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Housing Society Management System
Part 2: Project Implementation Report
MSc in Data Analytics {2019/2020}
Team Members:
Name Student ID
Niraj Shah X18139108
Preeti Sakav X18133592
Shrikant Samarth X18129137
Kaustubh Albur X18136567
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 2
Strategic Planning and Analysis: ...................................................................................................................4
Target Group:................................................................................................................................................5
Background of Housing System: ...................................................................................................................5
Basis of Implementation Architecture:.........................................................................................................5
System Architecture:.................................................................................................................................6
System Design:..............................................................................................................................................6
User and Administrator Functionalities:.......................................................................................................7
Benefits of the Proposed System:.................................................................................................................8
Scope of Improvement: ................................................................................................................................8
Data Dictionary .............................................................................................................................................9
Event Data Dictionary ...............................................................................................................................9
Tenant Data Dictionary.............................................................................................................................9
Flat Data Dictionary ................................................................................................................................10
Maintenance Issue Data dictionary ........................................................................................................10
Society Issue Data Dictionary..................................................................................................................11
Process Diagrams:.......................................................................................................................................12
Booking Facility:......................................................................................................................................12
Lease Renewal: .......................................................................................................................................13
Maintenance System: .............................................................................................................................14
Event Management System:...................................................................................................................15
Entity-Relationship Diagram:..................................................................................................................16
Database Schema:...................................................................................................................................17
Implementation of Architecture:................................................................................................................18
Users: ......................................................................................................................................................18
Admin Home Page & Structure:..............................................................................................................18
Tenant Home Page & Structure:.............................................................................................................21
Standard Objects.....................................................................................................................................22
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 3
Facilities: .....................................................................................................................................................27
Society related issues:.................................................................................................................................29
Maintenance Issues ....................................................................................................................................32
Event Registration:......................................................................................................................................35
Lease Renewal.............................................................................................................................................37
Analysis and Dashboards: ...........................................................................................................................38
Teamwork ...................................................................................................................................................42
References ..................................................................................................................................................42
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 4
Accommodation issues in Dublin have been rising with every passing day as
immigrants have started looking at Ireland as a great opportunity to settle down.
Thus our Housing Society was established in 2017, with an optimize Housing
Management System. This Management System takes care of almost every issue
that a tenant might face during his stay. The entire residence is owned by the
Housing Society, and have adopted the Housing Management System to manage
the society. Services of the system are specially designed for the ease and smooth
communication between tenants and the society administration regarding any
issues, booking of any facilities provided by the society, issues related to lease
etc. As any request/complaint is raised by the tenant an auto generated email
will be sent to the administration and to the tenant as a confirmation of the issue
Strategic Planning and Analysis:
Strategic planning is an important for all associations including for-profits, non-
profits, government offices, human resources, social administrations etc. It
unlocks new ways to deal with the management system that helps in filling the
gap in the system. Moreover, strategic planning is used to set priorities, focus
energy and resources, strengthen operations and adjust the organization's
direction in response to a changing environment. Effective strategic planning
expresses not just where an association is going and the actions expected to
make progress, but also in addition how it will know whether it is effective
(company, 2019).So, we have utilized some management strategies to tackle the
gap between tenants and Society management. (Hayden, 2019)
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 5
Target Group:
The system acts as an mediator between the tenants and the administration,
thus the target users will be the Housing Societies and Rental Organizations.
The tenants usually had to keep running behind the owner to solve any of their
maintenance/repair issues, or had to wait for long to book any facilities. The
management system eases their task by giving them one platform through which
they can raise their complaints, book facilities have a reminder for their lease
renewal system and will not have to have to wait for long to get a response.
Background of Housing System:
There was no particular housing system to manage the entire housing society
but with the rising demand in the housing sector, led to the communication gap
between the tenants and the Housing Society that gap is bridged by this Housing
Management System. 30% of the housing in Dublin is private and rental
accommodation, thus a large percentage of people are living in a rental house
which requires a good management for any issues faced. (Ireland, 2018) Earlier
people had to call the owner and concern them for any problem faced. With the
rise in technology and software it has become easy for the owners and tenants
to communicate with each other hassle free.
Basis of Implementation Architecture:
This management system acts as a bridge between the communication gap
observed between the society/apartment owner/administrator and tenants.
Through this process the tenants will be able to communicate with the
administrator without any hassle for any issue that he faces related to his
apartment or the society. The administrator follows a certain work flow where he
is able to see the issue raised or a request sent for booking any facility by a
specific tenant of a specific apartment from a wing. All the requests and
complaints received from various tenants of the housing society are available at
the administrator view where he resolves their issue and a confirmation email
regarding the same is sent. Tenant details , his complaint history and number
of times the tenant has booked any facility all other details are available at the
administrator view.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 6
System Architecture:
Salesforce is an vital part of Housing System, that provides a customized,
practical and easy solutions to all tenants who wish to communicate with the
administration for any purpose. It also gives the administration a different work
flow and authorities to resolve issues effectively. This platform creates various
objects, dashboards, apps, verification, data storing points etc which makes the
working of the system effective and user friendly.
• Time efficient.
• Avoids miscommunication between tenants and administration office.
• People living in the society are updated of upcoming events.
