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Health for Your Life!
            A Presentation by
   Diane Ronzino, CPN & Health Minister
The Source of My Passion
 I am living proof that generating a healthier body,
 produces mental and emotional well being.

 I am mandated by God to share with you:

    1 John 3:17(Amp.)But, if anyone has this world's goods
       (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother
                   and fellow Believer in need,
         yet closes his heart of compassion against him,
        how can the love of God live and remain in him?
One Shoe Can Change Your Life!

One seemingly insignificant item – a missing shoe – changed Cinderella’s

          This presentation can be that “shoe” for you!
Do you say, “WAHOO!!” to
life because you are glad to be alive?
    Are you vibrant and thriving,
       and do you feel great?
      Are you sick and tired
     of being sick and tired?!
Which Is a Picture of Health?
What Is Health?
 The medical definition:
   Health is the absence of a known disease.
 Webster’s Original Dictionary:
 1.The state of the living body, in which the parts are
   sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they
   all perform – freely – their natural functions. In this
   state there is no pain; sound state of mind; natural vigor
   of faculties
2. Salvation; Divine favor or grace, which cheer’s God’s
Are You Malnourished?
      Malnutrition: faulty or imperfect nutrition;
        inadequate or imbalanced food intake

According to the definition of “malnutrition”, do you think
               you could be malnourished?
 Almost every man, woman, and child in America is
   malnourished - from an over abundance of poor,
          inadequate, dead foods and drinks
Spirit, Soul, Body
 God created us as triune beings – we are a spirit, who has a soul, and lives in a body

 The soul is our thoughts, emotions, will, & intellect

 Each aspect of our being is connected and affects the other. If we’re lacking in one
  area, it affects the other 2/3 of us

 Our mental/emotional health is tied into our physical health. If we are
  malnourished in our physical bodies, we are malnourished in our
  mental/emotional faculties as well

 God created our bodies to heal themselves – when the body is healthy, then our
  souls can become healthy – especially if we live a life of faith

 Each part of our beings must be in balance or our lives will be out-of-order
Bring Your Life Into Balance
                                    Stress    Nutritional
                                 Management   Supplement

                      Spirituality                          Exercise

                     Fun & Recreation                Healthy Eating

                                     Water      Weight
                                     Intake   Management

Spirit, soul, and body are all intertwined. If we’re lacking in one aspect, it affects the
                                  other 2/3 of our being.
Definition : Material that provides living things with the
       nutrients they need for energy and growth –
         sustaining, nourishing, and increasing

Your health is a result of what you eat!
You Are a Product of What You Eat
         Are you in a state of constant nourishment,
  sustaining health and vitality, and always on the increase?

 They average American Senior Citizen takes 19 prescriptions

 “Yes” - The food/vitamins you ingest are doing their job
 “No” - The food/vitamins you are eating are not doingtheir job
                     Or…could it be that…
                  Maybe it’s not even real food…
Food Today is Not What It Used To Be
GMO foods, and meats from cloned animals
Food is loaded with sugars and sodium
Over-processed, chemicals, & preservatives added
Soil is depleted of essential nutrients
Altered fats create free radicals damaging cells
Antibiotics – hormones in our meat supply
Early harvesting, transporting, & storage of food
 reduces nutritional value
Our food & water is contaminated with toxins
As a nation, we are in an absolute health crisis!
Headlines & Articles from Newsday,
           Nov. 15, 1998
Warning: Long Island’s Lifestyle May Be Hazardous To Your
  Health (Headline)
 Yearlong Study by Newsday Shows Heart Disease, Cancer Killing Us
  Before Our Time (Sub-headline)
 LI’s Health: It Just Isn’t What It Ought To Be(Title of Article)
 Face-paced, stressful lives and bad habits provide clues to region’s
  relatively high death rates from heart disease and cancer(Sub-headline
  Under Article Title)
Quotes from Newsday Article
 “Heart disease death, while rampant, is largely preventable. Heart disease is
  a lifestyle issue. It’s a matter of living 40 years being sedentary, with a poor
  diet, being overweight.”
 “Health is significantly worse in Suffolk than in Nassau. Life expectancy is
  more than 18 months shorter in Suffolk than in Nassau. Suffolk ranks worse
  than each of the 10 comparable suburban counties in cancer deaths; and in
  heart disease, was only slightly better than Nassau, which ranked worst.”
 “Among the dozen affluent communities in Newsday’s suburban sample,
  Nassau and Suffolk have the worst breast cancer and colorectal cancer rates.”
 “Heart disease and cancer have many causes - some of them are
  environmental and some of them genetic.”
Is This A Picture of Your Health?
 Use caffeine to begin your day?
 Foot or leg cramps?
 Headaches?
 Stomach ailments?
 PMS/Menopause symptoms?
 High cholesterol/blood pressure/heart ailments?
 After getting upset, does it take a while to calm down?
 High and low mood swings/depression/anxiety attacks?
 “Fly off the handle” easily/uncontrollable anger?
 A lot of drama in your family/work life which produces stress?
Our Cells
 Trillions and trillions of cells
 Cells reproduce after their own kind – Genesis Factor (Gen. 1:11-12)
 Body completely “overhauls” every 7 years
 The symptoms you are experiencing are a manifestation of the
  health of your cells
        Healthy cells reproduce healthy cells
        Unhealthy cells reproduce unhealthy cells
 Continual reproduction of unhealthy cells = symptoms of
 Feed your body healthy, live, whole foods at the cellular level =
  vibrancy & health & wellness
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Cells

