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New Insight Into
Oral Histology
MO'men Gamal AboDaif
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Salivary Glands
Definition: Multicellular, Merocrine & Exocrine glands whose secretion (Saliva) flow into the oral cavity
••Multicellular: Multi cells Organ ••Merocrine: Secreting Organ ••Exocrine: Discharge their secretion into Ducts
Classification (according to Size)
•Major: ••Parotid ••Submandibular •• Sublingual
•Minor: The rest of Salivary Glands
Classification (according to Natural of Secretion)
•Pure Serous: ••Parotid “Adult” ••Von Ebner
•Pure Mucous: ••Mucous Ring (Palatine - Glossopalatine -
•Mixed: ••Predominantly Serous (Parotid “Newborn-Older people” – Submandibular)
••Predominantly Mucous (Sublingual – Blandin Nuhn – Buccal)
Classification (according to Location)
•Oral Vestibule: ••Parotid ••Labial ••Buccal
•Oral Cavity Proper: ••Mouth Floor (Submandibular – Sublingual “Major & Minor” – Glossopalatine)
••Tongue (Von Ebner – Weber – Blandin Nuhn)
••Palatine (Hard palate – Soft palate – Uvula)
•Mouth Ring
Site: at Isthmus Region between Oral cavity & Pharynx
Contain: ••Palatine ••Glossopalatine ••Weber
•During fetal life, Salivary Glands growth as an Epithelial Buds into underlying
mesenchyme at:
weak i.u in Parotid ••6th
weak i.u in Submandibular
weak i.u in Sublingual ••3rd
month in Minor Glands
•The Buds grow into Branched System of solid cords which gradually develop a
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Macroanatomy of Salivary Glands Composed of:
I-Parenchymal Elements
Origin: epithelial outgrowth which invades
the underlying mesenchyme
Structure: Lobes &Lobules
*Secretory Portion
Unit Structure: Tubular end pieces resemble a
grape cluster called acini
Acini: Tubular end piece, either mucous or serous
Function: Saliva Secretion
*Ductal System
Structure: Confluence of small ducts into larger ones
They may be -Intralobular ducts are (intercalated & striated)
-Interlobular ducts are excretory ducts
Function: 1.Transport (Convey) Primary Saliva to the oral cavity (main function)
2. Participate in Saliva production & modulation, as they modify the primary saliva by
••Secretion & reabsorption of electrolytes ••Secretion of proteins
*Myoepithelial cells:
Structure: Star shape cells partially surround the acini
Function: Contract to expel secretions from acini to the lumens & then ducts toward the oral cavity
II-Connective Tissue Stroma
Origin: arise from the mesenchyme
Capsule: C.T around the gland
Septa: C.T that extends into the gland dividing it into
lobes & lobules
Function: Carry the nerves, blood vessels & lymph
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Serous acinus “end piece” Mucous acinus
Fun. Synthesis, storage & secretion of Protein Synthesis, storage & secretion of Carbohydrate
Secretion Watery For enzymic activity Viscous For lubrication
Shape •Spherical •Tubular
Size Smaller Larger
Lumen Narrow Wide
Canaliculi Present Absent (Except: Human Labial gland)
Serous Cell Mucous Cell
•High Pyramidal
Connect together by Junctional Complexes
•Base: resting on B.M
•Apex: toward lumen
•Triangular (low Pyramidal)
•Base: resting on B.M
•Apex: toward lumen
(Wider than those of serous cell)
Nuc Spherical & Basally located (deeply stained) Flat & Compressed Basally
•Apically: Zymogen Granules: Eosinophilic
secretory granules about 1 um in diameter
•Basally: Chromophils or Ergastoplasm: large
concentration of basophilic substances arranged
in parallel rods that give Vertical Striations to
the basal portions
Folded B.M with Mitochondria in-between
•Apically: Trabecular Network: Basophilic thin
strands of cytoplasm
•Basally: Thin Rim between Nucleus & B.M
Protein Synthetic Cells Carbohydrate Synthetic Cells
