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Help Me Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Help Me Essay" presents a peculiar challenge. At first glance, the
subject seems paradoxical. How does one effectively write about seeking assistance in writing an
essay, without making it sound like a cry for help? This prompts a delicate balancing act between
acknowledging the need for support and maintaining a tone of competence and self-sufficiency.
The difficulty lies in striking the right tone and conveying the message clearly. It's essential to
navigate the line between vulnerability and assurance, acknowledging the desire for guidance
while demonstrating a grasp of the subject matter. Moreover, there's a risk of veering into
clichГ©s or appearing too self-deprecating, which could detract from the credibility of the essay.
Additionally, there's the challenge of originality. The topic itself is somewhat meta, inviting self-
reference and introspection, which can quickly become repetitive or trite if not handled
thoughtfully. Finding a unique angle or perspective to explore within the confines of the theme is
crucial to keeping the reader engaged.
Ultimately, writing an essay on "Help Me Essay" demands careful consideration of tone,
originality, and coherence. It requires introspection, creativity, and a willingness to embrace the
inherent paradox of the topic. Only through skillful navigation of these challenges can one
effectively convey the complexities of seeking assistance while maintaining a sense of autonomy
and authority.
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Help Me Essay Help Me Essay
Statement Of Purpose In Mechanical Engineering
As a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate student with an ardent interest in the
industrial work environment, I have learnt the principles of mechanical engineering
those are applicable to most machines, tools and processes which naturally widens
my scope of learning and research. This has intrigued me to explore the option of
pursuing master s course in Mechanical Engineeringfrom your prestigious University,
which I believe will not only supplement my knowledge that I have acquired but also
provide me with the best possible platform for the attainment of my future goals. I
draw my inspiration towards this field from my mechanical engineer father who
serves as a Mechanical Supervisor in a government run organization, National
Fertilizers Limited. He was the one who introduced me to machines like Lathe
Machine, Gear Cutting Machine, Hydraulic Cutting Machine, Steam Turbines,
Compressors etc. and plants like Steam Generation Plant, Ammonia Plant at a very
impressionable age. This naturally triggered in me a desire to know more about what
happens inside these machines and the reason behind their precise and accurate
working. Also, my frequent visits to the industry enabled me to retain as well as
enhance my keen interest in the field and thus, influenced me to pursue my
undergraduate course in Mechanical Engineering. Due to my innate interest in the
field of Mechanical Engineering and impressive performance in the engineering
entrance examination, I secured a seat in this
Pros And Cons Of John Muir
John Muir is best known for his efforts to preserve the wilderness of the United
States, which greatly contributed to the preservation of countless natural areas of the
US through the National Parks Service. During his travels across the country and
abroad, Muir recorded his thoughts and beliefs about nature and the fundamental
connection people share with the earth. By voyaging into the wild and shedding the
restraints and ideals of modern society, Muir argues that people can expand their
understanding of the world and experience life to its full potential through immersing
themselves in nature. First and foremost a researcher of the environment, Muir
believed that by spending time in nature, he could more deeply understand the earth
and all of the knowledge it has to offer. During one of his numerous expeditions in the
Yosemite Valley
in 1869, Muir remarks that ...these lawless wanderings will be
valuable as suggestive beginnings... if I should return to the awkward rules laws of
civilization be buried as a strand into the thick of society. He knows that if he
returns to civilization, his excursions will be no more than beginnings of research
that will serve no real purpose. He further comments that, These sweet free roamings
be as little chinks seams on life s horizon whence I may obtain narrow glimpses of
the treasures of the Kingdoms of Nature beyond. Just as the horizon blocks out
sunlight, Muir argues that civilization blocks out the opportunity to discover
Ideal Gas Formula Lab Report
Abstract: This experiment was performed to determine the molar mass of an
unknown using the ideal gas equation. The measurements needed to determine the
molar mass were obtained by heating the unknown to 90 degrees Celsius while
recording the required measures such as the mass, volume, and temperature as the
unknown became a gas. Then the measurements were inserted into the ideal gas
equation PV=nRT. Using the ideal gas formula and measurements determined the
molar mass was found by rearranging the formula leaving the unknown s molar mass
of ethylene glycol.
Procedure: In preparation 600mL of water was added to a beaker then an
Erlenmeyer flask was placed inside to determine the water level when the
Erlenmeyer flask with unknown was added. This was done to prevent water from
spilling over the edge while also ... Show more content on ...
The 600 mL of water was placed on the hot plate to heat it to 90 degrees Celsius so
that the gas would heat up and evaporate. Using gloves to prevent finger prints and
residue that would increase the mass a 5 cm square of aluminum foil was attached
to the flasks neck then secured using a rubber band. A rubber band was used in
place of copper wire because both exhibit similar properties such as how they
handle heat and they both will securely hold the aluminum foil in place. During
this time the flask was weighted to gather the mass prior to the unknown being
added. Then the cover was removed and 5 mL of unknown was added to the
Erlenmeyer flask and resealed. This is in addition to an aluminum bib to further
secure the cover and prevent gas from escaping the side. Next a small hole was
made in the center of the aluminum cover to allow the gas to escape as it evaporates.
The Erlenmeyer flask with the unknown was placed in the hot water at an angle so
that the
Crucial Conversations In The Work Environment
Many people might believe that crucial conversations are witnessed in more
political situations, but these types of conversation appear in our daily lives fairly
often. Some typical crucial conversations in the work environment could be
reporting bad news to a superior, approaching a coworker about them breaking a
company rule, or discussing work effort with a team member. These situations
appear in our home and social lives in the forms of disagreements in a relationship,
dealing with roommate problems, and talking to a friend about participating in
dangerous behaviors. Commonly, instead of facing these types of discussions with
tact and a sense of confidence, people tend to run away for fear of embarrassment
due to saying the wrong thing
Walter Mitty Identity
Both The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Lamb to the Slaughter analyze human s
ways of achieving self acceptance. Walter Mitty s persona is not considered
appropriate by people around him, so as a result, he daydreams to accept his true
character. On the contrary, Mary Maloney s self love is built upon the presence of
her husband, so when he decided to leave, her whole world shattered.
In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, James Thurber explores the topic of self
acceptance through the protagonist s daydreams, to demonstrate the strategy of
accepting oneself through fantasies when society s values oppose one s behavior. In
Lamb to the Slaughter , Mary Maloney s dependence on Patrick for happiness
implies that one often relies heavily on others in order to attain self acceptance and
adopt a socially fitting identity.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty presents us with a character who finds his escape
through fantasies to suggest that when one s unable to stand up against harassers,
imagination and dreams will nourish confidence and self image. For instance, at the
end of the story, Walter Mitty s use of the words erect and motionless , proud and
disdainful , Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last suggests his ... Show
more content on ...
At the beginning of the story, the readers are presented with a strangely content
housewife. Mary Maloney s curiously peaceful demeanor and the fact that she was
merely satisfying herself with the thinking each minute that went by made it nearer
the time he would come home suggests that Patrick is the focus of Mary s life, the
fountainhead of joy and purpose. Consequently, Mary developed and maintained a
cellophane, fabricated persona, with the center of everything being her
Time To Dump Time Zone James Gleick Summary
In the article, Time to Dump Time Zones , by James Gleick is saying that even
though there are time zones that we would be better off if we got rid of our times
zones to bring unity between countries, and less confusion allowing for people to
never be confused on what time it is in certain countries. Gleick says that our society
does not live in the railroad world anymore that now things are all network based and
the whole world is connected through the touch of our fingers. Such as twitter, and
I disagree with Gleick to a certain extent because I do not believe that we should
have one time zone that covers the whole world, but I do believe in getting rid of
day time saving changes. The whole reason we have time zones are because they
help us produce a way to understand when it is the morning, noon, evening, and
midnight, but without multiple time zones whenever it is noon in a specific city it
may the evening in another city causing the whole system of a time zone pointless.
That would bring such chaos to our world because the world is set up in a way that it
functions according to the sun. ... Show more content on ...
Such as if you worked from 9 am to 5 pm in a normal multi zoned world it would
be day time the sun would be rising and when you would finish the sun would be
setting, but with only one time zone working from 9 am to 5 pm in British
Columbia would be night time. You would be waking up when it is dark, and
coming home when the sun is rising. According to a report done by Eric P. Bloom
he states that workers are more efficient when it comes to working when they work
with the day light hours. So logically it is smarter to keep one time zone allowing
for workplace efficiency to be
Human Nature Short Story
Throughout history, there have been millions of philosophers. However, none of
them have uncovered the truth about human nature. The issue of morality has never
been truly resolved. There is an endless amount of arguments about humans being
internally good, but there are just as many for the alternate idea that humansare evil.
The short stories that best exemplify humannature are Child By Tiger , Am I Blue? ,
and Once Upon a Time . In all these short stories, there is a climax involving the
protagonist and then the author tells us how the supporting characters react. We see
how the town reacts to Dick, how the world reacts to Melvin s second wish, and we
see how the gardener reacts to the boy getting caught in the security system. Wolfe,
Gordimer, and Coville show us that human nature isn t the way we act, but it is the
way we react; thus we aren t inherently good nor evil, but a blend of the two.
Wolfe shows us the evil side of human nature that comes from within. In civilized
societies, people are not allowed to harm others. Therefore, the mob was using
Dick s actions as an excuse to let out their inner evil. These people had a burning
hate for African Americans, so they knew that they could do whatever they wanted
to do to Dick without repercussions. The town s inner savagery first comes out: We
ve waited long enough! We re going to get that ni**er! (Wolfe 101). The N word is
used by the townspeople to show their hatred and bitterness told the entire
The Thompson Chain Reference Bible
The Thompson Chain Reference Bible, King James Version is my bible of choice.
This bible is tried, tested and true to the best of my knowledge and the King James
Bible is the bible used in the churches I attend. Even though the King James
Version is translated from inferior Greek text, it is yet the most widely used in
churches settings. The King James translators produced a literal translation from
the original Greek and Hebrew in order to make sense in the English language, so
comparable phrases are used to express meanings. It was necessary for the
translators to make a smooth and accurate translation for the English speaking people
and very few passages presented any real translating problems. The King James bible
not only
Plath Daddy Poem Meaning
The title of the poem Daddy immediately makes the reader think of authority due to
the childish nature of the word. This is idea is reinforced from the first line of You
do not do, you do not do , implying that someone is scolding a child perhaps.
However, it could also have sexual undertones to it, referring to Plath s relationship to
her husband which could infer there were similarities between her father and her
husband. Furthermore, this links to the idea that it could also have an underlying
theme of abuse; whether this is abuse by her father or by her husband, is unclear
through the title, but is explored throughout the poem.
Plath s father, Otto Plath, had gangrene which eventually caused his entire leg to be
amputated. Plath was severely impacted by his death as she feels as though she lived
like a foot , suggesting that her father was negligent of Plath which made ... Show
more content on ...
Plath broadens her feelings out to include all women, maybe because there are some
who tolerate domestic abuse, or because fascist leaders like Hitler became something
of a sex symbol in the states they controlled. Plath can be seen as an early feminist,
so this statement can be argued to be ironic. The internal rhyme of boot and brute ,
repeated 3 times, and the consonant heart ; when read aloud, this sounds as one is
spitting with disgust. The last few stanzas of the poem are ambiguous as Plath
constantly repeats that she is through . It can be inferred that Plath is putting the past
behind her and that the poem has feelings of closure towards her father, which makes
the overall tone of the poem therapeutic, which makes the poem confessional, unlike
the beginning of the poem where it appears the poem is conveying her bitterness.
However, the telephone is mentioned as a form of communication. It is unclear
whether she is through meaning finished with him, or that she s finally
communicated her rejection of
Grignard Is The Child Of A Sail Producer Essay
Grignard was the child of a sail producer. In the wake of concentrating on
arithmetic at Lyon he exchanged to science and found the manufactured response
bearing his name (the Grignard response) in 1900. He turned into an educator at
the University of Nancy in 1910 and was granted the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
1912. Amid World War I, he studied chemical warfare agents, especially the produce
of phosgene and the identification of mustard gas. His partner on the German side
was another Nobel Prize winning chemist, Fritz Haber. (2) The Grignard reagent is
exceptionally responsive and responds with most natural mixes. It likewise responds
with water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. (2) Grignard reagents are set up by the
response of magnesium metal with fitting alkyl halide in ether dissolvable. The
halogen might be Cl, Br, or I. A standout amongst the most imperative employments
of the Grignard Reagent is the response with aldehydes and ketones to frame liquor.
A related blend utilizes ethylene oxide to plan alcohols containing two more carbon
molecules than that of the alkyl halide. (2)
Grignard is most noted for creating another procedure for delivering carbon carbon
bonds utilizing magnesium to couple ketones and alkyl halides.
The Field Of Cosmetics And The Treatment Of Injuries,...
Today, the field of cosmetics and the treatment of injuries, skin, and hair ailments
have gained the attention of doctors all over the world. While multiple treatment
methods have been examined, preference remains for the safest and the most
effective method. Recently, treatment with PRP has been established as an effective
medical treatment in many fields, such as oral surgery, neurosurgery, cosmetic
surgery, sports medicine, and orthopedics. Platelets are one of the essential
components found in blood, known best for their importance in coagulation. They
contain proteins known as growth factors that play an essential role in healing
damaged tissue (Lubkowska et al., 2012). The normal range of platelets in healthy
human blood ranges from... Show more content on ...
Despite these variations, all protocols follow the same sequence: blood sample
collection, a soft spin for separating blood components, followed by a hard spin for
concentrating the platelets, in the presence or absence of anticoagulants, and growth
factor activators.
Kececi, Ozsu, and Bilgir (2014) examined the effect of the number of spins on the
platelet recovery during centrifugation. Both single and double centrifugation
methods were used to prepare the PRP. Two sets of blood samples were drawn
from 10 adult New Zealand rabbits. The blood samples were added into 10%
sodium citrate and centrifuged; The first group was single centrifuged at 160 G for
6 minutes at room temperature, while the second group was double centrifuged, the
first spin was at 160 G for 20 minutes at room temperature, followed by the second
spin at 400 G for 15 minutes. Average platelet amount collected from the second
group (1,986,875 В± 685,020/Ојl) was greater than the first group (781,875 В±
217,693/Ојl). According to Amable et al. (2013) different centrifugal forces have
been applied to obtain pure PRP from the blood samples obtained of healthy donors
(4.5 ml of WB), using a refrigerated high speed centrifuge, with speeds reaching up
to 30,000 rpm (rotation per minute). Since the lower centrifugal force (less than 300
x g) did not release a sufficient amount of PRP, 300 Г— g for 5 minutes at 18В°C
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)
The practice of using animals as therapy tools is becoming ever more popular and
common place in the mental health field. Animal assisted therapy (AAT) was
formally defined by the Delta Society as a goal directed intervention in which an
animal that meets specific criteria is an integral part of the treatment process (Kruger,
Trachtenberg, Serpell, 2004). The hope is that the specially trained animal will help
facilitate conversation, and subsequently healing, between the therapist and the client.
AAT is focused on improving the humans physical, mental, emotional, and social
functioning. Animal assisted therapy is not to be confused with service animals:
service animals fall under the category of animal assisted activities ... Show more
content on ...
Horses have the physical ability to support a large amount of weight, and it has
been increasingly found that they have the same ability to do this with our
emotions as well. Therapy where a horse is involved is called equine assisted
therapy (EAT). EAT came to light in the 1980 s and it is defined as experiential
psychotherapy that includes equine handling, grooming, lunging, and riding
(Willerson). The practice of EAT has been found to be effective in working with
children, adults, couples, individuals, families and have been used to help with the
treatment and healing of individuals who have suffered from trauma, addiction, and
depression. The goal of EAT is not to train someone to ride a horse, rather, the goal is
to train them to learn to control, interact, and connect with their internal and external
Essay about Flannery O Connor
Flannery O Connor
Mary Flannery O Connor was born in Savannah, Georgia, on March 25, 1925. Until
she graduated in 1945 she was known as Mary Flannery. At this point she felt that
Mary Flannery didnt seem suitable, on one occasion she described it as sounding like
the name of an Irish washerwoman. From this point on, she was known as just
Flannery OConnor. Flannery is most recognized for her short stories but at the same
time had great interest in cartooning and drawing. She would paint over any cracks in
the walls of her home so that her mother would not cover them up with paintings from
relatives. As a student at Georgia State College for women Flannery displayed her
interests in art by painting murals on the walls of the student ... Show more content on ...
While living at this residence Flannery became sick with a incurable disease known
as Lupus. After coming to terms with her illness OConnor returned home to Geogia
where she concentrated most of her efforts on writing and less on cartooning. Wise
Blood, her first novel, was finished in 1952, this was an extraordinary achievement
for her. Considering her belief that she would pass away in the preceding 3 years,
OConnor devoted most of her time to writing her short stories. After surprisingly
living to see the end of the third year Flannery had completed nine short stories.
Most of what is known about Flannery after she moved back to Georgia is relayed
through her correspondence with friends and people who admired her work. One
person in particular who became very close with Flannery was a fan who had
developed a friendship and companionship over an eight year period through the
exchange of 250 letters. In 1979, Flannerys close friend Sally Fitzgerald published
The Habit of Being. She used the letters that had been shared between the two friends
to help document Flannerys life. The anonymous friend OConnor had exchanged the
letters with throughout the years was not revealed until 1998 when she took her own
life. It was at this point that the public had learned the true identity of Betty Hester,
the mystery correspondent.
