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Client Project Pro- Forma
Jordan Bohill
Mind Maps/Brainstorms
Idea 1
• My first idea comes from the beer ‘Mind Sweeper’ – I plan to carry a consistent
design flow though the 3 ideas. For mind sweeper I will take the classic pc game
‘minesweeper’ and follow a similar style to this on the poster, the use of greys
and the simple squares to build up a background then having it like the game has
been played out then the mines will be replaced by minds to carry a flow from
the name mind sweeper. I will try to make this more interesting than just the old
fashioned flat colour that is recognised from the original by trying to use more
pleasing colours that will look better on posters.
• As specified in the brief I will use their logo in either the top corner or I will try to
incorporate it in the middle like they have done on their original ideas to create a
feature out of it and to leave it less empty.
• The brief also specified using the Futura font – a standard font that is already
installed on most PC’s I think this is a nice font with room to experiment with but
I think for this one design I am trying to create I will need something different
that will link with the design. The incorporating of a pixel or bitmap type font
would work well with this design and one I quite like from first thoughts but will
need some experimenting is ‘slap and crumbly’.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea?
• I think this idea has potential to work well especially with my capability's
and skills. I can also see the design being done by myself and I have a clear
idea of the things I have to do to create the poster.
• Does it match what the client wants?
• Yes I am producing what the client wants but I aren't using their proffered
font which was spoke about. But they did say it was open to us.
• Are you capable of delivering this?
• Yes I believe with my skills I am capable of delivering this piece to a high
• Can you do this on time?
• Yes I believe I will have all 3 ideas finished by our projects due date.
• Do you have the resources available to do this?
• Yes I will only require Photoshop and a PC/Mac which I have access to all.
Idea 2
• My second idea which I have more of a solid idea on is the design for the brass
monkey beer. My mind map highlighted the colour scheming and design work I
would like to show in this poster. My main colour scheme would be the yellow of
the Banana flavouring that I would like to bring across from their original Brass
monkey Image but I want the graphic work to really make this image and bring in
more of a essence of the Beavertown brewery style that Brass Castle liked. I want
to go with a very tropical rainforest theme to again represent the banana
flavouring and the name ‘Brass Monkey’ my design will include a monkey similar
to that of the one in the original piece but I will incorporate it in a different way
with more realism than just the template shape used for the one in the original
piece. Again it will show some of the realism of the Beavertown artwork.
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea?
• I think I prefer this idea to the first idea because I have a more solid idea in place of what I
want to achieve with this one and the design I want to follow I also have a better understand
of the colour schemes I want to use in this one as I have more of a palette to work with than
the first one and I also have a wider range of fonts that will work well with it.
• Does it match what the client wants?
• Yes again I feel that I am achieving what the client wants with this one and I think this will be
the best design wise and maybe a design I will want to follow through the rest of my ideas.
• Are you capable of delivering this?
• Yes I know I will be able to deliver this one to a high standard as it is my most solid idea and
will be the one I go ahead with straight away to make sure my ideas are completed straight
• Can you do this on time?
• Yes as I said this will be the first idea I will try to achieve so I think with the time period I will
have long enough to complete the work.
• Do you have the resources available to do this?
• Yes again I will only need Photoshop access and PC/Mac access which I will able to use in
Idea 3
• My third idea for the posters is very different but I think once created will be
very effective and look good for a poster the only problem being that it doesn't’t
add a narrative to the beers like my other ideas would. using the outline of a can
to do some typography around the can then to have removed it to leave the
writing in the shape would be nice on a black background and this will be simple
but allow be to play with colours and fonts in different ways the only problem
being again is doesn't’t show the narrative or what to expect from the drink it is
more of just a sleek classy look and it may work better for a different style of
Evaluation of idea
• What do you like about the idea?
• I think what I like about this idea is the simplicity and style of it I think it would
work very well for aesthetical reasons but to advertise the beer and give off a
narrative I don’t feel it would work too well.
