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FINAL PROJECT – Development Proposal
This is our final project in Introduction to Construction Industry. In a group of 2 students,
we are required to initiate a small construction project with the size between 50m x50m to 50m x
70m. Individually, we have to propose one project that serves one or two purposes based on the
empty land we have chosen such as: Recreational area, commercial area, industrial area,
agricultural area, tourism area and residential area. Through this project, we can understand the
different roles in the construction industry such as an architect, quantity surveyor, civil and
structural engineer, developer and so on.
The chosen site is approximately 50m x 50m big and is located at Jalan USJ 20/9, USJ
20, 47630 Subang Jaya, Selangor. The site has been left empty and abundant for several years.
In the evening, there will be vendors in mini vans making use of that area’s surrounding by
selling malay food like cendol and rojak . It’s been a famous place for the nearby community to
drop by and get some good food before heading home or else way.
The side is surrounded by commercial shops (mostly car workshops) and also terrace
houses just across the streets. It has a high potential to be developed into a recreational area or
a commercial area as this two types of development could bring the most benefits to the
community in that area.
The site observed from different angles. The road along the site is big enough for a car
to pass through. It has the potential to be made into parking spaces.
Site selected
Residential area
Vehicle-service workshops
Educational area
The chosen site is located in the residential area of UEP Subang Jaya. The
land is barren, does not have any obstructions in place, so this provides us
a space for development. It has a strategic location within a residential area
to build a multipurpose hall and food court.
Since the empty land is not shaded, this place is rather sunny. The sun
rises from the East to West side of site. The wind blows from North-West to
Our site is located next to roads and residential areas so the circulation of
cars would be moving on the roads around our site.
There are several trees around the site.
 Views of the site from different angles
Centre point of site East view
West view South view
 The only restaurant in the area and car service workshops
Facilities in the nearby park
Futsal court Green area for recreational activites
Football field Basketball court
 Residential area and some street vendors selling food
1. Located beside a park and is surrounded by residential
 There are a lot of residents staying nearby and there is a park
for the surrounding residents to do recreational activities and
sports like football and basketball. This place has the potential
to become a commercial area as the residents would have to
get their daily supplies and eat.
2. Vehicle service and maintenance workshops are
 The empty land is surrounded by many vehicle service and
maintenance workshops which is convenient for the residents
to maintain and service their cars.
3. Hot temperature
 It is very hot during the afternoon.
4. Has limited parking spaces
 Residents whom come to the park sometimes park surrounding
the empty land, making the road slightly congested.
After the site analysis that me and my group mate have done, I have found
that the selected site in the neighborhood has a lack of assembly area where the
whole residential community can have their fellowship together. There are mostly
residential houses, car workshop services, industrial buildings and a recreational
park nearby the site. Take the advantage of the park where residents have their
sports activities there; it’s good to build a multipurpose hall at the selected site so
that the communities there have a larger assembly place to have their activities as
a community. The recreation park is just approximately 40m away from the
selected site.
Furthermore, it’s an easily access area for the residents there, they can just
take a walk approximately 40m or even drive to the site to have their activities
Therefore, a multipurpose hall is proposed so that the residents will have a
more neighborhood-friendly place to have fellowship and it is at a close walking
distance from where they stay. This hall aims for the nearby USJ20 residents to
have a better living community.
Car workshop
Selected Site
Residential Area
Residential Area
Recreational Park
I have decided to propose that piece of land into a multipurpose hall. The
main reason I chose to develop the land into a multipurpose hall is because the
land is located within a residential area with high population. The aim of the
construction project is to give the residents with more comfortable space to
communicate with friends and family. It will be a place for the residents to have
various activities.
The multipurpose hall will serve as a space that can be used by the nearby
residents. It will be managed by the community council board of USJ20. The hall
will be the main meeting area for the council board and also activities will be held
to help the surrounding community.
It is highly beneficial to have a multipurpose hall at the surrounded residential
area because this would encourage the nearby residence to carry out more
activities and also to communicate with each other. The hall is designed to
provide a space for the surrounding community to carry out their various types of
This proposal provides a relaxing and comfortable space for the community living
around the place. People can visit the hall to exercise and spend their time
together with friends and family. To practice a healthy lifestyle, there must be a
balance between physical and mental health. Physical health problem such as
obesity, diabetes, asthma and chronic pain can be overcome by exercising
regularly. In order to gain benefits on mental health like anxiety, depression, and
stress and so on, this is a highly recognized place for people to relax and release
The multipurpose hall plays an important role in providing spaces for people to
gather around. This would be beneficial when people with different cultures make
communications and get to know each other better. The relationship between the
communities will be closer and also they are united as one. Activities that can be
carry out like campaign, workshops and conferences together with friends and
family tends to improve the relationship between one another. Meeting others
may be the first step toward establishing a new friendships and developing a
supportive network.