Flannery exceeded her expectation of only living three years. While continuing to
write throughout her illness, she completed two
Abraham Lincoln s Assassination Research Paper
John Wilkes Booth and The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth
was born in Maryland, 1838. He was known for being an actor and he made 20,000
a year. He had a very strong hatred for Abraham Lincoln, he was very racist and
believed the African Americans should not have any rights. Booth also would blame
Lincoln for all the south s problems. He was also known as the most handsome and
charming man known during his time. Booth s original plan was to actually kidnap
Abraham with a group of conspirators and take him to richmond to hold him hostage
in return for a confederate prisoner of the war. His first attempt was unsuccessful,
Booth and his conspirators began to use Mary Surratt s boarding house to hold their
meetings. The attempt
Analysis Of The Movie Trainspotting
The movie Trainspotting, released in the July of 1996, depicts a group of heroin
addicts and their peers eking out an existence in 1980 s Edinburgh, Scotland.
Based on a 1993 book of the same name by Irvine Welsh, the movie was a
commercial success as well as critical one. It is ranked as the 10th best British
movie of All Time by the British Film Institute in 1999 (Best 100 British Films).
When the book was published Welsh was condemned for glamorizing heroinabuse, to
which he responded that he was only depicting what was going on, what he knew,
and who he knew. The book and the movie mirror the reality of the creation of an
underclass in Edinburgh in the late 1970 s and 1980 s. Historically opiates have
been a part of Edinburgh since the late 1600 s. After heroin was synthesized and
began being used as a painkiller in 1894 Edinburgh became the capital of opiate
production as discussed in an article from The Guardian in 2009. The article
quotes Michael Fry as saying By the end of the 19th century, writes Fry, Edinburgh
produced most of the world s opiate drugs, heroin included. (Edemariam and Scott)
In the 1980 s however the situation changed dramatically. Cheaper heroin from
South Asia became readily available which was met with a growing receptive
audience. The same outsourcing that created the US Rust Belt and condemned
Detroit to become a shadow of former self was felt in Scotland as well. So when that
influx of drugs came in the early 80 s it was met with
Fastball Narrative
It was the top of the seventh, and the Freeburg Rebels had a 1 run lead. After one of
my teammates made the last out, I headed to the mound for the bottom of the last
inning. While warming up, I could feel the scorching heat piercing my skin. As the
first batter walked up to the plate, the umpire yelled out Play Ball ! Despite this being
one of the most important moments in my baseballcareer, I wasn t nervous. I was
locked in. On the first pitch, the catcher held up a 1, signaling for a fastball. I
started my windup and continued to throw the pitch. The batter swung out of his
shoes like he was trying to take one over the Green Monster at Fenway Park.
Channeling my inner Bob Gibson, I threw the 2 filthiest breaking balls I ve ever
The Importance Of Income Statements And The Types Of
Introduction Firm managers, owners, and lenders, keep track of the firm s
performance by reviewing financial statements, income statement, balance sheet, and
statement of cash flows. This portfolio will explain the purpose of income statements
and the types of expenses that are shown on an income statement. Also, clarify types
of assets and claims of creditors and owners shown on a balance sheet. As well as
define the three different accounts that comprise the owners equity section on a
corporate balance sheet. Furthermore, describe a statement of cash flows and the
three standard sections contained within it. Finally, identify the three categories of
ratios that a business may use in an analysis of its financial statements and the
benefits of calculating these ratios.
Financial and Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows
Income Statement The purpose of the income statement is provides a record of a
company s revenues and expenses for a given period of time and can be used as a
measuring stick of profitability. This document provides important financial
information to business managers, investors, lenders, and analysts. It is also one of
the three major financial statements that all publicly held firms are required to
prepare annually. Types of expenses that are shown on a typical income statement are
accounts, office supplies, delivery truck, amounts charged to customers for services
and products, employees paychecks,
Your First Home Buyer South Carolina
When you get ready to buy your first home, if you re like most people, you have lots
of questions. While navigating the journey toward homeownership is exciting, it can
be confusing for a first time home buyer South Carolina resident. Fortunately, buying
a home in South Carolina doesn t have to be stressful. Community resources are out
there to help you gather information you need to make informed decisions about
lenders and different mortgage loanproducts. If you re willing to invest some time
doing your due diligence, you may qualify for thousands of dollars in discounts,
incentives, grants and tax credits to make buying your first dwelling more affordable.
Not sure where it get started?
Most grants, low interest loans and first ... Show more content on ...
That s money you can put in your pocket to make home improvements, buy a car,
invest in your education or do whatever you want to do with the money. You have to
buy the privilege, but sellers can assume the liability and pay the fee at closing.
#2 HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program for South CarolinaFirst Time
According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), even
people with a very low income can buy their first home through the Homeownership
Choice Voucher Program. Assistance is available to help first time home buyers
convert an existing rent voucher to a home purchase voucher that may be applied to
homeownership expenses or meet the monthly mortgage. To get more information
about eligibility and location specific programs, contact your local Public Housing
Agency (PHA) or visit the pages.
#3 Individual Development Accounts (IDA) Options Help Buyers Save for Their
First Home
Incentives come in a variety of packages. While there are many federal and state
programs to make homeownership more affordable, local organizations can be
valuable resources. Community Works Carolina (CWC) offers a first time home
buyer South Carolina program for Upstate residents that includes forgivable five
year loans to reduce the purchase price and up to $4,000 in grants you can use to pay
Characterization Of Harrison Bergeron In 2081 And
Characterization of Harrison Bergeron in 2081 and Harrison Bergeron
Comparing and contrasting Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron and Chandler Tuttle s
2081 in relation to their characterization of the short story s namesake is an
undertaking chock full of potential. These two sources are very different in their
representation of young Harrison and this serves to completely skew one s
preconceived understanding of his person, motivations, and desires. Due to this subtle
but significant variation one can come to the conclusion that the way an individual is
portrayed and the words they speak in different genres greatly manipulates others
perception of their character. This is evident when one analyzes the monologuing and
shot choices of the short film or the descriptions and dialogue in the story.
A satirical genius not recognized as such in his early years, Vonnegut published
what is now a staple in high school classrooms in 1961. This work is named for a
character who appears only briefly, but in that time creates a very strong impression;
Harrison Bergeron is a fourteen year old boy who surpasses most of society in every
measurable quality. Vonnegut s brash description of Harrison depicts him as some
monstrous being of metal and sandbags, reminiscent of horror movie villains of
times long past. Despite his limited dialogue, the words Harrison speaks reinforce
this image to a tee; he is a power hungry beast of a boy. Victim to delusions of
Resembling the Sun of Memories
The sun has the resemblance of an orange in many aspects or vice versa. The sun is
a very beautiful as well as powerful source of energy for the world. An orange
complies with those demands of the sun, but in terms of nutrition and health. An
orange provides the human body with a very valuable source of vitamin C. The sunas
well as an orange goes by hand because, without the sun; there would be no oranges
and fruits or life in planet earth. The orange provides vitamin c which helps fight
and prevents cell damage, therefore, keeping you safe and healthy from viruses as
well as cancer, which is why an orange triggers in me the purest and a humble
appetite for it. During my infancy and as of today, I love oranges since I grew up
eating them in school as well as at home. My parents would always punish me when
I didn t finish my fruits right after dinner since I never had a pleasant Pallet for fruits.
But, the only fruitthat satisfies my taste buds would be an orange. I never through
away my oranges at school or home, but rather hide what was left of my orange in
my pocket or backpack. Inclusively, I stole countless amounts of oranges from
school for the purpose of making my hand squeezed orange juice. This why the
orange is very special fruit to me, because I grew up with the orange and thinking
about it takes me back through time.
When I see an orange, the first characteristic I notice is the simplicity of its color,
Orange. It is also round with a very microscopic dotted
Relation Between Architecture And The Environment.this...
An architect cannot build a consistent and stable structure without knowing the
relationship between architecture and the environment.This topic should be discussed
on various angles. One of them is the aesthetical point of view, and the other is the
human intervention in nature. The former is essentially an artistic debate and a
generic timeless topic since the beginning of architectural practices. The other one is
a more contemporary issue. In a broader aspect, this topic isn t only the architect s
interest, but also is an issue of engineers, scientists and even social scientist s; and
yet it can even extend to global warmingconcerns. For this reason, let us firstly start
and find out the most current dispute entitled as humanintervention in nature.
Humans since their very first existence have been in a big struggle against the
nature. However, they shape the nature to suffice their needs and in essence adapt
themselves accordingly into the conditions given by the Mother Nature. Over time
nature has resisted to this human endeavor in every possible way it can and tried not
to surrender humans. No matter how strong this resistance is; humans somehow
found a way to break it down with their inborn skills that they managed to develop in
time. This can be regarded as a seamless dance between these two enormous forces.
As the nature manifested itself as an obstacle where humans accomplished to push it
away, this struggle shaped the way in which humans developed a way of
Comparing Candide And Gulliver s Travels
In several of the text written there has been a character that either was given authority
or accepted natural leadership. Two such characters were Pangloss appearing in
Candide and Master Houyhnhnm in Gulliver s Travels. While both had authority in
some way over the main characters in their book, the way they held and managed that
authority was vastly different. Both characters would go on to make decisions that
would go forth and alter the outcomes of many characters. However, while Pangloss
and Master Houyhnhnm both have alternative approaches to how they impart
knowledge or assume leadership; it is seen their belief in their teachings pulls
characters, respectively from their own works, to follow their lead. This was
observed clearly in Candide with Pangloss, who was the tutor and oracle of the
household , the household being the Baron of Thunder Ten Tronckh s (Voltaire, pg
336). He was a man Candide truly looked up to. Pangloss teachings followed that of
optimism; in this case the belief that everything exists or happens for a reason to the
extreme. Pangloss would prove to Candide that there cannot be possibly effect
without a cause and Candide would religiously hold this o his chest (Voltaire, pg
337). He has such a hold over Candide that throughout the text... Show more content
on ...
Gulliver clearly looked up to him; from having in depth discussions about law and
health care to trying to break down the purpose of lying (Swift, pg 252 260). This
respects comes from how the Houyhnhnm as a people behave and their values. They
see no point in arguing; arguing about a trivial matter solves nothing. Houyhnhnms
never feel greed, jealousy, or the need for power. They value friendship and
compassion above all else, and these values are undoubtedly seen in Master
Houyhnhnm. With him taking Gulliver under his care, it was inevitable for Gulliver
to follow him in a subordinate
Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a complicated disorder which has many
implications for how one might act and think of themselves. It is categorized as a
personality disorder in which the person thinks highly of themselves, that they are a
superior being. They are often envious or jealous of others, lack empathy, and carry
with themselves a sense of entitlement (Maniacci, 2007). Someone with Narcissistic
Personality Disordermay expect special treatment from others. For example, they
may have no problem cutting in line to ask a question but expect everyone else to
wait their turn (Funder, 2016). The DSM 5 mentions other traits or behaviors used
in the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, such as interpersonal
exploitation (using and taking advantage of those around you), being preoccupied
with fantasies of ideal love, unlimited power or success, and beauty, and the need for
excessive admiration from others (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
Subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. To be even more specific, various
subtypes of narcissismhave been suggested, most importantly the covert/vulnerable
presentation and the overt/grandiose presentation. The latter is what is typically
focused on, and what has been explained above. However, covert narcissism is
nothing to ignore. Gabbard stated (as cited in Levy, 2012, p. 887) that those who are
covert narcissists dislike the spotlight; they are hypersensitive to the evaluations of
others and therefore
National Collegiate Athletic Association ( Ncaa ) Division...
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I sports, specifically
football and men s basketball, have become a a grand spectacle in American
culture today. The rights to broadcasting the playoff schedule for these two major
sports brings in nearly a billion dollars worth of revenue for the organization each
year. The time has come for student athletes to no longer be seen as amateurs.
College athletes are the number one reason the NCAA is able to generate such a
great amount of revenue; they dedicate countless hours of every day to their craft,
miss large chunks of classes, and deserve to receive just compensation for their
tremendous efforts.NCAA men s football and basketball are treated, marketed, and
played like professional level sports; therefor, the athletes deserve just
compensation for their efforts. The NCAA is a billion dollar corporation that is
allowed to rake in its profit off the backs of unpaid college athletes. According to
freelance journalist, and Robin Goldstein Award for Outstanding Regional
Reporting, Reed Karaim, ...broadcasters pay the top college football conferences
more than $200 million each annually, with each team in some conferences
receiving $20 million or more (Karaim). Because the college athletes at these
schools are refused to be seen as anything but amateurs by the NCAA, the money
gained from in game revenues never sees its way into the player s hands. Rather,
these Division I programs spend this money paying coaches
Analysis Of Stairway To Heaven
No matter how many times somebody is asked to give an explanation to what the
song Stairway to Heaven really perseveres, different answers will be given every
time. The song Stairway to Heaven was written by Led Zeppelin in 1971. Throughout
all these years, still everybody has their own interpretation to the song, and they will
respond differently based upon what the true meaning of the song really is. The
reason being is, the song represents many different values throughout it, and it is the
others choice to determine the outlook on it.
In 1980, Led Zeppelin could have had the biggest tour in the history of rock and
roll. Although, this never happened because one of the members, Rob Plant, refused
to be a part of it. He rejected to reunite with the rest of the group because he believed
that no amount of money is worth having to sing Stairway to Heaven. To begin with,
when asked about Rob Plant s interpretation of the song, he responded with I still
interpret the song a different way and I wrote the lyrics. In addition, he believed that
the lyrics took some rough shots. In the beginning of it, he claims that it is meant
towards a woman who strives for money, only to find out the unpleasant way that is
going to be keeping her from reaching her stairway to heaven. Rob Plant had no other
reason for stating what his meaning was towards writing the song, but he did note
that he saw it as a woman getting everything she wanted without giving anything
back. According to an
Essay on Taking a Look at Monroe County, Illinois
Monroe County, Illinois Monroe County is very unique and has many towns and
cities in it that have very fasinating facts about them. Some of the towns and cities are
Glasgow City, Renault, Chalfin Bridge, and Waterloo. Even though the towns have
fasinating facts, the facts about just the county in general and where it was given the
name from is also very interesting. The population and type of people in the
population can be very unusual but interesting also. Fasinating and interesting, the
population and the facts about Monroe County and its towns is something that you
could really get interested into researching. Facts about Monroe County Some very
interesting historical facts and population facts about Monroe County are the fact that
... Show more content on ...
The percent of people that are foreign in Monroe County,IL is 0.8%, and the
percent of people that don t speak English is 3.2%. 92.9% of people twenty five
and over are High School graduates. Only 25.5% of people twenty five and up have
a Bachelor degree. The amount of people that are Veterans is 2,857 ( Monroe
County Quickfacts para.3). In 2011 the number of nonfarm establishments was
seven hundred seventy seven, and the nonfarm employment number was 7,473.
The nonemployer establishments was 2,091. On the other hand the firms in 2007
were at a number of 3,221. 28.1% of these firms were owned by women ( Monroe
County Quickfacts para.4). The following is information from 2007: the
manufacturers shipment was 257,760,713, manufacturers wholesaler sales were
231, 082,768, retail sales were $405,724, foodservice sales were 35,946, and retail
sales per capita were $12,507. In 2012 the amount of building permits was 106 (
Monroe County Quickfacts para.5). Land area of Monroe County, IL in square
miles is 385.01. People per mile in 2010 in the county was 85.6. The FIP code for
the county is 133. The area that is the Metro/Micropolitan statistical area is St.
Louis, MO IL ( Monroe County Quickfacts para.6). History of Towns Waterloo The
citys first settlers came in
Theme Of The House Of Seven Gables
Saniya Puri
English (Hons.) Second Year (B)
Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University
Paper for American Literature
Teacher Mrs. Usma Khan
13th October, 2014
Discuss the themes of The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne
William B. Dillingham has, with immense precision, conjectured in his literary
criticism of Hawthorne that amidst the theme of inherited curse Hawthorne has
placed a significant real theme which is necessity of man s participation in the
united struggle of mankind . In fact, he begins his essay on Structure and Theme in
the House of Seven Gables by stating, Most critics of The House of Seven Gables
fail to discover any structural pattern. The usual conclusion is that the book consists
of a series of episodes ... Show more content on ...
The idea of inherited curse and sins makes one ponder the deep concept of pre
destination and free will which is often debated upon. Whether the inherited curse
was incurred upon the House and Pyncheons due to the Maule s curse alone or was
their own folly liable and blameworthy too. This perhaps is a conflicting issue of the
text. One can interpret this dichotomy in both ways. Readers can see the deaths of
Colonel Pyncheon, old Jaffrey Pyncheon and Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon either as a
result of that inherited curse given by Mathew Maule or even due to the faults of
each of them individually. The similar fashion of each death results the reader s
thinking meander into the stream of a single thought that these deaths are result of
some supernatural or mystical element which is not ordinary. This supernatural
element only, instill within our understanding that the characters have least agency of
their destinies. This paper, hence, can comment on the fact that perhaps these
happenings and deaths are not human governed and therefore lie not in their hands to
Analysis Of Psychology Advertisement
While flipping through Psychology Today I can t help, but notice this magazine has
about fifty percent of its pages dedicated to ads. There were sixty three individuals
that either encompassed a part a of page or a whole page. The advertisements were
scattered throughout the magazine, however latter half of the magazine primarily
had the essays and articles. The majority of advertisements in this magazine included:
fifteen ads on health supplements/medications, fifteen ads on rehabilitation/therapy
centers, seven on psychologybooks, fifteen on starting a career in psychology. The
magazine also had three ads on insurance, two ads on a medical device to treat
anxiety, and one ad on a mental healthcourse, sexual furniture and pheromone booster.