• Does it match what the client wants?
• Yes it does but again doesn’t show a narrative which they mentioned within
the brief that they would like to express on the posters.
• Are you capable of delivering this?
• Yes I believe I am capable of delivering this it will be different to other styles of
work that I have produced but would be nice to try something different.
• Can you do this on time?
• Yes I think this will be a short task and it will take me less time than the others
and leave me more time to create more.
• Do you have the resources available to do this?
• Yes the same as the rest of the ideas I will only need photoshop and a PC/Mac
to complete it
Idea Evaluation
Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is
the right idea to take forward.
With the ideas that I have I feel that I will go for my idea 2 as this is my most thought
through idea with lots of potential behind it if I do it well. I would like to do some
experiments and think about how long this individual one will take them maybe think
about maybe turning more than one of the ideas into a piece of work. I also feel this is
the design that will suit the client best with the design that is most similar just with a
updated feel to it therefore not moving away from their roots too much.
As they mentioned in a brief beers and other drink have the opportunity to attach
narratives to the names and I feel like this idea definitely shows a narrative for the
customers to latch onto and get a sense of what type of drink it is. I think what I am
trying to create reminds me of other drinks like the ‘Parrot Bay’ adverts and posters
that represent what their drinks are like really well through their ads.
Use the next slides to document your idea development.
This should include mood boards and other visual examples of work. It
could include basic mock ups of your vision for the project using the
work of others.
If you are taking doing something outside of your ordinary skill set or
way of working, you could include test work or practice work here too.
There is room to develop a second idea here as well. This could give
you a greater variety of options to give to your client.
You will then assess your developed idea against the constraints of the
project before producing a final treatment.
Developed Mind Sweeper
Mind sweeper potential fonts.
Metal Gear Solid
Star Jedi
JD Digital
Karmatic arcade
Blade runner movie font
Brief Lunatic Development
Developed Mind Sweeper
For the mind sweeper idea I
wanted a grey and blue
colour scheme but I wanted
to try and incorporate some
colour in it so that it wasn’t
too drab and washed out the
teals and the orange peach
colour works really well with
the other shades of grey.
Developed Mind Sweeper
Developed Brass Monkey
Developed Brass Monkey
Colour scheme ideas to follow
the jungle idea I came up with
in the original idea
generation. I like the Softness
of the colour paltte to the left
but I think as a poster
wouldn’t make it stand out so
I may need to experiment to
see what it looks like. I also
like the colour palette
underneith as I think it has
the poppy colours I need to
grab peoples attention.
Developed Brass Monkey
Developed Brass Monkey
Assessment of final ideas
Suitable for audience?
Yes I think the developments of my ideas will be suitable for my audience as they don’t contain any bad
imagery or words. They would be suitable for children if the drink was replaced with some kids drink so
there is no bad content in the ideas.
I do feel that maybe my ideas may be too childish for a alcoholic drink but it is a different style that isn't
used too often to advertise alcohol.
Suitability for client?
I think this is suitable work for the client as they will be getting something new for their advertisement and
it has some of the feel of the beaverworks that they like but with their own unique twist on them. They
also have the potential to show the narrative of the drinks which is what they wanted to come across and
I think I have good ideas to do this.
Appeal of the work:
I think with the appeal of my work may not be suited to the necessary audience but I think it definitely
shows the narrative of the drink and what to expect.
Timescales for production:
I will have 3 weeks to produce the poster and as I have 3 to produce my obvious timescale will be at
least one a week but if I can get some of the more solid ideas finished sooner to spend more time on the
less developed ideas it would help me out to have hat extra time.
As my project is completely within college and I don’t have to travel anywhere or get anyone else to
travel I wont have to spend any money to get this project done.
I will not need anybody to take part in this project with me it will be completely independent in the
production stages.
