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Hotel Management Essay
Crafting an essay on hotel management can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The
intricacies of this topic demand a comprehensive understanding of various facets, including
hospitality, customer service, operational logistics, and industry trends. Delving into the
complexities of managing a hotel requires in-depth research, a keen analytical eye, and the ability
to synthesize information from diverse sources.
One of the difficulties lies in the vastness of the subject matter. Hotel management encompasses
a wide range of topics, from the day-to-day operations of a hotel to strategic decision-making,
marketing strategies, and the evolving landscape of the hospitality industry. Navigating through
this extensive terrain can be overwhelming, requiring careful consideration of which aspects to
focus on to maintain coherence and relevance in the essay.
Additionally, staying updated with the latest trends and innovations in the hotel management
field adds another layer of complexity. The dynamic nature of the hospitality industry means that
new technologies, management approaches, and customer preferences are constantly emerging.
A successful essay needs to reflect this dynamism, requiring ongoing research and a commitment
to staying informed about industry developments.
Furthermore, striking a balance between theoretical concepts and practical applications is
essential. It's not just about regurgitating information but also about providing insights into how
theoretical knowledge translates into effective hotel management practices. This demands a deep
understanding of the real-world challenges faced by hotel managers and the ability to connect
these challenges with relevant theoretical frameworks.
In conclusion, writing a comprehensive essay on hotel management requires a multifaceted
approach, encompassing research, critical thinking, and an understanding of both theoretical
principles and practical applications. While challenging, successfully navigating through these
complexities can result in a well-rounded and insightful piece. For those seeking assistance, it's
worth considering platforms like, where similar essays and a wealth of
additional writing services are available to provide support and guidance in academic endeavors.
Hotel Management Essay Hotel Management Essay
Symbolism In Forrest Gump
Traversing Through the Unknown
People tend to find meaning in all aspects of life, and they rely and examine symbols
to gain further insight into their life. Symbolism is prevalent in numerous films,
however, in the 1994 film Forrest Gump by Robert Zemeckis intertwines symbolism
to introduce the general themes of the film. In the film Forrest Gump the filmmaker
focuses on the interesting life of Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is an innocent honest
man, who like many, has overcome adversity to achieve success. This same
adversity helps Forrest and his general outlook on life. Through all these obstacles,
he is an all star football, receives an honorary medal in the Vietnam war and sets up a
successful shrimp business. As the film progresses, Robert Zemeckis, does an
excellent job of adding important symbols that help the audience gain a better
understanding of the characters and the film itself. This adversity and perspective
on life is personified through objects such as the box of chocolates which represent
uncertainty, the feather which appears at the beginning and the end and
furthermore, the concept of running is a repetitious symbol in the film, all have
important roles in shaping the lives of characters portrayed in the film. Forrest
Gump s quote about life being a box of chocolates is well known around the world;
however, one when analyzes this, it unlocks an understanding of the film, and to a
degree life as well. Almost everyone has eaten a box of
The Problem Of Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration, particularly of unaccompanied minors and single mothers, has
increased to an unmanageable level and become a contentious and confusing political
topic. This paper will effort to outline the current situation by providing background
of the issue here in the US, describe the drivers that lead to the peoples emigration
from their largely Central American home countries including an examination of US
responsibility in the destabilization of these countries, and what measures can be
taken in both the US and home countries to help bring the situation under control and
manage immigrationfor these populations going forward.
Earlier this year, stories about mass migrations of children and young mothers coming
to the ... Show more content on ...
Any solution to the current situation will ultimately be equally complex and must
involve actions taken both in the United States and in the countries from where so
many are leaving.
Though this issue has seen tremendous traction in the media this year, this has been a
problem over the last several years. Before the spike in immigrants seen three years
ago, the United States routinely apprehended between five and ten thousand
unaccompanied minors each year. In addition, before the spike, the minors
predominately were Mexican, not Central American. With the spike, the
demographics of the immigrants seemed to change overnight, and the numbers of
immigrants from the Northern Triangle have far surpassed those coming from
Mexico. Since 2011, the numbers of unaccompanied minors has doubled each year,
from eight thousand in 2011 to twenty in 2012, to near forty in 2013. For fiscal year
2014, the Customs and Border Patrol estimates that more than eighty thousand minors
will have been apprehended at the border. Further, they have published estimates that
show they expect to see numbers in excess of two hundred thousand in fiscal year
It is important to show that the flow of minors from Northern Triangle countries is
not unidirectional to the United States. Other countries in the region are also seeing
large numbers of migrants coming across their borders. People are seeking refuge
Our Lady Of The Beautiful Window Analysis
Justin Dodd April 16, 2018 Notre Dame de La Belle Verriere The year was 1194.
Flames licked the side of the cathedral at Chartres. The famous pilgrimage sight
had seen destruction before, and was built and rebuilt several times over, however
most times the destruction left a skeleton that could be used as a foundation for the
new cathedral. By the time the flames had died down the only thing that remained
was the western façade, and a scrap of cloth, said to been worn by the Virgin Mary
when she gave birth to Christ. After The fire, work was immediately started on the
construction of another cathedral, built in a more daring and modern style than the
last. . The west façade would remain, as it was clearly heavens will, the rest of the
cathedral... Show more content on ...
The cathedral was already a popular pilgrimage due to holding The Veil of The
Virgin, a tunic said to be worn by the Virgin Mary. In the late 12th century the cult
of the virgin was immensely popular, and the importance of the Virgin Mary grew,
causing relics related to her to be highly sought after, by both churches and
pilgrims. The cathedral of Chartres only grew in importance after receiving the
skull of St. Anne (mother of the Virgin Mary). In my opinion the window also
serves as a point of devotion, a place for people to be in awe and bask in holy
divinity, whether that be viewed as the light that filters in behind Mary, or the
spark of divine clarity that inspired the windows creation. While the name is a
reference to the actual depiction of Mary, I believe that it is also used to indicate a
closer connection to the queen of Heaven. The Cathedral at Chartres and in Paris
are both dedicated to Mary and share the same name Our Lady of and so I think
that choosing to name the window that elevates it from a work of art, and past even
that of a reliquary to that of a holy site, and a place to
Agro -Based Industrial Development in Bangladesh
Table of Contents
2. Objectives....................................................................01
3. Prospect of Agro Based Industry...........................................02
4. Development of the Industrial Sector: Issues and Challenges .....03
5. Agro based industrial sector..................................................04
5.1 Poultry..........................................................................04 5.2 Grains
..........................................................................05 5.3 Livestock
.....................................................................5 6 5.4
Fisheries........................................................................6 5.5 Horticulture
6. Agribusiness Credit Fund.......................................................7
7. ... Show more content on ...
Bangladesh has a huge supply of raw materials for the agro based industry. 2. Fruits
and vegetable production has increased significantly in recent years. 3. Government
and NGOs have been conducting regular training programs in developing a skilled
manpower for this industry. Director of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (RCCI) Kabirur Rahman Khan said the region, a food surplus area,
produced adequate amount of crops particularly rice, maize, wheat and soybean,
fruits especially mango, banana, papaya and tomato and vegetables over the last
couple of years due to suitable soil condition, topography and climate
4. Development of the Industrial Sector: Issues and Challenges
вќ– The performance of the small and cottage industry sector calls for special
attention because of its labour intensive character, its focus on catering to the demand
of low and medium income consumers and its capacity for import substitution.
Amongst the small scale industries, production of electric apparatus, plastic toys,
miscellaneous metal wears, tin plate and readymade wear has registered robust
performance in recent years. To be sure, this sub sector has also been particularly
vulnerable to natural disasters and other production snags compared to medium and
large scale industries.
вќ– Factors inhibiting industrial investment in Bangladesh are rather common for
domestic as well as foreign investors: poor infrastructure, absence
Optimism is a mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as
being best (optimized), meaning that in some way for factors that may not be fully
comprehended, the present moment is in an optimum state. The concept is typically
extended to include the attitude of hope for future conditions unfolding as optimal as
well. The more broad concept of optimism is the understanding that all of nature, past,
present and future, operates by laws of optimization along the lines of Hamilton s
principle of optimization in the realm of physics. This understanding, although
criticized by counter views such as pessimism, idealism and realism, leads to a state
of mind that ... Show more content on ...
He hoped that society would eventually reach the state where calm reason would
replace all violence and force, that mind could eventually make matter subservient to
it, and that intelligence could discover the secret of immortality. Much of this
philosophy is exemplified in the Houyhnhnms of Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travels.
The term panglossianism describes baseless optimism of the sort exemplified by
the beliefs of Pangloss from Voltaire s Candide, which are the opposite of his
fellow traveller Martin s pessimism and emphasis on free will. The phrase
panglossian pessimism has been used to describe the pessimistic position that, since
this is the best of all possible worlds, it is impossible for anything to get any better.
The panglossian paradigm is a term coined by Stephen Jay Gould and Richard
Lewontin to refer to the notion that everything has specifically adapted to suit
specific purposes. Instead, they argue, accidents and exaptation (the use of old
features for new purposes) play an important role in the process of evolution. Some
other scientists however argue the implication that many (or most) adaptionists are
panglossians is a straw man.
Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other
Confusions of Our Time Michael Shermer relates Frank J. Tipler to Voltaire s
character Pangloss to show how clever people deceive
Langston Hughes Should Be Required In The Norton
Collectors of poetry are bias. By this I mean that more often than not when poems
are selected for collections, the works of classical writers will be prioritized over
the works of newer or more untraditional authors. That is not to say that this is a bad
thing, there is much that can be and needs to be learned from classical poets.
However, it is often overlooked how much other, more unknown writers can
contribute to the canon of poetry, especially those influenced by different racial and
ethnic backgrounds. To demonstrate my point, in this essay I shall be discussing in
detail Langston Hughes and his piece Poem and why it should be included in the
Norton Anthology of Poetry. I will contrast and compare it with Christina Rossetti s
Remember, and back up my arguments with selected quotes from Langston Hughes
essay The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain .
To begin, Langston Hughes Poem is an example of how few words can still hold a
deeper meaning. Using repetition, punctuation, and free verse, Hughes crafted a
poem that was elegant yet powerful in its simplicity. I loved my friend. He went
away from me. There s nothing more to say. This poem ends.
Soft as it began I loved my friend
An American poet born in 1902 in Missouri, Hughes came from a family with a
past closely tied with the fight against slavery in America. In fact, race in America
was still to play a large role in his life, and be something that he had a very strong
opinion on. And it may be for
The Knowledge Management At Hp Austria
A review of the knowledge management at HP Austria 1.Choo s KM Model
According to the Choo s knowledge management model, meaning is usually
constructed when information is filtered using the sense making behaviors. This
implies that individuals in an organization create new knowledge concerning the
external world by transforming the individual knowledge to become shareable
knowledge and information. In regards to the Choo s model, it is evident that HP
Austria has reached a specific point where the organization as a whole is more
prepared to behave in a rational manner and to choose an alternative based on the
organizational goals, objectives as well as strategy. HP Austria is mainly a marketing
company which is divided into eight sections. The company initially produced
industrial measuring systems, for this reason, corporate culture is very important and
is strongly influenced by measuring. When the company realized that the customer
expectations had grown faster than the company itself, a 10xprogram was started
with the scope of improving the product quality ten times (Kai Mertins Vorbeck,
2001). The company employees noticed that one division of the company had not
fulfilled all the technological improvements that had been planned. In an around the
world Reengineering Quality Conference in 1995, the organization achieved a
consistent conclusion from this investigation: The emphasis on creation was
supplanted by a concentration on clients. As a result, the
Descartes Influence on Psychology
Descartes was a famous French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher throughout
the mid 1600 s. He is often regarded as the father of modern philosophy; however,
his highly influential ideas have also impacted many other scientific fields, including
the world of psychology. Descartes contributions in philosophy and biology have had
a significant influence on modern psychology. He introduced new theories about the
mind and the body that, while not always correct, undoubtedly changed peoples
views and sparked a whole new approach to looking at the mind. There is one thing
Descartes knew for certain,... Show more content on ...
It can also be argued that these contributions paved the path for modern behavioral
psychology and more specifically the concept of stimulus response. This type of
psychology focuses on how people behave. Modern behavioral psychologists test
this idea that the brain in responsible for behavior and thinking by manipulating
situations and studying reactions. Descartes had a very mechanistic view of the
brain. He believed the body works similar to machines as it is material and follows
laws of physics. He suggests that mind and body interact at the pineal gland. He
predicted that there are tube like structures inside our bodies that tighten under
DESCARTES INFLUENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY certain conditions and allow
fluid, what we know today as cerebrospinal fluid, to spill through, causing a
reaction. While we know today that his predictions were essentially incorrect, his
research influenced other to explore the way in which in the mind works.
Descartes did a lot of his studies about biology by using animals, just as many
researchers in psychology do today. He opened up the possibility of using animals
as subjects in comparison to humans by looking at both their anatomy and behavior.
Descartes research sparked of a lot of attention. There were people in opposition to
Descartes and others who took his ideas further to discover the truth. Much of his
work has since been discredited; however, it is because of him that so many
Freshman Literature
We may discover that the purpose literature has is for analysis only in such that all
writings that are created from literature is in fact, about the literature. However,
Lindemann, views the freshman composition course as an opportunity for the
students to enter into academic conversation, to prepare themselves for the type of
discourse found in the academy. Even though both Tate and Lindemann argue from
opposite ends of whether literature should or should not be a part of the freshman
composition I understand both views but I also recognize there is room for extending
each argument. Why not start with the end in mind, first?
As a parent, I am teaching and drafting lesson plans daily for my children and what I
find works best for my ... Show more content on ...
For example, how would you teach about death? The topic alone, is scary death .
Yes, your children or students will freak out, panic from fear but you may find that
they will be better prepared for the end result knowing what the end result is. Death
is a fact of life and no one can escape it it affects us all. What lesson plan would you
create to get your children or students engaged, thinking, and or disagreeing about
death? How would you get them to practice the skills and make use of their
knowledge of the topic of death? Would you have the children or students write their
own eulogy as an end result for the lesson plan? Will you teach the children or
students about death from a philosophical, ethical or practical view or a combination
of the three? So that, the children or students have a real chance to develop their
imagination and critical thinking skills instead of death s taboo status in our culture.
While in fact, learning about other cultures and traditions, and the controversy that
death embodies but not limited to: palliative care, assisted suicide, etc. If only we
taught are children, that death is going to happen whether you want it or
What Are The Impact Of Social Justice And Criminal
How do social welfare institutions and criminal justice institutions threaten people s
identity? Discuss through Goffman and Foucault.
This essay will look at how the social welfare institutions and criminal justice
institutions threaten people s identity. It will look at this issue through the work
Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault. Goffman s idea of dramaturgy and how
people go through life by putting on a Mask and engaging in an act for an
audience. This essay will then look at Foucault s idea Normalisation and how
norms change throughout era to era. Stigma is another one of Goffman s ideas;
stigma is mostly giving to something that is Visible such as an unmarried pregnant
women, it can be seen that she is pregnant, however the by looking at a man you
cannot see that he is expecting a baby out of wedlock. The Fourth idea this essay
will look is ... Show more content on ...
It has moved from public torture of an individual that were suspected or convicted
of committing a crime to the disciplining, incarceration and surveillance of those
convicted of crimes in the present day (Mills 2003). Foucault writes about how a
man was punished, tortured and humiliated. He was humiliated as he was taken and
conveyed in a cart, wearing nothing put shirt, holding a torch of burning wax,
weighing two pounds (Foucault 1977). And he was punished and tortured as the
flesh will be torn from his breast, arms, thighs and calves with red hot pincers
(Foucault 1977). In discipline and punish Foucault writes an account of on a
passage of lists of rules from a prison, these rules dated to only a century after his
account of the torture and humiliation. There was a huge change in such a sort
amount of time, it went from the extreme of people being tortured and humiliated in
from of an audience to people being confined and surveillances (Mills
John Coltrane Essay
quot;I ve got to keep experimenting. I feel that I m just beginning. I have part of
what I m looking for in my grasp, but not all. amp;quot;
This phrase, from the liner notes of quot;My Favorite Things quot; clearly defines
Coltrane s life and his search for the incorporation of his spirituality with his music.
John Coltrane was not only an essential contributor to jazz, but also music itself.
John Coltrane died thirty two years ago, on July 17, 1967, at the age of forty. In the
years since, his influence has only grown, and the stellar avant garde saxophonist has
become a jazz legend of a stature shared only by Louis Armstrong and Charlie Parker.
As an instrumentalist Coltrane was technically and imaginatively equal to both; ...
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Shortly after, he moved to Haig Point, North Carolina to live with his mother s father,
the Reverend Walter Blaire. Walter Blaire would later on be a significant influence on
Coltrane s music and spirituality. Coltrane s father, a tailor, served to be a source of
Coltrane s interest in music through his fathers ability to play the clarinet, violin, and
various other instruments. Furthermore, Coltrane s mother studied music. Both of
Coltrane s grandfathers were ministers; and through their worship services, Coltrane
began to build his roots. John s first encounters with music were through his father
who played various instruments such as the violin, clarinet and ukulele. Other early
influences included the religious music and preaching at his grandfather s community
church. In 1938, his grandfather died and soon after, so did his father. At this time,
Coltrane listened to the radio, which provided him with music by artists that would
later become influences for his own music. These artists included Woody Herman,
Lester Young, Johnny Hodges and Artie Shaw. At the age of 15, Coltrane began
playing and studying the E flat alto horn, the clarinet, and the saxophone at William
Penn High School Orchestra, while listening to such artists as Woody Herman, Lester
Young, and Thelonious Monk. It was in high school when John had his first
girlfriend. John s friend Franklin was interested in one girl, but John stole her away
with his
Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers Essay
Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers
Every individual in the world deserves to enjoy health and wellness. Maintaining or
achieving proper health needs enables individuals to be productive at work and
leisure. Traditionally, many people have had barriers obtaining adequate healthcare
due to economic constraints or personal inconveniences. Despite impressive
technological advances in medicine, the challenge of delivering quality healthcare to
the Americans continues to be debated amongst the nation s political and healthcare
leaders. The aging baby boomers and the increased number of uninsured people add
to the equation of population growth which results in limited access to primary
healthcare for the entire public. On the ... Show more content on ...
Often times, the retail clinics are located near the patients homes and offer
unconventional office hours. Operating every day of the week, patients are usually
seen as walk ins with minimal wait times. Prescriptions can also be immediately
filled while they shop for grocery or personal care items in the drug store.
