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LinkedIn Master Class
How to be a Rock Star Recruiter
You recruit like a rock star
when you...
Stop sourcing. Start networking.
Is your existing database your only fall back for all vacancies?
Widen your reach with social professional networks.
Stop interviewing. Start connecting.
Do you have a list of must-ask interview questions?
Try a new approach to connect with candidates even before the interview.
Stop hiring. Start nurturing.
Do you think hiring is a one-time exchange?
Plan a career path before you bring a new hire on board.
Who is this book for?
Recruiting managers
Talent acquisition leaders
Hiring managers
Line managers
There are two sides to a
recruitment story
The recruiter and the candidate.
Talent connects the two.
Read on as 8 rock star recruiters tell you how they build
relationships and hire outstanding candidates.
Rock Star Recruiter Meter
Lesson 1: Build for the future
Lesson 2: Make relationships matter
Lesson 3: Leverage social for wider reach and niche skills
Lesson 4: Focus on candidate journey
Lesson 5: Be a brand advocate
Summary: Rock Star Recruiter Check List
Additional resources
Discover yourself on our Rock Star Recruiter Meter
Mark Yes/ No to the following set of questions
This quiz should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete
Have you initiated steps to building
a personal brand online?
Can you leverage your network of
followers to help you connect with
the right talent?
Are you synonymous with your
employer brand and can people
link the two?
Do you engage with candidates
and stay in touch with them via
social platforms?
Have you put in a conscious effort
to research and identify talent
Have you built or are a part of talent
communities that you tap into for
your hiring needs?
Have you built a talent pipeline for
your hiring needs in the future?
Have you segmented talent pools
as per your hiring needs?
Do you ask your candidates about
their dreams and aspirations and
map it back to their role?
Do your recent hires talk about an
excellent candidate experience
Are you a new age recruiting
practices evangelist in your
Do you track new age recruiting
practices regularly?
Time for your results!
Count the number of Yes and No on your sheet
On your sheet you see...
Mostly yes? Mostly no? It’s a tie Mostly Yes
Congratulations rock star!
Check out how your peers navigate the recruiting maze
You’re a rock star in the making!
Record your journey of transformation and allow our rock
stars to guide you
Is it a tie?
Try marking unanswered questions as “No”
Pick a side and run with it!
Mostly No
The anatomy of a
Rock Star Recruiter
Social recruitment savvy
Has a stellar personal profile
Builds candidate relationships
Wears multiple hats - data guru, artist, marketer
Stays on top of professional networking
Is a brand advocate
Is a certified LinkedIn Recruiter
Is there a Rock Star in your midst?
Let the master class
Lesson 1: Build for the future
Getting you prepared for talent pipelining
Gopi Krishnan R
Talent Sourcer- APAC
Leverage LinkedIn projects for
talent pipelining
“Building a talent pipeline
is very useful for future
requirements and also
helps us improve turn
around time and return on
investment. I build talent
pipelines using LinkedIn
What excites
you about
“It helps me find & connect with
leaders in my industry. It gives me
access to a vast global talent pool.
That’s more than I can ask for as a
jobs closed via
social networks
2day response
time for a job
post on Linkedin
hired through
LinkedIn last year
favorite LinkedIn
Recruiter tool
Stay on track with LinkedIn projects instead of
maintaining records manually
Gopi’s social recruitment dashboard
Gopi Krishnan saves potential candidate profiles in relevant folders
using LinkedIn projects. He keeps in touch with his talent pipeline by
sending messages and engaging with their content e.g. liking their
updates. When a relevant opening comes up, he feels connected
enough to directly interact with them.
01 Optimize search and screening 03 Stay on track effectively
How to use LinkedIn Recruiter for talent pipelining?
