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Identity Theft : A Serious Crime
Md. Shahidul Hoque, Khondaker Sajid Alam,
Tanzim Rizwan, Adnan Asif Chowdhury
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
East-West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: (shawon58,khondakersajid,
Rashedul Amin Tuhin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
East-West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract—Inside the following year, individuals will confront
new troubles to the ability to guarantee the insurance and
security of their own information. With these sorts of security
strategies being utilized, there is much weakness. Another
option is bio-metric confirmation. Biometrics are propelled ver-
ification systems; it prompts numerous protection and security
issues. Real security what’s more, security issues on Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) chips were distinguished and
dissected. Likewise, Biometric security dangers that connected
to e-international ID have been dissected and a few proposals
were given which have been investigated for numerous years.
Cryptography innovation and a few conventions are utilized
to counter-measure the dangers and assaults. Nowadays, E-
passports permits are generally sent in the vast majority
of the created nations that stores the bio-metric data on a
modest RFID chip. So that’s why, Identity Theft has forced
incalculable hardships upon its casualties which is a major
challenge in this new era. In this paper, we investigate the
powerlessness of informal community clients to Identity Theft
when they share individual distinguishing proof data on the
web. Personality crooks abuse informal organization clients and
the shortcomings of interpersonal interaction destinations to
assemble the data expected to submit Identity Theft what’s
more, character misrepresentation utilizing this id data. A
trouble in having precaution components set up is that person
to person communication locales have a personal stake in
advancing as opposed to keeping the sharing of information.
Further, character wrong-doing is unavoidable which makes
the improvement of dangers troublesome. Taking everything
into account, endeavors have been made in this paper to
blueprint contentions that will help with settling the wrong-
doings given helplessness of informal organization clients to
Identity Theft.
Theft of identity is a criminal offense by which a deceiver
acquires the major portion of personal information, such
as Public Security or license amounts, in order to act like
someone else. To acquire credit, stock and different services
for the sake of the real person or victim they can utilize
the data so that false evidence can be provided to the thief.
So, we will attempt to implement a process through which
the increasing rate of identity fraud can be decreased.
Implementation of Biometric Security is believed to prevent
duplicity and robbery against versatile cell gadgets.
Depending on physiological and natural components and
different components, a biometric process is generally used
for verifying identification in general; speaking and criminal
acts are motivated by various reasons. Biometric technology
is becoming the core for ensuring secure authentication
of personal information. Many developed as well as
developing countries inaugurated to issue E-passports
with an embedded chip which contains all biometric data.
ICAO whose full shape is International Civil Aviation
Organization has begun to take a shot at MRTD since 1968.
Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) idea was initially presented
in 1980 which contains two machine comprehensible lines
at the base of the personality page of international ID. At
last, ICAO began to work on biometrics authoritatively in
1997. As step by step the level of security and exchange
misrepresentation expanded the requirement for more
grounded secure confirmation advances must be created to
decrease Identity Theft. Various biometric components, for
instance, fingerprints, facial and iris affirmation are acquired
by the latest biometric standardized which extended the
security segments.
As this is the era of Internet, a huge number of
commercial transactions are held electronically and
personal information is flowing throughout the country and
around the world at speeds and distance has no boundary.
At present, it has become much easy for the Intruders to
get access and collect informations about tax identification
numbers, Social Security Numbers (SSN), driver’s permit
data, fingerprints and numerous comparable sorts of private
and secret data. From the observation of previous history we
can see, identity thieves managed to clean their violations
through straightforward like pick-taking wallets, taking
pre-affirmed credit applications from our letter boxes or
catching junk garbages for expelling receipts and records.At
present times, more modern plans are picking up notoriety.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section
II, we have observed some outcomes that we are going to
find by analzing some approaches. In Section III, we are
analyzing some research paper to find out the similarity
which is related to our course outcome and justify every
aspects of the outcome with our work as well as by going
through some research papers related to identity theft, we
found out that various authors tried to represent the negative
impacts of such dangerous crime in our daily life as well as
they tried to show some techniques by which the increasing
rate of identity theft can be decreased . In Section IV, we
are figuring out why it is important to know about identity
theft and by knowing this we explain the negative impacts
on identity theft and to find a way to reduce it. In Section V,
we are representing our thoughts to find a process or a way
to decrease the impact of such crime and also we are explain
the impacts to know about what will happen if identity
theft is not restricted. In Section VI, we are explaining our
objectives according to some other research paper and also
we are trying to find out the main objective by going through
the research paper related to identity theft. In Section VII,
we are discussed about other approaches that we can find out
throughout our project and we think these types of methods
will help to get rid of identity thefts. Finally, Section VIII
provides expected results and analysis of the whole work
and analyze how it will affect our real life by which we can
identify how valuable such approaches are.
We think the part that we have introduced will have
similarities with Cognitive Skills which means thinking and
examination part on the grounds that here we have to think
and examine a few criteria to locate a successful approach
in order to decrease the proportion of identity theft. On
the off chance that we can ready to locate some powerful
arrangement then it will be particularly recipient for our
social life. Nowadays, digital world are very sensitive in the
sense of information. So that’s why our personal information
needs to save from the digital theft to protect ourselves.
Identity Theft is the consider usage of someone else’s
identity. The character criminal duplicates someone else
with a particular true objective to mask their own genuine
identity. Cases might be unlawful pilgrims, people getting
away leasers or diverse individuals, or the people who
essentially need to end up ”obscure” for individual reasons.