Assessment of final ideas
Legal and ethical issues:
When producing my work I have to think about the Advertising standards for
alcohol and try not to break and of these laws and standards that could put my
client in trouble. Things I will definitely have to think about is not trying to
encourage, imply or condone irresponsible drinking in my work or underage
drinking. When advertising I must also ensure It doesn’t make it look like it is
‘cool’ to drink too much or to drink at all. This also follows for trying to make
drinking look good in anyway. The main thing I am trying not to display is any
irresponsible or underage drinking within my project I will be following a list of
Drinking Standard rules when making these pieces.
Competition/Market research:
Who is in competition with your client?
The competition with my client comes from other local brewery's who produce their own small chains of beers and
other types of alcohol. Some of these smaller chains include, Suddabys and Bad Seed Breweries both established in
Malton, North Yorkshire others include York Brewery, Little Brew, The Nook Brewhouse and The Hop Studio all located
in York. These breweries all produce their own unique beers and ales with their own identity and take on design work
and flavour.
What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like?
Out of the competition looked at Little brew had the most pleasing design work to look at, it captured the authentic
feel while having a very modern feel to it almost like a modern vintage. Although their website is very nice and well
done it doesn’t feature advertising work or a incite into the beers which some of the other breweries do. Their design
work is the most unique out of the lot. The one which I feel my client would have most competition with is Suddabys
as they have a very unique beer flavour list with nice simple designs on the labels that bring the narrative or the beers
across to the audience. The other competition I looked at don’t really excel other Brass Castle with design work and
are all probably on par or not showing any signs of competing with Brass Castles design work.
What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales
figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice.
The wider market of my client is the beer market, although they do produce beer they produce experimental craft
beer which doesn’t really put them in competition with normal plain beers like Budweiser, Coors and Heineken but still
puts them within the same market for sales and the audience that they bring to their products. Looking at figures on
beers sales it shows Craft beers sales in 2015 growing more than 12.8% since last year which is a high figure that
shows that craft beer is a ever expanding market. It also showed a higher rise than imported beer which only came out
as a increase of 6.2% probably slowing down due to the sudden surge of the craft beer market. Craft beer also takes up
around 12.2% of the whole beer market in 2015 about half of that of imported beer but again ever expanding more
than imports. The graph on the next slide also shows the production of craft beers significantly rising with more and
more independent breweries starting up and crafting their own unique ideas.
Competition/Market research:
Audience/Customer research:
Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you
should ask. You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to.
The type of audience that my client would be targeting for their products is a male over 18 for
obvious legal drinking age restrictions. The main target bracket would be people between 25-50,
potentially people interested in sports and spend time in pubs rather than bars. This audience may
also enjoy drinking by themselves at home, this type of drink is something to drink and enjoy than
just drinking to get drunk so may also be drank with specific meals. They may also be local to the
brewery so wanting to support local breweries or have links or friends of the client from research it
also showed that 75% of craft beers drinkers live within 10 miles of a brewery that brew their own
craft beers.
Another part of their potential market could be that they also have a potential market with people
who are trying to be niche or ‘hipsters’ it is known that the craft beers is popular among the
‘hipster’ world so this is someone who the client may also target with their products.
I think from the information that they provided of wanting to follow a style that Beaverworks
follows also shows who they may be trying to target. The design work of the Beaverworks appeals
to a younger audience than maybe other traditional beers would. This may be where the hipster
audience falls into their market.
Content research:
This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider
market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you
formalise the content of your project.
My design will include bold fruitful colours that will betray the names and tastes of the beers the
best example of this is my mock for the Brass Monkey beer. I used a essence of your original designs
on the pump clips where you used monkeys to represent the name. I have used monkeys, bananas
and a jungle theme to add colour and to represent the Banana brewing flavour used in the beer.
