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Initial Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Project Summary:
■ My project is going to be for a funeral
directors company in Acomb,York.
■ I am going to be creating and designing
promotional material for them to use both
digitally and physically.
■ I will have to highlight the different selling
points/features of the company.
■ It’s going to be a challenging as it’s not the
most attractive industry to appeal to people.
Idea 1 – Design project
■ This project could potentially be
flyers/leaflets/posters that promote the
company. Potentially specialising in
obituaries or funeral related design work.
■ It would involve designing the print in
Photoshop using text and images to
optimise the look of the company.
■ This type of design is something that I’ve
got a fair amount of experience with and
I know how to use Photoshop
■ I would have to consider the fonts, style,
themes, colours, visual hierarchy and
images that are behind the company.
Evaluation of idea
■ What do you like about the idea? I like that this idea is very open to
interpretation and creative.There are a number of initial ideas I can think of
quite easily that work well with the company.
■ Does it match what the client wants? I think that this type of project is
what the client might want. It’s free promotional material that can be used
digitally or physically to promote and advertise their business.
■ Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this. I have
worked with all of the equipment and software before and so this will make
me work with ease.
■ Can you do this on time? Obviously it’s a tight timeframe to work inside of,
but I feel that I am punctual and competent enough to do this work.
■ Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes, with the combined
equipment I have at college and home available to me I feel like I have
everything I need.The main pieces of hardware that I need are a camera and
a computer with Photoshop installed.
Idea 2 – Photography project
■ This project would present the
company positively and make
it appealing to the audience. It
would promote and give the
company publicity through
social media and in real life.
■ It would involve a set of final
images that portrayed and
represented what the
company is and does.
■ It could focus on the different
features and selling points of
the company.
■ Make it look as attractive and
appealing as possible.
Evaluation of idea
■ What do you like about the idea? I like how effective this project has
the potential to be. Photographs and images are the best marketing
and advertising technique as they show the audience a realistic
expectation of what they are getting.
■ Does it match what the client wants? Again, I think that you can’t
really have enough of this type of promotional material. I think’s it’s
the most important key to success– to market and advertise your
business correctly.
■ Are you capable of delivering this? I know that I am more than
capable of doing this. I have a fair amount of experience with
photography and editing and so this is within my skill.
■ Can you do this on time? Obviously it’s a tight timeframe to work
inside of, but I feel that I am punctual and competent enough to do
this work.
■ Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes, with the
combined equipment I have at college and home available to me I
feel like I have everything I need.The main pieces of hardware that I
need are a camera and a computer with Photoshop installed.
Idea 3 –Website rework project
■ The project would improve the
appeal and design of their website:
■ The current state of the website
isn't very appealing - quite dull and
could definitely use some thought
and more interesting design.
■ I would have to consider all the
different elements that make up a
web page – the style/theme, the
colour scheme, the fonts of text
and the images that are
Evaluation of idea
■ What do you like about the idea? I like how this idea works off something
that already exists. It’s committed to improving this product.Websites are
one of the most important sources of information for potential customers.
■ Does it match what the client wants? I definitely think that it’s in the
clients best interest to make their website as good as it can be.This should
be and is what the client wants to maximise business potential.
■ Are you capable of delivering this? This is one of the more difficult ideas in
terms of my personal skill levels. I don’t have experience in web designing
and so it might take a lot of learning for just a two week period.
■ Can you do this on time? I think again that this idea could offer some issues
when working to the time limit. I’d have to learn the coding and practical
side of web design which might take some time. I’m not completely sure
that I’d be able to do this project on time.
■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the basic
equipment available to me – i.e. a functioning computer with access to the
internet. However, I don’t as of yet have the know-how to creating a
website. I have used before but I’d like to be more independent
when working with a real client.
Idea 4 – Merchandise project
■ This project entails designing
merchandise that could be
sold and making
designs/products that the
company could use.
■ It should represent and
promote what the business is
and what its principals are.
■ It would involve creating
designs for items like
clothing, funeral related
items and accessories that
are relevant.
Evaluation of idea
■ What do you like about the idea? I like how this idea is very interesting
and open in terms of what I have the potential to create and design. If it’s
successful it could start as a brand and become popular.