This proposal brings benefits to the community’s economy. Having a proper
communication hall in a residential area benefits the community around. This
would increase the value of the surrounding property. We will always prefer to
have a property that has a proper sociable space rather than having a property
without any place for activities. So, this is beneficial to all.
Through this development, the residence would have a public space to carry out
daily activities. They would have more space to exercise and have a proper meet
up area. They can also utilize the space provided to gather around and to carry
out different types of recreational activities.
During the construction stage, it will cause sound and air pollution to the
residence nearby. The traffic flow may be interrupt during the construction
The proposed multipurpose hall will be a place for the community to have various
activities. There will be wooden flooring and foldable chairs.
There will also be a stage and few entrances to the hall.
Outside the hall there will be also parking
spaces provided for residence that drives
to the site. These are examples of parking
spaces that will be created for the
convenience of the potential customers.
A client, which is also an employer they will employ contractor, project manager,
sub-contractors, consultants and other professions. Client has to choose the
players in all stages of the construction project. The client plays important role in
the construction project as they appoint advisors, authorize work to take place,
agree costs and timetable and appoint professionals to the project.
General contractor usually plan, manage and monitor the work under their
control. In this project, they interact with other professions to review the plans
before the construction begins. They will work out with the architects if any
problem occurs during construction. They manage sub-contractor and workers at
the work site and ensure that the project complete in time. Contractor appoints
sub-contractors and labors to carry out particular elements of the construction
An architect always works closely with the client to make sure that the projected
design match with the needs of the users. They involved in the earliest stage of
building process, where they have to start developing different ideas and access
the needs of the users. Architects have to ensure that their design has its own
functional value and not limiting to aesthetic. They are responsible in discussing
the objectives, requirement and budget of the project. So, for this project,
architects would have to design the whole multipurpose hall as this project is not
a big project so architect can handle the structural design and interior design.
They also have to give advice to the client in order to produce the best design the
client wants. During construction, they have to ensure that the contractors build
the hall as following the designed plan. After construction, they would be
responsible in maintaining the structure of the hall.
Quantity surveyors play an important role in construction industry. This is because
quantity surveyors have to figure out the cost of a construction project. They also
have to ensure that the construction cost and production are well-managed.
Before the construction, quantity surveyors have to calculate the budget of the
construction project based on the client’s requirement. During the construction
project, quantity surveyors provide a cash flow data so that the client is clear
about the finances needed for each stage of construction. They also have to make
sure that the construction cost is within the budget. After the construction
finished, quantity surveyors would have to prepare a statement of account on the
cost of the whole construction process, which show the actual cost of the project.
Mechanical engineers work on any moving elements, while the electrical
engineers involved in lighting, grounding, lightning protection and more. Both of
these professions play an important role in completing a construction project.
Mechanical engineers would have to design and implement cost-effective
equipment in order to improve the safety. They have to plan and design on how
the machinery works. Mechanical engineers have to involve in gas and water
supply, heating system, kitchen and toilet ventilation. On the other hand,
electrical engineers would have to take part in the lighting and lightning
protection system. They are the key people in completing the internal body of this
project and making it a successful one.
Structural engineers surveys the construction site and responsible in design of
structures. In this project, structural engineers have to participate in designing,
analyzing and constructing the structures that can withstand the various loads
and pressures. They would have to come out with an analysis of building
materials for the construction project. Structural engineers also take part in
determining the causes of structural failure, damages and defects through site
investigation. They have to provide reports on detailed investigation.
Civil engineers initiate, develop and maintain the built environment which we live
in. For my construction project, these civil engineers would have to discuss about
the client’s requirement with other professions like architects and contractors.
They have to find out problems and resolve their design for the construction
project. They are responsible in ensuring the project runs smoothly and the
structures are completed within the budget provided.
