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Ignite double page spread
Double page spread:
First page of spread:
Dominating images
relating to shows
Caption relating to
Fire border links
semantically to
Page number of
Mantra of channel
represented under
Ignite logo
represented as
Article gives
information about
channel launch
‘ Ignite’
represented as
dominating with
bold typography
Second page of spread:
Dominating image
relating to show
Caption relating to
‘ Ignite’
represented as
dominating with
bold typography
All shows
represented as
dominating with
bold typography
Page number of
Fire border links
semantically to
Social networking
links shown
underneath article
Synopsis of main
shows on Ignite
This is the double page spread that we have completed for the launch of the Ignite channel. Firstly, we have decided to
use a slightly dynamic design in the sense that directionality is subverting a tradition – due to the way in which the
Ignite logo is not conveyed at the top of the page – alike how we have created the website. The page itself starts with
the two large images that connote two types of programming that the Ignite brand offers, with these being large
dominating images that are used to subsequently entice the audience and stand out prevalently on the page. One
image is of a school, thus denoting the ‘Educating Corby’ programme that the channel has to offer – whereas the
second image is a medium shot of the main character from the reality television show ‘#CorbyLife’. Above the left
image is a caption that includes all of the relevant information about the images – in order to further emphasise the
fact that the audience should watch the programmes that are represented. ‘Lodge Park Academy, the scene of
‘Educating Corby’ and George McKillop, the star of ‘#CorbyLife’.’ This was the language that was used in order to give a
succinct indication of why the images have been included within the article. By giving the name of what the image
consists of, the school name and the name of the star within one of the shows, alongside the respective shows that
each image represented is a useful technique in order to give an audience information before they even read the more
comprehensive information within the article. The typography is then used for the purpose of effect also, as the name
of the school and character are made bold and italicised, as well as the names of the shows that they belong to, thus
placing a further emphasis on the most important information within the double page spread.
These images overlap with the Ignite logo that is the largest part of the page, which therefore suggests the importance
of the way that the brand is represented because the audience will instantaneously see it on the page. The overlapping
of the images with the logo itself is used as a dynamic design choice, with this appearing as innovative in order to
engage the audience with the logo and the article about the channel launch on the double page spread. The mantra of
the Ignite brand is represented underneath of the logo and these images, with the indication to provide the brand
identity for the audience that are reading the article. By including the information of the brand with the inclusion of the
slogan, it means that the audience are able to become synonymous with what the brand has to offer – and thus they
are attracted to the brand and programming that is available. The combination of orange, red and yellow colours
signifies a link to the name of ‘Ignite’, with the purpose to provide the implications of vibrant and exciting television
that must be watched. The colour scheme between the logo and the mantra of the company is purely to give a ‘buzz’
about our channel and this is why it is represented consistently and concurrently between all of our products.
Further analysis:
The double page spread includes a fire border that has the purpose to
relate to the entire Ignite brand and therefore signifies our mantra of
‘setting your passion for television alight’. The fire background is
consistent with the other products that we have created and this
creates a consistency across all of the Ignite brand, which provides a
cohesive marketing campaign by the company as we prepare to launch
the channel successfully. The fire background not only relates to the
lexis ‘Ignite’ itself, but it also provides the implications for exciting,
‘hot’ television that the audience needs to watch and our entire brand
focuses upon this identity – hence why it is so prevalent within our
brand and our products. By using these fire elements, it not only
stands out on the page and will make the audience want to look at the
information about the channel – but it will also mean that they will
start to become synonymous with the brand and the fact that our
identity is clear is a very effective and professional marketing campaign
that will make Ignite extremely recognisable.
Further analysis:
The text is split into two columns because of the fact that we seen this to be traditional when looking at existing
examples of double page spreads. As a result of the magazine following the conventions of a typical double page
spread, it means that the overall presentation of the page is easy to read and there are no issues. The use of two
columns also means that we have been able to maximise all of the available space within the double page spread and
this was a clear positive – as all of the spread is filled either with graphical or textual content all about the Ignite brand
and channel launch.
The text is written in white typography because this, yet again, not only relates semantically to the name ‘Ignite’ itself,
but because it acts as the antithesis of black on the page and hence makes it stand out tremendously. The contrast of
black and white on the page was a purposeful decision that we made as a group because we wanted to make sure that
everything was extremely visible and visually pleasing on the page so that the audience would want to read all of the
The information that is signified initially within the textual content involves the most important information – as is
succinctly gives the audience the relevant information about the channel launch. This is extremely effective because it
means that the audience can gain the most vital information about the Ignite channel without having to read through
lots of text, so even if the audience do not decide to read the entire spread, they will have access to the date of the
channel launch. Moreover, the word ‘Ignite’ is always represented with the use of bold and italicised font throughout
the entire spread, with the purpose of this to act as emphasis towards the name of the channel and the audience will
see this lexis as standing out in comparison to the rest of the article. In addition, it appears as visually pleasing, and
because it stands out in comparison to the rest of the typography within the page – it means that in terms of the
graphology of the double page spread – it is enticing and effective because it fits the purpose to advertise the Ignite
brand. The text then goes on to discuss the main programme for our channel launch, with this being the launch of
‘Educating Corby’, hence why textual content is given about the programme itself so that the audience can easily
understand the quality of programming that they can expect to receive from Ignite. We have decided to name our
programme ‘Educating Corby’ because of this double page spread, because this means that we have been able to
discuss our programme being part of an easily recognisable series that is always well-known – so by taking this brand of
programming and using it for our own brand – we have been able to give an impression of uniqueness and exclusivity
for Ignite.