Healthy, hydrated red blood cells   Same red blood cells only dehydrated

        Do you think it is important to drink water?
Junk In, Junk Out
Toxins we take in on a daily basis that compromise our
immune systems:
 Junk food/GMO foods/meat from cloned animals
 Prescription medications/over-the-counter drugs
 Illegal drug and alcohol abuse
 Heavy metals in our drinking/bathing water
 Toxic chemicals in household cleansers
 Lack of exercise & proper rest & spiritual renewal
 Bacteria, virus, infections
 Smoking
 Outdoor pollution/auto pollution
Take Responsibility
The average 60 year old person, takes 19
 prescriptions a day!
“In the coming decades, the most important
 determinants of health and longevity will be the
 personal choices made by each individual.”
           ~ The Journal of the American Medical

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but
 will interest his or her patients in the care of the
 human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and
 prevention of disease.” ~ Thomas Edison
Elements of A Healthy Lifestyle
   Take charge and responsibility of your own health/Be an
    informed consumer
   Reduce the stressors in your life the best you can
   Eliminate sugar, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and diet
    products; medications when possible
   Switch to organic, non-toxic household cleansers
   Be more active – exercise and reduce weight
   Eat well avoiding processed foods, eating much more raw fruits
    and vegetables & whole grains – Eat from periphery of store
   Meditate on good, positive things/pray
   Choose to see yourself through God’s eyes. You are His
    workmanship, created in His image, worthy of love, health, and
    good things in your life.
 Drink! Drink! Drink! A minimum of 8 glasses of filtered
    water per day (remember the red blood cells!)
   Develop a positive mental attitude ~ Phil. 4:8
   Add whole, live food supplements to your daily diet
   15 minutes of sunshine daily
   Pray, forgive, stop worrying – give it all to The LORD ~ Phil.
    4: 6-7
   Smile and think wholesome thoughts

“As a man thinks, so is he.” “What you think, you are.”
              ~ God, Almighty                ~ Dr. Forest C. Shaklee
Not All Supplements Are the Same
The Landmark Study, published in 2008, proved that not all food
                      supplements are the same!
 Synthetic
 “Natural”
 Whole, live foods
                     Think of a Lemon…
 You can use lemon juice from a plastic lemon
 You can squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon
 You can utilize the whole lemon (including the peel, which is
  full of nutrients)
Natural vs.
God created living beings to eat
living foods for the sole purpose of
sustaining health. Healthy cells
reproduce health in the body and
mind. We are meant to feed the
cells of our bodies, not our
stomachs or emotions.

