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Presented by                 Guided by
Dr. Virendra Gupta          Dr. Jagdish Singh

    SPMCHI, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
• Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading killer among people living with
  human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

• More than 33 million people now live with HIV/AIDS, out of
  them 2.5 million are under the age of 15yr(UNICEF report 2010)

• At least one in four deaths among people living with HIV can be
  attributed to TB.

• Addressing the TB and HIV epidemics are key priorities for
HIV Prevalence in
                   Incident TB Cases 2010
• Global                       23.0%

• India                        5.0%

• Rajasthan                     2.0%

•   Sources: WHO, Global Tuberculosis Control 2011, available at
    For country data, see also WHO, TB database, available at
• To know the magnitude of HIV infection in
  patients diagnosed with tuberculosis.

• To know the differences in clinical profile of
  tuberculosis between HIV+ve and HIV-ve patients
  in pediatric age group
Study design and setting :
  Hospital based, observational, descriptive study.
Subjects :
  Patients with diagnosis of tuberculosis(as per
  RNTCP guidelines) attending the pediatric DOTS
  Center / OPD and IPD Patients of SPMCHI .
Sample size :
  Included 315 eligible patients from Sept. 2011 to
  Sept. 2012.

• Age - 6 weeks to 15 years.

• Fulfilling the criteria for diagnosis of
  tuberculosis. (As per RNTCP guidelines )

• Willing to give written informed consent.
• Detailed clinical history

• Complete general,      physical   and   systemic

• Relevant investigations

• Fulfilled the criteria for diagnosis of
   tuberculosis were screened for HIV infection
  ( As Per NACO Guidelines )
NACO Guidelines to diagnose HIV
• < 18 Month-DNA PCR                                  3 Test kits required


• > 18 Month –                            A1 +Ve                             A1 -Ve
                                                                      (Report Negative)
        3 Different antibody test
A1- Combaid Test Kit (ELISA)
                                         A1 + A2+              A1+ A2-
A2- SD Bioline (Immunochromatographic)   ( Report positive )
A3- Tridot Test Kit (Immunofiltration)
                                         A1+ A2- A3 +                  A1+ A2- A3 -
                                         (Indeterminate )            ( Report Negative)
• Qualitative Data summarized in percentage
  & Quantitative data in form of mean +/- SD

• Quantitative     data       analyzed with
  parametric tests (unpaired t-test) while
  Qualitative data analyzed with non-
  parametric tests (χ2 test and z-test for
  difference of proportions).
Out of 315 patients, 22 were HIV positive(6.98%)

                                                   HIV +ve

Age and sex distribution of
                      total TB patients
 Age group            Male         Female        Total
                     No.(%)        No.(%)       No.(%)
 06wk -1 year      16 (05.07)    11 (03.49)    27 (08.57)
     1y-5y         58 (18.41)    46 (14.60)    104 (33.01)
 (Pre school )
    5y-10y         54 (17.14)    43 (13.65)    97 (30.79)
(School going)
     >10y          48 (15.24)    39 (12.38)    87 (27.62)
     Total         176 (55.87)   139 (44.12)       315
Age and Sex Distribution
                                  of Total TB Patient
                                         Male To Female Ratio - 1.21:1

 No. of patients




                        06wk -1 year     1y-5y        5y-10y         >10y

                                  Male                  Female              Total
Mean age                          7.18 ± 4.39 Yr        7.30 ± 4.36 Yr      7.23 ± 4.35 Yr
OPD/IPD Distribution of
              Total TB Patient

100%         6
 90%     (27.27%)
 70%                                221
                      (73.38%)    (70.16%)
 50%                                         OPD
 40%        16
 30%                     78          94
 20%                  (26.62%)    (29.84%)
       HIV+ve       Hiv-ve       Total

Rural          Urban

            8                       134
        (36.36%)                  (42.54%)

           14            167        181
        (63.64%)       (57.00%)   (57.46%)

    HIV+ve             Hiv-ve      Total
Distribution of tuberculosis
                  patients according to type of
                tuberculosis and HIV serostatus

                     123             9            161
       60%         (87.23%)        (90%)        (98.17%)
                     18              1
       20%                                         3
                  (12.77%)         (10%)
        0%                                      (1.83%)
                Pulmonary     Disseminated     Extra-
                                 /Miliary    Pulmonary
      HIV-Ve      87.23            90          98.17
      HIV+Ve      12.77            10           1.83

Chi- square = 86.070                         p-value = <0.0001
Nutritional Status of Tubercular
               children according to HIV