02 Manage projects effectively
a. Tags
Recruiter lets you add custom tags to
candidate profiles. Use this feature to
make profiles easy to search.
b. Projects
Recruiter lets you save searches into
specific projects. Use this feature to
create a talent pipeline.
c. Connection path
Recruiter shows current employees to
potential candidates. Connect with them
for an inside opinion.
a. Reminders
Tagging reminders to candidate profiles,
team members and projects helps you
stay connected.
b. Reports
Sharing actionable project reports with
your team to make timely decisions and
course corrections.
a. Saved searches
Saving Boolean search strings and filters
allows Recruiter to notify you of new
candidates that fit your search criteria.
b. Update-me
By using this feature on Recruiter you can
stay updated on the career progress of
candidate profiles you’re interested in.
Lesson 2: Make relationships matter
Your journey to buiding stronger connections online
Ashrith Nonda
Social Media Recruiter
Focus on building relationships
Identify the right pitch by understanding
career aspirations
“I advice recruiters to
build a connection with the
candidate and not just
limit interactions to filling
a particular requirement.
Integrating social media
into the recruitment
process can give you an
edge in building and
maintaining professional
Ashrith Nonda ensures he maintins a healthy connection with his
potential candidates even if there are no openings available
immediately. He builds niche groups to attract the right kind of talent
and initiate connection with them and understand their career
Candidates find it easier to interact in a group discussion set up as
opposed to an interview context.
On building
with LinkedIn
“Start with an InMail, after this we
focus on building a personal connect
from interview to onboarding,
LinkedIn Recruiter helps us stay
connected at each step.”
jobs closed via
social networks
1day response
time for a job
post on Linkedin
senior positions
filled last year
favorite LinkedIn
Recruiter tool
Ashrith’s social recruitment dashboard
Lesson 3: Leverage social for niche and wider reach
From tips on mastering search for sourcing to cracking the InMail code
Build influence while connecting
with varied talent pools
What excites
you about
“Social professional networks like
LinkedIn help us nurture our vast
network of existing relationships.
All my existing employees can be
potential recruiters here”
response time
for jobs posted
on LinkedIn
favorite LinkedIn
Recruiter tool
2 days
Shreetam Subhrankar’s existing network of Microsoft alumni and
current employees gives him an army of potential recruiters. He
finds social professional networks with features like groups as one of
the best ways to stay connected with this vast pool of potential talent
that may not be actively looking for jobs.
Leverage current employees as potential
recruiters while looking for talent
Shreetam’s social recruitment dashboard
senior profiles
closed in 3
preferred tool to
build influence
Shreetam Subhrankar
Staffing Consultant
“While we were looking for
an editor with new age
journalism experience for
MSN, we couldn’t rely on
traditional sources. One of
the major challenges was
accessing exclusive talent
in this niche. LinkedIn’s
advanced search feature
helped me create a funnel
of relevant candidates and
reach out to exclusive
talent via InMails”
01 They leverage their own network
4 ways rock star recruiters build reach differently
02 They make the most of LinkedIn groups
a. They explore beyond first degree connections
b. They invest time building links with their
extended network
a. They work on building influence with
candidates on groups
b. They use groups as a platform to reinforce
03 They engage their profile views
04 Their existing employees are potential recruiters
a. They reach out to profile viewers outside of
their network
b. They actively work on increasing their
profile views
a. They motivate hiring managers to refer
star performers
b. They encourage employees to spruce up
their LinkedIn profile
Access niche talent pools across
experience levels
How do
search filters
help your
“While developing a talent pool for
niche skills we look at applicants
from Top 50 technology schools in
US. LinkedIn was the fastest
channel to access this.”
response time
for jobs posted
on LinkedIn
Search Filters
favorite LinkedIn
Recruiter tool
jobs closed via
social networks
talent sourcing
via LinkedIn
Sivakumar Kairvelu proactively reaches out to candidates from the
“suggested profiles” field on LinkedIn and explores up to 3rd
degree connections while looking for niche talent. He uses the
advanced search feature to create a funnel of candidates from most
relevant to least relevant while connecting with talent.
Sivakumar’s social recruitment dashboard
Make the most of “suggested profiles” field
on LinkedIn
Sivakumar Kadirvelu
“The windows mobile app
development space is
niche. I was sourcing for
the role of ‘Mobile Product
Manager’ which is even
more niche, LinkedIn
helped me map relevant
applicants from
organizations that focus
on mobile talent in a quick
span of time, I presented 4
quality candidates to the
Hiring Managers, of which
1 got hired.”