When we eat altered or man-made
foods, the cells do not get the
proper God-made nutrients in the
foods that are needful to sustain
health, wellness, vibrancy, and
Keep the lemon in mind…

Synthetic – drug store variety (Plastic Lemon)

 Man-made in a test tube
 No enzymes or live nutrients needful for sustaining life
 Artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners
 Harsh fillers and binders
 Many are coated with shellac, which is totally resistant to
  stomach fluids to break it down; therefore, they stay in the
Are your supplements
sitting in your bowels –
If your supplements are not
 whole, live foods, they can
    sit undigested in your
bowels, never entering your
   bloodstream and never
      feeding your cells.
Consequently, your body is
  not reproducing healthy
Natural Extracts
Keeping the lemon in mind…
 Health food store variety (Only pulp of the lemon)
 Need only be 15% natural ingredients to be labeled “natural”
 Weak enzymes
 Uses chemicals or heat to extract some of the nutrients, which
  destroys enzymes and the “aliveness” of nutrients
 Artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners
 Very imbalanced
 Harsh binders and fillers
 Many are coated with shellac
 Most vitamins are manufactured in China today
Shaklee Food Supplements -             Unaltered,
           As Close to Nature As Possible

 As close to Nature as possible (the whole of the lemon)
 Whole life foods with strong enzyme life force
 No chemical or heat processing
 Highest quality raw materials – 84,000 tests
 Feeds and improves cell regeneration
 Contains known and unknown nutrients as found in Nature
 Guaranteed to improve your health
Seriously Think It Over
         Vitamin sales in USA – over $25 billion annually
      With the amount of vitamins Americans consume, why
          aren’t we seeing major reductions in the major
        diseases? Actually, these diseases are on the rise!

 Could it be because the majority of vitamins are not being absorbed and
  utilized by the body?

 Could it be that the body doesn’t recognize, nor know what to do with the
  chemical vitamins?

 Could it be that they are actually toxic to the body?
You Need to Be An Informed
 Most vitamins are manufactured from the same company

 90% of vitamins are made in China

 Most companies do not do any kind of clinical testing

 Manufacturing companies sell you (a business, store, doctor,
  person, etc.) their synthetic vitamins and put your name/label
  on the bottle

 Latest trend = a new, mass-marketed supplement
It’s Proven
University of California at Berkley did a 3-year, independent clinical study
  proving that taking whole, live, natural Shaklee Food Supplements will
                             improve your health
   50% reduction of stroke risk
   57% of high blood pressure risk
   21% men & 34% women reduction in heart attack risk
   32% reduced risk of arterial disease
   70% reduced risk of colon cancer
   45% of colorectal cancer
   31% of all cancers
   37% reduction of early mortality risk
   50% reduction of infectious disease
   82% reduction of infection in Type II Diabetes
   42% reduced risk of MS
   28% women & 34% men reduced risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Nothing in the World Like Vitalizer!
Shaklee has raised the          Based on 12 Shaklee clinical studies, Vitalizer
standard in the industry         provides the best spectrum of vitamins,
with Vitalizer.                  minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging
                                 phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and
There are 80 bio-optimized       probiotics, Vitalizer gives you:
nutrients and the patented
                               • Supercharged vitality  • Enhanced immunity
S.M.A.R.T. delivery system     • Stress management • Anti-aging phytonutrients
guaranteeing absorption in     • Antioxidant defense • DNA protection
the right place at the right   • Heart and brain health • Bone and joint health
time .                         • Digestive health • Lung health
It is clinically proven to     • Healthy hair, nails, and skin • Colon health
create a foundation for a      • Nerve and muscle function • Preconception
longer, healthier life.        • Healthy teeth and gums • Vision and eye health

                Vitalizer = Health Insurance
Rx For a Healthier Life
For anyone with health concerns, these 4 products could change the
                   course of your health and life:

