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P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                    Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
   A CPU Resource Discovery Solution Using Cluster Computing

 P.R.RAJESH KUMAR                                                          B.LALITHA
(M.Tech) (CSE), Deptof CSE, JNTUACE                          Assistant Professor. Dept of CSE, JNTUACE
           JNTU, Anantapur                                                 JNTU, Anantapur,
Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India-515001                       Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India-515001

Abstract                                                   Computational Clusters [1, 4, 7, 14, 15]. Generally,
          Mainly in the Computational Clusters, the        the access pattern is used to guide the placement
most concern goes to communication. In order to            decision. Several considerations like static [1] and
decrease the communication cost and devise its             dynamic [2, 7, 15] placement decisions and full and
performance researchers have been conducting               partial replication schemes have also been
research on placing of data in distribution system.        investigated. Partial replication take into consideration
Whatever may be, data correlates because of clients        reproduce subsets of resources and is generally
accesses which ultimately effects on data placement.       required for environments showing strong access
In the early research, for the development of              locality [8, 11]. Almost all the model placement
performance in mobile transactions, the duplication of     algorithms do not specifically presume full or partial
placement matter on correlated data is mentioned. In       replication [5, 15]. In reality, most of the placement
the present paper, primarily model allocation              decision algorithms can be applied to both cases by
decisions can be made locally for each model site in a     managing the granularity of the resources that are
tree network, with data access knowledge of its            considered. But, each of these algorithms presumes
neighbors is discussed and secondly for correlated         that resources are not dependent on each other. In
resources in internet environment a novel replication      several      applications,       each      and     every
cost model is focused. With reference to the early         request/transaction may have access to multiple
research of cost model and algorithms, the present         resources and, so, bringing correlation among the
model, an inter cluster resource discovery and             resources. Going by example, for a read transaction
utilization algorithm (ICRDU) for correlated data in       accessing multiple resources, all of these resources at
internet environment is created. Later an intra cluster    a local site will be able to decline communication
resource replication and utilization algorithm             overhead. But, in the case of only a part of the data set
(ICRRU) is devised to make model placement                 that is being accessed is modeled at a local site, then
decisions effectively. The algorithm gets near optimal     the replication will not bring much advantage. This is
solutions for the correlated data model and produces       because the read transaction still requires to be
performance improvement. The experimental studies          forwarded in order to recover the resources that are
explain the intra cluster resource replication and         left out. The same is applied to an update transaction
utilization    allocation    algorithm    significantly    that is accessing multiple resources. In the case of
outperforms the general frequency-based replication        only a part of the data set that is being updated is
schemes.                                                   modeled, a message is required for sending the update
                                                           request. So, for getting better model allocation, it is
Introduction                                               necessary to take into consideration the access
          With the advances in network technologies,       correlation among resources. In [12], we have dealt
applications are all moving toward serving widely          about the model placement issues of correlated
distributed users. However, today’s Internet still         resources in mobile environments considering mobile
cannot guarantee quality of services and potential         networks that are having a star topology. Further, it
congestions can result in prolonged delays and leave       presumes that every time the base station node holds
unsatisfied customers. The problem can be more             the total data set (comprising all resources that may be
severe when the accesses involve a large amount of         required by the mobile nodes). This is required for
data. Replication techniques have been commonly            minimizing the mobile unit connection time for the
used to minimize the communication latency by              accesses. Whenever the general Internet environment
bringing the data close to the clients. Web caching is a   is taken into consideration, several issues are to be
successful example of the technique. However, when         considered. The first one is that there is no need of
the data may be updated, the problem is more               considering the connection time for Internet based
complicated. The more models in the system, the            clients and partial replication is needed.
higher the update cost will be. Thus, data needs to be               Moreover, a greater complex topology
carefully placed to avoid unnecessary overhead.            requires consideration for Internet accesses. So, a
          There have been a lot of research works          more sophisticated placement algorithm for correlated
addressing the data model placement issues in              resources should be evolved. A crucial issue in model
                                                           placement algorithms in such kind of environment is
                                                                                                   1329 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                    Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
that who executes the intensive placement                   only the data model placement on the computational
computation. Some of the placement algorithms are           clusters, and the model assignment inside each cluster
centralized [6, 14] that makes the central decision-        can be treated separately. We presume that the actual
making site to be overloaded severely. Distributed          copy of the entire set of N resources that are to be
model placement algorithms, like [10, 15], grant each       accessed by users is put up at a primary data server
model site to make localized decisions. They will be        that is indicated as O. Let DO indicate the N
able to react to changes in access patterns and
naturally divide the computation. In this paper, we         resources    on     the       data server O, then,
construct a dynamic model placement algorithm,              DO    {d1 , d2 ,..., d N } and | DO | = N. Whenever
which (1) takes into consideration a tree topology          applications use data saved in this primary sever, they
network, (2) considers the correlation among                generally follow a shortest path tree routing to the
resources whenever accessed by the same requests,           data source that is positioned at the primary server O
and (3) gives distributed algorithm that does localized     [9]. Study reveals that almost all routings are stable in
analysis for declining the computation cost.                days or weeks and so the routing paths can be looked
Moreover, our algorithm is adaptive. It takes into          upon as a tree topology that is rooted at the primary
consideration 2 schemes. To get optimal solutions, a        server O. So, we take into consideration replication
distributed branch and bound algorithm is utilized to       the widely distributed system as a tree graph,
calculate the optimal set of resources models to be         indicated as T, rooted at the primary server O. To
designated on the computational clusters. Remember          expedite efficient data accesses by users in the
that in commercial applications, transaction access         Internet, a subset of resources in DO are modeled on
patterns follow the “80/20” rule [3], i.e., just 20% of
the transaction types accounts for 80% of the total         computational clusters in T.
amount of the transactions. Whenever the transaction                Let Dx indicate the resources on a data
access pattern is stabled, the set of resources
associated is considerably small. Lanier Watkins et                      Dx ⊆ DO , and | Dx | is the number of
                                                            server x, then
al[] discussed a Passive Solution to the Memory             modeled resources in Dx . Take a set of resources Ω,
Resource Discovery Problem in Computational
                                                            let R(Ω) indicate the resident set of Ω that is the set of
Clusters. When compared to existing models this
                                                            computational clusters hold Ω or a superset of Ω, i.e.
solution is more robust secure and scalable. The prime
benefits of this model are low message complexity,          R(Ω) = {x∈T | Ω ⊆ Dx }.The divided system bolsters
scalability, load balancing, and low maintainability        both read and update requests and each request can
but limited their solution to deal with resource            have access to an random number of resources in
requirements of the clusters.                               DO . For each and every data server x in T, there are
          So, the optimal algorithm is obtainable in
this case. For dealing with the access patterns that are    a number of clients that are connected to it. The
frequently changed, we suggest resource discovery,          requests that are given by these clients can be seen as
