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Theerapan Songnuy M.D.
Jan 3, 2014

Case study
Clinical manifestation
Take Home Message

CC: refer
PI: 5d PTA
3 d PTA
2 d PTA

10 (
, multiple admissions ( 12


PI : (


VS: BT 37.5 C,RR 80/min, PR 104/min, BP145/81
Oxygen Sat room air 94% ,
Lungs: Decreased breath sound LLL
CXR : Massive left pleural effusion with tracheal
shift to the right, single soft tissue mass at
right hilar region


CBC: Hb 11 Hct 34 WBC 4140 N 79% L

BUN/Cr : 22/0.5
E’lyte : Na 134 K 4.4 Cl 94 CO2 20
Impression : Left empyema thoracis & right lung

PH :
- P1
- P2
- P3
- P4

3 c/s BW 2,600 gm
DFIU GA 36 wk
17-y-old female , healthy
15-y-old female, healthy
10-y-old male, patient

( 10 )
pneumococcal &


Drug allergy: Nystatin ( urticaria )
Fluconazole ( urticaria )
Ketoconazole ( urticaria)
Food allergy: Cow’s milk, egg, seafood, soy,
wheat accidental exposure
: On BF, Enfa ( flare up of AD,
Nutramigen ( at 9 mon )
Neocate ( 10 mon -3 y)
: Current foods; rice, chicken, pork, fish etc.

PH: Past Infections
- At 2 m of age: Bacterial lymphadenitis
: Common cold q 1 m
: AD treated with Elidel, zyrtec
- At 2 y of age : Bacterial lymphadenitis
- At 4 y of age : Bacterial lymphadenitis
- At 7 y of age : Bacterial lymphadenitis &
multiple abscess at thigh
_ At 4 y
: Serum sIgE to foods ; class 3-4

PH: History of AD treatment
- 5 m PTA
Erythromycin ( 2wk)
Prednisolone (5) 1*3 ( 6 wk)


- 2 m PTA

Physical Examination:
- GA: A Thai boy, good consciousness, dyspnea,
no cyanosis
- VS : BT 37 c RR 60/min PR130/min BP 130/80
O2 sat 100% ( via mask with bag 6 L/min)
BW 30 kg ( P50)
- HEENT: mild pale conjunctiva, mild puffy
eyelid with eczema on face, broad nasal base,
no frontal bossing, LN impalpaple
- Lungs : suprasternal & subcostal retraction
decreased breath sound left side

Physical Examination
Heart: normal s1 s2 , no murmur
Abdomen: soft, not tender,
no hepato-splenomegaly
Extremities: no deformities, no edema,
post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
both legs, clubbing of fingers
Skin: Dry, erythematous papule & scaly face , arms
& legs. Paronhychia
Neuro: intact

1. Acute dyspnea with decreased
breath sound left lung
2. Recurrent bacterial lymphadenitis
3. Recurrent eczema
4. History of multiple foods allergy
5. History of multiple drugs allergy
6. Mild anemia
7. Mild puffy eye lids
8. Broad nasal base
9. Clubbing of fingers
10. Paronychia

Primary Immunodeficiency diseases
- Hyper IgE syndrome

Active problems:
- Lung abscess
- Empyema thoracis
- Pleural effusion

Dec 11,2013

Dec 13, 2013

Dec 16, 2013





















N ( %)




L ( %)




M (%)




E ( %)




B (%)




Abs NC




Abs LC








Abs Eo= 594



: 12,410
Abs total Lymphocyte : 3,115
Total Lymphocyte (%) :
Abs CD3
: 2,336
CD3 ( %)
Abs CD4
: 1,433
CD4 (%)
Abs CD8
: 748
CD8 (%)
CD 19(%)
CD 56(%)



-BUN/Cr :
- TB/DB :
- SGOT :
- SGPT :
- GLOB :
- TP

( 16
( 16
( 16

56 = 3.8)
56 = 2.8)
56 = 6.6)

Immunoglobulin level: ( 12
- IgG 815 ( 889- 1359 ) mg/dl
- IgM 72.6 ( 46- 112) mg/dl
- IgA 79
( 71-191)
- Total IgE 28,700 ( < 200) IU/ml
- IgG1
- IgG2
- IgG3
- IgG4

658 ( 270-1290)
81.5 ( 110-550)
38.9 ( 13-250)
60.9 ( 7-530)

NewEngl JMed1999a; 340: 692-702
Clinical Findings


Highest serum IgE level

> 2,000


Skin abscess



Retained primary teeth



Fracture ( minor trauma)



New born rash













Other serious infection

empyema thoracis


Increased nasal width

1-2 SD


Scoring was done on
Dec 12, 2013




Hyper IgE syndrome
- Sporadic,AD, AR
Gene Analysis
- STAT3-deficient
- DOCK8-deficient
- Tyk2-deficient
Supportive Care:
- O2 via mask with bag
- ETT with ventilator support :
PC mode, Fio2 0.5, PIP 15, PEEP 5, Rate 20 Ti 1
 ICD :
- For diagnosis
- For relieve symptom