Widen your reach across varied
Your proudest
moment in
favorite talent
pool to access
What are your
key drivers for
cost per hire
quality of talent
exclusive talent
senior positions
filled last year
25jobs closed via
social networks
Surbhi’s social recruitment dashboard
Use analytics to identify talent pools across
geographies that may be potentially relevant
Surbhi Gupta deep dives into geography specific and role specific
information that she can gather on LinkedIn to identify and connect
with potential candidates. Her first step is to explore groups,
company pages that her potential candidates are following.
“Successfully hiring for US and
UK while based in India.
Delivering a seamless candidate
experience across the recruiting
life cycle with social recruiting.”
Surbhi Gupta
Senior HR Executive
“The position for a Global
head of Treasury based out
of US was on escalation for
several months. I started
my search on LinkedIn
even though I had limited
knowledge of the US
geography. My first step
was to tap the right groups
where we built a series of
connections to finally
arrive at the right
candidate. LinkedIn helped
us access a global talent
pool from the comfort of
our local region”
01 You will share a review of the receipients profile
02 You will always make an effort to personalize your InMails
03 You will refer to mutual connections as recommended by LinkedIn
04 You will demonstrate how you have been selective
05 You will use a conversational tone
Ten Commandments of rock star InMails
Follow these 10 commandments to initiate rock star conversations
06 You will make it brief
07 You will always highlight what’s in it for the recipient
08 You will always attempt to include useful and relevant content
09 You will always include a call to action
10 You will invite sharing by asking goals and interest levels in new opportunities
Lesson 4: Focus on the candidate journey
Unravel the art of making a lasting impact on your candidates
Stay connected with the candidate
from interview to onboarding
What excites
you about
“Good turn around ratio from
sourcing to offer and conversion
conversion. Cost effective
proactive recruiting channel”
response time
for jobs posted
on LinkedIn
favorite LinkedIn
Recruiter tool
<24hrs Leadership
primary channel
usage of
Veena V makes an effort to ensure there are low drop out rates from
offer to joining. She finds LinkedIn Recruiter to be an apt platform to
share updates, invite feedback and stay connected even with
candidates who are not actively looking for jobs in her talent
pipeline. She uses a hands on approach while preparing
candidates to join the company.
Veena’s social recruitment dashboard
Adopt a proactive approach while taking a
candidate through the recruitment process
Veena V
Senior Recruiter
“As a recruiter, I stay
connected to the candidate
till they come on board as
‘employees’. I share
company and job details,
prepare them for
interviews, address
queries at each stage, keep
them engaged & excited
about joining the
organisation, by
furnishing the right
information and work as a
team to get the right
person on board”
Keep them engaged with
scheduled communication
How has social
“The movement from agency based
recruiting to developing an in-house
focus on social media presence has
resulted in increased ownership of
the candidate journey”
response time
for jobs posted
on LinkedIn
favorite LinkedIn
Recruiter tool
2 days
jobs closed via
social networks
senior positions
filled last year
Namita Vyas follows an inside out approach to ensure each
candidate journey is smooth and relevant. She starts with
understanding her hiring manager’s need and then connects
potential candidates and hiring managers for exploratory
discussions. She also leverages common contacts to keep
candidates engaged.
Namita’s social recruitment dashboard
Keep communication lines open between
potential candidates and hiring managers
Namita Vyas
Manager - Technology Leadership
"While hiring candidates, I
make use of available
networks – employees, top
management and my own.