The Concepts Of Power In Michel Foucault, Knowledge And
Discourses have a different set of meanings, metaphors, images and stories so that
together it can create a version of events and representing it in a certain structural
form. Discourses make us see the world in a certain way. Each discourse has a
different story about the topic in question and shows a different way of representing
the topic to the world. Discourses have another suggestion for what we do every day.
Discourses claim that truthand knowledge are not important and is the centre of the
discussion of identity, power and change. There is a notion attitude . Attitude is a
dispositional model that is used in the discipline of psychology and opinions. Michel
Foucaultwas a French philosopher and has a background in psychology. He was
interested in how knowledge and power were used as a shape of social control
through institutions. Discourses displays our knowledge of the world. In Foucault s
view, knowledge and power goes together as a pair. There is a close relationship
between discourse, knowledge and power; this becomes clear through social
practices. An individual s understanding of the relationship between power and
knowledge is that knowledge can raise an individual s power. In Foucault s eyes,
knowledge is connected closely with power. What it is possible for one person to do
to another, under what rights and obligations, is given by the version of events
currently taken as knowledge. Therefore, the power to act in particular ways, to claim
resources, to
Non Inferential Passage Examples
Q: Explain non inferential passage and highlight its kinds.
Sentences are the things people say and that occur in normal languages moreover
they express ones feeling rather than exempting a statement.
I love my chair.
I am sad today.
I miss my grandmother.
Propositions are things that are either true or false which can be verified. For
example, Snow is white, today is 35 degree, 14th august is Independence day.
An argument is stated in a passage to prove something and two conditions must be
fulfilled for a passage to have an argument (to prove something)
1 Any one of the statement must have the evidence
2 There must be a claim that the above evidence implies something.
An argument is consisted of propositions only.
There must be at least 2 premises which are propositions and can be either true or
false and a conclusion in an argument. Moreover ... Show more content on ...
Premise 2 :Asma is a tall girl
Conclusion : Asma is attractive
Premise and conclusion can be identified with some indicators. Moreover premise is
underlined and argument have three dots.
Indicators of conclusions:
Therefore, wherefore, thus, consequently, we may infer, accordingly, we may
conclude, it must be that, for this reason, so, entails that, hence, it follows that,
implies that, as a resuly
Indicators of premises:
Since, as indicated by, because, or, in that, may be inferred from, as, given that,
seeing that, for the reason that, in as much as, owing to
An Argument can only be valid or invalid.
Inference passages:
Cluster of proposition is inference, an argument is also an inference because we
deduce and conclude.
Inferential passages example : Umer arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that his
wife does not get off of work until 5. Umer also sees that the lights are off in their
house. Umer can infer that his wife is not yet home.
P1 All men are mortal
P2 Socrates is a man
Conclusion: Socrates is mortal
Non inferential passages
Three Public Defenders In Gideon s Military
Gideon s Army portrays the lives of three public defenders who fight to help other
people who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Brandy Alexander, Travis Williams,
and June Harwick are three public defenders working in the South. All of them are
fighting three different cases and trying hard to win the cases. Alexander is
representing a high school student who is accused of robbing a pizza store.
Williams is representing a man named Mullin, who is facing 10 years in prison for
a theft case. On the other hand, Hardwick has a different client. His client is already
in the prison and she has lost her house and job while in the prison. All of the clients
the defenders are helping are poor and are unable to hire a private attorney. While the
Mary And Olaudah Equiano
Many people go through unimaginable cruelty. In Mary Rowlandson A Narrative of
Captivity , she was taken by Indians that took her to captivity. In Olaudah Equiano
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano , he explains how he
was captured and his journey on the slave ship. Both Mary and Equiano both
experience loss, hardship, and cruelty. Throughout both stories Mary and Equiano
experienced terrible loss. Both of them lost family members. I must and lie down
by my dead babe (Rowlandson 38). The author explains how she went through the
sad experience of watching her child die. In addition, Mary s babe departed of lack of
food and care, and she was about six years old and five months. Just as Mary lost her
babe, Equiano lost his sister. My sister and I were then separated while we lay
clasped in each other arms (Equiano 56). Equiano was a slave that got separated
from his only family and that was his sister.... Show more content on
Whither I went with a very heavy heart, and down I sat with the picture of death in
my lap (Rowlandson 38). Mary is going through a very hard time because her child
was ready to depart. Likewise, she only had nine days with her babe before she had
to let her go.When he was just adopted, he was wakened and hurried away and he
couldn t do anything. Thus at the very moment I dreamed of the greatest happiness, I
found myself most miserable (Equiano 57). Equiano was going through hard times
but he had to think about good times to get him thought
Essay on Shoppers Beware
Shoppers Beware
Today the Internet provides a vast number of services to people all around the
world, and is a way to make life easier. People can purchase everything from
groceries to drugs (legal and illegal), skateboards to automobiles, land and houses, not
to mention all the items that people auction off at places like and
There was even a high school girl, freshly turned 18, who decided to auction off her
virginity. But that creates an entirely different discussion topic. Right now people all
over the world use online shopping instead of actually traveling to the store.
Shopping online is a way of conveniently purchasing things from the comfort of your
own home. People no longer have to get dressed, comb their ... Show more content on ...
Webcaskets can have your funeral items delivered to you by the next day. Best of all,
its free for California residents, and only as much as $195 depending on location and
priority. The article then goes on to list several other Internet funeral services
available online.
The whole concept of Internet malls has made life easier. The L.A. Times article
says that online resources such as Internet funeral services are here for those who
want to avoid the unpleasant trip to the funeral home (1). At first glance the idea
seems to be a novel one. What better way to make life easier than to eliminate tasks
that people find unpleasant? In reality resources such as Internet funeral services
have opened a doorway; created a path to a possible future world lacking physical
interaction. Shopping online is just the first step in a process of eliminating physical
contact in society. Buying funeral items like caskets and flowers is not harmful to
society, but what is going to happen when someone decides that going to the actual
funeral service is to unpleasant for them? Then we get Internet funeral services as
well as Internet funerals, something involving a digital camera with family and
friends sitting at home, paying their respects in front of a computer. Far fetched? Not
really, especially when considering that just 10
Bathroom Laws
May 13, 2016, the Obama Administration sent thousands of letters to public schools
defending transgender rights. This sparked a national debate over bathroom laws
determining if transgender individuals should be allowed to use the public bathroom
or locker room of their choice. People are divided on the issues of what bathroom or
locker room transgenderpeople utilize as some believe that they should use the
bathroom based on their biological sex while others believe that they should use the
bathroom corresponding to their genderidentity. Some people are against the usage
of bathrooms based on gender identity feeling that it would be better to have usage
based on the gender listed on birth certificates or single stall unisex bathrooms. Many
people claim that perverts, peeping toms, and rapists could abuse the law in order to
attack women and young girls in public restroomsand locker... Show more content on ...
An estimate from the U.S. Department of Justice states that one in every two
transgender people are sexually assaulted or abused within their lifetime.
Transgender activists claim that transgender people experience higher levels of
violence and harassment, and, when using the bathroom corresponding to their
biological sex are at an even greater risk. The supposed threats that these protections
pose to others are largely nonexistent; in fact, it is transgender people who are far
more likely to be the target of violence than any random user of the ladies room
Transgender people feel uncomfortable in bathrooms if forced to use the bathroom
corresponding to their birth certificate. One transgender person said I do not plan on
frequenting any women s restrooms now or anytime in the future. Doing so would
guarantee two things: that I would be uncomfortable, and that the women sharing the
bathroom with me could be
Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai
A Leader who inspires me today is Malala Yousafzai. Born in Mingora, Pakistan in
1997 Malala is an advocate for girls education. In 2008, at the age of 11 Malala
started to blog for BBC under a fake name about what it was like growing up in
Pakistan and the challenges she faced. After the Taliban took over Swat Valley where
she was living, Malala started to blog about the new rules the Talibanenforced, one
being banning girls from attending school. In 2009, The New York Times released a
documentary on Malala and her fight to protect girls education. After the Pakistani
Army was able to force the Taliban to retreat, Malala s school was able to reopen she
was then able to get back into the classroom and started publicly campaigning for girls
Misconceptions Teenagers From Television And Internet...
Top 3 misconceptions teens get from TV/internet advertisements
The average number of teens watch almost three hours of television per day, which
reveals them to thousands of images of violence, sexuality, from advertisements,
according to the research done by scientists, by the time today s teens reach their old
age, they would have watched between seven to 10 years worth of television during
the trajectory of their lives. The content and the amount of television that teens watch
substitutes other activities and could have a negative influence.Brands fascinating to
teens take advantage of their particular vulnerabilities, the desire to fit in, to be
apprehended as attractive. Teenagers have become the main target for advertisers.
Teenagers are impulsive and invariably want the latest and greatest things.
Advertisers see teenagers as great gateways to persuade themselves into buying their
product. Teenagers come across over 40,000 advertisements per year whether on the
Internet, TV or in their schools. Ads are constantly telling teenagers to buy this, look
like that, or act a certain way. There are negative sides to advertisements harnessed
towards teenagers. Teens are extremely accustomed to their place in the peer ranking,
and advertising acts as a kind of super peer in leading them toward what s cool, what
s satisfactory and what s acceptable.Many teens are highly resistant to messages
around body image, and marketers use this to their advantage with their
Race As A Cultural Construction Of Race
In lecture, our class grappled with the concept of race as a cultural construction, and
how the issues that derive from race only have meaning because we assign it to
them; mankind could have chosen anything to classify themselves, but somehow
settled on skin color. In the words of Clifford Geertz, man is an animal suspended in
webs of significance he himself has spun racismwould be one of those webs that
humanity has tangled itself up in (qtd. in Hickman). We have studied raceas a mythical
reality, and racism as a cultural model that people have adopted in order to deal with
the complexities of the past. I had the privilege of attending a lecture given by Joan
Trumpauer Mulholland, an activist during the civil rights movement, and I
The Impact Of Sporting Activities On Sporting Events
Sporting activities have had major impacts worldwide for quite some time. Within
that period of time, various issues have emanated from such activities and had
various influences. According to the article written and published by Jamal L. R. on
10th November 2015, racial discrimination on sporting events, as well as the
dynamics of the raceand sport from 1968 to 2008 is focused on. In his research,
Jamal mainly uses content analysis on the happenings, which had major impact
especially on the blacks during athletic, and ball games. He mainly analyzes the
grievances addressed by other races especially during the games, so as to come up
with his research and conclusions.
Such complains helps him in identifying the existence of racial ... Show more content
on ...
However, the article does not answer the perpetrators were punished or the
compensations allocated to the victims. This analysis mainly focused on the racial
discrimination in sporting events.
The major claims that led possible changes in the industry include youthful delusions,
civil rights, public outcry, self determination and nationalism. Youthful delusions
explains how the youth focused on sports to make money, civil rights focuses on
human rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter and how sportsmen and
activists fought for enactment of these policies, public outcry emphasizes on how the
public ensured that their rights are upheld, self determination is all about the act of
believing in one self to make rational decisions and ruling, and lastly sprit of
nationalism which focuses on the feeling of belonging to a particular country and
doing what is expected as a citizen of the country. These were the major claims to
support the argument of the article and their impact on the pre existing problems.
Analysis on public outcry focuses on scholars who were against racism. They viewed
racists as slave masters to the larger population. A scholar by the name Gilbert
stood against racists, advocated for new policies and change. Gilbert was also
accused of inciting people to protest against racial discrimination at sporting affairs
after posting sediments on LeBron James. His post made Cavaliers supporters to
have a
The Modern Law Of Murder
The modern law of murder developed over many centuries from the English
common law of homicide. Homicide is simply defined as the killing of another
person. Before the 1500 s, common law judges categorized homicide into two broad
categories known as, criminal and noncriminal homicides (Samaha, 2013). Over the
next five decades, a number of newly developed statutes were established and further
divided criminal and noncriminal homicide. Criminal homicide included murderand
manslaughter, while noncriminal homicide was divided into justifiable and excusable
homicide (Samaha, 2013). By the 1700 s, three types of homicides were firmly
embraced by English common law and the American Colonies. The three categories
according... Show more content on ...
Murder, under common law, is the unlawful killing of another person in existence
with malice aforethought (Bower, 2014). In other words, an individual had to have a
clear criminal intent with some amount of spite, hate, or bad will to commit the
killing before the murder occurred and had to be planned in advance (Samaha, 2013).
To illustrate, during the 1550 s, English homicide statutes outlined activities such as
poisoning or lying in wait as examples of preplanned murders. However, while
murder was initially only thought of as an intentional and premeditated act, over time
judges saw the need to develop new classifications of murders that didn t fit the
standard definition. First, sudden killings that were intentional, but not premeditated
were added. These types of murder were often completed during a heat of passion
moment and were unreasonably provoked by the victim s actions (Samaha, 2013).
However, unreasonably provoked means that the victim s actions were not substantial
enough to justify the actions of the attacker. Secondly, judges added unintentional
killings that were completed during a felony (Samaha, 2013). While most murders
require intent to cause death, under this law, any homicide committed during the
commission of a felony, regardless of whether it s intentional or accidental will
constitute as murder. Third, extremely reckless killings were classified as depraved
Leadership And Leadership Of Mother Teresa
Leadership is critical. It is the key to how everything is started. A leader is a person
who is willing to sacrifice their lives and their reputations to assist someone or
something that needs help. One person took the less fortunate and the sick under her
wing. She created and established hope for those who had lost all hope. Mother Teresa
dedicated her life to all those who needed help and sanctuary. She established many
places and groups that focused on helping the poor, she was selfless through
devastation, and she made a name for not only herself, but for the poor and sick as
well. Mother Teresa was born in SkopjeOttoman Empire, today known as
Macedonia, on August 26, 1910 (McCarthy). Her mother showed her the kindness
of her heart and gave her a new outlook on life. After realizing what life truly meant
she became a nun at the age of eighteen giving her life up to God (Mother Teresa
Timeline). Soon after becoming a nun she made several personal vows. One of
these vows was to obey everything God had told her to, no matter the extremity
(McCarthy). One day Mother Teresa said she heard God. God had told Mother
Teresa she needed to serve only the poorest of his creatures, the destitute, the dying,
and the lonely for the rest of her life (Parks). Once she said her goodbyes, and
packed her things she went on her way. Mother Teresa decided to go to the streets of
India to serve those in need.
Mother Teresa established and owned many charities and safe spots for the less
Essay about A Critical Visual Analysis of a Work of Art
A Critical Visual Analysis of a Work of Art The piece of art that I chose to do my
critical visual analysis on will be the Birds of Paradise, painted by Frits van Eeden, in
1997. (Birds of Paradise) Eeden was born in Tilburg, Holland, in March 1944 and
grew up in The Hague. (Frits Van Eeden) For the Birds of Paradise he used acrylic
paint on canvas. This piece of art is located in the Evans Library, at Florida Tech,
in Melbourne, FL. When I look at the picture I see birds helping each other, they
seem to have harmony. One can get an impression of how people can co exist with
one another. The Birds of Paradise is a beautiful and bright colorbird. They represent
joyfulness and paradise. In this picture, they look like cranes. I don t... Show more
content on ...
Eeden made the birds in his piece of art to look three dimensional. When you have
three dimensional shapes, the results seem to be some kind of form. In order to
have form in art you have to have height, width, and depth to enhance the texture,
color, and tone in a given piece of art. The overall organization also implies the
form. With this piece of art, Eeden took the six birds which are standing and
organized them to appear symmetrically to be in a particular pattern. He put the
birds in a sculptural kind of design to make them look three dimensional. One of
the birds seems to be picking something off of the bird beside him. They seem to
be caring for each other. Eeden has used geometrical shapes to draw the birds. The
curves of the birds are simple. The background of this piece of art shows that it is a
sunny, calm day with a strip of blue sky above the birds. The ground seems to
nonexistent. You can t see where the bird s feet meet the ground or maybe they are
standing in water. The quality given to a piece of art work is through the use of
light. When asked about light in art they are asking about the sun rays, candles,
moons, flames, and many other sources of light. Artist use light to create contrast in
a given space. In Eeden s picture, Birds of Paradise, the birds are in the light. He is
demonstrating the type of environment the birds are living in. This explains why you
can see the bird s feet because the
Operation Anaconda Unity Of Command
U.S History of Unity of Command A unity of command is an essential factor for
success in any distinct task. It is paramount to assign troops under one command in
order to achieve a distinct objective. The idea of a unified command originates back
to the Civil War. The ascent of General U. S. Grant as General in Chief of the U.S.
Army allowed him to unify the northern military. It has been a guiding principle as
early as the twentieth century to modern day. Unity of Command was the principle
following the 1946 Unified Command Plan, otherwise recognized as the UCP. The
UCP practices the ascension of one commander in chief which unifies forces. In the
Operation Anaconda, this principle departs when a unified command had not been
well established.... Show more content on ...
It is an important principle of war, that is military campaigns and battles should be
commanded by a single senior officer with the authority and staff assets to blend the
operations of all components into a single, cohesive plan (Kugler, R et al, 2009, p.7).
At the vicinity of this operation, unity of command had not been well established.
This was due to the lack of U.S. force occupancy in Afghanistan at the time. In fact,
the beginning stages of the war lacked a joint command and command staff.
Alternatively, the command structure was multi headed. General Hagenbeck and
Task Force Mountain headquarters commanded most of the U.S. ground forces in the
battle, but not all of them. They did not command the U.S. air forces assigned to
support the battle plan. Nor did they command the friendly Afghan units that were
intended to provide a main axis of attack in the battle plan (Kugler, R et al, 2009,
p.9). This multi headed command structure did not become a problem till later in the
battle when multiple forces had multiple commanders. Operation Anaconda also
points to the importance of having an on scene joint commander, rather than relying
too extensively on distant command staffs that may lack a sufficient sense of local
conditions (Kugler, R et al, 2009,
Race Based Hostility And Bias
Who Polices The Police?