■ Does it match what the client wants? I think that any company needs a
promotion campaign which quickly leads to merchandise that advertises
the brand or product. I think that the client does want this type of
promotional material.
■ Are you capable of delivering this? I know that I am capable of delivering
this. In past projects I have designed some interesting merchandise that
looks aesthetically pleasing.
■ Can you do this on time? I can do this on time. I think that two weeks is
more than enough time to put together a host of items that represent the
■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the resources to
do this project. All I really need is access to the internet on a computer that
can run Photoshop. I don’t, however, have the resources to actually create
the merchandise physically – it would have to be outsourced to a different
Idea 5 –Video advert project
■ This project would be designing,
filming and editing a promotional
video or advert that could be use
on social media/Youtube for the
■ It would have to be well shot and
directed in order to look
appealing to the
■ It’s not necessarily the most
attractive type of business and so
I would have to be careful in what
I show to the potential
customers.This would need to be
taken into consideration during
the planning stage.
Evaluation of idea
■ What do you like about the idea? I like that this idea is quite new and refreshing
to me. I’ve only ever produced one video for a college project and so this would
be very interesting for me. I’d have to research the techniques and styles of
promotional videos so the tone is correct.
■ Does it match what the client wants? I think again that this definitely matches
what the client wants. All established businesses/companies should have a form
of video advert, especially in the age of technology/social media.
■ Are you capable of delivering this? I think that this project would be a lot of
work but I am certainly capable of doing this. I do have experience with a camera
and can put together a video of this nature. I also have some experience with
Adobe Premiere which would come in handy.
■ Can you do this on time? This project would be difficult to complete in just a
two week timeframe and so it’s a big ask. I like to think I’d be able to do this on
time but it would have to be divided to 1 week for planning/filming and 1 week
for editing which is pretty tight.
■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the resources
available to me that I need – a camera, tripod and computer with editing
Idea 6 – Social Media Campaign
■ This project would be creating a
range of social media content
that the client could use to
promote their self digitally.
■ It would involve catering and
adjusting material to each social
media site as they all use
different resolutions and image
■ It would be very popular has the
client has a decent customer
base and a good reputation. I
think that this campaign would
reinforce that.
Evaluation of idea
■ What do you like about the idea? I like how modern and relevant to
current times this idea is. It really is one of the best ways to advertise as so
many people now use the internet and social media sites.
■ Does it match what the client wants? I think this should be what the client
wants. It’s a good free way of promoting and advertising. I think it could
even be the different between being successful and busy and completely
failing as a business.
■ Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this type of
project. I have experience with creating material that is used in the style of a
campaign. I am capable and competent in using Photoshop.
■ Can you do this on time? I think that this project is realistic in terms of the
two week time frame. I could use existing material and base my work from
what. It would be a redesign of the look of the client/business.
■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the resources
that are necessary available to me. I would potentially need a camera and a
computer with Photoshop installed.
Idea Evaluation
Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain
why you think that is the right idea to take forward.
I’m going to be taking the photography project (idea 2) for further
I’ve chosen this idea because I think it’s one I can complete to the
best of my abilities within the timeframe.
Most of the other ideas have issues that are holding them back (for
example; difficult to complete with my abilities, wouldn’t be able
to be completed within the time limit, doesn’t fit with the type of
business etc).
This project would be something that the client would be
interested in, and I feel would be most enjoyable for me. I can
picture this project being successful and valuable to the client and
would represent the business in a positive way.
Visual examples of work
Visual examples of work
The current photography/images on
website/social media:
The current photography/images on
website/social media:
I feel like the professionalism/standard
of this photographs can be improve and
this is what I strive to do. I want to get
high-quality and well shot images to
improve the aesthetics of the company.
The current photography/images on
website/social media:
A little flavor popular culture…
Developed Idea 1
 I feel like I have a choice between focusing on the
equipment that the company has and a sort of behind-
the-scenes image set (see slides 20-21) and actually
photographing someone’s funeral to illustrate the
services and what the company actually provides (see
slides 18-19).