Empirical Antibiotics :
- Meropenam IV 60 MKD ( 17 d)
- Vancomycin IV 40 MKD ( 7 d)
- Augmentin 90 MKD continued
Fluid IV
- VS
- O2 sat
- Blood gas
- ICD content & volume
- Intake/output

Pleural fluid ( 12
- volume = 350 ml
- character : turbid, purulent
- Gram’s stain: positive cocci in chain ( many)
- pH : 7
- RBC : 39,983 cells/cumm
- WBC : 45,530 cell/cumm ( PMN 81% M 19%)
- Protein : 5.6 g/dl
- Sugar : 1 mg/dl
- LDH : 7947 U/L
- AFB : negative
- Modified AFB : negative
- Wright stain : not found
Tracheal suction Gram’s stain: gram positive
cocci in chain & cluster
Cultures :
- Pleural fluid: no growth after 48 hr
( aerobe & anaerobe)
- Hemo : no growth after 48 hr
- Urine : no growth
- Tracheal suction: no pathogenic organism
ICD content: To identify bacteria by base sequencing
Dec 15, 2013
- Off ETT , on O2 mask with bag 10 LPM
- Subcutaneous emphysema, revised ICD
- Serum galacto-mannan sample index = 0.21 ( > 0.5)
Dec 18, 2013
- Clinical improved
Dec 23, 2013
- ICD content = 0 ml
Dec 24, 2013
- Off ICD
- Chest PT, Cliniflow


Pleural fluid ( Dec 20, 2013)
- Content: Sero-purulent fluid
- Volume : 80 ml
- pH : 6.9
- RBC: 9382 cell/cumm
- WBC : 12422 cell/cumm ( N 48, M 19)
- Protein : 4.8 g/dl
- Sugar : 1 mg/dl
- LDH : 2090 U/L
Pleural fluid C.I.E. : Strep pneumoniae 100% by
NCBI Blast Search
Blood for PHA ( pending)
Pneumococcal titer Ab ( pending)
Anti HBs Ab: Negative ( > 10)
Fungal C/S : NG ( Dec, 12 )
Tip cath C/S : NG ( Dec, 24)



No evidence of lung mass
Retained ICD at left pleural cavity
Small left lung volume with diffuse smooth
pleural thickening along lingular segment of
LUL & LLL ( could be from chronic infection or
Near total atelectasis of lingular segment
LUL, containing focal consolidation
Passive atelectasis & small amount of left
pleural effusion
Hyper IgE syndrome:
- A primary immunodeficiency marked by
abnormalities in the coordination of cell–cell
signaling with the potential to affect TH17 cell, B
cell, and neutrophil responses
- Clinical manifestations include recurrent skin
and lung infections, serum IgE elevation, connective
tissue repair and development alterations, &
vascular abnormalities & tumor development etc.


Job’s syndrome: described in 1966
Reference to the Biblical Job who was “ smote
with sore boils”
Incidence in western countries
- 1/ 1 million
- Male: female 1:1


AD-Hyper-IgE Syndrome ( STAT3 Deficient)
AR-Hyper-IgE Syndrome ( DOCK8 Deficient)
AR-Hyper-IgE Syndrome ( Tyk2 Deficient)

Newborn rash on face & scalp ( pustular)
- Worsen by S.aureus
- After NB period, cutaneous abscess, mucocutaneous candidiasis,
infected dermatitis of axilla & groin etc.

Recurrent pneumonia in early childhood
- S. aureus is the commonest followed by Strep. pneumoniae, H. influenzae
- Purulent sputum, but lack of fever & systemic signs of inflammation
- Pneumatocele & bronchiectasis that accumulate aspergillosis &
gram negative bacteria


- Molds invade blood vessels & resulting to hemoptysis & disseminated
-Other opportunistic infections; Pneumocystis jiroveci, histoplasmosis,
muco-cutaneous candidiasis

Somatic Features:
- Face; asymmetry, broad fleshy nose, & porous
- Neurological; Arnold-Chiari I malformation(20%
of cases), cranio-synostosis no surgery needed
- Bone; minimal trauma fractures, osteopenia,
hyper-extensibility, scoliosis & joint degeneration

Somatic Features:
- Failure of primary teeth extraction
- Vascular abnormalities; aneurysm, lacunar
- Malignancy; non-Hodgkin, Hodgkin & leukemia
- Esophageal dysfunction

French cohort study :
- Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris
- Detailed questionnaires completed by
- Clinical & labs collected from birth until
Feb 2011 or their death
- National Institutes of Health scoring system
- Score> 40 : likely to carry AD-HIES phenotype
- Score 20-40 : inconclusive
- Score < 20 : unlikely


CBC; eosinophilia
Serum IgE ; high ( > 2,000 IU/ul) but normal
IgG, IgA, & IgM levels
Decreased memory T-cell
Vary in Ab response
Gene analysis
CD 27: Memory B-cell marker