A project manager ensures that the construction project completed on time and
within budget. In this construction project, project manager plays an important
role in representing client’s interest. Project manager gives advices on
management of projects during construction. They make sure that all the aims of
the project are achieved. They are responsible in monitoring the sub-contractors
as to ensure the guidelines are maintained. During construction, project manager
also oversees the billing and costing of the project to ensure that construction
cost is within the budget.
Any particular project including small building project requires the local authority
approval at various stages of its development. This assignment of approval
authority allows the province to concentrate on the policy development and
advocacy in land use planning.
Authority Requirements
1. Application for Landuse Conversion
2. Building Plan Submission/Approval
3. Requirement during Construction
4. Completion of Work and Handling Over
5. Works Related to Utility/Services
6. Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
7. Requirements of Department of Environment
Submittal Requirements
1. Submission for Land Subdivision
2. Submission for Building Plan Approval
The multipurpose hall proposed is a convenient place for the community to
gather together. It is also a comfortable and practical place for them to
communicate with friends and family.
In conclusion, to any proposed site there will surely produce positive and
negative effect to the community. In order to reduce these negative impacts,
proper planning and monitoring should be carried out for a more successful
Food court development
After doing the site analysis, I have found that the selected
site in the neighbourhood has a lack of commercial blocks and
eateries. Car service workshops and industrial buildings surround
the site making it hard for the residents to go out and get
something to eat or to buy their daily supplies. The 2 nearest
places to get their food and supplies within 1km to the site are:
the Main Place and The One City which are 2 shopping malls
located approximately 700m and 1km to the residential area.
Furthermore, for the residents who are staying at the inner part of
the residential area, they will have to take a long distance which
includes going across the busy main road to get to the 2 shopping
malls to eat.
Recreational park
Main road
Therefore, the food court is proposed so that the residents will
have a more neighbourhood-friendly place to eat at which is at a
close walking distance from where they stay. This food court
market aim is from the nearby USJ20 residents and the youths
who exercise at the recreational park. After a tiring game of
basketball and football, they will surely want a place for them to
relax, chat and refill their energy with food.
Shoplots with restaurants that accommodate
the residential area around it
Site selected
to build food
court for
I have decided to develop the vacant land into a commercial
area. The main reason I chose to develop the land into a food
court is because the land is located within a residential area with
high population. The aim of the construction project is to give the
residents with more choices and variety of food. It will be a
common place for the residents to gather and chat while having a
delicious meal.
The food court that I propose will sell a variety of food which
are healthy, suit to the taste buds of the local residents and
affordable. As the food court will be built in an area of average
income residents, staying in small terrace houses, the food will be
sold at an economical and affordable price. Furthermore, the food
court will be open-aired so that it will have good ventilation.
Customers can also enjoy their meal under the sky.
 The food court will be convenient for the residents to get food anytime
of the day and arrive there just by walking.
 It will be a lively place for the community to interact and improve their
 Besides that, the teenagers and people exercising at the recreational
park opposite the site can just walk towards the food court after
exercising to relax.
 It will often be visited by youngsters at night where they can sit
outside to “yumcha”, chat over a cup of tea and watch football
matches on the wide screen projector.
 The food court also provides a wide variety of choices of food at a low
cost to comply with the local residents’ needs.
 It will also provide a business opportunity for people to sell their food.
 The food court is located beside the road so air and sound pollution
will be caused by the cars.
 There will probably be increased in traffic so the area might be
 Customers may leave leftover food on the ground inviting some stray
cats and dogs to come near the food court to get food whether on the
ground or to dig from the rubbish area.
 The bustling activity from the food court may create some noise that
might cause discomfort to the nearby community.
Circulation of vehicles
Car Park
Tables and Chairs
Outdoor wash
Fences/ Railing
Big Screen projector
Outdoor sitting
table and chair
with umbrella
Food Stalls
The proposed food court’s entrance and exits will not be sealed and is
open aired to allow proper air-ventilation for the customers to enjoy their
food. The food stalls will be a standard design to keep the maintenance
fees low but food stall owners may choose to design them personally to
attract customers.
The food court will be fenced up so that customers will not be dangered by
the passing cars on the road.
As it is an open-aired concept, using industrial mist fans may be a good
option to keep the temperature in the food court cool and fresh, because
air-conditioners will pollute the environment and costs a lot for the
maintenance fees.
Outside the food court there will be parking spaces provided for customers
to stop by and eat. These are examples of parking spaces that will be
created for the convenience of the potential customers.
For the outdoor sitting area, customers are still shaded from the hot sun
and the drizzling rain.
