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The Emperors of Rome

    Professor Will Adams
      Valencia College
          Fall 2011
The beginnings of empire
            • As the Roman territory
              expanded in the 1st
              century BC, more riches
              flowed into the country
              from all over the world.
            • A new wealthy class
              emerged, building
              mansions and vast estates
              called latifundia.
            • They forced people
              captured in war to work
              on the latifundia.
The beginnings of empire
• The use of slave labor hurt
  small farmers, who were
  unable to produce food as
  cheaply as the latifundia.
• To make matters
  worse, huge quantities of
  grain were pouring into
  Rome from other parts of
  the empire, lowering the
  price of grain.
• Many Roman farmers were
  forced into debt and forced
  to sell their land.
The beginnings of empire
            • Thousands of poor
              farmers poured into
              the city of Rome
              itself, looking for jobs.
            • They joined a restless
              class of
              unemployed, angry
              people, and riots
              began to break out.
The beginnings of empire
• Two brothers, Tiberius
  and Gaius Gracchus
  were plebian tribunes
  who tried to reform the
  Roman government.
• Tiberius called on the
  state to break up the
  latifundia and give the
  land to the farmers.
• Gaius wanted to use tax
  money to buy grain for
  the poor.
The beginnings of empire
            • The Senate saw them as a
            • Tiberius was clubbed to
              death with 300 of his
              supporters in the Forum.
            • Gaius led a riot when he was
              failed to win a third term.
            • A consul sent in a group of
              soldiers to slaughter Gaius'
            • Upon seeing this, Gaius
              ordered a slave to kill him.
The beginnings of empire
• Unable to resolve these issues, and growing
  increasingly violent, Rome plunged into a series of
  civil wars.
• At issue was who should hold power - the
  Senate, which wanted to govern as it had in the
  past, or popular political leaders who wanted to
  weaken the Senate and enact reforms.
• In the midst of this conflict, slave uprisings broke
  out in Rome, and different areas of the empire
  began to revolt.
• Rome was in peril.
The beginnings of empire
• In 58 BC, a popular
  Roman military
  leader named
  Julius Caesar set
  out with his army
  to restore order.
The beginnings of empire
• First, he launched a nine-year war to conquer
  Gaul, the area now called France and Belgium.
• Then, Caesar swept around the
  Mediterranean, suppressing the rising
  rebellions. He returned to Rome victorious, with
  the announcement:

           “Veni, vidi, vici!”
            (I came, I saw, I conquered!)
• He then forced the Senate to name him
  Dictator, and was, in fact, an absolute ruler.
The beginnings of empire
• Caesar immediately set out to
  repair the Empire.
• He launched a program to put
  jobless people to work on
  building projects for the public
  good (called public works
• He granted Roman citizenship
  to more people in the Empire.
• He also introduced the Julian
  calendar, which is still the
  basis for our calendar today.
• The month of July is named in
  his honor.
The beginnings of empire
            • While on his
              conquests, Caesar went
              as far as Egypt, where he
              met the embattled
              queen, Cleopatra.
            • He helped her to re-
              secure her throne, they
              subsequently had a child
              named Caesarian, and he
              set her up as Queen of
              Egypt & an ally of Rome.
The beginnings of empire
• Meanwhile, the Senate was
  still in place, but was totally
• Caesar's enemies feared he
  would declare himself
  king, and plotted against
• Also, Caesar's relationship
  with Cleopatra worried the
• Many feared this Egyptian
  would soon be Queen of
The beginnings of empire
            •   On March 15, 44 BC (known as
                The Ides of March), a group of
                senators led by Caesar's friend
                Marcus Brutus murdered him
                on the Senate floor.
            •   That day, Caesar took his seat in
                the Senate.
            •   The Senator Cimber approached
                him to ask a question, and all
                the conspirators crowded
                around Caesar.
The beginnings of empire
• The Senator Cimber grabbed
  him by the shoulders and
  Caesar yelled his last words:

       This is violence!
