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How To Use Footnotes In An Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of footnotes might seem straightforward at first glance, but delving
into the intricacies of their usage can quickly reveal layers of complexity. First and foremost,
understanding the purpose of footnotes is crucial. They serve as a means to provide additional
information, citations, or explanatory notes without disrupting the flow of the main text.
However, mastering the art of incorporating footnotes seamlessly requires finesse.
One challenge lies in striking the right balance between clarity and conciseness. Footnotes should
enhance the reader's understanding without overwhelming them with extraneous details. This
demands a keen editorial eye to determine which information merits inclusion in footnotes and
which belongs in the main body of the essay.
Furthermore, adhering to citation styles adds another layer of difficulty. Whether following
MLA, APA, Chicago, or another style guide, each has its own rules regarding footnote
formatting, citation structure, and placement within the text. Navigating these guidelines can be
daunting, especially for those new to academic writing.
Moreover, consistency is key when using footnotes throughout an essay. Ensuring that
formatting, citation styles, and content remain uniform requires meticulous attention to detail.
Even a minor inconsistency can detract from the essay's professionalism and coherence.
Additionally, integrating footnotes effectively requires thoughtful consideration of the essay's
structure and argumentation. Footnotes should complement the main text, providing relevant
context or supporting evidence without overshadowing the primary points being made.
Achieving this synergy demands strategic planning and careful execution.
In summary, writing an essay on the topic of footnotes entails grappling with various challenges,
including clarity, citation styles, consistency, and integration with the main text. Despite these
difficulties, mastering the art of using footnotes can greatly enhance the quality and credibility of
academic writing.
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How To Use Footnotes In An EssayHow To Use Footnotes In An Essay
Trash In America
The life of trash. It may be old, disgusting, and unwanted, but it lives way longer
then we can see it. In this trash you can find things such as bottles, food, cans,
clothes, and old technology . Sitting at a lunch table one might want to talk and
enjoy their time with friends in the small break of the day. But they could be sitting
and watching the trashcans with all their potential. The trash has lives too. Their life
(cycle) could continue, but so many decide to end it after they are done with it.
Many watch as the life of these items is ended early and unnecessarily. With the U.S.
population approximately 320,000,000 persons and growing, recyclinghas the
potential to have a huge impact economically, socially and environmentally. The U.S.
(and 30 other countries) is part of the O.E.C.D. (Organization for Economic Co
Operation and Development). This organization exists for governments to discuss
global issues facing their countries, including disposing and recycling. Working
through the O.E.C.D. global change could occur especially if America, the world s
largest contributor, would lead. Recycling is small for individuals but can have huge
rewards if everyone is involved. This can be accomplished by increasing awareness,
education, and through incentives and/or fines.
Most Americans do not recycle. America is a disposable society that produces...
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They may believe that we have the resources to go through things, without
realizing that the waste is stacking up. In spite of having easy access to clean
water, the U.S. is the world s largest bottled water consumer. There are so many
water bottles in the world that America s water bottles alone can go around the
earth over 190 times. Many people intend to recycle disposable water bottles,
however, 69% of bottled water containers end up in the trash and not in a recycling
container. This can easily be avoided with access to recycle
The Hidden Treasure Of History
There was a time where I thought my small hometown of Portage, Pa was nothing
more than a few streets that consisted of churches, small town businesses, and
homes that housed only about 2,500 people. After many hours of research I have
come to find that this small town is actually a hidden treasure of history that is far
too fascinating to express. Although the town of Portage, Pa is only 125 years old,
it is full of rich history that has shaped the Portage we all know today. Portage would
not be the town it is today without the economic successes it had with the coal
industry and more importantly the rule it played in the Allegheny Portage railroad.
The geography of our town couldn t have been more perfect to house the railroad with
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After a few adjustments to plans the building of the railroad began. The railroad
was be completed by 1834 and it would be named the Allegheny Portage Railroad;
the word portage is from the French word porter meaning to carry and Noah Webster
defines Portage as carrying something overland from one body of water to another
(Portage Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.3 4). The Allegheny Portage railroad
would later be added onto the great Pennsylvania railroad that would serve
throughout the whole state. So, first came the railroad and then because of the
railroad, the growth of this new town began.
Because of the railroad being built on this land that was all dense woodland and
the steam engines in this area ran only on wood, the lumbering industry began.
Sawmills were build all around the land that is now today Portage. Then with the
new founding of coal, coal mines were also being built. This had a great economic
impact on this land and in the 1860 s and 1870 s settlers began to flood into this
area; most of these settlers were English and German speaking people (Portage
Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.7 8). During this time there was a town
called old Portage and a town next to it called New Portage. In 1878 the old Portage
would be changed to Portage Township and on October 7, 1890 new Portage
The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Summary
Kelley Calhoun
What happens when success feels empty? Steven Covey answers this question and
lays out a path of seven habits needed to be truly successful and fulfilled. Covey
believes that the way we see the world is based entirely on our own perceptions. To
affect change, we must change the way we perceive the world. Early in history
successful people worked on character ethics like integrity, temperance, courage,
modesty, and the Golden Rule. Somewhere around the 1920 s, success seekers
shifted to personality ethics where success is a result of personality, public image,
attitudes and behaviors. Many people want a quick fix or a shortcut to success
without putting in the work. These people look to self help gurus and their books for
the magic trick to achieving their success. To achieve this perception change, Covey
came up with seven habits: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things
first, think win/win; seek first to understand, then to be understood; synergize; and
sharpen the saw.
Covey s first habit is to be proactive. Being proactive means understanding a
situation and discerning the things we have control over and making changes
accordingly. To put this habit into practice Covey suggests being proactive instead
of reactive. We are in charge of our lives by choosing how we react to events in our
lives. He states that if you are unhappy, it is because you choose to be unhappy.
Being proactive
The Relations I Have With Siblings Essay
Writing Project One Rough Draft The Relations I have with my siblings are the
most important in my life for many reasons. My family includes my mom five
siblings and I. Being the oldest child comes with great responsibilities and lots of
expectations. When I was eleven I wished I was the youngest because I knew my
younger brothers had the type of life I wanted. No chores just love and laughter
with some video games thrown in. I always held my feelings in and just kept them
to myself, I did not want to be a burden to mom. Looking back, I am truly happy my
wish to be the youngest never came true. I am happy my life turned out to be like
coal that turned into a diamond only; from time and the heavy pressure of
exceptions and responsibility s. I Knew I was loved as a child, but I had so much
responsibility that at times I would quietly resent my mom for placing such a
heavy burden on my tiny shoulders. When all I wanted was to be like other
children, without a care in the world, playing in a playground with the beautiful
sun shining down on us as our childhood minds captured these moments to enjoy
again as adults reminiscing about it as if it was an old video or picture. I
remember keeping my resent locked down and just being a good mommy s helper.
All my sadness fears and things I found to be a challenge would be kept in my
heart. I would find my validation from helping other and putting myself on the back
burner because I felt like I would be too selfish if I just did not
To What Extent Was The Civil War Unavoidable
I believe the Civil War was unavoidable because even if slavery wasn t wanted to be
banned then, other wanted changes in America s society would have triggered the
war. The Civil War changed so many different aspects within our own country, these
changes were mostly involved with social issues and rights. The Civil War marked
the beginning of a large reformation period. After the 13th Amendment came out and
slavery was banned, more amendments of change came into view. 14th amendment
was pronounced and gave the right to every citizen born on US soil, gained
citizenship to America. Soon after this, voting was considered a right and African
American men wanted it. This became known as the 15th amendment. All the drama
America went through to give
Environmental Plans And Wildlife Management Programs
As discussed in previous projects, an airport is a significant element in any
community. This element has a direct and an indirect impact on the community. With
the establishment of an airport, many businesses start to facilitate the construction
works. After operating the airport, many businesses start to facilitate the airports
operations. In addition, the airport itself hires staff to run the business. Moreover,
airports contribute to the surrounding communities. Thus, the existing of an airport
might be harmful to the environment and the wildlife around the airport. Therefore,
many airport authorities utilize environmental plans and wildlife management
programs. On the other hand, wildlife is a hazard for airports in some cases. For
the FAA, wildlife strikes is one of the increasing issues in airports safety
(Greenberger, 2013). From 1988 till 2012, more than 219 people were killed and
more than 200 aircrafts were destroyed (Greenberger, 2013). Therefore, wildlife
management plans are beneficial for wildlife and the airport operations. In other
words, wildlife plans mitigate the risks for wildlife around airfields and mitigate
the wildlife of concern risk for airplanes. In 2012 during the approach of Air Force
Two at Santa Barbra Airport in California, a bird stroked the airplane. Another bird
strike happened during the landing of an Airbus 300 at Tulsa International airport,
which caused damaged to the wing and engine that cost about $ 6 millions
Failure Of The Stalemate On The Western Front
The main theatre of fighting in World War One was on the Western Front. The
Western Front was a stretch of land weaving through France and Belgium from the
Swiss Boarder to the North Sea. The belligerents on the Western front consisted of
the central powers, Austria Hungary and Germany pitted against the Entente
Powers. This involved the British empire, the Russian empire and the French with
the addition of the United States from 1917 onwards. The creation of the stalemate
on the Western Front is linked to a variety of reasons. These include the failure of
the Schlieffen plan, The Battle of the Marne, Plan 17 and the Race to the Sea and
the defensiveness of weapons. Failure of the Schlieffen Plan To a large extent the
failure of the Schlieffen plan was the most significant reason for the creation of the
western front. The Schleiffen Plan was a defensive military strategy to deal with the
French and Russian forces , staunch allies, in order to avoid a war on two fronts.
Which was not what Germany wanted. This plan created by Von Schleiffen Outlined
that troops being sent through Belgium and the Netherlands whilst simultaneously
having the bulk of troops travel down to defend the Alsace Lorraine region which
Germany had gained in the Franco Prussian war (1970). The troops at Belgium
would attack as a hammer swing effect for they would travel south and around Paris
capturing the city whilst the French forces were distracted. However, on the contrary
Quality And Characteristics Of Different Platforms
Aim of this report is to identify nature, quality and characteristics of different
platforms available such as Peer to Peer, Client Server, and virtualization architecture
to establish a communication network between computers in relation with
administration, security and usability. Communication is the need for all businesses,
with the growing number of population the demand to use better ways to
communicate and share resources are increasing, and thanks to the fast emerging
new technologies now organizations are able to share their resources efficiently.
Today organizations can easily established a network of the computers and devices
to fulfill their need to share information, files and resources over network. To do so,
there are mainly three platforms available, each has its own pros and cons. Even after
establishment of the network there is also a need of care so that network keep
running smoothly without any problems. To optimize the working of the network,
we need to administrate the network with best practice in place. There are many roles
and responsibilities associated to in maintaining a network such as building,
configuring, managing user s permissions to performing regular test and optimizing
network, but with the rise in the shift the organization do their business also increases
the threats associated to them. That is where the need for security arises to protect
with the increasing threats of malicious attack such as viruses, hacking and botnets
etc. So
USSS Strength Training Program
Strength Training: The Secret Service has created a strength training workout to
assist you in building a strong base that will prepare you for your training and
everyday duties. This program is not designed to make you a body builder but to
assist you in gaining strength to pass the USSS standards for the Physical Fitness
Program. It is important to build the musclenecessary to complete push ups and pull
Strength Training is also called resistance training because it involves strengthening
and toning your muscles by contracting them against a resisting force. Remember
with strength training your muscles need time to recover so it should be done on
opposite days if possible. On those alternate days is when you should be completing
endurance training. If you do not put in the work you will not pass the USSS
Physical Fitness Test.
The strength workouts you will see provided to you in the Conditioning Program ...
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A pull workout is defined as muscle groups that contract as the weight is pulled
toward the body and lengthens as the weight is extended away from the body.
We recommend a class push pull split workout to simplify your training and obtain
faster results. You should organize your workouts according to pushing and pulling
movements. An example of a push exercise would be chest, shoulder and triceps. A
pull movement would be biceps, back, and hamstrings. The push pull split workout
allows you to hit the gym more often because the muscles you are working are not
sore from overuse.
Depending on the flexibility of your schedule some individuals chose to focus their
routine on specific areas such as chest, legs, upper or lower body. The key to splits
can be identified in resting the area of the body most recently exercised, while still
hitting the gym each day: ie. Chest Mon, Back Tues, Legs Wed, Shoulders Thu,
Bicep/Triceps Fri, Run Sat, Active Rest
Rhetorical Analysis Of Matthew Shepard
On April 11th, 1999, a trial was conducted against the murderer of Matthew
Shepard. The main speaker was his father, Dennis Shepard, a 70 year old male who
is the father of two in the upper middle class of Wyoming. He went to the
University of Wyoming and is currently working as an Industry Safety Engineer.
However, he is also in a lot of grief and anger due to the murder of his 21 year old
son Matthew. This was a trial against Mr. McKinney and Mr. Henderson for beating
his son to death; where he wanted to prove that this was a hate crime and not just a
robbery gone bad (Shepard). Mr. Shepard is giving a testimony describing Matthew s
character and why no one deserves such unjust discrimination that Matthew had
received. He speaks to the... Show more content on ...
Shepard uses of Logos is very important in his speech, in the beginning he stated
Matt officially died at 12:53 a.m. on Monday, October 12, 1998 (Shepard). This
was not just a fact, but a very devastating one, to know the exact time your child has
pass is unimaginable and simply just cruel. Another example of logos is You made
the world realize that a person s lifestyle is not a reason for discrimination... This is
not the 1920s, 30s, and 40 of Nazi Germany (Shepard). This is an example of
analogy, as he compares the discrimination upon his son to the hatred against the
Jews by the
The Power System Operation And Control
School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering MSc in Electrical Power
Systems 2014 2015 Assigment.1 Power System Operation and Control Newton
Raphson and Decoupled Newton Raphson Power Flow Solutions using MATLAB
ID: 1501113 Summary The power flow analysis involves the calculations of power
flows and voltages of a transmission network for specified terminal or bus
condition. Such calculations are required for the analysis of steady state as well as
dynamic performance of power systems [1]. The power flow is also called load
flow. Some classification should be represented before carry out the analysis of
power flow. Such as, the bus classifications or types like voltage controlled bus
(PV), load bus (PQ) or slack bus (Swing). In addition to that, the representation of
network elements should be considered and the magnitude calculated in per unit.