 It might be difficult to get permission to photograph
someone’s funeral as the client would have to talk to
the family members. I will try to arrange this if
Assessment of final idea
Suitable for audience? I think that this project is suitable for the audience and
might be something they want to see before they book their funeral with the client.
It offers a visualisation into how professional the service is which is definitely
something to consider before making arrangements.
Suitability for client? I also think that this project is suitable for the client and is in
their best interest to make sure they are getting enough business. It’s good
advertising and promotion for them to embark on. It could be shared on their
website, in print adverts and on image-sharing social media sites such as
Facebook and Instagram.
Appeal of the work: The appeal of this work is to try and make something that
isn’t necessarily the most attractive/aesthetic business and present it in a way that
reflects positively on the client and can be used for the promotion of the business.
Timescales for production: I have 2 weeks to shoot and edit a final set of images
that can be used to promote/advertise the business.
Costs: No additional costs.
Personnel: Myself.
Assessment of final ideas
Legal and ethical issues: This project does come with a fair amount of legal
and ethical considerations that I should take into account.
To begin, this industry (funeral directing) is obviously a sensitive business and
works with people who have very recently lost a family member or friend. A
moral/ethical consideration is that I should be as respectful and considerate as
I can, especially if photographing for an actual funeral. The shutter sound is
something I’m going to struggle with and be opportunistic with my
photographs. Unfortunately, I don’t have a camera with a ’silent shutter’ mode
available to me. I can’t just go around snapping photos obnoxiously or at
inappropriate timings during the service – it’s going to need to be pretty
specialist and like nothing I’ve ever done before really.
A legal issue/consideration I may have to think about is photographing anyone who
is under the age of 18 as I need written parental consent according to privacy laws.
Generally, it’s going to be a challenging project to get some high-quality and well
composed photography.
Competition -
 J G Fielder & Son Funeral Directors are an independent, family
owned funeral directors that operate inYork.They also have
branches in Pocklington, Market Weighton andTadcaster.
 It is one of the main competitors to Hayley Owen Funeral
Competition - Website
• This company has a decent functioning website with all the information you
need to know and some good advice/knowledge.
• It could be improved in its design and format, but I think that it’s fairly
standard and fitting for the type of industry.
Competition – Social Media
• J G Fielder & Son have an almost
non existent social media presence
as I couldn’t find them onTwitter or
• They only have the basic unofficial
Facebook page which covers their
basic information.
• This could absolutely be improved
so that they are well-advertised and
marketed correctly.
Competition -
• Rowley and Sons is a family run
independent funeral service,
owned and run by
Martin and Elizabeth Rowley,
based in Lawrence Street,York,
and serving the
whole of the City ofYork and the
surrounding areas.
• It serves the same area as Hayley
Owen Funeral Director and
therefore is another main
competitor for the local industry.
Competition - Website
• Their website – which is their main source of
advertisement/knowledge is fairly basic and bland.
• It has all the information that is necessary on it which
is what is required.
Competition – Social Media
• Rowley & Sons
actually have a proper
Facebook account with
over 500 likes and
frequent posts.This is
an effective way of
gaining business as it is
a good platform for
word of mouth
• They also have good
reviews from
• They don’t, however, have aTwitter
or Instagram account.
Wider Market
• The wider market that Hayley Owen Funeral Director
is a part of is Funeral Directing/Embalming. It is the
professional service and business of funeral rites.
• Locally, there are several independent directors that
are family owned and offer 24/7 service and
• Audience figures can be based on how many deaths
there are per annum. On average, there are around
500,000 deaths annually in England and Wales.This
means there is a consistent supply of business as
families for all these people arrange funerals and
burials for their loved ones.
Wider Market
• The job roles of a funeral director involve a variety of
different skills. It could be communicating with a
bereft family and arranging details of the funeral or it
could be actually embalming and treating a body.The
hours have the potential to be long and most funeral
directors are on call 24/7.
• Because of the nature of the industry, there are lots of
regulations and codes of practice.These are set by the
National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD).
• The code of practice sets out the high standard of
service that bereaved families may expect in their
dealings with a member of NAFD.