I can t breathe, imagine having to hear your father, son, or brother desperately gasp
for air while murmuring those words, I can t breathe. It s heart wrenching, but now
visualize him being viscously choked from behind by a police officer. The
predicament is startling and unseen. Your loved one has surrendered but the officer
has no intention of relinquishing his grip, restricting the airway, making it incredibly
difficult to breathe. Suddenly, the police officer forces your loved one s motionless
body to the ground, proceeding by mashing his face into the pavement. Slowly
loosing conscious, he lifelessly lays on the Staten Island concrete. Nobody performs
CPR, not even the ambulance upon their arrival. Your loved one is pronounced dead
at the hospital, and the officer who stole his life walks a free man.
Race based hostility and bias is a major national issue affecting our democracy, and
racial hostility between minorities and the police is a significant societal problem
(Police Traffic Stops and Racial Profiling: Resolving Management, Labor, and Civil
Rights Conflicts). These encounters are becoming far too frequent. Eric Gardner is
amongst one of the countless African Americans who have been racially profiled and
murdered by law enforcement. Allegations of excessive force by police departments
across the country continue to populate headlines more than twenty years after the
1992 Rodney King incident (The Painful Legacy of Rodney King).
The Federal Level of Government Essay
The money that lies within the federal level of government is not only what the
federal level of government revolves around, but also at the state and local
community levels as well. It ultimately takes this American ideal, like Barack Obama
talks about in his Democratic Convention speech, that America gives you the ability
to make yourself whoever you want to be, and completely distorts it. Money turns
the reality of America into being that you can only be whoever you want to be if you
born into wealthand were one of the lucky ones in society. The problem with this
idea is that those who were born into this unlucky realm; this really poor and
unfortunate realm everyday have to face those lucky ones who claim that they are
only poor... Show more content on ...
What he is saying is that at the federal level there is this upper class accent and
corporate dominance that is scared of change; scared of alternatives that they feel
would go astray from their elitist point and maybe even fear that they would be
turned into the minority within the society. On the other end of the spectrum there
are those that want change because they feel like they are being oppressed and are
being put in a minority situation constantly. They are open minded and feel like by
accepting all of the alternatives out there society could have a well rounded
perspective. Being a conservative Republican myself sometimes I feel scared of the
alternatives and where society might go if the fortunate people were to change, but I
have always believed in well roundedness is the best option in most situations. West
also states that organized interests have grown more numerous, more active
politically, and more representative of the entire society (1999: 20). It is frustrating
to look at the way interest groups and corporations set the ideals, have the money to
do so, and the rest of the losers in society that have no influence have to make those
same ideals internal within themselves as well. That is why it makes so much sense
that by the federal level surrounding themselves with
Gothic Doubling In Assassin s Creed
Gothic Doubling in Assassin s Creed: How Altair Represents the Hopes and Fears
of Ezio Today, I have more questions than answers. This is why I have come so far:
to find clarity (Ubisoft 1:38 1:48). Master Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze, main
protagonist of Ubisoft s 2011 video game Assassin s Creed: Revelations, yearns for
the wisdom supposedly left behind at Masyaf Castle by the revolutionary Assassin
Mentor, Altair Ibn La Ahad. Ezio desires Altair s knowledge and wisdom to learn
more about his Brotherhood s history, goals, struggles, and more specifically, his
own purpose. In the extended official E3 trailer for Assassin s Creed: Revelations,
Altair appears to Ezio during a battle at Masyaf. Altair has been dead for centuries,...
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The trailer opens to Ezio being held captive at the snowy castle of Masyaf by the
Templar Knights. Ezio is an experienced assassin who achieved the title of Master
by reaching the peak of his training. The trailer flashes back to his journey to
Masyaf to demonstrate Ezio s resilience while displaying his struggles, traveling
through deserts and sailing through seas, to reach his destination. Ezio mentions in
his narration that his goal is to locate a hidden library, A center full of invaluable
wisdom. Ezio is in pursuit of the knowledge that his predecessor, Altair, left
behind. This common Gothic element is discussed by Professor Ewan Kirkland
from the University of Brighton in his paper on Gothic videogames: John Fletcher
s discussion of female Gothic cinema opens with the claim: The search for origins,
especially when it takes the form of reconstructing a hidden or forbidden scene is
one of the most seductive of all narratives (112). This seductive narrative is parallel
to Ezio s journey as he is searching for a hidden library which contains knowledge
and wisdom from his order s past. In this fictional universe, The Assassins have been
at war with the Templar Order for most of known human history. The Templars
contrast the ideals of freedom held by the Assassins. The Templars wish to create a
perfect world through the order and control of weaker individuals.
The Zombie Virus
Humans a marvelous specie, capable of transforming their environment to suit them;
turning deserts to urban paradise, vast empty plots into homesteads, our building
reach the skies, roads connect us, hunger is a thing of the past. Nevertheless, what if a
deadly virus happens to afflict the United States, what if the virus turned humans into
undead hungry abominations?
For instance, the first problem as with any disease is the velocity at which it spreads;
unlike the flu virus that silently infects thousands, causing relatively minor fear, a
zombie virus spreads to millions in a matter of days provoking havoc and disruption
wherever it goes. Where areas the flu presents symptoms as fever, cough and general
body discomfort, the zombie virus acts as a degenerative disease rotting away the
brain cell by cell the human count drops as the zombie one rises.
During the first hours of the breakout, authorities will suggest to stay home and to
avoid coming out, nevertheless, the survival instinct of most, ... Show more content
on ...
Questions such as when does someone is consider death? Divide people among
themselves, resulting in imminent conflicts.
Therefore, what if the zombie apocalypse happens tomorrow? Human nature is such
that in the face of total annihilation, resort to looting, hoarding, and mutual
destruction to survive. The flimsy thread of society called morals ends up
disintegrating, selfishness and the importance of the I oversee the importance of the
We , and at the end of the day humans are like rats on a sinking
Operational Risk Case Study
8.2.4 Operational risk. The airline industry is subject to extensive government
regulation, and new regulations may increase operating costs. Airlines are subject to
extensive regulatory and legal compliance requirements that result in significant costs
(Delta Airlines Inc., 2017). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from time to
time issues directives and other regulations relating to the maintenance and operation
of aircraft that necessitate significant expenditures. The company expects to continue
incurring expenses to comply with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
regulations. Other laws, regulations, taxes and airport rates and charges have also
been imposed from time to time that significantly increase the cost of... Show more
content on ...
The airline industry has continued to experience a reduction in high yield business
travel and increased price sensitivity in customers purchasing behavior. The airline
industry has continued to add or restore capacity despite these conditions. The
company expects all of these events will continue to have a material adverse effect
on business, financial condition and operating results (Delta s Airlines 10 K p. 20,
Bankruptcies and other restructuring efforts by competitors have put Delta at a
competitive disadvantage. Since September 11, 2001, several airlines to reorganize
under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, including United Air Lines, Inc. the
second largest U.S. Airways and several smaller competitors. Since filing for Chapter
11 on August 11, 2002, U.S. Airways has emerged from bankruptcy, and recently
announced that it is seeking additional cost concessions from its unions (Delta
Airlines Inc., 2017). Some companies have restructured their labor costs and lowered
its operating cost base. These reorganizations or restructurings have enabled
competitors to significantly lower their operating costs. The airline industry is highly
competitive, and if Delta cannot successfully compete in the marketplace, business,
The Theory of Behaviorism
A significant piece of several psychological theories in the late nineteenth century was
introspection, which is the examination or observation of one s own mental and
emotional processes (Press, 2013). In retort to this theory behaviorism came about.
Behaviorism is predominantly concerned with observable and measurable aspects of
human behavior. In other words behaviorismdoes not look at the biological aspects but
it suggests that all behaviors are learned habits and changes in response to the
environment. It endeavors to explain how these particular habits are formed.
Behaviorism claimed that the causes of behavior was not necessarily found in the
complexities of the mind but could be observed in one s immediate environment,
from stimuli that produced, reinforced, and punished certain responses also known
later on as conditioning. It wasn t until the twentieth century that the scientist began
to discover the actual systems to learning, thereby laying a foundation for
behaviorism. A theorist by the name of Ivan Pavlovwas a major contribution to the
discovering of significant behavioral theories.
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 in the small village of
Ryazan, Russia. He was the son of Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov, who was the village s
own priest. As the son of a priest, Ivan went to church school and attended the
theological seminary. The family hoped that Ivan would follow in his father s
footsteps and become a priest as well, but Ivan had other plans.
Totalitarianism In Harrison Bergeron
Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron , is a short story that explores the ideas of
humanity in the future. This author is blatantly proving how the saying everyone is
equal is not entirely true. In this story, the government that imposes totalitarianism
has went through the actions of processing equality to the citizens of the United
States and through the agents involved with the United States Handicapper General.
This showed how this government was able to take the idea of equality and end up
stripping the citizens of processing individual thoughts, their creativity and intellect,
and basically brainwashed society to believe nothing happening should be considered
incorrect behavior Incidentally, Harrison Bergeronis not simply an interesting short
story, but was intended for historical satire purposes. Harrison Bergeron was written
and published by Vonnegut in 1961. Throughout the years, many different variations
have been attempted by other authors. Vonnegut was an author who was an American
and was viewed as having a very respectable reputation as a writer during his time.
This idea of Harrison Bergeron represents the views acquiring from both the social
criticisms and also the political view from America. The way that the author, Kurt
Vonnegutportrays the political system is founded upon different principles around the
ideas of egalitarianism, which basically means that people are meant to view each
other as equals to each other. Established in what is known as The
Addiction In Yann Martel s Life Of Pi
One taste is all it takes to win you over. The taste of something so good and sweet
eradicates the ability to reason, and there is no questioning the rush of relief that
comes with it. In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel explores the idea of putting
trust into a safe haven that seems to wash away one s troubles, only to discover the
darkness buried within it. The author uses the island that Pi encounters during his
life at sea as an allegory that illustrates a person s addiction. The island poses as a
saving grace to Pi, just as drugs seem to be an escape for an addict. Martel
delineates the process of addiction through Pi s discovery of the island, his ignorance
to signs of danger, and the inevitable surfacing of the island s malicious capabilities.
... Show more content on ...
As Pi falls asleep, he is disturbed once again by the surfacing of dead fish, and even
sharks, saying he [finds] the sight sinister , similar to the way a user may see the
dramatic changes in his face and body after extended drug use (277). Through this,
both Pi and the addict are now able to diagnosticate the evil inside what they
believe is their redeemer. However, the breaking point occurs when Pi finds the
unspeakable hidden on the island, and understanding dawn[s] upon [him] (281).
This discovery pinpoints the moment where the addict knows that drugs are not
saving him, but in fact killing him. After this recognition, Pi states that he would
prefer to set off and perish in search of [his] own kind than to live a lonely half life
of physical comfort and spiritual death , just as an addict will leave his life of drugs,
in search of rehab and a support group (283). Although quitting may put the addict in
a seemingly worse situation, it will save him from suffering a more gruesome death.
The uncovering of the island s intrinsic nature and drugs damaging ramifications
validates the direct correlation of the
Phenomenon And The Life Of Albert Einstein s A Beautiful
The brain is the most complicated organ in the human body. It has the important job
of controlling our motor functions, our ability to balance, and interpret information
that comes from the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. The brain controls our
feelings, behaviors, experiences, as well as our memories and self awareness. So,
the fact that some people believe we only use about 10 20% of our brains seems
impossible. According to some, all humans can only use about ten percent of the brain
. If we were to access the remaining ninety percent, we would have remarkable,
godlike abilities. It has been said that Albert Einstein was a part of the few to harness
full usage of the brain. Throughout the existence of Hollywood, many movies and
shows discussed this curious myth.
A Beautiful Mind is a movie based on the Life of John Nash. John was a diagnosed
with paranoid schizophrenia who suffered from delusional episodes. What made him
stand out was not his mental illness, but his mathematical genius. He saw the world
in ways that no one else could. He had a true gift that no one had seen before. Early
in his career, he made an astonishing discovery that eventually led to him receiving a
Nobel Prize. His mental illnesses enabled him to grasp abstract concepts that till then
were unattainable by others.
Phenomenon, starring John Travolta, is a movie about the life of an average
mechanic in a small town; who one day transforms into a genius with telekinetic
powers. During a night
Sympathetic Paragangliomas
Paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that arise from the extra adrenal
autonomic paraganglia, small organs consisting mainly of neuroendocrine cells that
are derived from the embryonic neural crest and have the ability to secrete
catecholamines (1). They are closely related to pheochromocytomas, which are
sometimes referred to as intra adrenal paragangliomas (2). The majority appear to be
sporadic, but approximately one third to one half are associated with an inherited
syndrome (3, 4). The four genetic syndromes that are associated are: multiple
endocrine neoplasia 2A and 2B, neurofibromatosis type 1, von Hippel Lindau, and the
Carney Stratakis dyad. The male to female ratio is approximately equal among
patients with hereditary paraganglioma,... Show more content on ...
Patients can become hypertensive during induction, positioning, or tumor resection
(12). Chronic catecholamine excess causes volume contraction and patients can
become severely hypotensive, as in this case, if adequate volume resuscitation is not
performed (12). It is prudent to evaluate for adverse events following hypertensive
and hypotensive episodes. Serial neurological evaluations, CT brain,
electrocardiograms, or serial cardiac enzymes may be warranted. Complications of
surgery are primarily due to severe preoperative hypertension, high secretion tumors,
or repeat intervention for recurrence (13). In one study, adverse perioperative events
occurred in 32 percent of cases (14). The most common adverse event was sustained
hypertension in 25 percent of the patients. There were no perioperative deaths,
myocardial infarctions, or cerebrovascular events. Despite premedication of most
patients with phenoxybenzamine and a beta blocker, varying degrees of
intraoperative hemodynamic lability occurred
Peace Keeper Quotes
I can t believe I was stupid enough to throw a punch at a peacekeeper, and with the
rest of the world watching no less. I mean, she was just doing what she was supposed
to do in that situation, and Misty was the one that was openly flouting the one rule,
really the only rule, about the reaping that almost everyone told her she absolutely
had to follow. Which means that it was Misty, and not the peacekeeper, that was in
the wrong, which made the way she responded perfectly reason.....You know what, no.
Yes Misty broke a rule, the fact that it also happens to be an absolutely pointless and
stupid rule, is neither here nor there, but the simple fact that she broke it, didn t give
the peacekeeper permission to act the way she did. I mean seriously, ... Show more
content on ...
Misty is going to get in trouble, she s going to get lashed, and it s all my fault.
Yes Ash, Your little sister is going to get whipped, and that is a direct result of you
assaulting the peacekeeper that tried to put her back in line.
And the fact that she damn near ripped her hair out of her head doesn t mean a thing,
does it?
What do you think Ash?
Why the hell are you telling me this dad?
Because your best chance of survival, really your only chance, is for you to get
mad. You know there s no chance of you surviving the games if you try to play it any
other way.
That still doesn t explain why dad. Why in the world are you telling me this when
you know I m not going to be able to think about anything else but this!
Because knowing that it happened, and that what you did is the reason WHY it
happened, will give you the edge you need to survive in the Capitol son. After all,
that s the only way you re going to be able to make the people that whipped Misty
pay for having the audacity to punish HER for YOUR
John Smith And Pocahontas Relationship
Disney released the classic film Pocahontas on June 23, 1995 about a young girl
who is a member of the Algonquin tribe with her father being the Chief. The movie
takes place near Jamestown in the early 1600 s. Pocahontas father, has arranged for
her to marry a man,Kocoum, who is thought to be the greatest warrior in the village.
Pocahontas, was not too thrilled about the idea and felt like there was something
better awaiting her. Meanwhile, Captain John Smith along with Governor Ratcliffe
and other English soldiers and sailors are aboard a ship in hopes of finding riches
from the New World to bring to their home to England. One day Pocahontas is out
exploring and paying a visit to Grandmother Willow and she runs into John Smith.
Both Pocahontas and John Smith are in astonishment with each other especially since
they come from two different ways of life. However, the difference did not bother
either of them. Her father, Powhatanand Governor Ratcliffe are not fond of each
other in the way that Pocahontas and John Smith were fond of each other. Ratcliffe
believes the tribe is hiding the gold they are... Show more content on
The relationship was generally friendly and Pocahontas was known to be a frequent
visitor in Jamestown. She delivered messages from her father and accompanied
Indians bringing food and furs to trade for hatchets and trinkets. As all good things
must eventually come to an end, the friendliness amongst them did. The necessary
trading still continued, but the hostilities became more open . In January of 1609,
things turned sour when John Smith led a trading party. Pocahontas, knowing her
father had ordered for John Smith to be killed, snuck out to the nighttime woods to
his camp and warned him of her fathers orders . He and his men escaped but John
Smith was wounded shortly after in a gunpowder explosion, leaving Pocahontas to
believe he was
Sex determination is an essential key in the forensic evaluation because it is the
important component of biological identity. Scapula is a flat bone and it was selected
for the reason that its negligible morphological changes during its life time when the
development is finished(1).
In present study, 186 patient were included only those who came for ct thorax
referred by the physician. The main goal is to estimate the scapular parameter check
whether there is any significance difference or not and finally with the use of the
discriminant analysis identify the gender.