The iterative techniques are used to solve the power flow equations such as Gauss
Seidel, Newton Raphson and Decoupled Newton Raphson methods. Each method
has its equations and principle to reach the solution. The difference between them
appeared in which method is more accurate and fast to get the results. The system
which assigned to be solved by Newton Raphson and Decoupled Newton Raphson
methods includes two bus. Bus.1 is slack bus where voltage is given and bus.2 is a
PQ bus where load power is given. The impedance of the transmission system
between bus.1 and bus.2 is given. To calculate the power flow
Restriction Of Freedom Of Speech In The United States
In the United States, freedom of speech is considered a universal right; it is the first
liberty listed in the bill of rights. Our freedom of speech is not absolute, however. In
some instances, such as child pornography, the government can restrict speech. The
development of certain exceptions has opened a door to debate on further restriction
of speech. Despite discussion of further bans of hate speech, self censorshipremains
the most effective way to control speech while respecting individual liberties. On the
50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement, Nicholas Dirks, Chancellor of the
University of California Berkeley, sent an email to members of the university
community expressing his thoughts on free speech. Although he recognizes
V For Vendetta Essay
Tarunpreet Singh Ms. Redd English 12 24 October,2017 Shenanigans of the
government In the world that we live in right now, anything is possible and that is
for the good and the bad. Like represented in the novel, 1984 by George Orwell, the
party used technology to make a whole new society that goes by the rules of the
party, which just means that anything that the party does is justifiable because they
are the ones making the rules and anybody who doesn t obey them gets vaporized .
Another example of the government controlling the people and invading their rights
for the benefit of the government is the movie V for Vendetta directed by James
McTeigue in 2006. After reading 1984 and V for Vendetta , some might wonder if our
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Another type of surveillance was that the part used children, With those children,
he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two
years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of
unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all
was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically
turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no
tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary,
they adored the Party and everything connected with it (24,Orwell). This quote
shows that the party used children to spy on their parents and other individuals.
The children have been brainwashed since they were born, this is another tactic
the party used to make sure that it stays in power because if they can move the
youth to their side, the whole nation will follow. We might not know it but our
government might just be looking through our electronics and keep an eye on us.
Technology is good for us but it has been exploited in so many different negative
ways that it would be better if we did not have electronics because we would still
have our privacy. V for Vendetta uses similar tactics as us and 1984 to keep a close
eye on the people of the nation. In the movie, they used cameras, telescreens, taped
phones, fingermen,etc. as surveillance tools to
The Devils Own Wine Shoppe Essay
|Case 3: The Devil s Own Wine Shoppe |
|Business Strategy: Spring 2013 April 8, 2013 |
|Tamara M. Yancy |
Case Analysis: The Devil s Own Wine Shoppe
The article, The Devil s Own Wine Shoppe revolves around the wine store owned by
Bruce Nelson and his wife, Mary Lee. Being a business owner has been a life long
dream of Bruce. They opened the wine store in August 1974 with initial capital of
$22,000 and an initial outlay of $17,258. In addition to owning the wine store, Bruce
works fulltime as a car salesman while ... Show more content on ...
Not only were the competitors able to price their products lower than the Nelsons
they were able to offer discounts that the Nelson s could not afford to offer; thus
making them more attractive to the consumer. Lastly, the competitors were able to
advertise on a level that was not financially feasible for the Nelsons. Because of their
advertising abilities, the competitors were able to create more awareness of their
wine selection that the Nelsons which subsequently pulled customers away from the
Nelson s wine store.
The Nelson s wine store was operating a loss. They began their business with a
$7,000 personal savings investment and a $15,000 which they had not been able to
begin repayment during their nine months of operations. After the performance of
a financial analysis, it was concluded that the Nelsons were losing on average $802
per month with estimated average monthly sales of $1,888 and estimated average
monthly expenses of $1,580. At these levels, not only could the Nelsons not make a
profit, they could not breakeven. In order to breakeven, the Nelsons would need to
generate sales of $5,642 offering no salary to Bruce or $9,214 offering a salary to
Problem Statement
Which income generating venture should the Nelson s pursue: the wine shop or
fulltime employment at the dealership?
An Army White Paper, The Profession Of Arms
An Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms A Profession of Arms. It is a title
that the United States Army currently holds. A Profession that is uniquely
separates us based on the lethality of our weapons and operations. Many factors are
involved that make what we do in the Army a Profession and not just a job or an
occupation. To maintain this idea that what we do is a Profession takes
understanding what a Profession is, a tenuous balance by leadership and the culture
of the professionals within. As a Human Resource Sergeants, we do not carry the
Arms that grant us our lethality, yet we still have a vital role within this Profession
of Arms. In order to understand how the Human resource Sergeant fits a role in the
Profession of Arms, we must understand what a Profession is. The definition of a
Profession is job that requires special education, training, or skill, often gained
through lengthy years of study and practice. Deeper than that it is uniquely expert
work that values effectiveness over efficiency. We as Soldiers spend years honing our
craft either formally in our Noncommissioned Officer Education System or in our
organic training within our Units. It is through this constant training over time that
mold us into the subject matter experts of our work. Professions earn trust through
their Ethic (moral values) allowing them to work with less external oversight, trusted
to self correct on its own accord. We have proven time and again that we have the
The Call Of The Wild, White Fang, And The Sea Wolf
Lauren Leibman
Ms. Adams
English III Honors
28 November 2017 Title of Your Report
Author Background
According to Franklin Walker, the well known American author of such beloved
titles as The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea Wolf, was born on January
12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. He spent much of his childhood on ranches
and the streets of Oakland, as well as sailing on San Francisco Bay. During his
teenage years, London fell into strange and unfulfilling jobs that led to a personal
revelation about the importance of an education. London spent a few months
educating himself on both high school and college material, but when word of
discovered gold in the Klondike spread, London, at the age of twenty one, left his
home to participate in the hunt for treasure. He published a short story collection
called The Son of the Wolf in 1900 and three years later his novel The Call of the
Wild awarded him new fame and notoriety. After a successful career as a writer,
London died in 1916 at the age of forty (Walker 1).
The Sea Wolf follows the adventure of Humphrey Van Weyden, a literary critic and
essay writer who has never known any real hardship or physical challenge. At the
start of the novel, Van Weyden boards a boat called The Martinez, wholly unaware
that it is about to sink. As the vessel is pulled beneath the waves, Van Weyden jumps
overboard and struggles in the freezing water. Fortunately, he is rescued by the
passing vessel The Ghost
Key Elements Of A Strong Relationship Analysis
Communication, coping ability, and loyalty are all very important elements that a
strong relationship should consist of. In the last four years my cousin and I thought
we had mastered those elements. On May 12, 2016, the day before my graduation,
we were proven wrong.That afternoon, we got Into an intense debate that caused our
relationship to change drastically.The bond that we had was supposed to be
unbreakable. No one would ve ever thought that something as simple as her not being
able to get a ticket to my graduation would ve torn us apart.
The main factor that caused our relationship to go astray was communication. Instead
of talking face to face with each other, we communicated through text messaging.
By doing this it made us say things that we wouldn t normally say to one another in
person. It gave us this false sense of power that we abused with harsh word to bring
the other down. We weren t able to listen and actually analyze what the other person
was saying or feeling without being interrupted with the rapid fire of text messages.
In order to have stopped this from occurring. We should have arranged a time and
place where we could ve sat down and talked face to face about the situation. ... Show
more content on ...
Every message that was sent the other person viewed it as a dagger to the heart,
instead of trying to find the positive side in the situation. We decided to grow apart
rather than admitting our faults and learning from them to build a better
relationship for the future. For example, when we would encounter each other, we
acted as if the other person was invisible. Then, there was this one time we
unexpectedly ended up at my grandmother s house, and to avoid being in the living
room with her. I went in the bedroom and locked the door. To end the childish like
acts that we had started to use against one another. We could have added a third party
to help such as a friend or extended
Characterisation And Symbolism In Hamlet
William Shakespeare s metaphysical tragedy Hamlet, explores the complexities of the
human condition, in a world shaped heavily by tensions triggered by Medieval and
Renaissance paradigms. Shakespeare s masterful use of language, content and
construction serves to reflect enduring values through Hamlet s struggle in
distinguishing truth from illusion, and his navigation of the moral complexities of
revenge and human mortality. Despite changing interpretations of the play,
Shakespeare s characterisation and symbolism of Hamletas an existentialist hero
engages the play s textual integrity, fuelling its transcendence of contextual
boundaries and continual relevance with modern audiences.
Through Hamlet, Shakespeare expresses the epistemological doubt our realities are
built upon by exploring the duality of human behaviour in a pursuit for total truth.
Hamlet s antithetical questioning of the Ghost as either a spirit of health or goblin
damned evinces ambiguity within Hamlet, with the imagery foul, strange and
unnatural reiterating the dramatic tension evoked by the warlike Ghost. The use of
the ghost as a plot device coupled with the epanalepsis Seems, madam? Nay it is, I
know not seems cautions the fallibility of the Ghost in its possibility of unveiling
some foul play . Through the dichotomous epizeuxis One may smile, and smile, and
be a villain and his fretful diction all is not well , Hamlet contests the veracity of
mankind, catalyzing his misogyny towards Ophelia as evinced through the hendiadys
Th expectancy and rose of the fair state which highlights the splitting duality at the
heart of human nature. This is reinforced by the juxtaposed portrayal of the lines
most beautified Ophelia and Get thee to a nunnery , exemplifying Hamlet s deceitful
means of relationship as a manipulative front. Marcellus s synecdoche something is
rotten in the state of Denmark substantiates the corruption infecting Denmark state,
drawing upon the motif of decay as attested by Hamlet s metaphor an unweeded
garden that grows to seed. Things rank and gross . Hamlet s employment of The
Mousetrap , the mise en abyme, ultimately heightens the frailty of truth, sparking
fallacious notions as he attempts to
The Global Of Natural Resource Curse And Transparency
It also has very high resource rents as a share of GDP, at 47%. However, resources
do not always automatically lead to poor outcomes. For instance, North America
produces more oil than Africa, but it has the lowest resource rents as a share of
GDP and has good governance ratings. Canada remains among the top ten world oil
producers, according to the US Department of Energy, but has one of the least
corrupt governments in the world, also according to the World Bank. Norway is
one of the top ten exporters of crude oil in the world, while maintaining its stature
as a perennial leader of the United Nations Human Development Index. In this way,
natural resource curse did not appear to be unavoidable. Global Approaches to
Resource Curse and Transparency The widespread of negative impact of natural
resource abundance lead the world to explore possible ways to tackle the problems
effectively and turn these resources into the welfare of countries. The new
conventional view is that the resource curse can be explained by equating good
outcomes from oil revenues with good governance and good institutions. *At the
center of the debate over the occurrence of the resource curse also lies the importance
of the role of institutions in promoting economic growth and maintaining high quality
governance. If institutions are not strong enough to oversee ownership, profit taking
and resolution of grievances, the rapid flow of resource rents can quickly overwhelm
the government s ability to exert
Monitoring The Energy Consumption Mac Protocols
Data Transmission in Automatic Irrigation System Using WSN
Akshay U. Mankar
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology
Pune, India Prof. Mrs. Snehal Bhosale
Assistance Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology
Pune, India Abstract Wireless SensorNetwork broadly
used for observing the environmental constraint. An automated irrigation system is
developed to improve water use for agriculture yields. Energy conservation is a
very critical issue in wireless sensor networks. For monitoring the energy
consumption MAC protocols plays a very major role. With the help sensors and
simple circuitry this work purposes low cost product, which can be bought even by
a poor farmer. The structure has a dispersed sensor nodes (SN) comprising of soil
moisture, humidity and temperature sensors located in the soil and base station
(BS). BS will gather data from SN. If the collected data in the BS is less than
threshold value then BS will perform a needed action for irrigation. In this project, a
TDMA based algorithm and single hop wireless communication are used to provide
better energy efficiency. Network Simulator 3 (NS 3) has been used for the
exploration of the algorithm.
Keywords TDMA scheduling, Wireless sensor networks, Energy efficiency,
Automatic irrigation
How Did Ww2 Changed The World
The 20th century had many ups and downs in its time period. Ranging from the
great depression to times like the 1920s and 1980s. And world war II was right in
the middle of all that. It was a time when families went from being poverty stricken
to pulled apart at the start of world war II. And World War II also changed the world,
Changed and enhanced technology, and turned the U.S into a superpower.
World War II changed the world. It caused the cold war. It caused the birth of the
nuclear and the arms race between the U.S and Russia and also made new new
countries at the end of World War II. The cold war went from the end of world war
II all the way to the 1980s. It was a time when everyone was anti communist and
pro USA and when everyone feared the nuclear bomb. Everyone was in the mindset
that communism was really bad and anyone that was a communist should be sent off
to jail. The end of World War II also brung up the creation of new countries like
Austria and Czechoslovakia. Which were spin offs of germany and Russia ... Show
more content on ...
Like new types of weapons to be used, it also lead to the space race from the
creation of rockets, and it also lead to weapon research and improvements.
Germany lead the world in new weapons research and new bewildering types of
technological weapons. At the end of World War II the U.S and the Soviets
scrambled to try and find blueprints of weapons and bombs that germany was in the
process of making. And during this search the U.S and the Soviets found blueprints
to a rocket that was capable of going into space going to far distance across the
globe and landing on a different country with a bomb on it. And then the idea of
rockets lead to the idea of getting someone on the moon which lead to the space
The Japanese Culture Of Japan
The Japanese are a nation with a culture influenced by many yet uniquely Japanese
and connected to their past. They retain strong ties to their early legends, religions,
and traditions while continuing to progress with the rest of the world. With these
ideas that have been passed down and preserved, there have also been forms of dance
and music that have been influenced by other countries, made uniquely Japanese, and
continued through today.
The Japanese people as we know them today were not the original inhabitants of the
land. The native people, the Ainu, were hunters and fishermen closer in resemblance
to Caucasians. There is now only a small group of them residing in the Northern
section of Japan. The Japanese people are believed, based on physical characteristics
as well as language, to originate from central Asia. Movement from mainland Asia
continued throughout the history of Japan and played a large role in how their culture
developed. The country consists of four large islands all of which are lush and
mountainous. The people of Japan have survived because of their developments in
agriculture, supplemented by their fishing capabilities (Morton 6). Japanese
religious ideas and beliefs have a root in Shinto, a naturalistic religion with a focus in
animism. Early Shinto legends express that the land was created by, then inhabited
by the gods Izanagi and Izanami. When Izanami died while giving birth to the Fire
God, Izanagi went to the underworld to retrieve her, only
Will And Revoke All Prior Wills And Codicils
I, Alice Hayes, of Libertyville, Illinois, make this my Will and revoke all prior wills
and codicils.