Audience/Customer research:
• The audience and customers of this business
is fairly inherent. It’s almost exclusively
families that have lost a family member very
recently – this could be anyone at anytime.
• However, it is statistically more likely to be
someone whose parent/s have died.
• The whole purpose of the industry and
business is to help potentially emotional and
fragile families give their loved one a proper
Content research –
existing client
products• Because my client is an independent
funeral director, she doesn’t have any
similar material or products to what
I’m proposing to make for her.
• The extent of the existing material are
the print/webpage advertisements to
the right and the website are very
different to the type of project that I
want to do as I decided against these
ideas in the idea development stage.
Content research – existing
market products
Content research – existing
market products
• The content of my project
will be based around the
visual promotion and
representation of my
client.This will include
distinctive adverts,
posters and a set of
prominent final
photographs that all
aesthetically promote the
Production Schedule
Week 1 :
Monday – Meet with client – take photographs of site.
Tuesday – Editing in college
Wednesday – Editing in college
Thursday – Editing in college
Friday – Editing in college
Week 2:
Monday – Meet with client again – get feedback for
existing work.
Tuesday – Do another photoshoot with client.
Wednesday – Editing in college
Thursday – Editing in college
Friday – Finalise editing and finish everything
Resource List
• Adobe Photoshop CC
• DSLR camera
• SD card
• Stock images from the internet
• Any additional props that I will need for

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Idea development pro forma

  • 3. Project Summary: ■ My project is going to be for a funeral directors company in Acomb,York. ■ I am going to be creating and designing promotional material for them to use both digitally and physically. ■ I will have to highlight the different selling points/features of the company. ■ It’s going to be a challenging as it’s not the most attractive industry to appeal to people.
  • 4. Idea 1 – Design project ■ This project could potentially be flyers/leaflets/posters that promote the company. Potentially specialising in obituaries or funeral related design work. ■ It would involve designing the print in Photoshop using text and images to optimise the look of the company. ■ This type of design is something that I’ve got a fair amount of experience with and I know how to use Photoshop competently. ■ I would have to consider the fonts, style, themes, colours, visual hierarchy and images that are behind the company.
  • 5. Evaluation of idea ■ What do you like about the idea? I like that this idea is very open to interpretation and creative.There are a number of initial ideas I can think of quite easily that work well with the company. ■ Does it match what the client wants? I think that this type of project is what the client might want. It’s free promotional material that can be used digitally or physically to promote and advertise their business. ■ Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this. I have worked with all of the equipment and software before and so this will make me work with ease. ■ Can you do this on time? Obviously it’s a tight timeframe to work inside of, but I feel that I am punctual and competent enough to do this work. ■ Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes, with the combined equipment I have at college and home available to me I feel like I have everything I need.The main pieces of hardware that I need are a camera and a computer with Photoshop installed.
  • 6. Idea 2 – Photography project ■ This project would present the company positively and make it appealing to the audience. It would promote and give the company publicity through social media and in real life. ■ It would involve a set of final images that portrayed and represented what the company is and does. ■ It could focus on the different features and selling points of the company. ■ Make it look as attractive and appealing as possible.
  • 7. Evaluation of idea ■ What do you like about the idea? I like how effective this project has the potential to be. Photographs and images are the best marketing and advertising technique as they show the audience a realistic expectation of what they are getting. ■ Does it match what the client wants? Again, I think that you can’t really have enough of this type of promotional material. I think’s it’s the most important key to success– to market and advertise your business correctly. ■ Are you capable of delivering this? I know that I am more than capable of doing this. I have a fair amount of experience with photography and editing and so this is within my skill. ■ Can you do this on time? Obviously it’s a tight timeframe to work inside of, but I feel that I am punctual and competent enough to do this work. ■ Do you have the resources available to do this? Yes, with the combined equipment I have at college and home available to me I feel like I have everything I need.The main pieces of hardware that I need are a camera and a computer with Photoshop installed.
  • 8. Idea 3 –Website rework project ■ The project would improve the appeal and design of their website: ■ The current state of the website isn't very appealing - quite dull and could definitely use some thought and more interesting design. ■ I would have to consider all the different elements that make up a web page – the style/theme, the colour scheme, the fonts of text and the images that are incorporated.