                            Wt/Age %
                           70.69%         69.95%
 66.00%                                                   HIV+ve
 64.00%        60.37%
 62.00%                                                   HIV-ve
           HIV+ve       HIV-ve         Total

Chi- square = 48.039                           p-value = 0.038
Comparison of Symptoms profile in
                          HIV +ve And HIV –ve Tubercular

                                               symptom HIV +ve HIV-ve       Total    p-value
90   81.81%                                              No.    No.          No.
80                71.33%                                 (%)    (%)          (%)
70     63.48%
                59.09%     59.09%
60                                              Weight     18       186     206       0.13
50                           45.05% 45.45%       loss    (81.81) ( 63.48) (65.39)
                                               Pyrexia   13        209       222      0.33
                                               >14 Day (59.09)   (71.33)   (70.47)
20                                    10.23%
                                               cough >14 13       132      145        0.29
                                                  Day   (59.09) (45.05 ) (46.03)
     Weight      Pyrexia cough    Loose
      loss      >14 Days >14 Days Motion
                                                Loose      10       30      40    <0.001
                                                Motion   (45.45) (10.23 ) (12.70)
              HIV +ve           HIV-ve
Comparison of Signs in HIV +ve
                       And HIV –ve Tubercular
     68.18%                                  Sign    HIV +ve HIV-ve    Total    p-value
70       62.12%
                                                       NO      NO       NO
60                                                     (%)     (%)      (%)
50                 41.81%
                                            Pallor     15      182     197       NS
                               27.77%                (68.18) (62.12) (62.54)
20                    15.35%       13.99%
                                            HSM        07      45      52        0.04
10                                                   (41.81) (15.35) (60.50)
      Pallor        HSM           LNP       LNP        05       41      46       0.12
                                                     (27.77) ( 13.99) (14.60)
          HIV +ve              HIV-ve

                  HSM=Hepatospleenomegaly ,LNP= Lymphadenopathy
Comparison of Investigations in
                 HIV+ve And HIV–ve Tubercular

  60             54.92
  50                      40.9                  38.1
                                         7.27                4.434.43
  10                                                     0
         Radiological    Mantoux Test    BCG Scar      Sputum /GA
           Lesion                                          AFB
HIV+ve      68.18            40.9          7.27             0
HIV-ve      53.92           49.48          35.49             4.43
Total       54.92           48.49          38.1              4.43

• Magnitude of HIV sero-positivity is 6.98% in Tubercular

• Co-existence     of     HIV      is     more      with
  Pulmonary, Disseminated & Miliary tuberculosis than
  Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis.

• HIV positive children suffer more often with severe

• Health personnel need to recognize such
 dual infection and take proper steps to
 manage the epidemic.

• HIV screening should be carried out in all
 tubercular children.

 649 CASE DIAGNOSED TB(As Per RNTCP Guidelines )
                                                 334 CASE EXCLUDED
                                            •Not Given Consent
                                            •Unwilling To Blood Sampling
                                            •Drop Out

                   315 CASES INCLUDED IN STUDY

         HIV TEST DONE
    (As Per NACO Guidelines)

22 case HIV +Ve                                       293 CASE HIV -Ve

            Results are shown after statistical data applied
• Out of 315 patients, 22 were HIV positive(6.98%).
• 57.46% were rural, Most patients were in the
  school going age (43.80%).
• M:F ratio was 1.21:1, Mean weight for age was
• History of contact with tuberculosis in 47.94%.
• 52.06% of cases had one or more extra-pulmonary
  tubercular sites.
• And 3.17% disseminated or military tuberculosis
• Out of 315 tubercular children, 22 were HIV positive(6.98%).

• 57.46% were rural patients

• Most patients were in the school going age (5-12yr)group (43.80%).

• Male to female ratio was 1.21:1.

• Mean weight for age was 69.94%.

• History of contact with tuberculosis in 47.94%.

• 52.06% of cases had one or more extra-pulmonary tubercular sites.