                         Vitamin D3
          Shaklee guarantees their products will improve
                    the quality of your health
                   or you get your money back
Cholesterol Reduction Complex
 Lowers Cholesterol Naturally
 Cholesterol Reduction Complex is a proprietary formula
  with clinically proven ingredients that help prevent
  absorption of cholesterol and lower LDL ("bad")
 Made with a powerful blend of sterols and stanols, which
  are found naturally in plants, fruits, vegetables, and grains
 Delivers 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily
 Plant sterols and stanols have been clinically proven by
  more than 80 studies to lower LDL cholesterol
 Delivers daily 100% of the National Institutes of Health’s
  (NIH) recommendation for plant sterols and stanols*
Sunshine Vitamin - D3
 The "sunshine vitamin"—offers a multitude of benefits
  including supporting healthy heart function, immune and
  bone health.
 About 80% of Americans may be deficient
 Vita-D3 provides 1,000 IU of high potency vitamin D3 to
  help your body thrive
 Vitamin D has been shown in recent studies to:
 Help support healthy, heart function
 Help promote immune health
 Facilitate healthy cell development
 Aid in calcium absorption for maintaining strong bones
  and teeth
The Shaklee Difference – Shaklee Products Are In Harmony with
The Best of Nature
   All natural ingredients
   Hundreds of tests done on raw materials alone
   No artificial flavors, colors, or artificial sweeteners
   No hidden fillers
   No ingredients that are harmful to people or planet
   No animal testing
The Best of Science
   $250 Million invested in Research and Development
   75 Scientists on staff
   90 Published clinical studies/50 patents and patents pending
   50th Anniversary Landmark Study proves Shaklee supplement users
    have markedly better health
Purity and Quality
 #1 Natural nutrition company in USA
 83,000 annual quality control tests
 Guaranteed potency – third-party verification of
  botanical ingredients
 Guaranteed purity – 358 contaminant tests conducted by
  third-party labs on EACH new botanical ingredient
 Award-winning manufacturing in pharmaceutical-grade
 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Are you sick and tired yet
   of being sick and tired?!

     If you are, do something about it today!
You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!
Shaklee’s Guarantee
              100% Money-back Guarantee
 Guaranteed performance – Improved health in 30 days
 Ingredients listed on the label are in the bottle
 The product is alive, active, and will be absorbed into your
  blood stream
 Finest quality & purity; quality testing of all raw
 Safe, efficacious products
Ever Wish God Would Speak?
God’s Will For Your Life
 Gen 1:11-12: “Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit
   tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth"; and it was so. And the
   earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit,
   whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. “

 3 John 2: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul

 Matthew 8:16: “…and (Jesus) healed all who were sick.”

 John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

 Jer. 30:17: “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds”, says The LORD

 2 Kings 20:5: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.”

 Ex. 15:26: “For I am the LORD who heals you.”

                  God says that you reap what you sow (Gal. 6:7)
                Sow life and health and you will reap life and health!
Thank You
          …for being our guest at today’s
        Health for Life – Health for Your Life


Please feel free to speak with Diane about any health
                 concerns you may have.

 God bless you as you journey toward a thriving, healthy
lifestyle! May you prosper and be in health, even as your
                      soul prospers!
                      Health for Life © 2008
                       All rights reserved