Another representation is fakes, a name given to people
who use someone else’s photos and information through
long range interpersonal correspondence goals. Generally,
fakes make reliable stories including friends of the certified
individual they are copying. Not in the least like character
misrepresentation used to gain credit which generally
gets to be distinctly unmistakable when the commitments
mount, cover may continue uncertainly without being
recognized, particularly if the personality criminal can get
false affirmations remembering the true objective to easily
get through various affirmation tests in consistent everyday
Such issue is very dangerous in various aspects such
as, E-passports, Biometric registration, Cell phones etc.
Various researches have been done and also are going on
in order to reduce the impact of such dangerous issue in
our daily life. RFID and biometrics are two new advances
to which the E-passport, as it is some of the time called,
speaks to a strong activity in the arrangement of such new
advances. The protection and security ramifications of this
approaching overall examination in cutting edge verification
innovation has been explored as well as the privacy and the
security issues which has been applied to E-passports are
explained in [1]. Again in [2], the authors distinguished and
examined the real security furthermore, security issues on
RFID chips and also examined and given few proposals on
biometric security dangers that connected to E-travel permit.
Mobile phones also play important roles in our
life. Passwords, pins, finger-print scanners are used by
manufacturers to protect from intruders but mobile phone
theft has become common for which theft of identity is
very for intruders. Instead of such type of security there
is much vulnerability. So, manufacturers manufactured
biometric process to secure phones but the authors in [3]
explained that a system will be unreliable and unsecure if
it only depends on a biometric process. In [4], the authors
tried to analyze the identity fraud issue and the deficiency
of existing cures, and afterward evaluates the requirement
for and likely effect of The Identity Theft and Assumption
Deterrence Act of 1998, implemented by the Federal Trade
Commission, and also issues relating to the adequacy
of its further implementation. Identity theft can also be
done through social networking sites by sharing valuable
information’s like, age, phone no., address etc. So, the
authors in [5] tried to explore the powerlessness of social
network users to data fraud when distinguishing proof
data are being shared by them on the web individually. A
personality of anyone can be set up with the sharing of
points of interest like age, sex, address and other individual
data like photos.
So, various authors tried to explain or tried to propose
different approaches to stop the increasing rate of identity
theft but we think we can give a further better method which
can be more helpful to reduce the impact of such crime.
Identity theft is such kind of hazard that we face in our
everyday life. We can be displayed to identity theft by
us essentially by utilization of driver’s allow and charge
card, using platinum card for acquiring lunch or making an
online purchase. Identity theft is one of the speediest creating
infringements on the planet. There are some startling things
that should be known to have care about Identity theft, for
• Hackers Are Always One Step Ahead: Online fraudsters
are inventively smart and talented at staying before
police. Threats propel so quickly that before police
even have a thought regarding old techniques; hackers
have continued forward to new ones. From dumpster
hopping to find your old bills to acting like a cash
related foundation requiring your own identity, these
punks are irrefutably inventive.
• It’s Spreading Like Wildfire: Complex hackers
understand that their most consistent choice is to hack
into Visa and information databases where they can
obtain singular information from thousands, which
requires no effort. Despite the probability that they
don’t utilize that data themselves, hackers can then
pitch the database data to different crooks. Hackers
have broken security to get customer data from various
associations and retailers.
• ”New Account Fraud” is creating: ”New Account
Fraud” happens when identity hoodlums break
databases, take institutionalized reserve funds numbers
and other budgetary information, and open new
records misleadingly under someone else’s name.
New record distortion is responsible for about part
of all the total dollars lost to extortion. Offenders
who use this methodology concentrate on those
with high FICO appraisals in order to get minute
underwriting for charge cards. These Mastercards
are sent to another address, so the setback does not
understand that distortion is happening unless they
check their credit report and see the record of the
false card. Generally, the misfortune finds a couple of
arrangements concerning new record double dealing
when the bank at long last looks for long past due bit.
By then, it is past the final turning point. Distinctive
sorts of new record distortion consolidate utility
coercion - where guilty parties open a phone, gas,
electric or connection account in the setback’s name -
and credit blackmail, where they get a progress in the
loss’ name.
• It’s Getting Harder to Detect: As we can imagine, new
record deception is difficult to distinguish unless you
are continually looking credit report or have a credit
watching structure set up. The issue is, the more drawn
out shakedown goes unnoticed, the more troublesome
the strategy is to get settled. Pariahs recognize 55%
of blackmail while 45% are perceived by purchasers.
Often banks and Mastercard associations distinguish
blackmail, however require the joint effort of buyers
with a particular true objective to pinpoint fake trades
and demand.
• It is hard to Erase: To decide information extortion
it could take a large portion of a month or up to a
long time to recuperate the assets into ”pre-theft” or-
chestrate. Subsequently, there can be more risky things
may exist identifying with deception. Along these lines,
there can be more perilous things may exist identifying
with identity theft.
In the event that we, the general population, don’t get
mindful about such wrongdoing then it will be extremely
hard to have a safe existence.
Our final goal is to reduce the rate of identity theft so
that people all the personal information can be kept in
secret and people will be more concerned about losing their
important data. To achieve our final goal we have to follow
some steps properly. Goals are:
A: Many valuable and unknown documents of a person
are contained by a Social Security Number SSN for which
this number is very important for us. So, we have to ensure
the utmost security of our Social Security Number and
it should be our primary objective. Besides, our personal
documents must also to be protected from the snoopy eyes.