Nu. Large & Open faced Flat & Basally located
RER More
located along base & lateral borders of the cell in
parallel stacks packed arrangement
located along base & lateral borders of the cell
More Ribosomes Content Less Ribosomes Content
Mit. More
located along base & lateral borders of the cell
located along base & lateral borders of the cell
Prominent & With 4-6 Stacks
located apically or laterally to nucleus
Large & With 10 to 12 Stacks of saccules
sandwiched between basal RER & mucous droplets
NB: Golgi apparatus plays an important role in
these cells because of large amount of
carbohydrate that it adds to the secretory products
Zymogen: Secretory granules fill Apical
cytoplasm & surrounded by a thin membrane
Mucigen: Irregular & compressed Droplets
containing scattered flocculent material & Apically
(larger than serous one)
NB: Adjacent mucous droplets are separated by thin
cytoplasm strands or may be fused
Other Few peroxisomes, Microfilaments & Microtubules
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NB: Secretory products of mucous cells differ from those of serous cells in two important aspects;
1-They have little or no enzymatic activity, so they serve mainly for lubrication & protection of the oral tissue
2-The ratio of carbohydrate to protein is greater
Junctional Complexes
Structure: Tight junction, Intermediate junction & 1 or more desmosomes
Site: Between adjoining cells
Tight junction is at the apical end of adjoining cells
Function: 1. Hold the cells together
2. Sealed lumen off from lateral intercellular spaces. So, they Prevent
leakage of luminal contents into intercellular spaces
Canaliculi: Intercellular Branches of lumen extend between adjacent cells
almost to their base
Mixed Glands
Definition: Secretory units formed of both secretory acini, serous & mucous
Structure: Demilune: Crescent of several serous cells cap the tubular portion
of the mucous acini
NB: -Their secretion reaches the lumen through Intercellular Canaliculi
-Separate serous & mucous units may exist
Serous – Mixed >> With Canaliculi
Mucous >> Without Canaliculi
Myoepithelial cells
Shape: Branched stellate cells
Origin: epithelial
Site: between B.L & B.M of the Parenchymal cells, close to
the secretory acini & intercalated ducts cells
•Not usually present along the striated ducts
Function: Contract to expel secretions from acini to the lumen &
Structure: •By L.M, only the nuclei of the cells are Visible
By E.M: contains Actin & Myosin: longitudinally oriented fine filaments similar to those in smooth muscle
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Site: Parotid & Submandibular glands of older individuals
Shape: large cells with •Nucleus: small Pyknotic & Centrally placed
•Cytoplasm: Abundant & Strongly eosinophilic
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Lining cell Intercalated ducts Striated ducts Excretory ducts
Type Intra-tubular Inter-tubular
Size Small Large (lager or same as acini) The largest
1. Convey saliva to straight
2. Sharing in secretion of saliva
as they contain secretory
3. Modify secretion by form 2
antibacterial portions
(lysozyme & lacto-ferrin)
4. Acts as Stem cells for
regeneration of secretory
portion cells
1. Convey saliva to excretory duct
2. Modify secretions passing through
them from isotonic to hypotonic
solution By
•Absorb of Na & K ions
•Secret Bi-carbonate ions
3. Pumping capacity to saliva Due to
the Basal deep infolding
4. Secret Kallikrein enzyme which
found in saliva & synthesize Glyco-
proteins (stored in the apical granules)
1. Convey saliva to main
1. Modify the final saliva
•adding mucoid
•altering electrolyte
concentration of saliva
Shape Simple layer of low Cuboid cell Simple layer of tall Columnar cells •Near the striated
ducts, Pseudo-stratified
epith. With Goblet