Further analysis:
The text within the first page of the double page spread then discusses information about the types of
medium that the audience can use in order to view our programming. We wished to incorporate our
audience into our viewing techniques and thus have placed an emphasis on not simply just being able
to watch television in the front room – but to also make it accessible wherever you are. This links to our
audience primarily and is therefore very effective because it means that the Ignite brand focuses upon
the flagship audience that we have intended to aim it at. By stating ‘IGNITE content will be available
through Sky’s range of connected platforms including Sky+HD, Sky Go, NOW TV and Sky Store.’ The
brand is able to allow the audience to watch the shows wherever they are, with the use of new media
technology and web 2.0 – because this is of paramount importance for the audience that we are aiming
our programming and brand towards. The most profitable audience is the 16-34 year old audience,
meaning that they will be the most likely people to view our programming while not simply just being at
home – so aiming our brand at them regardless of where they are is something that was vital. With the
inclusion of ‘NOW TV’ within the double page spread, we are signifying the fact that our audience have
a strong interpretation about web 2.0 and new media technology, so we need to attract the Social and
Connected LIVES categories that we have discussed previously within our research. With the
opportunity of using ‘NOW TV’, it means that the audience can watch our shows wherever they are, and
young people have the capabilities to use this software and have the software to be able to use these
types of app – which is why we have decided to include the chance to view our shows anywhere. A
mainstream and explorer psychographic audience are also attracted with the inclusion of streaming our
programming, because this involves the conformist audience and also those who seek individualism –
meaning that we allow the largest audience and also others to discover our programming even if they
are not at home. People are thus able to engage with our programming with the extended use of web
2.0 and media technology, as we decided that Ignite should place a concurrent focus upon new types of
media for the younger audiences, as technology continues to evolve so successfully and quickly.
Further analysis:
We have also included page numbers within our
double page spread because of the fact that this
would be a convention of a typical double page
spread. The inclusion of the page numbers
therefore appears as conventional and professional
and gives the spread a realistic feel. These page
numbers are represented with the use of white
typography because it makes them easy to see in
comparison to the fire border that covers the
outside of the pages – as well as creating
consistency due to the white typography being used
for the content of the articles within the spread.
Further Analysis:
The second page uses a different design to the first page because this is a double page
spread and we wanted to ensure that the design of the page was creative and
innovative – to thus attract the audience towards the information on the page
because it appears as visually pleasing. The page starts with a large image that covers
the horizontal section of the page, with this image being used as one large shot from
one of Ignite’s flagship shows – in comparison to the images of the two shows on the
first page of the spread. Furthermore, a caption is underneath this image in order to
give the relevant information about the image because the audience may not yet be
aware of the fact that we are denoting one of the specific shows within the article.
This caption uses the same technique as beforehand, as we have used bold and
italicised typography on the names of the actors within the programmes and then also
the name of the show itself in order to place a concurrent emphasis upon the most
important information for the image shown. This creates consistency across the pages
and therefore makes the brand appear as profession al and consistent itself – which
will entice people towards the visually pleasing brand that Ignite had to offer. In
addition, the inclusion of the orange font yet again relates to the sematic connotations
of the lexical term ‘Ignite’, as this hot colour is used across all of the products for the
purpose of consistency and also the hot colours create an exciting feel about the Ignite
Further analysis:
The second page of the double page spread is used in order to highlight information about the three flagship shows
that Ignite has on offer for the audience. By giving information about each show, it not only provides the audience with
the information that Ignite has a plethora of programming on offer – but also the specific information about each show
in order to entice the audience towards shows that they may have a preference for. All of the names of the shows are
made to be bold and italicised for consistency purposes and because this makes them stand out on the page easily.