Birth certificates, passports, credit cards and any other
information which are rarely used should be kept in a
safe area so that it become difficult for the persons like
caretakers, babysitters, con-artists and different guests to
have effective contact with them.
B: To make a proper use of shredder by purchasing
a decent and authentic shredder can be our secondary
objective. Various important documents can be kept
protected by a decent shredder if a strong encrypted
coordinated system is present.
C: Our third objective is to reduce our exposure to
Mail Theft. For protecting it we have to follow some steps.
They are-
• To try to use the letter slots inside our Post Office for
our mail, or to try to hand it to a letter carrier which
will be much safer.
• To pick up our mail promptly after delivery. We should
not leave it in our mail-box overnight. If we are expect-
ing checks, credit cards or other negotiable items,we
have to ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up our
mail. So that it can be kept secretly.
• If we don’t receive a check or other valuable mail that
we are expecting then we have to contact the issuing
agency immediately without wasting minimum time.
• If we change our address or contact number then
immediately we have to notify our Post Office and
anyone with whom we do business via the mail.
• We should not try to send cash in the mail.
• To tell our Post Office when we will be out of town,
so they can hold our mail until we return and always
we have to let them know the updated info about our
presence or absence in town.
• To report all suspected mail theft to a Postal Inspector
or the relevant authority so that they can evaluate it.
• To consider starting a neighborhood watch program. By
exchanging work and vacation schedules with trusted
friends and neighbors, we can watch each other’s
mailboxes mutually.
• To consult with your local Postmaster for the most up-
to-date regulations on mailboxes, including the avail-
ability of locked centralized or curbside mailboxes.
D: Our next objective is to be careful of sharing our
information so that it can’t be disclosed to a person who
are not trusted or can exchange the personal information for
his own benefit. For keeping information secured we need
to assure the following things:
• We should not respond to unsolicited requests for
personal information like our name, birthday, SSN or
bank account number by phone, e-mail or online.
• We should always be careful and try to shield the
keypad when typing our passwords on computers and
at ATMs.
• To pay attention to our billing cycles. If bills or finan-
cial statements are late or if we find anything wrong
then we have to contact the sender immediately.
• Receipts should be reviewed regularly and promptly
and have to compare receipts with account statements
to check for unauthorized transactions.
• To shred our receipts, credit card offers, account state-
ments and expired cards to prevent ”dumpster divers”
from getting our personal information.
• We must store our personal information in a safe place
at home as well as work-places.
• To install firewalls and virus-detection software on our
home and office computer as well as to update these
regularly for being safe from hackers.
E: Our next goal is to ensure biometrics for all kinds
service enrollment. If we can ensure biometrics in all
aspects of security issue then identity theft can be reduced.
But for ensuring it properly in all service enrollments
we have to take necessary steps like maintain biometric
equipments properly and make sure that only one service
is allocated for one user whose biometric information has
already taken.
F: Our final goal is to decrease fraud people by increased
reporting, resulting in more criminals being caught,
increased consumer education and awareness of fraud
tactics, creditors are using fraud prevention tools effectively.
If we can achieve all these goals then we can assure that,
identity theft will be reduced as well as fraud people will
be also reduced as they will not be able to find so much
effective way to steal other peoples info.
To decrease the increasing rate of identity theft we need
find a solution which is our primary objective and which
might have similarities with the course outline’s Cognitive
skills i.e thinking and analysis part that we observed
because to find an effective solution, some thinking and
analysis of some characteristics is needed to decrease the
increasing rate of identity theft. If we can able to find some
effective solution then it will be very much beneficiary
for our social life as well as our economy. Now-a-days
social networking has inspired computer users a lot to
share information through online andS to store it in online
databases. Not only that, social networking sites bring
people together with their field of interests and they are
now enable to do huge social interaction [5].
We have already told about some idea which can be
implemented for reducing identity theft. We are also trying
to think building new techniques so that all the frauds
andS scammers can be caught easily. We have learned
that a person’s identity, as well as the ability to prove
it is fundamental to various kinds of institutional and
commercial transactions. For instance, businesses need to
be assured that the person signing a contract or accepting
delivery of goods is in fact who he says he is [4]. The
person whose identity has been assumed may suffer
adverse consequences if they are held responsible for the
perpetrator’s actions. For example, major initiatives taken
by the United States and other governments aim to fuse
which is called RFID - (Radio Frequency Identification)
and biometric technologies in a new generation of identity
cards to detect fraud [1]. RFID is sometimes called DSRC
(dedicated short range communication. RFID is the most
unique technology that incorporates the use of electro-
magnetic or electrostatic coupling) in the radio frequency
area of the electro-magnetic spectrum to track objects and
identify uniquely [2].
Identity theft occurs when someone uses another’s per-
sonally identifying information, like their name, identifying
number, or credit card number, without their permission,
to commit fraud or other crimes. Biometric security imple-
mentations are believed to prevent fraud and theft against
cellular devices. Importantly, a biometric system is used for
identification or verification based on some biological and
psychological factors. There are different types of biometric
authentication systems and some of them are more obvious
ones are recognition of face, voice and fingerprint. Other
biometric authentication systems includes of gait recognition
and artificial intelligence that can easily adapt to the owner’s
unique identity while combining with other methods [3].