Article 1
My Family. I was married, but my husband has deceased. I have three (3) children
now living, namely TROY HAYES (Troy), MARISSA MARSHELL (Marissa), and
JOHN HAYES (John). I intend by this Will to provide for all my children, including
any born or adopted in the future. I have six (6) grandchildren now living, namely
HAYES (Sarah).
Article 2
Gifts on My Death
2.1Specific Gifts of Tangible Personal Property. I give the following tangible personal
property upon my ... Show more content on ...
2.3 General/Demonstrative Gifts. I give my general or demonstrative legacies as
(a) I give ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to each of my grandchildren who survive me.
(b) I give five thousand dollars ($5,000) to my friend, WALTER WALSH (Walter) of
Island Lake Illinois, if he survives me.
(c) I give two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) to my friend ELIZABETH
FORD (Elizabeth) of Zion Illinois if he survives. (d) I give five thousand dollars
(5,000) to my sister FRANCINE FRANCO (Francine) of Island Lake Illinois, if
living, otherwise to her husband, BERNARD FRANCO (Bernard), of Island Lake
(e) I give ten thousand dollars (10,000) to my church, St Joseph s in Zion, Illinois.
(f) I give ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the American Cancer Society at the local
Chicago Chapter.
(g) I give fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to Orphans of the Storm.
(h) I give twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to the local chapter of the Juvenile
Diabetes Research Foundation in honor of my granddaughter Constance.
(i) I want all of my shares of ABC stock to be evenly divided into three equal portions
as follows:
(a) I give one portion to my niece, FLORA FRANCO (Flora) and FAUNA FRANCO
(Fauna), if living, otherwise to their descendants.
(b) I give another portion to the children of my son, Troy if living or otherwise to
their descendants, but even if living, my
Food Shortages And Its Effects On Eating Habits Essay
In America, we are constantly surrounded by abundance. Food is a prevalent waste
item in the United States. Most people do not think about the resources it took to
produce, transport, and prepare the food they throw away. Our food waste is not
actually just trash; it is the key to human survival. Ordinary consumers can change
the future with one small action: to stop wasting food. Actions at the individual level
can decrease food waste and feed those in need. Twenty five percent of purchased
food is thrown away. (TED) Often this is because food has spoiled, but it can be for
other reasons such as oversupply, misread labels, or individual consumer shopping
and eating habits.
Food insecurity can be defined as the inability to acquire an adequate quality or
sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways or the uncertainty that one
will be able to do so. One in six Americans are food insecure. There are five
components of food security, including quantity, quality, suitability, psychological,
and social factors. Food insecurity can occur for a variety of reasons, the main one
being poverty. Decreasing the amount of food wasted has the ability to feed millions
of these Americans.
Food loss refers to a decrease in mass, nutritional value, or quality of food that was
originally intended for human consumption. These losses are caused by shrinkage
from cooking, loss from mold, pests, or inadequate
A Brief Note On Human Resource Management And The
STUDENT ID: 20141895
DATE: 5 June 2015
INTRODUCTION I was working in Philips Company in India as a sales manager of
the different types of the product and the Philips Company was founded in 1891 by
Gerard Philips his father Frederik Philips they came with company as Philips co. in
Netherland at Eindhoven after 5 years the young brother strengthened the Philips co
by introducing the bulbs in a market within a few years the Philips company become
a largest supply of bulbs and commercial talent in the world and it was industrial
revolution and Philips research laboratory was established at 1914 and they started
introduce the first innovation is x ray and radio technology.
Here we dealing with many products like sound and vision particularly televisions,
home cinema sound, home audio, DJ equipment s, Headphones, Digital audio and
video and many other products and company providing the customer service which is
the main component of business during the outlets and involving with the customer
(, 2014)
To increase a number of customers in overseas and local market
Research Paper On Cinque Terre Day
Cinque Terre Day 2: Thursday June 23, 2016 We forced ourselves to get a very
early start this morning so we could beat the crowds in the remaining two towns,
Vernazza and Monterosso. We arrived in numero quattro, Vernazza, just as all the
locals and shop keepers were getting ready for the day, and we enjoyed having the
little town to ourselves. Or at least it felt that way after the crowds we experienced
the day before. Then, it was on to numero cinque, Monterosso! According to Rick
Steves, it is Cinque Terre s only resort town. Both Bob and I were not expecting to
like it as much as the other towns from this description. However, along with
Corniglia, it ended up being one of our favorites. Since it is a little larger than the
Carol Rogers Influence in Psychology
Carl Rogers and His Influence on Modern Psychology
Carl Rogers is considered the founder of client centered therapy, which asserts that
childhood experiences affect an individual s feelings, thoughts, and behavior (Rathus,
2004). The therapist must see the world from that of the client to be effective in
treatment. Rogers has influenced many psychological theories and therapies present
today, especially positive psychology. Despite this fact, many who practice positive
psychology do not, or are not willing to, accept the influence of past theories.
Client Centered Therapy In 1959, Rogers asserted that the therapeutic relationship is
used differently with different clients and it is not necessary to manipulate the ...
Show more content on ...
This type of therapy began to be misused and negative emotion, that may play a
beneficial role in therapy, was ignored completely. In fact, pessimism can even
become an important strategy to deal with anxiety. Individuals can use negative
thinking as a defensive strategy to work through their anxiety with the result being
just as effective as those who take an optimistic approach (Chang Norem, 2002; as
cited in La Torre, p. 153). In a true clinical setting, a patient is free to express feelings
and experiences to facilitate self healing through positive intervention techniques.
With the data available on positive psychology, many clinicians may be tempted to
utilize a particular positive intervention with the belief it will make a tremendous
impact on the patient. However, this may be unhealthy for the patient who may need
to experience negative or difficult emotion to work through the issue they are dealing
with. Nonetheless, positive therapy has a definitive useful role in psychological
treatment and adds a deeper dimension to the treatment setting (p. 404). Therapists
who use this type of therapy, however, should remember not to become a slave to
the tyrannies of optimism (Seligman, 1990, p. 292; as cited in La Torre, p. 404).
Carl Rogers and Positive Psychology Many of Carl Rogers s ideas have been
influential on modern psychological practices, and specifically in the area of positive
psychology. Client centered therapy is
Pope, Swift, and Aristocratic Women Essay
The task of satirist is to criticise the vices and follies of their contemporary society.
However, the purpose of satire is to be universal. In this case, we are going to focus
our attention on the works of two major poets of the 18th century which can be
subscribed within Augustan literature: Alexander Pope s The Rape of the Lock and
Jonathan Swifts The Lady s Dressing Room .
In Pope s mock heroic verse The Rape of the Lock (1717) what is criticised is a
moral fault: mainly, immoderate female moral pride. There are several versions of
the poem. However, we have preferred the last one which consists of 794 lines in
five cantos, as it was revised to be included in Pope s Works (1717) and is the one
which stands now. Written in heroic... Show more content on ...
But a woman without a husband and children had limited chances of fulfilment, even
in rank which ensured her material comforts and unquestioned social privilege.
Her vanity seems to take the form of a religious ritual when describing her morning
toilette: And now, unveil d, the Toilet stands display d,
Each Silver Vase in mystic Order laid.
First, rob d in White, the Nymph intent adores
With Head uncover d, the Cosmetic Pow rs.
A heav nly Image in the Glass appears,
To that she bends, to that her Eyes she rears; (l.121 6)
Readers familiar with the classics may realize the parallel between Belinda s
preparation consisting of make up and the arming of the hero at the battle, as i.e.
Achilles in Homer s Odyssey. If we pay attention to words such as mistyc , adores , or
heav nly , the aforementioned religious ritual would include Belinda as the priestess
and Betty , who is her maid, as the acolyte, or inferior priestess . We are described a
sacred rite of pride, and as Ian Jack argues:
Pope shows Belinda lavishing on her own beauty the adoration which should be
reserved for a higher object (...) In the thought of the 18th century pride remained the
first of sins. By making it sacred, Belinda, and the whole beau monde which she
College Education Is The Best Time Of A Person s Life
Having a college education is considered a must for success in the real world and it
is an archaic and much believed thought that college education is associated with a
successful life. College education is a necessity for living up to the standards of the
world and is necessary for shaping a literate and well informed society. College
teaches people things that the real world will probably not hence it becomes
obligatory that after passing high school, students need to obtain a college degree.
Where there are many people who disagree with the concept of having a college
degree and spending a fortune on college educationbecause it has nothing to do with
success, there are others who willfully agree that college is undoubtedly the best
time of a person s life and college teaches lessons that one carries with them all
There are two sides of the argument; in favor of college education and one that goes
against it. Those that oppose college are people who feel that it is burden and
waste of economic resources and it needs to be skipped out from the lives of the
people who need to get acquainted with the real world as soon as they can because
college life and education are a loud cry from reality and it doesn t really help when
it comes to obtaining a good occupation or even the part of making it through the
three four years of college. The opponents of college education point out various
issues related to college teaching as well as the teachers and the students.
Case Study Of KFC
Fast foods are termed as quick, easily accessible and cheap alternatives to home
cooked meals, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They also tend to
be high in saturated fat, sugar, salt and calories. According to the NIH, many fast food
chains have responded to growing public awareness about nutrition by offering
some food that is lower in fat and calories than their normal fare. Fast food is the
term given to food that is prepared and served very quickly. Firstly in 1950 fast
food was popularized. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered
fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in restaurants or store with preheated
or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form ... Show
more content on ...
The Colonel awards Pete Harman of Salt Lake City with the first KFC franchise. A
handshake agreement stipulates a payment of a nickel to Sanders for each chicken
1955 Sanders sell the service station that he receives his first social security check
for $105. After paid all the debts owed, he is virtually broke, bankrupt. He decides to
sell his Secret Recipe to restaurants.
1957 Kentucky Fried Chicken first sold their chicken in buckets.
1960 There have total 190 KFC franchisees and 400 franchise units in the U.S. and
1964 Kentucky Fried Chicken has more than 600 franchised outlets in the United
States, Canada. The first overseas outlet located in England. Sanders sell his interest
in the U.S. company for $2 million to a group of investors headed by John Y. Brown
Jr., so KFC now cooperation.
1966 The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation goes public.
1969 The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation is listed on the New York Stock
1971 More than 3,500 franchised and company owned restaurants exist in worldwide
when Heublein Inc. acquires KFC Corporation.
1976 An independent survey ranks the Colonel as the world s second most
Positives And Negatives Of Consumerism
Just what is consumerism, and is it beneficial or detrimental to our economy and
society? Basically, consumerism is the ideology that people must buy products
and services in order to allow the economy to function correctly, but is this line of
thinking accurate? It is entirely possible that consumerism is creating a downward
slope, leading us into greed and selfishness; but it is also argued that consumerism
is merely a means to stimulate the economy and produce a better society as a
whole. There are flaws in the system of course: pollution, greed, wasted materials;
but there are also benefits to it, such as, the creation of new jobs, the growth of
businesses, and even a show of patriotism. In essence, consumerism is both a
positive and a negative force in the modern world, depending on how it is utilized
and portrayed, for example: a person with a positive world value would best consider
balancing out their life so they are neither needlessly consuming nor being a
minimalist to a... Show more content on ...
There is methods of taking it too far, such as wearing the same dress for an entire
year (Holt 1 3), but there is a way to use minimalism within reason to benefit both
arguments. And while it is good to care about the environment and not waste
materials, people should not take it to extremes that could be unhygienic or
detrimental to their health. (Holt 1 3). A perfect example of a healthy medium
would be being considerate to the fact that consumers have the option to only buy
necessities and the occasional goods and/or services for entertainment or pleasure
(Millburn and Nicodemus). The idea of the healthy medium has long been since
argued from even before the 1980 s, when people considered the idea of Whoever
dies with the most toys wins, to today where many are starting to think that we must
Make due with less (Kennedy), but is either side fully
Da Roc Research Paper
Maker 1: This project is known as Da Roc , where Chrissy was reared. This
significant place for Chrissy is where she came when she left the hospital after
being born and where she met her long time childhood friend, Marci. This is also
where she lost her virginity to her first love Evan. Da Rock is where you really did
not want to live if you didn t have to, it is a low income housing project. Pulling
into to the parking lot you are met with children of all different ages and trash.
There is always a crowd of guys standing around and women sitting on porches,
watching. Constantly bombarded with fights, shooting or something taking place. Da
Roc is where she left everyone and everything she loved behind to start a new and
fresh life after she
operation management
Question 1
Quality objectives:
Quality means consistence conformance to costumer expectations (Slack,
Chambers Johnston 2010 pg 40) Quality for the London eye could mean designing
a structure that provides a bird s eye view of London. Quality could also mean a
high design of their processes, including ensuring that all 32 capsules are cleaned,
staff are well trained in health and safety and are always professional at all times.
Quality also means the London eye is safe and reliable. Quality also means that the
timed admissions booking systems (TABS) is on time. Quality could also mean error
free processing for their timed admissions system. Quality means that all parts for the
London eye is made to specification and the assembly is ... Show more content on ...
Summertime schedule
10am 9.30pm = 12 hours
1600 passengers X 12 hours = 19,200 passengers for 12 hours/day.
19,200 passengers X 7 days = 134,440 passengers per week.
Summer weeks = 24 weeks.
Therefore total capacity for the summer is:
134,440 passengers per week X 24 weeks = 3,225,600 passengers
Winter Schedule
1600 X 8 hours = 12, 800 passengers for an 8 hours/day
10am 6pm = 8 hours
12,800 passengers X 7 days = 89,600 passengers per week.
Winter weeks = 28 weeks.
Therefore total capacity for the winter is:
89,600 passengers per week X 28 weeks = 2,508,800 passengers
Total capacity based on the operating schedule of the London eye is: schedule
Winter schedule
Summer schedule
Total operating Capacity
Question 3
There could be a loss of utilisation on the London eye due to variety of issues.