• Then, one of the Casca
  brothers stabbed him just
  below the throat and Caesar
  fell, drawing his gown over
  his head as the Senators
  stabbed him.
• He said nothing.
• There was no “Et tu Brute?"
The beginnings of empire
• After Caesar's death, his
  grand-nephew (and adopted
  son & heir) Octavian and his
  friend Marc Antony tracked
  down the murderers, defeated
  their armies, and killed them.
• Following that, Marc Antony's
  armies travelled as far as
• He fell in love with Cleopatra
  and they married, even though
  he was already married (to
  Octavian's sister, Octavia.)
The beginnings of empire
            •   After a short time, Octavian waged
                war on Marc Antony, and defeated
                him in the naval Battle of Actium in
                31 BC, after which Antony and
                Cleopatra both committed suicide.
            •   Apparently, Cleopatra provoked
                Antony's suicide by pretending to
                be dead.
            •   He fell on his sword when he was
            •   Cleopatra tried to negotiate with
                Octavian, and when she was
                unsuccessful, she had a servant
                smuggle an asp in a basket of figs
                into her room.
            •   She let it bite her and died.
An empire emerges
•   The Senate appointed Octavian
    sole consul, but he is commonly
    known as the first Roman
•   He conquered huge chunks of
    new territory, and under his rule
    the empire stretched from Syria to
    Spain, and from Egypt to the
    Danube River.
•   He never called himself
    Emperor, but Princeps, meaning
    "First Citizen.“
•   He was so loved by the Romans
    that the Senate gave him the title
    Augustus, or "Revered One.“
•   He is known as Caesar Augustus.
An empire emerges
         •   The reign of Caesar Augustus
             starts a period known as the Pax
             Romana, or "Roman Peace.“
         •   This period lasted about 200
             years, but cost the Romans the
             powers of the Senate and the
         •   Emperor Augustus died in 14
             AD, and for the next 54
             years, relatives of Julius Caesar
             ruled the empire.
         •   These emperors were all-
             powerful, and some greatly
             abused their power.
An empire emerges
• Following Augustus’s
  death, Tiberius, his
  adopted son, becomes
  Emperor of Rome and ruled
  from 14 - 37 AD.
• He was an adequate but
  disliked ruler.
• He was unpopular with the
  Roman people because he
  spent little money on public
  games, yet he was a good
  administrator and
An empire emerges
         • Then came Caligula, whose
           name means “Little
           Boots”, who was the brutal
           and insane nephew of the
           Emperor Tiberius.
         • It is said that he appointed
           his horse consul of Rome.
         • He murdered his wife and
           baby daughter by bashing
           her head against a wall.
         • Caligula was murdered by
           his own guards in 41 AD.
An empire emerges
         • Emperor Caligula was
           succeeded by the Emperor
           Claudius, who was
           intelligent and ruled
           wisely until 54 AD.
         • Under his rule, Rome
           conquered Britain.
         • It is thought his wife
           Agrippina poisoned him
           with mushrooms when
           Claudius considered
           giving the throne to a son
           by a different woman.
An Empire Emerges
•   Emperor Claudius was disastrously
    followed by the Emperor Nero, who
    was also thought to be nearly insane.
•   He wanted to rebuild the areas of
    Rome where the poor lived, so he
    took a vacation to the countryside.
•   While he was gone, a massive fire
    broke out in that area, killing many
    and destroying their homes.
•   The Emperor then blamed a tiny
    group called Christians for the
    fires, and threw them to the lions of
    the Coliseum.
•   The people of
    Rome, however, blamed Nero, and
    he killed himself rather than face
    assassination in 68 AD.
An empire emerges
•   Following Nero’s death, Rome
    devolves into a state of civil war
    again until 69 AD, when the
    Emperor Vespasian assumes
    control until 79 AD.
•   As Emperor, he granted
    citizenship to non-
    Italians, stabilized government
    spending, replenished the
    treasury, and built roads.