• Issues of people living in the society are resolved.
• Actual implementation of this process requires financial investment to it.
• To use this system access to internet is mandatory.
System Design:
The Housing System is a Salesforce Application that provides an informative and
communicative platform for people living in the housing society. People living in
the society has the access that is given by the administrator, to raise concerns
regarding issues faced in the apartment or society related issues. The
architecture has been developed taking into account all the possible things a
tenant of the apartment can face during his stay in the housing society. The
admin has authorities to take decisions, circulate notice, inform owners and
tenants about the upcoming events through email. Non members of the housing
society can take part in the events of the society through an invitation link. All
the information is available with the administrator of the Housing System.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 7
User and Administrator Functionalities:
• A person living in an apartment can complaint about the problems in the
apartment like problems in the boiler, plumbing issues, kitchen issues etc.
• Tenant can pull up a request to book any facility provided by the housing
society like booking a slot for swimming pool, club house facilities and games,
community hall for parties and events.
• Tenants facing any society related issue such as parking space, hygiene of
the society, frequent breakdown of wifi, lifts, cutdown on water supply etc
can be raised in the Society Related Issues tab in the salesforce app.
• A tenant can keep a check on all his facility booking history in the Facility
• The administrator can view all the maintenance issues raised by the tenant.
Maintenance issues are Repair or Replace type. Reading the description
provided by the tenant the admin can decide what to do and approve or reject
its request. An auto generated e-mail will be sent accordingly.
• Admin has the authority to process the requests of booking any facility
requested by the tenant. If at a particular time slot more than one person
have raise a request to book the same facility, admin decides and accepts and
reject the request accordingly.
• All the Society related issues will be scrutinized by the admin, resolve them
and send an email to every member of the housing society informing the issue
has been resolved.
• Provides a link to invite non-members of the housing society to their events
and society parties. Admin will collect all the information of these people and
inform them if any apartment is vacant, and further event link’s will be
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 8
Benefits of the Proposed System:
The proposed system will ease and bridge the communication gap between
tenants and the housing society admin. Endless calls to the admin and following
up with him to resolve a small issue will be over. Tenants just have to raise a
complaint through the salesforce application and their task is done. The
expected resolution, description of the issue faced are the additional information
the tenant can provide to resolve his issues as early as possible. The efforts of
finding a right place and reserving it for any event or function is eliminated, as
the type of event, date of event can be selected by the tenant and the request to
book that facility needs to be sent on the salesforce app. Salesforce will keep a
check on all the facility and the complaint history booked or raised by the tenant,
whether the admin has resolved or rejected the request.
Through this Society Management System the administrator can manage the
entire housing society irrespective of its size through the salesforce application.
The admin has sufficient information of all the maintenance issues of the
apartments and the society. Through this information an annual cost required
to maintain the society can be estimated. Detailed analysis on this information
will help the administrator to reduce the maintenance cost and make the working
of the housing society more efficient.
Scope of Improvement:
The system developed in Salesforce can be developed as an mobile application,
where the user will have a login id and password, the authorized login id and
password will get access to all the facilities and advantages of this application.
The admin will have another view, where he can check all the incoming request
and act accordingly through the mobile application.
This particular system with few changes can be developed for any other rental
organization, any other housing societies having different set of facilities and
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 9
Data Dictionary:
Event Data Dictionary
Attribute Label Data type Allowed values Description
ActivityDate Date Date Date of Event
Activitytime Time Time Time of Event
Attendees String Text Members name
Description String Text Event Description
Duration Time Hours:Mins:Sec Duratio of event
Email String Email id Emailid of Attendee
IsPrivate Checkbox Yes/No Public/Priavte Event
CreatedBy String Text User who created The
Tenant Data Dictionary
Attribute Label Data type Allowed values Description
Age Numeric Numbers Tenants
BirthDate Date Tenants Date Of
Tenants Birth date
Name String Name of tenant Tenants name
Gender PickList Male/Female Select Male/Female
Phone_Number Number Numbers Tenants Contact
Tenant_since_Months Date Date Days since Lease
Date_Of_Occupancy Date Date Date of Joining
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 10
Flat Data Dictionary
Attribute Label Data type Allowed values Description
Created_By Date Date Record created by.
Flat_No Character Number and
Flat number
Floor Character Character Floor on which Flat is
Name String Names Name of tenant
Price Numeric Number Price of apartment
Wing Character Wing name The Building in which
the flat is
Type Number Type of Flat Number of rooms and
size of flat
Maintenance Issue Data dictionary
Attribute Name
(Field Name)
(Data Type)
Allowed Values Description
CreatedBy Date Date of creation Member raising
the issues
Detail String Description Details of the
maintenance issue
Flat_No Integer Flat number Flat no of the
LastModifiedBy Date Date Any modifications
Name String Name of creator Tenants name
Owner String Owners Name Owners name
Type String Maintenance issue or
Society related issue
Type of issue
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 11
Society Issue Data Dictionary
Attribute Name Data Type Allowed Values Description
CreatedBy String Text Person who raised the
Description String Text Description Description of the
society related issue
Flat_Number Integer Numeric Flat number of the
Issue_Solved CheckBox Approved or
Is the issue resolved or
LastModifiedBy Date Modification
If any modifications
Name String Name Name of the member
Owner String Name Owner/tenant
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 12
Process Diagrams:
Booking Facility:
Society members need to book the facility they wish to use in advance. The
above diagram describes the process flow for booking different facilities.
