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Publication of precise trigonometry tables,
improvement of surveying methods using
trigonometry, and mathematical analysis of
trigonometric relationships. (approx. 1530 – 1600)
• Logarithms introduced by Napier in 1614 as a
calculation aid. This advances science in a
manner similar to the introduction of the
Explosion of mathematical and scientific ideas
across Europe, a period sometimes called the Age
of Reason.
The Logarithm of a number is the exponent when
the number is expressed as a power of 10 (or any
other base). It is effectively the inverse of
Development of symbolic algebra,
principally by the French mathematicians
Francois Viete and Rene Descartes
The cartesian coordinate system and
analytic geometry developed by Rene
Descartes and Pierre Fermat (1630 – 1640)
François Viète(1540-1603)
In his influential treatise In Artem
Analyticam Isagoge (Introduction to the
Analytic Art, published in 1591) Viète
demonstrated the value of symbols. He
suggested using letters as symbols for
quantities, both known and unknown.
The development of analytical geometry
and Cartesian coordinates of Descartes in
the mid-17th century soon allowed the
orbits of the planets to be plotted on a
graph, as well as laying the foundations for
the later development of calculus (and
much later multi-dimensional geometry)
Two other French mathematicians were
close contemporaries of Descartes: Pierre
de Fermat and Blaise Pascal. Fermat
formulated several theorem which greatly
extended the knowledge in number theory.
Pascal is most famous for Pascal’s Triangle
of binomial coefficients.
French mathematicians and engineer
Girard Desagues is considered one of the
founders of the field of projective
geometry, later developed further by Jean
Victor Poncelet and Gaspard Monge.
He developed the pivotal concept of “point
of infinity” where parallels actually meet.
Johannes Kepler(1571-1630)
Kepler’s first attempt to describe
planetary orbits used a model of nested
regular polyhedral (Platonic solids).
By “standing on the shoulders of giants”,
the Englishman Sir Isaac Newton was able
to pin down the laws of physics, laid the
groundwork for classical mechanics, almost
Newton along with Archimedes and Gauss,
as one of the greatest mathematicians of
all time.
Calculus co-invented by Isaac Newton and
Gottfried Leibniz. Major ideas of the calculus
expanded and refined by others, especially
the Bernoulli family and Leonhard Euler.
(approx. 1660 – 1750).
A powerful tool to solve scientific and
engineering problems, it opened the door to
a scientific and mathematical revolution.
Both Newton and Leibniz contributed greatly
in areas of mathematics, including Newton’s
contributions to a generalized binomial
theorem, the theory of finite differences and
the use of infinite series, and Leibniz’s
development of a mechanical forerunner to
the computer and the use of a matrices to
solve linear equations.
Newton is considered by many to be one of the
most influential men in human history. The
“Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”
(simply “Principia”) is considered to be among
the most influential books in the history of
science, it dominated the scientific view of the
physical universe for the next three centuries.
“Mathematics Principle of Natural Philosophy”
The period was dominated, though, by one
family, the Bernoulli’s of Basel in Switzerland,
which boasted two or three generations of
exceptional mathematicians, particularly the
brothers, Jacob and Johann.
There were largely responsible for developing
Leibniz’s infinitesimal calculus known as
“calculus of variations” as well as Pascal and
Fermat’s probability and number theory.
Unusually in the history of math, a single family,
the Bernoulli’s produced half a dozen
outstanding mathematicians over a couple of
generations at the end of the 17th and start of
the 18th Century.
James Bernoulli (1654-1705) carrying out his
father’s wish for him to enter the ministry, took
a degree in theology at the University of Basel in
1676. (Jacques, Jacob)
John Bernoulli (1667-1748), like his brother
James, ran counter to his father’s plan regarding
his work in life. He was being privately tutored
by his brother in the mathematical sciences.
When Leibniz’s papers began to appear in the
Acta Eruditorum, John mastered the new
methods and followed in Jame’s footsteps as one
of the leading exponents of the calculus. (Jean,
After Johann graduated, the two developed a
rather jealous and competitive relationship.
Johann in particular was jealous of the elder
Jacob’s position as professor at Basel University.
Johann merely shifted his jealousy toward his own
talented son, Daniel. Johann received a taste of his
own medicine, though, when his student Guillaume
de l’Hopital published a book in his own name
consisting almost all of Johann’s lectures.