•   He is probably most famous for
    initiating the Coliseum’s
•   He is probably most infamous for
    sacking Jerusalem, destroying the
    Temple, and dispersing the Jews
    in 70 AD
An empire emerges
•   After his father’s
    death, Vespasian’s
    son, Titus, assumes control of
    the Empire in 79 AD, the same
    year that Mt. Vesuvius erupts
    and buries the cities of Pompeii
    and Herculaneum.
•   Despite the disaster, Emperor
    Titus was known as “the light of
    the world” during his reign, in
    recognition of his administration
    and completion of his father’s
    Coliseum project.
•   Titus was mysteriously killed in
    81 AD.
An empire emerges
         •   After his death, Titus’s
             brother, Domitian, assumes control
             of the empire.
         •   The Empire was becoming
             somewhat unstable after Titus
             passed away, so a strong leader was
         •   As a leader, Domitian filled that
             role, ruling with an iron fist to
             reassert control, persecuting both
             Jews & Christians throughout the
         •   He was known as a “Holy terror”
             during his authoritative reign.
         •   He was eventually murdered by
             members of his household in 96 AD.
An empire emerges
•   After Domitian’s retirement, the
    Senate and the army played a
    more active role in the selection of
    the emperor, which resulted in the
    appointment of the Emperor
    Nerva in 96 AD, who ruled until
    98 AD.
•   When he was elected by the
    Senate, Nerva was already
    elderly, and passed away in office.
•   Between 96 CE and 180 CE, the
    Romans handled the problem of
    succession by having each
    emperor select a younger
    colleague to train as a successor.
•   Resulted in almost a century of
An empire emerges
         • Following Nerva’s death, the
           Senate elected the Emperor
           Trajan to lead Rome.
         • Born in Spain, he was the first
           Roman Emperor of non-Italian
           origin & was a great ruler.
         • He was able to extend Rome’s
           territory to its greatest size
           during his reign.
         • Wisely, Trajan was mindful to
           keep the Senate informed
           about his campaigns, and
           waited for their approval
           before signing treaties.
An empire emerges
• The Emperor was very
  popular with the public
  because he greatly increased
  Rome’s wealth through
  conquest & spent large sums
  on building
  aqueducts, temples and public
• Today his body is entombed
  beneath his column in the
  Roman Forum.
• His reign ended with his death
  in 117 AD.
An empire emerges
         • Following Trajan’s
           death, the Senate elected
           the Emperor
           Hadrian, who then ruled
           from 117 – 138 AD.
         • Like Trajan before
           him, Hadrian was also
           born in Spain.
         • To help protect the
           boundaries of the
           empire, he built Hadrian's
           Wall from sea-to-sea in
An empire emerges
•   After Hadrian’s death, Antonius
    ruled as Emperor from 138 CE –
    161 AD.
•   He was later assigned the
    honorific “Pius” in recognition of
    his just and honest nature.
•   Due to his skillful
    management, the Roman Empire
    reached its peak under his
•   Historically, he ruled during the
    final few years of tranquility in
•   As a result, his death is
    associated by many with the end
    of the Pax Romana.
An empire emerges
         •   The Emperor Marcus
             Aurelius, who succeeded
             Antonius Pius, was the most
             well-educated Roman
         •   Apparently, he preferred
             studying & writing philosophy
             – such as his work Meditations
             – to fighting wars.
         •   Unfortunately for him, during
             his reign, Rome was forced to
             fight constantly against foreign
             invaders, such as the Germanic
             Goths, and the Asian Huns.
An empire in decline
•   The start of Marcus Aurelius'
    insane son, Commodus’s, reign
    from 180 – 192 AD, signals the
    beginning of the Empire’s end.
•   Quite probably mentally
    disturbed, Commodus was a
    terrible, vain man who fought in
    the gladiatorial contests of the
•   He is said to have fought in over
    1,000 gladiatorial contests, often
    dressed as Hercules.
•   For his amusement, wounded
    soldiers or amputees would often
    be brought into the arena for him
    to kill.
An empire in decline
          •   Once, the citizens of Rome who
              were missing their feet through
              some accident were tied
              together, and Commodus
              clubbed them to death while
              pretending he was a giant.