Besides that, several trees will be planted around so that it is pleasing to
the eye and it helps filter the noise and air.
There will be a screen projector provided at the outside sitting area for
people to watch shows while enjoying their meal. It will be a potential great
place for youths in the nearby residential area to hang out during the
football and badminton season.
1. Submit and receive development approval through One Stop Centre
(OSC). OSC will refer to the submissions to the Planning Department,
Fire Department, Building Department, Sewage Agency and Water
2. Submit pre-construction notifications to One Stop Centre. OSC will
pass on notifications to relevant agencies.
3. Ask for final utilities inspection through OSC.
4. Collect road and drainage inspection.
5. Receive water final inspection from water authority, SYABAS.
6. Get sewage clearance letter and sewage connection.
7. Submit water test and commissioning (T&C) report.
8. Receive water clearance letter and water connection.
9. Obtain fire safety inspection from Fire & Rescue Department.
10. Get fire safety clearance letter from Fire& Rescue Department.
1. Owner/Developer.
The owner and developer is in charge of the whole enchilada. They
hire everyone, and are responsible for securing financing, leasing,
and payment. In addition, the master developer will be in charge of
running the weekly development meetings as construction
commences. A property developer, also known as a real estate
developer, has a wide scope of roles which can be divided into
First, this professional is expected to do research and determine the
best idea that can bring in money in their area of specialization.
They then identify a particular site where they wish to build and
proceed with the feasibility study.
A pro forma, outlining the project, is then outlined by the developer.
Sometimes, this pro forma is known as the back of the envelope
because it is a draft on a paper.
After acquiring the property, the property developer begins their
formal designs and the pro forma is written in details. The pro forma
is bound to change in the course of the project.
Various entitlements, permissions and permits are acquired before
commencement of the construction; these may require visits to
municipal offices and town hall.
When the construction begins, the developer is expected to generally
oversee the project and hire subcontractors and contractors.
2. General Contractor (GC).
The GC is in charge of building the project. A GC may have as many
as 25 or 30 sub-contractors working for him on the project. The GC is
to work with the developer and architects and engineers to build the
project as designed, on time, and for the price promised in their
contract. A general contractor is responsible for providing all of the
material, labor, equipment (such as engineering vehicles and tools)
and services necessary for the construction of the project. The
general contractor hires specialized subcontractors to perform all or
portions of the construction work.
Responsibilities may include applying for building permits, securing
the property, providing temporary utilities on site, managing
personnel on site, providing site surveying and engineering, disposing
or recycling of construction waste, monitoring schedules and cash
flows, and maintaining accurate records
3. Master Architect.
The architect can be the key to a successful development project.
The architect designs the building and is in charge of looking over the
contractor's shoulder to make sure that his design is built accurately.
The architect will be involved on a daily basis to provide clarifications
and answers to questions from the GC and sub-contractors.
4. Electrical Engineer.
The electrical engineer will design all electrical systems and
components for the building and ensure that his design is
implemented successfully and connected successfully to local utilities.
He or she will be responsible for the electrical outlets and lightings
provided for the food court.
5. Civil Engineer.
The civil engineer deals with site issues and ensures that the building
is situated on the site where it should be, and that the grading of the
site is as drawn in his plans. The civil engineer also manages storm
drainage from the property.
6. Structural Engineer.
The structural engineer's role is usually towards the beginning of the
project. They ensure that the project designed by the architect is
done so that it can support the load the building requires. For office
towers this includes very specific design for the steel and/or concrete
structure of the building.
The food court proposed is a convenient place for the community to
buy good food at a reasonable price at a walking distance from their homes.
It is also a comfortable and relaxing place for them to chat and get together.
In conclusion, for any project proposed at any particular site, the
project will bring both benefits and negative impacts to the surrounding
community who are the end users. In order to reduce these negative
impacts, proper planning and monitoring should be carried out. Only then
the project will be a successful one that benefits the nearby residents and
potential customers.