Despite their competitive and combative
relationship, though, the brothers had constantly
challenged and inspired each other. They
established an early correspondence with Gottfried
Leibniz, and were among the first mathematicians
to not only study and understand infinitesimal
calculus but to apply it to various problems.
Designing a sloping ramp, a less steeped curved ramp
- brachistochrone curve (upside-down cycloid)
Calculus of variations
Book: The Art of Conjecture (1713)
Bernoulli Numbers Sequence
Technique for solving separable differential equations
Polar coordinates & Integrals (angles and distances)
Approximate value of the irrational number e.
Pierre-Simon Laplace, “the French Newton”, was an
important mathematician and astronomer, whose
monumental work “Celestial Mechanics”. His early
work was mainly on differential equations and finite
differences, he was already thinking about the
mathematical and philosophical concepts of
probability and statistics in the 1770’s and he
developed his own version of the so-called Bayesian
Interpretation of probability (Thomas Bayes)
Another Frenchman, Gaspard Monge was the
inventor of descriptive geometry, a clever method
of representing three dimensional objects by
projections on the two-dimensional plane using a
specific set of procedures, a technique which would
later become important in the fields of engineering,
architecture and design. His orthographic projection
became the graphical method used in almost all
modern mechanical drawing.
After many centuries of increasingly accurate
approximations, Johann Lambert, a swiss mathematician
and prominent astronomer, finally provided a rigorous
proof in 1761 that pi (𝜋) is irrational, i.e. it can not be
expressed as a simple fraction using integers only or as a
terminating or repeating decimal
He also first introduce hyperbolic functions into
trigonometry and made some prescient conjectures
regarding non-Euclidean space and the properties of
hyperbolic triangles.
One of the giants of the 18th Century mathematics. Born
in Basel Switzerland, and he studied for a while under
Johann Bernoulli at Basel University but he spent most of
his time in Russia and Germany.
He produced one mathematical paper every week – as he
compensated for it with his mental calculation skills and
photographic memory (for example he could repeat the
Aeneid of Virgil from beginning to end without hesitation,
and for every page in the edition he could indicate which
line was the first and which the last.
Today, Euler is considered one of the greatest
mathematicians of all time. His interests covered almost
all aspects of mathematics, from geometry to calculus to
trigonometry to algebra to number theory, as well as
optics, astronomy, cartography, mechanics, weights and
measures and even the theory of music.
The list of theorems and methods pioneered by Euler is
immense, and largely outside the scope of an entry-level
study but to mention, these are just some of them:
The definition of Euler Characteristics (Chi) for the
surface of polyhedral
A new method for solving quadratic equations
The Prime Number theorem
Proofs (and disproofs) of some of Fermat’s theorems and
A method of calculating integrals with complex limits
The calculus of variations
Joseph Fourier's study, at the beginning of the
19th Century, of infinite sums in which the terms
are trigonometric functions were another
important advance in mathematical analysis.
Periodic functions that can be expressed as the
sum of an infinite series of sines and cosines are
known today as Fourier Series, and they are still
powerful tools in pure and applied mathematics.
In 1806, Jean-Robert Argand published his
paper on how complex numbers (of the
form a + bi, where i is √-1) could be
represented on geometric diagrams and
manipulated using trigonometry and
 The Frenchman Évariste Galois proved in the late 1820s that
there is no general algebraic method for solving polynomial
equations of any degree greater than four, going further than
the Norwegian Niels Henrik Abel who had, just a few years
earlier, shown the impossibility of solving quintic equations,
and breaching an impasse which had existed for centuries.
 Galois' work also laid the groundwork for further
developments such as the beginnings of the field of abstract
algebra, including areas like algebraic geometry, group
theory, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces and non-
commutative algebra.
Later in life, Gauss also claimed to have
investigated a kind of non-Euclidean geometry
using curved space but, unwilling to court
controversy, he decided not to pursue or publish
any of these avant-garde ideas. This left the field
open for János Bolyai and Nikolai Lobachevsky
(respectively, a Hungarian and a Russian) who
both independently explored the potential of
hyperbolic geometry and curved spaces.
British mathematics also saw something of a resurgence
in the early and mid-19th century. Although the roots of
the computer go back to the geared calculators of
Pascal and Leibniz in the 17th Century, it was Charles
Babbage in 19th Century England who designed a
machine that could automatically perform
computations based on a program of instructions stored
on cards or tape. His large "difference engine" of 1823
was able to calculate logarithms and trigonometric
functions, and was the true forerunner of the modern
electronic computer.