• And 3.17% disseminated or military tuberculosis
Distribution of tuberculosis patients according to type of
               tuberculosis.. and HIV serostatus
 Type of disease           HIV +Ve         HIV –Ve        Total

Pulmonary                18 (81.81)     123 (41.97)     141 (44.76 )

Diss.TB / Mill.TB        1   (04.55)    9     (03.07)    10 (03.17)

Extra-pulmonary          3   (13.64)    161 (54.95)      164 (52.06)

       TOTAL            22   (06.98)    293   (93.02)      315(100)

                                                    P- Value < .0001
Distribution of tuberculosis patients according to type of
                           tuberculosis and HIV serostatus

                     HIV +Ve                                           HIV -Ve

                     0%   4.5%
    4.5%                                                       6% 1% 3%
4.5% 0%

                                 82%                             28%

  Pulmonary                  TBM
  Pleural effusion           Lymphadenopathy(LN)
  Abd. Tb(ABD)               other
                                                               Pulmonary         TBM
Comparison of clinical profile in HIV +ve And HIV –ve
                      Tubercular Children
 Signs and    HIV +ve        HIV-ve         Total       p-value
Pyrexia >14   13(59.09)    209(71.33)    222(70.47)       0.14
 cough >14    13(59.09)   132(45.05 )    145(46.03)       0.07
Weight loss   18(81.81)   186( 63.48)    206(65.39)       0.04

    Mean       60.37%       70.69%        69.95%          0.03
Lymphadeno    05(27.77)    41( 13.99)    46(14.60)        0.12
Hepatosplee   07(41.81)    45(15.35)     52(60.50)        0.04
Loos Motion   10(45.45)    30(10.23 )    40(12.70)      <0.0007
Comparison of clinical profile in HIV +ve And HIV –ve Tubercular


              Wt loss   Fever >   cough   HSM      Loos     BCG      L. N .
                         14 D     >14 D           Motion    Scar
    HIV +ve   81.81      59.09    59.09   41.81   45.45    27.27     18.18
    HIV-ve    63.48      71.33    45.05   15.35   10.23    35.49     20.13
Study the Magnitude of HIV Infection in Tubercular Children and Their Clinical
Introduction: Tuberculosis was noted to be the most frequent cause of death amongst people living with
HIV not only in India but all over the world.
Aims and objectives: To know the magnitude and differences in clinical profile of HIV infection in
tubercular children.
Study design and setting: Hospital based cross-sectional & descriptive study.
Material & method: Study group included patients attending hospital during period Sept. 2011 to Sept.
2012, diagnosed with tuberculosis as per NACO guidelines and screened for HIV infection.
Results: Out of 315 tubercular children, 22 were HIV positive giving a magnitude of 6.98%, Most
patients were in the school going age (5-12yr)group (43.80%). The male to female ratio was1.21:1.
Mean weight for age was 69.94%. History of contact with tuberculosis was present in 47.94%.
Out of HIV positive cases Fever(81.81%),weight loss(81.81%) and weakness(81.81%) were most
frequent complaints followed by cough(68.18%). Examination showed hepatosplenomegaly(41.81%)
and lymphadenopathy(18.18%). Chest X-ray revealed miliary findings in 10.8%.
Out of total number, 57.46% were rural patients. 52.06% of cases had one or more extra-pulmonary
tubercular sites, and 03.17% disseminated or military tuberculosis. BCG vaccination was seen in only
34.92% cases. Overall Mantoux test positivity was 8.49%.
Conclusion: Increasing magnitude of HIV seropositivity with positive patients more likely to suffer
from pulmonary tuberculosis while HIV negative with extra pulmonary involvement. HIV-positive
children suffer from prolonged symptoms. Health personnel need to recognize such dual infection and
take proper steps to manage the epidemic. HIV screening should be carried out in patients with
prolonged illness resistant to usual mode of treatment.
Keywords: HIV, Paediatric tuberculosis, Magnitude, seropositivity
eSa firk / ekrk
/laj{kd………………… fuoklh………………………………. vius
iw.kZ Lora= vkSj LoSfPNd :i ls “STUDY OF OCCURRENCE
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esa] rFkk tksf[ke vkSj ykHk ds ckjsa esa le>k;k gS A eq>s
crk fn;k gS fd [kwu esa HIV dh tkWp, o t:jr iMus ij vU;
tkap dh tk;saxh A eq>s ;g Hkh crk;k x;k gS fd esjh
xksiuh;rk cukbZ j[kh tk,xh vkSj lHkh tkWp vkSj gLr{ksi
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eS fdlh Hkh oDr] dksbZ dkj.k fn;s fcuk ] fcuk tqekZus ds
v?;;u ls ckgj fudy ldrk @ldrh gWw A
•Signature / thumb impression……………………..………..…Date………….…
•       ……………………………………………………………..                 ……………
•name of the mother/ father/guardian……………………………Date…….…….
•ekrk@ firk @laj{kd dk uke ………………………………………...…..       .……........
         Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in
                        Children with Tuberculosis
                 T. Shahab, M.S. Zoha, M. Ashraf Malik, Abida Malik* and K. Afzal
        From the Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology*, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,
                                     AMU, Aligarh, UP 202 002, India.
        Correspondence to: Dr. Kamran Afzal, Department of Pediatrics, JN Medical College, Aligarh
               Mulsim University, Aligarh, UP 202 002, India. E-mail:
               Manuscript received: July 1, 2003, Initial review completed: August 14, 2003;
                                 Revision accepted: November 28, 2003.