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Ici final project

  • 3. INTRODUCTION This is our final project in Introduction to Construction Industry. In a group of 2 students, we are required to initiate a small construction project with the size between 50m x50m to 50m x 70m. Individually, we have to propose one project that serves one or two purposes based on the empty land we have chosen such as: Recreational area, commercial area, industrial area, agricultural area, tourism area and residential area. Through this project, we can understand the different roles in the construction industry such as an architect, quantity surveyor, civil and structural engineer, developer and so on. The chosen site is approximately 50m x 50m big and is located at Jalan USJ 20/9, USJ 20, 47630 Subang Jaya, Selangor. The site has been left empty and abundant for several years. In the evening, there will be vendors in mini vans making use of that area’s surrounding by selling malay food like cendol and rojak . It’s been a famous place for the nearby community to drop by and get some good food before heading home or else way. The side is surrounded by commercial shops (mostly car workshops) and also terrace houses just across the streets. It has a high potential to be developed into a recreational area or a commercial area as this two types of development could bring the most benefits to the community in that area. KEY PLAN
  • 5. SITE PLAN The site observed from different angles. The road along the site is big enough for a car to pass through. It has the potential to be made into parking spaces.
  • 6. SITE CONTEXT LEGEND Site selected Residential area Park Vehicle-service workshops Educational area Shoplots
  • 7. SITE ANALYSIS The chosen site is located in the residential area of UEP Subang Jaya. The land is barren, does not have any obstructions in place, so this provides us a space for development. It has a strategic location within a residential area to build a multipurpose hall and food court. Microclimate Since the empty land is not shaded, this place is rather sunny. The sun rises from the East to West side of site. The wind blows from North-West to South-East. Circulation Our site is located next to roads and residential areas so the circulation of cars would be moving on the roads around our site. Vegetation There are several trees around the site.
  • 8. SITE OBSERVATION  Views of the site from different angles Centre point of site East view West view South view  The only restaurant in the area and car service workshops
  • 9. Facilities in the nearby park Futsal court Green area for recreational activites Football field Basketball court  Residential area and some street vendors selling food
  • 10. SITE OBSERVATION 1. Located beside a park and is surrounded by residential area.  There are a lot of residents staying nearby and there is a park for the surrounding residents to do recreational activities and sports like football and basketball. This place has the potential to become a commercial area as the residents would have to get their daily supplies and eat. 2. Vehicle service and maintenance workshops are abundant.  The empty land is surrounded by many vehicle service and maintenance workshops which is convenient for the residents to maintain and service their cars. 3. Hot temperature  It is very hot during the afternoon. 4. Has limited parking spaces  Residents whom come to the park sometimes park surrounding the empty land, making the road slightly congested.
  • 12. RATIONALE & JUSTIFICATION After the site analysis that me and my group mate have done, I have found that the selected site in the neighborhood has a lack of assembly area where the whole residential community can have their fellowship together. There are mostly residential houses, car workshop services, industrial buildings and a recreational park nearby the site. Take the advantage of the park where residents have their sports activities there; it’s good to build a multipurpose hall at the selected site so that the communities there have a larger assembly place to have their activities as a community. The recreation park is just approximately 40m away from the selected site. Furthermore, it’s an easily access area for the residents there, they can just take a walk approximately 40m or even drive to the site to have their activities there. Therefore, a multipurpose hall is proposed so that the residents will have a more neighborhood-friendly place to have fellowship and it is at a close walking distance from where they stay. This hall aims for the nearby USJ20 residents to have a better living community. Car workshop services Selected Site Residential Area Residential Area Recreational Park
  • 13. SUGGESTION and CONCEPT I have decided to propose that piece of land into a multipurpose hall. The main reason I chose to develop the land into a multipurpose hall is because the land is located within a residential area with high population. The aim of the construction project is to give the residents with more comfortable space to communicate with friends and family. It will be a place for the residents to have various activities. The multipurpose hall will serve as a space that can be used by the nearby residents. It will be managed by the community council board of USJ20. The hall will be the main meeting area for the council board and also activities will be held to help the surrounding community. BENEFITS ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS It is highly beneficial to have a multipurpose hall at the surrounded residential area because this would encourage the nearby residence to carry out more activities and also to communicate with each other. The hall is designed to provide a space for the surrounding community to carry out their various types of activities. HEALTH BENEFITS This proposal provides a relaxing and comfortable space for the community living around the place. People can visit the hall to exercise and spend their time together with friends and family. To practice a healthy lifestyle, there must be a balance between physical and mental health. Physical health problem such as obesity, diabetes, asthma and chronic pain can be overcome by exercising regularly. In order to gain benefits on mental health like anxiety, depression, and stress and so on, this is a highly recognized place for people to relax and release stress.