Higher rate of viral infections ( M. contagiosum
H. simplex, V. zoster)
Higher food & environmental allergy
Higher otitis media & sinusitis
Higher mortality rate from sepsis
Higher neurological features: hemiplegia,
CNS vasculitis
Higher rate of malignancy: T-cell leukemialymphoma
Severe eczema, skin infection, pneumonia are
common but NO pneumatocele

Rare features: typical face, bone abnormalities
- Increased serum IgE, eosinophil
- Low absolute lymphocyte count, total T-cell
- Low CD4, CD8 count, normal CD4/CD8 ratio
- Decreased IgM, others vary
Only 2 cases reported (Turkish & Japanese)
No typical facial features, bone abnormalities
The Turkish patient had axillary lymphadenitis
from BCG & neuro-brucellosis after ingested
un-pasturized cheese, later developed brain
- The Japanese patient had dermatitis, skin infectios,
oral candidiasis, sinusitis, pneumonia, molluscum
contagiosum etc.

STAT 3 gene:
- Located on chromosome 17 q21
- Encodes a transcription factors
- Work in the process of STAT1, STAT4
- Translocate to nucleus
- Transcription >> affect to cytokines

STATE 3 Gene:
- IL-6 family, IL-10 family, IL-12 family,IL-21
G-CSF, leptin
- Associated with G protein-coupled receptor
- Association with cellular homeostasis ( involve
mitochondrial regulation of reactive oxygen
species generation)

STAT3 Function
- Intracellular cytokine receptor binds to one
of four JAK protein ( JAK 1,2,3 & Tyk2)
- Enhance STAT recruitment & phosphorylation
- Phosphorylated STAT dimerized by Src homology2
( SH2) domain >>> nucleus , then activate STATregulated genes
Coiled-coil domain
- Interact with other protein
 DNA-binding domain
- Transcriptional regulation
 Src homology 2 ( SH2) domain
- STAT protein dimerization & receptor contact
 Gene splice site/trans activation site
- Gene transcription
“Dominant negative mutation” contribute to
AD-HIES & decreased Th17 cell


STAT3 Function
- Clinical phenotypes of HIES :
-Excessive inflammation; prolonged inflammation
in lungs (pneumatocele)
- Inadequate inflammation; “cold” boils

In vitro:
- Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines eg.
TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-12 after stimulated
by specific agonist


In mouse & human: STAT3 integrate to Th17 cell
differentiation & IL-17 production
In HIES: near total absence of Th17 cell & impaired
IL-17 resulting in
- Impair host defense through recruitment of neutrophil
- Impair up-regulation of antimicrobial peptide
- Prone to candida & Klebsiella infection
- Impaired beta-defensin production ( prone to
S. aureus infection)

Why increased IgE in HIES
- Hypothesis: impaired IL-21 signaling since
IL-21 receptor knock out mice showed
increased IgE

DOCK 8 Signaling:
- Located on chromosome 9p24
- Loss of DOCK8 protein function is the most
common form of AR-HIES
- Role of DOCK8 ; activate Rho GTPase that
affects to actin cytoskeletal rearrangement

DOCK 8 Mutation:
- DOCK homology region 1 ( DHR1) domain
( for binding phosphatidylinositol3,4,5triphosphate membrane-rich region)
- DOCK homology region 2 ( DHR 2) domain
( for binding to Rho family GTPase)


DOCK8 expressed in B,T cells
DOCK8 HIES : impair immunity along various
stages of B,T cells development
Decreased CD8 T cell stimulation
Decreased CD8 T cell clonal proliferation
Decreased CD8 memory T cell

Tyk 2 located on chromosome 19p13.2
In a family of Janus kinase molecules
- Transduces signal which transmitted from
type 1 IFN receptor, cytokine receptor
sharing IL-12RB1 subunit, cytokine receptor
sharing a gp 130 subunit & IL-13

Tyk2 components:
1) FERM domain
( localizes protein to plasma membrane)
2) SH2 domain
( modulate regulation of intracellular signaling
3) Kinase domain
( phosphorylate target protein )

Homozygous deletion mutation:
- Impaired Th1 response, risk for mycobacteria
- Decreased IFN-gamma secretion by IL-12
stimulated splenocyte
- Impaired Th 17 response , risk for fungal


NewEngl JMed1999a; 340: 692-702
STAT 3 mutation analysis is commercially available
 By using “ high-resolution PCR-based DNA-melting
assays” to identify & screen patients
 Quicker & cheaper than genome sequencing
 The variant can be confirmed by targeted
sequencing analysis
 No phenotype/genotype relationship among STAT3
mutation identified
For DOCK 8 & Tyk 2 mutation only available in special
research institute