Members need to login to their account and select the appropriate date and
facility they wish to book. The request is sent to the admin via email for approval.
The updated status of the request can be viewed online.
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Lease Renewal:
A part of the system is to generate reminders and renew the lease before expiry.
The system generates a reminder automatically which is sent to the tenant. If
the tenant wishes to renew the lease ,the request will be acknowledged and sent
to admin for further processing.
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Maintenance System:
The maintanence system is automated wherein members can send requests
for repairing or replacement. The administrator views the request and appoints
a person to handle the request.
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Event Management System:
The above diagram displays the process flow for event management system.
Every event organised is published on the website and an email notification is
sent to all members in the society.Members are required to register for the events
they would attend.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 16
Entity-Relationship Diagram:
The diagram above presents the Entity-Relationship model, used for designing
the system. The ER diagram contains Entities,Attributes and Relationships. The
diagram above contains seven entites. Relationships between the entities can be
One -to-One ,One-to Many or Many-to-Many. The relation between members and
flats, lease and members is one to one, and the relation between facilities and
members is many to many. Each Entity has multiple attributes which describe
the entity. The ER diagram designed is used for building the system.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 17
Database Schema:
Database schema:The database schema is designed based on the relationships
determined in the ER diagram.Figure above displays relations between tables in
the database.The model makes it easier to setup the model.Schema builder is
used for modelling data ,it provides drag and drop funtionality with the help of
which objects can be created easily.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 18
Implementation of Architecture:
There are two different views of the application. The first is the administrative
view given to the society management which has all the rights related to all the
objects in the application. The other is the User view given to the tenants living
in the society and has limited privileges and access for the application.
Custom fields, different data structures, workflows, validations, etc. are
described for each custom object built for the application.
1) Society Owner (Admin), 2) Tenants
Admin Home Page & Structure:
Some of the screenshots given below are from the Admin login.
The following are the custom objects created for the society management
application. We have used the contact (for event registration) default objects and
adapted them for the society management use.
This is the view of Admin’s frontend custom objects, which shows all the
objects created for the application.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 19
The below home page of the admin login shows recent activity, dashboard and
calendar for event schedule.
The admin’s home page also shows all the request raised by the users for
approval, where admin can take a decision to approve or reject based on the
schedule of all requests.
To see the users, request in details, admin needs to click on the individual
request. Below is the request view from the admin’s home page, where admin
can accept or decline the request.
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The above diagram shows the status of the maintenance issue as pending and
after the issue is approved by the admin the status will show approved as
shown below.
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For a quick view, various graphs can also be seen on the home page which is
from the dashboard tab on the admins portal.
Tenant Home Page & Structure:
The screenshot given below shows the permissions given to the tenants.
The tenants have restrictions for the objects they can or cannot see. The
screenshot given below shows that a tenant cannot view information regarding
other tenants and does not have access to reports and dashboards. Even
though a tenant can see a flat, he cannot create a new one. It can only be
created by the admin.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 22
The screenshot given below shows a maintenance issue from a tenant’s view.
Only the admin can approve/reject these issues.
Standard Objects
Articles are database tables that enable us to store information explicit to the
association in salesforce. The followings are the objects used for the project
This is the first custom object from the admin’s view and the screenshots show
the flow object from viewing of the flat to creation and adding tenants to the
flat. The below image show the fields used for this object.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 23
The below screenshot is the admin’s view for the Flat object.
The screenshot given below describes the view that comes up after clicking on a
“New Flat”. The various fields are type, status, floor and wing which are all
picklists. There are 3 types: 1 BHK, 2 BHK and 3 BHK. The status can either
be booked or available. There are 6 floor in each wing and there are 5 wings
from Wing A to Wing E.
After saving the details, the price field comes up and it is an automatic formula
field dependent on type of the flat. New tenants can also be added as shown in
the figure below.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 24
The figure below shows another flat which already has a tenant. Here admin
can see all the records of tenant’s history, facilities used, raised tickets for
maintenance and society related issues.
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The tenant name of the flat details page redirect to the details of the tenant.
This is due to the lookup field used in the tenant object for flats.
This is the next custom object used for this application. The image below
shows the fields and validation rules used for this object.
The image below is the admin view of the tenant’s object. It is a list of the
already existing tenants in the society and the respective flat numbers. The
object can create new tenants and assign flats to the tenant.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 26
Almost all the fields are mandatory, which need to be filled while adding a new
tenant. A lookup field for the flat is used in this object as shown below.
The figure below shows the validation for the phone number being triggered as
it is not a 10-digit number.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 27
Note that in the below figure, age and tenant since(months), are formula fields
and are calculated according to the data entered while creating a record.
Approval process in the setup has been used for this object.
All requests for facilities can be viewed by admin. Admin can see all the details
like tenants Name, his flat no., type of facilities he is requesting for, phone
number and the requested data with time. To make sure for the easy
management this view is very helpful.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 28
Requesting a new facility: Admin also has the authority of booking a facility
for any guests or on special request of a tenant (in case his user access is not
Form filled has to be submitted for approval. The below figure shows the admin
view of the request before approving or rejecting.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 29
Below figure shows the user’s view after approval for his requested facility.