Another 19th Century Englishman, George
Peacock, is usually credited with the
invention of symbolic algebra, and the
extension of the scope of algebra beyond the
ordinary systems of numbers. This
recognition of the possible existence of non-
arithmetical algebras was an important
stepping stone toward future developments
in abstract algebra.
In the mid-19th Century, the British mathematician
George Boole devised an algebra (now called
Boolean algebra or Boolean logic), in which the only
operators were AND, OR and NOT, and which could
be applied to the solution of logical problems and
mathematical functions. He also described a kind of
binary system which used just two objects, "on" and
"off" (or "true" and "false", 0 and 1, etc), in which,
famously, 1 + 1 = 1. Boolean algebra was the starting
point of modern mathematical logic and ultimately
led to the development of computer science.
The concept of number and algebra was
further extended by the Irish
mathematician William Hamilton, whose
1843 theory of quaternions (a 4-
dimensional number system, where a
quantity representing a 3-dimensional
rotation can be described by just an angle
and a vector).
the Frenchman Augustin-Louis Cauchy,
completely reformulated calculus in an even
more rigorous fashion, leading to the
development of mathematical analysis, a branch
of pure mathematics largely concerned with the
notion of limits (whether it be the limit of a
sequence or the limit of a function) and with the
theories of differentiation, integration, infinite
series and analytic functions.
August Ferdinand Möbius is best known for his
1858 discovery of the Möbius strip, a non-
orientable two-dimensional surface which has
only one side when embedded in three-
dimensional Euclidean space (actually a
German, Johann Benedict Listing, devised the
same object just a couple of months before
Möbius, but it has come to hold Möbius'
Many other concepts are also named after
him, including the Möbius configuration,
Möbius transformations, the Möbius
transform of number theory, the Möbius
function and the Möbius inversion formula.
He also introduced homogeneous
coordinates and discussed geometric and
projective transformations.
The Norwegian mathematician Marius
Sophus Lie also applied algebra to the
study of geometry. He largely created the
theory of continuous symmetry, and
applied it to the geometric theory of
differential equations by means of
continuous groups of transformations
known as Lie groups.
In an unusual occurrence in 1866, an unknown
16-year old Italian, Niccolò Paganini,
discovered the second smallest pair of
amicable numbers (1,184 and 1210), which
had been completely overlooked by some of
the greatest mathematicians in history
(including Euler, who had identified over 60
such numbers in the 18th Century, some of
them huge).
Georg Cantor established the first foundations of
set theory, which enabled the rigorous treatment
of the notion of infinity, and which has since
become the common language of nearly all
mathematics. In the face of fierce resistance from
most of his contemporaries and his own battle
against mental illness, Cantor explored new
mathematical worlds where there were many
different infinities, some of which were larger than
A great friend of David Hilbert and teacher of
the young Albert Einstein, developed a branch
of number theory called the "geometry of
numbers" late in the 19th Century as a
geometrical method in multi-dimensional space
for solving number theory problems, involving
complex concepts such as convex sets, lattice
points and vector space.
Later, in 1907, it was Minkowski who
realized that the Einstein’s 1905 special
theory of relativity could be best
understood in a four-dimensional
space, often referred to as Minkowski
“Begriffsschrift” (roughly translated as
“Concept-Script”) broke new ground in the
field of logic, including a rigorous treatment
of the ideas of functions and variables. In his
attempt to show that mathematics grows out
of logic, he devised techniques that took him
far beyond the logical traditions of Aristotle
(and even of George Boole).
He was the first to explicitly
introduce the notion of variables in
logical statements, as well as the
notions of quantifiers, universals
and existentials.
came to prominence in the latter part of the
19th Century with at least a partial solution to
the “three body problem”, a deceptively simple
problem which had stubbornly resisted
resolution since the time of Newton, over two
hundred years earlier. Although his solution
actually proved to be erroneous, its
implications led to the early intimations of what
would later become known as chaos theory.
He is sometimes referred to as the
“Last Univeralist” as he was perhaps
the last mathematician able to shine in
almost all of the various aspects of
what had become by now a huge,
encyclopedic and incredibly complex
Hardy and Ramanujan
Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead
David Hilbert
Kurt Godel
Alan Turing
Andre Weil
Paul Cohen
Julia Robinson & Matiyasevich
Picture and Biography
Short Stories, Inspirational / Motivational Quotations
Contributions : Equations, Functions, Applications
and Technology.