Melad G Paulis, et al 200(100 males 100 females)P 0.00093.5%
In the present study in descriptive statistics of six variables are reported. Table no 1,
which shows mean and standard deviation for both sexes. The overall mean value
collected from the scapula of males are larger than that of females, this indicates the
existence of sexual dimorphism in the measurements ... Show more content on ...
Dabbs, conducted a study based on sex determination using the scapula in New
Kingdom skeletons from Tell El this project descriptive statistics for the
five variables included (Maximum length of the scapula, Maximum length of the
spine, Breadth of infraspinous body, Height of glenoid prominence, Breadth of
glenoid prominence, which shown the mean and standard deviation of both sexes as
well as the t values for both sexes(15).
In present study multivariate test was done which demonstrate there are significance
difference between males and females for all the six variables (p
Drug Use Is Not Something That Just Happens Overnight
Drug use is not something that just happens overnight. There are many things that
led up to a person deciding they want to try a drug for the first time. It might be
that they were exposed to it at an early age and perceived it to be the norm to use
them. They might have experienced peer pressure at a party or just wanted to fit
in with a certain crowd. Or they may have gotten a prescription for one and liked
the high they felt when they were on it so they wanted to find a way to continue
feeling that same high. Each situation is different, and the drugs that were most
likely used in each scenario are also going to be different. A drug that is rather
common for someone to be exposed to from an early age is cocaine. Cocaine is
classified... Show more content on ...
Then the coca paste is dissolved in a small amount of dilute sulfuric acid and
potassium permanganate is added (How Cocaine Is Made. (n.d.).
When cocaine is in this form it is most often snorted or mixed with water and
injected into the blood stream. The high people get from cocaine use does not last
very long, which is what causes them to binge use, and why addiction can be caused
so quickly. The user is constantly chasing that initial high and wanting it to last
longer. Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that increases levels of
the neurotransmitter dopamine in brain circuits regulating pleasure and movement
(Cocaine (2013, April). It can also cause bursts of energy, talkativeness, increased
heart rate and blood pressure, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature. The
most serious side effect can be death if the manufacturing process was not done
Learning theory is probably the best explanation as to why one would chose to use
cocaine. Cocaine produces a high that can be rewarding because of the euphoria it
produces. When the high wears off the user experiences a crash and wants the high
back. They have learned through continued use that in order to get the euphoric
feeling they must continue to use the drug. Although chemicals such as cocaine
might initially have been used for social reasons, the substances ability to provide
physiological and psychological

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  • 1. Help Me Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Help Me Essay" presents a peculiar challenge. At first glance, the subject seems paradoxical. How does one effectively write about seeking assistance in writing an essay, without making it sound like a cry for help? This prompts a delicate balancing act between acknowledging the need for support and maintaining a tone of competence and self-sufficiency. The difficulty lies in striking the right tone and conveying the message clearly. It's essential to navigate the line between vulnerability and assurance, acknowledging the desire for guidance while demonstrating a grasp of the subject matter. Moreover, there's a risk of veering into clichГ©s or appearing too self-deprecating, which could detract from the credibility of the essay. Additionally, there's the challenge of originality. The topic itself is somewhat meta, inviting self- reference and introspection, which can quickly become repetitive or trite if not handled thoughtfully. Finding a unique angle or perspective to explore within the confines of the theme is crucial to keeping the reader engaged. Ultimately, writing an essay on "Help Me Essay" demands careful consideration of tone, originality, and coherence. It requires introspection, creativity, and a willingness to embrace the inherent paradox of the topic. Only through skillful navigation of these challenges can one effectively convey the complexities of seeking assistance while maintaining a sense of autonomy and authority. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Help Me Essay Help Me Essay
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  • 4. Ideal Gas Formula Lab Report Abstract: This experiment was performed to determine the molar mass of an unknown using the ideal gas equation. The measurements needed to determine the molar mass were obtained by heating the unknown to 90 degrees Celsius while recording the required measures such as the mass, volume, and temperature as the unknown became a gas. Then the measurements were inserted into the ideal gas equation PV=nRT. Using the ideal gas formula and measurements determined the molar mass was found by rearranging the formula leaving the unknown s molar mass of ethylene glycol. Procedure: In preparation 600mL of water was added to a beaker then an Erlenmeyer flask was placed inside to determine the water level when the Erlenmeyer flask with unknown was added. This was done to prevent water from spilling over the edge while also ... Show more content on ... The 600 mL of water was placed on the hot plate to heat it to 90 degrees Celsius so that the gas would heat up and evaporate. Using gloves to prevent finger prints and residue that would increase the mass a 5 cm square of aluminum foil was attached to the flasks neck then secured using a rubber band. A rubber band was used in place of copper wire because both exhibit similar properties such as how they handle heat and they both will securely hold the aluminum foil in place. During this time the flask was weighted to gather the mass prior to the unknown being added. Then the cover was removed and 5 mL of unknown was added to the Erlenmeyer flask and resealed. This is in addition to an aluminum bib to further secure the cover and prevent gas from escaping the side. Next a small hole was made in the center of the aluminum cover to allow the gas to escape as it evaporates. The Erlenmeyer flask with the unknown was placed in the hot water at an angle so that the
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  • 6. Walter Mitty Identity Both The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Lamb to the Slaughter analyze human s ways of achieving self acceptance. Walter Mitty s persona is not considered appropriate by people around him, so as a result, he daydreams to accept his true character. On the contrary, Mary Maloney s self love is built upon the presence of her husband, so when he decided to leave, her whole world shattered. In The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, James Thurber explores the topic of self acceptance through the protagonist s daydreams, to demonstrate the strategy of accepting oneself through fantasies when society s values oppose one s behavior. In Lamb to the Slaughter , Mary Maloney s dependence on Patrick for happiness implies that one often relies heavily on others in order to attain self acceptance and adopt a socially fitting identity. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty presents us with a character who finds his escape through fantasies to suggest that when one s unable to stand up against harassers, imagination and dreams will nourish confidence and self image. For instance, at the end of the story, Walter Mitty s use of the words erect and motionless , proud and disdainful , Walter Mitty the Undefeated, inscrutable to the last suggests his ... Show more content on ... At the beginning of the story, the readers are presented with a strangely content housewife. Mary Maloney s curiously peaceful demeanor and the fact that she was merely satisfying herself with the thinking each minute that went by made it nearer the time he would come home suggests that Patrick is the focus of Mary s life, the fountainhead of joy and purpose. Consequently, Mary developed and maintained a cellophane, fabricated persona, with the center of everything being her
  • 7. Time To Dump Time Zone James Gleick Summary In the article, Time to Dump Time Zones , by James Gleick is saying that even though there are time zones that we would be better off if we got rid of our times zones to bring unity between countries, and less confusion allowing for people to never be confused on what time it is in certain countries. Gleick says that our society does not live in the railroad world anymore that now things are all network based and the whole world is connected through the touch of our fingers. Such as twitter, and Facebook. I disagree with Gleick to a certain extent because I do not believe that we should have one time zone that covers the whole world, but I do believe in getting rid of day time saving changes. The whole reason we have time zones are because they help us produce a way to understand when it is the morning, noon, evening, and midnight, but without multiple time zones whenever it is noon in a specific city it may the evening in another city causing the whole system of a time zone pointless. That would bring such chaos to our world because the world is set up in a way that it functions according to the sun. ... Show more content on ... Such as if you worked from 9 am to 5 pm in a normal multi zoned world it would be day time the sun would be rising and when you would finish the sun would be setting, but with only one time zone working from 9 am to 5 pm in British Columbia would be night time. You would be waking up when it is dark, and coming home when the sun is rising. According to a report done by Eric P. Bloom he states that workers are more efficient when it comes to working when they work with the day light hours. So logically it is smarter to keep one time zone allowing for workplace efficiency to be
  • 8. Human Nature Short Story Throughout history, there have been millions of philosophers. However, none of them have uncovered the truth about human nature. The issue of morality has never been truly resolved. There is an endless amount of arguments about humans being internally good, but there are just as many for the alternate idea that humansare evil. The short stories that best exemplify humannature are Child By Tiger , Am I Blue? , and Once Upon a Time . In all these short stories, there is a climax involving the protagonist and then the author tells us how the supporting characters react. We see how the town reacts to Dick, how the world reacts to Melvin s second wish, and we see how the gardener reacts to the boy getting caught in the security system. Wolfe, Gordimer, and Coville show us that human nature isn t the way we act, but it is the way we react; thus we aren t inherently good nor evil, but a blend of the two. Wolfe shows us the evil side of human nature that comes from within. In civilized societies, people are not allowed to harm others. Therefore, the mob was using Dick s actions as an excuse to let out their inner evil. These people had a burning hate for African Americans, so they knew that they could do whatever they wanted to do to Dick without repercussions. The town s inner savagery first comes out: We ve waited long enough! We re going to get that ni**er! (Wolfe 101). The N word is used by the townspeople to show their hatred and bitterness told the entire
  • 9. The Thompson Chain Reference Bible The Thompson Chain Reference Bible, King James Version is my bible of choice. This bible is tried, tested and true to the best of my knowledge and the King James Bible is the bible used in the churches I attend. Even though the King James Version is translated from inferior Greek text, it is yet the most widely used in churches settings. The King James translators produced a literal translation from the original Greek and Hebrew in order to make sense in the English language, so comparable phrases are used to express meanings. It was necessary for the translators to make a smooth and accurate translation for the English speaking people and very few passages presented any real translating problems. The King James bible not only
  • 10. Plath Daddy Poem Meaning The title of the poem Daddy immediately makes the reader think of authority due to the childish nature of the word. This is idea is reinforced from the first line of You do not do, you do not do , implying that someone is scolding a child perhaps. However, it could also have sexual undertones to it, referring to Plath s relationship to her husband which could infer there were similarities between her father and her husband. Furthermore, this links to the idea that it could also have an underlying theme of abuse; whether this is abuse by her father or by her husband, is unclear through the title, but is explored throughout the poem. Plath s father, Otto Plath, had gangrene which eventually caused his entire leg to be amputated. Plath was severely impacted by his death as she feels as though she lived like a foot , suggesting that her father was negligent of Plath which made ... Show more content on ... Plath broadens her feelings out to include all women, maybe because there are some who tolerate domestic abuse, or because fascist leaders like Hitler became something of a sex symbol in the states they controlled. Plath can be seen as an early feminist, so this statement can be argued to be ironic. The internal rhyme of boot and brute , repeated 3 times, and the consonant heart ; when read aloud, this sounds as one is spitting with disgust. The last few stanzas of the poem are ambiguous as Plath constantly repeats that she is through . It can be inferred that Plath is putting the past behind her and that the poem has feelings of closure towards her father, which makes the overall tone of the poem therapeutic, which makes the poem confessional, unlike the beginning of the poem where it appears the poem is conveying her bitterness. However, the telephone is mentioned as a form of communication. It is unclear whether she is through meaning finished with him, or that she s finally communicated her rejection of
  • 11. Grignard Is The Child Of A Sail Producer Essay Introduction: Grignard was the child of a sail producer. In the wake of concentrating on arithmetic at Lyon he exchanged to science and found the manufactured response bearing his name (the Grignard response) in 1900. He turned into an educator at the University of Nancy in 1910 and was granted the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1912. Amid World War I, he studied chemical warfare agents, especially the produce of phosgene and the identification of mustard gas. His partner on the German side was another Nobel Prize winning chemist, Fritz Haber. (2) The Grignard reagent is exceptionally responsive and responds with most natural mixes. It likewise responds with water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. (2) Grignard reagents are set up by the response of magnesium metal with fitting alkyl halide in ether dissolvable. The halogen might be Cl, Br, or I. A standout amongst the most imperative employments of the Grignard Reagent is the response with aldehydes and ketones to frame liquor. A related blend utilizes ethylene oxide to plan alcohols containing two more carbon molecules than that of the alkyl halide. (2) Grignard is most noted for creating another procedure for delivering carbon carbon bonds utilizing magnesium to couple ketones and alkyl halides.
  • 12. The Field Of Cosmetics And The Treatment Of Injuries,... Today, the field of cosmetics and the treatment of injuries, skin, and hair ailments have gained the attention of doctors all over the world. While multiple treatment methods have been examined, preference remains for the safest and the most effective method. Recently, treatment with PRP has been established as an effective medical treatment in many fields, such as oral surgery, neurosurgery, cosmetic surgery, sports medicine, and orthopedics. Platelets are one of the essential components found in blood, known best for their importance in coagulation. They contain proteins known as growth factors that play an essential role in healing damaged tissue (Lubkowska et al., 2012). The normal range of platelets in healthy human blood ranges from... Show more content on ... Despite these variations, all protocols follow the same sequence: blood sample collection, a soft spin for separating blood components, followed by a hard spin for concentrating the platelets, in the presence or absence of anticoagulants, and growth factor activators. Kececi, Ozsu, and Bilgir (2014) examined the effect of the number of spins on the platelet recovery during centrifugation. Both single and double centrifugation methods were used to prepare the PRP. Two sets of blood samples were drawn from 10 adult New Zealand rabbits. The blood samples were added into 10% sodium citrate and centrifuged; The first group was single centrifuged at 160 G for 6 minutes at room temperature, while the second group was double centrifuged, the first spin was at 160 G for 20 minutes at room temperature, followed by the second spin at 400 G for 15 minutes. Average platelet amount collected from the second group (1,986,875 В± 685,020/Ојl) was greater than the first group (781,875 В± 217,693/Ојl). According to Amable et al. (2013) different centrifugal forces have been applied to obtain pure PRP from the blood samples obtained of healthy donors (4.5 ml of WB), using a refrigerated high speed centrifuge, with speeds reaching up to 30,000 rpm (rotation per minute). Since the lower centrifugal force (less than 300 x g) did not release a sufficient amount of PRP, 300 Г— g for 5 minutes at 18В°C
  • 13. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) Introduction The practice of using animals as therapy tools is becoming ever more popular and common place in the mental health field. Animal assisted therapy (AAT) was formally defined by the Delta Society as a goal directed intervention in which an animal that meets specific criteria is an integral part of the treatment process (Kruger, Trachtenberg, Serpell, 2004). The hope is that the specially trained animal will help facilitate conversation, and subsequently healing, between the therapist and the client. AAT is focused on improving the humans physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning. Animal assisted therapy is not to be confused with service animals: service animals fall under the category of animal assisted activities ... Show more content on ... Horses have the physical ability to support a large amount of weight, and it has been increasingly found that they have the same ability to do this with our emotions as well. Therapy where a horse is involved is called equine assisted therapy (EAT). EAT came to light in the 1980 s and it is defined as experiential psychotherapy that includes equine handling, grooming, lunging, and riding (Willerson). The practice of EAT has been found to be effective in working with children, adults, couples, individuals, families and have been used to help with the treatment and healing of individuals who have suffered from trauma, addiction, and depression. The goal of EAT is not to train someone to ride a horse, rather, the goal is to train them to learn to control, interact, and connect with their internal and external
  • 14. Essay about Flannery O Connor Flannery O Connor Mary Flannery O Connor was born in Savannah, Georgia, on March 25, 1925. Until she graduated in 1945 she was known as Mary Flannery. At this point she felt that Mary Flannery didnt seem suitable, on one occasion she described it as sounding like the name of an Irish washerwoman. From this point on, she was known as just Flannery OConnor. Flannery is most recognized for her short stories but at the same time had great interest in cartooning and drawing. She would paint over any cracks in the walls of her home so that her mother would not cover them up with paintings from relatives. As a student at Georgia State College for women Flannery displayed her interests in art by painting murals on the walls of the student ... Show more content on ... While living at this residence Flannery became sick with a incurable disease known as Lupus. After coming to terms with her illness OConnor returned home to Geogia where she concentrated most of her efforts on writing and less on cartooning. Wise Blood, her first novel, was finished in 1952, this was an extraordinary achievement for her. Considering her belief that she would pass away in the preceding 3 years, OConnor devoted most of her time to writing her short stories. After surprisingly living to see the end of the third year Flannery had completed nine short stories. Most of what is known about Flannery after she moved back to Georgia is relayed through her correspondence with friends and people who admired her work. One person in particular who became very close with Flannery was a fan who had developed a friendship and companionship over an eight year period through the exchange of 250 letters. In 1979, Flannerys close friend Sally Fitzgerald published The Habit of Being. She used the letters that had been shared between the two friends to help document Flannerys life. The anonymous friend OConnor had exchanged the letters with throughout the years was not revealed until 1998 when she took her own life. It was at this point that the public had learned the true identity of Betty Hester, the mystery correspondent. Flannery exceeded her expectation of only living three years. While continuing to write throughout her illness, she completed two