Moreover, the cost for the efficient quality care is relatively small compared to that
of visiting primary care physicians practices. A usual visit to the retail clinic can run
between forty to seventy dollars depending on the depth of the service. Convenience
care clinics that are purposely designed to be housed in retail stores with high traffic
volume have existed to accommodate the public s quest for convenience and wellness
(Hansen Turton et al., n.d.).
Although the retail clinics are fairly a new concept, the family nurse practitioners
strictly adhere to the profession s scope of practice and established protocols set
forth in each retail company. The scope of practice for nurse practitioners however
differs from state to state. This lack of consistency creates a hindrance to the fullest
potential that the NPs can practice in certain states. Regardless, all NPs in every
state are eligible for direct Medicaid reimbursement and Medicare Part B services
according to the 1997 Balanced Budget Act (Hansen Turton et al., n.d.). With or
without the physician s oversight, the FNPs practice safe care within their advanced
Colonialism In After Amnesia
After Amnesia, Of Many Heroes A dominated culture learns not just to be like the
culture that dominates it, but also tries to cover its own surroundings. In such
cultural encounters, amnesia plays the most important role in defining the self
perception of cultures. G. N. Devy s After Amnesia, first published in 1992, offers an
keen study of contemporary literary scholarship in Indian languages by indicating
how modern Indian languages learnt to forget that literary criticism had been
discarded by them during the post Sanskrit medieval centuries, and how they have
posed before themselves a false choice of scholar practices fixed in culturally distant
Western or Sanskrit traditions. After Amnesia proposes that what has come... Show
more content on ...
Symbolically, he suffers from colonialism and also the sins of progress. The
violence of these events commands the need for a Freud or an Adorno. Yet one
mourns the absence of a reliable local reading of colonialism. India lacks a Fanon
or an Edward Said, someone who can split apart the supposed in authenticity of the
wrongly classical and yet question the hypocrisy of the contemporary. We can,
obviously, present an Ashish Nandy and celebrate his models of colonialism in
terms of the sexuality of male and female and also adduce Gandhi as an answer.
Gandhi fits the challenge to hegemony from such a structure. Later, Nandy created
the opposition between myth and history arguing that symptoms of history are
often a precursor of cruelty in our humanity. One thinks of the destruction of the
Babri Mosque or the violent rhetoric of Narendra Modi in this context. Nandy,
while playful, is often incomplete, a more happy go lucky cuckoo, laying his
assumption like eggs waiting for some dull social science crow to formulate them.
At another level, for all their agility, Nandy s essays still appear like a Freudian salad
served up with local
Reasons For Becoming Vegan Lifestyle
Reasons to Become Vegan
Veganism is a growing lifestyle for thousands of people all over the
world(Rinkunas, 2015). This paper is a look at life as a vegan, benefits of being a
vegan, and reasons someone should become vegan. The aim of this research paper is
to inform the audience of all the false information any person might have heard or
read somewhere and instead correctly introduce the audience into the real vegan
world. Veganismis a way of life, it s the practice of minimizing harm to all animals
and the world. Through a cited investigation, this paper will appease any person
wanting a deeper understanding of the vegan lifestyle. Starting off, Veganism and
vegetarianism are not the same thing. The difference between ... Show more content
on ...
Animals rights are also a huge reason why so many people go vegan. Meat industries
have many secrets that have been captured and documented on cameras, which are
then posted online for the whole world to see. Many of these videos contain cruel
inhuman content that any person with a heart would consider a horrendous violation
of an animal s rights. The findings of this investigation will continue to extensively
inform you about the vegan lifestyle, vegan benefits, and reasons why someone
would want to become vegan.
Literature Review
In the informational article, Veganism in a Nutshell from, the author
explains what a vegan is, why people choose to be vegan, and how to receive
proper nutrients while being vegan. The author specifically states foods with all of
the necessary supplements and how much it is vegans are required to eat to reach
the daily requirements. More Reasons to go Vegan on, is an informational
article in which the author informs us on how going vegan can end world hunger,
improve the environment, and stop the exploitation of workers. The meat industries
use up lots of land for grazing land , if only this grazing land could be used to raise
food crops, the amount of food produced would increase. Vast amounts of grain/plant
crops and water are used to feed the animals in this industry, instead of
The Novel The Tale Of Heike
The Tale of Heike centers around the war between two clans, the Taira or Heike in
the story and the Minamoto or known as Genji in the story in the 1100s. The work
is often equated to other historical pieces of work such as the Iliad, the general plot
of the work revolves around aspects of warrior culture and Japan during the
medieval age. Since the piece was like other historical epic poems, there is not
single author and the story has evolved being passed down through an oral culture
before finally being transcribed. It is a great source for many themes important to
the Japanese, as well as insight into perhaps into Japan s military past. It is also
sometimes referred to as the Heike Monogatari and is a main source for information...
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This is a great example of the reality of war, since there is often an us versus them
mentality, is it easy to lose one s humanity, but Kumagae still retained his empathy
and realizes that he has no choice, since it was born into war and it is his duty to
fight. This compassion is often found in the Japanese society, as caring for others is
an important task. Additionally, throughout each version of the story one object
remains prevalent, which is Atsumori s flute. The image and sound of the flute is
tranquil, perhaps going along with the notion that though Atsumori was a warrior, he
also was a gentle person. The next section will highlight some differences found
between all three texts.
Interestingly, Kumagae is named Kumagai in the Kabuki version of the story, a
five act play. There is a forbidden romance between Sagami, a member of the Heike
clan, and Kumagai. With the help of Fuji no Kata, the couple is able to escape to
Western Japan with their child. Later, Fuji no Kata has a child, who is Atsumori,
and this fact is known by Yoshitsune. In this story, Yoshitsune senses that it is
destiny for Kumagai and Atsumori to meet on the battlefield, and would be forced
into the predicament of not killing the boy because of his debt to Fuji no Kata or
losing credibility as a solider for sparing an enemy. He plants a message stating
Anyone killing a son must kill his own son implying that if Kumagai decided to kill
Atsumori, that to repay the debt to Fuji no Kata he
UK s Option to Reform its Electoral System for General...
UK s Option to Reform its Electoral System for General Elections
In the UK the current voting system for electing MP s to the House of Commons is
called First Post the Post. Within the UK alone there are 659 separate constituencies
across the UK each electing only one single Member of Parliament. Different voting
systems were used within the UK up to 1950. Then in the years after there have been
many other, sometimes fairer voting systems like the Single Transferable Vote (STV)
used in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, or the Alternative Vote (AV)
used in Australia.
Despite the fact of their being easier voting systems, first past the post is still an easy
system to understand. The ... Show more content on ...
There is great lack of choice given the voters, the candidates are selected by a small
number of party members, and voters can only choose between parties, and not
individual candidates. In addition voters are represented unequally; in 1997 the
average number of votes per MP elected was 32,376 for Labour, but 113,826 for the
Liberal Democrats. So this shows that the system is not as fair and as democratic as
it should be.
An alternative voting system to First Past the Post, could be the Single Transferable
Vote (STV), this system is used in Northern Ireland for general local elections. By
using STV there are still constituencies but each is represented by more than one
person, so normally about five or six representatives. Then each party will normally
put forward more than one candidate in each constituency. The voters have to
basically put the candidates in their order of preference, so it s similar to Alternative
Vote in some aspects. The advantage of this system is that the voter can choose
between parties and candidates.
This system is better than the present one, in certain ways, the major factor that the
voter gets a lot of choice. STV is broadly proportional meaning that all parties will get
the equivalent share of the constituency to the total number of votes. The main point
of changing the electoral system within the UK is to get a more democratic
The Law Of Attraction Is Nonsense
The Secret
None of the secrets of success work unless you do. Anonymous
Well, if you believe in the secret and you think about success, eventually it will
walk right to you. Ha! Really? Well, if that s really what you believe you are in for a
rude awakening. However, for the rest of us, we will be over here working our
butts off to make a change in our lives and working for said secrets of success. In
2006, a movie like documentary, The Secret, created by Rhonda Byrne, was made
about the Law of Attraction that said that if you think about positive things, like
instead of bills you are getting checks, those things will eventually happen. People
should not believe in this because, The Secret is blaming the victims, and it s pretty
much ... Show more content on ...
It basically states that rape victims and victims of shootings,disease, and being
born into third world countries, is their fault and nobody else s. Homelessness,
poverty, famine, bullies, political squabbles, natural disasters, sickness, disease,
rape, incest, and ultimately, death. According to the Law of Attraction, you re
limiting beliefs and thoughts attract a tornado to wipe out your house. Joel Comm
writes in The Law of Attraction is Nonsense . Nobody has any control of being
born into third world countries, its like the luck of the draw, and these people
chose the short straw, that s not their fault. There have been rallies and protests
about the fact that it isn t the victim s fault that they were raped. Men, women, and
kids suffer from all sorts of cancer and other diseases, the Law of Attraction says
they called it upon themselves, little innocent kids who probably have done nothing
bad in their short lives, and now they can die, they called it upon themselves, really?
What about the kids and adults who are victims to mass shootings? Did they just
think about the worst case scenario for days at a time and they just happened because
of negative thoughts? Well clearly, no, they didn t call themselves to be killed, if
nobody thought about dying in there life then nobody would die, um, yeah
The Magna Cara And Freedom
The Magna Carta stands for Great Charter originating from Medieval England. It was
written to establish that everyone is subjected to the law including the king. The text
was written around the time of June 15 1215. The Magna Carta is a significant
record that establishes the same rights among an individual. It assisted subjects and
peasants and gave them the liberty they deserved. The Magna Cartais the most
influential historical document known, it stands as a mark for freedom of speech,
modern democracy, and establishment of the law that no individual stands above the
The Magna Carta stands as a start point for the freedom of speech, expression, and
representation. The liberty granted in this text is used as a bridge for the start of
independence. In this document, it states that we have granted to God...have
confirmed for us...the English Church shall be free, ... Show more content on ...
Each individual has the right to elect their personal choice of representative.
Democracy written by Leonard Cohen convey democracy by narrating that the
heart has to open in a fundamental way: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
(Source 3) This line from the poem reveals that you have to let out what you feel is
moral and because of this democracy is coming to the U.S.A. This particularized
that the use of what you feel is right leads you to democracy. The Magna Carta
divulge that democracy comes from everyone; that everyone has a choice. In the
poem, it recites that It s coming from the women and the men. O baby, we ll be
making love again. (Source 3) Here is stated that democracy is spilling from
everyone; women and men alike , that now they have rights, they are happy and feels
it s time to bring more children into the world. Modern Democracy allows people to
have a choice and a right to express how they feel and let them have a choice, the
Magna Carta gave them that
Marcus Brutus Relationship In The Tragedy Of Julius
As stated by Thomas Jefferson, I never considered a difference of opinion in
politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.
Individuals rival this statement by allowing for the influence of their political
obsessions to supercede their feelings over personal relationships. Politics, while
being vital to the way one lives, can bring about the end of ties between two people
that were once great and thought to be unending. Often times, an individual finds his
or herself in a scenario in which they let their personal opinions overcome their
common sense, thus allowing for the close ties in a relationship to be tested. William
Shakespeare s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, exhibits that politics can negatively
affect personal lives and ruin relationships through selfishness and disagreement.
Marcus Brutus relationship with Julius Caesar sees its demise when Brutus allows
his political obsessions to force him to... Show more content on ...
Cassius sees the selfish side of Brutus when he states That you have wronged me
doth appear in this: / You have condemned and noted Lucius Pella...Because I knew
the man, were slighted off (IV, iii. 1 5). Cassius calls Brutus out for ignoring his
letters proving of Lucius Pella s innocence and is responded to in a hostile manner by
Brutus. Brutus, while responding to Cassius accusations, states Let me tell you,
Cassius, you yourself... To sell and mart your offices for gold / To undeservers (IV,
iii. 9 12). This indirectly shows Brutus selfishness in his self pride as he refuses to
accept the accusations thrown toward him. After this argument, Cassius and Brutus
find their relationship strained. Each character would eventually see their demise at
the battle in Phillippi. They both die with grief and without one another due to Brutus
The Absurdity Of The Victorian Upper Class Society
Nora Abushaaban
Marietta Reber
November 25, 2016
The Absurdity of the Victorian Upper Class Society
Sans irony, the title of the play, The Importance of Being Earnest A Trivial
Comedy for Serious People, by Oscar Wilde probably would have been called The
Insignificance of Being Earnest. This is because throughout the play all the major
characters lied and were not the least bit earnest. This comedy is a satire on the
mannerisms of the Victorian upper class society in the late 1800s. As it is a satire,
Wilde s intent was to poke fun at the aristocrats of his time by exaggerating their
behavior to criticize how substanceless their lifestyles were. Wilde incorporates
various elements of literature including genre, symbolism, and characterization to
challenge the Victorian upper classarrogant lifestyle.
They key literary device Wilde used to popularize his critique of the Victorian
upper class was genre. As this was a play, the genre would fall under drama. This
type of drama was specifically known as a farce: a comedic dramatic work with
absurd events. This play was a comedy in the traditional sense because it is a satire
with a happy ending, as well is in the modern definition in that it is humorous.
Inseparable from any definition of satire is its corrective purpose, expressed through
a critical mode which ridicules or otherwise attacks those conditions needing
reformation in the opinion of the satirist (Harris). In this case the satirist would be
What Is The Theme Of The Shawshank Redemption
In Frank Darabont s American classic The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne is
wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life in prison for murdering his cheating wife
and her lover. As the story goes on, Andy begins to form powerful connections with
both prison officials and influential convicts which help him cut through his time at
Shawshank Prison. Through a series of emotional moments and plot twists, Andy
begins to realize what he truly wants with his life. In particular, three scenes in the
film paint the picture of Andy s life. The most influential scenes in The Shawshank
Redemptionare the scene of Andy and his friends working on the rooftop, Tommy s
assassination, and the closing scene.
One of the most influential scenes in establishing ... Show more content on ...
In meticulous nature, Andy schemed a plan to escape Shawshank Prison. This
plan went accordingly for Andy, and he began his trek towards a small town
named Zihuatanejo. The viewer is aware this was the end destination of Andy due
to a scene earlier in the movie in which Andy reveals his plans if he leaves
Shawshank. With a tone of hopelessness, Andy lays out his plan of going to
Zihuatanejo...Zihuatanejo. Little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the
Mexicans say about the pacific? They say it has no memory. That s where I want to
live the rest of my life.... Buy a worthless boat, and live on it for the rest of my time.
In the final scene, the viewer watches Red and Andy meet up for the first time in
years on the beach. At this point, Andy has fulfilled his life aspirations, which
becomes apparent due to the antiquated, rundown boat he is seen standing on. As the
camera pans out, you can see the blue of the pacific ocean, and the clear, beautiful
sky. The music is fitting to the scene, as it intensifies the dramatic mood(Darabont).
For Andy, all of the aforementioned details of the setting equate to freedom. As the
resolution of the story, the final scene in The Shawshank Redemption is an influential
Violence In The Virgin Suicides In The Virgin Suicides
From this analysis and definition of witchcraft and its relation to the player, gossip,
one can see how violence may erupt from such cases of witch accusations. Gossip, as
an active player in witch hunts and trials can [...] outrun the intentions of [its]
creators, producing more violence than is anticipated (Stewart and Strathern 193).
Such unanticipated growth within gossip is the result of, as Hurston writes in Their
eyes were watchingGod, words walking without masters (2). One can relate words
walking without masters as violence walking without masters. In the way that words,
gossip, and rumor can snowball, to a certain degree, violence can as well. After
misfortunes, most often deaths, within a community, people attribute misfortune to
witches and kill them in order to set matters right (Stewart and Strathern 193).
Therefore, we see that violence is retribution in witch hunts and is given agency
through gossip. In The Virgin Suicides, the community, in effect, kills the Lisbon
sisters through violent gossip in retribution for Cecilia s death and the unrest it
caused the community. The Lisbon sister s state is reflected through a tree in their
front yard that, for a time [...] stood blighted, trying to raise its stunted arms, a
creature clubbed mute (Eugenides 173). The vicious words of the community
clubbed the sisters, robbing them of their personality. Eventually, the sisters become
so ostracized and hated for their inability to be anything but sexual
The Problem Of Food Waste
There are billions of people struggling every day to have enough to eat, and billions
of tons of food being tossed in the garbage, food waste is gaining increasing
awareness as a serious environmental and economic issue. Research shows that
about 60 million metric tons of food is wasted a year in the United States, with an
estimated value of $162 billion. About 32 million tons of it end up in landfills, at a
cost of about $1.5 billion a year to local government this economic crisis is
worldwide! My research estimates that a third of all the food produced in the world
is never consumed, and the total cost of that food wastecould be as high as $400
billion a year. The food discarded by retailers and consumers in the most developed
countries would be more than enough to feed all of the world s hungry people, but
it is not just those countries that have problems with food waste, it is also an issue
in African countries like South Africa. The problem is expected to grow worse as
the world s population increases, unless actions are taken to reduce the waste. Food
waste is not only a social cost, but it contributes to growing environmental problems
like global warming, experts say, with the production of food consuming vast
quantities of water, fertilizer and land. The fuel that is burned to process, refrigerate
and transport it also adds to the environmental cost. Most food waste is thrown away
in landfills, where it decomposes and emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
Male Dominance Over Female Characters In The Asylum
Ishita Aggarwal
Oct. 16th, 2017
Word Count: 1062
Hidden by Fear or Insecurity?
Male Dominance over Female characters in John Harwood s novel, The Asylum
Today s society perceives women to be stronger and dominant individuals in
comparison to men, although, in reality, there are numerous circumstances in which
men exhibit more power and control over the important decisions in women s lives.
In his novel, The Asylum, John Harwood portrays the ways in which men exert power
over women through the relationships between Rosina and her father as well as Dr.
Straker and Georgina. Through the characters of Rosina and Georgina, Harwood
depicts that women face many insecurities which ultimately causes the relationships
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Rather than admitting her true feelings, Rosina gives her consent for the alliance in
order to please her father due to her fear of him, exemplifying that her diffident
personality in the novel leads to the tenuous bonds between them both.
Furthermore, Rosina s father s obedience leads him to become very stern towards
Rosina s freedom as Your [Rosina s] duty is to obey me, and you will learn to like
him [Mr. Bradstone] because I wish it... Until then, as I say, you are to remain
outdoors: I have given orders to ensure that you do. Disobey me in this, and you
will be confined to your room (135 136). Thomas s ascendancy over his daughter s
decisions is evident as he is very strict and intimidating, Rosina must obey commands
in order to live with him or else there are bound to be dire consequences. Instead of
fighting for her rights and freedom, Rosina feebly agrees to her father s instructions,
thus reinforcing the one sided relationship between both father and daughter.