Although my design follows bits of your original idea my design are a very new contrasting idea
compared to your original style. Your original style was flat and dull now I have taken some of the
characteristics of Beavertowns design that make their work successful and where I believe your work
would benefit and progress in the market by catching more of the audiences attention. The name of
the beer and the font I use gives the audience a first impression on the beer this is where I have had
to find fonts that tell the story of the beer. I used stronger colours in my idea for mind sweeper
(which I will carry throughout the poster) to really show the strong hoppy taste you are getting with
this beer in contrast to the Brass Monkey where I used much flatter colours to betray the softer
flavours within the beer. For this work I will need any stock images or photos of beer bottles, cans or
kegs to have centrally within the posters as shown on the mock up on the next slide. I will also need
a high quality image of your logo to include in the posters like you have mentioned, as you can see I
also have ideas to add a little twist on the logo without taking all the originality out of my design
work. You did mention that you would like to follow the futura font through into this work but
unfortunately I do not feel this would work with what I am trying to show in your designs as it is
quite flat and standard and does not give me room to experiment with the font.
Treatment (visual elements)
Treatment (visual elements)
Treatment (visual elements)
Day Week 1 Starting
9th May
Week 2 Starting 16th May Week 3 Starting 23rd May Week 4
Week 5
Starting 6th
Monday No work starting
Possibly finish of final
pieces on the first piece
at the start of this day
then use the rest of the
time I have to start on the
next design, Mind
Start on making the next
poster which will be for
the Lunatic beer. Gather
any more feedback from
the client that they may
have left me.
Use this day
to use and
feedback to
include it all
in my work
and to make
sure it’s the
best I can
make it.
Tuesday Start Design work
for first poster
which will be
Brass Monkey.
Continue making design
on Mind Sweeper drink
and send of first design
for any feedback or
Continue production on
this piece. Allow as much
time with this one for
feedback as it is my
weakest idea.
Thursday Continue work on
this design piece
and try and get
finished by the
end of this day
give of take a
extra session on
Monday the 16th.
Use what time I have to
make any finishing
touches or to use the any
feedback I may have
received to change any
bits from this one or the
first one.
Continue on with the
Lunatic poster try to get it
finished or to a level which
would only need a little
more work.

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Idea development pro forma

  • 1. Client Project Pro- Forma Jordan Bohill
  • 3. Idea 1 • My first idea comes from the beer ‘Mind Sweeper’ – I plan to carry a consistent design flow though the 3 ideas. For mind sweeper I will take the classic pc game ‘minesweeper’ and follow a similar style to this on the poster, the use of greys and the simple squares to build up a background then having it like the game has been played out then the mines will be replaced by minds to carry a flow from the name mind sweeper. I will try to make this more interesting than just the old fashioned flat colour that is recognised from the original by trying to use more pleasing colours that will look better on posters. • As specified in the brief I will use their logo in either the top corner or I will try to incorporate it in the middle like they have done on their original ideas to create a feature out of it and to leave it less empty. • The brief also specified using the Futura font – a standard font that is already installed on most PC’s I think this is a nice font with room to experiment with but I think for this one design I am trying to create I will need something different that will link with the design. The incorporating of a pixel or bitmap type font would work well with this design and one I quite like from first thoughts but will need some experimenting is ‘slap and crumbly’.
  • 4. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? • I think this idea has potential to work well especially with my capability's and skills. I can also see the design being done by myself and I have a clear idea of the things I have to do to create the poster. • Does it match what the client wants? • Yes I am producing what the client wants but I aren't using their proffered font which was spoke about. But they did say it was open to us. • Are you capable of delivering this? • Yes I believe with my skills I am capable of delivering this piece to a high quality. • Can you do this on time? • Yes I believe I will have all 3 ideas finished by our projects due date. • Do you have the resources available to do this? • Yes I will only require Photoshop and a PC/Mac which I have access to all.