I keep them engaged from
initial connect message till
finalization. I partner with
the hiring managers to
ensure that there is a
continuous chain of
communication with the
candidates. Be it
exploratory calls or in
person meetings with the
hiring managers, or
regular status updates by
me, I keep the candidate
warm and engaged with
Lesson 5: Be a brand advocate
Find out the secret to bringing your brand to life in your conversations
01 Participate in groups
Represent your
employer brand by
participating in niche
groups on LinkedIn
02 Personalized InMails
03 Connect key leadership 04 Information updates
05 Live brand experience 06 Continued interactions
Bhajneet Singh Dhingra
Senior Manager Hiring
Advocating the employer brand
across the recruitment lifecycle
“While sourcing a creative
technologist (director
level) our first bet was to
get a dedicated global
search firm which didn’t
work out for us. I took
charge of the search on
LinkedIn - from groups to
targeted InMails- a well
planned candidate
experience helped us
convert an exclusive
Bhajneet Singh Dhingra takes us through how he hired
exclusive niche talent by advocating the Sapient Brand
Plan and send out
personalized InMails
with relevant and
useful content
Connect candidate
with key leadership to
give complete clarity
on role and goals
Candidate specific
information updates
and updates on
company and brand
Invite candidates to
live brand
experiences like an
event (Sapient Xi)
Stay in touch with the
candidate at planned
intervals with relevant
updates till they join
Take charge of your candidate experience
Follow this 12 point to-do list to deliver a rock star candidate experience
A how-to video of your application process on the website
Detailed info on the website and LinkedIn Career Page
Introduction to employees on LinkedIn
Branded personlaized InMails with useful information
Clear instructions and information on your availability
Staged and planned process, non repeated questions
Weekly calls, InMails and updates
“Is there anything you didn’t get a chance to tell us today?”
What you can do
Real answers that enables improvement, feedback forms
Call and connect up don’t just sms or email a rejection
Nurture niche communities on LinkedIn
Make a planned process map and keep improving
Simplified application process
Transparent application process
Know more about the existing team
Personalized and relevant emails
Option to check in and follow up
Smooth onsite interview
Stay in touch through the application process
Opportunity to completely present their profile
What your candidate wants
Constructive and two-way feedback
Respectful rejection
Keep in touch even if they didn’t interview
Stay commmitted to their experience
Every brand advocate needs a stellar profile
Follow these steps to build a rock star personal profile on LinkedIn
02 Dress it up with rich media
03 Add certifications
04 Make your updates interactive
05 Add recommendations
01 Craft a catchy opening
Make the most of the first 120 characters on your
profile. Include skills that make your profile distinct.
Include presentation, videos, portfolio items that can
help potential candidates set quality benchmarks.
Include all certifications that are recent and relevant.
The perfect way to showcase your experience and to
strike up a conversation with a new candidate.
Recommendations from team members on a hiring
managers profile would help potential candidates.
The Rockstar Recruiter
Check List
You have a plan for talent pipelining
You are ready to build relationships online
You have access to varied talent pools
You have revamped your personal profile
You have a well planned candidate experience
You can pack more power into InMails now
You are an employer brand advocate
You are closer to LinkedIn Recruiter certification
Are you ready to unleash your
inner rock star on LinkedIn?
Let the rock star
recruiting begin!
Meet the authors
Megha Nayak
Associate Field Marketing Manager
Megha is a Marketer with a passion for
business, technology and new ideas. She
is a part of the trade marketing team in
India.She plays enabler in helping talent
leaders leverage the power of LinkedIn.