Weather conditions
The weather conditions can affect the London eye in a number of ways examples
utilisation can be affected in a number of ways. Heavy winds can affect the
utilisation of the eye forcing it to stop also heavy snowfall can delay and reduce the
amount of rotations the eye can perform or worse snowfall could mean that the
London eye will not be operational.
Blackouts will have a major impact on the London eye. The London eye is powered
electrically it needs electricity to rotate and in the event of a blackout, the London
eye will
The Role Of Managers And Hr Practitioner s Interaction...
The study focuses on the role of managers and HR practitioner s interaction within
disciplinary processes, which has been given less attention throughout research. The
focus being that HR professionals retain a role in providing advice and expertise in
ensuring managers comply with disciplinary procedures (Harris et al., 2002:253)
whereas this arguably comes into conflict with operational managers perceived
preference for informality (Edwards ,2000:253) This research may in turn provide
the basis for both organisational policies and practices to change.
The study focuses on the roles of managers and HR professional s interaction within
the disciplinary processes and whether one side of management is favoured more in
dealing with the issues than the other. The different approaches managers and HR
professionals undertake when dealing with disciplinary processes is questionable.
Considering statutes based around the chosen topic Gibbons Review (2007), which
highlighted the fact that greater emphasis had been placed on following procedures
correctly. However, Atwater et al (2007) (1) suggested that the impact of the
procedural changes introduced under the Employment Act (2008), downgraded rather
than enhanced procedural fairness. Therefore, highlighting that the attention placed
on the nature of dealing with employee issues is not favoured within larger
organisations, resulting in varied approaches between managers meaning the
consistency is therefore not followed through,
Ethical Issues And Risks Of Organ Donation
Organ Transplantation is the surgical approach to replacing failing, diseased or
infected organs from one person, with healthier biological tissues or organs from a
donor whose structures function well.
Many people agree that to take and use organs from another source is justifiable
within certain ethical boundaries. However it is when the need for organ transplants
becomes overwhelming that these initial boundaries are questioned and challenged.
This would result in the death of many patients as well as harm to the donors.
Cadaveric organ donation
Consent must have been given before the death of the donor for the use of their
organs and body parts.
Living organ donation.
For cadaveric organ donation, there is a waiting list that has so far foreseen the death
of many patients due to long periods of waiting time.
Ethical issues and risks for the donor:
Pain, discomfort, infection, bleeding and future problems are plausible.
Pressure from, peers, the patient, family or themselves where guilt is often involved
may eventually damage the individual s mental and spiritual states. Resentment and
forms of negative connotations may arise e.g. depression. If the patient is also of
close relation to the donor, they may feel obligated or pressured into giving the other
person one of their structures. Donors are not provided an advocate unlike the patient.
This may cause discomfort and stress due to the surgery.
Medical and ethical debates:
Living donors are faced
Difference Between PHP And Ruby On Rails
Ruby on Rails versus PHP
PHP and Ruby on Rails are both awesome web languages. Some developers prefer
PHP to Ruby on Rails while others prefer Ruby on Rails to PHP. There are some
reasons that are accustomed to that.
For starters let s understand what they entail:
What is Ruby on Rails and PHP
For starters Ruby on Rails is a framework that has Ruby as its main language. PHP on
the other hand is a web programming language that works with storage, editing,
transmission and integration of databases.
PHP is a language that works with the back end side of a web page or app. It
mainly uses sets of scripts to link one thing and the other. Ruby on the other hand is
a programming language that provides back end solutions to apps or websites. Ruby
... Show more content on ...
Cons of Ruby on Rails
You will need a lot of time and patience to full learn Ruby and learn all its tricks and
Its processing time tends to be slower as compared to other languages.
Yes, it does have some resources but they aren t enough. Thus in trouble shooting
problems you may find it difficult to get a forum that addresses such an issue.
Its updates and development are slow.
PHP and Ruby on Rails are both awesome in building applications and websites.
However they differ in many ways, if you want to learn fast start with PHP. You
should also remember to do regular practice so as to perfect in it. Ruby on Rails
takes more time as you have to setup a lot of stuff before starting the actual coding.
This can be tiresome and take time. Most web servers and hosting companies also
support PHP, unlike Ruby on Rails that is not that flexible. Versus
Learning Ruby on Rails can be very advantageous for anyone, as you will manage to
be on top of the team. Most people know PHP; imagine being unique with your skills
in Ruby, awesome, right?
However much there are differences between the two, you should try them out. They
will definitely change your whole coding
Catalase In Avocado And Cantaloupe
Introduction Enzymes are catalysts that help promote chemical reactions by
integrating or breaking apart biological molecules. Most metabolic processes in the
cell need enzymes to occur at rates quick enough to sustain life. Because enzymes
are particular with what substances they choose to speed up, they only affect a tiny
percentage of all the possible reactions. The group of enzymes made in a cell
determine which metabolic pathway is selected. Enzymes are critical to the human
body, specifically the body s metabolismsystem. The metabolic system is a long
series of continuous chemical reactions, and these catalysts boost efficiency and
effect (Audesirk, Byers 99 102). Every enzymeaffects a particular and specific part of
the system, and... Show more content on ...
We created solutions of different concentrations of the substrate, hydrogen
peroxide. The concentrations included 0%, which was 4 mL of plain water,
.125%, .25%, .5%, 1%, 3%, and 6% hydrogen peroxide. To keep outside factors,
such as temperature, from affecting the results of the enzymatic rate of reaction,
we kept the two enzyme solutions in ice, and had each of the substrate solutions in
room temperature. The 0% substrate solution acted as the control group,
measuring what happens with the filter paper if there is no substrate. The rate of
reaction was measured by taking bits of the same size Whatman #1 filter paper, by
using a hole punch, dipping it in the enzyme solution for two seconds, letting the
excess soak into a paper towel, and putting the paper into the substrate solutions. As
the filter paper first touched the water, we started timing to measure how long it
would take for the paper to lift from the bottom of the glass. We did this with both
the cantaloupe and avocado, twice each, to have two trials for each percentage of
each solution. We then took the average of both tests and found the rate of reaction
by dividing one over the average of the rate of reaction for each
What I Have Majored And Systems Engineering ( Ise ) For...
Personal Statement
I have majored in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) for one and a half years
at Virginia Tech. My passion for ISE originated from my undergraduate studies. I
achieved GPA 91/100 and ranked 1/66 when I graduated from Nanjing University of
Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), one of China s top 3 universities offering the
Industrial Engineering program.
When I got into NUAA, I entered an Honors Program, which offers students a
chance to choose their majors according to academic interests after two years of
studying. In my first summer vacation, I volunteered to be a teacher in a school at
the far west of Tibet. With houses scattered over a radius of 7 miles and only one
school in this area, children have to travel several kilometers through mountains to
school. Our team met many problems. For example, how to visit students homes in
the shortest routes. We did not find a way out at that time. However, I never forgot to
find simple and effective solutions. To my great delight, in the Operations Research
(OR) course I took after the summer vacation, I found that the Travelling Salesman
Problem were so similar to problems we met at Tibet. Got inspired by the algorithms,
I designed a project named Application of OR Methods to Education Volunteering.
This project used Ant Colony Optimization to optimize home visiting routes covering
8 villages, Hungarian method to appoint 14 teachers to different courses, and
Program Evaluation and Review Technique to
The Drug Of Drugs And Crime
There has always been a close association between drugs and crime. Drugs have
been seen as a way out of suffering in one s life and so as long as there is suffering
there will always be a market for drugs. The struggle to keep one s self sane when
away from a substance they need can cause them to do crazy and even violent
things to others. Things like murdering someone because they did not have proper
control of themselves is not something unheard of by any means. These people can
been seen as both victims and criminals, as they were not in a sound state of mind
when doing these actions, however them doing the actions does not mean they
should get off scot free. The users are only one side of the coin, the other is the drug
dealers. The dealers do not have to be selling purely illegal drugs, they may be
selling prescription drugs too, but in the pursuit of their own survival in a struggling
life, they turn to selling substances to others. By doing so they can even amass a
fortune, but this is still a crime, and what people will do to try to get all this potential
money can span from robbing to murder. The articles I read from different media
support the fact there is indeed a tie with crime and drugs, being that an increase of
drugs on the street leads to more crime.
The Huffington Post had an interesting article that discussed the racial component to
crimes and drugs. Stating that blacks were sentenced much more frequently for drug
related crimes than whites, though
Retail Manager
| 2012| | Triangle Tribe Recruitment|
Recuritment of retail manager| |
Table of contents
Contents Page no.
Job analysis 2, 3, 4 Job description 5 Personnel specification 6 Method of recruitment
6, 7 Advertising campaign 8, 9 Action plan with timelines 10
EEO principles 11 ... Show more content on ...
4) How did you ensure that code of conduct is being followed during work?
* By keep checking on the staff from time to time and the major source is getting
positive feedback from customers.
Job Description
Department: Retail store
Position: Retail Manager
Job type: Permanent (38 40 hours)
Salary: $60,000 with normal entitlements
Employment Status: Ongoing
Other Facilities: Leased 3 series BMW
Retail Store Manager Job Duties: * Maintains store staff by recruiting, selecting,
orienting, and training employees * Maintains the stability and reputation of the store
by complying with legal requirements * Contributes to team effort by accomplishing
related results as needed * Protects employees and customers by providing a safe and
clean store environment * Identifies current and future customer requirements *
Maintains operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing programmes http:/
/ best practices/recruiting hiring advice/job descriptions/retail store
manager job description sample.aspx Personal Specifications
Qualification and related requirements * Candidate must poses degree or masters in
management, business or something equivalent to that. * Must having experience of
1 2 year(s) in related field * Applicants should be Australian citizens
Clara Barton s Angel In The Battlefield
Angel in the Battlefield the title given to someone who shaped the world as we
know it. Clara Barton was a world renowned nurse that accomplished everything
she did through determination and perseverance. Clara Barton was born on
Christmas Day in 1821, her dad said that she was a miracle. Clara Barton was the
youngest of 5 children, two brothers and two sisters. Like any other person, her
childhood shaped who she was. Stephen Barton, Clara s father had a career in the
military, which greatly influenced her goals and dreams. When Clara Bartonwas about
11 years her brother David was stacking hay in the barn and he fell. The accident
cause David to become seriously ill. Clara played nurse to him for two years,
sparking her interest in becoming a real nurse. As a young child Clara Barton was
blessed with intelligence and had an aptitude for schoolwork (Hamilton 20), that led
her to begin teaching in May of 1839 at the age of 18 in district 9 school in North
Oxford, Massachusetts. During teaching, she felt like she could further her education
in women teaching, after 10 years teaching, Clara Barton felt she could further her
education in women teaching, so she left her small New England town and set out to
New York, where she entered the Clinton Liberal Institute. While attending school she
quotes I must have been born believing in the full rights of women to all the
privileges and positions which nature and justice accord her in common with other
human beings.
Courage Of Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela quotes Courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over
it . He, Malala Yousafzai and Mother Jones worked tirelessly for their causes.
Nelson Mandela fought to end apartheid for his people. Malala Yousafzai was
determined to stand up for girls educational rights. And unfair child labor laws was
what drove Mother Jones to fight so hard for child labor rights. These activists,
Malala Yousafzai, Mother Jones, and Nelson Mandela all fought for equal
opportunity that leads to happiness and success for everyone.
Nelson Mandela, as the committed president of South Africa, worked tirelessly to
abolish apartheid, thereby making South Africa a liberated country. Mandela was
dedicated to the ideas he believed he should defend, and overcame challenges such
as a long prison term, Mandela was jailed for his political activities, and after a
widely publicized trial, was sentenced to life in prison...Over the years, Mandela
became the world s best known political prisoner, gaining international support for
his fight against apartheid. (Nelson Mandela introduction). Mandela has shown
great courage and strength in his fight. After being released from a 27 year prison
term, he went on to gain the trust of his country by becoming the first black South
African president. Mandela took a stand against apartheid and was a great leader
because he believed that everyone should be free, It was during those long and
lonely years that my hunger for the freedom of my
It s Not Rape If You Sing It
Joel Johnson
It s Not Rape if You Sing It:
Animals The Music Video a refreshing portrayal of American culture. The pop rock
band Maroon 5 s new hit single Animals from their fifth studio album V is their
10th song to reach the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. At first glance it
appears to be just another unoriginal pop rock song; melodic, repetitive. But as we
look at the press that surrounds both the song and its music video we find a
controversy surrounding sexual violence and objectification. There can be no
question of a need of such discussion in regards to the themes that Animals the
music video brings to light. That being said, the question in this discussion should
not be whether it promotes these topics but rather if it does a good enough job of
making the audience critically aware that these problems exist. This will be done by
looking at the video and its song from a radical Feminist perspective. Bell Hooks
defines Feminism as, a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.
And the first step of ending these things is showing how they are a part of our
culture which this video does brillintly. The music video is clearly, rather than
promoting rape culture, is not only a sardonic view of the song lyrics themselves
and the meaning behind them but also critiquing the hegemony of the sexually
violent culture we live in today. In this paper I would like to analyze the music video
Animals by Maroon 5 from two different angles. The first
The Diversity And New Organization
Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve is the FFA motto.
Some people do not know what the letters FFA stand for. They also do not know the
history that is behind the national organization.
What FFA means. FFA used to stand for the Future Farmers of America (What is
FFA, Nov.3, 2015). Now the official name is the National FFA Organization
(National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015). Some people think
that FFA is just for students who want to be a farmer or are a farm (What is FFA,
Nov.3, 2015). These people are wrong, FFA welcomes students who want to be a
doctor or even a scientist (What is FFA, Nov.3, 2015). That is the main reason why
the organization changed the name in 1988 ... Show more content on
3, 2015). The national emblem was adopted by Leslie Applegate from Freehold, N.J.
He was the first president for the FFA (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015).
In 1929, the colors national blue and corn gold became the official colors for the FFA
(FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). The FFA Creed was adopted by some delegated after the
official colors (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). Then the official dress with a blue
corduroy jacket was adopted in 1933 (National FFA Organization records, 1916
2008, Nov. 3, 2015). They got the idea of the blue corduroy jacket from the
Fredericktown FFA chapter in Ohio (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008,
Nov. 3, 2015).