          •   For each appearance in the
              arena, he charged the city of
              Rome a huge fee.
          •   He was later poisoned by his
              mistress, but he vomited the
              poison up.
          •   Finally, Commodus then
              strangled as he bathed by his
              wrestling partner.
An empire in decline
•   For the next 300 years, Europe         •   Power passed to Septimius’
    witnessed the decline of the Empire.       son, Caracalla (211-217 AD), a cruel
•   After Commodus died, the throne            man who murdered his brother to
    was up for auction.                        gain the throne
•   From 192 – 193 AD, several men         •   Additionally, he was a poor leader
    tried to gain power by buying the          who raised the armies’
    loyalty of different Roman armies.         wages, bribed barbarians to stay
•   The Emperor Septimius                      away from Rome & increased taxes
    Severus, who ruled from 193 – 211          so much that the currency lost its
    AD was a weak military                     value.
    commander who catered to the           •   Following that, Rome descends into
    army to hold his power                     a state of military anarchy during
•   He let the men go soft by allowing         which there were plagues, constant
    their families to travel with              wars, skyrocketing taxes, 100
    them, (which slowed them                   claimants for the role of Emperor &
    down), and also admitted                   a abandonment of a cash economy
    barbarians to the army.                    in favor of the barter system until
                                               284 AD.
An empire in decline
•   The Emperor Diocletian
    attempted to provide some
    semblance of order during his
    reign from 284 – 305 AD.
•   His solution for the unwieldy
    Empire was to divide it into
    Eastern & Western halves, with
    each half ruled by its own
    Emperor & Caesar (co-ruler).
•   This four-man arrangement was
    called a tetrarchy.
•   The Emperor Constantine ruled
    with 3 others from 305 – 324
    AD, and alone from 324 – 337 AD.
The end of An empire
          •   In 312 AD, Emperor Constantine
              had a religious vision while
              preparing for battle, during which
              he reported seeing a giant cross
              projected into the sky.
          •   Upon witnessing this, he
              foreswore his pagan beliefs &
              became a Christian.
          •   Later, he would pass the Edict of
              Milan in 313 AD, which granted
              religious toleration across the
          •   As the Western Empire
              collapsed, he moved to
              Constantinople (modern-day
              Istanbul, Turkey), and made it
              the capital city of the Empire.
The end of An empire
• The Emperor Romulus
  Augustulus was the last
  Roman Emperor.
• He was deposed
  (removed from the
  throne) in 476 AD.
• This date marks the end
  of the Roman
  Empire, and the
  beginning of the
  Medieval Period, or
  Middle Ages, in
  European history.
The end of An empire
          • In conclusion: The Roman
            Emperors were variously
            good, bad, intelligent, insan
            e, honorable, and
          • The end of the Roman
            Empire concluded an age of
            culture and learning, and
            ushered in the Middle
          • What happened until then?
          • You'll see.
acta est fabula

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Hum2220 1030 the emperors of rome

  • 1. The Emperors of Rome Professor Will Adams Valencia College Fall 2011
  • 2. The beginnings of empire • As the Roman territory expanded in the 1st century BC, more riches flowed into the country from all over the world. • A new wealthy class emerged, building mansions and vast estates called latifundia. • They forced people captured in war to work on the latifundia.
  • 3. The beginnings of empire • The use of slave labor hurt small farmers, who were unable to produce food as cheaply as the latifundia. • To make matters worse, huge quantities of grain were pouring into Rome from other parts of the empire, lowering the price of grain. • Many Roman farmers were forced into debt and forced to sell their land.
  • 4. The beginnings of empire • Thousands of poor farmers poured into the city of Rome itself, looking for jobs. • They joined a restless class of unemployed, angry people, and riots began to break out.
  • 5. The beginnings of empire • Two brothers, Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus were plebian tribunes who tried to reform the Roman government. • Tiberius called on the state to break up the latifundia and give the land to the farmers. • Gaius wanted to use tax money to buy grain for the poor.