The first column of the second page focuses upon the ‘Educating Corby’ show, because this describes the flagship show
for the channel’s launch. As I aforementioned in the analysis, the sense of exclusivity of the ‘Educating…’ series makes
the Ignite brand appear to be aiming towards the largest audience with television that has been proven to be extremely
popular within another channel. Thus, the largest conformist psychographic audience is attracted simply with the name
of the brand, because they will instantly have a recognition for what the series is about and it will draw them towards
the launch of the channel. ITV Be used a similar technique by taking ‘TOWIE’ from ITV 2, because this meant that the
audience already had an interpretation about what the show was about – meaning that the transition to a brand new
channel was easily achievable – and thus successful for the launch of the new channel. We have aimed to recreate this
success with our focus upon this programme within our double page spread, hence why we have dedicated much of
the text to this singular programme.
Within the first column, we have given all of the relevant information about the programme. We have discussed where
the programme will be set, with this acting as an extension upon the name of the show ‘Educating Corby’ – as the
information states ‘located in Corby, Northamptonshire’. Next, small aspects of storylines are given of which will occur,
thus given the audience a smaller synopsis about what the show is about and what it will include, and these events will
interest the audience and make them wish to see all of the cornucopia of events that occur within a school
environment daily.
In addition, we have decided to include quotations from the head teacher Ian Burton, because we believed that this
would be particularly useful in the sense that it provides consistency across the cohesive marketing campaign that the
Ignite brand is offering. For example, we provide a quotation from Ian Burton within the written form of medium –
though we include him as a prevalent figure within our television advertisements that are included within the website –
as this allows the audience to become synonymous with the launch of the channel itself and then this programme
within our new channel.
Further analysis:
The column uses anaphoric references because of the fact that we wanted to link back to the
‘Educating…’ series, as we emphasised the fact that the new show is a branch of the series and
therefore the audience already have a recognition about it and what it will consist of.
The second column then discusses the second show and although this does not include as much
information in comparison to the information about the first show – the relevant detail is discussed in
order to give the audience an interpretation into what each show is about. We give information about
the name of the show, what happens within the show in terms of the storyline, though only small
details to keep the audience guessing. This is the case for the reality show ‘#CorbyLife’ and then also the
soap opera ‘Oakley Vale’.
An extremely important aspect is the fact that the double page spread includes the relevant web 2.0
information in order to convey the synergy across all of the products that we offer in order to ensure
that we have created a cohesive marketing campaign. There is an image of a Twitter icon, before
italicised text to the right of the famous and conventional Twitter logo states the name of Ignite’s twitter
account and then also the hashtag that the audience can used in order to become involved with the
programming that Ignite offer. Then, the Facebook logo is used in the exact same way as the Twitter
logo, before the name of the Facebook page for the brand is represented next to the logo. The logos of
Twitter and Facebook have both been altered from their original blue colours to an orange colour –
because this ensures that the brand of Ignite is being represented prevalently throughout all of the
products – and it means that all of the elements of becoming involved and active with the Ignite brand
is consistent – which makes the brand appear as professional and also visually pleasing.
Further Analysis:
The inclusion of the social networking features within the double page spread shows a focus upon
getting the balance correct between traditional marketing methods and then also using new media
technology in order to attract a younger, more technologically apt generation. By including social
networking links, and thus including the form of web 2.0, adds depth to the discourse of a double page
spread – a printed form of advertisement. This therefore encourages our audience to become an active
audience, with this being especially fundamental for the Ignite brand because of the fact that we are
aiming at a younger psychographic audience, meaning that a combination of these methods is of
intrinsic importance. By allowing the audience to gain information about our new channel launch
through the use of traditional marketing, in the form of a double page spread within a magazine, and
then using synergy to connote our prevalence of using new media technology – we provide a clear
opportunity for our audience to become active within our advertising. The younger population are able
to use web 2.0 primarily and are also entirely capable of using social networking, meaning that these
links needed to be shown within all of our advertising in order to convey a cohesive campaign for Ignite.
The mainstream and explorer psychographic audiences are attracted to our use of web 2.0 because of
the fact that this involves not only the largest group, but also those who seek to be individual through
discovery. Therefore, we give the opportunity of discovery as we entice them to become an active
audience, by providing information with synergy on a variety of media, as they can engage with our
brand and provide opinions with the use of social networking and new media technology.
Final Analysis:
The last aspect that we chose for our double page spread was the final paragraph
within the second column of the last page. We wanted to make the article appear as
well-written because this creates a professional feel about the article and therefore it
makes the Ignite brand appear as effective and thus entices people towards our
programming. We wanted a summary paragraph to act as an anaphoric reference to
the beginning of the article, by succinctly highlighting all of the most important
information yet again – in order to emphasise the main aspects of the Ignite launch.
We decided to include the name ‘Ignite’ with the same bold and italicised font for
consistency and also to highlight the name, before stating the date of the launch yet
again so that the audience were a lot more likely to remember this date in order to
give them the opportunity to watch our programming as they have all of the relevant
information available to them. Finally, we provided the number of the channel on Sky,
which was 187, and we did this because it gives them the chance to be able to find the
channel without any issues. This information is highlighted not only concurrently
within the double page spread, but also within our other products because this
highlights the information and makes it stand out – as a result of a clear cohesive
marketing campaign.