Aadil Bandukwala
Senior Customer Success Consultant
Aadil is a Social Talent Evangelist who
consults with LinkedIn’s Enterprise
Customers in India on their Talent
Strategy and advises them on their
Employer Brand. SHRM India has ranked
Aadil as one of India’s Top 20 Most
Influential People in Human Resources
on Social Media for two consecutive
LinkedIn India’s Customer Success Team
Ketaki Kadekar
Associate Customer Education Consultant
Somi Jacob
Customer Education Consultant
Aditya Kumar
Senior Technical Consultant
Sebastian John
Associate Customer Education Consultant
Gunjan Govani
Senior Customer Success Consultant
Jacqueline Azariah
Senior Customer Success Consultant
Mahesh Prabhu
Senior Customer Success Consultant
Niraj Vasani
Customer Success Consultant
Ragini Jaswal
Customer Success Consultant
Sani Sharsar
Customer Success Consultant
Vandana Singh
Customer Success Consultant
Rudra Prasad Nanjundappa
India Head, Customer Success
Aadil Bandukwala
Senior Customer Success Consultant
Prachi Banga
Senior Customer Success Consultant
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How to be a rockstar recruiter

  • 1. LinkedIn Master Class How to be a Rock Star Recruiter
  • 2. You recruit like a rock star when you... Stop sourcing. Start networking. Is your existing database your only fall back for all vacancies? Widen your reach with social professional networks. Stop interviewing. Start connecting. Do you have a list of must-ask interview questions? Try a new approach to connect with candidates even before the interview. Stop hiring. Start nurturing. Do you think hiring is a one-time exchange? Plan a career path before you bring a new hire on board. Who is this book for? Recruiting managers Talent acquisition leaders Hiring managers Line managers
  • 3. There are two sides to a recruitment story The recruiter and the candidate. Talent connects the two. Read on as 8 rock star recruiters tell you how they build relationships and hire outstanding candidates. Rock Star Recruiter Meter Lesson 1: Build for the future Lesson 2: Make relationships matter Lesson 3: Leverage social for wider reach and niche skills Lesson 4: Focus on candidate journey Lesson 5: Be a brand advocate Summary: Rock Star Recruiter Check List Additional resources
  • 4. Discover yourself on our Rock Star Recruiter Meter Mark Yes/ No to the following set of questions This quiz should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete 04 Have you initiated steps to building a personal brand online? 02 Can you leverage your network of followers to help you connect with the right talent? 03 Are you synonymous with your employer brand and can people link the two? 05 Do you engage with candidates and stay in touch with them via social platforms? 01 Have you put in a conscious effort to research and identify talent hubs? 06 Have you built or are a part of talent communities that you tap into for your hiring needs? 07 Have you built a talent pipeline for your hiring needs in the future? 08 Have you segmented talent pools as per your hiring needs? 09 Do you ask your candidates about their dreams and aspirations and map it back to their role? 10 Do your recent hires talk about an excellent candidate experience journey? 12 Are you a new age recruiting practices evangelist in your organization? 11 Do you track new age recruiting practices regularly? Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N
  • 5. Time for your results! Count the number of Yes and No on your sheet
  • 6. NO On your sheet you see... Mostly yes? Mostly no? It’s a tie Mostly Yes Congratulations rock star! Check out how your peers navigate the recruiting maze You’re a rock star in the making! Record your journey of transformation and allow our rock stars to guide you Is it a tie? Try marking unanswered questions as “No” Pick a side and run with it! Mostly No
  • 7. The anatomy of a Rock Star Recruiter Social recruitment savvy Intuitive Has a stellar personal profile Builds candidate relationships Wears multiple hats - data guru, artist, marketer Stays on top of professional networking Is a brand advocate Is a certified LinkedIn Recruiter Is there a Rock Star in your midst? Let the master class begin!
  • 8. Lesson 1: Build for the future Getting you prepared for talent pipelining
  • 9. Gopi Krishnan R Talent Sourcer- APAC Paypal Leverage LinkedIn projects for talent pipelining “Building a talent pipeline is very useful for future requirements and also helps us improve turn around time and return on investment. I build talent pipelines using LinkedIn projects” What excites you about social recruiting? “It helps me find & connect with leaders in my industry. It gives me access to a vast global talent pool. That’s more than I can ask for as a recruiter!” jobs closed via social networks 90% 2day response time for a job post on Linkedin hired through LinkedIn last year 85% InMails favorite LinkedIn Recruiter tool Stay on track with LinkedIn projects instead of maintaining records manually Gopi’s social recruitment dashboard Gopi Krishnan saves potential candidate profiles in relevant folders using LinkedIn projects. He keeps in touch with his talent pipeline by sending messages and engaging with their content e.g. liking their updates. When a relevant opening comes up, he feels connected enough to directly interact with them.