Identity theft can distract victims and affect their levels of
productivity at work. As we know the issues of occurring
identity theft so we just need to work on those points
effectively to make some new idea which is actually possible
to implement. Criminal, Financial, Synthetic, Child and
Medical all kinds of identity theft are making our life more
complicated day by day. Now we become afraid before doing
something regarding these issues just because of identity
theft. Maximum time we can’t do something as we are
being convinced through some emotional attachments or
other issues which can’t avoidable sometimes.
The type of research that will be used in this study is
research paper review. Which aim to gather information
about identity theft and also how to reduce it. The
researchers consulted many fields to bring in studies that
seemed very relevant to the topic. ”To find out how the
offenders doing business and conducting the issues of day
to day life by taking opportunities of latest (and prevoius)
ways with the help of the literature of opportunity theory
in criminology which is related with identity theft.”[6].
This paper drew heavily on that approach and used it as an
organizing principle for the paper.
”Identity theft are such type of crimes that are committed
more rapidly in offline rather than in online which is found
according to a current survey and the sufferers can find
out their victimization specifically quick by accessing their
accounts online then the sufferers who depends on statement
monitoring or paper bill.”[6]. It is sure that individuals
who are using Internet should use account management to
reduce risk. This concludes that monitoring online account
is safer but also it has problem with privacy issue which
need further investigation. The risk which is posed by
online activities and also offline activities may be increased
and many offenders may become skilled at hacking others
personal information as well as their identity and also use
it for wrong purpose may be any crime. Authentic research
findings need sound scientific methodology. In this study,
the following methodology has been adapted:
Source of Information: It provides conceptualize important
issues and incident relevant to identity theft.
Non-Documentary sources: Important non-documentary
sources of information which may include the following
• Research Association: Research association may estab-
lish cooperative information centers.
• Mass Media: Mass media is a means of communication
of information through broadcasting and telecasting or
a combination of these two for the masses, which is
more effective than any documentary sources.
Secondary Sources: We have collected information from
secondary source are websites, books and some daily
Even though the report finished on time, it does not
mean that we did not face any problem in doing this
report. Because of insufficient time, we couldn’t do any
survey or interview. So, we did research paper review to
get information. Despite these limitations, the results of
the present study would show some significant, directions
and suggestions towards the development of the topic. It
is expected that the findings of the study would help the
planners and policy makers as well as individuals.
After reviewing the research papers we are proposing
some approach to prevent or decrease identify theft. First
of all, for reducing the risk of identity theft, easy access to
our information has to be prevented from offenders.
• Personal SSN which is important part of identity has
to be safeguarded. Fraud related crime like creating
account in bank, issuing credit card etc. can be done
by offenders using SSN.
• Important documents before throwing to dumpster
should properly destroyed by a shredder. Because of-
fenders may use dumpster diving technique to get
important informations related to identity.
• Private companies and Govt. Offices should introduce
Bio-metrics security. Bio-metrics security measure is a
very new thing and also very effective against identity
theft. As it is a new thing and also technical error is
very low, offenders cannot pass it easily.
• Bio-metrics are becoming an increasingly accepted
form of reliable security, replacing passwords and other
safeguarding solutions in many instances. Keeping own
prints private is now a valid concern. One can always
change his/her password after being hacked, but can’t
change the fingerprints.
• An alert system should introduce in case of losing
payment card or passport like important document. If
someone loses his/her those things there will be an alert
in the appropriate authorities as soon as possible.
• The Govt. should launch an website which features
news, reports, national fraud database, authenticate
services which people can rely on and also list of
some information which relevant to identity theft. The
Consumer Federation of America launched similar site
• Destroying digital data is also a big concern. Digital
data like CD, HDD, tape recorder etc. should wiped
with proper measure so that the data is completely,
utterly and irrevocably destroyed not just delete or
format. Otherwise data can be restored and may be used
in identity theft.
• People should pay with secure payment method like
PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay and skip using credit
card. Because those never let pass actual card number
to the shopper or merchant.
• Evidence shows if discovering identity theft takes long
time than the loss will be greater. Older people with
less educated can be a big victim. Awareness is the
most important defense against identity theft. Aware
people not to share their personal informations, mail
address, phone number etc. in social media as well as
to any unknown person.
Identity Theft is a dangerous as well as a serious issue
which has creating negative impacts on our life. Various
kinds of analysis or observation have been done to establish
an effective approach to reduce the impact of such issue from
our life. In this paper, we tried to establish our own approach
which we think is much effective to reduce the effect of such
issue. We have tried to give some valuable reasons which
will help us to know the importance of knowing such issue.
We have also tried to represent our goals as well as our
objectives to reduce effect of such issue. We tried to explain
our approach distinctly to solve the reasons of identity theft.
Lastly we have found out some effective results by it is
understandable that our approach can have a great impact
on reducing identity theft.
Each of the following group mates in our group have
contributed effectively while writing this paper which is
explicitly shown below:
• Abstract, Introduction and Course Outcomes: Md.
Shahidul Hoque
• Background, Problem Statements: Adnan Asif Chowd-
• Goal, Objectives: Khondaker Sajid Alam
• Methodology, Results and analysis: Tanzim Rizwan
[1] A. Juels , D. Molnar , D. Wagner,“Security and Privacy Issues
in E-passports,” 2005.
[2] H. Kolahan, T. Thapaliya,“Biometric Passport: Security And
Privacy Aspects Of Machine Readable Travel Documents,” 1
December 2011.
[3] D. J. Ohana, L. P., L. Chen,“Preventing Cell Phone Intrusion
and Theft using Biometrics:Fingerprint Biometric Security
utilizing Dongle and Solid State Relay Technology,” in (IEEE
Security and Privacy Workshops),2013.