Theoretical Analysis:
The double page spread adheres to Daniel Chandler’s genre theory. This theory states that genres tend
to be based on the notion that they constitute particular conventions of content. Therefore, due to the
fact that we have highlighted a range of shows due to the images and also the textual content within
the double page spread, we have conveyed the primary genres that will be prevalent within the Ignite
brand – and have followed this genre theory explicitly.
We also have followed the uses and gratifications theory in the sense that we are providing audience
pleasure through the medium of a magazine, as we give them the opportunity to find out more
information about a new brand. This is why we have followed the typical conventions of a double page
spread, simply because of the fact that we wanted to follow the uses and gratifications theory as the
audience will have a clear recognition of what our product aims to do.
The double page spread follows Deborah Knight’s theory as we believe that we have conveyed the
genres that will satisfy the audiences and will therefore make them want to watch our programming on
offer. By stating information about the shows and giving a succinct synopsis about what they contain,
we are able to elicit a response from the audience about which genres they prefer – because this allows
them to make a clear choice of the types of shows that they wish to watch all as a result of the
presentation of genre. Furthermore, we follow Freytag’s dramatic structure theory in the sense that we
provide only small aspects of information about the programming – without giving a definitive ending
aspect – meaning that by leaving the information on a cliffhanger without denouement, the audience
will have to watch our shows in order to find out what happens.
Theoretical Analysis:
We have opposed Janice Winship’s representation theory within our double page spread because of the
fact that male characters are prevalent across both pages, and we do not create gratification for the
image of the female actress within the image. This also relates to the fact that we have contrasted David
Gauntlett’s empowered female theory, as we do not provide the images within the spread to have an
empowerment of females, as we give the male character more dominance with the use of the medium
shot – where the body language and facial expression gives him an essence of power and dominance
within the show.
We have conveyed Propp’s character types with the same image of the male character within the reality
television show ‘#CorbyLife’. We provide a medium shot of this character with the facial expression
appearing as thuggish, because this means that the character has a structure within the media that they
belong to. A villain is thus represented through the use of this image, and we believe that this follows
Propp’s character type of a villain, with this keeping the audience interested and engaged because they
will wish to find out the purpose for this character.
The double page spread involves aspects of hermeneutic code theory, with Roland Barthes giving the
concept of building audience interest and making them anticipate what will come next. Therefore, we
have provided aspects of information about the events within a television programme but do not reveal
the overall endings and denouement. The purpose of this is to attract the audience towards what
actually happens in the shows – so that they will watch them. Furthermore, the inclusion of web 2.0
within our double page spread allows the audience to use Barthes’ theory because of the fact that we
can leave our synopsis without a climax, so the audience can use the social networking aspects and web
2.0 in order to become an active audience and they can become engaged with all of the shows as they
seek to find out what happens in the programmes.
Theoretical Analysis:
We use mediation within our double page spread because of the fact that we have to hyperbolise our
brand in order to make it seem appealing towards the audience. With our use of design and
organisation choices, we have been able to specifically target our audience, by signifying a young
audience with a dynamic design that would appear as innovative towards the young population. We
have used aspects of selection, as we have chosen to depict the three flagship shows for our launch of
the Ignite brand, meaning that we have been able to segment the most paramount aspects for the
channel – in order to make them stand out and depict the best parts of the Ignite brand.
The mediation theory applies intrinsically within the double page spread because of the fact that we are
also using focusing – which is alike selection in the sense that we wish to draw the audience towards
the most vital and best parts of our channel. This involves our presentation of the brand identity, with
this concurrent not only within our double page spread, but within our other products, as this is a focal
point for advertising as we needed to make the brand synonymous and instantly recognisable for the
audience to remember.
We have used stereotypes in our double page spread primarily with the house style and brand identity
of Ignite. Our channel has a target audience of both male and female audiences, thus meaning that we
needed to create a brand that was appropriate for both genders – and we achieved this not only within
our presentation of the double page spread, but across all of our products. By using hot colours such as
red and orange, as well as the inclusion of yellow, we were able to use stereotypes to our advantage, as
we were able to demonstrate an understanding of the fact that we wanted to be neutral with our
presentation and not lean towards any gender stereotypes with our brand identity.
Theoretical Analysis:
Within our double page spread, we have followed the pluralism and
postmodernism concepts and this is primarily due to the way that we
wished to denote synergy within our products – in order to create a
cohesive marketing campaign. The improved access to new media
technology means that we had to incorporate it into our advertising,
because of the fact that there is a paramount emphasis upon our
target audience using web 2.0 in order to become an active audience
and thus engaged with the Ignite brand. All of the products are
integrated into each other for consistency, and also because of the fact
that it gives a plethora of opportunities to the audience, meaning that
we have been able to represent our brand with the use of postmodern
technology. Thus, we have been in control of what we present to the
audience in terms of information, as we have used postmodernism
alongside mediation – meaning that we give all of the vital information
– but not the information that we have not seemed as necessary.