  • 10. 01 Optimize search and screening 03 Stay on track effectively How to use LinkedIn Recruiter for talent pipelining? 02 Manage projects effectively a. Tags Recruiter lets you add custom tags to candidate profiles. Use this feature to make profiles easy to search. b. Projects Recruiter lets you save searches into specific projects. Use this feature to create a talent pipeline. c. Connection path Recruiter shows current employees to potential candidates. Connect with them for an inside opinion. a. Reminders Tagging reminders to candidate profiles, team members and projects helps you stay connected. b. Reports Sharing actionable project reports with your team to make timely decisions and course corrections. a. Saved searches Saving Boolean search strings and filters allows Recruiter to notify you of new candidates that fit your search criteria. b. Update-me By using this feature on Recruiter you can stay updated on the career progress of candidate profiles you’re interested in.
  • 11. Lesson 2: Make relationships matter Your journey to buiding stronger connections online
  • 12. Ashrith Nonda Social Media Recruiter HCLTechnologies Focus on building relationships Identify the right pitch by understanding career aspirations “I advice recruiters to build a connection with the candidate and not just limit interactions to filling a particular requirement. Integrating social media into the recruitment process can give you an edge in building and maintaining professional relationships” Ashrith Nonda ensures he maintins a healthy connection with his potential candidates even if there are no openings available immediately. He builds niche groups to attract the right kind of talent and initiate connection with them and understand their career aspirations. Candidates find it easier to interact in a group discussion set up as opposed to an interview context. On building relationships with LinkedIn Recruiter... “Start with an InMail, after this we focus on building a personal connect from interview to onboarding, LinkedIn Recruiter helps us stay connected at each step.” jobs closed via social networks 100% 1day response time for a job post on Linkedin mid/ senior positions filled last year 69 Tags favorite LinkedIn Recruiter tool Ashrith’s social recruitment dashboard
  • 13. Lesson 3: Leverage social for niche and wider reach From tips on mastering search for sourcing to cracking the InMail code
  • 14. Build influence while connecting with varied talent pools What excites you about social recruiting? “Social professional networks like LinkedIn help us nurture our vast network of existing relationships. All my existing employees can be potential recruiters here” response time for jobs posted on LinkedIn InMails favorite LinkedIn Recruiter tool 2 days Shreetam Subhrankar’s existing network of Microsoft alumni and current employees gives him an army of potential recruiters. He finds social professional networks with features like groups as one of the best ways to stay connected with this vast pool of potential talent that may not be actively looking for jobs. Leverage current employees as potential recruiters while looking for talent Shreetam’s social recruitment dashboard senior profiles closed in 3 months 4 Groups preferred tool to build influence Shreetam Subhrankar Staffing Consultant Microsoft “While we were looking for an editor with new age journalism experience for MSN, we couldn’t rely on traditional sources. One of the major challenges was accessing exclusive talent in this niche. LinkedIn’s advanced search feature helped me create a funnel of relevant candidates and reach out to exclusive talent via InMails”
  • 15. 01 They leverage their own network 4 ways rock star recruiters build reach differently 02 They make the most of LinkedIn groups a. They explore beyond first degree connections b. They invest time building links with their extended network a. They work on building influence with candidates on groups b. They use groups as a platform to reinforce authenticity 03 They engage their profile views 04 Their existing employees are potential recruiters a. They reach out to profile viewers outside of their network b. They actively work on increasing their profile views a. They motivate hiring managers to refer star performers b. They encourage employees to spruce up their LinkedIn profile
  • 16. Access niche talent pools across experience levels How do targeted search filters help your efforts? “While developing a talent pool for niche skills we look at applicants from Top 50 technology schools in US. LinkedIn was the fastest channel to access this.” response time for jobs posted on LinkedIn Targeted Search Filters favorite LinkedIn Recruiter tool <24hrs jobs closed via social networks 80% talent sourcing via LinkedIn Recruiter Niche Sivakumar Kairvelu proactively reaches out to candidates from the “suggested profiles” field on LinkedIn and explores up to 3rd degree connections while looking for niche talent. He uses the advanced search feature to create a funnel of candidates from most relevant to least relevant while connecting with talent. Sivakumar’s social recruitment dashboard Make the most of “suggested profiles” field on LinkedIn Sivakumar Kadirvelu Recruiter FlipKart “The windows mobile app development space is niche. I was sourcing for the role of ‘Mobile Product Manager’ which is even more niche, LinkedIn helped me map relevant applicants from organizations that focus on mobile talent in a quick span of time, I presented 4 quality candidates to the Hiring Managers, of which 1 got hired.”
  • 17. Widen your reach across varied geographies Your proudest moment in social recruiting? Followers favorite talent pool to access What are your key drivers for social recruiting? Reduced Better Reach cost per hire quality of talent exclusive talent senior positions filled last year 25jobs closed via social networks 70% Surbhi’s social recruitment dashboard Use analytics to identify talent pools across geographies that may be potentially relevant Surbhi Gupta deep dives into geography specific and role specific information that she can gather on LinkedIn to identify and connect with potential candidates. Her first step is to explore groups, company pages that her potential candidates are following. “Successfully hiring for US and UK while based in India. Delivering a seamless candidate experience across the recruiting life cycle with social recruiting.” Surbhi Gupta Senior HR Executive Wipro “The position for a Global head of Treasury based out of US was on escalation for several months. I started my search on LinkedIn even though I had limited knowledge of the US geography. My first step was to tap the right groups where we built a series of connections to finally arrive at the right candidate. LinkedIn helped us access a global talent pool from the comfort of our local region”
  • 18. 01 You will share a review of the receipients profile 02 You will always make an effort to personalize your InMails 03 You will refer to mutual connections as recommended by LinkedIn 04 You will demonstrate how you have been selective 05 You will use a conversational tone Ten Commandments of rock star InMails Follow these 10 commandments to initiate rock star conversations 06 You will make it brief 07 You will always highlight what’s in it for the recipient 08 You will always attempt to include useful and relevant content 09 You will always include a call to action 10 You will invite sharing by asking goals and interest levels in new opportunities
  • 19. Lesson 4: Focus on the candidate journey Unravel the art of making a lasting impact on your candidates
  • 20. Stay connected with the candidate from interview to onboarding What excites you about social recruiting? “Good turn around ratio from sourcing to offer and conversion conversion. Cost effective proactive recruiting channel” response time for jobs posted on LinkedIn Export PDFs favorite LinkedIn Recruiter tool <24hrs Leadership Hiring primary channel LinkedIn usage of LinkedIn Recruiter Daily Veena V makes an effort to ensure there are low drop out rates from offer to joining. She finds LinkedIn Recruiter to be an apt platform to share updates, invite feedback and stay connected even with candidates who are not actively looking for jobs in her talent pipeline. She uses a hands on approach while preparing candidates to join the company. Veena’s social recruitment dashboard Adopt a proactive approach while taking a candidate through the recruitment process Veena V Senior Recruiter AmazonDevelopmentCenter “As a recruiter, I stay connected to the candidate till they come on board as ‘employees’. I share company and job details, prepare them for interviews, address queries at each stage, keep them engaged & excited about joining the organisation, by furnishing the right information and work as a team to get the right person on board”
  • 21. Keep them engaged with scheduled communication How has social recruiting improved candidate journey? “The movement from agency based recruiting to developing an in-house focus on social media presence has resulted in increased ownership of the candidate journey” response time for jobs posted on LinkedIn Groups favorite LinkedIn Recruiter tool 2 days jobs closed via social networks 50% mid/ senior positions filled last year 69 Namita Vyas follows an inside out approach to ensure each candidate journey is smooth and relevant. She starts with understanding her hiring manager’s need and then connects potential candidates and hiring managers for exploratory discussions. She also leverages common contacts to keep candidates engaged. Namita’s social recruitment dashboard Keep communication lines open between potential candidates and hiring managers Namita Vyas Manager - Technology Leadership InMobi "While hiring candidates, I make use of available networks – employees, top management and my own. I keep them engaged from initial connect message till finalization. I partner with the hiring managers to ensure that there is a continuous chain of communication with the candidates. Be it exploratory calls or in person meetings with the hiring managers, or regular status updates by me, I keep the candidate warm and engaged with InMobi”
  • 22. Lesson 5: Be a brand advocate Find out the secret to bringing your brand to life in your conversations