Moving on, Georgina and Dr. Straker s bond also begins to diminish as Dr. Straker s
dominance over Georgina s confinement at Tregannon Asylum eventually leads to the
loss of control over her decisions. First and foremost, at the asylum, Georgina wakes
up to find her
Data Catalog For Enterprise Geodatabase
Summary: Spatial information is usable when it has metadata, as it is
straightforward to follow and find datasets. GIS data catalog for Enterprise
Geodatabase is a project which allows acquiring information regarding the
availability of GIS datasets and related properties such as quality, description, the
point of contact, extent, etc. The audience for the project are the internal customers
looking for data. Managing spatial metadata records are critical for maintaining an
organization s investment in spatial data. Since the year 2009, UServices support
terabytes of data. However, the data does not consist of metadata. The data is
occasionally inconsistent, foreign or obsolete. Data catalog will allow them as a
department to achieve the following goals: Support a high quality of data Supports
decision making Provide consistent information to the customers. Provide an
inventory of data assets Help figure and keep up the value of data Help decide the
reliability and currency of data Document legal issue Help plan budget In my
opinion, this research has contributed to the organization and personal development.
This project is a package of individual growth in addition to organizational growth.
Personal Experience: Metadata a set of data, that describes and gives information
regarding other data. In technical and undergrad degree program, the fundamental
concept of metadata was introduced. Due to lack of practical
Franz Fanon Racism
Before starting this paper, it is important to have historical background to understand
the direction I am going. According to the Internet Encyclopedia Philosophy Frantz
Fanon was an Afro French philosopher and a writer who had influence in the post
colonial studies. His work Black Skin, White Mask was formulated to show the
oppression of African Americans. Black peoplehave been the subject of racialized
and discursive discourse that has socially constructed them as criminal s amoral
human beings. To start off, by definition Negrophobia is classified as The strong
fear or dislike of black people in today s society Negrophobia is very much alive and
thriving. According to Brandon Hill at CNN Phobias are extreme aversions. They...
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Fanon criticizes Sartre for [s]eeing only one type of black man and equating anti
Semitism with Negrophobia as the errors of analysis committed in [Sartre s]
arguments (160 161) Fanon arrives at the relationship between blacks and whites;
which in my opinion he starts to teach us about the word Negrophobia . In what
seems like his search for this apparent relationship fanon ask, Is there any difference
between one racism and another? Don t we encounter the same downfall, the same
failure of man? (Fanon 67) Frantz referrers to Octave Mannon s Prospero and
Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization to pan out his standpoint of cultural
exploitation as a whole, Fanon acknowledges that Mannon s conclusion explains the
Colonizer native relationship (Fanon 64) Yet, in the same token fanon finds error in
Mannon s findings Fanon asserts that All forms of exploitation are alike and that
Colonial racism is no different from other racisms (Fanon 69) The question at hand is
very simple, is there any difference between Negrophobia and Anti Semitism
According to Jock McCulloch author of Black Soul, White Artifact: Fanon s Clinical
Psychology and Social Theory the answer is no. There is no substantial difference
between Anti Semitism and
What Is The Theme Of The Sea By Lord Prufrock
The poem starts with him talking about a question he wants to ask. Throughout the
poem, he walks towards a destination and when he arrives he never dares to do
anything; this is the attitude he maintains during the poem. Alfred is a middle aged
coward that has never pursued anything because of what people might say; a man
afraid of taking risks, or even decisions. A curious allusion he uses in various lines
of the poem is the sea and its related themes as: a pair of ragged claws scuttling
across the floors of silent seas, mermaids that don t sing to him and drowning. The sea
allusion throughout the poem can summarize it as a metaphor: he is the crab because
he yearns the capacity of isolating himself from the world, the womanis the mermaid
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This overthinking that he does is interesting because he overanalyzed every simple
action that he does or that someone around him does. Probably he feels asphyxiated
at times when he is around a lot of people. Thus, in the beach, when he drowns, he
is having a kind of panic attack. At the whorehouse there are a lot of people and
music, this opens the possibility of Prufrock having a panic attack and that is why he
talks about the human voices that wake him from thinking about his lover and drown
him in a panic
A Different Road Short Story
A Different Road by Elizabeth Strout, is a short story about an old couple named
Henry and Olive who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. On their way
back from a restaurant, they stop at a nearby hospital to use the bathroom, but end
up being held hostage by some masked men attempting to steal drugs. Overall, I
really enjoyed the story because of the plot, the characters, the structure, the
writing technique, and the humor. I found the plot to be very entertaining because
I like stories about people in danger. In the story, Henry and Olive Kitteridge are
just an average old couple who live in New England, and their son has just moved
to California. After going out to dinner one night and eating crab meat, Olive
demands that Henry stops at the hospital so she can use the restroom, and the
nurse insists that Olive get checked out just to be safe. They all end up tied up in
the bathroom by two men in masks. I really liked the plot because I feel like there
aren t too many stories about old people being held hostage, and I thought it was
very creative. I also thought the story had a lot of action in it, which kept me
hooked. Although I enjoyed the plot, I also really liked the characters, especially
Olive. I thought Olive was a very funny and unique character because of her witty
remarks, and because of how dominant she was. For example, I liked when she
demanded that Henry pull over, and when he told her to wait she said Tell my
insides (107) and Good Lord, Henry. I m about ready to explode (107). I thought
these remarks were pretty funny, and added a lot to her character. I also liked
when she said Stop the goddamn car (109) because she knew Henry hated hearing
her swear, but she said it anyways to make him mad. I also thought she was funny
when the doctor was examining her because she appreciated that the doctor wasn t
bored since other doctors made her feel like a fat lump moving down the conveyer
belt (112). I thought this simile was very funny and showed Olive s personality.
Olive s character added a lot to the story because it made the whole story funnier
and easier to read. The structure of the story was very interesting and made the story
a little more fun to read. I like how
The Freedom Of Speech By The United States Essay
There are many phrases and use of words that can be considered controversial in
the past as well in todays society. The first amendment states that congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the
people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of
grievances. (Volokh, 2016.). Throughout history, congress has kept up their end of the
deal with no laws being established against religion, and those who peacefully
assemble due to recent protests has not be interrupted by the government, for it is
their right as citizens to practice their freedom of speech. Throughout history, there
have been times were civilians felt some of these rightswere infringed by the
government within the United States, as well as outside of the United States, where
other countries may have found themselves in a situation of government versus an
individual or group when it came to their rights not being fulfilled by their
A recent event which has had an impact around the United States, is police and
whether or not they are violating civil rights of some Americans. In an article, Justice
Department report: Baltimore police routinely violated civil rights , it talks about
how the police force in Baltimore, were conducting unlawful stops and using
excessive for, according to their findings from a Justice Department probe (Wilber,
Analysis Of The Movie Greasy Lake
Think of a place you would go to, either as a teenager or even a young adult. A
place that had no authority. Somewhere teenagers would go to drink and partake in
other illicit behaviors. In T. Coraghessan Boyle s short story Greasy Lake, three
eighteen year old boys are looking for mischief during their third night of summer
break from college, sometime in the late 60 s. After driving through the streets of a
town, they end up at Greasy Lake, the worst ecologically conditioned lake.This setting
not only motivated the three boys to engage in dangerous behaviors but was the main
influence on the majority of the plot and even the main theme, corruption. During
this story, three teenage boys; the protagonistand his two friends try to act like the
bad boys during this era. We wore torn up leather jackets, slouched around with
toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed
cocaine is how the narrator of this story explained the three boys acting out in a
rebellious, bad boy manner (365; par. 1). Boyle tells us through the narrator of the
story, that it is a time when it is good to be bad. The night begins when Digby, Jeff,
and the narrator head out for the evening in his mother s Bel Air. They end up at
the local hangout spot right outside of the town, formally known as Greasy Lake.
This is when they see a car that they believe is their friends, and begin harassing
him. However, this ended up being a big mistake and the anger of the owner of
Innocence and Experience in Blake s The Chimney Sweeper
Innocence and Experience in Blake s The Chimney Sweeper
The most obvious difference between the two poems would be the length, although
this is not necessarily a difference between innocence and experience, it does lure the
reader into the right frame of mind to read into the attitude of each poem. Innocence
consists of six, four line stanzas, where as experience is only three, four line stanzas.
The length of each line is also longer in innocence when compared to experience.
When you examine what each of the poems is portraying, this seems like an effective
way to draw a distinctive line between the two.
Innocence begins in a slightly depressing tone, informing us from a child s first ...
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The next three stanzas consist of a dream Tom Dacre experiences. The dream itself
consists of angels, a very obvious religious figure, freeing other Chimney Sweeper
s from there coffins of black , where black is an intentional colour reference again
ment to symbolize a hard, short life of opression, with a bright key , bright again
being a colour reference. The children are then allowed to roam freely naked and
white , white being yet another intentional placement of a symbolic colour, on a
green plain . The use of the colour green in this case is a slightly less obvious. When
combined with the assumption that the placement of the Chimney Sweeper is in a
sooty, black city, one could assume that Blake is against the large scale
industrialization that was demolishing God s natural beauty.
The key turning point in this poem is in the third line of the fifth stanza. And the angel
told Tom, if he d be a good boy, He d have God for his father, and never want joy .
This line has the potential to turn all of the poem around. If you later examine the
Experience poem and return to the Innocence, this line could imply that all religious
teachings from the Church are given only to keep the world running. If humanity has
the belief that a hard life leads to a peaceful, easy afterlife
Characters In Elie Wiesel s Twilight
There are 7 main characters in the book Twilight . To begin with, Bella Swan is a
beautiful, smart, pale faced 17 year old, who has light brown hair and brown eyes.
She moved to a rainy town called Forks to live with her father after her mother got
re married, and later on fell in love with Edward Cullen. Secondly, Edward Cullen
is an inhumanely gorgeous vampire who studies in Forks High School. He has
untidy bronze coloured hair and eyes that alter from hazel to dark brown. He s
muscular, strong, fierce, fast and he can read other people s minds, which is
idiosyncratic(unique) in his family. Edward was the first member of the Cullen s
vampire family: he was transformed into a vampire in 1918 when dying from the
Spanish Influenza. Thirdly, Carlisle Cullen is a young looking world class surgeon,
who is also extremely good looking.... Show more content on ...
However, they were all moribund when Carlisle saved their lives by
metamorphosing them into vampires. Another main character is Alice Cullen,
who is shorter than the other vampires, thin in the extreme, very pixie like with
small features and short black hair. Alice can see things that will happen in the
future, which is also unique in her family. She is a kind, supportive and
encouraging vampire. In addition, Jasper Hale was the most recent to join the
vampire family: he was turned into a vampire in 1863 when he was 19 years old,
but found the Cullens family in 1950. Jasper has honey blond hair and is also very
muscular. He has the power to manipulate the feelings and emotions of those
around him, but he lacks self control. Emmett Cullen is another important figure in
the book, who was mauled by a bear in 1935, found by Rosalie and transformed
into a vampire by Carlisle. He is the largest and strongest of the Cullens vampires.
Finally, Rosalie Hale is a very attractive, tenacious and tall, with a perfect body and
long blond
Essay On The Opening Line In William Gibson s
The opening line in Neuromancer by William Gibson sets the tone for the whole
book, The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
(Gibson, pg.3) The very first thing we see in Neuromancer is a dead, static sky, and
already the natural has been replaced by technology. This image starts the book
with a dead landscape. The lack of a natural landscape in Neuromancer shows that
in this futuristic age, technology has become all encompassing. Due to this the
natural world has become strange and out of place, this challenges readers on how
they see the world today. The world of Neuromancer is gray and harsh. There are
only a few time through out the book that Case ventures outside after being fixed by
Armitage. In one of these instances Case and Molly are sitting outside and the scene
is described with the two of them sitting on the cement in front of a water fountain
that contains no water. This scene shows how... Show more content on ...
With the stimsim Case is able to look through the eyes of Molly, this allows him to
see places without going anywhere. Being so confined has changed Case s look
on the world. We find Case outside again later on in the book, but this time is
different. Instead of being surrounded by concrete Case finds himself surrounded by
trees. He finds this encounter with nature unnatural, and it makes him feel very
uneasy. Case is used to being in the matrix where he can control what he sees and
he is able to scrutinize what objects on the outside world look like without having to
leave his room. The trees are foreign to Case, they have nothing to do with what he
loves, the matrix, and technology. They symbolize the opposite of technology, they
have been what they are for ages, they are not changing so quickly like everything
else around him
Becoming A Childcare Educator
Attending describes the specific behaviors of being mindful....... These action s can
easily be remembered by the acronym FELOR: F=Face the speaker, E=eye contact,
L=lean forward, O=Open posture, R=Relax. (Wood Schweitzer, 2010, p23). In our
scenario, when the older feels sick, and family member ask the doctor questions, the
doctor gives a good interaction with patients through face to speaker, has eye contact
with patients, lean forward, open posture, make a relax environment. It shows that the
doctor not only respects his patients, and have a pleasant conversation with patient s
family member, but also gives the patients family member s hope and relax. That will
be a best way to communication. On the other side, in the bad communication
scenario, when the doctor shows a bad interaction with his... Show more content on ...
I think I am not only need communicate with children, but also, I will interact with
parents and my co works. I think it is very important to be respectful to everyone.
When I talk with children I will be stayed in children s level, and keep eye contact
with children. Children were young, they maybe not understand too much words,
but they are very sensitive to how educators treat them. For example, when you
speak with children with a warm tone, they will be happy; to the contrary, they will
be afraid. If you respect them and try to build a good relationship with them, they
will know you are a good person; and after they were familiar with you, they will
always have a happy face to you, also they want to kiss or give you a hug. For
parents, they are adults, they have a good understanding ability, but they are also
take care of their children. Hence, when I interact with parents about their children, I
need face to the parents, with eye contact, and try to use some mild tone to express
our ideas about their children and I want to show parents, I do my best to build a
good life environment for their
Theravada Beliefs
The Theravada is a branch of Buddhism, which studies the original scriptures in Pali,
as well as honor the life of rejection, and monitor mindfulness meditation traditions
(Fisher, 2014, p. 151). The Pali Canon Buddhists follow the Theravada teachings
which are a vast collection of old scriptures preserved in the Pali language of ancient
India (Fisher, 2014, p. 151). Furthermore, the Theravadais linked to Southeast Asian
countries around the world. Also, many religious practitioners that are linked to the
Theravada Buddhismin Southeast Asia; pursue the Buddha in devotion ceremonies
(Fisher, 2014, p. 154). Furthermore, devotional to Dharma was done in reverence,
worshiping, and honoring homage to Budda (Fisher, 2014, p.155). Practices of
Oprah Winfrey s Accomplishments
Oprah Winfrey has developed an influential brand for herself through her use of
media and her honesty. Her accomplishments as an international media leader,
philanthropist and her wholehearted willingness in helping people overcome their
own challenges and achieve their dreams, she has transformed into one of the most
admired and idolized public figures in society. Oprah Winfreycan also contribute
immensely to the emotional and psychological sustainability of humanity during this
apocalyptic event. Her potential is seen in her charity work, her way of language and
her ability to connect with her worldwide audience.
Her charity work combines to a total where she has donated more than $50 million to
multiple charity institutions, which includes 50 local organizations such as the
Children s Memorial Hospital, The Chicago Academy of the Arts and Chicago s
Providence St. Mel School.
Over the years she has presented herself as someone who has faced numerous
obstacles in life and triumphed with a sense of purpose. Through her time on her
daytime talk show, The Oprah Winfrey ... Show more content on ...
She is recognized personally and professionally which are displayed in Oprah s
achievements, which include receiving the U.N Association of the USA s Global
Humanitarian Action Award. She is also acknowledged with leading the National
Child Protection Act and for establishing the The Oprah Winfrey foundation , which
its purpose is to support the inspiration, empowerment, education and health of
women, children and families around the world where she has become the
embodiment of generosity and encouragement of action. She has done this from
leading by example which has transformed into something inspiring and displaying
how her attributes have encouraged and made listeners grow as an individual which
are all significant factors to humanity s psychological and emotional
Informative Speech About Special Olympics
I.Picture this, there was a boy at my high school named Adrian. Adrian loved
football and even more, he loved all the guys on the team. One year Adrian decided
he was going to join the team. He was thrilled to tell all of the guys, but the
feelings were not mutual. Instead the guys on the team made fun of Adrian and
threw fits. All Adrian wanted was to go to practices, ride the bus to games, and
just be apart of the team. The boys did not throw a fit because Adrian was bad at
football, they threw a fit because Adrian has a mental disability. Although Adrian did
not end up playing football, he eventually played a sport where he was welcomed
and appreciated. Adrian fell in love with his new team so much, he wore his track shirt
... Show more content on ...
1.As stated by, the five figures in a circle symbolize the global
2.The lowered arms recall the time when people were not aware of the talents people
with intellectual disabilities had.
3.The straight arms describe equality and outreach.
4.Finally, the raised arms symbolize joy, the joy that has come from this organization.
You know what Special Olympicsare, now I ll explain why they started.
II.Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of JFK, was the mastermind behind Special
A.Shriver s sister, Rosemary, had an intellectual disability.
1.The two played all kinds of sports together growing up.
2.But in those days, there were very limited programs for her sister.
B.According to, Shriver started a summer day camped called Camp Shriver
in the summer of 1962.
1.This camp was made for children with intellectual disabilities with a goal to
explore the children s skills in sports.
2.This camp grew and led to the first international Special Olympic Games in
Chicago, Illinois July 1968. This has grown even more now to over 4.7 million
people and over 170 countries.
I explained to you why it started, I ll explain now how it started in Indiana.
III.Special Olympics came to Indiana in 1969 when Governor Edgar Whitcomb came
into office saying it is a great way to help the state, as mentioned on
A.Special Olympics has grown in great size since 1969 and is now over 12,000
athletes and 10,000
How To Write A Letter From A Professor Faden
My defendant, Professor Faden has been brought to court today by the Disney Studio.
The plaintiff claims that Mr. Faden is guilty of copyright infringement, from the
mash up of numerous disney productions for the use of educational purposes of
copyright and how the law works. I m here today to defend Professor Faden,
because i can prove that he is in fact innocent. You see your honor, in order for me to
even begin defending my client i must first state the copyright and fair use law. The
law states that the congress shall have power... To promote the progress of science
and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive
right to their respective writings and discoveries. this law states that any form of
an idea is protected by the copyright law and for anybody (other than the original
owner) to use the work must ask permission, pay a fee, or follow the terms of fair
use; otherwise they have committed a federal crime and can be imprisoned for no
more than five years and/or be fined. ... Show more content on ...
