable relationship
  with the person / people that has / have real decision-
  making power. For eg., the medical equipment market
  can be segmented on the basis of the type of
  institution and the responsibilities of the decision
  makers, according to Hutt and Speh. A company that
  sells protective coatings for human implants would
  adapt a totally different communication strategy for
  doctors than hip-joint manufacturers.
•   Perceived importance of the product to the customer's business (e.g. automotive
    transmission, or peripheral equipment, e.g. manufacturing tool)
•   - Attitudes towards the supplier: Personal characteristics of buyers
    (age, education, and job title and decision style) play a major role in forming the
    customers purchasing attitude as whole. Is the decision-maker a
    partner, supporter, neutral, adversarial or an opponent? Industrial power systems
    are best "sold" to engineering executive than purchasing managers; industrial
    coatings are sold almost exclusively to engineers; matrix and raw materials are sold
    normally to purchasing managers or even via web auctions.
•   The above criteria can be highly beneficial depending on the type of business.
    However, they may be feasible to measure only in high-capital, high-expense
    businesses such as corporate banking or aircraft business due to high cost
    associated with compiling the desired data. "There are serious concerns in practice
    regarding the cost and difficulty of collecting measurements of these micro-
    segmentation characteristics and using them".
• Perceived importance of the product to the customer's business (e.g.
  automotive transmission, or peripheral equipment, e.g. manufacturing
• - Attitudes towards the supplier: Personal characteristics of buyers
  (age, education, and job title and decision style) play a major role in
  forming the customers purchasing attitude as whole. Is the decision-maker
  a partner, supporter, neutral, adversarial or an opponent? Industrial power
  systems are best "sold" to engineering executive than purchasing
  managers; industrial coatings are sold almost exclusively to engineers;
  matrix and raw materials are sold normally to purchasing managers or
  even via web auctions.
• The above criteria can be highly beneficial depending on the type of
  business. However, they may be feasible to measure only in high-
  capital, high-expense businesses such as corporate banking or aircraft
  business due to high cost associated with compiling the desired data.
  "There are serious concerns in practice regarding the cost and difficulty of
  collecting measurements of these micro-segmentation characteristics and
  using them".
• Nested Approach to Segmentation:
• The application of all the criteria recommended by
  Wind and Cardozo and subsequent scholars who
  expanded upon their two-stage theory became
  increasingly difficult due to the complexity of modern
  businesses, Bonoma and Shapiro suggest that the same
  / similar criteria be applied in multi-process manner to
  allow flexibility to marketers in selecting or avoiding
  the criteria as suited to their businesses. "They
  proposed the use of the following five general
  segmentation criteria which they arranged in a nester
• Demographics: industry, company size, customer location
• Operating variables: company technology, product/brand use
  status, customer capabilities
• Purchasing approaches: purchasing function, power
  structure, buyer-seller relationships, purchasing
  policies, purchasing criteria
• Situational factors: urgency of order, product application, size
  of order.
• Buyers' personal characteristics:
• The idea was that the marketers would move from the
  outer nest toward the inner, using as many nests as
  necessary". As a result this model has become one of
  the most adapted in the market, rivaling the Wind &
  Cardozo model head-on. One of the problems with the
  nested approach "is that there is no clear-cut
  distinction between purchasing approaches, situational
  factors and demographics. Bonoma and Shapiro are
  aware of these overlaps and argue that the nested
  approach is intended to be used flexibly with a good
  deal of managerial judgment.
• Bottom-up Approach
• According to Kotler, where masses of customer data are
  studies and similarities searched to make up segments that
  have similar needs, i.e. assessing the customer base
  quantitatively and grouping them – i.e. building up – the
  segments based on similarities in purchasing attitude.
• When starting the segmentation process, instead of seeing
  customers as identical, the build-up approach begins by
  viewing customer as different and then proceeds to identify
  possible similarities between them. In a turbulence market
  [pretty much all markets today], using a build-up approach
  is more suitable than a breakdown approach".
• Targeting and Positioning
• "There is a critical difference in emphasis between target market
  and audience. The term audience is probably most useful in
  marketing communication". (Croft, 1999) Indeed, people to whom a
  product or service is sold are target markets. Therefore, marketing
  operations include the entire go-to-market processes such as
  product lifecycle management, pricing, distribution, sales and after
  sales service as well as communication.