This prospective study was carried out in the pediatric ward and outpatient department of a tertiary care
centre to estimate the prevalence of HIV seropositivity in children with tuberculosis. Two hundred and fifty
consecutive children below 12 years of age with (pulmonary and Extrapulmonary) tuberculosis diagnosed
between March 1999 and July 2000 were screened for HIV infection. A patient was labeled as HIV positive if
two consecutive ELISA tests were found positive using different antigen/principle. Supplemental western blot
test was also done. Parents ofseropositive children were also screened for HIV infection and tuberculosis.
Total 5 cases were HIV positive giving a seroprevalence of 2%. All the five patients had disseminated
tuberculosis. We suggest regular screening of children with disseminated/miliary tuberculosis for HIV co-
conducted by Shahab et al. from the AMU, UP, India,
                            INDIAN PEDIATRICS,VOLUME 41__JUNE 17, 2004)

1-An study conducted by Hussain et al.“Seroprevalence of HIV infection among pediatric tuberculosis
patients in Agra, India”: from 2003 to 2004,

2-Recently                                                 by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)
General Information
The SD BIOLINE HIV-1/2 test is an immunochromatographic test for the
qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotyoes (IgG, IgM, IgA) specific to HIV-1
including subtype O and HIV-2 simultaneously, in human serum, plasma or whole
•3rd Generation Method (Direct Sandwich Method, Ag-Ab-Ag)
•Serum, Plasma, Whole Blood
•Detects all antibodies including Subtype "O"
•Highly sensitive, even to IgM during early infection stage
•Differentiation of HIV-1 and HIV-2 by clear 3-line formation.
•Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity : 99.8%
•Capture Ag: HIV-1 (p24, gp41),HIV-2 (gp36)Ag
•Evaluated by WHO (Sensitivity 100%, Specificty 99.3%)
•Procured by WHO,UNICEF, etc.
•Long shelf life: 24 months at Room Temperature
HIV antigens are immobilized on a porous immunofiltration membrane. Sample and reagents pass through the membrane
and are absorbed into the underlying absorbent. As the patient's sample passes through the membrane, HIV antibodies, if
present, bind to the Immobilized antigens. Conjugate binds to the Fc portion of the HIV antibodies to give distinct pinkish
purple DOT against a white background. (Fig.-3)

1. The kit works best when used with fresh samples. Samples which have been frozen and thawed several times contain
particulates which can block the membrane, hence resulting in improper flow of reagents and high background colour
which may make the interpretation of results difficult.
2. Optimum test performance depends on strict adherence to the test procedure as described in this manual. Any deviation
from test procedure may lead to erratic results.
3. HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses share many morphological and biological characteristics. It is likely that due to this, their
antibodies have a cross reactivity of 30-70%. Appearance of test for HIV-1& /or HIV-2 antibodies on the test device does not
necessarily imply co-infection from HIV-1 & HIV-2.
4. Some samples show cross reactivity for HIV antibodies. Following factors are found to cause false positive HIV antibody
test results: Naturally occurring antibodies, Passive immunization, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Myco-bacterium avium, Herpes
simplex, Hypergamma-globulinemia, Malignant neoplasms, Rheumatoid arthritis, Tetanus vaccination, Autoimmune
diseases, Blood Transfusion, Multiple myeloma, Haemophelia, Heat treated specimens, Lipemic serum, Anti-nuclear
antibodies, T-cell leukocyte antigen antibodies, Epstein Barr virus, HLA antibodies and other retroviruses.
5. This is only a screening test. All samples detected reactive must be confirmed by using HIV Western Blot. Therefore for a
definitive diagnosis, the patient’s clinical history, symptomatology as well as serological data, should be considered. The
results should be reported only after complying with above procedure.
NACO Guidelines to detect HIV infection in Asymptomatic individuals
                    3 test kit RequiredSlide 7