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Ignite Double Page Spread Analysis

  • 1. Ignite double page spread analysis
  • 3. First page of spread: Dominating images relating to shows Caption relating to images Fire border links semantically to channel Page number of magazine Mantra of channel represented under logo Ignite logo represented as dominating Article gives information about channel launch ‘ Ignite’ represented as dominating with bold typography
  • 4. Second page of spread: Dominating image relating to show Caption relating to image ‘ Ignite’ represented as dominating with bold typography All shows represented as dominating with bold typography Page number of magazine Fire border links semantically to channel Social networking links shown underneath article Synopsis of main shows on Ignite
  • 5. Analysis This is the double page spread that we have completed for the launch of the Ignite channel. Firstly, we have decided to use a slightly dynamic design in the sense that directionality is subverting a tradition – due to the way in which the Ignite logo is not conveyed at the top of the page – alike how we have created the website. The page itself starts with the two large images that connote two types of programming that the Ignite brand offers, with these being large dominating images that are used to subsequently entice the audience and stand out prevalently on the page. One image is of a school, thus denoting the ‘Educating Corby’ programme that the channel has to offer – whereas the second image is a medium shot of the main character from the reality television show ‘#CorbyLife’. Above the left image is a caption that includes all of the relevant information about the images – in order to further emphasise the fact that the audience should watch the programmes that are represented. ‘Lodge Park Academy, the scene of ‘Educating Corby’ and George McKillop, the star of ‘#CorbyLife’.’ This was the language that was used in order to give a succinct indication of why the images have been included within the article. By giving the name of what the image consists of, the school name and the name of the star within one of the shows, alongside the respective shows that each image represented is a useful technique in order to give an audience information before they even read the more comprehensive information within the article. The typography is then used for the purpose of effect also, as the name of the school and character are made bold and italicised, as well as the names of the shows that they belong to, thus placing a further emphasis on the most important information within the double page spread. These images overlap with the Ignite logo that is the largest part of the page, which therefore suggests the importance of the way that the brand is represented because the audience will instantaneously see it on the page. The overlapping of the images with the logo itself is used as a dynamic design choice, with this appearing as innovative in order to engage the audience with the logo and the article about the channel launch on the double page spread. The mantra of the Ignite brand is represented underneath of the logo and these images, with the indication to provide the brand identity for the audience that are reading the article. By including the information of the brand with the inclusion of the slogan, it means that the audience are able to become synonymous with what the brand has to offer – and thus they are attracted to the brand and programming that is available. The combination of orange, red and yellow colours signifies a link to the name of ‘Ignite’, with the purpose to provide the implications of vibrant and exciting television that must be watched. The colour scheme between the logo and the mantra of the company is purely to give a ‘buzz’ about our channel and this is why it is represented consistently and concurrently between all of our products.
  • 6. Further analysis: The double page spread includes a fire border that has the purpose to relate to the entire Ignite brand and therefore signifies our mantra of ‘setting your passion for television alight’. The fire background is consistent with the other products that we have created and this creates a consistency across all of the Ignite brand, which provides a cohesive marketing campaign by the company as we prepare to launch the channel successfully. The fire background not only relates to the lexis ‘Ignite’ itself, but it also provides the implications for exciting, ‘hot’ television that the audience needs to watch and our entire brand focuses upon this identity – hence why it is so prevalent within our brand and our products. By using these fire elements, it not only stands out on the page and will make the audience want to look at the information about the channel – but it will also mean that they will start to become synonymous with the brand and the fact that our identity is clear is a very effective and professional marketing campaign that will make Ignite extremely recognisable.
  • 7. Further analysis: The text is split into two columns because of the fact that we seen this to be traditional when looking at existing examples of double page spreads. As a result of the magazine following the conventions of a typical double page spread, it means that the overall presentation of the page is easy to read and there are no issues. The use of two columns also means that we have been able to maximise all of the available space within the double page spread and this was a clear positive – as all of the spread is filled either with graphical or textual content all about the Ignite brand and channel launch. The text is written in white typography because this, yet again, not only relates semantically to the name ‘Ignite’ itself, but because it acts as the antithesis of black on the page and hence makes it stand out tremendously. The contrast of black and white on the page was a purposeful decision that we made as a group because we wanted to make sure that everything was extremely visible and visually pleasing on the page so that the audience would want to read all of the information. The information that is signified initially within the textual content involves the most important information – as is succinctly gives the audience the relevant information about the channel launch. This is extremely effective because it means that the audience can gain the most vital information about the Ignite channel without having to read through lots of text, so even if the audience do not decide to read the entire spread, they will have access to the date of the channel launch. Moreover, the word ‘Ignite’ is always represented with the use of bold and italicised font throughout the entire spread, with the purpose of this to act as emphasis towards the name of the channel and the audience will see this lexis as standing out in comparison to the rest of the article. In addition, it appears as visually pleasing, and because it stands out in comparison to the rest of the typography within the page – it means that in terms of the graphology of the double page spread – it is enticing and effective because it fits the purpose to advertise the Ignite brand. The text then goes on to discuss the main programme for our channel launch, with this being the launch of ‘Educating Corby’, hence why textual content is given about the programme itself so that the audience can easily understand the quality of programming that they can expect to receive from Ignite. We have decided to name our programme ‘Educating Corby’ because of this double page spread, because this means that we have been able to discuss our programme being part of an easily recognisable series that is always well-known – so by taking this brand of programming and using it for our own brand – we have been able to give an impression of uniqueness and exclusivity for Ignite.