Times New Roman, Normal Spacing, Font Size: 11
2 pages ONLY (Compiled - Soft Copies)
Deadline: October 16, 2019
The 20th Century continued the trend of
the 19th towards increasing generalization
and abstraction in mathematics, in which
the notion of axioms as “self-evident
truths” was largely discarded in favour of
an emphasis on such logical concepts as
consistency and completeness.
It also saw mathematics become a major profession,
involving thousands of new Ph.D.s each year and jobs
in both teaching and industry, and the development
of hundreds of specialized areas and fields of study,
such as group theory, knot theory, sheaf theory,
topology, graph theory, functional analysis,
singularity theory, catastrophe theory, chaos theory,
model theory, category theory, game theory,
complexity theory and many more.
 The eccentric British mathematician G.H. Hardy and his
young Indian protégé Srinivasa Ramanujan, were just two of
the great mathematicians of the early 20th Century who
applied themselves in earnest to solving problems of the
previous century, such as the Riemann hypothesis. Although
they came close, they too were defeated by that most
intractable of problems, but Hardy is credited with
reforming British mathematics, which had sunk to
something of a low ebb at that time, and Ramanujan proved
himself to be one of the most brilliant (if somewhat
undisciplined and unstable) minds of the century.
The early 20th Century also saw the beginnings of
the rise of the field of mathematical logic, building
on the earlier advances of Gottlob Frege, which
came to fruition in the hands of Giuseppe Peano,
L.E.J. Brouwer, David Hilbert and, particularly,
Bertrand Russell and A.N. Whitehead, whose
monumental joint work the “Principia
Mathematica” was so influential in mathematical
and philosophical logicism.
The century began with a historic
convention at the Sorbonne in Paris in the
summer of 1900 which is largely
remembered for a lecture by the young
German mathematician David Hilbert in
which he set out what he saw as the 23
greatest unsolved mathematical problems
of the day.
These “Hilbert problems” effectively set the
agenda for 20th Century mathematics, and laid
down the gauntlet for generations of
mathematicians to come. Of these original 23
problems, 10 have now been solved, 7 are
partially solved, and 2 (the Riemann hypothesis
and the Kronecker-Weber theorem on abelian
extensions) are still open, with the remaining 4
being too loosely formulated to be stated as
solved or not.
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History of Mathematics - Early to Present Period

  • 1.
  • 2. Publication of precise trigonometry tables, improvement of surveying methods using trigonometry, and mathematical analysis of trigonometric relationships. (approx. 1530 – 1600) • Logarithms introduced by Napier in 1614 as a calculation aid. This advances science in a manner similar to the introduction of the computer.
  • 3. Explosion of mathematical and scientific ideas across Europe, a period sometimes called the Age of Reason. The Logarithm of a number is the exponent when the number is expressed as a power of 10 (or any other base). It is effectively the inverse of exponentiation.
  • 4.
  • 5. Development of symbolic algebra, principally by the French mathematicians Francois Viete and Rene Descartes The cartesian coordinate system and analytic geometry developed by Rene Descartes and Pierre Fermat (1630 – 1640)
  • 6. François Viète(1540-1603) In his influential treatise In Artem Analyticam Isagoge (Introduction to the Analytic Art, published in 1591) Viète demonstrated the value of symbols. He suggested using letters as symbols for quantities, both known and unknown.
  • 7. The development of analytical geometry and Cartesian coordinates of Descartes in the mid-17th century soon allowed the orbits of the planets to be plotted on a graph, as well as laying the foundations for the later development of calculus (and much later multi-dimensional geometry)
  • 8. Two other French mathematicians were close contemporaries of Descartes: Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal. Fermat formulated several theorem which greatly extended the knowledge in number theory. Pascal is most famous for Pascal’s Triangle of binomial coefficients.
  • 9. French mathematicians and engineer Girard Desagues is considered one of the founders of the field of projective geometry, later developed further by Jean Victor Poncelet and Gaspard Monge. He developed the pivotal concept of “point of infinity” where parallels actually meet.
  • 10. Johannes Kepler(1571-1630) Kepler’s first attempt to describe planetary orbits used a model of nested regular polyhedral (Platonic solids).
  • 11. By “standing on the shoulders of giants”, the Englishman Sir Isaac Newton was able to pin down the laws of physics, laid the groundwork for classical mechanics, almost single-handledly. Newton along with Archimedes and Gauss, as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.