  • 6. The beginnings of empire • The Senate saw them as a threat. • Tiberius was clubbed to death with 300 of his supporters in the Forum. • Gaius led a riot when he was failed to win a third term. • A consul sent in a group of soldiers to slaughter Gaius' followers. • Upon seeing this, Gaius ordered a slave to kill him.
  • 7. The beginnings of empire • Unable to resolve these issues, and growing increasingly violent, Rome plunged into a series of civil wars. • At issue was who should hold power - the Senate, which wanted to govern as it had in the past, or popular political leaders who wanted to weaken the Senate and enact reforms. • In the midst of this conflict, slave uprisings broke out in Rome, and different areas of the empire began to revolt. • Rome was in peril.
  • 8. The beginnings of empire • In 58 BC, a popular Roman military leader named Julius Caesar set out with his army to restore order.
  • 9. The beginnings of empire • First, he launched a nine-year war to conquer Gaul, the area now called France and Belgium. • Then, Caesar swept around the Mediterranean, suppressing the rising rebellions. He returned to Rome victorious, with the announcement: “Veni, vidi, vici!” (I came, I saw, I conquered!) • He then forced the Senate to name him Dictator, and was, in fact, an absolute ruler.
  • 10. The beginnings of empire • Caesar immediately set out to repair the Empire. • He launched a program to put jobless people to work on building projects for the public good (called public works jobs) • He granted Roman citizenship to more people in the Empire. • He also introduced the Julian calendar, which is still the basis for our calendar today. • The month of July is named in his honor.
  • 11. The beginnings of empire • While on his conquests, Caesar went as far as Egypt, where he met the embattled Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. • He helped her to re- secure her throne, they subsequently had a child named Caesarian, and he set her up as Queen of Egypt & an ally of Rome.
  • 12. The beginnings of empire • Meanwhile, the Senate was still in place, but was totally powerless. • Caesar's enemies feared he would declare himself king, and plotted against him. • Also, Caesar's relationship with Cleopatra worried the Romans. • Many feared this Egyptian would soon be Queen of Rome.
  • 13. The beginnings of empire • On March 15, 44 BC (known as The Ides of March), a group of senators led by Caesar's friend Marcus Brutus murdered him on the Senate floor. • That day, Caesar took his seat in the Senate. • The Senator Cimber approached him to ask a question, and all the conspirators crowded around Caesar.
  • 14. The beginnings of empire • The Senator Cimber grabbed him by the shoulders and Caesar yelled his last words: This is violence! • Then, one of the Casca brothers stabbed him just below the throat and Caesar fell, drawing his gown over his head as the Senators stabbed him. • He said nothing. • There was no “Et tu Brute?"
  • 15. The beginnings of empire • After Caesar's death, his grand-nephew (and adopted son & heir) Octavian and his friend Marc Antony tracked down the murderers, defeated their armies, and killed them. • Following that, Marc Antony's armies travelled as far as Egypt. • He fell in love with Cleopatra and they married, even though he was already married (to Octavian's sister, Octavia.)
  • 16. The beginnings of empire • After a short time, Octavian waged war on Marc Antony, and defeated him in the naval Battle of Actium in 31 BC, after which Antony and Cleopatra both committed suicide. • Apparently, Cleopatra provoked Antony's suicide by pretending to be dead. • He fell on his sword when he was told. • Cleopatra tried to negotiate with Octavian, and when she was unsuccessful, she had a servant smuggle an asp in a basket of figs into her room. • She let it bite her and died.
  • 17. An empire emerges • The Senate appointed Octavian sole consul, but he is commonly known as the first Roman Emperor. • He conquered huge chunks of new territory, and under his rule the empire stretched from Syria to Spain, and from Egypt to the Danube River. • He never called himself Emperor, but Princeps, meaning "First Citizen.“ • He was so loved by the Romans that the Senate gave him the title Augustus, or "Revered One.“ • He is known as Caesar Augustus.