  • 14. SOCIAL BENEFITS The multipurpose hall plays an important role in providing spaces for people to gather around. This would be beneficial when people with different cultures make communications and get to know each other better. The relationship between the communities will be closer and also they are united as one. Activities that can be carry out like campaign, workshops and conferences together with friends and family tends to improve the relationship between one another. Meeting others may be the first step toward establishing a new friendships and developing a supportive network. ECONOMICAL BENEFITS This proposal brings benefits to the community’s economy. Having a proper communication hall in a residential area benefits the community around. This would increase the value of the surrounding property. We will always prefer to have a property that has a proper sociable space rather than having a property without any place for activities. So, this is beneficial to all. IMPACTS POSITIVE IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT Through this development, the residence would have a public space to carry out daily activities. They would have more space to exercise and have a proper meet up area. They can also utilize the space provided to gather around and to carry out different types of recreational activities. NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT During the construction stage, it will cause sound and air pollution to the residence nearby. The traffic flow may be interrupt during the construction progress.
  • 16. IMAGES The proposed multipurpose hall will be a place for the community to have various activities. There will be wooden flooring and foldable chairs.
  • 17. There will also be a stage and few entrances to the hall. Outside the hall there will be also parking spaces provided for residence that drives to the site. These are examples of parking spaces that will be created for the convenience of the potential customers.
  • 18. PROFESSIONS THAT INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT CLIENT A client, which is also an employer they will employ contractor, project manager, sub-contractors, consultants and other professions. Client has to choose the players in all stages of the construction project. The client plays important role in the construction project as they appoint advisors, authorize work to take place, agree costs and timetable and appoint professionals to the project. GENERAL CONTRACTOR General contractor usually plan, manage and monitor the work under their control. In this project, they interact with other professions to review the plans before the construction begins. They will work out with the architects if any problem occurs during construction. They manage sub-contractor and workers at the work site and ensure that the project complete in time. Contractor appoints sub-contractors and labors to carry out particular elements of the construction work. ARCHITECT An architect always works closely with the client to make sure that the projected design match with the needs of the users. They involved in the earliest stage of building process, where they have to start developing different ideas and access the needs of the users. Architects have to ensure that their design has its own functional value and not limiting to aesthetic. They are responsible in discussing the objectives, requirement and budget of the project. So, for this project, architects would have to design the whole multipurpose hall as this project is not a big project so architect can handle the structural design and interior design. They also have to give advice to the client in order to produce the best design the client wants. During construction, they have to ensure that the contractors build the hall as following the designed plan. After construction, they would be responsible in maintaining the structure of the hall.
  • 19. QUANTITY SURVEYOR Quantity surveyors play an important role in construction industry. This is because quantity surveyors have to figure out the cost of a construction project. They also have to ensure that the construction cost and production are well-managed. Before the construction, quantity surveyors have to calculate the budget of the construction project based on the client’s requirement. During the construction project, quantity surveyors provide a cash flow data so that the client is clear about the finances needed for each stage of construction. They also have to make sure that the construction cost is within the budget. After the construction finished, quantity surveyors would have to prepare a statement of account on the cost of the whole construction process, which show the actual cost of the project. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Mechanical engineers work on any moving elements, while the electrical engineers involved in lighting, grounding, lightning protection and more. Both of these professions play an important role in completing a construction project. Mechanical engineers would have to design and implement cost-effective equipment in order to improve the safety. They have to plan and design on how the machinery works. Mechanical engineers have to involve in gas and water supply, heating system, kitchen and toilet ventilation. On the other hand, electrical engineers would have to take part in the lighting and lightning protection system. They are the key people in completing the internal body of this project and making it a successful one. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Structural engineers surveys the construction site and responsible in design of structures. In this project, structural engineers have to participate in designing, analyzing and constructing the structures that can withstand the various loads and pressures. They would have to come out with an analysis of building materials for the construction project. Structural engineers also take part in determining the causes of structural failure, damages and defects through site investigation. They have to provide reports on detailed investigation.
  • 20. CIVIL ENGINEER Civil engineers initiate, develop and maintain the built environment which we live in. For my construction project, these civil engineers would have to discuss about the client’s requirement with other professions like architects and contractors. They have to find out problems and resolve their design for the construction project. They are responsible in ensuring the project runs smoothly and the structures are completed within the budget provided. PROJECT MANAGER A project manager ensures that the construction project completed on time and within budget. In this construction project, project manager plays an important role in representing client’s interest. Project manager gives advices on management of projects during construction. They make sure that all the aims of the project are achieved. They are responsible in monitoring the sub-contractors as to ensure the guidelines are maintained. During construction, project manager also oversees the billing and costing of the project to ensure that construction cost is within the budget. THE BUILDING PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS AND PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Any particular project including small building project requires the local authority approval at various stages of its development. This assignment of approval authority allows the province to concentrate on the policy development and advocacy in land use planning.