Society related issues:
A workflow has been created in this object. When a tenant creates a new issue,
a mail is sent to the tenant and the admin regarding this.
The image below shows the workflow created for it.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 30
The below society related issue screenshot shows the tenants view, just to
spread awareness tenants can also view all the society related issues.
If a tenant wants to raise an issue regarding the society, issue name is the
mandatory field additionally he can add description and flat number is optional.
As this tab is for the society flat number is not mandatory. Anyhow admin can
see who have raised the issue from his portal. Below screenshot shows the
tenants view when a tenant creates a new issue.
Below screenshot shows filled form from the admin’s view. This issue raised by
the tenants can be then acknowledged by the admin. After successfully resolving
the issue admin can close the case. Moreover, society can also any raise issue to
spread awareness amongst the tenants.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 31
After successful resolving the issue, when admin clicks on the resolve button,
as shown in the screenshot; an auto generated email triggers and sent to the
respective tenant.
Screenshot of the email notification sent to the tenant after successfully
resolving the issue.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 32
After the issue is solved in reality, the admin can edit it and mark it as solved
as shown below. This is the admin view for all the society related issues; which
are raised by tenants with brief, issue resolved section, issue raised by tenant,
flat number and the record id Some of the issues out of which only one is
Maintenance Issues
This is the next object in this application. An approval process from the setup
has been used for this object.
Below screenshot is the admin’s view for the maintenance issues, where admin
can see all the issues raised by the tenants with flat number, type of issue i.e.
replacement or repair, detailed issue, and the ticket created by tenant (with
data and time).
The new issue tab opens a window where tenant can register the complaint
regarding the issue they are facing and can suggest a preliminary suggestion to
resolve the issue. As shown below all the fields are mandatory which needs to
be filled in order to raise a complaint.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 33
As soon as tenants submits a complaint which is shown below, tenants can
recheck the ticket before sending issue for approval from admin, and needs to
wait for admins feedback.
As mentioned in the above screenshot, after submission an email is triggered to
the admin regarding the ticket created. The below tenant’s complaint ticket
shows the status as pending, where tenant’s needs to wait for an
acknowledgement from the admin.
Below screenshot shows the email notification which has been sent to the
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 34
Admin needs to click on the quick access email link to check ticket raised from
the tenant. The quick access issue link redirects admin to the salesforce ticket
where only the admin has the right to approve or reject it.
If admin thinks the issue is repeated or not the realistic one, based on the
decision making, if admin rejects the ticket. The below status can be seen on
the user’s maintenance ticket.
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Event Registration:
The contact object has been used for event registration. People from outside the
society can register via a web page whereas the tenants can register from the
event object itself. A visual force page has been used to meet the requirement of
the project of integration and capture of data from the web. The link for the
page below is:
The following web page is showed after successful Registration:
As soon as any one registers from the link, for example “Conor McGregor” has
registered for the society event as shown in the above screenshot; the
registered person’s name gets reflected in the admins database which is shown
in the below screenshot. With the help of this the admin can keep a track of the
people registering for events.
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The tenants do not require any registration link; they can easily register for the
same event directly from the sales force portal. The screenshot for event
registration is shown below.
The admin can view all the registrations for the events on his portal which is
shown in the below screenshot.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 37
Lease Renewal
The process of sending a reminder to the tenant that the lease is about to end
has been implemented using a workflow. The condition set is that if the tenant
has completed 11 months of the tenure then the email reminder will be sent.
The image below shows the workflow and criteria.
The image below shows the mail sent to the admin and the tenant.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 38
Analysis and Dashboards:
The screenshot provided below shows the home screen of the dashboards tab.
It is a visual representation of the entire work flow.
This dashboard displays the number of issues raised by a particular apartment
through the salesforce application. For example, flat A103 has two issues
related to gas supply and vacuum cleaner. Thus this dashboard uses two
objects i.e flats and maintenance issues.
Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 39
The following dashboard displays the status of all the apartments in the
housing society, are the apartments booked or vacant/available for booking.
With the following dashboard the admin can keep a track of the number of
users accessing the application time to time.
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The following dashboard displays the percentage of people complaining about
the society related maintenance issues.
The following dashboard shows the graphical representation of the facilities
used by the society members.
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This dashboard gives information about the type of solution the tenant expects
for the maintenance issue raised.
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The project work was equally divided between the group members to achieve
various objectives starting from the project planning, implementation in
Salesforce to the Report writing.