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HIV in Tubercular children

  • 1. Presented by Guided by Dr. Virendra Gupta Dr. Jagdish Singh SPMCHI, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
  • 2. INTRODUCTION • Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading killer among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). • More than 33 million people now live with HIV/AIDS, out of them 2.5 million are under the age of 15yr(UNICEF report 2010) • At least one in four deaths among people living with HIV can be attributed to TB. • Addressing the TB and HIV epidemics are key priorities for WHO.
  • 3. HIV Prevalence in Incident TB Cases 2010 • Global 23.0% • India 5.0% • Rajasthan 2.0% • Sources: WHO, Global Tuberculosis Control 2011, available at For country data, see also WHO, TB database, available at
  • 4. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • To know the magnitude of HIV infection in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis. • To know the differences in clinical profile of tuberculosis between HIV+ve and HIV-ve patients in pediatric age group
  • 5. MATERIAL AND METHODS Study design and setting : Hospital based, observational, descriptive study. Subjects : Patients with diagnosis of tuberculosis(as per RNTCP guidelines) attending the pediatric DOTS Center / OPD and IPD Patients of SPMCHI . Sample size : Included 315 eligible patients from Sept. 2011 to Sept. 2012.
  • 6. INCLUSION CRITERIA • Age - 6 weeks to 15 years. • Fulfilling the criteria for diagnosis of tuberculosis. (As per RNTCP guidelines ) • Willing to give written informed consent.
  • 7. METHODS • Detailed clinical history • Complete general, physical and systemic examination • Relevant investigations • Fulfilled the criteria for diagnosis of tuberculosis were screened for HIV infection ( As Per NACO Guidelines )
  • 8. NACO Guidelines to diagnose HIV • < 18 Month-DNA PCR 3 Test kits required A1 • > 18 Month – A1 +Ve A1 -Ve (Report Negative) 3 Different antibody test A2 A1- Combaid Test Kit (ELISA) A1 + A2+ A1+ A2- A2- SD Bioline (Immunochromatographic) ( Report positive ) A3 A3- Tridot Test Kit (Immunofiltration) A1+ A2- A3 + A1+ A2- A3 - (Indeterminate ) ( Report Negative)
  • 9. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS • Qualitative Data summarized in percentage & Quantitative data in form of mean +/- SD • Quantitative data analyzed with parametric tests (unpaired t-test) while Qualitative data analyzed with non- parametric tests (χ2 test and z-test for difference of proportions).
  • 10. RESULTS Out of 315 patients, 22 were HIV positive(6.98%) 6.98% HIV +ve HIV-Ve 92.02%
  • 11. Age and sex distribution of total TB patients Age group Male Female Total No.(%) No.(%) No.(%) 06wk -1 year 16 (05.07) 11 (03.49) 27 (08.57) (Infancy) 1y-5y 58 (18.41) 46 (14.60) 104 (33.01) (Pre school ) 5y-10y 54 (17.14) 43 (13.65) 97 (30.79) (School going) >10y 48 (15.24) 39 (12.38) 87 (27.62) (Adolescent) Total 176 (55.87) 139 (44.12) 315
  • 12. Age and Sex Distribution of Total TB Patient Male To Female Ratio - 1.21:1 60 No. of patients 50 40 30 Male 20 Female 10 0 06wk -1 year 1y-5y 5y-10y >10y Male Female Total Mean age 7.18 ± 4.39 Yr 7.30 ± 4.36 Yr 7.23 ± 4.35 Yr
  • 13. OPD/IPD Distribution of Total TB Patient 100% 6 90% (27.27%) 80% 215 IPD 70% 221 (73.38%) (70.16%) 60% 50% OPD 40% 16 (72.73%) 30% 78 94 20% (26.62%) (29.84%) 10% 0% HIV+ve Hiv-ve Total
  • 14. Socio-Demogrphic Distribution Rural Urban 8 134 126 (36.36%) (42.54%) (43.00%) 14 167 181 (63.64%) (57.00%) (57.46%) HIV+ve Hiv-ve Total
  • 15. Distribution of tuberculosis patients according to type of tuberculosis and HIV serostatus 100% 80% 123 9 161 60% (87.23%) (90%) (98.17%) 40% 18 1 20% 3 (12.77%) (10%) 0% (1.83%) Pulmonary Disseminated Extra- /Miliary Pulmonary HIV-Ve 87.23 90 98.17 HIV+Ve 12.77 10 1.83 Chi- square = 86.070 p-value = <0.0001
  • 16. Nutritional Status of Tubercular children according to HIV serostatus Wt/Age % 70.69% 69.95% 72.00% 70.00% 68.00% 66.00% HIV+ve 64.00% 60.37% 62.00% HIV-ve 60.00% 58.00% Total 56.00% 54.00% HIV+ve HIV-ve Total Chi- square = 48.039 p-value = 0.038
  • 17. Comparison of Symptoms profile in HIV +ve And HIV –ve Tubercular Children symptom HIV +ve HIV-ve Total p-value 90 81.81% No. No. No. 80 71.33% (%) (%) (%) 70 63.48% 59.09% 59.09% 60 Weight 18 186 206 0.13 50 45.05% 45.45% loss (81.81) ( 63.48) (65.39) 40 Pyrexia 13 209 222 0.33 30 >14 Day (59.09) (71.33) (70.47) 20 10.23% 10 cough >14 13 132 145 0.29 0 Day (59.09) (45.05 ) (46.03) Weight Pyrexia cough Loose loss >14 Days >14 Days Motion Loose 10 30 40 <0.001 Motion (45.45) (10.23 ) (12.70) HIV +ve HIV-ve
  • 18. Comparison of Signs in HIV +ve And HIV –ve Tubercular Children 68.18% Sign HIV +ve HIV-ve Total p-value 70 62.12% NO NO NO 60 (%) (%) (%) 50 41.81% Pallor 15 182 197 NS 40 27.77% (68.18) (62.12) (62.54) 30 20 15.35% 13.99% HSM 07 45 52 0.04 10 (41.81) (15.35) (60.50) 0 Pallor HSM LNP LNP 05 41 46 0.12 (27.77) ( 13.99) (14.60) HIV +ve HIV-ve HSM=Hepatospleenomegaly ,LNP= Lymphadenopathy
  • 19. Comparison of Investigations in HIV+ve And HIV–ve Tubercular Children % 68.18 70 60 54.92 53.92 49.48 48.49 50 40.9 38.1 35.49 40 30 20 7.27 4.434.43 10 0 0 Radiological Mantoux Test BCG Scar Sputum /GA Lesion AFB HIV+ve 68.18 40.9 7.27 0 HIV-ve 53.92 49.48 35.49 4.43 Total 54.92 48.49 38.1 4.43
  • 20. CONCLUSION • Magnitude of HIV sero-positivity is 6.98% in Tubercular children. • Co-existence of HIV is more with Pulmonary, Disseminated & Miliary tuberculosis than Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis. • HIV positive children suffer more often with severe symptoms.
  • 21. RECOMMENDATIONS • Health personnel need to recognize such dual infection and take proper steps to manage the epidemic. • HIV screening should be carried out in all tubercular children.
  • 23. FLOW CHART 649 CASE DIAGNOSED TB(As Per RNTCP Guidelines ) 334 CASE EXCLUDED •Not Given Consent •Unwilling To Blood Sampling •Drop Out 315 CASES INCLUDED IN STUDY HIV TEST DONE (As Per NACO Guidelines) 22 case HIV +Ve 293 CASE HIV -Ve Results are shown after statistical data applied
  • 24. RESULTS • Out of 315 patients, 22 were HIV positive(6.98%). • 57.46% were rural, Most patients were in the school going age (43.80%). • M:F ratio was 1.21:1, Mean weight for age was 69.94%. • History of contact with tuberculosis in 47.94%. • 52.06% of cases had one or more extra-pulmonary tubercular sites. • And 3.17% disseminated or military tuberculosis
  • 25. RESULTS • Out of 315 tubercular children, 22 were HIV positive(6.98%). • 57.46% were rural patients • Most patients were in the school going age (5-12yr)group (43.80%). • Male to female ratio was 1.21:1. • Mean weight for age was 69.94%. • History of contact with tuberculosis in 47.94%. • 52.06% of cases had one or more extra-pulmonary tubercular sites. • And 3.17% disseminated or military tuberculosis
  • 26. Distribution of tuberculosis patients according to type of tuberculosis.. and HIV serostatus Type of disease HIV +Ve HIV –Ve Total Pulmonary 18 (81.81) 123 (41.97) 141 (44.76 ) Diss.TB / Mill.TB 1 (04.55) 9 (03.07) 10 (03.17) Extra-pulmonary 3 (13.64) 161 (54.95) 164 (52.06) TOTAL 22 (06.98) 293 (93.02) 315(100) P- Value < .0001
  • 27. Distribution of tuberculosis patients according to type of tuberculosis and HIV serostatus HIV +Ve HIV -Ve 0% 4.5% 4.5% 6% 1% 3% 4.5% 4.5% 0% 10% 42% 10% 82% 28% Pulmonary TBM Pleural effusion Lymphadenopathy(LN) Abd. Tb(ABD) other Diss.tb/Mill. Pulmonary TBM
  • 28. Comparison of clinical profile in HIV +ve And HIV –ve Tubercular Children Signs and HIV +ve HIV-ve Total p-value symptoms Pyrexia >14 13(59.09) 209(71.33) 222(70.47) 0.14 Day cough >14 13(59.09) 132(45.05 ) 145(46.03) 0.07 Day Weight loss 18(81.81) 186( 63.48) 206(65.39) 0.04 Mean 60.37% 70.69% 69.95% 0.03 Wt/Age Lymphadeno 05(27.77) 41( 13.99) 46(14.60) 0.12 pathy Hepatosplee 07(41.81) 45(15.35) 52(60.50) 0.04 nomegaly Loos Motion 10(45.45) 30(10.23 ) 40(12.70) <0.0007
  • 29. Comparison of clinical profile in HIV +ve And HIV –ve Tubercular Children 90 80 70 60 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 Wt loss Fever > cough HSM Loos BCG L. N . 14 D >14 D Motion Scar HIV +ve 81.81 59.09 59.09 41.81 45.45 27.27 18.18 HIV-ve 63.48 71.33 45.05 15.35 10.23 35.49 20.13
  • 30. Study the Magnitude of HIV Infection in Tubercular Children and Their Clinical Profile ABSTRACT Introduction: Tuberculosis was noted to be the most frequent cause of death amongst people living with HIV not only in India but all over the world. Aims and objectives: To know the magnitude and differences in clinical profile of HIV infection in tubercular children. Study design and setting: Hospital based cross-sectional & descriptive study. Material & method: Study group included patients attending hospital during period Sept. 2011 to Sept. 2012, diagnosed with tuberculosis as per NACO guidelines and screened for HIV infection. Results: Out of 315 tubercular children, 22 were HIV positive giving a magnitude of 6.98%, Most patients were in the school going age (5-12yr)group (43.80%). The male to female ratio was1.21:1. Mean weight for age was 69.94%. History of contact with tuberculosis was present in 47.94%. Out of HIV positive cases Fever(81.81%),weight loss(81.81%) and weakness(81.81%) were most frequent complaints followed by cough(68.18%). Examination showed hepatosplenomegaly(41.81%) and lymphadenopathy(18.18%). Chest X-ray revealed miliary findings in 10.8%. Out of total number, 57.46% were rural patients. 52.06% of cases had one or more extra-pulmonary tubercular sites, and 03.17% disseminated or military tuberculosis. BCG vaccination was seen in only 34.92% cases. Overall Mantoux test positivity was 8.49%. Conclusion: Increasing magnitude of HIV seropositivity with positive patients more likely to suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis while HIV negative with extra pulmonary involvement. HIV-positive children suffer from prolonged symptoms. Health personnel need to recognize such dual infection and take proper steps to manage the epidemic. HIV screening should be carried out in patients with prolonged illness resistant to usual mode of treatment. Keywords: HIV, Paediatric tuberculosis, Magnitude, seropositivity
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  • 34. RNTCP
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  • 39. - eSa firk / ekrk /laj{kd………………… fuoklh………………………………. vius iw.kZ Lora= vkSj LoSfPNd :i ls “STUDY OF OCCURRENCE OF HIV IN TUBERCULAR CHILD AND THEIR CLINICAL PROFILE” uke ds v/;;u esa vius cPps dks lfEefyr gksus dh lgerh nsrk @nsrh gwW A fpfdRld us eq>s viuh Hkk"kk esa] rFkk tksf[ke vkSj ykHk ds ckjsa esa le>k;k gS A eq>s crk fn;k gS fd [kwu esa HIV dh tkWp, o t:jr iMus ij vU; tkap dh tk;saxh A eq>s ;g Hkh crk;k x;k gS fd esjh xksiuh;rk cukbZ j[kh tk,xh vkSj lHkh tkWp vkSj gLr{ksi esjh lgerh ds ckn gh fd;s tk,xsa A eq>s le>k;k x;k gS fd eS fdlh Hkh oDr] dksbZ dkj.k fn;s fcuk ] fcuk tqekZus ds v?;;u ls ckgj fudy ldrk @ldrh gWw A •Signature / thumb impression……………………..………..…Date………….… • …………………………………………………………….. …………… •name of the mother/ father/guardian……………………………Date…….……. •ekrk@ firk @laj{kd dk uke ………………………………………...….. .……........
  • 40. SEED ARTICLE Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Children with Tuberculosis T. Shahab, M.S. Zoha, M. Ashraf Malik, Abida Malik* and K. Afzal From the Departments of Pediatrics and Microbiology*, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, UP 202 002, India. Correspondence to: Dr. Kamran Afzal, Department of Pediatrics, JN Medical College, Aligarh Mulsim University, Aligarh, UP 202 002, India. E-mail: Manuscript received: July 1, 2003, Initial review completed: August 14, 2003; Revision accepted: November 28, 2003. ABSTRECT This prospective study was carried out in the pediatric ward and outpatient department of a tertiary care centre to estimate the prevalence of HIV seropositivity in children with tuberculosis. Two hundred and fifty consecutive children below 12 years of age with (pulmonary and Extrapulmonary) tuberculosis diagnosed between March 1999 and July 2000 were screened for HIV infection. A patient was labeled as HIV positive if two consecutive ELISA tests were found positive using different antigen/principle. Supplemental western blot test was also done. Parents ofseropositive children were also screened for HIV infection and tuberculosis. Total 5 cases were HIV positive giving a seroprevalence of 2%. All the five patients had disseminated tuberculosis. We suggest regular screening of children with disseminated/miliary tuberculosis for HIV co- infection.
  • 42. REVIEW OF LITERATURE • “PREVALENCE OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS INFECTION IN CHILDREN WITH TUBERCULOSIS” conducted by Shahab et al. from the AMU, UP, India, CONCLUSION INDIAN PEDIATRICS,VOLUME 41__JUNE 17, 2004) 1-An study conducted by Hussain et al.“Seroprevalence of HIV infection among pediatric tuberculosis patients in Agra, India”: from 2003 to 2004, CONCLUSION: 2-Recently by National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)
  • 43. S D RAPID KIT TEST General Information The SD BIOLINE HIV-1/2 test is an immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of antibodies of all isotyoes (IgG, IgM, IgA) specific to HIV-1 including subtype O and HIV-2 simultaneously, in human serum, plasma or whole blood. •3rd Generation Method (Direct Sandwich Method, Ag-Ab-Ag) •Serum, Plasma, Whole Blood •Detects all antibodies including Subtype "O" •Highly sensitive, even to IgM during early infection stage •Differentiation of HIV-1 and HIV-2 by clear 3-line formation. •Sensitivity: 100%, Specificity : 99.8% •Capture Ag: HIV-1 (p24, gp41),HIV-2 (gp36)Ag •Evaluated by WHO (Sensitivity 100%, Specificty 99.3%) •Procured by WHO,UNICEF, etc. •Long shelf life: 24 months at Room Temperature
  • 44.
  • 45. BI-DOT RAPID KIT TEST PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST HIV antigens are immobilized on a porous immunofiltration membrane. Sample and reagents pass through the membrane and are absorbed into the underlying absorbent. As the patient's sample passes through the membrane, HIV antibodies, if present, bind to the Immobilized antigens. Conjugate binds to the Fc portion of the HIV antibodies to give distinct pinkish purple DOT against a white background. (Fig.-3) LIMITATIONS OF THE TEST 1. The kit works best when used with fresh samples. Samples which have been frozen and thawed several times contain particulates which can block the membrane, hence resulting in improper flow of reagents and high background colour which may make the interpretation of results difficult. 2. Optimum test performance depends on strict adherence to the test procedure as described in this manual. Any deviation from test procedure may lead to erratic results. 3. HIV-1 and HIV-2 viruses share many morphological and biological characteristics. It is likely that due to this, their antibodies have a cross reactivity of 30-70%. Appearance of test for HIV-1& /or HIV-2 antibodies on the test device does not necessarily imply co-infection from HIV-1 & HIV-2. 4. Some samples show cross reactivity for HIV antibodies. Following factors are found to cause false positive HIV antibody test results: Naturally occurring antibodies, Passive immunization, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Myco-bacterium avium, Herpes simplex, Hypergamma-globulinemia, Malignant neoplasms, Rheumatoid arthritis, Tetanus vaccination, Autoimmune diseases, Blood Transfusion, Multiple myeloma, Haemophelia, Heat treated specimens, Lipemic serum, Anti-nuclear antibodies, T-cell leukocyte antigen antibodies, Epstein Barr virus, HLA antibodies and other retroviruses. 5. This is only a screening test. All samples detected reactive must be confirmed by using HIV Western Blot. Therefore for a definitive diagnosis, the patient’s clinical history, symptomatology as well as serological data, should be considered. The results should be reported only after complying with above procedure.
  • 46. NACO Guidelines to detect HIV infection in Asymptomatic individuals 3 test kit RequiredSlide 7