Fair use law states Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory
framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain
types of uses such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and
research as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. this means that you
can use another person s work as long as they use a certain amount of the original
owners work, or it is used for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,
scholarship, and research. In Mr. Faden s mashup he did not use anymore than 30
seconds of the movies used in the video. Meaning that his mashup is covered by the
fair use
Feminist Theory Of Neurotic Need, And Neo Freudian
Karen Horney is best known for her findings of feminine psychology, theory of
neurotic need, and neo freudian psychology. What attracted me most to Karen
Horney was the relation I shared with her suffering from depression growing up. It
was her findings about life and her outlook of recovering from depression that
attracted her to me. She discusses the importance of everyone s role in their own life
on their mental health. Therefore, I appreciate her studies as I have been able to
apply them to my own life. Recovering from depression was not an overnight
process. However, I became in control of my own mental health in my life. Without
knowing about Karen Horney previous to my depression, she emphasized the
importance everyone has in our own mental health. Women psychologywas not
prominent until women continued to formulate strong studies in psychology. She
went against a prominent male figure in psychology. Furthermore, Karen Horney is a
prominent figure in feminine psychology.
Karen Horney was born in Blankenese, Germany. She was born on September 16,
1885 and she died on December 4, 1952 (Cherry, 2014). Her mother had four
children with her father. However, her father remarried and had another kid.
Horney struggled growing up searching for her father s affection. When her father
remarried, he had a son named Brendt. Her father liked Brendt more than her
(Cherry, 2014). Therefore, it forced Karen to form a close bond with her mother. At
the age of 9 years old, Karen
Unions Labor Unions And The Future Of The Union
Title: Unions have played a significant role in workforce history, have they outlived
their purpose. Abstract: Labor unions are lawfully recognized as envoys of
employees in many companies in the United States. Activities of labor unions are
centered on collective bargaining over workers benefits, working conditions, and
salaries. They also stand in for their members in disagreements with management
over the contract provisions violation. There are also larger unions that engage in
activities of lobbying and electioneering at the federal or state level. In America,
most unions are associated with one or two wider umbrella organizations. These
unions stand to advocate legislation and policies on the workers behalf. They are
also actively involved in workers politics, as well as issues of global trade but as
times generations changed have they out lived their purpose. This paper examines
labor unions, labor laws, NLRB and, the different generations represented in the
workforce and how they affect the future of the Union. HISTORY Labor unions have
existed in one form or another in the United States since the birth of the country.
They were created in an effort to protect the working population from abuses such as
sweatshops and unsafe working conditions. On the other hand, they have also been
accused of crippling industries and consorting with organized crime over the decades.
But in one way or another, labor unions have been
Aspirations In A Raisin In The Sun
In 1959 A Raisin in the Sun debuted on Broadway, marking the debut of the first
black playwright. Four years later in 1963 Martin Luther King Jr not only helped
organize spoke during the March on Washington which up to this point marked
one of the largest gatherings of non segregated people in peaceful protest ever.
Both of these incredible and influential works of writing were firsts in their
respective media due to their focus in discussing how America has given the Negro
people a bad check; a check which has come back marked insufficient funds. (King
2). A Raisin in the Sun has many important and progressive themes but one of the
larger themes in the book is dreams and people s aspirations, as the main characters
struggle to deal with institutionalized oppression that rules their lives. The title of
the play is a reference to a poem by Langston Hughes that he wrote about dreams
that were forgotten or put off. He writes about what will happen to people s dreams
will they let them shrivel up like a raisin in the sun. (Hansberry title page) Every
member of the Younger family has a separate, dreams Beneatha wants to become a
doctor, for example, and Walter wants to have money so that he can feel like he can
provide for them. The Youngers struggle to obtain these dreams throughout the story,
and many of their ups and downs as a family and individually is directly related to
their attainment of, or failure to attain, these dreams. For example Beneatha The
Dating Narrative
Im sure we all have tried numerous datings websites and they seem to have the
same concept everytime right? Ive come across a new website that was created by
taking all of the ideas that we as the customers proposed and put it all into one
website! I cant tell you how much money Ive spent on other dating sites and always
come out with no results. I created a profile on and was
instantly impressed by everything you can do! When you get to your profile page
you can actually drag things around on your profile and customize it the way you
want! Not only is it just a datingsite but you can chat, post videos, music, blogs,
forums and alot more all on one site.. You can join for free but once I seen all of this
I bought a membership... Show more content on ...
I washed all the linen and my bed spread, and yet I still smell his smells on the
pillows really everywhere I turn in this apartment we shared for over ten year. The
apartment we were supposed to put on the market together, when we applied for
Early Retirement from our companies. Then we were going house hunting in the
suburbs for a small cottage style house, where I could start my garden, and it
would have been perfect for just the two of us. I just saw myself growing old with
no one else but him, Chad . We both had been with our companies for over 20 years
and we were at top levels and there was no place else to go. We reached our goal
and our jobs would have been more than willing to buy us out and offer us a
generous compensation package as well. These were our plans and ideas that we
talked about for almost a year. Someone, please anyone, tell me how do you throw
all that planning, hopes, ambitions away in just one conversation and walk out to
never return. What was so hard for me to understand is how can you love someone
one day and like a damn faucet, turn it off the next day. He never once gave me any
hint or clue this was even coming. When he told me it was over, he stated I was
going to be a coward and leave you a Dear John letter, but I feel you deserve better
than that . (You damn right I did.) When he told me that there was no one else and
that he just did not love me anymore and could not see himself spending his last
years with me. His eyes were so cold and unfeeling. I tried very hard to see if could
see any sign of remorse or regret, but I just didn t. It was like I was having this
conversation with a total stranger. Not my husband of seventeen years. I was
married at the very young age of seventeen to my first husband Jake, my high school
sweetheart. We were just too young and that marriage only lasted three years. After I
signed my divorce papers, I met Chad six months later. We
How Did Duhamel Influence North Dakota
North Dakota to Hollywood
The famous actor, Josh David Duhamel once said, North Dakota a lot of the times
we don t get a voice when these other states do, I feel like it s a good opportunity to
sort of extend help on behalf of the people of North Dakota. Josh s life has been
influenced by the state, and he returned to a favor back to his home. Duhamel has
starred in many movies, and has done wonderful things for North Dakota.
Josh was born on November 14, 1972. Duhamel was about 9 when his parents got
divorced. However, his family stayed close to one another even though they were
separated most of the time. Throughout college at Minot State University, Josh was a
quarterback. Although he couldn t make a living as a pro player, he decided to go
into dentistry.
Josh got a bachelor s degree in biology, but shortly ... Show more content on ...
Duhamel has starred in many movies like Transformers, Life as we know it, the
Romantics, Safe Haven, and many more. He is a great actor who has been
nominated for lots of rewards. He has been nominated for the Teen Choice Awards
five times and OFTA Television Awards twice. In 2002, he was awarded the Daytime
Emmy for the movie All My Children.
Josh is good at many things, but he is also good at promoting tourism in his home
state. Sometimes he wonders why he ever left. He loved to see nature s beauty
shine through everyday. To this day, he still does a lot of advertising for our state.
Duhamel produced the 2016 Tourist Guide. This would help promote tourism in the
state. It would attract people here, and show them how beautiful North Dakota is.
He spent eight days traveling around the state with his son. They went to places like
the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Fargo Theatre. Josh and Axl got to
spend time together while enjoying the wonders of North Dakota. After their trip
here, he shared his experience on NBC s Today Show . That way he could share his
experiences with the
Tell Me Hypomania
It is love that makes our lives happier and more enjoyable. No one wants to deny
this truth. We can always see beautiful love story in novel, movies and music.
However, meanwhile love can cause many psychological and social problems,
especially in young adult population. In the article, Tell me, how bright your
hypomania is, and I tell you, if you are happily in love! Among young adults in love,
bright side hypomania is related to reduced depression and anxiety, and better sleep
quality , available on APA PsycNET, the author explained this phenomena. The
authors state, romantic love can be associated with favorably emotional states, yet
data on thses associations are scarce for young adults. The purpose of this present
study is going to be to explore the associations between romantic loves, symptoms of
depression, anxiety, hypomania and sleeping quality in a sample of young adults....
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When I fall in love with a girl, I see her as center of world; I want spend every second
with her and I am willing to do everything for her. Before I went abroad, she
promised that she will wait for me, no matter how long, and I believed in her, of
course. Four months of waiting is a hell. I work hard every day, as I promised, for
buying her a beautiful engagement ring. I know she is going to be happy. I started to
feel anxious. What did she do today, Why didn t she contact me, Will she love
somebody else? I am so afraid of losing her. I keep asking her, Do you still love me?
She says I am like little girl. She is right; I should be strong enough, she is waiting
for me! But distance is a poison that can destroy love. One month before I go back,
she changed. She began to not talk to me anymore. I awake from sleep and find
my phone, I miss you . Ok, go back to sleep. When I awake again in morning, telling
her, I still miss you. She says, I know. Good
Kinesiology Tape
Survey Paper The survey I did on a Twitter and the question was if Kinesiology Tape
Works. It was a close poll with 67 votes and 52% (35 votes) saying the tape doesn t
work and 48% (32 votes) saying the tape does work. Kinesiology Tape is big
discussion for the sports medicine world. Companies that produce KT tape say they
have the same benefits, some of the things they say are it can help reduce musclepain,
enhances athletic performance and increases mobility to the muscle and joints; It also
provides relief and support for the muscles and joints, can help treat and prevent
hundreds of sport injuries. Some people believe that the tape is a placebo effect or
does not work. Placebo effect is a physiological belief that the treatment being...
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The studies showed that whether the volunteers had the fabric or the tape they were
the same results, and concluded from the study that it is a placebo effect. In a New
York Times article scientist from an independent study have not concluded that
kinesiology tape does what it is actually suppose to do. People believe that the tape
pulls skin away from the sore or injured tissue area. It can help improve lymphatic
drainage and improving blood flow. Also said that it supports injured joints and
muscles without decreasing the range of motion. The president of the National
Athletic Trainers Association and the head trainer at Clarion University in
Pennsylvania stated that It is possible that it had health benefits some of those being
improving the flexibility of muscles and reducing the pain of those areas and he
also added but we just don t know yet , like stated before it is unknown the benefits
of KT tape. Also in the New York Times article there was a comprehensive study
done on recent and relevant studies that shows and concludes at the moment that the
studies show that they do not know if there are any benefits of KT
International Israel Policy Association Conference
AIPAC Conference 2016 The annually American Israel Policy Association
Conference (AIPAC) was held in Washington, D.C. this past month from Saturday,
March 19th to Tuesday, March 22nd. There was about 18,000 participants that
attended this event, which were mainly composed of AIPAC members, students, and
other activists. AIPAC s mission is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S. Israel
relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and the United States.
(AIPAC Policy Conference). In order to have this enormous conference run smoothly,
AIPAC had hired Precision Meetings and Events Incorporated to manger all the
events that were held in Washington, D.C. Precision Meetings and Events Inc. was
founded in 1996, and has been... Show more content on ...
On the first day, all the blue shirts were divided into smaller groups, given their
responsibilities, and met their direct managers. These managers were known as red
shirts, because they wore red shirts. Precision had also brought in all these managers
from all over the nation. There were about 50 red shirts that were composed of
current meeting planner professionals and retired professionals. In order to house the
550 volunteers that Precision had brought in, they had spaced them among three
hotels in the area: the Marriot, the Beacon, and Hyatt. So, not only did I get the
opportunity to work in the hospitality field, but I got to experience it also. Noel and
I were able to be guests at the enormous and modern Hyatt hotel. The Hyatt Regency
was 18 floors high, contained 686 rooms, and about 53,000 square feet of dynamic
meeting space. They are a full service hotel with excellent customer service. They
were accommodate all our requests and able to help us with all our questions about
getting around the city. Overall, I loved my stay at the Hyatt because of their helpful
staff. The responsibilities of the student interns varied a lot, depending on what
location you were assigned. There were three major locations the Walter E.
Washington Convention Center, Verizon Center Stadium, and Capitol Hill. The
Verizon Center was mainly used on Monday because that day is when all the big
Career Path to Become a Certified Registered Nurse...
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are one of the most advanced
types of nurses. They are responsible for providing quality anesthesia and anesthesia
related care in order to facilitate diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures
(America Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 2010). While their services are mainly
used in the surgical setting, CRNAs can also provide assistance for pain management
associated with obstetrical labor and delivery or for chronic and acute pain. Although
they typically work under the supervision of Anesthesiologists, based on states
regulations and by laws, they may also work independently (Kansas University
Medical Center, 2014).
Nurse Anesthetists may work in a variety of settings from hospital ... Show more
content on ...
CRNAs are a way to provide cost effective services as they are less costly to employ
than anesthesiologists, in a time where healthcare facilities are scrambling to cut
healthcare costs. As such, CRNAs will continue to be in high demand particularly
in medically underserved areas and as they continue to become more widely
recognized and accepted as a source for healthcare (Inner Body, 2013). Certified
Registered Nurse Anesthetists are one of the most stressful nursing specialties, yet
they are also one of the most lucrative. The median annual wage for a CRNA as of
May 2012 was $96,460, with the lowest paid and less experienced making
approximately $66,330 and the top ten percent and most experienced making slightly
over $161,030 (U.S Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). As a
Nurse Anesthetist, there are many opportunities for advancement available especially
with additional education and increased experience working in the field. The more
knowledge one has as well as the higher the degree, certainly proves as cutting edge
on the healthcare field. For example, those with a Doctorate in Nursing (DNP)
versus those with only a Master s degree, are more likely not only get paid more, but
also be awarded more leading opportunities, such as being the
Year-Round Schooling
The average American s summer break includes exciting or leisurely vacations with
the family, cookouts with the neighbors, tanning (or burning) at the pool, and
watching fireworks on the 4th of July. Although the typical kid eagerly anticipates
this season, not everyone gets to enjoy a long summer break. About 4% of America s
educationsystems have implemented year round schooling in which the summerbreak
is swapped out for shorter breaks throughout the year (Kelsey). Though some believe
year round schooling is a better method than the traditional 9 month schedule, it
produces problems for both teachers and students.
There are various ways to organize a year round school schedule. Some use a 45 15
schedule (45 weekdays in school followed ... Show more content on
A meta analysis of research from the University of Minnesota... found that 42
studies showed no positive impact from year round schooling, while 27 studies
showed a significant positive impact, writes Jaclyn Zubrzycki. Researchers have
been unable to come to a clear conclusion. Some believe that offering more regular
breaks prevents burnout of both teachers and students (Zubrzycki). However, if
students are given homework to finish over the break (just like students are given
homework to complete over Thanksgiving or Christmas break) or teachers spend
their break preparing for the next session of school, shorter breaks do not alleviate
the problem of burnout but continue it. Students and teachers would be better off
with a long summer break to take their minds off of school and to relax without
worrying about what is coming up within the next couple of
Marvel Research Paper
Marvel is better than DC. Without a doubt, I can say that Marvel is a better
franchise than DC, for many different reasons. The superheroes Marvel makes have
more solid structure, made so that you can believe that anyone or anything could
possibly become a superhero. Exhibit A. Let s compare Iron Man to Batman, for one
they re both rich and have lost their parents, but as known without the armor or fancy
gadgets, Tony Stark (Iron Man) would be a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
as he said in the Avengers, Bruce Wayne (Batman) would still have his fighting skills
and he does support companies but not to the same degree as Tony. Many characters
in the Marvel franchise weren t anything special, just normal people trying to survive
... Show more content on ...
The character is shown as a villain, but he wasn t always that way, he had grown up
in someone s shadow, as fans know it s his brother Thor s. Years later, he learns
that Thor isn t even his brother, that he was stolen as a child and raised to believe
that his own kind, Frost Giants, were, in simple terms, monsters. Of course Frost
Giants were (yes, were, they were destroyed in one of Loki s attempts to please his
father Odin) uncivilized in the way Thor s people acted, but that doesn t mean one
should be raised to hate their own kind without knowing. Therefore, he is just a
young man that was unintentionally lead
What Is Mark Van Doren s Tone In The Scarlet Letter
Mark Van Doren s critical piece, Hester Prynne, addresses the protagonist of
Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Hester Prynne lives a unique life wearing
a scarlet letter A that first stands for adulteress but progressively comes to mean
able. In his criticism, Van Doren uses a reverent tone, strong diction, and hyperboles
to successfully show his admiration for Hawthorne and his creation of Hester
Prynne. Mark Van Doren s admiring tone in his critical piece successfully shows his
feelings toward Hester Prynne and The Scarlet Letterby analyzing several portions of
the book and shining a positive light on each of them. After his plot summary of the
novel, Van Doren proclaims that The Scarlet Letter is packed with pictures and
events [and] real at its center. Van Doren is concise and glowing with admiration
through the entire criticism, continuing to explain how seemingly negative aspects of
the novel are beautiful in their own way. He continues to analyze Hester when he
states that she is the heroine of a tragedy. ... Show more content on ...
His word choice throughout the critical piece is extremely precise. Van Doren
discusses the novel s heroine specifically when he states Hawthorne is known how
to put a unique importance. Van Doren emphasizes Hester s ture relevance in the
world. Hawthorne has not merely created a character but a truly real person who is
able to teach others through her actions. In a similar fashion, Van Doren continues
to analyze Hawthorne s creation of Hester when he articulates that readers
understand that the life of Hester increases, not diminishes. He brings to life his
criticism just as he feels Hawthorne brought to life Hester. Using descriptive words
like flesh and blood, and heart and mind he points out the allure that lies within The
Scarlet Letter. Van Doren uses exact diction in his critical piece which helps him
successfully convey his positive view of Hawthorne s
Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay
Movement and Stasis : The use of dynamics in the Divine Comedy
Movement is a crucial theme of the Divine Comedy. From the outset, we are
confronted with the physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark
wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so
ben ridir com io v entrai . Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is
experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is
suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid life crisis, but it is physically
represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may
seem far too simple and obvious to be worthy of comment. However, I would argue
that it is from this primary example ... Show more content on ...
The first passage is probably the most famous in the whole work, that of Francesca da
Rimini, in Canto V of the Inferno . Condemned for her inconstancy, that is to say her
lust, Francesca is contained in the eternal whirlwind of the `bufera infernale ,
alongside her lover, Paolo. In a clear parallel to her sin, she is buffeted by the
inconstant wind. Although unceasing, the wind changes direction and force, a
movement which is mirrored by the language used to describe it:
Di qua, di l #224;, di gi #249;, di su li mena;
nulla speranza li conforta mai,
non che di posa, ma minor pena.