  • 9. Evaluation of idea ■ What do you like about the idea? I like how this idea works off something that already exists. It’s committed to improving this product.Websites are one of the most important sources of information for potential customers. ■ Does it match what the client wants? I definitely think that it’s in the clients best interest to make their website as good as it can be.This should be and is what the client wants to maximise business potential. ■ Are you capable of delivering this? This is one of the more difficult ideas in terms of my personal skill levels. I don’t have experience in web designing and so it might take a lot of learning for just a two week period. ■ Can you do this on time? I think again that this idea could offer some issues when working to the time limit. I’d have to learn the coding and practical side of web design which might take some time. I’m not completely sure that I’d be able to do this project on time. ■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the basic equipment available to me – i.e. a functioning computer with access to the internet. However, I don’t as of yet have the know-how to creating a website. I have used before but I’d like to be more independent when working with a real client.
  • 10. Idea 4 – Merchandise project ■ This project entails designing merchandise that could be sold and making designs/products that the company could use. ■ It should represent and promote what the business is and what its principals are. ■ It would involve creating designs for items like clothing, funeral related items and accessories that are relevant.
  • 11. Evaluation of idea ■ What do you like about the idea? I like how this idea is very interesting and open in terms of what I have the potential to create and design. If it’s successful it could start as a brand and become popular. ■ Does it match what the client wants? I think that any company needs a promotion campaign which quickly leads to merchandise that advertises the brand or product. I think that the client does want this type of promotional material. ■ Are you capable of delivering this? I know that I am capable of delivering this. In past projects I have designed some interesting merchandise that looks aesthetically pleasing. ■ Can you do this on time? I can do this on time. I think that two weeks is more than enough time to put together a host of items that represent the client. ■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the resources to do this project. All I really need is access to the internet on a computer that can run Photoshop. I don’t, however, have the resources to actually create the merchandise physically – it would have to be outsourced to a different company/producer.
  • 12. Idea 5 –Video advert project ■ This project would be designing, filming and editing a promotional video or advert that could be use on social media/Youtube for the client. ■ It would have to be well shot and directed in order to look appealing to the audience/consumers. ■ It’s not necessarily the most attractive type of business and so I would have to be careful in what I show to the potential customers.This would need to be taken into consideration during the planning stage.
  • 13. Evaluation of idea ■ What do you like about the idea? I like that this idea is quite new and refreshing to me. I’ve only ever produced one video for a college project and so this would be very interesting for me. I’d have to research the techniques and styles of promotional videos so the tone is correct. ■ Does it match what the client wants? I think again that this definitely matches what the client wants. All established businesses/companies should have a form of video advert, especially in the age of technology/social media. ■ Are you capable of delivering this? I think that this project would be a lot of work but I am certainly capable of doing this. I do have experience with a camera and can put together a video of this nature. I also have some experience with Adobe Premiere which would come in handy. ■ Can you do this on time? This project would be difficult to complete in just a two week timeframe and so it’s a big ask. I like to think I’d be able to do this on time but it would have to be divided to 1 week for planning/filming and 1 week for editing which is pretty tight. ■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the resources available to me that I need – a camera, tripod and computer with editing software.
  • 14. Idea 6 – Social Media Campaign ■ This project would be creating a range of social media content that the client could use to promote their self digitally. ■ It would involve catering and adjusting material to each social media site as they all use different resolutions and image sizes. ■ It would be very popular has the client has a decent customer base and a good reputation. I think that this campaign would reinforce that.
  • 15. Evaluation of idea ■ What do you like about the idea? I like how modern and relevant to current times this idea is. It really is one of the best ways to advertise as so many people now use the internet and social media sites. ■ Does it match what the client wants? I think this should be what the client wants. It’s a good free way of promoting and advertising. I think it could even be the different between being successful and busy and completely failing as a business. ■ Are you capable of delivering this? I am capable of delivering this type of project. I have experience with creating material that is used in the style of a campaign. I am capable and competent in using Photoshop. ■ Can you do this on time? I think that this project is realistic in terms of the two week time frame. I could use existing material and base my work from what. It would be a redesign of the look of the client/business. ■ Do you have the resources available to do this? I do have the resources that are necessary available to me. I would potentially need a camera and a computer with Photoshop installed.