Sr no. ICT Team Student ID Contribution
1 Niraj Shah X18139108 25%
2 Preeti Sakav X18133592 25%
3 Shrikant Samarth X18129137 25%
4 Kaustubh Albur X18136567 25%
company, A. S. (2019, April 20). balancedscorecard. Retrieved from
Hayden, C. (2019, October). Retrieved from
Ireland, 2. O. (2018, july 9). Dublin Housing Observatory. Retrieved from Ordnance Survey Ireland:

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  • 1. Housing Society Management System Part 2: Project Implementation Report MSc in Data Analytics {2019/2020} Team Members: Name Student ID Niraj Shah X18139108 Preeti Sakav X18133592 Shrikant Samarth X18129137 Kaustubh Albur X18136567
  • 2. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 2 Contents Introduction:.................................................................................................................................................4 Strategic Planning and Analysis: ...................................................................................................................4 Target Group:................................................................................................................................................5 Background of Housing System: ...................................................................................................................5 Basis of Implementation Architecture:.........................................................................................................5 System Architecture:.................................................................................................................................6 Advantages:...............................................................................................................................................6 Disadvantages...........................................................................................................................................6 System Design:..............................................................................................................................................6 User and Administrator Functionalities:.......................................................................................................7 Tenant.......................................................................................................................................................7 Administrator............................................................................................................................................7 Benefits of the Proposed System:.................................................................................................................8 Scope of Improvement: ................................................................................................................................8 Data Dictionary .............................................................................................................................................9 Event Data Dictionary ...............................................................................................................................9 Tenant Data Dictionary.............................................................................................................................9 Flat Data Dictionary ................................................................................................................................10 Maintenance Issue Data dictionary ........................................................................................................10 Society Issue Data Dictionary..................................................................................................................11 Process Diagrams:.......................................................................................................................................12 Booking Facility:......................................................................................................................................12 Lease Renewal: .......................................................................................................................................13 Maintenance System: .............................................................................................................................14 Event Management System:...................................................................................................................15 Entity-Relationship Diagram:..................................................................................................................16 Database Schema:...................................................................................................................................17 Implementation of Architecture:................................................................................................................18 Users: ......................................................................................................................................................18 Admin Home Page & Structure:..............................................................................................................18 Tenant Home Page & Structure:.............................................................................................................21 Standard Objects.....................................................................................................................................22
  • 3. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 3 Flats.............................................................................................................................................................22 Tenants........................................................................................................................................................25 Facilities: .....................................................................................................................................................27 Society related issues:.................................................................................................................................29 Maintenance Issues ....................................................................................................................................32 Event Registration:......................................................................................................................................35 Lease Renewal.............................................................................................................................................37 Analysis and Dashboards: ...........................................................................................................................38 Teamwork ...................................................................................................................................................42 References ..................................................................................................................................................42
  • 4. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 4 Introduction: Accommodation issues in Dublin have been rising with every passing day as immigrants have started looking at Ireland as a great opportunity to settle down. Thus our Housing Society was established in 2017, with an optimize Housing Management System. This Management System takes care of almost every issue that a tenant might face during his stay. The entire residence is owned by the Housing Society, and have adopted the Housing Management System to manage the society. Services of the system are specially designed for the ease and smooth communication between tenants and the society administration regarding any issues, booking of any facilities provided by the society, issues related to lease etc. As any request/complaint is raised by the tenant an auto generated email will be sent to the administration and to the tenant as a confirmation of the issue raised. Strategic Planning and Analysis: Strategic planning is an important for all associations including for-profits, non- profits, government offices, human resources, social administrations etc. It unlocks new ways to deal with the management system that helps in filling the gap in the system. Moreover, strategic planning is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment. Effective strategic planning expresses not just where an association is going and the actions expected to make progress, but also in addition how it will know whether it is effective (company, 2019).So, we have utilized some management strategies to tackle the gap between tenants and Society management. (Hayden, 2019)
  • 5. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 5 Target Group: The system acts as an mediator between the tenants and the administration, thus the target users will be the Housing Societies and Rental Organizations. The tenants usually had to keep running behind the owner to solve any of their maintenance/repair issues, or had to wait for long to book any facilities. The management system eases their task by giving them one platform through which they can raise their complaints, book facilities have a reminder for their lease renewal system and will not have to have to wait for long to get a response. Background of Housing System: There was no particular housing system to manage the entire housing society but with the rising demand in the housing sector, led to the communication gap between the tenants and the Housing Society that gap is bridged by this Housing Management System. 30% of the housing in Dublin is private and rental accommodation, thus a large percentage of people are living in a rental house which requires a good management for any issues faced. (Ireland, 2018) Earlier people had to call the owner and concern them for any problem faced. With the rise in technology and software it has become easy for the owners and tenants to communicate with each other hassle free. Basis of Implementation Architecture: This management system acts as a bridge between the communication gap observed between the society/apartment owner/administrator and tenants. Through this process the tenants will be able to communicate with the administrator without any hassle for any issue that he faces related to his apartment or the society. The administrator follows a certain work flow where he is able to see the issue raised or a request sent for booking any facility by a specific tenant of a specific apartment from a wing. All the requests and complaints received from various tenants of the housing society are available at the administrator view where he resolves their issue and a confirmation email regarding the same is sent. Tenant details , his complaint history and number of times the tenant has booked any facility all other details are available at the administrator view.