Supportive management
Adequate treatment in pneumonia
Bronchoscope yields for isolating microbe & removing
Pneumatocele & bronchiectasis need broad spectrum
ABT to cover gram negative & fungi
- Eczema care & staphylococcal prevention by bathing
in bleach or swimming in chlorinated swimming pools
Prophylaxis antibiotic
- Co-trimoxazole
- Penicillinase-resistant penicillin
- Cephalosporin
Case report:
- An-8-y-old boy
- Diagnosed as HIES
- Prophylaxis with cloxacillin 30 MKD and Isotretinoin
- Free from skin infection for 26 months
- After discontinue medication, re-infection with fever,
otitis externa & cellulitis


Archives of Medical Research 35 (2004) 359–



- The most common immuno-modulator using
- Decreased number of infection
- Mixed results
Antihistamine –H2 & ciclosporin may help
BMT : AR-HIES with DOCK8 mutation cases
cured with hematopoietic cell transplantation

IVIG: From French Study
- From 32/60 ( 54%) received 400-500 mg/kg q
3-4 wk by IV, some cases used 100 mg/kg SC q wk
- NIH score 40
- The mean age when initiation 14 y( range, 1-39 y)
- Comparing incidence of bacterial pneumonia:
- IVIG group; 9.3/100 pt/y
- Non- IVIG group ; 27.8/100 pt/y


Based on recurrence of pyogenic bacterial
infection & memory B-cell lymphopenia
An accelerated decline of specific Ab titers after
initially normal primary Ab response &
lower than normal secondary Ab response

Clin Immunol 2008; 129:448-454

Antifungal prophylaxis:
- In case of structural airway abnormalities
- Mechanism; local epithelial impairment after
recurrent bacterial pneumonia similar in cystic
fibrosis or post-tuberculosis cavities
- Prophylactic surgery

- A – 32 –Y-old Thai female
- NIH Scoring = 30
- Serum IgE > 2,000 iu/ml ( 10 pts)
- Eosinophilia > 800 cell/ul ( 6 pts)
- Severe eczema ( 4 pts)
- Candidiasis of nails ( 2 pts)
- Recurrent skin abscess ( 8)
APJAI 2009; 27: 233-236

- Firstly tried topical steroid & tacrolimus
- Then, systemic steroid 30 mg/d, but flare up
after dose tapering
- Tried Omalizumab 300 mg SC q 2 wk, clinical
improve after 1 month & gradually decreased
systemic steroid

APJAI 2009; 27: 233-236
Causes of Death in HIES
JACI 2007; 119: 1234-40
JACI 2007; 119: 1234-40
JACI 2007; 119: 1234-40


A rare primary immunodeficiency marked by
abnormalities in the coordination of cell–cell
signaling with the potential to affect TH17
cell, B cell, and neutrophil responses
Clinical manifestations include recurrent skin
and lung infections, serum IgE
elevation, connective tissue repair and
development alterations



- Pneumonia, pneumatocele, facial features,
bone abnormalities
- Viral skin infections, sepsis, neurological,
malignancy, food allergy, decreased IgM
Tyk 2-HIES:
- Viral skin infections, sepsis, neurological


- Eosinophilia
- Hyper IgE
- Decreased memory B cell
- Decreased Th17 cell & IL-17
- Decreased T cell development
- NIH scoring system
- High-resolution PCR-based DNA-melting


- Supportive
- ABT treatment
- ABT & antifungal prophylaxis
- Skin care
Causes of death:
- Infection
- Pulmonary hemorrhage