(Nucleus on more than
one layer)
•Near the ductal orifice,
stratified squamous
epith. merging with
that of the oral cavity
(Main Duct)
Nu. Large, Round & Centrally placed Large, Round & Centrally placed
Empty-appearing Abundant & Eosinophilic
With Basal Striations, perpendicular to
the basal surface (L.M)
Because of Folding of plasma
membrane with elongated
Mitochondria in-between (E.M)
Nu. Round & Centrally(more basally Round & Centrally placed
RER Few & Basally Few & Short (with SER apically)
Golgi Moderate size & Apically Small & in Peri-nuclear Cytoplasm
Mito. Around the nucleus Around the nucleus
Between basal infolding
Sec. Few & apically More, Small & Apically
Other *Protein synthesis cell (in low rate)
NB: Adjacent cells are joined
apically by desmosomes
-Free Ribosomes, Lysosomes (several)
-Peroxisomes (numerous)
-Filaments bundles
-Glycogen (moderate amount)
-Microvilli (Numerous, short project into the
NB: Adjacent cells are joined by
junctional complex
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II-Connective Tissue Stroma
Cells •Fibroblasts •Macrophages •Mast cells •Plasma cells •Adipose cells
Which are embedded in ••Extracellular matrix of Collagen & Oxytalin fibers
••Ground substances of Glyco-proteins & Proteo-glycans
Blood supply
Course ••enters the gland along the excretory ducts
••branches to follow them into the individual lobules
NB: Extensive blood supply is required for rapid secretion of saliva
Nerve supply
Course ••enter the salivary glands following the blood vessels
••break up into smaller bundles unit they form a Final Plexus adjacent to the terminal parenchyma
There are 2 types of innervations are established
Sub-epithelial Supply Intra-epithelial Supply
(Epi-lemmal) (Hypo-lemmal)
(Remain in the C.T)
-Separated from the secretory cells by B.M by a gap
of 100 to 200 nm
(Penetrate the B.M)
-Run between the secretory cells separated from
them by a gap of 10 to 20 nm
Lose Schwann cell covering Lose Schwann cell covering during penetration
Neuro-transmitters (No-repin-ephrine & Acetyl-
chloline) which are •Released when a nerve impulse
•Diffuse across the space & basal lamina
•Saliva flow is controlled by Nervous Stimulation
•Both divisions of Autonomic Nervous System participate in the secretory cells innervation
•In some glands, both Sympathetic & Parasympathetic terminals are seen near the secretory cells
••Parasympathetic stimulation produces watery saliva
••Sympathetic stimulation produces thicker, higher organic content & less quantity saliva
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Major Salivary Glands
Site: Extra-orally & their secretions reach the mouth by variable ducts
Parotid “The largest” Submandibular Sublingual
Site •Superficial Portion;
in Front of External Ear
•Deeper Portion;
fills Retro-mandibular Fossa
•Submandibular triangle
•Behind & below Mylohyoid
muscle free border
(with a Tongue-like extension
above the mylohyoid muscle)
•Between Mouth Floor &
Mylohyoid muscle
Capsule Encapsulated Encapsulated Poor /Non Capsulated
Type •Pure serous in adult
•Mixed serous in infant & Old
(with few mucous secreting units)
NB: In older gland, Fat cells are
•Mixed “Mostly Serous”
(80% serous & 20% Mixed)
(with few mucous terminal
portions which are capped by
serous demilunes)
•Mixed “Mostly mucous”
(Mucous tubules are capped by
serous demilunes)
Saliva Se. 30% 60% 5%
“Stensen’s Duct”
Open in a Papilla on the buccal
mucosa opposite to Upper 7
“Wharton’s Ducts”
Open in a Papilla on the
mouth floor
(on the side of lingual frenum)
“Bartholin's Duct” (Major)
Open in a Papilla on the mouth
(with or near submandibular duct)
•Rivinian Ducts (Minor): 8-20
small ducts of smaller glands
open along the sublingual fold
Numerous & Elongated Shorter than in Parotid Extremely Short or absent