After the Future Farmers of America formed in 1928, a national organization for
the African American students started in Tuskegee, Ala by G.W. Owens and J.R.
Thomas (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). The organization was called the New
Farmers of America, or NFA (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov.
3, 2015). The NFA and the FFA both had the same common beliefs (FFA History,
Nov. 3, 2015). Both of the Creeds had been written by E.M. Tiffany (National FFA
Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015), and had a total of six paragraphs
(FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). Every paragraph started with I believe (FFA History,
Nov. 3, 2015). There emblems had only one thing different was the outline shape
(FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015).

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  • 1. How To Use Footnotes In An Essay Writing an essay on the topic of footnotes might seem straightforward at first glance, but delving into the intricacies of their usage can quickly reveal layers of complexity. First and foremost, understanding the purpose of footnotes is crucial. They serve as a means to provide additional information, citations, or explanatory notes without disrupting the flow of the main text. However, mastering the art of incorporating footnotes seamlessly requires finesse. One challenge lies in striking the right balance between clarity and conciseness. Footnotes should enhance the reader's understanding without overwhelming them with extraneous details. This demands a keen editorial eye to determine which information merits inclusion in footnotes and which belongs in the main body of the essay. Furthermore, adhering to citation styles adds another layer of difficulty. Whether following MLA, APA, Chicago, or another style guide, each has its own rules regarding footnote formatting, citation structure, and placement within the text. Navigating these guidelines can be daunting, especially for those new to academic writing. Moreover, consistency is key when using footnotes throughout an essay. Ensuring that formatting, citation styles, and content remain uniform requires meticulous attention to detail. Even a minor inconsistency can detract from the essay's professionalism and coherence. Additionally, integrating footnotes effectively requires thoughtful consideration of the essay's structure and argumentation. Footnotes should complement the main text, providing relevant context or supporting evidence without overshadowing the primary points being made. Achieving this synergy demands strategic planning and careful execution. In summary, writing an essay on the topic of footnotes entails grappling with various challenges, including clarity, citation styles, consistency, and integration with the main text. Despite these difficulties, mastering the art of using footnotes can greatly enhance the quality and credibility of academic writing. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on How To Use Footnotes In An EssayHow To Use Footnotes In An Essay
  • 2. Trash In America The life of trash. It may be old, disgusting, and unwanted, but it lives way longer then we can see it. In this trash you can find things such as bottles, food, cans, clothes, and old technology . Sitting at a lunch table one might want to talk and enjoy their time with friends in the small break of the day. But they could be sitting and watching the trashcans with all their potential. The trash has lives too. Their life (cycle) could continue, but so many decide to end it after they are done with it. Many watch as the life of these items is ended early and unnecessarily. With the U.S. population approximately 320,000,000 persons and growing, recyclinghas the potential to have a huge impact economically, socially and environmentally. The U.S. (and 30 other countries) is part of the O.E.C.D. (Organization for Economic Co Operation and Development). This organization exists for governments to discuss global issues facing their countries, including disposing and recycling. Working through the O.E.C.D. global change could occur especially if America, the world s largest contributor, would lead. Recycling is small for individuals but can have huge rewards if everyone is involved. This can be accomplished by increasing awareness, education, and through incentives and/or fines. Most Americans do not recycle. America is a disposable society that produces... Show more content on ... They may believe that we have the resources to go through things, without realizing that the waste is stacking up. In spite of having easy access to clean water, the U.S. is the world s largest bottled water consumer. There are so many water bottles in the world that America s water bottles alone can go around the earth over 190 times. Many people intend to recycle disposable water bottles, however, 69% of bottled water containers end up in the trash and not in a recycling container. This can easily be avoided with access to recycle
  • 3. The Hidden Treasure Of History There was a time where I thought my small hometown of Portage, Pa was nothing more than a few streets that consisted of churches, small town businesses, and homes that housed only about 2,500 people. After many hours of research I have come to find that this small town is actually a hidden treasure of history that is far too fascinating to express. Although the town of Portage, Pa is only 125 years old, it is full of rich history that has shaped the Portage we all know today. Portage would not be the town it is today without the economic successes it had with the coal industry and more importantly the rule it played in the Allegheny Portage railroad. The geography of our town couldn t have been more perfect to house the railroad with ... Show more content on ... After a few adjustments to plans the building of the railroad began. The railroad was be completed by 1834 and it would be named the Allegheny Portage Railroad; the word portage is from the French word porter meaning to carry and Noah Webster defines Portage as carrying something overland from one body of water to another (Portage Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.3 4). The Allegheny Portage railroad would later be added onto the great Pennsylvania railroad that would serve throughout the whole state. So, first came the railroad and then because of the railroad, the growth of this new town began. Because of the railroad being built on this land that was all dense woodland and the steam engines in this area ran only on wood, the lumbering industry began. Sawmills were build all around the land that is now today Portage. Then with the new founding of coal, coal mines were also being built. This had a great economic impact on this land and in the 1860 s and 1870 s settlers began to flood into this area; most of these settlers were English and German speaking people (Portage Centennial Book Committee, 1990, p.7 8). During this time there was a town called old Portage and a town next to it called New Portage. In 1878 the old Portage would be changed to Portage Township and on October 7, 1890 new Portage
  • 4. The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Summary Kelley Calhoun What happens when success feels empty? Steven Covey answers this question and lays out a path of seven habits needed to be truly successful and fulfilled. Covey believes that the way we see the world is based entirely on our own perceptions. To affect change, we must change the way we perceive the world. Early in history successful people worked on character ethics like integrity, temperance, courage, modesty, and the Golden Rule. Somewhere around the 1920 s, success seekers shifted to personality ethics where success is a result of personality, public image, attitudes and behaviors. Many people want a quick fix or a shortcut to success without putting in the work. These people look to self help gurus and their books for the magic trick to achieving their success. To achieve this perception change, Covey came up with seven habits: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win/win; seek first to understand, then to be understood; synergize; and sharpen the saw. Covey s first habit is to be proactive. Being proactive means understanding a situation and discerning the things we have control over and making changes accordingly. To put this habit into practice Covey suggests being proactive instead of reactive. We are in charge of our lives by choosing how we react to events in our lives. He states that if you are unhappy, it is because you choose to be unhappy. Being proactive
  • 5. The Relations I Have With Siblings Essay Writing Project One Rough Draft The Relations I have with my siblings are the most important in my life for many reasons. My family includes my mom five siblings and I. Being the oldest child comes with great responsibilities and lots of expectations. When I was eleven I wished I was the youngest because I knew my younger brothers had the type of life I wanted. No chores just love and laughter with some video games thrown in. I always held my feelings in and just kept them to myself, I did not want to be a burden to mom. Looking back, I am truly happy my wish to be the youngest never came true. I am happy my life turned out to be like coal that turned into a diamond only; from time and the heavy pressure of exceptions and responsibility s. I Knew I was loved as a child, but I had so much responsibility that at times I would quietly resent my mom for placing such a heavy burden on my tiny shoulders. When all I wanted was to be like other children, without a care in the world, playing in a playground with the beautiful sun shining down on us as our childhood minds captured these moments to enjoy again as adults reminiscing about it as if it was an old video or picture. I remember keeping my resent locked down and just being a good mommy s helper. All my sadness fears and things I found to be a challenge would be kept in my heart. I would find my validation from helping other and putting myself on the back burner because I felt like I would be too selfish if I just did not
  • 6. To What Extent Was The Civil War Unavoidable I believe the Civil War was unavoidable because even if slavery wasn t wanted to be banned then, other wanted changes in America s society would have triggered the war. The Civil War changed so many different aspects within our own country, these changes were mostly involved with social issues and rights. The Civil War marked the beginning of a large reformation period. After the 13th Amendment came out and slavery was banned, more amendments of change came into view. 14th amendment was pronounced and gave the right to every citizen born on US soil, gained citizenship to America. Soon after this, voting was considered a right and African American men wanted it. This became known as the 15th amendment. All the drama America went through to give
  • 7. Environmental Plans And Wildlife Management Programs As discussed in previous projects, an airport is a significant element in any community. This element has a direct and an indirect impact on the community. With the establishment of an airport, many businesses start to facilitate the construction works. After operating the airport, many businesses start to facilitate the airports operations. In addition, the airport itself hires staff to run the business. Moreover, airports contribute to the surrounding communities. Thus, the existing of an airport might be harmful to the environment and the wildlife around the airport. Therefore, many airport authorities utilize environmental plans and wildlife management programs. On the other hand, wildlife is a hazard for airports in some cases. For the FAA, wildlife strikes is one of the increasing issues in airports safety (Greenberger, 2013). From 1988 till 2012, more than 219 people were killed and more than 200 aircrafts were destroyed (Greenberger, 2013). Therefore, wildlife management plans are beneficial for wildlife and the airport operations. In other words, wildlife plans mitigate the risks for wildlife around airfields and mitigate the wildlife of concern risk for airplanes. In 2012 during the approach of Air Force Two at Santa Barbra Airport in California, a bird stroked the airplane. Another bird strike happened during the landing of an Airbus 300 at Tulsa International airport, which caused damaged to the wing and engine that cost about $ 6 millions (Greenberger,
  • 8. Failure Of The Stalemate On The Western Front The main theatre of fighting in World War One was on the Western Front. The Western Front was a stretch of land weaving through France and Belgium from the Swiss Boarder to the North Sea. The belligerents on the Western front consisted of the central powers, Austria Hungary and Germany pitted against the Entente Powers. This involved the British empire, the Russian empire and the French with the addition of the United States from 1917 onwards. The creation of the stalemate on the Western Front is linked to a variety of reasons. These include the failure of the Schlieffen plan, The Battle of the Marne, Plan 17 and the Race to the Sea and the defensiveness of weapons. Failure of the Schlieffen Plan To a large extent the failure of the Schlieffen plan was the most significant reason for the creation of the western front. The Schleiffen Plan was a defensive military strategy to deal with the French and Russian forces , staunch allies, in order to avoid a war on two fronts. Which was not what Germany wanted. This plan created by Von Schleiffen Outlined that troops being sent through Belgium and the Netherlands whilst simultaneously having the bulk of troops travel down to defend the Alsace Lorraine region which Germany had gained in the Franco Prussian war (1970). The troops at Belgium would attack as a hammer swing effect for they would travel south and around Paris capturing the city whilst the French forces were distracted. However, on the contrary
  • 9. Quality And Characteristics Of Different Platforms Aim of this report is to identify nature, quality and characteristics of different platforms available such as Peer to Peer, Client Server, and virtualization architecture to establish a communication network between computers in relation with administration, security and usability. Communication is the need for all businesses, with the growing number of population the demand to use better ways to communicate and share resources are increasing, and thanks to the fast emerging new technologies now organizations are able to share their resources efficiently. Today organizations can easily established a network of the computers and devices to fulfill their need to share information, files and resources over network. To do so, there are mainly three platforms available, each has its own pros and cons. Even after establishment of the network there is also a need of care so that network keep running smoothly without any problems. To optimize the working of the network, we need to administrate the network with best practice in place. There are many roles and responsibilities associated to in maintaining a network such as building, configuring, managing user s permissions to performing regular test and optimizing network, but with the rise in the shift the organization do their business also increases the threats associated to them. That is where the need for security arises to protect with the increasing threats of malicious attack such as viruses, hacking and botnets etc. So
  • 10. USSS Strength Training Program Strength Training: The Secret Service has created a strength training workout to assist you in building a strong base that will prepare you for your training and everyday duties. This program is not designed to make you a body builder but to assist you in gaining strength to pass the USSS standards for the Physical Fitness Program. It is important to build the musclenecessary to complete push ups and pull ups. Strength Training is also called resistance training because it involves strengthening and toning your muscles by contracting them against a resisting force. Remember with strength training your muscles need time to recover so it should be done on opposite days if possible. On those alternate days is when you should be completing endurance training. If you do not put in the work you will not pass the USSS Physical Fitness Test. The strength workouts you will see provided to you in the Conditioning Program ... Show more content on ... A pull workout is defined as muscle groups that contract as the weight is pulled toward the body and lengthens as the weight is extended away from the body. We recommend a class push pull split workout to simplify your training and obtain faster results. You should organize your workouts according to pushing and pulling movements. An example of a push exercise would be chest, shoulder and triceps. A pull movement would be biceps, back, and hamstrings. The push pull split workout allows you to hit the gym more often because the muscles you are working are not sore from overuse. Depending on the flexibility of your schedule some individuals chose to focus their routine on specific areas such as chest, legs, upper or lower body. The key to splits can be identified in resting the area of the body most recently exercised, while still hitting the gym each day: ie. Chest Mon, Back Tues, Legs Wed, Shoulders Thu, Bicep/Triceps Fri, Run Sat, Active Rest
  • 11. Rhetorical Analysis Of Matthew Shepard On April 11th, 1999, a trial was conducted against the murderer of Matthew Shepard. The main speaker was his father, Dennis Shepard, a 70 year old male who is the father of two in the upper middle class of Wyoming. He went to the University of Wyoming and is currently working as an Industry Safety Engineer. However, he is also in a lot of grief and anger due to the murder of his 21 year old son Matthew. This was a trial against Mr. McKinney and Mr. Henderson for beating his son to death; where he wanted to prove that this was a hate crime and not just a robbery gone bad (Shepard). Mr. Shepard is giving a testimony describing Matthew s character and why no one deserves such unjust discrimination that Matthew had received. He speaks to the... Show more content on ... Shepard uses of Logos is very important in his speech, in the beginning he stated Matt officially died at 12:53 a.m. on Monday, October 12, 1998 (Shepard). This was not just a fact, but a very devastating one, to know the exact time your child has pass is unimaginable and simply just cruel. Another example of logos is You made the world realize that a person s lifestyle is not a reason for discrimination... This is not the 1920s, 30s, and 40 of Nazi Germany (Shepard). This is an example of analogy, as he compares the discrimination upon his son to the hatred against the Jews by the
  • 12. The Power System Operation And Control School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering MSc in Electrical Power Systems 2014 2015 Assigment.1 Power System Operation and Control Newton Raphson and Decoupled Newton Raphson Power Flow Solutions using MATLAB ID: 1501113 Summary The power flow analysis involves the calculations of power flows and voltages of a transmission network for specified terminal or bus condition. Such calculations are required for the analysis of steady state as well as dynamic performance of power systems [1]. The power flow is also called load flow. Some classification should be represented before carry out the analysis of power flow. Such as, the bus classifications or types like voltage controlled bus (PV), load bus (PQ) or slack bus (Swing). In addition to that, the representation of network elements should be considered and the magnitude calculated in per unit. The iterative techniques are used to solve the power flow equations such as Gauss Seidel, Newton Raphson and Decoupled Newton Raphson methods. Each method has its equations and principle to reach the solution. The difference between them appeared in which method is more accurate and fast to get the results. The system which assigned to be solved by Newton Raphson and Decoupled Newton Raphson methods includes two bus. Bus.1 is slack bus where voltage is given and bus.2 is a PQ bus where load power is given. The impedance of the transmission system between bus.1 and bus.2 is given. To calculate the power flow
  • 13. Restriction Of Freedom Of Speech In The United States In the United States, freedom of speech is considered a universal right; it is the first liberty listed in the bill of rights. Our freedom of speech is not absolute, however. In some instances, such as child pornography, the government can restrict speech. The development of certain exceptions has opened a door to debate on further restriction of speech. Despite discussion of further bans of hate speech, self censorshipremains the most effective way to control speech while respecting individual liberties. On the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement, Nicholas Dirks, Chancellor of the University of California Berkeley, sent an email to members of the university community expressing his thoughts on free speech. Although he recognizes
  • 14. V For Vendetta Essay Tarunpreet Singh Ms. Redd English 12 24 October,2017 Shenanigans of the government In the world that we live in right now, anything is possible and that is for the good and the bad. Like represented in the novel, 1984 by George Orwell, the party used technology to make a whole new society that goes by the rules of the party, which just means that anything that the party does is justifiable because they are the ones making the rules and anybody who doesn t obey them gets vaporized . Another example of the government controlling the people and invading their rights for the benefit of the government is the movie V for Vendetta directed by James McTeigue in 2006. After reading 1984 and V for Vendetta , some might wonder if our ... Show more content on ... Another type of surveillance was that the part used children, With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it (24,Orwell). This quote shows that the party used children to spy on their parents and other individuals. The children have been brainwashed since they were born, this is another tactic the party used to make sure that it stays in power because if they can move the youth to their side, the whole nation will follow. We might not know it but our government might just be looking through our electronics and keep an eye on us. Technology is good for us but it has been exploited in so many different negative ways that it would be better if we did not have electronics because we would still have our privacy. V for Vendetta uses similar tactics as us and 1984 to keep a close eye on the people of the nation. In the movie, they used cameras, telescreens, taped phones, fingermen,etc. as surveillance tools to
  • 15. The Devils Own Wine Shoppe Essay |Case 3: The Devil s Own Wine Shoppe | |Business Strategy: Spring 2013 April 8, 2013 | |Tamara M. Yancy | Case Analysis: The Devil s Own Wine Shoppe Introduction The article, The Devil s Own Wine Shoppe revolves around the wine store owned by Bruce Nelson and his wife, Mary Lee. Being a business owner has been a life long dream of Bruce. They opened the wine store in August 1974 with initial capital of $22,000 and an initial outlay of $17,258. In addition to owning the wine store, Bruce works fulltime as a car salesman while ... Show more content on ... Not only were the competitors able to price their products lower than the Nelsons they were able to offer discounts that the Nelson s could not afford to offer; thus making them more attractive to the consumer. Lastly, the competitors were able to advertise on a level that was not financially feasible for the Nelsons. Because of their advertising abilities, the competitors were able to create more awareness of their wine selection that the Nelsons which subsequently pulled customers away from the Nelson s wine store. The Nelson s wine store was operating a loss. They began their business with a $7,000 personal savings investment and a $15,000 which they had not been able to begin repayment during their nine months of operations. After the performance of a financial analysis, it was concluded that the Nelsons were losing on average $802 per month with estimated average monthly sales of $1,888 and estimated average monthly expenses of $1,580. At these levels, not only could the Nelsons not make a profit, they could not breakeven. In order to breakeven, the Nelsons would need to generate sales of $5,642 offering no salary to Bruce or $9,214 offering a salary to Bruce. Problem Statement Which income generating venture should the Nelson s pursue: the wine shop or fulltime employment at the dealership?