  • 16. Idea Evaluation Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right idea to take forward. I’m going to be taking the photography project (idea 2) for further development. I’ve chosen this idea because I think it’s one I can complete to the best of my abilities within the timeframe. Most of the other ideas have issues that are holding them back (for example; difficult to complete with my abilities, wouldn’t be able to be completed within the time limit, doesn’t fit with the type of business etc). This project would be something that the client would be interested in, and I feel would be most enjoyable for me. I can picture this project being successful and valuable to the client and would represent the business in a positive way.
  • 20. The current photography/images on website/social media:
  • 21. The current photography/images on website/social media: I feel like the professionalism/standard of this photographs can be improve and this is what I strive to do. I want to get high-quality and well shot images to improve the aesthetics of the company.
  • 22. The current photography/images on website/social media: A little flavor popular culture…
  • 23. Developed Idea 1  I feel like I have a choice between focusing on the equipment that the company has and a sort of behind- the-scenes image set (see slides 20-21) and actually photographing someone’s funeral to illustrate the services and what the company actually provides (see slides 18-19).  It might be difficult to get permission to photograph someone’s funeral as the client would have to talk to the family members. I will try to arrange this if possible.
  • 24. Assessment of final idea Suitable for audience? I think that this project is suitable for the audience and might be something they want to see before they book their funeral with the client. It offers a visualisation into how professional the service is which is definitely something to consider before making arrangements. Suitability for client? I also think that this project is suitable for the client and is in their best interest to make sure they are getting enough business. It’s good advertising and promotion for them to embark on. It could be shared on their website, in print adverts and on image-sharing social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. Appeal of the work: The appeal of this work is to try and make something that isn’t necessarily the most attractive/aesthetic business and present it in a way that reflects positively on the client and can be used for the promotion of the business. Timescales for production: I have 2 weeks to shoot and edit a final set of images that can be used to promote/advertise the business. Costs: No additional costs. Personnel: Myself.
  • 25. Assessment of final ideas Legal and ethical issues: This project does come with a fair amount of legal and ethical considerations that I should take into account. To begin, this industry (funeral directing) is obviously a sensitive business and works with people who have very recently lost a family member or friend. A moral/ethical consideration is that I should be as respectful and considerate as I can, especially if photographing for an actual funeral. The shutter sound is something I’m going to struggle with and be opportunistic with my photographs. Unfortunately, I don’t have a camera with a ’silent shutter’ mode available to me. I can’t just go around snapping photos obnoxiously or at inappropriate timings during the service – it’s going to need to be pretty specialist and like nothing I’ve ever done before really. A legal issue/consideration I may have to think about is photographing anyone who is under the age of 18 as I need written parental consent according to privacy laws. Generally, it’s going to be a challenging project to get some high-quality and well composed photography.
  • 27. Competition -  J G Fielder & Son Funeral Directors are an independent, family owned funeral directors that operate inYork.They also have branches in Pocklington, Market Weighton andTadcaster.  It is one of the main competitors to Hayley Owen Funeral Director. Links:
  • 28. Competition - Website • This company has a decent functioning website with all the information you need to know and some good advice/knowledge. • It could be improved in its design and format, but I think that it’s fairly standard and fitting for the type of industry.
  • 29. Competition – Social Media Presence • J G Fielder & Son have an almost non existent social media presence as I couldn’t find them onTwitter or Instagram. • They only have the basic unofficial Facebook page which covers their basic information. • This could absolutely be improved so that they are well-advertised and marketed correctly.
  • 30. Competition - Links: Family-Funeral-Services-132357056959945/ • Rowley and Sons is a family run independent funeral service, owned and run by Martin and Elizabeth Rowley, based in Lawrence Street,York, and serving the whole of the City ofYork and the surrounding areas. • It serves the same area as Hayley Owen Funeral Director and therefore is another main competitor for the local industry.