Easy recognized Well developed & Longer
than in Parotid
Extremely Short or absent
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Minor Salivary Glands
Site: Beneath the epith. in almost all parts of the oral cavity
Structure: Several small groups of secretary units opening via short ducts directly
into the mouth
Characters: 1. Lack the distinct capsule
2. Focal accumulation of lymphocytes around ductal walls
Function: 1. Saliva Secretion
2. Have a role in the mouth immune surveillance
Labial & Buccal Palatine Glosso-
Anterior Posterior
Blandin Nuhn Von Ebner Weber
•Lips & Cheeks •Hard palate, Soft
palate & Uvula
Submucosa of
region in
•Near Tongue
muscle fibers
•Lateral &
Posterior to
vallate papillae
•Associated with
the lingual
(Mostly mucous)
•Mucous •Mucous •Mostly Mucous
(Anterior region)
(Posterior region)
•Serous •Mucous
Intercalated duets:
variable in length
Striated ducts:
show few cells with
basal striations
Large & recognized
Openings open on
Palatal mucosa
Open on tongue
ventral surface
(near lingual
Open in
trough &
Open in tongue
dorsal surface
NB: •Recent ultra-structural studies of labial glands have revealed:
“Presence of only mucous cells & intercellular canaliculi in-between“
•Function of the Von Ebner Salivary Gland
1. Wash tongue papillae, so prepare the taste receptors for a new stimulus
2. Secret anti-bacterial enzymes (Per-oxidase & Lyso-zyme) “Histo-chemical
3. Secret lingual lipase enzyme (by lipolytic activity) “Biochemical Studies”
Which ••Hydrolyze stomach tri-glyceride
••Plays a significant role in lipid digestion in newborn when
•Fat intake is high •Levels of pancreatic lipase are low
4. Protective & Digestive function

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Handout of Salivary Glands Histology

  • 1. 1| P a g e 1ST Edition New Insight Into Oral Histology MO'men Gamal AboDaif
  • 2. 2| P a g e Salivary Glands Definition: Multicellular, Merocrine & Exocrine glands whose secretion (Saliva) flow into the oral cavity ••Multicellular: Multi cells Organ ••Merocrine: Secreting Organ ••Exocrine: Discharge their secretion into Ducts Classification (according to Size) •Major: ••Parotid ••Submandibular •• Sublingual •Minor: The rest of Salivary Glands Classification (according to Natural of Secretion) •Pure Serous: ••Parotid “Adult” ••Von Ebner •Pure Mucous: ••Mucous Ring (Palatine - Glossopalatine - Weber) ••Labial •Mixed: ••Predominantly Serous (Parotid “Newborn-Older people” – Submandibular) ••Predominantly Mucous (Sublingual – Blandin Nuhn – Buccal) Classification (according to Location) •Oral Vestibule: ••Parotid ••Labial ••Buccal •Oral Cavity Proper: ••Mouth Floor (Submandibular – Sublingual “Major & Minor” – Glossopalatine) ••Tongue (Von Ebner – Weber – Blandin Nuhn) ••Palatine (Hard palate – Soft palate – Uvula) •Mouth Ring Site: at Isthmus Region between Oral cavity & Pharynx Contain: ••Palatine ••Glossopalatine ••Weber Development •During fetal life, Salivary Glands growth as an Epithelial Buds into underlying mesenchyme at: ••4th weak i.u in Parotid ••6th weak i.u in Submandibular ••8th weak i.u in Sublingual ••3rd month in Minor Glands •The Buds grow into Branched System of solid cords which gradually develop a lumen