  • 8. Further analysis: The text within the first page of the double page spread then discusses information about the types of medium that the audience can use in order to view our programming. We wished to incorporate our audience into our viewing techniques and thus have placed an emphasis on not simply just being able to watch television in the front room – but to also make it accessible wherever you are. This links to our audience primarily and is therefore very effective because it means that the Ignite brand focuses upon the flagship audience that we have intended to aim it at. By stating ‘IGNITE content will be available through Sky’s range of connected platforms including Sky+HD, Sky Go, NOW TV and Sky Store.’ The brand is able to allow the audience to watch the shows wherever they are, with the use of new media technology and web 2.0 – because this is of paramount importance for the audience that we are aiming our programming and brand towards. The most profitable audience is the 16-34 year old audience, meaning that they will be the most likely people to view our programming while not simply just being at home – so aiming our brand at them regardless of where they are is something that was vital. With the inclusion of ‘NOW TV’ within the double page spread, we are signifying the fact that our audience have a strong interpretation about web 2.0 and new media technology, so we need to attract the Social and Connected LIVES categories that we have discussed previously within our research. With the opportunity of using ‘NOW TV’, it means that the audience can watch our shows wherever they are, and young people have the capabilities to use this software and have the software to be able to use these types of app – which is why we have decided to include the chance to view our shows anywhere. A mainstream and explorer psychographic audience are also attracted with the inclusion of streaming our programming, because this involves the conformist audience and also those who seek individualism – meaning that we allow the largest audience and also others to discover our programming even if they are not at home. People are thus able to engage with our programming with the extended use of web 2.0 and media technology, as we decided that Ignite should place a concurrent focus upon new types of media for the younger audiences, as technology continues to evolve so successfully and quickly.
  • 9. Further analysis: We have also included page numbers within our double page spread because of the fact that this would be a convention of a typical double page spread. The inclusion of the page numbers therefore appears as conventional and professional and gives the spread a realistic feel. These page numbers are represented with the use of white typography because it makes them easy to see in comparison to the fire border that covers the outside of the pages – as well as creating consistency due to the white typography being used for the content of the articles within the spread.
  • 10. Further Analysis: The second page uses a different design to the first page because this is a double page spread and we wanted to ensure that the design of the page was creative and innovative – to thus attract the audience towards the information on the page because it appears as visually pleasing. The page starts with a large image that covers the horizontal section of the page, with this image being used as one large shot from one of Ignite’s flagship shows – in comparison to the images of the two shows on the first page of the spread. Furthermore, a caption is underneath this image in order to give the relevant information about the image because the audience may not yet be aware of the fact that we are denoting one of the specific shows within the article. This caption uses the same technique as beforehand, as we have used bold and italicised typography on the names of the actors within the programmes and then also the name of the show itself in order to place a concurrent emphasis upon the most important information for the image shown. This creates consistency across the pages and therefore makes the brand appear as profession al and consistent itself – which will entice people towards the visually pleasing brand that Ignite had to offer. In addition, the inclusion of the orange font yet again relates to the sematic connotations of the lexical term ‘Ignite’, as this hot colour is used across all of the products for the purpose of consistency and also the hot colours create an exciting feel about the Ignite brand.