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Health for Life pp

  • 1. Health for Your Life! A Presentation by Diane Ronzino, CPN & Health Minister
  • 2. The Source of My Passion  I am living proof that generating a healthier body, produces mental and emotional well being.  I am mandated by God to share with you: 1 John 3:17(Amp.)But, if anyone has this world's goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow Believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him?
  • 3. One Shoe Can Change Your Life! One seemingly insignificant item – a missing shoe – changed Cinderella’s life. This presentation can be that “shoe” for you!
  • 4. Do you say, “WAHOO!!” to life because you are glad to be alive? Are you vibrant and thriving, and do you feel great?
  • 5. Or Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?!
  • 6. Which Is a Picture of Health?
  • 7. What Is Health?  The medical definition: Health is the absence of a known disease.  Webster’s Original Dictionary: 1.The state of the living body, in which the parts are sound, well organized and disposed, and in which they all perform – freely – their natural functions. In this state there is no pain; sound state of mind; natural vigor of faculties 2. Salvation; Divine favor or grace, which cheer’s God’s people.
  • 8. Are You Malnourished? Malnutrition: faulty or imperfect nutrition; inadequate or imbalanced food intake According to the definition of “malnutrition”, do you think you could be malnourished? Almost every man, woman, and child in America is malnourished - from an over abundance of poor, inadequate, dead foods and drinks
  • 9. Spirit, Soul, Body  God created us as triune beings – we are a spirit, who has a soul, and lives in a body  The soul is our thoughts, emotions, will, & intellect  Each aspect of our being is connected and affects the other. If we’re lacking in one area, it affects the other 2/3 of us  Our mental/emotional health is tied into our physical health. If we are malnourished in our physical bodies, we are malnourished in our mental/emotional faculties as well  God created our bodies to heal themselves – when the body is healthy, then our souls can become healthy – especially if we live a life of faith  Each part of our beings must be in balance or our lives will be out-of-order
  • 10. Bring Your Life Into Balance Stress Nutritional Management Supplement Spirituality Exercise Spirituality Fun & Recreation Healthy Eating Habits Water Weight Intake Management Spirit, soul, and body are all intertwined. If we’re lacking in one aspect, it affects the other 2/3 of our being.
  • 11. Food Definition : Material that provides living things with the nutrients they need for energy and growth – sustaining, nourishing, and increasing Your health is a result of what you eat!
  • 12. You Are a Product of What You Eat Are you in a state of constant nourishment, sustaining health and vitality, and always on the increase? They average American Senior Citizen takes 19 prescriptions daily!  “Yes” - The food/vitamins you ingest are doing their job  “No” - The food/vitamins you are eating are not doingtheir job Or…could it be that… Maybe it’s not even real food… ???????
  • 13. Food Today is Not What It Used To Be GMO foods, and meats from cloned animals Food is loaded with sugars and sodium Over-processed, chemicals, & preservatives added Soil is depleted of essential nutrients Altered fats create free radicals damaging cells Antibiotics – hormones in our meat supply Early harvesting, transporting, & storage of food reduces nutritional value Our food & water is contaminated with toxins As a nation, we are in an absolute health crisis!
  • 14. Headlines & Articles from Newsday, Nov. 15, 1998 Warning: Long Island’s Lifestyle May Be Hazardous To Your Health (Headline)  Yearlong Study by Newsday Shows Heart Disease, Cancer Killing Us Before Our Time (Sub-headline)  LI’s Health: It Just Isn’t What It Ought To Be(Title of Article)  Face-paced, stressful lives and bad habits provide clues to region’s relatively high death rates from heart disease and cancer(Sub-headline Under Article Title)
  • 15. Quotes from Newsday Article  “Heart disease death, while rampant, is largely preventable. Heart disease is a lifestyle issue. It’s a matter of living 40 years being sedentary, with a poor diet, being overweight.”  “Health is significantly worse in Suffolk than in Nassau. Life expectancy is more than 18 months shorter in Suffolk than in Nassau. Suffolk ranks worse than each of the 10 comparable suburban counties in cancer deaths; and in heart disease, was only slightly better than Nassau, which ranked worst.”  “Among the dozen affluent communities in Newsday’s suburban sample, Nassau and Suffolk have the worst breast cancer and colorectal cancer rates.”  “Heart disease and cancer have many causes - some of them are environmental and some of them genetic.”
  • 16. Is This A Picture of Your Health?  Use caffeine to begin your day?  Foot or leg cramps?  Headaches?  Stomach ailments?  PMS/Menopause symptoms?  High cholesterol/blood pressure/heart ailments?  After getting upset, does it take a while to calm down?  High and low mood swings/depression/anxiety attacks?  “Fly off the handle” easily/uncontrollable anger?  A lot of drama in your family/work life which produces stress?