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Hyper IgE syndrome

  • 3.  CC: refer PI: 5d PTA 3 d PTA 4 2 d PTA 10 ( 1 2546) , multiple admissions ( 12 1 56)
  • 4.  PI : ( ) VS: BT 37.5 C,RR 80/min, PR 104/min, BP145/81 Oxygen Sat room air 94% , Lungs: Decreased breath sound LLL CXR : Massive left pleural effusion with tracheal shift to the right, single soft tissue mass at right hilar region
  • 5.  PI 14% CBC: Hb 11 Hct 34 WBC 4140 N 79% L BUN/Cr : 22/0.5 E’lyte : Na 134 K 4.4 Cl 94 CO2 20 Impression : Left empyema thoracis & right lung abscess Refer
  • 6.  PH : - P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 : : G&D: 3 c/s BW 2,600 gm DFIU GA 36 wk 17-y-old female , healthy 15-y-old female, healthy 10-y-old male, patient ( 10 ) Vaccination: pneumococcal & ,
  • 7.  PH: Drug allergy: Nystatin ( urticaria ) Fluconazole ( urticaria ) Ketoconazole ( urticaria) Food allergy: Cow’s milk, egg, seafood, soy, wheat accidental exposure : On BF, Enfa ( flare up of AD, Nutramigen ( at 9 mon ) Neocate ( 10 mon -3 y) : Current foods; rice, chicken, pork, fish etc.
  • 8.  PH: Past Infections - At 2 m of age: Bacterial lymphadenitis : Common cold q 1 m : AD treated with Elidel, zyrtec - At 2 y of age : Bacterial lymphadenitis - At 4 y of age : Bacterial lymphadenitis - At 7 y of age : Bacterial lymphadenitis & multiple abscess at thigh _ At 4 y : Serum sIgE to foods ; class 3-4
  • 9.  PH: History of AD treatment 1m 1y - 5 m PTA Erythromycin ( 2wk) Prednisolone (5) 1*3 ( 6 wk) 2 - 2 m PTA
  • 10.  Physical Examination: - GA: A Thai boy, good consciousness, dyspnea, no cyanosis - VS : BT 37 c RR 60/min PR130/min BP 130/80 O2 sat 100% ( via mask with bag 6 L/min) BW 30 kg ( P50) - HEENT: mild pale conjunctiva, mild puffy eyelid with eczema on face, broad nasal base, no frontal bossing, LN impalpaple - Lungs : suprasternal & subcostal retraction decreased breath sound left side
  • 11.  Physical Examination Heart: normal s1 s2 , no murmur Abdomen: soft, not tender, no hepato-splenomegaly Extremities: no deformities, no edema, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation both legs, clubbing of fingers Skin: Dry, erythematous papule & scaly face , arms & legs. Paronhychia Neuro: intact
  • 12.
  • 13.  Problems: 1. Acute dyspnea with decreased breath sound left lung 2. Recurrent bacterial lymphadenitis 3. Recurrent eczema 4. History of multiple foods allergy 5. History of multiple drugs allergy 6. Mild anemia 7. Mild puffy eye lids 8. Broad nasal base 9. Clubbing of fingers 10. Paronychia
  • 14.  Primary Immunodeficiency diseases - Hyper IgE syndrome - CGD - CVID Active problems: - Lung abscess - Empyema thoracis - Pleural effusion
  • 15. DATE Dec 11,2013 Dec 13, 2013 Dec 16, 2013 RBC 3.53 3.15 3.98 HGB 10.7 9.6 11.5 HCT 32.5 29.1 35.4 MCV 92.1 92.2 92.4 WBC 2990 9280 14770 N ( %) 74.3 51.7 57.4 L ( %) 19.6 28.1 28.3 M (%) 3.0 10.4 12.7 E ( %) 1.1 6.4 0.6 B (%) 0.1 0.1 0.2 Abs NC 2212 4800 8480 Abs LC 586 2610 3740 Platelet 198,000 198,000 389,000 Abs Eo= 594
  • 16.                 WBC : 12,410 Abs total Lymphocyte : 3,115 Total Lymphocyte (%) : 25.1 Abs CD3 : 2,336 CD3 ( %) : 75 Abs CD4 : 1,433 CD4 (%) : 46 Abs CD8 : 748 CD8 (%) : 24 CD 19(%) : 23 CD 56(%) : 2 Hb Hct MCV MCH MCHC : : : : : 11.1 31.7 84.3 29.5 35
  • 18. 11 56 -BUN/Cr : - TB/DB : - ALP : - SGOT : - SGPT : - ALB : - GLOB : - TP : - LDH : 12/0.4 0.54/0.34 79 34 25 3.5 ( 16 ( 16 ( 16 238 56 = 3.8) 56 = 2.8) 56 = 6.6)
  • 19.  Immunoglobulin level: ( 12 56) - IgG 815 ( 889- 1359 ) mg/dl - IgM 72.6 ( 46- 112) mg/dl - IgA 79 ( 71-191) mg/dl - Total IgE 28,700 ( < 200) IU/ml - IgG1 - IgG2 - IgG3 - IgG4 658 ( 270-1290) 81.5 ( 110-550) 38.9 ( 13-250) 60.9 ( 7-530) mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl mg/dl
  • 20.
  • 22. Clinical Findings Level Highest serum IgE level > 2,000 10 Skin abscess 3-4 4 Retained primary teeth >3 8 Fracture ( minor trauma) 1-2 4 New born rash present 4 Eczema severe 4 4-6 2 URI/year Points Candidiasis fingernails 2 Other serious infection empyema thoracis 4 Increased nasal width 1-2 SD 1 Scoring was done on Dec 12, 2013 Total 43
  • 23.    Hyper IgE syndrome Type? - Sporadic,AD, AR Gene Analysis - STAT3-deficient - DOCK8-deficient - Tyk2-deficient
  • 24. Supportive Care: - O2 via mask with bag - ETT with ventilator support : PC mode, Fio2 0.5, PIP 15, PEEP 5, Rate 20 Ti 1  ICD : - For diagnosis - For relieve symptom 
  • 25.    Empirical Antibiotics : - Meropenam IV 60 MKD ( 17 d) - Vancomycin IV 40 MKD ( 7 d) - Augmentin 90 MKD continued Fluid IV Monitoring: - VS - O2 sat - Blood gas - ICD content & volume - Intake/output
  • 26.
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  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.  Pleural fluid ( 12 56) - volume = 350 ml - character : turbid, purulent - Gram’s stain: positive cocci in chain ( many) - pH : 7 - RBC : 39,983 cells/cumm - WBC : 45,530 cell/cumm ( PMN 81% M 19%) - Protein : 5.6 g/dl - Sugar : 1 mg/dl - LDH : 7947 U/L - AFB : negative - Modified AFB : negative - Wright stain : not found
  • 31. Tracheal suction Gram’s stain: gram positive cocci in chain & cluster Cultures : - Pleural fluid: no growth after 48 hr ( aerobe & anaerobe) - Hemo : no growth after 48 hr - Urine : no growth - Tracheal suction: no pathogenic organism detected ICD content: To identify bacteria by base sequencing (pending)
  • 32.
  • 33. Dec 15, 2013 - Off ETT , on O2 mask with bag 10 LPM - Subcutaneous emphysema, revised ICD - Serum galacto-mannan sample index = 0.21 ( > 0.5) Dec 18, 2013 - Clinical improved Dec 23, 2013 - ICD content = 0 ml Dec 24, 2013 - Off ICD - Chest PT, Cliniflow