  • 6. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 6 System Architecture: Salesforce is an vital part of Housing System, that provides a customized, practical and easy solutions to all tenants who wish to communicate with the administration for any purpose. It also gives the administration a different work flow and authorities to resolve issues effectively. This platform creates various objects, dashboards, apps, verification, data storing points etc which makes the working of the system effective and user friendly. Advantages: • Time efficient. • Avoids miscommunication between tenants and administration office. • People living in the society are updated of upcoming events. • Issues of people living in the society are resolved. Disadvantages: • Actual implementation of this process requires financial investment to it. • To use this system access to internet is mandatory. System Design: The Housing System is a Salesforce Application that provides an informative and communicative platform for people living in the housing society. People living in the society has the access that is given by the administrator, to raise concerns regarding issues faced in the apartment or society related issues. The architecture has been developed taking into account all the possible things a tenant of the apartment can face during his stay in the housing society. The admin has authorities to take decisions, circulate notice, inform owners and tenants about the upcoming events through email. Non members of the housing society can take part in the events of the society through an invitation link. All the information is available with the administrator of the Housing System.
  • 7. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 7 User and Administrator Functionalities: Tenant • A person living in an apartment can complaint about the problems in the apartment like problems in the boiler, plumbing issues, kitchen issues etc. • Tenant can pull up a request to book any facility provided by the housing society like booking a slot for swimming pool, club house facilities and games, community hall for parties and events. • Tenants facing any society related issue such as parking space, hygiene of the society, frequent breakdown of wifi, lifts, cutdown on water supply etc can be raised in the Society Related Issues tab in the salesforce app. • A tenant can keep a check on all his facility booking history in the Facility Tab. Administrator • The administrator can view all the maintenance issues raised by the tenant. Maintenance issues are Repair or Replace type. Reading the description provided by the tenant the admin can decide what to do and approve or reject its request. An auto generated e-mail will be sent accordingly. • Admin has the authority to process the requests of booking any facility requested by the tenant. If at a particular time slot more than one person have raise a request to book the same facility, admin decides and accepts and reject the request accordingly. • All the Society related issues will be scrutinized by the admin, resolve them and send an email to every member of the housing society informing the issue has been resolved. • Provides a link to invite non-members of the housing society to their events and society parties. Admin will collect all the information of these people and inform them if any apartment is vacant, and further event link’s will be broadcasted.
  • 8. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 8 Benefits of the Proposed System: The proposed system will ease and bridge the communication gap between tenants and the housing society admin. Endless calls to the admin and following up with him to resolve a small issue will be over. Tenants just have to raise a complaint through the salesforce application and their task is done. The expected resolution, description of the issue faced are the additional information the tenant can provide to resolve his issues as early as possible. The efforts of finding a right place and reserving it for any event or function is eliminated, as the type of event, date of event can be selected by the tenant and the request to book that facility needs to be sent on the salesforce app. Salesforce will keep a check on all the facility and the complaint history booked or raised by the tenant, whether the admin has resolved or rejected the request. Through this Society Management System the administrator can manage the entire housing society irrespective of its size through the salesforce application. The admin has sufficient information of all the maintenance issues of the apartments and the society. Through this information an annual cost required to maintain the society can be estimated. Detailed analysis on this information will help the administrator to reduce the maintenance cost and make the working of the housing society more efficient. Scope of Improvement: The system developed in Salesforce can be developed as an mobile application, where the user will have a login id and password, the authorized login id and password will get access to all the facilities and advantages of this application. The admin will have another view, where he can check all the incoming request and act accordingly through the mobile application. This particular system with few changes can be developed for any other rental organization, any other housing societies having different set of facilities and requirements.
  • 9. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 9 Data Dictionary: Event Data Dictionary Attribute Label Data type Allowed values Description ActivityDate Date Date Date of Event Activitytime Time Time Time of Event Attendees String Text Members name Description String Text Event Description Duration Time Hours:Mins:Sec Duratio of event Email String Email id Emailid of Attendee IsPrivate Checkbox Yes/No Public/Priavte Event CreatedBy String Text User who created The event Tenant Data Dictionary Attribute Label Data type Allowed values Description Age Numeric Numbers Tenants age{Formula} BirthDate Date Tenants Date Of Birth Tenants Birth date Name String Name of tenant Tenants name Gender PickList Male/Female Select Male/Female Phone_Number Number Numbers Tenants Contact Details Tenant_since_Months Date Date Days since Lease Date_Of_Occupancy Date Date Date of Joining
  • 10. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 10 Flat Data Dictionary Attribute Label Data type Allowed values Description Created_By Date Date Record created by. Flat_No Character Number and Character Flat number Floor Character Character Floor on which Flat is located Name String Names Name of tenant Price Numeric Number Price of apartment Wing Character Wing name The Building in which the flat is Type Number Type of Flat Number of rooms and size of flat Maintenance Issue Data dictionary Attribute Name (Field Name) Measurement Unit (Data Type) Allowed Values Description CreatedBy Date Date of creation Member raising the issues Detail String Description Details of the maintenance issue Flat_No Integer Flat number Flat no of the person LastModifiedBy Date Date Any modifications Name String Name of creator Tenants name Owner String Owners Name Owners name Type String Maintenance issue or Society related issue Type of issue
  • 11. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 11 Society Issue Data Dictionary Attribute Name Data Type Allowed Values Description CreatedBy String Text Person who raised the issue Description String Text Description Description of the society related issue Flat_Number Integer Numeric Flat number of the person Issue_Solved CheckBox Approved or Rejected Is the issue resolved or not LastModifiedBy Date Modification Date If any modifications Name String Name Name of the member Owner String Name Owner/tenant
  • 12. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 12 Process Diagrams: Booking Facility: DATA CAPTURE POINT Society members need to book the facility they wish to use in advance. The above diagram describes the process flow for booking different facilities. Members need to login to their account and select the appropriate date and facility they wish to book. The request is sent to the admin via email for approval. The updated status of the request can be viewed online.