[4] K. M. Saunders, B. Zucker,“Counteracting Identity Fraud
in the Information Age: The Identity Theft and Assumption
Deterrence Act,” Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy:
Vol. 8: Iss. 3, Article 5.1999.
[5] E. Holm.”Social networking and identity theft in the digital
society,” The International Sciences, 6 (3and4), 157-166: ISSN
[6] NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference
Service. (2005). Retrieved 2 April 2017, from

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Identity Theft : A Serious Crime

  • 1. Identity Theft : A Serious Crime Md. Shahidul Hoque, Khondaker Sajid Alam, Tanzim Rizwan, Adnan Asif Chowdhury Department of Computer Science and Engineering East-West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: (shawon58,khondakersajid, tanzimrizwan,adnanasif30) Rashedul Amin Tuhin Department of Computer Science and Engineering East-West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: Abstract—Inside the following year, individuals will confront new troubles to the ability to guarantee the insurance and security of their own information. With these sorts of security strategies being utilized, there is much weakness. Another option is bio-metric confirmation. Biometrics are propelled ver- ification systems; it prompts numerous protection and security issues. Real security what’s more, security issues on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips were distinguished and dissected. Likewise, Biometric security dangers that connected to e-international ID have been dissected and a few proposals were given which have been investigated for numerous years. Cryptography innovation and a few conventions are utilized to counter-measure the dangers and assaults. Nowadays, E- passports permits are generally sent in the vast majority of the created nations that stores the bio-metric data on a modest RFID chip. So that’s why, Identity Theft has forced incalculable hardships upon its casualties which is a major challenge in this new era. In this paper, we investigate the powerlessness of informal community clients to Identity Theft when they share individual distinguishing proof data on the web. Personality crooks abuse informal organization clients and the shortcomings of interpersonal interaction destinations to assemble the data expected to submit Identity Theft what’s more, character misrepresentation utilizing this id data. A trouble in having precaution components set up is that person to person communication locales have a personal stake in advancing as opposed to keeping the sharing of information. Further, character wrong-doing is unavoidable which makes the improvement of dangers troublesome. Taking everything into account, endeavors have been made in this paper to blueprint contentions that will help with settling the wrong- doings given helplessness of informal organization clients to Identity Theft. I. INTRODUCTION Theft of identity is a criminal offense by which a deceiver acquires the major portion of personal information, such as Public Security or license amounts, in order to act like someone else. To acquire credit, stock and different services for the sake of the real person or victim they can utilize the data so that false evidence can be provided to the thief. So, we will attempt to implement a process through which the increasing rate of identity fraud can be decreased. Implementation of Biometric Security is believed to prevent duplicity and robbery against versatile cell gadgets. Depending on physiological and natural components and different components, a biometric process is generally used for verifying identification in general; speaking and criminal acts are motivated by various reasons. Biometric technology is becoming the core for ensuring secure authentication of personal information. Many developed as well as developing countries inaugurated to issue E-passports with an embedded chip which contains all biometric data. ICAO whose full shape is International Civil Aviation Organization has begun to take a shot at MRTD since 1968. Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) idea was initially presented in 1980 which contains two machine comprehensible lines at the base of the personality page of international ID. At last, ICAO began to work on biometrics authoritatively in 1997. As step by step the level of security and exchange misrepresentation expanded the requirement for more grounded secure confirmation advances must be created to decrease Identity Theft. Various biometric components, for instance, fingerprints, facial and iris affirmation are acquired by the latest biometric standardized which extended the security segments. As this is the era of Internet, a huge number of commercial transactions are held electronically and personal information is flowing throughout the country and around the world at speeds and distance has no boundary. At present, it has become much easy for the Intruders to get access and collect informations about tax identification numbers, Social Security Numbers (SSN), driver’s permit data, fingerprints and numerous comparable sorts of private and secret data. From the observation of previous history we can see, identity thieves managed to clean their violations through straightforward like pick-taking wallets, taking pre-affirmed credit applications from our letter boxes or catching junk garbages for expelling receipts and records.At present times, more modern plans are picking up notoriety. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II, we have observed some outcomes that we are going to find by analzing some approaches. In Section III, we are analyzing some research paper to find out the similarity
  • 2. which is related to our course outcome and justify every aspects of the outcome with our work as well as by going through some research papers related to identity theft, we found out that various authors tried to represent the negative impacts of such dangerous crime in our daily life as well as they tried to show some techniques by which the increasing rate of identity theft can be decreased . In Section IV, we are figuring out why it is important to know about identity theft and by knowing this we explain the negative impacts on identity theft and to find a way to reduce it. In Section V, we are representing our thoughts to find a process or a way to decrease the impact of such crime and also we are explain the impacts to know about what will happen if identity theft is not restricted. In Section VI, we are explaining our objectives according to some other research paper and also we are trying to find out the main objective by going through the research paper related to identity theft. In Section VII, we are discussed about other approaches that we can find out throughout our project and we think these types of methods will help to get rid of identity thefts. Finally, Section VIII provides expected results and analysis of the whole work and analyze how it will affect our real life by which we can identify how valuable such approaches are. II. LEARNING OUTCOMES We think the part that we have introduced will have similarities with Cognitive Skills which means thinking and examination part on the grounds that here we have to think and examine a few criteria to locate a successful approach in order to decrease the proportion of identity theft. On the off chance that we can ready to locate some powerful arrangement then it will be particularly recipient for our social life. Nowadays, digital world are very sensitive in the sense of information. So that’s why our personal information needs to save from the digital theft to protect ourselves. III. BACK-GROUND Identity Theft is the consider usage of someone else’s identity. The character criminal duplicates someone else with a particular true objective to mask their own genuine identity. Cases might be unlawful pilgrims, people getting away leasers or diverse individuals, or the people who essentially need to end up ”obscure” for individual reasons. Another representation is fakes, a name given to people who use someone else’s photos and information through