  • 12. Calculus co-invented by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Major ideas of the calculus expanded and refined by others, especially the Bernoulli family and Leonhard Euler. (approx. 1660 – 1750). A powerful tool to solve scientific and engineering problems, it opened the door to a scientific and mathematical revolution.
  • 13. Both Newton and Leibniz contributed greatly in areas of mathematics, including Newton’s contributions to a generalized binomial theorem, the theory of finite differences and the use of infinite series, and Leibniz’s development of a mechanical forerunner to the computer and the use of a matrices to solve linear equations.
  • 14. Newton is considered by many to be one of the most influential men in human history. The “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica” (simply “Principia”) is considered to be among the most influential books in the history of science, it dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. “Mathematics Principle of Natural Philosophy”
  • 15.
  • 16. The period was dominated, though, by one family, the Bernoulli’s of Basel in Switzerland, which boasted two or three generations of exceptional mathematicians, particularly the brothers, Jacob and Johann. There were largely responsible for developing Leibniz’s infinitesimal calculus known as “calculus of variations” as well as Pascal and Fermat’s probability and number theory.
  • 17. Unusually in the history of math, a single family, the Bernoulli’s produced half a dozen outstanding mathematicians over a couple of generations at the end of the 17th and start of the 18th Century. James Bernoulli (1654-1705) carrying out his father’s wish for him to enter the ministry, took a degree in theology at the University of Basel in 1676. (Jacques, Jacob)
  • 18. John Bernoulli (1667-1748), like his brother James, ran counter to his father’s plan regarding his work in life. He was being privately tutored by his brother in the mathematical sciences. When Leibniz’s papers began to appear in the Acta Eruditorum, John mastered the new methods and followed in Jame’s footsteps as one of the leading exponents of the calculus. (Jean, Johann)
  • 19. After Johann graduated, the two developed a rather jealous and competitive relationship. Johann in particular was jealous of the elder Jacob’s position as professor at Basel University. Johann merely shifted his jealousy toward his own talented son, Daniel. Johann received a taste of his own medicine, though, when his student Guillaume de l’Hopital published a book in his own name consisting almost all of Johann’s lectures.
  • 20. Despite their competitive and combative relationship, though, the brothers had constantly challenged and inspired each other. They established an early correspondence with Gottfried Leibniz, and were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand infinitesimal calculus but to apply it to various problems.
  • 21. Contributions: Designing a sloping ramp, a less steeped curved ramp - brachistochrone curve (upside-down cycloid) Calculus of variations Book: The Art of Conjecture (1713) Bernoulli Numbers Sequence Technique for solving separable differential equations Polar coordinates & Integrals (angles and distances) Approximate value of the irrational number e.
  • 22. Pierre-Simon Laplace, “the French Newton”, was an important mathematician and astronomer, whose monumental work “Celestial Mechanics”. His early work was mainly on differential equations and finite differences, he was already thinking about the mathematical and philosophical concepts of probability and statistics in the 1770’s and he developed his own version of the so-called Bayesian Interpretation of probability (Thomas Bayes)
  • 23. Another Frenchman, Gaspard Monge was the inventor of descriptive geometry, a clever method of representing three dimensional objects by projections on the two-dimensional plane using a specific set of procedures, a technique which would later become important in the fields of engineering, architecture and design. His orthographic projection became the graphical method used in almost all modern mechanical drawing.
  • 24. After many centuries of increasingly accurate approximations, Johann Lambert, a swiss mathematician and prominent astronomer, finally provided a rigorous proof in 1761 that pi (𝜋) is irrational, i.e. it can not be expressed as a simple fraction using integers only or as a terminating or repeating decimal He also first introduce hyperbolic functions into trigonometry and made some prescient conjectures regarding non-Euclidean space and the properties of hyperbolic triangles.
  • 25. One of the giants of the 18th Century mathematics. Born in Basel Switzerland, and he studied for a while under Johann Bernoulli at Basel University but he spent most of his time in Russia and Germany. He produced one mathematical paper every week – as he compensated for it with his mental calculation skills and photographic memory (for example he could repeat the Aeneid of Virgil from beginning to end without hesitation, and for every page in the edition he could indicate which line was the first and which the last.