  • 3. 3| P a g e Macroanatomy of Salivary Glands Composed of: I-Parenchymal Elements Origin: epithelial outgrowth which invades the underlying mesenchyme Structure: Lobes &Lobules *Secretory Portion Unit Structure: Tubular end pieces resemble a grape cluster called acini Acini: Tubular end piece, either mucous or serous Function: Saliva Secretion *Ductal System Structure: Confluence of small ducts into larger ones They may be -Intralobular ducts are (intercalated & striated) -Interlobular ducts are excretory ducts Function: 1.Transport (Convey) Primary Saliva to the oral cavity (main function) 2. Participate in Saliva production & modulation, as they modify the primary saliva by ••Secretion & reabsorption of electrolytes ••Secretion of proteins *Myoepithelial cells: Structure: Star shape cells partially surround the acini Function: Contract to expel secretions from acini to the lumens & then ducts toward the oral cavity II-Connective Tissue Stroma Origin: arise from the mesenchyme Structure: Capsule: C.T around the gland Septa: C.T that extends into the gland dividing it into lobes & lobules Function: Carry the nerves, blood vessels & lymph vessels
  • 4. 4| P a g e Serous acinus “end piece” Mucous acinus Fun. Synthesis, storage & secretion of Protein Synthesis, storage & secretion of Carbohydrate Secretion Watery For enzymic activity Viscous For lubrication Shape •Spherical •Tubular Size Smaller Larger Lumen Narrow Wide Canaliculi Present Absent (Except: Human Labial gland) Serous Cell Mucous Cell LightMicroscope Shape •High Pyramidal Connect together by Junctional Complexes •Base: resting on B.M •Apex: toward lumen •Triangular (low Pyramidal) •Base: resting on B.M •Apex: toward lumen (Wider than those of serous cell) Nuc Spherical & Basally located (deeply stained) Flat & Compressed Basally Cytoplasm •Apically: Zymogen Granules: Eosinophilic secretory granules about 1 um in diameter •Basally: Chromophils or Ergastoplasm: large concentration of basophilic substances arranged in parallel rods that give Vertical Striations to the basal portions Folded B.M with Mitochondria in-between •Apically: Trabecular Network: Basophilic thin strands of cytoplasm •Basally: Thin Rim between Nucleus & B.M ElectronicMicroscope Protein Synthetic Cells Carbohydrate Synthetic Cells Nu. Large & Open faced Flat & Basally located RER More located along base & lateral borders of the cell in parallel stacks packed arrangement Less located along base & lateral borders of the cell More Ribosomes Content Less Ribosomes Content Mit. More located along base & lateral borders of the cell Less located along base & lateral borders of the cell Golgi Less Prominent & With 4-6 Stacks located apically or laterally to nucleus More Large & With 10 to 12 Stacks of saccules sandwiched between basal RER & mucous droplets NB: Golgi apparatus plays an important role in these cells because of large amount of carbohydrate that it adds to the secretory products Granules Zymogen: Secretory granules fill Apical cytoplasm & surrounded by a thin membrane Mucigen: Irregular & compressed Droplets containing scattered flocculent material & Apically (larger than serous one) NB: Adjacent mucous droplets are separated by thin cytoplasm strands or may be fused Other Few peroxisomes, Microfilaments & Microtubules
  • 5. 5| P a g e NB: Secretory products of mucous cells differ from those of serous cells in two important aspects; 1-They have little or no enzymatic activity, so they serve mainly for lubrication & protection of the oral tissue 2-The ratio of carbohydrate to protein is greater Junctional Complexes Structure: Tight junction, Intermediate junction & 1 or more desmosomes Site: Between adjoining cells Tight junction is at the apical end of adjoining cells Function: 1. Hold the cells together 2. Sealed lumen off from lateral intercellular spaces. So, they Prevent leakage of luminal contents into intercellular spaces Canaliculi: Intercellular Branches of lumen extend between adjacent cells almost to their base Mixed Glands Definition: Secretory units formed of both secretory acini, serous & mucous Structure: Demilune: Crescent of several serous cells cap the tubular portion of the mucous acini NB: -Their secretion reaches the lumen through Intercellular Canaliculi -Separate serous & mucous units may exist Serous – Mixed >> With Canaliculi Mucous >> Without Canaliculi Myoepithelial cells Shape: Branched stellate cells Origin: epithelial Site: between B.L & B.M of the Parenchymal cells, close to the secretory acini & intercalated ducts cells •Not usually present along the striated ducts Function: Contract to expel secretions from acini to the lumen & ducts Structure: •By L.M, only the nuclei of the cells are Visible By E.M: contains Actin & Myosin: longitudinally oriented fine filaments similar to those in smooth muscle