long range interpersonal correspondence goals. Generally, fakes make reliable stories including friends of the certified individual they are copying. Not in the least like character misrepresentation used to gain credit which generally gets to be distinctly unmistakable when the commitments mount, cover may continue uncertainly without being recognized, particularly if the personality criminal can get false affirmations remembering the true objective to easily get through various affirmation tests in consistent everyday presence. Such issue is very dangerous in various aspects such as, E-passports, Biometric registration, Cell phones etc. Various researches have been done and also are going on in order to reduce the impact of such dangerous issue in our daily life. RFID and biometrics are two new advances to which the E-passport, as it is some of the time called, speaks to a strong activity in the arrangement of such new advances. The protection and security ramifications of this approaching overall examination in cutting edge verification innovation has been explored as well as the privacy and the security issues which has been applied to E-passports are explained in [1]. Again in [2], the authors distinguished and examined the real security furthermore, security issues on RFID chips and also examined and given few proposals on biometric security dangers that connected to E-travel permit. Mobile phones also play important roles in our life. Passwords, pins, finger-print scanners are used by manufacturers to protect from intruders but mobile phone theft has become common for which theft of identity is very for intruders. Instead of such type of security there is much vulnerability. So, manufacturers manufactured biometric process to secure phones but the authors in [3] explained that a system will be unreliable and unsecure if it only depends on a biometric process. In [4], the authors tried to analyze the identity fraud issue and the deficiency of existing cures, and afterward evaluates the requirement for and likely effect of The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act of 1998, implemented by the Federal Trade Commission, and also issues relating to the adequacy of its further implementation. Identity theft can also be done through social networking sites by sharing valuable information’s like, age, phone no., address etc. So, the authors in [5] tried to explore the powerlessness of social network users to data fraud when distinguishing proof data are being shared by them on the web individually. A personality of anyone can be set up with the sharing of points of interest like age, sex, address and other individual data like photos. So, various authors tried to explain or tried to propose different approaches to stop the increasing rate of identity theft but we think we can give a further better method which can be more helpful to reduce the impact of such crime. IV. PROBLEM STATEMENT Identity theft is such kind of hazard that we face in our everyday life. We can be displayed to identity theft by us essentially by utilization of driver’s allow and charge card, using platinum card for acquiring lunch or making an online purchase. Identity theft is one of the speediest creating infringements on the planet. There are some startling things
  • 3. that should be known to have care about Identity theft, for instance, • Hackers Are Always One Step Ahead: Online fraudsters are inventively smart and talented at staying before police. Threats propel so quickly that before police even have a thought regarding old techniques; hackers have continued forward to new ones. From dumpster hopping to find your old bills to acting like a cash related foundation requiring your own identity, these punks are irrefutably inventive. • It’s Spreading Like Wildfire: Complex hackers understand that their most consistent choice is to hack into Visa and information databases where they can obtain singular information from thousands, which requires no effort. Despite the probability that they don’t utilize that data themselves, hackers can then pitch the database data to different crooks. Hackers have broken security to get customer data from various associations and retailers. • ”New Account Fraud” is creating: ”New Account Fraud” happens when identity hoodlums break databases, take institutionalized reserve funds numbers and other budgetary information, and open new records misleadingly under someone else’s name. New record distortion is responsible for about part of all the total dollars lost to extortion. Offenders who use this methodology concentrate on those with high FICO appraisals in order to get minute underwriting for charge cards. These Mastercards are sent to another address, so the setback does not understand that distortion is happening unless they check their credit report and see the record of the false card. Generally, the misfortune finds a couple of arrangements concerning new record double dealing when the bank at long last looks for long past due bit. By then, it is past the final turning point. Distinctive sorts of new record distortion consolidate utility coercion - where guilty parties open a phone, gas, electric or connection account in the setback’s name - and credit blackmail, where they get a progress in the loss’ name. • It’s Getting Harder to Detect: As we can imagine, new record deception is difficult to distinguish unless you are continually looking credit report or have a credit watching structure set up. The issue is, the more drawn out shakedown goes unnoticed, the more troublesome the strategy is to get settled. Pariahs recognize 55% of blackmail while 45% are perceived by purchasers. Often banks and Mastercard associations distinguish blackmail, however require the joint effort of buyers with a particular true objective to pinpoint fake trades and demand. • It is hard to Erase: To decide information extortion it could take a large portion of a month or up to a long time to recuperate the assets into ”pre-theft” or- chestrate. Subsequently, there can be more risky things may exist identifying with deception. Along these lines, there can be more perilous things may exist identifying with identity theft. In the event that we, the general population, don’t get mindful about such wrongdoing then it will be extremely hard to have a safe existence. V. GOALS Our final goal is to reduce the rate of identity theft so that people all the personal information can be kept in secret and people will be more concerned about losing their important data. To achieve our final goal we have to follow some steps properly. Goals are: A: Many valuable and unknown documents of a person are contained by a Social Security Number SSN for which this number is very important for us. So, we have to ensure the utmost security of our Social Security Number and it should be our primary objective. Besides, our personal documents must also to be protected from the snoopy eyes. Birth certificates, passports, credit cards and any other information which are rarely used should be kept in a safe area so that it become difficult for the persons like caretakers, babysitters, con-artists and different guests to have effective contact with them. B: To make a proper use of shredder by purchasing a decent and authentic shredder can be our secondary objective. Various important documents can be kept protected by a decent shredder if a strong encrypted coordinated system is present. C: Our third objective is to reduce our exposure to Mail Theft. For protecting it we have to follow some steps. They are- • To try to use the letter slots inside our Post Office for our mail, or to try to hand it to a letter carrier which will be much safer. • To pick up our mail promptly after delivery. We should not leave it in our mail-box overnight. If we are expect- ing checks, credit cards or other negotiable items,we have to ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pick up our mail. So that it can be kept secretly. • If we don’t receive a check or other valuable mail that we are expecting then we have to contact the issuing agency immediately without wasting minimum time.