  • 5. Idea 2 • My second idea which I have more of a solid idea on is the design for the brass monkey beer. My mind map highlighted the colour scheming and design work I would like to show in this poster. My main colour scheme would be the yellow of the Banana flavouring that I would like to bring across from their original Brass monkey Image but I want the graphic work to really make this image and bring in more of a essence of the Beavertown brewery style that Brass Castle liked. I want to go with a very tropical rainforest theme to again represent the banana flavouring and the name ‘Brass Monkey’ my design will include a monkey similar to that of the one in the original piece but I will incorporate it in a different way with more realism than just the template shape used for the one in the original piece. Again it will show some of the realism of the Beavertown artwork.
  • 6. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? • I think I prefer this idea to the first idea because I have a more solid idea in place of what I want to achieve with this one and the design I want to follow I also have a better understand of the colour schemes I want to use in this one as I have more of a palette to work with than the first one and I also have a wider range of fonts that will work well with it. • Does it match what the client wants? • Yes again I feel that I am achieving what the client wants with this one and I think this will be the best design wise and maybe a design I will want to follow through the rest of my ideas. • Are you capable of delivering this? • Yes I know I will be able to deliver this one to a high standard as it is my most solid idea and will be the one I go ahead with straight away to make sure my ideas are completed straight away. • Can you do this on time? • Yes as I said this will be the first idea I will try to achieve so I think with the time period I will have long enough to complete the work. • Do you have the resources available to do this? • Yes again I will only need Photoshop access and PC/Mac access which I will able to use in college.
  • 7. Idea 3 • My third idea for the posters is very different but I think once created will be very effective and look good for a poster the only problem being that it doesn't’t add a narrative to the beers like my other ideas would. using the outline of a can to do some typography around the can then to have removed it to leave the writing in the shape would be nice on a black background and this will be simple but allow be to play with colours and fonts in different ways the only problem being again is doesn't’t show the narrative or what to expect from the drink it is more of just a sleek classy look and it may work better for a different style of drink.
  • 8. Evaluation of idea • What do you like about the idea? • I think what I like about this idea is the simplicity and style of it I think it would work very well for aesthetical reasons but to advertise the beer and give off a narrative I don’t feel it would work too well. • Does it match what the client wants? • Yes it does but again doesn’t show a narrative which they mentioned within the brief that they would like to express on the posters. • Are you capable of delivering this? • Yes I believe I am capable of delivering this it will be different to other styles of work that I have produced but would be nice to try something different. • Can you do this on time? • Yes I think this will be a short task and it will take me less time than the others and leave me more time to create more. • Do you have the resources available to do this? • Yes the same as the rest of the ideas I will only need photoshop and a PC/Mac to complete it
  • 9. Idea Evaluation Which of your ideas do you want to develop further? Explain why you think that is the right idea to take forward. With the ideas that I have I feel that I will go for my idea 2 as this is my most thought through idea with lots of potential behind it if I do it well. I would like to do some experiments and think about how long this individual one will take them maybe think about maybe turning more than one of the ideas into a piece of work. I also feel this is the design that will suit the client best with the design that is most similar just with a updated feel to it therefore not moving away from their roots too much. As they mentioned in a brief beers and other drink have the opportunity to attach narratives to the names and I feel like this idea definitely shows a narrative for the customers to latch onto and get a sense of what type of drink it is. I think what I am trying to create reminds me of other drinks like the ‘Parrot Bay’ adverts and posters that represent what their drinks are like really well through their ads.
  • 10. Development Use the next slides to document your idea development. This should include mood boards and other visual examples of work. It could include basic mock ups of your vision for the project using the work of others. If you are taking doing something outside of your ordinary skill set or way of working, you could include test work or practice work here too. There is room to develop a second idea here as well. This could give you a greater variety of options to give to your client. You will then assess your developed idea against the constraints of the project before producing a final treatment.
  • 11. Developed Mind Sweeper Mind sweeper potential fonts. Metal Gear Solid Slice Star Jedi JD Digital Karmatic arcade Blade runner movie font
  • 13. Developed Mind Sweeper For the mind sweeper idea I wanted a grey and blue colour scheme but I wanted to try and incorporate some colour in it so that it wasn’t too drab and washed out the teals and the orange peach colour works really well with the other shades of grey.