  • 17. Our Cells  Trillions and trillions of cells  Cells reproduce after their own kind – Genesis Factor (Gen. 1:11-12)  Body completely “overhauls” every 7 years  The symptoms you are experiencing are a manifestation of the health of your cells Healthy cells reproduce healthy cells Unhealthy cells reproduce unhealthy cells  Continual reproduction of unhealthy cells = symptoms of illness/disease  Feed your body healthy, live, whole foods at the cellular level = vibrancy & health & wellness
  • 18. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Cells Healthy, hydrated red blood cells Same red blood cells only dehydrated Do you think it is important to drink water?
  • 19. Junk In, Junk Out Toxins we take in on a daily basis that compromise our immune systems:  Junk food/GMO foods/meat from cloned animals  Prescription medications/over-the-counter drugs  Illegal drug and alcohol abuse  Heavy metals in our drinking/bathing water  Toxic chemicals in household cleansers  Lack of exercise & proper rest & spiritual renewal  Bacteria, virus, infections  Smoking  Outdoor pollution/auto pollution
  • 20. Take Responsibility The average 60 year old person, takes 19 prescriptions a day! “In the coming decades, the most important determinants of health and longevity will be the personal choices made by each individual.” ~ The Journal of the American Medical “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his or her patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~ Thomas Edison
  • 21. Elements of A Healthy Lifestyle  Take charge and responsibility of your own health/Be an informed consumer  Reduce the stressors in your life the best you can  Eliminate sugar, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and diet products; medications when possible  Switch to organic, non-toxic household cleansers  Be more active – exercise and reduce weight  Eat well avoiding processed foods, eating much more raw fruits and vegetables & whole grains – Eat from periphery of store  Meditate on good, positive things/pray  Choose to see yourself through God’s eyes. You are His workmanship, created in His image, worthy of love, health, and good things in your life.
  • 22. More…  Drink! Drink! Drink! A minimum of 8 glasses of filtered water per day (remember the red blood cells!)  Develop a positive mental attitude ~ Phil. 4:8  Add whole, live food supplements to your daily diet  15 minutes of sunshine daily  Pray, forgive, stop worrying – give it all to The LORD ~ Phil. 4: 6-7  Smile and think wholesome thoughts “As a man thinks, so is he.” “What you think, you are.” ~ God, Almighty ~ Dr. Forest C. Shaklee
  • 23. Not All Supplements Are the Same The Landmark Study, published in 2008, proved that not all food supplements are the same!  Synthetic  “Natural”  Whole, live foods Think of a Lemon…  You can use lemon juice from a plastic lemon  You can squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon  You can utilize the whole lemon (including the peel, which is full of nutrients)
  • 24. Natural vs. Synthetic God created living beings to eat living foods for the sole purpose of sustaining health. Healthy cells reproduce health in the body and mind. We are meant to feed the cells of our bodies, not our stomachs or emotions. When we eat altered or man-made foods, the cells do not get the proper God-made nutrients in the foods that are needful to sustain health, wellness, vibrancy, and increase.
  • 25. Synthetic Keep the lemon in mind… Synthetic – drug store variety (Plastic Lemon)  Man-made in a test tube  No enzymes or live nutrients needful for sustaining life  Artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners  Harsh fillers and binders  Many are coated with shellac, which is totally resistant to stomach fluids to break it down; therefore, they stay in the bowels
  • 26. Are your supplements sitting in your bowels – undigested? If your supplements are not whole, live foods, they can sit undigested in your bowels, never entering your bloodstream and never feeding your cells. Consequently, your body is not reproducing healthy cells.
  • 27. Natural Extracts Keeping the lemon in mind…  Health food store variety (Only pulp of the lemon)  Need only be 15% natural ingredients to be labeled “natural”  Weak enzymes  Uses chemicals or heat to extract some of the nutrients, which destroys enzymes and the “aliveness” of nutrients  Artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners  Very imbalanced  Harsh binders and fillers  Many are coated with shellac  Most vitamins are manufactured in China today
  • 28. Shaklee Food Supplements - Unaltered, As Close to Nature As Possible  As close to Nature as possible (the whole of the lemon)  Whole life foods with strong enzyme life force  No chemical or heat processing  Highest quality raw materials – 84,000 tests  Feeds and improves cell regeneration  Contains known and unknown nutrients as found in Nature  Guaranteed to improve your health
  • 29. Seriously Think It Over Vitamin sales in USA – over $25 billion annually With the amount of vitamins Americans consume, why aren’t we seeing major reductions in the major diseases? Actually, these diseases are on the rise!  Could it be because the majority of vitamins are not being absorbed and utilized by the body?  Could it be that the body doesn’t recognize, nor know what to do with the chemical vitamins?  Could it be that they are actually toxic to the body?
  • 30. You Need to Be An Informed Consumer  Most vitamins are manufactured from the same company  90% of vitamins are made in China  Most companies do not do any kind of clinical testing  Manufacturing companies sell you (a business, store, doctor, person, etc.) their synthetic vitamins and put your name/label on the bottle  Latest trend = a new, mass-marketed supplement