  • 15. Abraham Lincoln s Assassination Research Paper John Wilkes Booth and The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth was born in Maryland, 1838. He was known for being an actor and he made 20,000 a year. He had a very strong hatred for Abraham Lincoln, he was very racist and believed the African Americans should not have any rights. Booth also would blame Lincoln for all the south s problems. He was also known as the most handsome and charming man known during his time. Booth s original plan was to actually kidnap Abraham with a group of conspirators and take him to richmond to hold him hostage in return for a confederate prisoner of the war. His first attempt was unsuccessful, Booth and his conspirators began to use Mary Surratt s boarding house to hold their meetings. The attempt
  • 16. Analysis Of The Movie Trainspotting The movie Trainspotting, released in the July of 1996, depicts a group of heroin addicts and their peers eking out an existence in 1980 s Edinburgh, Scotland. Based on a 1993 book of the same name by Irvine Welsh, the movie was a commercial success as well as critical one. It is ranked as the 10th best British movie of All Time by the British Film Institute in 1999 (Best 100 British Films). When the book was published Welsh was condemned for glamorizing heroinabuse, to which he responded that he was only depicting what was going on, what he knew, and who he knew. The book and the movie mirror the reality of the creation of an underclass in Edinburgh in the late 1970 s and 1980 s. Historically opiates have been a part of Edinburgh since the late 1600 s. After heroin was synthesized and began being used as a painkiller in 1894 Edinburgh became the capital of opiate production as discussed in an article from The Guardian in 2009. The article quotes Michael Fry as saying By the end of the 19th century, writes Fry, Edinburgh produced most of the world s opiate drugs, heroin included. (Edemariam and Scott) In the 1980 s however the situation changed dramatically. Cheaper heroin from South Asia became readily available which was met with a growing receptive audience. The same outsourcing that created the US Rust Belt and condemned Detroit to become a shadow of former self was felt in Scotland as well. So when that influx of drugs came in the early 80 s it was met with
  • 17. Fastball Narrative It was the top of the seventh, and the Freeburg Rebels had a 1 run lead. After one of my teammates made the last out, I headed to the mound for the bottom of the last inning. While warming up, I could feel the scorching heat piercing my skin. As the first batter walked up to the plate, the umpire yelled out Play Ball ! Despite this being one of the most important moments in my baseballcareer, I wasn t nervous. I was locked in. On the first pitch, the catcher held up a 1, signaling for a fastball. I started my windup and continued to throw the pitch. The batter swung out of his shoes like he was trying to take one over the Green Monster at Fenway Park. Channeling my inner Bob Gibson, I threw the 2 filthiest breaking balls I ve ever thrown
  • 18. The Importance Of Income Statements And The Types Of Expenses Introduction Firm managers, owners, and lenders, keep track of the firm s performance by reviewing financial statements, income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. This portfolio will explain the purpose of income statements and the types of expenses that are shown on an income statement. Also, clarify types of assets and claims of creditors and owners shown on a balance sheet. As well as define the three different accounts that comprise the owners equity section on a corporate balance sheet. Furthermore, describe a statement of cash flows and the three standard sections contained within it. Finally, identify the three categories of ratios that a business may use in an analysis of its financial statements and the benefits of calculating these ratios. Financial and Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows Income Statement The purpose of the income statement is provides a record of a company s revenues and expenses for a given period of time and can be used as a measuring stick of profitability. This document provides important financial information to business managers, investors, lenders, and analysts. It is also one of the three major financial statements that all publicly held firms are required to prepare annually. Types of expenses that are shown on a typical income statement are accounts, office supplies, delivery truck, amounts charged to customers for services and products, employees paychecks,
  • 19. Your First Home Buyer South Carolina When you get ready to buy your first home, if you re like most people, you have lots of questions. While navigating the journey toward homeownership is exciting, it can be confusing for a first time home buyer South Carolina resident. Fortunately, buying a home in South Carolina doesn t have to be stressful. Community resources are out there to help you gather information you need to make informed decisions about lenders and different mortgage loanproducts. If you re willing to invest some time doing your due diligence, you may qualify for thousands of dollars in discounts, incentives, grants and tax credits to make buying your first dwelling more affordable. Not sure where it get started? Most grants, low interest loans and first ... Show more content on ... That s money you can put in your pocket to make home improvements, buy a car, invest in your education or do whatever you want to do with the money. You have to buy the privilege, but sellers can assume the liability and pay the fee at closing. #2 HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program for South CarolinaFirst Time Homeowners According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), even people with a very low income can buy their first home through the Homeownership Choice Voucher Program. Assistance is available to help first time home buyers convert an existing rent voucher to a home purchase voucher that may be applied to homeownership expenses or meet the monthly mortgage. To get more information about eligibility and location specific programs, contact your local Public Housing Agency (PHA) or visit the pages. #3 Individual Development Accounts (IDA) Options Help Buyers Save for Their First Home Incentives come in a variety of packages. While there are many federal and state programs to make homeownership more affordable, local organizations can be valuable resources. Community Works Carolina (CWC) offers a first time home buyer South Carolina program for Upstate residents that includes forgivable five year loans to reduce the purchase price and up to $4,000 in grants you can use to pay for
  • 20. Characterization Of Harrison Bergeron In 2081 And Harrison... Characterization of Harrison Bergeron in 2081 and Harrison Bergeron Comparing and contrasting Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron and Chandler Tuttle s 2081 in relation to their characterization of the short story s namesake is an undertaking chock full of potential. These two sources are very different in their representation of young Harrison and this serves to completely skew one s preconceived understanding of his person, motivations, and desires. Due to this subtle but significant variation one can come to the conclusion that the way an individual is portrayed and the words they speak in different genres greatly manipulates others perception of their character. This is evident when one analyzes the monologuing and shot choices of the short film or the descriptions and dialogue in the story. A satirical genius not recognized as such in his early years, Vonnegut published what is now a staple in high school classrooms in 1961. This work is named for a character who appears only briefly, but in that time creates a very strong impression; Harrison Bergeron is a fourteen year old boy who surpasses most of society in every measurable quality. Vonnegut s brash description of Harrison depicts him as some monstrous being of metal and sandbags, reminiscent of horror movie villains of times long past. Despite his limited dialogue, the words Harrison speaks reinforce this image to a tee; he is a power hungry beast of a boy. Victim to delusions of grandeur,
  • 21. Resembling the Sun of Memories The sun has the resemblance of an orange in many aspects or vice versa. The sun is a very beautiful as well as powerful source of energy for the world. An orange complies with those demands of the sun, but in terms of nutrition and health. An orange provides the human body with a very valuable source of vitamin C. The sunas well as an orange goes by hand because, without the sun; there would be no oranges and fruits or life in planet earth. The orange provides vitamin c which helps fight and prevents cell damage, therefore, keeping you safe and healthy from viruses as well as cancer, which is why an orange triggers in me the purest and a humble appetite for it. During my infancy and as of today, I love oranges since I grew up eating them in school as well as at home. My parents would always punish me when I didn t finish my fruits right after dinner since I never had a pleasant Pallet for fruits. But, the only fruitthat satisfies my taste buds would be an orange. I never through away my oranges at school or home, but rather hide what was left of my orange in my pocket or backpack. Inclusively, I stole countless amounts of oranges from school for the purpose of making my hand squeezed orange juice. This why the orange is very special fruit to me, because I grew up with the orange and thinking about it takes me back through time. When I see an orange, the first characteristic I notice is the simplicity of its color, Orange. It is also round with a very microscopic dotted
  • 22. Relation Between Architecture And The Environment.this... An architect cannot build a consistent and stable structure without knowing the relationship between architecture and the environment.This topic should be discussed on various angles. One of them is the aesthetical point of view, and the other is the human intervention in nature. The former is essentially an artistic debate and a generic timeless topic since the beginning of architectural practices. The other one is a more contemporary issue. In a broader aspect, this topic isn t only the architect s interest, but also is an issue of engineers, scientists and even social scientist s; and yet it can even extend to global warmingconcerns. For this reason, let us firstly start and find out the most current dispute entitled as humanintervention in nature. Humans since their very first existence have been in a big struggle against the nature. However, they shape the nature to suffice their needs and in essence adapt themselves accordingly into the conditions given by the Mother Nature. Over time nature has resisted to this human endeavor in every possible way it can and tried not to surrender humans. No matter how strong this resistance is; humans somehow found a way to break it down with their inborn skills that they managed to develop in time. This can be regarded as a seamless dance between these two enormous forces. As the nature manifested itself as an obstacle where humans accomplished to push it away, this struggle shaped the way in which humans developed a way of
  • 23. Comparing Candide And Gulliver s Travels In several of the text written there has been a character that either was given authority or accepted natural leadership. Two such characters were Pangloss appearing in Candide and Master Houyhnhnm in Gulliver s Travels. While both had authority in some way over the main characters in their book, the way they held and managed that authority was vastly different. Both characters would go on to make decisions that would go forth and alter the outcomes of many characters. However, while Pangloss and Master Houyhnhnm both have alternative approaches to how they impart knowledge or assume leadership; it is seen their belief in their teachings pulls characters, respectively from their own works, to follow their lead. This was observed clearly in Candide with Pangloss, who was the tutor and oracle of the household , the household being the Baron of Thunder Ten Tronckh s (Voltaire, pg 336). He was a man Candide truly looked up to. Pangloss teachings followed that of optimism; in this case the belief that everything exists or happens for a reason to the extreme. Pangloss would prove to Candide that there cannot be possibly effect without a cause and Candide would religiously hold this o his chest (Voltaire, pg 337). He has such a hold over Candide that throughout the text... Show more content on ... Gulliver clearly looked up to him; from having in depth discussions about law and health care to trying to break down the purpose of lying (Swift, pg 252 260). This respects comes from how the Houyhnhnm as a people behave and their values. They see no point in arguing; arguing about a trivial matter solves nothing. Houyhnhnms never feel greed, jealousy, or the need for power. They value friendship and compassion above all else, and these values are undoubtedly seen in Master Houyhnhnm. With him taking Gulliver under his care, it was inevitable for Gulliver to follow him in a subordinate
  • 24. Narcissistic Personality Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a complicated disorder which has many implications for how one might act and think of themselves. It is categorized as a personality disorder in which the person thinks highly of themselves, that they are a superior being. They are often envious or jealous of others, lack empathy, and carry with themselves a sense of entitlement (Maniacci, 2007). Someone with Narcissistic Personality Disordermay expect special treatment from others. For example, they may have no problem cutting in line to ask a question but expect everyone else to wait their turn (Funder, 2016). The DSM 5 mentions other traits or behaviors used in the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, such as interpersonal exploitation (using and taking advantage of those around you), being preoccupied with fantasies of ideal love, unlimited power or success, and beauty, and the need for excessive admiration from others (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Subtypes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. To be even more specific, various subtypes of narcissismhave been suggested, most importantly the covert/vulnerable presentation and the overt/grandiose presentation. The latter is what is typically focused on, and what has been explained above. However, covert narcissism is nothing to ignore. Gabbard stated (as cited in Levy, 2012, p. 887) that those who are covert narcissists dislike the spotlight; they are hypersensitive to the evaluations of others and therefore
  • 25. National Collegiate Athletic Association ( Ncaa ) Division... National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I sports, specifically football and men s basketball, have become a a grand spectacle in American culture today. The rights to broadcasting the playoff schedule for these two major sports brings in nearly a billion dollars worth of revenue for the organization each year. The time has come for student athletes to no longer be seen as amateurs. College athletes are the number one reason the NCAA is able to generate such a great amount of revenue; they dedicate countless hours of every day to their craft, miss large chunks of classes, and deserve to receive just compensation for their tremendous efforts.NCAA men s football and basketball are treated, marketed, and played like professional level sports; therefor, the athletes deserve just compensation for their efforts. The NCAA is a billion dollar corporation that is allowed to rake in its profit off the backs of unpaid college athletes. According to freelance journalist, and Robin Goldstein Award for Outstanding Regional Reporting, Reed Karaim, ...broadcasters pay the top college football conferences more than $200 million each annually, with each team in some conferences receiving $20 million or more (Karaim). Because the college athletes at these schools are refused to be seen as anything but amateurs by the NCAA, the money gained from in game revenues never sees its way into the player s hands. Rather, these Division I programs spend this money paying coaches
  • 26. Analysis Of Stairway To Heaven No matter how many times somebody is asked to give an explanation to what the song Stairway to Heaven really perseveres, different answers will be given every time. The song Stairway to Heaven was written by Led Zeppelin in 1971. Throughout all these years, still everybody has their own interpretation to the song, and they will respond differently based upon what the true meaning of the song really is. The reason being is, the song represents many different values throughout it, and it is the others choice to determine the outlook on it. In 1980, Led Zeppelin could have had the biggest tour in the history of rock and roll. Although, this never happened because one of the members, Rob Plant, refused to be a part of it. He rejected to reunite with the rest of the group because he believed that no amount of money is worth having to sing Stairway to Heaven. To begin with, when asked about Rob Plant s interpretation of the song, he responded with I still interpret the song a different way and I wrote the lyrics. In addition, he believed that the lyrics took some rough shots. In the beginning of it, he claims that it is meant towards a woman who strives for money, only to find out the unpleasant way that is going to be keeping her from reaching her stairway to heaven. Rob Plant had no other reason for stating what his meaning was towards writing the song, but he did note that he saw it as a woman getting everything she wanted without giving anything back. According to an
  • 27. Essay on Taking a Look at Monroe County, Illinois Monroe County, Illinois Monroe County is very unique and has many towns and cities in it that have very fasinating facts about them. Some of the towns and cities are Glasgow City, Renault, Chalfin Bridge, and Waterloo. Even though the towns have fasinating facts, the facts about just the county in general and where it was given the name from is also very interesting. The population and type of people in the population can be very unusual but interesting also. Fasinating and interesting, the population and the facts about Monroe County and its towns is something that you could really get interested into researching. Facts about Monroe County Some very interesting historical facts and population facts about Monroe County are the fact that ... Show more content on ... The percent of people that are foreign in Monroe County,IL is 0.8%, and the percent of people that don t speak English is 3.2%. 92.9% of people twenty five and over are High School graduates. Only 25.5% of people twenty five and up have a Bachelor degree. The amount of people that are Veterans is 2,857 ( Monroe County Quickfacts para.3). In 2011 the number of nonfarm establishments was seven hundred seventy seven, and the nonfarm employment number was 7,473. The nonemployer establishments was 2,091. On the other hand the firms in 2007 were at a number of 3,221. 28.1% of these firms were owned by women ( Monroe County Quickfacts para.4). The following is information from 2007: the manufacturers shipment was 257,760,713, manufacturers wholesaler sales were 231, 082,768, retail sales were $405,724, foodservice sales were 35,946, and retail sales per capita were $12,507. In 2012 the amount of building permits was 106 ( Monroe County Quickfacts para.5). Land area of Monroe County, IL in square miles is 385.01. People per mile in 2010 in the county was 85.6. The FIP code for the county is 133. The area that is the Metro/Micropolitan statistical area is St. Louis, MO IL ( Monroe County Quickfacts para.6). History of Towns Waterloo The citys first settlers came in
  • 28. Theme Of The House Of Seven Gables Saniya Puri English (Hons.) Second Year (B) Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University Paper for American Literature Teacher Mrs. Usma Khan 13th October, 2014 Discuss the themes of The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne William B. Dillingham has, with immense precision, conjectured in his literary criticism of Hawthorne that amidst the theme of inherited curse Hawthorne has placed a significant real theme which is necessity of man s participation in the united struggle of mankind . In fact, he begins his essay on Structure and Theme in the House of Seven Gables by stating, Most critics of The House of Seven Gables fail to discover any structural pattern. The usual conclusion is that the book consists of a series of episodes ... Show more content on ... The idea of inherited curse and sins makes one ponder the deep concept of pre destination and free will which is often debated upon. Whether the inherited curse was incurred upon the House and Pyncheons due to the Maule s curse alone or was their own folly liable and blameworthy too. This perhaps is a conflicting issue of the text. One can interpret this dichotomy in both ways. Readers can see the deaths of Colonel Pyncheon, old Jaffrey Pyncheon and Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon either as a result of that inherited curse given by Mathew Maule or even due to the faults of each of them individually. The similar fashion of each death results the reader s thinking meander into the stream of a single thought that these deaths are result of some supernatural or mystical element which is not ordinary. This supernatural element only, instill within our understanding that the characters have least agency of their destinies. This paper, hence, can comment on the fact that perhaps these happenings and deaths are not human governed and therefore lie not in their hands to
  • 29. Analysis Of Psychology Advertisement While flipping through Psychology Today I can t help, but notice this magazine has about fifty percent of its pages dedicated to ads. There were sixty three individuals that either encompassed a part a of page or a whole page. The advertisements were scattered throughout the magazine, however latter half of the magazine primarily had the essays and articles. The majority of advertisements in this magazine included: fifteen ads on health supplements/medications, fifteen ads on rehabilitation/therapy centers, seven on psychologybooks, fifteen on starting a career in psychology. The magazine also had three ads on insurance, two ads on a medical device to treat anxiety, and one ad on a mental healthcourse, sexual furniture and pheromone booster.