  • 21. BUILDING PLAN PROCESS AND PROCEDURE Authority Requirements 1. Application for Landuse Conversion 2. Building Plan Submission/Approval 3. Requirement during Construction 4. Completion of Work and Handling Over 5. Works Related to Utility/Services 6. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) 7. Requirements of Department of Environment Submittal Requirements 1. Submission for Land Subdivision 2. Submission for Building Plan Approval CONCLUSION The multipurpose hall proposed is a convenient place for the community to gather together. It is also a comfortable and practical place for them to communicate with friends and family. In conclusion, to any proposed site there will surely produce positive and negative effect to the community. In order to reduce these negative impacts, proper planning and monitoring should be carried out for a more successful future.
  • 22. PROPOSAL 2 Food court development proposal DANA KAN JIA TORNG 0323648
  • 23. RATIONALE & JUSTIFICATION After doing the site analysis, I have found that the selected site in the neighbourhood has a lack of commercial blocks and eateries. Car service workshops and industrial buildings surround the site making it hard for the residents to go out and get something to eat or to buy their daily supplies. The 2 nearest places to get their food and supplies within 1km to the site are: the Main Place and The One City which are 2 shopping malls located approximately 700m and 1km to the residential area. Furthermore, for the residents who are staying at the inner part of the residential area, they will have to take a long distance which includes going across the busy main road to get to the 2 shopping malls to eat. 700m 1000m Recreational park Main road
  • 24. Therefore, the food court is proposed so that the residents will have a more neighbourhood-friendly place to eat at which is at a close walking distance from where they stay. This food court market aim is from the nearby USJ20 residents and the youths who exercise at the recreational park. After a tiring game of basketball and football, they will surely want a place for them to relax, chat and refill their energy with food. Shoplots with restaurants that accommodate the residential area around it Site selected to build food court for nearby residents
  • 25. SUGGESTION and CONCEPT I have decided to develop the vacant land into a commercial area. The main reason I chose to develop the land into a food court is because the land is located within a residential area with high population. The aim of the construction project is to give the residents with more choices and variety of food. It will be a common place for the residents to gather and chat while having a delicious meal. The food court that I propose will sell a variety of food which are healthy, suit to the taste buds of the local residents and affordable. As the food court will be built in an area of average income residents, staying in small terrace houses, the food will be sold at an economical and affordable price. Furthermore, the food court will be open-aired so that it will have good ventilation. Customers can also enjoy their meal under the sky.
  • 26. BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT  The food court will be convenient for the residents to get food anytime of the day and arrive there just by walking.  It will be a lively place for the community to interact and improve their relationship.  Besides that, the teenagers and people exercising at the recreational park opposite the site can just walk towards the food court after exercising to relax.  It will often be visited by youngsters at night where they can sit outside to “yumcha”, chat over a cup of tea and watch football matches on the wide screen projector.  The food court also provides a wide variety of choices of food at a low cost to comply with the local residents’ needs.  It will also provide a business opportunity for people to sell their food. IMPACTS  The food court is located beside the road so air and sound pollution will be caused by the cars.  There will probably be increased in traffic so the area might be congested.
  • 27.  Customers may leave leftover food on the ground inviting some stray cats and dogs to come near the food court to get food whether on the ground or to dig from the rubbish area.  The bustling activity from the food court may create some noise that might cause discomfort to the nearby community. CONCEPTUAL PLAN Circulation of vehicles
  • 28. SKETCH PLAN OF PROPOSAL Entry Exit Car Park Toilets Tables and Chairs Outdoor wash basin Fences/ Railing Big Screen projector Outdoor sitting table and chair with umbrella Food Stalls
  • 29. IMAGES The proposed food court’s entrance and exits will not be sealed and is open aired to allow proper air-ventilation for the customers to enjoy their food. The food stalls will be a standard design to keep the maintenance fees low but food stall owners may choose to design them personally to attract customers.