• Target markets can include end user companies, procurement
  managers, company bosses, contracting companies and external
  sales agents. Audiences, however, can include individuals that have
  influence over purchasing decision, but may not necessarily buy a
  product themselves, e.g. design engineers, architects, project
  managers and operations managers, plus those in target markets.
• Competition
• Attempting to include two vast topics such as India and China into this
  discussion is naive. However, one element that should never be left out of
  sight while segmenting, targeting and positioning, is competition. This is a
  key concern that may impact the success of the company, especially as
  one of segmentation's core objectives is differentiation.
• Apart from the expected competition within a company's known
  geographic reach, competition is seriously taking shape from China and
  India, both of whom have been predicted to become global economic
  superpowers within a few years. The bulk of the threat is facing Europe
  and North America. "Italy is the sick man of Europe–its economy has
  shrunk 4% since 1999. Along with Germany and France, the nation has
  been struggling with weak consumer spending, waning productivity and
  rising government deficit. Italy's economic structure is almost perfectly
  shaped for an attack by China. "The threat is not only relevant to Italy, but
  the whole of Europe, including the UK,
• The second major threat comes from India. Where China is turning
  into the world's 'manufacturing house', India is focusing on IT
  outsourcing, software development, business process off shoring
  (BPO), banking, insurance and legal services. "Exports from India's
  IT industry and from BPO are on track to reach $60 billion a year by
  2010, representing a 28% annual growth rate. India currently
  accounts for 65% of the world's offshore IT services and 46% of its
• As modern industries are driven by mechanical and electronics
  technologies, and both of these are being dominated by either
  China or India, the balance of economic power is bound to shift
  from West to East. This will impact the way companies do business.
  Those that can offer low-cost, efficient solutions sourced in either
  of those countries are likely to survive and prosper provided they
  take advantage of the modern communication skills to market
  themselves appropriately.

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  • 2. • Introduction: - • A market segment is commonly defined as "a group of present or potential customers with some common characteristics which is relevant in explaining / predicting their response to a supplier's marketing stimuli “ • In contrast to consumers, industrial customers tend to be fewer in number and purchase larger quantities. They evaluate offerings in more detail, and the decision process usually involves more than one person. These characteristics apply to organizations such as manufacturers and service providers, as well as resellers, governments, and institutions.
  • 3. • Many of the consumer market segmentation variables can be applied to industrial markets. • Moreover, companies collaborate among themselves heavily even in consolidated industries. One eg. is the automobile industry. There is not one single car manufacturer in the world that does not collaborate with at least one other car manufacturer either on drive-train technology, platform design, assembly, marketing or some other discipline. This makes it highly challenging for suppliers to differentiate themselves according to the needs of any one particular customer or segment. Yet others propose a totally different method by emphasizing on supply chain analysis and competitive advantage.
  • 4. • Segmentation Variables for Industrial products • Segmentation variables as "customer characteristics that elate to some important difference in customer response to marketing effort" & recommends the following three criteria:
  • 5. • Measurability, "otherwise the scheme will not be operational" according to Webster. While this would be an absolute ideal, its implementation can be next to impossible in some markets. The first barrier is, it often necessitates field research, which is expensive and time-consuming. Second, it is impossible to accurate strategic data on a large number of customers. Third, if gathered, the analysis of the data can be daunting task. These barriers lead most companies to use more qualitative and intuitive methods in measuring customer data, and more persuasive methods while selling, hoping to compensate for the gap of accurate data measurement.
  • 6. • Substantiality, i.e. "the variable should be relevant to a substantial group of customers". The challenge here is finding the right size or balance. If the group gets too large, there is a risk of diluting effectiveness; and if the group becomes too small, the company will loose the benefits of economies of scale. Also, as Webster rightly states, there are often very large customers that provide a large portion of a suppliers business. These single customers as sometimes distinctive enough to justify constituting a segment on their own. This scenario is often observed in industries which are dominated by a small number of large companies, e.g. aircraft manufacturing, automotive, turbines, printing machines and paper machines.
  • 7. • Operational relevance to marketing strategy. Segmentation should enable a company to offer the suitable operational offering to the chosen segment, e.g. faster delivery service, credit-card payment facility, 24-hour technical service, etc. This can only be applied by companies with sufficient operational resources. For eg., just-in-time delivery requires highly efficient and sizeable logistics operations, whereas supply-on-demand would need large inventories, tying down the supplier's capital. Combining the two within the same company - e.g. for two different segments - would stretch the company's resources.