  • 16. An Army White Paper, The Profession Of Arms An Army White Paper, The Profession of Arms A Profession of Arms. It is a title that the United States Army currently holds. A Profession that is uniquely separates us based on the lethality of our weapons and operations. Many factors are involved that make what we do in the Army a Profession and not just a job or an occupation. To maintain this idea that what we do is a Profession takes understanding what a Profession is, a tenuous balance by leadership and the culture of the professionals within. As a Human Resource Sergeants, we do not carry the Arms that grant us our lethality, yet we still have a vital role within this Profession of Arms. In order to understand how the Human resource Sergeant fits a role in the Profession of Arms, we must understand what a Profession is. The definition of a Profession is job that requires special education, training, or skill, often gained through lengthy years of study and practice. Deeper than that it is uniquely expert work that values effectiveness over efficiency. We as Soldiers spend years honing our craft either formally in our Noncommissioned Officer Education System or in our organic training within our Units. It is through this constant training over time that mold us into the subject matter experts of our work. Professions earn trust through their Ethic (moral values) allowing them to work with less external oversight, trusted to self correct on its own accord. We have proven time and again that we have the
  • 17. The Call Of The Wild, White Fang, And The Sea Wolf Lauren Leibman Ms. Adams English III Honors 28 November 2017 Title of Your Report Author Background According to Franklin Walker, the well known American author of such beloved titles as The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea Wolf, was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. He spent much of his childhood on ranches and the streets of Oakland, as well as sailing on San Francisco Bay. During his teenage years, London fell into strange and unfulfilling jobs that led to a personal revelation about the importance of an education. London spent a few months educating himself on both high school and college material, but when word of discovered gold in the Klondike spread, London, at the age of twenty one, left his home to participate in the hunt for treasure. He published a short story collection called The Son of the Wolf in 1900 and three years later his novel The Call of the Wild awarded him new fame and notoriety. After a successful career as a writer, London died in 1916 at the age of forty (Walker 1). Synopsis The Sea Wolf follows the adventure of Humphrey Van Weyden, a literary critic and essay writer who has never known any real hardship or physical challenge. At the start of the novel, Van Weyden boards a boat called The Martinez, wholly unaware that it is about to sink. As the vessel is pulled beneath the waves, Van Weyden jumps overboard and struggles in the freezing water. Fortunately, he is rescued by the passing vessel The Ghost
  • 18. Key Elements Of A Strong Relationship Analysis Communication, coping ability, and loyalty are all very important elements that a strong relationship should consist of. In the last four years my cousin and I thought we had mastered those elements. On May 12, 2016, the day before my graduation, we were proven wrong.That afternoon, we got Into an intense debate that caused our relationship to change drastically.The bond that we had was supposed to be unbreakable. No one would ve ever thought that something as simple as her not being able to get a ticket to my graduation would ve torn us apart. The main factor that caused our relationship to go astray was communication. Instead of talking face to face with each other, we communicated through text messaging. By doing this it made us say things that we wouldn t normally say to one another in person. It gave us this false sense of power that we abused with harsh word to bring the other down. We weren t able to listen and actually analyze what the other person was saying or feeling without being interrupted with the rapid fire of text messages. In order to have stopped this from occurring. We should have arranged a time and place where we could ve sat down and talked face to face about the situation. ... Show more content on ... Every message that was sent the other person viewed it as a dagger to the heart, instead of trying to find the positive side in the situation. We decided to grow apart rather than admitting our faults and learning from them to build a better relationship for the future. For example, when we would encounter each other, we acted as if the other person was invisible. Then, there was this one time we unexpectedly ended up at my grandmother s house, and to avoid being in the living room with her. I went in the bedroom and locked the door. To end the childish like acts that we had started to use against one another. We could have added a third party to help such as a friend or extended
  • 19. Characterisation And Symbolism In Hamlet William Shakespeare s metaphysical tragedy Hamlet, explores the complexities of the human condition, in a world shaped heavily by tensions triggered by Medieval and Renaissance paradigms. Shakespeare s masterful use of language, content and construction serves to reflect enduring values through Hamlet s struggle in distinguishing truth from illusion, and his navigation of the moral complexities of revenge and human mortality. Despite changing interpretations of the play, Shakespeare s characterisation and symbolism of Hamletas an existentialist hero engages the play s textual integrity, fuelling its transcendence of contextual boundaries and continual relevance with modern audiences. Through Hamlet, Shakespeare expresses the epistemological doubt our realities are built upon by exploring the duality of human behaviour in a pursuit for total truth. Hamlet s antithetical questioning of the Ghost as either a spirit of health or goblin damned evinces ambiguity within Hamlet, with the imagery foul, strange and unnatural reiterating the dramatic tension evoked by the warlike Ghost. The use of the ghost as a plot device coupled with the epanalepsis Seems, madam? Nay it is, I know not seems cautions the fallibility of the Ghost in its possibility of unveiling some foul play . Through the dichotomous epizeuxis One may smile, and smile, and be a villain and his fretful diction all is not well , Hamlet contests the veracity of mankind, catalyzing his misogyny towards Ophelia as evinced through the hendiadys Th expectancy and rose of the fair state which highlights the splitting duality at the heart of human nature. This is reinforced by the juxtaposed portrayal of the lines most beautified Ophelia and Get thee to a nunnery , exemplifying Hamlet s deceitful means of relationship as a manipulative front. Marcellus s synecdoche something is rotten in the state of Denmark substantiates the corruption infecting Denmark state, drawing upon the motif of decay as attested by Hamlet s metaphor an unweeded garden that grows to seed. Things rank and gross . Hamlet s employment of The Mousetrap , the mise en abyme, ultimately heightens the frailty of truth, sparking fallacious notions as he attempts to
  • 20. The Global Of Natural Resource Curse And Transparency It also has very high resource rents as a share of GDP, at 47%. However, resources do not always automatically lead to poor outcomes. For instance, North America produces more oil than Africa, but it has the lowest resource rents as a share of GDP and has good governance ratings. Canada remains among the top ten world oil producers, according to the US Department of Energy, but has one of the least corrupt governments in the world, also according to the World Bank. Norway is one of the top ten exporters of crude oil in the world, while maintaining its stature as a perennial leader of the United Nations Human Development Index. In this way, natural resource curse did not appear to be unavoidable. Global Approaches to Resource Curse and Transparency The widespread of negative impact of natural resource abundance lead the world to explore possible ways to tackle the problems effectively and turn these resources into the welfare of countries. The new conventional view is that the resource curse can be explained by equating good outcomes from oil revenues with good governance and good institutions. *At the center of the debate over the occurrence of the resource curse also lies the importance of the role of institutions in promoting economic growth and maintaining high quality governance. If institutions are not strong enough to oversee ownership, profit taking and resolution of grievances, the rapid flow of resource rents can quickly overwhelm the government s ability to exert
  • 21. Monitoring The Energy Consumption Mac Protocols Data Transmission in Automatic Irrigation System Using WSN Akshay U. Mankar Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology Pune, India Prof. Mrs. Snehal Bhosale Assistance Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering R. M. D. Sinhgad School of Engineering and Technology Pune, India Abstract Wireless SensorNetwork broadly used for observing the environmental constraint. An automated irrigation system is developed to improve water use for agriculture yields. Energy conservation is a very critical issue in wireless sensor networks. For monitoring the energy consumption MAC protocols plays a very major role. With the help sensors and simple circuitry this work purposes low cost product, which can be bought even by a poor farmer. The structure has a dispersed sensor nodes (SN) comprising of soil moisture, humidity and temperature sensors located in the soil and base station (BS). BS will gather data from SN. If the collected data in the BS is less than threshold value then BS will perform a needed action for irrigation. In this project, a TDMA based algorithm and single hop wireless communication are used to provide better energy efficiency. Network Simulator 3 (NS 3) has been used for the exploration of the algorithm. Keywords TDMA scheduling, Wireless sensor networks, Energy efficiency, Automatic irrigation I. INTRODUCTION
  • 22. How Did Ww2 Changed The World The 20th century had many ups and downs in its time period. Ranging from the great depression to times like the 1920s and 1980s. And world war II was right in the middle of all that. It was a time when families went from being poverty stricken to pulled apart at the start of world war II. And World War II also changed the world, Changed and enhanced technology, and turned the U.S into a superpower. World War II changed the world. It caused the cold war. It caused the birth of the nuclear and the arms race between the U.S and Russia and also made new new countries at the end of World War II. The cold war went from the end of world war II all the way to the 1980s. It was a time when everyone was anti communist and pro USA and when everyone feared the nuclear bomb. Everyone was in the mindset that communism was really bad and anyone that was a communist should be sent off to jail. The end of World War II also brung up the creation of new countries like Austria and Czechoslovakia. Which were spin offs of germany and Russia ... Show more content on ... Like new types of weapons to be used, it also lead to the space race from the creation of rockets, and it also lead to weapon research and improvements. Germany lead the world in new weapons research and new bewildering types of technological weapons. At the end of World War II the U.S and the Soviets scrambled to try and find blueprints of weapons and bombs that germany was in the process of making. And during this search the U.S and the Soviets found blueprints to a rocket that was capable of going into space going to far distance across the globe and landing on a different country with a bomb on it. And then the idea of rockets lead to the idea of getting someone on the moon which lead to the space
  • 23. The Japanese Culture Of Japan The Japanese are a nation with a culture influenced by many yet uniquely Japanese and connected to their past. They retain strong ties to their early legends, religions, and traditions while continuing to progress with the rest of the world. With these ideas that have been passed down and preserved, there have also been forms of dance and music that have been influenced by other countries, made uniquely Japanese, and continued through today. The Japanese people as we know them today were not the original inhabitants of the land. The native people, the Ainu, were hunters and fishermen closer in resemblance to Caucasians. There is now only a small group of them residing in the Northern section of Japan. The Japanese people are believed, based on physical characteristics as well as language, to originate from central Asia. Movement from mainland Asia continued throughout the history of Japan and played a large role in how their culture developed. The country consists of four large islands all of which are lush and mountainous. The people of Japan have survived because of their developments in agriculture, supplemented by their fishing capabilities (Morton 6). Japanese religious ideas and beliefs have a root in Shinto, a naturalistic religion with a focus in animism. Early Shinto legends express that the land was created by, then inhabited by the gods Izanagi and Izanami. When Izanami died while giving birth to the Fire God, Izanagi went to the underworld to retrieve her, only
  • 24. Will And Revoke All Prior Wills And Codicils WILL OF ALICE HAYES I, Alice Hayes, of Libertyville, Illinois, make this my Will and revoke all prior wills and codicils. Article 1 Introduction My Family. I was married, but my husband has deceased. I have three (3) children now living, namely TROY HAYES (Troy), MARISSA MARSHELL (Marissa), and JOHN HAYES (John). I intend by this Will to provide for all my children, including any born or adopted in the future. I have six (6) grandchildren now living, namely ROBERT HAYES (Robert), JUNE HAYES (June), DAVID HAYES (David), JAMES MARSHALL (James), CONSTANCE MARSHALL (Constance), and SARAH HAYES (Sarah). Article 2 Gifts on My Death 2.1Specific Gifts of Tangible Personal Property. I give the following tangible personal property upon my ... Show more content on ... 2.3 General/Demonstrative Gifts. I give my general or demonstrative legacies as follows. (a) I give ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to each of my grandchildren who survive me. (b) I give five thousand dollars ($5,000) to my friend, WALTER WALSH (Walter) of Island Lake Illinois, if he survives me. (c) I give two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) to my friend ELIZABETH FORD (Elizabeth) of Zion Illinois if he survives. (d) I give five thousand dollars (5,000) to my sister FRANCINE FRANCO (Francine) of Island Lake Illinois, if living, otherwise to her husband, BERNARD FRANCO (Bernard), of Island Lake Illinois. (e) I give ten thousand dollars (10,000) to my church, St Joseph s in Zion, Illinois. (f) I give ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the American Cancer Society at the local Chicago Chapter. (g) I give fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) to Orphans of the Storm. (h) I give twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) to the local chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in honor of my granddaughter Constance.