  • 4. • If we change our address or contact number then immediately we have to notify our Post Office and anyone with whom we do business via the mail. • We should not try to send cash in the mail. • To tell our Post Office when we will be out of town, so they can hold our mail until we return and always we have to let them know the updated info about our presence or absence in town. • To report all suspected mail theft to a Postal Inspector or the relevant authority so that they can evaluate it. • To consider starting a neighborhood watch program. By exchanging work and vacation schedules with trusted friends and neighbors, we can watch each other’s mailboxes mutually. • To consult with your local Postmaster for the most up- to-date regulations on mailboxes, including the avail- ability of locked centralized or curbside mailboxes. D: Our next objective is to be careful of sharing our information so that it can’t be disclosed to a person who are not trusted or can exchange the personal information for his own benefit. For keeping information secured we need to assure the following things: • We should not respond to unsolicited requests for personal information like our name, birthday, SSN or bank account number by phone, e-mail or online. • We should always be careful and try to shield the keypad when typing our passwords on computers and at ATMs. • To pay attention to our billing cycles. If bills or finan- cial statements are late or if we find anything wrong then we have to contact the sender immediately. • Receipts should be reviewed regularly and promptly and have to compare receipts with account statements to check for unauthorized transactions. • To shred our receipts, credit card offers, account state- ments and expired cards to prevent ”dumpster divers” from getting our personal information. • We must store our personal information in a safe place at home as well as work-places. • To install firewalls and virus-detection software on our home and office computer as well as to update these regularly for being safe from hackers. E: Our next goal is to ensure biometrics for all kinds service enrollment. If we can ensure biometrics in all aspects of security issue then identity theft can be reduced. But for ensuring it properly in all service enrollments we have to take necessary steps like maintain biometric equipments properly and make sure that only one service is allocated for one user whose biometric information has already taken. F: Our final goal is to decrease fraud people by increased reporting, resulting in more criminals being caught, increased consumer education and awareness of fraud tactics, creditors are using fraud prevention tools effectively. If we can achieve all these goals then we can assure that, identity theft will be reduced as well as fraud people will be also reduced as they will not be able to find so much effective way to steal other peoples info. VI. OBJECTIVES To decrease the increasing rate of identity theft we need find a solution which is our primary objective and which might have similarities with the course outline’s Cognitive skills i.e thinking and analysis part that we observed because to find an effective solution, some thinking and analysis of some characteristics is needed to decrease the increasing rate of identity theft. If we can able to find some effective solution then it will be very much beneficiary for our social life as well as our economy. Now-a-days social networking has inspired computer users a lot to share information through online andS to store it in online databases. Not only that, social networking sites bring people together with their field of interests and they are now enable to do huge social interaction [5]. We have already told about some idea which can be implemented for reducing identity theft. We are also trying to think building new techniques so that all the frauds andS scammers can be caught easily. We have learned that a person’s identity, as well as the ability to prove it is fundamental to various kinds of institutional and commercial transactions. For instance, businesses need to be assured that the person signing a contract or accepting delivery of goods is in fact who he says he is [4]. The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences if they are held responsible for the perpetrator’s actions. For example, major initiatives taken by the United States and other governments aim to fuse which is called RFID - (Radio Frequency Identification) and biometric technologies in a new generation of identity cards to detect fraud [1]. RFID is sometimes called DSRC (dedicated short range communication. RFID is the most unique technology that incorporates the use of electro- magnetic or electrostatic coupling) in the radio frequency area of the electro-magnetic spectrum to track objects and identify uniquely [2]. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another’s per- sonally identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. Biometric security imple- mentations are believed to prevent fraud and theft against cellular devices. Importantly, a biometric system is used for identification or verification based on some biological and psychological factors. There are different types of biometric
  • 5. authentication systems and some of them are more obvious ones are recognition of face, voice and fingerprint. Other biometric authentication systems includes of gait recognition and artificial intelligence that can easily adapt to the owner’s unique identity while combining with other methods [3]. Identity theft can distract victims and affect their levels of productivity at work. As we know the issues of occurring identity theft so we just need to work on those points effectively to make some new idea which is actually possible to implement. Criminal, Financial, Synthetic, Child and Medical all kinds of identity theft are making our life more complicated day by day. Now we become afraid before doing something regarding these issues just because of identity theft. Maximum time we can’t do something as we are being convinced through some emotional attachments or other issues which can’t avoidable sometimes. VII. METHODOLOGY The type of research that will be used in this study is research paper review. Which aim to gather information about identity theft and also how to reduce it. The researchers consulted many fields to bring in studies that seemed very relevant to the topic. ”To find out how the offenders doing business and conducting the issues of day to day life by taking opportunities of latest (and prevoius) ways with the help of the literature of opportunity theory in criminology which is related with identity theft.”