  • 34.  - Pleural fluid ( Dec 20, 2013) - Content: Sero-purulent fluid - Volume : 80 ml - pH : 6.9 - RBC: 9382 cell/cumm - WBC : 12422 cell/cumm ( N 48, M 19) - Protein : 4.8 g/dl - Sugar : 1 mg/dl - LDH : 2090 U/L Pleural fluid C.I.E. : Strep pneumoniae 100% by NCBI Blast Search Blood for PHA ( pending) Pneumococcal titer Ab ( pending) Anti HBs Ab: Negative ( > 10) Fungal C/S : NG ( Dec, 12 ) Tip cath C/S : NG ( Dec, 24)
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.      No evidence of lung mass Retained ICD at left pleural cavity Small left lung volume with diffuse smooth pleural thickening along lingular segment of LUL & LLL ( could be from chronic infection or inflammation) Near total atelectasis of lingular segment LUL, containing focal consolidation Passive atelectasis & small amount of left pleural effusion
  • 38. Hyper IgE syndrome: - A primary immunodeficiency marked by abnormalities in the coordination of cell–cell signaling with the potential to affect TH17 cell, B cell, and neutrophil responses - Clinical manifestations include recurrent skin and lung infections, serum IgE elevation, connective tissue repair and development alterations, & vascular abnormalities & tumor development etc. 
  • 39.    Job’s syndrome: described in 1966 Reference to the Biblical Job who was “ smote with sore boils” Incidence in western countries - 1/ 1 million - Male: female 1:1 http://
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.    AD-Hyper-IgE Syndrome ( STAT3 Deficient) AR-Hyper-IgE Syndrome ( DOCK8 Deficient) AR-Hyper-IgE Syndrome ( Tyk2 Deficient)
  • 43.  Newborn rash on face & scalp ( pustular) - Worsen by S.aureus - After NB period, cutaneous abscess, mucocutaneous candidiasis, infected dermatitis of axilla & groin etc. Recurrent pneumonia in early childhood - S. aureus is the commonest followed by Strep. pneumoniae, H. influenzae - Purulent sputum, but lack of fever & systemic signs of inflammation - Pneumatocele & bronchiectasis that accumulate aspergillosis & gram negative bacteria  - Molds invade blood vessels & resulting to hemoptysis & disseminated infection -Other opportunistic infections; Pneumocystis jiroveci, histoplasmosis, muco-cutaneous candidiasis
  • 44.  Somatic Features: - Face; asymmetry, broad fleshy nose, & porous skin - Neurological; Arnold-Chiari I malformation(20% of cases), cranio-synostosis no surgery needed - Bone; minimal trauma fractures, osteopenia, hyper-extensibility, scoliosis & joint degeneration
  • 45.
  • 46.  Somatic Features: - Failure of primary teeth extraction - Vascular abnormalities; aneurysm, lacunar infarction - Malignancy; non-Hodgkin, Hodgkin & leukemia - Esophageal dysfunction
  • 47.  French cohort study : - Necker Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris - Detailed questionnaires completed by physicians - Clinical & labs collected from birth until Feb 2011 or their death - National Institutes of Health scoring system - Score> 40 : likely to carry AD-HIES phenotype - Score 20-40 : inconclusive - Score < 20 : unlikely
  • 48.      CBC; eosinophilia Serum IgE ; high ( > 2,000 IU/ul) but normal IgG, IgA, & IgM levels Decreased memory T-cell Vary in Ab response Gene analysis
  • 49. CD 27: Memory B-cell marker
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  • 56.
  • 57.        Higher rate of viral infections ( M. contagiosum H. simplex, V. zoster) Higher food & environmental allergy Higher otitis media & sinusitis Higher mortality rate from sepsis Higher neurological features: hemiplegia, CNS vasculitis Higher rate of malignancy: T-cell leukemialymphoma Severe eczema, skin infection, pneumonia are common but NO pneumatocele
  • 58.   Rare features: typical face, bone abnormalities Labs: - Increased serum IgE, eosinophil - Low absolute lymphocyte count, total T-cell - Low CD4, CD8 count, normal CD4/CD8 ratio - Decreased IgM, others vary
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 61. Only 2 cases reported (Turkish & Japanese) No typical facial features, bone abnormalities The Turkish patient had axillary lymphadenitis from BCG & neuro-brucellosis after ingested un-pasturized cheese, later developed brain infarction - The Japanese patient had dermatitis, skin infectios, oral candidiasis, sinusitis, pneumonia, molluscum contagiosum etc. -
  • 62.
  • 63.  STAT 3 gene: - Located on chromosome 17 q21 - Encodes a transcription factors - Work in the process of STAT1, STAT4 - Translocate to nucleus - Transcription >> affect to cytokines
  • 64.  STATE 3 Gene: - IL-6 family, IL-10 family, IL-12 family,IL-21 G-CSF, leptin - Associated with G protein-coupled receptor signaling - Association with cellular homeostasis ( involve mitochondrial regulation of reactive oxygen species generation)
  • 65.  STAT3 Function - Intracellular cytokine receptor binds to one of four JAK protein ( JAK 1,2,3 & Tyk2) - Enhance STAT recruitment & phosphorylation - Phosphorylated STAT dimerized by Src homology2 ( SH2) domain >>> nucleus , then activate STATregulated genes
  • 66.
  • 67. Coiled-coil domain - Interact with other protein  DNA-binding domain - Transcriptional regulation  Src homology 2 ( SH2) domain - STAT protein dimerization & receptor contact  Gene splice site/trans activation site - Gene transcription “Dominant negative mutation” contribute to AD-HIES & decreased Th17 cell  JACI
  • 68.
  • 69.  STAT3 Function - Clinical phenotypes of HIES : -Excessive inflammation; prolonged inflammation in lungs (pneumatocele) - Inadequate inflammation; “cold” boils