(43 45, Canto V, Inf.)
In addition to the basic rhyme of the terza rima, the internal rhyme is carefully
manipulated to imitate phonologically the swirling of the wind. By balancing the
repeated [a] of `di qua, di la with the [u:] of the `di gi #249;, di su , Dante is able to
mimic the up and down movement of the air.
Francesca, then, is an extremely `mobile sinner. Although pausing to speak to Dante
(the significance of which will be later discussed), she is compelled to move
indeed, it is an integral part of her punishment. This compulsion is significant.
Through rejecting a life of constancy on earth, whether willingly or otherwise,
Francesca has sacrificed the free will she was allowed to exert on her body. Having
lost control of herself in life she is plunged into the chaos of the `bufera . Her
punishment then, is not merely an
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  • 1. Hotel Management Essay Crafting an essay on hotel management can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The intricacies of this topic demand a comprehensive understanding of various facets, including hospitality, customer service, operational logistics, and industry trends. Delving into the complexities of managing a hotel requires in-depth research, a keen analytical eye, and the ability to synthesize information from diverse sources. One of the difficulties lies in the vastness of the subject matter. Hotel management encompasses a wide range of topics, from the day-to-day operations of a hotel to strategic decision-making, marketing strategies, and the evolving landscape of the hospitality industry. Navigating through this extensive terrain can be overwhelming, requiring careful consideration of which aspects to focus on to maintain coherence and relevance in the essay. Additionally, staying updated with the latest trends and innovations in the hotel management field adds another layer of complexity. The dynamic nature of the hospitality industry means that new technologies, management approaches, and customer preferences are constantly emerging. A successful essay needs to reflect this dynamism, requiring ongoing research and a commitment to staying informed about industry developments. Furthermore, striking a balance between theoretical concepts and practical applications is essential. It's not just about regurgitating information but also about providing insights into how theoretical knowledge translates into effective hotel management practices. This demands a deep understanding of the real-world challenges faced by hotel managers and the ability to connect these challenges with relevant theoretical frameworks. In conclusion, writing a comprehensive essay on hotel management requires a multifaceted approach, encompassing research, critical thinking, and an understanding of both theoretical principles and practical applications. While challenging, successfully navigating through these complexities can result in a well-rounded and insightful piece. For those seeking assistance, it's worth considering platforms like, where similar essays and a wealth of additional writing services are available to provide support and guidance in academic endeavors. Hotel Management Essay Hotel Management Essay
  • 2. Symbolism In Forrest Gump Traversing Through the Unknown People tend to find meaning in all aspects of life, and they rely and examine symbols to gain further insight into their life. Symbolism is prevalent in numerous films, however, in the 1994 film Forrest Gump by Robert Zemeckis intertwines symbolism to introduce the general themes of the film. In the film Forrest Gump the filmmaker focuses on the interesting life of Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is an innocent honest man, who like many, has overcome adversity to achieve success. This same adversity helps Forrest and his general outlook on life. Through all these obstacles, he is an all star football, receives an honorary medal in the Vietnam war and sets up a successful shrimp business. As the film progresses, Robert Zemeckis, does an excellent job of adding important symbols that help the audience gain a better understanding of the characters and the film itself. This adversity and perspective on life is personified through objects such as the box of chocolates which represent uncertainty, the feather which appears at the beginning and the end and furthermore, the concept of running is a repetitious symbol in the film, all have important roles in shaping the lives of characters portrayed in the film. Forrest Gump s quote about life being a box of chocolates is well known around the world; however, one when analyzes this, it unlocks an understanding of the film, and to a degree life as well. Almost everyone has eaten a box of
  • 3. The Problem Of Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration, particularly of unaccompanied minors and single mothers, has increased to an unmanageable level and become a contentious and confusing political topic. This paper will effort to outline the current situation by providing background of the issue here in the US, describe the drivers that lead to the peoples emigration from their largely Central American home countries including an examination of US responsibility in the destabilization of these countries, and what measures can be taken in both the US and home countries to help bring the situation under control and manage immigrationfor these populations going forward. Earlier this year, stories about mass migrations of children and young mothers coming to the ... Show more content on ... Any solution to the current situation will ultimately be equally complex and must involve actions taken both in the United States and in the countries from where so many are leaving. Though this issue has seen tremendous traction in the media this year, this has been a problem over the last several years. Before the spike in immigrants seen three years ago, the United States routinely apprehended between five and ten thousand unaccompanied minors each year. In addition, before the spike, the minors predominately were Mexican, not Central American. With the spike, the demographics of the immigrants seemed to change overnight, and the numbers of immigrants from the Northern Triangle have far surpassed those coming from Mexico. Since 2011, the numbers of unaccompanied minors has doubled each year, from eight thousand in 2011 to twenty in 2012, to near forty in 2013. For fiscal year 2014, the Customs and Border Patrol estimates that more than eighty thousand minors will have been apprehended at the border. Further, they have published estimates that show they expect to see numbers in excess of two hundred thousand in fiscal year 2015. It is important to show that the flow of minors from Northern Triangle countries is not unidirectional to the United States. Other countries in the region are also seeing large numbers of migrants coming across their borders. People are seeking refuge
  • 4. Our Lady Of The Beautiful Window Analysis Justin Dodd April 16, 2018 Notre Dame de La Belle Verriere The year was 1194. Flames licked the side of the cathedral at Chartres. The famous pilgrimage sight had seen destruction before, and was built and rebuilt several times over, however most times the destruction left a skeleton that could be used as a foundation for the new cathedral. By the time the flames had died down the only thing that remained was the western faГ§ade, and a scrap of cloth, said to been worn by the Virgin Mary when she gave birth to Christ. After The fire, work was immediately started on the construction of another cathedral, built in a more daring and modern style than the last. . The west faГ§ade would remain, as it was clearly heavens will, the rest of the cathedral... Show more content on ... The cathedral was already a popular pilgrimage due to holding The Veil of The Virgin, a tunic said to be worn by the Virgin Mary. In the late 12th century the cult of the virgin was immensely popular, and the importance of the Virgin Mary grew, causing relics related to her to be highly sought after, by both churches and pilgrims. The cathedral of Chartres only grew in importance after receiving the skull of St. Anne (mother of the Virgin Mary). In my opinion the window also serves as a point of devotion, a place for people to be in awe and bask in holy divinity, whether that be viewed as the light that filters in behind Mary, or the spark of divine clarity that inspired the windows creation. While the name is a reference to the actual depiction of Mary, I believe that it is also used to indicate a closer connection to the queen of Heaven. The Cathedral at Chartres and in Paris are both dedicated to Mary and share the same name Our Lady of and so I think that choosing to name the window that elevates it from a work of art, and past even that of a reliquary to that of a holy site, and a place to
  • 5. Agro -Based Industrial Development in Bangladesh Table of Contents 1.INTRODUCTION...............................................................01 2. Objectives....................................................................01 3. Prospect of Agro Based Industry...........................................02 4. Development of the Industrial Sector: Issues and Challenges .....03 5. Agro based industrial sector..................................................04 5.1 Poultry..........................................................................04 5.2 Grains ..........................................................................05 5.3 Livestock .....................................................................5 6 5.4 Fisheries........................................................................6 5.5 Horticulture ....................................................................7 6. Agribusiness Credit Fund.......................................................7 7. ... Show more content on ... Bangladesh has a huge supply of raw materials for the agro based industry. 2. Fruits and vegetable production has increased significantly in recent years. 3. Government and NGOs have been conducting regular training programs in developing a skilled manpower for this industry. Director of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) Kabirur Rahman Khan said the region, a food surplus area, produced adequate amount of crops particularly rice, maize, wheat and soybean, fruits especially mango, banana, papaya and tomato and vegetables over the last couple of years due to suitable soil condition, topography and climate 4. Development of the Industrial Sector: Issues and Challenges вќ– The performance of the small and cottage industry sector calls for special attention because of its labour intensive character, its focus on catering to the demand of low and medium income consumers and its capacity for import substitution. Amongst the small scale industries, production of electric apparatus, plastic toys, miscellaneous metal wears, tin plate and readymade wear has registered robust performance in recent years. To be sure, this sub sector has also been particularly vulnerable to natural disasters and other production snags compared to medium and large scale industries. вќ– Factors inhibiting industrial investment in Bangladesh are rather common for domestic as well as foreign investors: poor infrastructure, absence
  • 6. Optimism Optimism Optimism is a mental attitude or world view that interprets situations and events as being best (optimized), meaning that in some way for factors that may not be fully comprehended, the present moment is in an optimum state. The concept is typically extended to include the attitude of hope for future conditions unfolding as optimal as well. The more broad concept of optimism is the understanding that all of nature, past, present and future, operates by laws of optimization along the lines of Hamilton s principle of optimization in the realm of physics. This understanding, although criticized by counter views such as pessimism, idealism and realism, leads to a state of mind that ... Show more content on ... He hoped that society would eventually reach the state where calm reason would replace all violence and force, that mind could eventually make matter subservient to it, and that intelligence could discover the secret of immortality. Much of this philosophy is exemplified in the Houyhnhnms of Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travels. Panglossianism The term panglossianism describes baseless optimism of the sort exemplified by the beliefs of Pangloss from Voltaire s Candide, which are the opposite of his fellow traveller Martin s pessimism and emphasis on free will. The phrase panglossian pessimism has been used to describe the pessimistic position that, since this is the best of all possible worlds, it is impossible for anything to get any better. The panglossian paradigm is a term coined by Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin to refer to the notion that everything has specifically adapted to suit specific purposes. Instead, they argue, accidents and exaptation (the use of old features for new purposes) play an important role in the process of evolution. Some other scientists however argue the implication that many (or most) adaptionists are panglossians is a straw man. Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time Michael Shermer relates Frank J. Tipler to Voltaire s character Pangloss to show how clever people deceive
  • 7. Langston Hughes Should Be Required In The Norton Anthology... Collectors of poetry are bias. By this I mean that more often than not when poems are selected for collections, the works of classical writers will be prioritized over the works of newer or more untraditional authors. That is not to say that this is a bad thing, there is much that can be and needs to be learned from classical poets. However, it is often overlooked how much other, more unknown writers can contribute to the canon of poetry, especially those influenced by different racial and ethnic backgrounds. To demonstrate my point, in this essay I shall be discussing in detail Langston Hughes and his piece Poem and why it should be included in the Norton Anthology of Poetry. I will contrast and compare it with Christina Rossetti s Remember, and back up my arguments with selected quotes from Langston Hughes essay The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain . To begin, Langston Hughes Poem is an example of how few words can still hold a deeper meaning. Using repetition, punctuation, and free verse, Hughes crafted a poem that was elegant yet powerful in its simplicity. I loved my friend. He went away from me. There s nothing more to say. This poem ends. Soft as it began I loved my friend An American poet born in 1902 in Missouri, Hughes came from a family with a past closely tied with the fight against slavery in America. In fact, race in America was still to play a large role in his life, and be something that he had a very strong opinion on. And it may be for
  • 8. The Knowledge Management At Hp Austria A review of the knowledge management at HP Austria 1.Choo s KM Model According to the Choo s knowledge management model, meaning is usually constructed when information is filtered using the sense making behaviors. This implies that individuals in an organization create new knowledge concerning the external world by transforming the individual knowledge to become shareable knowledge and information. In regards to the Choo s model, it is evident that HP Austria has reached a specific point where the organization as a whole is more prepared to behave in a rational manner and to choose an alternative based on the organizational goals, objectives as well as strategy. HP Austria is mainly a marketing company which is divided into eight sections. The company initially produced industrial measuring systems, for this reason, corporate culture is very important and is strongly influenced by measuring. When the company realized that the customer expectations had grown faster than the company itself, a 10xprogram was started with the scope of improving the product quality ten times (Kai Mertins Vorbeck, 2001). The company employees noticed that one division of the company had not fulfilled all the technological improvements that had been planned. In an around the world Reengineering Quality Conference in 1995, the organization achieved a consistent conclusion from this investigation: The emphasis on creation was supplanted by a concentration on clients. As a result, the
  • 9. Descartes Influence on Psychology Running head: DESCARTES INFLUENCE ON PSYCHOLOGYDescartes Influence on Psychology DESCARTES INFLUENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY RenГ© Descartes was a famous French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher throughout the mid 1600 s. He is often regarded as the father of modern philosophy; however, his highly influential ideas have also impacted many other scientific fields, including the world of psychology. Descartes contributions in philosophy and biology have had a significant influence on modern psychology. He introduced new theories about the mind and the body that, while not always correct, undoubtedly changed peoples views and sparked a whole new approach to looking at the mind. There is one thing Descartes knew for certain,... Show more content on ... It can also be argued that these contributions paved the path for modern behavioral psychology and more specifically the concept of stimulus response. This type of psychology focuses on how people behave. Modern behavioral psychologists test this idea that the brain in responsible for behavior and thinking by manipulating situations and studying reactions. Descartes had a very mechanistic view of the brain. He believed the body works similar to machines as it is material and follows laws of physics. He suggests that mind and body interact at the pineal gland. He predicted that there are tube like structures inside our bodies that tighten under DESCARTES INFLUENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY certain conditions and allow fluid, what we know today as cerebrospinal fluid, to spill through, causing a reaction. While we know today that his predictions were essentially incorrect, his research influenced other to explore the way in which in the mind works. Descartes did a lot of his studies about biology by using animals, just as many researchers in psychology do today. He opened up the possibility of using animals as subjects in comparison to humans by looking at both their anatomy and behavior. Descartes research sparked of a lot of attention. There were people in opposition to Descartes and others who took his ideas further to discover the truth. Much of his work has since been discredited; however, it is because of him that so many
  • 10. Freshman Literature We may discover that the purpose literature has is for analysis only in such that all writings that are created from literature is in fact, about the literature. However, Lindemann, views the freshman composition course as an opportunity for the students to enter into academic conversation, to prepare themselves for the type of discourse found in the academy. Even though both Tate and Lindemann argue from opposite ends of whether literature should or should not be a part of the freshman composition I understand both views but I also recognize there is room for extending each argument. Why not start with the end in mind, first? As a parent, I am teaching and drafting lesson plans daily for my children and what I find works best for my ... Show more content on ... For example, how would you teach about death? The topic alone, is scary death . Yes, your children or students will freak out, panic from fear but you may find that they will be better prepared for the end result knowing what the end result is. Death is a fact of life and no one can escape it it affects us all. What lesson plan would you create to get your children or students engaged, thinking, and or disagreeing about death? How would you get them to practice the skills and make use of their knowledge of the topic of death? Would you have the children or students write their own eulogy as an end result for the lesson plan? Will you teach the children or students about death from a philosophical, ethical or practical view or a combination of the three? So that, the children or students have a real chance to develop their imagination and critical thinking skills instead of death s taboo status in our culture. While in fact, learning about other cultures and traditions, and the controversy that death embodies but not limited to: palliative care, assisted suicide, etc. If only we taught are children, that death is going to happen whether you want it or