  • 25. (i) I want all of my shares of ABC stock to be evenly divided into three equal portions as follows: (a) I give one portion to my niece, FLORA FRANCO (Flora) and FAUNA FRANCO (Fauna), if living, otherwise to their descendants. (b) I give another portion to the children of my son, Troy if living or otherwise to their descendants, but even if living, my
  • 26. Food Shortages And Its Effects On Eating Habits Essay Introduction In America, we are constantly surrounded by abundance. Food is a prevalent waste item in the United States. Most people do not think about the resources it took to produce, transport, and prepare the food they throw away. Our food waste is not actually just trash; it is the key to human survival. Ordinary consumers can change the future with one small action: to stop wasting food. Actions at the individual level can decrease food waste and feed those in need. Twenty five percent of purchased food is thrown away. (TED) Often this is because food has spoiled, but it can be for other reasons such as oversupply, misread labels, or individual consumer shopping and eating habits. Food insecurity can be defined as the inability to acquire an adequate quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways or the uncertainty that one will be able to do so. One in six Americans are food insecure. There are five components of food security, including quantity, quality, suitability, psychological, and social factors. Food insecurity can occur for a variety of reasons, the main one being poverty. Decreasing the amount of food wasted has the ability to feed millions of these Americans. Food loss refers to a decrease in mass, nutritional value, or quality of food that was originally intended for human consumption. These losses are caused by shrinkage from cooking, loss from mold, pests, or inadequate
  • 27. A Brief Note On Human Resource Management And The Philips... HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4.707) ASSIGHNMENT ON HIRING PROCESS BY SALES MANAGER SUBMITTED BY SHAMANTH GOURISH BABU STUDENT ID: 20141895 E MAIL: WORD COUNT QUESTION 1 1117 STREAM 136 SUBMITTED TO DR. BOB BEAVE DATE: 5 June 2015 INTRODUCTION I was working in Philips Company in India as a sales manager of the different types of the product and the Philips Company was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips his father Frederik Philips they came with company as Philips co. in Netherland at Eindhoven after 5 years the young brother strengthened the Philips co by introducing the bulbs in a market within a few years the Philips company become a largest supply of bulbs and commercial talent in the world and it was industrial revolution and Philips research laboratory was established at 1914 and they started introduce the first innovation is x ray and radio technology. Here we dealing with many products like sound and vision particularly televisions, home cinema sound, home audio, DJ equipment s, Headphones, Digital audio and video and many other products and company providing the customer service which is the main component of business during the outlets and involving with the customer interaction. (, 2014) 1. A) KEY RESULTS AREA PERFORMANCE STANDARDCONTROL INFORMATION To increase a number of customers in overseas and local market
  • 28. Research Paper On Cinque Terre Day Cinque Terre Day 2: Thursday June 23, 2016 We forced ourselves to get a very early start this morning so we could beat the crowds in the remaining two towns, Vernazza and Monterosso. We arrived in numero quattro, Vernazza, just as all the locals and shop keepers were getting ready for the day, and we enjoyed having the little town to ourselves. Or at least it felt that way after the crowds we experienced the day before. Then, it was on to numero cinque, Monterosso! According to Rick Steves, it is Cinque Terre s only resort town. Both Bob and I were not expecting to like it as much as the other towns from this description. However, along with Corniglia, it ended up being one of our favorites. Since it is a little larger than the other
  • 29. Carol Rogers Influence in Psychology Carl Rogers and His Influence on Modern Psychology Introduction Carl Rogers is considered the founder of client centered therapy, which asserts that childhood experiences affect an individual s feelings, thoughts, and behavior (Rathus, 2004). The therapist must see the world from that of the client to be effective in treatment. Rogers has influenced many psychological theories and therapies present today, especially positive psychology. Despite this fact, many who practice positive psychology do not, or are not willing to, accept the influence of past theories. Client Centered Therapy In 1959, Rogers asserted that the therapeutic relationship is used differently with different clients and it is not necessary to manipulate the ... Show more content on ... This type of therapy began to be misused and negative emotion, that may play a beneficial role in therapy, was ignored completely. In fact, pessimism can even become an important strategy to deal with anxiety. Individuals can use negative thinking as a defensive strategy to work through their anxiety with the result being just as effective as those who take an optimistic approach (Chang Norem, 2002; as cited in La Torre, p. 153). In a true clinical setting, a patient is free to express feelings and experiences to facilitate self healing through positive intervention techniques. With the data available on positive psychology, many clinicians may be tempted to utilize a particular positive intervention with the belief it will make a tremendous impact on the patient. However, this may be unhealthy for the patient who may need to experience negative or difficult emotion to work through the issue they are dealing with. Nonetheless, positive therapy has a definitive useful role in psychological treatment and adds a deeper dimension to the treatment setting (p. 404). Therapists who use this type of therapy, however, should remember not to become a slave to the tyrannies of optimism (Seligman, 1990, p. 292; as cited in La Torre, p. 404). Carl Rogers and Positive Psychology Many of Carl Rogers s ideas have been influential on modern psychological practices, and specifically in the area of positive psychology. Client centered therapy is
  • 30. Pope, Swift, and Aristocratic Women Essay The task of satirist is to criticise the vices and follies of their contemporary society. However, the purpose of satire is to be universal. In this case, we are going to focus our attention on the works of two major poets of the 18th century which can be subscribed within Augustan literature: Alexander Pope s The Rape of the Lock and Jonathan Swifts The Lady s Dressing Room . In Pope s mock heroic verse The Rape of the Lock (1717) what is criticised is a moral fault: mainly, immoderate female moral pride. There are several versions of the poem. However, we have preferred the last one which consists of 794 lines in five cantos, as it was revised to be included in Pope s Works (1717) and is the one which stands now. Written in heroic... Show more content on ... But a woman without a husband and children had limited chances of fulfilment, even in rank which ensured her material comforts and unquestioned social privilege. Her vanity seems to take the form of a religious ritual when describing her morning toilette: And now, unveil d, the Toilet stands display d, Each Silver Vase in mystic Order laid. First, rob d in White, the Nymph intent adores With Head uncover d, the Cosmetic Pow rs. A heav nly Image in the Glass appears, To that she bends, to that her Eyes she rears; (l.121 6) Readers familiar with the classics may realize the parallel between Belinda s preparation consisting of make up and the arming of the hero at the battle, as i.e. Achilles in Homer s Odyssey. If we pay attention to words such as mistyc , adores , or heav nly , the aforementioned religious ritual would include Belinda as the priestess and Betty , who is her maid, as the acolyte, or inferior priestess . We are described a sacred rite of pride, and as Ian Jack argues: Pope shows Belinda lavishing on her own beauty the adoration which should be reserved for a higher object (...) In the thought of the 18th century pride remained the first of sins. By making it sacred, Belinda, and the whole beau monde which she
  • 31. College Education Is The Best Time Of A Person s Life Having a college education is considered a must for success in the real world and it is an archaic and much believed thought that college education is associated with a successful life. College education is a necessity for living up to the standards of the world and is necessary for shaping a literate and well informed society. College teaches people things that the real world will probably not hence it becomes obligatory that after passing high school, students need to obtain a college degree. Where there are many people who disagree with the concept of having a college degree and spending a fortune on college educationbecause it has nothing to do with success, there are others who willfully agree that college is undoubtedly the best time of a person s life and college teaches lessons that one carries with them all lifelong. There are two sides of the argument; in favor of college education and one that goes against it. Those that oppose college are people who feel that it is burden and waste of economic resources and it needs to be skipped out from the lives of the people who need to get acquainted with the real world as soon as they can because college life and education are a loud cry from reality and it doesn t really help when it comes to obtaining a good occupation or even the part of making it through the three four years of college. The opponents of college education point out various issues related to college teaching as well as the teachers and the students.
  • 32. Case Study Of KFC CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION FAST FOOD Fast foods are termed as quick, easily accessible and cheap alternatives to home cooked meals, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They also tend to be high in saturated fat, sugar, salt and calories. According to the NIH, many fast food chains have responded to growing public awareness about nutrition by offering some food that is lower in fat and calories than their normal fare. Fast food is the term given to food that is prepared and served very quickly. Firstly in 1950 fast food was popularized. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in restaurants or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form ... Show more content on ... The Colonel awards Pete Harman of Salt Lake City with the first KFC franchise. A handshake agreement stipulates a payment of a nickel to Sanders for each chicken sold. 1955 Sanders sell the service station that he receives his first social security check for $105. After paid all the debts owed, he is virtually broke, bankrupt. He decides to sell his Secret Recipe to restaurants. 1957 Kentucky Fried Chicken first sold their chicken in buckets. 1960 There have total 190 KFC franchisees and 400 franchise units in the U.S. and Canada. 1964 Kentucky Fried Chicken has more than 600 franchised outlets in the United States, Canada. The first overseas outlet located in England. Sanders sell his interest in the U.S. company for $2 million to a group of investors headed by John Y. Brown Jr., so KFC now cooperation. 1966 The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation goes public. 1969 The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. 1971 More than 3,500 franchised and company owned restaurants exist in worldwide when Heublein Inc. acquires KFC Corporation. 1976 An independent survey ranks the Colonel as the world s second most recognizable
  • 33. Positives And Negatives Of Consumerism Just what is consumerism, and is it beneficial or detrimental to our economy and society? Basically, consumerism is the ideology that people must buy products and services in order to allow the economy to function correctly, but is this line of thinking accurate? It is entirely possible that consumerism is creating a downward slope, leading us into greed and selfishness; but it is also argued that consumerism is merely a means to stimulate the economy and produce a better society as a whole. There are flaws in the system of course: pollution, greed, wasted materials; but there are also benefits to it, such as, the creation of new jobs, the growth of businesses, and even a show of patriotism. In essence, consumerism is both a positive and a negative force in the modern world, depending on how it is utilized and portrayed, for example: a person with a positive world value would best consider balancing out their life so they are neither needlessly consuming nor being a minimalist to a... Show more content on ... There is methods of taking it too far, such as wearing the same dress for an entire year (Holt 1 3), but there is a way to use minimalism within reason to benefit both arguments. And while it is good to care about the environment and not waste materials, people should not take it to extremes that could be unhygienic or detrimental to their health. (Holt 1 3). A perfect example of a healthy medium would be being considerate to the fact that consumers have the option to only buy necessities and the occasional goods and/or services for entertainment or pleasure (Millburn and Nicodemus). The idea of the healthy medium has long been since argued from even before the 1980 s, when people considered the idea of Whoever dies with the most toys wins, to today where many are starting to think that we must Make due with less (Kennedy), but is either side fully
  • 34. Da Roc Research Paper Maker 1: This project is known as Da Roc , where Chrissy was reared. This significant place for Chrissy is where she came when she left the hospital after being born and where she met her long time childhood friend, Marci. This is also where she lost her virginity to her first love Evan. Da Rock is where you really did not want to live if you didn t have to, it is a low income housing project. Pulling into to the parking lot you are met with children of all different ages and trash. There is always a crowd of guys standing around and women sitting on porches, watching. Constantly bombarded with fights, shooting or something taking place. Da Roc is where she left everyone and everything she loved behind to start a new and fresh life after she
  • 35. operation management Question 1 Quality objectives: Quality means consistence conformance to costumer expectations (Slack, Chambers Johnston 2010 pg 40) Quality for the London eye could mean designing a structure that provides a bird s eye view of London. Quality could also mean a high design of their processes, including ensuring that all 32 capsules are cleaned, staff are well trained in health and safety and are always professional at all times. Quality also means the London eye is safe and reliable. Quality also means that the timed admissions booking systems (TABS) is on time. Quality could also mean error free processing for their timed admissions system. Quality means that all parts for the London eye is made to specification and the assembly is ... Show more content on ... Summertime schedule 10am 9.30pm = 12 hours 1600 passengers X 12 hours = 19,200 passengers for 12 hours/day. 19,200 passengers X 7 days = 134,440 passengers per week. Summer weeks = 24 weeks. Therefore total capacity for the summer is: 134,440 passengers per week X 24 weeks = 3,225,600 passengers Winter Schedule 1600 X 8 hours = 12, 800 passengers for an 8 hours/day 10am 6pm = 8 hours 12,800 passengers X 7 days = 89,600 passengers per week. Winter weeks = 28 weeks. Therefore total capacity for the winter is: 89,600 passengers per week X 28 weeks = 2,508,800 passengers Total capacity based on the operating schedule of the London eye is: schedule Passengers Winter schedule 2,508,800 Summer schedule 3,225,600 Total operating Capacity 5,734,400 Question 3 There could be a loss of utilisation on the London eye due to variety of issues. Weather conditions The weather conditions can affect the London eye in a number of ways examples utilisation can be affected in a number of ways. Heavy winds can affect the utilisation of the eye forcing it to stop also heavy snowfall can delay and reduce the amount of rotations the eye can perform or worse snowfall could mean that the
  • 36. London eye will not be operational. Blackouts Blackouts will have a major impact on the London eye. The London eye is powered electrically it needs electricity to rotate and in the event of a blackout, the London eye will
  • 37. The Role Of Managers And Hr Practitioner s Interaction... The study focuses on the role of managers and HR practitioner s interaction within disciplinary processes, which has been given less attention throughout research. The focus being that HR professionals retain a role in providing advice and expertise in ensuring managers comply with disciplinary procedures (Harris et al., 2002:253) whereas this arguably comes into conflict with operational managers perceived preference for informality (Edwards ,2000:253) This research may in turn provide the basis for both organisational policies and practices to change. The study focuses on the roles of managers and HR professional s interaction within the disciplinary processes and whether one side of management is favoured more in dealing with the issues than the other. The different approaches managers and HR professionals undertake when dealing with disciplinary processes is questionable. Considering statutes based around the chosen topic Gibbons Review (2007), which highlighted the fact that greater emphasis had been placed on following procedures correctly. However, Atwater et al (2007) (1) suggested that the impact of the procedural changes introduced under the Employment Act (2008), downgraded rather than enhanced procedural fairness. Therefore, highlighting that the attention placed on the nature of dealing with employee issues is not favoured within larger organisations, resulting in varied approaches between managers meaning the consistency is therefore not followed through,