  • 31. Competition - Website • Their website – which is their main source of advertisement/knowledge is fairly basic and bland. • It has all the information that is necessary on it which is what is required.
  • 32. Competition – Social Media Presence Family-Funeral-Services-132357056959945/ • Rowley & Sons actually have a proper Facebook account with over 500 likes and frequent posts.This is an effective way of gaining business as it is a good platform for word of mouth advertising. • They also have good reviews from customers. • They don’t, however, have aTwitter or Instagram account.
  • 33. Wider Market • The wider market that Hayley Owen Funeral Director is a part of is Funeral Directing/Embalming. It is the professional service and business of funeral rites. • Locally, there are several independent directors that are family owned and offer 24/7 service and consultation. • Audience figures can be based on how many deaths there are per annum. On average, there are around 500,000 deaths annually in England and Wales.This means there is a consistent supply of business as families for all these people arrange funerals and burials for their loved ones.
  • 34. Wider Market • The job roles of a funeral director involve a variety of different skills. It could be communicating with a bereft family and arranging details of the funeral or it could be actually embalming and treating a body.The hours have the potential to be long and most funeral directors are on call 24/7. • Because of the nature of the industry, there are lots of regulations and codes of practice.These are set by the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD). • The code of practice sets out the high standard of service that bereaved families may expect in their dealings with a member of NAFD. leaflet-rev-May-2014-rebranded-version-2-Dec-2016.pdf
  • 35. Audience/Customer research: • The audience and customers of this business is fairly inherent. It’s almost exclusively families that have lost a family member very recently – this could be anyone at anytime. • However, it is statistically more likely to be someone whose parent/s have died. • The whole purpose of the industry and business is to help potentially emotional and fragile families give their loved one a proper goodbye/burial.
  • 36. Content research – existing client products• Because my client is an independent funeral director, she doesn’t have any similar material or products to what I’m proposing to make for her. • The extent of the existing material are the print/webpage advertisements to the right and the website are very different to the type of project that I want to do as I decided against these ideas in the idea development stage.
  • 37. Content research – existing market products
  • 38. Content research – existing market products
  • 39. Treatment • The content of my project will be based around the visual promotion and representation of my client.This will include distinctive adverts, posters and a set of prominent final photographs that all aesthetically promote the business.
  • 40. Production Schedule Week 1 : Monday – Meet with client – take photographs of site. Tuesday – Editing in college Wednesday – Editing in college Thursday – Editing in college Friday – Editing in college Week 2: Monday – Meet with client again – get feedback for existing work. Tuesday – Do another photoshoot with client. Wednesday – Editing in college Thursday – Editing in college Friday – Finalise editing and finish everything
  • 41. Resource List • Adobe Photoshop CC • DSLR camera • SD card • Stock images from the internet • Any additional props that I will need for photoshoots

Editor's Notes

  1. Start by using the first few slides to create mind maps and or brainstorms for ideas related to your project. Get as many possibilities as you can. Don’t worry about practicality, suitability or potential at this stage. You will assess the ideas later.
  2. Now you have generated lots of potential ideas, it is time to rationalise those against the requirements of the brief from your client. Use the next few slides to consolidate your ideas and then assess them against the requirements and constraints of the project. Finally, select an idea to take forward for further development.
  3. Use the next slides to document your idea development. This should include mood boards and other visual examples of work. It could include basic mock ups of your vision for the project using the work of others. If you are taking doing something outside of your ordinary skill set or way of working, you could include test work or practice work here too. There is room to develop a second idea here as well. This could give you a greater variety of options to give to your client. You will then assess your developed idea against the constraints of the project before producing a final treatment.
  4. What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice.
  5. What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice.
  6. Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to.
  7. This should take the form of secondary research (existing products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project.
  8. This should take the form of secondary research (existing products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project.
  9. This should take the form of secondary research (existing products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project.
  10. The treatment evokes how an audience will experience what you are making. Write in the active-voice in present tense. Tell the reader what they will see. Describe the content of your project. Write vibrantly, so the reader gets excited about your work. They should be able to visualise the finished pieces. You could also supplement this with some mood boards or mock ups. Be specific—don’t use words like may, might or possibly.