  • 16. Developed Brass Monkey Colour scheme ideas to follow the jungle idea I came up with in the original idea generation. I like the Softness of the colour paltte to the left but I think as a poster wouldn’t make it stand out so I may need to experiment to see what it looks like. I also like the colour palette underneith as I think it has the poppy colours I need to grab peoples attention.
  • 19. Assessment of final ideas Suitable for audience? Yes I think the developments of my ideas will be suitable for my audience as they don’t contain any bad imagery or words. They would be suitable for children if the drink was replaced with some kids drink so there is no bad content in the ideas. I do feel that maybe my ideas may be too childish for a alcoholic drink but it is a different style that isn't used too often to advertise alcohol. Suitability for client? I think this is suitable work for the client as they will be getting something new for their advertisement and it has some of the feel of the beaverworks that they like but with their own unique twist on them. They also have the potential to show the narrative of the drinks which is what they wanted to come across and I think I have good ideas to do this. Appeal of the work: I think with the appeal of my work may not be suited to the necessary audience but I think it definitely shows the narrative of the drink and what to expect. Timescales for production: I will have 3 weeks to produce the poster and as I have 3 to produce my obvious timescale will be at least one a week but if I can get some of the more solid ideas finished sooner to spend more time on the less developed ideas it would help me out to have hat extra time. Costs: As my project is completely within college and I don’t have to travel anywhere or get anyone else to travel I wont have to spend any money to get this project done. Personnel: I will not need anybody to take part in this project with me it will be completely independent in the production stages.
  • 20. Assessment of final ideas Legal and ethical issues: When producing my work I have to think about the Advertising standards for alcohol and try not to break and of these laws and standards that could put my client in trouble. Things I will definitely have to think about is not trying to encourage, imply or condone irresponsible drinking in my work or underage drinking. When advertising I must also ensure It doesn’t make it look like it is ‘cool’ to drink too much or to drink at all. This also follows for trying to make drinking look good in anyway. The main thing I am trying not to display is any irresponsible or underage drinking within my project I will be following a list of Drinking Standard rules when making these pieces.
  • 22. Competition/Market research: Who is in competition with your client? The competition with my client comes from other local brewery's who produce their own small chains of beers and other types of alcohol. Some of these smaller chains include, Suddabys and Bad Seed Breweries both established in Malton, North Yorkshire others include York Brewery, Little Brew, The Nook Brewhouse and The Hop Studio all located in York. These breweries all produce their own unique beers and ales with their own identity and take on design work and flavour. What is their design/photography/marketing/promotional/advertising work like? Out of the competition looked at Little brew had the most pleasing design work to look at, it captured the authentic feel while having a very modern feel to it almost like a modern vintage. Although their website is very nice and well done it doesn’t feature advertising work or a incite into the beers which some of the other breweries do. Their design work is the most unique out of the lot. The one which I feel my client would have most competition with is Suddabys as they have a very unique beer flavour list with nice simple designs on the labels that bring the narrative or the beers across to the audience. The other competition I looked at don’t really excel other Brass Castle with design work and are all probably on par or not showing any signs of competing with Brass Castles design work. What wider market is your client part of? Undertake research in to that market. This could be in the form of sales figures, audience figures, turnover, job roles, customer base, market share, rules, regulations and codes of practice. The wider market of my client is the beer market, although they do produce beer they produce experimental craft beer which doesn’t really put them in competition with normal plain beers like Budweiser, Coors and Heineken but still puts them within the same market for sales and the audience that they bring to their products. Looking at figures on beers sales it shows Craft beers sales in 2015 growing more than 12.8% since last year which is a high figure that shows that craft beer is a ever expanding market. It also showed a higher rise than imported beer which only came out as a increase of 6.2% probably slowing down due to the sudden surge of the craft beer market. Craft beer also takes up around 12.2% of the whole beer market in 2015 about half of that of imported beer but again ever expanding more than imports. The graph on the next slide also shows the production of craft beers significantly rising with more and more independent breweries starting up and crafting their own unique ideas.