  • 23. 01 Participate in groups Represent your employer brand by participating in niche groups on LinkedIn 02 Personalized InMails 03 Connect key leadership 04 Information updates 05 Live brand experience 06 Continued interactions Bhajneet Singh Dhingra Senior Manager Hiring SapientConsultingPvtLtd Advocating the employer brand across the recruitment lifecycle “While sourcing a creative technologist (director level) our first bet was to get a dedicated global search firm which didn’t work out for us. I took charge of the search on LinkedIn - from groups to targeted InMails- a well planned candidate experience helped us convert an exclusive candidate.” Bhajneet Singh Dhingra takes us through how he hired exclusive niche talent by advocating the Sapient Brand Plan and send out personalized InMails with relevant and useful content Connect candidate with key leadership to give complete clarity on role and goals Candidate specific information updates and updates on company and brand Invite candidates to live brand experiences like an event (Sapient Xi) Stay in touch with the candidate at planned intervals with relevant updates till they join
  • 24. Take charge of your candidate experience Follow this 12 point to-do list to deliver a rock star candidate experience A how-to video of your application process on the website Detailed info on the website and LinkedIn Career Page Introduction to employees on LinkedIn Branded personlaized InMails with useful information Clear instructions and information on your availability Staged and planned process, non repeated questions Weekly calls, InMails and updates “Is there anything you didn’t get a chance to tell us today?” What you can do Real answers that enables improvement, feedback forms Call and connect up don’t just sms or email a rejection Nurture niche communities on LinkedIn Make a planned process map and keep improving Simplified application process Transparent application process Know more about the existing team Personalized and relevant emails Option to check in and follow up Smooth onsite interview Stay in touch through the application process Opportunity to completely present their profile What your candidate wants Constructive and two-way feedback Respectful rejection Keep in touch even if they didn’t interview Stay commmitted to their experience
  • 25. Every brand advocate needs a stellar profile Follow these steps to build a rock star personal profile on LinkedIn 02 Dress it up with rich media 03 Add certifications 04 Make your updates interactive 05 Add recommendations 01 Craft a catchy opening Make the most of the first 120 characters on your profile. Include skills that make your profile distinct. Include presentation, videos, portfolio items that can help potential candidates set quality benchmarks. Include all certifications that are recent and relevant. The perfect way to showcase your experience and to strike up a conversation with a new candidate. Recommendations from team members on a hiring managers profile would help potential candidates.
  • 26. The Rockstar Recruiter Check List You have a plan for talent pipelining You are ready to build relationships online You have access to varied talent pools You have revamped your personal profile You have a well planned candidate experience You can pack more power into InMails now You are an employer brand advocate You are closer to LinkedIn Recruiter certification Are you ready to unleash your inner rock star on LinkedIn? Let the rock star recruiting begin!
  • 27. Meet the authors Megha Nayak Associate Field Marketing Manager Megha is a Marketer with a passion for business, technology and new ideas. She is a part of the trade marketing team in India.She plays enabler in helping talent leaders leverage the power of LinkedIn. Aadil Bandukwala Senior Customer Success Consultant Aadil is a Social Talent Evangelist who consults with LinkedIn’s Enterprise Customers in India on their Talent Strategy and advises them on their Employer Brand. SHRM India has ranked Aadil as one of India’s Top 20 Most Influential People in Human Resources on Social Media for two consecutive years.
  • 28. LinkedIn India’s Customer Success Team Ketaki Kadekar Associate Customer Education Consultant Somi Jacob Customer Education Consultant Aditya Kumar Senior Technical Consultant Sebastian John Associate Customer Education Consultant Gunjan Govani Senior Customer Success Consultant Jacqueline Azariah Senior Customer Success Consultant Mahesh Prabhu Senior Customer Success Consultant Niraj Vasani Customer Success Consultant Ragini Jaswal Customer Success Consultant Sani Sharsar Customer Success Consultant Vandana Singh Customer Success Consultant Rudra Prasad Nanjundappa India Head, Customer Success Aadil Bandukwala Senior Customer Success Consultant Prachi Banga Senior Customer Success Consultant
  • 29. Curious about social recruiting? See more details of our solutions at Request free demo at Stay on the cutting edge with our blog