[6]. This paper drew heavily on that approach and used it as an organizing principle for the paper. ”Identity theft are such type of crimes that are committed more rapidly in offline rather than in online which is found according to a current survey and the sufferers can find out their victimization specifically quick by accessing their accounts online then the sufferers who depends on statement monitoring or paper bill.”[6]. It is sure that individuals who are using Internet should use account management to reduce risk. This concludes that monitoring online account is safer but also it has problem with privacy issue which need further investigation. The risk which is posed by online activities and also offline activities may be increased and many offenders may become skilled at hacking others personal information as well as their identity and also use it for wrong purpose may be any crime. Authentic research findings need sound scientific methodology. In this study, the following methodology has been adapted: Source of Information: It provides conceptualize important issues and incident relevant to identity theft. Non-Documentary sources: Important non-documentary sources of information which may include the following types: • Research Association: Research association may estab- lish cooperative information centers. • Mass Media: Mass media is a means of communication of information through broadcasting and telecasting or a combination of these two for the masses, which is more effective than any documentary sources. Secondary Sources: We have collected information from secondary source are websites, books and some daily newspaper. Limitations: Even though the report finished on time, it does not mean that we did not face any problem in doing this report. Because of insufficient time, we couldn’t do any survey or interview. So, we did research paper review to get information. Despite these limitations, the results of the present study would show some significant, directions and suggestions towards the development of the topic. It is expected that the findings of the study would help the planners and policy makers as well as individuals. VIII. RESULT AND ANALYSIS: After reviewing the research papers we are proposing some approach to prevent or decrease identify theft. First of all, for reducing the risk of identity theft, easy access to our information has to be prevented from offenders. • Personal SSN which is important part of identity has to be safeguarded. Fraud related crime like creating account in bank, issuing credit card etc. can be done by offenders using SSN. • Important documents before throwing to dumpster should properly destroyed by a shredder. Because of- fenders may use dumpster diving technique to get important informations related to identity. • Private companies and Govt. Offices should introduce Bio-metrics security. Bio-metrics security measure is a very new thing and also very effective against identity theft. As it is a new thing and also technical error is very low, offenders cannot pass it easily. • Bio-metrics are becoming an increasingly accepted form of reliable security, replacing passwords and other safeguarding solutions in many instances. Keeping own prints private is now a valid concern. One can always change his/her password after being hacked, but can’t change the fingerprints. • An alert system should introduce in case of losing payment card or passport like important document. If someone loses his/her those things there will be an alert in the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. • The Govt. should launch an website which features news, reports, national fraud database, authenticate services which people can rely on and also list of some information which relevant to identity theft. The
  • 6. Consumer Federation of America launched similar site ( • Destroying digital data is also a big concern. Digital data like CD, HDD, tape recorder etc. should wiped with proper measure so that the data is completely, utterly and irrevocably destroyed not just delete or format. Otherwise data can be restored and may be used in identity theft. • People should pay with secure payment method like PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay and skip using credit card. Because those never let pass actual card number to the shopper or merchant. • Evidence shows if discovering identity theft takes long time than the loss will be greater. Older people with less educated can be a big victim. Awareness is the most important defense against identity theft. Aware people not to share their personal informations, mail address, phone number etc. in social media as well as to any unknown person. IX. CONCLUSION Identity Theft is a dangerous as well as a serious issue which has creating negative impacts on our life. Various kinds of analysis or observation have been done to establish an effective approach to reduce the impact of such issue from our life. In this paper, we tried to establish our own approach which we think is much effective to reduce the effect of such issue. We have tried to give some valuable reasons which will help us to know the importance of knowing such issue. We have also tried to represent our goals as well as our objectives to reduce effect of such issue. We tried to explain our approach distinctly to solve the reasons of identity theft. Lastly we have found out some effective results by it is understandable that our approach can have a great impact on reducing identity theft. X. OUR CONTRIBUTIONS Each of the following group mates in our group have contributed effectively while writing this paper which is explicitly shown below: • Abstract, Introduction and Course Outcomes: Md. Shahidul Hoque • Background, Problem Statements: Adnan Asif Chowd- hury • Goal, Objectives: Khondaker Sajid Alam • Methodology, Results and analysis: Tanzim Rizwan REFERENCES [1] A. Juels , D. Molnar , D. Wagner,“Security and Privacy Issues in E-passports,” 2005. [2] H. Kolahan, T. Thapaliya,“Biometric Passport: Security And Privacy Aspects Of Machine Readable Travel Documents,” 1 December 2011. [3] D. J. Ohana, L. P., L. Chen,“Preventing Cell Phone Intrusion and Theft using Biometrics:Fingerprint Biometric Security utilizing Dongle and Solid State Relay Technology,” in (IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops),2013. [4] K. M. Saunders, B. Zucker,“Counteracting Identity Fraud in the Information Age: The Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act,” Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy: Vol. 8: Iss. 3, Article 5.1999. [5] E. Holm.”Social networking and identity theft in the digital society,” The International Sciences, 6 (3and4), 157-166: ISSN 1942-2660,2014. [6] NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service. (2005). Retrieved 2 April 2017, from