replication and utilization algorithms for getting near     requests from the data server x. Presuming that clients
optimal solutions, which is motivated from the work         can give both read and update requests. Let t indicate
carried out by Lanier Watkins et al[]. The remaining        a transaction, it can be a read transaction or an update
part of this paper is distributed as follows. Section 2     transaction. Let D (t) indicate the set of resources read
explains our system model and problem definition,           or updated by t, D (t) ⊆ DO , and D (t) is designated
depending on the system model that is defined in [12].      as a transaction-data set of t. For a transaction t
Section 3 delves about the transaction based cost           accessing D (t) given by a data server v, if D (t)
model in a distributed environment. Section 4 gives a
                                                            ⊆ DV , then t is served locally. Contra wise, t is send
distributed partial replication algorithm (ICRDU).
Section 5 deals about a intra cluster resource              to the closest data server, which can serve t.
replication and utilization partial replication algorithm             For an update transaction t, the data server
(ICRRU). Section 6 is about the experimental study          that performs t requires to send the update to other
results and Section 7 concludes the paper                   computational clusters through the edges in a tree that
                                                            only possess of all those computational clusters *x in
2. Resource allocation System Format                        T, where D (t) ∩ D*x ≠ φ. Our aim is to optimally
          Studies reveal that the networks can be
disintegrated into connected autonomous systems,
                                                            allocate the models resources in   DO to computational
which are under separate administrative control [9].        clusters in T in such a way that aggregate access cost
These autonomous systems are generally treated as           is minimized for a given client access pattern. We
clusters. By this way the underlying topology of the        define a model placement that is having the minimal
widely distributed system as a cluster based general        cost as an optimal model placement of DO (OptPl
graph is modeled by us. For scaling the system, we
presume that there is a data server in each and every       ( DO )). Observe that optimal placement solutions
cluster. In this research, we take into consideration       may not be unique. Take a data set Ω, R (Ω) in an
                                                                                                    1330 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                    Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                        Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
OptPl ( DO ) is an optimal resident set of Ω. During                    time period. A set of resources, Ω ⊆ Ddx, may require
                                                                        de-allocation from x if modeling Ω is not going to
this research, we don’t take into consideration node
                                                                        benefit in terms of communication cost. Let
capacity constraint, message losses, node failures, and
                                                                        update_d(Ω, x) indicate the de-allocation advantage
the     consistency    maintenance      issues.     The
                                                                        for de-allocating Ω. In essence, the de-allocation
communication cost that is brought up by model
                                                                        advantage of Ω comprises all update transactions from
placement and de-allocation is also not taken into
                                                                        y, accessing a subset of resources in Ω. update_d(Ω,
                                                                        x) = Σ|W(S)|, where (S ⊆ Ω) ∧ (Ω ⊆ Dd x ) ∧ (S ≠
3. Operation Based limited Replication rate                             φ)Let read_d(Ω, x) indicate the de-allocation cost. In
format                                                                  essence, the de-allocation cost of Ω comprises all read
         During this section, we make definition of                     transactions that are issued by x, accessing a subset of
operation based limited replication rate formats for                     Dd x and some resources in Ω. read_d(Ω, x) =
correlated resources in a tree graph, depending on the
cost models that are defined in [Tum06a]. Take 2                        Σ|Q(S)|, where (S ∩ Ω ≠ φ) ∧ (S ⊆                       Dx ) ∧ (Ω ⊆
computational clusters x and y, where data server y is                  Dd x ). The model de-allocation access cost_d(Ω, x),
the parent data server of x. Here, we only emphasize
                                                                        is the dissimilarity between read cost and update
model allocation decisions at y and model de-
                                                                        advantage for de-allocating Ω from x.cost_d(Ω, x) =
allocation decision at x. This is because model
allocation and de-allocation models and approaches                      read _d(Ω, x) – update_d(Ω, x)Let                  S d opt indicate the
can be applied in a similar fashion to other
computational clusters in tree T. Take a set of                         set taht minimizes cost_d(Ω, x), i.e.                   S d opt = arg
resources Ω, Ω ⊆ DO . If Ω is modeled to x, a read                      min(cost_d(Ω, x)). The transaction based partial
transaction t, D (t) ⊆ Ω, can be served locally and one                 replication de-allocates                 S d opt from x if cost_d
message can be saved. We take into consideration this                        a
                                                                        (S             , x) < 0.
as one unit of advantage for modeling Ω on x. But,                               opt
because of the replication of Ω on x an update
transaction t, D (t) ∩ Ω ≠ φ, requires to be send to x.                 4. ICRDU Algorithm
We regard this as one unit of cost put up by modeling                             From [13], the model placement problem in
Ω on x.                                                                 T can be resolved by designating models in each
         We define update_a (Ω, x) as the cost if Ω is                  subtree respectively, and the placement of models on
modeled from x’s parent data server (y) to x, where                     each data server in T can also be done independently
update_a(Ω, x) = Σ|W(S)|, where (S ∩ Ω ≠ φ) ∧ (S ∩                      to its neighboring computational clusters in T.
 Dx = φ)                                                                Moreover, the set of resources on v, DV , is a subset
         We define read_a(Ω,x) as the additional                        of   Dw , where w is the parent data server of v in T.
advantage if R is modeled to x, where
                                                                        The model placement on v can be treated only
          Read_a(Ω, x) = Σ|Q(S)|, where (S ⊆ Ω ∪
                                                                        dependent on w and they are not dependent on other
 Dx ) ∧ (S ∩ Ω ≠ φ)                                                     computational clusters. By this way, the model
         Now, we define cost_a(Ω, x) as the data                        placement problem can be resolved by a distributed
object access cost for modeling Ω at x from y, where                    optimal partial replication (ICRDU) algorithm
        cost_a(Ω, x) = update_a(Ω, x) – read_a(Ω, x)                    (including ICRDUA and ICRDUD, in Fig. 1). At the
                                                                        end of time period,τi, parent data server y creates
                   Let       S a opt   indicates   the   set   which
                                                                        model allocation decision for its child data server x by
minimizes cost_a(Ω, x),                                                 utilizing ICRDUA, depending on its knowledge of
i.e.       S a opt = arg min (cost_a(Ω, x)). The transaction            the models on its child data server x that is got from
                                                                        the end of last time period  i -1.At the time of getting
based partial replication models               S a opt to x if cost_a
                                                                        the models that are allocated by y, data server x
(S         opt   , x) < 0.                                              creates model de-allocation decision for itself by
                                                                        utilizing ICRDUD. In ICRDUD, data server x can
          In ICRDU, a node x can only de-allocate a
                                                                        only de-allocate a set of resources Ω from x only if x
data set Ω if and only if x is the leaf node of R(Ω)
                                                                        is a leaf data server of R(Ω), and it has hold the model
depending on the knowledge of the model on its child
                                                                        of resources in Ω since the end of time periodτi-1. Let
nodes, and x has held the model of Ω for since the end
of last time period. We indicate Dd x as the data set                   S a opt (y, x,  i ) indicate the data set calculated by
                                                                        ICRDUA by data server y for its child x at the end of
on x in such a way that x is the leaf node of R( Dd x )
                                                                         i . Let S d opt          (x,    i ) indicate the data set calculated
and x has held the model of              Dd x since the end of last
                                                                        by ICRDUD by data server x for itself at the end of

                                                                                                                             1331 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                  Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                      Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
i .   See that in for averting replication oscillation,          periods. Proof: The proof is removed because of space
                                                                  limitation. Kindly refer [13] for the full proof.
ICRDU need that model de-allocation decision must
be made for x after x has obtained model from its
                                                                  5. ICRRU Algorithm
parent data server y in the same time period  i .                          ICRRU since the run time of OPR algorithms
Moreover, in ICRDUA and ICRDUD, we require                        develops exponentially with the number of
calculating the lower bound cost for each new                     transactions; we construct a intra cluster resource
transaction-data union STranListIndex  S . One easy              replication and utilization replication algorithms
                                                                  ICRRU, in which the heuristic Expansion-Shrinking
way to calculate the lower bound cost is read_a                   algorithms (discussed in [12]) is utilized.
( Ssuper , x) – update_a (( STranListIndex  S ), x),                           a        a        a
                                                                              Sheu , * Sheu ** Sheu .S: data sets and
where Ssup er    S  TranList .Length 1 Si , and Si is the
                       i TranListIndex                           initialized to  ;
data set accessed by TranList[i], TranListIndex ≤ i ≤              * * LY ; a record log vector and initialized to  ;
                                                                  Make a copy of                  LY for cost computing;
Min Cost: cost_a( Sopr
                               ( y, x, i ), x), initialized to
;                                                               While* LY            
Min Cost_d: cost_d( Sopr
                               ( y, x, i ), x), initialized to   for all data set recorded in * LY choose the
;                                                               data set S such that               S  Sheu is minimal:

S: the contained set during the search, initialized to
                                                                  if ( S  ** Sheu
                                                                                                    ) delete the record with S
                                                                  from* LY .
Lower       Bound      Cost( S new )&      Lower       Bound
Cost_d( S new ):                                                  else if cost a(S, x) < 0 && S  ** Sheu
Defined following the algorithm                                   then S
                                                                           heu   S       a
                                                                                          heu      S;
Tran List: the set of distinct transactions that access           else           if               (cost       a(S,      x)        >=        0
Tran List Index: initialized to 0;                                && S  S
                                                                                  heu           ) (S  S )    a
If(TranListIndex<TranList.Length){                                then SahtU = S";w S;
 STranListIndex =TranList;                                        else if ( cost_a(S, x) >= 0 && S n = (S c
[TranlistInded].getDataObjectSet()                                         then S heu remains unchanged;
Snew  S  STranListIndex ;
If(LowerBoundCost( S new )<MinCost)                                                           a
                                                                  if the size of S heu has been increased,
         ICRRU-A( Snew, TransListIndex+1);}
                                                                         then delete the record with S from * LY , and
            ICRRU-A (S, TranListIndex+1);}
else if(cost a(S, x)<Min Cost) {                                                          move all records from** LY to* LY .
      MinCost=cost a(S, x);
                                                                  else                            move the record with S from * LY to
      Sopt a ( y, x, i ) = S - DMc ; }
                                                                  ** LY .
if (TranListIndex<TranList.Length) {
                                                                       a         a
      STranListIndex = TranList;                                  * S heu = S heu ;
[TranListIndex].getDataObjectSet();                               move all records from** LY to * LY , and                     Sheu   ;

     Snew  S  STranListIndex ;                                  Assume
                                                                                              that* S heu has         been        allocated
If(LowerBoundCost_d( S new )  MinCost_d){
                                                                  to (*Dx      Dx  *Sheu ) , and re-do log reduction

     ICRRU-A ( Snew, TransListIndex+1);}
                                                                  in* LY .
       ICRRU-A (S, TranListIndex+1);}
Else if(cost_d(S,x)  MinCost_d) {                                while* LY           
       MinCost_d=cost_d(S,x);                                         for all data set recorded in* LY
        Sopt a ( x, i ) = S; }
                                                                   choose the data set S with                   S  Sheu is minimal;

Fig 1: ICRDU Algorithm
         Theorem 1 Let L indicate the tree level.                 if cost_a ( Dy  *Dx  S  Sheu x)  cos t _ a( Dy  *Dx  S  Sheu x)
                                                                                              a                                   a

ICRDU stabilizes and converges to optimal in 2L time
                                                                                                                            1332 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                 Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                     Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
    Sheu  Sheu  S ;
     a      a
                                                              for all data set recorded in *Lx choose
if the size of has been increased,                                 the data set S such that             S  Sheu is minimal;

    then delete the record with S from* LY
                                                              if  (S  ** Sheu   ) delete the record with S
          and move all records from* LY to* LY .
                                                              from *Lx
else move the record with S from* LY to** LY .
** Sheu  Dy  *Dx  Sheu ;
    a                 a                                       else if cost_d ( S , x)  0 & &S  Sheu
If (cost(** S heu , x)<0) ** S heu =  ; ;
                    a               a                                          d
                                                                        then Sheu     Sheu  S ;

Sheu =** Sheu  * Sheu :
 a        a        a
                                                              else if (COST d ( Sheu
                                                                                                    S , x)  cos t _ a(Sheu , x)

Fig 2: ICRRU algorithm for Model allotment(ICRRU-                              d
                                                                        then Sheu     Sheu  S ;

                                                              else                                           if                            (
          The       heuristic      Expansion-Shrinking
algorithms now utilize the cost functions that are            cost_d ( S , x)  0 & &S  S
                                                                                                            heu     ) (S  S )  d
defined in Section 3. Moreover, in order to make                          d
ICRRU stabilize, we combine the Set-Expansion and             then S heu remains unchanged,
Set-Shrinking algorithms. In both algorithms, the data        if the size of has been increased
server first performs the Set-Expansion algorithm and              then delete the record with S from *Lx and
calculates a data set, which is a subset of the optimal
data set that is calculated by the optimal algorithms.        move all records from ** Lx to *Lx
Now, it performs the Set-Shrinking algorithm
                                                              else             move the record with S from *Lx to ** Lx
presuming that the data set calculated by the Set-
Expansion algorithm is already designated to the child         *Sheu  Sheu ;
                                                                 d      d

data server or de-allocated from itself. Finally, we
merge the data sets calculated by the two algorithms          move all records from ** Lx to *Lx and =                       Sheu   ;

as the final data set to be designated from y to x or de-                       d
                                                              Assume *Sheu has been de-allocated from x
allocated from x. The model allotment process of
ICRRU algorithm (ICRRU-A) and the model                        (*Dx  Dx  *Sheu ) and
                                                                                                           re-do      log      reduction
withhold for ICRRU algorithm (ICRRU-W) are
indicated in Fig. 2 and 3, respectively. ICRRU is             in ** Lx
defined as given below. At the end of time period, τi,        while *Lx        
parent data server y creates model allocation decision
for its child data server x by performing ESRA,                    for all data set recorded in *LBC ,
depending on its knowledge of the models on its child
                                                                        choose the data set S with            S  Sheu minimal:

data server x got from the end of last time period  i 1 .
After getting the models from y, data server x                if cost_d (*Dx              S  Sheu , x)  cos t _ d (*Dx  Sheu , x)
                                                                                                d                            d

performs ESRD and makes model de-allocation
                                                               Sheu  Sheu  S ;
                                                                d      d
decision for itself. At this point, data server x can only
de-allocate a set of resources Ω from x only if x is a        If the size ofSheu has been increased, then
leaf data server of R(Ω), and it has held the model of
                                                              delete the record with S from *Lx
resources in Ω since the end of time period  i 1 .
Observe that for averting replication oscillation,            and move all records from ** Lx to *Lx
ICRRU needs that model de-allocation decision must            else             move the record with S from *Lx to ** Lx .
be made for x after x has obtained model from its
parent data server y during same time period  i .             ** S     d
                                                                        heu    *Dx  Sheu ;

Theorem 2 Let L indicates the tree level. ICRRU               If(cost_d( (** Sheu , x)  0)**Sheu
                                                                                          d                       d
                                                                                                                       ;
stabilizes in at most 2L time periods.
Proof: The proof is removed because of space                  S   d
                                                                  heu    ** S     d
                                                                                   heu   S ;     d
confinement. Kindly refer [13] for the full proof.            Fig 3: ICRRU algorithm for model withhold (ICRRU-
    d         d               d                               W)
  S . *S , ** S . S: data sets and initialized to
    heu       heu             heu

  ; ** Lx temporary record log vector and initialized        6. Simulation Results
 to  ;                                                                In the simulation, comparison of the ICRRU
                                                              algorithm with the commonly utilized distributed
 Make a copy of Lx for cost computing:                        frequency-based partial replication (DFPR) scheme is
 while (*Lx   )                                             done for studying its performance and effectiveness

                                                                                                                      1333 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                    Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
on message saving. Observe that the frequency based         of a transaction having data set size μ is proportional
algorithm defined in [12] can easily be acclimatized to     to 1/ 
                                                                        where Z S is the skew parameter of the
the distributed solution, DFPR that is fairly direct that             ,
each and every node makes local decision depending          Zipf distribution [13]. Now, the μ resources are
on the access frequency. The tree network that we           ascertained. Let NS indicate the total number of
chose comprises 20 nodes with height of 6. Initially,       resources we have taken into consideration in the
the root node O (that indicates cluster HMSC) hosts         experimental study.
                                                                     Each and every data object is ranked. The
all the resources in data set DO . Each and every node
                                                            chance that a data object is accessed by a transaction
x in the tree is haphazardly allocated a partial set of                             Z
                                                            is proportional to1/ r D (also a Zipf distribution),
the resources Dx ⊆ DO . The requirement is that Dx
                                                            where Z D is the skew parameter. Lastly, if a
⊆ Dy if y is an ancestor of node x in the tree              transaction is read only or update is ascertained by the
network. The metric that we take into consideration is      ratio, R/W, in a uniform distribution. Here R is the
the product of the number of messages and the               total number of read transactions given by PMC and
numbers of hops these messages are send in order to
                                                            W is the aggregate number of update transactions
process the requests in the tree network. Going by
example, if a request that is issued locally can be         given by nodes other than PMC . From the first batch
served locally, then the number of message is counted       of transactions produced, we get M resource bundles
as 0. In the case of the request being served at its        and utilize them as the basis in order to formulate an
parent, then one message is taken into count.               access distribution. The M resource bundles are
          In this simulation, we utilize one PC             separated into 2 clusters, comprising the read cluster
platform for simulating 20 server clusters and the          having M 1 resource bundles for the read transactions
period of execution for each and every experiment
spans 10 time periods. The simulated distributed            and the write cluster havingM 2 resource bundles for
algorithm requires retaining the history logs for every
                                                            the update transactions, where M 1 + M 2 = M and
request (most of the information is not required in a
real system). Because of the excessive I/O, the              M 1 / M 2 = R/W. For each and every cluster, 0.5 M 1
simulation process becomes very time-consuming
(observe that the time is not because of the algorithm      (or 0.5 M 2 ) virtual resource bundles are appended
itself). Helping to avert prejudiced access patterns,       and the pre-generated   M 1 (or M 2 ) resource bundles
multiple access patterns are produced haphazardly and
                                                            along with the virtual resource bundles are ranked.
the data collection process is redone for each and
                                                            The transactions are produced in the similar way as
every pattern. In order to balance between the
                                                            talked about in [12]. Regarding simulation, we
confidence level of the experimental results and the
time for the simulation study, we select repeating the      presume that in a time limit T, TN transactions are
procedure 100 times (i.e., producing 100 distinct           given from each data server in the tree.
access patterns). Whenever the number of resources
and the number of transactions increase, the system is              In this manner, in each time period, all
likely to overload and we have to further decline the       computational clusters issue TN transactions that are
repetition to 10 times (i.e., utilizing only 10 distinct
access patterns). The final data given in the following     haphazardly produced depending on the same access
subsections are the average of these trials.                pattern. For making the model allocation decision for
                                                            a child data server, each and every data server records
6.1 Transaction Generation                                  the number of read transactions that are sent from the
          We presume that the resources accessed by         child data server and the number of update
most of the transactions follow various patterns.           transactions received to the child data server. In a
Moreover, because of access locality, we presume that       similar fashion recording is also done in order to
the patterns will be stable for some time periods. In       make the model de-allocation decision for a child data
this experimental study, we first produce a series of       server. In case of a read transaction being issued
transactions and scrutinize the resources they access.      locally or sent from its children can be served locally,
The set of resources accessed by a transaction is           then the transaction is recorded by the data server
defined as a resource bundle. We produce transactions       records in its local log. Apart from that it also records
till M distinct resource bundles are identified. Observe    the update transactions spread from its parent in the
that the resource bundles may have overlapping              local transaction log. After the time period, a model
resources but no two resource bundles are identically       allocation decision is done for each and every child
same. For producing a transaction, the number of            data server depending on the transaction log that is
resources to be accessed by the transaction, indicated      recorded for that child data server and resources are
as μ, is first ascertained. μ is surrounded by TS and       reproduced and assigned to the child data server if
follows a Zipf distribution. More specially, the chance     required. Now, All computational clusters make the

                                                                                                    1334 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                    Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
de-allocation decision depending on its local              Z D = 0.2, Z S = 0.5, R/W = 0.9, TS = 3, TN = 50 *
transaction log. Performance data are calculated
depending on the allocated transactions and the model      N S . M and NS changes from 10 to 100 (M is
set at each data server in each time period, just before   adjusted in order to make sure that we have access to
it gets another model set from its parent. Observe that    almost all resources). Fig. 5 indicates the number of
in this simulation, the number of resources selected is    messages necessary for processing all the transactions
small as the amount of memory needed for recording         given by the system for the two algorithms. If N S
logs for each data server in each time period. A much
larger number of resources can be selected in case the     increases, the number of messages necessary for the
ICRRU is operated in a real system, as indicated in        two algorithms increases as the number of transaction
[12].                                                      also increases. But, the difference of the message
                                                           necessary for the 2 algorithms will be remained in a
6.2 The Stabilization                                      stable way (the number of message necessary for
          Comparison of the intra cluster resource         resource     discovery     and    replication    with
replication and utilization algorithm with the             ICRRU&ICRDU is 17% of that needed for only
distributed frequency-based algorithm is done for          resource discovery[16]), even though the variation in
observing the stability of the two algorithms. Fig. 4      the number of messages increases.
gives the number of message necessary for processing
every transaction that is issued in the system for the 2
algorithms. The number of messages needed in the
system drops very speedily in the first 4 time periods
for both algorithms. The percentage of the number of
messages declined at the 1st time period is much
greater compared to that of the 2nd time period, which
is instead greater than that of the 3rd time period, so
on and so forth. After the completion 4th time period,
the number of messages that are required in the
system remains stable for both algorithms, less than
40% messages are required. At any time period, the
ICRRU requires less number of messages than the
ICRDU algorithm but the difference is negligible.

                                                           Fig 5: Scalability of resource discovery and usage[16]
                                                           and ICRRU&ICRDU

                                                           7. Summary
                                                                     In this paper, we scrutinize the dynamic
                                                           designation of correlated resources in computational
                                                           clusters. We model the topology of the network that is
                                                           formed by the computational clusters in the
                                                           distributed system as a tree. Initially we show that
                                                           model designation decisions can be done locally for
                                                           each and every model site in a tree network, using
                                                           data access knowledge of its neighbors. Now, we
                                                           develop a new replication cost model for correlated
                                                           resources in Internet environment. Depending on the
Fig 4: The performance of the cost stabilization by
                                                           cost model and the algorithms that are used in
                                                           previous research, we have put in effort to develop a
                                                           inter cluster resource discovery and utilization
6.3 Scalability in terms of Resources and
                                                           algorithm (ICRDU) for correlated data in internet
Transactions proportionality
                                                           environment. ICRDU has 2 sub algorithms, ICRDUA
          Comparison of the intra cluster resource
                                                           and ICRDUD, and it is indicated that ICRDU
replication and utilization algorithm ICRRU with the
                                                           stabilizes and converges in 2L time periods. Here, L is
distributed frequency-based algorithm DFPR is done
                                                           the height of the tree.
and calculate the effect of NS (the number of
                                                                     Now, an intra cluster resource replication and
resources in DO ) on their performance. The                utilization algorithm (ICRRU) is now developed for
parameters in this experiment are set as given here:       making model placement decisions in an efficient
                                                           manner. The ICRRU has 2 sub algorithms, namely,
                                                                                                  1335 | P a g e
P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and
                Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                    Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336
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  • 1. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 A CPU Resource Discovery Solution Using Cluster Computing P.R.RAJESH KUMAR B.LALITHA (M.Tech) (CSE), Deptof CSE, JNTUACE Assistant Professor. Dept of CSE, JNTUACE JNTU, Anantapur JNTU, Anantapur, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India-515001 Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India-515001 Abstract Computational Clusters [1, 4, 7, 14, 15]. Generally, Mainly in the Computational Clusters, the the access pattern is used to guide the placement most concern goes to communication. In order to decision. Several considerations like static [1] and decrease the communication cost and devise its dynamic [2, 7, 15] placement decisions and full and performance researchers have been conducting partial replication schemes have also been research on placing of data in distribution system. investigated. Partial replication take into consideration Whatever may be, data correlates because of clients reproduce subsets of resources and is generally accesses which ultimately effects on data placement. required for environments showing strong access In the early research, for the development of locality [8, 11]. Almost all the model placement performance in mobile transactions, the duplication of algorithms do not specifically presume full or partial placement matter on correlated data is mentioned. In replication [5, 15]. In reality, most of the placement the present paper, primarily model allocation decision algorithms can be applied to both cases by decisions can be made locally for each model site in a managing the granularity of the resources that are tree network, with data access knowledge of its considered. But, each of these algorithms presumes neighbors is discussed and secondly for correlated that resources are not dependent on each other. In resources in internet environment a novel replication several applications, each and every cost model is focused. With reference to the early request/transaction may have access to multiple research of cost model and algorithms, the present resources and, so, bringing correlation among the model, an inter cluster resource discovery and resources. Going by example, for a read transaction utilization algorithm (ICRDU) for correlated data in accessing multiple resources, all of these resources at internet environment is created. Later an intra cluster a local site will be able to decline communication resource replication and utilization algorithm overhead. But, in the case of only a part of the data set (ICRRU) is devised to make model placement that is being accessed is modeled at a local site, then decisions effectively. The algorithm gets near optimal the replication will not bring much advantage. This is solutions for the correlated data model and produces because the read transaction still requires to be performance improvement. The experimental studies forwarded in order to recover the resources that are explain the intra cluster resource replication and left out. The same is applied to an update transaction utilization allocation algorithm significantly that is accessing multiple resources. In the case of outperforms the general frequency-based replication only a part of the data set that is being updated is schemes. modeled, a message is required for sending the update request. So, for getting better model allocation, it is Introduction necessary to take into consideration the access With the advances in network technologies, correlation among resources. In [12], we have dealt applications are all moving toward serving widely about the model placement issues of correlated distributed users. However, today’s Internet still resources in mobile environments considering mobile cannot guarantee quality of services and potential networks that are having a star topology. Further, it congestions can result in prolonged delays and leave presumes that every time the base station node holds unsatisfied customers. The problem can be more the total data set (comprising all resources that may be severe when the accesses involve a large amount of required by the mobile nodes). This is required for data. Replication techniques have been commonly minimizing the mobile unit connection time for the used to minimize the communication latency by accesses. Whenever the general Internet environment bringing the data close to the clients. Web caching is a is taken into consideration, several issues are to be successful example of the technique. However, when considered. The first one is that there is no need of the data may be updated, the problem is more considering the connection time for Internet based complicated. The more models in the system, the clients and partial replication is needed. higher the update cost will be. Thus, data needs to be Moreover, a greater complex topology carefully placed to avoid unnecessary overhead. requires consideration for Internet accesses. So, a There have been a lot of research works more sophisticated placement algorithm for correlated addressing the data model placement issues in resources should be evolved. A crucial issue in model placement algorithms in such kind of environment is 1329 | P a g e