  • 6. 6| P a g e Oncocytes Site: Parotid & Submandibular glands of older individuals Shape: large cells with •Nucleus: small Pyknotic & Centrally placed •Cytoplasm: Abundant & Strongly eosinophilic
  • 7. 7| P a g e Lining cell Intercalated ducts Striated ducts Excretory ducts Type Intra-tubular Inter-tubular Size Small Large (lager or same as acini) The largest Function 1. Convey saliva to straight ducts 2. Sharing in secretion of saliva as they contain secretory granules 3. Modify secretion by form 2 antibacterial portions (lysozyme & lacto-ferrin) 4. Acts as Stem cells for regeneration of secretory portion cells 1. Convey saliva to excretory duct 2. Modify secretions passing through them from isotonic to hypotonic solution By •Absorb of Na & K ions •Secret Bi-carbonate ions 3. Pumping capacity to saliva Due to the Basal deep infolding 4. Secret Kallikrein enzyme which found in saliva & synthesize Glyco- proteins (stored in the apical granules) 1. Convey saliva to main duct 1. Modify the final saliva by •adding mucoid components •altering electrolyte concentration of saliva Cells LightMicroscope Shape Simple layer of low Cuboid cell Simple layer of tall Columnar cells •Near the striated ducts, Pseudo-stratified epith. With Goblet cells (Nucleus on more than one layer) •Near the ductal orifice, stratified squamous epith. merging with that of the oral cavity (Main Duct) Nu. Large, Round & Centrally placed Large, Round & Centrally placed Cytoplasm Empty-appearing Abundant & Eosinophilic With Basal Striations, perpendicular to the basal surface (L.M) Because of Folding of plasma membrane with elongated Mitochondria in-between (E.M) ElectronicMicroscope Nu. Round & Centrally(more basally Round & Centrally placed RER Few & Basally Few & Short (with SER apically) Golgi Moderate size & Apically Small & in Peri-nuclear Cytoplasm Mito. Around the nucleus Around the nucleus Between basal infolding Sec. Few & apically More, Small & Apically Other *Protein synthesis cell (in low rate) NB: Adjacent cells are joined apically by desmosomes *Apically; -Free Ribosomes, Lysosomes (several) -Peroxisomes (numerous) -Filaments bundles -Glycogen (moderate amount) -Microvilli (Numerous, short project into the lumen) NB: Adjacent cells are joined by junctional complex
  • 8. 8| P a g e II-Connective Tissue Stroma Cells •Fibroblasts •Macrophages •Mast cells •Plasma cells •Adipose cells Which are embedded in ••Extracellular matrix of Collagen & Oxytalin fibers ••Ground substances of Glyco-proteins & Proteo-glycans Blood supply Course ••enters the gland along the excretory ducts ••branches to follow them into the individual lobules NB: Extensive blood supply is required for rapid secretion of saliva Nerve supply Course ••enter the salivary glands following the blood vessels ••break up into smaller bundles unit they form a Final Plexus adjacent to the terminal parenchyma There are 2 types of innervations are established Sub-epithelial Supply Intra-epithelial Supply (Epi-lemmal) (Hypo-lemmal) Axon Site (Remain in the C.T) -Separated from the secretory cells by B.M by a gap of 100 to 200 nm (Penetrate the B.M) -Run between the secretory cells separated from them by a gap of 10 to 20 nm Lose