  • 11. What Are The Impact Of Social Justice And Criminal Justice How do social welfare institutions and criminal justice institutions threaten people s identity? Discuss through Goffman and Foucault. Introduction This essay will look at how the social welfare institutions and criminal justice institutions threaten people s identity. It will look at this issue through the work Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault. Goffman s idea of dramaturgy and how people go through life by putting on a Mask and engaging in an act for an audience. This essay will then look at Foucault s idea Normalisation and how norms change throughout era to era. Stigma is another one of Goffman s ideas; stigma is mostly giving to something that is Visible such as an unmarried pregnant women, it can be seen that she is pregnant, however the by looking at a man you cannot see that he is expecting a baby out of wedlock. The Fourth idea this essay will look is ... Show more content on ... It has moved from public torture of an individual that were suspected or convicted of committing a crime to the disciplining, incarceration and surveillance of those convicted of crimes in the present day (Mills 2003). Foucault writes about how a man was punished, tortured and humiliated. He was humiliated as he was taken and conveyed in a cart, wearing nothing put shirt, holding a torch of burning wax, weighing two pounds (Foucault 1977). And he was punished and tortured as the flesh will be torn from his breast, arms, thighs and calves with red hot pincers (Foucault 1977). In discipline and punish Foucault writes an account of on a passage of lists of rules from a prison, these rules dated to only a century after his account of the torture and humiliation. There was a huge change in such a sort amount of time, it went from the extreme of people being tortured and humiliated in from of an audience to people being confined and surveillances (Mills
  • 12. John Coltrane Essay quot;I ve got to keep experimenting. I feel that I m just beginning. I have part of what I m looking for in my grasp, but not all. amp;quot; This phrase, from the liner notes of quot;My Favorite Things quot; clearly defines Coltrane s life and his search for the incorporation of his spirituality with his music. John Coltrane was not only an essential contributor to jazz, but also music itself. John Coltrane died thirty two years ago, on July 17, 1967, at the age of forty. In the years since, his influence has only grown, and the stellar avant garde saxophonist has become a jazz legend of a stature shared only by Louis Armstrong and Charlie Parker. As an instrumentalist Coltrane was technically and imaginatively equal to both; ... Show more content on ... Shortly after, he moved to Haig Point, North Carolina to live with his mother s father, the Reverend Walter Blaire. Walter Blaire would later on be a significant influence on Coltrane s music and spirituality. Coltrane s father, a tailor, served to be a source of Coltrane s interest in music through his fathers ability to play the clarinet, violin, and various other instruments. Furthermore, Coltrane s mother studied music. Both of Coltrane s grandfathers were ministers; and through their worship services, Coltrane began to build his roots. John s first encounters with music were through his father who played various instruments such as the violin, clarinet and ukulele. Other early influences included the religious music and preaching at his grandfather s community church. In 1938, his grandfather died and soon after, so did his father. At this time, Coltrane listened to the radio, which provided him with music by artists that would later become influences for his own music. These artists included Woody Herman, Lester Young, Johnny Hodges and Artie Shaw. At the age of 15, Coltrane began playing and studying the E flat alto horn, the clarinet, and the saxophone at William Penn High School Orchestra, while listening to such artists as Woody Herman, Lester Young, and Thelonious Monk. It was in high school when John had his first girlfriend. John s friend Franklin was interested in one girl, but John stole her away with his
  • 13. Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers Essay Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers Every individual in the world deserves to enjoy health and wellness. Maintaining or achieving proper health needs enables individuals to be productive at work and leisure. Traditionally, many people have had barriers obtaining adequate healthcare due to economic constraints or personal inconveniences. Despite impressive technological advances in medicine, the challenge of delivering quality healthcare to the Americans continues to be debated amongst the nation s political and healthcare leaders. The aging baby boomers and the increased number of uninsured people add to the equation of population growth which results in limited access to primary healthcare for the entire public. On the ... Show more content on ... Often times, the retail clinics are located near the patients homes and offer unconventional office hours. Operating every day of the week, patients are usually seen as walk ins with minimal wait times. Prescriptions can also be immediately filled while they shop for grocery or personal care items in the drug store. Moreover, the cost for the efficient quality care is relatively small compared to that of visiting primary care physicians practices. A usual visit to the retail clinic can run between forty to seventy dollars depending on the depth of the service. Convenience care clinics that are purposely designed to be housed in retail stores with high traffic volume have existed to accommodate the public s quest for convenience and wellness (Hansen Turton et al., n.d.). Although the retail clinics are fairly a new concept, the family nurse practitioners strictly adhere to the profession s scope of practice and established protocols set forth in each retail company. The scope of practice for nurse practitioners however differs from state to state. This lack of consistency creates a hindrance to the fullest potential that the NPs can practice in certain states. Regardless, all NPs in every state are eligible for direct Medicaid reimbursement and Medicare Part B services according to the 1997 Balanced Budget Act (Hansen Turton et al., n.d.). With or without the physician s oversight, the FNPs practice safe care within their advanced practice
  • 14. Colonialism In After Amnesia After Amnesia, Of Many Heroes A dominated culture learns not just to be like the culture that dominates it, but also tries to cover its own surroundings. In such cultural encounters, amnesia plays the most important role in defining the self perception of cultures. G. N. Devy s After Amnesia, first published in 1992, offers an keen study of contemporary literary scholarship in Indian languages by indicating how modern Indian languages learnt to forget that literary criticism had been discarded by them during the post Sanskrit medieval centuries, and how they have posed before themselves a false choice of scholar practices fixed in culturally distant Western or Sanskrit traditions. After Amnesia proposes that what has come... Show more content on ... Symbolically, he suffers from colonialism and also the sins of progress. The violence of these events commands the need for a Freud or an Adorno. Yet one mourns the absence of a reliable local reading of colonialism. India lacks a Fanon or an Edward Said, someone who can split apart the supposed in authenticity of the wrongly classical and yet question the hypocrisy of the contemporary. We can, obviously, present an Ashish Nandy and celebrate his models of colonialism in terms of the sexuality of male and female and also adduce Gandhi as an answer. Gandhi fits the challenge to hegemony from such a structure. Later, Nandy created the opposition between myth and history arguing that symptoms of history are often a precursor of cruelty in our humanity. One thinks of the destruction of the Babri Mosque or the violent rhetoric of Narendra Modi in this context. Nandy, while playful, is often incomplete, a more happy go lucky cuckoo, laying his assumption like eggs waiting for some dull social science crow to formulate them. At another level, for all their agility, Nandy s essays still appear like a Freudian salad served up with local
  • 15. Reasons For Becoming Vegan Lifestyle Reasons to Become Vegan Introduction Veganism is a growing lifestyle for thousands of people all over the world(Rinkunas, 2015). This paper is a look at life as a vegan, benefits of being a vegan, and reasons someone should become vegan. The aim of this research paper is to inform the audience of all the false information any person might have heard or read somewhere and instead correctly introduce the audience into the real vegan world. Veganismis a way of life, it s the practice of minimizing harm to all animals and the world. Through a cited investigation, this paper will appease any person wanting a deeper understanding of the vegan lifestyle. Starting off, Veganism and vegetarianism are not the same thing. The difference between ... Show more content on ... Animals rights are also a huge reason why so many people go vegan. Meat industries have many secrets that have been captured and documented on cameras, which are then posted online for the whole world to see. Many of these videos contain cruel inhuman content that any person with a heart would consider a horrendous violation of an animal s rights. The findings of this investigation will continue to extensively inform you about the vegan lifestyle, vegan benefits, and reasons why someone would want to become vegan. Literature Review In the informational article, Veganism in a Nutshell from, the author explains what a vegan is, why people choose to be vegan, and how to receive proper nutrients while being vegan. The author specifically states foods with all of the necessary supplements and how much it is vegans are required to eat to reach the daily requirements. More Reasons to go Vegan on, is an informational article in which the author informs us on how going vegan can end world hunger, improve the environment, and stop the exploitation of workers. The meat industries use up lots of land for grazing land , if only this grazing land could be used to raise food crops, the amount of food produced would increase. Vast amounts of grain/plant crops and water are used to feed the animals in this industry, instead of
  • 16. The Novel The Tale Of Heike The Tale of Heike centers around the war between two clans, the Taira or Heike in the story and the Minamoto or known as Genji in the story in the 1100s. The work is often equated to other historical pieces of work such as the Iliad, the general plot of the work revolves around aspects of warrior culture and Japan during the medieval age. Since the piece was like other historical epic poems, there is not single author and the story has evolved being passed down through an oral culture before finally being transcribed. It is a great source for many themes important to the Japanese, as well as insight into perhaps into Japan s military past. It is also sometimes referred to as the Heike Monogatari and is a main source for information... Show more content on ... This is a great example of the reality of war, since there is often an us versus them mentality, is it easy to lose one s humanity, but Kumagae still retained his empathy and realizes that he has no choice, since it was born into war and it is his duty to fight. This compassion is often found in the Japanese society, as caring for others is an important task. Additionally, throughout each version of the story one object remains prevalent, which is Atsumori s flute. The image and sound of the flute is tranquil, perhaps going along with the notion that though Atsumori was a warrior, he also was a gentle person. The next section will highlight some differences found between all three texts. Interestingly, Kumagae is named Kumagai in the Kabuki version of the story, a five act play. There is a forbidden romance between Sagami, a member of the Heike clan, and Kumagai. With the help of Fuji no Kata, the couple is able to escape to Western Japan with their child. Later, Fuji no Kata has a child, who is Atsumori, and this fact is known by Yoshitsune. In this story, Yoshitsune senses that it is destiny for Kumagai and Atsumori to meet on the battlefield, and would be forced into the predicament of not killing the boy because of his debt to Fuji no Kata or losing credibility as a solider for sparing an enemy. He plants a message stating Anyone killing a son must kill his own son implying that if Kumagai decided to kill Atsumori, that to repay the debt to Fuji no Kata he
  • 17. UK s Option to Reform its Electoral System for General... UK s Option to Reform its Electoral System for General Elections In the UK the current voting system for electing MP s to the House of Commons is called First Post the Post. Within the UK alone there are 659 separate constituencies across the UK each electing only one single Member of Parliament. Different voting systems were used within the UK up to 1950. Then in the years after there have been many other, sometimes fairer voting systems like the Single Transferable Vote (STV) used in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, or the Alternative Vote (AV) used in Australia. Despite the fact of their being easier voting systems, first past the post is still an easy system to understand. The ... Show more content on ... There is great lack of choice given the voters, the candidates are selected by a small number of party members, and voters can only choose between parties, and not individual candidates. In addition voters are represented unequally; in 1997 the average number of votes per MP elected was 32,376 for Labour, but 113,826 for the Liberal Democrats. So this shows that the system is not as fair and as democratic as it should be. An alternative voting system to First Past the Post, could be the Single Transferable Vote (STV), this system is used in Northern Ireland for general local elections. By using STV there are still constituencies but each is represented by more than one person, so normally about five or six representatives. Then each party will normally put forward more than one candidate in each constituency. The voters have to basically put the candidates in their order of preference, so it s similar to Alternative Vote in some aspects. The advantage of this system is that the voter can choose between parties and candidates. This system is better than the present one, in certain ways, the major factor that the voter gets a lot of choice. STV is broadly proportional meaning that all parties will get the equivalent share of the constituency to the total number of votes. The main point of changing the electoral system within the UK is to get a more democratic
  • 18. The Law Of Attraction Is Nonsense The Secret None of the secrets of success work unless you do. Anonymous Well, if you believe in the secret and you think about success, eventually it will walk right to you. Ha! Really? Well, if that s really what you believe you are in for a rude awakening. However, for the rest of us, we will be over here working our butts off to make a change in our lives and working for said secrets of success. In 2006, a movie like documentary, The Secret, created by Rhonda Byrne, was made about the Law of Attraction that said that if you think about positive things, like instead of bills you are getting checks, those things will eventually happen. People should not believe in this because, The Secret is blaming the victims, and it s pretty much ... Show more content on ... It basically states that rape victims and victims of shootings,disease, and being born into third world countries, is their fault and nobody else s. Homelessness, poverty, famine, bullies, political squabbles, natural disasters, sickness, disease, rape, incest, and ultimately, death. According to the Law of Attraction, you re limiting beliefs and thoughts attract a tornado to wipe out your house. Joel Comm writes in The Law of Attraction is Nonsense . Nobody has any control of being born into third world countries, its like the luck of the draw, and these people chose the short straw, that s not their fault. There have been rallies and protests about the fact that it isn t the victim s fault that they were raped. Men, women, and kids suffer from all sorts of cancer and other diseases, the Law of Attraction says they called it upon themselves, little innocent kids who probably have done nothing bad in their short lives, and now they can die, they called it upon themselves, really? What about the kids and adults who are victims to mass shootings? Did they just think about the worst case scenario for days at a time and they just happened because of negative thoughts? Well clearly, no, they didn t call themselves to be killed, if nobody thought about dying in there life then nobody would die, um, yeah
  • 19. The Magna Cara And Freedom The Magna Carta stands for Great Charter originating from Medieval England. It was written to establish that everyone is subjected to the law including the king. The text was written around the time of June 15 1215. The Magna Carta is a significant record that establishes the same rights among an individual. It assisted subjects and peasants and gave them the liberty they deserved. The Magna Cartais the most influential historical document known, it stands as a mark for freedom of speech, modern democracy, and establishment of the law that no individual stands above the others. The Magna Carta stands as a start point for the freedom of speech, expression, and representation. The liberty granted in this text is used as a bridge for the start of independence. In this document, it states that we have granted to God...have confirmed for us...the English Church shall be free, ... Show more content on ... Each individual has the right to elect their personal choice of representative. Democracy written by Leonard Cohen convey democracy by narrating that the heart has to open in a fundamental way: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. (Source 3) This line from the poem reveals that you have to let out what you feel is moral and because of this democracy is coming to the U.S.A. This particularized that the use of what you feel is right leads you to democracy. The Magna Carta divulge that democracy comes from everyone; that everyone has a choice. In the poem, it recites that It s coming from the women and the men. O baby, we ll be making love again. (Source 3) Here is stated that democracy is spilling from everyone; women and men alike , that now they have rights, they are happy and feels it s time to bring more children into the world. Modern Democracy allows people to have a choice and a right to express how they feel and let them have a choice, the Magna Carta gave them that
  • 20. Marcus Brutus Relationship In The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar As stated by Thomas Jefferson, I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. Individuals rival this statement by allowing for the influence of their political obsessions to supercede their feelings over personal relationships. Politics, while being vital to the way one lives, can bring about the end of ties between two people that were once great and thought to be unending. Often times, an individual finds his or herself in a scenario in which they let their personal opinions overcome their common sense, thus allowing for the close ties in a relationship to be tested. William Shakespeare s play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, exhibits that politics can negatively affect personal lives and ruin relationships through selfishness and disagreement. Marcus Brutus relationship with Julius Caesar sees its demise when Brutus allows his political obsessions to force him to... Show more content on ... Cassius sees the selfish side of Brutus when he states That you have wronged me doth appear in this: / You have condemned and noted Lucius Pella...Because I knew the man, were slighted off (IV, iii. 1 5). Cassius calls Brutus out for ignoring his letters proving of Lucius Pella s innocence and is responded to in a hostile manner by Brutus. Brutus, while responding to Cassius accusations, states Let me tell you, Cassius, you yourself... To sell and mart your offices for gold / To undeservers (IV, iii. 9 12). This indirectly shows Brutus selfishness in his self pride as he refuses to accept the accusations thrown toward him. After this argument, Cassius and Brutus find their relationship strained. Each character would eventually see their demise at the battle in Phillippi. They both die with grief and without one another due to Brutus selfish
  • 21. The Absurdity Of The Victorian Upper Class Society Nora Abushaaban Marietta Reber EWRT 2z November 25, 2016 The Absurdity of the Victorian Upper Class Society Sans irony, the title of the play, The Importance of Being Earnest A Trivial Comedy for Serious People, by Oscar Wilde probably would have been called The Insignificance of Being Earnest. This is because throughout the play all the major characters lied and were not the least bit earnest. This comedy is a satire on the mannerisms of the Victorian upper class society in the late 1800s. As it is a satire, Wilde s intent was to poke fun at the aristocrats of his time by exaggerating their behavior to criticize how substanceless their lifestyles were. Wilde incorporates various elements of literature including genre, symbolism, and characterization to challenge the Victorian upper classarrogant lifestyle. They key literary device Wilde used to popularize his critique of the Victorian upper class was genre. As this was a play, the genre would fall under drama. This type of drama was specifically known as a farce: a comedic dramatic work with absurd events. This play was a comedy in the traditional sense because it is a satire with a happy ending, as well is in the modern definition in that it is humorous. Inseparable from any definition of satire is its corrective purpose, expressed through a critical mode which ridicules or otherwise attacks those conditions needing reformation in the opinion of the satirist (Harris). In this case the satirist would be Wilde.