  • 11. Further analysis: The second page of the double page spread is used in order to highlight information about the three flagship shows that Ignite has on offer for the audience. By giving information about each show, it not only provides the audience with the information that Ignite has a plethora of programming on offer – but also the specific information about each show in order to entice the audience towards shows that they may have a preference for. All of the names of the shows are made to be bold and italicised for consistency purposes and because this makes them stand out on the page easily. The first column of the second page focuses upon the ‘Educating Corby’ show, because this describes the flagship show for the channel’s launch. As I aforementioned in the analysis, the sense of exclusivity of the ‘Educating…’ series makes the Ignite brand appear to be aiming towards the largest audience with television that has been proven to be extremely popular within another channel. Thus, the largest conformist psychographic audience is attracted simply with the name of the brand, because they will instantly have a recognition for what the series is about and it will draw them towards the launch of the channel. ITV Be used a similar technique by taking ‘TOWIE’ from ITV 2, because this meant that the audience already had an interpretation about what the show was about – meaning that the transition to a brand new channel was easily achievable – and thus successful for the launch of the new channel. We have aimed to recreate this success with our focus upon this programme within our double page spread, hence why we have dedicated much of the text to this singular programme. Within the first column, we have given all of the relevant information about the programme. We have discussed where the programme will be set, with this acting as an extension upon the name of the show ‘Educating Corby’ – as the information states ‘located in Corby, Northamptonshire’. Next, small aspects of storylines are given of which will occur, thus given the audience a smaller synopsis about what the show is about and what it will include, and these events will interest the audience and make them wish to see all of the cornucopia of events that occur within a school environment daily. In addition, we have decided to include quotations from the head teacher Ian Burton, because we believed that this would be particularly useful in the sense that it provides consistency across the cohesive marketing campaign that the Ignite brand is offering. For example, we provide a quotation from Ian Burton within the written form of medium – though we include him as a prevalent figure within our television advertisements that are included within the website – as this allows the audience to become synonymous with the launch of the channel itself and then this programme within our new channel.
  • 12. Further analysis: The column uses anaphoric references because of the fact that we wanted to link back to the ‘Educating…’ series, as we emphasised the fact that the new show is a branch of the series and therefore the audience already have a recognition about it and what it will consist of. The second column then discusses the second show and although this does not include as much information in comparison to the information about the first show – the relevant detail is discussed in order to give the audience an interpretation into what each show is about. We give information about the name of the show, what happens within the show in terms of the storyline, though only small details to keep the audience guessing. This is the case for the reality show ‘#CorbyLife’ and then also the soap opera ‘Oakley Vale’. An extremely important aspect is the fact that the double page spread includes the relevant web 2.0 information in order to convey the synergy across all of the products that we offer in order to ensure that we have created a cohesive marketing campaign. There is an image of a Twitter icon, before italicised text to the right of the famous and conventional Twitter logo states the name of Ignite’s twitter account and then also the hashtag that the audience can used in order to become involved with the programming that Ignite offer. Then, the Facebook logo is used in the exact same way as the Twitter logo, before the name of the Facebook page for the brand is represented next to the logo. The logos of Twitter and Facebook have both been altered from their original blue colours to an orange colour – because this ensures that the brand of Ignite is being represented prevalently throughout all of the products – and it means that all of the elements of becoming involved and active with the Ignite brand is consistent – which makes the brand appear as professional and also visually pleasing.
  • 13. Further Analysis: The inclusion of the social networking features within the double page spread shows a focus upon getting the balance correct between traditional marketing methods and then also using new media technology in order to attract a younger, more technologically apt generation. By including social networking links, and thus including the form of web 2.0, adds depth to the discourse of a double page spread – a printed form of advertisement. This therefore encourages our audience to become an active audience, with this being especially fundamental for the Ignite brand because of the fact that we are aiming at a younger psychographic audience, meaning that a combination of these methods is of intrinsic importance. By allowing the audience to gain information about our new channel launch through the use of traditional marketing, in the form of a double page spread within a magazine, and then using synergy to connote our prevalence of using new media technology – we provide a clear opportunity for our audience to become active within our advertising. The younger population are able to use web 2.0 primarily and are also entirely capable of using social networking, meaning that these links needed to be shown within all of our advertising in order to convey a cohesive campaign for Ignite. The mainstream and explorer psychographic audiences are attracted to our use of web 2.0 because of the fact that this involves not only the largest group, but also those who seek to be individual through discovery. Therefore, we give the opportunity of discovery as we entice them to become an active audience, by providing information with synergy on a variety of media, as they can engage with our brand and provide opinions with the use of social networking and new media technology.
  • 14. Final Analysis: The last aspect that we chose for our double page spread was the final paragraph within the second column of the last page. We wanted to make the article appear as well-written because this creates a professional feel about the article and therefore it makes the Ignite brand appear as effective and thus entices people towards our programming. We wanted a summary paragraph to act as an anaphoric reference to the beginning of the article, by succinctly highlighting all of the most important information yet again – in order to emphasise the main aspects of the Ignite launch. We decided to include the name ‘Ignite’ with the same bold and italicised font for consistency and also to highlight the name, before stating the date of the launch yet again so that the audience were a lot more likely to remember this date in order to give them the opportunity to watch our programming as they have all of the relevant information available to them. Finally, we provided the number of the channel on Sky, which was 187, and we did this because it gives them the chance to be able to find the channel without any issues. This information is highlighted not only concurrently within the double page spread, but also within our other products because this highlights the information and makes it stand out – as a result of a clear cohesive marketing campaign.