  • 70.  In vitro: - Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines eg. TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-12 after stimulated by specific agonist
  • 71.
  • 72.   In mouse & human: STAT3 integrate to Th17 cell differentiation & IL-17 production In HIES: near total absence of Th17 cell & impaired IL-17 resulting in - Impair host defense through recruitment of neutrophil - Impair up-regulation of antimicrobial peptide - Prone to candida & Klebsiella infection - Impaired beta-defensin production ( prone to S. aureus infection)
  • 73.  Why increased IgE in HIES - Hypothesis: impaired IL-21 signaling since IL-21 receptor knock out mice showed increased IgE
  • 74.  DOCK 8 Signaling: - Located on chromosome 9p24 - Loss of DOCK8 protein function is the most common form of AR-HIES - Role of DOCK8 ; activate Rho GTPase that affects to actin cytoskeletal rearrangement
  • 75.  DOCK 8 Mutation: - DOCK homology region 1 ( DHR1) domain ( for binding phosphatidylinositol3,4,5triphosphate membrane-rich region) - DOCK homology region 2 ( DHR 2) domain ( for binding to Rho family GTPase)
  • 76.      DOCK8 expressed in B,T cells DOCK8 HIES : impair immunity along various stages of B,T cells development Decreased CD8 T cell stimulation Decreased CD8 T cell clonal proliferation Decreased CD8 memory T cell
  • 77.    Tyk 2 located on chromosome 19p13.2 In a family of Janus kinase molecules Roles: - Transduces signal which transmitted from type 1 IFN receptor, cytokine receptor sharing IL-12RB1 subunit, cytokine receptor sharing a gp 130 subunit & IL-13
  • 78.  Tyk2 components: 1) FERM domain ( localizes protein to plasma membrane) 2) SH2 domain ( modulate regulation of intracellular signaling cascade) 3) Kinase domain ( phosphorylate target protein )
  • 79.  Homozygous deletion mutation: - Impaired Th1 response, risk for mycobacteria - Decreased IFN-gamma secretion by IL-12 stimulated splenocyte - Impaired Th 17 response , risk for fungal infection
  • 81. STAT 3 mutation analysis is commercially available  By using “ high-resolution PCR-based DNA-melting assays” to identify & screen patients  Quicker & cheaper than genome sequencing  The variant can be confirmed by targeted sequencing analysis  No phenotype/genotype relationship among STAT3 mutation identified For DOCK 8 & Tyk 2 mutation only available in special research institute 
  • 82.      Supportive management Adequate treatment in pneumonia Bronchoscope yields for isolating microbe & removing pus Pneumatocele & bronchiectasis need broad spectrum ABT to cover gram negative & fungi Skin: - Eczema care & staphylococcal prevention by bathing in bleach or swimming in chlorinated swimming pools
  • 83. Prophylaxis antibiotic - Co-trimoxazole - Penicillinase-resistant penicillin - Cephalosporin Case report: - An-8-y-old boy - Diagnosed as HIES - Prophylaxis with cloxacillin 30 MKD and Isotretinoin - Free from skin infection for 26 months - After discontinue medication, re-infection with fever, otitis externa & cellulitis  360 Archives of Medical Research 35 (2004) 359–
  • 84.     IVIG : - The most common immuno-modulator using in HIES - Decreased number of infection IFN-gamma: - Mixed results Antihistamine –H2 & ciclosporin may help BMT : AR-HIES with DOCK8 mutation cases cured with hematopoietic cell transplantation
  • 85.  IVIG: From French Study - From 32/60 ( 54%) received 400-500 mg/kg q 3-4 wk by IV, some cases used 100 mg/kg SC q wk - NIH score 40 - The mean age when initiation 14 y( range, 1-39 y) - Comparing incidence of bacterial pneumonia: - IVIG group; 9.3/100 pt/y - Non- IVIG group ; 27.8/100 pt/y
  • 86.   Based on recurrence of pyogenic bacterial infection & memory B-cell lymphopenia An accelerated decline of specific Ab titers after initially normal primary Ab response & lower than normal secondary Ab response Clin Immunol 2008; 129:448-454
  • 87.  Antifungal prophylaxis: - In case of structural airway abnormalities - Mechanism; local epithelial impairment after recurrent bacterial pneumonia similar in cystic fibrosis or post-tuberculosis cavities - Prophylactic surgery
  • 88.  Omalizumab: - A – 32 –Y-old Thai female - NIH Scoring = 30 - Serum IgE > 2,000 iu/ml ( 10 pts) - Eosinophilia > 800 cell/ul ( 6 pts) - Severe eczema ( 4 pts) - Candidiasis of nails ( 2 pts) - Recurrent skin abscess ( 8) APJAI 2009; 27: 233-236
  • 89.  Omalizumab: - Firstly tried topical steroid & tacrolimus - Then, systemic steroid 30 mg/d, but flare up after dose tapering - Tried Omalizumab 300 mg SC q 2 wk, clinical improve after 1 month & gradually decreased systemic steroid APJAI 2009; 27: 233-236
  • 90. Causes of Death in HIES
  • 91. JACI 2007; 119: 1234-40
  • 92. JACI 2007; 119: 1234-40
  • 93. JACI 2007; 119: 1234-40
  • 94.
  • 95.   A rare primary immunodeficiency marked by abnormalities in the coordination of cell–cell signaling with the potential to affect TH17 cell, B cell, and neutrophil responses Clinical manifestations include recurrent skin and lung infections, serum IgE elevation, connective tissue repair and development alterations
  • 96.    STAT3 –HIES: - Pneumonia, pneumatocele, facial features, bone abnormalities DOCK 8 –HIES: - Viral skin infections, sepsis, neurological, malignancy, food allergy, decreased IgM Tyk 2-HIES: - Viral skin infections, sepsis, neurological
  • 97.   Investigations: - Eosinophilia - Hyper IgE - Decreased memory B cell - Decreased Th17 cell & IL-17 - Decreased T cell development Diagnosis - NIH scoring system - High-resolution PCR-based DNA-melting assays
  • 98.   Managements: - Supportive - ABT treatment - ABT & antifungal prophylaxis - Skin care - IVIG Causes of death: - Infection - Pulmonary hemorrhage