  • 22. What Is The Theme Of The Shawshank Redemption In Frank Darabont s American classic The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne is wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life in prison for murdering his cheating wife and her lover. As the story goes on, Andy begins to form powerful connections with both prison officials and influential convicts which help him cut through his time at Shawshank Prison. Through a series of emotional moments and plot twists, Andy begins to realize what he truly wants with his life. In particular, three scenes in the film paint the picture of Andy s life. The most influential scenes in The Shawshank Redemptionare the scene of Andy and his friends working on the rooftop, Tommy s assassination, and the closing scene. One of the most influential scenes in establishing ... Show more content on ... In meticulous nature, Andy schemed a plan to escape Shawshank Prison. This plan went accordingly for Andy, and he began his trek towards a small town named Zihuatanejo. The viewer is aware this was the end destination of Andy due to a scene earlier in the movie in which Andy reveals his plans if he leaves Shawshank. With a tone of hopelessness, Andy lays out his plan of going to Zihuatanejo...Zihuatanejo. Little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the pacific? They say it has no memory. That s where I want to live the rest of my life.... Buy a worthless boat, and live on it for the rest of my time. In the final scene, the viewer watches Red and Andy meet up for the first time in years on the beach. At this point, Andy has fulfilled his life aspirations, which becomes apparent due to the antiquated, rundown boat he is seen standing on. As the camera pans out, you can see the blue of the pacific ocean, and the clear, beautiful sky. The music is fitting to the scene, as it intensifies the dramatic mood(Darabont). For Andy, all of the aforementioned details of the setting equate to freedom. As the resolution of the story, the final scene in The Shawshank Redemption is an influential plot
  • 23. Violence In The Virgin Suicides In The Virgin Suicides From this analysis and definition of witchcraft and its relation to the player, gossip, one can see how violence may erupt from such cases of witch accusations. Gossip, as an active player in witch hunts and trials can [...] outrun the intentions of [its] creators, producing more violence than is anticipated (Stewart and Strathern 193). Such unanticipated growth within gossip is the result of, as Hurston writes in Their eyes were watchingGod, words walking without masters (2). One can relate words walking without masters as violence walking without masters. In the way that words, gossip, and rumor can snowball, to a certain degree, violence can as well. After misfortunes, most often deaths, within a community, people attribute misfortune to witches and kill them in order to set matters right (Stewart and Strathern 193). Therefore, we see that violence is retribution in witch hunts and is given agency through gossip. In The Virgin Suicides, the community, in effect, kills the Lisbon sisters through violent gossip in retribution for Cecilia s death and the unrest it caused the community. The Lisbon sister s state is reflected through a tree in their front yard that, for a time [...] stood blighted, trying to raise its stunted arms, a creature clubbed mute (Eugenides 173). The vicious words of the community clubbed the sisters, robbing them of their personality. Eventually, the sisters become so ostracized and hated for their inability to be anything but sexual
  • 24. The Problem Of Food Waste There are billions of people struggling every day to have enough to eat, and billions of tons of food being tossed in the garbage, food waste is gaining increasing awareness as a serious environmental and economic issue. Research shows that about 60 million metric tons of food is wasted a year in the United States, with an estimated value of $162 billion. About 32 million tons of it end up in landfills, at a cost of about $1.5 billion a year to local government this economic crisis is worldwide! My research estimates that a third of all the food produced in the world is never consumed, and the total cost of that food wastecould be as high as $400 billion a year. The food discarded by retailers and consumers in the most developed countries would be more than enough to feed all of the world s hungry people, but it is not just those countries that have problems with food waste, it is also an issue in African countries like South Africa. The problem is expected to grow worse as the world s population increases, unless actions are taken to reduce the waste. Food waste is not only a social cost, but it contributes to growing environmental problems like global warming, experts say, with the production of food consuming vast quantities of water, fertilizer and land. The fuel that is burned to process, refrigerate and transport it also adds to the environmental cost. Most food waste is thrown away in landfills, where it decomposes and emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
  • 25. Male Dominance Over Female Characters In The Asylum By... Ishita Aggarwal END 2D8 Oct. 16th, 2017 Word Count: 1062 Hidden by Fear or Insecurity? Male Dominance over Female characters in John Harwood s novel, The Asylum Today s society perceives women to be stronger and dominant individuals in comparison to men, although, in reality, there are numerous circumstances in which men exhibit more power and control over the important decisions in women s lives. In his novel, The Asylum, John Harwood portrays the ways in which men exert power over women through the relationships between Rosina and her father as well as Dr. Straker and Georgina. Through the characters of Rosina and Georgina, Harwood depicts that women face many insecurities which ultimately causes the relationships ... Show more content on ... Rather than admitting her true feelings, Rosina gives her consent for the alliance in order to please her father due to her fear of him, exemplifying that her diffident personality in the novel leads to the tenuous bonds between them both. Furthermore, Rosina s father s obedience leads him to become very stern towards Rosina s freedom as Your [Rosina s] duty is to obey me, and you will learn to like him [Mr. Bradstone] because I wish it... Until then, as I say, you are to remain outdoors: I have given orders to ensure that you do. Disobey me in this, and you will be confined to your room (135 136). Thomas s ascendancy over his daughter s decisions is evident as he is very strict and intimidating, Rosina must obey commands in order to live with him or else there are bound to be dire consequences. Instead of fighting for her rights and freedom, Rosina feebly agrees to her father s instructions, thus reinforcing the one sided relationship between both father and daughter. Moving on, Georgina and Dr. Straker s bond also begins to diminish as Dr. Straker s dominance over Georgina s confinement at Tregannon Asylum eventually leads to the loss of control over her decisions. First and foremost, at the asylum, Georgina wakes up to find her
  • 26. Data Catalog For Enterprise Geodatabase Summary: Spatial information is usable when it has metadata, as it is straightforward to follow and find datasets. GIS data catalog for Enterprise Geodatabase is a project which allows acquiring information regarding the availability of GIS datasets and related properties such as quality, description, the point of contact, extent, etc. The audience for the project are the internal customers looking for data. Managing spatial metadata records are critical for maintaining an organization s investment in spatial data. Since the year 2009, UServices support terabytes of data. However, the data does not consist of metadata. The data is occasionally inconsistent, foreign or obsolete. Data catalog will allow them as a department to achieve the following goals: Support a high quality of data Supports decision making Provide consistent information to the customers. Provide an inventory of data assets Help figure and keep up the value of data Help decide the reliability and currency of data Document legal issue Help plan budget In my opinion, this research has contributed to the organization and personal development. This project is a package of individual growth in addition to organizational growth. Personal Experience: Metadata a set of data, that describes and gives information regarding other data. In technical and undergrad degree program, the fundamental concept of metadata was introduced. Due to lack of practical
  • 27. Franz Fanon Racism Before starting this paper, it is important to have historical background to understand the direction I am going. According to the Internet Encyclopedia Philosophy Frantz Fanon was an Afro French philosopher and a writer who had influence in the post colonial studies. His work Black Skin, White Mask was formulated to show the oppression of African Americans. Black peoplehave been the subject of racialized and discursive discourse that has socially constructed them as criminal s amoral human beings. To start off, by definition Negrophobia is classified as The strong fear or dislike of black people in today s society Negrophobia is very much alive and thriving. According to Brandon Hill at CNN Phobias are extreme aversions. They... Show more content on ... Fanon criticizes Sartre for [s]eeing only one type of black man and equating anti Semitism with Negrophobia as the errors of analysis committed in [Sartre s] arguments (160 161) Fanon arrives at the relationship between blacks and whites; which in my opinion he starts to teach us about the word Negrophobia . In what seems like his search for this apparent relationship fanon ask, Is there any difference between one racism and another? Don t we encounter the same downfall, the same failure of man? (Fanon 67) Frantz referrers to Octave Mannon s Prospero and Caliban: The Psychology of Colonization to pan out his standpoint of cultural exploitation as a whole, Fanon acknowledges that Mannon s conclusion explains the Colonizer native relationship (Fanon 64) Yet, in the same token fanon finds error in Mannon s findings Fanon asserts that All forms of exploitation are alike and that Colonial racism is no different from other racisms (Fanon 69) The question at hand is very simple, is there any difference between Negrophobia and Anti Semitism According to Jock McCulloch author of Black Soul, White Artifact: Fanon s Clinical Psychology and Social Theory the answer is no. There is no substantial difference between Anti Semitism and
  • 28. What Is The Theme Of The Sea By Lord Prufrock The poem starts with him talking about a question he wants to ask. Throughout the poem, he walks towards a destination and when he arrives he never dares to do anything; this is the attitude he maintains during the poem. Alfred is a middle aged coward that has never pursued anything because of what people might say; a man afraid of taking risks, or even decisions. A curious allusion he uses in various lines of the poem is the sea and its related themes as: a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas, mermaids that don t sing to him and drowning. The sea allusion throughout the poem can summarize it as a metaphor: he is the crab because he yearns the capacity of isolating himself from the world, the womanis the mermaid ... Show more content on ... This overthinking that he does is interesting because he overanalyzed every simple action that he does or that someone around him does. Probably he feels asphyxiated at times when he is around a lot of people. Thus, in the beach, when he drowns, he is having a kind of panic attack. At the whorehouse there are a lot of people and music, this opens the possibility of Prufrock having a panic attack and that is why he talks about the human voices that wake him from thinking about his lover and drown him in a panic
  • 29. A Different Road Short Story A Different Road by Elizabeth Strout, is a short story about an old couple named Henry and Olive who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. On their way back from a restaurant, they stop at a nearby hospital to use the bathroom, but end up being held hostage by some masked men attempting to steal drugs. Overall, I really enjoyed the story because of the plot, the characters, the structure, the writing technique, and the humor. I found the plot to be very entertaining because I like stories about people in danger. In the story, Henry and Olive Kitteridge are just an average old couple who live in New England, and their son has just moved to California. After going out to dinner one night and eating crab meat, Olive demands that Henry stops at the hospital so she can use the restroom, and the nurse insists that Olive get checked out just to be safe. They all end up tied up in the bathroom by two men in masks. I really liked the plot because I feel like there aren t too many stories about old people being held hostage, and I thought it was very creative. I also thought the story had a lot of action in it, which kept me hooked. Although I enjoyed the plot, I also really liked the characters, especially Olive. I thought Olive was a very funny and unique character because of her witty remarks, and because of how dominant she was. For example, I liked when she demanded that Henry pull over, and when he told her to wait she said Tell my insides (107) and Good Lord, Henry. I m about ready to explode (107). I thought these remarks were pretty funny, and added a lot to her character. I also liked when she said Stop the goddamn car (109) because she knew Henry hated hearing her swear, but she said it anyways to make him mad. I also thought she was funny when the doctor was examining her because she appreciated that the doctor wasn t bored since other doctors made her feel like a fat lump moving down the conveyer belt (112). I thought this simile was very funny and showed Olive s personality. Olive s character added a lot to the story because it made the whole story funnier and easier to read. The structure of the story was very interesting and made the story a little more fun to read. I like how
  • 30. The Freedom Of Speech By The United States Essay There are many phrases and use of words that can be considered controversial in the past as well in todays society. The first amendment states that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (Volokh, 2016.). Throughout history, congress has kept up their end of the deal with no laws being established against religion, and those who peacefully assemble due to recent protests has not be interrupted by the government, for it is their right as citizens to practice their freedom of speech. Throughout history, there have been times were civilians felt some of these rightswere infringed by the government within the United States, as well as outside of the United States, where other countries may have found themselves in a situation of government versus an individual or group when it came to their rights not being fulfilled by their government. A recent event which has had an impact around the United States, is police and whether or not they are violating civil rights of some Americans. In an article, Justice Department report: Baltimore police routinely violated civil rights , it talks about how the police force in Baltimore, were conducting unlawful stops and using excessive for, according to their findings from a Justice Department probe (Wilber,
  • 31. Analysis Of The Movie Greasy Lake Think of a place you would go to, either as a teenager or even a young adult. A place that had no authority. Somewhere teenagers would go to drink and partake in other illicit behaviors. In T. Coraghessan Boyle s short story Greasy Lake, three eighteen year old boys are looking for mischief during their third night of summer break from college, sometime in the late 60 s. After driving through the streets of a town, they end up at Greasy Lake, the worst ecologically conditioned lake.This setting not only motivated the three boys to engage in dangerous behaviors but was the main influence on the majority of the plot and even the main theme, corruption. During this story, three teenage boys; the protagonistand his two friends try to act like the bad boys during this era. We wore torn up leather jackets, slouched around with toothpicks in our mouths, sniffed glue and ether and what somebody claimed cocaine is how the narrator of this story explained the three boys acting out in a rebellious, bad boy manner (365; par. 1). Boyle tells us through the narrator of the story, that it is a time when it is good to be bad. The night begins when Digby, Jeff, and the narrator head out for the evening in his mother s Bel Air. They end up at the local hangout spot right outside of the town, formally known as Greasy Lake. This is when they see a car that they believe is their friends, and begin harassing him. However, this ended up being a big mistake and the anger of the owner of
  • 32. Innocence and Experience in Blake s The Chimney Sweeper Essay Innocence and Experience in Blake s The Chimney Sweeper The most obvious difference between the two poems would be the length, although this is not necessarily a difference between innocence and experience, it does lure the reader into the right frame of mind to read into the attitude of each poem. Innocence consists of six, four line stanzas, where as experience is only three, four line stanzas. The length of each line is also longer in innocence when compared to experience. When you examine what each of the poems is portraying, this seems like an effective way to draw a distinctive line between the two. Innocence begins in a slightly depressing tone, informing us from a child s first ... Show more content on ... The next three stanzas consist of a dream Tom Dacre experiences. The dream itself consists of angels, a very obvious religious figure, freeing other Chimney Sweeper s from there coffins of black , where black is an intentional colour reference again ment to symbolize a hard, short life of opression, with a bright key , bright again being a colour reference. The children are then allowed to roam freely naked and white , white being yet another intentional placement of a symbolic colour, on a green plain . The use of the colour green in this case is a slightly less obvious. When combined with the assumption that the placement of the Chimney Sweeper is in a sooty, black city, one could assume that Blake is against the large scale industrialization that was demolishing God s natural beauty. The key turning point in this poem is in the third line of the fifth stanza. And the angel told Tom, if he d be a good boy, He d have God for his father, and never want joy . This line has the potential to turn all of the poem around. If you later examine the Experience poem and return to the Innocence, this line could imply that all religious teachings from the Church are given only to keep the world running. If humanity has the belief that a hard life leads to a peaceful, easy afterlife
  • 33. Characters In Elie Wiesel s Twilight There are 7 main characters in the book Twilight . To begin with, Bella Swan is a beautiful, smart, pale faced 17 year old, who has light brown hair and brown eyes. She moved to a rainy town called Forks to live with her father after her mother got re married, and later on fell in love with Edward Cullen. Secondly, Edward Cullen is an inhumanely gorgeous vampire who studies in Forks High School. He has untidy bronze coloured hair and eyes that alter from hazel to dark brown. He s muscular, strong, fierce, fast and he can read other people s minds, which is idiosyncratic(unique) in his family. Edward was the first member of the Cullen s vampire family: he was transformed into a vampire in 1918 when dying from the Spanish Influenza. Thirdly, Carlisle Cullen is a young looking world class surgeon, who is also extremely good looking.... Show more content on ... However, they were all moribund when Carlisle saved their lives by metamorphosing them into vampires. Another main character is Alice Cullen, who is shorter than the other vampires, thin in the extreme, very pixie like with small features and short black hair. Alice can see things that will happen in the future, which is also unique in her family. She is a kind, supportive and encouraging vampire. In addition, Jasper Hale was the most recent to join the vampire family: he was turned into a vampire in 1863 when he was 19 years old, but found the Cullens family in 1950. Jasper has honey blond hair and is also very muscular. He has the power to manipulate the feelings and emotions of those around him, but he lacks self control. Emmett Cullen is another important figure in the book, who was mauled by a bear in 1935, found by Rosalie and transformed into a vampire by Carlisle. He is the largest and strongest of the Cullens vampires. Finally, Rosalie Hale is a very attractive, tenacious and tall, with a perfect body and long blond
  • 34. Essay On The Opening Line In William Gibson s Neuromancer The opening line in Neuromancer by William Gibson sets the tone for the whole book, The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. (Gibson, pg.3) The very first thing we see in Neuromancer is a dead, static sky, and already the natural has been replaced by technology. This image starts the book with a dead landscape. The lack of a natural landscape in Neuromancer shows that in this futuristic age, technology has become all encompassing. Due to this the natural world has become strange and out of place, this challenges readers on how they see the world today. The world of Neuromancer is gray and harsh. There are only a few time through out the book that Case ventures outside after being fixed by Armitage. In one of these instances Case and Molly are sitting outside and the scene is described with the two of them sitting on the cement in front of a water fountain that contains no water. This scene shows how... Show more content on ... With the stimsim Case is able to look through the eyes of Molly, this allows him to see places without going anywhere. Being so confined has changed Case s look on the world. We find Case outside again later on in the book, but this time is different. Instead of being surrounded by concrete Case finds himself surrounded by trees. He finds this encounter with nature unnatural, and it makes him feel very uneasy. Case is used to being in the matrix where he can control what he sees and he is able to scrutinize what objects on the outside world look like without having to leave his room. The trees are foreign to Case, they have nothing to do with what he loves, the matrix, and technology. They symbolize the opposite of technology, they have been what they are for ages, they are not changing so quickly like everything else around him
  • 35. Becoming A Childcare Educator Attending describes the specific behaviors of being mindful....... These action s can easily be remembered by the acronym FELOR: F=Face the speaker, E=eye contact, L=lean forward, O=Open posture, R=Relax. (Wood Schweitzer, 2010, p23). In our scenario, when the older feels sick, and family member ask the doctor questions, the doctor gives a good interaction with patients through face to speaker, has eye contact with patients, lean forward, open posture, make a relax environment. It shows that the doctor not only respects his patients, and have a pleasant conversation with patient s family member, but also gives the patients family member s hope and relax. That will be a best way to communication. On the other side, in the bad communication scenario, when the doctor shows a bad interaction with his... Show more content on ... I think I am not only need communicate with children, but also, I will interact with parents and my co works. I think it is very important to be respectful to everyone. When I talk with children I will be stayed in children s level, and keep eye contact with children. Children were young, they maybe not understand too much words, but they are very sensitive to how educators treat them. For example, when you speak with children with a warm tone, they will be happy; to the contrary, they will be afraid. If you respect them and try to build a good relationship with them, they will know you are a good person; and after they were familiar with you, they will always have a happy face to you, also they want to kiss or give you a hug. For parents, they are adults, they have a good understanding ability, but they are also take care of their children. Hence, when I interact with parents about their children, I need face to the parents, with eye contact, and try to use some mild tone to express our ideas about their children and I want to show parents, I do my best to build a good life environment for their
  • 36. Theravada Beliefs The Theravada is a branch of Buddhism, which studies the original scriptures in Pali, as well as honor the life of rejection, and monitor mindfulness meditation traditions (Fisher, 2014, p. 151). The Pali Canon Buddhists follow the Theravada teachings which are a vast collection of old scriptures preserved in the Pali language of ancient India (Fisher, 2014, p. 151). Furthermore, the Theravadais linked to Southeast Asian countries around the world. Also, many religious practitioners that are linked to the Theravada Buddhismin Southeast Asia; pursue the Buddha in devotion ceremonies (Fisher, 2014, p. 154). Furthermore, devotional to Dharma was done in reverence, worshiping, and honoring homage to Budda (Fisher, 2014, p.155). Practices of
  • 37. Oprah Winfrey s Accomplishments Oprah Winfrey has developed an influential brand for herself through her use of media and her honesty. Her accomplishments as an international media leader, philanthropist and her wholehearted willingness in helping people overcome their own challenges and achieve their dreams, she has transformed into one of the most admired and idolized public figures in society. Oprah Winfreycan also contribute immensely to the emotional and psychological sustainability of humanity during this apocalyptic event. Her potential is seen in her charity work, her way of language and her ability to connect with her worldwide audience. Her charity work combines to a total where she has donated more than $50 million to multiple charity institutions, which includes 50 local organizations such as the Children s Memorial Hospital, The Chicago Academy of the Arts and Chicago s Providence St. Mel School. Over the years she has presented herself as someone who has faced numerous obstacles in life and triumphed with a sense of purpose. Through her time on her daytime talk show, The Oprah Winfrey ... Show more content on ... She is recognized personally and professionally which are displayed in Oprah s achievements, which include receiving the U.N Association of the USA s Global Humanitarian Action Award. She is also acknowledged with leading the National Child Protection Act and for establishing the The Oprah Winfrey foundation , which its purpose is to support the inspiration, empowerment, education and health of women, children and families around the world where she has become the embodiment of generosity and encouragement of action. She has done this from leading by example which has transformed into something inspiring and displaying how her attributes have encouraged and made listeners grow as an individual which are all significant factors to humanity s psychological and emotional