  • 30. The Concepts Of Power In Michel Foucault, Knowledge And Power Discourses have a different set of meanings, metaphors, images and stories so that together it can create a version of events and representing it in a certain structural form. Discourses make us see the world in a certain way. Each discourse has a different story about the topic in question and shows a different way of representing the topic to the world. Discourses have another suggestion for what we do every day. Discourses claim that truthand knowledge are not important and is the centre of the discussion of identity, power and change. There is a notion attitude . Attitude is a dispositional model that is used in the discipline of psychology and opinions. Michel Foucaultwas a French philosopher and has a background in psychology. He was interested in how knowledge and power were used as a shape of social control through institutions. Discourses displays our knowledge of the world. In Foucault s view, knowledge and power goes together as a pair. There is a close relationship between discourse, knowledge and power; this becomes clear through social practices. An individual s understanding of the relationship between power and knowledge is that knowledge can raise an individual s power. In Foucault s eyes, knowledge is connected closely with power. What it is possible for one person to do to another, under what rights and obligations, is given by the version of events currently taken as knowledge. Therefore, the power to act in particular ways, to claim resources, to
  • 31. Non Inferential Passage Examples Q: Explain non inferential passage and highlight its kinds. Sentences are the things people say and that occur in normal languages moreover they express ones feeling rather than exempting a statement. Example: I love my chair. I am sad today. I miss my grandmother. Propositions are things that are either true or false which can be verified. For example, Snow is white, today is 35 degree, 14th august is Independence day. Argument: An argument is stated in a passage to prove something and two conditions must be fulfilled for a passage to have an argument (to prove something) 1 Any one of the statement must have the evidence 2 There must be a claim that the above evidence implies something. An argument is consisted of propositions only. There must be at least 2 premises which are propositions and can be either true or false and a conclusion in an argument. Moreover ... Show more content on ... Premise 2 :Asma is a tall girl Conclusion : Asma is attractive Premise and conclusion can be identified with some indicators. Moreover premise is underlined and argument have three dots. Indicators of conclusions: Therefore, wherefore, thus, consequently, we may infer, accordingly, we may conclude, it must be that, for this reason, so, entails that, hence, it follows that, implies that, as a resuly Indicators of premises: Since, as indicated by, because, or, in that, may be inferred from, as, given that, seeing that, for the reason that, in as much as, owing to An Argument can only be valid or invalid. Inference passages: Cluster of proposition is inference, an argument is also an inference because we deduce and conclude. Inferential passages example : Umer arrives at home at 4:30 and knows that his wife does not get off of work until 5. Umer also sees that the lights are off in their house. Umer can infer that his wife is not yet home. P1 All men are mortal P2 Socrates is a man Conclusion: Socrates is mortal
  • 33. Three Public Defenders In Gideon s Military Gideon s Army portrays the lives of three public defenders who fight to help other people who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Brandy Alexander, Travis Williams, and June Harwick are three public defenders working in the South. All of them are fighting three different cases and trying hard to win the cases. Alexander is representing a high school student who is accused of robbing a pizza store. Williams is representing a man named Mullin, who is facing 10 years in prison for a theft case. On the other hand, Hardwick has a different client. His client is already in the prison and she has lost her house and job while in the prison. All of the clients the defenders are helping are poor and are unable to hire a private attorney. While the three
  • 34. Mary And Olaudah Equiano Many people go through unimaginable cruelty. In Mary Rowlandson A Narrative of Captivity , she was taken by Indians that took her to captivity. In Olaudah Equiano The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano , he explains how he was captured and his journey on the slave ship. Both Mary and Equiano both experience loss, hardship, and cruelty. Throughout both stories Mary and Equiano experienced terrible loss. Both of them lost family members. I must and lie down by my dead babe (Rowlandson 38). The author explains how she went through the sad experience of watching her child die. In addition, Mary s babe departed of lack of food and care, and she was about six years old and five months. Just as Mary lost her babe, Equiano lost his sister. My sister and I were then separated while we lay clasped in each other arms (Equiano 56). Equiano was a slave that got separated from his only family and that was his sister.... Show more content on ... Whither I went with a very heavy heart, and down I sat with the picture of death in my lap (Rowlandson 38). Mary is going through a very hard time because her child was ready to depart. Likewise, she only had nine days with her babe before she had to let her go.When he was just adopted, he was wakened and hurried away and he couldn t do anything. Thus at the very moment I dreamed of the greatest happiness, I found myself most miserable (Equiano 57). Equiano was going through hard times but he had to think about good times to get him thought
  • 35. Essay on Shoppers Beware Shoppers Beware Today the Internet provides a vast number of services to people all around the world, and is a way to make life easier. People can purchase everything from groceries to drugs (legal and illegal), skateboards to automobiles, land and houses, not to mention all the items that people auction off at places like and There was even a high school girl, freshly turned 18, who decided to auction off her virginity. But that creates an entirely different discussion topic. Right now people all over the world use online shopping instead of actually traveling to the store. Shopping online is a way of conveniently purchasing things from the comfort of your own home. People no longer have to get dressed, comb their ... Show more content on ... Webcaskets can have your funeral items delivered to you by the next day. Best of all, its free for California residents, and only as much as $195 depending on location and priority. The article then goes on to list several other Internet funeral services available online. The whole concept of Internet malls has made life easier. The L.A. Times article says that online resources such as Internet funeral services are here for those who want to avoid the unpleasant trip to the funeral home (1). At first glance the idea seems to be a novel one. What better way to make life easier than to eliminate tasks that people find unpleasant? In reality resources such as Internet funeral services have opened a doorway; created a path to a possible future world lacking physical interaction. Shopping online is just the first step in a process of eliminating physical contact in society. Buying funeral items like caskets and flowers is not harmful to society, but what is going to happen when someone decides that going to the actual funeral service is to unpleasant for them? Then we get Internet funeral services as well as Internet funerals, something involving a digital camera with family and friends sitting at home, paying their respects in front of a computer. Far fetched? Not really, especially when considering that just 10
  • 36. Bathroom Laws May 13, 2016, the Obama Administration sent thousands of letters to public schools defending transgender rights. This sparked a national debate over bathroom laws determining if transgender individuals should be allowed to use the public bathroom or locker room of their choice. People are divided on the issues of what bathroom or locker room transgenderpeople utilize as some believe that they should use the bathroom based on their biological sex while others believe that they should use the bathroom corresponding to their genderidentity. Some people are against the usage of bathrooms based on gender identity feeling that it would be better to have usage based on the gender listed on birth certificates or single stall unisex bathrooms. Many people claim that perverts, peeping toms, and rapists could abuse the law in order to attack women and young girls in public restroomsand locker... Show more content on ... An estimate from the U.S. Department of Justice states that one in every two transgender people are sexually assaulted or abused within their lifetime. Transgender activists claim that transgender people experience higher levels of violence and harassment, and, when using the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex are at an even greater risk. The supposed threats that these protections pose to others are largely nonexistent; in fact, it is transgender people who are far more likely to be the target of violence than any random user of the ladies room (.Eisner). Transgender people feel uncomfortable in bathrooms if forced to use the bathroom corresponding to their birth certificate. One transgender person said I do not plan on frequenting any women s restrooms now or anytime in the future. Doing so would guarantee two things: that I would be uncomfortable, and that the women sharing the bathroom with me could be
  • 37. Research Paper On Malala Yousafzai A Leader who inspires me today is Malala Yousafzai. Born in Mingora, Pakistan in 1997 Malala is an advocate for girls education. In 2008, at the age of 11 Malala started to blog for BBC under a fake name about what it was like growing up in Pakistan and the challenges she faced. After the Taliban took over Swat Valley where she was living, Malala started to blog about the new rules the Talibanenforced, one being banning girls from attending school. In 2009, The New York Times released a documentary on Malala and her fight to protect girls education. After the Pakistani Army was able to force the Taliban to retreat, Malala s school was able to reopen she was then able to get back into the classroom and started publicly campaigning for girls
  • 38. Misconceptions Teenagers From Television And Internet... Top 3 misconceptions teens get from TV/internet advertisements The average number of teens watch almost three hours of television per day, which reveals them to thousands of images of violence, sexuality, from advertisements, according to the research done by scientists, by the time today s teens reach their old age, they would have watched between seven to 10 years worth of television during the trajectory of their lives. The content and the amount of television that teens watch substitutes other activities and could have a negative influence.Brands fascinating to teens take advantage of their particular vulnerabilities, the desire to fit in, to be apprehended as attractive. Teenagers have become the main target for advertisers. Teenagers are impulsive and invariably want the latest and greatest things. Advertisers see teenagers as great gateways to persuade themselves into buying their product. Teenagers come across over 40,000 advertisements per year whether on the Internet, TV or in their schools. Ads are constantly telling teenagers to buy this, look like that, or act a certain way. There are negative sides to advertisements harnessed towards teenagers. Teens are extremely accustomed to their place in the peer ranking, and advertising acts as a kind of super peer in leading them toward what s cool, what s satisfactory and what s acceptable.Many teens are highly resistant to messages around body image, and marketers use this to their advantage with their
  • 39. Race As A Cultural Construction Of Race In lecture, our class grappled with the concept of race as a cultural construction, and how the issues that derive from race only have meaning because we assign it to them; mankind could have chosen anything to classify themselves, but somehow settled on skin color. In the words of Clifford Geertz, man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun racismwould be one of those webs that humanity has tangled itself up in (qtd. in Hickman). We have studied raceas a mythical reality, and racism as a cultural model that people have adopted in order to deal with the complexities of the past. I had the privilege of attending a lecture given by Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, an activist during the civil rights movement, and I
  • 40. The Impact Of Sporting Activities On Sporting Events Sporting activities have had major impacts worldwide for quite some time. Within that period of time, various issues have emanated from such activities and had various influences. According to the article written and published by Jamal L. R. on 10th November 2015, racial discrimination on sporting events, as well as the dynamics of the raceand sport from 1968 to 2008 is focused on. In his research, Jamal mainly uses content analysis on the happenings, which had major impact especially on the blacks during athletic, and ball games. He mainly analyzes the grievances addressed by other races especially during the games, so as to come up with his research and conclusions. Such complains helps him in identifying the existence of racial ... Show more content on ... However, the article does not answer the perpetrators were punished or the compensations allocated to the victims. This analysis mainly focused on the racial discrimination in sporting events. The major claims that led possible changes in the industry include youthful delusions, civil rights, public outcry, self determination and nationalism. Youthful delusions explains how the youth focused on sports to make money, civil rights focuses on human rights as enshrined in the United Nations charter and how sportsmen and activists fought for enactment of these policies, public outcry emphasizes on how the public ensured that their rights are upheld, self determination is all about the act of believing in one self to make rational decisions and ruling, and lastly sprit of nationalism which focuses on the feeling of belonging to a particular country and doing what is expected as a citizen of the country. These were the major claims to support the argument of the article and their impact on the pre existing problems. Analysis on public outcry focuses on scholars who were against racism. They viewed racists as slave masters to the larger population. A scholar by the name Gilbert stood against racists, advocated for new policies and change. Gilbert was also accused of inciting people to protest against racial discrimination at sporting affairs after posting sediments on LeBron James. His post made Cavaliers supporters to have a
  • 41. The Modern Law Of Murder The modern law of murder developed over many centuries from the English common law of homicide. Homicide is simply defined as the killing of another person. Before the 1500 s, common law judges categorized homicide into two broad categories known as, criminal and noncriminal homicides (Samaha, 2013). Over the next five decades, a number of newly developed statutes were established and further divided criminal and noncriminal homicide. Criminal homicide included murderand manslaughter, while noncriminal homicide was divided into justifiable and excusable homicide (Samaha, 2013). By the 1700 s, three types of homicides were firmly embraced by English common law and the American Colonies. The three categories according... Show more content on ... Murder, under common law, is the unlawful killing of another person in existence with malice aforethought (Bower, 2014). In other words, an individual had to have a clear criminal intent with some amount of spite, hate, or bad will to commit the killing before the murder occurred and had to be planned in advance (Samaha, 2013). To illustrate, during the 1550 s, English homicide statutes outlined activities such as poisoning or lying in wait as examples of preplanned murders. However, while murder was initially only thought of as an intentional and premeditated act, over time judges saw the need to develop new classifications of murders that didn t fit the standard definition. First, sudden killings that were intentional, but not premeditated were added. These types of murder were often completed during a heat of passion moment and were unreasonably provoked by the victim s actions (Samaha, 2013). However, unreasonably provoked means that the victim s actions were not substantial enough to justify the actions of the attacker. Secondly, judges added unintentional killings that were completed during a felony (Samaha, 2013). While most murders require intent to cause death, under this law, any homicide committed during the commission of a felony, regardless of whether it s intentional or accidental will constitute as murder. Third, extremely reckless killings were classified as depraved heart
  • 42. Leadership And Leadership Of Mother Teresa Leadership is critical. It is the key to how everything is started. A leader is a person who is willing to sacrifice their lives and their reputations to assist someone or something that needs help. One person took the less fortunate and the sick under her wing. She created and established hope for those who had lost all hope. Mother Teresa dedicated her life to all those who needed help and sanctuary. She established many places and groups that focused on helping the poor, she was selfless through devastation, and she made a name for not only herself, but for the poor and sick as well. Mother Teresa was born in SkopjeOttoman Empire, today known as Macedonia, on August 26, 1910 (McCarthy). Her mother showed her the kindness of her heart and gave her a new outlook on life. After realizing what life truly meant she became a nun at the age of eighteen giving her life up to God (Mother Teresa Timeline). Soon after becoming a nun she made several personal vows. One of these vows was to obey everything God had told her to, no matter the extremity (McCarthy). One day Mother Teresa said she heard God. God had told Mother Teresa she needed to serve only the poorest of his creatures, the destitute, the dying, and the lonely for the rest of her life (Parks). Once she said her goodbyes, and packed her things she went on her way. Mother Teresa decided to go to the streets of India to serve those in need. Mother Teresa established and owned many charities and safe spots for the less
  • 43. Essay about A Critical Visual Analysis of a Work of Art A Critical Visual Analysis of a Work of Art The piece of art that I chose to do my critical visual analysis on will be the Birds of Paradise, painted by Frits van Eeden, in 1997. (Birds of Paradise) Eeden was born in Tilburg, Holland, in March 1944 and grew up in The Hague. (Frits Van Eeden) For the Birds of Paradise he used acrylic paint on canvas. This piece of art is located in the Evans Library, at Florida Tech, in Melbourne, FL. When I look at the picture I see birds helping each other, they seem to have harmony. One can get an impression of how people can co exist with one another. The Birds of Paradise is a beautiful and bright colorbird. They represent joyfulness and paradise. In this picture, they look like cranes. I don t... Show more content on ... Eeden made the birds in his piece of art to look three dimensional. When you have three dimensional shapes, the results seem to be some kind of form. In order to have form in art you have to have height, width, and depth to enhance the texture, color, and tone in a given piece of art. The overall organization also implies the form. With this piece of art, Eeden took the six birds which are standing and organized them to appear symmetrically to be in a particular pattern. He put the birds in a sculptural kind of design to make them look three dimensional. One of the birds seems to be picking something off of the bird beside him. They seem to be caring for each other. Eeden has used geometrical shapes to draw the birds. The curves of the birds are simple. The background of this piece of art shows that it is a sunny, calm day with a strip of blue sky above the birds. The ground seems to nonexistent. You can t see where the bird s feet meet the ground or maybe they are standing in water. The quality given to a piece of art work is through the use of light. When asked about light in art they are asking about the sun rays, candles, moons, flames, and many other sources of light. Artist use light to create contrast in a given space. In Eeden s picture, Birds of Paradise, the birds are in the light. He is demonstrating the type of environment the birds are living in. This explains why you can see the bird s feet because the
  • 44. Operation Anaconda Unity Of Command U.S History of Unity of Command A unity of command is an essential factor for success in any distinct task. It is paramount to assign troops under one command in order to achieve a distinct objective. The idea of a unified command originates back to the Civil War. The ascent of General U. S. Grant as General in Chief of the U.S. Army allowed him to unify the northern military. It has been a guiding principle as early as the twentieth century to modern day. Unity of Command was the principle following the 1946 Unified Command Plan, otherwise recognized as the UCP. The UCP practices the ascension of one commander in chief which unifies forces. In the Operation Anaconda, this principle departs when a unified command had not been well established.... Show more content on ... It is an important principle of war, that is military campaigns and battles should be commanded by a single senior officer with the authority and staff assets to blend the operations of all components into a single, cohesive plan (Kugler, R et al, 2009, p.7). At the vicinity of this operation, unity of command had not been well established. This was due to the lack of U.S. force occupancy in Afghanistan at the time. In fact, the beginning stages of the war lacked a joint command and command staff. Alternatively, the command structure was multi headed. General Hagenbeck and Task Force Mountain headquarters commanded most of the U.S. ground forces in the battle, but not all of them. They did not command the U.S. air forces assigned to support the battle plan. Nor did they command the friendly Afghan units that were intended to provide a main axis of attack in the battle plan (Kugler, R et al, 2009, p.9). This multi headed command structure did not become a problem till later in the battle when multiple forces had multiple commanders. Operation Anaconda also points to the importance of having an on scene joint commander, rather than relying too extensively on distant command staffs that may lack a sufficient sense of local conditions (Kugler, R et al, 2009,
  • 45. Race Based Hostility And Bias Who Polices The Police? I can t breathe, imagine having to hear your father, son, or brother desperately gasp for air while murmuring those words, I can t breathe. It s heart wrenching, but now visualize him being viscously choked from behind by a police officer. The predicament is startling and unseen. Your loved one has surrendered but the officer has no intention of relinquishing his grip, restricting the airway, making it incredibly difficult to breathe. Suddenly, the police officer forces your loved one s motionless body to the ground, proceeding by mashing his face into the pavement. Slowly loosing conscious, he lifelessly lays on the Staten Island concrete. Nobody performs CPR, not even the ambulance upon their arrival. Your loved one is pronounced dead at the hospital, and the officer who stole his life walks a free man. Race based hostility and bias is a major national issue affecting our democracy, and racial hostility between minorities and the police is a significant societal problem (Police Traffic Stops and Racial Profiling: Resolving Management, Labor, and Civil Rights Conflicts). These encounters are becoming far too frequent. Eric Gardner is amongst one of the countless African Americans who have been racially profiled and murdered by law enforcement. Allegations of excessive force by police departments across the country continue to populate headlines more than twenty years after the 1992 Rodney King incident (The Painful Legacy of Rodney King).