  • 18. An empire emerges • The reign of Caesar Augustus starts a period known as the Pax Romana, or "Roman Peace.“ • This period lasted about 200 years, but cost the Romans the powers of the Senate and the Assemblies. • Emperor Augustus died in 14 AD, and for the next 54 years, relatives of Julius Caesar ruled the empire. • These emperors were all- powerful, and some greatly abused their power.
  • 19. An empire emerges • Following Augustus’s death, Tiberius, his adopted son, becomes Emperor of Rome and ruled from 14 - 37 AD. • He was an adequate but disliked ruler. • He was unpopular with the Roman people because he spent little money on public games, yet he was a good administrator and economist.
  • 20. An empire emerges • Then came Caligula, whose name means “Little Boots”, who was the brutal and insane nephew of the Emperor Tiberius. • It is said that he appointed his horse consul of Rome. • He murdered his wife and baby daughter by bashing her head against a wall. • Caligula was murdered by his own guards in 41 AD.
  • 21. An empire emerges • Emperor Caligula was succeeded by the Emperor Claudius, who was intelligent and ruled wisely until 54 AD. • Under his rule, Rome conquered Britain. • It is thought his wife Agrippina poisoned him with mushrooms when Claudius considered giving the throne to a son by a different woman.
  • 22. An Empire Emerges • Emperor Claudius was disastrously followed by the Emperor Nero, who was also thought to be nearly insane. • He wanted to rebuild the areas of Rome where the poor lived, so he took a vacation to the countryside. • While he was gone, a massive fire broke out in that area, killing many and destroying their homes. • The Emperor then blamed a tiny group called Christians for the fires, and threw them to the lions of the Coliseum. • The people of Rome, however, blamed Nero, and he killed himself rather than face assassination in 68 AD.
  • 23. An empire emerges • Following Nero’s death, Rome devolves into a state of civil war again until 69 AD, when the Emperor Vespasian assumes control until 79 AD. • As Emperor, he granted citizenship to non- Italians, stabilized government spending, replenished the treasury, and built roads. • He is probably most famous for initiating the Coliseum’s construction. • He is probably most infamous for sacking Jerusalem, destroying the Temple, and dispersing the Jews in 70 AD
  • 24. An empire emerges • After his father’s death, Vespasian’s son, Titus, assumes control of the Empire in 79 AD, the same year that Mt. Vesuvius erupts and buries the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. • Despite the disaster, Emperor Titus was known as “the light of the world” during his reign, in recognition of his administration and completion of his father’s Coliseum project. • Titus was mysteriously killed in 81 AD.
  • 25. An empire emerges • After his death, Titus’s brother, Domitian, assumes control of the empire. • The Empire was becoming somewhat unstable after Titus passed away, so a strong leader was needed. • As a leader, Domitian filled that role, ruling with an iron fist to reassert control, persecuting both Jews & Christians throughout the Empire. • He was known as a “Holy terror” during his authoritative reign. • He was eventually murdered by members of his household in 96 AD.
  • 26. An empire emerges • After Domitian’s retirement, the Senate and the army played a more active role in the selection of the emperor, which resulted in the appointment of the Emperor Nerva in 96 AD, who ruled until 98 AD. • When he was elected by the Senate, Nerva was already elderly, and passed away in office. • Between 96 CE and 180 CE, the Romans handled the problem of succession by having each emperor select a younger colleague to train as a successor. • Resulted in almost a century of stability
  • 27. An empire emerges • Following Nerva’s death, the Senate elected the Emperor Trajan to lead Rome. • Born in Spain, he was the first Roman Emperor of non-Italian origin & was a great ruler. • He was able to extend Rome’s territory to its greatest size during his reign. • Wisely, Trajan was mindful to keep the Senate informed about his campaigns, and waited for their approval before signing treaties.
  • 28. An empire emerges • The Emperor was very popular with the public because he greatly increased Rome’s wealth through conquest & spent large sums on building aqueducts, temples and public baths • Today his body is entombed beneath his column in the Roman Forum. • His reign ended with his death in 117 AD.