Editor's Notes

  1. 2 M: fever, I&amp;D , admit 3 d, ABT 7d2 Y : I&amp;D, ABT IV 4 Y : I&amp;D, ABT IV 7 Y : I&amp;D, ABT IV
  2. Eo &gt; 700 , aabnormal
  3. IgE 29600 , 5 Y
  4. Total IgE 296,000 IU/ml AT 5-y-old
  5. Primary teeth = 10
  6. Gene analysis not shown to be tested before, lost data
  7. Massive lt pleural effusion, patchy infiltration rthilar region
  8. Skin infection at scalp : bactroban bidTerramycin ointment bid at eyelids
  9. NB rash : scraping show Eo, other signs ; heat, erythema, tenderness not found. Improved by oral ABT &amp; dilute bleachHigh MB &amp; MR from aspergillosis &amp; gram neg ; Pseudomonas
  10. Arnold-Chiari I: cerebella tonsils protrudes in foramen magnum Fracture &amp; osteopenia found 50 %
  11. sIgE gradually reduced in adoles but clinical persists
  12. All need signal through STAT3
  13. IL-6: PROINFLAMMATORY cytokineIL-10: anti-inflammation cytokine
  14. HIES: Normal B cell number &amp; IgG, M, A level
  15. Physician score : &gt;= 15 likely, 10-14 indeterminate, &lt; 10 unlikely
  16. Bathing in bleach: 120 ml of bleach in tub of water 15 min* 3/wkAvoid parenchymal damage
  17. BMT : 2 CASES IN Germany, free of infection, viral skin for 2, 4 y
  18. Recommend : Oral ABT + IVIG BENEFIT in recurrent pulm infectionAlso antifungal needed in case with pneumatocele or bronchiectasis