  • 8. • A Generic Principle • One of the recommended approaches in segmentation is for a company to decide whether it wants to have a limited number of products offered too many segments or many products offered to a limited number of segments. Businesses are encouraged not to offer many product lines to many segments, as this would dilute their focus and stretch their resources too much. Yet this happens relatively often in practice, which hints to the question, to what extent the recommended models realistic.
  • 9. • The advantage in attempting the above approach is that although it may nor work at all times, it is a force for as much focus as practicable. The one-to-many model ensures – in theory – that a business keeps its focus sharp and makes use of economies of scale at the supply end of the chain. In "kills many birds with one stone". • Eg.s: Coca Cola and some of the General Electric businesses. The drawback is that the business would risk loosing business as soon as a weakness in its supply chain or in its marketing forces it to withdraw from the market. Coca Cola's attempt to sell its Mineral bottled water in the UK turned out to be a flop mainly because it tries to position this "purified tap water" alongside mineral water of other brands. The trigger was a contamination scandal reported in the media.
  • 10. • Two-Stage Market Segmentation • Industrial market segmentation based on broad two-step classifications of • Macro-segmentation and • Micro-segmentation. • This model is one the most common methods applied in industrial markets today. It is sometimes extended into more complex models to include multi-step and three- and four- dimensional models.
  • 11. • Macro-segmentation centers on the characteristics of the buying organisation, thus dividing the market by: • - Company / organisation size: one of the most practical and easily identifiable criteria, it can also be good rough indicator of the potential business for a company. However, it needs to be combined with other factors to draw a realistic picture. • - Geographic location is equally as feasible as company size. It tells a company a lot about culture and communication requirements. For eg. A company would adapt a different bidding strategy with an Asian company than an American customer. Geographic location also relates to culture, language and business attitudes. For eg., Middle Eastern, European, North American, South American and Asian companies will all have different sets of business standards and communication requirements.
  • 12. • - SIC core (standard industry classification), which originated in the US, can be a good indicator for application-based segmentation. However it is based only on relatively standard and basic industries, and product or service classifications such as sheet metal production, springs manufacturing, construction machinery, legal services, cinema's etc. Many industries that use a number of different technologies or have innovative products are classified under the 'other' category, which does not bring much benefit if these form the customer base. Eg.s are access control equipment, thermal spray coatings and uninterruptible power supply systems, none of which have been classified under the SIC.
  • 13. • - Purchasing situation, new task, modified re-buy or straight re-buy. This is another relatively theoretical and unused criterion in real life. As a result of increased competition and globalisation in most established industries, companies tend to find focus in a small number of markets, get to know the market well and establish long-term relationship with customers. The general belief is, it is cheaper to keep an existing customer than to find a new one. When this happens, the purchase criteria are more based on relationship, trust, technology and overall cost of purchase, which dilutes the importance of this criterion.
  • 14. • - Decision-making stage. This criterion can only apply to newcomers. In cases of long-term relationship, which is usually the objective of most industrial businesses, the qualified supplier is normally aware of the purchase requirement, i.e. they always get into the bidding process right at the beginning. & "with increasing turbulence in the marketplace, it is clear that firms have to move away from transaction- oriented marketing strategies and move towards relationship-oriented marketing for enhanced performance".
  • 15. • - Benefit segmentation: The product's economic value to the customer, which is one of the more helpful criteria in some industries. It "recognizes that customers buy the same products for different reasons, and place different values on particular product features. For eg. The access control industry markets the same products for two different value sets: Banks, factories and airports install them for security reasons, i.e. to protect their assets against. However, sports stadiums, concert arenas and the London Underground installs similar equipment in order to generate revenue and/or cut costs by eliminating manual ticket-handling
  • 16. • Type of institution: banks would require designer furniture for their customers while government departments would suffice with functional and durable sets. Hospitals would require higher hygiene criteria while buying office equipment than utilities. And airport terminals would need different degrees of access control and security monitoring than shopping centers. However, type of buying institution and the decision-making stage can only work on paper. As institutional buyers cut procurement costs, they are forced to reduce the number of suppliers, with whom they develop long- term relationships. This makes the buying institution already a highly experienced one and the suppliers are normally involved at the beginning of the decision-making process. This eliminates the need to apply these two items as segmentation criteria.
  • 17. • Customers' business potential assuming supply can be guaranteed and prices are acceptable by a particular segment. For eg., 'global accounts' would buy high quantities and are prepared to sign long-term agreements; 'key accounts' medium-sized regional customers that can be the source of 30% of a company's revenue as long as competitive offering is in place for them; 'direct accounts' form many thousands of small companies that buy mainly ob price but in return are willing to forego service.
  • 18. • Purchasing strategies, global vs. local decision-making structure, decision-making power of purchasing officers vs. engineers or technical specifies. • - Supply Chain Position: A customer' business model affects where and how they buy. If he pursues a cost leadership strategy, then the company is more likely to be committed to high-volume manufacturing, thus requiring high-volume purchasing. To the supplier, this means constant price pressure and precise delivery but relatively long-term business security, e.g. in the commodities markets. But if the company follows a differentiation strategy, then it is bound to offer customised products and services to its customers. This would necessitate specialised high-quality products from the supplier, which are often purchased in low volumes, which mostly eliminates stark price competition, emphasises on functionality and requires relationship-based marketing mix.
  • 19. • Micro-segmentation on the other hand requires a higher degree of knowledge. While macro-segmentation put the business into broad categories, helping a general product strategy, micro-segmentation is essential for the implementation of the concept. "Micro- segments are homogenous groups of buyers within the macro- segments" Macro-segmentation without micro-segmentation cannot provide the expected benefits to the organisation. Micro- segmentation focuses on factors that matter in the daily business; this is where "the rubber hits the road". The most common criteria include the characteristics of the decision-making units within each macro-segment • E.g. - Buying decision criteria (product quality, delivery, technical support, price, and supply continuity). "The marketer might divide the market based on supplier profiles that appear to be preferred by decision-makers, e.g. high quality – prompt delivery – premium price vs. standard quality – less-prompt delivery – low price".
  • 20. • - Purchasing strategy, which falls into two categories, according to Hutt and Speh: First, there are companies who contact familiar suppliers (some have vendor lists) and place the order with the first supplier that fulfils the buying criteria. These tend to include more OEM's than public sector buyers. Second, organizations that consider a larger number of familiar and unfamiliar suppliers, solicit bids, examine all proposals and place the order with the best offer. Experience has shown that considering this criterion as part of the segmentation principles can be highly beneficial, as the supplier can avoid unnecessary costs by, for eg. not spending time and resources unless officially approved in the buyer's vendor list.
  • 21. • Structure of the decision-making unit can be one of the most effective criteria. Knowing the decision- making process has been shown to make the difference between winning and losing a contract. If this is the case, the supplier can develop a suitable relationship with the person / people that has / have real decision- making power. For eg., the medical equipment market can be segmented on the basis of the type of institution and the responsibilities of the decision makers, according to Hutt and Speh. A company that sells protective coatings for human implants would adapt a totally different communication strategy for doctors than hip-joint manufacturers.
  • 22. Perceived importance of the product to the customer's business (e.g. automotive transmission, or peripheral equipment, e.g. manufacturing tool) • - Attitudes towards the supplier: Personal characteristics of buyers (age, education, and job title and decision style) play a major role in forming the customers purchasing attitude as whole. Is the decision-maker a partner, supporter, neutral, adversarial or an opponent? Industrial power systems are best "sold" to engineering executive than purchasing managers; industrial coatings are sold almost exclusively to engineers; matrix and raw materials are sold normally to purchasing managers or even via web auctions. • The above criteria can be highly beneficial depending on the type of business. However, they may be feasible to measure only in high-capital, high-expense businesses such as corporate banking or aircraft business due to high cost associated with compiling the desired data. "There are serious concerns in practice regarding the cost and difficulty of collecting measurements of these micro- segmentation characteristics and using them".