  • 26. Today, Euler is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. His interests covered almost all aspects of mathematics, from geometry to calculus to trigonometry to algebra to number theory, as well as optics, astronomy, cartography, mechanics, weights and measures and even the theory of music. The list of theorems and methods pioneered by Euler is immense, and largely outside the scope of an entry-level study but to mention, these are just some of them:
  • 27. The definition of Euler Characteristics (Chi) for the surface of polyhedral A new method for solving quadratic equations The Prime Number theorem Proofs (and disproofs) of some of Fermat’s theorems and conjectures. A method of calculating integrals with complex limits The calculus of variations ETC.
  • 28.
  • 29. Joseph Fourier's study, at the beginning of the 19th Century, of infinite sums in which the terms are trigonometric functions were another important advance in mathematical analysis. Periodic functions that can be expressed as the sum of an infinite series of sines and cosines are known today as Fourier Series, and they are still powerful tools in pure and applied mathematics.
  • 30. In 1806, Jean-Robert Argand published his paper on how complex numbers (of the form a + bi, where i is √-1) could be represented on geometric diagrams and manipulated using trigonometry and vectors.
  • 31.  The Frenchman Évariste Galois proved in the late 1820s that there is no general algebraic method for solving polynomial equations of any degree greater than four, going further than the Norwegian Niels Henrik Abel who had, just a few years earlier, shown the impossibility of solving quintic equations, and breaching an impasse which had existed for centuries.  Galois' work also laid the groundwork for further developments such as the beginnings of the field of abstract algebra, including areas like algebraic geometry, group theory, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces and non- commutative algebra.
  • 32. Later in life, Gauss also claimed to have investigated a kind of non-Euclidean geometry using curved space but, unwilling to court controversy, he decided not to pursue or publish any of these avant-garde ideas. This left the field open for János Bolyai and Nikolai Lobachevsky (respectively, a Hungarian and a Russian) who both independently explored the potential of hyperbolic geometry and curved spaces.
  • 33. British mathematics also saw something of a resurgence in the early and mid-19th century. Although the roots of the computer go back to the geared calculators of Pascal and Leibniz in the 17th Century, it was Charles Babbage in 19th Century England who designed a machine that could automatically perform computations based on a program of instructions stored on cards or tape. His large "difference engine" of 1823 was able to calculate logarithms and trigonometric functions, and was the true forerunner of the modern electronic computer.
  • 34. Another 19th Century Englishman, George Peacock, is usually credited with the invention of symbolic algebra, and the extension of the scope of algebra beyond the ordinary systems of numbers. This recognition of the possible existence of non- arithmetical algebras was an important stepping stone toward future developments in abstract algebra.
  • 35. In the mid-19th Century, the British mathematician George Boole devised an algebra (now called Boolean algebra or Boolean logic), in which the only operators were AND, OR and NOT, and which could be applied to the solution of logical problems and mathematical functions. He also described a kind of binary system which used just two objects, "on" and "off" (or "true" and "false", 0 and 1, etc), in which, famously, 1 + 1 = 1. Boolean algebra was the starting point of modern mathematical logic and ultimately led to the development of computer science.
  • 36. The concept of number and algebra was further extended by the Irish mathematician William Hamilton, whose 1843 theory of quaternions (a 4- dimensional number system, where a quantity representing a 3-dimensional rotation can be described by just an angle and a vector).
  • 37. the Frenchman Augustin-Louis Cauchy, completely reformulated calculus in an even more rigorous fashion, leading to the development of mathematical analysis, a branch of pure mathematics largely concerned with the notion of limits (whether it be the limit of a sequence or the limit of a function) and with the theories of differentiation, integration, infinite series and analytic functions.
  • 38. August Ferdinand Möbius is best known for his 1858 discovery of the Möbius strip, a non- orientable two-dimensional surface which has only one side when embedded in three- dimensional Euclidean space (actually a German, Johann Benedict Listing, devised the same object just a couple of months before Möbius, but it has come to hold Möbius' name).
  • 39. Many other concepts are also named after him, including the Möbius configuration, Möbius transformations, the Möbius transform of number theory, the Möbius function and the Möbius inversion formula. He also introduced homogeneous coordinates and discussed geometric and projective transformations.
  • 40. The Norwegian mathematician Marius Sophus Lie also applied algebra to the study of geometry. He largely created the theory of continuous symmetry, and applied it to the geometric theory of differential equations by means of continuous groups of transformations known as Lie groups.
  • 41. In an unusual occurrence in 1866, an unknown 16-year old Italian, Niccolò Paganini, discovered the second smallest pair of amicable numbers (1,184 and 1210), which had been completely overlooked by some of the greatest mathematicians in history (including Euler, who had identified over 60 such numbers in the 18th Century, some of them huge).