  • 46. The Federal Level of Government Essay The money that lies within the federal level of government is not only what the federal level of government revolves around, but also at the state and local community levels as well. It ultimately takes this American ideal, like Barack Obama talks about in his Democratic Convention speech, that America gives you the ability to make yourself whoever you want to be, and completely distorts it. Money turns the reality of America into being that you can only be whoever you want to be if you born into wealthand were one of the lucky ones in society. The problem with this idea is that those who were born into this unlucky realm; this really poor and unfortunate realm everyday have to face those lucky ones who claim that they are only poor... Show more content on ... What he is saying is that at the federal level there is this upper class accent and corporate dominance that is scared of change; scared of alternatives that they feel would go astray from their elitist point and maybe even fear that they would be turned into the minority within the society. On the other end of the spectrum there are those that want change because they feel like they are being oppressed and are being put in a minority situation constantly. They are open minded and feel like by accepting all of the alternatives out there society could have a well rounded perspective. Being a conservative Republican myself sometimes I feel scared of the alternatives and where society might go if the fortunate people were to change, but I have always believed in well roundedness is the best option in most situations. West also states that organized interests have grown more numerous, more active politically, and more representative of the entire society (1999: 20). It is frustrating to look at the way interest groups and corporations set the ideals, have the money to do so, and the rest of the losers in society that have no influence have to make those same ideals internal within themselves as well. That is why it makes so much sense that by the federal level surrounding themselves with
  • 47. Gothic Doubling In Assassin s Creed Gothic Doubling in Assassin s Creed: How Altair Represents the Hopes and Fears of Ezio Today, I have more questions than answers. This is why I have come so far: to find clarity (Ubisoft 1:38 1:48). Master Assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze, main protagonist of Ubisoft s 2011 video game Assassin s Creed: Revelations, yearns for the wisdom supposedly left behind at Masyaf Castle by the revolutionary Assassin Mentor, Altair Ibn La Ahad. Ezio desires Altair s knowledge and wisdom to learn more about his Brotherhood s history, goals, struggles, and more specifically, his own purpose. In the extended official E3 trailer for Assassin s Creed: Revelations, Altair appears to Ezio during a battle at Masyaf. Altair has been dead for centuries,... Show more content on ... The trailer opens to Ezio being held captive at the snowy castle of Masyaf by the Templar Knights. Ezio is an experienced assassin who achieved the title of Master by reaching the peak of his training. The trailer flashes back to his journey to Masyaf to demonstrate Ezio s resilience while displaying his struggles, traveling through deserts and sailing through seas, to reach his destination. Ezio mentions in his narration that his goal is to locate a hidden library, A center full of invaluable wisdom. Ezio is in pursuit of the knowledge that his predecessor, Altair, left behind. This common Gothic element is discussed by Professor Ewan Kirkland from the University of Brighton in his paper on Gothic videogames: John Fletcher s discussion of female Gothic cinema opens with the claim: The search for origins, especially when it takes the form of reconstructing a hidden or forbidden scene is one of the most seductive of all narratives (112). This seductive narrative is parallel to Ezio s journey as he is searching for a hidden library which contains knowledge and wisdom from his order s past. In this fictional universe, The Assassins have been at war with the Templar Order for most of known human history. The Templars contrast the ideals of freedom held by the Assassins. The Templars wish to create a perfect world through the order and control of weaker individuals.
  • 48. The Zombie Virus Humans a marvelous specie, capable of transforming their environment to suit them; turning deserts to urban paradise, vast empty plots into homesteads, our building reach the skies, roads connect us, hunger is a thing of the past. Nevertheless, what if a deadly virus happens to afflict the United States, what if the virus turned humans into undead hungry abominations? For instance, the first problem as with any disease is the velocity at which it spreads; unlike the flu virus that silently infects thousands, causing relatively minor fear, a zombie virus spreads to millions in a matter of days provoking havoc and disruption wherever it goes. Where areas the flu presents symptoms as fever, cough and general body discomfort, the zombie virus acts as a degenerative disease rotting away the brain cell by cell the human count drops as the zombie one rises. During the first hours of the breakout, authorities will suggest to stay home and to avoid coming out, nevertheless, the survival instinct of most, ... Show more content on ... Questions such as when does someone is consider death? Divide people among themselves, resulting in imminent conflicts. Therefore, what if the zombie apocalypse happens tomorrow? Human nature is such that in the face of total annihilation, resort to looting, hoarding, and mutual destruction to survive. The flimsy thread of society called morals ends up disintegrating, selfishness and the importance of the I oversee the importance of the We , and at the end of the day humans are like rats on a sinking
  • 49. Operational Risk Case Study 8.2.4 Operational risk. The airline industry is subject to extensive government regulation, and new regulations may increase operating costs. Airlines are subject to extensive regulatory and legal compliance requirements that result in significant costs (Delta Airlines Inc., 2017). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from time to time issues directives and other regulations relating to the maintenance and operation of aircraft that necessitate significant expenditures. The company expects to continue incurring expenses to comply with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. Other laws, regulations, taxes and airport rates and charges have also been imposed from time to time that significantly increase the cost of... Show more content on ... The airline industry has continued to experience a reduction in high yield business travel and increased price sensitivity in customers purchasing behavior. The airline industry has continued to add or restore capacity despite these conditions. The company expects all of these events will continue to have a material adverse effect on business, financial condition and operating results (Delta s Airlines 10 K p. 20, 2017). Bankruptcies and other restructuring efforts by competitors have put Delta at a competitive disadvantage. Since September 11, 2001, several airlines to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, including United Air Lines, Inc. the second largest U.S. Airways and several smaller competitors. Since filing for Chapter 11 on August 11, 2002, U.S. Airways has emerged from bankruptcy, and recently announced that it is seeking additional cost concessions from its unions (Delta Airlines Inc., 2017). Some companies have restructured their labor costs and lowered its operating cost base. These reorganizations or restructurings have enabled competitors to significantly lower their operating costs. The airline industry is highly competitive, and if Delta cannot successfully compete in the marketplace, business, financial
  • 50. The Theory of Behaviorism A significant piece of several psychological theories in the late nineteenth century was introspection, which is the examination or observation of one s own mental and emotional processes (Press, 2013). In retort to this theory behaviorism came about. Behaviorism is predominantly concerned with observable and measurable aspects of human behavior. In other words behaviorismdoes not look at the biological aspects but it suggests that all behaviors are learned habits and changes in response to the environment. It endeavors to explain how these particular habits are formed. Behaviorism claimed that the causes of behavior was not necessarily found in the complexities of the mind but could be observed in one s immediate environment, from stimuli that produced, reinforced, and punished certain responses also known later on as conditioning. It wasn t until the twentieth century that the scientist began to discover the actual systems to learning, thereby laying a foundation for behaviorism. A theorist by the name of Ivan Pavlovwas a major contribution to the discovering of significant behavioral theories. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 in the small village of Ryazan, Russia. He was the son of Peter Dmitrievich Pavlov, who was the village s own priest. As the son of a priest, Ivan went to church school and attended the theological seminary. The family hoped that Ivan would follow in his father s footsteps and become a priest as well, but Ivan had other plans.
  • 51. Totalitarianism In Harrison Bergeron Kurt Vonnegut s Harrison Bergeron , is a short story that explores the ideas of humanity in the future. This author is blatantly proving how the saying everyone is equal is not entirely true. In this story, the government that imposes totalitarianism has went through the actions of processing equality to the citizens of the United States and through the agents involved with the United States Handicapper General. This showed how this government was able to take the idea of equality and end up stripping the citizens of processing individual thoughts, their creativity and intellect, and basically brainwashed society to believe nothing happening should be considered incorrect behavior Incidentally, Harrison Bergeronis not simply an interesting short story, but was intended for historical satire purposes. Harrison Bergeron was written and published by Vonnegut in 1961. Throughout the years, many different variations have been attempted by other authors. Vonnegut was an author who was an American and was viewed as having a very respectable reputation as a writer during his time. This idea of Harrison Bergeron represents the views acquiring from both the social criticisms and also the political view from America. The way that the author, Kurt Vonnegutportrays the political system is founded upon different principles around the ideas of egalitarianism, which basically means that people are meant to view each other as equals to each other. Established in what is known as The
  • 52. Addiction In Yann Martel s Life Of Pi One taste is all it takes to win you over. The taste of something so good and sweet eradicates the ability to reason, and there is no questioning the rush of relief that comes with it. In the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel explores the idea of putting trust into a safe haven that seems to wash away one s troubles, only to discover the darkness buried within it. The author uses the island that Pi encounters during his life at sea as an allegory that illustrates a person s addiction. The island poses as a saving grace to Pi, just as drugs seem to be an escape for an addict. Martel delineates the process of addiction through Pi s discovery of the island, his ignorance to signs of danger, and the inevitable surfacing of the island s malicious capabilities. ... Show more content on ... As Pi falls asleep, he is disturbed once again by the surfacing of dead fish, and even sharks, saying he [finds] the sight sinister , similar to the way a user may see the dramatic changes in his face and body after extended drug use (277). Through this, both Pi and the addict are now able to diagnosticate the evil inside what they believe is their redeemer. However, the breaking point occurs when Pi finds the unspeakable hidden on the island, and understanding dawn[s] upon [him] (281). This discovery pinpoints the moment where the addict knows that drugs are not saving him, but in fact killing him. After this recognition, Pi states that he would prefer to set off and perish in search of [his] own kind than to live a lonely half life of physical comfort and spiritual death , just as an addict will leave his life of drugs, in search of rehab and a support group (283). Although quitting may put the addict in a seemingly worse situation, it will save him from suffering a more gruesome death. The uncovering of the island s intrinsic nature and drugs damaging ramifications validates the direct correlation of the
  • 53. Phenomenon And The Life Of Albert Einstein s A Beautiful Mind The brain is the most complicated organ in the human body. It has the important job of controlling our motor functions, our ability to balance, and interpret information that comes from the eyes, ears, and other sensory organs. The brain controls our feelings, behaviors, experiences, as well as our memories and self awareness. So, the fact that some people believe we only use about 10 20% of our brains seems impossible. According to some, all humans can only use about ten percent of the brain . If we were to access the remaining ninety percent, we would have remarkable, godlike abilities. It has been said that Albert Einstein was a part of the few to harness full usage of the brain. Throughout the existence of Hollywood, many movies and shows discussed this curious myth. A Beautiful Mind is a movie based on the Life of John Nash. John was a diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia who suffered from delusional episodes. What made him stand out was not his mental illness, but his mathematical genius. He saw the world in ways that no one else could. He had a true gift that no one had seen before. Early in his career, he made an astonishing discovery that eventually led to him receiving a Nobel Prize. His mental illnesses enabled him to grasp abstract concepts that till then were unattainable by others. Phenomenon, starring John Travolta, is a movie about the life of an average mechanic in a small town; who one day transforms into a genius with telekinetic powers. During a night
  • 54. Sympathetic Paragangliomas Paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors that arise from the extra adrenal autonomic paraganglia, small organs consisting mainly of neuroendocrine cells that are derived from the embryonic neural crest and have the ability to secrete catecholamines (1). They are closely related to pheochromocytomas, which are sometimes referred to as intra adrenal paragangliomas (2). The majority appear to be sporadic, but approximately one third to one half are associated with an inherited syndrome (3, 4). The four genetic syndromes that are associated are: multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A and 2B, neurofibromatosis type 1, von Hippel Lindau, and the Carney Stratakis dyad. The male to female ratio is approximately equal among patients with hereditary paraganglioma,... Show more content on ... Patients can become hypertensive during induction, positioning, or tumor resection (12). Chronic catecholamine excess causes volume contraction and patients can become severely hypotensive, as in this case, if adequate volume resuscitation is not performed (12). It is prudent to evaluate for adverse events following hypertensive and hypotensive episodes. Serial neurological evaluations, CT brain, electrocardiograms, or serial cardiac enzymes may be warranted. Complications of surgery are primarily due to severe preoperative hypertension, high secretion tumors, or repeat intervention for recurrence (13). In one study, adverse perioperative events occurred in 32 percent of cases (14). The most common adverse event was sustained hypertension in 25 percent of the patients. There were no perioperative deaths, myocardial infarctions, or cerebrovascular events. Despite premedication of most patients with phenoxybenzamine and a beta blocker, varying degrees of intraoperative hemodynamic lability occurred
  • 55. Peace Keeper Quotes I can t believe I was stupid enough to throw a punch at a peacekeeper, and with the rest of the world watching no less. I mean, she was just doing what she was supposed to do in that situation, and Misty was the one that was openly flouting the one rule, really the only rule, about the reaping that almost everyone told her she absolutely had to follow. Which means that it was Misty, and not the peacekeeper, that was in the wrong, which made the way she responded perfectly reason.....You know what, no. Yes Misty broke a rule, the fact that it also happens to be an absolutely pointless and stupid rule, is neither here nor there, but the simple fact that she broke it, didn t give the peacekeeper permission to act the way she did. I mean seriously, ... Show more content on ... Misty is going to get in trouble, she s going to get lashed, and it s all my fault. Yes Ash, Your little sister is going to get whipped, and that is a direct result of you assaulting the peacekeeper that tried to put her back in line. And the fact that she damn near ripped her hair out of her head doesn t mean a thing, does it? What do you think Ash? Why the hell are you telling me this dad? Because your best chance of survival, really your only chance, is for you to get mad. You know there s no chance of you surviving the games if you try to play it any other way. That still doesn t explain why dad. Why in the world are you telling me this when you know I m not going to be able to think about anything else but this! Because knowing that it happened, and that what you did is the reason WHY it happened, will give you the edge you need to survive in the Capitol son. After all, that s the only way you re going to be able to make the people that whipped Misty pay for having the audacity to punish HER for YOUR
  • 56. John Smith And Pocahontas Relationship Disney released the classic film Pocahontas on June 23, 1995 about a young girl who is a member of the Algonquin tribe with her father being the Chief. The movie takes place near Jamestown in the early 1600 s. Pocahontas father, has arranged for her to marry a man,Kocoum, who is thought to be the greatest warrior in the village. Pocahontas, was not too thrilled about the idea and felt like there was something better awaiting her. Meanwhile, Captain John Smith along with Governor Ratcliffe and other English soldiers and sailors are aboard a ship in hopes of finding riches from the New World to bring to their home to England. One day Pocahontas is out exploring and paying a visit to Grandmother Willow and she runs into John Smith. Both Pocahontas and John Smith are in astonishment with each other especially since they come from two different ways of life. However, the difference did not bother either of them. Her father, Powhatanand Governor Ratcliffe are not fond of each other in the way that Pocahontas and John Smith were fond of each other. Ratcliffe believes the tribe is hiding the gold they are... Show more content on ... The relationship was generally friendly and Pocahontas was known to be a frequent visitor in Jamestown. She delivered messages from her father and accompanied Indians bringing food and furs to trade for hatchets and trinkets. As all good things must eventually come to an end, the friendliness amongst them did. The necessary trading still continued, but the hostilities became more open . In January of 1609, things turned sour when John Smith led a trading party. Pocahontas, knowing her father had ordered for John Smith to be killed, snuck out to the nighttime woods to his camp and warned him of her fathers orders . He and his men escaped but John Smith was wounded shortly after in a gunpowder explosion, leaving Pocahontas to believe he was
  • 57. Scapula Sex determination is an essential key in the forensic evaluation because it is the important component of biological identity. Scapula is a flat bone and it was selected for the reason that its negligible morphological changes during its life time when the development is finished(1). In present study, 186 patient were included only those who came for ct thorax referred by the physician. The main goal is to estimate the scapular parameter check whether there is any significance difference or not and finally with the use of the discriminant analysis identify the gender. STUDYNUMBER OF PATIENTSP VALUERESULT ACCURACY Melad G Paulis, et al 200(100 males 100 females)P 0.00093.5% In the present study in descriptive statistics of six variables are reported. Table no 1, which shows mean and standard deviation for both sexes. The overall mean value collected from the scapula of males are larger than that of females, this indicates the existence of sexual dimorphism in the measurements ... Show more content on ... Dabbs, conducted a study based on sex determination using the scapula in New Kingdom skeletons from Tell El this project descriptive statistics for the five variables included (Maximum length of the scapula, Maximum length of the spine, Breadth of infraspinous body, Height of glenoid prominence, Breadth of glenoid prominence, which shown the mean and standard deviation of both sexes as well as the t values for both sexes(15). In present study multivariate test was done which demonstrate there are significance difference between males and females for all the six variables (p
  • 58. Drug Use Is Not Something That Just Happens Overnight Drug use is not something that just happens overnight. There are many things that led up to a person deciding they want to try a drug for the first time. It might be that they were exposed to it at an early age and perceived it to be the norm to use them. They might have experienced peer pressure at a party or just wanted to fit in with a certain crowd. Or they may have gotten a prescription for one and liked the high they felt when they were on it so they wanted to find a way to continue feeling that same high. Each situation is different, and the drugs that were most likely used in each scenario are also going to be different. A drug that is rather common for someone to be exposed to from an early age is cocaine. Cocaine is classified... Show more content on ... Then the coca paste is dissolved in a small amount of dilute sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate is added (How Cocaine Is Made. (n.d.). When cocaine is in this form it is most often snorted or mixed with water and injected into the blood stream. The high people get from cocaine use does not last very long, which is what causes them to binge use, and why addiction can be caused so quickly. The user is constantly chasing that initial high and wanting it to last longer. Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that increases levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in brain circuits regulating pleasure and movement (Cocaine (2013, April). It can also cause bursts of energy, talkativeness, increased heart rate and blood pressure, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature. The most serious side effect can be death if the manufacturing process was not done correctly. Learning theory is probably the best explanation as to why one would chose to use cocaine. Cocaine produces a high that can be rewarding because of the euphoria it produces. When the high wears off the user experiences a crash and wants the high back. They have learned through continued use that in order to get the euphoric feeling they must continue to use the drug. Although chemicals such as cocaine might initially have been used for social reasons, the substances ability to provide physiological and psychological