  • 2. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 that who executes the intensive placement only the data model placement on the computational computation. Some of the placement algorithms are clusters, and the model assignment inside each cluster centralized [6, 14] that makes the central decision- can be treated separately. We presume that the actual making site to be overloaded severely. Distributed copy of the entire set of N resources that are to be model placement algorithms, like [10, 15], grant each accessed by users is put up at a primary data server model site to make localized decisions. They will be that is indicated as O. Let DO indicate the N able to react to changes in access patterns and naturally divide the computation. In this paper, we resources on the data server O, then, construct a dynamic model placement algorithm, DO  {d1 , d2 ,..., d N } and | DO | = N. Whenever which (1) takes into consideration a tree topology applications use data saved in this primary sever, they network, (2) considers the correlation among generally follow a shortest path tree routing to the resources whenever accessed by the same requests, data source that is positioned at the primary server O and (3) gives distributed algorithm that does localized [9]. Study reveals that almost all routings are stable in analysis for declining the computation cost. days or weeks and so the routing paths can be looked Moreover, our algorithm is adaptive. It takes into upon as a tree topology that is rooted at the primary consideration 2 schemes. To get optimal solutions, a server O. So, we take into consideration replication distributed branch and bound algorithm is utilized to the widely distributed system as a tree graph, calculate the optimal set of resources models to be indicated as T, rooted at the primary server O. To designated on the computational clusters. Remember expedite efficient data accesses by users in the that in commercial applications, transaction access Internet, a subset of resources in DO are modeled on patterns follow the “80/20” rule [3], i.e., just 20% of the transaction types accounts for 80% of the total computational clusters in T. amount of the transactions. Whenever the transaction Let Dx indicate the resources on a data access pattern is stabled, the set of resources associated is considerably small. Lanier Watkins et Dx ⊆ DO , and | Dx | is the number of server x, then al[] discussed a Passive Solution to the Memory modeled resources in Dx . Take a set of resources Ω, Resource Discovery Problem in Computational let R(Ω) indicate the resident set of Ω that is the set of Clusters. When compared to existing models this computational clusters hold Ω or a superset of Ω, i.e. solution is more robust secure and scalable. The prime benefits of this model are low message complexity, R(Ω) = {x∈T | Ω ⊆ Dx }.The divided system bolsters scalability, load balancing, and low maintainability both read and update requests and each request can but limited their solution to deal with resource have access to an random number of resources in requirements of the clusters. DO . For each and every data server x in T, there are So, the optimal algorithm is obtainable in this case. For dealing with the access patterns that are a number of clients that are connected to it. The frequently changed, we suggest resource discovery, requests that are given by these clients can be seen as replication and utilization algorithms for getting near requests from the data server x. Presuming that clients optimal solutions, which is motivated from the work can give both read and update requests. Let t indicate carried out by Lanier Watkins et al[]. The remaining a transaction, it can be a read transaction or an update part of this paper is distributed as follows. Section 2 transaction. Let D (t) indicate the set of resources read explains our system model and problem definition, or updated by t, D (t) ⊆ DO , and D (t) is designated depending on the system model that is defined in [12]. as a transaction-data set of t. For a transaction t Section 3 delves about the transaction based cost accessing D (t) given by a data server v, if D (t) model in a distributed environment. Section 4 gives a ⊆ DV , then t is served locally. Contra wise, t is send distributed partial replication algorithm (ICRDU). Section 5 deals about a intra cluster resource to the closest data server, which can serve t. replication and utilization partial replication algorithm For an update transaction t, the data server (ICRRU). Section 6 is about the experimental study that performs t requires to send the update to other results and Section 7 concludes the paper computational clusters through the edges in a tree that only possess of all those computational clusters *x in 2. Resource allocation System Format T, where D (t) ∩ D*x ≠ φ. Our aim is to optimally Studies reveal that the networks can be disintegrated into connected autonomous systems, allocate the models resources in DO to computational which are under separate administrative control [9]. clusters in T in such a way that aggregate access cost These autonomous systems are generally treated as is minimized for a given client access pattern. We clusters. By this way the underlying topology of the define a model placement that is having the minimal widely distributed system as a cluster based general cost as an optimal model placement of DO (OptPl graph is modeled by us. For scaling the system, we presume that there is a data server in each and every ( DO )). Observe that optimal placement solutions cluster. In this research, we take into consideration may not be unique. Take a data set Ω, R (Ω) in an 1330 | P a g e
  • 3. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 OptPl ( DO ) is an optimal resident set of Ω. During time period. A set of resources, Ω ⊆ Ddx, may require de-allocation from x if modeling Ω is not going to this research, we don’t take into consideration node benefit in terms of communication cost. Let capacity constraint, message losses, node failures, and update_d(Ω, x) indicate the de-allocation advantage the consistency maintenance issues. The for de-allocating Ω. In essence, the de-allocation communication cost that is brought up by model advantage of Ω comprises all update transactions from placement and de-allocation is also not taken into y, accessing a subset of resources in Ω. update_d(Ω, consideration. x) = Σ|W(S)|, where (S ⊆ Ω) ∧ (Ω ⊆ Dd x ) ∧ (S ≠ 3. Operation Based limited Replication rate φ)Let read_d(Ω, x) indicate the de-allocation cost. In format essence, the de-allocation cost of Ω comprises all read During this section, we make definition of transactions that are issued by x, accessing a subset of operation based limited replication rate formats for Dd x and some resources in Ω. read_d(Ω, x) = correlated resources in a tree graph, depending on the cost models that are defined in [Tum06a]. Take 2 Σ|Q(S)|, where (S ∩ Ω ≠ φ) ∧ (S ⊆ Dx ) ∧ (Ω ⊆ computational clusters x and y, where data server y is Dd x ). The model de-allocation access cost_d(Ω, x), the parent data server of x. Here, we only emphasize is the dissimilarity between read cost and update model allocation decisions at y and model de- advantage for de-allocating Ω from x.cost_d(Ω, x) = allocation decision at x. This is because model allocation and de-allocation models and approaches read _d(Ω, x) – update_d(Ω, x)Let S d opt indicate the can be applied in a similar fashion to other computational clusters in tree T. Take a set of set taht minimizes cost_d(Ω, x), i.e. S d opt = arg resources Ω, Ω ⊆ DO . If Ω is modeled to x, a read min(cost_d(Ω, x)). The transaction based partial transaction t, D (t) ⊆ Ω, can be served locally and one replication de-allocates S d opt from x if cost_d message can be saved. We take into consideration this a (S , x) < 0. as one unit of advantage for modeling Ω on x. But, opt because of the replication of Ω on x an update transaction t, D (t) ∩ Ω ≠ φ, requires to be send to x. 4. ICRDU Algorithm We regard this as one unit of cost put up by modeling From [13], the model placement problem in Ω on x. T can be resolved by designating models in each We define update_a (Ω, x) as the cost if Ω is subtree respectively, and the placement of models on modeled from x’s parent data server (y) to x, where each data server in T can also be done independently update_a(Ω, x) = Σ|W(S)|, where (S ∩ Ω ≠ φ) ∧ (S ∩ to its neighboring computational clusters in T. Dx = φ) Moreover, the set of resources on v, DV , is a subset We define read_a(Ω,x) as the additional of Dw , where w is the parent data server of v in T. advantage if R is modeled to x, where The model placement on v can be treated only Read_a(Ω, x) = Σ|Q(S)|, where (S ⊆ Ω ∪ dependent on w and they are not dependent on other Dx ) ∧ (S ∩ Ω ≠ φ) computational clusters. By this way, the model Now, we define cost_a(Ω, x) as the data placement problem can be resolved by a distributed object access cost for modeling Ω at x from y, where optimal partial replication (ICRDU) algorithm cost_a(Ω, x) = update_a(Ω, x) – read_a(Ω, x) (including ICRDUA and ICRDUD, in Fig. 1). At the end of time period,τi, parent data server y creates Let S a opt indicates the set which model allocation decision for its child data server x by minimizes cost_a(Ω, x), utilizing ICRDUA, depending on its knowledge of i.e. S a opt = arg min (cost_a(Ω, x)). The transaction the models on its child data server x that is got from the end of last time period  i -1.At the time of getting based partial replication models S a opt to x if cost_a the models that are allocated by y, data server x a (S opt , x) < 0. creates model de-allocation decision for itself by utilizing ICRDUD. In ICRDUD, data server x can In ICRDU, a node x can only de-allocate a only de-allocate a set of resources Ω from x only if x data set Ω if and only if x is the leaf node of R(Ω) is a leaf data server of R(Ω), and it has hold the model depending on the knowledge of the model on its child of resources in Ω since the end of time periodτi-1. Let nodes, and x has held the model of Ω for since the end of last time period. We indicate Dd x as the data set S a opt (y, x,  i ) indicate the data set calculated by ICRDUA by data server y for its child x at the end of on x in such a way that x is the leaf node of R( Dd x )  i . Let S d opt (x,  i ) indicate the data set calculated and x has held the model of Dd x since the end of last by ICRDUD by data server x for itself at the end of 1331 | P a g e
