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Prideof Mathematics 1
Definition of
Mathematics and
the Main
Prideof Mathematics 2
Mathematics (from Greek μάθημα máthēma, “knowledge, study, learning”)
is the study of topics such as quantity(numbers), structure, space,
and change. There is a range of views among mathematicians and
philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics.
Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way
that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of
operations and their application to solving equations. It has two major
branches, differential calculus(concerning rates of change and slopes of
curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and
the areas under and between curves); these two branches are related to
each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make
use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite
sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit. Generally, modern
calculus is considered to have been developed in the 17th century by Isaac
Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Today, calculus has widespread uses
in science, engineering and economics and can solve many problems
that algebra alone cannot.
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Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon, "triangle" and metron,
) is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving
lengths and angles of triangles. The field emerged in the Hellenistic
world during the 3rd century BC from applications of geometry to
astronomical studies.
Algebra (from Arabic "al-jabr" meaning "reunion of broken
parts") is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with
number, geometry and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is
the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating
these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics.
Geometry deals with spatial relationships, using fundamental qualities
or axioms. Such axioms can be used in conjunction with mathematical
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definitions for points, straight lines, curves, surfaces, and solids to draw
logical conclusions.
The science of making effective use of numerical data from
experiments or from populations of individuals. Statistics includes not only
the collection, analysis and interpretation of such data, but also the
planning of the collection of data, in terms of the design
of surveys and experiments.
Arithmetic or arithmetics (from the Greek ἀριθμός arithmos,
"number") is the oldest and most elementary branch ofmathematics. It
consists of the study of numbers, especially the properties of the
traditional operations between them—
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Arithmetic is an
elementary part of number theory, and number theory is considered to be
one of the top-level divisions of modern mathematics, along
with algebra, geometry, and analysis. The terms arithmetic and higher
arithmetic were used until the beginning of the 20th century as synonyms
for number theory and are sometimes still used to refer to a wider part
of number theory
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Branches of
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Their Contribution
Algebra (from Arabic "al-jabr" meaning "reunion of broken parts") is
one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with
number, geometry and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is
the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating
these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics.
 Elementaryalgebra, the part of algebra that is
usually taught in elementary courses of
 Abstractalgebra, in which algebraic structures such
as groups, rings and fields are axiomatically de
fined and investigated.
 Linear algebra, in which the specific properties
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Al-Khwarizmi wrote one of the first Arabic algebras, a systematic exposé of the
basic theory of equations, with both examples and proofs. By the end of the 9th
century, the Egyptian mathematician Abu Kamil had stated and proved the basic laws
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and identities of algebra and solved such complicated problems as finding x,
y, and z such that x + y + z = 10, x2 + y2 = z2, and xz = y2.
Omar Khayyam showed how to express roots of cubic equations by line segments
obtained by intersecting conic sections, but he could not find a formula for the roots.
Leonardo Fibonacci achieved a close approximation to the solution of the cubic
equation x3 + 2x2 + cx = d. Because Fibonacci had traveled in Islamic lands, he probably
used an Arabic method of successive approximations.
Ludovico Ferrari, soon found an exact solution to equations of the fourth degree
(see quartic equation), and as a result, mathematicians for the next several centuries
tried to find a formula for the roots of equations of degree five, or higher
Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (1499/1500 - 1557) Tartaglia was an Italian
mathematician. The name "Tartaglia" is actually a nickname meaning
"stammerer", a reference to his injury-induced speech impediment. He was
largely self-taught, and was the first person to translate Euclid's Elementsinto a
modern European language. He is best remembered for his contributions to
algebra, namely his discovery of a formula for the solutions to a cubic equation.
Such a formula was also found by Gerolamo Cardano at roughly the same time,
and the modern formula is known as the Cardano-Tartaglia formula. Cardano also
found a solution to the general quartic equation.
Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736 - 1813) Despite his French-sounding name,
Lagrange was an Italian mathematician. Like many of the great mathematicians
of his time, he made contributions to many different areas of mathematics. In
particular, he did some early work in abstract algebra. We will learn about
Lagrange's Theorem fairly soon, which is one of the most fundamental results in
group theory.
Évariste Galois (1811 - 1832) Galois was a very gifted young French
mathematician, and his story is one of the most tragic in the history of
mathematics. He was killed at the age of 20 in a duel that is still veiled in
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mystery. Before that, he made huge contributions to abstract algebra. He
helped to found group theory as we know it today, and he was the first to use
the term "group". Perhaps most importantly, he proved that it is impossible to
solve a fifth-degree polynomial (or a polynomial of any higher degree) using
radicals by studying permutation groups associated to polynomials. This area of
algebra is still important today, and it is known as Galois theory in his honor.
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 - 1855) Along with Leonhard Euler, Gauss is
considered to be one of the greatest and most prolific mathematicians of all
time. He made significant contributions to algebra, number theory, geometry,
and physics, just to name a few areas. In algebra, there are several results in
ring theory (specifically regarding rings of polynomials) bearing his name.
Niels Henrik Abel (1802 - 1829) Abel was a Norwegian mathematician
who, like Galois, did seminal work in algebra before dying at a very young age.
Strangely enough, he proved similar results regarding the insolvability of the
quintic independently from Galois. In honor of his work in group theory, abelian
groups are named after him. The Abel Prize in mathematics, sometimes thought
of as the "Nobel Prize in Mathematics," is also named for him.
Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935) Noether is widely considered to be the
greatest female mathematician of all time, and in fact one of the greatest
mathematicians ever. Her most important work was related to abstract algebra,
specifically the theory of rings and fields. The concept of a Noetherian ring, as
well as several theorems in algebra, are named in her honor. She became a
lecturer at the University of Göttingen in 1915, at the invitation of David
Hilbert. She was forced to leave in 1933, when Adolf Hitler expelled Jewish
faculty members from Göttingen. She emigrated to the United States, where
she took up a position at Bryn Mawr, which she held until her death in 1935.
Arthur Cayley (1821 - 1895) Cayley was a British mathematician whose
work is known to students of abstract algebra and linear algebra. The Cayley-
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Hamilton Theorem for matrices is named after him and William Rowan Hamilton,
and a fundamental theorem in group theory, Cayley's Theorem, is due to him.
Camille Jordan (1838 - 1922) Like Cayley, Jordan made contributions to
both abstract algebra and linear algebra. He is known for developing the Jordan
normal form of a matrix, and for originating the Jordan-Hölder Theorem in
group theory.
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Geometry deals with spatial relationships, using fundamental qualities
or axioms. Such axioms can be used in conjunction with mathematical
definitions for points, straight lines, curves, surfaces, and solids to draw
logical conclusions.
Euclidean geometry, elementary geometry of two and three
dimensions (plane and solid geometry), is based
largely on the Elements of the Greek mathematician
Euclid (fl. c.300 B.C.). In 1637, René Descartes
showed how numbers can be used to describe points
in a plane or in space and to express geometric
relations in algebraic form, thus founding analytic
geometry, of which algebraic geometry is a further
development (see Cartesian coordinates). The problem
of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-
dimensional surface was solved by Gaspard Monge,
who invented descriptive geometry for this purpose in the
late 18th cent. differential geometry, in which the concepts
of the calculus are applied to curves, surfaces, and
other geometrical objects, was founded by Monge and
C. F. Gauss in the late 18th and early 19th cent. The
modern period in geometry begins with the
formulations of projectivegeometry by J. V. Poncelet (1822)
and of non-Euclidean geometry by N. I. Lobachevsky (1826)
and János Bolyai (1832). Another type of non-
Euclidean geometry was discovered by Bernhard
Riemann (1854), who also showed how the various
geometries could be generalized to any number of
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Babylon (2000 BC - 500 BC)
The Babylonians replaced the older (4000 BC - 2000 BC) Sumerian
civilization around 2000 BC. The Sumerians had already developed writing
(cuniform on clay tablets) and arithmetic (using a base 60 number system).
The Babylonians adopted both of these. But, Babylonian math went beyond
arithmetic, and devloped basic ideas in number theory, algebra, and geometry.
The problems they wanted to solve usually involved construction and land
estimation, such as areas and volumes of rectangular objects. Some of their
methods were rules that solved specialized quadratic, and even some cubic,
equations. But, they didn’t have algebraic notation, and there is no indication
that they had logical proofs for the correctness of their rule-based methods.
Nevertheless, they knew some special cases of the "Pythagorean Theorem"
more than 1000 years before the Greeks (see: Pythagorean Knowledge
In Ancient Babylonia and Pythagorus’ theorem in Babylonian mathematics).
Their durable clay tablets have preserved some of their knowledge (better
than the fragile Eygptian papyri). Four specific tablets (all from the period
1900 BC - 1600 BC) give a good indication of Babylonian mathematical
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Yale tablet YBC 7289
- shows how to compute the diagonal of a square.
Plimpton 322
- has a table with a list of Pythagorean integer triples.
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Susa tablet -
shows how to find the radius of the circle through the three vertices of an
isoceles triangle.
Tell Dhibayi tablet –
shows how to find the sides of a rectangle with a given area and diagonal.
There is no direct evidence that the Greeks had access to this knowledge. But,
some Babylonian mathematics was known to the Eygptians; and probably through
them, passed on to the Greeks (Thales and Pythagorus were known to have
traveled to Egypt).
Egypt (3000 BC - 500 BC)
The geometry of Egypt was mostly experimentally derived rules used by the
engineers of those civilizations. They developed these rules to estimate and
Prideof Mathematics 15
divide land areas, and estimate volumes of objects. Some of this was to
estimate taxes for landowners. They also used these rules for construction of
buildings, most notably the pyramids. They had methods (using ropes to
measure lengths) to compute areas and volumes for various types of objects,
various triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and truncated pyramids. Some of their
rule-based methods were correct, but others gave approximations. However,
there is no evidence that the Egyptians logically deduced geometric facts and
methods from basic principles. And there is no evidence that they knew a
form of the "Pythagorean Theorem", though it is likely that they had some
methods for constructing right angles. Nevertheless, they inspired early Greek
geometers like Thales and Pythagorus. Perhaps they knew more than has been
recorded, since most ancient Eygptian knowledge and documents have been
lost. The only surviving documents are the Rhind and Moscow papyri.
Ahmes (1680-1620 BC)
wrote the Rhind Papyrus (aka the “Ahmes Papyrus”). In it, he claims
to be the scribe and annotator of an earlier document from about 1850
BC. It contains rules for division, and has 87 problems including the
solution of equations, progressions, areas of geometric regions, volumes
of granaries, etc.
Anon (1750 BC)
The scribe who wrote the Moscow Papyrus did not record his name.
This papyrus has 25 problems with solutions, some of which are
geometric. One, problem 14, describes how to calculate the volume of a
truncated pyramid (a frustrum), using a numerical method equivalent
to the modern formula: , where a and b are the
sides of the base and top squares, and h is the height.
The book Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs gives a more detailed
analysis of Egyptian mathematics.
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India (1500 BC - 200 BC)
Everything that we know about ancient Indian (Vedic) mathematics is
contained in:
The Sulbasutras
These are appendices to the Vedas, and
give rules for constructing sacrificial
altars. To please the gods, an altar's
measurements had to conform to very
precise formula, and mathematical
accuracy was very important. It is not
historically clear whether this
mathematics was developed by the Indian
Vedic culture, or whether it was
borrowed from the Babylonians. Like the
Babylonians, results in the Sulbasutras are stated in terms of ropes; and
"sutra" eventually came to mean a rope for measuring an altar. Ultimately,
the Sulbasutras are simply construction manuals for some basic geometric
shapes. It is noteworthy, though, that all the Sulbasutras contain a method
to square the circle (one of the infamous Greek problems) as well as the
converse problem of finding a circle equal in area to a given square. The main
Sulbasutras, named after their authors, are:
Baudhayana (800 BC)
Baudhayana was the author of the earliest known Sulbasutra. Although he was
a priest interested in constructing altars, and not a mathematician, his
Sulbasutra contains geometric constructions for solving linear and quadratic
equations, plus approximations of (to construct circles) and . It also
gives, often approximate, geometric area-preserving transformations from one
geometric shape to another. These include transforming a square into a
rectangle, an isosceles trapezium, an isosceles triangle, a rhombus, and a circle,
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and finally transforming a circle into a square. Further, he gives the special
case of the “Pythagorean theorem” for the diagonal of a square, and also a
method to derive “Pythagorian triples”. But he also has a construction (for a
square with the same area as a rectangle) that implies knowin g the more
general “Pythagorian theorem”. Some historians consider the Baudhayana as
the discovery of the “Pythagorian theorem”. However, the Baudhayana
descriptions are all empirical methods, with no proofs, and were likely
predated by the Babylonians.
Manava (750-690 BC)
contains approximate constructions of circles from rectangles, and squares from
circles, which give an approximation of = 25/8 = 3.125.
Apastamba (600-540 BC)
considers the problems of squaring the circle, and of dividing a segment into 7
equal parts. It also gives an accurate approximation of = 577 / 408 =
1.414215686, correct to 5 decimal places.
Katyayana (200-140 BC)
states the general case of the Pythagorean theorem for the diagonal of any
Greek Geometry (600 BC - 400 AD)
Thales of Miletus (624-547 BC)
was one of the Seven pre-Socratic Sages, and brought the science
of geometry from Egypt to Greece. He is credited with the
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discovery of five facts of elementary geometry, including that an angle in a
semicircle is a right angle (referred to as “Thales Theorem ”). But some
historians dispute this and give the credit to Pythagorus. There is no evidence
that Thales used logical deduction to prove geometric facts.
Pythagorus of Samos (569-475 BC)
is regarded as the first pure mathematician to logically deduce
geometric facts from basic principles. He is credited with proving
many theorems such as the angles of a triangle summing to 180
deg, and the infamous "Pythagorean Theorem" for a right-angled
triangle (which had been known experimentally in Babylon and Egypt
for over 1000 years). The Pythagorean school is considered as the (first
documented) source of logic and deductive thought, and may be regarded as the
birthplace of reason itself. As philosophers, they speculated about the structure
and nature of the universe: matter, music, numbers, and geometry. Their legacy
is described in Pythagorus and the Pythagoreans : A Brief History
Hippocrates of Chios (470-410 BC)
wrote the first "Elements of Geometry" which Euclid may have
used as a model for his own Books I and II more than a hundred
years later. In this first "Elements", Hippocrates included geometric
solutions to quadratic equations and early methods of integration.
He studied the classic problem of squaring the circle showing how to
square a "lune". He worked on duplicating the cube which he showed to be
equivalent to constructing two mean proportionals between a number and its
double. Hippocrates was also the first to show that the ratio of the areas of
two circles was equal to the ratio of the squares of their radii.
Plato (427-347 BC)
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founded "The Academy" in 387 BC which flourished until 529 AD.
He developed a theory of Forms, in his book "Phaedo", which
considers mathematical objects as perfect forms (such as a line
having length but no breadth). He emphasized the idea of 'proof'
and insisted on accurate definitions and clear hypotheses, paving the
way to Euclid, but he made no major mathematical discoveries himself. The
state of mathematical knowledge in Plato's time is reconstructed in the scholarly
book: The Mathematics of Plato's Academy.
Theaetetus of Athens (417-369 BC)
was a student of Plato's, and the creator of solid geometry. He was the first
to study the octahedron and the icosahedron, and to construct all five regular
solids. His work formed Book XIII of Euclid's Elements. His work about rational
and irrational quantities also formed Book X of Euclid.
Eudoxus of Cnidus (408-355 BC)
foreshadowed algebra by developing a theory of proportion which is presented in
Book V of Euclid's Elements in which Definitions 4 and 5 es tablish Eudoxus'
landmark concept of proportion. In 1872, Dedekind stated that his work on
"cuts" for the real number system was inspired by the ideas of
Eudoxus. Eudoxus also did early work on integration using his method of
exhaustion by which he determined the area of circles and the volumes of
pyramids and cones. This was the first seed from which the calculus grew two
thousand years later.
Euclid of Alexandria (325-265 BC)
is best known for his 13 Book treatise "The Elements" (~300 BC),
collecting the theorems of Pythagorus, Hippocrates, Theaetetus,
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Eudoxus and other predecessors into a logically connected whole. A good modern
translation of this historic work is The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements by
Thomas Heath
Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC)
is regarded as the greatest of Greek mathematicians, and was also
the inventor of many mechanical devices (including the screw,
pulley, and lever). He perfected integration using Eudoxus' method
of exhaustion, and found the areas and volumes of many objects. A
famous result of his is that the volume of a sphere is two-thirds
the volume of its circumscribed cylinder, a picture of which was inscribed on h is
tomb. He gave accurate approximations to and square roots. In his treatise
"On Plane Equilibriums", he set out the fundamental principles of mechanics,
using the methods of geometry, and proved many fundamental theorems
concerning the center of gravity of plane figures. In "On Spirals", he defined and
gave fundamental properties of a spiral connecting radius lengths with angles as
well as results about tangents and the area of portions of the curve. He also
investigated surfaces of revolution, and discovered the 13 semi-regular (or
"Archimedian") polyhedra whose faces are all regular polygons. Translations of his
surviving manuscripts are now available as The Works of Archimedes. A good
biography of his life and discoveries is also available in the book Archimedes:
What Did He Do Beside Cry Eureka?. He was killed by a Roman soldier in 212
Apollonius of Perga (262-190 BC)
was called 'The Great Geometer'. His famous work was "Conics"
consisting of 8 Books. In Books 5 to 7, he studied normals to
conics, and determined the center of curvature and the evolute of
the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. In another work "Tangencies",
he showed how to construct the circle which is tangent to three
objects (points, lines or circles). He also computed an approximation for
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better than the one of Archimedes. English translations of his Conics Books I -
III, Conics Book IV, and Conics Books V to VII are now available.
Heron of Alexandria (10-75 AD)
wrote "Metrica" (3 Books) which gives methods for computing areas
and volumes. Book I considers areas of plane figures and surfaces of
3D objects, and contains his now-famous formula for the area of a
triangle = where s=(a+b+c)/2 [note: some
historians attribute this result to Archimedes]. Book II considers volumes of 3D
solids. Book III deals with dividing areas and volumes according to a given ratio,
and gives a method to find the cube root of a number. He wrote in a practical
manner, and has other books, notably in Mechanics
Menelaus of Alexandria (70-130 AD)
developed spherical geometry in his only surviving work "Sphaerica" (3 Books). In
Book I, he defines spherical triangles using arcs of great circles which marks a
turning point in the development of spherical trigonometry. Book 2 applies
spherical geometry to astronomy; and Book 3 deals with spherical trigonometry
including "Menelaus's theorem" about how a straight line cuts the three sides of
a triangle in proportions whose product is ( -1).
Claudius Ptolemy (85-165 AD)
wrote the "Almagest" (13 Books) giving the mathematics for the
geocentric theory of planetary motion. Considered a masterpiece
with few peers, the Almagest remained the major work in
astronomy for 1400 years until it was superceded by the
heliocentric theory of Copernicus. Nevertheless, in Books 1 and 2,
Ptolemy refined the foundations of trigonometry based on the chords of a circle
established by Hipparchus. One infamous result that he used, known as
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"Ptolemy's Theorem", states that for a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, the
product of its diagonals is equal to the sum of the products of its opposite
sides. From this, he derived the (chord) formulas for sin(a+b), sin(a -b), and
sin(a/2), and used these to compute detailed trigonometric tables.
Pappus of Alexandria (290-350 AD)
was the last of the great Greek geometers. His major work in geometry is
"Synagoge" or the "Collection" (in 8 Books), a handbook on a wide variety of
topics: arithmetic, mean proportionals, geometrical paradoxes, regular polyhedra,
the spiral and quadratrix, trisection, honeycombs, semiregular solids, minimal
surfaces, astronomy, and mechanics. In Book VII, he proved "Pappus' Theorem"
which forms the basis of modern projective geometry; and also proved "Guldin's
Theorem" (rediscovered in 1640 by Guldin) to compute a volume of revolution.