  • 31. It’s Proven University of California at Berkley did a 3-year, independent clinical study proving that taking whole, live, natural Shaklee Food Supplements will improve your health  50% reduction of stroke risk  57% of high blood pressure risk  21% men & 34% women reduction in heart attack risk  32% reduced risk of arterial disease  70% reduced risk of colon cancer  45% of colorectal cancer  31% of all cancers  37% reduction of early mortality risk  50% reduction of infectious disease  82% reduction of infection in Type II Diabetes  42% reduced risk of MS  28% women & 34% men reduced risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • 32. Nothing in the World Like Vitalizer! Shaklee has raised the  Based on 12 Shaklee clinical studies, Vitalizer standard in the industry provides the best spectrum of vitamins, with Vitalizer. minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and There are 80 bio-optimized probiotics, Vitalizer gives you: nutrients and the patented • Supercharged vitality • Enhanced immunity S.M.A.R.T. delivery system • Stress management • Anti-aging phytonutrients guaranteeing absorption in • Antioxidant defense • DNA protection the right place at the right • Heart and brain health • Bone and joint health time . • Digestive health • Lung health It is clinically proven to • Healthy hair, nails, and skin • Colon health create a foundation for a • Nerve and muscle function • Preconception nutrition longer, healthier life. • Healthy teeth and gums • Vision and eye health Vitalizer = Health Insurance
  • 33. Rx For a Healthier Life For anyone with health concerns, these 4 products could change the course of your health and life: Vivix Vitalizer Vitamin D3 Nutriferon Shaklee guarantees their products will improve the quality of your health or you get your money back
  • 34. Cholesterol Reduction Complex  Lowers Cholesterol Naturally  Cholesterol Reduction Complex is a proprietary formula with clinically proven ingredients that help prevent absorption of cholesterol and lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol.  Made with a powerful blend of sterols and stanols, which are found naturally in plants, fruits, vegetables, and grains  Delivers 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily  Plant sterols and stanols have been clinically proven by more than 80 studies to lower LDL cholesterol  Delivers daily 100% of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) recommendation for plant sterols and stanols*
  • 35. Sunshine Vitamin - D3  The "sunshine vitamin"—offers a multitude of benefits including supporting healthy heart function, immune and bone health.  About 80% of Americans may be deficient  Vita-D3 provides 1,000 IU of high potency vitamin D3 to help your body thrive  Vitamin D has been shown in recent studies to:  Help support healthy, heart function  Help promote immune health  Facilitate healthy cell development  Aid in calcium absorption for maintaining strong bones and teeth
  • 36. The Shaklee Difference – Shaklee Products Are In Harmony with Nature The Best of Nature  All natural ingredients  Hundreds of tests done on raw materials alone  No artificial flavors, colors, or artificial sweeteners  No hidden fillers  No ingredients that are harmful to people or planet  No animal testing The Best of Science  $250 Million invested in Research and Development  75 Scientists on staff  90 Published clinical studies/50 patents and patents pending  50th Anniversary Landmark Study proves Shaklee supplement users have markedly better health
  • 37. Purity and Quality  #1 Natural nutrition company in USA  83,000 annual quality control tests  Guaranteed potency – third-party verification of botanical ingredients  Guaranteed purity – 358 contaminant tests conducted by third-party labs on EACH new botanical ingredient  Award-winning manufacturing in pharmaceutical-grade facilities  100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 38. Are you sick and tired yet of being sick and tired?! If you are, do something about it today! You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!
  • 39. Shaklee’s Guarantee 100% Money-back Guarantee  Guaranteed performance – Improved health in 30 days  Ingredients listed on the label are in the bottle  The product is alive, active, and will be absorbed into your blood stream  Finest quality & purity; quality testing of all raw ingredients  Safe, efficacious products
  • 40. Ever Wish God Would Speak?
  • 41. God’s Will For Your Life  Gen 1:11-12: “Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth"; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. “  3 John 2: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”  Matthew 8:16: “…and (Jesus) healed all who were sick.”  John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  Jer. 30:17: “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds”, says The LORD  2 Kings 20:5: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you.”  Ex. 15:26: “For I am the LORD who heals you.” God says that you reap what you sow (Gal. 6:7) Sow life and health and you will reap life and health!
  • 42. Thank You …for being our guest at today’s Health for Life – Health for Your Life © Presentation! Please feel free to speak with Diane about any health concerns you may have. God bless you as you journey toward a thriving, healthy lifestyle! May you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers! Health for Life © 2008 All rights reserved