  • 4. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 i . See that in for averting replication oscillation, periods. Proof: The proof is removed because of space limitation. Kindly refer [13] for the full proof. ICRDU need that model de-allocation decision must be made for x after x has obtained model from its 5. ICRRU Algorithm parent data server y in the same time period  i . ICRRU since the run time of OPR algorithms Moreover, in ICRDUA and ICRDUD, we require develops exponentially with the number of calculating the lower bound cost for each new transactions; we construct a intra cluster resource transaction-data union STranListIndex  S . One easy replication and utilization replication algorithms ICRRU, in which the heuristic Expansion-Shrinking way to calculate the lower bound cost is read_a algorithms (discussed in [12]) is utilized. ( Ssuper , x) – update_a (( STranListIndex  S ), x), a a a Sheu , * Sheu ** Sheu .S: data sets and where Ssup er  S  TranList .Length 1 Si , and Si is the i TranListIndex initialized to  ; data set accessed by TranList[i], TranListIndex ≤ i ≤ * * LY ; a record log vector and initialized to  ; n. Make a copy of LY for cost computing; Min Cost: cost_a( Sopr a ( y, x, i ), x), initialized to ; While* LY   Min Cost_d: cost_d( Sopr a ( y, x, i ), x), initialized to for all data set recorded in * LY choose the ; data set S such that S  Sheu is minimal: a S: the contained set during the search, initialized to if ( S  ** Sheu a   ) delete the record with S ; from* LY . Lower Bound Cost( S new )& Lower Bound Cost_d( S new ): else if cost a(S, x) < 0 && S  ** Sheu a  Defined following the algorithm then S a heu S a heu  S; Tran List: the set of distinct transactions that access else if (cost a(S, x) >= 0 data; Tran List Index: initialized to 0; && S  S a heu   ) (S  S ) a heu If(TranListIndex<TranList.Length){ then SahtU = S";w S; STranListIndex =TranList; else if ( cost_a(S, x) >= 0 && S n = (S c a [TranlistInded].getDataObjectSet() then S heu remains unchanged; Snew  S  STranListIndex ; If(LowerBoundCost( S new )<MinCost) a if the size of S heu has been increased, ICRRU-A( Snew, TransListIndex+1);} then delete the record with S from * LY , and ICRRU-A (S, TranListIndex+1);} else if(cost a(S, x)<Min Cost) { move all records from** LY to* LY . MinCost=cost a(S, x); else move the record with S from * LY to Sopt a ( y, x, i ) = S - DMc ; } ** LY . if (TranListIndex<TranList.Length) { a a STranListIndex = TranList; * S heu = S heu ; [TranListIndex].getDataObjectSet(); move all records from** LY to * LY , and Sheu   ; a Snew  S  STranListIndex ; Assume a that* S heu has been allocated If(LowerBoundCost_d( S new )  MinCost_d){ to (*Dx  Dx  *Sheu ) , and re-do log reduction a ICRRU-A ( Snew, TransListIndex+1);} in* LY . ICRRU-A (S, TranListIndex+1);} Else if(cost_d(S,x)  MinCost_d) { while* LY  MinCost_d=cost_d(S,x); for all data set recorded in* LY Sopt a ( x, i ) = S; } choose the data set S with S  Sheu is minimal; a Fig 1: ICRDU Algorithm Theorem 1 Let L indicate the tree level. if cost_a ( Dy  *Dx  S  Sheu x)  cos t _ a( Dy  *Dx  S  Sheu x) a a ICRDU stabilizes and converges to optimal in 2L time 1332 | P a g e
  • 5. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 Sheu  Sheu  S ; a a for all data set recorded in *Lx choose if the size of has been increased, the data set S such that S  Sheu is minimal; d then delete the record with S from* LY if (S  ** Sheu   ) delete the record with S d and move all records from* LY to* LY . from *Lx else move the record with S from* LY to** LY . ** Sheu  Dy  *Dx  Sheu ; a a else if cost_d ( S , x)  0 & &S  Sheu d  If (cost(** S heu , x)<0) ** S heu =  ; ; a a d then Sheu  Sheu  S ; d Sheu =** Sheu  * Sheu : a a a else if (COST d ( Sheu d  S , x)  cos t _ a(Sheu , x) d Fig 2: ICRRU algorithm for Model allotment(ICRRU- d then Sheu  Sheu  S ; d A) else if ( The heuristic Expansion-Shrinking algorithms now utilize the cost functions that are cost_d ( S , x)  0 & &S  S d heu   ) (S  S ) d heu defined in Section 3. Moreover, in order to make d ICRRU stabilize, we combine the Set-Expansion and then S heu remains unchanged, Set-Shrinking algorithms. In both algorithms, the data if the size of has been increased server first performs the Set-Expansion algorithm and then delete the record with S from *Lx and calculates a data set, which is a subset of the optimal data set that is calculated by the optimal algorithms. move all records from ** Lx to *Lx Now, it performs the Set-Shrinking algorithm else move the record with S from *Lx to ** Lx presuming that the data set calculated by the Set- Expansion algorithm is already designated to the child *Sheu  Sheu ; d d data server or de-allocated from itself. Finally, we merge the data sets calculated by the two algorithms move all records from ** Lx to *Lx and = Sheu   ; d as the final data set to be designated from y to x or de- d Assume *Sheu has been de-allocated from x allocated from x. The model allotment process of ICRRU algorithm (ICRRU-A) and the model (*Dx  Dx  *Sheu ) and d re-do log reduction withhold for ICRRU algorithm (ICRRU-W) are indicated in Fig. 2 and 3, respectively. ICRRU is in ** Lx defined as given below. At the end of time period, τi, while *Lx  parent data server y creates model allocation decision for its child data server x by performing ESRA, for all data set recorded in *LBC , depending on its knowledge of the models on its child choose the data set S with S  Sheu minimal: d data server x got from the end of last time period  i 1 . After getting the models from y, data server x if cost_d (*Dx  S  Sheu , x)  cos t _ d (*Dx  Sheu , x) d d performs ESRD and makes model de-allocation Sheu  Sheu  S ; d d decision for itself. At this point, data server x can only d de-allocate a set of resources Ω from x only if x is a If the size ofSheu has been increased, then leaf data server of R(Ω), and it has held the model of delete the record with S from *Lx resources in Ω since the end of time period  i 1 . Observe that for averting replication oscillation, and move all records from ** Lx to *Lx ICRRU needs that model de-allocation decision must else move the record with S from *Lx to ** Lx . be made for x after x has obtained model from its parent data server y during same time period  i . ** S d heu  *Dx  Sheu ; d Theorem 2 Let L indicates the tree level. ICRRU If(cost_d( (** Sheu , x)  0)**Sheu d d  ; stabilizes in at most 2L time periods. Proof: The proof is removed because of space S d heu  ** S d heu S ; d heu confinement. Kindly refer [13] for the full proof. Fig 3: ICRRU algorithm for model withhold (ICRRU- d d d W) S . *S , ** S . S: data sets and initialized to heu heu heu  ; ** Lx temporary record log vector and initialized 6. Simulation Results to  ; In the simulation, comparison of the ICRRU algorithm with the commonly utilized distributed Make a copy of Lx for cost computing: frequency-based partial replication (DFPR) scheme is while (*Lx   ) done for studying its performance and effectiveness 1333 | P a g e