  • 42. Georg Cantor established the first foundations of set theory, which enabled the rigorous treatment of the notion of infinity, and which has since become the common language of nearly all mathematics. In the face of fierce resistance from most of his contemporaries and his own battle against mental illness, Cantor explored new mathematical worlds where there were many different infinities, some of which were larger than others.
  • 43. A great friend of David Hilbert and teacher of the young Albert Einstein, developed a branch of number theory called the "geometry of numbers" late in the 19th Century as a geometrical method in multi-dimensional space for solving number theory problems, involving complex concepts such as convex sets, lattice points and vector space.
  • 44. Later, in 1907, it was Minkowski who realized that the Einstein’s 1905 special theory of relativity could be best understood in a four-dimensional space, often referred to as Minkowski space-time.
  • 45. “Begriffsschrift” (roughly translated as “Concept-Script”) broke new ground in the field of logic, including a rigorous treatment of the ideas of functions and variables. In his attempt to show that mathematics grows out of logic, he devised techniques that took him far beyond the logical traditions of Aristotle (and even of George Boole).
  • 46. He was the first to explicitly introduce the notion of variables in logical statements, as well as the notions of quantifiers, universals and existentials.
  • 47. came to prominence in the latter part of the 19th Century with at least a partial solution to the “three body problem”, a deceptively simple problem which had stubbornly resisted resolution since the time of Newton, over two hundred years earlier. Although his solution actually proved to be erroneous, its implications led to the early intimations of what would later become known as chaos theory.
  • 48. He is sometimes referred to as the “Last Univeralist” as he was perhaps the last mathematician able to shine in almost all of the various aspects of what had become by now a huge, encyclopedic and incredibly complex subject.
  • 49.
  • 50. Hardy and Ramanujan Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead David Hilbert Kurt Godel Alan Turing Andre Weil Paul Cohen Julia Robinson & Matiyasevich
  • 51. RESEARCH PROJECT Picture and Biography Short Stories, Inspirational / Motivational Quotations Contributions : Equations, Functions, Applications and Technology. Times New Roman, Normal Spacing, Font Size: 11 2 pages ONLY (Compiled - Soft Copies) Deadline: October 16, 2019
  • 52. The 20th Century continued the trend of the 19th towards increasing generalization and abstraction in mathematics, in which the notion of axioms as “self-evident truths” was largely discarded in favour of an emphasis on such logical concepts as consistency and completeness.
  • 53. It also saw mathematics become a major profession, involving thousands of new Ph.D.s each year and jobs in both teaching and industry, and the development of hundreds of specialized areas and fields of study, such as group theory, knot theory, sheaf theory, topology, graph theory, functional analysis, singularity theory, catastrophe theory, chaos theory, model theory, category theory, game theory, complexity theory and many more.
  • 54.  The eccentric British mathematician G.H. Hardy and his young Indian protégé Srinivasa Ramanujan, were just two of the great mathematicians of the early 20th Century who applied themselves in earnest to solving problems of the previous century, such as the Riemann hypothesis. Although they came close, they too were defeated by that most intractable of problems, but Hardy is credited with reforming British mathematics, which had sunk to something of a low ebb at that time, and Ramanujan proved himself to be one of the most brilliant (if somewhat undisciplined and unstable) minds of the century.
  • 55. The early 20th Century also saw the beginnings of the rise of the field of mathematical logic, building on the earlier advances of Gottlob Frege, which came to fruition in the hands of Giuseppe Peano, L.E.J. Brouwer, David Hilbert and, particularly, Bertrand Russell and A.N. Whitehead, whose monumental joint work the “Principia Mathematica” was so influential in mathematical and philosophical logicism.
  • 56. The century began with a historic convention at the Sorbonne in Paris in the summer of 1900 which is largely remembered for a lecture by the young German mathematician David Hilbert in which he set out what he saw as the 23 greatest unsolved mathematical problems of the day.
  • 57. These “Hilbert problems” effectively set the agenda for 20th Century mathematics, and laid down the gauntlet for generations of mathematicians to come. Of these original 23 problems, 10 have now been solved, 7 are partially solved, and 2 (the Riemann hypothesis and the Kronecker-Weber theorem on abelian extensions) are still open, with the remaining 4 being too loosely formulated to be stated as solved or not.
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