Schwann cell covering Lose Schwann cell covering during penetration Contain Neuro-transmitters (No-repin-ephrine & Acetyl- chloline) which are •Released when a nerve impulse passes •Diffuse across the space & basal lamina NB: •Saliva flow is controlled by Nervous Stimulation •Both divisions of Autonomic Nervous System participate in the secretory cells innervation •In some glands, both Sympathetic & Parasympathetic terminals are seen near the secretory cells ••Parasympathetic stimulation produces watery saliva ••Sympathetic stimulation produces thicker, higher organic content & less quantity saliva
  • 9. 9| P a g e Major Salivary Glands Site: Extra-orally & their secretions reach the mouth by variable ducts Parotid “The largest” Submandibular Sublingual Site •Superficial Portion; in Front of External Ear •Deeper Portion; fills Retro-mandibular Fossa •Submandibular triangle •Behind & below Mylohyoid muscle free border (with a Tongue-like extension above the mylohyoid muscle) •Between Mouth Floor & Mylohyoid muscle Capsule Encapsulated Encapsulated Poor /Non Capsulated Type •Pure serous in adult •Mixed serous in infant & Old (with few mucous secreting units) NB: In older gland, Fat cells are seen •Mixed “Mostly Serous” (80% serous & 20% Mixed) (with few mucous terminal portions which are capped by serous demilunes) •Mixed “Mostly mucous” (Mucous tubules are capped by serous demilunes) Saliva Se. 30% 60% 5% Main Excretory Duct “Stensen’s Duct” Open in a Papilla on the buccal mucosa opposite to Upper 7 “Wharton’s Ducts” Open in a Papilla on the mouth floor (on the side of lingual frenum) “Bartholin's Duct” (Major) Open in a Papilla on the mouth floor (with or near submandibular duct) •Rivinian Ducts (Minor): 8-20 small ducts of smaller glands open along the sublingual fold independently lntercalated Ducts Numerous & Elongated Shorter than in Parotid Extremely Short or absent Striated Ducts Easy recognized Well developed & Longer than in Parotid Extremely Short or absent
  • 10. 11| P a g e Minor Salivary Glands Site: Beneath the epith. in almost all parts of the oral cavity Structure: Several small groups of secretary units opening via short ducts directly into the mouth Characters: 1. Lack the distinct capsule 2. Focal accumulation of lymphocytes around ductal walls Function: 1. Saliva Secretion 2. Have a role in the mouth immune surveillance Group Labial & Buccal Palatine Glosso- palatine Lingual Anterior Posterior Blandin Nuhn Von Ebner Weber Site •Lips & Cheeks •Hard palate, Soft palate & Uvula Submucosa of Postero-lateral region •Isthmus region in Glosso- palatine fold •Near Tongue apex •Between tongue muscle fibers •Below vallate papillae •Lateral & Posterior to vallate papillae •Associated with the lingual tonsil) Type •Mixed (Mostly mucous) •Mucous •Mucous •Mostly Mucous (Anterior region) •Mixed (Posterior region) •Serous •Mucous Ducts Intercalated duets: variable in length Striated ducts: show few cells with basal striations Large & recognized Openings open on Palatal mucosa Open on tongue ventral surface (near lingual frenum) Open in vallate papillae trough & foliate papillae Open in tongue dorsal surface NB: •Recent ultra-structural studies of labial glands have revealed: “Presence of only mucous cells & intercellular canaliculi in-between“ •Function of the Von Ebner Salivary Gland 1. Wash tongue papillae, so prepare the taste receptors for a new stimulus 2. Secret anti-bacterial enzymes (Per-oxidase & Lyso-zyme) “Histo-chemical Studies” 3. Secret lingual lipase enzyme (by lipolytic activity) “Biochemical Studies” Which ••Hydrolyze stomach tri-glyceride ••Plays a significant role in lipid digestion in newborn when •Fat intake is high •Levels of pancreatic lipase are low 4. Protective & Digestive function