  • 6. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 on message saving. Observe that the frequency based of a transaction having data set size μ is proportional algorithm defined in [12] can easily be acclimatized to to 1/  ZS where Z S is the skew parameter of the the distributed solution, DFPR that is fairly direct that , each and every node makes local decision depending Zipf distribution [13]. Now, the μ resources are on the access frequency. The tree network that we ascertained. Let NS indicate the total number of chose comprises 20 nodes with height of 6. Initially, resources we have taken into consideration in the the root node O (that indicates cluster HMSC) hosts experimental study. Each and every data object is ranked. The all the resources in data set DO . Each and every node chance that a data object is accessed by a transaction x in the tree is haphazardly allocated a partial set of Z is proportional to1/ r D (also a Zipf distribution), the resources Dx ⊆ DO . The requirement is that Dx where Z D is the skew parameter. Lastly, if a ⊆ Dy if y is an ancestor of node x in the tree transaction is read only or update is ascertained by the network. The metric that we take into consideration is ratio, R/W, in a uniform distribution. Here R is the the product of the number of messages and the total number of read transactions given by PMC and numbers of hops these messages are send in order to W is the aggregate number of update transactions process the requests in the tree network. Going by example, if a request that is issued locally can be given by nodes other than PMC . From the first batch served locally, then the number of message is counted of transactions produced, we get M resource bundles as 0. In the case of the request being served at its and utilize them as the basis in order to formulate an parent, then one message is taken into count. access distribution. The M resource bundles are In this simulation, we utilize one PC separated into 2 clusters, comprising the read cluster platform for simulating 20 server clusters and the having M 1 resource bundles for the read transactions period of execution for each and every experiment spans 10 time periods. The simulated distributed and the write cluster havingM 2 resource bundles for algorithm requires retaining the history logs for every the update transactions, where M 1 + M 2 = M and request (most of the information is not required in a real system). Because of the excessive I/O, the M 1 / M 2 = R/W. For each and every cluster, 0.5 M 1 simulation process becomes very time-consuming (observe that the time is not because of the algorithm (or 0.5 M 2 ) virtual resource bundles are appended itself). Helping to avert prejudiced access patterns, and the pre-generated M 1 (or M 2 ) resource bundles multiple access patterns are produced haphazardly and along with the virtual resource bundles are ranked. the data collection process is redone for each and The transactions are produced in the similar way as every pattern. In order to balance between the talked about in [12]. Regarding simulation, we confidence level of the experimental results and the time for the simulation study, we select repeating the presume that in a time limit T, TN transactions are procedure 100 times (i.e., producing 100 distinct given from each data server in the tree. access patterns). Whenever the number of resources and the number of transactions increase, the system is In this manner, in each time period, all likely to overload and we have to further decline the computational clusters issue TN transactions that are repetition to 10 times (i.e., utilizing only 10 distinct access patterns). The final data given in the following haphazardly produced depending on the same access subsections are the average of these trials. pattern. For making the model allocation decision for a child data server, each and every data server records 6.1 Transaction Generation the number of read transactions that are sent from the We presume that the resources accessed by child data server and the number of update most of the transactions follow various patterns. transactions received to the child data server. In a Moreover, because of access locality, we presume that similar fashion recording is also done in order to the patterns will be stable for some time periods. In make the model de-allocation decision for a child data this experimental study, we first produce a series of server. In case of a read transaction being issued transactions and scrutinize the resources they access. locally or sent from its children can be served locally, The set of resources accessed by a transaction is then the transaction is recorded by the data server defined as a resource bundle. We produce transactions records in its local log. Apart from that it also records till M distinct resource bundles are identified. Observe the update transactions spread from its parent in the that the resource bundles may have overlapping local transaction log. After the time period, a model resources but no two resource bundles are identically allocation decision is done for each and every child same. For producing a transaction, the number of data server depending on the transaction log that is resources to be accessed by the transaction, indicated recorded for that child data server and resources are as μ, is first ascertained. μ is surrounded by TS and reproduced and assigned to the child data server if follows a Zipf distribution. More specially, the chance required. Now, All computational clusters make the 1334 | P a g e
  • 7. P.R.RAJESH KUMAR, B.LALITHA / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue4, July-August 2012, pp.1329-1336 de-allocation decision depending on its local Z D = 0.2, Z S = 0.5, R/W = 0.9, TS = 3, TN = 50 * transaction log. Performance data are calculated depending on the allocated transactions and the model N S . M and NS changes from 10 to 100 (M is set at each data server in each time period, just before adjusted in order to make sure that we have access to it gets another model set from its parent. Observe that almost all resources). Fig. 5 indicates the number of in this simulation, the number of resources selected is messages necessary for processing all the transactions small as the amount of memory needed for recording given by the system for the two algorithms. If N S logs for each data server in each time period. A much larger number of resources can be selected in case the increases, the number of messages necessary for the ICRRU is operated in a real system, as indicated in two algorithms increases as the number of transaction [12]. also increases. But, the difference of the message necessary for the 2 algorithms will be remained in a 6.2 The Stabilization stable way (the number of message necessary for Comparison of the intra cluster resource resource discovery and replication with replication and utilization algorithm with the ICRRU&ICRDU is 17% of that needed for only distributed frequency-based algorithm is done for resource discovery[16]), even though the variation in observing the stability of the two algorithms. Fig. 4 the number of messages increases. gives the number of message necessary for processing every transaction that is issued in the system for the 2 algorithms. The number of messages needed in the system drops very speedily in the first 4 time periods for both algorithms. The percentage of the number of messages declined at the 1st time period is much greater compared to that of the 2nd time period, which is instead greater than that of the 3rd time period, so on and so forth. After the completion 4th time period, the number of messages that are required in the system remains stable for both algorithms, less than 40% messages are required. At any time period, the ICRRU requires less number of messages than the ICRDU algorithm but the difference is negligible. Fig 5: Scalability of resource discovery and usage[16] and ICRRU&ICRDU 7. Summary In this paper, we scrutinize the dynamic designation of correlated resources in computational clusters. We model the topology of the network that is formed by the computational clusters in the distributed system as a tree. Initially we show that model designation decisions can be done locally for each and every model site in a tree network, using data access knowledge of its neighbors. Now, we develop a new replication cost model for correlated resources in Internet environment. Depending on the Fig 4: The performance of the cost stabilization by cost model and the algorithms that are used in ICRDU and ICRRU previous research, we have put in effort to develop a inter cluster resource discovery and utilization 6.3 Scalability in terms of Resources and algorithm (ICRDU) for correlated data in internet Transactions proportionality environment. ICRDU has 2 sub algorithms, ICRDUA Comparison of the intra cluster resource and ICRDUD, and it is indicated that ICRDU replication and utilization algorithm ICRRU with the stabilizes and converges in 2L time periods. Here, L is distributed frequency-based algorithm DFPR is done the height of the tree. and calculate the effect of NS (the number of Now, an intra cluster resource replication and resources in DO ) on their performance. The utilization algorithm (ICRRU) is now developed for parameters in this experiment are set as given here: making model placement decisions in an efficient manner. The ICRRU has 2 sub algorithms, namely, 1335 | P a g e
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