Hypatia of Alexandria (370-415 AD)
was the first woman to make a substantial contribution to the
development of mathematics. She learned mathematics and
philosophy from her father Theon of Alexandria, and assisted him in
writing an eleven part commentary on Ptolemy's Almagest, and a
new version of Euclid's Elements. Hypatia also wrote commentaries
on Diophantus's “Arithmetica”, Apollonius's “Conics” and Ptolemy's astronomical
works. About 400 AD, Hypatia became head of the Platonist school at
Alexandria, and lectured there on mathematics and philosophy. Although she had
many prominent Christians as students, she ended up being brutally murdered by
a fanatical Christian sect that regarded science and mathematics to be pagan.
Nevertheless, she is the first woman in history recognized as a professional
geometer and mathematician
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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in an appendix "La Geometrie" of his 1637 manuscript "Discours de
la method ...", he applied algebra to geometry and created analytic
geometry. A complete modern English translation of this appendix is
available in the book “The Geometry of Rene Descartes“. Also, the
recent book “Descartes's Mathematical Thought” reconstructs his
intellectual career, both mathematical and philosophical.
Girard Desargues (1591-1661)
invented perspective geometry in his most important work titled
"Rough draft for an essay on the results of taking plane sections
of a cone" (1639). In 1648, he published.
Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665)
is also recognized as an independent co-creator of analytic geometry
which he first published in his 1636 paper "Ad Locos Planos et
Solidos Isagoge". He also developed a method for determining
maxima, minima and tangents to curved lines foreshadowing calculus.
Descartes first attacked this method, but later admitted it was
correct. The story of his life and work is described in the book “ The
Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat;.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
was the co-inventor of modern projective geometry, published in his
"Essay on Conic Sections" (1640). He later wrote "The Generation
of Conic Sections" (1648-1654
Giovanni Saccheri (1667-1733)
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was an Italian Jesuit who did important early work on non-euclidean geometry.
In 1733, the same year he died, Saccheri published his important e arly work on
non-euclidean geometry, “Euclides ab Omni Naevo Vindicatus”. Although he saw
it as an attempt to prove the 5th parallel axiom of Euclid. His attempt tried
to find a contradiction to a consequence of the 5th axiom, which he failed to
do, but instead developed many theorems of non-Euclidean geometry. It was 170
years later that the significance of the work realised. However, the discovery of
non-Euclidean geometry by Nikolai Lobachevsky and Janos Bolyai was not due to
this masterpiece by Saccheri, since neither ever heard of him.
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
was extremely prolific in a vast range of subjects, and is the
greatest modern mathematician. He founded mathematical analysis,
and invented mathematical functions, differential equations, and
the calculus of variations. He used them to transform analytic into
differential geometry investigating surfaces, curvature, and geodesics. Euler,
Monge, and Gauss are considered the three fathers of differential geometry. In
classical geometry, he discovered the “Euler line” of a triangle; and in analytic
geometry, the “Euler angles” of a vector. He also discovered that the "Euler
characteristic" (V-E+F) of a surface triangulation depends only on it’s genus,
which was the genesis of topology. Euler made other breakthrough contributions
to many branches of math. Famous formulas he discovered include “ Euler’s
formula” (eix
= cos x + i sin x), “Euler’s identity” (eiπ
+ 1 = 0), and many
formulas with infinite series. The list of his discoveries goes on and on. A
representative selection of his work (in 8 different fields) is given in the popular
book “Euler: The Master of Us All”. In 1766, Euler became almost totally blind,
after which he produced nearly half of all his work, dictating his papers to
assistants. He published over 800 papers and books, and his collected works fill
25,000 pages in 79 volumes. A large repository of his work is now available
online at The Euler Archive.
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Gaspard Monge (1746-1818)
is considered the father of both descriptive geometry in "Geometrie
descriptive" (1799); and differential geometry in "Application de
l'Analyse a la Geometrie" (1800) where he introduced the concept
of lines of curvature on a surface in 3-space.
Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752-1833)
made important contributions to many fields of math: differential
equations, ballistics, celestial mechanics, elliptic functions, number
theory, and (of course) geometry. In 1794 Legendre published
“Elements de Geometrie” which was the leading elementary text on
the topic for around 100 years. In his "Elements" Legendre greatly
rearranged and simplified many of the propositions from Euclid's "Elements" to
create a more effective textbook. His work replaced Euclid's "Elements" as a
textbook in most of Europe and, in succeeding translations, in the United
States, and became the prototype of later geometry texts, including those being
used today. Although he was born into a wealthy family, in the 1793 French
Revolution he lost his capital, and became dependent on his academic salary.
Then in 1824, Legendre refused to vote for the government's candidate for the
French Institut National; and as a result, his academic pension was stopped. In
1833 he died in poverty.
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)
invented non-Euclidean geometry prior to the independent work of
Janos Bolyai (1833) and Nikolai Lobachevsky (1829), although
Gauss' work on this topic was unpublished until after he died. With
Euler and Monge, he is considered a founder of differential geometry. He
published "Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curva" (1828) which contained
"Gaussian curvature" and his famous "Theorema Egregrium" that Gaussian
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curvature is an intrinsic isometric invariant of a surface embedded in 3-space.
The story of his life and work is given in the popular book “ The Prince of
Mathematics: Carl Friedrich Gauss.
Nikolai Lobachevsky (1792-1856)
published the first account of non-Euclidean geometry to appear in
print. Instead of trying to prove Euclid’s 5th axiom (about a unique
line through a point that is parallel to another line), he studied the concept of
a geometry in which that axiom may not be true. He completed his major work
Geometriya in 1823, but it was not published until 1909. In 1829, he published
a paper on hyperbolic geometry, the first paper to appear in print on non-
Euclidean geometry, in a Kazan University journal. But his papers were rejected
by the more prestigious journals. Finally in 1840, a paper of his was published in
Berlin; and it greatly impressed Gauss. There has been some speculati on that
Gauss influenced Lobachevsky’s work, but those claims have been refuted. In any
case, his great mathematical achievements were not recognized in his lifetime,
and he died without a notion of the importance that his work would achieve.
Janos Bolyai (1802-1860)
was a pioneer of non-Euclidean geometry. His father, Farkas, taught
mathematics, and raised his son to be a mathematician. His father
knew Gauss, whom he asked to take Janos as a student; but Gauss
rejected the idea. Around 1820, Janos began to follow his father’s path to
replace Euclid's parallel axiom, but he gave up this approach within a year, since
he was starting to develop the basic ideas of hyperbolic and absolute geometry.
In 1825, he explained his discoveries to his father, who was clearly disappointed.
But by 1831, his father’s opinion had changed, and he encour aged Janos to
publish his work as the Appendix of another work. This Appendix came to the
attention of Gauss, who both praised it, and also claimed that it coincided with
his own thoughts for over 30 years. Janos took this as a severe blow, became
irritable and difficult with others, and his health deteriorated. After this he did
Prideof Mathematics 27
little serious mathematics. Later, in 1848, Janos discovered Lobachevsky’s 1829
work, which greatly upset him. He accused Gauss of spiteful machinations
through the fictitious Lobachevsky. He then gave up any further work on math.
He had never published more than the few pages of the Appendix, but he left
more than 20000 pages of mathematical manuscripts, which are now in a
Hungarian library.
Jean-Victor Poncelet (1788-1867)
was one of the founders of modern projective geometry. He had
studied under Monge and Carnot, but after school, he joined
Napoleon’s army. In 1812, he was left for dead after a battle with
the Russians, who then imprisoned him for several years. During this time, he
tried to remember his math classes as a distraction from the hardship, and
started to develop the projective properties of conics, including the pole, polar
lines, the principle of duality, and circular points at infinity. After being freed
(1814), he got a teaching job, and finally published his ideas in “Traite des
proprietes projectives des figures” (1822), from which the term “projective
geometry” was coined. He was then in a priority dispute about the duality
principle that lasted until 1829. This pushed Poncelet away from projective
geometry and towards mechanics, which then became his career. Fifty years
later, he incorporated his innovative geometric ideas into his 2 -volume treatise
on analytic geometry “Applications d'analyse et de geometrie” (1862, 1864). He
had other unpublished manuscripts, which survived until World War I, when they
Hermann Grassmann (1809-1877)
was the creator of vector analysis and the vector interior (dot)
and exterior (cross) products in his books "Theorie der Ebbe and
Flut" studying tides (1840, but 1st published in 1911), and
Prideof Mathematics 28
"Ausdehnungslehre" (1844, revised 1862). In them, he invented what is now
called the n-dimensional exterior algebra in differential geometry, but it was not
recognized or adopted in his lifetime. Professional mathematicians regarded him
as an obscure amateur (who had never attended a university math lecture), and
mostly ignored his work. He gained some notoriety when Cauchy purportedly
plagiarized his work in 1853 (see the web page Abstract linear spaces for a
short account). A more extensive description of Grassmann's life and work is
given in the interesting book “A History of Vector Analysis”.
Arthur Cayley (1821-1895)
was an amateur mathematician (he was a lawyer by profession)
who unified Euclidean, non-Euclidean, projective, and metrical
geometry. He introduced algebraic invariance, and the abstract groups of
matrices and quaternions which form the foundation
Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866)
was the next great developer of differential geometry, and
investigated the geometry of "Riemann surfaces" in his PhD thesis
(1851) supervised by Gauss. In later work he also developed geodesic
coordinate systems and curvature tensors in n-dimensions. An engaging and
readable account of Riemann’s life and work is given in the book “ Bernhard
Riemann 1826-1866: Turning Points in the Conception of Mathematics ”
Felix Klein (1849-1925)
is best known for his work on the connections between geometry
and group theory. He is best known for his "Erlanger Programm"
(1872) that synthesized geometry as the study of invariants under
groups of transformations, which is now the standard accepted
Prideof Mathematics 29
view. He is also famous for inventing the well-known "Klein bottle" as an
example of a one-sided closed surface.
David Hilbert (1862-1943)
first worked on invariant theory and proved his famous "Basis
Theorem" (1888). He later did the most influential work in
geometry since Euclid, publishing "Grundlagen der Geometrie"
(1899) which put geometry in a formal axiomatic setting based on 21 axioms. In
his famous Paris speech (1900), he gave a list of 23 open problems, some in
geometry, which provided an agenda for 20th century mathematics. The story
of his life and mathematics are now in the acclaimed biography “ Hilbert”.
Oswald Veblen (1880-1960)
developed "A System of Axioms for Geometry" (1903) as his
doctoral thesis. Continuing work in the foundations of geometry led
to axiom systems of projective geometry, and with John Young he
published the definitive "Projective geometry" in 2 volumes (1910-
18). He then worked in topology and differential geometry, and published "The
Foundations of Differential Geometry" (1933) with his student Henry
Whitehead, in which they give the first definition of a differentiable manifold.
Donald Coxeter (1907-2003)
is regarded as the major synthetic geometer of the 20th century,
and made important contributions to the theory of polytopes, non-
Euclidean geometry, group theory and combinatorics. Coxeter is
noted for the completion of Euclid's work by giving the complete classification of
regular polytopes in n-dimensions using his "Coxeter groups". He published many
important books, including Regular Polytopes (1947, 1963, 1973) and
Introduction to Geometry (1961, 1989). He was a Professor of Math at Univ.
Prideof Mathematics 30
of Toronto from 1936 until his death at the age of 96. When asked about how
he achieved a long life, he replied: "I am never bored". Recently, a biography of
his remarkable life has been published in the interesting book “ King of Infinite
Space: Donald Coxeter, the Man Who Saved Geometry”.
Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon, "triangle" and metron, "measure"[
) is
a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths
and angles of triangles. The field emerged in the Hellenistic world during
the 3rd century BC from applications of geometry to astronomical studies.
Core Trigonometry
 This type of trigonometry is used for triangles that have
one 90 degree angle. Mathematicians use sine and
cosine variables within a formula (as well as data from
trigonometry tables such as decimal values) to
determine the height and distance of the other two
angles. A scientific calculator has the trigonometry
tables programmed within, making the formulations
easier to equate than through using long division. Core
trigonometry is taught in high schools, and studied in
depth by mathematic majors in college.
Prideof Mathematics 31
Spherical Trigonometry
 Spherical trigonometry deals with triangles that are
drawn on a sphere, and this type is often used by
astronomers and scientists to determine distances
within the universe. Unlike core or plane
trigonometry, the sum of all angles in a triangle is
greater than 180 degrees. Sine and cosine tables
Prideof Mathematics 32
Prideof Mathematics 33
 was the Egyptian scribe who wrote the Rhind Papyrus - one of the
oldest known mathematical documents.
 was the first known Greek philosopher, scientist and
mathematician. He is credited with five theorems of elementary
 was a Greek philosopher who made important developments in
mathematics, astronomy, and the theory of music. The theorem
now known as Pythagoras's theorem was known to the Babylonians
1000 years earlier but he may have been the first to prove
 was a Greek mathematician best known for his treatise on
geometry: The Elements . This influenced the development of
Western mathematics for more than 2000 years. http://www-
Heron or Hero of Alexandria
 was an important geometer and worker in mechanics who invented
many machines ncluding a steam turbine. His best known
mathematical work is the formula for the area of a triangle in terms
of the lengths of its sides. A is the area of a triangle with sides a, b
and c and s = (a + b + c)/2 then A^2 = s (s - a)(s - b)(s - c).
 was one of the later Greek geometers who applied spherical
geometry to astronomy. He is best known for the so-called
Menelaus's theorem.
François Viète
 was a French amateur mathematician and astronomer who
introduced the first systematic algebraic notation in his book In
artem analyticam isagoge . He was also involved in deciphering
codes. he calculated π to 10 places using a polygon of 6 216=
393216 sides. He also represented π as an infinite product which, as
Prideof Mathematics 34
far as is known, is the earliest infinite representation of π....
Johannes Kepler
 was a German mathematician and astronomer who postulated that
the Earth and planets travel about the sun in elliptical orbits. He
gave three fundamental laws of planetary motion. He also did
important work in optics and geometry.
René Descartes
 was a French philosopher whose work, La géométrie, includes his
application of algebra to geometry from which we now have
Cartesian geometry. His work had a great influence on both
mathematicians and philosophers.
Leonhard Euler
 was a Swiss mathematician who made enormous contibutions to a
wide range of mathematics and physics including analytic
geometry, trigonometry, geometry, calculus and number theory.
Firstly his work in number theory seems to have been stimulated
by Goldbach but probably originally came from the interest that
the Bernoullis had in that topic. Goldbach asked Euler, in 1729, if
he knew of Fermat's conjecture that the numbers 2^n + 1 were
always prime if n is a power of 2. Euler verified this for n = 1, 2, 4,
8 and 16 and, by 1732 at the latest, showed that the next case
2^(32) + 1 = 4294967297 is divisible by 641 and so is not prime.
Euler also studied other unproved results of Fermat and in so
doing introduced the Euler phi function (n), the number of integers
k with 1 k n and k coprime to n. He proved another of Fermat's
assertions, namely that if a and b are coprime then a^2 + b^2 has
no divisor of the form 4n - 1, in 1749. Other work done by Euler on
infinite series included the introduction of his famous Euler's
constant , in 1735, which he showed to be the limit of
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n - log(e) n
 excelled in all fields of analysis and number theory and analytical
and celestial mechanics. He also worked on number theory proving
in 1770 that every positive integer is the sum of four squares. In
1771 he proved Wilson's theorem (first stated without proof by
Waring) that n is prime if and only if (n -1)! + 1 is divisible by n.
Giovanni Ceva
Prideof Mathematics 35
 was an Italian mathematician who rediscovered Menelaus's
theorem and proved his own well-known theorem.
Although Pitiscus worked much in the theological field, his proper
abilities concerned mathematics, and particularly trigonometry.
The word 'trigonometry' is due to Pitiscus and first occurs in the title of
his work Trigonometria: sive de solutione triangulorum tractatus brevis
et perspicuus first published in Heidelberg in 1595 as the final section of
A Scultetus's Sphaericorum libri tres methodice conscripti et utilibus
scholiis expositi.
The first section, divided into five books, covers plane and spherical
In the first book he introduced the main definitions and theorems of
plane and spherical trigonometry.
The third of the five books is devoted to plane trigonometry and it
consists of six fundamental theorems.
The fourth book consists of four fundamental theorems on spherical
trigonometry, while the fifth book proves a number of propositions on
the trigonometric functions.
Trigonometry: or, the doctrine of triangles.
He made an early contribution to trigonometry producing a table of
chords, an early example of a trigonometric table; indeed some
historians go so far as to say that trigonometry was invented by him.
Finally let us examine the contributions which Hipparchus made to
Even if he did not invent it, Hipparchus is the first person whose
systematic use of trigonometry we have documentary evidence.
If this is so, Hipparchus was not only the founder of trigonometry but
also the man who transformed Greek astronomy from a purely
theoretical into a practical predictive science.
Aryabhata I
The mathematical part of the Aryabhatiya covers arithmetic, algebra,
plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry.
We now look at the trigonometry contained in Aryabhata's treatise.
He also introduced the versine (versin = 1 - cosine) into trigonometry.
Regiomontanus made important contributions to trigonometry and
Prideof Mathematics 36
In the Epitome Regiomontanus, realising the need for a systematic
account of trigonometry to support astronomy, promised to write such a
With Book II the study of trigonometry gets under way in earnest.
Books III, IV and V treat spherical trigonometry which, of course, is of
major importance in astronomy.
Guo Shoujing
Making sense of the data gathered from the instruments required a
knowledge of spherical trigonometry and Guo devised some remarkable
We should now look at the rather remarkable work which Guo did on
spherical trigonometry and solving equations.
The first column is the value of x using Guo's formula taking an accurate
modern approximation to π, the second column is the result given by the
formula with π = 3, while the third column is the correct answer
calculated using trigonometry (in fact the cosine).
Sphaerics contains no trigonometry although it is likely that Hipparchus
introduced spherical trigonometry before Sphaerics was written (although,
one has to assume, after the book on which Sphaerics is based, which
would certainly be the case if this earlier book was written by Eudoxus).
Perhaps it is worth remarking that despite our comment above that the
work contains no trigonometry, there are some results which we could
easily interpret in trigonometrical terms.
Peirce Benjamin
For example An Elementary Treatise on Plane Trigonometry (1835), First
Part of an Elementary Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry (1936), An
Elementary Treatise on Sound (1936), An Elementary Treatise on Algebra
: To which are added Exponential Equations and Logarithms (1937), An
Elementary Treatise on Plane and Solid Geometry (1937), An Elementary
Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (1940), and An Elementary
Treatise on Curves, Functions, and Forces Vol 1 (1841), Vol 2 (1846).
Girard Albert
Albert Girard worked on algebra, trigonometry and arithmetic.
In 1626 he published a treatise on trigonometry containing the first use
of the abbreviations sin, cos, tan.
It appears that Girard spent some time as an engineer in the Dutch army
Prideof Mathematics 37
although this was probably after he published his work on trigonometry.
Among the books he wrote around this time were: Readable relativity
(1926), A Concise Geometry (1928), Matriculation Algebra (1929),
Arithmetic (1929), Advanced Trigonometry (1930), A shorter geometry
(1931), The Teaching of Elementary Algebra (1931), Elementary Calculus
(1934), A School Mechanics (1935), and General Arithmetic (1936).
For the second of our more detailed looks at one of Durell's texts let us
consider Advanced Trigonometry which was also originally published by G
Bell & Sons.
This volume will provide a welcome resource for teachers seeking an
undergraduate text on advanced trigonometry, when few are readily
1893); A treatise on elementary trigonometry (1886); A treatise on plane
trigonometry (1888); A treatise on spherical trigonometry (1889).
Gellibrand was professor of astronomy at Gresham College and was
particularly interested in applications of logarithms to trigonometry.
He therefore added a preface of his own on applications of logarithms to
both plane trigonometry and to spherical trigonometry.
Bhaskara II
It covers topics such as: praise of study of the sphere; nature of the
sphere; cosmography and geography; planetary mean motion; eccentric
epicyclic model of the planets; the armillary sphere; spherical
trigonometry; ellipse calculations; first visibilities of the planets;
calculating the lunar crescent; astronomical instruments; the seasons;
and problems of astronomical calculations.
There are interesting results on trigonometry in this work.
In particular Bhaskaracharya seems more interested in trigonometry for
its own sake than his predecessors who saw it only as a tool for
Al-Tusi Nasir
One of al-Tusi's most important mathematical contributions was the
creation of trigonometry as a mathematical discipline in its own right
rather than as just a tool for astronomical applications.
Prideof Mathematics 38
In Treatise on the quadrilateral al-Tusi gave the first extant exposition of
the whole system of plane and spherical trigonometry.
This work is really the first in history on trigonometry as an independent
branch of pure mathematics and the first in which all six cases for a right-
angled spherical triangle are set forth.
Klugel made an exceptional contribution to trigonometry, unifying
formulae and introducing the concept of trigonometric function, in his
Analytische Trigonometrie.
Klugel's trigonometry was very modern for its time and was exceptional
among the contemporary textbooks.
Doppelmayr wrote on astronomy, spherical trigonometry, sundials and
mathematical instruments.
He also wrote several mathematics texts himself, including one on
spherical trigonometry and Summa geometricae practicae.
The map was produced with considerable detail, the projection used
spherical trigonometry, truncated power series and differential geometry.
Puissant wrote on geodesy, the shape of the earth and spherical
Herschel Caroline
Slowly Caroline turned more and more towards helping William with his
astronomical activities while he continued to teach her algebra, geometry
and trigonometry.
In particular Caroline studied spherical trigonometry which would be
important for reducing astronomical observations.
The Canon Mathematicus covers trigonometry; it contains trigonometric
tables, it also gives the mathematics behind the construction of the
tables, and it details how to solve both plane and spherical triangles.
Viete also wrote books on trigonometry and geometry such as
Supplementum geometriae (1593).
Prideof Mathematics 39
Most of Fuss's papers are solutions to problems posed by Euler on
spherical geometry, trigonometry, series, differential geometry and
differential equations.
His best papers are in spherical trigonometry, a topic he worked on with A
J Lexell and F T Schubert.
Another work of great importance is al-Jayyani's The book of unknown
arcs of a sphere, the first treatise on spherical trigonometry.
Although it is certain that Regiomontanus based his treatise on Arabic
works on spherical trigonometry it may well be that al-Jayyani's work was
only one of many such sources.
Ulugh Beg
This excellent book records the main achievements which include the
following: methods for giving accurate approximate solutions of cubic
equations; work with the binomial theorem; Ulugh Beg's accurate tables of
sines and tangents correct to eight decimal places; formulae of spherical
trigonometry; and of particular importance, Ulugh Beg's Catalogue of the
stars, the first comprehensive stellar catalogue since that of Ptolemy.
As well as tables of observations made at the Observatory, the work
contained calendar calculations and results in trigonometry.
The author of 11 books, Simon Stevin made significant contributions to
trigonometry, mechanics, architecture, musical theory, geography,
fortification, and navigation.
The collection included De Driehouckhandel (Trigonometry), De Meetdaet
(Practice of measuring), and De Deursichtighe (Perspective).
Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way
that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of
Prideof Mathematics 40
operations and their application to solving equations. It has two major
branches, differential calculus(concerning rates of change and slopes of
curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and
the areas under and between curves); these two branches are related to
each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make
use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite
sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit. Generally, modern
calculus is considered to have been developed in the 17th century by Isaac
Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Today, calculus has widespread uses
in science, engineering and economics and can solve many problems
that algebra alone cannot.
Differential calculus
Divides things into small (different) pieces and tells
us how they change from one moment to the next.
Integral calculus
Joins (integrates) the small pieces together and tells
us how much of something is made, overall, by a
series of changes.
Prideof Mathematics 41
Descartes was educated in the Jesuit
preparatory school of La Flèche and the
University of Poitiers, taking a degree in
law. He then spent two years in Paris
where, outwardly living the life of a
frivolous young gentleman, he began a
serious study of mathematics. To see more
of the world Descartes joined several
armies as an unpaid volunteer; the brief
intervals of tranquility during nine years of
service provided him time to develop his
mathematical and philosophic ideas. In
1628, Descartes decided to settle in
Holland, where he remained for the next
twenty years. There he wrote his great
philosophic treatise on the scientific
method, the Discours de la méthode (1637).
(The still-quoted sentence, "I think,
therefore I am," comes from the Discours.)
In 1649, after much hesitation, Descartes
accepted the invitation of the 22-year-old
Queen Christina to come to Sweden as her
private tutor. After only four months of
winter tutoring sessions, always held at
Prideof Mathematics 42
5:00 in the morning in the ice-cold library,
Descartes died of pneumonia.
The last of the three appendices to
Descartes’s Discours was a 106-page essay
entitled La géométrie. It provides the first
printed account of what is now called
analytic or coordinate geometry. The work
exerted great influence after being
published in a Latin translation along with
explanatory notes. The Géométrie
introduced many innovations in
mathematical notation, most of which are
still in use. With Descartes, small letters
near the beginning of the alphabet indicate
constants and those near the end stand for
variables. He initiated the use of numerical
superscripts to denote powers of a
quantity, while occasionally writing aa for
the second power, a2. The familiar symbols
+, -, and are also encountered in
Descartes’s writing.
Descartes "algebrized" the study of
geometry by shifting the focus from curves
to their equations, allowing the tools of
algebra, rather than diagrams, to be applied
to the solution of various geometric
problems. The Géométrie also treated one
of the most important problems of the day,
that of finding tangents to curves, by
describing a procedure for constructing the
normal to a curve at any point (the tangent
is perpendicular to the normal). Another
part of the work deals with matters in the
theory of equations: Descartes states that x
- a is a factor of a polynomial if and only if
a is a root. He also notes that the
maximum number of roots is equal to the
degree of the polynomial.
Prideof Mathematics 43
Fermat received a Bachelor of Civil Laws from
the University of Law at Orleans in 1631. Fermat
considered mathematics to be a hobby, never
publishing his work. Most of his theories and
formulations were recovered from his
correspondence with Pierre de Carcavi and
Father Mersenne. Upon his death his son Samuel
oversaw the publications of Fermats work in
Observations on Diophantus, and Mathematical
Pierre de Fermat explored such mathematical
areas as analytical geometry, pre-evolved
Calculus, and infinite descent. However his work
with Number Theory is what he is best known for.
A few of his well known theorems include
Every non-negative integer can be represented as
the sum of four or fewer squares A prime of the
form 4n + 1 can be represented as the sum of two
squares The equation Nx2 + 1 = y2 has infinitely
many integer solutions if N is not a square
Fermat was in the habit of presenting his
theorems as fact, letting others perform the task
of presenting the proofs and verifications of his
work. Perhaps his most infamous work is what is
commonly known as Fermat's Last Theorem,
named such as it was the last of his theorems to
be proven. This theorem states that xn + yn = zn
has no non-zero integer solutions for x, y and z
when n > 2. To further add to the mystery,
Fermat's last words on this were found in the
margin of a popular mathematics book, simply
stating that he had found a "remarkable proof"
but that the margin was too small in which to
explain. In 1995, over 300 years later, this
theorem was finally proven by the British
mathematician, Andrew Wiles.
Although once mistakenly declared deceased
during the plague of 1653, he continued to live
out his life in Toulouse with his wife and four
children until his death in 1665.
Prideof Mathematics 44
As a youth, Torricelli took courses in
mathematics and philosophy with the Jesuits in
Faenza, Italy. They noticed his outstanding
promise and sent him for further education to a
school in Rome run by a former student of
Galileo’s. Torricelli himself may be viewed as
Galileo’s last pupil, for he came to live with the
blind and ill Galileo in 1641. They had only a
little time to work together, for the aged scholar
died within three months.
Appointed to the chair of mathematics in
Florence, the position left vacant by Galileo,
Torricelli’s own career was cut short when he
died suddenly, probably of typhoid fever, five
years later at the age of 39. He is often
remembered today for his demonstration of the
weight of air. The demonstration consisted of
taking a long tube filled with mercury and sealed
at one end, and inverting it into a basin of
mercury; the changing pressure of air on the free
surface of mercury in the basin made the level in
the tube stand higher on some occasions than on
Torricelli was a mathematician of considerable
accomplishment. Using Cavalieri’s method of
indivisibles, he solved the famous problem of
finding the area under one arch of the cycloid;
later, he determined the length of the infinitely
many revolutions of the logarithmic spiral (in
polar coordinates, In 1641, he
established a result so astonishing that
mathematicians of the day thought it to be
impossible: there is a geometric solid which is
infinitely long, but nonetheless has a finite
volume. The body, which he called "the acute
hyperbolic solid," is generated when the region
bounded by a branch of the hyperbola y = 1/x,
the line x = 1 and the x-axis is revolved around
the x-axis. Its finite volume is given in modern
notation by the integral
Prideof Mathematics 45
When he communicated his discovery to the
French geometers in 1644, Torricelli’s status
changed from being a virtual unknown to one of
the most acclaimed mathematicians in Europe.
The proof itself constituted the high point in the
Opera geometrica (1644), the only work of
Torricelli to be published in his lifetime.
Wallis entered Cambridge University in 1632,
studied theology, and received a master’s degree
in 1640, the same year in which he took Holy
Orders. He held a faculty position at Cambridge
for about a year, but vacated it upon deciding to
marry. During England’s Civil War of 1642-1648,
Wallis aided the Puritan cause by deciphering
captured coded Royalist dispatches. As a reward
for this service (and although he was yet to show
any mathematical promise), Wallis was appointed
professor of geometry at Oxford in 1649. Because
the position required him to give public lectures
on theoretical mathematics, Wallis embarked at
the age of 32 on a systematic and productive
study of the subject. He retained his post at
Oxford until his death, over 50 years later.
Wallis’s Tractus de sectionibus conicis of 1656 is
the first elementary textbook to treat conics
using Descartes’s new coordinate geometry. In it,
the ellipse, hyperbola and parabola are each
identified with an equation of second degree. In
1655, he had published the Arithmetica
infinitorum, the work on which his reputation is
grounded. The Arithmetica contains a formula
equivalent to
for the area under the curve y = xn. This is often
regarded as the first general theorem to appear in
the calculus. After giving a somewhat rigorous
demonstration for several integral powers of x,
Wallis inferred it to be true for every positive
integer; then, relying on "permanence of form,"
he asserted that the formula held even when n is
negative (but not equal to -1) or fractional. The
result was not new, having been anticipated by
Prideof Mathematics 46
Cavalieri. Where Cavalieri relied almost entirely
on geometric reasoning, Wallis held to an
arithmetic argument whenever possible. With the
advent of his "arithmetic integration," the
geometric method of indivisibles virtually ceased
to appear in the calculus.
The familiar knot symbol for infinity makes its
first appearance in print in the Arithmetica. As
does Wallis’s famous infinite product expansion
for p ,
Blaise Pascal was born in the French province of
Auvergne on June 19, 1623. Early on in his life,
Pascal's father wanted to restrict his son's
education primarily to languages. However, at a
young age Pascal became increasingly curious
about mathematics. Through his tutor, he gained
knowledge about geometry and decided to pursue
his own studies. Pascal discovered many
properties of geometric figures, such as the sum
of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right
angles. Pascal's father was so impressed by his
son's abilities that he gave him a copy of Euclid's
"Elements" (which he soon mastered). By the age
of fourteen, Pascal was attending the weekly
meetings of other French geometricians, which
later formed the basis of the French Academy.
In 1640, Pascal published an essay on conic
sections, and during the next few years, he
invented and built a mechanical calculating
machine, which was called a Pascaline. When he
became twenty-one, Pascal gained interest in
Torricelli's work on atmospheric pressure, which
led him to study hydrostatics.
In 1650, Pascal took an abrupt hiatus from his
research to pursue religion. He joined the
Jansenist monastery at Port-Royal in 1654 after
he had a religious experience that changed his
life. He broke away from the Jansenists in 1658
and returned once again to his studies in
mathematics. He worked primarily on calculus
and on probability theory with Pierre de Fermat
Prideof Mathematics 47
up until his death at the age of 39.
In 1661, Newton entered Cambridge University,
where he was awarded a master’s degree in 1668.
He was for the most part self-taught, learning his
mathematics from books, especially from
Descartes’s Géométrie and Wallis’s Arithmetica
infinitorum. During the two years 1664-1665,
when an outbreak of the Great Plague closed the
university, Newton remained in seclusion at
home. In these "wonderful years," he began to do
his own original research. Beginning in 1664 he
laid the foundations of the differential calculus,
which he described as the "method of fluxions";
and, in 1665, he began investigating the "inverse
method of fluxions," or the integral calculus.
Newton formulated his principle of universal
gravitation in the same period. This idea
culminated in his masterwork, the Principia
Mathematica (1687), which explains the motions
of the heavenly bodies in the language of
mathematics. In 1669 Newton’s former teacher
resigned his professorship in favor of his pupil,
who by that time was considered the most
promising mathematician in England. Newton
remained at Cambridge until 1696.
If Newton had overcome his "wariness to impart,"
there might never have been a controversy over
who discovered the calculus. For many years his
methods remained unknown, except to a few
friends. He wrote De Analysi per Aequationes
Infinitas in 1669 but did not publish it until
1711; while the Tractus de quadratura curvarum,
composed in 1671, did not appear until 1704.
In Newton’s terminology, a variable quantity x,
depending on time, is called a fluent; and its rate
of change with time is said to be the fluxion of
the fluent, denoted by (dx/dt in modern
notation). He chose the letter o to represent an
infinitely small quantity, with xo indicating the
corresponding change in . For an illustration of
his fluxional methods, Newton provides the
equation xy - a = 0. He substitutes x + o for x,
Prideof Mathematics 48
and y + o for y, then expands to get
After using the original equation xy - a = 0 and
dividing by o, the equation is reduced to
The term involving o is neglected, since "o is
supposed to be infinitely small," leaving
(modern: x dy/dt + y dx/dt = 0)
In 1665, Newton generalized the familiar
binomial theorem for expanding expressions of
the form (1 + a)n, n being a positive integer, to
the case where n is a fractional exponent,
positive or negative; the result is an infinite
(binomial) series, rather than a polynomial. By
means of the expansion of (1 - x2)1/2, he arrived
at what today would be written as
Leibniz received a doctorate of laws in 1667, a
step towards entering the diplomatic service of
one of the small states which then made up
Germany. Traveling extensively on political
missions to France, Holland and England, he was
brought into contact with most of the leading
mathematicians of the day. Leibniz’s real
mathematical education began in the years 1672
to 1676, in Paris, when time between
assignments allowed him to study the subject in
depth. His version of the calculus seems to have
been invented in 1673, but the first account was
not formally published until 1684. (This was
twenty years prior to the appearance of Newton’s
presentation of the calculus in De quadratura
curvarum.) Leibniz’s diplomatic career came to
an end in 1676 when he reluctantly accepted the
position of librarian in the court of Hanover, a
post which he held for the remainder of his life.
He helped to organize the Berlin Academy of
Science in 1700, and became its first President.
The most important aspect of Leibniz’s calculus
was a suitable symbolism that allowed the
geometric arguments of his predecessors to be
translated into operational rules. He proposed
Prideof Mathematics 49
the symbol for the sum of areas of infinitely
small rectangles; it is the script form of s, the
initial letter in summa (sum).. In his new
formalism, Leibniz expresses relations such as
He also originated the notation dy/dx, treating it
as a quotient of differentials (infinitely small
increments of the variable); and used the letter d,
standing alone, for differentiation. His led to
useful algorithms, such as the product rule:
d(xy) = x dy + y dx.
His formula
indicated the inverse relationship of
differentiation and integration.
One of Leibniz’s early contributions is an elegant
series for p which is now named after him:
p /4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + . . .
When challenged, as a test of his ability, to
calculate the sum of the series
1/1 . 2 + 1/2 . 3 + 1/3 . 4 + 1/4 . 5 + . . .,
he found that the terms could be transformed
into differences by the identity 1/n(n+1) = 1/n -
1/(n+1); the series then became
(1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 - 1/5) +
. . .
and, when adjacent terms are canceled, had sum
Michel Rolle was born at Ambert on April 21,
1652. Since he did not receive formal training as
a child, Rolle had to educate himself in
In 1689, he wrote a paper on algebra, which
contains the theorem on the position of the roots
of an equation. In 1675, he relocated to Paris and
worked as an arithmetical expert. Rolle primarily
worked on Diophantine analysis, algebra, and
geometry. In 1685, he was elected to the Royal
Academy of the Sciences. In 1691, Rolle
published "Rolle's Theorem", for which he is best
remembered. His theorem, which is a specialized
Prideof Mathematics 50
case of the Mean Value Theorem, guaranteed the
existance of a horizontal tangent line (f'(x)=0)
between points a and b given that f(a) = f(b) = 0.
Rolle also gained some notariety by solving a
problem posed by Jacques Ozanam in 1682.
Impressed by Rolle's achievement, Jean-Baptiste
Colbert, controller general of finance under King
Louis XIV of France, rewarded Rolle with a
pension for his diligent work.
The Swiss Bernoulli brothers, James and John,
were the first to achieve a full understanding of
Leibniz’s presentation of the calculus. Their
subsequent publications did much to make the
subject widely known to the rest of the
James Bernoulli, the elder of the two, entered
the University of Basel in 1671, receiving a
master’s degree in theology two years later and a
licentiate (a degree just below the doctorate) in
theology in 1676. Meanwhile, he was teaching
himself mathematics, much against the wishes of
his merchant father. Bernoulli spent two years in
France familiarizing himself with Descartes’
Géométrie and the work of his followers. By
1687, he had sufficient mathematical reputation
to be appointed to a vacant post at Basel. He also
wrote to Leibniz in the same year, asking to be
shown his new methods. This proved difficult
because Leibniz’s abbreviated explanations were
full of errors. Still, Bernoulli mastered the
material within several years and went on to
make contributions to the calculus equal to
those of Leibniz himself.
The Bernoulli brothers used the techniques of
Leibniz’s calculus as a means for handling a wide
range of astronomical and physical problems,
sometimes working independently to solve the
same problem. In 1690, James Bernoulli
challenged the mathematicians of Europe to
determine the shape (that is, to find the
equation) of a hanging flexible cable suspended in
equilibrium at two points. The correct solution
Prideof Mathematics 51
was presented a year later by his brother John in
his first published paper. The desired curve was
not a parabola, as some expected, but a curve
known as the catenary -- from the Latin word
catena, chain.
Bernoulli was more adapt at treating infinite
series than most mathematicians of the day. He
showed that
diverges, and that
1/12 + 1/22 + 1/32 + 1/42 + . . .
converges; but he confessed his inability to find
the sum of the latter series. (Euler succeeded in
finding its sum.) In 1690 he established what is
known as the "Bernoullian inequality,"
(1 + x)n > 1 + nx, x > -1, n > 1, n an integer.
We also owe to him the word "integral" in its
technical sense.
The Marquis de l’Hôpital, a French nobleman
living by private means, is known for the first
printed book on the newcalculus. He served
briefly as a cavalry officer, but resigned because
of his extreme nearsightedness to devote his
energies entirely to mathematics. In his time the
recently invented calculus was fully understood
only by Newton, Leibniz and the Bernoulli
brothers. In 1691-92, when John Bernoulli spent
over half a year in Paris, he was generously
compensated for giving the young Marquis
private lessons on this powerful new method. In
return for a monthly allowance, Bernoulli was
induced to continue the instruction by letter; the
agreement was that he would communicate his
future mathematical discoveries exclusively to
l’Hôpital to be used as the Marquis saw fit.
L’Hôpital eventually felt that he understood the
material well enough to compose a proper
textbook on it.
L’Hôpital’s Analyse des infiniment petits,
published in 1696, contains an account of the
differential calculus as conceived by Leibniz and
learned from Bernoulli. In its preface l’Hôpital
Prideof Mathematics 52
freely acknowledges his debt to the two
mathematicians, saying, "I have made free use of
their discoveries." The successive reprintings of
the Analyse (1716, 1720 and 1768) made the
calculus known throughout Europe. In 1730 it
was translated into English, supplemented by the
translator with work on the integral calculus; in
tribute to Newton, the book’s derivative notation
was changed to the fluxional "dottage" of their
English hero. L’Hôpital is nowadays remembered
in the name of his "0/0 rule," a rule for finding
the limiting value of a quotient whose numerator
and denominator both tend to zero. His
statement of the rule is not entirely in accord
with modern use. Making use of limit notation,
which was unavailable to l’Hôpital, a reasonable
rendition of his statement would be:
If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions with
f(a) = g(a) = 0, then
The Analyse dominated the field for the next 50
years, finally to find a worthy rival in Euler’s
great treatises of the 1750’s.
John Bernoulli earned a master’s degree in
philosophy and, in 1690, a medical licentiate
from the University of Basel, where his brother
James was teaching. At the same time, he was
secretly studying the publications of Leibniz with
James’s help. Shortly thereafter, Bernoulli
visited Paris where he contracted to teach the
material to the young marquis de l’Hopital. Many
of his own discoveries in calculus appeared in
l’Hopital’s textbook. In 1695, supported by a
recommendation from l’Hopital, Bernoulli
obtained a position at Gröningen in Holland.
Upon his brother’s death in 1705, he succeeded
him as professor of mathematics at Basel, to
remain there for 43 years. Bernoulli was a
zealous defender of Leibniz against charges that
Prideof Mathematics 53
he had plagiarized Newton’s discovery of the
In 1696, John Bernoulli published a
mathematical challenge, a popular device in the
early days of the calculus. The problem he posed
was to determine the shape of the curve down
which a bead will slide, from one point to another
not directly beneath it, in the shortest possible
time. This is the famous brachistochrone
problem, which Bernoulli named from the Greek
words for "quickest time." Five prominent
mathematicians found a solution; namely, the
two Bernoullis, Leibniz, l’Hopital and Newton.
When Newton’s solution arrived, unsigned,
Bernoulli is said to have exclaimed, "I recognize
the lion by his paw." Not surprisingly, the sought-
after curve is not a straight line, but an upside-
down cycloid.
One of Bernoulli’s more notable achievements is
the expansion of a function in series through
repeated integration by parts:
This leads to interesting identities such as
Brook Taylor was born in Edmonton, England on
Aug. 18, 1685. Since Taylor's family were
wealthy, his parents could afford to have private
tutors available. Taylor entered St John's
College, in Cambridge, on April 3, 1703 where he
pursued mathematics as his field of study. In
1708, he developed a solution to the center of
oscillation of a body based on differential
calculus. Taylor's solution eventually led to a
dispute with John Bernoulli.
In 1709, Taylor graduated from St. John's
College. In 1712, Taylor joined the Royal Society.
After two years, he was elected to the position of
Secretary to the Royal Society. During this time,
he produced two very important books. The first
book, "Methodus Incrementorum Directa Et
Inversa", developed the "calculus of finite
differences", integration by parts, and the
Prideof Mathematics 54
infamous "Taylor Series". The second book,
Linear Perspective", created the foundations of
projective geometry.
Colin MacLaurin was born in Kilmodan, Scotland
in 1698. His father, John Maclaurin, was the
town's minister. Colin, the youngest of three
sons, was extremely talented from an early age.
Considered a child prodigy, he enrolled at the
University of Glasgow when he was only 11.
About one year later, he became exposed to
advanced mathematics when he discovered a
copy of Euclid's "Elements". MacLaurin quickly
mastered six of the thirteen books that
comprised "Elements". At 14, he earned his M.A.
degree. His thesis was on the power of gravity, in
which he further developed Newton's theories. By
the time he turned 19, he became a professor of
mathematics in Aberdeen. A few years later, he
became a fellow of the Royal Society of London.
During the time of his fellowship, MacLaurin met
with Sir Issac Newton in 1725. Impressed by
MacLaurin's intellect, Newton recommended that
MacLaurin be made the professor of mathematics
at the University of Edinburgh. In 1740,
MacLaurin shared a prize from the Academy of
Sciences with fellow mathematicians Leonhard
Euler and Daniel Bernoulli for an essay on tides.
In 1742, he published the first systematic
formulation of Newton's methods, where he
developed a method for expanding functions
about the origin in terms of series (now known as
a MacLaurin Series). This method was adapted
from Brook Taylor's case of an expansion about
an arbitrary point (known as a Taylor Series).
Maclaurin also made astronomical observations,
developed several theorems similar to Newton's
theorems in "Principia", improved maps of the
Scottish isles, and developed the method of
generating conics.
Prideof Mathematics 55
At the age of 14, Euler entered the University of
Basel where its most famous professor, John
Bernoulli, aroused his interest in mathematics;
he graduated three years later with a master’s
degree. Unsuccessful in obtaining a position at
Basel (partly due to his youth), Euler went to the
fledgling St. Petersburg Academy in Russia, there
to become its chief mathematician by 1730. In
1741, at the invitation of Frederick the Great, he
joined the Berlin Academy as head of its
mathematics section. Euler’s quarter-century
stay was not altogether happy and so, in 1766,
he readily accepted the generous offer of
Catherine I to return to St. Petersburg. Euler had
previously lost the sight in one eye, to all
appearances from overwork; in 1771, a clumsy
cataract operation on his other eye left him
entirely blind. Aided by a phenomenal memory
Euler remained productive until the end of his
life, dictating his thoughts to a servant who knew
no mathematics.
Euler’s enormous output of 886 papers and books
made him the most prolific of all
mathematicians. His landmark textbooks, the
Introductio in analysin infinitorum of 1748
followed by the Introductiones calculi
differentialis (1775) and the Institutiones calculi
integralis (1768-1770), brought together
everything that was then known of the calculus.
These comprehensive works divorced the subject
from its geometrical origins and shaped its
direction for the next 50 years. They also
popularized the use of the mathematical symbols
At a time when the notion of convergence was
not well-understood, Euler’s work was
conspicuous for its treatment of infinite series.
His most famous result in this regard involves an
unexpected appearance of p : namely,
In the Introductio, he expanded the
trigonometric functions sin x and cos x as power
Prideof Mathematics 56
series to obtain the relationship now known as
Euler’s Identity:
eix = cos x + i sin x (x real)
A consequence of taking x = p in Euler’s Identity
is an equation connecting five of the most
important constants in mathematics: eip + 1 = 0.
Euler’s investigations also led to the well-known
(cos x + i sin x)n = cos nx + i sin nx.
Thomas Simpson was born in Leicestershire,
England on August 20, 1710. Simpson's first job
was as a weaver, the chosen profession of his
father. However, he gave up weaving to pursue a
study of mathematics. He improved his own
mathematical skills through hard work and
effort. By 1735, Simpson was able to solve
several questions that involved infinitesimal
calculus. In 1743, he was appointed Professor of
Mathematics at Woolwich in London (which he
held until his death).
Simpson is best known for his work on numerical
methods of integration, probability theory, and
interpolation. He worked on the "Theory of
Errors" and aimed to prove that the arithmetic
mean was better than a single observation. He
also taught privately and wrote several textbooks
on mathematics.
Joseph-Louis Lagrange was born in Turin, Italy
on Jan. 25, 1736 -- the oldest of 11 children. His
father planned for him to become a lawyer.
However, while at the College of Turin, Lagrange
read a paper published by the astronomer
Edmond Halley on the use of algebra in optics.
Halley's paper and Lagrange's interest in physics
eventually led him to pursue a career in
Lagrange is best remembered for the Lagrangian
function and Lagrange multiplier, which bear his
name. Lagrange multipliers are used to locate
Prideof Mathematics 57
multivariable maximum and minimum points
subject to a constraint of the form g(x,y) = 0 or
g(x,y,z) = 0.
He also made numerous contributions to the
calculus of variations (which include
optimization problems), calculus of probabilities,
analytical mechanics, the theory of functions,
and in differential and integral calculus.
Pierre-Simon Laplace was born in Beaumont-en-
Auge, France on Mar. 23, 1749. Very little is
known of his early childhood. He attended Caen
University, majoring in theology. Laplace
intended to join the church upon graduation.
However, he became aware of his mathematical
talents and decided to leave the university.
Laplace traveled to Paris where he studied
mathematics under Jean le Rond d'Alembert, a
brillant mathematician and scientist who
pioneered the use differential equations in
physics and studied equilibrium and fluid
motion. d'Alembert was so impressed with
Laplace that he appointed him professor of
mathematics at the Ecole Militaire at the young
age of 19. In 1773, he joined the Paris Academy
of Sciences. In 1785, Laplace was an examiner at
the Royal Artillery Corps. One of his students
was Napoleon Bonaparte who was sixteen at the
Among his many contributions, Laplace is best
remembered for introducing the potential
function and Laplace coefficients and Laplace
transforms. The Laplacian, which represents the
divergence of the gradient of a scalar function, is
used to help simplify the time-independent
Schrodinger equation.
Some of his other noteworthy accomplishments
include proving the stability of the solar system,
deriving the least squares rule, contributing to
the study of electricity and magnetism,
solidifying the theory of mathematical
probability, and performing experiments on
capillary action and specific heat with Antoine
Prideof Mathematics 58
Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier was born in
Auxerre, France on March 21, 1768 - the ninth of
twelve children. He attended the Ecole Royal
Militaire of Auxerre in 1780 where he first
studied literature and then mathematics. He
continued to study mathematics, even while
training to become a priest in a Benedictine
abbey in 1787. However, Fourier desired to make
an impact in mathematics like Newton and
Pascal. In 1794, he went to Paris to study at the
Ecole Normale under other famous
mathematicians such as Lagrange, Laplace, and
Monge. By 1797, Fourier was an instructor and
researcher at the College de France. In 1798, he
became a scientific adviser to Napoleon's army
during France's invasion of Egypt. Fourier did
not return to Paris until 1801 when he resumed
teaching. By 1817, he was elected to the
Academy of Sciences. Five years later Fourier
became the Secretary of the mathematics section
at the Academy.
Fourier is best remembered for the Fourier
Transform, which involves the Fourier Series,
and for his theorem on the position of roots in an
algebraic equation. The Fourier Transform makes
it possible to take any periodic function of time
and equate it into an equivalent infinite
summation of sine waves and cosine waves.
Johann Carl Frederich Gauss was born on Apr.
30, 1777 in Brunswick, Germay. Many consider
him to have been a child prodigy since he taught
himself reading and arithmetic by the age of
three. In 1792, his talent caught the attention of
the Duke of Brunswick who later gave Gauss a
stipend to pursue his education. He attended
Caroline College from 1792 to 1795. While there,
he formulated the least-squares method and dealt
with the concept of congruence in number
Prideof Mathematics 59
theory. By 1799, Gauss was awarded a Ph.D for
giving the first proof of the fundamental theorem
of algebra during a doctoral dissertation. In 1801,
he published "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae",
which contained solutions to several problems in
number theory. Gauss also predicted the orbit of
a newly discovered asteroid, Ceres, using his
least squares approximation method. This
discovery eventually led to a position as
astronomer at the Gottingen Observatory.
The intricate research Gauss performed
contributed to the fields of differential geometry,
theoretical astronomy, statisics, magnetism,
mechanics, acoustics, and optics.
Cauchy attended France’s great Ecole
Polytechnique from 1805 until 1807 and worked
briefly as a military engineer. In 1813 he
abandoned his chosen career, apparently for
reasons of health, and devoted himself
exclusively to mathematics. Cauchy secured an
instructorship at the Polytechnique, where he
rose to be professor of mechanics in 1816.
During this period he undertook a thorough
reorganization of the foundations of the calculus,
infusing the subject, as he put it, with the same
rigor that was to be found in geometry. Because
of the changing political situation in 1830
Cauchy went into voluntary exile in Turin, where
he obtained an appointment at the university. In
1838 he returned to Paris and resumed his
teaching, although not at the Polytechnique.
Cauchy was the foremost French mathematician
of the nineteenth century; his 789 papers and
seven books rank him second only to Euler in
terms of productivity.
Cauchy’s celebrated Cours d’analyse de l’Ecole
Royale Polytechnique, based on his lectures at
that school, stamped elementary calculus with
the character it has today. It recognizes the limit
concept as the cornerstone of a firm logical
explanation of continuity, convergence, the
derivative and the integral. In defining "limit," he
Prideof Mathematics 60
When the values successivly attributed to a
particular variable approach indefinitely a fixed
value so as to differ from it by as little as one
wishes, this latter value is called the limit of the
Suffice it to say, the reliance on such phrases as
"as little as one wishes" denies precision to the
notion. The Cours describes the derivative of y =
f(x) as the limit ("when it exists") of a difference
as h goes to zero. Another aspect of Cauchy’s
work is a careful treatment of sequences and
series. One of the basic tests for sequential
convergence is a result that is today called the
"Cauchy convergence criterion"; specifically, a
sequence s1, s2, s3, ... converges to a limit if the
difference sm - sn can be made less than any
assigned value by taking m and n sufficiently
August Ferdinand Mobius was born on Nov. 17,
1790 in Schulpforta, Germany. In 1809 Mobius
graduated from College and went to the
University of Leipzig. Athough his family
suggested Mobius study law, he preferred
mathematics, astronomy, and physics. In 1813,
Mobius studied astronomy under Gauss at the
Gottingen Observatory. By 1815, he started his
doctoral thesis on the occultation of fixed stars.
Shortly, he began his Habilitation thesis on
trigonometric equations. Mobius was appointed
to the chair of astronomy and higher mechanics
at the University of Leipzig in 1816. He did not
gain full professorship in astronomy until 1844.
Mobius is known for his work in analytic
geometry and topology. Specifically, he was one
of the discoverers of the M obius Strip. Mobius
also made numerous contributions in astronomy.
He wrote papers on the occultations of the
Prideof Mathematics 61
planets, astronomical principals, and on celestial
George Green was the son of a baker and left
school at the tender age of 9 to follow in his
father's footsteps. Even at this age he exhibitted
an interest in mathematics. Being of lower social
standing, he was not able to afford the costs of a
university. Green instead, took upon himself the
responsibility of self-education. With his basic
education, he began reading and studying
mathematical papers as well as other documents.
In 1828 at the age of 35, he published possibly
his greatest work, entitled "An Essay on the
Application of Mathematical Analysis to the
Theories of Electridcity and Magnetism." In this
publication, he made his first attempts to apply
mathematical theory to electrical phenomena.
Many of its subscribers were not able to really
understand the contents, importance, or
significance of this work. Two years later, one of
the exceptions to this, Sir Edward Bromheadm,
met with George and encouraged him to publish
two other recognized 'memoirs', "Mathematical
Investigations Concerning the Laws of
Equilibrium of Fluids Analogous to the Electric
Fluid" and "On the Determination of Exterior and
Interior Attractions of Ellipsoids fo Variable
Densities." He also published a paper entitled
"Researches on the Vibrations of Pendulum in
Fluid Media."
In 1833, at the age of 40, he turned down an
invitation from Cambrige University and
admitted himself to Caius College. He gained
recognition and went on to publish papers on
wave theory dealing with the hydrodynamics of
wave motion and reflection and refraction of
light and sound.
Prideof Mathematics 62
Pierre Verhulst was born in Brussels, Belgium on
Oct. 28, 1804. He attended the University of
Ghent where he earned a doctoral degree in 1825
within three years. He eventually came back to
Brussels and worked on number theory. He also
gained an interest in social statictics from
Adolphe Quetelet, another famous
mathematician from Belgium who studied the
theory of probability under Pierre Laplace and
Joseph Fourier. As his interest grew, Verhulst
spent more time with social statistics and less
time trying to publish the complete works of
In 1829 Verhulst translated John Herschel's
Theory of light and published the paper. In 1835,
Verhulst was appointed professor of mathematics
at the University of Brussels where he offered
courses on geometry, trigonometry, celestial
mechanics, astronomy, differential and integral
calculus, and the theory of probability. In 1841,
Verhulst was elected to the Belgium Academy. By
1848, he became the Academy's president.
Verhulst's research on the law of population
growth showed that forces, which tend to
obstruct population growth, increase in
proportion to the ratio of the excess population
to the overall population. He proposed a
population growth model which takes into
account the possible limitation of population size
due to limited resources. Verhulst's model is
often called the "Logistic Growth Equation", or
"Verhulst Equation". His model is considered an
improvement over the Malthusian model, which
assumes human population grows exponentially
when plagues or other disasters do not occur.
Prideof Mathematics 63
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, although born to a
Jewish family, was born in Germany and given
the French name Jacques Simon. Jacobi was
taught by his uncle until he was 12 years of age,
afterwhich he was enrolled in the Gymnasium in
Potsdam. While still in his first year of school he
was moved to the final year class. Jacobi, still
age 12, passed all the necessary classes to enter
the university, but was could not continue
because of the age restriction of age of the
University of 16. Jacobi continued studying
independently and was finally admitted to the
University of Berlin in the spring of 1821.
By 1824, Jacobi began teaching and in 1825
presented a paper concerning iterated functions
to the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. The
Academy did not find his results impressive and
it was not published until 1961.
In 1829, Jacobi published his paper "Fundamenta
nova theoria functions ellipticarum," translated
to New Foundations of the Theory of Elliptic
Functions, which made significant contributions
to the field of elliptic functions.
Jacobi was promoted to full professor in 1832
while at the University of Konigsberg, and
pursued his study of partial differential equations
of the first order, which led to the publishing of
"Structure and Properties of Determinants." He
applied these theories to differential equations in
Dynamics which again led to another publishing,
Lectures in Dynamics. It was also here at the
University of University of Konigsberg, that he
worked on functional determinants now called
Jacobian determinants.
In 1842, Jacobi became ill with diabetes and was
assited with grants to move to Itay where he
published many more works.
Jacobi moved to a small town called Gotha in
1848. Two years later, January of 1851, he
developed influenza and smallpox and died
shortly after.
Prideof Mathematics 64
Weierstrass came late to mathematics. He
entered the University of Bonn at his father’s
insistence to study law and public finance, to
prepare for entering the civil service; after four
years of carousing he left the university without
a degree. Weierstrass eventually obtained a
teaching license and spent the years from 1841
to 1854 at obscure secondary schools in Prussia.
A series of brilliant mathematical papers written
during this time, however, resulted in an
honorary doctoral degree from the University of
Königsberg in 1854. Then, at the age of 40,
Weierstrass was appointed to an academic
position at the University of Berlin. He exerted
great influence there through his teaching of
advanced mathematics, attracting gifted
students from around the world. Although
Weierstrass never published these lectures, his
contributions were widely disseminated by the
Weierstrass provided a completely rigorous
treatment of calculus by using the arithmetic of
inequalities to replace the vague words in
Cauchy’s definitions and theorems. The result
was a clear-cut formulation of the notion of limit,
our now-standard one in terms of epsilon and
Mathematicians erroneously believed that a
continuous function must be differentiable at
most points. Weierstrass surprised his
contemporaries by providing an example of a
continuous function that has a derivative at no
point x of the real line; namely,
He is also known for extending the comparison
test for a series of constants to a series of
functions all defined on the same interval I. The
so-called Weierstrass M-test says:
Prideof Mathematics 65
The son of a Lutheran pastor, Riemann forsook
an initial interest in theology to study
mathematics in Berlin and then in Gottingen. He
completed his training for the doctorate in 1851
at the latter university, under the guidance of
the legendary Carl Gauss. Riemann returned to
Gottingen three years later as a lowly unpaid
tutor, working his way up the academic ladder to
a full professorship in 1859. Yet his teaching
career was tragically brief. He fell ill with
tuberculosis and spent his last years in Italy,
where he died in 1866, only 39 years of age.
Although he published only a few papers, his
name is attached to a variety of topics in several
branches of mathematics: Riemann surfaces,
Cauchy-Riemann equations, the Riemann zeta
function, Riemannian (that is, non-Euclidean)
geometry, and the still-unproven Riemann
The view that integration was simply a process
reverse to differentiation prevailed until the
nineteenth century. The familiar conception of
the definite integral as the limit of
approximating sums was given by Riemann in a
paper he submitted upon joining the faculty at
Göttingen in 1854. It was not published until 13
years later, and then only after his untimely
death. His formulation of what today is known as
the "Riemann integral" runs thus:
If f(x) is a continuous function on the interval
[a,b] and
a = xo, x1, x2, ... ,xn= b are a finite set of points
in [a,b], then
where xk * is an arbitrary point in the subinterval
[xk-1,xk] and d is the maximum of the lengths of
the subintervals.
(This is a modification of Cauchy’s definition, in
Prideof Mathematics 66
which the xk were taken to be the left-endpoints
of the subintervals [xk-1,xk].) Riemann
subsequently applied his version of the integral
to discontinuous functions, producing a
remarkable example of an integrable function
having infinitely many discontinuities. With this,
the study of discontinuous functions gained
mathematical legitimacy.
Considered one of the greatest American
scientists during the 19th century, Josiah
Willard Gibbs was born in New Haven,
Connecticut on Feb. 11, 1839. In 1854, he
enrolled at Yale University where he won prizes
for excellence in Latin and Mathematics. By
1863, Gibbs earned a Ph.D in engineering (the
first in the U.S.) from the Sheffield Scientific
School at Yale. He tutored at Yale for three years,
teaching Latin and Natural Philosophy. Gibbs also
attended several lectures in Europe before
becoming a Professor of Mathematical Physics at
Yale in 1871.
From 1871 to 1878, Gibbs worked on
thermodynamics, introducing geometrical
methods, thermodynamic surfaces, and criteria
for equilibrium. He developed the concept of
Gibbs free energy and other thermodynamic
potentials in the analysis of equilibrium. Gibbs
also built the foundation of modern vector
calculus and studied the electromagnetic theory
of light.
After writing several papers, Gibbs changed the
focus of his research from thermodynamics to
statistical methods. In 1884, he introduced the
"Gibbs principle" for statistical entropy,
canonical, and microcanonical statistical
distributions. In 1898, he studied the "Gibbs
phenomenon" in the convergence of Fourier
series. By 1902, Gibbs published "Elementary
Principles of Statistical Mechanics", from which
the foundation of statistical mechanics was built.

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  • 1. Prideof Mathematics 1 Definition of Mathematics and the Main Branches
  • 2. Prideof Mathematics 2 Mathematics Mathematics (from Greek μάθημα máthēma, “knowledge, study, learning”) is the study of topics such as quantity(numbers), structure, space, and change. There is a range of views among mathematicians and philosophers as to the exact scope and definition of mathematics. Calculus Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and their application to solving equations. It has two major branches, differential calculus(concerning rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves); these two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit. Generally, modern calculus is considered to have been developed in the 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Today, calculus has widespread uses in science, engineering and economics and can solve many problems that algebra alone cannot.
  • 3. Prideof Mathematics 3 Trigonometry Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon, "triangle" and metron, "measure"[ ) is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles. The field emerged in the Hellenistic world during the 3rd century BC from applications of geometry to astronomical studies. Algebra Algebra (from Arabic "al-jabr" meaning "reunion of broken parts") is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number, geometry and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics. Geometry Geometry deals with spatial relationships, using fundamental qualities or axioms. Such axioms can be used in conjunction with mathematical
  • 4. Prideof Mathematics 4 definitions for points, straight lines, curves, surfaces, and solids to draw logical conclusions. Statistic The science of making effective use of numerical data from experiments or from populations of individuals. Statistics includes not only the collection, analysis and interpretation of such data, but also the planning of the collection of data, in terms of the design of surveys and experiments. Arithmetic Arithmetic or arithmetics (from the Greek ἀριθμός arithmos, "number") is the oldest and most elementary branch ofmathematics. It consists of the study of numbers, especially the properties of the traditional operations between them— addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Arithmetic is an elementary part of number theory, and number theory is considered to be one of the top-level divisions of modern mathematics, along with algebra, geometry, and analysis. The terms arithmetic and higher arithmetic were used until the beginning of the 20th century as synonyms for number theory and are sometimes still used to refer to a wider part of number theory
  • 5. Prideof Mathematics 5 Branches of Mathematics: Mathematician
  • 6. Prideof Mathematics 6 And Their Contribution Algebra Algebra (from Arabic "al-jabr" meaning "reunion of broken parts") is one of the broad parts of mathematics, together with number, geometry and analysis. In its most general form, algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics.  Elementaryalgebra, the part of algebra that is usually taught in elementary courses of mathematics.  Abstractalgebra, in which algebraic structures such as groups, rings and fields are axiomatically de fined and investigated.  Linear algebra, in which the specific properties
  • 7. Prideof Mathematics 7 Al-Khwarizmi wrote one of the first Arabic algebras, a systematic exposé of the basic theory of equations, with both examples and proofs. By the end of the 9th century, the Egyptian mathematician Abu Kamil had stated and proved the basic laws
  • 8. Prideof Mathematics 8 and identities of algebra and solved such complicated problems as finding x, y, and z such that x + y + z = 10, x2 + y2 = z2, and xz = y2. Omar Khayyam showed how to express roots of cubic equations by line segments obtained by intersecting conic sections, but he could not find a formula for the roots. Leonardo Fibonacci achieved a close approximation to the solution of the cubic equation x3 + 2x2 + cx = d. Because Fibonacci had traveled in Islamic lands, he probably used an Arabic method of successive approximations. Ludovico Ferrari, soon found an exact solution to equations of the fourth degree (see quartic equation), and as a result, mathematicians for the next several centuries tried to find a formula for the roots of equations of degree five, or higher Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (1499/1500 - 1557) Tartaglia was an Italian mathematician. The name "Tartaglia" is actually a nickname meaning "stammerer", a reference to his injury-induced speech impediment. He was largely self-taught, and was the first person to translate Euclid's Elementsinto a modern European language. He is best remembered for his contributions to algebra, namely his discovery of a formula for the solutions to a cubic equation. Such a formula was also found by Gerolamo Cardano at roughly the same time, and the modern formula is known as the Cardano-Tartaglia formula. Cardano also found a solution to the general quartic equation. Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736 - 1813) Despite his French-sounding name, Lagrange was an Italian mathematician. Like many of the great mathematicians of his time, he made contributions to many different areas of mathematics. In particular, he did some early work in abstract algebra. We will learn about Lagrange's Theorem fairly soon, which is one of the most fundamental results in group theory. Évariste Galois (1811 - 1832) Galois was a very gifted young French mathematician, and his story is one of the most tragic in the history of mathematics. He was killed at the age of 20 in a duel that is still veiled in
  • 9. Prideof Mathematics 9 mystery. Before that, he made huge contributions to abstract algebra. He helped to found group theory as we know it today, and he was the first to use the term "group". Perhaps most importantly, he proved that it is impossible to solve a fifth-degree polynomial (or a polynomial of any higher degree) using radicals by studying permutation groups associated to polynomials. This area of algebra is still important today, and it is known as Galois theory in his honor. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 - 1855) Along with Leonhard Euler, Gauss is considered to be one of the greatest and most prolific mathematicians of all time. He made significant contributions to algebra, number theory, geometry, and physics, just to name a few areas. In algebra, there are several results in ring theory (specifically regarding rings of polynomials) bearing his name. Niels Henrik Abel (1802 - 1829) Abel was a Norwegian mathematician who, like Galois, did seminal work in algebra before dying at a very young age. Strangely enough, he proved similar results regarding the insolvability of the quintic independently from Galois. In honor of his work in group theory, abelian groups are named after him. The Abel Prize in mathematics, sometimes thought of as the "Nobel Prize in Mathematics," is also named for him. Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935) Noether is widely considered to be the greatest female mathematician of all time, and in fact one of the greatest mathematicians ever. Her most important work was related to abstract algebra, specifically the theory of rings and fields. The concept of a Noetherian ring, as well as several theorems in algebra, are named in her honor. She became a lecturer at the University of Göttingen in 1915, at the invitation of David Hilbert. She was forced to leave in 1933, when Adolf Hitler expelled Jewish faculty members from Göttingen. She emigrated to the United States, where she took up a position at Bryn Mawr, which she held until her death in 1935. Arthur Cayley (1821 - 1895) Cayley was a British mathematician whose work is known to students of abstract algebra and linear algebra. The Cayley-
  • 10. Prideof Mathematics 10 Hamilton Theorem for matrices is named after him and William Rowan Hamilton, and a fundamental theorem in group theory, Cayley's Theorem, is due to him. Camille Jordan (1838 - 1922) Like Cayley, Jordan made contributions to both abstract algebra and linear algebra. He is known for developing the Jordan normal form of a matrix, and for originating the Jordan-Hölder Theorem in group theory.
  • 11. Prideof Mathematics 11 Geometry Geometry deals with spatial relationships, using fundamental qualities or axioms. Such axioms can be used in conjunction with mathematical definitions for points, straight lines, curves, surfaces, and solids to draw logical conclusions. Euclidean geometry, elementary geometry of two and three dimensions (plane and solid geometry), is based largely on the Elements of the Greek mathematician Euclid (fl. c.300 B.C.). In 1637, René Descartes showed how numbers can be used to describe points in a plane or in space and to express geometric relations in algebraic form, thus founding analytic geometry, of which algebraic geometry is a further development (see Cartesian coordinates). The problem of representing three-dimensional objects on a two- dimensional surface was solved by Gaspard Monge, who invented descriptive geometry for this purpose in the late 18th cent. differential geometry, in which the concepts of the calculus are applied to curves, surfaces, and other geometrical objects, was founded by Monge and C. F. Gauss in the late 18th and early 19th cent. The modern period in geometry begins with the formulations of projectivegeometry by J. V. Poncelet (1822) and of non-Euclidean geometry by N. I. Lobachevsky (1826) and János Bolyai (1832). Another type of non- Euclidean geometry was discovered by Bernhard Riemann (1854), who also showed how the various geometries could be generalized to any number of dimensions.
  • 12. Prideof Mathematics 12 Babylon (2000 BC - 500 BC) The Babylonians replaced the older (4000 BC - 2000 BC) Sumerian civilization around 2000 BC. The Sumerians had already developed writing (cuniform on clay tablets) and arithmetic (using a base 60 number system). The Babylonians adopted both of these. But, Babylonian math went beyond arithmetic, and devloped basic ideas in number theory, algebra, and geometry. The problems they wanted to solve usually involved construction and land estimation, such as areas and volumes of rectangular objects. Some of their methods were rules that solved specialized quadratic, and even some cubic, equations. But, they didn’t have algebraic notation, and there is no indication that they had logical proofs for the correctness of their rule-based methods. Nevertheless, they knew some special cases of the "Pythagorean Theorem" more than 1000 years before the Greeks (see: Pythagorean Knowledge In Ancient Babylonia and Pythagorus’ theorem in Babylonian mathematics). Their durable clay tablets have preserved some of their knowledge (better than the fragile Eygptian papyri). Four specific tablets (all from the period 1900 BC - 1600 BC) give a good indication of Babylonian mathematical knowledge:
  • 13. Prideof Mathematics 13 Yale tablet YBC 7289 - shows how to compute the diagonal of a square. Plimpton 322 - has a table with a list of Pythagorean integer triples.
  • 14. Prideof Mathematics 14 Susa tablet - shows how to find the radius of the circle through the three vertices of an isoceles triangle. Tell Dhibayi tablet – shows how to find the sides of a rectangle with a given area and diagonal. There is no direct evidence that the Greeks had access to this knowledge. But, some Babylonian mathematics was known to the Eygptians; and probably through them, passed on to the Greeks (Thales and Pythagorus were known to have traveled to Egypt). Egypt (3000 BC - 500 BC) The geometry of Egypt was mostly experimentally derived rules used by the engineers of those civilizations. They developed these rules to estimate and
  • 15. Prideof Mathematics 15 divide land areas, and estimate volumes of objects. Some of this was to estimate taxes for landowners. They also used these rules for construction of buildings, most notably the pyramids. They had methods (using ropes to measure lengths) to compute areas and volumes for various types of objects, various triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and truncated pyramids. Some of their rule-based methods were correct, but others gave approximations. However, there is no evidence that the Egyptians logically deduced geometric facts and methods from basic principles. And there is no evidence that they knew a form of the "Pythagorean Theorem", though it is likely that they had some methods for constructing right angles. Nevertheless, they inspired early Greek geometers like Thales and Pythagorus. Perhaps they knew more than has been recorded, since most ancient Eygptian knowledge and documents have been lost. The only surviving documents are the Rhind and Moscow papyri. Ahmes (1680-1620 BC) wrote the Rhind Papyrus (aka the “Ahmes Papyrus”). In it, he claims to be the scribe and annotator of an earlier document from about 1850 BC. It contains rules for division, and has 87 problems including the solution of equations, progressions, areas of geometric regions, volumes of granaries, etc. Anon (1750 BC) The scribe who wrote the Moscow Papyrus did not record his name. This papyrus has 25 problems with solutions, some of which are geometric. One, problem 14, describes how to calculate the volume of a truncated pyramid (a frustrum), using a numerical method equivalent to the modern formula: , where a and b are the sides of the base and top squares, and h is the height. The book Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs gives a more detailed analysis of Egyptian mathematics.
  • 16. Prideof Mathematics 16 India (1500 BC - 200 BC) Everything that we know about ancient Indian (Vedic) mathematics is contained in: The Sulbasutras These are appendices to the Vedas, and give rules for constructing sacrificial altars. To please the gods, an altar's measurements had to conform to very precise formula, and mathematical accuracy was very important. It is not historically clear whether this mathematics was developed by the Indian Vedic culture, or whether it was borrowed from the Babylonians. Like the Babylonians, results in the Sulbasutras are stated in terms of ropes; and "sutra" eventually came to mean a rope for measuring an altar. Ultimately, the Sulbasutras are simply construction manuals for some basic geometric shapes. It is noteworthy, though, that all the Sulbasutras contain a method to square the circle (one of the infamous Greek problems) as well as the converse problem of finding a circle equal in area to a given square. The main Sulbasutras, named after their authors, are: Baudhayana (800 BC) Baudhayana was the author of the earliest known Sulbasutra. Although he was a priest interested in constructing altars, and not a mathematician, his Sulbasutra contains geometric constructions for solving linear and quadratic equations, plus approximations of (to construct circles) and . It also gives, often approximate, geometric area-preserving transformations from one geometric shape to another. These include transforming a square into a rectangle, an isosceles trapezium, an isosceles triangle, a rhombus, and a circle,
  • 17. Prideof Mathematics 17 and finally transforming a circle into a square. Further, he gives the special case of the “Pythagorean theorem” for the diagonal of a square, and also a method to derive “Pythagorian triples”. But he also has a construction (for a square with the same area as a rectangle) that implies knowin g the more general “Pythagorian theorem”. Some historians consider the Baudhayana as the discovery of the “Pythagorian theorem”. However, the Baudhayana descriptions are all empirical methods, with no proofs, and were likely predated by the Babylonians. Manava (750-690 BC) contains approximate constructions of circles from rectangles, and squares from circles, which give an approximation of = 25/8 = 3.125. Apastamba (600-540 BC) considers the problems of squaring the circle, and of dividing a segment into 7 equal parts. It also gives an accurate approximation of = 577 / 408 = 1.414215686, correct to 5 decimal places. Katyayana (200-140 BC) states the general case of the Pythagorean theorem for the diagonal of any rectangle. Greek Geometry (600 BC - 400 AD) Thales of Miletus (624-547 BC) was one of the Seven pre-Socratic Sages, and brought the science of geometry from Egypt to Greece. He is credited with the
  • 18. Prideof Mathematics 18 discovery of five facts of elementary geometry, including that an angle in a semicircle is a right angle (referred to as “Thales Theorem ”). But some historians dispute this and give the credit to Pythagorus. There is no evidence that Thales used logical deduction to prove geometric facts. Pythagorus of Samos (569-475 BC) is regarded as the first pure mathematician to logically deduce geometric facts from basic principles. He is credited with proving many theorems such as the angles of a triangle summing to 180 deg, and the infamous "Pythagorean Theorem" for a right-angled triangle (which had been known experimentally in Babylon and Egypt for over 1000 years). The Pythagorean school is considered as the (first documented) source of logic and deductive thought, and may be regarded as the birthplace of reason itself. As philosophers, they speculated about the structure and nature of the universe: matter, music, numbers, and geometry. Their legacy is described in Pythagorus and the Pythagoreans : A Brief History Hippocrates of Chios (470-410 BC) wrote the first "Elements of Geometry" which Euclid may have used as a model for his own Books I and II more than a hundred years later. In this first "Elements", Hippocrates included geometric solutions to quadratic equations and early methods of integration. He studied the classic problem of squaring the circle showing how to square a "lune". He worked on duplicating the cube which he showed to be equivalent to constructing two mean proportionals between a number and its double. Hippocrates was also the first to show that the ratio of the areas of two circles was equal to the ratio of the squares of their radii. Plato (427-347 BC)
  • 19. Prideof Mathematics 19 founded "The Academy" in 387 BC which flourished until 529 AD. He developed a theory of Forms, in his book "Phaedo", which considers mathematical objects as perfect forms (such as a line having length but no breadth). He emphasized the idea of 'proof' and insisted on accurate definitions and clear hypotheses, paving the way to Euclid, but he made no major mathematical discoveries himself. The state of mathematical knowledge in Plato's time is reconstructed in the scholarly book: The Mathematics of Plato's Academy. Theaetetus of Athens (417-369 BC) was a student of Plato's, and the creator of solid geometry. He was the first to study the octahedron and the icosahedron, and to construct all five regular solids. His work formed Book XIII of Euclid's Elements. His work about rational and irrational quantities also formed Book X of Euclid. Eudoxus of Cnidus (408-355 BC) foreshadowed algebra by developing a theory of proportion which is presented in Book V of Euclid's Elements in which Definitions 4 and 5 es tablish Eudoxus' landmark concept of proportion. In 1872, Dedekind stated that his work on "cuts" for the real number system was inspired by the ideas of Eudoxus. Eudoxus also did early work on integration using his method of exhaustion by which he determined the area of circles and the volumes of pyramids and cones. This was the first seed from which the calculus grew two thousand years later. Euclid of Alexandria (325-265 BC) is best known for his 13 Book treatise "The Elements" (~300 BC), collecting the theorems of Pythagorus, Hippocrates, Theaetetus,
  • 20. Prideof Mathematics 20 Eudoxus and other predecessors into a logically connected whole. A good modern translation of this historic work is The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements by Thomas Heath Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC) is regarded as the greatest of Greek mathematicians, and was also the inventor of many mechanical devices (including the screw, pulley, and lever). He perfected integration using Eudoxus' method of exhaustion, and found the areas and volumes of many objects. A famous result of his is that the volume of a sphere is two-thirds the volume of its circumscribed cylinder, a picture of which was inscribed on h is tomb. He gave accurate approximations to and square roots. In his treatise "On Plane Equilibriums", he set out the fundamental principles of mechanics, using the methods of geometry, and proved many fundamental theorems concerning the center of gravity of plane figures. In "On Spirals", he defined and gave fundamental properties of a spiral connecting radius lengths with angles as well as results about tangents and the area of portions of the curve. He also investigated surfaces of revolution, and discovered the 13 semi-regular (or "Archimedian") polyhedra whose faces are all regular polygons. Translations of his surviving manuscripts are now available as The Works of Archimedes. A good biography of his life and discoveries is also available in the book Archimedes: What Did He Do Beside Cry Eureka?. He was killed by a Roman soldier in 212 BC. Apollonius of Perga (262-190 BC) was called 'The Great Geometer'. His famous work was "Conics" consisting of 8 Books. In Books 5 to 7, he studied normals to conics, and determined the center of curvature and the evolute of the ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. In another work "Tangencies", he showed how to construct the circle which is tangent to three objects (points, lines or circles). He also computed an approximation for
  • 21. Prideof Mathematics 21 better than the one of Archimedes. English translations of his Conics Books I - III, Conics Book IV, and Conics Books V to VII are now available. Heron of Alexandria (10-75 AD) wrote "Metrica" (3 Books) which gives methods for computing areas and volumes. Book I considers areas of plane figures and surfaces of 3D objects, and contains his now-famous formula for the area of a triangle = where s=(a+b+c)/2 [note: some historians attribute this result to Archimedes]. Book II considers volumes of 3D solids. Book III deals with dividing areas and volumes according to a given ratio, and gives a method to find the cube root of a number. He wrote in a practical manner, and has other books, notably in Mechanics Menelaus of Alexandria (70-130 AD) developed spherical geometry in his only surviving work "Sphaerica" (3 Books). In Book I, he defines spherical triangles using arcs of great circles which marks a turning point in the development of spherical trigonometry. Book 2 applies spherical geometry to astronomy; and Book 3 deals with spherical trigonometry including "Menelaus's theorem" about how a straight line cuts the three sides of a triangle in proportions whose product is ( -1). Claudius Ptolemy (85-165 AD) wrote the "Almagest" (13 Books) giving the mathematics for the geocentric theory of planetary motion. Considered a masterpiece with few peers, the Almagest remained the major work in astronomy for 1400 years until it was superceded by the heliocentric theory of Copernicus. Nevertheless, in Books 1 and 2, Ptolemy refined the foundations of trigonometry based on the chords of a circle established by Hipparchus. One infamous result that he used, known as
  • 22. Prideof Mathematics 22 "Ptolemy's Theorem", states that for a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, the product of its diagonals is equal to the sum of the products of its opposite sides. From this, he derived the (chord) formulas for sin(a+b), sin(a -b), and sin(a/2), and used these to compute detailed trigonometric tables. Pappus of Alexandria (290-350 AD) was the last of the great Greek geometers. His major work in geometry is "Synagoge" or the "Collection" (in 8 Books), a handbook on a wide variety of topics: arithmetic, mean proportionals, geometrical paradoxes, regular polyhedra, the spiral and quadratrix, trisection, honeycombs, semiregular solids, minimal surfaces, astronomy, and mechanics. In Book VII, he proved "Pappus' Theorem" which forms the basis of modern projective geometry; and also proved "Guldin's Theorem" (rediscovered in 1640 by Guldin) to compute a volume of revolution. Hypatia of Alexandria (370-415 AD) was the first woman to make a substantial contribution to the development of mathematics. She learned mathematics and philosophy from her father Theon of Alexandria, and assisted him in writing an eleven part commentary on Ptolemy's Almagest, and a new version of Euclid's Elements. Hypatia also wrote commentaries on Diophantus's “Arithmetica”, Apollonius's “Conics” and Ptolemy's astronomical works. About 400 AD, Hypatia became head of the Platonist school at Alexandria, and lectured there on mathematics and philosophy. Although she had many prominent Christians as students, she ended up being brutally murdered by a fanatical Christian sect that regarded science and mathematics to be pagan. Nevertheless, she is the first woman in history recognized as a professional geometer and mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
  • 23. Prideof Mathematics 23 in an appendix "La Geometrie" of his 1637 manuscript "Discours de la method ...", he applied algebra to geometry and created analytic geometry. A complete modern English translation of this appendix is available in the book “The Geometry of Rene Descartes“. Also, the recent book “Descartes's Mathematical Thought” reconstructs his intellectual career, both mathematical and philosophical. Girard Desargues (1591-1661) invented perspective geometry in his most important work titled "Rough draft for an essay on the results of taking plane sections of a cone" (1639). In 1648, he published. Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665) is also recognized as an independent co-creator of analytic geometry which he first published in his 1636 paper "Ad Locos Planos et Solidos Isagoge". He also developed a method for determining maxima, minima and tangents to curved lines foreshadowing calculus. Descartes first attacked this method, but later admitted it was correct. The story of his life and work is described in the book “ The Mathematical Career of Pierre de Fermat;. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was the co-inventor of modern projective geometry, published in his "Essay on Conic Sections" (1640). He later wrote "The Generation of Conic Sections" (1648-1654 Giovanni Saccheri (1667-1733)
  • 24. Prideof Mathematics 24 was an Italian Jesuit who did important early work on non-euclidean geometry. In 1733, the same year he died, Saccheri published his important e arly work on non-euclidean geometry, “Euclides ab Omni Naevo Vindicatus”. Although he saw it as an attempt to prove the 5th parallel axiom of Euclid. His attempt tried to find a contradiction to a consequence of the 5th axiom, which he failed to do, but instead developed many theorems of non-Euclidean geometry. It was 170 years later that the significance of the work realised. However, the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry by Nikolai Lobachevsky and Janos Bolyai was not due to this masterpiece by Saccheri, since neither ever heard of him. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) was extremely prolific in a vast range of subjects, and is the greatest modern mathematician. He founded mathematical analysis, and invented mathematical functions, differential equations, and the calculus of variations. He used them to transform analytic into differential geometry investigating surfaces, curvature, and geodesics. Euler, Monge, and Gauss are considered the three fathers of differential geometry. In classical geometry, he discovered the “Euler line” of a triangle; and in analytic geometry, the “Euler angles” of a vector. He also discovered that the "Euler characteristic" (V-E+F) of a surface triangulation depends only on it’s genus, which was the genesis of topology. Euler made other breakthrough contributions to many branches of math. Famous formulas he discovered include “ Euler’s formula” (eix = cos x + i sin x), “Euler’s identity” (eiπ + 1 = 0), and many formulas with infinite series. The list of his discoveries goes on and on. A representative selection of his work (in 8 different fields) is given in the popular book “Euler: The Master of Us All”. In 1766, Euler became almost totally blind, after which he produced nearly half of all his work, dictating his papers to assistants. He published over 800 papers and books, and his collected works fill 25,000 pages in 79 volumes. A large repository of his work is now available online at The Euler Archive.
  • 25. Prideof Mathematics 25 Gaspard Monge (1746-1818) is considered the father of both descriptive geometry in "Geometrie descriptive" (1799); and differential geometry in "Application de l'Analyse a la Geometrie" (1800) where he introduced the concept of lines of curvature on a surface in 3-space. Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752-1833) made important contributions to many fields of math: differential equations, ballistics, celestial mechanics, elliptic functions, number theory, and (of course) geometry. In 1794 Legendre published “Elements de Geometrie” which was the leading elementary text on the topic for around 100 years. In his "Elements" Legendre greatly rearranged and simplified many of the propositions from Euclid's "Elements" to create a more effective textbook. His work replaced Euclid's "Elements" as a textbook in most of Europe and, in succeeding translations, in the United States, and became the prototype of later geometry texts, including those being used today. Although he was born into a wealthy family, in the 1793 French Revolution he lost his capital, and became dependent on his academic salary. Then in 1824, Legendre refused to vote for the government's candidate for the French Institut National; and as a result, his academic pension was stopped. In 1833 he died in poverty. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) invented non-Euclidean geometry prior to the independent work of Janos Bolyai (1833) and Nikolai Lobachevsky (1829), although Gauss' work on this topic was unpublished until after he died. With Euler and Monge, he is considered a founder of differential geometry. He published "Disquisitiones generales circa superficies curva" (1828) which contained "Gaussian curvature" and his famous "Theorema Egregrium" that Gaussian
  • 26. Prideof Mathematics 26 curvature is an intrinsic isometric invariant of a surface embedded in 3-space. The story of his life and work is given in the popular book “ The Prince of Mathematics: Carl Friedrich Gauss. Nikolai Lobachevsky (1792-1856) published the first account of non-Euclidean geometry to appear in print. Instead of trying to prove Euclid’s 5th axiom (about a unique line through a point that is parallel to another line), he studied the concept of a geometry in which that axiom may not be true. He completed his major work Geometriya in 1823, but it was not published until 1909. In 1829, he published a paper on hyperbolic geometry, the first paper to appear in print on non- Euclidean geometry, in a Kazan University journal. But his papers were rejected by the more prestigious journals. Finally in 1840, a paper of his was published in Berlin; and it greatly impressed Gauss. There has been some speculati on that Gauss influenced Lobachevsky’s work, but those claims have been refuted. In any case, his great mathematical achievements were not recognized in his lifetime, and he died without a notion of the importance that his work would achieve. Janos Bolyai (1802-1860) was a pioneer of non-Euclidean geometry. His father, Farkas, taught mathematics, and raised his son to be a mathematician. His father knew Gauss, whom he asked to take Janos as a student; but Gauss rejected the idea. Around 1820, Janos began to follow his father’s path to replace Euclid's parallel axiom, but he gave up this approach within a year, since he was starting to develop the basic ideas of hyperbolic and absolute geometry. In 1825, he explained his discoveries to his father, who was clearly disappointed. But by 1831, his father’s opinion had changed, and he encour aged Janos to publish his work as the Appendix of another work. This Appendix came to the attention of Gauss, who both praised it, and also claimed that it coincided with his own thoughts for over 30 years. Janos took this as a severe blow, became irritable and difficult with others, and his health deteriorated. After this he did
  • 27. Prideof Mathematics 27 little serious mathematics. Later, in 1848, Janos discovered Lobachevsky’s 1829 work, which greatly upset him. He accused Gauss of spiteful machinations through the fictitious Lobachevsky. He then gave up any further work on math. He had never published more than the few pages of the Appendix, but he left more than 20000 pages of mathematical manuscripts, which are now in a Hungarian library. Jean-Victor Poncelet (1788-1867) was one of the founders of modern projective geometry. He had studied under Monge and Carnot, but after school, he joined Napoleon’s army. In 1812, he was left for dead after a battle with the Russians, who then imprisoned him for several years. During this time, he tried to remember his math classes as a distraction from the hardship, and started to develop the projective properties of conics, including the pole, polar lines, the principle of duality, and circular points at infinity. After being freed (1814), he got a teaching job, and finally published his ideas in “Traite des proprietes projectives des figures” (1822), from which the term “projective geometry” was coined. He was then in a priority dispute about the duality principle that lasted until 1829. This pushed Poncelet away from projective geometry and towards mechanics, which then became his career. Fifty years later, he incorporated his innovative geometric ideas into his 2 -volume treatise on analytic geometry “Applications d'analyse et de geometrie” (1862, 1864). He had other unpublished manuscripts, which survived until World War I, when they vanished. Hermann Grassmann (1809-1877) was the creator of vector analysis and the vector interior (dot) and exterior (cross) products in his books "Theorie der Ebbe and Flut" studying tides (1840, but 1st published in 1911), and
  • 28. Prideof Mathematics 28 "Ausdehnungslehre" (1844, revised 1862). In them, he invented what is now called the n-dimensional exterior algebra in differential geometry, but it was not recognized or adopted in his lifetime. Professional mathematicians regarded him as an obscure amateur (who had never attended a university math lecture), and mostly ignored his work. He gained some notoriety when Cauchy purportedly plagiarized his work in 1853 (see the web page Abstract linear spaces for a short account). A more extensive description of Grassmann's life and work is given in the interesting book “A History of Vector Analysis”. Arthur Cayley (1821-1895) was an amateur mathematician (he was a lawyer by profession) who unified Euclidean, non-Euclidean, projective, and metrical geometry. He introduced algebraic invariance, and the abstract groups of matrices and quaternions which form the foundation Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) was the next great developer of differential geometry, and investigated the geometry of "Riemann surfaces" in his PhD thesis (1851) supervised by Gauss. In later work he also developed geodesic coordinate systems and curvature tensors in n-dimensions. An engaging and readable account of Riemann’s life and work is given in the book “ Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866: Turning Points in the Conception of Mathematics ” Felix Klein (1849-1925) is best known for his work on the connections between geometry and group theory. He is best known for his "Erlanger Programm" (1872) that synthesized geometry as the study of invariants under groups of transformations, which is now the standard accepted
  • 29. Prideof Mathematics 29 view. He is also famous for inventing the well-known "Klein bottle" as an example of a one-sided closed surface. David Hilbert (1862-1943) first worked on invariant theory and proved his famous "Basis Theorem" (1888). He later did the most influential work in geometry since Euclid, publishing "Grundlagen der Geometrie" (1899) which put geometry in a formal axiomatic setting based on 21 axioms. In his famous Paris speech (1900), he gave a list of 23 open problems, some in geometry, which provided an agenda for 20th century mathematics. The story of his life and mathematics are now in the acclaimed biography “ Hilbert”. Oswald Veblen (1880-1960) developed "A System of Axioms for Geometry" (1903) as his doctoral thesis. Continuing work in the foundations of geometry led to axiom systems of projective geometry, and with John Young he published the definitive "Projective geometry" in 2 volumes (1910- 18). He then worked in topology and differential geometry, and published "The Foundations of Differential Geometry" (1933) with his student Henry Whitehead, in which they give the first definition of a differentiable manifold. Donald Coxeter (1907-2003) is regarded as the major synthetic geometer of the 20th century, and made important contributions to the theory of polytopes, non- Euclidean geometry, group theory and combinatorics. Coxeter is noted for the completion of Euclid's work by giving the complete classification of regular polytopes in n-dimensions using his "Coxeter groups". He published many important books, including Regular Polytopes (1947, 1963, 1973) and Introduction to Geometry (1961, 1989). He was a Professor of Math at Univ.
  • 30. Prideof Mathematics 30 of Toronto from 1936 until his death at the age of 96. When asked about how he achieved a long life, he replied: "I am never bored". Recently, a biography of his remarkable life has been published in the interesting book “ King of Infinite Space: Donald Coxeter, the Man Who Saved Geometry”. Trigonometry Trigonometry (from Greek trigōnon, "triangle" and metron, "measure"[ ) is a branch of mathematics that studies relationships involving lengths and angles of triangles. The field emerged in the Hellenistic world during the 3rd century BC from applications of geometry to astronomical studies. Core Trigonometry  This type of trigonometry is used for triangles that have one 90 degree angle. Mathematicians use sine and cosine variables within a formula (as well as data from trigonometry tables such as decimal values) to determine the height and distance of the other two angles. A scientific calculator has the trigonometry tables programmed within, making the formulations easier to equate than through using long division. Core trigonometry is taught in high schools, and studied in depth by mathematic majors in college.
  • 31. Prideof Mathematics 31 Spherical Trigonometry  Spherical trigonometry deals with triangles that are drawn on a sphere, and this type is often used by astronomers and scientists to determine distances within the universe. Unlike core or plane trigonometry, the sum of all angles in a triangle is greater than 180 degrees. Sine and cosine tables
  • 33. Prideof Mathematics 33 Ahmes  was the Egyptian scribe who wrote the Rhind Papyrus - one of the oldest known mathematical documents. Thales  was the first known Greek philosopher, scientist and mathematician. He is credited with five theorems of elementary geometry. Pythagoras  was a Greek philosopher who made important developments in mathematics, astronomy, and the theory of music. The theorem now known as Pythagoras's theorem was known to the Babylonians 1000 years earlier but he may have been the first to prove Euclid  was a Greek mathematician best known for his treatise on geometry: The Elements . This influenced the development of Western mathematics for more than 2000 years. http://www- Heron or Hero of Alexandria  was an important geometer and worker in mechanics who invented many machines ncluding a steam turbine. His best known mathematical work is the formula for the area of a triangle in terms of the lengths of its sides. A is the area of a triangle with sides a, b and c and s = (a + b + c)/2 then A^2 = s (s - a)(s - b)(s - c). Menelaus  was one of the later Greek geometers who applied spherical geometry to astronomy. He is best known for the so-called Menelaus's theorem. François Viète  was a French amateur mathematician and astronomer who introduced the first systematic algebraic notation in his book In artem analyticam isagoge . He was also involved in deciphering codes. he calculated π to 10 places using a polygon of 6 216= 393216 sides. He also represented π as an infinite product which, as
  • 34. Prideof Mathematics 34 far as is known, is the earliest infinite representation of π.... Johannes Kepler  was a German mathematician and astronomer who postulated that the Earth and planets travel about the sun in elliptical orbits. He gave three fundamental laws of planetary motion. He also did important work in optics and geometry. René Descartes  was a French philosopher whose work, La géométrie, includes his application of algebra to geometry from which we now have Cartesian geometry. His work had a great influence on both mathematicians and philosophers. Leonhard Euler  was a Swiss mathematician who made enormous contibutions to a wide range of mathematics and physics including analytic geometry, trigonometry, geometry, calculus and number theory. Firstly his work in number theory seems to have been stimulated by Goldbach but probably originally came from the interest that the Bernoullis had in that topic. Goldbach asked Euler, in 1729, if he knew of Fermat's conjecture that the numbers 2^n + 1 were always prime if n is a power of 2. Euler verified this for n = 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 and, by 1732 at the latest, showed that the next case 2^(32) + 1 = 4294967297 is divisible by 641 and so is not prime. Euler also studied other unproved results of Fermat and in so doing introduced the Euler phi function (n), the number of integers k with 1 k n and k coprime to n. He proved another of Fermat's assertions, namely that if a and b are coprime then a^2 + b^2 has no divisor of the form 4n - 1, in 1749. Other work done by Euler on infinite series included the introduction of his famous Euler's constant , in 1735, which he showed to be the limit of 1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n - log(e) n Lagrange  excelled in all fields of analysis and number theory and analytical and celestial mechanics. He also worked on number theory proving in 1770 that every positive integer is the sum of four squares. In 1771 he proved Wilson's theorem (first stated without proof by Waring) that n is prime if and only if (n -1)! + 1 is divisible by n. Giovanni Ceva
  • 35. Prideof Mathematics 35  was an Italian mathematician who rediscovered Menelaus's theorem and proved his own well-known theorem. Pitiscus Although Pitiscus worked much in the theological field, his proper abilities concerned mathematics, and particularly trigonometry. The word 'trigonometry' is due to Pitiscus and first occurs in the title of his work Trigonometria: sive de solutione triangulorum tractatus brevis et perspicuus first published in Heidelberg in 1595 as the final section of A Scultetus's Sphaericorum libri tres methodice conscripti et utilibus scholiis expositi. The first section, divided into five books, covers plane and spherical trigonometry. In the first book he introduced the main definitions and theorems of plane and spherical trigonometry. The third of the five books is devoted to plane trigonometry and it consists of six fundamental theorems. The fourth book consists of four fundamental theorems on spherical trigonometry, while the fifth book proves a number of propositions on the trigonometric functions. Trigonometry: or, the doctrine of triangles. Hipparchus He made an early contribution to trigonometry producing a table of chords, an early example of a trigonometric table; indeed some historians go so far as to say that trigonometry was invented by him. Finally let us examine the contributions which Hipparchus made to trigonometry. Even if he did not invent it, Hipparchus is the first person whose systematic use of trigonometry we have documentary evidence. If this is so, Hipparchus was not only the founder of trigonometry but also the man who transformed Greek astronomy from a purely theoretical into a practical predictive science. Aryabhata I The mathematical part of the Aryabhatiya covers arithmetic, algebra, plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry. We now look at the trigonometry contained in Aryabhata's treatise. He also introduced the versine (versin = 1 - cosine) into trigonometry. Regiomontanus Regiomontanus made important contributions to trigonometry and
  • 36. Prideof Mathematics 36 astronomy. In the Epitome Regiomontanus, realising the need for a systematic account of trigonometry to support astronomy, promised to write such a treatise. With Book II the study of trigonometry gets under way in earnest. Books III, IV and V treat spherical trigonometry which, of course, is of major importance in astronomy. Guo Shoujing Making sense of the data gathered from the instruments required a knowledge of spherical trigonometry and Guo devised some remarkable formulae. We should now look at the rather remarkable work which Guo did on spherical trigonometry and solving equations. The first column is the value of x using Guo's formula taking an accurate modern approximation to π, the second column is the result given by the formula with π = 3, while the third column is the correct answer calculated using trigonometry (in fact the cosine). Theodosius Sphaerics contains no trigonometry although it is likely that Hipparchus introduced spherical trigonometry before Sphaerics was written (although, one has to assume, after the book on which Sphaerics is based, which would certainly be the case if this earlier book was written by Eudoxus). Perhaps it is worth remarking that despite our comment above that the work contains no trigonometry, there are some results which we could easily interpret in trigonometrical terms. Peirce Benjamin For example An Elementary Treatise on Plane Trigonometry (1835), First Part of an Elementary Treatise on Spherical Trigonometry (1936), An Elementary Treatise on Sound (1936), An Elementary Treatise on Algebra : To which are added Exponential Equations and Logarithms (1937), An Elementary Treatise on Plane and Solid Geometry (1937), An Elementary Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (1940), and An Elementary Treatise on Curves, Functions, and Forces Vol 1 (1841), Vol 2 (1846). Girard Albert Albert Girard worked on algebra, trigonometry and arithmetic. In 1626 he published a treatise on trigonometry containing the first use of the abbreviations sin, cos, tan. It appears that Girard spent some time as an engineer in the Dutch army
  • 37. Prideof Mathematics 37 although this was probably after he published his work on trigonometry. Durell Among the books he wrote around this time were: Readable relativity (1926), A Concise Geometry (1928), Matriculation Algebra (1929), Arithmetic (1929), Advanced Trigonometry (1930), A shorter geometry (1931), The Teaching of Elementary Algebra (1931), Elementary Calculus (1934), A School Mechanics (1935), and General Arithmetic (1936). For the second of our more detailed looks at one of Durell's texts let us consider Advanced Trigonometry which was also originally published by G Bell & Sons. This volume will provide a welcome resource for teachers seeking an undergraduate text on advanced trigonometry, when few are readily available. Casey 1893); A treatise on elementary trigonometry (1886); A treatise on plane trigonometry (1888); A treatise on spherical trigonometry (1889). Briggs Gellibrand was professor of astronomy at Gresham College and was particularly interested in applications of logarithms to trigonometry. He therefore added a preface of his own on applications of logarithms to both plane trigonometry and to spherical trigonometry. Bhaskara II It covers topics such as: praise of study of the sphere; nature of the sphere; cosmography and geography; planetary mean motion; eccentric epicyclic model of the planets; the armillary sphere; spherical trigonometry; ellipse calculations; first visibilities of the planets; calculating the lunar crescent; astronomical instruments; the seasons; and problems of astronomical calculations. There are interesting results on trigonometry in this work. In particular Bhaskaracharya seems more interested in trigonometry for its own sake than his predecessors who saw it only as a tool for calculation. Al-Tusi Nasir One of al-Tusi's most important mathematical contributions was the creation of trigonometry as a mathematical discipline in its own right rather than as just a tool for astronomical applications.
  • 38. Prideof Mathematics 38 In Treatise on the quadrilateral al-Tusi gave the first extant exposition of the whole system of plane and spherical trigonometry. This work is really the first in history on trigonometry as an independent branch of pure mathematics and the first in which all six cases for a right- angled spherical triangle are set forth. Klugel Klugel made an exceptional contribution to trigonometry, unifying formulae and introducing the concept of trigonometric function, in his Analytische Trigonometrie. Klugel's trigonometry was very modern for its time and was exceptional among the contemporary textbooks. Doppelmayr Doppelmayr wrote on astronomy, spherical trigonometry, sundials and mathematical instruments. He also wrote several mathematics texts himself, including one on spherical trigonometry and Summa geometricae practicae. Puissant The map was produced with considerable detail, the projection used spherical trigonometry, truncated power series and differential geometry. Puissant wrote on geodesy, the shape of the earth and spherical trigonometry. Herschel Caroline Slowly Caroline turned more and more towards helping William with his astronomical activities while he continued to teach her algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In particular Caroline studied spherical trigonometry which would be important for reducing astronomical observations. Viete The Canon Mathematicus covers trigonometry; it contains trigonometric tables, it also gives the mathematics behind the construction of the tables, and it details how to solve both plane and spherical triangles. Viete also wrote books on trigonometry and geometry such as Supplementum geometriae (1593). Fuss
  • 39. Prideof Mathematics 39 Most of Fuss's papers are solutions to problems posed by Euler on spherical geometry, trigonometry, series, differential geometry and differential equations. His best papers are in spherical trigonometry, a topic he worked on with A J Lexell and F T Schubert. Al-Jayyani Another work of great importance is al-Jayyani's The book of unknown arcs of a sphere, the first treatise on spherical trigonometry. Although it is certain that Regiomontanus based his treatise on Arabic works on spherical trigonometry it may well be that al-Jayyani's work was only one of many such sources. Ulugh Beg This excellent book records the main achievements which include the following: methods for giving accurate approximate solutions of cubic equations; work with the binomial theorem; Ulugh Beg's accurate tables of sines and tangents correct to eight decimal places; formulae of spherical trigonometry; and of particular importance, Ulugh Beg's Catalogue of the stars, the first comprehensive stellar catalogue since that of Ptolemy. As well as tables of observations made at the Observatory, the work contained calendar calculations and results in trigonometry. Stevin The author of 11 books, Simon Stevin made significant contributions to trigonometry, mechanics, architecture, musical theory, geography, fortification, and navigation. The collection included De Driehouckhandel (Trigonometry), De Meetdaet (Practice of measuring), and De Deursichtighe (Perspective). Calculus Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of
  • 40. Prideof Mathematics 40 operations and their application to solving equations. It has two major branches, differential calculus(concerning rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves); these two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of infinite sequences and infinite series to a well-defined limit. Generally, modern calculus is considered to have been developed in the 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz. Today, calculus has widespread uses in science, engineering and economics and can solve many problems that algebra alone cannot. Differential calculus Divides things into small (different) pieces and tells us how they change from one moment to the next. Integral calculus Joins (integrates) the small pieces together and tells us how much of something is made, overall, by a series of changes.
  • 41. Prideof Mathematics 41 Descartes was educated in the Jesuit preparatory school of La Flèche and the University of Poitiers, taking a degree in law. He then spent two years in Paris where, outwardly living the life of a frivolous young gentleman, he began a serious study of mathematics. To see more of the world Descartes joined several armies as an unpaid volunteer; the brief intervals of tranquility during nine years of service provided him time to develop his mathematical and philosophic ideas. In 1628, Descartes decided to settle in Holland, where he remained for the next twenty years. There he wrote his great philosophic treatise on the scientific method, the Discours de la méthode (1637). (The still-quoted sentence, "I think, therefore I am," comes from the Discours.) In 1649, after much hesitation, Descartes accepted the invitation of the 22-year-old Queen Christina to come to Sweden as her private tutor. After only four months of winter tutoring sessions, always held at
  • 42. Prideof Mathematics 42 5:00 in the morning in the ice-cold library, Descartes died of pneumonia. The last of the three appendices to Descartes’s Discours was a 106-page essay entitled La géométrie. It provides the first printed account of what is now called analytic or coordinate geometry. The work exerted great influence after being published in a Latin translation along with explanatory notes. The Géométrie introduced many innovations in mathematical notation, most of which are still in use. With Descartes, small letters near the beginning of the alphabet indicate constants and those near the end stand for variables. He initiated the use of numerical superscripts to denote powers of a quantity, while occasionally writing aa for the second power, a2. The familiar symbols +, -, and are also encountered in Descartes’s writing. Descartes "algebrized" the study of geometry by shifting the focus from curves to their equations, allowing the tools of algebra, rather than diagrams, to be applied to the solution of various geometric problems. The Géométrie also treated one of the most important problems of the day, that of finding tangents to curves, by describing a procedure for constructing the normal to a curve at any point (the tangent is perpendicular to the normal). Another part of the work deals with matters in the theory of equations: Descartes states that x - a is a factor of a polynomial if and only if a is a root. He also notes that the maximum number of roots is equal to the degree of the polynomial.
  • 43. Prideof Mathematics 43 Fermat received a Bachelor of Civil Laws from the University of Law at Orleans in 1631. Fermat considered mathematics to be a hobby, never publishing his work. Most of his theories and formulations were recovered from his correspondence with Pierre de Carcavi and Father Mersenne. Upon his death his son Samuel oversaw the publications of Fermats work in Observations on Diophantus, and Mathematical Works. Pierre de Fermat explored such mathematical areas as analytical geometry, pre-evolved Calculus, and infinite descent. However his work with Number Theory is what he is best known for. A few of his well known theorems include Every non-negative integer can be represented as the sum of four or fewer squares A prime of the form 4n + 1 can be represented as the sum of two squares The equation Nx2 + 1 = y2 has infinitely many integer solutions if N is not a square Fermat was in the habit of presenting his theorems as fact, letting others perform the task of presenting the proofs and verifications of his work. Perhaps his most infamous work is what is commonly known as Fermat's Last Theorem, named such as it was the last of his theorems to be proven. This theorem states that xn + yn = zn has no non-zero integer solutions for x, y and z when n > 2. To further add to the mystery, Fermat's last words on this were found in the margin of a popular mathematics book, simply stating that he had found a "remarkable proof" but that the margin was too small in which to explain. In 1995, over 300 years later, this theorem was finally proven by the British mathematician, Andrew Wiles. Although once mistakenly declared deceased during the plague of 1653, he continued to live out his life in Toulouse with his wife and four children until his death in 1665.
  • 44. Prideof Mathematics 44 As a youth, Torricelli took courses in mathematics and philosophy with the Jesuits in Faenza, Italy. They noticed his outstanding promise and sent him for further education to a school in Rome run by a former student of Galileo’s. Torricelli himself may be viewed as Galileo’s last pupil, for he came to live with the blind and ill Galileo in 1641. They had only a little time to work together, for the aged scholar died within three months. Appointed to the chair of mathematics in Florence, the position left vacant by Galileo, Torricelli’s own career was cut short when he died suddenly, probably of typhoid fever, five years later at the age of 39. He is often remembered today for his demonstration of the weight of air. The demonstration consisted of taking a long tube filled with mercury and sealed at one end, and inverting it into a basin of mercury; the changing pressure of air on the free surface of mercury in the basin made the level in the tube stand higher on some occasions than on others. Torricelli was a mathematician of considerable accomplishment. Using Cavalieri’s method of indivisibles, he solved the famous problem of finding the area under one arch of the cycloid; later, he determined the length of the infinitely many revolutions of the logarithmic spiral (in polar coordinates, In 1641, he established a result so astonishing that mathematicians of the day thought it to be impossible: there is a geometric solid which is infinitely long, but nonetheless has a finite volume. The body, which he called "the acute hyperbolic solid," is generated when the region bounded by a branch of the hyperbola y = 1/x, the line x = 1 and the x-axis is revolved around the x-axis. Its finite volume is given in modern notation by the integral
  • 45. Prideof Mathematics 45 When he communicated his discovery to the French geometers in 1644, Torricelli’s status changed from being a virtual unknown to one of the most acclaimed mathematicians in Europe. The proof itself constituted the high point in the Opera geometrica (1644), the only work of Torricelli to be published in his lifetime. Wallis entered Cambridge University in 1632, studied theology, and received a master’s degree in 1640, the same year in which he took Holy Orders. He held a faculty position at Cambridge for about a year, but vacated it upon deciding to marry. During England’s Civil War of 1642-1648, Wallis aided the Puritan cause by deciphering captured coded Royalist dispatches. As a reward for this service (and although he was yet to show any mathematical promise), Wallis was appointed professor of geometry at Oxford in 1649. Because the position required him to give public lectures on theoretical mathematics, Wallis embarked at the age of 32 on a systematic and productive study of the subject. He retained his post at Oxford until his death, over 50 years later. Wallis’s Tractus de sectionibus conicis of 1656 is the first elementary textbook to treat conics using Descartes’s new coordinate geometry. In it, the ellipse, hyperbola and parabola are each identified with an equation of second degree. In 1655, he had published the Arithmetica infinitorum, the work on which his reputation is grounded. The Arithmetica contains a formula equivalent to for the area under the curve y = xn. This is often regarded as the first general theorem to appear in the calculus. After giving a somewhat rigorous demonstration for several integral powers of x, Wallis inferred it to be true for every positive integer; then, relying on "permanence of form," he asserted that the formula held even when n is negative (but not equal to -1) or fractional. The result was not new, having been anticipated by
  • 46. Prideof Mathematics 46 Cavalieri. Where Cavalieri relied almost entirely on geometric reasoning, Wallis held to an arithmetic argument whenever possible. With the advent of his "arithmetic integration," the geometric method of indivisibles virtually ceased to appear in the calculus. The familiar knot symbol for infinity makes its first appearance in print in the Arithmetica. As does Wallis’s famous infinite product expansion for p , Blaise Pascal was born in the French province of Auvergne on June 19, 1623. Early on in his life, Pascal's father wanted to restrict his son's education primarily to languages. However, at a young age Pascal became increasingly curious about mathematics. Through his tutor, he gained knowledge about geometry and decided to pursue his own studies. Pascal discovered many properties of geometric figures, such as the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles. Pascal's father was so impressed by his son's abilities that he gave him a copy of Euclid's "Elements" (which he soon mastered). By the age of fourteen, Pascal was attending the weekly meetings of other French geometricians, which later formed the basis of the French Academy. In 1640, Pascal published an essay on conic sections, and during the next few years, he invented and built a mechanical calculating machine, which was called a Pascaline. When he became twenty-one, Pascal gained interest in Torricelli's work on atmospheric pressure, which led him to study hydrostatics. In 1650, Pascal took an abrupt hiatus from his research to pursue religion. He joined the Jansenist monastery at Port-Royal in 1654 after he had a religious experience that changed his life. He broke away from the Jansenists in 1658 and returned once again to his studies in mathematics. He worked primarily on calculus and on probability theory with Pierre de Fermat
  • 47. Prideof Mathematics 47 up until his death at the age of 39. In 1661, Newton entered Cambridge University, where he was awarded a master’s degree in 1668. He was for the most part self-taught, learning his mathematics from books, especially from Descartes’s Géométrie and Wallis’s Arithmetica infinitorum. During the two years 1664-1665, when an outbreak of the Great Plague closed the university, Newton remained in seclusion at home. In these "wonderful years," he began to do his own original research. Beginning in 1664 he laid the foundations of the differential calculus, which he described as the "method of fluxions"; and, in 1665, he began investigating the "inverse method of fluxions," or the integral calculus. Newton formulated his principle of universal gravitation in the same period. This idea culminated in his masterwork, the Principia Mathematica (1687), which explains the motions of the heavenly bodies in the language of mathematics. In 1669 Newton’s former teacher resigned his professorship in favor of his pupil, who by that time was considered the most promising mathematician in England. Newton remained at Cambridge until 1696. If Newton had overcome his "wariness to impart," there might never have been a controversy over who discovered the calculus. For many years his methods remained unknown, except to a few friends. He wrote De Analysi per Aequationes Infinitas in 1669 but did not publish it until 1711; while the Tractus de quadratura curvarum, composed in 1671, did not appear until 1704. In Newton’s terminology, a variable quantity x, depending on time, is called a fluent; and its rate of change with time is said to be the fluxion of the fluent, denoted by (dx/dt in modern notation). He chose the letter o to represent an infinitely small quantity, with xo indicating the corresponding change in . For an illustration of his fluxional methods, Newton provides the equation xy - a = 0. He substitutes x + o for x,
  • 48. Prideof Mathematics 48 and y + o for y, then expands to get After using the original equation xy - a = 0 and dividing by o, the equation is reduced to The term involving o is neglected, since "o is supposed to be infinitely small," leaving (modern: x dy/dt + y dx/dt = 0) In 1665, Newton generalized the familiar binomial theorem for expanding expressions of the form (1 + a)n, n being a positive integer, to the case where n is a fractional exponent, positive or negative; the result is an infinite (binomial) series, rather than a polynomial. By means of the expansion of (1 - x2)1/2, he arrived at what today would be written as Leibniz received a doctorate of laws in 1667, a step towards entering the diplomatic service of one of the small states which then made up Germany. Traveling extensively on political missions to France, Holland and England, he was brought into contact with most of the leading mathematicians of the day. Leibniz’s real mathematical education began in the years 1672 to 1676, in Paris, when time between assignments allowed him to study the subject in depth. His version of the calculus seems to have been invented in 1673, but the first account was not formally published until 1684. (This was twenty years prior to the appearance of Newton’s presentation of the calculus in De quadratura curvarum.) Leibniz’s diplomatic career came to an end in 1676 when he reluctantly accepted the position of librarian in the court of Hanover, a post which he held for the remainder of his life. He helped to organize the Berlin Academy of Science in 1700, and became its first President. The most important aspect of Leibniz’s calculus was a suitable symbolism that allowed the geometric arguments of his predecessors to be translated into operational rules. He proposed
  • 49. Prideof Mathematics 49 the symbol for the sum of areas of infinitely small rectangles; it is the script form of s, the initial letter in summa (sum).. In his new formalism, Leibniz expresses relations such as He also originated the notation dy/dx, treating it as a quotient of differentials (infinitely small increments of the variable); and used the letter d, standing alone, for differentiation. His led to useful algorithms, such as the product rule: d(xy) = x dy + y dx. His formula indicated the inverse relationship of differentiation and integration. One of Leibniz’s early contributions is an elegant series for p which is now named after him: p /4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + . . . When challenged, as a test of his ability, to calculate the sum of the series 1/1 . 2 + 1/2 . 3 + 1/3 . 4 + 1/4 . 5 + . . ., he found that the terms could be transformed into differences by the identity 1/n(n+1) = 1/n - 1/(n+1); the series then became (1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 - 1/5) + . . . and, when adjacent terms are canceled, had sum 1. Michel Rolle was born at Ambert on April 21, 1652. Since he did not receive formal training as a child, Rolle had to educate himself in mathematics. In 1689, he wrote a paper on algebra, which contains the theorem on the position of the roots of an equation. In 1675, he relocated to Paris and worked as an arithmetical expert. Rolle primarily worked on Diophantine analysis, algebra, and geometry. In 1685, he was elected to the Royal Academy of the Sciences. In 1691, Rolle published "Rolle's Theorem", for which he is best remembered. His theorem, which is a specialized
  • 50. Prideof Mathematics 50 case of the Mean Value Theorem, guaranteed the existance of a horizontal tangent line (f'(x)=0) between points a and b given that f(a) = f(b) = 0. Rolle also gained some notariety by solving a problem posed by Jacques Ozanam in 1682. Impressed by Rolle's achievement, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, controller general of finance under King Louis XIV of France, rewarded Rolle with a pension for his diligent work. The Swiss Bernoulli brothers, James and John, were the first to achieve a full understanding of Leibniz’s presentation of the calculus. Their subsequent publications did much to make the subject widely known to the rest of the continent. James Bernoulli, the elder of the two, entered the University of Basel in 1671, receiving a master’s degree in theology two years later and a licentiate (a degree just below the doctorate) in theology in 1676. Meanwhile, he was teaching himself mathematics, much against the wishes of his merchant father. Bernoulli spent two years in France familiarizing himself with Descartes’ Géométrie and the work of his followers. By 1687, he had sufficient mathematical reputation to be appointed to a vacant post at Basel. He also wrote to Leibniz in the same year, asking to be shown his new methods. This proved difficult because Leibniz’s abbreviated explanations were full of errors. Still, Bernoulli mastered the material within several years and went on to make contributions to the calculus equal to those of Leibniz himself. The Bernoulli brothers used the techniques of Leibniz’s calculus as a means for handling a wide range of astronomical and physical problems, sometimes working independently to solve the same problem. In 1690, James Bernoulli challenged the mathematicians of Europe to determine the shape (that is, to find the equation) of a hanging flexible cable suspended in equilibrium at two points. The correct solution
  • 51. Prideof Mathematics 51 was presented a year later by his brother John in his first published paper. The desired curve was not a parabola, as some expected, but a curve known as the catenary -- from the Latin word catena, chain. Bernoulli was more adapt at treating infinite series than most mathematicians of the day. He showed that diverges, and that 1/12 + 1/22 + 1/32 + 1/42 + . . . converges; but he confessed his inability to find the sum of the latter series. (Euler succeeded in finding its sum.) In 1690 he established what is known as the "Bernoullian inequality," (1 + x)n > 1 + nx, x > -1, n > 1, n an integer. We also owe to him the word "integral" in its technical sense. The Marquis de l’Hôpital, a French nobleman living by private means, is known for the first printed book on the newcalculus. He served briefly as a cavalry officer, but resigned because of his extreme nearsightedness to devote his energies entirely to mathematics. In his time the recently invented calculus was fully understood only by Newton, Leibniz and the Bernoulli brothers. In 1691-92, when John Bernoulli spent over half a year in Paris, he was generously compensated for giving the young Marquis private lessons on this powerful new method. In return for a monthly allowance, Bernoulli was induced to continue the instruction by letter; the agreement was that he would communicate his future mathematical discoveries exclusively to l’Hôpital to be used as the Marquis saw fit. L’Hôpital eventually felt that he understood the material well enough to compose a proper textbook on it. L’Hôpital’s Analyse des infiniment petits, published in 1696, contains an account of the differential calculus as conceived by Leibniz and learned from Bernoulli. In its preface l’Hôpital
  • 52. Prideof Mathematics 52 freely acknowledges his debt to the two mathematicians, saying, "I have made free use of their discoveries." The successive reprintings of the Analyse (1716, 1720 and 1768) made the calculus known throughout Europe. In 1730 it was translated into English, supplemented by the translator with work on the integral calculus; in tribute to Newton, the book’s derivative notation was changed to the fluxional "dottage" of their English hero. L’Hôpital is nowadays remembered in the name of his "0/0 rule," a rule for finding the limiting value of a quotient whose numerator and denominator both tend to zero. His statement of the rule is not entirely in accord with modern use. Making use of limit notation, which was unavailable to l’Hôpital, a reasonable rendition of his statement would be: If f(x) and g(x) are differentiable functions with f(a) = g(a) = 0, then whenever The Analyse dominated the field for the next 50 years, finally to find a worthy rival in Euler’s great treatises of the 1750’s. John Bernoulli earned a master’s degree in philosophy and, in 1690, a medical licentiate from the University of Basel, where his brother James was teaching. At the same time, he was secretly studying the publications of Leibniz with James’s help. Shortly thereafter, Bernoulli visited Paris where he contracted to teach the material to the young marquis de l’Hopital. Many of his own discoveries in calculus appeared in l’Hopital’s textbook. In 1695, supported by a recommendation from l’Hopital, Bernoulli obtained a position at Gröningen in Holland. Upon his brother’s death in 1705, he succeeded him as professor of mathematics at Basel, to remain there for 43 years. Bernoulli was a zealous defender of Leibniz against charges that
  • 53. Prideof Mathematics 53 he had plagiarized Newton’s discovery of the calculus. In 1696, John Bernoulli published a mathematical challenge, a popular device in the early days of the calculus. The problem he posed was to determine the shape of the curve down which a bead will slide, from one point to another not directly beneath it, in the shortest possible time. This is the famous brachistochrone problem, which Bernoulli named from the Greek words for "quickest time." Five prominent mathematicians found a solution; namely, the two Bernoullis, Leibniz, l’Hopital and Newton. When Newton’s solution arrived, unsigned, Bernoulli is said to have exclaimed, "I recognize the lion by his paw." Not surprisingly, the sought- after curve is not a straight line, but an upside- down cycloid. One of Bernoulli’s more notable achievements is the expansion of a function in series through repeated integration by parts: This leads to interesting identities such as Brook Taylor was born in Edmonton, England on Aug. 18, 1685. Since Taylor's family were wealthy, his parents could afford to have private tutors available. Taylor entered St John's College, in Cambridge, on April 3, 1703 where he pursued mathematics as his field of study. In 1708, he developed a solution to the center of oscillation of a body based on differential calculus. Taylor's solution eventually led to a dispute with John Bernoulli. In 1709, Taylor graduated from St. John's College. In 1712, Taylor joined the Royal Society. After two years, he was elected to the position of Secretary to the Royal Society. During this time, he produced two very important books. The first book, "Methodus Incrementorum Directa Et Inversa", developed the "calculus of finite differences", integration by parts, and the
  • 54. Prideof Mathematics 54 infamous "Taylor Series". The second book, Linear Perspective", created the foundations of projective geometry. Colin MacLaurin was born in Kilmodan, Scotland in 1698. His father, John Maclaurin, was the town's minister. Colin, the youngest of three sons, was extremely talented from an early age. Considered a child prodigy, he enrolled at the University of Glasgow when he was only 11. About one year later, he became exposed to advanced mathematics when he discovered a copy of Euclid's "Elements". MacLaurin quickly mastered six of the thirteen books that comprised "Elements". At 14, he earned his M.A. degree. His thesis was on the power of gravity, in which he further developed Newton's theories. By the time he turned 19, he became a professor of mathematics in Aberdeen. A few years later, he became a fellow of the Royal Society of London. During the time of his fellowship, MacLaurin met with Sir Issac Newton in 1725. Impressed by MacLaurin's intellect, Newton recommended that MacLaurin be made the professor of mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. In 1740, MacLaurin shared a prize from the Academy of Sciences with fellow mathematicians Leonhard Euler and Daniel Bernoulli for an essay on tides. In 1742, he published the first systematic formulation of Newton's methods, where he developed a method for expanding functions about the origin in terms of series (now known as a MacLaurin Series). This method was adapted from Brook Taylor's case of an expansion about an arbitrary point (known as a Taylor Series). Maclaurin also made astronomical observations, developed several theorems similar to Newton's theorems in "Principia", improved maps of the Scottish isles, and developed the method of generating conics.
  • 55. Prideof Mathematics 55 At the age of 14, Euler entered the University of Basel where its most famous professor, John Bernoulli, aroused his interest in mathematics; he graduated three years later with a master’s degree. Unsuccessful in obtaining a position at Basel (partly due to his youth), Euler went to the fledgling St. Petersburg Academy in Russia, there to become its chief mathematician by 1730. In 1741, at the invitation of Frederick the Great, he joined the Berlin Academy as head of its mathematics section. Euler’s quarter-century stay was not altogether happy and so, in 1766, he readily accepted the generous offer of Catherine I to return to St. Petersburg. Euler had previously lost the sight in one eye, to all appearances from overwork; in 1771, a clumsy cataract operation on his other eye left him entirely blind. Aided by a phenomenal memory Euler remained productive until the end of his life, dictating his thoughts to a servant who knew no mathematics. Euler’s enormous output of 886 papers and books made him the most prolific of all mathematicians. His landmark textbooks, the Introductio in analysin infinitorum of 1748 followed by the Introductiones calculi differentialis (1775) and the Institutiones calculi integralis (1768-1770), brought together everything that was then known of the calculus. These comprehensive works divorced the subject from its geometrical origins and shaped its direction for the next 50 years. They also popularized the use of the mathematical symbols At a time when the notion of convergence was not well-understood, Euler’s work was conspicuous for its treatment of infinite series. His most famous result in this regard involves an unexpected appearance of p : namely, In the Introductio, he expanded the trigonometric functions sin x and cos x as power
  • 56. Prideof Mathematics 56 series to obtain the relationship now known as Euler’s Identity: eix = cos x + i sin x (x real) A consequence of taking x = p in Euler’s Identity is an equation connecting five of the most important constants in mathematics: eip + 1 = 0. Euler’s investigations also led to the well-known formula (cos x + i sin x)n = cos nx + i sin nx. Thomas Simpson was born in Leicestershire, England on August 20, 1710. Simpson's first job was as a weaver, the chosen profession of his father. However, he gave up weaving to pursue a study of mathematics. He improved his own mathematical skills through hard work and effort. By 1735, Simpson was able to solve several questions that involved infinitesimal calculus. In 1743, he was appointed Professor of Mathematics at Woolwich in London (which he held until his death). Simpson is best known for his work on numerical methods of integration, probability theory, and interpolation. He worked on the "Theory of Errors" and aimed to prove that the arithmetic mean was better than a single observation. He also taught privately and wrote several textbooks on mathematics. Joseph-Louis Lagrange was born in Turin, Italy on Jan. 25, 1736 -- the oldest of 11 children. His father planned for him to become a lawyer. However, while at the College of Turin, Lagrange read a paper published by the astronomer Edmond Halley on the use of algebra in optics. Halley's paper and Lagrange's interest in physics eventually led him to pursue a career in mathematics. Lagrange is best remembered for the Lagrangian function and Lagrange multiplier, which bear his name. Lagrange multipliers are used to locate
  • 57. Prideof Mathematics 57 multivariable maximum and minimum points subject to a constraint of the form g(x,y) = 0 or g(x,y,z) = 0. He also made numerous contributions to the calculus of variations (which include optimization problems), calculus of probabilities, analytical mechanics, the theory of functions, and in differential and integral calculus. Pierre-Simon Laplace was born in Beaumont-en- Auge, France on Mar. 23, 1749. Very little is known of his early childhood. He attended Caen University, majoring in theology. Laplace intended to join the church upon graduation. However, he became aware of his mathematical talents and decided to leave the university. Laplace traveled to Paris where he studied mathematics under Jean le Rond d'Alembert, a brillant mathematician and scientist who pioneered the use differential equations in physics and studied equilibrium and fluid motion. d'Alembert was so impressed with Laplace that he appointed him professor of mathematics at the Ecole Militaire at the young age of 19. In 1773, he joined the Paris Academy of Sciences. In 1785, Laplace was an examiner at the Royal Artillery Corps. One of his students was Napoleon Bonaparte who was sixteen at the time. Among his many contributions, Laplace is best remembered for introducing the potential function and Laplace coefficients and Laplace transforms. The Laplacian, which represents the divergence of the gradient of a scalar function, is used to help simplify the time-independent Schrodinger equation. Some of his other noteworthy accomplishments include proving the stability of the solar system, deriving the least squares rule, contributing to the study of electricity and magnetism, solidifying the theory of mathematical probability, and performing experiments on capillary action and specific heat with Antoine
  • 58. Prideof Mathematics 58 Lavoisier. Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier was born in Auxerre, France on March 21, 1768 - the ninth of twelve children. He attended the Ecole Royal Militaire of Auxerre in 1780 where he first studied literature and then mathematics. He continued to study mathematics, even while training to become a priest in a Benedictine abbey in 1787. However, Fourier desired to make an impact in mathematics like Newton and Pascal. In 1794, he went to Paris to study at the Ecole Normale under other famous mathematicians such as Lagrange, Laplace, and Monge. By 1797, Fourier was an instructor and researcher at the College de France. In 1798, he became a scientific adviser to Napoleon's army during France's invasion of Egypt. Fourier did not return to Paris until 1801 when he resumed teaching. By 1817, he was elected to the Academy of Sciences. Five years later Fourier became the Secretary of the mathematics section at the Academy. Fourier is best remembered for the Fourier Transform, which involves the Fourier Series, and for his theorem on the position of roots in an algebraic equation. The Fourier Transform makes it possible to take any periodic function of time and equate it into an equivalent infinite summation of sine waves and cosine waves. Johann Carl Frederich Gauss was born on Apr. 30, 1777 in Brunswick, Germay. Many consider him to have been a child prodigy since he taught himself reading and arithmetic by the age of three. In 1792, his talent caught the attention of the Duke of Brunswick who later gave Gauss a stipend to pursue his education. He attended Caroline College from 1792 to 1795. While there, he formulated the least-squares method and dealt with the concept of congruence in number
  • 59. Prideof Mathematics 59 theory. By 1799, Gauss was awarded a Ph.D for giving the first proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra during a doctoral dissertation. In 1801, he published "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae", which contained solutions to several problems in number theory. Gauss also predicted the orbit of a newly discovered asteroid, Ceres, using his least squares approximation method. This discovery eventually led to a position as astronomer at the Gottingen Observatory. The intricate research Gauss performed contributed to the fields of differential geometry, theoretical astronomy, statisics, magnetism, mechanics, acoustics, and optics. Cauchy attended France’s great Ecole Polytechnique from 1805 until 1807 and worked briefly as a military engineer. In 1813 he abandoned his chosen career, apparently for reasons of health, and devoted himself exclusively to mathematics. Cauchy secured an instructorship at the Polytechnique, where he rose to be professor of mechanics in 1816. During this period he undertook a thorough reorganization of the foundations of the calculus, infusing the subject, as he put it, with the same rigor that was to be found in geometry. Because of the changing political situation in 1830 Cauchy went into voluntary exile in Turin, where he obtained an appointment at the university. In 1838 he returned to Paris and resumed his teaching, although not at the Polytechnique. Cauchy was the foremost French mathematician of the nineteenth century; his 789 papers and seven books rank him second only to Euler in terms of productivity. Cauchy’s celebrated Cours d’analyse de l’Ecole Royale Polytechnique, based on his lectures at that school, stamped elementary calculus with the character it has today. It recognizes the limit concept as the cornerstone of a firm logical explanation of continuity, convergence, the derivative and the integral. In defining "limit," he
  • 60. Prideof Mathematics 60 says: When the values successivly attributed to a particular variable approach indefinitely a fixed value so as to differ from it by as little as one wishes, this latter value is called the limit of the others. Suffice it to say, the reliance on such phrases as "as little as one wishes" denies precision to the notion. The Cours describes the derivative of y = f(x) as the limit ("when it exists") of a difference quotient as h goes to zero. Another aspect of Cauchy’s work is a careful treatment of sequences and series. One of the basic tests for sequential convergence is a result that is today called the "Cauchy convergence criterion"; specifically, a sequence s1, s2, s3, ... converges to a limit if the difference sm - sn can be made less than any assigned value by taking m and n sufficiently large. August Ferdinand Mobius was born on Nov. 17, 1790 in Schulpforta, Germany. In 1809 Mobius graduated from College and went to the University of Leipzig. Athough his family suggested Mobius study law, he preferred mathematics, astronomy, and physics. In 1813, Mobius studied astronomy under Gauss at the Gottingen Observatory. By 1815, he started his doctoral thesis on the occultation of fixed stars. Shortly, he began his Habilitation thesis on trigonometric equations. Mobius was appointed to the chair of astronomy and higher mechanics at the University of Leipzig in 1816. He did not gain full professorship in astronomy until 1844. Mobius is known for his work in analytic geometry and topology. Specifically, he was one of the discoverers of the M obius Strip. Mobius also made numerous contributions in astronomy. He wrote papers on the occultations of the
  • 61. Prideof Mathematics 61 planets, astronomical principals, and on celestial mechanics. George Green was the son of a baker and left school at the tender age of 9 to follow in his father's footsteps. Even at this age he exhibitted an interest in mathematics. Being of lower social standing, he was not able to afford the costs of a university. Green instead, took upon himself the responsibility of self-education. With his basic education, he began reading and studying mathematical papers as well as other documents. In 1828 at the age of 35, he published possibly his greatest work, entitled "An Essay on the Application of Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of Electridcity and Magnetism." In this publication, he made his first attempts to apply mathematical theory to electrical phenomena. Many of its subscribers were not able to really understand the contents, importance, or significance of this work. Two years later, one of the exceptions to this, Sir Edward Bromheadm, met with George and encouraged him to publish two other recognized 'memoirs', "Mathematical Investigations Concerning the Laws of Equilibrium of Fluids Analogous to the Electric Fluid" and "On the Determination of Exterior and Interior Attractions of Ellipsoids fo Variable Densities." He also published a paper entitled "Researches on the Vibrations of Pendulum in Fluid Media." In 1833, at the age of 40, he turned down an invitation from Cambrige University and admitted himself to Caius College. He gained recognition and went on to publish papers on wave theory dealing with the hydrodynamics of wave motion and reflection and refraction of light and sound.
  • 62. Prideof Mathematics 62 Pierre Verhulst was born in Brussels, Belgium on Oct. 28, 1804. He attended the University of Ghent where he earned a doctoral degree in 1825 within three years. He eventually came back to Brussels and worked on number theory. He also gained an interest in social statictics from Adolphe Quetelet, another famous mathematician from Belgium who studied the theory of probability under Pierre Laplace and Joseph Fourier. As his interest grew, Verhulst spent more time with social statistics and less time trying to publish the complete works of Euler. In 1829 Verhulst translated John Herschel's Theory of light and published the paper. In 1835, Verhulst was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Brussels where he offered courses on geometry, trigonometry, celestial mechanics, astronomy, differential and integral calculus, and the theory of probability. In 1841, Verhulst was elected to the Belgium Academy. By 1848, he became the Academy's president. Verhulst's research on the law of population growth showed that forces, which tend to obstruct population growth, increase in proportion to the ratio of the excess population to the overall population. He proposed a population growth model which takes into account the possible limitation of population size due to limited resources. Verhulst's model is often called the "Logistic Growth Equation", or "Verhulst Equation". His model is considered an improvement over the Malthusian model, which assumes human population grows exponentially when plagues or other disasters do not occur.
  • 63. Prideof Mathematics 63 Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi, although born to a Jewish family, was born in Germany and given the French name Jacques Simon. Jacobi was taught by his uncle until he was 12 years of age, afterwhich he was enrolled in the Gymnasium in Potsdam. While still in his first year of school he was moved to the final year class. Jacobi, still age 12, passed all the necessary classes to enter the university, but was could not continue because of the age restriction of age of the University of 16. Jacobi continued studying independently and was finally admitted to the University of Berlin in the spring of 1821. By 1824, Jacobi began teaching and in 1825 presented a paper concerning iterated functions to the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. The Academy did not find his results impressive and it was not published until 1961. In 1829, Jacobi published his paper "Fundamenta nova theoria functions ellipticarum," translated to New Foundations of the Theory of Elliptic Functions, which made significant contributions to the field of elliptic functions. Jacobi was promoted to full professor in 1832 while at the University of Konigsberg, and pursued his study of partial differential equations of the first order, which led to the publishing of "Structure and Properties of Determinants." He applied these theories to differential equations in Dynamics which again led to another publishing, Lectures in Dynamics. It was also here at the University of University of Konigsberg, that he worked on functional determinants now called Jacobian determinants. In 1842, Jacobi became ill with diabetes and was assited with grants to move to Itay where he published many more works. Jacobi moved to a small town called Gotha in 1848. Two years later, January of 1851, he developed influenza and smallpox and died shortly after.
  • 64. Prideof Mathematics 64 Weierstrass came late to mathematics. He entered the University of Bonn at his father’s insistence to study law and public finance, to prepare for entering the civil service; after four years of carousing he left the university without a degree. Weierstrass eventually obtained a teaching license and spent the years from 1841 to 1854 at obscure secondary schools in Prussia. A series of brilliant mathematical papers written during this time, however, resulted in an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Königsberg in 1854. Then, at the age of 40, Weierstrass was appointed to an academic position at the University of Berlin. He exerted great influence there through his teaching of advanced mathematics, attracting gifted students from around the world. Although Weierstrass never published these lectures, his contributions were widely disseminated by the listeners. Weierstrass provided a completely rigorous treatment of calculus by using the arithmetic of inequalities to replace the vague words in Cauchy’s definitions and theorems. The result was a clear-cut formulation of the notion of limit, our now-standard one in terms of epsilon and delta: Mathematicians erroneously believed that a continuous function must be differentiable at most points. Weierstrass surprised his contemporaries by providing an example of a continuous function that has a derivative at no point x of the real line; namely, He is also known for extending the comparison test for a series of constants to a series of functions all defined on the same interval I. The so-called Weierstrass M-test says:
  • 65. Prideof Mathematics 65 The son of a Lutheran pastor, Riemann forsook an initial interest in theology to study mathematics in Berlin and then in Gottingen. He completed his training for the doctorate in 1851 at the latter university, under the guidance of the legendary Carl Gauss. Riemann returned to Gottingen three years later as a lowly unpaid tutor, working his way up the academic ladder to a full professorship in 1859. Yet his teaching career was tragically brief. He fell ill with tuberculosis and spent his last years in Italy, where he died in 1866, only 39 years of age. Although he published only a few papers, his name is attached to a variety of topics in several branches of mathematics: Riemann surfaces, Cauchy-Riemann equations, the Riemann zeta function, Riemannian (that is, non-Euclidean) geometry, and the still-unproven Riemann Hypothesis. The view that integration was simply a process reverse to differentiation prevailed until the nineteenth century. The familiar conception of the definite integral as the limit of approximating sums was given by Riemann in a paper he submitted upon joining the faculty at Göttingen in 1854. It was not published until 13 years later, and then only after his untimely death. His formulation of what today is known as the "Riemann integral" runs thus: If f(x) is a continuous function on the interval [a,b] and a = xo, x1, x2, ... ,xn= b are a finite set of points in [a,b], then where xk * is an arbitrary point in the subinterval [xk-1,xk] and d is the maximum of the lengths of the subintervals. (This is a modification of Cauchy’s definition, in
  • 66. Prideof Mathematics 66 which the xk were taken to be the left-endpoints of the subintervals [xk-1,xk].) Riemann subsequently applied his version of the integral to discontinuous functions, producing a remarkable example of an integrable function having infinitely many discontinuities. With this, the study of discontinuous functions gained mathematical legitimacy. Considered one of the greatest American scientists during the 19th century, Josiah Willard Gibbs was born in New Haven, Connecticut on Feb. 11, 1839. In 1854, he enrolled at Yale University where he won prizes for excellence in Latin and Mathematics. By 1863, Gibbs earned a Ph.D in engineering (the first in the U.S.) from the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale. He tutored at Yale for three years, teaching Latin and Natural Philosophy. Gibbs also attended several lectures in Europe before becoming a Professor of Mathematical Physics at Yale in 1871. From 1871 to 1878, Gibbs worked on thermodynamics, introducing geometrical methods, thermodynamic surfaces, and criteria for equilibrium. He developed the concept of Gibbs free energy and other thermodynamic potentials in the analysis of equilibrium. Gibbs also built the foundation of modern vector calculus and studied the electromagnetic theory of light. After writing several papers, Gibbs changed the focus of his research from thermodynamics to statistical methods. In 1884, he introduced the "Gibbs principle" for statistical entropy, canonical, and microcanonical statistical distributions. In 1898, he studied the "Gibbs phenomenon" in the convergence of Fourier series. By 1902, Gibbs published "Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics", from which the foundation of statistical mechanics was built.