  • 23. • Perceived importance of the product to the customer's business (e.g. automotive transmission, or peripheral equipment, e.g. manufacturing tool) • - Attitudes towards the supplier: Personal characteristics of buyers (age, education, and job title and decision style) play a major role in forming the customers purchasing attitude as whole. Is the decision-maker a partner, supporter, neutral, adversarial or an opponent? Industrial power systems are best "sold" to engineering executive than purchasing managers; industrial coatings are sold almost exclusively to engineers; matrix and raw materials are sold normally to purchasing managers or even via web auctions. • The above criteria can be highly beneficial depending on the type of business. However, they may be feasible to measure only in high- capital, high-expense businesses such as corporate banking or aircraft business due to high cost associated with compiling the desired data. "There are serious concerns in practice regarding the cost and difficulty of collecting measurements of these micro-segmentation characteristics and using them".
  • 24. • Nested Approach to Segmentation: • The application of all the criteria recommended by Wind and Cardozo and subsequent scholars who expanded upon their two-stage theory became increasingly difficult due to the complexity of modern businesses, Bonoma and Shapiro suggest that the same / similar criteria be applied in multi-process manner to allow flexibility to marketers in selecting or avoiding the criteria as suited to their businesses. "They proposed the use of the following five general segmentation criteria which they arranged in a nester hierarchy:
  • 25. • Demographics: industry, company size, customer location • Operating variables: company technology, product/brand use status, customer capabilities • Purchasing approaches: purchasing function, power structure, buyer-seller relationships, purchasing policies, purchasing criteria • Situational factors: urgency of order, product application, size of order.
  • 26. • Buyers' personal characteristics: • The idea was that the marketers would move from the outer nest toward the inner, using as many nests as necessary". As a result this model has become one of the most adapted in the market, rivaling the Wind & Cardozo model head-on. One of the problems with the nested approach "is that there is no clear-cut distinction between purchasing approaches, situational factors and demographics. Bonoma and Shapiro are aware of these overlaps and argue that the nested approach is intended to be used flexibly with a good deal of managerial judgment.
  • 27. • Bottom-up Approach • According to Kotler, where masses of customer data are studies and similarities searched to make up segments that have similar needs, i.e. assessing the customer base quantitatively and grouping them – i.e. building up – the segments based on similarities in purchasing attitude. • When starting the segmentation process, instead of seeing customers as identical, the build-up approach begins by viewing customer as different and then proceeds to identify possible similarities between them. In a turbulence market [pretty much all markets today], using a build-up approach is more suitable than a breakdown approach".
  • 28. • Targeting and Positioning • "There is a critical difference in emphasis between target market and audience. The term audience is probably most useful in marketing communication". (Croft, 1999) Indeed, people to whom a product or service is sold are target markets. Therefore, marketing operations include the entire go-to-market processes such as product lifecycle management, pricing, distribution, sales and after sales service as well as communication. • Target markets can include end user companies, procurement managers, company bosses, contracting companies and external sales agents. Audiences, however, can include individuals that have influence over purchasing decision, but may not necessarily buy a product themselves, e.g. design engineers, architects, project managers and operations managers, plus those in target markets.
  • 29. • Competition • Attempting to include two vast topics such as India and China into this discussion is naive. However, one element that should never be left out of sight while segmenting, targeting and positioning, is competition. This is a key concern that may impact the success of the company, especially as one of segmentation's core objectives is differentiation. • Apart from the expected competition within a company's known geographic reach, competition is seriously taking shape from China and India, both of whom have been predicted to become global economic superpowers within a few years. The bulk of the threat is facing Europe and North America. "Italy is the sick man of Europe–its economy has shrunk 4% since 1999. Along with Germany and France, the nation has been struggling with weak consumer spending, waning productivity and rising government deficit. Italy's economic structure is almost perfectly shaped for an attack by China. "The threat is not only relevant to Italy, but the whole of Europe, including the UK,
  • 30. • The second major threat comes from India. Where China is turning into the world's 'manufacturing house', India is focusing on IT outsourcing, software development, business process off shoring (BPO), banking, insurance and legal services. "Exports from India's IT industry and from BPO are on track to reach $60 billion a year by 2010, representing a 28% annual growth rate. India currently accounts for 65% of the world's offshore IT services and 46% of its BPO." • As modern industries are driven by mechanical and electronics technologies, and both of these are being dominated by either China or India, the balance of economic power is bound to shift from West to East. This will impact the way companies do business. Those that can offer low-cost, efficient solutions sourced in either of those countries are likely to survive and prosper provided they take advantage of the modern communication skills to market themselves appropriately.