  • 24. Audience/Customer research: Who is the audience or customer that your client is trying to reach? Perhaps they have already told you. Perhaps you should ask. You could also do further research in to the type of audience or customer you are hoping to appeal to. The type of audience that my client would be targeting for their products is a male over 18 for obvious legal drinking age restrictions. The main target bracket would be people between 25-50, potentially people interested in sports and spend time in pubs rather than bars. This audience may also enjoy drinking by themselves at home, this type of drink is something to drink and enjoy than just drinking to get drunk so may also be drank with specific meals. They may also be local to the brewery so wanting to support local breweries or have links or friends of the client from research it also showed that 75% of craft beers drinkers live within 10 miles of a brewery that brew their own craft beers. Another part of their potential market could be that they also have a potential market with people who are trying to be niche or ‘hipsters’ it is known that the craft beers is popular among the ‘hipster’ world so this is someone who the client may also target with their products. I think from the information that they provided of wanting to follow a style that Beaverworks follows also shows who they may be trying to target. The design work of the Beaverworks appeals to a younger audience than maybe other traditional beers would. This may be where the hipster audience falls into their market.
  • 25. Content research: This should take the form of secondary research (exiting products from your client and the competition and wider market) and also some primary research (asking potential audience, your client and your market,) to help you formalise the content of your project.
  • 26. Treatment My design will include bold fruitful colours that will betray the names and tastes of the beers the best example of this is my mock for the Brass Monkey beer. I used a essence of your original designs on the pump clips where you used monkeys to represent the name. I have used monkeys, bananas and a jungle theme to add colour and to represent the Banana brewing flavour used in the beer. Although my design follows bits of your original idea my design are a very new contrasting idea compared to your original style. Your original style was flat and dull now I have taken some of the characteristics of Beavertowns design that make their work successful and where I believe your work would benefit and progress in the market by catching more of the audiences attention. The name of the beer and the font I use gives the audience a first impression on the beer this is where I have had to find fonts that tell the story of the beer. I used stronger colours in my idea for mind sweeper (which I will carry throughout the poster) to really show the strong hoppy taste you are getting with this beer in contrast to the Brass Monkey where I used much flatter colours to betray the softer flavours within the beer. For this work I will need any stock images or photos of beer bottles, cans or kegs to have centrally within the posters as shown on the mock up on the next slide. I will also need a high quality image of your logo to include in the posters like you have mentioned, as you can see I also have ideas to add a little twist on the logo without taking all the originality out of my design work. You did mention that you would like to follow the futura font through into this work but unfortunately I do not feel this would work with what I am trying to show in your designs as it is quite flat and standard and does not give me room to experiment with the font.
  • 30. Day Week 1 Starting 9th May Week 2 Starting 16th May Week 3 Starting 23rd May Week 4 Starting 30th May Week 5 Starting 6th June Monday No work starting today. Possibly finish of final pieces on the first piece at the start of this day then use the rest of the time I have to start on the next design, Mind Sweeper. Start on making the next poster which will be for the Lunatic beer. Gather any more feedback from the client that they may have left me. Half Term Use this day to use and feedback to include it all in my work and to make sure it’s the best I can make it. Tuesday Start Design work for first poster which will be Brass Monkey. Continue making design on Mind Sweeper drink and send of first design for any feedback or adjustments. Continue production on this piece. Allow as much time with this one for feedback as it is my weakest idea. Half Term Project finished. Thursday Continue work on this design piece and try and get finished by the end of this day give of take a extra session on Monday the 16th. Use what time I have to make any finishing touches or to use the any feedback I may have received to change any bits from this one or the first one. Continue on with the Lunatic poster try to get it finished or to a level which would only need a little more work. Half Term Project finished.