  • 15. Theoretical Analysis: The double page spread adheres to Daniel Chandler’s genre theory. This theory states that genres tend to be based on the notion that they constitute particular conventions of content. Therefore, due to the fact that we have highlighted a range of shows due to the images and also the textual content within the double page spread, we have conveyed the primary genres that will be prevalent within the Ignite brand – and have followed this genre theory explicitly. We also have followed the uses and gratifications theory in the sense that we are providing audience pleasure through the medium of a magazine, as we give them the opportunity to find out more information about a new brand. This is why we have followed the typical conventions of a double page spread, simply because of the fact that we wanted to follow the uses and gratifications theory as the audience will have a clear recognition of what our product aims to do. The double page spread follows Deborah Knight’s theory as we believe that we have conveyed the genres that will satisfy the audiences and will therefore make them want to watch our programming on offer. By stating information about the shows and giving a succinct synopsis about what they contain, we are able to elicit a response from the audience about which genres they prefer – because this allows them to make a clear choice of the types of shows that they wish to watch all as a result of the presentation of genre. Furthermore, we follow Freytag’s dramatic structure theory in the sense that we provide only small aspects of information about the programming – without giving a definitive ending aspect – meaning that by leaving the information on a cliffhanger without denouement, the audience will have to watch our shows in order to find out what happens.
  • 16. Theoretical Analysis: We have opposed Janice Winship’s representation theory within our double page spread because of the fact that male characters are prevalent across both pages, and we do not create gratification for the image of the female actress within the image. This also relates to the fact that we have contrasted David Gauntlett’s empowered female theory, as we do not provide the images within the spread to have an empowerment of females, as we give the male character more dominance with the use of the medium shot – where the body language and facial expression gives him an essence of power and dominance within the show. We have conveyed Propp’s character types with the same image of the male character within the reality television show ‘#CorbyLife’. We provide a medium shot of this character with the facial expression appearing as thuggish, because this means that the character has a structure within the media that they belong to. A villain is thus represented through the use of this image, and we believe that this follows Propp’s character type of a villain, with this keeping the audience interested and engaged because they will wish to find out the purpose for this character. The double page spread involves aspects of hermeneutic code theory, with Roland Barthes giving the concept of building audience interest and making them anticipate what will come next. Therefore, we have provided aspects of information about the events within a television programme but do not reveal the overall endings and denouement. The purpose of this is to attract the audience towards what actually happens in the shows – so that they will watch them. Furthermore, the inclusion of web 2.0 within our double page spread allows the audience to use Barthes’ theory because of the fact that we can leave our synopsis without a climax, so the audience can use the social networking aspects and web 2.0 in order to become an active audience and they can become engaged with all of the shows as they seek to find out what happens in the programmes.
  • 17. Theoretical Analysis: We use mediation within our double page spread because of the fact that we have to hyperbolise our brand in order to make it seem appealing towards the audience. With our use of design and organisation choices, we have been able to specifically target our audience, by signifying a young audience with a dynamic design that would appear as innovative towards the young population. We have used aspects of selection, as we have chosen to depict the three flagship shows for our launch of the Ignite brand, meaning that we have been able to segment the most paramount aspects for the channel – in order to make them stand out and depict the best parts of the Ignite brand. The mediation theory applies intrinsically within the double page spread because of the fact that we are also using focusing – which is alike selection in the sense that we wish to draw the audience towards the most vital and best parts of our channel. This involves our presentation of the brand identity, with this concurrent not only within our double page spread, but within our other products, as this is a focal point for advertising as we needed to make the brand synonymous and instantly recognisable for the audience to remember. We have used stereotypes in our double page spread primarily with the house style and brand identity of Ignite. Our channel has a target audience of both male and female audiences, thus meaning that we needed to create a brand that was appropriate for both genders – and we achieved this not only within our presentation of the double page spread, but across all of our products. By using hot colours such as red and orange, as well as the inclusion of yellow, we were able to use stereotypes to our advantage, as we were able to demonstrate an understanding of the fact that we wanted to be neutral with our presentation and not lean towards any gender stereotypes with our brand identity.
  • 18. Theoretical Analysis: Within our double page spread, we have followed the pluralism and postmodernism concepts and this is primarily due to the way that we wished to denote synergy within our products – in order to create a cohesive marketing campaign. The improved access to new media technology means that we had to incorporate it into our advertising, because of the fact that there is a paramount emphasis upon our target audience using web 2.0 in order to become an active audience and thus engaged with the Ignite brand. All of the products are integrated into each other for consistency, and also because of the fact that it gives a plethora of opportunities to the audience, meaning that we have been able to represent our brand with the use of postmodern technology. Thus, we have been in control of what we present to the audience in terms of information, as we have used postmodernism alongside mediation – meaning that we give all of the vital information – but not the information that we have not seemed as necessary.