  • 38. Ethical Issues And Risks Of Organ Donation Organ Transplantation is the surgical approach to replacing failing, diseased or infected organs from one person, with healthier biological tissues or organs from a donor whose structures function well. Many people agree that to take and use organs from another source is justifiable within certain ethical boundaries. However it is when the need for organ transplants becomes overwhelming that these initial boundaries are questioned and challenged. This would result in the death of many patients as well as harm to the donors. Cadaveric organ donation Consent must have been given before the death of the donor for the use of their organs and body parts. Living organ donation. For cadaveric organ donation, there is a waiting list that has so far foreseen the death of many patients due to long periods of waiting time. Ethical issues and risks for the donor: Health Pain, discomfort, infection, bleeding and future problems are plausible. Psychological Pressure from, peers, the patient, family or themselves where guilt is often involved may eventually damage the individual s mental and spiritual states. Resentment and forms of negative connotations may arise e.g. depression. If the patient is also of close relation to the donor, they may feel obligated or pressured into giving the other person one of their structures. Donors are not provided an advocate unlike the patient. This may cause discomfort and stress due to the surgery. Medical and ethical debates: Living donors are faced
  • 39. Difference Between PHP And Ruby On Rails Ruby on Rails versus PHP PHP and Ruby on Rails are both awesome web languages. Some developers prefer PHP to Ruby on Rails while others prefer Ruby on Rails to PHP. There are some reasons that are accustomed to that. For starters let s understand what they entail: What is Ruby on Rails and PHP For starters Ruby on Rails is a framework that has Ruby as its main language. PHP on the other hand is a web programming language that works with storage, editing, transmission and integration of databases. PHP is a language that works with the back end side of a web page or app. It mainly uses sets of scripts to link one thing and the other. Ruby on the other hand is a programming language that provides back end solutions to apps or websites. Ruby ... Show more content on ... Cons of Ruby on Rails You will need a lot of time and patience to full learn Ruby and learn all its tricks and tips Its processing time tends to be slower as compared to other languages. Yes, it does have some resources but they aren t enough. Thus in trouble shooting problems you may find it difficult to get a forum that addresses such an issue. Its updates and development are slow. Conclusion PHP and Ruby on Rails are both awesome in building applications and websites. However they differ in many ways, if you want to learn fast start with PHP. You should also remember to do regular practice so as to perfect in it. Ruby on Rails takes more time as you have to setup a lot of stuff before starting the actual coding. This can be tiresome and take time. Most web servers and hosting companies also support PHP, unlike Ruby on Rails that is not that flexible. Versus Learning Ruby on Rails can be very advantageous for anyone, as you will manage to be on top of the team. Most people know PHP; imagine being unique with your skills in Ruby, awesome, right? However much there are differences between the two, you should try them out. They will definitely change your whole coding
  • 40. Catalase In Avocado And Cantaloupe Introduction Enzymes are catalysts that help promote chemical reactions by integrating or breaking apart biological molecules. Most metabolic processes in the cell need enzymes to occur at rates quick enough to sustain life. Because enzymes are particular with what substances they choose to speed up, they only affect a tiny percentage of all the possible reactions. The group of enzymes made in a cell determine which metabolic pathway is selected. Enzymes are critical to the human body, specifically the body s metabolismsystem. The metabolic system is a long series of continuous chemical reactions, and these catalysts boost efficiency and effect (Audesirk, Byers 99 102). Every enzymeaffects a particular and specific part of the system, and... Show more content on ... We created solutions of different concentrations of the substrate, hydrogen peroxide. The concentrations included 0%, which was 4 mL of plain water, .125%, .25%, .5%, 1%, 3%, and 6% hydrogen peroxide. To keep outside factors, such as temperature, from affecting the results of the enzymatic rate of reaction, we kept the two enzyme solutions in ice, and had each of the substrate solutions in room temperature. The 0% substrate solution acted as the control group, measuring what happens with the filter paper if there is no substrate. The rate of reaction was measured by taking bits of the same size Whatman #1 filter paper, by using a hole punch, dipping it in the enzyme solution for two seconds, letting the excess soak into a paper towel, and putting the paper into the substrate solutions. As the filter paper first touched the water, we started timing to measure how long it would take for the paper to lift from the bottom of the glass. We did this with both the cantaloupe and avocado, twice each, to have two trials for each percentage of each solution. We then took the average of both tests and found the rate of reaction by dividing one over the average of the rate of reaction for each
  • 41. What I Have Majored And Systems Engineering ( Ise ) For... Personal Statement I have majored in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) for one and a half years at Virginia Tech. My passion for ISE originated from my undergraduate studies. I achieved GPA 91/100 and ranked 1/66 when I graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), one of China s top 3 universities offering the Industrial Engineering program. When I got into NUAA, I entered an Honors Program, which offers students a chance to choose their majors according to academic interests after two years of studying. In my first summer vacation, I volunteered to be a teacher in a school at the far west of Tibet. With houses scattered over a radius of 7 miles and only one school in this area, children have to travel several kilometers through mountains to school. Our team met many problems. For example, how to visit students homes in the shortest routes. We did not find a way out at that time. However, I never forgot to find simple and effective solutions. To my great delight, in the Operations Research (OR) course I took after the summer vacation, I found that the Travelling Salesman Problem were so similar to problems we met at Tibet. Got inspired by the algorithms, I designed a project named Application of OR Methods to Education Volunteering. This project used Ant Colony Optimization to optimize home visiting routes covering 8 villages, Hungarian method to appoint 14 teachers to different courses, and Program Evaluation and Review Technique to
  • 42. The Drug Of Drugs And Crime There has always been a close association between drugs and crime. Drugs have been seen as a way out of suffering in one s life and so as long as there is suffering there will always be a market for drugs. The struggle to keep one s self sane when away from a substance they need can cause them to do crazy and even violent things to others. Things like murdering someone because they did not have proper control of themselves is not something unheard of by any means. These people can been seen as both victims and criminals, as they were not in a sound state of mind when doing these actions, however them doing the actions does not mean they should get off scot free. The users are only one side of the coin, the other is the drug dealers. The dealers do not have to be selling purely illegal drugs, they may be selling prescription drugs too, but in the pursuit of their own survival in a struggling life, they turn to selling substances to others. By doing so they can even amass a fortune, but this is still a crime, and what people will do to try to get all this potential money can span from robbing to murder. The articles I read from different media support the fact there is indeed a tie with crime and drugs, being that an increase of drugs on the street leads to more crime. The Huffington Post had an interesting article that discussed the racial component to crimes and drugs. Stating that blacks were sentenced much more frequently for drug related crimes than whites, though
  • 43. Retail Manager | 2012| | Triangle Tribe Recruitment| Recuritment of retail manager| | Table of contents Contents Page no. Job analysis 2, 3, 4 Job description 5 Personnel specification 6 Method of recruitment 6, 7 Advertising campaign 8, 9 Action plan with timelines 10 EEO principles 11 ... Show more content on ... 4) How did you ensure that code of conduct is being followed during work? * By keep checking on the staff from time to time and the major source is getting positive feedback from customers. Job Description Department: Retail store Position: Retail Manager Job type: Permanent (38 40 hours) Salary: $60,000 with normal entitlements Employment Status: Ongoing Other Facilities: Leased 3 series BMW Retail Store Manager Job Duties: * Maintains store staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting, and training employees * Maintains the stability and reputation of the store by complying with legal requirements * Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed * Protects employees and customers by providing a safe and clean store environment * Identifies current and future customer requirements * Maintains operations by initiating, coordinating, and enforcing programmes http:/ / best practices/recruiting hiring advice/job descriptions/retail store manager job description sample.aspx Personal Specifications Qualification and related requirements * Candidate must poses degree or masters in management, business or something equivalent to that. * Must having experience of 1 2 year(s) in related field * Applicants should be Australian citizens Skills
  • 44. Clara Barton s Angel In The Battlefield Angel in the Battlefield the title given to someone who shaped the world as we know it. Clara Barton was a world renowned nurse that accomplished everything she did through determination and perseverance. Clara Barton was born on Christmas Day in 1821, her dad said that she was a miracle. Clara Barton was the youngest of 5 children, two brothers and two sisters. Like any other person, her childhood shaped who she was. Stephen Barton, Clara s father had a career in the military, which greatly influenced her goals and dreams. When Clara Bartonwas about 11 years her brother David was stacking hay in the barn and he fell. The accident cause David to become seriously ill. Clara played nurse to him for two years, sparking her interest in becoming a real nurse. As a young child Clara Barton was blessed with intelligence and had an aptitude for schoolwork (Hamilton 20), that led her to begin teaching in May of 1839 at the age of 18 in district 9 school in North Oxford, Massachusetts. During teaching, she felt like she could further her education in women teaching, after 10 years teaching, Clara Barton felt she could further her education in women teaching, so she left her small New England town and set out to New York, where she entered the Clinton Liberal Institute. While attending school she quotes I must have been born believing in the full rights of women to all the privileges and positions which nature and justice accord her in common with other human beings.
  • 45. Courage Of Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela quotes Courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it . He, Malala Yousafzai and Mother Jones worked tirelessly for their causes. Nelson Mandela fought to end apartheid for his people. Malala Yousafzai was determined to stand up for girls educational rights. And unfair child labor laws was what drove Mother Jones to fight so hard for child labor rights. These activists, Malala Yousafzai, Mother Jones, and Nelson Mandela all fought for equal opportunity that leads to happiness and success for everyone. Nelson Mandela, as the committed president of South Africa, worked tirelessly to abolish apartheid, thereby making South Africa a liberated country. Mandela was dedicated to the ideas he believed he should defend, and overcame challenges such as a long prison term, Mandela was jailed for his political activities, and after a widely publicized trial, was sentenced to life in prison...Over the years, Mandela became the world s best known political prisoner, gaining international support for his fight against apartheid. (Nelson Mandela introduction). Mandela has shown great courage and strength in his fight. After being released from a 27 year prison term, he went on to gain the trust of his country by becoming the first black South African president. Mandela took a stand against apartheid and was a great leader because he believed that everyone should be free, It was during those long and lonely years that my hunger for the freedom of my
  • 46. It s Not Rape If You Sing It Joel Johnson It s Not Rape if You Sing It: Animals The Music Video a refreshing portrayal of American culture. The pop rock band Maroon 5 s new hit single Animals from their fifth studio album V is their 10th song to reach the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. At first glance it appears to be just another unoriginal pop rock song; melodic, repetitive. But as we look at the press that surrounds both the song and its music video we find a controversy surrounding sexual violence and objectification. There can be no question of a need of such discussion in regards to the themes that Animals the music video brings to light. That being said, the question in this discussion should not be whether it promotes these topics but rather if it does a good enough job of making the audience critically aware that these problems exist. This will be done by looking at the video and its song from a radical Feminist perspective. Bell Hooks defines Feminism as, a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. And the first step of ending these things is showing how they are a part of our culture which this video does brillintly. The music video is clearly, rather than promoting rape culture, is not only a sardonic view of the song lyrics themselves and the meaning behind them but also critiquing the hegemony of the sexually violent culture we live in today. In this paper I would like to analyze the music video Animals by Maroon 5 from two different angles. The first
  • 47. The Diversity And New Organization Introduction Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve is the FFA motto. Some people do not know what the letters FFA stand for. They also do not know the history that is behind the national organization. What FFA means. FFA used to stand for the Future Farmers of America (What is FFA, Nov.3, 2015). Now the official name is the National FFA Organization (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015). Some people think that FFA is just for students who want to be a farmer or are a farm (What is FFA, Nov.3, 2015). These people are wrong, FFA welcomes students who want to be a doctor or even a scientist (What is FFA, Nov.3, 2015). That is the main reason why the organization changed the name in 1988 ... Show more content on ... 3, 2015). The national emblem was adopted by Leslie Applegate from Freehold, N.J. He was the first president for the FFA (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). In 1929, the colors national blue and corn gold became the official colors for the FFA (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). The FFA Creed was adopted by some delegated after the official colors (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). Then the official dress with a blue corduroy jacket was adopted in 1933 (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015). They got the idea of the blue corduroy jacket from the Fredericktown FFA chapter in Ohio (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015). After the Future Farmers of America formed in 1928, a national organization for the African American students started in Tuskegee, Ala by G.W. Owens and J.R. Thomas (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). The organization was called the New Farmers of America, or NFA (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015). The NFA and the FFA both had the same common beliefs (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). Both of the Creeds had been written by E.M. Tiffany (National FFA Organization records, 1916 2008, Nov. 3, 2015), and had a total of six paragraphs (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). Every paragraph started with I believe (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015). There emblems had only one thing different was the outline shape (FFA History, Nov. 3, 2015).