  • 38. Informative Speech About Special Olympics INTRODUCTION I.Picture this, there was a boy at my high school named Adrian. Adrian loved football and even more, he loved all the guys on the team. One year Adrian decided he was going to join the team. He was thrilled to tell all of the guys, but the feelings were not mutual. Instead the guys on the team made fun of Adrian and threw fits. All Adrian wanted was to go to practices, ride the bus to games, and just be apart of the team. The boys did not throw a fit because Adrian was bad at football, they threw a fit because Adrian has a mental disability. Although Adrian did not end up playing football, he eventually played a sport where he was welcomed and appreciated. Adrian fell in love with his new team so much, he wore his track shirt ... Show more content on ... 1.As stated by, the five figures in a circle symbolize the global presence. 2.The lowered arms recall the time when people were not aware of the talents people with intellectual disabilities had. 3.The straight arms describe equality and outreach. 4.Finally, the raised arms symbolize joy, the joy that has come from this organization. You know what Special Olympicsare, now I ll explain why they started. II.Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of JFK, was the mastermind behind Special Olympics. A.Shriver s sister, Rosemary, had an intellectual disability. 1.The two played all kinds of sports together growing up. 2.But in those days, there were very limited programs for her sister. B.According to, Shriver started a summer day camped called Camp Shriver in the summer of 1962. 1.This camp was made for children with intellectual disabilities with a goal to explore the children s skills in sports. 2.This camp grew and led to the first international Special Olympic Games in Chicago, Illinois July 1968. This has grown even more now to over 4.7 million people and over 170 countries. I explained to you why it started, I ll explain now how it started in Indiana. III.Special Olympics came to Indiana in 1969 when Governor Edgar Whitcomb came into office saying it is a great way to help the state, as mentioned on A.Special Olympics has grown in great size since 1969 and is now over 12,000 athletes and 10,000
  • 39. How To Write A Letter From A Professor Faden My defendant, Professor Faden has been brought to court today by the Disney Studio. The plaintiff claims that Mr. Faden is guilty of copyright infringement, from the mash up of numerous disney productions for the use of educational purposes of copyright and how the law works. I m here today to defend Professor Faden, because i can prove that he is in fact innocent. You see your honor, in order for me to even begin defending my client i must first state the copyright and fair use law. The law states that the congress shall have power... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. this law states that any form of an idea is protected by the copyright law and for anybody (other than the original owner) to use the work must ask permission, pay a fee, or follow the terms of fair use; otherwise they have committed a federal crime and can be imprisoned for no more than five years and/or be fined. ... Show more content on ... Fair use law states Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. this means that you can use another person s work as long as they use a certain amount of the original owners work, or it is used for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. In Mr. Faden s mashup he did not use anymore than 30 seconds of the movies used in the video. Meaning that his mashup is covered by the fair use
  • 40. Feminist Theory Of Neurotic Need, And Neo Freudian Psychology Karen Horney is best known for her findings of feminine psychology, theory of neurotic need, and neo freudian psychology. What attracted me most to Karen Horney was the relation I shared with her suffering from depression growing up. It was her findings about life and her outlook of recovering from depression that attracted her to me. She discusses the importance of everyone s role in their own life on their mental health. Therefore, I appreciate her studies as I have been able to apply them to my own life. Recovering from depression was not an overnight process. However, I became in control of my own mental health in my life. Without knowing about Karen Horney previous to my depression, she emphasized the importance everyone has in our own mental health. Women psychologywas not prominent until women continued to formulate strong studies in psychology. She went against a prominent male figure in psychology. Furthermore, Karen Horney is a prominent figure in feminine psychology. Karen Horney was born in Blankenese, Germany. She was born on September 16, 1885 and she died on December 4, 1952 (Cherry, 2014). Her mother had four children with her father. However, her father remarried and had another kid. Horney struggled growing up searching for her father s affection. When her father remarried, he had a son named Brendt. Her father liked Brendt more than her (Cherry, 2014). Therefore, it forced Karen to form a close bond with her mother. At the age of 9 years old, Karen
  • 41. Unions Labor Unions And The Future Of The Union Title: Unions have played a significant role in workforce history, have they outlived their purpose. Abstract: Labor unions are lawfully recognized as envoys of employees in many companies in the United States. Activities of labor unions are centered on collective bargaining over workers benefits, working conditions, and salaries. They also stand in for their members in disagreements with management over the contract provisions violation. There are also larger unions that engage in activities of lobbying and electioneering at the federal or state level. In America, most unions are associated with one or two wider umbrella organizations. These unions stand to advocate legislation and policies on the workers behalf. They are also actively involved in workers politics, as well as issues of global trade but as times generations changed have they out lived their purpose. This paper examines labor unions, labor laws, NLRB and, the different generations represented in the workforce and how they affect the future of the Union. HISTORY Labor unions have existed in one form or another in the United States since the birth of the country. They were created in an effort to protect the working population from abuses such as sweatshops and unsafe working conditions. On the other hand, they have also been accused of crippling industries and consorting with organized crime over the decades. But in one way or another, labor unions have been
  • 42. Aspirations In A Raisin In The Sun In 1959 A Raisin in the Sun debuted on Broadway, marking the debut of the first black playwright. Four years later in 1963 Martin Luther King Jr not only helped organize spoke during the March on Washington which up to this point marked one of the largest gatherings of non segregated people in peaceful protest ever. Both of these incredible and influential works of writing were firsts in their respective media due to their focus in discussing how America has given the Negro people a bad check; a check which has come back marked insufficient funds. (King 2). A Raisin in the Sun has many important and progressive themes but one of the larger themes in the book is dreams and people s aspirations, as the main characters struggle to deal with institutionalized oppression that rules their lives. The title of the play is a reference to a poem by Langston Hughes that he wrote about dreams that were forgotten or put off. He writes about what will happen to people s dreams will they let them shrivel up like a raisin in the sun. (Hansberry title page) Every member of the Younger family has a separate, dreams Beneatha wants to become a doctor, for example, and Walter wants to have money so that he can feel like he can provide for them. The Youngers struggle to obtain these dreams throughout the story, and many of their ups and downs as a family and individually is directly related to their attainment of, or failure to attain, these dreams. For example Beneatha The March
  • 43. Dating Narrative Im sure we all have tried numerous datings websites and they seem to have the same concept everytime right? Ive come across a new website that was created by taking all of the ideas that we as the customers proposed and put it all into one website! I cant tell you how much money Ive spent on other dating sites and always come out with no results. I created a profile on and was instantly impressed by everything you can do! When you get to your profile page you can actually drag things around on your profile and customize it the way you want! Not only is it just a datingsite but you can chat, post videos, music, blogs, forums and alot more all on one site.. You can join for free but once I seen all of this I bought a membership... Show more content on ... I washed all the linen and my bed spread, and yet I still smell his smells on the pillows really everywhere I turn in this apartment we shared for over ten year. The apartment we were supposed to put on the market together, when we applied for Early Retirement from our companies. Then we were going house hunting in the suburbs for a small cottage style house, where I could start my garden, and it would have been perfect for just the two of us. I just saw myself growing old with no one else but him, Chad . We both had been with our companies for over 20 years and we were at top levels and there was no place else to go. We reached our goal and our jobs would have been more than willing to buy us out and offer us a generous compensation package as well. These were our plans and ideas that we talked about for almost a year. Someone, please anyone, tell me how do you throw all that planning, hopes, ambitions away in just one conversation and walk out to never return. What was so hard for me to understand is how can you love someone one day and like a damn faucet, turn it off the next day. He never once gave me any hint or clue this was even coming. When he told me it was over, he stated I was going to be a coward and leave you a Dear John letter, but I feel you deserve better than that . (You damn right I did.) When he told me that there was no one else and that he just did not love me anymore and could not see himself spending his last years with me. His eyes were so cold and unfeeling. I tried very hard to see if could see any sign of remorse or regret, but I just didn t. It was like I was having this conversation with a total stranger. Not my husband of seventeen years. I was married at the very young age of seventeen to my first husband Jake, my high school sweetheart. We were just too young and that marriage only lasted three years. After I signed my divorce papers, I met Chad six months later. We
  • 44. How Did Duhamel Influence North Dakota North Dakota to Hollywood The famous actor, Josh David Duhamel once said, North Dakota a lot of the times we don t get a voice when these other states do, I feel like it s a good opportunity to sort of extend help on behalf of the people of North Dakota. Josh s life has been influenced by the state, and he returned to a favor back to his home. Duhamel has starred in many movies, and has done wonderful things for North Dakota. Josh was born on November 14, 1972. Duhamel was about 9 when his parents got divorced. However, his family stayed close to one another even though they were separated most of the time. Throughout college at Minot State University, Josh was a quarterback. Although he couldn t make a living as a pro player, he decided to go into dentistry. Josh got a bachelor s degree in biology, but shortly ... Show more content on ... Duhamel has starred in many movies like Transformers, Life as we know it, the Romantics, Safe Haven, and many more. He is a great actor who has been nominated for lots of rewards. He has been nominated for the Teen Choice Awards five times and OFTA Television Awards twice. In 2002, he was awarded the Daytime Emmy for the movie All My Children. Josh is good at many things, but he is also good at promoting tourism in his home state. Sometimes he wonders why he ever left. He loved to see nature s beauty shine through everyday. To this day, he still does a lot of advertising for our state. Duhamel produced the 2016 Tourist Guide. This would help promote tourism in the state. It would attract people here, and show them how beautiful North Dakota is. He spent eight days traveling around the state with his son. They went to places like the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Fargo Theatre. Josh and Axl got to spend time together while enjoying the wonders of North Dakota. After their trip here, he shared his experience on NBC s Today Show . That way he could share his experiences with the
  • 45. Tell Me Hypomania It is love that makes our lives happier and more enjoyable. No one wants to deny this truth. We can always see beautiful love story in novel, movies and music. However, meanwhile love can cause many psychological and social problems, especially in young adult population. In the article, Tell me, how bright your hypomania is, and I tell you, if you are happily in love! Among young adults in love, bright side hypomania is related to reduced depression and anxiety, and better sleep quality , available on APA PsycNET, the author explained this phenomena. The authors state, romantic love can be associated with favorably emotional states, yet data on thses associations are scarce for young adults. The purpose of this present study is going to be to explore the associations between romantic loves, symptoms of depression, anxiety, hypomania and sleeping quality in a sample of young adults.... Show more content on ... When I fall in love with a girl, I see her as center of world; I want spend every second with her and I am willing to do everything for her. Before I went abroad, she promised that she will wait for me, no matter how long, and I believed in her, of course. Four months of waiting is a hell. I work hard every day, as I promised, for buying her a beautiful engagement ring. I know she is going to be happy. I started to feel anxious. What did she do today, Why didn t she contact me, Will she love somebody else? I am so afraid of losing her. I keep asking her, Do you still love me? She says I am like little girl. She is right; I should be strong enough, she is waiting for me! But distance is a poison that can destroy love. One month before I go back, she changed. She began to not talk to me anymore. I awake from sleep and find my phone, I miss you . Ok, go back to sleep. When I awake again in morning, telling her, I still miss you. She says, I know. Good
  • 46. Kinesiology Tape Survey Paper The survey I did on a Twitter and the question was if Kinesiology Tape Works. It was a close poll with 67 votes and 52% (35 votes) saying the tape doesn t work and 48% (32 votes) saying the tape does work. Kinesiology Tape is big discussion for the sports medicine world. Companies that produce KT tape say they have the same benefits, some of the things they say are it can help reduce musclepain, enhances athletic performance and increases mobility to the muscle and joints; It also provides relief and support for the muscles and joints, can help treat and prevent hundreds of sport injuries. Some people believe that the tape is a placebo effect or does not work. Placebo effect is a physiological belief that the treatment being... Show more content on ... The studies showed that whether the volunteers had the fabric or the tape they were the same results, and concluded from the study that it is a placebo effect. In a New York Times article scientist from an independent study have not concluded that kinesiology tape does what it is actually suppose to do. People believe that the tape pulls skin away from the sore or injured tissue area. It can help improve lymphatic drainage and improving blood flow. Also said that it supports injured joints and muscles without decreasing the range of motion. The president of the National Athletic Trainers Association and the head trainer at Clarion University in Pennsylvania stated that It is possible that it had health benefits some of those being improving the flexibility of muscles and reducing the pain of those areas and he also added but we just don t know yet , like stated before it is unknown the benefits of KT tape. Also in the New York Times article there was a comprehensive study done on recent and relevant studies that shows and concludes at the moment that the studies show that they do not know if there are any benefits of KT
  • 47. International Israel Policy Association Conference AIPAC Conference 2016 The annually American Israel Policy Association Conference (AIPAC) was held in Washington, D.C. this past month from Saturday, March 19th to Tuesday, March 22nd. There was about 18,000 participants that attended this event, which were mainly composed of AIPAC members, students, and other activists. AIPAC s mission is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S. Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of Israel and the United States. (AIPAC Policy Conference). In order to have this enormous conference run smoothly, AIPAC had hired Precision Meetings and Events Incorporated to manger all the events that were held in Washington, D.C. Precision Meetings and Events Inc. was founded in 1996, and has been... Show more content on ... On the first day, all the blue shirts were divided into smaller groups, given their responsibilities, and met their direct managers. These managers were known as red shirts, because they wore red shirts. Precision had also brought in all these managers from all over the nation. There were about 50 red shirts that were composed of current meeting planner professionals and retired professionals. In order to house the 550 volunteers that Precision had brought in, they had spaced them among three hotels in the area: the Marriot, the Beacon, and Hyatt. So, not only did I get the opportunity to work in the hospitality field, but I got to experience it also. Noel and I were able to be guests at the enormous and modern Hyatt hotel. The Hyatt Regency was 18 floors high, contained 686 rooms, and about 53,000 square feet of dynamic meeting space. They are a full service hotel with excellent customer service. They were accommodate all our requests and able to help us with all our questions about getting around the city. Overall, I loved my stay at the Hyatt because of their helpful staff. The responsibilities of the student interns varied a lot, depending on what location you were assigned. There were three major locations the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Verizon Center Stadium, and Capitol Hill. The Verizon Center was mainly used on Monday because that day is when all the big named
  • 48. Career Path to Become a Certified Registered Nurse... Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are one of the most advanced types of nurses. They are responsible for providing quality anesthesia and anesthesia related care in order to facilitate diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures (America Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 2010). While their services are mainly used in the surgical setting, CRNAs can also provide assistance for pain management associated with obstetrical labor and delivery or for chronic and acute pain. Although they typically work under the supervision of Anesthesiologists, based on states regulations and by laws, they may also work independently (Kansas University Medical Center, 2014). Nurse Anesthetists may work in a variety of settings from hospital ... Show more content on ... CRNAs are a way to provide cost effective services as they are less costly to employ than anesthesiologists, in a time where healthcare facilities are scrambling to cut healthcare costs. As such, CRNAs will continue to be in high demand particularly in medically underserved areas and as they continue to become more widely recognized and accepted as a source for healthcare (Inner Body, 2013). Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are one of the most stressful nursing specialties, yet they are also one of the most lucrative. The median annual wage for a CRNA as of May 2012 was $96,460, with the lowest paid and less experienced making approximately $66,330 and the top ten percent and most experienced making slightly over $161,030 (U.S Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). As a Nurse Anesthetist, there are many opportunities for advancement available especially with additional education and increased experience working in the field. The more knowledge one has as well as the higher the degree, certainly proves as cutting edge on the healthcare field. For example, those with a Doctorate in Nursing (DNP) versus those with only a Master s degree, are more likely not only get paid more, but also be awarded more leading opportunities, such as being the
  • 49. Year-Round Schooling The average American s summer break includes exciting or leisurely vacations with the family, cookouts with the neighbors, tanning (or burning) at the pool, and watching fireworks on the 4th of July. Although the typical kid eagerly anticipates this season, not everyone gets to enjoy a long summer break. About 4% of America s educationsystems have implemented year round schooling in which the summerbreak is swapped out for shorter breaks throughout the year (Kelsey). Though some believe year round schooling is a better method than the traditional 9 month schedule, it produces problems for both teachers and students. There are various ways to organize a year round school schedule. Some use a 45 15 schedule (45 weekdays in school followed ... Show more content on ... A meta analysis of research from the University of Minnesota... found that 42 studies showed no positive impact from year round schooling, while 27 studies showed a significant positive impact, writes Jaclyn Zubrzycki. Researchers have been unable to come to a clear conclusion. Some believe that offering more regular breaks prevents burnout of both teachers and students (Zubrzycki). However, if students are given homework to finish over the break (just like students are given homework to complete over Thanksgiving or Christmas break) or teachers spend their break preparing for the next session of school, shorter breaks do not alleviate the problem of burnout but continue it. Students and teachers would be better off with a long summer break to take their minds off of school and to relax without worrying about what is coming up within the next couple of
  • 50. Marvel Research Paper Marvel is better than DC. Without a doubt, I can say that Marvel is a better franchise than DC, for many different reasons. The superheroes Marvel makes have more solid structure, made so that you can believe that anyone or anything could possibly become a superhero. Exhibit A. Let s compare Iron Man to Batman, for one they re both rich and have lost their parents, but as known without the armor or fancy gadgets, Tony Stark (Iron Man) would be a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist as he said in the Avengers, Bruce Wayne (Batman) would still have his fighting skills and he does support companies but not to the same degree as Tony. Many characters in the Marvel franchise weren t anything special, just normal people trying to survive ... Show more content on ... The character is shown as a villain, but he wasn t always that way, he had grown up in someone s shadow, as fans know it s his brother Thor s. Years later, he learns that Thor isn t even his brother, that he was stolen as a child and raised to believe that his own kind, Frost Giants, were, in simple terms, monsters. Of course Frost Giants were (yes, were, they were destroyed in one of Loki s attempts to please his father Odin) uncivilized in the way Thor s people acted, but that doesn t mean one should be raised to hate their own kind without knowing. Therefore, he is just a young man that was unintentionally lead
  • 51. What Is Mark Van Doren s Tone In The Scarlet Letter Mark Van Doren s critical piece, Hester Prynne, addresses the protagonist of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Hester Prynne lives a unique life wearing a scarlet letter A that first stands for adulteress but progressively comes to mean able. In his criticism, Van Doren uses a reverent tone, strong diction, and hyperboles to successfully show his admiration for Hawthorne and his creation of Hester Prynne. Mark Van Doren s admiring tone in his critical piece successfully shows his feelings toward Hester Prynne and The Scarlet Letterby analyzing several portions of the book and shining a positive light on each of them. After his plot summary of the novel, Van Doren proclaims that The Scarlet Letter is packed with pictures and events [and] real at its center. Van Doren is concise and glowing with admiration through the entire criticism, continuing to explain how seemingly negative aspects of the novel are beautiful in their own way. He continues to analyze Hester when he states that she is the heroine of a tragedy. ... Show more content on ... His word choice throughout the critical piece is extremely precise. Van Doren discusses the novel s heroine specifically when he states Hawthorne is known how to put a unique importance. Van Doren emphasizes Hester s ture relevance in the world. Hawthorne has not merely created a character but a truly real person who is able to teach others through her actions. In a similar fashion, Van Doren continues to analyze Hawthorne s creation of Hester when he articulates that readers understand that the life of Hester increases, not diminishes. He brings to life his criticism just as he feels Hawthorne brought to life Hester. Using descriptive words like flesh and blood, and heart and mind he points out the allure that lies within The Scarlet Letter. Van Doren uses exact diction in his critical piece which helps him successfully convey his positive view of Hawthorne s
  • 52. Movement and Stasis in the Divine Comedy Essay Movement and Stasis : The use of dynamics in the Divine Comedy Movement is a crucial theme of the Divine Comedy. From the outset, we are confronted with the physicality of the lost Dante, wandering in the perilous dark wood. His movement within the strange place is confused and faltering; `Io non so ben ridir com io v entrai . Moreover, it is clear that the physical distress he is experiencing is the visible manifestation of the mental anguish the poet is suffering. The allegory of the image is one of mid life crisis, but it is physically represented by the man losing his way in a dark wood. Such an observation may seem far too simple and obvious to be worthy of comment. However, I would argue that it is from this primary example ... Show more content on ... The first passage is probably the most famous in the whole work, that of Francesca da Rimini, in Canto V of the Inferno . Condemned for her inconstancy, that is to say her lust, Francesca is contained in the eternal whirlwind of the `bufera infernale , alongside her lover, Paolo. In a clear parallel to her sin, she is buffeted by the inconstant wind. Although unceasing, the wind changes direction and force, a movement which is mirrored by the language used to describe it: Di qua, di l #224;, di gi #249;, di su li mena; nulla speranza li conforta mai, non che di posa, ma minor pena. (43 45, Canto V, Inf.) In addition to the basic rhyme of the terza rima, the internal rhyme is carefully manipulated to imitate phonologically the swirling of the wind. By balancing the repeated [a] of `di qua, di la with the [u:] of the `di gi #249;, di su , Dante is able to mimic the up and down movement of the air. Francesca, then, is an extremely `mobile sinner. Although pausing to speak to Dante (the significance of which will be later discussed), she is compelled to move indeed, it is an integral part of her punishment. This compulsion is significant. Through rejecting a life of constancy on earth, whether willingly or otherwise, Francesca has sacrificed the free will she was allowed to exert on her body. Having lost control of herself in life she is plunged into the chaos of the `bufera . Her punishment then, is not merely an