  • 13. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 13 Lease Renewal: A part of the system is to generate reminders and renew the lease before expiry. The system generates a reminder automatically which is sent to the tenant. If the tenant wishes to renew the lease ,the request will be acknowledged and sent to admin for further processing.
  • 14. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 14 Maintenance System: DATA CAPTURE POINT The maintanence system is automated wherein members can send requests for repairing or replacement. The administrator views the request and appoints a person to handle the request.
  • 15. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 15 Event Management System: DATA CAPTURE POINT The above diagram displays the process flow for event management system. Every event organised is published on the website and an email notification is sent to all members in the society.Members are required to register for the events they would attend.
  • 16. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 16 Entity-Relationship Diagram: The diagram above presents the Entity-Relationship model, used for designing the system. The ER diagram contains Entities,Attributes and Relationships. The diagram above contains seven entites. Relationships between the entities can be One -to-One ,One-to Many or Many-to-Many. The relation between members and flats, lease and members is one to one, and the relation between facilities and members is many to many. Each Entity has multiple attributes which describe the entity. The ER diagram designed is used for building the system.
  • 17. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 17 Database Schema: Database schema:The database schema is designed based on the relationships determined in the ER diagram.Figure above displays relations between tables in the database.The model makes it easier to setup the model.Schema builder is used for modelling data ,it provides drag and drop funtionality with the help of which objects can be created easily.
  • 18. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 18 Implementation of Architecture: There are two different views of the application. The first is the administrative view given to the society management which has all the rights related to all the objects in the application. The other is the User view given to the tenants living in the society and has limited privileges and access for the application. Custom fields, different data structures, workflows, validations, etc. are described for each custom object built for the application. Users: 1) Society Owner (Admin), 2) Tenants Admin Home Page & Structure: Some of the screenshots given below are from the Admin login. The following are the custom objects created for the society management application. We have used the contact (for event registration) default objects and adapted them for the society management use. This is the view of Admin’s frontend custom objects, which shows all the objects created for the application.
  • 19. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 19 The below home page of the admin login shows recent activity, dashboard and calendar for event schedule. The admin’s home page also shows all the request raised by the users for approval, where admin can take a decision to approve or reject based on the schedule of all requests. To see the users, request in details, admin needs to click on the individual request. Below is the request view from the admin’s home page, where admin can accept or decline the request.
  • 20. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 20 The above diagram shows the status of the maintenance issue as pending and after the issue is approved by the admin the status will show approved as shown below.
  • 21. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 21 For a quick view, various graphs can also be seen on the home page which is from the dashboard tab on the admins portal. Tenant Home Page & Structure: The screenshot given below shows the permissions given to the tenants. The tenants have restrictions for the objects they can or cannot see. The screenshot given below shows that a tenant cannot view information regarding other tenants and does not have access to reports and dashboards. Even though a tenant can see a flat, he cannot create a new one. It can only be created by the admin.
  • 22. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 22 The screenshot given below shows a maintenance issue from a tenant’s view. Only the admin can approve/reject these issues. Standard Objects Articles are database tables that enable us to store information explicit to the association in salesforce. The followings are the objects used for the project implementation. Flats This is the first custom object from the admin’s view and the screenshots show the flow object from viewing of the flat to creation and adding tenants to the flat. The below image show the fields used for this object.
  • 23. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 23 The below screenshot is the admin’s view for the Flat object. The screenshot given below describes the view that comes up after clicking on a “New Flat”. The various fields are type, status, floor and wing which are all picklists. There are 3 types: 1 BHK, 2 BHK and 3 BHK. The status can either be booked or available. There are 6 floor in each wing and there are 5 wings from Wing A to Wing E. After saving the details, the price field comes up and it is an automatic formula field dependent on type of the flat. New tenants can also be added as shown in the figure below.
  • 24. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 24 The figure below shows another flat which already has a tenant. Here admin can see all the records of tenant’s history, facilities used, raised tickets for maintenance and society related issues.
  • 25. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 25 The tenant name of the flat details page redirect to the details of the tenant. This is due to the lookup field used in the tenant object for flats. Tenants This is the next custom object used for this application. The image below shows the fields and validation rules used for this object. The image below is the admin view of the tenant’s object. It is a list of the already existing tenants in the society and the respective flat numbers. The object can create new tenants and assign flats to the tenant.
  • 26. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 26 Almost all the fields are mandatory, which need to be filled while adding a new tenant. A lookup field for the flat is used in this object as shown below. The figure below shows the validation for the phone number being triggered as it is not a 10-digit number.
  • 27. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 27 Note that in the below figure, age and tenant since(months), are formula fields and are calculated according to the data entered while creating a record. Facilities: Approval process in the setup has been used for this object. All requests for facilities can be viewed by admin. Admin can see all the details like tenants Name, his flat no., type of facilities he is requesting for, phone number and the requested data with time. To make sure for the easy management this view is very helpful.