  • 30. The food court will be fenced up so that customers will not be dangered by the passing cars on the road. As it is an open-aired concept, using industrial mist fans may be a good option to keep the temperature in the food court cool and fresh, because air-conditioners will pollute the environment and costs a lot for the maintenance fees.
  • 31. Outside the food court there will be parking spaces provided for customers to stop by and eat. These are examples of parking spaces that will be created for the convenience of the potential customers. For the outdoor sitting area, customers are still shaded from the hot sun and the drizzling rain.
  • 32. Besides that, several trees will be planted around so that it is pleasing to the eye and it helps filter the noise and air. There will be a screen projector provided at the outside sitting area for people to watch shows while enjoying their meal. It will be a potential great place for youths in the nearby residential area to hang out during the football and badminton season.
  • 33. AUTHORITY PROCEDURES TO PROPOSE COMMERCIAL AREA 1. Submit and receive development approval through One Stop Centre (OSC). OSC will refer to the submissions to the Planning Department, Fire Department, Building Department, Sewage Agency and Water Agency. 2. Submit pre-construction notifications to One Stop Centre. OSC will pass on notifications to relevant agencies. 3. Ask for final utilities inspection through OSC. 4. Collect road and drainage inspection. 5. Receive water final inspection from water authority, SYABAS. 6. Get sewage clearance letter and sewage connection. 7. Submit water test and commissioning (T&C) report. 8. Receive water clearance letter and water connection. 9. Obtain fire safety inspection from Fire & Rescue Department. 10. Get fire safety clearance letter from Fire& Rescue Department.
  • 34. PROFESSIONS INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT 1. Owner/Developer. The owner and developer is in charge of the whole enchilada. They hire everyone, and are responsible for securing financing, leasing, and payment. In addition, the master developer will be in charge of running the weekly development meetings as construction commences. A property developer, also known as a real estate developer, has a wide scope of roles which can be divided into phases. First, this professional is expected to do research and determine the best idea that can bring in money in their area of specialization. They then identify a particular site where they wish to build and proceed with the feasibility study. A pro forma, outlining the project, is then outlined by the developer. Sometimes, this pro forma is known as the back of the envelope because it is a draft on a paper. After acquiring the property, the property developer begins their formal designs and the pro forma is written in details. The pro forma is bound to change in the course of the project. Various entitlements, permissions and permits are acquired before commencement of the construction; these may require visits to municipal offices and town hall. When the construction begins, the developer is expected to generally oversee the project and hire subcontractors and contractors. 2. General Contractor (GC). The GC is in charge of building the project. A GC may have as many as 25 or 30 sub-contractors working for him on the project. The GC is to work with the developer and architects and engineers to build the project as designed, on time, and for the price promised in their
  • 35. contract. A general contractor is responsible for providing all of the material, labor, equipment (such as engineering vehicles and tools) and services necessary for the construction of the project. The general contractor hires specialized subcontractors to perform all or portions of the construction work. Responsibilities may include applying for building permits, securing the property, providing temporary utilities on site, managing personnel on site, providing site surveying and engineering, disposing or recycling of construction waste, monitoring schedules and cash flows, and maintaining accurate records 3. Master Architect. The architect can be the key to a successful development project. The architect designs the building and is in charge of looking over the contractor's shoulder to make sure that his design is built accurately. The architect will be involved on a daily basis to provide clarifications and answers to questions from the GC and sub-contractors. 4. Electrical Engineer. The electrical engineer will design all electrical systems and components for the building and ensure that his design is implemented successfully and connected successfully to local utilities. He or she will be responsible for the electrical outlets and lightings provided for the food court. 5. Civil Engineer. The civil engineer deals with site issues and ensures that the building is situated on the site where it should be, and that the grading of the site is as drawn in his plans. The civil engineer also manages storm drainage from the property.
  • 36. 6. Structural Engineer. The structural engineer's role is usually towards the beginning of the project. They ensure that the project designed by the architect is done so that it can support the load the building requires. For office towers this includes very specific design for the steel and/or concrete structure of the building. CONCLUSION The food court proposed is a convenient place for the community to buy good food at a reasonable price at a walking distance from their homes. It is also a comfortable and relaxing place for them to chat and get together. In conclusion, for any project proposed at any particular site, the project will bring both benefits and negative impacts to the surrounding community who are the end users. In order to reduce these negative impacts, proper planning and monitoring should be carried out. Only then the project will be a successful one that benefits the nearby residents and potential customers.