  • 29. An empire emerges • Following Trajan’s death, the Senate elected the Emperor Hadrian, who then ruled from 117 – 138 AD. • Like Trajan before him, Hadrian was also born in Spain. • To help protect the boundaries of the empire, he built Hadrian's Wall from sea-to-sea in Britain.
  • 30. An empire emerges • After Hadrian’s death, Antonius ruled as Emperor from 138 CE – 161 AD. • He was later assigned the honorific “Pius” in recognition of his just and honest nature. • Due to his skillful management, the Roman Empire reached its peak under his guidance • Historically, he ruled during the final few years of tranquility in Rome. • As a result, his death is associated by many with the end of the Pax Romana.
  • 31. An empire emerges • The Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who succeeded Antonius Pius, was the most well-educated Roman Emperor. • Apparently, he preferred studying & writing philosophy – such as his work Meditations – to fighting wars. • Unfortunately for him, during his reign, Rome was forced to fight constantly against foreign invaders, such as the Germanic Goths, and the Asian Huns.
  • 33. An empire in decline • The start of Marcus Aurelius' insane son, Commodus’s, reign from 180 – 192 AD, signals the beginning of the Empire’s end. • Quite probably mentally disturbed, Commodus was a terrible, vain man who fought in the gladiatorial contests of the Coliseum. • He is said to have fought in over 1,000 gladiatorial contests, often dressed as Hercules. • For his amusement, wounded soldiers or amputees would often be brought into the arena for him to kill.
  • 34. An empire in decline • Once, the citizens of Rome who were missing their feet through some accident were tied together, and Commodus clubbed them to death while pretending he was a giant. • For each appearance in the arena, he charged the city of Rome a huge fee. • He was later poisoned by his mistress, but he vomited the poison up. • Finally, Commodus then strangled as he bathed by his wrestling partner.
  • 35. An empire in decline • For the next 300 years, Europe • Power passed to Septimius’ witnessed the decline of the Empire. son, Caracalla (211-217 AD), a cruel • After Commodus died, the throne man who murdered his brother to was up for auction. gain the throne • From 192 – 193 AD, several men • Additionally, he was a poor leader tried to gain power by buying the who raised the armies’ loyalty of different Roman armies. wages, bribed barbarians to stay • The Emperor Septimius away from Rome & increased taxes Severus, who ruled from 193 – 211 so much that the currency lost its AD was a weak military value. commander who catered to the • Following that, Rome descends into army to hold his power a state of military anarchy during • He let the men go soft by allowing which there were plagues, constant their families to travel with wars, skyrocketing taxes, 100 them, (which slowed them claimants for the role of Emperor & down), and also admitted a abandonment of a cash economy barbarians to the army. in favor of the barter system until 284 AD.
  • 36. An empire in decline • The Emperor Diocletian attempted to provide some semblance of order during his reign from 284 – 305 AD. • His solution for the unwieldy Empire was to divide it into Eastern & Western halves, with each half ruled by its own Emperor & Caesar (co-ruler). • This four-man arrangement was called a tetrarchy. • The Emperor Constantine ruled with 3 others from 305 – 324 AD, and alone from 324 – 337 AD.
  • 37. The end of An empire • In 312 AD, Emperor Constantine had a religious vision while preparing for battle, during which he reported seeing a giant cross projected into the sky. • Upon witnessing this, he foreswore his pagan beliefs & became a Christian. • Later, he would pass the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, which granted religious toleration across the Empire. • As the Western Empire collapsed, he moved to Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul, Turkey), and made it the capital city of the Empire.
  • 38. The end of An empire • The Emperor Romulus Augustulus was the last Roman Emperor. • He was deposed (removed from the throne) in 476 AD. • This date marks the end of the Roman Empire, and the beginning of the Medieval Period, or Middle Ages, in European history.
  • 39. The end of An empire • In conclusion: The Roman Emperors were variously good, bad, intelligent, insan e, honorable, and murderous. • The end of the Roman Empire concluded an age of culture and learning, and ushered in the Middle Ages. • What happened until then? • You'll see.