  • 28. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 28 Requesting a new facility: Admin also has the authority of booking a facility for any guests or on special request of a tenant (in case his user access is not working). Form filled has to be submitted for approval. The below figure shows the admin view of the request before approving or rejecting.
  • 29. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 29 Below figure shows the user’s view after approval for his requested facility. Society related issues: A workflow has been created in this object. When a tenant creates a new issue, a mail is sent to the tenant and the admin regarding this. The image below shows the workflow created for it.
  • 30. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 30 The below society related issue screenshot shows the tenants view, just to spread awareness tenants can also view all the society related issues. If a tenant wants to raise an issue regarding the society, issue name is the mandatory field additionally he can add description and flat number is optional. As this tab is for the society flat number is not mandatory. Anyhow admin can see who have raised the issue from his portal. Below screenshot shows the tenants view when a tenant creates a new issue. Below screenshot shows filled form from the admin’s view. This issue raised by the tenants can be then acknowledged by the admin. After successfully resolving the issue admin can close the case. Moreover, society can also any raise issue to spread awareness amongst the tenants.
  • 31. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 31 After successful resolving the issue, when admin clicks on the resolve button, as shown in the screenshot; an auto generated email triggers and sent to the respective tenant. Screenshot of the email notification sent to the tenant after successfully resolving the issue.
  • 32. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 32 After the issue is solved in reality, the admin can edit it and mark it as solved as shown below. This is the admin view for all the society related issues; which are raised by tenants with brief, issue resolved section, issue raised by tenant, flat number and the record id Some of the issues out of which only one is solved. Maintenance Issues This is the next object in this application. An approval process from the setup has been used for this object. Below screenshot is the admin’s view for the maintenance issues, where admin can see all the issues raised by the tenants with flat number, type of issue i.e. replacement or repair, detailed issue, and the ticket created by tenant (with data and time). The new issue tab opens a window where tenant can register the complaint regarding the issue they are facing and can suggest a preliminary suggestion to resolve the issue. As shown below all the fields are mandatory which needs to be filled in order to raise a complaint.
  • 33. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 33 As soon as tenants submits a complaint which is shown below, tenants can recheck the ticket before sending issue for approval from admin, and needs to wait for admins feedback. As mentioned in the above screenshot, after submission an email is triggered to the admin regarding the ticket created. The below tenant’s complaint ticket shows the status as pending, where tenant’s needs to wait for an acknowledgement from the admin. Below screenshot shows the email notification which has been sent to the admin.
  • 34. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 34 Admin needs to click on the quick access email link to check ticket raised from the tenant. The quick access issue link redirects admin to the salesforce ticket where only the admin has the right to approve or reject it. If admin thinks the issue is repeated or not the realistic one, based on the decision making, if admin rejects the ticket. The below status can be seen on the user’s maintenance ticket.
  • 35. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 35 Event Registration: The contact object has been used for event registration. People from outside the society can register via a web page whereas the tenants can register from the event object itself. A visual force page has been used to meet the requirement of the project of integration and capture of data from the web. The link for the page below is: The following web page is showed after successful Registration: As soon as any one registers from the link, for example “Conor McGregor” has registered for the society event as shown in the above screenshot; the registered person’s name gets reflected in the admins database which is shown in the below screenshot. With the help of this the admin can keep a track of the people registering for events.
  • 36. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 36 The tenants do not require any registration link; they can easily register for the same event directly from the sales force portal. The screenshot for event registration is shown below. The admin can view all the registrations for the events on his portal which is shown in the below screenshot.
  • 37. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 37 Lease Renewal The process of sending a reminder to the tenant that the lease is about to end has been implemented using a workflow. The condition set is that if the tenant has completed 11 months of the tenure then the email reminder will be sent. The image below shows the workflow and criteria. The image below shows the mail sent to the admin and the tenant.
  • 38. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 38 Analysis and Dashboards: The screenshot provided below shows the home screen of the dashboards tab. It is a visual representation of the entire work flow. This dashboard displays the number of issues raised by a particular apartment through the salesforce application. For example, flat A103 has two issues related to gas supply and vacuum cleaner. Thus this dashboard uses two objects i.e flats and maintenance issues.
  • 39. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 39 The following dashboard displays the status of all the apartments in the housing society, are the apartments booked or vacant/available for booking. With the following dashboard the admin can keep a track of the number of users accessing the application time to time.
  • 40. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 40 The following dashboard displays the percentage of people complaining about the society related maintenance issues. The following dashboard shows the graphical representation of the facilities used by the society members.
  • 41. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 41 This dashboard gives information about the type of solution the tenant expects for the maintenance issue raised.
  • 42. Housing Society Management System | ICT Project Page | 42 Teamwork The project work was equally divided between the group members to achieve various objectives starting from the project planning, implementation in Salesforce to the Report writing. Sr no. ICT Team Student ID Contribution 1 Niraj Shah X18139108 25% 2 Preeti Sakav X18133592 25% 3 Shrikant Samarth X18129137 25% 4 Kaustubh Albur X18136567 25% References company, A. S. (2019, April 20). balancedscorecard. Retrieved from Hayden, C. (2019, October). Retrieved from Ireland, 2. O. (2018, july 9). Dublin Housing Observatory. Retrieved from Ordnance Survey Ireland: